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~~ II~II~ ~I M~ - E 8 9 3 - 4 a 8 - a E E San L05e Meftuflj New5 1 800 870 6397 Tham Gia Ph\Lc V\I Cqng Dong Date Printed: 06/16/2009 JTS Box Number: IFES 75 Tab Number: 20 Document Title: Voter information booklet Document Date: 1996 Document Country: United States California Document Language: Vietnamese IFES IO: CE02048 ~~ II~II~ ~I m~ - E 8 9 3 - 4 A 8 - A E E San l05e meftuflJ New5 1 800 870 6397 tham gia ph\lc V\I cqng dong , /\. / /\.- ? TAl LIEU. HlfONG DAN CUTRI DU'OC• VIET CHO DE DOC BAu cu ngay 5 thang 11 nam 1996 Ben trong gam co: Cae dang pMi chinh tIi t~i California ..................................... .............................................................. 3-4 Ai dang U'ng cit T6ng Th6ng ........................... ............................................................ 5-8 NhGng dV lu~t ella California ............................. ................................ 9-15 Uri khuyen danh cho Uln cit tri: 16 HAY DI BAU VAO NGAY 5 THiNG 11! Quy vi da d~ng ky di bllu chua? • Hay Illy phi!!u dang kY cit tri ~i thu vi¢n, buu di¢n, nha Ie) v~, ho~c gQi s6 1-800-345-8683 . • D~ng ky di bllu khOng t6n phi gl. Quy vi c6 thl! dugc giup do khi dien don n!!u mu6n, ,Oi chi c'an kY ten va girl di. NGA V CU6I CUNG DANG KY BAU CU LA NGAV 7 THANG 10. Tai li~u hUllng dan cll Iri duQC viel cho dA dllC khong Iheo m¢1 dang pMi nao, dUQc biAn so;;tn bai Ihe Key 10 Ihe Community VOler Involvemenl Projecl, dUQc huang dan bai nhOng hQc sinh nguili Ion luOi hllC I~p· dllC IrAn khllp li':;u bang California. Cong vi~c biAn so;;tn nay dUQc lai IrQ bai ng1ln quy Thu vi~n li;;u bang California cho Chuang Trinh T~ f)llc cua Thu Vi~n Qu~n H;;tl Sanla Clara, cling hQp lac vai Trung T1Im Phal Tri':;n KM Nang f)IlC va Viel. ThOng lin v~ bllu cll c6 Ih~ Ian 19n va kh6 hi':;u. T~p lai Ii~u huong dan nay dA dllC han va giai Voter Involvement Project Ihfch mlli va'n de mc)l cach rO rang. NhOng Illi luyAn b6 tU cac dang chfnh Ir! va tU cac !lng cll visn la nhOng c1\u Ira Illi cho nhOng Ihac mllc cua chung la. Chung loi viel phlln con l;;ti. Chung loi hy vQng rAng I~p lai Ii~u huOng dan nay sa giup quy v! di bllu dung han. Nhung thuit ngu can biet Th chinh an M¢t sl! thay ddi hay bd sung vao mOt sll thoa thu~. Philu bllu .............................. Phie'u danh d~u vao khi quy vi di b'Au. Trai philu .. M¢t cach gAy quy cho obiing dl! an cOng c¢ng; chiob quy'en ban trai phie'u va ioi phili tra I~i tien trai phie'u Ian tien lai. Qu6c h¢i ... MQt b¢ ph~ cua chinh phu qu6c gia ho~c lien bang cua chUng ta 10 vi~c bien so~ lu~t. C6 hai b¢ ph~n: H~ Vi~n va Thuqng Vi~n. Hiln phap .... Van ki~n quy diob b¢ khung can ban cua chinh quy'en; chUng ta c6 hien phAp Hoa Ky va hien phAp titu bang . SIl dong gop ... Vi~c t~g ho~c m6n qua b~ng tien, c6 the cho mOt cu¢< v~ dOng chiob trj. SII ky th! .... ............ SI! dOi xu bAt cOng va blft blnh dang dl!a vao chUng tQc, mau da, gi6'i tinh hay nhiing ye'u to khAc. Nhlt lao ................... .. ...... Nhieu 10," nba tii khac obau. Lien bang .............................. Lien quan den chiob phu quOc gia. Gian I~n ................................. N6i dOi ho~c lila mQt ngum nao d6 v'e mQt van d'e gl d6. Nong n6i ................................. It quan trQng, khOng dl!a vao Iy do chiob dang. Gi6'i tinh.. .. ................. Nam hay nil. Sang ki€n ............................... M¢t kitu dl! lu~t duqc d'e nghi boo nhAn dan chu khOng phai quOc hQi dua fa Mu. Qu6c hC)i ti~u bang ............ M¢t ph'An cua chinh quyen tieu bang, 10 vi~c so~ lu~t. C6 hai ph'An: H~ vi¢n quOc hQi tieu bang vit thuqng vi~n quOc hOi tieu bang. Ngum v~n dC)ng chinh Ir! hanh lang.................. Mot ngum nito d6 duqc tra tien de gay anh huimg den van d'e lu~t I¢ nao du<!C thOng qua. Loi thoat, cach tranh.. .. M¢t each tranh quy dinh hay lu~t I~. Phi dimg phai ............ KhOng lien h~ vao bAt cu dang chinh trj nao ho~c chinh kie'n nao. Dang chinh tr! ........... MQt nh6m ngum chia xe cung quan diem v'e chinh phU vit litm vi¢c v6'i nhau de th~ng cu. Nhilng tru lien .. Nhiing chQn Il!a v'e nhiing gl iii quan trQng nh!t. D., lu~t .. .................... Lu~t I¢ duqc d'e nghi rna cOng chUng di b'au. DI! lu~t c6 the lit dl! lu~t tii!u bang hay dl! lu~t dia phuong. Tieu chuAn clln thiel.. Nhiing nang khie'u va nhiing kha nang de litm mot cOng vi~c ho~c giil mot chuc v9. Dan bi~u, d~i di~n .............. M¢t ngum nito d6 quy vi chQn de trOng coi quy'en lqi cua quy vi ne'u quy vi khOng c6 m~t t~i d6; chung ta c6 hlob thuc chiob quy'en dan bieu. Nhung CO quan he> trq Nhi'eu ng.roi d1i giup do bien SOan cuOn hu6ng dan nay. M¢t uy ban cUa HOi DlIng Bay Area New Readers da hlnh thaob noi dung tdng quat: Gloria Ashford. Claude Jones, Sherries Oakmon vit Jean Shields. Nhiing !hanh vien khac cUa HQi Dllng va ban ph9 trach phat trien dQC va viet t""i lhu vi¢n cung da g6p phlln vao t~p tAi li¢u nay: Al Bannen, Bonnie Bjerre. Carey Can, Darlene Garcia. Water Miles. Enrique Ramirez, John Sbarbarro. Bertha Van Dusen va John Zickefoose. Cam an d~c bi¢t: Cathy Mitchell va Dawn Mehlhaff t~i Secretary of State's Office, Mac Taylor va Hadley Johnson t~i Legislative Analyst's Office, Carole Talan, State Literacy Resource Center, Barbara Neder, Los Angeles Times. Tai li¢u Hu6ng D~n Cit Tri Du,!,c Vi~t Cho De DQC nay duqc bien so~n hOi The Cenler for Vivie Lileracy do Susan Clark litm Giam d6c (415 4546500). Triob bay boo J. Fay Design. Rodger Faulkner phan pMi. T~p tai Ii¢u nay lit mQt ph'An cua chuang trinh Key to Community Project, duvc t~o ra nhhm dua dl'mg dao qu'An chung tham d\l vao ti~n trlnh doln chll, duqc bao trq bOi Quy thu vi¢n clla tieu bang cho ChU'C1l1g Trlnh DQc Sach cua!hu vi¢n qu~n h~t Santa Clara. do Taylor Willingham lam GiAm d6c va Mara Wold lam PhOi tr! vien chuong tfinh (408 294 5175). T~p till Ji¢u nay duqe BI) Giao Dl,!e Hoa Ky ung hQ mQt ph'a.n theo nhOng d~u khoan ella D'.lo lu~t XAy d\ffig va nhOng djeh vI,! thu vi¢n. duqe quan tri ~i California bOi 11m Vi¢n 1i~u Bang California. Tuy nhitn. nhOng y kiln duQC lrlnh bay adAy khOng nMt trult phan anh I~p trutmg va duffilg 16i eua B., Gilio D\le Hoa Ky ho~c Thu Vi~n eua ti~u bang California va cOng khOng hWn y e6 duqe s\1' eMp thu:).n ehfnh thUe. @ 1996 Thu vi~n qu~ h'.lt Santa Clara. Tw li¢u nay khOng duqe in I~i rna khOng e6 y kiln eho phep. 2 Cae Dang Chinh Tri Khi quy vi dling ky di bl1u. quy vi chQn I"" c6 nen Iham dl! mOl dang ph:l.i chinh tri nao kbOng. M()I dang chinh lri la m()1 nh6m ngu"i cung chia xC; nhiing quan diem gi6ng nhau v~ vlfu & chinh phu nen dugc dieu hOOh nhu 1M nao va chinh phU nen lam g1. T~i California. c6 8 dang phAi chinh lri. Chung IOi d. hoi mOi dang cho biel hQ IUgog lrUng cho di~u gl vii nhiing uu lien cua hQ Iii g1. D(\e L~p Hoa Ky Dang D()c ~p Hoa Ky lugng tnmg cho nhUng + Chain dill Ihue 19i luc cua lien bang. gi~ tri d~o dUe lruy~n th6ng va quy~n cua cuQc + X6a bO BO Ngan Kh6 vI BO nay lam gia lJIng s6ng dugc Thuqng De" ban cho. quy~n II! do va nQ cua qu6c gia. I' quy~n mUll chu h~nh phuc. Dang nay tin lltOng + Dem l~i 51! ki~m s03t ella phI} huynh va dia chrnh quy~n nen h6 Ill! Hien Phap Hoa Ky. phuong v'e sl! giao dl}c con cai. bao gOm quy~n bao v¢ dm s6ng va lai san va Dang nay c6 khoang 255,000 dang vien t."i m¢l n'en qu6c phong hung ml,lnh. California. Mu6n biel lhem chi tie"t. hay gQi s6 909 345 4224. DAn Chu Dang Dnn Chu tin vao sl.! ph1,lc hung ella n~n + Hi bllu T6ng Th6ng Bill Clinton va Ph6 kinh t€. va Sl! h6 trQ c~c gia dinh Hoa Ky bhng T6ng Th6ng Al Gore. each lam giam tOi ~c.
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