255 bus time schedule & line map

255 Hamilton - , Buchanan Bus Station View In Website Mode

The 255 bus line (Hamilton - Glasgow, Buchanan Bus Station) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Glasgow: 5:55 AM - 10:28 PM (2) Hamilton: 6:32 AM - 11:20 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 255 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 255 bus arriving.

Direction: Glasgow 255 bus Time Schedule 61 stops Glasgow Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:06 AM - 10:30 PM

Monday 5:55 AM - 10:28 PM Bus Station, Hamilton Tuesday 5:55 AM - 10:28 PM Auchingramont Road, Hamilton Cadzow Street, Hamilton Wednesday 5:55 AM - 10:28 PM

Muirhill Court, Hamilton Thursday 5:55 AM - 10:28 PM Friday 5:55 AM - 10:28 PM Arthur Street, Hamilton Arthur Street, Hamilton Saturday 6:00 AM - 10:28 PM

Caird Street, Hamilton Bothwell Road, Hamilton

May Street, Hamilton 255 bus Info Direction: Glasgow The Paddock, Hamilton Stops: 61 Trip Duration: 57 min Hamilton Park Racecourse, Hamilton Line Summary: Bus Station, Hamilton, Bothwell Road, Hamilton Auchingramont Road, Hamilton, Muirhill Court, Hamilton, Arthur Street, Hamilton, Caird Street, Training Centre, Hamilton Hamilton, May Street, Hamilton, The Paddock, Hamilton, Hamilton Park Racecourse, Hamilton, St Andrews Avenue, Bothwell Training Centre, Hamilton, St Andrews Avenue, Bothwell, Griqua Terrace, Bothwell, Blantyre Road, Griqua Terrace, Bothwell Bothwell, Blantyre Road, Bothwell, Woodlands Avenue, Bothwell, Woodlands Gardens, Bothwell, Griqua Terrace, Hornal Road, , Douglas Gardens, Blantyre Road, Bothwell Uddingston, Church Street, Uddingston, Lower Mill Gate, Uddingston, Station Road, Uddingston, 3 Uddingston Road, Scotland Belmont Avenue, Uddingston, New Edinburgh Road, Blantyre Road, Bothwell Uddingston, Blantyre Farm Road, Birkenshaw, Dunvagen Place, Uddingston, Road, Broomhouse, Broomhouse Nursery, Broomhouse, Woodlands Avenue, Bothwell Road, Mount Vernon, Daldowie Doocot, Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon Avenue, Mount Woodlands Gardens, Bothwell Vernon, Hamilton Road, Mount Vernon, Woodend Road, Mount Vernon, Kenmuirhill Road, Mount Hornal Road, Uddingston Vernon, Hamilton Road, Mount Vernon, Aberuthven Drive, Mount Vernon, Falside Road, Tollcross, Douglas Gardens, Uddingston Fullarton Avenue, Tollcross, Causewayside Street, Tollcross, Altyre Street, Tollcross, Wellshot Road, Church Street, Uddingston Tollcross, Tollcross Park, Tollcross, Muiryfauld Drive, Road, Scotland Tollcross, Drumover Drive, Tollcross, Crail Street, , Helenvale Street, Parkhead, St Michaels Lower Mill Gate, Uddingston Lane, Parkhead, Eastern Necropolis, Parkhead, Society Street, Parkhead, Forge Retail Park, Station Road, Uddingston Parkhead, Fielden Street, Gallowgate, St Mungo's Hamilton Road, Scotland Academy, Gallowgate, Crownpoint Sports Park, Gallowgate, Sword Street, Gallowgate, Moore Street, Belmont Avenue, Uddingston Gallowgate, Sydney Street, Gallowgate, Bain Street, Gallowgate, Ross Street, Gallowgate, Glasgow New Edinburgh Road, Uddingston Cross, Glasgow, Wilson Street, Glasgow, Queen St, Glasgow, Buchanan Bus Station, Glasgow, Buchanan Bus Station, Glasgow Blantyre Farm Road, Birkenshaw

