August 12 & 13, 2010

Incorporating Games & Gaming Techniques into Your e-Learning


How to Create Highly Engaging and Interactive mLearning Using Games and Simulations

David Metcalf, University of Central Florida Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques into your e-Learning Aug 12 & 13, 2010

How to Create Highly Engaging and Interactive mLearning Using Games and Simulations

® David Metcalf, Ph.D.

Mixed Emerging Technology Integration Lab

Formed in 2006 to further the goals of R&D of emerging technology disciplines for learning and knowledge through partner relationships with world leaders from industry, academia, military and nonprofit organizations Mobile Games and Simulations Virtual Worlds Collaborative Technologies (Wikis, ...)

Web 2.0 and beyond

Session 601 – How to Create Highly Engaging and Interactive mLearning Using Page 1 Games and Simulations – David Metcalf, University of Central Florida Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques into your e-Learning Aug 12 & 13, 2010

Mixed Emerging Technology Integration Lab (METIL)

Microsoft Go for the Green Mobile SCORM-conforming courses Mobile learning sales game with a golf theme DAU Sim Cards on iPhone, Blackberry, Symbian and Classroom, Online, Mobile and Windows Mobile Learning Scenarios

Learning, Knowledge & Cognition Mobile Johnson & Johnson PRD Mobile My Sports Pulse Challenge Games and Simulations 3D University Mobile Simulations for Science, Technology, Virtual Worlds Corporate Mobile Learning, Engineering and Math (STEM) Education Virtual Worlds and Collaborative Technologies KM/Collab Innovative integration of 3 Web 2.0 and beyond domains: STEM Education to improve students interest and future technical entrepreneurship PMESII Catalog opportunities Community- Sports Theme to expand audience, promote interest editable and provide extrinsic database wiki motivation for irregular Mobile Technology for delivery to a young, broad warfare audience, reaching simulations millions internationally


Session 601 – How to Create Highly Engaging and Interactive mLearning Using Page 2 Games and Simulations – David Metcalf, University of Central Florida Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques into your e-Learning Aug 12 & 13, 2010

Game Play Stats (ESA 2008)

. 65% of households play computer/video games . Average player age is 35 . 40% female, women over 18 are greater percentage than boys under 17 . 59% play games with others in person . Online casual games . 47% of online games played are puzzle/board/ game show/trivia/card . 14% downloadable (e.g. Bejeweled, Diner Dash) . 11% persistent multi-player . 36% play on wireless devices

Game Play Stats (Pew)

. Teens . 99% of boys, 94% of girls play video games . Medium . 73% play on desktop or laptop PC . 60% on portable gaming device . 48% on cellphone or PDA . Social . 65% play with other people in the same room . 27% play with people over the internet . 82% play alone, but 71% of this group also play with others

Session 601 – How to Create Highly Engaging and Interactive mLearning Using Page 3 Games and Simulations – David Metcalf, University of Central Florida Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques into your e-Learning Aug 12 & 13, 2010

Game Play Stats (Pew)

. Adults . Many adults play, women and men close in % . 38% of all adults, 73% of adult gamers play on computer . 18% of all adults, 35% of adult gamers play on mobile device (cell phone, PDA) . Men and women equal on all gaming devices except consoles, where men are ahead . 23% of all adults play online

Am I a Gamer?


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Casual Games

. A or online game targeted at a mass audience. Can have any type of play or be any genre. . simple rules . lack of commitment compared to hardcore games . no special skills to play . comparatively low production and distribution costs

. 25% of the $9.6 Billion game industry is classified as casual games (ESA, 2007)

. Typical player is older and more predominantly female . over 74% of purchasers are women 9

Fundamentals of Business Leadership Sim


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Casual Games

. Social Networking Games


PhonePhone--basedbased Mobile Learning Games

. Business Man Simulation . Air Traffic Control Game

From Com2Us-

from 12

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Spanish LE

USA Presidents

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Brain Challenge

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. Game from University of Portsmouth

. Developed to help international students prepare for and deal with culture shock

. Visit multiple locations in game and view notes about things that can cause culture shock

