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Malawi has received a significant amount of foreign capital in the form of development aid, which has contributed greatly toward the exploitation of its natural resources and has allowed Malawi to at times produce a food surplus. Nevertheless, its population has suffered from chronic malnutrition, high rates of infant mortality , and grinding poverty—a paradox often attributed to an agricultural system that has favoured large estate owners. Most Malawians reside in rural locations. Malawi stretches about miles km from north to south and varies in width from 5 to miles 10 to km. It is bordered by Tanzania to the north, Lake Malawi to the east, Mozambique to the east and south, and Zambia to the west. The East African Rift Valley—by far the dominant feature of the country—is a massive troughlike depression running through the country from north to south and containing Lake Malawi north and central and the Shire River valley south. The Shire valley stretches some miles km from the southern end of Lake Malawi at Mangochi to Nsanje at the Mozambique border and contains Lake Malombe at its northern end. The plateaus of central Malawi rise to elevations of 2, to 4, feet to 1, metres and lie just west of the Lake Malawi littoral; the plateaus cover about three-fourths of the total land area. The highland areas are mainly isolated tracts that rise as much as 8, feet 2, metres above sea level. They comprise the Nyika , Viphya , and Dowa highlands and Dedza- Kirk mountain range in the north and west and the Shire Highlands in the south. The isolated massifs of Mulanje which reach 9, feet [3, metres], the highest point in the country and Zomba which reach 6, feet [2, metres] represent the fourth physical region. Surmounting the Shire Highlands, they descend rapidly in the east to the Lake Chilwa —Phalombe plain. The major drainage system is that of Lake Malawi, which covers some 11, square miles 29, square km and extends beyond the Malawi border. A second drainage system is that of Lake Chilwa , the rivers of which flow from the Lake Chilwa—Phalombe plain and the adjacent highlands. Soils, distributed in a complex pattern, are composed primarily of red earths, with brown soils and yellow gritty clays on the plateaus. Alluvial soils occur on the lakeshores and in the Shire valley, while other soil types include hydromorphic excessively moist soils, black clays, and sandy dunes on the lakeshore. There are two main seasons—the dry season, which lasts from May to October, and the wet season, which lasts from November to April. Temperatures vary seasonally, and they tend to decrease on average with increasing elevation. Nsanje , in the Shire River valley, has a mean July temperature in the high 60s F low 20s C and an October mean in the mids F high 20s C , while Dedza , which lies at an elevation of more than 5, feet 1, metres , has a July mean in the high 50s F mids C and an October mean in the high 60s F low 20s C. On the Nyika Plateau and on the upper levels of the Mulanje massif, frosts are not uncommon in July. Annual precipitation levels are highest over parts of the northern highlands and on the Sapitwa peak of the Mulanje massif, where they are about 90 inches 2, mm ; they are lowest in the lower Shire valley, where they range from 25 to 35 inches to mm. Savanna grassy parkland occurs in the dry lowland areas. Woodlands with species of acacia trees cover isolated, more fertile plateau sites and river margins. Grass-covered broad depressions, called madambo singular: dambo , dot the plateaus. Grasslands and evergreen forests are found in conjunction on the highlands and on the Mulanje and Zomba massifs. Swamp vegetation has given way to agricultural species as swamps have been drained and cultivated. For the latest Malawi inspiration, check out of Facebook and Instagram feeds here. We hope that will be very soon! Across Africa, tourism is crucial. It plays a vital role in sustainable development, conservation, employment, international understanding and economic growth. So, please do look through this website and stay tuned to our messages so that you can plan and book your next amazing trip! Generic filters. North Malawi. With stunning highlands and unspoilt landscapes, North Malawi is home to one of the most unique national parks in all of Africa. Central Malawi. Home to the country's capital , But also the untouched wilderness of Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve, and beautiful stretches of lakeshore. South Malawi. Full of tourist hotspots and home to two of the country's most popular wildlife reserves and highest mountain. With access to stunning beaches on the shores of the famous Lake Malawi, the 'jewel in Malawi's crown'. Welcome to Malawi! Lake Lake Malawi is the jewel in Malawi's crown. Learn More. Wildlife Discover the Big 5 in Malawi's national parks. Landscape Stunning scenery encompasses the country from North to South, with several wilderness areas and highlands offering awe-inspriring views and photographic backdrops. Culture Malawians are the friendliest people you will come across, and truly earn the title 'the Warm Heart of Africa'. Watch our video. October Newsletter. Read More. Africa :: Malawi — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency

The Federation was dissolved in In the protectorate over was ended and Nyasaland became an independent country under Queen Elizabeth II with the new name Malawi. Two years later it became a republic. Upon gaining independence it became a totalitarian one-party state under the presidency of , who remained president until The country has a that includes an army, a navy and an air wing. Malawi is among the world's least-developed countries. The economy is heavily based in agriculture, with a largely rural population that is growing at a rapid rate. The Malawian government depends heavily on outside aid to meet development needs, although this need and the aid offered has decreased since The Malawian government faces challenges in building and expanding the economy, improving education, healthcare, environmental protection , and becoming financially independent amidst widespread unemployment. Since , Malawi has developed several programs that focus on these issues, and the country's outlook appears to be improving, with a rise in the economy, education and healthcare seen in and Malawi has a low life expectancy and high infant mortality. There is a diverse population of native peoples , Asians and Europeans , with several languages spoken and an array of religious beliefs. Although there was periodic regional conflict fuelled in part by ethnic divisions in the past, by it had diminished considerably and the concept of a Malawian nationality had reemerged. The area of Africa now known as Malawi had a very small population of hunter-gatherers before waves of Bantu peoples began emigrating from the north around the 10th century. Soon after , with the area mostly united under one native ruler, native tribesmen began encountering, trading with and making alliances with Portuguese traders and members of the military. By , however, the empire had broken up into areas controlled by many individual ethnic groups. Missionary and explorer David Livingstone reached Lake Malawi then Lake Nyasa in and identified the Shire Highlands south of the lake as an area suitable for European settlement. As the result of Livingstone's visit, several Anglican and Presbyterian missions were established in the area in the s and s, the African Lakes Company Limited was established in to set up a trade and transport concern working closely with the missions, and a small mission and trading settlement was established at Blantyre in and a British Consul took up residence there in The Portuguese government was also interested in the area so, to prevent Portuguese occupation, the British government sent Harry Johnston as British consul with instructions to make treaties with local rulers beyond Portuguese jurisdiction. In , a British protectorate was proclaimed over the Shire Highlands, which was extended in to include the whole of present-day Malawi as the British Central Africa Protectorate. An influential opponent of the CAF was Hastings Banda , a European-trained doctor working in Ghana who was persuaded to return to Nyasaland in to assist the nationalist cause. Banda was elected president of the NAC and worked to mobilise nationalist sentiment before being jailed by colonial authorities in He was released in and asked to help draft a new constitution for Nyasaland, with a clause granting Africans the majority in the colony's Legislative Council. The Federation was dissolved in , and on 6 July , Nyasaland became independent from British rule and renamed itself Malawi, and that is commemorated as the nation's Independence Day, a public holiday. The new document also formally made Malawi a one-party state with the MCP as the only legal party. In , Banda was declared president-for-life. For almost 30 years, Banda presided over a rigidly totalitarian regime, which ensured that Malawi did not suffer armed conflict. Malawi's economy while Banda was president was often cited as an example of how a poor, landlocked, heavily populated, mineral-poor country could achieve progress in both agriculture and industrial development. Under pressure for increased political freedom , Banda agreed to a referendum in , where the populace voted for a multi-party democracy. In late , a presidential council was formed, the life presidency was abolished and a new constitution was put into place, effectively ending the MCP's rule. Re-elected in , Muluzi remained president until , when was elected. Although the political environment was described as "challenging", it was stated in that a multi-party system still existed in Malawi. President Mutharika was seen by some as increasingly autocratic and dismissive of human rights, [32] and in July protests over high costs of living, devolving foreign relations, poor governance and a lack of foreign exchange reserves erupted. In lost elections coming third and was replaced by , the brother of ex-President Mutharika. Malawi is a democratic, multi-party government, currently under the leadership of [37] The current constitution was put into place on 18 May The branches of the government consist of executive, legislative and judicial. The executive includes a president who is both chief of state and head of government, first and second vice presidents and a cabinet. The president and vice president are elected together every five years. A second vice president may be appointed by the president if so chosen, although they must be from a different party. The members of the cabinet are appointed by the president and can be from either inside or outside of the legislature. If created, the Senate would provide representation for traditional leaders and a variety of geographic districts, as well as special interest groups including the disabled, youth and women. There are currently nine political parties, with the acting as the ruling party together with several other parties in the Tonse Alliance currently led by Lazarus Chakwera while the Democratic Progressive Party is the main opposition party. The independent judicial branch is based upon the English model and consists of a Supreme Court of Appeal, a High Court divided into three sections general, constitutional and commercial , an Industrial Relations Court and Magistrates Courts, the last of which is divided into five grades and includes Child Justice Courts. Conventional courts and traditional courts have been used in varying combinations, with varying degrees of success and corruption. There was scheduled to be a second round of constitutionally mandated local elections in May , but these were cancelled by the government. In February , President Mutharika split with the United Democratic Front and began his own party, the Democratic Progressive Party, which had attracted reform-minded officials from other parties