Dunvagen Place, Uddingston Dunvegan Place, Scotland

Baillieston Road, Broomhouse Hamilton Road, Scotland

Broomhouse Nursery, Broomhouse

Daldowie Road, Mount Vernon

Daldowie Doocot, Mount Vernon

Mount Vernon Avenue, Mount Vernon Hamilton Road, Scotland

Hamilton Road, Mount Vernon

Woodend Road, Mount Vernon

Kenmuirhill Road, Mount Vernon Hamilton Road, Glasgow

Hamilton Road, Mount Vernon

Aberuthven Drive, Mount Vernon Aberuthven Drive, Glasgow

Falside Road, Tollcross Falside Road, Glasgow

Fullarton Avenue, Tollcross

Causewayside Street, Tollcross

Altyre Street, Tollcross

Wellshot Road, Tollcross Tollcross Road, Glasgow

Tollcross Park, Tollcross 610 Tollcross Road, Glasgow

Muiryfauld Drive, Tollcross 421 Tollcross Road, Glasgow Drumover Drive, Tollcross

Crail Street, Parkhead

Helenvale Street, Parkhead

St Michaels Lane, Parkhead St Michael's Lane, Glasgow

Eastern Necropolis, Parkhead

Society Street, Parkhead

Forge Retail Park, Parkhead Dalserf Court, Glasgow

Fielden Street, Gallowgate Neweld Close, Glasgow

St Mungo's Academy, Gallowgate

Crownpoint Sports Park, Gallowgate 599-601 London Road, Glasgow

Sword Street, Gallowgate 564 Gallowgate, Glasgow

Moore Street, Gallowgate Moore Street, Glasgow

Sydney Street, Gallowgate 4 Chalmers Court, Glasgow

Bain Street, Gallowgate 332 Gallowgate, Glasgow

Ross Street, Gallowgate 155 Gallowgate, Glasgow

Glasgow Cross, Glasgow Trongate, Glasgow

Wilson Street, Glasgow 33 Glassford Street, Glasgow

Queen St, Glasgow 9 George Square, Glasgow

Buchanan Bus Station, Glasgow 10 Killermont Street, Glasgow

Buchanan Bus Station, Glasgow Stances 1-22, Glasgow Direction: Hamilton 255 bus Time Schedule 66 stops Hamilton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:10 AM - 11:20 PM

Monday 6:32 AM - 11:20 PM Buchanan Bus Station, Glasgow Stances 1-22, Glasgow Tuesday 6:32 AM - 11:20 PM

Bath Lane, Glasgow Wednesday 6:32 AM - 11:20 PM Reneld Street, Glasgow Thursday 6:32 AM - 11:20 PM Drury Street, Glasgow Friday 6:32 AM - 11:20 PM 17-19 Drury Street, Glasgow Saturday 7:06 AM - 11:20 PM Argyll Arcade, Glasgow Maxwell Street, Glasgow

