' 1 4 THE WASHINGTON TIMES; SATURDAY; JULY 3,' 1915. Cobb Finds That Many Players Are Possessed With Superstition in Baseball

Pitcher Tipple Goes to BOOTH HOPPER AND Yanks From Indianapolis MACK PROMISES TO SAYS NE WYOItK. July J, In pursuance ot their policy of preparedness, tho Yan- kees yesterday purchased Dan Tipple, HAVE GREATER TEAM the star pltchor of tho Indianapolis club JOE ENGEL MAY GET He has two reasons for carrying three of the American Association. Tipple has won eloven games and lost one so far this season, and with Omaha last sea- son ho won CO per cent of 'his games. ' to plate one superstition He will not report until tho fall. Wants Two More Yeaft Irj bats is right-hande- and r, TlDDle Is a and he START WITH BOSTON should bo capable of getting through a Build Up Anotheq lot of pitching In a season. He Is six Which to the other is that it helps his hitting feet two Inches tall and weighs 180 pounds. A lone service Is ahead of him, Championship Team. , , as he Is only twenty-thre- e years otd. Captain Huston completed the deal for By LOUIS A. DOUGHER. By TY COBB, could have had doxons .turned out that Tlpplo himself and bought the pitcher - Griff-me- looked Just like her, but he sat- representatives from NEW- YORK, July 3. Tho n All-roun- wasn't over the bids of Our Turn to Lose World's Champion d Ball Plqyer. isfied with any of them. He said that several other clubs. In a signed story released today tit are done with the big town to- mo the new bats were Ilka a lot'of punk, several cities of the American Leagu Fans ofton ask whether my habit of carrying three bats up and ofi night until September 8, when they Wuh ASH OX El N. Y. ABHOAB that tho ball wouldn't travel Connie Mack promises to have another ConnOllly.rr. 3 0 0 0 Hlgh.Cf. 0 4 0 to tho plate and then throwing two of thorn away is caused by super- them. Fourth Round Reached Championship baseball machine two, come here for a three-da- y stay. At Fostor.ib.. X Peck'gn.ss 0 2 t years he sajr hia Bhanks.lf.. t Oil0 2 0 Mattel, 3b.. 1 0 2 stition or by a belief that it really helps my hitting. I haven't any particular love among hence. Furthermore midnight for, Boston. 4 7 In Dumbarton Tennis 1917 they depart Milan, cf... 10 0 I'lDD.lb. 0 0 I confess that I havo my superstitions, like most of tho other ball my bats, seeming to be able to use one team will be a greater combination, Were not a morning game is Oandll.lb.. a 010 0 iCOOik.rf.. 0 0 0 about as well as another, providing than either of the three former chain- -, it that Neff,2b S 1 1 J Hartiell.lt 0 In - 11 players, but carrying tho trio of bats is not ono of them. I pick up there Is good, seasoned wood In them Satisfactory progress Is being made plonshlp scheduled for Monday, tho team Henry.o.... J- 0 T 0 Doone.Jb... 0 6 2 they aggregation which he haa as 8 6 Bweeney.c. 0 8 1 and aro turned to my particular tho Dumbarton Club tennis tournament McBride.sa 18 the three clubs and swing them becauso, when I discard the surplus model. I usually to long sembled during his baseball career. might remain over till tomorrow Shanr.p 3 0 0 S Pleh.p 2 0 0 0 stick one as A. J. Goro and C. B. Davis will moct "Tho only Wllllama. 0 0 0 0 lumber, the single bat feols lighter and I boliovc that I cam handle it as my hlttlnrr keeps good and then difference between thej night, but Manager Griffith wants Aycra.p.... 0 0 0 0 Totals... M 12710 1 switch to another when I slump. Borne, today In tho fourth round of tho lower breaking up of my 1914 stars and tha his players to have a perfect night's better than I could if I only grabbed one off tho rack in front of the tlmos when I am going badly. I get sore section, the winner meeting B. D. Bote-le- r, former machines which I have headed,? To tali... 28 3 24 13 3, bench. on myself and break up n fow clubs and tho survivor to face O. M. says Mack, "Is that I was unprepared before tackling those Red Sox Batted for Shaw In eighth. ng rest the until I find ono that Is "hlttUh" and Noctiol, finals by wln-nl- OOO who reached the this last time. On previous occasions in two games on the holiday. Washington 0C0 0000 