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ProEnvironment 7 (2014) 173 - 179

Original Article Rock Garden in the Botanical Garden Jibou Ways of Using a Mixed Assortment

CANTOR Maria2*, Marin CĂPRAR1, 2, Cosmin SICORA1

1Biological Research Center, Botanical Garden ,”Vasile Fati” Jibou, Parcului St., no. 14, 455200 Jibou, Romania 2University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Horticulture, Mănăștur St., no. 3-5, 4000472 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Received 12 August 2014; received and revised form 25 November; accepted 30 November Available online 10 December 2014


The current paper presents a brief description of several suitable for rock garden landscaping. Over a period of five years, from 2009 to 2013, a series of phenological observations and biometric determinations were made for the planted on four rock gardens inside the Botanical Garden Jibou. For each rock garden different rocks were used, namely limestone, granite and river sandstone and different soil mixtures. Plants were chosen based on the theme of the proposed landscaping and ecological conditions in the area. The research initiated in the Botanical Garden Jibou will help the selection and propagation of ornamental representatives of species that are tolerant to low temperatures, suitable for cultivation in Northwestern Romania in the rock gardens. Keywords: rock garden, ornamental value, adaptability, perennial , succulent plants

1. Introduction For artificial rock compositions, the most suitable framework is a terrain with molded relief. In the present context, the major problems of To obtain the natural appearance of such a design, contemporary civilization are the protection, molding work is required [3]. Rock garden have preservation and improvement of the environment. been described as the most amount of work for the It is essential to stimulate interest in bringing nature, least amount of satisfaction because of the constant especially woody vegetation - with its immense maintenance an attractive rock garden generally services that often are ignored, into our living needs, with its diminutive cushions of alpine plants environment, improving climate and the urban constantly threatened with destruction from environment and the irreplaceable beauty that trees aggressive weed growth [1]. and flower plant bring to the human habitat. The most used floral species are the medium Often in the mountains areas, rocks form very shaped ones, with a high resistance for weather interesting landscape scenes that impress, either by conditions (dry weather), with side poles and rug massiveness and solidity of the stone blocks or by type growth. Rarely can we see plants with skinned irregular agglomeration of smaller rocks with a wild and shiny [5]. The xeric rock garden should or picturesque appearance. be in full sun; even the winter shadow of trees or buildings, lengthened by the lower angle of the sun, may cause survival problems for dryland plants [4]. Rock gardens shelter decorative plants that are * Corresponding author. Tel: +40-264-596384 weatherproof, offering them natural conditions they Fax: +40-264-593792 need to live. In general, the flower plants used in the e-mail: [email protected] scenery of rock gardens have short vegetation

173 CANTOR Maria et al./ProEnvironment 7(2014) 173 - 179 period, species that form small stems, gathered also warmth and physical comfort by reducing leaves and small in size, the have higher mental stress and negative energy action. color intensity and don’t require complicated maintenance work. 2. Material and methods Arranging the land is the largest and perhaps the most costly part of the garden landscaping [2]. Rock garden I Decorations made of plants and natural stones have The first rock garden was created around a a great effect in a respectable garden. Stone and small circular artificial lake. It has the shape of a garden rockery are a good way to make your garden semicircle on a slope with around 30 degrees and landscaping made in it unique [6]. inclination (Fig. 1). The rock garden exposition Natural stone is an ecological product, with a varies from southern to south-eastern. This remarkable refinement, through the wide variety of landscaping was done in 2009 with river sandstone colors, shades and textures that offer the possibility as bedrock and the planting substrat composed of a of exceptional exterior landscaping, giving the mixture of the following components: 40% garden garden a particular note of elegance, good taste and soil, 30% clayey soil and 30% coarse river sand.

Figure 1. Semicircular rock garden along a small artificial pond

Rock garden II With a southwestern expozition the lighting is This rock garden was made on the island from strong all day. the Japanese Garden (Fig. 2). Given the location, The use of succulent plants was chosen in this this landscaping has taken into account the landscaping. Most gardeners think of cacti and architectural principles of a Japanese garden. The succulents as natives of the world`s warmer regions, bedrock used in this landscaping was a volcanic little suited to outdoor cultivation in temperate origin rock–diorite. climates. In fact, hardy cacti and succulents exist, Planting substrate was composed of a mixture and they embody some of the best qualities to be from the following ingredients: 40% forest land, found among rock garden plants. 20% peat, 20% crushed rock from granite in mixed The landscaping was made in 2013 and used sizes from 5 to 20 mm, 20% sand. It was takken in reddish sandstone as bedrock (Fig. 3). account the fact that the rock garden had a lot of The soil for the hardy succulents consists of plants that require an acidic soil. about 15-20 rich, friable loam mixed with an inorganic portion made up of 2 parts coarse sand Rock garden III and 1 part crushed rock in mixed sizes from 5 to 20 This rock garden was made near the main mm. In winter the plants are protected against frosts greenhouse, on an artificial slope created around the by using plastic sheets. greenhouse foundation.

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Figure 2. Rock garden in the Japanes Garden

Figure 3. Rock garden with cacti and succulent plants

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Rock garden IV adaptability to the site`s soil, exposure and climatic It's the rock garden with the biggest surface conditions, and then for their beauty. from the Botanical Garden Jibou (over 200 sqm), made near the rose garden on a versant with a 3. Results and Discussions natural slope of 20-30 degrees and an eastern exposition (Fig. 4). Table 1 presents the best species and cultivars Cuciulat limestone was used as a bedrock that have managed to adapt and survive in the and the soil mixture used was composed of the conditions from the first rock garden. From the table following: 30% garden soil, 30% crushed limestone it is observed that most species are of European in mixed sizes from 5 to 20 mm, 20% ground origin, plant species that prefer sunny exposition. leaves, 20% river sand. Planting was done with Table 2 shows that most species and cultivars limestone loving plants. planted on the rock garden from the Japanese More than 100 species and cultivars from Garden have Asian origin and many of them are around the world were selected, first for their native to Japan.

Figure 4. Limestone rock garden

Most of these species are that were Many cacti and succulents have developed used as floor coverings on both sunny exposition strategies for surviving temperature extremes. Many and shaded areas. These species aren’t decorative by Agaves and Yuccas are cold hardy as well. Some flowers but they are especially by the persistent Sedums (the deciduous types; such as Sedum foliage and fruits (). spectabile) and some Sempervivum are also very

176 CANTOR Maria et al./ProEnvironment 7(2014) 173 - 179 cold hardy. Table 3 lists plants from the succulent Agaves, yuccas and other desert species have rock garden which shown good resistance to created a miniature desert landscape and Portulaca environmental conditions. brought a splash of color to the entire landscaping.

Table 1. Species that have best adapted on the first rock garden Blossom Height Flower Exposur No. Species Family time Life form Distribution (cm) colour e (month) sunny perennials Southern 1. Arabis caucasica Willd. Brassicaceae 20-30 white III-IV situation evergreen Europe Armeria maritima (Mill.) perennial Northern 2. Plumbaginaceae 5-20 pink V-VI sun Willd. evergreen Europe Brassicaceae perennial Southern 3. Aubrieta deltoidea (L.) DC. 5-10 purple IV-V sun evergreen Europe Brassicaceae yellow- Southern 4. Aurinia saxatilis (L.) Desv. 25-40 IV-V sun perennial orange Europe sun and bluish 5. Campanula carpatica Jacq. Campanulaceae 20-30 VI-VIII half perennial Central Europe purple shade Sun and Eastern 6. Dianthus spiculifolius Schur Caryophyllaceae 25-30 white VI-VIII half perennial Carpathian shade Mountains sun and Europe,Asia 7. Dryas octopetala L. 5-10 white VI-VIII half evergreen North America shade Sun and 8. Geranium sanguineum L. Geraniaceae 20-30 magenta VI-VIII half perennial Europe shade subshrubs 9. Iberis sempervirens L. Brassicaceae 10-25 white IV-VII sun France, Italy evergreen sun and perennial Northeast of the 10. Phlox subulata L. Polemoniaceae 5-15 purple III-IV half evergreen US shade sun and 11. Saponaria ocymoides L. Caryophyllaceae 5-25 pink VI- X half perennial Central Europe shade

Many plant species love limestone soil their lifetimes. The original rocks from which a with a basic pH. The minerals found in most rocks soil is derived are called parent rocks. Table 4 are very stable and do not break down enough to presents the species that developed very well in a become available to herbaceous plants within soil with 30% limestone.

Table 2. Plants used in the rock garden from the Japanese Garden Blossom Height Flower No. Species Family time Exposure Life form Distribution (cm) colour (month) sunny shrub 1. Cotoneaster dammeri C.K. Rosaceae 10-20 white IV-V China situation evergreen shrub 2. Lonicera pileata Oliver Caprifoliaceae 30-40 white IV-V sun China evergreen perennial Pachysandra terminalis half shade 3. Buxaceae 15-25 white III-IV evergreen Japan Siebold and shade 4. Arenaria montana L. Caryophyllaceae 5-10 white V-VIII sun perennial Asia,Europe 5. Hosta sieboldiana Engl. Hostaceae 20-30 white VI half shade perennial Japan Juniperus procumbens prostrate 6. Cupressaceae 20-30 - - sun China,Japan ,,Nana” ground cover sun and prostrate 7. Juniperus conferta Parl Cupressaceae 15-20 - - Japan half shade ground cover Euonymus fortunei var sun and Shrub 8. Celastraceae 30-40 green IV-VI China,Japan radicans Sieb. half shade evergreen

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Table 3. Species that have performed the best on the third rock garden Blossom Height Flower No. Species Family time Exposure Life form Distribution (cm) colour (month) perennials Agave palmeri sunny 1. Agavaceae 200-300 white VI-VIII evergreen Mexico Engelm situation perennial Arizona and 2. Agave parryi Engelm. Agavaceae 35-55 yellow V-VI sun evergreen Mexico perennial 3. Agave salmiana Otto Agavaceae 120-150 yellow V-VII sun evergreen Mexico

4. Yucca filamentosa L. Agavaceae 100-140 white VII-VIII sun perennial USA Delosperma yellow- perennial 5. Aizoaceae 5-8 V-VI Sun Africa nubigenum L. Bolus orange succulent Opuntia compressa 6. Cactaceae 25-30 yellow VI-VIII Sun perennial North America J. F. Delosperma cooperi 7. Aizoaceae 10-15 pink VI-VIII Full sun perennial Africa L.Bolus Sun and 8. Sedum acre L. Crassulaceae 10-15 yellow V-VI perennial Europe, Asia half shade Portulaca grandiflora red,yell 9. Portulacaceae 10-25 IV-VII sun anual Brazil Hook ow perennial Echeveria agavoides Sun and 10. Crassulaceae 5-15 orange III-IV evergreen Northeast of the US Lem half shade

Table 4. Species that have performed the best on the third rock garden Blossom Species Heights Flower No. Family time Exposure Life form Distribution (cm) colour (month) Saponaria sun and half perennial 1. Caryophyllaceae 5-25 pink VI- X Central Europe ocymoides L. shade Iberis subshrubs 2. Brassicaceae 10-25 white IV-VII sun France, Italy sempervirens L. evergreen perennial sun and half Northeast of the 3. Phlox subulata L. Polemoniaceae 5-15 purple III-IV evergreen shade US sun and half perennial 4. Adonis vernalis L. Ranunculaceae 15-25 yellow IV-V Europe shade Cerastium perennial 5. Caryophyllaceae 5-10 white V-VI sun Italy tomentosum L. alpinus sun and half perennial 6. 10-25 purple VII- VIII Caucasus L. shade Geranium magent sun and half perennial 7. Geraniaceae 20-30 V-VII Europe sangunieum L. a shade Hypericum sun and half perennial Southern 8. Hypericaceae 15-30 yellow VI-VIII olympicum L. shade Balkans Anemone sun and half perennial 9. Ranunculaceae 10-25 white V-VI North America multifida Poir. shade Dianthus glacialis perennial 10. DC. Caryophyllaceae 5-10 pink VII- VIII sun Alps Genista sagitalis 11. L. Fabaceae 15-25 yellow V-VII full sun shrub Central Europe Gaillardia x perennial 12. grandiflora Asteraceae 20-40 orange VI-IX full sun North America

4. Conclusions species that are suitable for use in rock gardens, The special look of a rock or alpine from annual and perennial plants to shrubs and garden makes the time acquire different succulent plants depending on the chosen theme. connotations. At the same time it can provide The species listed for each type of rock visitors or those who want a rock garden a garden are having a great development, proved healthy, relaxing atmosphere that the mountain resistant to diseases and pests and the care works offers. As seen in this paper, there are many plant are minimal.

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[2] Hessayon Dr.D.G., 2001, The Rock and Water [5] McGary Jane, 2007, Rock Garden Design and Garden Expert. Construction, Timber press.

[3] Iliescu Ana–Felicia, 2003, Arhitectura peisageră, [6] Seike Kiyoshi, Masanobu Kudo, 1992, A Japanese Editura Ceres București. touch for your garden.