SAMALAMAN 1940 - 1954.

Moidart History Group was given permission from the late Jean Llewellyn, owner of Samalaman Estate, to copy and present a set of their photographs which were taken between 1940 and 1954. Some of the photos had information written on the back and a lot of additional help in describing them was given by Jean and Marian Clegg in 2016. Gordon Barr, June 2017.

Kinlochteacuis Estate, , was rented by Jean Llewellyn before buying Estate. Summer 1940. (656/543).

Kinlochteacuis, Morvern. Summer 1940.

Miss Davidson who stayed with the Crolls and worked with the family as a nanny. Kinlochteacuis, Morvern. Summer 1940.

Haymaking, Kinlochteacuis, Morvern. Summer 1940.

Haymaking, Kinlochteacuis, Morvern. Summer 1940.

Haymaking, Kinlochteacuis, Morvern. Summer 1940.

Haymaking, Kinlochteacuis, Morvern. Summer 1940.

Kinlochteacuis, Morvern. Summer 1940.

Glenuig 1942

7th from the left is Miss Editha Knocker, 8th from left is Edith Croll. Right - Mac (Ardrish) from

Ireland and pony. ~1943.

Margaret Leigh and Blossom.

Jean Kennedy on the right and Aunt Christina on the left. 1943,

Samalaman House, 1944.

Samalaman House, 1944.

Samalaman House, 1944.

Jim Maclean (right), Donald MacLure (left). Samalaman House Party 1944. Farthest left is Graham Croll.

Samalaman House Party 1944. Back row - first on left Graham Croll. Front row - farthest left Edith Croll. Third from the left is Edith Knole.

Coal arriving for Samalaman 1944.

5th from the left - Angus-Peter MacLean's Grandfather. 7th from left - Angus MacIsaac.

8th from left Dan Young (Rose Cottage). 1944.

Left to right - Edith Knocker, Edith Croll, Graham Croll, Jackie Martin, ?

House Party, Samalaman 1945. 3rd from the left Graham Croll; 5th - Edith Croll; 7th Margaret Davidson. Front row left Jean Croll.

Unknown people on board the boat. 1945.

Coal arrives at Samalaman, 1945.

Goods arrive at Glenuig 1945.

Lochailort 1946. Bunnie ? (left) and Jean Samalaman 1946. From left to right:- 2 Graham Croll. Croll; 3 Editha Knocker; 5 Edith Croll

Angus McNeil lifting potatoes, Smirisary. October 1948. Bunnie, 1946. He was the last person staying at Smirisary. He left in the 1960's.

Arrival of furniture from London to Samalaman 1946.

Arrival of furniture from London to Samalaman 1946.

Arrival of furniture from London to Samalaman 1946.

Coal arrives Samalaman 1945.

Goods arrive at Glenuig 1945.

Lochailort 1946. Bunnie ? (left) and Jean Croll. Samalaman 1946. From left to right:- 2 Graham Croll; 3 Editha Knocker; 5 Edith Croll.

Bunnie, Lochailort 1946

An unknown horse rider, 1946

An unknown horse rider, 1946.

Picnic, Samalaman 1946/7. Edith Croll on the right.

Samalaman 1946. Edith Croll in the middle.

Picnic, Samalaman 1946/7. Edith Croll on the right.

Picnic, Samalaman 1946/7.

Samalaman House, 1947.

Annie MacPherson, Smirisary. October 1948.

Left to right -1 Editha G. Knocker, 2 Edith Croll, 3 Basil Cameron, a conductor, having coffee on Samalaman veranda. October 1948.

The Boathouse, Loch na Bairness. October 1948.

The Store Boat in Samalaman Bay. October 1948

M. Gillies at Bothy, Samalaman, 1948.

Samalaman Island in the mid-distance. October 1948.

Margaret Leigh's House and Byre. October 1948.

Fishing at Dubh Lochan, 1949.

WRI outing to , 1949. Fourth from the left on the back row

is Graham Croll. Fourth on the front row is Edith Croll.

Samalaman Pier 1949. 3rd from the left is Graham Croll; 5th Miss Davidson.

Angus MacDonald's Funeral, Glenuig. January 1949.

Samalaman House 1949

Samalaman House 1949

Forsay, 1941. The back of the photo was labelled Samalaman House 1949. Edith Croll is on the as "Ronnie". right.

Glenuig, 1950.

1950. Left to right - Angus Erahan Croll Maclean, 1950. Erahan Croll Maclean, 1950. Peter Maclean, Katie Maclean, Alex Gillies

Katie Maclean at Ardanachan Cottage, Glenuig, 1950.

Ardanisgeach Cottage, Glenuig, 1950.

Miss Peggy Macdougall, Dan Young's Mother, Hugh Maclean, Jean Maclean's brother, at Glenuig. She lived to be 99 in London. beehives at Ardnaisgeach, 1950.

Left to right :- Angus-Peter Maclean Left to right - Donald, Nellie Maclean and Alex Gillies Katie Maclean; Sandy Gillies, Alex in Ardnanalan, 1950. Gillies. 1950.

Glenfinnan, 1950

Caledonian Canal 1950.

Glenfinnan, 1950 Glenfinnan, 1950

The two left are slaters on a boat at . The next right is Ronald MacDonald and the furthest right is Angus Macdonald. (1950).

Kinlochailort, 1950

Looking down Lochailort from Lochailort Inn, 1950 (before the road to Glenuig was built).

Lochailort Station, 1950.

Lochailort Inn 1950. The school and old road are behind the Inn.

Samalaman, August 1950. Left to right :- 1 Dick Martin; 2 Jackie Martin; 3 Graham Croll; 4 Jean Croll; 5 Winie Alston 6 Norman Knolles; 7 Edith Croll; 8 Norman Croll; 9 Millie Martin.

Samalaman, August 1950. Second from the left, front row, Graham Croll; third from the left, Jean Clegg.

Jean MacIsaac and Alan. August 1950.

Christina and Jeanie Kennedy, Glenuig. 1950.

Christina and Jeanie Kennedy, Glenuig. 1950.

Jean MacIsaac and Alan. August 1950.

Margaret Allan with Sandra MacDonald, 1952.

Samalaman, Christmas 1950. Left to right :- Edith Croll; Jean Croll; ? ; Graham Croll.

Samalaman, Christmas 1950. Left to right:- Edith Croll; ? ; Graham Croll; ? ; Margaret Davidson.

Samalaman, Christmas 1950. Left to right:- Graham Croll, Edith Croll, ? , ?, Margaret Davidson.

Harold and Donald Drummond, Samalaman. September 1951.

All set for the start of a motor trip north in a Jaguar. August 1951. Labelled "RA and Janet Hislop

outside Rainwood". RA is Raymond Alston? Janet Hislop was from New Zealand.

Janet Hislop and Raymond Alston picnicing in the Borders between Galashiels and Edinburgh on their motor trip north. August 1951.

Raymond Alston picnicing by the shore of Loch Tulla near Rannoch Moor on the last day of the trip north in the Jaguar. August 1951.

Egnaig August 1951.

Egnaig August 1951.

Egnaig 1951. Boys had left and Mrs Duvall moved there - son was asthmatic- then moved to Egnaig August 1951. Smirisary.

Samalaman Jetty, 1951.

Samalaman, summer 1951. Samalaman, summer 1951.

Samalaman Jetty, August 1951. Furthest on the right is Ronald Alan MacDonald the Whaler. To the left of him is Edith Croll.

Samalaman August 1951. Furthest on the right is Edith Croll. Fifth from the right is Raymond Alston.

Samalaman, August 1951. From left to right are :- 1 Hugh Laclean, Jean MacIsaac's brother;

2 Raymand Alston; 3 Jean Croll; 4 Graham Croll; 5, 6, 7 ?

Samalaman, August 1951. At Glenfinnan Games, 1951.

Smirisary, September 1951.

Smirisary, September 1951.

Samalaman, September 1951. Smirisary, September 1951. Edith Croll is the farthest on the right.

Samalaman, September 1951. Left to right:- Marjarie Drummond, Harold Drummond, Edith Croll.

Samalaman, September 1951. 1st on left - Edith Croll.

Furthest on right Margaret Davidson, Jean Crill's nanny.

Harold and Donald Drummond, Samalaman. Jean Clegg, Samalaman, September 1951. September 1951.

Samalaman, September 1951. Top left:- Margaret Davidson.

Allt Ruadh, Samalaman, September 1951.

Allt Ruadh, Samalaman, September 1951.

Angus MacIsaac and his son Allan Samalaman, Jean Croll, Robbie and ?, summer 1952. summer 1952.

Wendy Wood at Allt Ruadh, Summer 1948?

Jean Croll, Robbie and ?, summer Samalaman, Summer 1952 1952.

Summer 1952. In the middle is Winnie Alston. Summer 1952

Glenuig, October 1952. In front of the boat is Ronald Alan MacDonald. Seated on the boat is Wendy Wood.

October 1952. In the middle is Jimmy Maclean and on the right is Dick Martin.

Samalaman October 1952 Samalaman October, 1952. Edith Croll (left) and Masie Bright.

Picnic at Singing Sands, Ardnish. October 1952. Left - Dick Martin; right Edith Croll.

Boats at Glenuig, October 1952.

Mallaig, October 1952.

October 1952. Middle - Ronald MacDonald Whaler; right - Dick Martin. Left ?

October 1952. Left ?; middle - Dick Martin; October 1952. Right - Edith Croll. right - Edith Croll.

Mallaig, October 1952. Middle - Edith Croll; right Dick Martin.

Allt Ruadh. Easter 1953.

Smirisary, Easter 1953.

Smirisary, Easter 1953. On middle row, second from the left is Margaret Davidson; third from left is Jean Clegg.

Samalaman Pier. Easter 1953. Second from left is Margaret Davidson. Third from left may be Jimmy Maclean.

Easter 1953. Left is Jean Croll.

Smirisary, Easter 1953. On the right is Edith Croll.

Samalaman, Easter 1953. Furthest left is Janet Easter 1953. Back left is Margaret Davidson. Hislop; next is Jean Croll. Front left is Janet Hislop from New Zealand.

At the new pier at Glenuig. 1954. Janet Hislop?

Maurice, a friend from Blenheim, and Janet Janet Hislop at Glenuig pier, 1954. Hislop.

New Pier Glenuig, 1954

This photo is marked "Denny and S en route to Loch na Bairness. D's first evening, 1949." Parc an Dubh hut is on the left.