Probably I would keep on doing this even if somebody convinced then I uso that one until I begin to go upper New York 000 001 CO 1 badly again. from Erklne Gordon la tne havo to expect by me was no for- I known what tha Only three playing days will be nun Pleh. Stolen base Malael. Double that there material use in it, for I have been pretty One of the moat famous bots In the half last Wednesday. age and period of servitude of my' plays Pecklnpaugh to Boone to Plpp (1), country Is yester- spent on tunate in piling up a big batting average while using tho two extra that with which Frank Several matches were played players always new nja-tor-lal in tho Hub this trip, the Hartzell to Sweeney, Left on baeea New two and have had York, Waahlngton, 4. Baker made his homo runs In the day, Frey defeating Cook. 63, and In. Griffmen leaving Wednesday night Flrat baae on errors flails, and there is no uso crossing your luck. But I really believe that 1911 world's serlis. This stick was given 97, to rush New York, Is Washington, 1. Flrat baee to by Btcarns defeating Daniels, 63. 61, In "Tho Federal League offer of high for Chicago. But those three days on balls Off Pleh, 4; oft Shaw, 3. Hits it helps me aside from the psychological affect it may have. him Donlo Bush on the last trip Off Shaw, 2 In 7 Innings; off Ayers, 1 In 1 the Tigers made to Philadelphia. Frank the consolations. salaries to my players was an event will "be crammed full of diamond do- inning. Hit by pitcher By Pieh. 1 (Con- There is hardly a player in the major leagues who hasn't his pet took a fancy to It one day and Donlo, which no one could forsoe, to this nolly). Struck out By 6; by Shaw, 5. who and to be hard Pleh. naturally wanted to sec the Ameri- FEDERAL LEAGUE. I ings and are sure a test Passed ball Henry. Umpires Messrs. superstitions. Some fellow would never think of walking between the can League come out on top In the attribute the downfall of that famous O'Loughlln and Hlldebrand. Time of game- -1 world's series, 1914 team of mine. for Griff's pitching staff. The Red 86 umpire and the pitcher. Others have to tap the plate in just a certain told him to take it along. Standing hour and minutes. rTanK promised to give a new of the Clubs. "Tho stories high reached Sox picked up in hitting uush -- Today of salaries have their way, and so on. Thoro are about as many mannerisms as there are hat If the Athletics won the world's the ears of my men, Instead of 200 Won.Lost Pet. Win. Lose. and lately, while Griff's pitchers can to see the combat, They looked In scries, but. so far as I know, the head- City 41 27 the big stand. athlotes. gear never has been Kansas .oi .eot thinking of victory, they thought of improved - forthcomlnr. I St. Louis U It .CM .too .(83 moro money. completely changed hardly be said to have Jacques Fournler, the White Sox slug- for the Hall Is what helps a man to used to nagging , 2S It living get hear Bush Baker about Chicago Si .(74 .(SO .SC3 their fighting spirit and when spirit ls much. The sprinkle started feebly In tho sev- gcr, believes that It gives him luck to make his and his salary mm quinine, qui i ratner mink, mat Pittsburgh 34 29 .(54 .HI .(45 gone, raised in tho old national game. 34 the very fabric of the team la Engrel enth, gathering strength slowly until It kiss Blackburne beforo leaving the Frank retired to the farm without over Newark 14 .(00 .607 .483 It is possible that both Joo and drove the actorlncs out of the comlnar across. Brooklyn 30 3 .435 .443 .421 ruined." deadhead bench. Is rough on to re--! Booth Hopper may be started In Bos- boxes in the last of the eighth. When It rather "Lena" I remember a bat that belonged to Baltimore X 41 .379 .JM .373 Connie Mack takes occasion to begun gamo Milan's liner to Plpp ended the enter- have big Jacques administer a chaste Jim Delahanty. formerly 's sec- Bats vary a as anyone Buffalo M 44 .371 .380 .360 mark that he has not become wealthy ton. Neither has a this every goes ond basemnn, that was as highly prized lot. will notice In baseball. In fact, he states that ha year. Hopper 1b said to be In good con- tainment the