Spring 2004 Issue 2

Contents SOME GLIMPSES ON FEDERAL ELECTIONS IN CANADA 1. CUPP inside the Elections ...... 1 Yuliya Zabelina, Taras Shevchenko National Pedagogical University, Luhansk 2. Observing the Elections ...... 2

3. 62 CUPP Days ...... 8 CUPP & Elections Ukrainian elections of 2004 will indicate whether can integrate successful- It has been thirteen years since the 4. The Roots of Canadian Success 13 ly with the rest of the world. In case of fail- Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Program ure, I fear it will suffer further decline. 5. Academic Zone ...... 14 began giving Ukrainian students the opportunity to intern at the Canadian Canada, a country with the rule of law and 6. Participants ...... 21 Parliament in . However, this year true democratic order, serves as a good CUPP'04 participants were lucky enough model for Ukraine. Ukrainian interns won't 7. CUPP Page ...... 22 to observe the federal elections through- pass up the opportunity to help their out 's and Alberta's ridings. The home country and as such they spend 40 8. Alumni ...... 23 Program's Executive Board, as well as the hours of volunteering per week in election students, expect that experiencing the campaigns, examining the specifics of the 9. Why Ukrainian Studies ...... 29 atmosphere of the feverish electoral races Canadian Electoral system, which is well- 10. Historic Hart House ...... 32 in Canada will help make the upcoming known in the world for its universal suf- presidential election in Ukraine democrat- frage. 11. Survey ...... 34 ic, equality-based and transparent. The Continuation p. 7

Contact Us Chair of Ukrainian Studies Foundation 620 Spadina Avenue , Ontario Canada M5S 2H4 Tel.: (416) 923-3318 Fax: (416) 234-9114 www.KATEDRA.org

CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM 620 Spadina Avenue, Toronto CHAIR OF UKRAINIAN STUDIES , Liberal , Liberal -Lakeshore St. Paul's The Honorable Jean Augustine was Carolyn Bennett was born on born in Grenada. Before entering December 20th, 1951, in Toronto, St. politics she was an Elementary Paul's riding. Her parents owned a School Principal with the Toronto flower shop that was called after her District Catholic School Board. She Mother: "Eunice Denby Flowers". has served on numerous Boards Having graduated from college, including the Board of Governors of Carolyn went to medical school at the York University, the Board of University of Toronto, completed her Trustees for The Hospital for Sick medical residency in Australia and in Children, the Board of Directors of Barbados. the Donwood Institute. Working as a family physician in Toronto and also an Assistant In 1993 Ms. Augustine became the first African Canadian Professor in the Department of Family and Community woman elected to the . From 1994 to Medicine at U of T, Dr. Bennett led the fight to save Women's 1996 she was the to the Prime Minister College hospital. This was a crucial moment in Carolyn's carrier of Canada. Ms. Augustine also served three terms as Chair of as it has inspired her to stand for public office. the National Liberal Women's Caucus. On May 26, 2002 Jean Dr. Carolyn Bennett was first elected for the House of Augustine was appointed Minister of State (Multiculturalism) Commons for the Toronto riding of St. Paul's in 1997 (Status of Women). Ms. Augustine was the Founding Chair of and was re-elected in 2000. On December 12, 2003 she was the Canadian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and named Minister of State (Public Health) by Prime Minister Paul Development, Chair of the National Sugar Caucus, Chair of the Martin. n Micro-credit Summit Council of Canadian Parliamentarians, Chair of the Canada-Slovenia Parliamentary Group and Chair of the Canada-Africa Parliamentary Group. n

Markiyan Malskyy, Ivan Franko National University A short intro to the elections It is always important to analyze the primary goals of the THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY political parties of the country, as they by their claims, pre- sent different visions for society, and how the country In 1844 in Coningsby, Benjamin Disraeli, future should be governed. Ukrainian students have to be Conservative prime minister of Britain, described conser- informed about the structures, framework and goals of the vatism as "an unhappy cross-breed; the mule of politics leading political parties of Canada, as this will in the future, that engenders nothing." He wrote this when increase political stability with all its benefits for the society. "Conservative" was first appearing as a party designation. However, it is difficult to highlight the platforms of different On October 15, 2003 a historic agreement was signed that parties, so we chose to emphasize only the mandates of united the Alliance & Progressive Conservative Parties in the three parties, where the CUPP'04 students were Canada. After the union of two conservative parties, in less observing the federal elections. than one hundred days, membership swelled from 142,000 The origin of Canadian political parties can be traced to the to over 275,000. early days of the English and French colonies of Upper and Today the Conservative Party promises: Lower Canada. For the first half century after l Confederation, Canada had a two-party system, like Great 25% tax cut for middle-income earners, with the Britain's, after which it was modelled. Nationally, since long-term goal of pulling Canadian tax rates lower 1921, there have been representatives of at least 3 and than the U.S. more, often 4 or even 5 political parties in Parliament. The l Provide a $2,000 tax deduction per child for fami- Liberal party, the Conservative party and the Co-operative lies. Commonwealth Federation (and its successor the New l Lower business and capital-gains taxes and elimi- Democratic Party) have been represented in every nate the capital tax. Parliament since 1935. n l Eliminate annual surplus in Employment Insurance fund. n

2 CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM Sarmite Bulte, Liberal Bill Graham, Liberal Parkdale-High Park Toronto Centre Born in Hamilton, Ontario in 1953. Born in and raised in Married with three children. In October , Bill completed his LL.B. 1998, the Canadian Embassy in at the University of Toronto and Washington presented her with the received his Doctorate in Law from Award for Outstanding Contribution to the University of Paris. Bill practiced Businesswomen's Association in Canada. Sarmite Bulte, a lawyer, was Law before teaching International elected to the House of Commons in Trade Law and Public International June 1997 and re-elected in November Law at the University of Toronto 2000. From August 2000 to December Faculty of Law. 2002, she served as Parliamentary Mr. Graham intends to identify on what issues Canada can real- Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage. In November 2002, Sarmite was appointed Chair of the Prime Minister's Task ly play a catalytic role in global affairs, in support of meeting Force on Women Entrepreneurs. In February 2004, Sarmite was real public security, sustainable development, poverty allevia- elected as Chair of the Ontario caucus, the largest of the Liberals' tion, economic growth and social justice. Bill has been a cham- regional caucuses. She was also elected as Chair of the pion in caucus and Cabinet of increased funding for social hous- Parliamentary Committee on Canadian Heritage. ing, agenda of crime prevention and safety for cities. Current Chair of the Federal Branch of the Commonwealth First elected as the MP for Toronto Centre in 1993, re-elected Parliament Association (CPA) and serves as the Canadian in 1997 and 2000. 1995-2002 - Bill served as the Chairman of Regional Representative to the International Executive Committee the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International of the CPA. Trade. In January 2002 Bill was appointed Minister of Foreign Ms Bulte has previously chaired the Sub-Committee on Affairs. n International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investment, and has been a member of the Prime Minister's Task Force on Youth Entrepreneurs and the Liberal Caucus Task Force on Financial Institutions. Before entering politics, Ms Bulte ran her own law firm in Toronto from 1980 to 1998. A founding member and director of the Women Entrepreneurs of Canada and served as its Vice-President, International. n

THE LIBERAL PARTY THE The Liberal Party, which has dominated federal politics The (NDP), founded in Ottawa in 1961 at a convention unit- throughout the 20th century as the "government party," first ing the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), developed its formula for political success under the leader- affiliated unions of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) ship of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who was prime minister from and New Party clubs, is a democratic socialist party and a 1896 to 1911. In clear contrast to its enjoyment of power member of the Socialist International. Because of the elec- through the politics of pragmatism in this century, the toral system, the NDP, like the CCF before it, has consis- party's 19th-century history is a record of long decades of tently received a smaller percentage of the seats in opposition to the richest through the pursuit of reform prin- Parliament than its percentage of votes. In 1988 the party ciples. Liberal Party officials in the 1990s claimed some achieved a historic high of 43 seats, but in the following 250 000 adherents. election of 1993 the party plummeted to a record low of 9 seats and lost official party status in the House of Today the Liberal Party promises: Commons. l Use budget surplus to pay down national debt with Today the New Democratic Party promises: goal of reducing it to 25 per cent of GDP. l Committed to balanced budgets but not debt- l Sell off government shares in Petro-Canada and reduction. invest proceeds in an eco-friendly technology fund. l Targeted tax cuts for low- and middle-income l Promise a 10-year plan with a sustained boost in earners. health transfers to the provinces. n l Eliminate GST for essential goods. n

CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM 3 , Liberal David Kilgour, Liberal Trinity-Spadina Edmonton-Beaumont Tony was born in 1957. He earned a David was born on February 18th, Bachelor of Science degree from the 1941 in Winnipeg. While studying at University of Toronto. St John's Ravenscourt School, he won the Governor General's medal, A life long resident of Trinity-Spadina, and later completed a B.A. in Tony has been active in all aspects Economics at the University of of his community, including ratepay- Manitoba and an L.L.B from the ers associations, charities, and work- University of Toronto in 1966. ing with emotionally challenged chil- dren. He continues to work closely Following the '68 election, David went with communities - Queen West, Chinatown, Little , on to work for the federal Department of Justice and later Portugal Village. became Crown Attorney for the Dauphin Judicial District in Manitoba. Tony Ianno was first elected to the House of Commons as Member of Parliament for Trinity-Spadina in 1993. As M.P., From 1990-1994, he served as the Chair of the Canadian chap- Tony has been a creative legislator. His most recent policy ini- ter of the International Committee for a Free Vietnam, and he tiative was a Private Member's Bill aimed at strengthening legal continues to shed light on the plight of political prisoners in protection for children against abuse by reforming existing Vietnam. David is also passionate about Rwanda and ensuring Criminal Code regulations and encouraging a more pro-active that the atrocities committed there in the mid-90's are never approach by governments to educate the public with regards to repeated. n the health, safety, and care of children. n

Jurij Klufas, Conservative Jack Layton, NDP Parkdale-High Park Toronto-Danforth Jurij Klufas has spent much of his life Born in Montreal in 1950, Jack grew living, working and volunteering in up in the small town of Hudson, Parkdale-High Park. . His education in public ser- vice and personal integrity started at He speaks French, Ukrainian, Italian home. As a McGill University stu- and Spanish, and he studied Political dent, Jack fought successfully to built Science in Rome, Italy. Jurij has student housing co-ops - the begin- been an executive member of the for- ning of an enduring passion for mer Parkdale-High Park PC Riding affordable housing for all. Jack went Association, and he has participated on to study foreign investment and as an executive of other provincial and federal riding associa- public policy at York University, earning a PhD in 1984. He tions. joined the NDP in 1970. As a business owner and an executive in the arena of diversity Working in a balanced budget context, he became known as a television, Jurij has traveled around the world and gained a problem solver and leader who combines a principled, compas- global perspective on the issues facing Canada. He is the sionate vision with a practical outlook. founder and president of the annual Bloor West Village Ukrainian Festival, and a dedicated promoter of community Jack saw one of Canada's most serious social problems - home- events and fundraisers. n lessness. The result was his influential book "Homelessness: The Making and Unmaking of the Crisis". With it, Jack sparked a national debate and helped push federal and provincial gov- ernments into launching new initiatives to house low- and mid- dle-income families. This year he was elected the leader of NDP. n

4 CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM Dennis Mills, Liberal , Liberal Toronto-Danforth Beaches East-York Dennis Mills was born July 19, 1946 Maria Minna was elected to Toronto, Ontario. Dennis has long Parliament in October 1993. She conducted business in Toronto. Prior was appointed Vice-Chair of the to entering parliamentary and public Standing Committee on Human life, Dennis owned and ran Chairman Resources Development in 1994 and Mills, a special events management served as Parliamentary Secretary to company. the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration from 1996 to 1998. Dennis has always been motivated by big ideas and inspired by the peo- Her voice has been heard, loud and ple who work relentlessly to make them happen. clear, on such issues as child poverty, child care, early learning programs, affordable housing, shelter for the homeless, support He was first elected to parliament in the 1988 general election. for small business, seniors' issues, etc. He has consistently won re-election by wide margins in the diverse Danforth area of Toronto. He has served on a number She served as a director of the National Council on Welfare and of parliamentary committees. as a member of the United Way Campaign Committee, the Women's Legal Education Action Fund and the National Action He was re-elected in 1993 and 1997 to represent the federal Committee on Immigrant and Visible Minority Women, and riding of Broadview-Greenwood, and again in 2000 for the re- president of the National Congress of Italian-. named riding of Toronto-Danforth, a vibrant community of about 110,000 residents in Toronto's downtown east end. n A public policy consultant by profession, Maria Minna was appointed Vice-Chair of the Worker's Compensation Board of Ontario's Chairman's Task Force on Vocational Rehabilitation in 1986. n

Lida Preyma, Conservative , Liberal Etobicoke Centre Don Valley East Lida Preyma was a Catherwood Yasmin Ratansi was born and raised Scholar, majored in International in Tanzania. She pursued studies in Relations and was granted an Honors England before immigrating to B.A. from the University of Toronto. Canada almost for 30 years ago. Until becoming conservative candi- Ms. Ratansi has been involved in fed- date in Etobicoke Centre, Lida eral, provincial and municipal politics Preyma managed "As Prime Minister for over 20 years. She was the fed- Awards" program - an important eral Liberal candidate for the riding of annual essay-writing competition for Don Valley East in 1988, where she post-secondary students with vision- came within a narrow margin of defeating a formidable ary ideas on how to improve life in Canada. Most recently Conservative candidate. She served on the federal campaign worked as Managing Director, Corporate Citizenship - Magna's committee in 1992 and has been the treasurer of LPCO from social responsibility department Magna International Inc. 1993 to 1997. Worked in BMO Nesbitt Burns and in special projects with Guardian Capital. Ms. Ratansi has served as a director on numerous Business and Professional organizations, including the Institute of Lida claims that the government must be accountable and not Certified Management Consultants of Ontario, Centre for evade responsibility to the citizens. Its goals must be compati- Addiction and Mental. n ble with those whom they serve. Lida Preyma is an active member of the community; her volun- teer efforts include working with the "Women in Transition" shel- ter, M.A.D.D., the "Out Of the Cold" program and the Ukrainian- Canadian Care Centre nursing home. n

CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM 5 , Liberal Mario Silva, Liberal York West Davenport The Honorable Judy Sgro is the Mr. Silva attended both grade school Member of Parliament for York West and secondary school in Davenport and Minister of Citizenship and community before studying at the Immigration. She has been involved University of Toronto. in public service for almost twenty In 1994, he was elected to the first of years. In 1994, Ms. Sgro was elect- three terms at ed to Metropolitan Toronto Council as where he was appointed Acting a Regional Councilor. She initiated Mayor and served as Chair of the Canada's first "John school" to com- Economic Development Committee. bat street prostitution, a model The Committee created the first economic strategy plan for across Canada and the United States. Toronto, outlining the direction for the city in the years ahead. Since being elected to the House of Commons in 1999, Judy As Vice-Chair of the Toronto Transit Commission, Mario chal- has served as Chair of the Toronto Waterfront Sub-Committee, lenged all attempts to raise fares. As Chair of Exhibition Place, has been a member of committees on the Justice and Human Mario oversaw the installation of Toronto's first energy produc- Rights, Human Resources Development, Public Accounts and ing wind turbine and also led efforts to redevelop the Exhibition the Sub-committee on the Status of Persons with Disabilities. Place site. She chaired the GTA Sub-committee of the Toronto Waterfront Mr. Silva's commitment to environmental issues was recognized Revitalization project and was a member of the 2008 Federal when he was selected as President of the International Council Olympic Bid. In January 2003, she was appointed for Local Environment Initiatives. Mr. Silva also supported a Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Works and vision of public service and urban renewal that focused on bet- Government Services. n ter serving the needs of residents. As Member of Parliament for Davenport, Mario will carry his message of democratic renewal and public service to Ottawa. n

Joseph Volpe, Liberal Borys Wrzesnewskyj, Liberal Eglinton-Lawrence Etobicoke Centre Prior to entering politics, from 1971 to A native of Etobicoke, the grandson 1988, Joe Volpe had been a teacher, of Ukrainian immigrants, Borys Department Head and Vice-Principal Wrzesnewskyj is the current within Toronto Catholic School Board. President and owner of both the During that time, he had served on Future Bakery and M-C Dairy - well several community boards: the established, innovative businesses Columbus Centre, The March of headquartered in Etobicoke. For the Dimes, the Italian-Canadian high achievements in business Mr. Benevolent Corporation and the Wrzesnewskyj was named one of Ethnic Organization for the Ontario's "Top 100 Entrepreneurs" by Handicapped. Joe Volpe had also co-founded the META centre the Ontario Business Journal. Mr. Wrzesnewskyj attended for the Developmentally Handicapped and J. Cardinal Humber Valley Village School, transferring to Upper Canada McGuigan High School. College to complete his high school education with distinction. From there, he went on to complete his B.A. at Trinity College, Since entering politics in 1988 as the Liberal Member of University of Toronto, before taking over the family business at Parliament for Eglinton-Lawrence, Joe Volpe had also served on the age of 22. a number of Parliamentary Committees including employment, health and foreign affairs. While in Opposition he had held vari- Local community activist and businessman Borys Wrzesnewskyj ous critic positions for revenue, government operations, employ- was elected late in April to head the federal Liberal Association ment and arms control. Since 1993, Joe Volpe has chaired sev- in the riding of Etobicoke-Lakeshore. A member of the Liberal eral committees, including the House of Commons Standing party for the last 10 years. Previously, Borys worked as the rid- Committees on Health, Natural Resources and Government ing association's Executive Vice-President and served on its operations, The Canada-China Parliamentary Association, and executive for the past three years. n the Federal Government Ontario Caucus. From 1996 to 1998, Joe Volpe served as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health. n


Continuation from p.1

Electoral Races (June 1-27, 2004, Toronto) A tough federal election campaign is under way with the party leaders promising to make June 28th a vote on Canadian values and political leadership. The Liberal popularity in the Toronto area, won in the 2000 Election (Liberals won 172 of 301 seats), is up against the Conservatives and NDP. The media is both Ukrainian political leaders. Others, however, emphasize focussing attention on the sponsorship scandal, which the the advantage of this electoral strategy because in this situa- Liberals suffered in February 2004. According to The Toronto tion, at least one Ukrainian candidate will be elected. Star, this incident "completely damaged the ruling party's Regardless of who wins the election, Mr. Wrzesnewskyj - third chances for re-election." Nonetheless, the first weeks of cam- generation Ukrainian born in Canada, the owner of a small fami- paigning have shown that the G.T.A. will become the battle- ly business of "Future Bakery" and "MC Diary" - has already ground since the Liberals are still strong in other ridings of earned a lot of support. Yet, he still canvasses non-stop due to Ontario. The Conservatives boast about winning 60 seats in the declining interest in voting, and because of the sponsorship Ontario, while Liberal insiders still hope to take 90. This seems scandal of the Liberals. Lida Preyma, the Conservative candi- quite unlikely. The NDP is crucially vital in these elections and date in Etobicoke Centre, who is described by the Honorable will probably decide the future of Canadian Elections. Michael H. Wilson (Chairman and CEO) as a candidate who has "the youth, vibrancy and innovative ideas that are not only nec- essary, but which have been decidedly lacking in politics in Canada for quite some time", maintains strong support in Etobicoke Centre, increasing favour for the Conservative Party. A rough-and-tumble Ukrainian versus Ukrainian campaign, between a goal-minded and dedicated Borys Wrzesnewskyj and a young, attractive and smart Lida Preyma makes the Canadian Toronto's Ukrainian-Canadian Voters Federal Elections 2004 unique and essential for the future of Ukrainian-Canadians. n At the moment, a topic of most significance is whether Ukrainian-Canadians can attain more seats in the House of Commons. In total, there are more than 1,100,000 Canadian- Ukrainians living in Canada but regrettably the Ukrainian ethnic Canadian Federal Election group has only one representative acknowledging his ancestry - June 28, 2004 in the Federal Government. That makes the Canadian- Ukrainians' struggle for influence in politics difficult. Information about the federal political parties: Proportionally, there should be eleven parliamentarians on l Bloc Quebecois Founded 1990, original support- Parliamentary Hill, who could represent the Ukrainian community. ers from Conservatives and Liberals upset by failure of . Formed Official Opposition 1993-97. l Conservatives Combination of former and Progressive Conservatives, who joined forces under the title in 2003. The Role of Etobicoke Centre l Liberals First held power federally 1873; By election time in 2004 Etobicoke Centre turned out to be a held power 68 of last 100 years, competitive riding, where two outstanding Ukrainian candidates 34 of last 50. decided to run for the position of MP. Both rivals, the l New Democratic Founded 1961, combination of the Conservative Lida Preyma and a Liberal Borys Wrzesnewskyj Party (NDP) Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) party and immediately seized the chance to help sustain Canada's devel- unions in Canadian Labour opment, while preserving their Ukrainian heritage. Seemingly, Congress. Roots date to social the voices of Canadian voters with Ukrainian background will be reform movement from turn of split in half between the two Ukrainian nominees. Some point 20th century. out that this will likely minimize the electoral chances of the Canadian Press

CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM 7 DANCING SALSA May19, 2004 On May 5th CUPPers attended an evening charity event at a Latin-American club called "Lula Lounge". The event was host- ed by HELP US HELP THE CHILDREN, an organization that assists orphans in Ukraine. There was an interesting slide show, plenty of food and drinks, which made a very enjoyable night. What was most memorable and attractive was the hot CUPPERS LEARN ABOUT THE UKRAINIAN SATURDAY salsa dance. My impressions of the party were very positive, SCHOOL and I believe that all other CUPPers liked the event just as much. Waiting for another salsa party. May 15, 2004 The first visit the CUPP students made was to the Tsiopa Paliiw Ukrainian Saturday School. The school is a private institution for those interested in maintaining their Ukrainian heritage. "Our power is in ourselves" is the school's slogan, and VISITING Ukrainian parents enroll their children in the school to promote UNIVERSITY OF this sentiment. Due to the efforts of the Ukrainian Diaspora, the TORONTO Canadian Department of Education has recognized Ukrainian May 19, 2004 an international language. Some of the courses offered at the school are , History of Ukrainian Canadians, On May 19, we took a History of Ukraine, Geography of Ukraine, Ukrainian Art, and campus tour of the Ukrainian Literature. best research universi- ty in Canada - the University of Toronto [U of T] - conducted by friendly student guides, Michael and Gina, who MEETING AT CONSULATE OF UKRAINE IN TORONTO introduced us to the university and May 18, 2004 answered all questions On May 18th Ukrainian students met with Ihor Lossovskyi, the regarding academic Consul General of Ukraine in Toronto. Mr. Lossovskyi programs, residence, explained the important work of the Consulate General. The facilities and student Consulate was opened 11 years ago and now includes 8 repre- life. We had a chance sentatives to ensure the physical and judicial protection of to explore St. George, Ukrainians in Canada. In addition, the Consulate establishes the main campus with trade connections to help develop Ukraine's economy. its internationally renowned colleges: University College, Knox, Trinity, St. Michael's, Innis, New College, Victoria and CUPPers were interested in the most typical cases, which the Woodsworth; their faculties and campus services. We're Consulate must address. "The most common problems and pleased with this university tour and as they say, it is a great requests of Ukrainian citizens in Canada regard their passports, match for great minds! specifically those of lost passports," said Vice-Consul Yaroslav Sakal. CUPPers became better informed about relations of Ukrainians in Canada. ROUND TABLE AT SHEVCHENKO SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY May 20, 2004 On Thursday, May 20, 2004 the world-famous economist, for- mer representative of Ukraine at the Council of International Monetary Fund, and now the Deputy of European Department of IMF concerned with the states of former USSR, Mr. Havrylyshyn devoted his lecture to the problems of Ukraine. The topic of the lecture by Mr. Havrylyshyn was whether the Ukrainian Oligarchs were ready to allow democratic reforms to be successfully carried out in Ukraine. The key points of the lecture were the following: l major reasons of slow the transforming process of the former a market-planed economy into market economy, l the reasons of the presence of "oligarch regimes" in many of post-soviet countries, l the reasons for so-called "false" capitalism and democracy.

8 CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM Mr. Havrylyshyn presented some important data, based on his of information which Ukrainian students chose. investigations into the world economy including EBRD Index of The informal tone of the meeting and common interests of pro- Transition 2002 into full Market economy (This investigation was fessors and students made the talk extremely exiting for both concerned with the countries of the former Soviet Union, and sides. specifically, with countries like Baltics, CAS), estimated Index of GDP 2002, inflation performance, cumulative FDI per capita. But the major part of the lecture by Mr. was devoted to the eco- nomic and political issues, concerned with Ukraine. The DOORS OPEN DAYS famous economist made an effort to combine economic data with the political processes including democratization and liber- May 29, 2004 alization. On May 29 & 30 CUPPers volunteered at St. Vladimir Institute as part of Doors Open Toronto, a program that allows people to have a look inside hundreds of buildings across Toronto. Students, all wearing special blue T-shirts, were informing visi- ONTARIO LEGISLATURE TOUR tors about St. Vladimir Institute (or Vlad's, as it is affectionately May 21, 2004 known), which is a student residence and Ukrainian culture cen- tre. The two students standing at the door were welcoming visi- On May 21 CUPPers experienced Ontario's history and parlia- tors and telling them about the statue of Volodymyr the Great, mentary heritage. We had a tour to the Legislative Building, created by one of Canada's leading sculptors Leonid which was designed by architect Richard Waite. Here, Molodozhanyn. Then other CUPPers were taking guests inside, Ontario's MPP's take part in parliamentary debates and pass where they were shown to the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, laws for the province. Located in the heart of Toronto's down- St. Vlad's Theatre and the St. Vladimir Institute Library that town, Ontario's Legislative Building at Queen's Park has been houses a collection of 15,000 books in Ukrainian and English. the meeting place for Ontario's parliament since 1893. The enthusiasm of CUPPers showed that volunteering could be Ontario's history is located in the heart of Toronto! a lot of fun!

MEETING WITH THE PROF. KUZIO THE UKRAINIAN CANADIAN CARE CENTRE May 28, 2004 June 2, 2004 On May 28 the participants of CUPP had a meeting with prof. Taras Kuzio at the Munk Centre for International Studies For many people in Ukraine the worst nightmare is to see them- (University of Toronto) and with Marta Dyczok - a professor selves in a place like this… Though the idea might be socially from the University of Western Ontario, London. Mr. Kuzio good, the attitude to such places is not always the same in dif- delivered a short lecture concerning the Munk Centre, namely ferent countries. The Ukrainian Canadian Care Centre is the its functioning, construction and described the research con- biggest of its kind in Toronto. Ukrainian language and cuisine ducted by the Centre. Today the Munk Centre consists of make a guest feel welcome, where everyone is equal and has regional studies centres including Latin America Studies, social benefits in comparison to old people throughout the Canadian Studies, African Studies, Russian and East European world. In the Care Centre each year about 200 volunteers Studies etc, though the last is considered by the professor to be work, which makes a total of 70 000 hours, to support needed outdated. Ms. Dyczok held a conversation with students con- care and the feeling of importance. There are currently 120 cerning education in Canada and the USA, the admission pro- residents and everyone's beloved pet - cat Murchyk. The resi- cedure, recommendations etc. Ms. Dychok was especially dents use the beauty salon almost every week. The doctors interested in the attitude of Ukrainian students towards mass are friendly and highly professional. They offer 24-hour care to media. She raised a rhetorical question whether to trust it or the residents, which makes their hearts not as lonely, as they not. The professors constantly read the Ukrainian newspapers could be. and Internet editions, thus they were interested in the sources

CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM 9 ENJOYING A MUSICAL AT ROYAL ALEXANDER of the Cold War; and the active role of Canada in this alliance. THEATER Also the recent enlargement of NATO which occurred on May 1, 2004 was mentioned. It is considered to be one of the most June 2, 2004 important adaptations to the new security environment. The For five years Toronto has been enjoying "Mamma Mia", a musi- second part of the lecture concerned NATO, Ukraine and cal staged in Royal Alexander Theatre. Based on ABBA songs, Canada. Mr. Pesic mentioned that since 1994, NATO, Ukraine it tells a story of a wedding on a Greek island, where Sophie and Canada have participated in many initiatives such as (played Anna Madgett) strives to find her father. The plot is peacekeeping, international campaign on terrorism, defense based on the book by Catherine Johnson, music and lyrics were reform and military cooperation, civil emergency planning, sci- adjusted for the musical by ABBA members - Benny Anderson ence and the environment. NATO has established an informa- and Björn Ulvaeus. Humour and famous songs (ABBA being tion and documentation centre in . After this short lecture one of the most popular pop-group so far) guaranteed the Mr. Pesic answered all the questions with pleasure. appeal of the musical to all audiences, CUPP students includ- ing.