and won by-elections across the country in In , President Mutharika had implemented reforms to address the country's major corruption problem, with at least five senior UDF party members facing criminal charges. Although the country's governance score was higher than the continental average, it was lower than the regional average for southern Africa. Its highest scores were for safety and rule of law, and its lowest scores were for sustainable economic opportunity, with a ranking of 47th on the continent for educational opportunities. Malawi's governance score had improved between and Northern Region. Southern Region. Former President Hastings Banda established a pro- Western foreign policy that continued into early It included good diplomatic relationships with many Western countries. The transition from a one- party state to a multi-party democracy strengthened Malawian ties with the United States. Malawi maintained close relations with throughout the Apartheid era, which strained Malawi's relationships with other African countries. Following the collapse of apartheid in , diplomatic relationships were made and maintained into between Malawi and all other African countries. In , however, Malawi's relationship with Mozambique became strained, partially due to disputes over the use of the Zambezi River and an inter- country electrical grid. Mutharika expelled the ambassador from Malawi, and in July , the UK announced that it was suspending all budgetary aid because of Mutharika's lack of response to criticisms of his government and economic mismanagement. Malawi has been seen as a haven for refugees from other African countries, including Mozambique and Rwanda , since These influxes of refugees have placed a strain on the Malawian economy but have also drawn significant inflows of aid from other countries. Malawi tends to view economic and political stability in southern Africa as a necessity, and advocates peaceful solutions through negotiation. The country was the first in southern Africa to receive peacekeeping training under the African Crisis Response Initiative. As of [update] , international observers noted issues in several human rights areas. Excessive force was seen to be used by police forces, security forces were able to act with impunity, mob violence was occasionally seen, and prison conditions continued to be harsh and sometimes life-threatening. However, the government was seen to make some effort to prosecute security forces who used excessive force. Other legal issues included limits on free speech and freedom of the press , lengthy pretrial detentions, and arbitrary arrests and detentions. Societal issues found included violence against women , human trafficking , and child labour. The ACB appears to be successful at finding and prosecuting low level corruption, but higher level officials appear to be able to act with impunity. Corruption within security forces is also an issue. As of [update] , homosexuality has been illegal in Malawi. In one case, a couple perceived as homosexual faced extensive jail time when convicted. The status of women throughout the world, including Malawi, is measured using a wide range of indices which cover areas of social, economic, and political contexts. Focusing primarily on the time period between and the current day, the status of women in Malawi will be analyzed through a range of statistical indices. The current social status of women in Malawi is effectively estimated through indices such as female access to schooling, maternal mortality rate, and life expectancy of women from birth. These indices offer a wide lens of information on women's rights and life in Malawi. Women's access to schooling in Malawi as an index highlights how within the state, the ratio of male to female students for many age groups and for total students by gender shows women's access to schooling maintains on par with men's access. The economic status of women in Malawi are gauged using indices such as the inheritance rights for women, unemployment and labor force participation for females, along with the extent of the wage gap present between men and women in the Malawian economy. The inheritance rights index gauges the ability of women to effectively own and maintain property in comparison with their male counterparts. The current state of female labour participation details how a higher percentage of the male population is currently employed despite the female population having a higher total employed population and a very similar unemployment rate. The indices used to gauge political status of women include political participation amongst women, access to political institutions, and female seats in the national parliament. The political participation of women in Malawi as an index is effectively captured through a myriad of sources; these sources come to similar conclusions in regards to the political participation of women. The participation of women in the national political structure has been shown to be weaker than their male counterparts due to the normalization of negative stereotypes which women are not expected to be as politically active as men. This setup, despite its commitment to equal positions for men and women, has failed to promote methods for female politicians maintaining their seats in parliament and as a result of said policies, women throughout Malawi are left without the proper structure and resources to maintain their position in the national structure. Malawi is a landlocked country in southeastern Africa, bordered by Zambia to the northwest, Tanzania to the northeast and Mozambique to the south, southwest and southeast. The Great Rift Valley runs through the country from north to south, and to the east of the valley lies Lake Malawi also called Lake Nyasa , making up over three-quarters of Malawi's eastern boundary. Malawi's climate is hot in the low-lying areas in the south of the country and temperate in the northern highlands. The altitude moderates what would otherwise be an equatorial