Downloaded from on September 28, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Homozygosity for alleles encodin$ glutamine- 171 renders sheep susceptible to natural scraple

David Westaway, 1 Vincent Zuliani, 1 Carol Mirenda Cooper, 1 Maria Da Costa, 1 Sara Neuman, 1 Allen L. Jenny, 3 Linda Detwiler, 4 and Stanley B. Prusiner L2's Departments of tNeurology, 2Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143 USA; 3U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (USDA-APHIS), Veterinary Services, National Veterinary Service Laboratories, Ames, Iowa 50010 USA; 4US-APHIS, Veterinary Services, Trenton, New Jersey 08619 USA

Natural has been viewed both as a recessive trait and as a contagious disease modulated by a host locus. To address this conundrum, we determined the structure of the sheep prion protein (PrP) , which contains three exons and extends over 20 kb of DNA. In the United States 86.4% of scrapie cases occur in Suffolk sheep, and within this breed 49__.6% (+_s.D., n=69) of healthy animals carry one or more PrP alleles encoding Arg (R)-171. Four scrapie-affected sheep were homozygous for wild-type PrP open reading frames encoding the alternative Gin (Q)-171 allele. Analysis of additional cases revealed that all were Q/Q-171 homozygotes (n= 31), yielding a probability of 0.000004 that PrP genotype is unrelated to susceptibility. These data imply that homozygosity for Q-171 codons is necessary but not sufficient for the development of natural scrapie, echo reports of recessive manifestation, and parallel over-representation of PRNP codon 129 homozygotes in Crentzfeldt-Jakob disease of humans. Whereas progress has been substantial regarding experimental scrapie in rodents, the occurrence and spread of disease in flocks of sheep has remained enigmatic. Appreciation of the relationship between codon 171 genotype and susceptibility may help define the molecular basis of natural scrapie. [Key Words: Prion replication; prpS¢; PrP promoter] Received December 16, 1993; revised version accepted March 7, 1994.

The origins of natural scrapie have been the subject of cell surface where it is bound by a glycoinositol phos- heated debate. Although experimental transmission was pholipid anchor (Stahl et al. 1987; Caughey et al. 1989; demonstrated by Cuill6 and Chelle (Cuill6 and Chelle Borchelt et al. 1990). Subsequently, PrP c is converted 1939), Parry produced evidence that the disease was an into PrP sc by a post-translational process (Borchelt et al. autosomal recessive trait, the spread of which could be 1990, 1992; Caughey and Raymond 1991 ) that appears to controlled by selective breeding (Parry 1960, 1962). Stud- involve the unfolding of PrP c and its refolding into ies by Dickinson and co-workers favoring horizontal and PrP so. Attempts to identify a post-translational chemical vertical (maternal) contagious spread, plus identification modification that features in the synthesis of PrP sc have of the scrapie incubation time gene Sinc in mice, turned been unrewarding (Stahl et al. 1993}. Spectroscopic stud- the tide against Parry and led to a prevailing viewpoint of ies have shown that PIP c is rich in a-helices and virtu- scrapie as a viral-like illness, the outcome of which is ally devoid of [~-sheet while PrP sc has a high [~-sheet modified by host-susceptibility (Dickinson et al. content (Pan et al. 19931. 1965, 1968, 1974). Subsequently, biochemical analyses Although PrP sc has now been demonstrated in the of the experimental disease revealed that infectious brains of most, if not all, sheep with natural scrapie scrapie are distinct from in that the major, {Rubenstein et al. 1987; Farquhar et al. 1989., Serban et and possibly only, constituent of prions corresponds to al. 1990; Katz et al. 1992; Race et al. 1992}, our under- an abnormal isoform of a host protein designated PrP s¢ standing of the parameters controlling disease dissemi- (Prusiner 1991). Prion replication is now thought to be nation and susceptibility is modest. Attempts to define synonymous with post-translational conversion of the the physical mechanism of spread have yielded conflict- benign cellular prion protein PrP c into PrP s¢. The syn- ing results (Pattison et al. 1972, 1974; Hadlow et al. thesis of PrP c occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum and 1982; Hourrigan et al. 1979). Similarly, whereas PIP al- it is subsequently transported through the Golgi to the leles encoding Val-136 may be a risk factor in some breeds (Laplanche et al. 1993b) and in experimental SCorresponding author. scrapie (Goldmann et al. 1991a), they are nota prerequi-