TOGETHER LET'S STOP HUNGER IN UKRAINE June 3, 2004 In the 3rd of June we had a meeting with Maria Stebelsky. She is a program coordinator of the project "Buy a bowl of soup" committee, of the Ukrainian Canadian Social Services. The aim of the project is to help Ukrainian citizens, who are under the poverty level, whose income is too low to feed themselves. There are 28 projects throughout the territory of Ukraine, but still some areas are not reached such as Donetsk, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovs'k, Odessa, Simferopil, Luhansk etc. There is no fault of Canadian coordinators. This is Ukraine's own choice. VISITING THE PROVINCIAL COURT The matter is that the organization of each food bank and soup kitchen depends on Ukraine's domestic initiative and efforts. June 9, 2004 30% of the funds must be local and be earned in Ukraine. On June 9th, the CUPPers were invited to visit the College Canadians donated the rest. Volunteers carry out the operating Park Provincial Court by Attorney Alex Tyssiak. The court holds and administrative functions of the organization. Only one coor- proceedings in criminal and family cases. It deals with approxi- dinator in Kyiv receives a salary of $25 per month. mately 90 % of all provincial criminal cases in Ontario. The stu- Efforts to feed impoverished Ukrainians should be continued dents were present at a court hearing, where Mr. Tyssiak acted until everyone can afford to buy a bowl of soup. as a defense consul. The case was about a woman who stole money. It was a petty crime, but she had 15 years of criminal history. She was given 6 months conditionally and one year probation. In Ukraine, it would be different. A person with a criminal record would not be given probation. After the hearing, Mr. Tyssiak invited the students to a Chinese restaurant, where they had a tasty lunch and a very exciting conversation.

"HELP US HELP THE CHILDREN" EVENT June 12, 2004 On June 12th, 2004 CUPP participants volunteered at the sec- ond annual "Walk for Shoes" charity walkathon. This event was held by Help Us Help The Children, a project of the Children of Chornobyl Canadian Fund (a voluntary, non-profit charitable ini- LECTURE OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF ATLANTIC tiative dedicated to improving the quality of life of children living COUNCIL OF CANADA in orphanages in Ukraine). The goal of the "Walk for Shoes" event was to raise funds and in-kind donations to provide one of June 4, 2004 the most needed material goods of all: children's footwear. On the 4th of June the CUPP'04 participants had meeting with CUPPers were among the first volunteers to come to Etienne Goran Pesic. He is the executive director of the Atlantic Brule Park on Saturday, June 12th. They helped in registering Council of Canada. This Council was established in 1966 and is the participants, running activities for children, assisting at the situated in Trinity College at U of T. Mr. Pesic gave a short lec- first aid station, serving as mobile posters, etc. The 5 km "Walk ture which consisted of two parts. The first one was about for Shoes" walkathon began at 10:30 and finished in an hour. It Canada and NATO. The key issues were the transformation of was followed by a friendly gathering with refreshments and NATO from collective defense organization from the times of activities. CUPPers hope that their participation in the event establishment to collective security organization since the end helped to make a difference in life of orphans in Ukraine.

10 CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM WONDERLAND - A BREAK FROM DAILY CAMPAIGNING ideas between Britain and France, and through the shared themes of J.M.W. Turner, James McNeill Whistler and Claude June 13,2004 Monet. Their works on canvas and paper are among the great- Every CUPPer was looking forward to this day... In the morn- est treasures in public and private collections in Britain, France. ing, as we got on a yellow school but we were on our way to a Germany, Switzerland, the USA and Canada. These works land of entertainment, excitement and yelling. With a colorful have never been more relevant, or spoken more loudly to audi- map in hand we started our journey. Huge mountains with a ences than they do today. Thanks CUPP for covering our tick- ride inside ("Thunder Run"), a 23-storey free fall stunt tower ets! It was a great exhibit! ("Drop Zone"), a wild cat wooden coaster ("Wild Beast"), a standing still roller coaster ("Sky Rider"), Splash Works... we didn't know what to choose and where to run. But the most popular attractions of our extreme CUPPers were "Top Gun" The materials were prepared by: Alisa Burda, (Canada's only inverted looping jet coaster) and Canada's Dmytro Chernenko, Markiyan Malskyy, Andriy Miskiw, largest free-fall swing at 150 feet - "Xtreme Sky Flyer", bravely Nataliya Nogachevska, Olena Ovchynnikova, Inna Ruda, experienced by our strong-willed boys. Oleksandra Ratushnyak, Maryna Razinkova, Victoria Shaban, Andriana Smolska, Ruslan Tykholaz, In the sunset half-asleep and tired, BUT full of impressions our Oksana Tyshchenko-Monastyrska. participants were making their way back home... This day they will hardly forget. Thank you CUPP!!!

June 16 - meeting with Irina Koropenko, Investment Executive in ScotiaMcLeod; meeting with a journalist Viktor Malarek June 17 - Visit to Ukrainian Documentation Centre for a film called "Between Hitler and Stalin" June 19 - Ukrainian Care Centre, organizing an event for senior citizens June 20 - CN Tower Tour, Dragon Boat Festival June 23 - Tour Buduchnist Credit Union; Tour of UNF; film "Oblychia Protestu" A TOUR AT AGO June 24 - Meeting with Dan Bilak - a lawyer of Gowlings June 15, 2004 Lafleur Henderson LLP On June 15-th CUPPers couldn't miss the opportunity to experi- June 26 - Festival of Fire ence some of the greatest works of art from the 19-th century. June 27 - Ride Parade, Yorkville Underground shopping So we went to the Art Gallery of Ontario. The exhibition takes a new look at Impressionism through the creative exchange of June 28 - Federal Elections June 30 - Prince Festival July 1-5 - Tour to Ottawa, Montreal and Niagara Falls July 6 - Meeting with Mr. Zalucky - partner of Mitchell, Bardyn and Zalucky - Barristers and solicitors; Shakespeare in the park "As You Like it" - outdoor theatre July 7 - Fringe, T.O.Islands - Ivana Kupala July 8 - meeting with Jim Temerty, the Northland Power; CUPP multiculturalism fest July 9 - Toronto Zoo July 10 - Toronto Street Festival July 11 - Farewell meeting CUPP 2004 July 12 - 10 students depart July 13 - 11 students depart


Yuliya Zabelina, Luhansk Ukrainians at home and abroad can help out the transitional National Taras Shevchenko country that it is. Pedagogical University I should as well add that the Luhansk region and especially Let me now take the opportunity Taras Shevchenko National Pedagogical University in Luhansk and tell you a bit about my expe- has held a strong position in CUPP since the first years the pro- rience within the CUPP coordi- gram launched its mission in Ukraine. This year the reputation nating circle. At first I would like and, let's say, the prospect of other participants from this part to extend my sincerest gratitude of Ukraine depended on how successful I would perform the to the Executive Board of CUPP role of a Ukrainian coordinator in CUPP '04. I attempted to Program for giving me this draw together all my prior knowledge and leadership know-how opportunity. This role changed my life by making me stronger aiming to complete to be of the best of my ability. and devoted, encouraged more initiative as well as embedded Being chosen to coordinate Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary in my heart a fertile and powerful seed of a better understand- Program is a first-rate opportunity for Ukrainian students. ing of Ukraine, its past and future. Further, it has illustrated to Everyone can be a likely winner. Take your chance! If a win- me Ukraine's place in the world and, surely, the ways dow of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade! n

Halyna Zalucky, Toronto so year old- I was lost. Now, after completing last year's University of Toronto program and being half way through this year's, I feel that I finally get it. A while ago I was asked to write something about myself and my CUPP is like a room with many windows and open doors. experience as a CUPP coordinator. These windows allow the students to see a world beyond I've been so busy with the program Ukraine. Not only do the students learn about Canadian that the request was shelved for a politics and the Canadian way of life, but they gain a better little too long, but finally I have understanding of the world. With this knowledge, they are found some time to think about it, able to better assess Ukraine's position within it and work so here's what I've come up with. towards change. CUPP furthermore opens doors to many opportunities. The students that I have met, and come to I'm a third year student of International Relations at the call my friends, are bright young people who can make a University of Toronto and was introduced to the CUPP pro- real impact if given the chance. My role as a coordinator is gram last year when I was asked to be the coordinator for the simple- give them that chance. spring internship 2003. At the start of the program I had little understanding of what CUPP was all about and what my role Thank-you to the directors of the CUPP program for giving was within it. There I was at 21, put in the position of coordi- me the opportunity to coordinate the program and wishing nating (whatever that meant) the program for 24 other 20 or the students all the best. n

Tamara Balan and members of parliament balloting in the 38th general election. University of Toronto In addition to the responsibilities in their placements, CUPPers Knock Knock… attended meetings with representatives from academia, indus- try and active members of the community. The speakers were It was one very early Tuesday morn- individuals who reminded all of us of the capabilities of one per- ing that a CUPP intern ran around son- the necessity of critical thinking, the rewards of persever- the fourth floor summoning the ance but most importantly the real possibility of making a differ- interns to engage in another busy ence. However, in their volunteering and through their commit- day in Toronto's federal campaign ment to campaign teams across the city the strength of civil offices. I reminded the student of our society was understood. An emphasis on group work demon- designated quiet hours only to be told strated the far-reaching effects of collective efforts. that the rhythmic knocking had become an automatic habit acquired from the daily door to door The Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Program 2004 illuminated canvassing rituals. That morning it became clear that the the integral role of each gear in the complex machinery of soci- CUPP interns had successfully become contributing members ety and emphasized the greater potential of the all the units of Toronto's campaign apparatuses. functioning as one. Canada's 2004 federal elections presented a unique opportunity Thank-you to everyone- CUPP Directors, politicians and guest for CUPP interns. Rather than observe the daily routine in speakers for reminding us of the importance to believe in our- Parliament students engaged in a comparative political study of selves and together to address issues we believe in as mem- electoral procedures. They were actively observing candidates bers of the global society. n

12 CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM The Roots of Canadian Success Markiyan Malskyy, Lviv National Ivan Franko University

anada's economic 2001 the six largest domestic Cstrength fascinated banks paid $4.8 billion in taxes Ukrainian students. to all levels of government. Though Canada is situated near As of July 2002 there were 14 the worlds leading economy, it domestic banks, 33 foreign does not fall behind that much. bank subsidiaries and 20 for- One can observe the figures. eign bank branches operating Starting from the second quar- in Canada. In total, these insti- ter of the 2002-year and finish- tutions had over $1.7 trillion in ing with the first quarter of the assets, which accounted for 2004-year the average unem- over 70 per cent of the total ployment has stayed in mea- assets within the Canadian sures from 7.4% to 7.9%, the financial services sector. The level of core inflation stayed six largest domestic banks from 1.3% to 3.1%. This is a accounted for the bulk of the truly good result for an econo- activity, holding over 90 per my. Another interesting fact is that Canada accounts only for cent of banking assets. 2% of global markets, when for example France and Germany both provide 4.5% each. The increasing of prices is a common During a meeting with Mrs. Irene Koropenko from world's problem, in most countries the national banks has as ScotiaMcLeod we also got to know about the pension system of their primary goals to maintain price stability. Canada (about the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security and about private pensions and savings). Also during the meeting Bank of Canada is the central bank. As in many countries with we had the chance to observe the trading floor, where brokers two level banking system, it is responsible for Canadian mone- and traders worked. This issue has always between important tary policy, making sure that the currency stays stable, issuing to a nation, as on the one hand everyone wants to have a better bank notes, regulating and supporting Canada's principal sys- future and on the other hand the private pension funds collect tems for clearing and settling payments, and acting as fiscal more money than the banks. We have also heard about the agent for federal government debt. When we speak about a ScotiaMcLeod background, possible investment projects and two level system, we should always analyze the private banks. portfolios, which have a different risk. One of the guiding princi- In 1817 Canada's first bank was opened by a small group of ples of ScotiaMcLeod is: "We believe that equity investment local merchants in Montreal. Since then the banking industry contains a measure of risk but is often necessary to achieve has become a major contributor to economic development and long-term investment goals". job creation, and plays a key role in supporting the growth of The Canadian banking system today is mature, sophisticated the new economy through significant investments in technology, and highly competitive. Canadian banks derive stability from innovation and the financing of new economy companies. their broad diversification in Canada and the U.S. and a strong Throughout the evolution of the system banks have undergone consumer credit culture. They have also developed a dominant serious changes and now supply a huge number of services. wealth management business, and have a world-leading infra- Banks are among Canada's leading employers. In 2000 the structure with a high degree of automation and strong manage- industry employed over 235,000 Canadians and had a ment control systems. n Canadian payroll of approximately $16.1 billion. In addition, in


