Lobbyist s donat ed $1. 8 mi lli on to New Mexi co campaigns si nce 2013

New Mexico In Depth analyzed 3,764 campaign contributions fun- neled through lobbyists between 2013 and April 2015 using data from the Secretary of State's office.

Donations by party Most money went to the GOP in the 2014 election cycle and beyond

Affiliation R D

0K 100K 200K 300K 400K 500K 600K 700K 800K 900K 1000K Amount

Winners and losers Donations by race Lobbyists backed winners most of The state House races drew the most money, the time - and GOP winners more as the GOP took the chamber for the first often than Dems. time in more than 60 years.

Won or lost Recipient type 800K 1000K 600K

400K Amount

Amount 500K 200K


0K Party House Senate PAC or PAC of state of general Attorney Secretary LW Governor

Top 30 Recipients Top 30 Lobbyists

Recipient Lobbyist Susana Martinez James Bullington Nate Gentry Mickey Barnett W. Ken Martinez Anthony (T.J.) Trujillo Hector Balderas Stephen Perry Ken Martinez Leadership Fu.. Marla Shoats & Dan Weaks Advance New Mexico Now Natasha Ning Phil Griego Daniel A. Najjar Drew Setter Mary Kay Papen Leland Gould New Mexico Forward Robert Donaldson Susana PAC Randy Traynor James Roger Madalena Vanessa Alarid Deborah Gorenz Terry McMillan Harold Stratton Democratic Party of New Me.. Jeff Woodhouse Michael Sanchez Marco Gonzales Republican Leadership PAC Fred Ocheskey Dianna Duran Lisa Winn Zach Cook Arthur Hull II Debbie Rodella Shea Loper Tim Keller Jerry Fuentes Patricia "Patty" Lundstrom Jason R. Weaks Conrad James Mark Duran Stuart Ingle Cynthia Laubacher Bob Barberousse Don Tripp Speaker PAC Sandra Bellino Antonio Maestas Lawrence Horan John Sapien Jenifer Fuller Jessep Clemente Sanchez Shelby Fletcher Matthew Johnson

0K 100K 200K 0K 50K 100K Amount Amount

Source: New Mexico In Depth analysis of Secretary of State data