GENES & DEVELOPMENT 8:959-969 © 1994 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/94 $5.00 959 Downloaded from on September 28, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Westaway et al. site; such alleles are absent from three autochthonous remain within the confines of the Suffolk breed is per- {indigenous) French breeds endemically affected with haps surprising given the accepted view of an infectious natural scrapie (Laplanche et al. 1993a}. etiology, but may reflect unique features of husbandry, By drawing upon a large sample comprising all histo- physiology, or genetics. pathologically confirmed scrapie cases reported in the United States, we demonstrate predominance of the Suf- folk breed. Whereas codon 136 Val alleles were found to Structure of the sheep PrP gene be absent from these animals, a homozygous genotype at To define the structure of the wild-type sheep PrP gene, codon 171 was strongly correlated with disease develop- we prepared molecular clones from the brain DNA and ment. These findings evoke themes from the work of RNA of a phenotypically normal 7-year-old Suffolk ewe. both Parry and Dickinson and offer a striking parallel to Two observations argue against the possibility that this sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), a natural prion animal represented a preclinical case of scrapie: (1) Only disease of humans (Palmer et al. 1991). 3% of scrapie cases have an age of onset of 7 years or greater (Parry 1962); and (2) we were unable to detect Results PrP sc in brain samples from this animal under condi- tions where this macromolecule was easily detected in Epidemiological aspects of natural scrapie brains from scrapie cases (not presentedl. Also, oligonu- in the United States cleotide typing and sequence analysis defines this ani- When data are compiled retrospectively to 1947, Suffolk mal as a PrP codon 171 heterozygote (see below}. Com- sheep are found to account for 86.4___1.0% of scrapie- parative mapping and sequence analysis of cosmid and affected animals (n = 1106). Similar results are obtained cDNA clones from this animal reveals that the Suffolk if this information is treated on a year-by-year basis, sheep PrP gene contains three exons and extends over 20 with figures for the last 2 years compiled being 81% and kb of genomic DNA (Figs. 1 and 21. 72%, respectively. Hampshire sheep, genealogically re- lated to Suffolk sheep (Hall and Clutton-Brock 1989} ac- Promoter/exon 1 The sheep PrP gene shares four mo- count for an additional 6% of cases. Although a large tifs -250 nucleotides upstream from the transcriptional literature exists on the genetics of scrapie in Cheviot start sites in common with the Syrian hamster, mouse, sheep, this breed comprises only 2% of cases in the and human PrP genes (Fig. 2A; Westaway et al. 1994a). United States. Within Suffolk sheep, disease onset was These motifs may correspond to binding sites for tran- most common in 3- to 4-year olds, in close accord with scription factors. The sheep promoter diverges between the incidence in the United Kingdom (Parry 1962). As these motifs and the mRNA startsites: this area of the there are no accurate figures available for the total num- gene includes an AP-2-1ike consensus sequence while ber of Suffolk sheep in the United States, it is unclear Spl and AP-1 sites present in the rodent and human whether this breed is especially susceptible to natural genes are absent. scrapie. However, there is a long-standing association between scrapie and Suffolk sheep, with disease docu- mented in English Suffolks since the turn of the century Exons 2 and 3 Exon 2, encoding 98 nucleotides of the and in Suffolks exported from the United Kingdom to mRNA 5'-untranslated region, has no equivalent in the Australia, Canada, and New Zealand (Parry 1983). The Syrian hamster and human PrP genes (Basler et al. 1986; first three outbreaks in the United States were also Puckett et al. 1991}, but a cognate is present in the traced to imported Suffolk sheep (Hourrigan et al. 1979). mouse PrP gene [Westaway et al. 1994a). PrP-coding se- The propensity for natural scrapie in the United States to quences in exon 3 are uninterrupted by introns, as first

0 1 0 20 30 I I I I,, Kb

A B c I--1 F1 I'--I

F QIR 171

Figure 1. Structure of the Suffolk sheep +/- Hind III ~ ~ 3 ! +/- Eco RI PrP gene. Exons are numbered. Within 1 2

exon 3 the PrP ORF is shown by an open ~N\~'-~,K\\\~'~ ? I box and the mRNA 3'-untranslated region I'1 ' by hatching. Polymorphisms discussed in ss s this paper are indicated with arrows. (S) mRNA SmaI. Bracketed areas A, B, and C corre- spond to sequences presented in Fig. 2.

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Prp codon 171 and natural scrapie

20 40 60 80 Figure 2. Sequences of the sheep PrP gene deduced from a cosmid clone. Intron and 5'- A aat~gctttctcattccctaatctt~cattttctccatt~cq~aac~agaagctggggctttggccgattttccctc~aaa~ataatttt...... < motif 1 >< motif 2 > motif 3 flanking sequences are presented in lower- case letters. Intron/exon boundaries were 100 120 140 160 180 ...... • assigned by comparison of genomic se- tatcgtcaacaagcaatttca~a~tgatgagcca~a~a~gcggtgttagttgatgctagcgtttatgctagtctcaactcgtttttc~ quences and the sequence of four 5' eDNA motif 4 clones, and are in accord with consensus

200 220 240 260 splice donor and acceptor sites. The longest . , ...... of these 5' eDNA clones was checked in a caa~gacttagattcctgggtctgccggtaaacccca~c~cccgcagcgggcgcgcctgagcgtgcgcgcgccgtcgcctccccccccc side-by-side comparison with primer-ex- AP-2-1ike tended cDNAs. As expected, the strongest 280 300 320 340 360 primer extension product migrated at the . . . *~ ~ * . . . . same position as the terminus of eDNA cgcagctcctcctctgcacggcgactcaccagccctagtTGCCAGTCGCTGACAGCCGCAGAGCTGAGAGCGTCTTCTCTCCCAGAGGCA

• • exon I-- clone, that is, immediately adjacent to the beginning of the synthetic oligo(dC) tail. In 380 400 . . . . turn, the authenticity of primer-extended Ggtaaatagccacgtagtcctttaaacccccagcggaggccgcccc ...... (intron i) ...... sheep PrP eDNA was assessed using RNA ><--intron 1 from the brain of a Tg1855 transgenic mouse

20 40 60 80 harboring the Shecosl insert (Westaway et

* * * * * *V * * * al. 1994b), as well as RNA from a non-Tg ctattaaataatccgttcttagatttatcaattatagtttgtttttttttttaagGACTTCTGAATATATTTGAAAACTGAACAGTTTCA intron i--><-- exon 2 littermate (data not shown). (A) Promoter and exon 1. (A) The approximate positions of 100 120 140 160 180 . . . . . , . . , major transcriptional start sites (deduced us-

ACCAAGC~/~AGCATCTGTCTTCCCAGAGACACAGATCCAACTTGAGCTGAATCACAGCAGATgtaggtaccctgcggaatctctctggt ing a heterologous sequencing ladder); (V) 5' exon 2 --><--intron 2 termini of eDNA clones 3, 11, 12, and 4. cDNA clones 3 and 12 have a G residue at C ...... (intron 2) ...... gcagAGAAGTCATC intron 2--><-- exon 3 their 5' terminus that does not correspond to the genomic exon 1 sequence, and clone 11 ......