Nataliya Nogachevska, Ostroh National University of Ostroh Academy

raditionally, participants of visit the museum of Ukrainian Tthe Canada -Ukraine culture where the works of peo- Parliamentary Program ple, representing all regions of spend their two-month internship Ukraine, were presented. in Ottawa. However, this year we Besides the museum, those have an opportunity to stay in interested in Ukrainian literature Toronto at one of the most were able either to purchase famous centres of Ukrainian books from the St. Vladimir Community, St. Vladimir Institute's library. For me, the Institute. most pleasant element of the Institute was the opportunity to Established as a Ukrainian stu- taste Ukrainian food, prepared dent residence in 1963, St. according to the tradition of the Vladimir Institute opened its pre- famous Ukrainian cuisine. sent location at 620 Spadina Avenue in 1969. The institute The CUPP students took an commits itself to fostering knowl- active part in participating in this edge and appreciation of the event. All of them were engaged Ukrainian spiritual, cultural and intellectual heritage in all in either standing near the statue of St. Vladimir and giving the aspects, including language, history, fine and folk arts, customs pedestrians a brief description of the statue and building or wel- and traditions. Cultural facilities and programs at St. Vladimir coming the guests to the building. are open to all people interested in Ukrainian heritage. Besides exhibits, St. Vladimir Institute offers a wide range of St. Vladimir Institute is an expression of design that carries on programs designed to give people a chance to acquire some the precedents of early twentieth-century modernism, while practical skills. Courses in icon writing as well as art and pot- reinterpreting and building upon the traditions of Ukrainian tery classes are open to everyone who is eager to learn about material culture as well the building's nineteenth-century neigh- the Ukrainian national heritage. bors. St. Vladimir Institute is a meeting place for many Ukrainian A focal element of the institute is a unique statue of St. Clubs aimed to preserve and promote the Ukrainian language, Volodymyr, designed by the famous sculptor Leo Mol. The stat- culture and traditions. For example, Club 'Kalyna' is composed ue stands in front of the building, and thus contributes to the of single people of all ages who are fun loving and want to meet magnificence of the building. The famous sculptor wanted to other people. In Ukraine, kalyna symbolizes love and family commemorate the famous monarch who introduced Christianity values. The club continues to grow in numbers as the mem- to Ukraine. bers enjoy diverse interests, such as: going to movies, dances, picture galleries, skating and skiing, dance class, music con- To witness the preservation of an ethnic heritage, one should certs and lectures. Some of the upcoming events include: a visit the museum, as the Institute is also home to the Ukrainian 'wine and cheese' get together, Valentine Day Dance, Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada's Museum. Currently housing Christmas party and 'Malanka'. over 2,000 artifacts, the museum displays yearly thematic exhibits, conducts educational tours, and coordinates traveling To conclude, all the programs being run out of the Institute are exhibits. intended for the general public interested in preserving or sometimes even learning Ukrainian language, customs and tra- The 'Doors Open' is a weekend event, organized to acquaint ditions. It may be that you are of Ukrainian ancestry and just Torontonians with the various historical elements and cultural out of practice, have Ukrainian in-laws, or are just interested in heritages in their city. St. Vladimir Institute, the largest learning another language. In this case, St. Vladimir is the best Ukrainian cultural centre in downtown Toronto, participated in place where you can fulfill your dream. Come visit! n this city-wide showcase. On this day visitors were invited to

14 CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM Great Minds For a Great Future! Victoria Shaban, Kyiv Kyiv International University

ay 16… I clearly remember that day. We had a meeting with the Director of the Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Program, Mr. Bardyn. Everybody was looking forward to Mthe visit. Ihor Bardyn gave a short but memorable talk, which I'd like to share with you. The main point was that we were selected out of 673 applicants from universities in Ukraine who applied for the 2004 program. Having accomplished this, we were told we shouldn't "cool" ourselves, but keep on fire to reach our dreams and assist Ukraine. He emphasized that the time we spent in Canada was a time for further education and an opportunity to gain experience. For me, it was a clear mes- sage not to stop working hard, but to get ahead to reach new goals, explore new countries, meet new people and gain new experience. Over the course of one month I have learn from my fellow stu- dents that there are many opportunities to "keep on fire". CUPPer Olena Ovchynnikova commented on a program she participated in, the Eurasian Undergraduate Exchange Program. She explained, "Participants of the Eurasian Undergraduate Exchange Program (UGRAD), formerly known as the FREEDOM Support Act Undergraduate Program, are visit www.alpbach.org). young people between 17-21 years old, who demonstrate lead- CUPPer Oksana Tyshchenko-Monastyrska gained knowledge ership potential, have strong academic skills and are proficient and experience as a participant of East-Central European in English. However, it is not enough only to know English or School in the Humanities (MSH), studying the session "Small be a youth leader. The applicants are supposed to have strong nations and ethnic groups" in Warsaw. According to the web- self-motivation skills, be flexible, open-minded and optimistic. site http://www.ial.org.pl/msh/index_eng.html, MSH is one of the FSAU participants are looked at as the representatives of their very few international programs addressed for those studying countries. As a consequence, they should have advanced humanities and the only one, that focuses on the Mediterranean problem solving and time management skills, be creative and tradition of the region. responsible, purposeful and determined, "think big" and have a desire to grow professionally and foster the dialogue of cultures Finally, I learned that one of the CUPP students, Ruslan and civic society development in their home country". Tykholaz is taking part in a program in the United States at the www.irex.kiev.ua end of July, called the Youth Leadership Program. The slogan of the program is: "We look forward to spending time with The CUPP coordinator from Ukraine, Yulia Zabelina described Leaders for the Next Generation." One of such future leaders is her experience at Camp Rah-Rah "Over the two weeks I spent Ruslan Tykholaz. Ruslan has the following expectations of the in camp Rah-Rah I was given a precious opportunity to learn program, "I am really interested in participating in the U.S.- more about non-governmental organizations and their activities. Ukraine Foundation's 2004 Youth Leadership Program to learn "Youth Can" is the organization, which hosts the camp and more about U.S.-Ukraine relations, public policy and political functions all over Ukraine, supporting Ukrainian students. For process through interaction with Washington, DC's profession- many students and me this was a lesson in leadership and self- als from some of the primary governmental, international and development. It was worth participating!" For more information private institutions. I want to learn practical and effective skills about Camp Rah-Rah log on to http://ycan.0catch.com. for leadership, about career paths and how we can influence Yevheniya Paliy was a participant of the 2003 Alpbach Summer and actively participate in U.S.-Ukraine affairs. I like School. She had an equally rewarding experience in her pro- Washington DC, and it is a great opportunity to see its famous gram, "Alpbach Summer School offered me insight about the sites again. I also hope to meet new people who have the European Union. I came to understand its purpose and its vari- same interests as I do." For more information, please visit ous functional characteristics. Further more, I learn how it http://usukraine.org/ylp.shtml. affects us today. I gained an understanding of the roles fulfilled Many programs and organizations strive to empower motivated by institutions of the European Union and of the European judi- and active young Ukrainians through education, encouragement cial system. This program is not only interesting and broadens and practical experience in the spheres of democracy, civil soci- one's outlook, but it also enhances one's ability to become a ety and grass-root community problem solving. professional lawyer. Alpbach Summer School gave me a great opportunity to communicate with lawyers from all over the I leave you with one thought, "I encourage all of you to desire world. I highly recommend this summer school - as a great ardently to win a prize, which is a successful future. Let's imag- learning experience and a wonderful holiday in !" ine that life is a race. You are at the stadium, fans and lookers European Forum Alpbach and Alpbach Summer School (please are watching your race. Win your race!" n


he University of Toronto, or U of T, which was founded in 1827, is Canada's largest and most distinguished universi- Dr. Roman Turko and Yaroslawa Turko Scholarship ty. It offers seventeen teaching programs. U of T has in Ukrainian Studies (for undergraduate or graduate stu- T63,109 students and 365,000 alumni. Among the noted alumni dents) are Prime Minister , Ontario's first female lieutenant- Value: $2000 (award is paid after re-registration in the next governor, Pauline McGibbon, Governor General Adrienne fall session at the University of Toronto). Clarkson, past Governor General Vincent Massey, the late Justice John Sopinka, and the Hon. John Yaremko. U of T has Submit applications to: six Nobel Prize-winning graduates, the highest number of any Ukrainian Studies Award Committee Canadian university. The library has over fifteen million hold- c/o Dr. Elizabeth Leesti, ings and is one of the top five research libraries in North Associate Faculty Registrar America. U of T seems to be a wonderful place to get your Sidney Smith Hall, Room 1006 degree. Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3G3 Undergraduate Students: The minimum admission require- ment for students from Ukraine applying for the undergraduate program is a hisch school degree. However, only those appli- cants who have attained a high level of academic achievement will be admitted. Dmytro and Natalia Haluszka Family Scholarship The estimated cost for one semester, including tuition fees, in Ukrainian Studies (for graduate students only) books, living expenses, health insurance and other living expenses such as clothing, transportation, laundry, typing fees, Value: $5000 (award is paid after re-registration in the next etc. is approximately $20, 000. Because the cost of attending fall session at the University of Toronto). University is so high, there are a number of scholarships for Submit applications to: undergraduate students at U of T, which include Undergraduate Ukrainian Studies Award Committee Admission Awards, Undergraduate Grants and Bursaries, c/o Dr. Elizabeth Leesti, Undergraduate In-course Awards. More information about these Associate Faculty Registrar scholarships could be obtained at Sidney Smith Hall, Room 1006 http://www.adm.utoronto.ca/fa/international.htm. Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3G33 Graduate Students: The minimum admission requirement for the Master's Program is as follows: four year Bachelor's Degree equivalent: Diploma of Specialist Magister; mid-B equivalent: 4/5 or good standing. Doctoral Minimum Admission Requirements: Master's Degree equivalent: Kandidat Nauk; B+ Equivalent: 4.3/5. Ivan Bodnarchuk Scholarship in Ukrainian Studies (for graduate students only): Scholarships are an important source of funding for graduate students. These, plus teaching assistantships and research Value: $5000 (award is paid after re-registration in the next assistantships, form the principal components of graduate stu- fall session at the University of Toronto). dent "funding packages." Graduate Grants and Bursaries are Submit applications to: available to full-time graduate students. Ukrainian Studies Award Committee For more information, see http://www.sgs.utoronto.ca. c/o Dr. Elizabeth Leesti, Associate Faculty Registrar Order a paper application by email: [email protected] Sidney Smith Hall, Room 1006 or write to the Ontario Universities' Application Centre, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3G3 170 Research Lane, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, N1G 5E2; Tel: 519-823-1940. University of Toronto offers a number of scholarships in Ukrainian Studies. Application includes: one-page letter of application, outlining the student's program of study and/or The International Student Centre will provide other useful research interests; one-page letter of support from a University information to international students. of Toronto faculty member; applications must include the applicant's student number Their address is: and current mailing address; photocopy of 33 St. George Street the applicant's OSAP assessment or a Toronto, Ontario, Canada n Financial Needs Assessment Form. M5S 2E3 Deadline for these scholarships is March 15.


anada. Wow! A prosperous Christ-centreed in all of country! Everybody is reach! No their programs. It was problems at all!" their belief that the "C hunger of the soul This thought comes to everyone in hearing needed to be the name of this country. And only when addressed as well as you find yourself in Canada do you see the the hunger of he physi- real picture. It is "amazing", but they also cal body. The funding have beggars as we do in Ukraine... is received from inter- The difference is in our concern about it. ested members of the The Ontario government has developed the homelessness hotline general public. for people to call and find available shelter within the city of Kyiv. Yurii Bohutskyi, deputy head of the presidential administra- Toronto. In addition they have committed $50 million for rent sub- tion staff, told journalists on February, 16 that there are 101,000 sidies for low-income people and $10 million dollars per year to a homeless minors in Ukraine, constituting 36.3 % of all homeless provincial Homelessness Initiatives Fund for having registries and people in the country. Ukraine has 80 orphanages half of which rent banks (MAH Strategy 2000). Also the federal government were set up over the past 2 years. has committed to investing $753 million for various programs For the past year, Father's Care has offered Kyiv homeless and related to alleviating and preventing homelessness in Canada neglected children what for many, is their only meal of the day (HRDC, 1999). (The Kyiv Post). The Scott Mission is located at 502 Spadina Avenue in Toronto, Speaking about other cities of Ukraine I am not sure they can Ontario, Canada. They are a Christian non-denominational "boast" with programs of giving a hand to those who really need it. agency for the poor in the community. They have multi-faceted ministries for the homeless needy families, shut-ins and children But we are not under the "iron curtain" any more and should look and youth. Building on the vision of their founders Morris and upon best examples to improve the conditions for living. n Annie Zeidman who began the work in 1941, have remained

CUPP Anthem By Antin Kushnir, CUPP '03, Danylo Halytskyi Medical University in Lviv, Dr. Ray Pagtakhan's intern Ìè ïðè¿õàëè â Îíòàð³î, à ïîãîäè òóò íåìà, Ðîçñåëèëèñÿ øâèäåíüêî õòî ïî òðîº, õòî ïî äâà; Éäóòü äîù³ ³ íåáî ñ³ðå – ñîíöå, ìîâ çàáóëî íàñ, Òè çãàäàºø Êðèìñüêèé áåðåã, òè çãàäàºø ùå íå ðàç... (2) Ci-U-Pi-Pi, Ci-U-Pi-Pi – äàâàéòå ñêàæåì òàê, äàâàéàòå ñêàæåì í³. Âíèçó íà ïåðøîìó ïîâåðñ³ (ó Êàíàä³ ground floor) Ïîâñòàâàëè íà ïðîõîä³ ìè ñòàæîðè-âèçèòîðè, Öþ íàóêó-êîëèñêîâó ùå ïî÷óºì ðàç³â ñòî; "À òðóñèòè òóò íå ìîæíà, – öå öèòàòà, – íî-íî-íî!!!" Ãîð䳺íêî – òî Ðóäåíêî, â³í çà áàòüêà òóò óñ³ì: "Éäè âïåðåä, go ahead, íå ñïèíÿéñÿ, íå êðåìïóéñÿ, Íå âñòèäàéñÿ, ðîççóâàéñÿ, íå âñì³õàéñÿ, íå äèâóéñÿ, Òè íà âèõ³ä ïðîñóâàéñÿ – éäè âïåðåä go ahead (go ahead)" (2) Ci-U-Pi-Pi, Ci-U-Pi-Pi – äàâàéòå ñêàæåì òàê, äàâàéàòå ñêàæåì í³.  Óêðà¿í³ ìîëîäü º, Óêðà¿í³ æèâå (ª-º-º!!!) Òîæ â³ä Çàõîäó äî Ñõîäó öå òâîº ³ öå ìîº Àëå òè íå ïèòàé äå òà ïðîõîäèòü ìåæà, Ùî ðîçä³ëÿº íàøó íåíüêó ïî äâà áîêè Äí³ïðà. Òè ìîæåø ïðîñòî (ìîñêàëü êàæå) âçÿòè "ñàìîëüîò", Òîä³ ç Ëóãàíñüêà òè äî Ëüâîâà äîëåòèø áåç ïåðåøêîä É êóäè áè äàë³ íå çàêèíóëî òåáå æèòòÿ Òè ïàì'ÿòàé ïðî ñâîº origin, Ci-U-Pi-Pi – íîâà ñ³ì'ÿ". (2) Ci-U-Pi-Pi, Ci-U-Pi-Pi – äàâàéòå ñêàæåì òàê, äàâàéàòå ñêàæåì í³.


