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Active Tours in South America

LATVENTURE ACTIVO – that’s the new motto for the new year 2018! Our destinations in South America a predestinated for great outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, kayaking, rafting,… and so much more! Therefore we want to present you some great active tours in , Peru and Argentina!

Enjoy reading! Fuya Fuya - a perfect mountain to start our active year

The year 2018, we started with an amazing hike to the volcano Fuya Fuya. It was an easy ascent and a great hike. A perfect start to acclimatize your body to the heights.

Meeting point for this hike is the lagoon . The Mojanda complex covers about 5 km land in the in the north of Ecuador. Two volcanos and three lagoons create the astonishing place, which attracts many tourists since it received protected status by the government in 2008. The area is located 85 km in the north of Quito and 17 towards the south of .

The volcano Fuya Fuya erupted two times and partially collapsed due to the second eruption, creating a large caldera to the west. Fuya Fuya is one mountain with two summits. The highest summit soars to a high about 4200 meters above the sea level. The name Fuya Fuya comes from the word “Fuyo” in Kichwa, which can be translated as cloud.

The hike up to the first summit of the Fuya Fuya takes about 2 hours through the amazing paramo landscape. On the top, you will have a great view of the lagoon and of the Imbabura volcano. Here you can decide if you want to decent or if you keep goint to the second summit.

To reach the top of the second summit it will take you one more hour from here. A mountain ridge leads you to the right direction. At the end of this route, some climbing is necessary to reach the top. Choquequirao - Inca’s Last Refuge

Choquequirao is an Inca’s city that belongs to Cusco region and is considered the last refuge of the Incas who abandoned Cusco city around 1535 when the Spaniards concurred the city. It is presumed that Choquequirao was the place where the Incas put resistance to Spaniards attacks for almost 40 years.

Throughout our 5-day trek to Choquequirao and Machu Picchu, you will walk approximately 45 km, starting in Capuliyoc and ending in Yanama.

On the first day you hike for about 7-8 hour (12km) from Capuliyoc to Santa Rosa enjoying the mountain landscapes and the Apurimac canyon. You descent to Playa Rosalinda where you cross the Apurimac river until reaching the campsite.

On day 2, you start with a slow ascent to Marampata and further to Choquequirao where you will enjoy a guided tour of the complex. You visit the high parts (Hanan) and the lower ones (Urin) and some areas which are yet covered by wild foliage and ready to be restored the same way they were when Incas occupied it. Afterwards you start walking to the ruins of Pincha Unuyoc and to your campsite of the night.

The third day starts with a descent through the Dry Andes Highland Forst until reaching the Victoria river. Here you ascent again to Maizal where you get rewarded with a view over 3 valleys and a snow caped mountain right in front of you.

You start the 4th day of the tour with a 4 hour hike to Yanama where a transfer awaits you in order to bring you to the Hidroelectrica where you board the train to Aguas Calientes. After spending 3 nights in tents, you will rest the fourth night in a comfortable hotel in Aguas Calientes.

The visit to Machu Picchu, which will be on the fifth and last day, and is thes econd culminating point of this tour before returning to Cusco!

The guides and carriers on our hiking trips are a crucial part of the success of the tour. Therefore, each year shortly before Christmas, we organize a little x-mas party for the kids and families of our carriers in Accosca near Pisac. It´s a big thank you to all our colleagues and a great opportunity to share food and music as well as handing out little gifts to the kids. New program: Experiencia Litoral

This year we created a new program for your clients in Argentina, which focuses on cultural and natural experiences.

In 7-8 days, your clients will be able to explore the flora and fauna in the area around Esquina via a Safari a n d trekking tours included in the program. Furthermore, horseback riding and boat trips in the Parana River are ways to discover this beauty of nature! Cultural activities such as a traditional cooking class and a dancing class are included in the program as well. Through the dancing class, the visitors will learn how to dance the traditional dance Chamame.

The tour also gives the visitor an inside in the work of the locals in this area. During this program, your clients will have the opportunity to get to know two new products, which are the Don Joaquin River Lodge and the family house “La Teresita”. Both accommodations are located off the beaten track; hence, your clients will be able to have an extraordinary experience far from civilization.

The Don Joaquin River Lodge is a superior lodge great for visitors interested in fishing and birdwatching, whereas the accommodation “La Teresita” creates a feeling of wildness and invites the visitors to get to know the local culture. Anniversary party in Ecuador

The year 2017 was the year of our 10th anniversary. Ten years ago, Latventure started as a two-man business and developed to a fast growing international incoming agency. Today our office in Ecuador counts 15 people!

With a party at December 16, we celebrated this special year ending. The party took place at the Marriot hotel in Quito and besides the office staff and the tour guides, we also invited our providers and partners to join the anniversary party as well. In total, we were over 40 people who had a great time, dancing, talking and celebrating together.

The gala evening started with an exclusive dinner and DJ created a great atmosphere of fun and togetherness. One highlight of the party was the presentation of our Manager Kai Single, in which he talked about the development of Latventure in the last 10 years with delight and presenting many pictures of this journey. Another fun part was a tombola with great prizes, such as vouchers for a few nights stay in some of our partner hotels.

We will keep growing in the upcoming years while providing the same high quality service our customers appreciate and we hope you will accompany us further on this path!

Latventure Incoming Av. Colón E8-57 y Gral. José Urbina, Edif. El Cisne Pichincha Quito Ecuador Unsubscribe Newsletter