Creating new opportunities through digital transformation of medicine GERMANY The aim of the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) is to enhance research and patient care through Within the scope of the MEDICAL INFORMATICS the sharing and use of data from healthcare and INITIATIVE (MII), a project funded by the German from clinical and biomedical research – across federal government, medical and IT profession- Medical Informatics Initiative multiple entities and sites, while ensuring robust als collaborate with researchers and scientists Strengthening research and data protection and security. across multiple disciplines in German advancing healthcare hospitals. Their shared goal is to digitally capture MII was launched to build bridges between re- hospital healthcare data, making these available search and healthcare. Its goals include: Developing innovative for research – to provide faster and better medical IT solutions for healthcare treatments. At the same time, therapies can be a aggregating clinical patient data improved for individual patients. a developing IT solutions and infrastructure for tailored treatments In the initiative’s current phase, university hos- a harnessing patient data to gain scientific in- pitals and partner organisations establish and sights link data integration centres. These centres allow CONTACT a making new findings immediately available for research and healthcare data – that continue to patient care reside securely on-site – to be aggregated and a strengthening medical informatics in Germany Coordination Office, Medical Informatics Initiative integrated across multiple locations. As a support c/o TMF e. V. for newly established professorships for med- Charlottenstrasse 42 ical informatics, the German Federal Ministry 10117 of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding MII aims to enable the Germany effective exchange junior research groups at . In addition, and use of data from MII consortia develop innovative IT solutions for Phone: +49 (0)30 2200247-0 healthcare and from concrete medical use cases, demonstrating the Fax: +49 (0)30 2200247-99 clinical and biomedical research. benefits of high-tech digital healthcare services and infrastructures. [email protected] Examples of the first use cases are: a Multiple sclerosis a Parkinson’s disease Photo credits: Page 1: ProductionPerig | a Cardiology Dreamstime a Page 2: Infection control millionsjoker a Appropriate antibiotics use Page 3: nicolas_ a Precision medicine for tumour patients a Improvements to healthcare processes Published in August 2021 ­ ­

Giessen: Dortmund: Consortia and participants Rostock Shared success: Justus Liebig University Giessen/ Fraunhofer Institute for Software Kiel University Hospital Giessen/ and Systems Engineering ISST during the development and Greifswald Collaboration across Germany Marburg* Essen: Lübeck networking phase THM University of Applied März Internetwork Services AG Sciences Universitätsmedizin Essen* Greifswald: Freiburg: Greifswald University Hospital* Averbis GmbH Within the four funded consortia – DIFUTURE, DIFUTURE Hannover University of Magdeburg: Halle (Saale): HiGHmed, MIRACUM and SMITH – all German CONSORTIUM PARTNERS Applied Sciences and Arts University University Hospital Halle (Saale)* Hanover Augsburg: Heidelberg: Magdeburg/University Hospital Hamburg: Brunswick university hospitals and medical centres at (UA) Hospital Magdeburg* University Medical Center over 30 locations cooperate with research Bochum: and the Medical Faculty of Mainz: Hamburg-Eppendorf* Münster Kairos GmbH (KAIROS) Heidelberg* institutions, businesses, health insurers and University Medical Center of the Jena: Essen Cottbus Munich: German Cancer Research Centre Johannes Gutenberg University Friedrich Schiller University Jena Düsseldorf patient representatives. Their mission is to lay Technical University of Munich NEC Laboratories Europe Mainz* University Hospital Jena* (TUM)/University Hospital rechts Heilbronn: Mannheim: Jülich: Jülich Leverkusen the foundations required to enable the use of Jena der Isar (MRI)* Heilbronn University Medical Faculty Mannheim, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Cologne Dresden research findings