shower was on pretty salute time he to bat, but who looks over the stock on display In ' much In earnest It was well none overybody Is working tho. by Its owner as though It had been a front of tho players' has "nothing." He denies, that any dition, but Engel has yet to recover his that for Interest crown Jewel. "Old Betsy" was the benches. Every Today's Games. economic policy adopted by the club sported a clam beach uniform, for It of tho team and Blackburne probably good hitter has his own particular Kansas City at St. Louis. strength following his recent siege of would have been ruined, utterly ruined. name of this club, and I suppose that tastes In regard to his Implements had anything whatever to do with the Is willing to put aside his own prefer- Jim still has her. At least, he djd as war. of Pittsburgh at Chicago. breaking up of his club. Alleged Fed- illness. ences to help big recently as spring when I met him Willie Keeler, for Instance, one of Buffalo at Baltimore. eral League money alone Is responsible the Frenchman. this the greatest batsmen the game over Brooklyn at Newark. Another one of tho Sox pulls Black-burne- 's In Cincinnati. "Betsy" Is a great, big, produced, for the wrecked Athletics, according to The Jum,p from Boston to Chicago will thick log, and battered, but as used a short, thick log, which the explanation manager KAUFF SUSPENDED noso every time he goes up to scarred he held almost In the middle, while Joe of its under hardly please anybody In the party. It hard as Iron and with "lots of wood" Jackson, ono his own signature. will be Impossible to catch the fast the rubber. That also must be tough In her, as the players say. It takes a of the kings of modern Yesterday's Results. Mack blames the players who drew on tho "masoot," but he probably would strong man to swing but Jim Is a sluggers, takes a whole tree up to the Buffalo, I; Baltimore, 4. away, out of Buffalo so flve-ho- ur her. plate more than he does himself or train and a willing on husky fellow, and the way ho used to with him and grabs It well out Newark, 7; Brooklyn, 3. up be to take a punch the beak o, the Federals. "It was to them to layoff will come there. Therefore, tho crack out the hits with that homely old toward the end. Joo's polo Isn't so Pittsburgh-Chicag- rain. act right or not, according to their own team will spend Wednesday and Thurs- if ho thought It would aid the Sox to was heavy as it looks, however. Is big day 10DAYS;FINED$1DD win games. stick a caution. and enough It motives of doing business, and nothing; nights In sleepers. Ono spring "Betsy" got ' jst, and Jim thick to kill an elephant, I could do would keep them from pull- Ball players usually are very particu- went around raving like a wild man. but Joe seems to be able to get It ing away." explains the crafty leader of Manager up nround fast enough to hit ' Griffith Insists that Doug lar about their bats. They get attach- He made his mind that he couldn't pitching. the swiftest the many times world's champions. Neff has great possibilities as a second ed to one particular piece of wood, hit with any other bat, and I don't be- Bender, Plank and Coombs headed ho have had much of a bat- Ho must know how to use MINCE PIE says lieve would It. for he the list when the manager baseman and that he will contlnuo and If anything happens to It they feel ting average If his old friend hndn't has to his credit what was one astonished i to groom him for of the "LITTLE OF EVERYTHING" tho country by asking waivers or tho berth. If the Deserter Must Play With Brook- as badly as though they had lost a dear turned up in duo time. Ho had a model longest wallopn made In the recent his- Virginia boy makes good, It will be old In factory, tory of the them. Bender and Plank declined to Interesting to se will friend. You can't blame them, either. of the flail the bat and . This was be sold and Jumped to the Federals.' what become of lyn or Nowhere, Says Presi- a swat over one of the nagpoles on top By "BUGS" BAER. Morgan, whqm the manager says he of the , New Coombs landed at Brooklyn, and is an will not York. It come-bac- k. A trade