ATGGTGAAAAGCCACATAGGCAGTTGGATCCTGGTTCTCTTTGTGGCCATGTGGAGTGACGTGGGCCTCTGCAAGAAGCGACCAA/•ACCT has an extra AG dinucleotide at this posi- MetVa•LysSerHisI•eG•ySerTrpI•eLeuVa•LeuPheVa•A•aMetTrpSerAspVa•G•yLeuCysLysLysArgPr•LysPr• tion. Two upstream termination codons in 1 . . , , . . . . . the same phase as the PrP ORF are under-

GGCGGAGGATGGAACACTGGGGGGAGCCGATACCCGGGACAGGGCAGTCCTGGAGGCAACCGCTATCCACCTCAGGGAGGGGGTGGCTGG lined. Sequences both 5' and 3' of exon 1 are G•yG•yG•yTrpAsnThrG•yG•ySerArgTyrPr•G•yG•nG•ySerPr•G•yG•yAsnArgTyrPr•Pr•G•nG•yG•yG•yG•yTrp G + C rich, and the frequency of CpG dinu- 31 ...... cleotides in this region approximates to that

GGTCAGCCCCATGGAGGTGGCTGGGGCCAACCTCATGGAGGTGGCTGGGGTCAGCCCCATGGTGGTGGCTGGGGACAGCCACATGGTGGT of GpC (1:1.2), a sequence composition as- G•yG•nPr•HisG•yG•yG•yTrpG•yG•nPr•HisG•yG•yG•yTrpG•yG•nPr•HisG•yG•yG•yTrpG•yG•nPr•HisG•yG•y sociated with eukaryotic promoters (Bird 61 ...... 1986). In sequence alignments, exon 1 and GGAGGCTGGGGTCAAGGTGGTAGCCACAGTCAGTGGAACAAGCCCAGTAAGCCAAAAACCAACATGAAGCATGTGGCAGGAGCTGCTGCA adjacent sequences are most homologous to G•yG•yTrpG•yG•nG•yG•ySerHisSerG•nTrpAsnLysPr•SerLysPr•LysThrAsnMetLysHisVa•A•aG•yA•aA•aA•a the human PrP gene (data not shown). This 91 ...... similarity is paralleled by a paucity of tran- GCTGGAGCAGTGGTAGC4CK~GCCTTGGTGGCTACATGCTGGGAAGTGCCATGAGCAGGCCTCTTATACATTTTGGCAATGACTATGAGGAC scriptional start sites (2 and 1 in sheep and A•aG•yA•aVa•Va•G•yG•yLeuG•yG•yTyrMetLeuG•ySerA•aMet•erArgPr•LeuI•eHisPheG•yAsnAspTyrG•uAsp 121 humans (Puckett et al. 1991), respectively, ...... compared with the multiple initiation sites CGTTACTATCGTGAAAACATGTACCGTTACCCCAACCAAGTGTACTACAGACCAGTGGATCAGTATAGTAA•CAGAACAACTTTGTGCAT observed in rodent PrP genes (Basler et al. ArgTyrTyrArgG•uAsnMetTyrArgTyrPr•AsnG•nVa•TyrTyrArgPr•va•AspG•nTyrSerAsnG•nAsnAsnPheVa•His 151 171 1986; Westaway et al. 1987). Four blocks of nucleotides conserved in all four PrP pro- ...... moters sequenced to date are located -250 GACTGTGTCAACATCACAGTCAAGCAACACACAGTCACCACCACCACCAAGGGGGAGAACTTCACCGAAACTGACATCAAGATAATGGAG AspCysVa•AsnI•eThrVa•LysG•nHisThrVa•ThrThrThrThrLysG•yG•uAsnPheThrG•uThrAspI•eLysI•eMetG•u bp upstream of the transcriptional start sites 181 [motifs 1-4 (Westaway et al. 1994a)]. The ...... area 5' of the start sites includes a motif re- CGAGTGGTGGAGCAAATGTGCATCACCCAGTACCAGAGAGAATCCCAGGCTTATTACCAAAGGGGGGCAAGTGTGATCCTCTTTTCTTCC ArgVa~Va~G~uG~nMet~ysI~eThrG~n'I~rG~nArgG~uSerG~nA~a.?yrTyrG~nArgG~yA~aSerVa~I~eLeuPheSerSer sembling an AP-2-binding site (AP-2-1ike). 211 Using two published AP-2 consensus se- • . . * , . CCTCCTGTGATCCTCCTCATCTCTTTCCTCATTTTTCTCATAGTAGGATAGGGGCAACCTTCCTGTTTT quences, there are matches of 8/10 and 7/9, ProProValIleLeuLeuIleSerPheLeuilePheLeuileValGlyTER respectively (Mitchell et al. 1987; Williams 241 and Tjian 1991). Two octanucleotide repeats related to motif 4, CCAGGGAG and CCAGGGAC, are also underlined. (B) Exon 2; three upstream termination codons in the same phase as the PrP ORF are underlined. This 98-nucleotide exon has no equivalent in the human and hamster PrP genes, but a related sequence is present in the mouse PrP gene (Westaway et al. 1994a). (C) Exon 3; the PrP ORF is uninterrupted and is located at the 5' end of this exon. This ORF sequence, deduced from an asymptomatic 7-year-old ewe does not differ from a Gln-171 allele described previously (Goldmann et al. 1990), nor from eight alleles present in four scrapie-affected sheep (Table 1).

reported by Goldmann and co-workers (1990). Although Northern blot analyses (Westaway et al. 1994b) are in we have not mapped the 3' terminus of exon 3, our accord with previous results that the sheep PrP mRNA

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Westaway et ai.