climate. Between November and April the temperature is warm with equatorial rains and thunderstorms, with the storms reaching their peak severity in late March. After March, the rainfall rapidly diminishes and from May to September wet mists float from the highlands into the plateaus, with almost no rainfall during these months. Animal life indigenous to Malawi includes mammals such as elephants, hippos, antelopes, buffaloes, big cats, monkeys, rhinos and bats; a great variety of birds including birds of prey, parrots and falcons, waterfowl and large waders, owls and songbirds. The ecoregions include tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands of the miombo woodland , dominated by miombo trees; and the Zambezian and mopane woodlands , characterized by the mopane tree ; and also flooded grassland providing grassland and swamp vegetation. There are five national parks , four wildlife and game reserves and two other protected areas in Malawi. Malawi is among the world's least developed countries. In the past, the economy has been dependent on substantial economic aid from the World Bank , the International Monetary Fund IMF , and other countries. Improved financial discipline had been seen since under the leadership of President Mutharika and Financial Minister Gondwe. This discipline has since evaporated as shown by the purchase in of a private presidential jet followed almost immediately by a nationwide fuel shortage which was officially blamed on logistical problems, but was more likely due to the hard currency shortage caused by the jet purchase. There are many investment barriers in Malawi, which the government has failed to address, including high service costs and poor infrastructure for power, water, and telecommunications. Many analysts believe that economic progress for Malawi depends on its ability to control population growth. In January southern Malawi was devastated by the worst floods in living memory, stranding at least 20, people. These floods affected more than a million people across the country, including , who were displaced, according to UNICEF. Over people were killed and an estimated 64, hectares of cropland were washed away. The is predominantly agricultural. The main agricultural products of Malawi include tobacco , sugarcane , cotton , tea , corn , potatoes, sorghum , cattle and goats. The main industries are tobacco, tea and sugar processing, sawmill products, cement and consumer goods. The country makes no significant use of natural gas. As of [update] , Malawi does not import or export any electricity, but does import all its petroleum, with no production in country. In , Malawi began testing cars that ran solely on ethanol, and initial results are promising, and the country is continuing to increase its use of ethanol. The country's strong reliance on tobacco places a heavy burden on the economy as world prices decline and the international community increases pressure to limit tobacco production. The move away from tobacco is further fueled by likely World Health Organisation moves against the particular type of tobacco that Malawi produces, burley leaf. It is seen to be more harmful to human health than other tobacco products. India hemp is another possible alternative, but arguments have been made that it will bring more crime to the country through its resemblance to varieties of cannabis used as a recreational drug and the difficulty in distinguishing between the two types. Other exported goods are cotton, peanuts, wood products and apparel. In , in response to disastrously low agricultural harvests, Malawi began a programme of fertiliser subsidies, the Fertiliser Input Subsidy Program FISP that were designed to re-energise the land and boost crop production. It has been reported that this program, championed by the country's president, is radically improving Malawi's agriculture, and causing Malawi to become a net exporter of food to nearby countries. In , Malawi was hit by a drought, and in January , the country reported an outbreak of armyworms around Zomba. The moth is capable of wiping out entire fields of corn, the staple grain of impoverished residents. As of [update] , there were 3. As of [update] there was one government-run radio station and approximately a dozen more owned by private enterprise. The country boasts 20 television stations by broadcasting on the country's digital network MDBNL e. Telephones are much more accessible in urban areas, with less than a quarter of land lines being in rural areas. Malawi devoted 1. In , Malawian scientists had the third-largest output in Southern Africa, in terms of articles catalogued in international journals. They published articles in Thomson Reuters' Web of Science Science Citation Index expanded that year, almost triple the number in Malawian scientists publish more in mainstream journals — relative to GDP — than any other country of a similar population size. This is impressive, even if the country's publication density remains modest, with just 19 publications per million inhabitants catalogued in international journals in The average for sub-Saharan Africa is 20 publications per million inhabitants. Malawi's first science and technology policy dates from and was revised in The National Science and Technology Policy of envisaged the establishment of a National Commission for Science and Technology to advise the government and other stakeholders on science and technology- led development. Although the Science and Technology Act of made provision for the creation of this commission, it only became operational in , with a secretariat resulting from the merger of the Department of Science and Technology and the National Research Council. The Science and Technology Act of also established a Science and Technology Fund to finance research and studies through government grants and loans but, as of [update] , this was not yet operational. The Secretariat of the National Commission for Science and Technology has reviewed the