to the direct benefit of patients. Ludwig-Maximilians-Univer­sität Kiel: Heidelberg University/ (Jülich Research Centre) Aachen Bonn (LMU) München/Hospital of the University Medical Center University Medical Centre : Giessen Ludwig-Maximilians-University Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH) – Mannheim* Leipzig University All MII consortia are represented in the National (LMU) Munich* Campus Kiel* Mannheim University of Applied Leipzig University Medical Darmstadt Würzburg Tübingen: Cologne: Sciences Center* Steering Committee (NSC), with the aim of aligning University of Tübingen (EKUT)/ /Univer­sity Marburg: Leverkusen: Erlangen activities and agreeing parameters. Cross-con­ University Hospital Tübingen Hospital Cologne (UKK)* Philipps-Universität Marburg/ Bayer AG (UKT)* Lübeck: University Hospital Giessen/ sortia collaboration within the initiative is organised Ulm: University Medical Center Marburg* NETWORK PARTNERS and supported by the Berlin-based coordination Ulm University/Ulm University Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH) – Bochum: Medical Center* Campus Lübeck* SMITH Verband des Universitäts­ office, operated by TMF (Technology, Methods and Münster: CONSORTIUM PARTNERS klinikums der Ruhr-Universität Ulm Infrastructure for Networked Medical Research) NETWORK PARTNERS University of Münster/ Aachen: Bochum Regensburg: Münster University Hospital RWTH Aachen University Düsseldorf: Munich with MFT (German Association of Medical Facul- University Hospital Regensburg (UKM)* Uniklinik RWTH Aachen* Düsseldorf University Hospital ties), and VUD (German Association of Academic Saarbrücken, Homburg: Potsdam: Berlin: Rostock: University/Saarland Hasso Plattner Institute ID Information und Dokumen­ Rostock University Medical Center Medical Centers). University Medical Center Walldorf: tation im Gesundheitswesen InterComponentWare AG GmbH & Co. KGaA Coordination office DIFUTURE MIRACUM Coordination office HiGHmed Würzburg: Bonn: Berlin: HiGHmed SMITH CONSORTIUM PARTNERS University Hospital of Würzburg/ University Hospital Bonn* MFT/TMF/VUD Berlin: Julius-Maxi­milians-Universität Robert Koch Institute (JMU)* Ada Health GmbH Charité – Universitätsmedizin NETWORK PARTNERS * University hospital with Data a template text for patient consent forms, developed Berlin* Cottbus: Integration Centre (DIC) Initial results Brunswick: Carl-Thiem-Klinikum in cooperation with German Federal and State data Brunswick University of Cottbus (CTK) Technology (TU Braunschweig) protection agencies and the Association of Medical Helmholtz Centre for Infection MIRACUM With the support of the coordination office, the Ethics-Committees in Germany Research GmbH (HZI) CONSORTIUM PARTNERS Darmstadt: Dresden: National Steering Committee (NSC) and its a contractual framework for the use of patient data, Darmstadt University of TU Dresden/University consent, data-sharing and interoperability work- biosamples, analytical methods and routines Technology (TU Darmstadt) Hospital Dresden* a Erlangen: Erlangen: The German Federal Ministry of Education and ing groups have developed core documents to use and access policy Siemens Healthcare GmbH Friedrich Alexander University Research (BMBF) is investing a total of 180 address key MII topics and challenges: a concept of the Central application and registration Frankfurt am Main: Erlangen-Nuremberg/ Dell Technologies University Hospital Erlangen* million euros in the Medical Informatics Initiative office (ZARS) Göttingen: Frankfurt am Main: through 2022. In a later phase of the initiative, a shared core data set in line with international a roadmap for the MII 2017 – 2025 University Medical Center Goethe University Frankfurt/Main/ a Göttingen* University Hospital Frankfurt* results and solutions will be developed further standards MII roadmap for enhanced research, education and HAWK University of Applied Freiburg: and consolidated. a paper summarising key points on interoperability skills development Sciences and Arts Goettingen /Medical a a Hanover: Center – University of Freiburg* specifications for shared use of standardised university hospital initiative for interoperable Hannover Medical School* Averbis GmbH metadata patient records