Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of St Columb Major Town Council, held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, St Columb Major on Tuesday, 10th November 2015 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllrs P Wills (Mayor), Mrs J Warner (Deputy Mayor), E Culley, A Bazeley, M Jenkin, M Beason, S Johns, Mrs B Rogers, K Roberts, Mrs L Jiggins, B Daniels

In attendance: Mr M C Uren (Town Clerk) Four members of the public, a reporter from Voice and PCSO Parry (up to Item 765/14)

763/14 Mayor’s Welcome: The Mayor, Cllr Wills, welcomed everyone to the Meeting.

i) Housekeeping: The Mayor addressed Councillors and members of the public giving advice on emergency procedures, asking that all mobile phones be switched off, or turned to silent.

ii) Announcement and Diary Dates: The Mayor, with other Councillors, had attended Remembrance Sunday – it was outstanding. The Mayor proposed a vote of thanks to Cllr Daniels for all his hard work on Sunday in preparing The Columba Centre. This proposal was seconded by Cllr Johns and unanimously resolved. He reported on a Meeting of Mayors he had attended today at . Items on the Agenda included Police, Libraries and Devolution. With other Members of the Working Party, he had attended a Meeting with Majorsteps at Wesley Chapel. He had also attended a Meeting, with other Members of the Town Council, with Esther Richmond regarding Neighbourhood Plan and the Devolution Framework.

764/14 Public Forum:

The Mayor invited the members of the public to address the Council if they so wished.

Mrs Williams spoke on behalf of the Regeneration Forum, regarding a Pay and Display Sign which has appeared on top of the Map in Wesley Place Car Park. Where has it come from and was permission granted to place it there? The matter will be investigated. Mr Cryer spoke about the possibility of making Retallack Resort available for the young people of the Town. He would like to work with the Working Group that was set up at the last Council Meeting. Retallack are keen to work with St Columb.

765/14 Report from Police:

PCSO Parry presented the Police Report:-

“Apologies PC Lenton and PCSO Burgess day shift


There are twelve crimes reported to Police from 10th October until 10th November 2105 – only nine reported same time last year – so a slight increase in crime

They are as follows: 1. Assault – domestic related 2. Harassment – domestic related 3. Assault – domestic related 4. Criminal damage to window 5. Theft of mobile phone 6. Assault - domestic related 7. Drink drive linked to below 8. Possession of control drug 9. Threatening behaviour 10. Criminal damage to window of vehicle 11. Theft of motor vehicle 12. Theft of clothing - Mole Valley Farmers – enquiries continuing All crimes are being looked into at this time

Halloween was busy, but to be fair, everyone was well behaved and we had not one call to an ASB incident – an enjoyable evening Sgt Adams and PC Lenton joined the Remembrance Day Parade – it was a good turn out from the Town as per usual

Thank you PCSO Parry”

766/14 Apologies for Absence:

An Apology for Absence had been received from Cllr Colton – who was unwell. Cllr Green was absent.

767/14 Members Declarations of Interest:

i) Declarations of Interest, in accordance with the Agenda: Cllr Bazeley – Item – 784/14 ii) Declarations of gifts to the value of £25: None

768/14 To confirm Minutes of the last Full Council Meeting held on 27th October 2015:

The Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, held on 27th October 2015, were presented by the Mayor.

Cllr Wills commented on Item 744/14 advising that a report on Carloggas Grove – housing, had been included in the Newquay Voice, details had been inserted on to Notice Boards, included on our Website, inserted on our Facebook Page and included in Town and Country. The name of the road will now be Sycamore Close. With regards to Item 747/14, the Tree Officer has visited the site – we await his report.


Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Roberts seconded and it was resolved unanimously that these Minutes be accepted.

Cllr Wills presented the Minutes of the Closed Session of the Full Council Meeting, held on 27th October 2015.

Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Mrs Rogers seconded and it was resolved unanimously that these Minutes be accepted.

769/14 Payment of Accounts – Members to Approve the Payment of Accounts to the end of October 2015:

The Mayor presented the Accounts to be paid up to the end of October 2015. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Culley seconded and it was resolved unanimously to approve the payment of accounts to the end of October 2015.

770/14 Planning Matters:

There were no Planning Applications to deal with at this time.

771/14 New Play Equipment

Only one price has been received for clearing the areas of the concrete bases, etc. and re-grass. It was agreed to wait for the other prices and report to the next Full Council Meeting. Cllr Jenkin confirmed that the Working Party will come forward with ideas and prices for new play equipment. It is anticipated that new equipment will be installed in time for the Easter Holidays.

