Salts Mill, Airedale Corridors A Masterplan & Strategy for Airedale

Saltaire Salts Key

Grammar 1.0 Saltaire World Heritage Site Pedestrian Routes Saltaire is considered to be the most complete Refurbished Positioning Airedale Positioning integrated mill complex in and the village is of Parkland considerable architectural and planning signifi cance. Education

Coach Road It may well have infl uenced the emergence of the Roberts Park Leisure

‘garden city’ movement and, certainly demonstrates Recent the benefi ts of high-quality sustainable planning and Developments River Aire design. The Italianate style of much of the domestic P Car Parking architecture of Saltaire provides an exceptional level Existing Station

Lee ds & of unity and quality that is supplemented by the grand Liv Waterway Saltaire erp oo l C Station an al civic and industrial buildings and the dramatic backdrop Salts Mill Green Area Inland Revenue provided by the northern slopes of Airedale. The historic 2.0 New Planting Saltaire Visitor Centre and cultural importance of Saltaire was acknowledged Victoria Mills Proposed in 2001 by its designation as a World Heritage Site. Bridge Airedale Vision For P Road Mill lts At the heart of Saltaire is Salts Mill which attracts the Sa majority of visitors. The historic contexts provided Shipley by the village, the park, the canal and Airedale itself College Saltaire Road P provide a vital context for the mill, but do not in Hotel themselves offer much to the non-specialist visitor. The protection of the Mill, the village and the wider context toria Road

Vic is important, but the fossilisation of the place presents a threat. Inability to adapt to change has presented

Saltaire with challenges more than once in its past. 3.0 Appropriate change should be considered where this success have included a buoyant residential property. hotel between Shipley and Saltaire, on the Saltaire Road. This development will provide a new visitor car can enhance the quality of the environment and the The aspiration should be for Saltaire to become a

and coach park serving both the hotel and Saltaire, Places For Change experience of residents and visitors. world class destination by enhancing the product, improving access, interpretation and parking, without as well as providing high-quality business and visitor Salts Mill is also a signifi cant employment site compromising the very aspects that make Saltaire accommodation. A hotel in this location will also serve to strengthen the pedestrian links between Saltaire and containing a variety of innovative and successful special. businesses and provides the largest area of business Shipley, making a regenerated Shipley town centre a space within Airedale. The operational demands of the Saltaire Hotel viable alternative for shopping and dining. mill must not be hindered, and tourism aspects should The benefi ts of the success of Saltaire have been be balanced against commercial and residential needs. contained largely within the village itself, and this must Saltaire must be seen as a regeneration success change. Shipley must tap into some of the economic story, providing an exemplar that is of signifi cance benefi ts generated by Saltaire, as well as supporting 4.0 beyond the region, and the consequences of and enhancing Saltaire where possible. To this end it is proposed to encourage development of a new Making Change Happen

67 Roberts Park Roberts Park has the potential to be a signifi cant attraction for Saltaire and would be a local amenity for use by residents, workers and visitors. Its refurbishment would be extremely benefi cial in the enhancement of the Saltaire destination. It should be an aspiration to replace the original bridge crossing the River Aire, so recreating the broad promenade extending down from Victoria Road. Refurbishment of Roberts Park should be accompanied by the rejuvenation of smaller green spaces within Saltaire adjacent to houses without gardens.

Roberts Park, Saltaire Airedale Corridors A Masterplan & Strategy for Airedale

Saltaire Visitor Centre Shipley College Language School

For such an important place, the lack of a high-quality Shipley College is very much part of the World Heritage 1.0 visitor and interpretation centre appears surprising. This Site and its contribution towards establishing it as an is essential for better visitor management, and could international destination could benefi t from a summer Positioning Airedale Positioning be located on land at Caroline Street between the new language school for overseas students wanting to hotel and the Mill, where it may help to contribute to learn English. This would bring the future generation of a secondary destination supplementing Salts Mill. The international visitors to Airedale. It would also provide interpretation centre could incorporate a new Saltaire summer jobs for university students retaining them club building, with crèche and nursery facilities. The within the area, and make greater use of the college proposed centre can take inspiration from successful facilities over the summer months.

Original Bridge at Saltaire visitor centres at Fountains in North and Yorkshire Sculpture Park, near Wakefi eld in West Salts Grammar Public Realm Yorkshire. The proposed Visitor Centre would be Education is at the core of the masterplan and Salts 2.0 Having resident-only parking within Saltaire would connected to the Village by high-quality signposted Grammar should be engaged in the future of Airedale reduce traffi c on Victoria Road creating a more walking circuits and possibly a visitor shuttle service by becoming a specialist school supporting local attractive environment for people. Throughout within the village using horse-drawn carriages, vintage businesses in some of the emerging technologies. Airedale Vision For the Saltaire village there could be a signifi cant buses or road trains, allowing visitors to hop on and off A focus on the application of digital technology and improvement in the appearance of the houses with the at their convenience. knowledge-based working would be appropriate. replacement of the wrought iron railings which could be made in Airedale, drawing on the local skills. Minor environmental improvements such as the reduction of tree canopies would help reinforce the quality of the historic core. The public realm connecting the two

centres should be of a uniform quality benchmarked LLP © Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects

against the best in Saltaire, and should run seamlessly 3.0 from Saltaire to Shipley. Public realm improvements should aim to provide an environmental quality on Saltaire Road which resembles that on Victoria Street. Places For Change Wider footpaths, additional crossings, reduced highways, signage and the introduction of co-ordinated street furniture (including benches) should all contribute Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Award Winning Visitor Centre to improving the journey between the two centres. Saltaire Road should be a quality walking-route that will generate additional footfall and thus lead to an improved context for new and improved ground level commercial activity. 4.0 Making Change Happen

69 © Arup / confi dence andidentityofanarea asagatewaytoAiredale. structure candomore thatmeetanessentialneeditcanalsoraisethe access totransportinterchange andmajoremploymentareas. Aniconic Steeton andSilsdenwillpresent opportunities forsafeandsustainable human need.Anewfootbridgeandcyclewayacross theA650at The creation ofsafetransportroutes toschoolandworkfulfi ls abasic Gateway Footbridge