or sell. takes a husky poke to get the ball Into admitted straight sale' dent Ward. the upper tier of the horseshoe Bent Collins to Chicago, and the ax Klevcn years and four months from on ground, stand Pieh is pronounced just had been laid to the great infield. fair but Joe wasn't content like it Then to report, today not one of you fans will bo with that, but put the pill clear over looks, Baker declined and able to recall tho Griffmen TODAY'S SPORTORIAL the roof and out of the park. but he pitches with c differ- the second member was gone. Indif- that fell to be back Into the small section on July The troubles of Benny Kauff, the tem- By LOUIS A. DOUGHER. Speaking of long hitters, don't forget ent pronunciation . ferent work caused Pennock 2, or that Jim Shaw lost a one-h- it alter Johnson. I have seen, him lar- sold to Boston, and a few days ago 1 peramental player of the Brooklyn Shawkey, contest to Cy Pleh. to 0. But It rup a couplf that seemed to carry a The bird who touched off a bomb until lately esteemed the happened Feds, continue. He has been fined 1100 mllo on flv. left-fiel- best pitcher remaining to th,e Ath- Just tho same. Not one of 3. of the Federal League ven- the His drlvo over the d In the Capitol should you will be able to recall that Doup and suspended for ten days by Piesl-de- nt NEW YORK, July When the history fence In Cleveland probably ranks control his letics, was sold to the Yankees. Neff's Inexperience was largely re- Gllmoro for quitting tho Brooklyn ture is written, say, ten years from now, it will contain the story of with the mightiest biffs of all time. The anger, though we admit It was a Today Barry .is added to the llsL sponsible for the victory of the Yan- wall Is 400 feet from the plate where the tougli game to lose. Moreover, Mr. Mack declines to ad- kees, .he'll probably club so unceremoniously. the change in the public's attitude toward tho baseball player, for the "Big mit ho is yet through but remember It. states he would not play Swede" combed the ball over, and, that and that It meant something to him. It was Kauff that in working change. The according to eyewitnesses, the missile others may also be sold. his first really important flivver as u with tho Brookfeds again until tho club Federal League has been instrumental this cleared the top of the barrier by forty bin Of course, the Griffs paid him the" $500 which was deducted Feds havo not done it all, but they have rendered vnluable assistance. feet. I suppose that It must have come much, a good 4S0 Although capable of exceed- Play Cricket Today. didn't like Pleh but all tho from his salary on July 1. He asserts organized have done share in deposing to earth feet from the homo ing the tpced limit, all Benny same If Doubt had pepped to first The magnates of baseball their plate, which ;s a good swat for a baro-ba- ll Captain J. S. Cannon will hold a but what's the uae7 He didn't and that the .Brooklyn club had no l ,, Kav.fl ever gets fined for is withhold this money, which 'flatcs backf ball player tronv his. hero' pedestal, but they would never have blocking traffic. trial cricket match at the creese In the the Yankees won. i Walter hit one In Bennett Park, the 230 tcday. The whole engagement turned on to an advance he got from tho Indian- tumbled him so soon but for the Federal League's arrival in the field? old Detroit Meld, that probably traveled Potomac Park at o'clock I players In Neff's Judgment in tho sixth Inning. apolis year ago. Man- about as far as anv ball ever hit. I was I The who show beat this club a Business It will take long years for the player to build himself another podestal. practice will be used In the next In- Until then, and afterwards, neither ager Dick Carroll is Just as emphatic flaying a deep center field for him. as tpam could do anything1. But Jim old-tim- e do, as soon as Old Mr Johnson will pitch today; young tercity match. In savlntr It Is recorded In Kauri's It will require another generation of fans to swallow the stuff and the ball left Shaw got Into difficulties In that that the bat I started to run back. It soomd Mr Johnion having