Strategic Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation — but, as of early , the revised policy had not yet met with Cabinet approval. Malawi is conscious of the need to attract more foreign investment to foster technology transfer, develop human capital and empower the private sector to drive economic growth. The government has introduced a series of fiscal incentives, including tax breaks, to attract more foreign investors. In , the Malawi Investment and Trade Centre put together an investment portfolio spanning 20 companies in the country's six major economic growth sectors, namely: [79] [80]. Scientific research output in terms of publications in Southern Africa, cumulative totals by field, — Scientific publications per million inhabitants in SADC countries in In , the government adopted a National Export Strategy to diversify the country's exports. Production facilities are to be established for a wide range of products within the three selected clusters: oil seed products, sugar cane products and manufacturing. In order to help companies adopt innovative practices and technologies, the strategy makes provision for greater access to the outcome of international research and better information about available technologies; it also helps companies to obtain grants to invest in such technologies from sources such as the country's Export Development Fund and the Malawi Innovation Challenge Fund. The Malawi Innovation Challenge Fund is a competitive facility, through which businesses in Malawi's agricultural and manufacturing sectors can apply for grant funding for innovative projects with potential for making a strong social impact and helping the country to diversify its narrow range of exports. The first round of competitive bidding opened in April The fund is aligned on the three clusters selected within the country's National Export Strategy : oil seed products, sugar cane products and manufacturing. Among the notable achievements stemming from the implementation of national policies for science, technology and innovation in recent years are the: [79] [80]. Malawi has a population of over 18 million, with a growth rate of 3. Malawi's estimated population is, based on most recent estimates, 18,, Britain suspends aid over governance concerns. US follows suit. In recent years the country has achieved significant economic growth. The Republic of Malawi Capital: Lilongwe. President: Lazarus Chakwera. Radio is the leading medium and state-run MBC is the main national broadcaster. Read full media profile. World War I Memorial. Old Town Mall. The Society of Malawi Library. St Michael and All Angels Church. King African Rifles Monument. Go Rest. A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. Kaya Mawa. Mumbo Island. Kumbali Country Lodge. Mayoka Village. Protea Hotel Blantyre Ryalls. Latitude 13 Degrees Hotel. The Makokola Retreat. Crossroads Hotel. Go Eat. Can't-miss spots to dine, drink, and feast. Ama Khofi. Bombay Palace. Mamma Mia Italian Restaurant. Malawi Best of Malawi Tourism - Tripadvisor

Salima, Malawi. Likoma Island, Malawi. Nkhata Bay, Malawi. Zomba, Malawi. Essential Malawi. Go Play. Places to see, ways to wander, and signature experiences. Lilongwe Wildlife Centre. Mount Mulanje. La Caverna Art Gallery. Nkhoma Mountain. Kumbali Cultural Village. World War I Memorial. Old Town Mall. The Society of Malawi Library. St Michael and All Angels Church. King African Rifles Monument. Go Rest. A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. Kaya Mawa. Mumbo Island. Kumbali Country Lodge. Mayoka Village. Protea Hotel Blantyre Ryalls. Latitude 13 Degrees Hotel. The Makokola Retreat. Crossroads Hotel. Go Eat. Can't-miss spots to dine, drink, and feast. Ama Khofi. Bombay Palace. Stunning scenery encompasses the country from North to South, with several wilderness areas and highlands offering awe- inspriring views and photographic backdrops. Malawians are the friendliest people you will come across, and truly earn the title 'the Warm Heart of Africa'. Discover ancient traditions, a modern festival subculture and more. Our October Newsletter which includes all the latest news of what's happening in Malawi has now been released. Ethiopian Airlines, one of Malawi's most popular airlines of choice with their regular flights into both Lilongwe and Blantyre, have announced free COVID Global Insurance Cover for all passengers travelling with the airline. Lilongwe Wildlife Trust, responsible for running Malawi's only wildlife rehabilitation centre and a key campaigner in Malawi's fight against wildlife crime, have released their latest newsletter covering a collection of latest projects and a very special award. On World Rhino Day last week, African Parks were pleased to announce encouraging signs of a growing black rhino population. River Sea Chocolates, a small family owned business based in Sterling, Virginia, United States of America, launched a limited edition dark milk chocolate bar infused with Malawi Tea hand harvested and dried by small independent farmers. For the latest Malawi inspiration, check out of Facebook and Instagram feeds here. We hope that will be very soon! Across Africa, tourism is crucial. It plays a vital role in sustainable development, conservation, employment, international understanding and economic growth. So, please do look through this website and stay tuned to our messages so that you can plan and book your next amazing trip! Generic filters. North Malawi. With stunning highlands and unspoilt landscapes, North Malawi is home to one of the most unique national parks in all of Africa. Central Malawi. Home to the country's capital Lilongwe, But also the untouched wilderness of Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve, and beautiful stretches of lakeshore. South Malawi. Full of tourist hotspots and home to two of the country's most popular wildlife reserves and highest mountain. With access to stunning beaches on the shores of the famous Lake Malawi, the 'jewel in Malawi's crown'. Welcome to Malawi!

Malawi Government

Nsanje , in the Shire River valley, has a mean July temperature in the high 60s F low 20s C and an October mean in the mids F high 20s C , while Dedza , which lies at an elevation of more than 5, feet 1, metres , has a July mean in the high 50s F mids C and an October mean in the high 60s F low 20s C. On the Nyika Plateau and on the upper levels of the Mulanje massif, frosts are not uncommon in July. Annual precipitation levels are highest over parts of the northern highlands and on the Sapitwa peak of the Mulanje massif, where they are about 90 inches 2, mm ; they are lowest in the lower Shire valley, where they range from 25 to 35 inches to mm. Savanna grassy parkland occurs in the dry lowland areas. Woodlands with species of acacia trees cover isolated, more fertile plateau sites and river margins. Grass-covered broad depressions, called madambo singular: dambo , dot the plateaus. Grasslands and evergreen forests are found in conjunction on the highlands and on the Mulanje and Zomba massifs. Swamp vegetation has given way to agricultural species as swamps have been drained and cultivated. Much of the original woodland has been cleared, and, at the same time, forests of softwoods have been planted in the highland areas. High population density and intensive cultivation of the Shire Highlands have also hindered natural succession there, while wells have been sunk and rivers dammed to irrigate the dry grasslands for agriculture. Game animals abound only in the game reserves, where antelope, buffalo, elephants, leopards, lions, rhinoceroses, and zebras occur; hippopotamuses live in Lake Malawi. The lakes and rivers of Malawi contain hundreds of species and numerous families of fish. Lake Malawi is particularly renowned for its remarkable biodiversity—an enormous range of fish species inhabit the lake, most of them endemic—and its southern region, as part of Lake Malawi National Park, was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in The most common and commercially significant fish found in Malawi include the endemic tilapia, or chambo nest-building freshwater fish ; catfish, or mlamba ; and minnows, or matemba. Among the major concerns are efficient resource utilization, land degradation , deforestation, conservation of marine life, biodiversity, climate change , ozone layer protection, sewage, the pollution of water from agriculture runoff such as fertilizers, endangered species , and industrial pollution. The majority of pollution comes from greenhouse gas emissions, mostly from the usage of coal and charcoal, natural gas , and petroleum. Malawi Article Media Additional Info. Kumbali Country Lodge. Mayoka Village. Protea Hotel Blantyre Ryalls. Latitude 13 Degrees Hotel. The Makokola Retreat. Crossroads Hotel. Go Eat. Can't-miss spots to dine, drink, and feast. Ama Khofi. Bombay Palace. Mamma Mia Italian Restaurant. Lark Cafe. Veg- Delight. Casa Rossa. From the Forums. See all. Travel to Malawi. Launch of Malawi EVisa. More Malawi Picks. Top-rated by travelers. We hope that will be very soon! Across Africa, tourism is crucial. It plays a vital role in sustainable development, conservation, employment, international understanding and economic growth. So, please do look through this website and stay tuned to our messages so that you can plan and book your next amazing trip! Generic filters. North Malawi. With stunning highlands and unspoilt landscapes, North Malawi is home to one of the most unique national parks in all of Africa. Central Malawi. Home to the country's capital Lilongwe, But also the untouched wilderness of Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve, and beautiful stretches of lakeshore. South Malawi. Full of tourist hotspots and home to two of the country's most popular wildlife reserves and highest mountain. With access to stunning beaches on the shores of the famous Lake Malawi, the 'jewel in Malawi's crown'. Welcome to Malawi! Lake Lake Malawi is the jewel in Malawi's crown.

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