. Complete mini-games and quizzes to reduce culture shock level


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Combat Hunter Profiling Cognitive Cue PTT Minigame

. Web-based Flash module for cognitive practice during or post classroom . Based on best practices from leading psychologists . Intuitive scenario creation

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Combat Hunter Mobile

Computer Adaptive Testing- Intervention Spacing

. Spacing Effect . First discovered in 1885 by cognitive psychologist Herman Ebbinghaus . Mind loses ability to recall based on a defined curve . Most efficient time to study a specific piece of information is the point along the curve at which it will soon be forgotten

Confidential. © 2008 University of Central Florida Institute for Simulation and Training. © 2008 Moving Knowledge. All rights reserved.

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Intervention Spacing

. Memory Curve . Varies according to individual . Differs from one piece of information to another . Implications for Assessment . Curves for each learning objective and individual user must be plotted independently . Dynamic formative assessment . Personalized learning assessment

Confidential. © 2008 University of Central Florida Institute for Simulation and Training. © 2008 Moving Knowledge. All rights reserved.

Intervention Spacing

Practice 31 . Once the information has been reviewed, the curve flattens and the study interval increases. . After a few repetitions the information has been firmly imprinted in long-term memory.

Confidential. © 2008 University of Central Florida Institute for Simulation and Training. © 2008 Moving Knowledge. All rights reserved.

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Combat Medic Card Games

Mobile Interval Spacing Algorithm

Session 601 – How to Create Highly Engaging and Interactive mLearning Using Page 13 Games and Simulations – David Metcalf, University of Central Florida Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques into your e-Learning Aug 12 & 13, 2010

Mobile MySportsPulse

. Science and Math education combined with sports through mobile learning

. Can be done through SMS, IVR, email or web browser . Voice recording or video from sports celebrities . Answer sent back and scored by automated system . Timed intervals that have been proven to produce learning outcomes and reinforcement

American Sign Language Vcom3D


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GolfGolf--themedthemed Mobile Sales Game

. Learning game for sales people with a 9 step process themed around golf

Runs from the same code on Windows Mobile, iPhone, Blackberry, Symbian, 29 Palm, etc.

Confidential. © 2008 University of Central Florida Institute for Simulation and Training. © 2008 Moving Knowledge. All rights reserved. 29


. Facebook-style mobile social game . Multiplayer . Multiplatform . Teaches the new FDA food pyramid through eating for energy to perform missions that can get you enrolled in Superhero school . Target 9-12 yr olds

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UCF College of Medicine

. IT, Simulation and Mobile integration and development for 2009 launch


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Aid Tracker: Haiti Relief

ONR request and NSF assessment funding

What’s an ARG?

. Alternate Reality Game: A massive online game built for and out of the functionality of the internet and mobile communications, combining layered, fragmented narrative with complex collaborative puzzle solving. (IGDA 2006) . “An interactive drama played out online and in real-world spaces….in which dozens, hundreds, or thousands of players come together online, form collaborative social networks, and work together to solve a mystery or problem …that would be absolutely impossible to solve alone.” (McGonigal, 2004)


Session 601 – How to Create Highly Engaging and Interactive mLearning Using Page 17 Games and Simulations – David Metcalf, University of Central Florida Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques into your e-Learning Aug 12 & 13, 2010

Learning Theory Mashup (LTM)

. We produce technology mashups to match the right technology to the right audience, context, need, content. . Smaller, discreet elements of technology are combined in new and unique ways, smarter, faster and cheaper than large systems/software . Mobile technology and mashup strategy enables us to have mental scaffolding and a launchpad for many learning theories to be logically linked in a cohesive curriculum

Google Leadership Game

Interactive experience using Moving Knowledge for leadership, new product launch and presentation skills Represents a “gLearning” mashup with 7-8 Google tools- YouTube, Gmail, GoogleDocs, Moderator, GoogleTalk, etc. 1 Month curriculum created and produced in 3 weeks. 1 year program in 6 weeks. Time and Cost Efficient