3'-untranslated region is significantly longer than that of natural scrapie. We therefore turned our attention to the the human and rodent genes (Goldmann et al. 1990). PrP-coding region. The entire open reading frame (ORF) sequence for these animals was established by direct se- quencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified PrP gene polymorphisms in scrapie-affected sheep brain DNA (Table 1). No unusual missense polymor- phisms were detected in the ORFs of the four scrapie- The Sip gene controls incubation time for experimental affected Suffolks when compared with the cosmid iso- scrapie in Cheviot sheep (Dickinson et al. 1968). Sip al- lated from the phenotypically normal ewe (Fig. 2C) or to leles may also modulate manifestation of the natural dis- a previously published sequence (Goldmarm et al. 1990). ease (Foster and Dickinson 1988). As Sip, in turn, is All four scrapie-affected animals were homozygous for thought to be linked to PrP (Hunter et al. 1989), we scru- Gln-171, although some PrP alleles are known to encode tinized two types of Sip-associated restriction fragment Arg at this position (Goldmann et al. 1990). The only length polymorphisms (RFLPs; see Fig. 1} in four arbi- silent replacements in the ORF were found in animal 15, trarily selected scrapie-affected Suffolk sheep drawn which was heterozygous for changes at codons 231 from flocks in Illinois, Michigan, and New Hampshire (AGG --* CGG) and 237 (CTC ~ CTG). This animal was {Table 1 ). At least three of four of these cases were found also the only carrier of a 5.2-kb EcoRI fragment encom- to be related to other diseased animals, underscoring the passing the ORF (Table 1). Negative controls included in propensity for natural scrapie to present in a familial our PCR experiments rule out the possibility that wild- manner. Detailed genealogical records were not available type PrP-coding sequences were "carried over" into for the fourth animal, 27. DNA from the scrapie-affected animals. Similarly, dem- onstration of heterozygosity for two silent substitutions in animal 15, as well as facile detection of codon 171 Flanking region polymorphisms In Cheviot sheep a heterozygotes by oligonucleotide typing (Table 2) or di- 3.4-kb sheep PrP HindIII fragment is associated with the rect sequencing (not presented), argues against the pos- short incubation period allele of Sip, sA (Dickinson and sibility that variant alleles are amplified inefficiently. Fraser 1979; Hunter et al. 1989). This fragment, corre- sponding to the presence of a polymorphic site in intron 2, was present in only two of four animals and was there- PrP codon 171 genotype is related to scrapie fore excluded as a diagnostic marker (Table 1 ). All four susceptibility scrapie-affected animals exhibited a 6.8-kb EcoRI Sip sA- associated fragment, though one also contained a 5.2-kb Putative scrapie-free sheep As PrP missense mutations allele. However, the 6.8-kb RFLP is not unique to are often correlated with susceptibility to prion disease, scrapie-affected sheep; 7/12 alleles examined by in we established the frequency of the Gln (Q)-171 allele healthy Suffolk sheep corresponded to this fragment. within a sample of 69 phenotypically normal sheep (Ta- Similar results were obtained for animals in the United ble 2}. There are considerable difficulties in establishing Kingdom where frequencies in unaffected animals of two animals as "scrapie-free." We note that flocks 1 and 2 Suffolk flocks were 32% and 39% (Hunter et al. 1991). were recommended to us by a breeder attuned to the problem of scrapie and are presumed, but not proven, to be scrapie-free. We also analyzed a putative scrapie-free Coding region polymorphisms To date, Northem blot flock from a research facility (flock 3). In addition to analysis and primer extension reactions (using an exon 3 being assembled from bloodlines thought to be free of primer) have failed to reveal unusual PrP transcripts in scrapie, flock 3 was under continuous observation for a cerebellar RNA from the four scrapie-affected animals period of 5 years, and necropsies performed to date have (not shown). Thus, alternative pathways of PrP mRNA excluded that intercurrent deaths were due to scrapie (J. maturation are unlikely to feature in the pathogenesis of Call, pers. comm.). To reduce further the risk of includ-

Table 1. Parameters of four Suffolk sheep with scrapie Exon 3 AnimaP Age at onset coding (no.) (year) PrP sc EcoRI b HindIIIb sequence Codon 171 15 4.0 + 6.8 + 5.2 4.8 + 3.4 wild type c Q/Q 27 4.0 + + 6.8 4.8 + 3.4 wild type Q/Q 139 3.8 + 6.8 4.8 wild type Q/Q 340 3.7 + 6.8 4.8 wild type Q/Q aNeuropathology for each animal is detailed in Materials and methods. bExon 3 polymorphisms in kb. ~-Fhis animal was heterozygous for silent replacements in codons 231 and 237 (see text}.

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Prp codon 171 and natural scrapie

