Date: Thursday 9th January, 2014 Time: 6.30 pm Venue: Professional Development Centre, 225 Road, Formby L37 6EW


Blundelsands Ward Ward Councillor Bennett (Vice-Chair), The Councillor Cummins, The Labour Party Labour Party Councillor Veidman, The Labour Party Councillor Dorgan, Conservative Party Councillor Webster, The Labour Party Councillor Papworth, Conservative Party Ward Ward Councillor John Joseph Kelly (Chair), The Councillor Cuthbertson, Conservative Labour Party Independent Member Councillor McGinnity, The Labour Party Councillor Dutton, Conservative Party Councillor Roberts, The Labour Party Councillor Killen, The Labour Party Park Ward Ward Councillor Blackburn, Liberal Democrats Councillor Atkinson, The Labour Party Councillor Kermode, The Labour Party Councillor Carr, The Labour Party Councillor Robertson, Liberal Democrats Councillor Murphy, The Labour Party Ward Ward Councillor Gatherer, The Labour Party Councillor P. Maguire, The Labour Party Councillor Hubbard, Liberal Democrats Councillor McIvor, Conservative Party Councillor McKinley, The Labour Party Councillor Page, The Labour Party

Victoria Ward Councillor Byrom, The Labour Party Councillor Roche, The Labour Party Councillor Tonkiss, Liberal Democrats

Parish Council Representatives Parish Councillor Geoff Gaskin Formby Parish Council Parish Councillor Ken Hounsell Thornton Parish Council Parish Councillor Roger Jenkins Ince Blundell Parish Council Parish Councillor Anne Ibbs Parish Council 1 Parish Councillor David Warren Hightown Parish Council Parish Councillor Mark Courtney Parish Council Parish Councillor Ron Baker Melling Parish Council Town Councillor Joan Deegan Town Council Parish Councillor Barry Draper Sefton Parish Council Parish Councillor Peter Gill Village Parish Council

Advisory Group Members Mr. P. G. Thornton

COMMITTEE OFFICER: Olaf Hansen Democratic Services Telephone: 0151 934 2067 Fax: 0151 934 2034 E-mail: [email protected]

If you have any special needs that may require arrangements to facilitate your attendance at this meeting, please contact the Committee Officer named above, who will endeavour to assist. We endeavour to provide a reasonable number of full agendas, including reports at the meeting. If you wish to ensure that you have a copy to refer to at the meeting, please can you print off your own copy of the agenda pack prior to the meeting.


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3 A G E N D A

1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest Members are requested to give notice of any disclosable pecuniary interest, which is not already included in their Register of Members' Interests and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the Members Code of Conduct, before leaving the meeting room during the discussion on that particular item.

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting (Pages 7 - 16) Minutes of the meeting held on 4 September, 2013

Part A

These items are for general discussion. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion)

4. Police Issues (Pages 17 - 28) Reports of the Neighbourhood Inspectors

Update on crime statistics and area interventions since the last meeting

5. Public Forum A period of 20 minutes (or longer at the discretion of the Chair) will be set aside for a Public Forum.

Members of the public can ask questions, raise matters, or present petitions on issues that are relevant to . The person asking a question will be allowed one supplementary question.

A question form indicating the person’s name and address must be completed and submitted to the Committee Administrator as soon as possible and by no later than 12:00(noon) the day before the meeting for faxed (0151 934 2034) or on-line submissions http://forms.sefton.gov.uk/openforumquestion/ Question forms can be obtained from the Committee Administrator prior to the meeting.

4 (If the questioner does not attend the meeting or nominate a representative to attend (at the discretion of the Chair), the question will not be read out, but a written response will be forwarded to the questioner).

If a response to a question cannot be provided at the meeting, the Neighbourhoods Division will contact the relevant department for a formal response and the resident will be contacted directly in writing.

6. Parish Council Updates Verbal update from the Parish Councils’ representative.

Part B

These items are for consultation or information of interest to the local community. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion)

There are no items for consideration in “Part B”

Part C

These are formal decisions to be taken by the Members of the Council. Only in exceptional cases will the Chair allow contributions from the public (Advisory Group Members may speak but not vote)

7. Prescot Road / Lane, Melling -Proposed (Pages 29 - 34) Junction Improvement Report of the Director of Built Environment

8. Receipt of Petition Regarding School-Related On-Street (Pages 35 - 44) Parking Conditions - Denmark Street and Sweden Grove, Waterloo Report of the Director of Built Environment

9. Results of On-street Parking Re-consultation Proctor (Pages 45 - 58) Road, Formby Report of the Director of Built Environment

10. Residents' Objections to Proposed Traffic Regulation (Pages 59 - 68) Order - Church Road, Formby Report of the Director of Built Environment

5 11. Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Section 53, (Pages 69 - 86) Application to Modify the Definitive Map and Statement by Adding Footpaths Between Cross Barn Lane, Moor Lane and Back O' Th Town Lane, Ince Blundell Report of the Director of Built Environment

12. Area Management Update (Pages 87 - 92) Report of the Director of Corporate Services

Update on area management issues resolved since the last meeting

13. Budget Monitoring (Pages 93 - 100) Report of the Director of Corporate Services

Update on Area Committee budget resources available

14. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 12 March 2013, at Maghull Town Hall, Hall Lane, Maghull L31 7BB commencing at 6:30pm