Session 601 – How to Create Highly Engaging and Interactive mLearning Using Page 18 Games and Simulations – David Metcalf, University of Central Florida Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques into your e-Learning Aug 12 & 13, 2010

Curriculum for gLearning @ Google

The Moving Knowledge engine bridges the gap between Google content and applications by providing keywords that can be tracked as part of the game Week 1 engine. This allows for statistics to be shown on Leader boards, Curriculum Tracking for effective analysis and customized reporting. (1 of 5 ) Week 1 (2 of 5 ) Week 1 (3 of 5 ) Week 1 (4 of 5 ) Week 1

Week 2 Google Apps WebEx Virtual (1 of 5) Week 2 (2 of 5) Week 2 Classrooms (3 of 5) Week 2 (4 of 5) Week 2

Week 3 Moving Knowledge

Game Engine (1 of 5) Week 3 Leader Boards (2 of 5) Week 3 Curriculum Tracking (3 of 5) Week 3 (4 of 5) Week 3 Reporting

Moving Knowledge @ Google


Session 601 – How to Create Highly Engaging and Interactive mLearning Using Page 19 Games and Simulations – David Metcalf, University of Central Florida Incorporating Games and Gaming Techniques into your e-Learning Aug 12 & 13, 2010

Contingency Contracting Simulation

. Training simulation for DAU . Uses elements of role playing and pervasive or Alternate Reality Gaming . Uses common technologies: email, phone calls, SMS . Students interact with in-simulation characters . To accommodate small, asynchronous groups most elements are pre-produced and delivered through automated system


DreamCorp ARG

. Conference-based ARG to teach leadership, compliance, and workforce diversity issues . Live and virtual experience

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MIT STEP Handheld

. Multiple augmented reality simulations . Outbreak @ MIT . Mystery @ the Museum . AR Simulation Games for Math and Literacy Learning with Emerging Mobile Technologies

. Free editor and game software for educational or non-profit use

. PocketPC and GPS-enabled Windows Mobile support

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Urban Sleuth

. iPhone platform

. Create your own ARG/

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ARIS – Mobile Media Learning Experiences

. Developed by University of Wisconsin’s Games, Learning and Society Group

. iPhone engine allowing pervasive game creation . Use GPS to attach items/characters to physical location . Attach barcodes to objects/places that link to in- game content . Add story

. Free web-based editor and phone app

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. Android and Java phone game platform

. and location-based gaming

. Play existing games or create . Roads of San Francisco – scavenger hunt with story . YouCatch – massively multiplayer Manhunt game played citywide

HP MScape

. Free development suite for non-profit “mediascape” creation . Location based media triggers . Interactive elements for pervasive gaming

. Content works with select Windows Mobile devices, with internal or addon GPS support

. Existing mediascapes available for download and use

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. Mobile learning kit for teachers & students

. Design event paths with location checkpoints and SMS questions

. Learning reflection and assessment capabilities

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Torque for iPhone

. Affordable 3D and 2D game engines for indie developers . 3D - $650 indie license . 2D - $750 indie license

. Comes with editor toolset

. Supports accelerometer and multitouch inputs

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Unity iPhone

. iPhone publishing extension to base Unity engine license

. 2D and 3D development supported, plus support for touch and tilt features

. Unity Indie license: $199 + iPhone Basic publishing: $399

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Other tools

. Crossplatform . PhoneGap . Titanium . Flash?

. Others?


Future Goals and Needs

. Continued integration of emerging technologies that go beyond Web 2.0 (mobile, VW, Games/Sims, Collab/KM) to advanced concepts and tools in augmented cognition, , and other disciplines . Partners with similar vision and big goals to achieve significant results . Interesting projects that are big enough to have impact . International partnerships that meet the broad goals of UCF . Resource strategies for people, funding, and tools that can create a sustainable, large innovation factory . Spin-off multiple commercial entities and help launch/fund startup activities for students, faculty and our staff 56

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Contact Info

. David Metcalf , Ph.D. Researcher Institute for Simulation and Training University of Central Florida [email protected] V: +1-407-882-1496

. URL:

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