decided to stick la sixth that swerved things. He walked contract that ho should repay the j about the athletes. to mo that I ran for fivo minutes at top 'Washington European I and handle the situa- gobi old-tim- Sweeney for a starter, and then $1,500 In three annual Installments of Talk to the e fan today and listen to him tell of those an speed, but the ball was yards beyond ine tion during rrexy Wilson's absence EXCURSIONS bled Pleh's hop, and forced the back' $500 each. whon It came down Our park was very stop ot second. So far, so Rood. Hlsrh, cient heroes, Mike Kelly, Dan Brouthers Roger Connor, Jim O'Rourke, deep in those days, and Johnson could existed because Neff Juggled hia "I am not playing baseball for fame and "Pop" Anson. He looks back with something akin to reverence to have wnlkod around on that drive. grounder in his anxiety to force Pleh, and glory," said Kauff at Ebbots Field, those olden days of wonderful ball games played by wonderful men. Rumors that tho White Sox wcr? get- R6KDLRV pi'ttinp two on. Shaw .nulled at his 1 ting signals Pecklnpaugh, Brooklyn, yesterday, "and want the He never brings up talk of money in connection with those heroes of opposing clubs' at home 4tti July belt and whiffed Bosrer monev Is which were current In the Amer can TTTtli Excursions fell down badly with Fritz which due me." old, unless be what the "Big Four" brought when they were sold. He ago, Br but Yesterday president Na- it League three or four weeks have Maisel. allowing him to single cleanlv Tener of the never speaks of their cupidity, their ignorance, their dissipation. They been silenced by the fine e"howlng of to right. The bases were crowded, tional League Is quoted as saying that j I were heroes, and heroes have no faults. He speaks jnly of their size, Rowland's club while on the road. As "The lighter , with two out. Then It happened. the case was closed as far as the league I mentioned In one of my articles that West River hard-foug- ' and Walter PJPP rolled one to Neff, and their tremendous strength, their startling performa .ces in ht fiicIi gossip was going It seems Connie Mack Mc-Brl- was concerned and that he did not care around. moving. de s, all the runner were I battles, their looks, their ways of m oving about on the field. They were onl fitting I should take this occa- Ath-lethic- In hops. to have anything more to do with It. that makes the was at second three Kauff has had a conference with his you to old-tim- e sion to say that the South Side club hns Chesapeake Bay trot the ball all right, hut ho indeed heroes, will admit, alter listening the fan. And by deep- - Neff counsel. Attorney John M. Ward, rela na- proved an alibi clubbing Just about the was thinking of beating Maisel to the deeds of valor performed by those earlier players in Our great ns well on It did home. 1 Only Bay Trip Out of Washington tive to the suits he Is preparing to bring the road.as at i tho bag with a nifty peg, forgetting tional game will live forever in the memories of those who saw them. made no dlroct charges against Chicago cr they sink." he had Flpp at first. No, ho against the Giants to recover the bonus Ot AA Round that nifty which he alleges was promised him for As each generation of fans came along, it was regaled with these tales ur anv other club, as mv readers will tl7X Trip didn't Jseg to Gandll. nor did his signing a Now York contract. to day complicated remember, but merely repeated what at pet; beat Malscl's slide Into tht dust. and they sought fit the heroes of thoir into the one time was common gossip on our July 4, 10i03 A. M. IMoh Doc It was announced In New York today we H, Therefore, talllod before that President Weeghman of the Chi- mosaic. That they succeeded, all know. Ban Johnson and his club, nnd at least one other. July 0:0. A. M. Cook clewed the frame with a strike- cago American League gave this hero industry a tremendous boost. Indeed, It Is time that all the clubs In the pure 3 Federal League club had made an y out. It was tough stuff That offer to Brooklyn for Kauff's services. O'Loughlin's big voice received as much publicity as