Table 2. PrP codon 171 polymorphisms in Suffolk sheep was significantly different from that of the putative scrapie-free animals [Fisher's "exact" test (Mehta and Pa- Codon 171 genotype (%) tel 1983)]. In one instance, we were able to obtain blood Animals Q/Q Q/R R/R total samples from the phenotypically normal flockmates of Putative scrapie-freea scrapie-affected animals. R-171 alleles were present in flock 1 6 1 0 many animals of this flock (flock 4, Table 2, flock 2 6 10 1 f = 0.23+0.08), and the distribution of genotypes was not flock 3 20 10 3 significantly different from that found in the other healthy animals. Our findings therefore define a relation- Total 32 (56% 21(37%) 4(7%o) 57 ship between PrP Q/Q-171 genotype and disease suscep- All healthy animals b 35 (51% 30 (43%) 4(6%) 69 Scrapie flock-mates c tibility. Because the R/R-171 genotype is probably rare, flock 4 z (54% 6 (46%) 0 (0°/0) 13 the absence of such homozygotes from our sample of Scrapie-affected d affected animals is not statistically significant. It will be (23 flocks of origin) 31 (100%) o(o%) o(o%) 31 necessary to analyze more animals to ascertain whether scrapie ever occurs in this genotype, and if heterozygos- aAll animals were 4 years or older at time of sampling. bAlso includes animal M132 and a Suffolk of unspecified age, ity for R-171 alleles prevents or merely delays clinical both from northern California, and younger animals from flocks manifestation of scrapie. 1-3. CThe 13 phenotypically normal animals in flock 4 were flock- mates of scrapie-affected animals 139 and 340. Of these, all but Discussion one animal were 4 years or older. Mutations controlling initiation and propagation dIncludes four animals genotyped by direct sequencing of am- plified genomic DNA. Val-136 alleles were absent from all 31 of prion diseases animals. The ability of natural scrapie to present both as an in- fectious disease and also as a monogenic trait perplexed and divided early investigators. With the benefit of hind- sight this dualism can be seen to reflect the host-encoded ing presymptomatic scrapie-affected animals in our sam- origin of PrP so, the major and potentially sole compo- pies, we selected 57 animals from within these flocks nent of prions. Analysis of other prion diseases has con- such that all were 4 years of age or older, as previous firmed the importance of host genotype and has defined studies have shown that -80% of scrapie cases in com- two types of mutations that influence pathogenesis. The mercial flocks manifest by this age (Parry 1960). Compi- first type are dominant, linked to loci specifying disease, lation of cases of natural scrapie in U.S. Suffolk sheep and correspond to rare nonconservative missense substi- yields a virtually identical manifestation rate at age 4 tutions in the PrP ORF, for example, the PRNP years of 80.4% (n = 647). Allele-specific oligonucleotide probing of PCR-ampli- fied leukocyte DNA established Q as the predominant allele (75---4.1%, n--114) within the sample of 57 puta- Q 17 1 R 171 tive scrapie-free sheep (Fig. 3). Q/Q homozygotes were present at a frequency of 56-+6.6%. Predominance of the Q allele in Suffolk sheep is in accord with the sequence 2-- of bovine PrP genes (which most closely resemble the sheep gene sequence), as well as most vertebrate PrP se- 3~ quences (Goldmann et al. 1991b; Oesch et al. 1991). Ge- 4--

notypic composition within individual flocks was vari- 5-- able, presumably reflecting the common practice of 6-- breeding from a small number of male animals. 7~

Scrapie-affected sheep Analysis of codon 171 in 27 ad- 8-- ditional scrapie-affected animals defined all as Q/Q ho- mozygotes. These diseased animals were selected at ran- A B C A B C dom from recent scrapie outbreaks in California, Iowa, Louisiana, Minnesota, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Virginia, Figure 3. Oligonucleotide typing of a Q/R polymorphism at and Wisconsin. Thus, our sample of 31 scrapie-affected PrP codon 171. Panels represent gridded filter arrays of duplicate animals was drawn from a total of 23 flocks originating amplified DNA samples probed with Q-171- or R-171-specific oligonucleotides. Six scrapie-affected animals are represented in from 12 states. With regard to the ages of our scrapie- positions 1A to 2C. The remaining samples correspond to ani- affected Suffolk sheep, most were <4 years (3.6+0.15 mals from flock 3. Those samples hybridizing to both probes years, mean_+s.n.} at death but the sample included one represent Q/R heterozygotes and can be seen in positions 3C, 7-year-old and one adult of unspecified age. 4B and 4C, and 5B. R/R homozygotes are represented in posi- The allelic composition of these scrapie-affected sheep tions 6C and 7A.

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Westaway et al.