By Arsen Zhumadilov from Simferopol & Andriy Maksymovych from Lviv

May 20, 2004 David is very hospitable and open-minded. He is 63 years Shortly after arriving in old, humble and understand- Toronto, on May 11th, we were ing. He still remains a good told we would be going to friend to the vast majority of observe the elections in his people. Alberta, or Wild Rose Country. Specifically Edmonton. "Constituents always come first"- is his motto. Early on May 20th we boarded a West Jet, and 4 hours later, After the first dozen houses of or halfway home if we flew door knocking, you realize the east, we landed in a modern multiculturalism of Canada. airport, outside the city. Our Here you meet people from all thoughts, throughout the flight, over the world- from India were fast forwarded to David (mainly Punjabi), Pakistan, Kilgour's constituency in China, Philippines. Somalia, Edmonton. We were on a Sudan, Rwanda, Chile, the mission to represent CUPP EU.. and from Ukraine. and our 2004 Spring group, in The majority of Ukrainians are the province of wild roses, oil Andriy Maksymovych and Arsen Zhumadilov descendants if the first and & Ukrainians. with Hon. David Kilgour in front of the campaign office. second waves of immigrants, At the airport we were met by so only a few still speak Sukhbir Lalli, the 38 year old constituency office manager for Ukrainian fluently. But almost all remember, 'dobryy den', David Kilgour. 'diakuyu', 'pyrohy', and so on. Sukhi, who is from India, drove us to David's house, which would By chance, we happened upon a Ukrainian family who, once be our home for the next 6 weeks. they learned we were from Ukraine, invited David and ourselves to join them for dinner. At the constituency office we were given a quick tour and met some of the volunteers. It seemed that David's people were a mini United Nations. May 22 There were individuals from India, Pakistan, Great Britain, After a full day of door knocking, we joined David and his wife Germany, , Chile, and Rwanda. And from today Laura, at a Chinese Charity Banquet. This was our first meet- onward, from Ukraine. ing with Chinese Canadians. The Chinese food was really tasty. We enjoyed the experience. The campaign manager Kevin Graham, a retired RCMP officer, is well organized, strict, yet a very good & happy man. May 23 May 21 Today we went to a Liberal Party Barbeque. Prime Minister Paul Martin announced the federal election, and the race was David Kilgour has been a Member of Parliament from Edmonton, on, for real. We met all the Edmonton candidates, among them for 25 years. He has 4 children, 3 daughters, Margot, Eileen, Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan. Hilary, and a son Dave. In Parliament, he has been Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific and Deputy Speaker of Parliament. He A tough fight awaits the majority of Liberal candidates, as tradi- has visited more than 150 countries and went on several mis- tionally, Alberta is considered a conservative province. sions to Ukraine. When Mr.Bardyn told us that David needed someone who May 25 enjoyed jogging, we thought he wanted company for his daily Traveled to Beaumont, a small Town in David's riding. We put jogs. Now, we know that it was not about his morning exercises- up signs along the way and went door to door, all day. it was about door to door jogging. The campaign team in the office is terrific-Sophia, who is from From 9 am to 6 pm, we jog around the riding with him, door to Pakistan, always leaves us some pizza, and Kay and Eileen door, talking to people and handing out David's cards. bake tasty cookies for us. The first few days of these jogs around the riding were not easy, Today our campaign office friend Farhan, invited us to dinner at being in a foreign country, different people, etc. But, quickly, we his house. We had a great time. grew into the jog, and now we like it.

18 CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM Arsen Zhumadilov and Andriy Maksymovych with Hon. David Kilgour and the Chairperson in the House of Government of Alberta. Arsen Zhumadilovand Andriy Maksymovych with Hon. David Kilgour in front of the House of Government of Alberta.

May 26 A special day. The Global TV Network in Alberta asked to interview us, two student observers of the election campaign in Alberta. We were asked about the CUPP program and our observations about the campaign. Right after the interview, we returned to canvass, door to door. From the response at the doors, we felt like spokesmen for the message to Canadian youth, to get involved in their countries election. People would say "I saw you on TV, good for you". Sadly, young Canadians seem apathetic to their countries elec- tions. We felt, proud and honoured-only 6 days in Alberta and we are seen as positive role models for youth. Not bad, wouldn't you say. Andriy Maksymovych and Arsen Zhumadilov in the car on our way to the Rockies. May 28 Prime Minister Paul Martin visits Edmonton. As always, - loud music, lots of anticipation by the crowd, and chants of "we want Paul!" The PM was almost an hour late, and left after a brief Partnership Walk, organized by the Aga Khan Foundation. but inspiring and passionate speech. They raise money all over the world, to help poor countries fight In the evening, we went to dinner sponsored by a Women's poverty. It was amusing to see politicians exercising and run- NGO, under the slogan "Changing Together". They help new- ning together, from all parties. You wouldn't see something like comers adjust to life in Canada. More than 200 persons well that in Ukraine. acquainted with David and Anne McLellan attended the event. After a change of clothes, we visited a military ceremony at City Hall. May 30 Afterwards we had a most interesting experience, a dinner on a The day began with a visit to a Buddhist Temple, where David farm, with a farmer's family. It was so nice, pleasant and warm! was invited to speak. Next we participated in a World Just like home!

CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM 19 June 2, 2004 We went to the Ukrainian All Candidates Forum. Expected to see many Ukrainians, but there were few in attendance. Each More canvassing door to door. Today we met a grandson of party's representative spoke about Canada-Ukraine Relations, Vasyl Elenyak, one of the first Ukrainian immigrants to Canada! and most questions from the audience were about social issues The weather was very hot and canvassing in the afternoon and the Oberlander case. became difficult. David always jogs together with us, despite First day of canvassing with Sukhbir Lalli. Sukhi is very cheerful his age, he is very fit. and optimistic. You can't get bored with Sukhi around.

June 4 We canvassed until 6 pm when it began to rain heavily. We stopped for dinner and Sukhi invited us to his house. Went to the 'Restoring Hope' event at Lighthouse. This is a Afterwards we went together with some other volunteers, Mina, mission where Constable Cole spoke about the 'Coles Kids a university student from Pakistan, and her friend Marta to a Program' and DARE - Drug Abuse Resistance Education, which downtown club. Great evening, played pool. is a special course on drugs for school kids. On the one hand we were astonished by the terrifying statistics of drug abuse, on Tomorrow is a special day. We head for the Rockies. the other hand we were delighted and honoured to meet Constable Cole, and see his commitment and fight against this June 15 problem. After one hour sleep, we start off for the Rockies, specifically Banff, with Mina, Janice from Barbados and Hyen from Vietnam. June 5 It is hard to describe the beauty of the Canadian Rockies. You Attended Annual African Banquet in the Church on 99. It was can feel their energy, breathe their mountain air.. If you ever fantastic, warm & friendly atmosphere, delicious African food. come to Alberta you must visit Banff and Jasper. And don't for- Wearing our suits & ties and sitting beside David, we could get to come to Lake Louise. Nestled in the Mountains, you will have been taken for bodyguards or the CIA or the Blues find a lake of incredible blue-green, mirror calmness with a soli- Brothers. tary castle on its banks. It's amazing! After climbing the mountain, we were completely exhausted, June 6 but exhilarated. We visited a Sikh Gurdwara (Temple) and a Buddhist Temple in After the Rockies we drove to , for dinner at a Greek Mill Woods. We also attended a commemorative service in restaurant. And then the long drive back home, to Edmonton. remembrance of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy. On the way home, we observed a Canadian Sunset. It was magnificent. No wonder some call this God's Country.... June 9 Wild Rose Country.... And Ukrainians live and prosper Met the Director of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies here!...... Dr. Zenon Kohut and Jim Jakuta, who is head of the For over 100 years! Interparliamrentary Program. Chatted about relations between CIUS and Ukraine's University's. CIUS is one of the leading To be continued. institutions in the West, on Ukraine abroad. Arsen Zhumadilov, June 11 National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv Except for Sunday, we canvass every day. We've got one more Faculty of Social Sciences and Social Technologies, 2nd year, volunteer - Herb from Newfoundland. He is interesting and full Simferopol of interesting stories. Newfoundland must be a special story Andriy Maksymovych, telling place! Herb becomes the 4th member of our Kilgour Ivan Franko National University, Lviv Jogging Team. Faculty of International Relations, 3rd year, Lviv


Bavin, Vitalij Dyakova, Polina Furmanchuk, Gevorgyan, Khayredinov, Kenzhametov, Oleh Anna Ismayil Asan

Korochynsky, Kozlovska, Kuzmenko, Marusyk, Neschotna, Nosova, Artem Hanna Olexiy Bohdan Olga Bohdanna

Prystaiko, Rak, Iryna Ruchko, Olena Salo, Nataliya Sereda, Artem Skrypka, Ivan Khrystyna

Stasiv, Taras Tereshchenko, Tomenko, Trehub, Olena Tserklevych, Tytysh, Halyna Olexander Vyacheslav Natalia

Voronova, Olga Yastreb, Andriy Zolotova, Tetyana

CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM 21 22 CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM CUPP ALUMNI vices; taught Ukrainian language courses Raynell Andreychuk Scholarship. at Juri Lypa Saturday School; served as Completed Internship as Research UNF summer camp leadership counselor Assistant in Office of Economic Advisor to and participated in numerous community President of Ukrainian Parliament. CUPP '93 events. Undergraduate Degree from Ivan Franko "CUPP had been an unequivocally posi- National University, Lviv, Business Vadym tive force in my life. By creating the Administration. After graduation worked SAMOYLENKO opportunity to meaningfully contribute in as Tax Consultant at Price Waterhouse Born in Luhansk. so many ways, CUPP has opened my Coopers in Kyiv. In 2001 moved to CUPP Internship in eyes to new and exciting possibilities. Geneva, Switzerland and works at World 1993 with John It has shaped my career goals and aided Health Organization. Nunziata, MP from me in the task of achieving them. On a Toronto, Ontario. personal level, I can also say that many of CUPP Scholarship: the wonderful people whom I met at Natalka HOSTYLO Mazurenko Family CUPP have become some of my closest (See information in CUPP '95) Scholarship. friends." Undergraduate Degree from Yaroslav the Wise National Law Academy of Ukraine, Borys Kharkiv in 1995. Andriy KHOMENKO KORMYCH Awarded Edmund Muskie Fellowship to Born in Kyiv. pursue Masters' Degree in Law. Obtained Born in Odesa. Currently resides in Currently lives in LLM Degree from University of Chicago in Los Angeles, 1996. Studied at Harvard University, Odesa. Is Kandydat California, USA. Yurydychnykh Nauk Research Institute, in Cambridge, CUPP Internship in Massachusetts, USA in 1994 and at & Docent at Chair of 1995 with the Hon. Maritime & Customs Luhansk Pedagogical Institute from 1988 Andy Mitchell, MP for to 1999. Law of National Law Parry Sound- Academy of Odesa. Currently a partner with the law firm of Muskoka, Ontario and Shevchenko, Didkovskiy & Partners in Kyiv. CUPP Internship in 1996 with Clifford , MP for Haldimand-Norfolf, Lincoln, MP for Lachine, Quebec. Ontario. CUPP Scholarship: Norman Cafik CUPP '95 CUPP Scholarship: Humeniuk Family Scholarship. Scholarship. Was awarded the Ivan Bodnarchuk Natalka HOSTYLO Received the William Kereliuk Scholarship Scholarship to complete a second to participate in CUPP '97 as co-ordinator. Internship as co-ordinator, with Dan Born in Rohatyn, Completed CUPP Internship in the office McTeague, MP from Ontario, in 1997. Ivano-Frankivsk of Dwight Duncan, MPP for Windsor-St. Completed Internship in Verkhovna Rada Region. Clair, Ontario. (Parliament of Ukraine) in 1998. CUPP Internship in Specialist Diploma from Taras Undergraduate Degree from University of 1995 with the Hon. Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Odesa, Faculty of Law in 1998. Maria Minna, MP Institute of International Relations, Faculty Obtained Graduate Degree from Odesa from Toronto, Ontario. of International Information in 1998. National Academy of Law, Faculty of State CUPP Scholarship: Awarded the Port of Long Beach Administration and International Law in Humeniuk Family Scholarship to pursue International 1999. Obtained second Graduate Degree Scholarship. Business studies at Long Beach City from Odesa University, Department of Received the Mazurenko Family College in Long Beach, California, USA. Social Science in 2000. Scholarship to act as co-ordinator for Currently works as Assistant Product In December of 2000 defended a CUPP '96 with office of Nick Discepola, Manager at Alltrade Tools LLC, California, Candidate of Law dissertation on MP from Montreal & Parliamentary USA. Is not indifferent to hiking and back- Administrative Law, titled "The State and Secretary to Solicitor General for Canada. packing with his wife Tina and friends. Legal Mechanism of the Customs With assistance of Malanchuk Family Regulations of Ukraine". In 2001 was Scholarship completed CUPP '97 as co- awarded a Scholarship by the Cabinet of ordinator with the office of Jerry Ouellette, Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists. MPP from Oshawa, Ontario. CUPP '96 Borys Kormych is the author of more than Undergraduate Degree from Taras 60 scientific publications in the fields of Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Victoria HLADILOVA administrative, customs & information law, Faculty of Foreign Languages in 1996. Born in Lviv. informational security, including 2 mono- Graduated from Humber College, Law CUPP Internship in graphs and 2 university textbooks, which Clerk Diploma Program in 2002. 1996 with the Hon. carry the endorsement of the Ministry of In 2003 enrolled at Ryerson University of Preston Manning and Education of Ukraine. Toronto, in Justice Studies Program. Reform Party A list of Borys's publications may be Currently employed by Market Regulation Research & obtained from the Vernadsky National Services. During stay in Toronto, volun- Communication Library of Ukraine - www.nbuv.gov.ua. teered extensively for Ukrainian National Office. Federation of Canada, with library ser- CUPP Scholarship:

CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM 23 Yuri RUDIUK Maxim SELYUK Ivan TSIBULSKY Born in Rivne. Born in Kyiv. Born in Kaments- CUPP Internship in Currently lives in Al- Podil'sk. Currently 1996 with John Khobar, Saudi Arabia. lives in Geneva, Loney, MP from CUPP Internship in Switzerland. Edmonton, Alberta. 1997 with the Hon. CUPP Internship in CUPP Scholarship: Allan Rock, MP from 1997 with Richard Michael & Anna Toronto and the Hon. Patten, MPP from Bardyn Scholarship. Gerry Phillips, MPP Toronto, Ontario. Undergraduate from Ontario. CUPP Scholarship: Degree from Ivan Franko National CUPP Scholarship: Mazurenko Family Ostap Wynnyckyj Scholarship. University, Lviv, Faculty of Law in 1999, Scholarship. Undergraduate Degree from Ivan Franko with distinction. Received the Walter Undergraduate Degree from Taras National University, Lviv, International Tarnopolsky Scholarship to study at the Shevchenko National University, Kyiv. Relations. MBA Degree from SDA University of Saskatchewan Law School. Specialist Degree from Taras Shevchenko Bocconi University, Milan, Italy. The Tarnopolsky Scholarship promotes National University, Institute of Since graduation joined Proctor & Gamble the development of democratic institutions International Relations in 1998. GBU, Geneva, Switzerland and currently and the rule of law in Ukraine, and allowed Since graduation worked as Product works as Brand Manager. Yuri to research the Canadian legal system. Manager at Svedala Ukraine in Kyiv and Received the John Sopinka Scholarship to currently works as Sales & Marketing study at the University of Amsterdam Law Manager at Middle East Development Co. CUPP '98 School. Earned LLM Degree in 2000, in Continues to participate in competitions of International Trade and EC Law. football & tennis. Marta KHOMYAK Since 2000 has worked with the interna- Born in Lviv. tional law firm of Van Bael & Bellis in Kyrylo CUPP Internship in Brussels. Specializes in EC trade SHEVCHENKO 1998 with Dennis defense instruments, customs law and Mills, MP from Born in Berlin, World Trade Organization law. Toronto, Ontario and Germany. Gerry Martyniuk, CUPP Internship in MPP from CUPP '97 1997 with Richard Cambridge, Ontario. Patten, MP from CUPP Scholarship: Inessa GOLDUN Ontario. Hon. Ramon Hnatyshyn Scholarship. CUPP Scholarship: Born in Donetsk. Undergraduate Degree from Ivan Franko Norman Cafik CUPP Internship in National University, Faculty of Law, Lviv, Scholarship. 1997 with Derwin in 2000. With assistance of Academic Earned Diploma of Interpreter of French Shea, MP from Scholarship from the University, earned Language in Horlivka in 1992. Toronto, Ontario and LLM Degree in Public International Law Undergraduate Degree from Horlivka Preston Manning's from the University of Nottigham, UK, in Pedagogical Institute for Foreign National Campaign in 2001. Additional studies & training Languages, Faculty of Philology in 1997. Alberta. include: Arbitration & Mediation, Earned Diploma in four languages: CUPP Scholarship: International, at the International Law French, English, German & Spanish from Mazurenko Family Scholarship. Istitute, Washington, DC, USA in 2003; Horlivka Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Undergraduate Degree from Eastern Third Party Neutral, Conflict Resolution Languages in 1997. Ukraine University, Luhansk, History, Training, Canadian Institute for Conflict Obtained Diploma in Advanced French English, English/American Literature in Resolution, Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Language from Ministry of National 1998. Earned MA Degree in Political Canada in 1998; Harvard University's Education of France, DALV-Diploma de la Science and Political Economy from Summer School, Cambridge, connaissance avancee de la langue fran- Central European University, , Massachussets, USA in 1997; Alpbach caise in 1998. Hungary, in 1999. Summer Course on European Integration, Awarded 1st place in Competition Since 1999 worked for US Treasury University of Innsbruck, Austria in 1996. Representative Office in Kyiv and Maersk Program of the Second International Festival of French Speaking Theatre in Sealand in Kyiv. From May, 2003, Oleksandr KOPETS employed at Metro Cash & Carry, Kyiv as Kyiv, in 1997. imports manager. After graduation worked for several med- Born in Lviv. ical companies and Ukrainian & CUPP Internship in International projects in Kyiv. Worked in 1998 with Benoit Andriy KHOMENKO the translation of the International Serre, MP from Classificatory of Diseases from English to (See information in CUPP '95) Ontario and Brenda Ukrainian, 1997 to 1998. Elliot, MPP from Currently employed as chief the Guelph, Ontario. Administrative Department in Human Borys KORMYCH CUPP Scholarship: Reproduction Problems Clinic, a leading Humeniuk Family (See information in CUPP '96) East European IVF Centre in Kyiv. Scholarship.

24 CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM Undergraduate Degree from Ivan Franko Senator Paul Yuzyk Scholarship. Completed Internship in Ukrainian National University, Faculty of Undergraduate Degree from Ivan Franko Parliament in 2000. International Relations, Lviv, in 1999. National University, Faculty of Law, Lviv in Undergraduate Degree from Ivan Franko Received an Edmund Muskie Fellowship 1999. National University, Lviv, Faculty of to do graduate work at the John F. Was awarded a Scholarship by the US International Relations and Law in 2001. Kennedy School of Government of Association of Former Members of Earned MA in International Law and Harvard University. Earned an MA in Congress to complete an Internship in Economics from University of Bern, Public Policy in 2002. Parliament of Ukraine, 1998/99. Awarded Switzerland, World Trade Institute in 2002. After graduation from Harvard worked for the Huygens Scholarship and the Completed Internship at the United the Department of Justice of Ukraine, rep- Mazurenko Family Scholarship to study at Nations in Geneva (UNCTAD), the resenting Ukraine before the European the Amsterdam Law School in 2001. European Commission in Brussels in 2003 Court. Subsequently moved to the bro- Received an LLM Degree in European and Clerkshops for US Law firm Wilmer, kerage & investment field with Foyil Union Business Law in 2002. Cutler & Pickering and UK Law from Securities in Kyiv. Is part-time assistant Was sponsored by the Roberts Schumann Herbert, Smithe in Brussels in 2004. professor at University of Kyiv-Mohyla Foundation for a traineeship in the In September 2004 plans to study for LLM Academy, teaching micro and macroeco- European Parliament in Brussels and Degree at Georgetown University in nomics to undergraduate students. Strasburg in 2002. Washington, DC, USA. Author of a number of publications dealing Attended courses in Private International Co-author of several publications: with business & economic issues. Law at The Hague Academy of "Accession of Transition Economies to the Enjoys playing piano in spare time. International Law in 2003, courtesy of a WTO: impact on development and regula- MATRA Scholarship. Completed a stage tion of FDI's" (2003); "Multilateral Trading Andriy with the European Commission in System - legal and economic aspects" PANASENKO Brussels in 2004. (2003); "Introduction to International Trade Author of articles on Insurance, Taxation, Law" (September 2004). Born in Poltava. Investment, Company's Law. Married Antonina Yaholnyk in 2004. Currently resides in Accomplished the Accelerated Freefall London, UK. Programme in August 2001 and complet- Olha MINKO CUPP Internship in ed 143 parachute jumps to date. 1998 in office of the Born in Luhansk. Hon. Maurizio CUPP Internship in Bevilaqua, Chair of CUPP '99 1999 with Alex Standing Committee on Finance and MP Shepherd, MP from from Ontario (Vaughan-King-Aurora). Evhenia Ontario. CUPP Scholarship: Malanchuk Family KURACHOVA CUPP Scholarship: Scholarship. Was simultaneously award- Born in Luhansk. Katerine Obal ed A Renaissance Foundation Scholarship Scholarship. to participate in CUPP '98. CUPP Internship in 1999 with Sofia With assistance of Earned BSc. and MSc Honours Degree Mazurenko Family Scholarship completed from Ukrainian Institute of International Leung, MP from Vancouver, British a second CUPP program with the Hon. Relations in Kyiv, Faculty of International Maria Minna, MP from Toronto in 2000. Economic Relations in 1998. Was award- Columbia. CUPP Scholarship: Undergraduate Degree from Taras ed the Phillip Morris Scholarship for Shevchenko Pedagogical University, Academic Excellence in 1997 for studies Michael & Anna Bardyn Scholarship. Undergraduate Degree from Taras Luhansk, Department of Foreign at UIIR. Languages in 2001. Presented a paper at the "CUPP Shevchenko National Pedagogical University, Luhansk, in Foreign Completed the Third Party Neutral Course University of Toronto Conference" on topic at the Canadian Centre for Conflict of "How to improve the standard of living Languages in 2001. Awarded a Soros Scholarship to study at Lancaster Resolution St. Paul University in Ottawa, and unite the country" in 2000. with assistance of Malanchuk Family Currently pursuing MBA Degree at University, UK, Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. Scholarship in 2000. And joined the NGO London Business School in London, UK. "Regional Group of Mediators and Conflict Graduating class of 2004. Received MA Degree in Sociology in 2002. Pursuing PhD Degree at Graduate Resolution Group" and the Charitable Interests include swimming, soccer, read- Foundation "Teenager" in Luhansk. ing and music. School of Social Research in Warsaw, , in field of Sociology. International Training seminar leader in workshops, among them 'Diversity and Maryna Tolerance in Ukraine', and 'How to prevent SYROVATKA Oleh MALSKYY conflicts and communicate effectively'. Born in Kyiv. Born in Lviv. Participated in first UNICEF Conference CUPP Internship in CUPP Internship in on Children's Rights in Ukraine in 2001. 1998 with Gar 1999 with Peter After graduation worked as English lan- Knutson, MP from Goldring, MP from guage lecturer at Taras Shevchenko Ontario and Toby Edmonton, Alberta. National Pedagogical University in Barrett, MPP for CUPP Scholarship: Luhansk. Participated in several Norfolk, Ontario. John & Mary International training\internships at CUPP Scholarship: Yaremko Scholarship. Wharton College, Wharton, Texas in 2002

CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM 25 and at Umea Summer University at America and Deputy Speaker of the Internship with Ernst & Young in Stuttgart, Folkuniversitete, Stockholm, Sweden in House of Commons. Germany. 2003. Began graduate studies in 2003 at CUPP Scholarship: Malanchuk Family Currently employed as an IT specialist Taras Shevchenko Pedagogical Scholarship. with Clarity AG in Kyiv. University, Luhansk, topic of dissertation Undergraduate Degree from Kharkiv 'Contemporary Issues of Distance Academy of Municipal Economy, Kharkiv, Maryan Education in Canada". Has published Faculty of Economics & Management in KUSHNIR several articles dealing with innovative 2001. approaches to foreign language teaching After graduation has worked as Senior Born in Lviv. and development of the educational sys- Manager of the International Relations & Currently working tem in Ukraine. Projects Department. Since April of 2002 with the firm of Received Academic Scholarship in 2004 works as Director for Slobozhansky Danylko, Kushnir, to do MA, on comparative and internation- Regional Training Centre, Community Soltys & Yakymyak in al education issues, at the University of Partnerships Project, USA-Ukraine Kyiv. Stockholm, Stokholm, Sweden. Foundation. In August 2003 completed CUPP Internship in Internship at Regional Training Centre at 2000 with Dr. Rey Carl Vinson Institute of Government, Pagtakhan, MP from Winnipeg, Manitoba. CUPP '00 University of Georgia, USA. CUPP Scholarship: Walter Tarnopolsky Scholarship. Andrew BABAK Undergraduate Degree from Ivan Franko Nazar National University, Lviv, Faculty of Law in Born in Izmail, Odesa FEDORCHUK Region. 2001. CUPP Internship in Born in Lviv. Awarded Soros Scholarship to complete 2000 with Nelson CUPP Internship in LLM Degree at Central European Riis, MP from British 2000 with Sarmite University in Budapest in 2003. Columbia. Bulte, MP from Completed Internship in Ukrainian CUPP Scholarship: Toronto. Parliament in 2001. Alexandra & Eugene Sukniarsky CUPP Scholarship: Completed Alpbach Summer School on Scholarship. Yuri & Oksana European Integration in Alpbach, Austria Undergraduate Degree from Izmail Fedyna Scholarship. and competed in Moot Court Competition Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Foreign Undergraduate Degree from Ivan Franko in Krakow, Poland in 1999. Language in 2001. National University, Lviv, Faculty of Law in After graduation worked as a school 2001. After graduation employed by Law Yuriy MELNYK teacher in an Elementary School in Izmail. Firm, Pravovyy Radnyk in Lviv, 2001 to Currently a lecturer at the Faculty of 2002. Awarded Chevening / Open Born in Nizhyn. Foreign Languages and the Faculty of Society Institute Scholarship, for one year, CUPP Internship in Theory & Practice of Translation, of Izmail to research law at Oxford University, 2000 with Sophia Maritime Institute. Oxford, UK, 2003 to 2004. Graduate Leung, MP from "CUPP was a real and positive experience studies. Vancouver, British for me. The opportunity to see another Columbia. society and another part of the world moti- CUPP Scholarship: Vasyl vated me in choosing my profession. I Volodymyr Hrynyk HARASYMIV have chosen the teaching profession, the Scholarship. purpose of which is to educate and bring Born in Lviv. Undergraduate Degree from University of up future generations. And I thoroughly CUPP Internship in Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Faculty of enjoy this profession. I teach youngsters 2000 with Walt Humanities and Social Sciences in 2000. foreign languages and respect for our Lastewka, MP from Awarded British Council's Chevening Ukrainian language, and to reach out St. Catharines, Scholarship to do an MA in Political beyond their immediate borders. Now Ontario. Philosophy - 'The Idea of Toleration' at when I am in a classroom with my stu- CUPP Scholarship: University of York, UK. Received MA in dents, I talk to them with conviction, to Hon. John Sopinka 2002. Began PhD studies at Kyiv-Mohyla study earnestly other languages and to Scholarship. Academy in 2003. never forget and to love their homeland, With assistance of Maria & Josef Author of a number of publications, among Ukraine. Thanks Canada!" Siecinsky Scholarship took part, as co- them: 'Parliamentary Elections of ordinator of CUPP '01 with Hon. Maria September 27, 1998 in Germany as a Anton Minna, MP from Toronto. Psychological Eatershed between the DEMYDENKO Undergraduate Degree from National Past and the Future for German Society', Born in Kharkiv. Pedagogical University, Lviv, Faculty of published in 1999; 'Western Europe and CUPP Internship in Economics in 2002. the USA: International Misunderstanding 2000 with Hon. David Awarded Hon. Walter Tarnopolsky and Contradictions in Transatlantic Kilgour, MP from Scholarship to do graduate studies at Partnership Relations', published in 2000; Edmonton, Alberta, University of Helsinki and University of 'Herbert Marcuse's Notion of the Secretary of State for Vienna and Vienna School of Business. Containment of Social Change in Africa & Latin After graduation completed six month Advanced Capitalist Societies', published

