The Street Railway Journal
Vol. X. MEW YORK CHICAGO, DECEMBER. Mo, 12. ' a ** v\ J? v THE STREET RAILWAYS OF WASHINGTON, D. CV7 r 1894 All the principal street railway lines operating in the car house and station will be erected, thro i?|jhFw^ipto^ro city of Washington are at present undergoing important the right of the street, the track will make a loop, by changes. Some are extending their present limits, while means of which the cable trains will be turned. This others are being rebuilt, one for cable traction and another will be a gravity loop, and the cable will not follow the for an underground electric system. In studying the line of the track, but will encircle a terminal sheave street railway situation of Washington, it must be remem- located in the street. The present car house in George- bered that all the street railway lines of the District of town will be abandoned and devoted to other purposes. Columbia are under the direct supervision of Con- The present length of rope, which operates the George- gress, and none of them can effect a change of motive town division from the central power station, is 2,350 ft., but power without a special act, and this has been secured in it will be correspondingly increased to operate the exten- FlG. 1.—CABLE CURVE AT PEACE MONUMENT, FOOT OF PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE—WASHINGTON, D. C. the case of the Columbia Railroad Company and other sion. The length of the rope which operates the Navy roads, which will be noted below. It should also be borne Yard end of the line is 31,500 ft., that on 14th Street in mind that an act of Congress, passed some years since, division is 27,700 ft., and on 7th Street division 33,250 ft.
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