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II 12 PAGES. J PAGES 1 TO 8. j Vkl ; v i lW VOL XXXV., NO. 6158. HONOLULU, HAWAII 1EKK1IOKY. WEDNESDAY, APRIL o". iyo. PRICE FIVE CEHTC w-"l- . The dinner promises to be a everything." Interrupted Chairman notable event In every .particular. Knox, impatiently. Twenty-Tou- r guests, a'.l Republicans "Aren't those leases all in print?" NOTABLE COMMISSIONER BARRETT asked Mr. Lloyd of Missouri. j FUNSTON high in the count-I- of the Government, Every one of them, answered the have accepted in vitation. There has Govetr.or. been a strong desire on the part of all "They were let out at auction, were- otl'.cials to metrt Governor Iule, and in n't they?" asked Delegate Flynn of many instances other Invitations have Okir.homa. bevn canf'llfil to Improve this oppor- ARRIVES IN HONOLULU "In every case." answered the Gov- CALLED WEEK FOR success ernor: "but sometimes there was only tunity. It speaks well for the one bidder." of the dinner, when such a brilliant Mr. Robinson seemed determined to company if stal""rnfn can be brousht monopolize the hearing. lie wanted to toRvther n hort notice. A din- 12,000 suh. know about recent leases, one of ner of that char-u-ter- usually requires ON. Harrett, Commissioner-- J acres to Mr. Ealdwin. HAWA threi? or four s for preparatltin. so John The Governor said that was a leae great Is the. press of invitations on H General to Asia. Australia and the( of fc. forest reserve for '21 years, the notable people during the winter Philippines, for the Louisiana government reserving the right to take names of more Hono- out at any time portions that nv.ght I cave the the Purchase Exposition, arrived in become available for agricultural pur- guests In my laxt letter. er notab!e lulu yesterday on the steamer Chini. poses. The lease was for-wat- rights Dole Is enjoying the b-!- t Governor accompanied by his secretary, Theo- and was sold at auction, Mr. Baldwin, Island of health. "My visit here has been however, being the only bidder. The President Tells Affairs at pleasant." said he today. "I dore Hardee. Mr. Harrett will remain As to labor Gov. Dole said there was have haJ opportunity to renew in Honolulu until about the Sth of May. a limited field for skilled labor. He de- with many old friends ami : -- 5""f3C' sired immigrants to the Islands who when he will proceed either by the; - many men off- f t C fehferlt Him to Stop the National also to meet other in by to would work the small farms. Some icial life, something that I regard of Doric to Japan or the Sonoma white people had gone there, school much importance. Australia, according to instructions he teachers, speculators and others, gen- significance of these acquaint- lll receive Washington by the erally without experience, and hitherto Capital. The from the plan had not been altogether suc- Talking. ances, which the Governor mentioned, next steamer. can not be overestimated, especially as cessful. While the Commissioner-Genera- l Is "Tere are no physical or climatic affecting the interests of a Territory so conditions that preclude white labor far removed from the mainland. Per- on a high diplomatic mission to confirm from working on the Islands." d GOVERNOR DOLE sonal acquaintance with the men who the Invitation of the Unlted.'States and Gov. Dole. "But white laborers will PROJECTED SPEECH have so much to du w ith 'shaping the of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition not work under conditions that Chinese Federal policy towards the Inlands is will work under." t- - foreign countries to participate "Is not the presence of these Mon- IS SHUT OFF BEFORE COMMITTEE an lm'Krtant factor. for sugar The Governor has had many invita- therein, and to negotiate with them golians due to the persistence of re- such tiartiripatlon, he is stopping off corporations in bringing them there?" tions slnre he came here. One day in Honolulu asked Mr. Robinson. cently he was the guest of Represen- In accordance with the sjK i ial w ishes of both the Government "Probably so," replied Gov. Dole, wh tative and Mrs. Newlands, of Nevada. Washington of exposition explained further that any change to General Funston Claims That His Witeox Bills They Informally at and the add-- d tnvejligting One evening he dined with management at St. Louis. .white labor must be gradual. He Mr. and Mrs. Haywood. The Governor that the rice industry could not be Expressions Have Been Gar- No ol many Mr. Harrett will confer with the off- HON. JOHN BARRETT. conducted with white labor. The Gov- Have Ounce and Mr. Armstrong have paid of calls, official and social, since they ar- icials of the Territory, the Chamber ernor also explained some plans in ' Passage. Commerce, and with the leading Inter prospect to encourage small farmers. bled by Reporters. rived. ests of the Islands In regard to the Exposition Company, who himself is "What is the average wages paid on A DISSOLVING VIEW. p:an and scoi of Its participation. He ope of the leading men in the United the plantations?" asked Mr. Finley of Judge Gilbert F. Little, of Hilo. has Is personally greatly interested In what States, authorizes me to state that South Carolina. 23. By g average field Is April (SewcIaI to The Advertiser.) disappeared as though the ground had Hawaii will do at St. Louis, and is es-- j Midway and kindred money-makin- or "The of laborers WASHINGTON.' will kept in about 13 or $19 a month," said the President, General April . swallowed him up. peclally qualified by his knowledge of spectacular features be the YJTTASHINGTON. D. C. arrange background. The.v will be entirely sec- Governor. has been directed to Important "The passenger trains did not leave Pacific peoples and countries to Mr. Finley asked many questions but Funston TbU has . been an town soon enough for him." remarked for a participation of countries border- -' ondary and w ill not be allowed to dis- all the time Mr. Hoblnson zealously cease further discussion of public ques- w In face- Ing on -- surpass grace the section from which they are week for Hawaii's Interest Mr. Edgar Caypless. Home Ruler, the Pacific that will prompted the South Carolinan. tions. CapltoL retting tiously, today in the corridor of the anything that has ever been done here-- ! supposed to come. The first considera- Mr. Finley inquired about the em- the Fede'ral After tion will be industrial, commercial, ployment negroes on plantations. The President has telegraphed Gen his Inter- Capitol. "The Judge, so I understand, tofore. the of the thoroughly rested and after departed by freight," and Mr. Caypless. Commissioner General was for- educational and social exhibit which Gov. Dole replied that it was a failure, eral Funston not to speak at the Mid- ter-mlaat- The the "White House, which ed none of Home to Slam, the Government of the Territory shall he believed, because the negroes were In view t while surrendering his merly United Slates Minister not taken from agricultural districts dlesex banquet Boston. so triumphantly for him. Gov- convictions, laughed at the Joke special commissioner of the Gov- itself prepare. In other words, its plan 23. rep- Rule later scope endangered, or but from the cities, a rough class not DENVER. Colo.. April To a looking" Into vi- on the Judge. ernment In the Philippines and China. and shall not b accustomed to farm w'ork. ernor IXle set about by low-cla- ss vaude- resentative of the Associated Press. Terri- "Yes, they chewed us up and spit u and has Just been serving as one of its dignity offset, Chairmin Knox said the disposition matters of concern to the med- ville effects. General Funston said," with reference rion every opportu out." acknowledged Mr. Caypless. the plenlrotentiary delegates, of the of the commitee was to act on nothing tory. He has Improved itatively. United States to the International Con- - J "In' short It is the firm Intention of could be dealt with by the Terri- to statement from Washington that Exposition, that the nity to acquaint high official here WILCOX'S Fl'TILE HILLS. gress held In Mexico. Since his return! the Louisiana Purchase torial government. He mentioned this the President had directed him (Fun- re- Mexico In January he has had supported by the wishes of the United in connection with the ditch bill and lt different questions and details Governor Dole has devoted much from soma explanations the ston) to cease further discussion of vprious charge at Washington of all the dip- - States Government, that the exhibits asked about garding the Territory. Since the first time to Investigating the bills participation of Hawaii shall be In change of the Interior Department de- public questions, that he had not as loiuatic negotiations with Asiatic ( or Delegate Wilcox introduced. ret-pec- cision. week the Governor has had two that has every t creditable, and of such any. euch order from f 1st The bill granting a franchise to con- countries In regard to World's Fair: Gov. Dole reiterated his objection to yet received or Interview with President matters. j character that every resident of the bill, which he mentioned before the Washington. Continuing the conver- three struct a railroad anywhere In the may be proud of them. I hope the K.vttevelt. The Chief Magistrate dis- by Delegate Wil- In discussing what Hawaii could do. Islands Senate committee earlier in the week. sation, General, said that In future Islands, Introduced L- -j I hall receive the hearty system the phase of the fire cox request of "Gristmill" Jones, at St.