26 CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM in 2002; 'Toleration as an Imposed Scholarship earned an LLM Degree from Manitoba. Attitude in Contemporary Western Liberal the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, CUPP Scholarship: Democratic Societies', published in 2003. UK, specializing in International William Kereliuk Since 2002 has worked for the Commercial Arbitration. Scholarship. International Relations Board of the Currently working as an Associate with Awarded Dr. Yuri & National Television Company of Ukraine, Ernst & Young Ukraine, European Union Oksana Fedyna in Kyiv. In 2002 and 2004 was co-manag- Law, in Kyiv. Scholarship to partici- er of Ukraine's first ever participation in pate as a co-ordinator the 'Eurovision Song Contest'. In 2004 Vasyl HARASYMIV in CUPP '02 with the Ruslana of Ukraine won the ESC. Hon. Maria Minna, (See information in CUPP '00) MP from Toronto. Olha MINKO Undergraduate Degree from Taras Ulyana KHROMYAK Shevchenko National University, Kyiv in (See information in CUPP '99) Sociology. Awarded MA Degree from Born in Lviv. Faculty of Sociology of Taras Shevchenko Currently resides in Valentyna National University in 2002. With assis- Kyiv. TERESHCHENKO tance of Raynell Andreychuk Scholarship CUPP Internship in completed the Summer School in Born in Luhansk. 2001 with Walt European Studies organized by the CUPP Internship in Lastewka, MP from University of Vienna in Strobl, Austria in 2000 with Alex St. Catharines, 2002. With the assistance of the John Shepherd, MP from Ontario. Sopinka Scholarship completed the Ontario. CUPP Scholarship: American Institute on Political and CUPP Scholarship: Senator Raynell Andreychuk Scholarship. Economic Systems in Prague, Czech Volodymyr Hrynyk Undergraduate Degree from Ivan Franko Republic in 2003. With assistance of Scholarship. National University, Lviv, Faculty of Soros Scholarship completed MA Degree Undergraduate Degree from Taras International Relations and International at Central European University, Budapest Shevchenko Pedagogical University, Law Department in 2002. in 2003. In 2001 awarded Scholarship from the Faculty of Foreign Languages & Literature Since graduation from CEU has worked as TEMPUS Program to undertake research Research Associate at the Institute for in 2003. Earned BA Degree in Political on Multinational Corporations as an asso- Science from College of St. Benedict \ St. Regional and Euro-Integration Studies, ciate at Queen Mary College, University of "EuroRegio Ukraine", in Kyiv. John's University, Minnesota, USA in London. In 2002 awarded a CIDA 2002. Completed Internship at the Cold (Canadian International Development War International History Project, Agency) Scholarship to do an Internship Vasyl Woodrow Wilson Centre for Scholars, as an Assistant to the Executive Director MYROSHNY- Washington, DC, USA in 2001. at Canada-Eurasia Energy and Industry CHENKO Since 2002 working at the US Agency for Alliance (CEEIA) in Calgary, Alberta. Born in Ternopil. International Development in Kyiv. After Internship at the Centre for Trade CUPP Internship in Policy and Law, was transferred to Baker 2001 with Dan & McKenzie office in Calgary, as part of McTeague, MP from CUPP '01 CIDA project. In 2002 was awarded a Pickering-Ajax- Partnership for Tomorrow Program Uxbridge, Ontario. Olena HARASYMIV Scholarship by CIDA to continue CUPP Scholarship: Born in Ivano- Internship with CEEIA. In 2003 awarded Antin Hlynka Scholarship. Frankivsk. a Scholarship by The Hague Academy of Undergraduate Degree from Taras CUPP Internship in International Law to attend summer Shevchenko National University, Faculty 2001 with Benoit course on International Private Law in of International Relations in 2002. Serre, MP from Hague, Netherlands. Received MA Degree from Taras Ontario. Recently joined the law firm of Kravets & Shevchenko National University in 2003, CUPP Scholarship: Levenets in Kyiv as an associate. International Relations. Upon return from Ivan Bodnarchuk "CUPP was a starting point of my profes- CUPP '01 became co-founder of non-gov- Scholarship. sional achievements. It is a unique pro- ernmental youth organization "European Undergraduate Degree from Ivan Franko gram and opportunity for Ukrainian stu- Youth Parliament-Ukraine". Currently is National University, Lviv, Faculty of Law in dents to change their world and values! President of EYPU. 2002. Viva CUPP!" In 2002 completed intensive summer Served as editor-in-chief of "Chasopys internship, "Global Village for Future Pravnychyy", during undergraduate stud- Leaders of Business and Industry", at the Olga Iacocca Institute of Lehigh University in ies. Completed Human Rights & Criminal MAKSYMENKO Justice at the University of Nottingham, Pennsylvania, USA. Currently Senior Account Manager for Notthingham, UK in 2000. Completed Born in Rechitsa, Belarus. Currently CFC Consulting Company specializing in studies at International Institute of Human resides in Kyiv. government relations. Rights in Strasbourg, France in 2001. CUPP Internship in 2001 with the Hon. Married Lina Nosenko in 2002. Has With assistance of a Chevening Rey Paktakhan, MP from Winnipeg, daughter Yaroslawa.

CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM 27 Inna Courses and Summer School Programs at Philology in 2003. PLATONOVA Network University in the Netherlands, Currently pursuing Graduate Degree at Alpbach, Austria, Baltic University and in Born in Kotovsk, Taras Shevchenko National University, Lviv and Kharkiv, Ukraine. Odesa Oblast. Kyiv, Department of Theory and Practice Was exchange student during 1999/2000 CUPP Internship in of Translation. academic year at University of Warsaw. 2001 with Mac Harb, Author of several scholarly publications Completed an Internship in Parliament of MP from Ottawa dealing with area of translations from Ukraine in 2003. Centre. English to Ukrainian. Is fond of journalism Interests include music and reading. CUPP Scholarship: and photography, plans to organize photo Hon. Michael Starr Scholarship. exhibition dedicated to Canada. Graduated with Diploma Cum Laude in Olga MAKSYMENKO Married to Iryna Makaruk in 2003. Economics from Odesa Economic (See information in CUPP '01) University, Faculty of Economics in 1999. Was awarded a Soros Scholarship to pur- CUPP '03 sue graduate studies at Central European Anna University in Budapest. Earned an MA in TARANENKO Oleh KRYKAVSKYY Political Science, Diploma with Distinction Born in Born in Lviv Region. in 2001. Severodonetsk. CUPP Internship in Received an academic scholarship to Currently resides in 2003 with Dan study at the University of Maastricht. Luhanks, Ukraine. McTeague, MP from Received an MA in European Public CUPP Internship in Ontario, Affairs in 2002. 2002 with Judy Parliamentary Work experience includes teaching at Wasylycia-Leis, MP Secretary to Minister Odesa Economic College, Research work from Winnipeg, Manitoba. of Foreign Affairs. at Energy Charter Secretariat, an interna- CUPP Scholarship: Michael & Anna CUPP Scholarship: tional energy organization based in Bardyn Scholarship. Hon. Michael Starr Scholarship. Brussels, Belgium, and as project manag- Received the Vasyl Loboda Scholarship to Undergraduate Degree from National er for Ener-Green Foundation, a Calgary, participate as co-ordinator of CUPP '03 University of Ostroh Academy, Faculty of Alberta based charity, promoting renew- Law in 2004. able energy for social and environmental with Dennis Mills, MP from Toronto. Undergraduate Degree from Taras Received European Forum Scholarship to benefit. attend Alpbach Summer School in Austria, Has been accepted to the PhD Program Shevchenko Pedagogical University, on European Integration in 2003. in Environmental Design at the University Luhansk, Faculty of Foreign Languages & Presented paper on topic of "Free of Calgary, beginning in September 2004. Literature in 2004. Earned MA Degree Movement of Persons within the European Interests include playing accordion, piano, from Taras Shevchenko Pedagogical Union". Awarded Scholarship to complete singing and cooking. University, English Language & Literature in 2004. Internship in Verkhovna Rada commenc- "CUPP was a window of opportunity, ing February 2004. CUPP '02 which not many students from our region Participated in people's rights working get. But those of us, from Luhansk group on Globalization Forum in Council of Kateryna Oblast, who succeed to participate in Europe, Strasbourg, France in 2004. KRYVOSHEY CUPP, try our very best to represent our Currently employed at Indiana University Born in Belz. Universities and our region. CUPP is a Parliamentary Development Project for Currently residing in unique program, and should continue until Ukraine, in Kyiv. Lviv. real changes come." CUPP Internship in 2002 with Leon Roman Benoit, MP from TASHLEETSKY Alberta. Tamara CUPP Scholarship: Born in Rivne. BALAN Justice John Sopinka Scholarship. CUPP Internship in Undergraduate Degree from Ivan Franko 2002 with Hon. Rey Born in Toronto. National University, Lviv, Department of Pagtakhan, MP from University of Toronto. International Relations in 2002. Earned Winnipeg, Manitoba. Majors: Urban an MA Degree from Ivan Franko National CUPP Scholarship: Studies & Political University in field of International Hon. John & Mary Science. Economic Relations in 2003. MA Degree Yaremko Scholarship. Languages: English & in Sociology at Ivan Franko National With assistance of Maria & Josef Ukrainian. University (2003-2004, expected). Siecinsky Scholarship completed second Hobbies: reading, vol- Participated in the International Summer CUPP Program in 2003 as co-ordinator, unteering, travelling and exploring differ- n Program at the University of Vienna in with Inky Mark, MP from Dauphin, ent cultures, sports. 2003. Attended the Summer School at Manitoba. the University of Viadrina in Frankfurt, Undergraduate Degree from Lesia "CUPP Alumni" will be continued Germany - "The European System of Ukrainka Volyn National University, Lutsk, in next editions of Newsletter. Human Rights Protection". Attended Department of Romance & Germanic

28 CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM Why Ukrainian Studies? By Dr. Bohdan Vitvitsky Remarks by Dr. Vitvitsky, chair of the organizing committee for Friends of Columbia University Ukrainian Studies II ("FOCUUS II"), delivered in Columbia University's Low Library Rotunda at the May 8 gala banquet attended by diplomats, scholars and the public.

n 1991 President Bush traveled to Kyiv to tell Ukrainians in Russian or Polish despotism, shades off imperceptibly into the his now infamous Chicken Kyiv speech that they should avoid Russian or Polish nationalities. There is no clear dividing line "suicidal nationalism" and, thus, be wary of seeking indepen- between Russia and the Ukraine, and it would be impossible to Idence. What was stunning about that speech was not so much establish one. The cities in Ukrainian territory have been pre- its moral cynicism - after all, would anyone have been misguid- dominantly Russian and Jewish. The real basis of ed enough to travel to Jerusalem in 1948 to tell the Jews that "Ukrainianism" is the feeling of Adifference@ produced by a they should avoid a purportedly suicidal Zionism and, therefore, specific peasant dialect and by minor differences of custom and an independent Jewish state? - but the extraordinary level of folklore throughout the country districts. The political agitation historical ignorance that underlay it conclusions. Did anyone on the surface is largely the work of a few romantic intellectuals, associated with writing or approving the Chicken Kyiv speech who have little concept of the responsibilities of government. have any inkling whatsoever about the Holodomor, the Famine of 1932-33? Of the destruction of all Ukrainian religious, politi- * * * cal, scientific and cultural institutions and the persons who "Furthermore, the people who speak the Ukrainian dialect have made those institutions up? Of the Soviet regime's war against been split, like those who speak the White Russian any vestiges of normal Ukrainian life? Or that even Ukrainian [Byelorussian] dialect by a division which in eastern Europe has folk singers, such as Volodymyr Ivasiuk, and Ukrainian poets, always been the real mark of nationality: namely, religion. such as Vasyl Stus, were being killed as late as 1979 and 1986, respectively, merely for writing patriotic Ukrainian verse? * * * To understand how something like the Chicken Kyiv speech "Finally, we cannot be indifferent to the feelings of the Great could have come about, it is helpful to go back to August 1948, Russians themselves. They were the strongest national ele- when the Policy Planning Staff at the U.S. State Department ment in the Russian Empire, as they are now in the Soviet prepared a top secret memorandum titled "US Objectives With Union. They will continue to be the strongest national element Respect to Russia". Part of this memo was titled "Partition vs in that general area, under any status. Any long-term policy National Unity", and the memo posed the following question: must be based on their acceptance and cooperation. The "First of all, would it be our desire, [...] that the present territo- Ukrainian territory is as much a part of their national heritage as ries of the Soviet Union remain united under a single regime or the Middle West is of ours... that they be partitioned? And if they are to remain united, at "[The Ukrainians] are too close to the Russians to be able to set least to a large extent, then what degree of federalism should themselves up successfully as something wholly different. For be observed in a future Russian government? What about the better or for worse, they will have to work out their destiny in major minority groups, in particular the Ukraine?" some sort of special relationship to the Great Russian people. Let me now read some excerpts of the State Department analy- "It seems clear that this relationship can be at best a federal sis that followed: one, under which the Ukraine would enjoy a considerable mea- "The Ukrainians are the most advanced of the peoples who sure of political and cultural autonomy but would not be eco- have been under Russian rule in modern times. They have nomically or militarily independent. Such a relationship would generally resented Russian domination; and their nationalistic be entirely just to the Great Russians themselves. It would organizations have been active and vocal abroad. It would be seem, therefore, to be along these lines that US objectives with easy to jump to the conclusion that they should be freed, at respect to the Ukraine should be framed." least, from Russian rule and permitted to set themselves up as It is, of course, touching that our government thought that sup- an independent state. porting Russian hegemony was "just", or that Ukrainians should "We would do well to beware of this conclusion. Its very sim- cheerfully ignore what the government in Moscow had done to plicity condemns it in terms of eastern European realities. them in the 1930's and 1940's, or that they should cheerfully accept ongoing cultural genocide. But let's focus on factual "It is true that the Ukrainians have been unhappy under matters. The State Department had a lot of very smart people Russian rule and that something should be done to protect their working for it in 1948, as, of course, it does now. How could position in future. But there are certain basic facts which must they have gotten so many factual things so wrong? not be lost sight of. While the Ukrainians have been an impor- tant and specific element in the Russian Empire, they have A leading British historian writing a half century later suggested shown no signs of being a "nation" capable of bearing success- something that may serve as one possible explanation for this: fully the responsibilities of independence in the face of Great "Ukrainian history is often misunderstood simply because Russian opposition. The Ukraine is not a clearly defined ethical Western readers have never learned the basic "where" and or geographical concept. In general the Ukrainian population, "when" of the context. Few people know, for example, that made up of originally in large measure out of refugees from Ukraine first gained its modern independence in 1918, or that,

CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM 29 at earlier stages, important parts of it had variously belonged to gratulate you all on your wisdom and foresight in supporting this Poland, to Austria, to , or to Czechoslovakia. Thanks campaign to benefit Ukrainian Studies at Columbia. n to the preponderance of Russian-sourced information about Eastern Europe, it is often assumed quite inaccurately that 1 Forward to Lubomyr Luciuk, Searching for Place (U of T Ukraine is basically a province of Russia, that its capital Kyiv 2000). has always been Russian, and that Ukrainians are just a rather 2 The keynote speaker was Carlos Pascual, the peculiar sort of Russians. The ten years that have passed former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine. since the USSR collapsed and Ukraine recovered its indepen- dence have been all too short to counteract the preceding decades, not to say centuries, of propaganda and misinforma- tion." Professor Norman Davies, University of London and Oxford University, year 2000.1

Let's now return to our initial question, Why Ukrainian studies? English Language Testing There are many answers to this question, let me suggest but three: First, Ukraine is a country of almost 50 million people; any place Test of English as a Foreign Languages that large requires academic attention, study and analysis; (TOEFL) Second, we Americans appear just now to be waking up to the Educational Testing Service realization, in connection with our war in Iraq, that societies that P.O. Box 6151 have endured years of highly repressive, totalitarian regimes Princeton, New Jersey 08541-6151 that engaged in mass murder afterwards manifest profound U.S.A. atomization and various other social and political distortions. This is also not something that most folks who studied the Web site: www.toefl.org Soviet Union or now study post-Soviet countries seem ade- quately to have understood and appreciated, so there now seems little awareness that perhaps something important is International English Language Testing Service reflected by the fact that whereas Russia is happily ruled by a (EILTS) career KGB officer, 60 % of its population thinks Lenin was a great leader, 45% of its population thinks Stalin was a great University of Cambridge leader, and 30% of the Russian population would vote for Stalin Local Examinations Syndicate if he were running for office, in Ukraine, by contrast, and 1 Hills Road despite all of the official and media hanky-panky directed at Cambridge, U.K. CB1 2EU undermining his candidacy, for the last two years a genuine democrat has continued to lead in Ukraine's presidential polls. (or contact the nearest British Council office) Perhaps, for purposes of trying to understand the world better Web site: www.ielts.org and for purposes of informed policy development, we need to try and understand what is going on here and why. Third, ignorance is not bliss. The United States is, after all, a Michigan English Language Assessment Battery superpower: our actions simply cannot afford to be based on (MELAB) misinformation and disinformation about the Ukrainian historical experience and Ukraine's language, culture and so on. Happily, English Language Institute the simple fact of Ukraine's independence has begun to make a University of Michigan difference. Also, luckily, some of the State Department person- 401 E. Liberty Street, Suite 350 nel assigned to Ukraine since independence, such as our hon- Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104-2298 2 ored keynote speaker this evening, have been unusually U.S.A. thoughtful, perceptive and wise in their grasp of certain Ukrainian realities. But it is not our government in Washington Web site: www.lsa.umich.edu/eli or institutions such as the New York Times that give birth to the people who then run that government or pretend to come to grips with what really happened in Ukraine in 1932-33 - they The Certificate of Proficiency in English (COPE) are all educated at universities such as Columbia, Harvard, COPE Testing Ltd. Yale, Georgetown, Stanford and others. That is why each of you who is here this evening, and all of those who may not be 429 Danforth Avenue here but who have contributed to Friends of Columbia P.O. Box 462 University Ukrainian Studies, should be so proud. For you are Toronto, Ontario supporting the expansion and development of accurate informa- M4K 1P1 tion and knowledge about Ukraine at one of the premiere insti- tutions of higher learning in the world. And by doing so, you are E-mail: [email protected] performing a very important public service both for the United Web site: www.copetest.com States and for Ukraine. I therefore commend you, and I con-

30 CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM Evening at Ukrainian National Benefactors - Eugene Andrij Myskiv sings CUPP with Capella Bandurystiv (Toronto). Federation Headquarters. Sukniarsky, Ivan Mazurenko and Roman Kostiuk - President Anna Mazurenko (Toronto). with Victoria Shaban (Kyiv).

UNF Evening. Myron GerusUNF withEvening. Halyna Barylo (Lviv) and Andrij Voytovych (Lviv). UNF Evening. Inna Ruda (Kharkiv), Olena Ovchennikova (Uman) and Olha Ponomarenko (Mykolaiv).

Roman Misiura (Ivano-Frankivsk),UNF Ihor Bardyn and UNF Evening. Evening. Yuriy Zakharchenko (Lutsk). Lucy Hicks,and Yuliya Ihor Zabelina Bardyn. (Luhansk)

CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM 31 Historic Hart House on the campus of University of Toronto

There Is Life Outside The Classroom Hart House provides an unparalleled learning experience for students. At Hart House students explore music, literature, film, drama, athletics and issues of the day in the uniquely soul- restoring environment of this historic building. Students govern all activities at Hart House - from its highest governing body, the Board of Stewards, to the thirty-some clubs and committees in art, archery, film, orchestra, choral singing, debates, drama, investment, photography, bridge, chess and more. Working alongside faculty, alumni members and staff, students learn through organizing hundreds of readings, con- certs, debates, plays and events for the whole university and in 1644 in defense of freedom of speech and thought, surrounds community. At Hart House lessons are lived. the 140-foot Hall. The coats of arms of the Royal Family and degree-granting universities of the British Empire from 1919 sit The Origins of Hart House below an enormous stained glass window on the south wall. The idea for Hart House was conceived by 22-year-old under- Shields at the north end of the Hall represent 74 universities of graduate Vincent Massey, who would later become Canada's nations allied with Britain and Canada in 1919. Portraits of past first native-born Governor General. Massey envisioned a gath- Hart House wardens, as well as chancellors and governors of ering place for students, faculty and alumni to have shared the university hanging in the Hall are identified at the entrance experiences outside the lecture hall. Construction on Hart way. The east windows are heavily leaded with a medley of House began in 1911 and its doors were opened on pastel glass interspersed with clear glass painted with motifs. Remembrance Day, 1919. Hart House is named for Massey's The upper gallery windows feature hand-painted caricatures of grandfather, industrialist and philanthropist Hart Massey. the scholars and eccentrics from the time of Hart House's origin. "The bricks and mortar are but the bones, "We felt very strongly that although every effort should be made the community must provide the spirit." to give the building beauty and distinction, this did not imply - Vincent Massey, November 11, 1919 an atmosphere of luxury. Luxury is an enervating thing, beauty ennobling and inspiriting." - Vincent Massey An Architectural Gem Reprinted from "Welcome to Hart House University of Toronto" Hart House was one of the earliest and is still one of the most beautiful student centres in the world. Hart House is a historic Only a few steps separate the main entrance to Hart House, site, and has been referred to as "the first example of Beaux Art from its most beautiful and inspiring room, the Great Hall. Gothic Revival in Canada." Standing northwest of Queen's Milton's Areopagitica evokes different images and thoughts. Park, this distinguished building is the visual icon of the The written words engraved into the wall, explain some of the University of Toronto. uniqueness mystery of the place. Many secrets are hidden in Distinguished architect Henry Sproatt designed Hart House in these walls of this truly great Hall! the Collegiate Gothic style using the finest of materials. The "FIRST, when a City shall be as it were besieged and blocked grand interior of the House features distinctive high arched ceil- about..." with these words begins a line, which stretches seem- ings that vary from room to room. Italian travertine floors run ingly, without end, along the wall. throughout the building. Uniquely designed fireplaces and well- But, in this Great Hall are recorded not only the shields of the tread wood floors add warmth to the House's common rooms. 74 University Clubs of nations allied with Britain and Canada in "One no longer needs a brain to attend the University of 1919, when Hart House officially opened its doors to the stu- Toronto, all one needs is porous skin dents of Toronto's University. But these shields are there in to absorb the finest essence of education." recognition of the historic alliance, as well as to recognize the - Gregory Clark, The Toronto Start Weekly, November 29, 1919, Institutions of Higher learning who predated the founding of reporting on the opening of Hart House. Hart House. And so, among the great University Cities of Oxford, A Design With Purpose Cambridge, Harvard are found the shields of the great Hart House contains a theatre, a library, and rooms for music, Ukrainian University Cities of KHARKIV, ODESA and KYIV debating, billiards and photography. Comfortable sitting rooms, (though spelled KIEFF). a chapel, the Justina M. Barnicke Art Gallery, Hart House Theatre, This is a must visit of CUPP Alumni and future participants. I and two restaurants (The Arbor Room and The Gallery Grill), now understand the importance which the CUPP Director occupy the south wing of the House. The north wing is devoted places on history and historic events and locations, which link to athletics facilities, including a gymnasium, indoor running Ukraine with the World and especially the Western World and track, swimming pool and weight room. Hart House is built Civilization. We were proud to visit Hart House and discover a around a verdant quadrangle - an oasis of tranquil, green space. part of Ukrainian-Canadian History and the links between our nations. The Great Hall Markiyan Malskyy, Ivan Franko National University, Lviv, Sproatt's showpiece, The Great Hall, occupies the east wing of 3rd year International Relations & Economics, the House. A gilded inscription of Milton's Areopagitica, written CUPP Internship with Mario Sergio, MPP Toronto

32 CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM CUPP interns extend their sincere gratitude to the people, who made their participation in the program possible:


Mr. Ihor Bardyn, CUPP Director Mr. Eugene Yakovych, CUPP Treasurer Mr. Alex Hordienko Mrs. Irene Hordienko, volunteer Mrs. Lucy Hicks, volunteer Halyna Zalucky and Tamara Balan, Canadian Coordinators Yulia Zabelina, Ukrainian Coordinator


Jean Augustine, Carolyn Bennett, Sarmite Bulte, Bill Graham, Tony Ianno, David Kilgour, Jurij Klufas, Jack Layton, Dennis Mills, Maria Minna, Lida Preyma, Yasmin Ratansi, Judy Sgro, Mario Silva, Joseph Volpe, Borys Wrzesnewskyj


Mazurenko Family, Walter Tarnopolsky, Alexandra & Eugene Sukniarsky, Yuri & Oksana Fedyna, Ethel Rose & Michael Makuch, William Kereliuk, Malanchuk Family, Maria Mocyk, Evhen Palenka, Raynell Andreychuk, Vasyl Loboda, Paul Yuzyk, John Sopinka, Ramon Hnatyshyn, Illya & Paulina Shkilnyk, Michael Starr (Starchevsky), Cathy Obal, Norman Cafik, John & Mary Yaremko, Volodymyr Hrynyk, Edward Shreyer, Myron and Nadia Gerus, Michael & Anna Bardyn, Humeniuk Family, Christina Bardyn.


This year CUPP students have done something unique. We 3. What is your estimation of the number of Ukrainians decided to conduct an anonymous survey among the inhabi- living in Canada (in %)? tants of Toronto and find out some interesting facts, how The next question Canadians are informed about Ukraine. During the survey 464 a dealt with the probable persons were asked several questions about famous Ukrainians estimations of and its geographical position. As we estimated, some of those b Ukrainians living in questioned had no idea about Ukraine, some answered with c Canada. We gave the mistakes and some were well informed about it. It is important chance to choose to understand by which facts Ukraine is famous abroad. between percent e 1. Where is Ukraine situated? rages. 3% (16 per- d sons) have answered The first question was that there are more about general knowl- than 30% of population edge of geography. is of Ukrainian origin. As we expected some North Asia 13% (62 persons) America interesting answers chose the answer from appeared. 15% to 30%. 32% (150 46 persons (10%) a - 0-2%; b - 2-5%; c - 5-15%; persons) decided that answered that Ukraine d - 15-30%; e - >30%. there are from 5% to is in Asia, the majority 15%, and 35% Europe knew the right answer answered correctly, that about 2% to 5% have Ukrainian back- -- 428 persons (92%) ground. answered Europe. Everyone knew, that 4. Famous Ukrainian person. Africa has nothing to The last question was the hardest. About half of the people do with Ukraine, and asked did not know any of famous Ukrainians. Those who knew only one answered that Ukraine is situated in North America. named sportsmen -- Klychko brothers, A. Shevchenko, A. Fedo- 2. What is the capital of Ukraine? tenko, S. Bubka and others. Only a few named Taras Shev- chenko and Lesya Ukrainka as the most famous Ukrainians. The second question Some named Lenin, Gorbatchev and Putin. Only one knew Baku was about the capital Ruslana Lyzychko, who recently won the Eurovision competi- of Ukraine. The sec- tion. We also got to know some new Ukrainians. ond question appeared Moscow to be harder. As in the The current survey shows, that though Ukrainians have immi- previous case the grated to Canada and their culture has not only survived, but majority knew the right also has developed, many of Canadians do not know about it. answer - Kyiv, 288 We also got to know the lessons of Geography. And lastly, we Minsk Kyiv answers (62%). 7% hope that everyone who has read this analysis, will at least not (36 person) have for- answer that the capital of Ukraine is Moscow, and it is situated gotten a little bit of in Africa. geography and said We would like to state our gratitude to all, who contributed to that Baku is the capital the survey process. We also hope that this will become a tradi- of Ukraine. Others tion of CUPP students, to conduct different surveys. n thought that Minsk (17%) and Moscow (14%) are the capitals of Ukraine.

PEOPLE WHO WORKED ON THIS ISSUE: Markiyan Malskyy - editor-in-chief Victoria Shaban - news editor Tamara Balan, Yuliya Zabelina and Halyna Zalucky - associate editors Andrij Miskiw - designer Columnists and writers: Halyna Barylo, Alisa Burda, Dmytro Chernenko, Olha Halyabar, Roman Misyura, Nataliya Nohachevska, Olena Ovchynnikova, Yevheniya Paliy, Oleksandra Ratushnyak, Maryna Razinkova, Inna Ruda, Andriana Smolska, Artem Snopkov, Ruslan Tykholaz, Oksana Tyschenko-Monastyrska


Chair of Ukrainian Studies Foundation 620 Spadina Avenue Toronto, Ontario Canada M5S 2H4