the deeds Amer.can League woke up to tho fact Virginia Dug Neff and vhy'Douj Neff may remember It Frank Chicago Is mighty dangerous Connolly deny they have severad athletic eleven years and four months from Weeghman believes the player could get of many great players. The public was gone mad with hero worship. that a Pen Mar see, along undejr Tlnker'B direction, and ho contender for that old pennant. Pre- leUtlons with each other today, even If you don't. You Worklnp bonfth ill th's hnri worship, however, was tho pprsomllty of dictions the Sox would blow up In Beautiful Blue Ridge Dfoan- - during1 thinks that tho Wards would let him to- - -- that no more runs were glimpsed go. the player himself. The game was pro purine nw h cnero'l T o with a loud report before the Fourth of tntns. President Robert B. Ward of tho huge u The lay mind is incapable the dull,, dismal afternoon. Brookfeds has stated, however, that magnates mudi' protus ami lunyer received his share In Increased of July have not been verified, and possibilities salary and bonuses. Large sums were used In erectli.n nf,i,inceiK parity jr there is little doubt in my mind grasping the enormous Round The Crlffs, thinking back a year, Kauff would not be traded or permitted happy. country prosperous, that on $2.00 Trip to play with any club the the public. Everybody was Tho was the fan had Mr. Comlakey has a very formidable in having two Wa'ter Johnsons expected Cy to be Cream Pleh when other than money to pay for his seat In a line stand to see his heroes perform for in- on payroll. Chicago may not Suppose the Ka'Pfr was to fling for the Brookfeds. money game outfit his the premises. SPECIAL TRAIX he announced creasingly larger amounts of than tho had ever known. The have all the stars In the world, but were twins, where would Europe be? July 4 end .", (!i43 A. M. i'anks. He turned out to be a most final blow-u- p had to come. If the Feds hadn't come along with their bags every man Is playing ball for all that huckleberry. Instead. The gold, forcing explosion something bitter of the else would have worked the trick. Is In htm. Hustling spells success In several ball games, Wrangling hick had everything", Suddenly nlmost pver night the fan waked up to discover his Idol had clay baseball, as It does In many other After wnning a touch of wlldness to add as feet. He suddenly realized that the ball player, frequently without education, tilings, and unless the Stock Yards Kcff booted one into the discard, but Annapolis and U. S. a little sauce. His fast ball buzzed League Standing received a fortune for doing what thousands do for the more Joy of physical boys meet with come bad luck In the as Bill Shakespeare renmrksd, across the dish in the darkness. His action He suddenly realized, too, that a most ungraceful scramble was going way of Injuries to players, look out games a man wins are interred with Naval Academy curve had the Grlffa' backing away on bv those same players to obtain even more. Ho suddenlv realized that for them. rom the table and every now and then AMERICAN LEAGUE. organized baseball had lived largely on honor and that the player's honor was Boston has a hard row to hoe for his bones." 5 Minutes Each Hour he turned loose a teasing slow one me somen wue. me uei-iaio- was swuu uisappearing oeiore ine tan lurnea tho next few weeks. The club leaves CHATTER. that had the enemy breaking their Standing of the Clubs. his back on the whole sorry picture. home this week for a long awing around l)XJU Trip In i.--s backs vain efforts to connect with -- Today- the circuit, and It will have to work When a baseball game over, It. Won. Lost. Tct. Win Lost. hard to prevent Detroit and Chicago Every Only in one Inning did the Griffmen Chicago ti 22 .(76 .681 .667 from drawing away. Tho Red Sox nre it is over; but when a regatta is Half Hour to Dnl'lmore threaten to score, the seventh. They Boston 36 23 .610 .017 .609 Sally Circuit Players a fair road club, but by no means a over, it has just started. failed because Old Man Roy Hartzell, Detroit 40 27 .597 603 .683 Amateur Notes. wonderful one. and It will surprise mo Washington, Baltimore & with forty yeara of experience be- New York 34 31 .523 .630 .613 Bought by Athletics greatly If they aro not well astern of hind him. caught Chick Gandll's easy WASHINGTON... 