772/14 Wesley Chapel:

Cllr Wills confirmed that the Working Party has met with Majorsteps. The Preschool will deal with all matters relating to OfSTED. As far as Majorsteps are concerned this building will be acceptable for the purpose they wish to use it for. It is understood that Majorsteps are currently paying the School £200 per month, and this is the amount they have stated they would be prepared to pay for the Wesley Chapel building. The Town Council will now enter into a formal Agreement with Majorsteps. The Agreement will be drawn up by the Legal Section of , Council. The Agreement will be, in the first instance for a period of 12 months. This will be able to be reviewed, or extended at any time. Cllr Jenkin asked again about whether we will require Change of Use. The matter has been referred to the Planning Authority and we are waiting for their response. It was proposed by Cllr Wills, seconded by Cllr Beason and resolved unanimously to enter into a formal Agreement with Majorsteps, for a period of 12 months, with the rent being £200 per calendar month.

Cllr Culley advised that a number of Contractors have visited the site and most have submitted quotes for undertaking the refurbishment work. It was stated that the prices received so far amount to over £10,000. It is recommended by the Mayor that because of the potential cost of the work, we should formally put this work out to Tender. Cllr


Wills proposed, Cllr Johns seconded and it was resolved unanimously to obtain Tenders for the refurbishment work at Wesley Chapel. Because the work is of an urgent nature, it was agreed that the closing date for Tenders be two weeks after the Advert appears in the Press. Mention was made here about the possibility of being able to apply for 106 money. The Community Infrastructure Levy was also mentioned. The Town Clerk spoke about whether, or not, there was an Asbestos Certificate available for this property. Nowhere can such a Certificate be found. A price has been obtained from Shield to undertake a Refurbishment Asbestos Survey – the cost being £347 + VAT. Cllr Johns proposed, Cllr Wills seconded and it was resolved unanimously to obtain a Refurbishment Asbestos Survey.

773/14 North and South Chapels:

Cllr Wills advised that we have now received a letter from the DAC Advisor regarding repairs/renewal of the windows in both the North and South Chapels at Trekenning Road Cemetery. He has also included prices to undertake the required work. The cost of the required work is likely to be in excess of £10,000, therefore the recommendation from the Mayor is that we formally put this work out to Tender. Members were handed a copy of the required works to be undertaken. It was highlighted that we must ensure that on the specification mention is made about the access situation and the removal of waste. Scaffolding, or a tower scaffold will be required to enable this work to be carried out. Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Johns seconded and it was resolved unanimously to obtain Tenders for the repair/renewal of windows in the North and South Chapels. It was agreed that the closing date for Tenders be four weeks after the Advert appears in the Press. It was mentioned that as there will scaffolding of some kind in the Chapels when the window work is being undertaken, our Handyperson could paint the walls over the same period.

Cllr Wills advised that we have been unable to find any previous quotes for external pointing work to the Chapels. We will, therefore, request quotations for this work.

Cllr Beason asked whether it is the Council’s intention to keep “the lean-to” at the back of the North Chapel. The answer was in the affirmative – it is a Listed Building.

774/14 Community Devolution Framework

Cllr Wills spoke about the document “A Framework for Town and Parish Councils and Community Groups to have an Increased Role in Service Delivery”. He also referred to the recently held Meeting with the Network Link Officer, Esther Richmond. Cllr Jenkin has written to Esther Richmond regarding this matter – so, basically we have started “the ball rolling”.

775/14 Neighbourhood Plan:

Cllr Wills advised that St Eval has prepared a Neighbourhood Plan and has, in fact, held a referendum. They used a Consultee to assist in the preparation of this Plan. Would it be sensible to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan with St Wenn Parish Council? Cllr Wills proposed, Cllr Mrs Rogers seconded and it was resolved unanimously to invite St Wenn


Parish Council and St Eval Parish Council to a Meeting to talk about a Neighbourhood Plan.

776/14 Taking over verges from :

Cllr Wills spoke about the cutting of verges in the Parish. It has been noticed that the verges in the St Enoder and St Dennis Parishes are looking far better than our Parish. At the recent Meeting with Esther Richmond it was stated that we have three options – enhanced cutting; employ someone ourselves; appoint a group of volunteers to undertake the cutting. It was eventually agreed that we should request a price from Cormac to undertake enhanced cutting of the verges in this Parish.

777/14 Taking over Trekenning Road Car Park from Cornwall Council:

Cllr Wills gave a background into the taking over of Trekenning Road Car Park from Cornwall Council. Cllr Jenkin advised that the matter has been passed to Esther Richmond who is pursuing the matter with Cornwall Council. Basically, what we do not want to happen is for Planning Permission be granted for building on this Car Park. Cllr Mrs Warner reminded Councillors that at a Regeneration Forum Meeting about six years ago, it was stated that Cornwall Council intended to build on half of the Car Park.

778/14 Provision of Salt Bins:

Cllr Wills advised that we have now obtained three prices for Salt Bins – the sizes are slightly confusing and it was agreed that this matter be checked into. A representative will be meeting with the Town Clerk to discuss possible siting positions for the Salt Bins. Cllr Wills thought that perhaps we should be looking to purchase a dozen Bins in the first instance – 8 around Town; 2 for Talskiddy and 2 for Ruthvoes. A general discussion ensued. It was eventually agreed to sort out the prices and the sitings and bring back the findings to the next Full Council Meeting.

779/14 Ideas for Precept 2016/17

Before discussing the Precept for next year, Cllr Wills advised on the latest position regarding last year’s Audit.

Cllr Wills advised that the running costs for next year will be available at the next Full Council Meeting.

Cllr Beason again reiterated his suggestion to have a statue made and placed somewhere in Town. Where would be a suitable site?

Cllr Culley spoke about an area of land at the top of Newquay Road, which basically requires work to be done to it. The matter will be investigated further.


780/14 Correspondence:

The following items of Correspondence have been received:

a) Placement of seats - John Foley – Cornwall Council responsibility b) Airspace Change Proposal – Cornwall Airport Newquay c) Letter re: St Columb in Bloom d) NALC – Newsletter e) Letter from Max Haughton re: grass verge cutting on the A3059 f) Letter from Max Haughton re: Trekenning Road Car Park g) Open Doors – your opportunity to put questions to the Leaders of the Council

781/14 Any Other Business:

a) Cllr Wills offered sincere thanks to Cllr Green for his help in obtaining a Tree from Carnanton Estate for the Festival of Lights this year.

b) Cllr Johns stated that a great job has been done by our Handyperson with regards to the seats in the Cemetery and the windows at the Town Hall. Basically our Handyperson has saved the Council a small fortune. Should we reimburse him for his efforts? An item will be included on the Agenda regarding this matter.

c) Cllr Beason asked about the area behind the Town Hall. Cllr Wills confirmed that as the area in question was “No Man’s Land”, the Town Council took over responsibility for it. (Full Council Meeting – 8th October 2014 Item No. 220/14 refers)

d) Cllr Beason offered his thanks for all the hard work that the Mayor put in to making Remembrance Sunday such a memorable one.

e) Cllr Wills spoke about the siting of the new Commemorative Seat. We have now received the Faculty for the Seat to be placed in the Closed Churchyard. Perhaps the Seat would be better placed inside the West Street gate? Cllr Daniels suggested that a better position would be on the pavement between the Lych Gates and the War Memorial. It was agreed to include this as an Agenda Item at the next Full Council Meeting.

f) Cllr Mrs Warner advised that although the matter has been referred to Tony Roberts, no work has been undertaken to tidy up the area behind the Memorial Wall in the Cemetery. The Town Clerk will speak to Tony Roberts about the matter.

g) Cllr Mrs Rogers advised again the vast number of leaves at the top of Trethewey Close and opposite West Park. The matter will be looked into again.

h) Cllr Beason asked whether it would be possible for Parking Permits to be provided on Fair Street. It was pointed out that this is a Cornwall Council responsibility. However we will refer the matter to Cornwall Council for their consideration.


i) Cllr Mrs Warner was pleased to advise that the eight bags of compost had been found.

j) Cllr Mrs Rogers spoke about work that had been carried out outside or beside the Chemists recently. It would appear that someone had an accident there. It would appear that no-one is responsible for the area in question and work was carried out by South West Water. The matter will be looked into further.

k) The Town Clerk read a letter that had been received from Cornwall Council regarding 106 money and Heritage Lights. A suitable response will be sent to Cornwall Council.

782/14 Date of Next Full Council Meeting:

The next Full Council Meeting is due to held on Tuesday, 24th November 2015 at 7.30pm.

783/14 To consider the following Resolution: That the Press and Public be excluded from the Meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1060 (as Extended by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972)

784/14 Closed Session – Minutes recorded separately

Dated: 24th November 2015 Signed: