
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS–I: REGULAR PAPERS, VOL. 66, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2019 4209 ARMv8 SIKE: Optimized Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation on ARMv8 Processors

Amir Jalali , Reza Azarderakhsh , Member, IEEE, Mehran Mozaffari Kermani , Senior Member, IEEE, Matthew Campagna, and David Jao

Abstract— In this paper, we present highly-optimized constant- which would be catastrophic to the confidentiality and integrity time software libraries for supersingular isogeny key encapsu- of any secure communication. To counteract this problem, lation (SIKE) protocol on ARMv8 processors. Our optimized post-quantum cryptography protocols are required to preserve hand-crafted assembly libraries provide the most efficient timing results on 64-bit ARM-powered devices. Moreover, the presented the security in the presence of quantum adversaries. Regardless libraries can be integrated into any other cryptography primitives of whether we can estimate the exact time for the advent of the targeting the same finite field size. We design a new mixed quantum computing era, we must begin to prepare the security implementation of field arithmetic on 64-bit ARM processors by protocols to be resistant against potentially-malicious power of exploiting the A64 and Advanced SIMD processing units working quantum computing. Accordingly, NIST initiated a process to in parallel. Using these techniques, we are able to improve the performance of the entire protocol by the factor of 5× evaluate, and standardize one or more post-quantum public- compared to optimized C implementations on 64-bit ARM high- key cryptography primitives [1]. Recently, the first round of performance cores, providing 83-, 124-, and 159-bit quantum- submission of the post-quantum primitives is completed and security levels. Furthermore, we compare the performance of all the proposals are publicly available1 to evaluate in terms our proposed library with the previous highly-optimized ARMv8 of the proof of security and efficiency. assembly library available in the literature. The implementation results illustrate the overall 10% performance improvement in The submitted public-key post-quantum cryptography comparison with previous work, highlighting the benefit of using (PQC) proposals are based on five different hard problems mixed implementation over relatively-large finite field size. and they are categorized as code-based cryptography [2], Index Terms— ARM assembly, finite field, isogeny-based (ring) lattice-based cryptography [3], [4], hash-based cryptog- cryptosystems, key encapsulation mechanism, post-quantum raphy [5], multivariate cryptography [6], and isogeny-based cryptography. cryptography [7]. The isogeny-based cryptography is based on the hardness of computing the isogenies between two I. INTRODUCTION isomorphic elliptic curves and it provides a complete key N RECENT years, extensive amount of research has been encapsulation protocol. The proposed method is denoted as Idevoted to quantum computers. These machines are envi- Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation (SIKE) [8], and con- sioned to be able to solve mathematical problems which are structed upon the initial Diffie-Hellman key-exchange scheme currently unsolvable for conventional computers, because of proposed by Jao and De Feo [7]. their exceptional computational power from quantum mechan- SIKE protocol provides a standard method of key-exchange ics. Therefore, if quantum computers are ever built in large between two parties, and it has been claimed to be secure scale, they will certainly be able to break many or almost all against large-scale quantum adversaries running the Shor’s of the currently in-use public-key cryptosystems, the threat of quantum algorithm [9]. Compared to other post-quantum can- Manuscript received March 23, 2019; revised May 17, 2019; accepted didates, supersingular isogeny problem is a much younger May 29, 2019. Date of publication July 22, 2019; date of current ver- scheme and its security and performance need to be inves- sion October 30, 2019. This work was supported in part by NSF under tigated more. In terms of performance, SIKE is not a fast Grant CNS-1801341, in part by NIST under Grant 60NANB16D246, in part by NSERC, CryptoWorks21, Public Works and Government Services Canada, protocol due to the extensive number of point arithmetic which in part by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund, and in part by the are required for computing large-degree isogenies. However, Royal Bank of Canada. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor because of its significant smaller size of secret-key and public- G. Masera. (Corresponding author: Amir Jalali.) A. Jalali and R. Azarderakhsh are with the Department of Computer and key compared to other PQC candidates, SIKE is a suitable Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Florida Atlantic University, option for the applications where communication bandwidth Boca Raton, FL 33431 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; razarderakhsh@ is critical. Furthermore, since it is the only post-quantum fau.edu). M. Mozaffari Kermani is with the Department of Computer Science and cryptography protocol which is constructed on elliptic curves, Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620 USA (e-mail: hybrid cryptography protocols can be derived from SIKE and [email protected]). classical cryptography (ECC) to make the transi- M. Campagna is with Amazon Web Services, Inc., Seattle, WA 98108-1207 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). tion towards post-quantum cryptography more convenient and D. Jao is with the Department of Mathematics, University of Waterloo, practical. Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada (e-mail: [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. 1NIST Standardization Process (Accessed Feb. 2019): https://csrc.nist.gov/ Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSI.2019.2920869 projects/post-quantum-cryptography/round-1-submissions 1549-8328 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information. 4210 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS–I: REGULAR PAPERS, VOL. 66, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2019

The initial idea of constructing cryptography schemes processors by adopting a novel engineering technique which from the isogenies of regular elliptic curves was intro- takes advantage of out-of- execution pipeline on high- duced by Rostovtsev and Stolbunov [10] in 2006. Later, performance ARM cores. We compare the performance of our Charles et al. [11] presented a set of cryptography hash arithmetic libraries inside the SIKE reference implementation, functions constructed from Ramanujan graphs, i.e., the set of and conclude the benefits of using mixed implementation over F supersingular elliptic curves over p2 with -isogenies. The relatively-large finite fields. main breakthrough in constructing a post-quantum cryptogra- phy protocol based on the hardness of computing isogenies A. Contributions was proposed by Jao and De Feo [7]. Their proposed scheme In this work, we study different approaches of implementing presents a set of public-key cryptography schemes such as key- SIKE on 64-bit ARM. We engineer the finite field arithmetic exchange and encryption-decryption protocols with a coherent implementation accurately to provide the fastest timing records proof of security. Later, De Feo et al. [12] presented the first of the protocol on our target platforms. Our contributions can practical implementation of the Supersingular Isogeny Diffie- be categorized as follows: Hellman (SIDH) key-exchange protocol using optimized curve • We propose a new approach for implementing finite field arithmetic techniques such as Montgomery arithmetic. Since arithmetic on 64-bit ARM processors. We combine gen- the introduction of supersingular isogeny public-key protocol, eral register and vector limbs in an efficient way to reduce many different schemes and implementations such as digital the pipeline stalls and improve the overall performance. signature [13], [14], undeniable signature [15], [16], group To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first imple- key agreement [17], and static-static key agreement [18] have mentation of such a technique on ARMv8 processors. been proposed which are all built on the hardness of comput- • We implement different optimized versions of finite field ing isogenies. The fast hardware architectures for computing multiplication using Karatsuba multiplication method isogenies of elliptic curves proposed by Koziel et al. [19] which outperforms the previous implementation of the demonstrated that isogeny-based cryptography has the poten- field multiplication with the same size on ARMv8 target tial to be considered as a practical candidates on FPGAs. platform. The proposed implementations are constant- However, the initial performance evaluations in software were time and resistant to timing attacks. not promising compared to other post-quantum candidates. • Our optimized software provides a constant-time imple- In particular to those which are constructed over learning with mentation of the post-quantum SIKE protocol over three errors problem [20]–[22]. The SIDH projective formulas and different quantum security levels. We state that, this work implementation by Costello et al. [23] smashed the perfor- is the first implementation of SIKEp964 which provides mance bar of the protocol considerably by eliminating field 159-bit quantum security level. inversions in isogeny computations, and provided an optimized • We provide a comprehensive timing results of the software for key-exchange protocol on Intel processors, taking SIKE protocol, using different hand-written assembly advantage of hand-written assembly implementation of finite techniques along with optimized C benchmarks on field arithmetic. However, their software still suffered from ARMv8 processors. We are able to improve the overall the large amount of computations due to the arithmetic of performance of the SIKE library significantly on target elliptic curves. On ARM-powered devices, the performance processors. evaluations are even worse due to the reduced instruction In Section 2 we recall the essential concepts from [7], [8] set computing (RISC) which concentrates on power-efficiency which are required in SIKE. In Section 3 we describe rather than performance [24]–[27]. Recently, a new set of our implementation techniques and methodology to develop optimization techniques in the computation of Montgomery a highly-optimized field multiplier on ARMv8 processors. ladder and field arithmetic operations [28] improved the per- In Section 4 we present the efficient implementation of formance of the isogeny-based key-exchange protocol further; key components inside SHA-3 inside the SIKE protocol. however, more investigation on the efficiency of ARM-based We present performance results of our implementation and implementations is still required. the comparison with previous work in Section 5. We conclude In this work, we investigate different approaches for the paper in Section 6. implementing highly-optimized arithmetic libraries on 64-bit ARM processors. We introduce a new way of implement- ing multi-precision multiplication using mixed A64/ASIMD B. Code Availability hand-written assembly along with pure A64 assembly For reproducibility, we provide our optimized implemen- implementation. All the previous works on this area concen- tation publicly available. The source codes are available at: trated on development of highly-optimized implementation of https://github.com/amirjalali65/armv8-sike. field arithmetic using pure SIMD instructions [24], [25], [29], or investigated a combination of SIMD and general register II. BACKGROUND implementation on 32-bit ARM platforms, taking advantage This section provides a brief presentation of the SIKE of a mixture of 128-bit wide NEON vectors and 32-bit protocol. We refer readers to [7], [8] for more detailed general registers [30], [31]. In this work, we show that such a explanation of the supersignular isogeny problem and the base combination still can be beneficial on 64-bit ARMv8 family of key-exchange protocol which the SIKE is constructed upon. JALALI et al.: ARMv8 SIKE: OPTIMIZED SUPERSINGULAR ISOGENY KEY ENCAPSULATION ON ARMv8 PROCESSORS 4211

A. Isogenies of Elliptic Curves public parameters. These parameters need to be agreed by the Let p be a prime of the form p = 2eA 3e3 − 1, and let parties prior to the key encapsulation mechanism and they are E be a supersingular elliptic curve defined over a field of listed as follows: F • = e2 e3 − , characteristic p. E can be also defined over p2 up to its Aprimep of the form p 2 3 1, where eA eB isomorphism. An isogeny φ : E → E is a non-constant map are two positive integers. The corresponding finite field  F from E to E which translates the identity into the identity. is defined over p2 . This explicit form is required for An isogeny map is defined by its degree and kernel. The two main reasons. First, the isogeny computations using degree of an isogeny is its degree as morphism. An isogeny Vélu’s formula need to be constructed over two different with degree map is called -isogeny. Let G be a , i.e., E[2e2 ] and E[3e3 ] of points on of points on E which contains + 1 cyclic subgroups of a starting curve for each party. Second, for efficiency order . This subgroup is the E[] and each reasons, primes of this form are Montgomery-friendly element of this group is corresponding to an isogeny of primes and they provide faster arithmetic [23]. degree ; accordingly, an isogeny also can be identified by G, • A starting supersingular Montgomery curve E0 defined F i.e., the kernel of isogeny, and it can be computed using Vélu’s over p2 . formula [32]. We denote this map as φ : E → E/G.Vélu’s • Two sets of generators, i.e., 3-tuple x-coordinates from e e formula can only compute the isogeny of small degrees, while E0[2 2 ] and E0[3 3 ]. Note that, as it is discussed in isogeny-based cryptography requires the evaluation of large- detail in [8] and [23], the entire protocol can be defined degree isogenies on curves. An efficient recursive strategy of and implemented only using two x-coordinates bases { , }∈ [ e2 ] computing large-degree isogeny is described in [7], by repre- of each torsion subgroup, i.e., x P2 xQ2 E 2 and { , }∈ [ e2 ] senting full binary trees and dynamic algorithms. The proposed x P3 xQ3 E 3 ; however, for efficiency reasons, two strategy is adopted inside the SIKE software to compute large- auxiliary x-coordinates are used to encode these bases, = − = − degree isogeny. i.e., xR2 x P2 xQ2 and xR3 x P3 xQ3 . Isogenies of elliptic curves divide isomorphic curves into In order to describe the SIKE protocol, first, we need to F isomorphism classes over p2 . These classes of curves are understand the supersingular isogeny public-key encryption categorized with their j-invariants [33]. This value is unique scheme [7], because key encapsulation and decapsulation algo- for isomorphic curves of the same class. rithms are defined based on supersingular isogeny encryption SIKE implementation is constructed on Montgomery and decryption operations. curves, taking advantage of their fast and compact arithmetic. 2) Supersingular Isogeny Public-Key Encryption: In this Let E be a Montgomery curve which defined by E : By2 = section, we recall the public-key encryption method from x3 + Ax2 + x equation. The j-invariant of E can be derived the isogenies of supersingular elliptic curves which was first by the following equation: introduced in [7], and it is recently described with some changes for achieving better performance in [8]. 256(A2 − 3)3 j (E) = . (1) Similar to any public-key encryption schemes, supersingu- 2 − A 4 lar isogeny PKE contains three main operations, i.e., key- Therefore, in order to verify whether two elliptic curves are generation (KeyGen), encryption (Enc), and decryption on the same class of isomorphisms, we can evaluate their (Dec). Fig. 1 illustrates these operations from the isogeny map j-invariant values. This feature is exploited to construct the perspective. supersingular isogeny key encapsulation mechanism [8], where Key Generation: The secret-key sk, is a random posi- two parties compute two isomorphic curves of the same class, tive integer which is randomly generated from a key-space and the shared secret is computed as the shared j-invariant corresponding to each torsion subgroup’s order. We denote e e values. Moreover, from (1), in order to compute the j-invariant them as K2 ={0,...,2 2 − 1} and K3 ={0,...,3 3 − 1}, of a Montgomery curve E, we only need to push the curve accordingly. Next, the secret key and the x-coordinates of coefficient A into the formula. Further, we can compute the generators construct the kernel of the first isogeny φ such that curve coefficient using the x-abscissas of two points x P and xS =x P+[sk]Q ,where ∈{2, 3} is the degree of isogeny. xQ on the curve as follows: Subsequently, public-key pk is computed by evaluating the e e 2 isogeny of (2 2 or 3 3 ) iteratively from the small isogeny eval- (1 − x P xQ − x P xR − xQ xR) A = − x P − xQ − xR, (2) uation and point multiplication as it is discussed previously. 4x x x P Q R Eventually, public-key contains a 3-tuple of x-coordinates, = − = ( , , ) = − where R P Q is also a point on E. Therefore, the i.e., pkm x Pm xQm xRm ,wherexRm x Pm xQm and m j-invariant of a Montgomery curve can be evaluated using is the degree of the isogeny. In Fig. 1 we choose sk from K3; the x-abscissas of two points and their difference. The above therefore, the key generation algorithm maps E0 to E3. abstraction is used inside the supersingular isogeny encryption Encryption: The encryption procedure encrypts an n-bit procedure which is explained in the next section. message m from a message space M ={0, 1}n, and generates two ciphertexts c0 and c1. As it will be discussed later, B. Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation in the case of key encapsulation mechanism, we need to (SIKE) Mechanism generate a random string along with the encryption process 1) Public Parameters: SIKE protocol [8], like any other for security reason. The secret-key which is generated in the supersingular isogeny-based scheme, is defined over a set of key generation procedure is randomly generated from either 4212 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS–I: REGULAR PAPERS, VOL. 66, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2019

Fig. 1. Supersingular isogeny PKE protocol.

n K2 or K3.Letsk3 be the secret-key from key generation Moreover, an n-bit secret random message s ∈{0, 1} is algorithm from K3,andpk3 be its corresponding public key. generated and concatenated to sk3 and pk3 to construct the We choose the other keyspace to generate the randomness SIKE secret-key sk3. The generated pk3 and sk3 are the inside the encryption algorithm, i.e., K2. The first ciphertext output of this operation. c0 is generated as a 3-tuple of x-coordinates from evaluating e2 E → E /x +[sk ]x →sk : (s, sk , pk ). (3) the large degree 2 -isogeny, starting from E0 using the kernel 0 3 P3 3 Q3 3 3 3 φ which is computed as x =x +[ ] . 2 S2 P2 sk2 Q2 Key Encapsulation: Key encapsulation defines on top of the The second ciphertext is generated after 3 steps: supersingular isogeny encryption method. The input of this 1) First, the j-invariant of curve E → is evaluated by 3 2 pk computing the large-degree 2e-isogeny, initializing from operation is the public-key 3 which is generated in key-  2 n m ∈{ , }n the kernel φ =φ (x ) +[sk ]φ (x ),anda generation procedure. First, an -bit random string 0 1 2 3 P2 2 3 Q2 pk starting curve E which is retrieved from pk using is generated and concatenated with the public-key 3.Next, 3 3 SHAKE256 cSHAKE256 equation (2). the result is hashed using a custom- ( ) G ephemeral secret-key r 2) Second, the hash of the retrieved j-invariant value from hash function . This hash value is the , pk Step 1 is computed. and it is pushed along with 3 into encryption function to construct the SIKE ciphertext. The hash function H inside 3) Computing the ciphertext as c1 = H ( j) ⊕ m. The computed pair of ciphertexts is the output of encryption the encryptor is also a cSHAKE256 function. The generated procedure. ciphertexts are further concatenated with m and hashed to generate the secret shared-key K : Decryption: Decryption algorithm computes m from (c0, c1) using sk3. First, we compute the j-invariant of curve E2→3 ( , , (  )) → ( , ) e Enc pk3 m G m pk3 c0 c1 which is computed by evaluating 33-isogeny of a starting φ =φ ( ) +[ ]φ ( ) H (m  (c0, c1)) → K. (4) curve E2 and the kernel 3 2 x P3 sk3 2 xQ3 .Note that E is the evaluated curve from 3-tuple x-coordinate c . 2 0 Key Decapsulation: The decapsulation algorithm computes Second, we compute hash of the computed j-invariant using the shared-key K from the outputs of equations (3) and (4). the same hash function used in encryption algorithm. Finally, First, 2-tuple ciphertext is decrypted using secret-key sk3 and we retrieve the message using m = H ( j) ⊕ c .   1 hashed to retrieve m .Further,m is concatenated with public- 3) Key Encapsulation Mechanism: A key encapsulation key pk3 and hashed using the G function to retrieve ephemeral mechanism contains 3 main functions: key-generation, encap-  secret-key r . sulation, and decapsulation. In this section, we describe the  SIKE protocol briefly based on the supersingular isogeny Dec(sk3,(c0, c1)) → m public-key encryption algorithm. We refer readers to [16] for   G(m  pk ) → r . more details. 3 Key Generation: Similar to PKE protocol, the key gen- Next, c is computed by evaluating 2e-isogeny of starting 0  2 eration algorithm generates a secret-key from keyspace K3  +[ ]  curve E0 using the kernel x P2 r xQ2 : and computes the corresponding 3-tuple x-coordinates pk3   e2 → / +[ ] → . by evaluating 3 -degree isogeny from starting curve E0. E0 E2 x P2 r xQ2 c0 JALALI et al.: ARMv8 SIKE: OPTIMIZED SUPERSINGULAR ISOGENY KEY ENCAPSULATION ON ARMv8 PROCESSORS 4213


using above optimization techniques, we adapt the same The final correction is performed by comparing the c0 value with c and if they are equal, the shared-key K is computed strategy for computing quadratic extension field arithmetic. 0  However, we focus on the underlying base field arithmetic as K = H (m  (c0, c1)),otherwiseK = H (s  (c0, c1)). implementation to improve the efficiency of the protocol C. SIKE Implementation Parameters further on the target platform. The reference implementation of SIKE [8] contains three sets of parameters which correspond to three finite fields, B. SIKE Performance Profiling denoted as Fp503, Fp751,andFp964 because of their bit- In order to optimize the SIKE reference implementation, length. Our optimized software is forked from the reference first we need to profile the number of operation counts for implementation and it offers the same security levels using the underlying field arithmetic. Since the isogeny computations same parameters. Table I presents the information regarding for different degrees require different number of operations each prime and its provided quantum security level. The start- in corresponding with the isogeny graph, the number of field ing elliptic curve of the reference implementation is defined operations is different for each security level. Table II presents /F : 2 = 3 + as E0 p2 y x x, with the cardinality equal to the number of field arithmetic operations in the SIKE protocol e e 2 #E0 = (2 2 3 3 ) and j (E0) = 1728. This special instance of over different finite fields. This helps us to concentrate on the Montgomery curve is chosen for efficiency reason, while the performance-bottleneck operations and try to improve any other supersingular curve can be used inside the protocol. them further compared to previous optimized implementations. We remark that the best known quantum attack on isogeny- As mentioned above, using lazy reduction technique reduces based cryptography is based on claw-finding algorithm using the number of field reduction to field multiplication signifi- quantum walks [34], which√ theoretically can find the isogeny cantly. Moreover, projective coordinates arithmetic replaces all between two curves in O( 3 e ),wheree is the size of the the field inversions with extra multiplications and the perfor- isogeny kernel; accordingly, the provided quantum security mance of multiplier directly affects the overall performance level for each prime in SIKE is determined by√ the√ mini- of the protocol. Therefore, in this work, we focus on the 3 3 mum bit-length of each isogeny kernel, i.e., min( 2e2 , 3e3 ). efficiency of the field multiplication and engineer a highly- Detailed discussion about the security of the SIKE protocol is optimized multiplier for each quantum-security level. We find out of scope of this work and we refer the readers to [8] for different levels of Karatsuba multiplication very effective further details. to improve the performance compared to operand-scanning method, while we can exploit a parallel strategy to compute III. OPTIMIZED FIELD ARITHMETIC the multiplication of each half using mixed A64 and ASIMD IMPLEMENTATION ON ARMV8 assembly instructions. We elaborate more on this technique in In this section, we explain our design approach and tech- this paper, but first we describe the most relevant architectural niques. Our state-of-the-art implementation technique con- capabilities of the target platform which are considered in the centrates on the base field multiplication, since it is the design of our optimized library. most expensive operation inside the SIKE protocol. However, the proposed library takes advantage of other optimization in C. Target Architecture different layers of arithmetic. We present a new design of arithmetic implementation on ARMv8 platforms by combining A64 and ASIMD instruc- A. Quadratic Extension Field Arithmetic tions. To have these units working in parallel, the target The main arithmetic operations inside the SIKE protocol platform should support out-of-order super-scalar pipeline. are elliptic curve point arithmetic over quadratic extension This feature is provided by ARMv8 high-performance cores F field p2 . Since the bit-length of the SIKE primes are smaller such as Cortex-A57, Cortex-A72, and Cortex-A73. Therefore, than the multiple of our target platform word size (64-bit), we expect to get the best performance results of our mixed in the reference implementation, optimization techniques such implementation on these family of processors, while our as lazy reduction are exploited to improve the overall perfor- A64 implementation is anticipated to outperform the mixed F mance of p2 arithmetic. As a result, finite field multiplication version on power-efficient cores such as Cortex-A53. and reduction are implemented separately, and the reduction 1) ARMv8 Cortex-A57 and Cortex-A72: This family of operation is delayed as much as possible to minimize the processors are designed for the high-performance applications number of field arithmetic. where they combine with power-efficient cores to achieve F Since the quadratic extension arithmetic over p2 is imple- power-performance efficiency in the ARM big.LITTLE mented efficiently in the SIKE reference implementation [8] technology. Instructions are fetched and decoded in order 4214 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS–I: REGULAR PAPERS, VOL. 66, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2019

Fig. 2. 512-bit mixed-multiplication implementation overview. into internal micro-operations (μops), and issued out-of-order additions, subtractions, and carry propagation operations are to one of eight execution pipelines [35]; accordingly, two performed using adcs and sbcs. Eventually, the result is separate pipelines are dedicated for A64 and ASIMD μops. stored back to memory iteratively in pairs of 64-bit wide using Once A64 instructions are dispatched through the integer stp instruction. pipeline, they are queued to be executed. Meanwhile, ASIMD pipeline can execute vector operations in the background E. Mixed A64-ASIMD Karatsuba Multiplication when the A64 pipeline is stalled. This approach removes One of the benefits of using divide-and-conquer method pipeline stalls to some extent and it is expected to boost such as Karatsuba multiplication is that the parts which build the performance of arithmetic. We exploited this capability the final result, e.g., (a + a ).(b + b ), a b ,anda b can to implement optimized F multiplication. h l h l h h l l p be computed independently. This fact is in contrast with other We implement the field multiplication using two different multiplication methods such as Comba-method which requires strategies for each level of security. First, we implemented the carry to be propagated step-by-step between each slot of the straightforward A64 implementation using one-level the final result; as a result, the divided parts can be computed Karatsuba technique. Next, we designed a mixed version in parallel and combined at the end. In our mixed version of of Karatsuba multiplication to be utilized in our target implementation, we exploit this advantage and compute a b architecture. h h and albl concurrently. We choose to implement ahbh using A64 and al bl using ASIMD assembly instructions. Fig. 2 D. Karatsuba Multiplication in A64 illustrates the overall overview of our mixed A64-ASIMD Previous implementations of field multiplication over multiplication for 512-bit input operands. Fp751 [23], [25] and Fp964 [25] are based on Comba-based As it is already discussed in details [16], [25], it is and two-level Karatsuba multiplication, respectively. In this rather inefficient to attempt ASIMD implementation for field work, we propose one-level Karatsuba multiplication method arithmetic on 64-bit ARM due to the smaller radix repre- 32 for both Fp503 and Fp751, while we follow two-level imple- sentation of operands, i.e., radix-2 and therefore extended mentation over Fp964 for achieving better performance as dis- number of arithmetic operations. However, in our engineered cussed in [25]. In particular, we achieved better performance mixed implementation, many pipeline stalls are removed; results over Fp751 using Karatsuba multiplication compared to this may result in improvement in overall performance the previous Comba-method implementations. multiplication. Using A64 assembly instructions, one-level Karatsuba The first step to design our mixed multiplier is to choose implementation is straightforward; field operands are repre- what algorithm to use for each half of multiplication, i.e., ahbh 64 sented in radix-2 and two n-bit field elements, e.g., a and b and albl. For A64 implementation, we found the Comba- n n are divided into two -bit halves, i.e., ah2 2 + al and multiplication method fast and optimum. In particular, since n 2 2 + n bh2 bl. Consequently, one n-bit long multiplication is the multiplication size is cut in half ( 2 -bit), we have access n replaced with three 2 -bit multiplications, at the cost of extra to redundant number of 64-bit general registers that can be additions/subtractions: c = (ah + al ).(bh + bl) − ahbh − albl. used to implement the operand-scanning method without any Multiplication implementation in A64 starts with loading need to load/store data back and forth in the middle of input operands into general 64-bit registers using ldp instruc- process. On the other hand, for the ASIMD implementation tion which can load a pair of 64-bit data in each instruction. of al bl, Comba-multiplication is not a suitable option due Next, the multiplication of 64-bit registers is implemented to the lack of carry-propagation instruction. Previous works using mul and umulh instructions, computing the low and on the efficient implementation of multi-precision multiplica- high halves of the 128-bit result, respectively. The intermediate tion on ARMv7 NEON [24], [36] present an efficient field JALALI et al.: ARMv8 SIKE: OPTIMIZED SUPERSINGULAR ISOGENY KEY ENCAPSULATION ON ARMv8 PROCESSORS 4215

into general registers using umov instruction to perform subtraction (ahbh − albl ). We implement the rest of Karatsuba multiplication operations, i.e., (ah +al).(bh +bl) and subtractions, using A64 instruction, taking advantage of its 64-bit wide arithmetic. Furthermore, we design 512-, 768-, and 1024-bit mixed Karatsuba multi- plication using the above technique and integrate them into the SIKE software, providing three different quantum security levels. We remark that since all the curve arithmetic in SIKE implementation is performed on Montgomery space, the most Fig. 3. Transposition of data into two vectors to handle carry-overflow. optimized algorithm for reduction is Montgomery reduction which is already used in the SIKE implementation submission. Moreover, SIKE primes, i.e., Fp503, Fp751,andFp964,havea multiplication using parallel school-book method. We adopted special form which is utilized to improve the reduction algo- the same strategy; however, since the vector manipulation in rithm by eliminating several single-precision multiplications; ARMv8 ASIMD is totally different from ARMv7 NEON, we refer the reader to [23], [25] for more details. Therefore, we customized our version of school-book multiplication on we believe the most efficient implementation of reduction ARMv8 platforms. algorithm on ARMv8 is based on product-scanning method A64-based product-scanning method is implemented by using A64 assembly instructions. loading the most significant halves of input operands, and computing each slot of the result by multiplication and addi- IV. OPTIMIZED SHA-3 IMPLEMENTATION tion of corresponding input words. ASIMD-based school-book SIKE reference implementation requires three hash func- multiplication, however, is more complicated to implement. tions F, G,andH which are used inside encapsulation We explain the implementation steps in detail in the following: and decapsulation algorithms. These hash functions are all 1) After loading the least-significant halves of input instances of cSHAKE256 with different custom input strings operands into vectors using ld1 instruction, one of the which is based on SHA-3 library and specified by NIST. input vectors is rearranged in correspond with the inter- Compared to isogeny computations, the computational cost mediate additions positions (highlighted words in Fig. 2) of these functions is negligible and they barely affect the using transpose instructions trn1 and trn2.Note overall performance of the SIKE protocol. However, in this that, ASIMD multiplication instructions compute two work, we focus on using the most efficient implementation × 32 32-bit multiplications concurrently, i.e., a0b0 and of this protocol on ARMv8 platforms; therefore, we replace a4b0 are computed using one multiplication instruction the generic implementation of SHA-3 with the hand-written in parallel. assembly version developed by OpenSSL2 project authors 2) Each 32-bit limb of “non-shuffled” operand is multiplied in our software. The essential function inside the SHA-3 to the entire shuffled operand in each step using umull is the Keccak-1600 function which performs the core and umull2 instructions. These instruction computes permutations. Note that, the optimized implementation of the multiplication of a 32-bit limb to the first and sec- this function is developed using A64 assembly instructions ond halves of a 128-bit ASIMD vector, respectively. without taking advantage of ASIMD vectors for the following We use these instructions only in the first step of the reason. Addressing 64-bit lanes of ASIMD vectors is not as multiplication process since we need no addition. For the trivial as 32-bit NEON on ARMv7 processors. In particu- next steps, we exploit umlal and umlal2 instructions lar, we found it is rather complicated to perform rotate which compute the multiplication and addition at the operation using available ASIMD instructions on 64-bit lanes same time. which adds up significant number of clock cycles to the overall 3) Vectorized additions are performed in parallel and can timing results. Therefore, 64-bit ASIMD implementation of add two 128-bit vector using only one add instruction. Keccak-1600 is slower than A64 general register imple- However, vectorized addition does not handle carry- mentation on ARMv8 processors. propagation between vector slots; accordingly, interme- diate multiplication results need to be transposed from V. P ERFORMANCE RESULTS AND DISCUSSION × × 4 32-bit values into 2 32-bit ones, while the remaining In this section, we present our benchmark procedure two slots are preserved for carry overflows. Fig. 3, and provide SIKE performance evaluation results on two shows this process for a 128-bit wide ASIMD vector. famous ARMv8 family of processors, i.e., Cortex-A57 and This transposition is performed by compounding the Cortex-A72. multiplication result vector (Vt0 ) with a zero vector (Vt1 ) using trn1 and trn2 instructions. A. Implementation Details 4) The ASIMD-based multiplication performs Steps 2 and As it is mentioned before, our optimized implemen- 3 iteratively for each 32-bit word of the second operand. tation targets high-performance ARMv8 processors which In the final step we compute the last additions and carry propagation operations and move the result vectors 2Available in: https://github.com/openssl/openssl 4216 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS–I: REGULAR PAPERS, VOL. 66, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2019


support out-of-order pipeline. We use a Huawei Nexus 6P TABLE IV cellphone, running Android Nougat 7.1.1 and a Google PERFORMANCE COMPARISON OF THIS WORK WITH THE PREVIOUS Pixel 2, running Android Oreo v8.1.0, for benchmarking ARMV8OPTIMIZED IMPLEMENTATION OF SIKEp751 ON A CORTEX-A57 CORE PRESENTED IN our software on Cortex-A57 and Cortex-A72, respectively. MILLIONS OF CLOCK CYCLES The binaries are cross-compiled with clang 5.0.3 using -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -pie flags and run via adb-shell.The-pie flag is used to generate position independent executables which can be run on cellphones. We benchmarked the executables on one high-performance core using taskset command to ensure power-efficient cores were not involved. In order to evaluate the efficiency of Karatsuba multiplica- F Our optimized software libraries using both A64 and mixed- tion over p751, we compared our mixed optimized library 4 assembly are publicly available3 for different levels of security. with the only available highly-optimized ARMv8 SIKE implementation. We compared the performance of the SIDH v3.0 which supports optimized ARMv8 SIKE implementa- B. Performance Results tion with our software for the only available security level, Table III presents benchmark results of our SIKE imple- i.e., SIKEp751. We have noticed the available ARMv8 imple- mentation on target platforms for different security lev- mentation of SIKEp503 inside the SIDHv3.0 library is imple- els. The results highlight the performance of our optimized mented in C and therefore the performance comparison with ARMv8 assembly implementation using A64 assembly and this work is not fair. Table IV presents the performance evalu- mixed assembly in comparison with the portable optimized C ation of the SIKE implementation inside SIDHv3.0 in compar- 3 reference implementation [8]. Results are averaged over 10 ison with this work. The presented benchmarks show roughly iterations and converted to clock cycle counts corresponding 10% performance improvement of our library over highly- to the target processor frequency. Based on the benchmark optimized previous library for the same field size. We state results, the optimized arithmetic libraries provide roughly that the performance improvement of this results corresponds 5× faster results than generic implementation on the target to different multiplication algorithm and implementation tech- platforms. Moreover, we notice that for larger finite fields, nique that we use in this work. Moreover, it proves the fact our mixed ASIMD/A64 version outperforms the A64 opti- that ARMv8 vector instructions can still be useful inside field mized library by a very small factor, while in relatively arithmetic operations. In particular, using mixed implementa- smaller fields, the A64 implementation is more efficient. This tion and taking advantage of 256-bit wide ASIMD vectors can highlights the fully pipeline utilization that we obtain using result in performance improvement over larger fields. That is mixed assembly implementation. However, as it is discussed because the scarce number of available 64-bit general registers before, since ASIMD arithmetic operations are performed in enforces an excessive number of memory-register load and 32 radix-2 , the overall performance improvement is not remark- stores instructions, and using vectors will reduce these costly able. We also observe that the clock cycle count on Cortex-A72 operations, and improve the overall performance. core is slightly less than Cortex-A57. This performance enhancement is related to architecture design improvements in C. Broader Impact of the Proposed Work Cortex-A72 family of processors which contain many micro- The proposed method of multiplication in this work is architecture updates for performance improvement compared independent of the shape of the SIKE primes and thus it can be to its prior generation. used in other cryptographic schemes. In particular, we observe

3https://github.com/amirjalali65/armv8-sike 4https://github.com/microsoft/pqcrypto-sidh (accessed in Feb. 2018) JALALI et al.: ARMv8 SIKE: OPTIMIZED SUPERSINGULAR ISOGENY KEY ENCAPSULATION ON ARMv8 PROCESSORS 4217

TABLE V method can be used on other platforms which support out-of- PERFORMANCE COMPARISON OF CLASSICAL AND POST-QUANTUM order execution pipeline, improving the overall performance of ELLIPTIC CURVE BASED CRYPTOGRAPHY ON CORTEX-A57 the protocol by reducing pipeline stalls. We plan to investigate AND CORTEX-A72 PRESENTED IN 106 CLOCK CYCLES this possibility in the future works.

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Amir Jalali received the B.Sc. degree in com- David Jao received the Ph.D. degree in mathematics puter engineering from Shahid Beheshti University, from Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, Tehran, Iran, in 2009, the M.Sc. degree in com- in 2003. From 2003 to 2006, he was with the puter engineering from the Department of Computer Cryptography and Anti-Piracy Group, Microsoft Engineering and Information Technology, Amirkabir Research, contributing cryptographic software mod- University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2012, ules for several Microsoft products. He is currently and the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from an Associate Professor with the Mathematics the Department of Computer, Electrical Engineering Faculty, University of Waterloo, Canada, and and Computer Science, Florida Atlantic University, the Director of the Centre for Applied Crypto- USA, in 2018. His current research interests include graphic Research. His research interests include efficient software implementation of elliptic curve elliptic curve cryptography, protocol design and cryptography, post-quantum cryptography, and homomorphic encryption. implementation, and post-quantum cryptography.