31 29 .M7 .642 .608 Holy Name us and the Chicago outfit when they Cleveland 23 29 .371 .331 St. Dominic's, of tho Annapolis R. fly arid pegged perfectly to the plate .:5 per- get back to Fenway Park. EloctrloR. In time to kill Eddie Foster. On one Bt Louis 22 41 .349 .369 .341 League, came as near to playing CHARLESTON, S. C. July 3 Pitcher The race Is only half over now, and C Custom other occasion. In the eighth, McBrlda Philadelphia ti 42 .344 .334 .333 fect baseball yesterday as amateur Dana Fillg'.m and left fielder Everett a lot of changes In position may be 7 got to pitcher, looked for between now second on a high throw from Today's teams ever do. Not only did Its Bnnliston were sold today Jo tho Phila- and tho end Tailored Pecklnpaugh, but Tommy Connolly Games. Joe Marsden keep St. Joseph's from hit- delphia Athletics by Charleston of the campaign. After what the ll2 Merchants and Miners Trans. Co. (2 the 14 Washington games). was unable to Jilt one that High could at New York throughout nine Innings, Braves did last season. I wouldn't be to-- , Cleveland at St. Louis. ting him but South Atlantic League Club. They win surprised to see even Clove-lan- d Suits not reach with a s.tlff gallop over well and shut out Its op- St. Louis or Personally ward left. So the besj. laid plans Chicago at Detroit. the team hit Join tho Mackmen sometime this month, win the pennant In our league. of Philadelphia at Boston. ponents by 12 to 0. Fifteen bingles were But you must Stalllngs Old Fox Griff Went to the bad. 'His garnered St. Dominic's lads. as the Sally season Is due to close remember that a- - bv tho. had three wonderful pitchers going Conducted Tours boys just could not do single little thirty mon faced Marsden, twenty-se- July 20. llllglm Is a right hander. ana at Tomorrow's Games. But tho top of their form to raise him out Newcorn & Green Leaving Wed., July 1915, thing with that Cranberry Pieh out ven striking out and a spit how- Baltimore '1st, for on the slab. Chicago at Detroit. of them tne ball artist. Like Bingston, of the cellar, while there Is no club Cleveland at St. Louis. other three getting a free base. His ever, he bats left handed. Fllligim similarly blessed among the lowly In N. W. ULIJ rwl.NT COMFORT, PROVIDENCE, team gave him splendid support at the 1002 F Street BOSTON, AX1) Fritz Maiael'g 'eagerness to score Pitched today and lost to Columbua. our own circuit at present. .NEWPORT. .NEW bat. ASTLE-UY-THE-hU- A spoiled Art attempt of the in Yesterday's Results. giving up seven hits. Bankston got a I Yanks New York. 1; Washington, 0. fourth, p y tho tnoush it did serve to 2; Advent, the runner-u- In the East hit and scored Charleston's only run. Twelve-da- Trip, wake up the gamblers, those boys Detroit. Chicago. 1. During AMUStMriNIS $60.00, Cleveland-St- . Louis, rain. Washington Sunday School League, Both were bought from the Cordole Vacation Period Including Necessary Expenses, with two bits on the result. How Philadelphia-Bosto- by 2 to rain. yesterdav defeated Reformation Georgia State League Cluh last year. And Wednesday. August ISth, 101ft. for they did1 bawl him out. Peck opened 0, and therebv broke tho tie and having Why r.ot Havo Us Paint with a .walk, only to be forced by whero Fin'gim led the pitchers and Mats., Ually :sc. NORFOLK, OLD POINT COMFORT, the chance to play for tho title In tn PROVIDENCE. NEWPORT, BOSTON, Masel. The latter promptly stole and . first half of the season with Keller Bansston the batters. Kvgt Sc. CO:. 75c reached third whllo Neff, after a neat today. With an average of .359. hitting thirty-on- e r,Z?Z AUTOMOBILE? poLrs AND NARRAGANSETT PIER stop, tossed out Plpp. Maisel Imag- Standing of the home runs to date, llllglm has won In Maetrrllnck's Eleven-da- y Clubs. twelve, lost five nnd t ed one. He won Arrerlca's Representative Stnck Co. Trip, $52.00. ined he could steal home on Shaw's . Today- - Roscdale, In the Rosedale League, wind-u- p. He It vic- ten In a row Ira Thomas has been Including Nectssary Expenses. tried and found Henry Won.Lost. Pet. Win. Lo added another to Its long strlnir of S. F. Send (or Itinerary. waiting for him with the ball. Stealn Chicago 30 W .ESI .587 .671 yesterday, by defeating Gibraltar, here novernl days watching both play- MEEKS' SON tories ers. Tho price neon Main 2103 622 O ST N. W. "BLUE BIRD" . lng home on one of the fastest right-han- d Philadelphia . ... 33 27 .560 .557 .611 11 to 0. Offutt did excellent work on has not d'scloscd. P. inritet. fi. P. Jilltlnmrc, Mil. pitchers In the game, with a St. Louis 36 32 .529 .516 622 the mound for Roscdale. Offers from other scouts were made Next Week "CoTimencement Days." southpaw nitter up, is a most reck Pittsburgh 33 29 .525 .532 .516 owner Walsh, but were not nccepted. z 34 .460 .469 .453 Congress Heights League Ran- less atunt ask rril the pext time ;;.;;;; 34 In the you see him. ;gyn .460 .461 .413 dall took the game from Oxon Hill by New York 26 32 .443 .453 .441 I J NEW YORK Doc Ayers. pitching 2. Pi fCI n 0 sun. 3:0 4 8:1 j the eighth, got Cincinnati 2 33 .411 .450 .433 7 to . be- AUTOMOBILES into trouble because of two errors Mala.. 33e. Kvrulnca, --T.c t Jl hind him. but the Yanks didn't s;ire. Motorcycles and Accessories. Pniplilltlc Illtx." Stnr. and Pleh lived on Neff's wide throw, and Today's Games. A SURE SOOTHER MJNA BOSTON High mpde 8L Louis at Cincinnati. reached first when Foster a "How long will a man Ho In the grave GASOLENE CAKS. GRACE LA RUE poor peg to Gadll. Peck forced Plf'h New York at Brooklyn. ere he rot? Says "Good Dye" o and Other Popular Hits. BY SEA at third with a bounce to McBrlde, and Boston at Philadelphia. "Well. If he be not rotten ere he die, Dnnilruff. Next WeekBelle Blanche. Rupp, Allen the next two filed to McBrldo Pittsburgh at Chicago. apply & Co , Etc Itpual Holiday Mat Prices and he will last you some eight or nine Just thlx A: The Most Pleasant Route Shanks, respectively. years." Hamlet. vrondcrfnl tonic dully Sup. Monday Holiday Mit.. no Increase. Moil, Tomorrow's Games. Studebaker tnc. l Kve Performance Paging at Truth was never more plainly spoken nnd dnnilruff vrlll Mth to all Eastern and New Pittsburgh do-fll- st Doug Neff got tho Griffmcn's only real at Chicago. Is corruption us es leave forever. St. It tho within that hit. a clean smash to right with two Louis at Cincinnati. and destroys the body. Kln-P- o ELECTRIC CARS. England Resorts down In the second frame. Milan man- glanu-la- FREE APPLICATION flushes and cleanses the entire r AT .4, aged to beat out a bunt in Pieh's Yesterday's nt THE BIH front Results. (cesspool) system, and is a first J 5.5o, 7 mo. 130. yard In the seventh, and McBrlde gave St. Louis, 2; Cincinnati. 0. to nature In riding the body of Wiouuiu jM tf- J--" "I" All Water from Washington Colorado nidrr. :! Co- Pecklnpaugh - a struggle for his roller In ChlcLgo. 2, Pittsburgh. 1. the1 autotoxemlc condition which treads Bnrber Shop rate rson Orm. TODAY t'h" PKr;.h,n eighth, forcing him to wldo Brooklyn, 3: ft. nonob-servnn- 10 the make a New York. so closelv on tl.e heels of tho ur, h t. Literature nt 731 IBth St. N. W. throw across the diamond But the rain of tempernnco In meals, drink, SPECIAL OFFER OfniSivrrTrnr John Barrymore 20 Capltollans were not in a hitting mood or any human frailties Kln-P- o Phoue Mala 1320. In other n yesterday All all. thev didn't take Goodwin and Bischoff each allowed Is to vour hand to cill-- a harmless, ef- ACCESSSOR1E3. THE DICTATOR Mitt. to Pleh. Perhaps they prefer cnfcc or seven hits In the Government League, ficacious first aid to the rufferer from $i.5o wj;: $1 By Richard Harding Davia Norfolk & Washington sauerkraut or camembert but Commeice won from Marines by 6 NEXT WEEK Mary Plcktord In 10 to 3. Errors on the part of the Marine 170) street northwest Phone ' WHITE BARDERH Supply "Llttl Pal " Edgar Eelwyn. In Steamboat Co. bra-ve- L Main Nttionnl Electric Co., 15 Hardly a thousand d the clouds players were largely responsible. "Tha Arab." I'M. Literature free on'request AdvL 1X21-12- 30 H. Y. At