Pro---~Leu-102 substitution of Gerstmann-Str/iussler It may be that most Suffolk flocks have a very low syndrome (GSS) (Hsiao et al. 1989, 1990). These muta- frequency of R-171 alleles and that the Q/Q genotype of tions may initiate disease by inducing de novo prion bio- scrapie-affected animals is therefore unexceptional. This synthesis: In mechanistic terms the mutant PrP mole- scenario can be addressed by genotyping flock mates of cules mimic or give rise to prpSc-like molecules, which affected animals. In practice, retrospective sampling of then template replicas of themselves using PrP c mole- flocks is complicated by the U.S. Department of Agricul- cules as precursors. The second type of mutation corre- ture policy of flock eradication. In one instance we were sponds to common missense polymorphisms within the able to obtain samples from 13 flock mates of scrapie- PrP ORF. Normally phenotypically silent, in the event of affected animals 139 and 340 (flock 4, Table 2). Six of prion these mutations modulate the tempo of these animals contained R-171 alleles, and the distribu- disease: Alleles can be codominant or behave as feces- tion of genotypes in Flock 4 (Q/Q : Q/R : R/R) was not sires (Bruce and Fraser 1991). These common polymor- obviously different from that of the sum of Flocks 1-3 phisms probably affect the rate of prion replication, and (P = 0.79 for the null hypothesis that genotypic distribu- examples include the scrapie incubation time genes Prn- tion is the same, using Fisher's exact test). Overall, our i/Sinc and Sip, associated with codon 108/189 and codon data indicate that the R-171 allele is routinely present in 136 PrP in mice and Cheviot sheep, respectively (Dick- Suffolk flocks, with an allelic frequency of 0.27+0.038 inson et al. 1968; Westaway et al. 1987; Goldmann et al. (--+S.D., n = 138 alleles from 69 healthy animals). We con- 1991a). clude, in turn, that ove~ representation of the Q/Q-171 genotype in scrapie-affected animals is not a sampling artifact. Homozygosity for Q-171 PrP alleles predisposes As Sip alleles may modulate natural scrapie in Chev- to natural scrapie iot/Suffolk crosses (Foster and Dickinson 1988), we also In comparisons with sequences from wild-type alleles appraised three Sip sA/PrP markers. Two RFLPs flanking (Fig. 2, Goldmann et al. 1990), the PrP-coding regions of the PrP gene were imperfectly correlated with disease three scrapie-affected animals with affected bloodline (Table 1; Fig. 1), and by DNA sequencing we were unable relatives failed to reveal any unique missense mutations. to detect Val-136 coding region alleles (n =8, Table 1, We therefore conclude that familial natural scrapie is Goldmann et al. 1991a). The analysis of Val-136 alleles distinct mechanistically from GSS and familial was extended by challenging amplified PrP-coding se- Crentzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD)(Brown et al. 1991; quences with the restriction endonuclease BspHI. To Hsiao et al. 1989, 1990). Unexpectedly, of 31 scrapie- date we have been unable to detect Val-136 alleles in any affected animals, all were scored as Q/Q-171 homozy- of our scrapie-affected animals (0/62 alleles tested). Be- gores, a highly significant result given the presence of cause we now know that only one of three PrP-coding the R-171 allele in -44% of putative scrapie-free ani- region alleles present in Cheviot sheep has a counterpart mals (Table 2). in the Suffolk breed, the imperfect correlation between Could the homogeneity of PrP allelic type in scrapie- Sip-associated markers and scrapie susceptibility in Suf- affected Suffolk sheep reflect methodologic shortcom- folk sheep is perhaps unsurprising (Goldmann et al. ings? This seems unlikely. The PCR technique used here 1990, 1991a). On the other hand, comparison of the 31 does not give information about gene copy number, but scrapie-affected animals with animals from flocks 1-3 heterozygosity for flanking region polymorphisms (Table yields a probability of 0.000004 for the null hypothesis 1; Hunter et al. 1991) formally establishes that many that PrP codon 171 genotype is unrelated to disease in- scrapie-affected animals carry two copies of the PrP gene cidence. Thus, our data closely conform to the hypoth- and that the perceived genotypic homogeneity of these esis that Suffolk sheep harbor a recessive incubation animals is not attributable to allelic loss. "Carryover" of time gene that is closely associated with the PrP Q-171 amplified Q/Q samples into from affected ani- polymorphism. mals is excluded by analyses of negative controls lacking genomic DNA, as well as by facile detection of inter- Codon 171: possible mechanisms and a parallel spersed Q/R samples from healthy sheep. It is plausible to sporadic CJD that some R- 171 alleles are not diagnosed because of base substitutions outside of codon 171, within the regions of It may be that the PrP codon 171 polymorphism is phe- homology to either the R-171 allele-specific oligonucle- notypically silent, but in linkage disequilibrium with a otide or the PCR primers. However, such hypothetical susceptibility mutation, for example, a mutation affect- polymorphisms would introduce a systematic error af- ing levels of PrP mRNA. However several precedents fecting diagnosis of both scrapie-affected and control an- argue for a direct impact of codon 171 on the protein- imals. Also, we did not detect substitutions adjacent to protein interactions equated with prion replication. Ab- the CAG/CGG polymorphism at codon 171 in direct sence of R-171 alleles from affected animals indicates sequencing of amplified DNA from the four animals de- that these alleles impede scrapie pathogenesis and are scribed in Table 1, nor in sequences from a scrapie-af- compatible with observations in Ile-de-France sheep. fected crossbred Suffolk (not presented). We conclude Whereas heterozygosity or homozygosity at PrP Va1-136 that the Q/Q- 171 genotype seen in all 31 scrapie-affected appears crucial for natural scrapie to develop in this sheep does not reflect a diagnostic artifact. breed, age at disease onset was nearly doubled in V/A-

