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The European Investment Bank and Sustainable Lending

Sustainable transport lending is an illustration of the European Investment Bank’s commitment to emis- sions reduction and improved energy efficiency. By promoting a shift from private to and by investing in maritime transport, sustainable transport projects not only aim to improve air quality and reduce noise pollution, but also help to tackle climate change by enhancing energy efficiency and limiting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The EIB’s approach strives for the most efficient, economic and sustainable way of satisfying transport demand. This requires a mix of transport solutions, covering all modes. In this context and in line with European Union (EU) policy, the EIB prioritises investments in railways, inland waterways and maritime projects (in particular the Motorways of the Sea) as these are intrinsically the most promis- ing in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions per transport unit. The same applies to urban transport and inter- Combining urban and high-speed rail modal hubs. transport in The project is one of the world’s most ambitious Moreover, the EIB promotes the devel- urban transport projects. A 76 km railway line will run across opment of cleaner and safer vehicles by the densely populated area. The new line will help increasingly focusing its lending to the relieve the city of its growing traffic congestion. A key ele- automotive industry on research and ment of this milestone railway project is the 1.4 km-long development (R&D). under the Bosphorus connecting to Asia. The project is supported by EIB loans totalling EUR 650m. The rail system will carry 75 000 passengers per hour and link up with The EIB also finances sustainable trans- the municipal light rapid rail system and metro. port projects in many regions outside the EU, where it seeks to apply the same qual- In parallel, the EIB is helping to build the first high-speed rail- ity standards as in the Union. way between Istanbul and , interconnecting with the Marmaray project. This project has received an EIB loan of EUR 850m to upgrade one of the most used rail corridors and thus benefit millions of domestic travellers and tourists. European Investment Bank•European Investment Bank•European Investment Bank•European Investment Bank•European Investment Bank 1 tiative that assists with the allocation of Sustainable Investment Areas) in City ini- for European (Joint aged JESSICA Support lending is complemented by- the EIB-man sector, transport the urban In EIB direct pean Commission. Covenant of Mayors initiative of the Euro the inparticular This initiative supports improved freight logistics areas. inurban new more solutionsfor energy-efficient , investmentsof electric introducing sion systems to facilitate theintroduction propul - orlow-carbon , electrical buses, includinghybrid energy-efficiency as ademonstration to others–e.g. high senting innovative solutions or serving grants for the preparation pre ofprojects ELENA provides transport. also in urban integration ofrenewable energy sources increasedand energy efficiency ports ance) technical assistance sup facility The ELENA(European Local ENergy Assist networks. andpedestrian cycling of rolling andthepromotion stock, of rail ortramway systems), theacquisition infrastructure (metro,lic transport light or rehabilitationtion, extension of pub includetheconstruc projects transport intensively by theEIB. supported Urban isThe promotion ofpublictransport Promoting urbantransport The EIB: Sustainable TransportLending Thisinitiative hasthree objectives: concentrating freight flows onsea-basedlogistical routes; increasing cohesion, and; reducing road congestion through modalshift. 5 3 L-2950 Luxembourg 98 European Investment Bank alternative mostlyvia to road transport, two different countries andoffering an in concerningprojects at leasttwo ports pean Commission-approved of network Investing inmaritime transport developmenturban andregeneration. ofanintegratedpart planfor sustainable FundsEU Structural to forming projects The of the Sea Motorways -100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer cles to public transport. cles to publictransport. (+352) 437704 (+352) 4379-1 modal shift from privatemodal shift vehi- further contributing to the further patterns,changes inmobility of metro and network services have ensured therestructuring EUR 395m. These investments the Bankwithloanstotalling recent investments financed by network are part of the most network are part units runningontheexisting the replacement ofobsolete ing stock to operate it and Line 5,theacquisition ofroll- struction ofthenewmetro struction Bucharest since 1996. The con- of theunderground system in extension andenhancement The EIB has supported the The EIBhassupported in Bucharest Financing modalshift 1 are a Euro - tions. many casesinlandwaterway connec hinterland andin to theport nections which usuallyincludededicated rail con - projects beyond this initiative,of port The EIB also finances a significant number facilities. ing bothvessels andport inlinewiththisinitiativeprojects includ- ways and has financed of the Sea several ping. theMotor The EIB fully supports but alsosometimesviacontainer ship systems maritime roll-on/roll-off-based U 5 3 Communication Department Information Desk tion from Helsinki city centre. city tion from Helsinki traffic andassociated conges- removed mostofthefreight rail network. has The newport to thenational theport nect also beenconstructedto con- dedicated freight rail linehas new 150 ha port area. A 19 km new 150 ha port component isthe oftheproject future cargo volumes. The main [email protected] (+352) 4379-62000 (+352) 4379-22000 lacked to the capacity handle Harbours in the city centreHarbours inthecity that ing the existing West and North ern outskirts of Helsinki, replac ofHelsinki, ern outskirts prises a new port on the east- prises a new port for this project, which com- The EIBhasprovided EUR 200m Finland Vuosaari Harbour– - - - -

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