Year 7 – Medieval History: 1066 - Autumn 1

Week 1: Week 2: Week 3: Key terms and definitions 1066: The Three Claimants Events leading to the Battle of

A period of 10 years. For example, the years 1960- Was King of England until his death in January 1066. Edward May Harold guards the south coast of England. decade 1969 are called the 1960s, nicknamed the ‘Swinging He had no heir to the throne. Three men thought the Sixties’. they should be the next king. July- William prepares to invade. His ships are ready by Confessor August the middle of August. A period of 100 years. For example, you were born century Duke of . Friends with Edward. Edward Sept 8 Harold sends his army home to gather in the harvest. in the 21st century (which can be written C21st). had lived in Normandy growing up. Claims that William of Harold hears that Hardrada has landed in the north Edward had promised him the English throne when Sept 18 Normandy of England. The study of dates and dating. From the Greek word he died. chronology ‘chronos’ meaning time. Sept 20 Hardrada defeats Harold at the . King of . No links to King Edward but there Harold defeats Hardrada at the Before Christ. More commonly referred to now as Sept 25 was a history of Vikings ruling England e.g. Canute, Bridge. BC BCE-‘before the common era’. Harald 1016-1035. Most feared warrior in Europe. Had William sets sail for England, landing the following Hardrada Sept 27- the support of Tostig, ’s brother. day on beach. William’s men start to Anno Domini. Refers to the period after the birth of 29 prepare for battle. Jesus (for Christians). More commonly referred to AD of . One of the most powerful men in Oct 2 Harold’s army march south covering 50 miles a day. as CE-‘common era’. England. Harold’s sister was married to King Harold Edward. The Witan (council) wanted Harold to be Godwinson Oct 13 Harold reaches Hastings during the night. the next king. Claims that Edward promised him Can you write a definition for ‘anachronism’? the throne. The and Saxons fight the Battle of Challenge: Oct 14 Hastings.

Challenge: Can you add 1 more fact about each man? Challenge: Who was best prepared for the ?

Week 4: Week 5: Week 6: Normans vs. Saxons: Who was best prepared for battle? Why did the Normans win the Battle of Hastings? Source interpretation: How did King Harold die?

 Harold led around 7500 men. historical The wind changed in A piece of evidence about the past. It could be a  Harold and his men had just source 500 (trained professional Normandy at the perfect time photo, a letter, a history book or even a ! fought a battle in the north soldiers). for William to set sail for  7000 (soldiers who were usually farmers and marched south. Saxons England. Where the source comes from e.g. who it is by and but fought when needed). provenance Harold fought with foot when they wrote it.  Favoured weapon was a battle-axe. William used the trick of soldiers and the fyrd, making it  Some housecarls rode horses but most were retreating to bring the English difficult for them to move on foot. soldiers down the hill. purpose Why did someone write/draw/make this source? quickly.  Only the housecarls wore chainmail/armour.  William’s army was around 7500 men. reliability Can you trust this source to tell you the truth  He also brought 4000 blacksmiths, The English chased the The Normans had skilled about how King Harold died? Why/why not? carpenters, medics and cooks. Normans down the hill, coming cavalry. (Knights on  All soldiers were fully trained. Normans away from their . horseback.) How useful is the source for finding out about how  Infantry all carried a sword and a spear. usefulness King Harold died? Does it help you to learn about  Cavalry soldiers fought on horses. this topic?  Archers were the only section of William’s Challenge: Categorise these reasons and add three more of army that didn’t wear armour. your own. Why might you trust a source written by a Challenge: Challenge: Which army was best equipped for battle? Norman about how Harold died?