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136, Q/R-171 animals versus V/A-136, Q/Q-171 ani- we can predict that Parry's scrapie-affected animals mals (Laplanche et al. 1993b). Furthermore, the excess of would be Q/Q-171 homozygotes, and unaffected flock- Q/Q 171-homozygotes in scrapie-affected sheep offers a mates would be of the Q/R and possibly R/R genotypes. striking parallel to the most common human prion dis- Furthermore, gene frequencies are broadly compatible ease, sporadic CJD. with this scenario, with neither putative protective al- In Caucasian populations the human PrP gene exhibits lele (S or PrP R-171) being vanishingly rare. S/S rams, a Met/Val polymorphism at codon 129, with allele fre- whose immediate offspring were never scrapie-affected, quencies of 0.63/0.37, respectively. However, 95.5% of and R/R- 171 homozygotes (in our largely female sample} sporadic CJD cases (n = 22) were found to occur in Met/ were encountered at frequencies of 0.16 and 0.09, respec- Met or Val/Val patients (Palmer et al. 1991). Although tively {n = 105, Parry I983; n = 69, Table 2). We note that the two diseases may commence in different manners- of our total sample of 42 phenotypically normal QQ an- (perhaps corresponding to PrP s¢ molecules being ac- imals examined here, 39 were ewes of ages >4 years, quired from the environment in the case of scrapie, or formally excluding that the QQ genotype as of itself generated by an endogenous process in the case of spo- causes disease. radic CJD)--(Dickinson et al. 1965; Brown et al. 1987; Harries-Jones et al. 1988; Westaway et al. 1989, 1994b; Understanding and eradicating natural scrapie Prusiner 1991), the shared requirement for PrP homozy- gosity most likely reflects a common mechanism for rep- What are the practical consequences of our findings ? Di- lication of scrapie and CJD prions. This is in accord with verged sequences within the sheep PrP gene promoter transgenic analyses of prion replication that implicate suggest that the tissue tropism of PrP c expression may interactions between PrP c and PrP sc molecules of the differ from rodent counterparts. Whether such differ- same amino acid sequence (Prusiner et al. 1990; Scott et ences in tropism could account for the mooted ability of al. 1993). These studies, as well as the behavior of mice natural scrapie to spread by horizontal and vertical in- hemizygous for the PrP gene, suggest that sheep prions fection is unknown (Dickinson et al. 1965; Westaway et may replicate less efficiently in Q/R heterozygotes be- al. 1992). cause the concentration of Q-171PrP c is reduced by ap- We can now envisage a genetic approach to the eradi- proximately half compared with Q/Q homozygotes (Col- cation of natural scrapie. We suggest selective breeding linge and Palmer 1992; Bfieler et al. 1993; Prusiner et al. for an enhanced frquency of Q/R heterozygotes as an 1993). Another possibility is that the R-171 substitution avenue worthy of investigation. Values for Q/Q, Q/R, reduces the stability of PrP c. and R/R genotypes in flocks 1-3 are compatible with the hypothesis that the Q and R alleles are at equilibrium The "recessive-gene hypothesis" revisited (predicted and observed genotypes Q/Q : Q/R : R/R us- ing the Hardy-Weinberg equation=31.7:21.6:3.7 and The correlation between homozygosity at codon 171 and 32 : 21 : 4, respectively), and by implication that neither the development of natural scrapie brings to mind Par- allele is associated with a selective advantage in vivo. ry's recessive gene hypothesis. The observation that nat- This is not in conflict with the hypothesis that PrP (R- ural scrapie in endemically affected Suffolk flocks man- 171) alleles heighten scrapie resistance, as the disease is ifests in a recessive manner seems sound (Parry 1962; probably too rare and has an onset too late in life to shape Dickinson and Outram 1988; Foster and Dickinson allele frequencies in the general population. Potential 1988, data not presented). How this finding is interpreted caveats to breeding for elevated frequencies of the R-171 is another matter. Parry believed this recessive gene, s, allele concern incompletely defined penetrance, emer- caused scrapie (Parry 1960) with -80% penetrance in gence of prion isolates tropic for this allele, and the pos- ewes by the age of 4 years. Others interpreted his find- sibility that R/R as well as Q/Q homozygotes are sus- ings in terms of genetic susceptibility to a prion-contam- ceptible to scrapie. Another approach to disease eradica- inated environment. Although we cannot rigorously ex- tion is to generate livestock deleted for the PrP gene clude the existence of a causative s gene, acting in con- (Notarianni et al. 1991; Biieler et al. 1992, 1993; Prusiner cert with a Q/Q-171 PrP genotype to produce clinical et al. 1993). Given that cases of natural scrapie may have disease, it seems more likely that the s gene corresponds already given rise to one disastrous epidemic in the form to the Q/R-171 polymorphism and, in turn, to a suscep- of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (Wilesmith 1992), tibility (incubation time)gene. it may be prudent to pursue both of these strategies. For example, whereas the spirit of Parry's hypothesis is PrP genotypic effects described here extend the central embodied by disease-associated PrP mutations, nearly all role for PrP molecules in the pathogenesis of natural of these are dominant (Prusiner and Hsiao 1994). The scrapie. The impact of PrP allelic composition not only single exception is a quasirecessive neuromyopathy seen parallels CJD and experimental scrapie but can account in Tg(SHaPrP)7 +/÷ mice, but this differs from natural for long-standing observations that correlate disease out- scrapie with regard to both CNS pathology and accumu- breaks with inbreeding and a recessive susceptibility lation of PrP sc (Westaway et al. 1994b). Additional prob- gene (Parry 1983). Our studies indicate that pedigree Suf- lems with Parry's theory concem the gene frequency for folk sheep are less heterogeneous regarding PIP genotype s and reports of lateral transmission (Dickinson et al. than other breeds examined to date (Goldmann et al. 1965). From the viewpoint of s as a susceptibility gene 1991a; Laplanche et al. 1993b), which exhibit up to five

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PrP-coding region haplotypes. Use of the Suffolk breed, was immediately removed, sectioned coronally, and frozen on in conjunction with codon 171 genotyping, seems likely dry ice. A 1-gram biopsy was thawed and used to prepare geno- to simplify and clarify future investigations of scrapie mic DNA by dialysis (Little 1987). This DNA was partially pathogenesis and epidemiology. digested with the enzyme MboI, and low-molecular-weight DNA contaminants were removed by centrifugation on a 10- 40% sucrose density gradient (Maniatis et al. 1978). DNA was pooled, concentrated by ethanol precipitation, and treated with Materials and methods bacterial alkaline phosphatase (Ish et al. 1981). Dephosphoryla- Animals tion was monitored by a decrease in TCA-precipitable radioac- tive counts from a 32P-labeled oligonucleotide tracer. After phe- DNA was prepared from the blood of 82 clinically normal ani- nol extraction the target DNA was precipitated and ligated to mals, 70 of which were aged 4 years or older. Animals (80) were BamHI digested pWE15 vector (Wahl et al. 1987). The ligation drawn from four flocks of U.S. Suffolk sheep (Table 2), with the products were packaged in vitro and plated on the McrA-, two other animals originating in Northern California. Because McrB- host Escherichia cold bacterial strain ED8767 (Raleigh et aged rams are rarely retained within flocks, all but two of these al. 1988). Screening of 60,000 ampicillin-resistant colonies us- animals were ewes. Flocks 1, 3, and 4 were from commercial ing a PrP ORF hybridization probe yielded one positive clone, breeders. The fourth group of animals, flock 2, was housed at corresponding to the Q allele. Both DNA sequencing and oli- Utah State University (Logan, UT). Four cases of natural scrapie gonucleotide typing of amplified genomic DNA defined animal for DNA sequencing studies (diagnosed positive for PrP sc by M132 as a Q/R-171 heterozygote. Western blotting; Table 1) were selected at random from out- breaks in Michigan, Illinois, and New Hampshire. Bloodline relatives of these animals were subsequently found to be cDNA--PCR cloning scrapie-affected in at least three instances (15, 139, and 340). A cortical biopsy from the M132 animal was used to prepare Sheep were sacrificed during the clinical phase of disease, and total RNA by the method of Chomczynski and Sacchi (1987). brain sections were either rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen or on This was converted to eDNA by priming with random hexamer solid carbon dioxide, or immersed in buffered formalin. oligonucleotides (PL-Pharmacia), spermine precipitated, and Ewe 27 from Michigan was 4 years old at onset of clinical then "tailed" with dG residues. The tailed cDNA was then signs and exhibited the four (Race et al. 1992) pathological diluted and amplified using a dC-tailed "anchor" primer as well changes used for diagnosis of scrapie at the National Veterinary as an exon 3-specific primer (5'-ACATCTGCTCCAGCA- Services Laboratories at Ames, Iowa. These are vacuolated neu- CGCGC). The resulting heterogeneously sized cDNAs were rons, spongiform change, neuronal necrosis, and astrocytosis. subjected sequentially to a further two rounds of PCR using Her sire and dam, both 3 years old at time of culling, were nested exon 3 primers, 5'-GAGTCGTGCACAAAGTTGT- asymptomatic for scrapie, although the sire was from a certified TCTG and 5'-GATCCAACTGCCTATGTGGCT. Size-frac- scrapie-positive flock. tionated products of the size anticipated from primer extension Ewe 15 from New Hampshire was 4-years old at the time of reactions (see legend to Fig. 1) were subcloned into pBluescript disease onset. Mild neuropathologic lesions were restricted to vector (Stratagene, San Diego, CA) linearized with SmaI. The the medulla. inserts of four plasmid clones were sequenced in their entirety. Ram 139 from Illinois was 3 years and 10 months at time of sacrifice. This animal may reflect a familial manifestation of natural scrapie. His sire, a 6 year old, was apparently normal at Primer extension of PrP mRNA the time of death but came from a flock that was suspected of Primer extension was performed as described previously (West- having endemic scrapie. The dam of ram 139 died between 3 and away et al. 1987) using a primer 5'-GATCCAACTGCCTAT- 4 years, of an undiagnosed complaint. All four pathological pa- GTGGCT, complementary to the exon 3 signal peptide se- rameters were present in the caudal medulla of ram 139, but quence, and AMV or RNase H-minus reverse transcriptase, only mild spongiform change was visible in sections of the mes- respectively (Boehringer Mannheim, Indianapolis, IN, or Super- encephalon. Gliosis was generalized throughout the brain stem. script, GIBCO-BRL, Gaithersberg, MD). Ewe 340 from Illinois may also represent a familial instance of scrapie. The sire died between ages 3 and 4 for unknown reasons, and the parental flock was dispersed in 1991 under Southern and Northern blotting suspicion of endemic scrapie. Ewe 340 was 3 years and 8 months Blotting to nitrocellulose or to supported nitrocellulose (Schlei- old at time of sacrifice; all four pathological changes were found chef & Schuell, Keene, NH) was as described previously (West- in the thalamus and hypothalamus, and milder pathological away et al. 1991). changes were found in the midbrain. Animals 139 and 340 orig- inate from flock 4 (Table 2). Twenty-seven additional histopathologically confirmed Suf- DNA sequence analysis folk cases were typed for the codon 171 polymorphism (see be- ORF sequences of scrapie-affected animals were determined di- low). The presence of PrP sc in the CNS was verified for all but rectly from PCR-amplified genomic DNA. The two oligonucle- four of these animals, either by dot-blotting (Serban et al. 1990) otide primers for PCR, 5'-AGTCGACGGCATTTGATGCTGA- or immunohistochemistry (Miller et al. 1994). The final sample CACC and 5'-TGGTACCACTACAGGGGTGCAGGTAGAC, of 31 scrapie-affected animals was drawn from 23 flocks origi- incorporate synthetic SalI and KpnI sites (underlined) and are nating from 12 states. located in intron 2 and the mRNA 3'-untranslated region, re- spectively. These primers used a concentration of 0.1 ~M in a reaction cocktail composed of 50 mM KC1, 10 mM Tris-HC1 at Genomic DNA clones pH 8.4, 1.5 mM MgC12, 100 ~g/ml of gelatin, and 0.2 mM A 7-year-old clinically normal Suffolk ewe (identification num- dNTPs. Double-stranded DNA was gel-purified and sequenced ber M132) was sacrificed by pentobarbitol injection. The brain using either the method of Casanova et al. (1990) or the Multi-

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Prp codon 171 and natural scrapie pol system, as recommended by the manufacturer (Clontech, References Palo Alto, CA). Exon 1 and 2 sequences were determined using cosmid subclones corresponding to 2.7-kb HindIII-BamHI and Barry, R.A. and S.B. Prusiner. 1986. Monoclonal antibodies to 0.86-kb BamHI-XbaI fragments, respectively. the cellular and scrapie prion . 1. Infect. Dis. 154: 518-521. Basler, K., B. Oesch, M. Scott, D. Westaway, M. W/ilchli, D.F. Diagnosis of PrP codon 136 and 171 polymorphisms Groth, M.P. McKinley, S.B. Prusiner, and C. Weissmann. 1986. Scrapie and cellular PrP isoforms are encoded by the Allele-specific oligonucleotides, 5'-GTGGATCGGTATAGT-3' same chromosomal gene. Cell 46: 417-428. and 5'-GTGGATCAGTATAGT-3', specific for Arg or Gln, re- Bird, A.P. 1986. CpG-rich islands and the function of DNA spectively, at codon 171 were hybridized to PCR-amplified ge- methylation. Nature 321: 209-213. nomic DNA immobilized on nylon or nitrocellulose mem- Borchelt, D.R., M. 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Prp codon 171 and natural scrapie

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GENES & DEVELOPMENT 969 Downloaded from on September 28, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Homozygosity for prion protein alleles encoding glutamine-171 renders sheep susceptible to natural scrapie.

D Westaway, V Zuliani, C M Cooper, et al.

Genes Dev. 1994, 8: Access the most recent version at doi:10.1101/gad.8.8.959

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