Gallery Of Modern Art, Glasgow 227 Ingram Street, Glasgow 255 bus Info Direction: Hamilton Trongate, Glasgow Stops: 66 2-12 Argyle Street, Glasgow Trip Duration: 68 min Line Summary: Buchanan Bus Station, Glasgow, Candleriggs, Glasgow Bath Lane, Glasgow, Drury Street, Glasgow, Argyll 103 Trongate, Glasgow Arcade, Glasgow, Gallery Of Modern Art, Glasgow, Trongate, Glasgow, Candleriggs, Glasgow, Watson Watson Street, Gallowgate Street, Gallowgate, Ross Street, Gallowgate, Barrack Gallowgate, Glasgow Street, Gallowgate, Sydney Street, Gallowgate, Graham Square, Gallowgate, Sword Street, Ross Street, Gallowgate Gallowgate, St Mungo's Academy, Gallowgate, 181 Gallowgate, Glasgow Street, Gallowgate, Forge Retail Park, Parkhead, Society Street, Parkhead, Eastern Barrack Street, Gallowgate Necropolis, Parkhead, St Michaels Lane, Parkhead, 370 Gallowgate, Glasgow Sorby Street, Parkhead, Crail Street, Parkhead, Drumover Drive, Tollcross, Muiryfauld Drive, Tollcross, Sydney Street, Gallowgate Tollcross Park, Tollcross, Wellshot Road, Tollcross, Altyre Street, Tollcross, Ardfern Street, Tollcross, Graham Square, Gallowgate Causewayside Street, Tollcross, Fullarton Avenue, 3 Graham Square, Glasgow Tollcross, Snooker Hall, Tollcross, Aberuthven Drive, Tollcross, Grove, Mount Vernon, Hamilton Sword Street, Gallowgate Road, Mount Vernon, Kenmuirhill Road, Mount 555 Gallowgate, Glasgow Vernon, Hamilton Road, Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon Avenue, Mount Vernon, Daldowie Doocot, St Mungo's Academy, Gallowgate Mount Vernon, Daldowie Road, Mount Vernon, Broomhouse Nursery, Broomhouse, Baillieston Road, Millerston Street, Gallowgate Broomhouse, Dunvegan Place, Birkenshaw, Blantyre David Street, Glasgow Farm Road, Birkenshaw, Park Road, Uddingston, Belmont Avenue, Uddingston, Gardenside Street, Forge Retail Park, Parkhead Uddingston, Spindlehowe Road, Uddingston, Old Glasgow Road, Uddingston, Douglas Gardens, Society Street, Parkhead Uddingston, Hornal Road, Uddingston, Woodlands Society Street, Glasgow Gardens, Bothwell, Woodlands Crescent, Bothwell, Blantyre Road, Bothwell, The Glebe, Bothwell, Green Eastern Necropolis, Parkhead Street, Bothwell, Orchard Avenue, Bothwell, Sewage Works, Hamilton, Hamilton Park Racecourse, St Michaels Lane, Parkhead Hamilton, The Paddock, Hamilton, May Street, Ewing Place, Glasgow Hamilton, Hamilton College School, Hamilton, Arthur Street, Hamilton, Montrose Crescent, Hamilton, Sorby Street, Parkhead Almada Street, Hamilton, Auchingramont Road, Southbank Street, Glasgow Hamilton, Park Road, Hamilton, Bus Station, Hamilton Crail Street, Parkhead

Drumover Drive, Tollcross

Muiryfauld Drive, Tollcross 421 Tollcross Road, Glasgow

Tollcross Park, Tollcross 648 Tollcross Road, Glasgow

Wellshot Road, Tollcross

Altyre Street, Tollcross

Ardfern Street, Tollcross Ardfern Street, Glasgow

Causewayside Street, Tollcross

Fullarton Avenue, Tollcross

Snooker Hall, Tollcross

Aberuthven Drive, Tollcross

Sandyhills Grove, Mount Vernon Sandyhills Grove, Glasgow

Hamilton Road, Mount Vernon

Kenmuirhill Road, Mount Vernon

Hamilton Road, Mount Vernon

Mount Vernon Avenue, Mount Vernon Briarwood Court, Scotland

Daldowie Doocot, Mount Vernon

Daldowie Road, Mount Vernon

Broomhouse Nursery, Broomhouse

Baillieston Road, Broomhouse Hamilton Road, Scotland

Dunvegan Place, Birkenshaw

Blantyre Farm Road, Birkenshaw

Park Road, Uddingston

Belmont Avenue, Uddingston 12 Glasgow Road, Scotland

Gardenside Street, Uddingston 167 Main Street, Scotland Spindlehowe Road, Uddingston

Old Glasgow Road, Uddingston

Douglas Gardens, Uddingston

Hornal Road, Uddingston

Woodlands Gardens, Bothwell

Woodlands Crescent, Bothwell

Blantyre Road, Bothwell

The Glebe, Bothwell

Green Street, Bothwell School Lane, Scotland

Orchard Avenue, Bothwell

Sewage Works, Hamilton

Hamilton Park Racecourse, Hamilton Bothwell Road, Hamilton

The Paddock, Hamilton

May Street, Hamilton

Hamilton College School, Hamilton Bothwell Road, Hamilton

Arthur Street, Hamilton Arthur Street, Hamilton

Montrose Crescent, Hamilton

Almada Street, Hamilton

Auchingramont Road, Hamilton 31-51 Auchingramont Road, Hamilton

Park Road, Hamilton 1-17 Park Road, Hamilton

Bus Station, Hamilton 255 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved