Distribution wtt nto, 4m- RED BANK / Today j Hffk tomrnm (a 4*, See wutk- 16,600 cr and tides, page 2.1 1I HOVDHY THHOUOH f$JPAY~**T Wt

luued Diliy. Monday throuih Friday, entered ti Second Clt» Matter RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1960 7c PER COPY 35c PER WEEK VOL. 83. NO. 127 at the Foit OHict at Red Bank, N. J., under thi Act of March 3, 1878. BY CARRIER PAGE ONE For Governor Foreign Plans Grogan, Demarest Bavonne Is Rocked To Seek Nomination •' Review Slated NORTH BERGEN (AP)-May- fastest growing communities in ir John J. Grogan of Hoboken the state. It's a growing and yesterday announced he would prospering city. If I'm selected run for the Democratic nomina- as the Democratic candidate for tion for governor in rext April's governor and am elected, I hope to be able to do the same type By Propane Blast primary. By Kennedy His candidacy will have the )f job for the state." support of the powerful Hudson In 1958, Kenny backed Grogan County organization of former for U.S. Senator in the Democrat- Jersey City Mayor John V. ic primary. Harrison A. Wil- Roosa Picked

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Print plainly pattern number, RED BANK SAVINGS name, address and zone. I 9-DRAWER DRESSER 5-DRAWER CHEST JUST OFF THE PRESS! Send LOAN ^ft ASSOCIATION now for our exciting, new 1961 •j Ztxlt'AuM" 19.99 37x44x13".. 16.99 CHARTERED iser Needlecraft Catalog. Over 125 :! *6he Door designs to crochet, knit, sew, cm * 16x30x30" 10 BROAD ST. A? Secunfil broider, quilt, weave — fashions, RED BANK NEW JERSEY homefurnlshlngs, toys, gifts, ba i zar hits. Plus FREE-lnstruc- Insurod Savlngi Accounts Home Mortgage Loam "1 Money Ordorj Ions for six smart veil caps, lurry, send 25c now! •\ ' Ideal desk for student—also a Travolors Choquos Home Improvement Loam , * natural for use in bedroom, den, Gift Draft! 4-DRAWER DESK Savo-by-Mail Christmas Clubs Tho largest hospital In the |. hall or kitchen. Roomy drawer. 4-SHElF BOOKCASE 4-SHELF BOOKCASE lotilhcrn Hemisphere Is the Unr- i I7»30»30".,. 14.99 io«-i8u6'.,.12.99 IOx««JQ"..,. 9.99 Mumlior FeilerM finvlnm ami I/inn Irnurnncn Corp. • Member Primal Horn* l,aan n«nk Byittm ngwanthsi Hospital for non-whites Mrinliiir New Joriry HnvlnRi and tan l.r«ju» In Johannesburg, South Africa, MOMDIIK Ol' Till! SAVINGS AND LOAN I'OUNDATION, INC.. SrONSOH OF THIS It has 2,380 beds nnd trcnts AUVUKTISIIMUNT IN SATURDAY IiVENING PO8T AND LII'B nearly a hnlf a million out-pa- USE YOUR CREDIT-10% DOWN DELIVERS YOUR CHOICE tients n yenr, ' NO PUCE FOR POOR EQUIPMENT JIM BISHOP: 4MB Mmi ttrmt, Mt4 Uak, N. I. Mate HlptwBf m, MMMUmrn, H. *, Reporter EsUWished 1878 by John ft. Cook and Henry Clay THOMAS IRVING BROWN, Publisher 1928-1959 What Is Happiness? JAMES J. HOGAN, Editor M. HAROLD KELLY, General Manager W. HARRY PENNINGTON, Production Manager Sometimes, when I sit in Hank Meyer's den, I try to define happiness. What is it? How can it be weighed? Member of the Associated Press The Attocli'.ed Pregi Is cmmed excluslvtly to the UEA for republlcatlon ol all ths loesi nsws printed He has it but what is it? I can tell gold from brass, but la Ihla newspaper as well es all AP news dispatches. I cannot tell the difference between happiness and Member Audit Bureau of Circulation contentment. I have peace. I know I have it, but this The Rtd Bank Register assumes no financial responsibilities for typocraphlcal erron In advertise- is neither happiness nor contentment ments, hut sv:M reprint without charpe, that rart ol an advertisement In whlcti the typographical error oc- cun. Advertisers will pleasa ootlfy the management Immediately ol any error which may occur. nor optimism nor love. This newspaper assumes no responsibilities for statements of opinions In letters from Its readers. Take your pick. A new year is com- Subscription Prices In Advanc* One year 915.00; SIX months 98.00 ing up pink over the horizon and you Single copy at counter, 7 cents Single copy by mall, 9 cents are entitled to one of these things. The THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1060 greatest of them all is love, but it is also the most difficult to attain. Mr. Hank Meyer is happy because he has Pews Creek Plan love. He is a small compact man with BISHOP ix-foot grin and molasses skin and Last month, Middletown Com- tested the loss or moving of the a s dark eyes which try to hide his inner ecstacy. mitteeman Paul Pandolfi proposed bridge, the governing body decided Love, in his case, is a small beautiful woman that the township consider develop- to have the county restore the span named Lenore, and three babies aged 7,- 5 and almost ing the vast meadowlands surround- It is hoped that the township will one. Mr. Meyer is a press agent who represents Miami ing Pews Creek in Port Monmouth not forget Mr. Pandolfi's proposal Beach and the island of Aruba and big hotels and an into a vast marine complex. Through careful planning and air line. He has a plush office in a skyscraper and some people who can think. You will not see the real Hank The committeeman has proposed perhaps under an urban renewal pro- Meyer there. that the township purchase about gram, the potential of the area You will have to go to a marbleized home on Pine- 300 acres of land and, in turn, sell could be realized and desirable com- mercial ratables brought into the tree Drive and watch him closely to see the happiness. it to private enterprise for construc- His little girls are in diaphanous nightgowns and he township. tion of marinas, motels, restaurants, sits gravely, with finger along the cheek, listening to residential housing and marine-ori- And by careful planning, the them play their piano lessons. The music they play ented businesses. problem of the bridge could be isn't great. The music inside Hank's heart is. solved—perhaps by construction of These Days; The plan, however, hinged on Bedtime Stall a drawbridge. the elimination or relocation of the EDITORIAL VIEWS They are stalling to keep from going to bed. He This way, the area still could be Pews Creek Bridge on Port Mon- The electoral College sees his little girls as sugar-coated plums to be nibbled developed and at the same time, lo- mouth Rd. OF OTHER PAPERS slowly, starting behind the ears. They miss a note and cal residents could be spared any By GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY Hank sighs a deep sigh of appreciation. Lenore comes The span was washed out during inconvenience. OYSTER'S ENEMY into the room, twirling the long dark hair into a bun So on Dec. 19, the Electoral College met in each Hurricane Donna. The county has The area is ideally suited for The oyster, a mollusk which on the back of her neck and he gets to his feet and state and elected John F. Kennedy, President of thedeveloped its present form in agreed to restore and raise the such a project. A study should be the Triassic age millions of years kisses her as though some minister had just said: "Now United States. Before that the aforesaid John Kennedy bridge about five feet at the request ago, has found an unlikely friend it is legal." instituted to determine the feasibil- had appointed his Cabinet although he was not yeitn the skindiver, an amphibious of local residents. ity, cost and method by which such species of more recent evolution. He goes into the den and removes the shallow President. However, he waited a day or two, perhaps No need, when skindivers are cap of a gin bottle. He fills the cap and dumps it into Mr. Pandolfi expressed the view a project could be completed. out of courtesy, to resign as U.S. sena- about, for the bivalve to watch in helpless dread as its arch-enemy, a glass filled with ice and soda. He stirs carefully and that now was a good time to con- Only after such a study has been tor from Massachusetts. Well, now hethe starfish, creeps in for the kill. takes the drink to Lenore. In it is one-eighth of an sider such a project and that the completed should a decision be is actually President-elect even if you At Eaton's Neck, Long Island, ounce of gin. Why so little? "Give her one regular bridge could be moved inland 1,200 made to go ahead or scrap the plan. did not know about it before. a school of skindivers splashed drink and she'd fall on her ear." Mrs. Meyer may not into the shallow, murky waters to 1,500 feet to open up the meadow- What lies ahead for the Pews The farce was carried through with ovcr five oyster' beds cultivated be a two-fisted drinker, but she has talent. She's a lands for full development. Creek area in the next quarter cen- customary ceremony although it hardly j by the Long Island Oyster Farms sculptor, an interior decorator, and a teacher of charm. mattered and nobody cared. The Elec ithis summer and caught half a She has written a book on it called "Posing for the After a public hearing during tury should have a strong influence million starfish by dragging sacks toral College is an obsolete institution. Camera," published by Hastings House. on what should be done today. across the bottom. The oysters, which Port Monmouth residents pro- I wondered what might have hap- notoriously silent creatures, ex- Whence comes the inner glow, the warm fire pressed no appreciation but prob- SOKOLSKY pened in this tight election if some ably felt great relief. which never dies? I do not know. I do not know. Hank electors chose to switch their votes. It is doubtful For a single starfish can desit- s with Hy Gardner and Arthur Godfrey and Jimmy Your Money's Worth: whether they could do that in many states. For invou- r two dozen oysters in three Powers and they talk sports and gossip and the world stance, where I live their names did not even appear days. The five-armed sea animal of news and politics, but there is no clue in this. Some- can detect oysters from afar and More Quality in Foods on the ballot. I might have been cantankerous and scamper toward them across the times, they walk out at night on the front porch and demanded my right to vote for electors in accordance ocean floor at a speed of twostand beside the greenlighted swimming pool to watch By SYLVIA PORTER miles an hour. They seize their with the Constitution but I feared that someone would quarry above and below, pull a full moon come up over Indian Creek. send for a psychiatrist and having a particular dislike apart the shells, and insert their . A shopper from 20 years ago consuming public, are so selec- will be easier and more pleasant, The few things I know about happiness are nebu- tive today, only a tiny percentage There will be huge centers for that breed of cats, I thought that I had better keep own stomachs to feed on the would not recognize one-third ot goodness within. Oyster farmers lous. It drugs the senses. The more one chases it, or the groceries in our supermar- of that number will prevaiL bathed in light with blended color quiet and not ask for electors. Besides what difference schemes, customer lounges, air share the distaste of the victims looks for it, the less chance there is of finding it. I saw kets today. So great is the revo- Food sales to consumers,-which do they make? for this practice. lution in food production and today are running at about $72 curtain doors, and talking store it in the eyes of a copy desk editor bending over a directories. Nor are federal fisheries author- .merchandising that I interviewed billion a year should expand to Obsolete | story with a pencil in his hand and an eyeshade on his Nathan Cum- $115 billion within the next 10 Batteries of push-button vend- ities in Halifax friends of the starfish. They are approaching forehead. I didn't ask where he found it. He wouldn't mings, chair- years in order to keep up with ing machines will make possible The Electoral College is an obsolete institution man of consoli- the increase in population to over round • the • clock shopping for the successful completion of a tell anyway. dated Foods 200,000,000 and the expansion in meats, butter, milk, coffee, tea, which has no reason for existence but which can only unique venture in oyster culture, Corp.. on one, ,e standard of living. and bakery goods. be abolished by a Constitutional amendment. Its pur-and have no desire to see the Temporary State tr fruits of their efforts gobbled up surprising facet So-called convenience foods are pose was to establish a state-controlled screening body of this story. It is a fascinating future to by any gourmands of the deep. I've seen it in a little boy standing primly before more and more in demand as think about. Too fantastic? No. which would safeguard the presidency from the rabble This is the last spend less time in the An ailment known only as "epi-his father with a good report card from school. I've in a special women Not if one thinks back to the Some, these days, say that it also had the purpose of demic oyster disease" wiped out kitchen, The 'built-in" services days of the cracker barrel and seen it in the downcast eyes of many brides and I saw year-end ser- of convenient, well-packaged food giving minority parties a voice,"but this is clearly in whole populations from the beds ies of columns the open wheel of store cheese. of firm, sandy mud the mollusks it in my mother's blind eyes. Customarily, happiness products vastly reduce the for-Not if you remember that in thecorrect because when the Constitution was written PORTER on significant mer home cost and inconvenience favor along the shores of Nova is a temporary state. The mind cannot stand it for long economic early part of the 19th century it there were no political parties and there were really Scotia and New Brunswick facing de- of bulk storage, preparation, required the almost incredible periods any more than it can sustain deep grief. velopments and prospects. cooking, fuel and time consumed. none during the first administration of George Wash- on the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The seen by a select group of lead- figure of 85 per cent of the pop- Atlantic and Bay of Fundy There is a little motel in Hialeah and you will find The tremendous increase in theulation to produce the nation's ngton. John Adams who subsequently was described ing industrialists and financiers. . , .., . , ,, stretches are not favorable to it in the fourth apartment from the front. Gail opens JL ., , number of working women isi food supply, while today 15 peras a Federalist was Washington's vice president, andoysters. Prince Edward Island Q Porter: As the processor|changing our dining and shop-icent of the population produces oysters were depleted by a sim- the oven to study the skinny steak she is broiling for and distributor of the fabulously j habUs and COnsoqucntly.!all the food, Thomas Jefferson who later was called a Democratic guccessful-but expensive-Sara; . i ilar illness about thirty years ago, her bridegroom. She stabs the boiling potatoes with our food processing methods In Republican was his secretary of state. No political party but survivors among them pro- Lee products, you're obviously in E But above a the Twan t a fork. She is 17 and pregnant and she hums like a ? n0 c»t nf mar it0 make iS tha"'t c nsumers of s mentioned in the Constitution and no provision for duced offspring resistant to the the quality food line. What do '' the ° bird. Can you define happiness, my friend? you think your experience £* want especial, y three.things: microscopic parasites believed to political parties was ever made in it. The federal gov- cause it. Since 1955, and ending about the American consumer'sJ30 cen( and stil, risi wjth top quality, convenience and In Lincroft, New Jersey, there is a ranch house on variety. They 11 always, I repeat, ernment does not control elections and such bodies this year, numbers of the hardier attitude toward quality at higher,less timc availabIe for cookinR Rose Street. There, my older daughter Virginia mixes win out over price. as the Republican and Democratic National Commit- Island oysters have been dredged pricDriCGe . andI__._M__I preparatio: n o»ef r_food_ J , 11.;this_ call__ n_s up and transplanted to vacant a tossed salad, watches the clock, keeps an inward tees are not recognized by any acts of Congress as A. Cummings: I think it is for more "convenience" " items on beds, public and leased, in thethird eye on four little babies, and tells the dog to proof of the triumph ol quality;the grocers' shelves. functioning bodies. The Corrupt Practices Acts have ravaged provinces. A good hatch overprice. I think it proves that j Q. Porter: In what sort of has been reported and if the please take his sorrowful expression somewhere else. 1 nothing to do with .political parties but with elected n«o utvn i CJJUI iuu OIIU ]i iiiu T . , noli the public, the mass public, will stores do you see us shopping in Book Is sne , back up its demand for top qual-' coming years? public officials who do what everybody does and getscheme succeeds, as appears nappy? She hugs me and says: "Oh, daddy!" I .' ity products with its dollars and1 A Cummings: At the retail caught. likely, it will be the1 firs t bCCtime can readC ea ln voluma e inth o twto Lwords ; that in these days when-far too;level, super-markets will become Reviews Once, in a poorhouse at Laurel Hill," I saw an old ; often for consumer comfort-j more attractive. And shopping All this being so, the Electoral College has noth- "SSffliS! " " adv °"wh ° LEE'S LAST CAMPAIGN. By The experiment was "conducted i| ° had outlived everybodyy y who knew her. Shee • slipshod performance and sleazy Clifford Dowdey. Little, Brown. ing to do with minority parties nor have we gone in . products are evident in the mar- on behalf of fishermen and farm- had two one dollar bills in her hand and she clutched CARMICHAEL $6. :rs who augment their incomes : ket place, the thrifty housewife for proportional representation, a system that name them. Her ancient blue eyes were bright with happi- ; "will be the first to pay for qual- Here is the story of the cam-close to ruining France. As a matter of fact, the minor- from oysters, and these men had their own means of dealing with ness under the folds of her eyelids. Why? Because she ' Ity—providing it is consistent paign which, in Dowdey's esti ity parties appear on ballots under various state laws, •'quality. mation, unequivocally placed the starfish long before the aqualung was going to give the two dollars to someone else. was invented. They use mops. • • If ever there was an industry stamp of greatness upon Robert just as the majority parties do. It could be legally What is happiness? Don't tell me where to loolook where the consumer calls the E. Lee. It was not a victorious Their devices are similar to the PAYTO possible for one state to permit a minority party, let household article, with fibres that for iti . Just tell me what to do when it comes . . . turn, that industry is food. And campaign; it is the story of re-us say, the Prohibitionists or the Vegetarians, to ap- consumers are actually hungry I ABOUT flsl I96| — treat from the Wilderness to Pe- snag the spines of starfish. A for top quality products and' tersburg, as U. S. Grant blud- pear on the ballot and for another state to reject such good oyster farmer will mop his •lervices. Quality, in the long geoned his way toward Appomat- parties. This is a state matter. be/I once a year, and fishori"'; run, always wins out over price. tox. It was a time of sore trial officials say this method will •Also, in food more than in any for Lee, from the confident hosts TV Effect bring up as many starfish in five other field, it is safe to say quan- in his front and from the bureau- minutes as a skindiver can in an tity production has been closely cratic bickering from Richmond Television Is making many changes in our lives, hour. They suggest skindivers ; related to high quality and im- in his rear. lie did not prevail may he motivated more by love proved values to increased de- on the battlefield but he did pre some beneficial, some very harmful. The National Con- of publicity than nltruism toward mand. Our national concept of vail in n higher sense. In his vention, as a televised institution, will cease to take oysters, and they may have a in adequate diet has changed own words, "the glory of duty so much time and the speakers already are no longer point. within a generation to mean an done and honor of integrity of Wo hold no brief for either side optimum diet. principle." wasting hours on rubbish because on television they n tho diver vs. mon controversy, Q. Porter: What changes do sound so ridiculous. But the essential fact of ihc tele- f such it Is. Our mnin concern you see taking place at the retail vised convention and the televised campaign is that s that slarfi?h should be tinn- • food counter that are ol vital in- THE NIGHT THE WAR WAS shed from the nvstcr beds, ivhnt- LOST. By Charles L. Dufour. it makes the election national in character. A candi- the moans. Tlic long famine terest to us, the consumers? Doubleday. $4.05. A. Cummings: The changes date can no longer say one thing in Wisconsin and of June, July and August Is over, taking place in retail food dis- What was the decisive battle another in Texas because both publics hear what he and oysters may mice morn be tribution are nothing short of of the Civil War? Gettysburg? legally caught, The months of phenomenal. Fully one third of Vicksburg? Chickamauga? Atlnn says in each place. Also, candidates have to gear them- Im Rs are noon us and wo hun- the grocery Items that fill the In? Dufour, editorial columnist of selves to a television voice, a television stance, a tele- grily await October and Novem- market basket today were non- tho New Orleans States Item, vision personality. ber, when ninotv per cent nf the existent only 20 years ago. Per- here to tell you It was none of bivalves are taken. And If star- haps another third has been these illustrious stni|!|',les, hut It must be remembered that Richard Nixon started ish hnvn been urttinc morn Ilinn changed in both substance ami the biiltlf of New Orleans. He heir shnre dnsnlto monnlnq, by appearance; you have only to fixes the critical hours as those as two to one over Kennedy 1ml after the first, debate, all mt-iiiis mil in llv> f'dnd'wri. think (if cake mixes, dessnm, In-fore (lawn on April '.'A, IKIi:!, the campaign was practically ovcr. When I am told -Chrnnirip.l|..rnl(l ntnllfiix, N.S.) frri/.en fniit concentrates, fro/en when a I'llinii fleet 1,111 the /'.aniil- at I liavo yt't to hear what tricks the Kennedy people cakes and cnniplele ilinneis. To let of I'liil-i SI. I'hilip ami .lack- he slallitc (it (!coi|;c Wnshln):- day some stores handle inor • son and av.uriMl the fall nf New pliiyed on Nixon, it leaves me cold because Nixon th.in .1.11110 Hems. Orleans In I he l-ederal fuices. si...'..!., have had ,, Hollywood director who B,,«r«|c«l With nil thi.i selection nvajill-i j Whether you believe him or lint, Iricks. Television is of the theater; it is pro- where Wnsliinj'.lon stood when he ulile. their are still nboiit 1W100 | lie makes a ;;noil case anil lell.s a luct'd by theatrical personnel. Nixon could not speak look tho until of office as the new uciiiK phiced on (he markukrtj,- Mirilni: Muiy—and lie tells it ex- first president nf Hie, United every week. JJocnuso you, Hill O-iliiindfiy, JJcc. 2'), tremely well. to a national audience as well as John Kennedy could..Stales on April 30, 1781). DENNIS THE MENACE BEP B NK ». 1960-T Flight Pattern IVtt * REGISTER Thur»Uy; Is Duplicated Mooring NEW YO»K (TAP) — A Uniled Air Lines DC8 with crash jnvesti- ' By HAi BOYLE At Regort Carrier Condition gators on board Tuesday dupli- N£w YQRK (Ap) __ Curbstone comments of a j c cated the flight pattern of the jet p , . p] . i SLA BRIGHT — Among the i that collided with another airliner ,:':". nal°- . ,early problems Borough Council jover New York City Dec. 16, kill- Millions of Americans will probably write as their|wiii have to tackle next year is Is Called Sloppy 110 wiI hav< th ri ht tn mn nr ing 136 persons. biggest resolution of 1961—"I will become a success.")" ' ; <- = , | Aboard • the jet Tuesday were ,,.,,. , , , , ,, , . [boats along the municipal bulk- I observers from United Air Lines Mulions probably made the same stern resolve a^an here and Trans World Airlines, the V J • e d ' Crc' SKW YORK (AP) - City I-ire' •.Messy, acplorable and sloppy" Civil Aeronautics Board, the Fed- year ago. Officials present at Tuesday's r,, j .sioncr Edward Cavanash.wcre Cavanagh's words to char- eral Aviation Agency and the Air sion on this issue, raised by a stc-llaiiomm s n was in such sloppy the ship. Evidences 'of "this, he yachtsma1 dn cidc(whos) e moorinu g plans crontiilion that he would have "or- said, were the 42 minor fires that I Lines Pilot Association. What happened? Most of those "'ff '"? ^ "> P < off discus- jr says die aircraft carrier Con- aclerize (lie housekeeping aboard upset, until all con-'^ercd work stopped and the preceded the disaster. Flying conditions were differ-1 who sought success failed to attain it. cleaned up if it had 'ent, however. On Dec. 16, when I the jet and TWA Constellation The reason why is hard to figure!Iiad b.ccn ' collided, the day was snowy and —particularly if, as we can probably;[ c™ j" - ' " *"" ""'been'TcivMiaTprnjeci •'•' " """ Loaded Bomb ; overcast. Experts said the differ- o e t ie r s ay ence would be taken into account. assume in most cases, success is de-' A|so wanted was legal opinion Officers at the Naval Com! of "If this had been a civilian finemoneyd . as the acquirement of more;0sen" tlh froe issuem th. Bue sessiont Boroug. hSo Attor. too. . Inquirstunneyd lookinsilenceg ointr osquirme the disasd un- projecimminentlt under you perilour jurisdictios ton life, we" One purpose of Tuesday's sim- said. "We have shut up build- julated flight was to determine] There is no great secret about this. |newery eA Boroug. Henryh GiordanClerk .loao wan sAxel ah-- comfortablnous Decy. \'.ifo rcarrie 2| ^ hourr firse assa Cavl in- would have vacated this project why the jet apparently overshot | BOYLE Almost unanimously those who have scn. Councihraman Mildred N. anagh lashed Navy safety pro-ings after finding conditions not Anderson and Councilman John cedures in harsh and often bitter.'is had as existed on this vessel." ja holding area near the Jersey j achieved wealth by their own efforts say they did so : shore south of Statcn Island. El- , . , . . j u J «-i. : *t*mr.» A.Carlson. language. An estimated $75 mil-'. He called the ship a "fully Ioad- a sin Meeting with a bare quorum, lion damage was done to the Con-cd bomb which needed only ig- wood R Quesada head of the by gle means—concentrated hard work, intense council hoard an appeal by Wil-'stellation nurl •)!) persons died in nition" and said he was surprised Federal Aviation Agency, has saidj application of their energy to the simple goal of mak-liam A. Monprocle. Jr., who. with l'11' 'ire at the Brooklyn Navy Hie tragedy hadn't occurred ear- jthe collision took place II miles|jng more m Y ir | northeast of the holding area. | Dr. Edward F. Kennelly, owns: ' R gun He characterized the assertion demonstrated to the satisfaction and raw courage, for example, to become a successful for a new ruling on the mooring j of some naval authorities that the J WAS OVER AT M*. WILSONS WHEM YA STARltO >fcUJN'AT proposal they advanced last sum-: fire was caused by a one-in-a- of the investigators aboard that bank robber. It takes endless hours of planning, study Ate. MOM, WWr& A 'FISHWIFE' ? " no difficulty should have been en- mer. Both men are summer resi- Mouse Burned, million accident as without sup- countered in staying within the and rehearsal. It takes personnel ability of a high order denls. port. holding area, even if the pres- to assemble a staff of trained and dependable! Asks Equal Rights 2 Damaged, In Some of Cavanagh's charges:' The Navy was careless in en- Snow Removal Stressed Icribcd speed had been exceeded. Mr. Monprode argued thai i The jet was preparing to land associates. forcing smoking ban*. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—Tne(to clean snow and ice from the t Idlewild Airport and the Con- Jesse James' Preparation either he and Dr. Kennelly should a be given the privilege to mooBradley Beach There was an "extraordinary walks around the school. Board of Education has atken istellation was coming in to La Even in his day Jesse James had to learn to ride some 17 feet north of the end; BRADLEY BliACII — A house; amount" of empty wooden car- leveral steps to help insure A letter will be sent to Borough Guardia when the crash occur- a horse. No, successful bank robbing is not for theof Willow Way, next lo a mil-!was destroyed, leaving a family! _.,„.,., Council asking the governing e p ) dccli vvas in c0 ni the safety of its school children red. The jet rammed into a Brook- nicipal basin, or other yachts-of eight homeless and destitute",<_,_, ',.[ J J , , ," body to do everything in its power 1 lp dlsnr(1(j;, l r during and after snow storms lyn residential area and the TWA 'die dreamer. men who tie up boats at theand two other houses were dam-i" "'" -' with piled to make residents clean their side- drums ba s cans fuch as the one which hit the plane crashed near Miller Field] Nor is success in any other avenue of endeavor. ends of streets should be denied aged Tuesday in a $20,000 blaze. . S . . skids, hosing walks so that children may walk on Staten Island. all in a small area." area two weeks ago. to and from school safely. Even Jacques Casanova, the world's greatest tattle- this privilege. Fire Chief Earle Wilson said Dr. Saunders was empowered to Parking Problems tale lover, had to climb hundreds Of trellises to hun-j Owner of a house at Bejlevue, defective spare heater ignited hire all the help he felt necessary and Atlantic Way, North Beach, the dining room of the home of; i," .. kpr)| nn ,,,„ ,•••-e- of --(tank was sheared off the fuel Several board members neth Smith. Floral Park, There is. In fact, there are two: and his associate be permitted to|seven children, who were atpc vircd out and stressed the dangers which exist Two Ways to Attainment sink pilinps near the Shrewsbury home, escaped, but could not sal-!welder'|welder's torch). from having so many parked and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conover 1. Marry the boss's daughter—if he has no sons River bulkhead at the location vage any of their belongings. double parked cars, especially of Sunnyside Rd. were Christmas and tie up to security posts "Flames flashed through the; Previous Testimony during inclement weather. day dinner guests of Mr. andto leave his business to. placed ashore, 39 feet apart. house and outside," Mrs. Jacobs) Previous witnesses testified that A good portion pf the meeting Mrs. Raymond Me Laughlin, 2. Inherit money. Denies Claims said later. j the housekeeping and fireprcven- was spent discussing the problems Shrewsbury. At 40G McCahe Ave., the sidin^tion practices on the Constella- But since there is a shortage of bosses with mar- Council's rejection, he of band practice with the William e noted. ant| kitchen of (lie home of Rol-jtion were better than average tor Entwhistle, school music instruc- Monday visitors of Mr. and! riageable daughters, and few doting old aunts with was the result of a pef1t'1"".,.-| I and Gant were damaged. Mrs. Navy shipshipss. tor. Mrs. Charleh s Conovcr svere Mr. |j fat. accounts, many seek still a third easy magic 14 residents who complained that'Gan, aml ,wo olhcrs in tl,p fam. Cavanagh also reiterated his Mr. Entwhistle said that many and Mrs. Jacob Thor and chil-j this mooring would constitute |j|y wcre forccd ,„ f[cc icharges, made shortly after the a fire hazard, undermine the fire band members were losing en- dren Kathie and Robert of Lin- Al McCabe Ave., a secondiGre ooccurredc , that wooden plat- thusiasm for the activity because den. The literary market is flooded with books giving bulkhead and depreciate their' property. All of these claims he; bedroom and the siding off forms on scaffolding inside (he lack of classroom space forced so-called inside tips on how to achieve success. They the home of Mrs. Jennie Blum ship contributed to the intensity them to practice after school. Miss Mary Catherine Antonides denied. He said he considered the ini- were damaged. Mrs. Blum was of the blaze. Second Practice of Brooklyn spent the Christmas range from "How to Win Success Through Using Judo On another tack, Cavanagh ac- in Selling" to "How to Become a Success by Giving tial approval by the Army and I?.' W01*.,a"d dld,n ' k"°)v of the In an effort to at least partly week-end with her parents, Mr. . _ - . * ^ ll t* Afir 11II11e 1unti CHAl •'alishi vnne nreturne lirt»%*rt d home. cused the Navy's police force of solve the problem, the board di- and Mrs. Leroy Antonides of Eve- Up Smoking in Bed." and Navigation Bureau con- hampering the firemen by rigid, rected Dr. Saunders to see what rett Rd. firmed that there were no such letter-of-the law enforcement of could be done about allowing 'How To* Book in Preparation dangers, and that even were 111 Trouble security regulations. He said shore band practice during one academ- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson In most cases these self-help books don't actually such contentions valid, "The patrolmen used armed threats same would apply to all boats LOS ANGELES (AP)-A man ic period a week. and children of Sunnyside Rd. accused of robbing a bank and and physical force to prevent Coming make one a success. But if read in bed at night, they so moored" in the borough. firemen from entering unauthor- It was recommended that this spent Saturday at East Orange sometimes provide a remarkable cure for insomnia— then using a bank phone to call period start at 2:30 p.m. and endand Newark visiting relatives. Further.' he read from a letter his mother in New Jersey pleaded ized areas in their efforts to save at 4 p.m., a half hour past the thus giving one more strength to daydream at theaddressed to council last Sept. 3, the $275 million ship from de- cuilty Tuesday and received a struction. present school closing time. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maccubin saying he could produce photo- 10-year prison term. office on the job during the day. graphs showing other boats Your Way! A second weekly practice would of Middletown-Lincroft Rd. re- Edward P. Cosgrovc, 32, was still be held after regular school Most of such books are aimed at low-paid work- moored at nine street-ends here, cently attended the dedication of arrested last Dec. 6 just as he hours under the plan. the Dunns Corners Community ers who are sure that if they had lots of money they some belonging to petitioners. The board also approved a Win- said to his mother in Newark: Presbyterian Church in Rhode Is- Mayor Thomas I'arrcll had Ed- "Merry Christmas, mother. . . . ter band concert for sometime in land. Their son, Rev. Malcolm would have lots of happiness. ... , ...... ward F. Dillon, .Jr., the assist- I'm in trouble again." Police had February. D. Maccubbin, is pastor of the| WATCH! We have figured out our own ingenious way to tant dcrk read frnm milultcs of the building. church. He served in this capa- quick wealth. It involves some work—but not tothoe Aug. ?.l meeting lo show that It pays to advertise in Thcite y for several years, while serv- council's decision had been based Bats are not attracted to lights Register.—Advertisement. ices were held in the Dunns Cor- much. on reports from both the Army ners Community Hall. We are. going to write a "How To" book aimed which are at- • CURTAINS solely at wealthy people whom the world recognizes ^r^h »»dVh.dHi-«* «7 i itlumination. JURGES' RECORD 5944 tracled b in error in authorizing the moor- V DRAPERIES BOSTON (AP) —Bill Jurges. as self-made successes. ing, since the attorney general who managed the Boston Red Needed: A Publisher had ruled that in such cases per- after all concerned had been no- BEDSPREADS Sox to fifth place in 1959 but Practically every such person we have met has mission was required both from tified of a hearing on the issue. was replaced last June 8, coman inner sorrow. Success hasn't been the bonfire ofthe borough and adjacent prop- Councilman John S. Forsman FANCY LINENS piled a 59-64 record as a big erty owners. said that now that the question of league pilot. His .team had a 44 happiness he expected. In face of that, and the 14-name what to do about other craft Drapery Hardware 37 mark in 1959 after he took "There isn't much fun at the top," he says. "I hadpetition, initiated by Leo A. Mc- moored at street ends has been over for Mike Higgins with the Ginnes, Mayor Farrell said, Coun- advanced, that problem also will Bosox in last place. This year more fun when I was struggling up the ladder." cil rejected the proposal. He also be discussed. WALTERS J. Krfdel's doors don't close 'til 9 on f Jurges' record was 15-27, when Such prosperous failures are desperately in need noted that Mr. Monnrode had not Another question raised by Mr. Coach Del Baker replaced him of help if they are ever to find real success. We in-attended the Aug. 23 hearing. Monprode was "who is paying 179 Br'dway, Long Branch Wednesday and Friday evenings. 1 A few days later, Tom Yawkey Mr. Monprode was given the!fees for mooring asked by the Phone CA 9-1329 uiMiiiHiuNiiiiiiuNiiuiuiiuiiiiiiuiiMUiiiuiiiuiiiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniutniiiuiiiiiniiMii returned Higgins as manager. tend to provide it. i satisfaction by Mayor Farrell,state?" He said he doubted if The title of our book will be, "How to Get Rid of that the matter be reviewed' "many bother at'alt to do this."i Your Money and Be Poor and Happy Again Through a Positive Mental Attitude." SHADOW LAWN There is only one hitch. So far we haven't been Saving* & Loon 1961 able to find a publisher. and the Diitrict of Columbia got MONMOUTH MEATS Federal back more than they paid. Alaska, with a payment of 20 110 MONMOUTH ST. SH 1-5292 R2D BANK cents for each Jollar of federal CHRISTMAS Aid Costs aid, got the most .'or its money.J the association said. OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 9 P. M. NJ. $2.47 Name IMixner lo Head CLUB TRENTON (AP) - Every dol- LEAN—WHOLE or HALF lar of federal aid received by Rutgers Dairy Depl. New Jersey in the last fiscal NEW BRUNSWICK - Dr. John year cost its taxpayers $2.47, the P. Mixner, 45, has been chosen NOW OPEN state Taxpayers' Association said to succeed Dr. John W. Bartlcttl yesterday. as chairman of the dairy science FRESH HAM The association calculated that department at Rutgers Univer- New Jersey got $99.9 million in sity. "ederal aid in the year ending According to the announcement LEAN—FULLY TRIMMED 1,950 Hsppy Members Rtceiytd Ovtr June 30, 1960. It said New Jer- by Dr. Mason W. Gross, presi- $494,000 In Christmas Club Cheek*. sey's share of federal aid costs dent of the State University, the was $246.4 million. change will become effective Ju- 4 CLUBS New Jersey got less federal aid ly 1 when Dr. Bartlett will re- Chuck ROAST Ib 'or its money than any other state tire. n the nation, the association said. dr. Mixner, a native of Bridge- 49 TOTAL PAY-IN YOU RECIIVI Delaware ranked second with a ton, has been on the staff of the CAN BE DIPOSIT WIIKLY cost of $2.09 for each dollar of Rutgers Dairy Research Farm in LEAN—BONELESS Wm 0^ \ % so $ 25.00 $ 25.25 federal aid, it said. Thirteen Bccmerville, since 1947. He is other states paid more than a noted for his research in animal OKNCD 1.00 50.00 50.50 dollar for tach dollar in federal breeding, physiology of mammary aid, it said. uland growth and lactation, arti- 2.00 100.00 101.00 Rhode Island paid a dollar and ficial breeding and related topics. CROSS RIB ROAST 79° \ AT ANY 3.00 150.00 151.50 got a dollar back from the fed- eral government, the association It pays to advertise in The 5.00 250.00 252.50 while the other 34 states Register.—Advertisement. LEAN GROUND FRESH OF OUR 10.00 500.00 505.00 OAK TAMMEO LEATHER HALT 3 lbs. Lean Chopped Beef 00 20.00 1000.00 1010.00 CHUCK 4 6 lbs. LAMB STEW THilitnit HM an »hoi« clubi of record •« of Nov. 17 which CHOP OFFICES hart paid at leait 2} witkly paymtfiti by Juna 1 Oth. 3 lbs. Short Ribs Beef C Shadow 3 lbs. PORK SAUSAGE Ib SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION BONELESS—AGED and SEASONED HOMK OFITCK: firondway and Norwood Aves., I.ontf Brnnch BRANCHKS: Mnnmonth Koiul, Onkhur.st; H«y. :i5, Mlddlotown ShopplnR Center; Corner Kotilh nnd Main StrccU, llnlmdel. NEISNERS K.S.K.I.C. Mlddlotown Shopping Conttr EYE ROUND ROAST t-ifcmlty. Dee, 9, I960 RED tANK REGISTER Engagements of Eight Area Kitty K»lly; Federation Day Observance Hubby's Old Sweetheart Is Girls Announced for Holidays Couple's Phantom Problem For Woman's Club January 20 SHREWSBURY — Mr. and RED BANK - Mr. and Mrs. FAIR HAVEN — Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Richard Moran, 242 Beech- Nick Garguilo, 28 East Westside Howard E. Casler of 140 Lewis Dear Kitty: old girl. I come from a large wood Dr., announce the engage- La. announce the engagement of RED BANK' — The Woman's ter Stork and Mrs. George Weis. ment will meet Friday, Jan. 6. Ave,, announce the engagement This may seem strange, but family and go to a good school, ment of their daughter, Miss their daughter, Miss Carole Ann Club will hold its annual federa- The program will be a mosaic tile of their daughter. Miss Edith my husband and I would like to am popular and have many The club's music department Barbara Moran, to Walter Wolfe, Casler, to Judson Wilcox Gold- tion day observance Friday, Jan. demonstration. Tea will be served Garguilo, to Arthur F. Garvey, see him get an old sweetheart friends, but these things prevent will start its activities for thei son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert smith, son of Dr. and Mrs. Thom- 20, in the clubhouse. New Year Wednesday when the prior to the demonstration at Mark St., Hazlet, son of the late off his mind. me from being happy: (1) I am Wolfe, 33 Avenue D., Atlantic Mr. and Mrs. James Edward as T. Goldsmith of Upper Mont- failing in three subjects at school; Miss Carol Courtman will be club choral has rehearsals at p.m. Being a kind soul, never re- Highlands. Garvey. clair. A June wedding is planned (2) I have liked a wonderful boy guest speaker, and her subject is 10:30 a.m. and the ukulele group Drama department members membering the bad, always the for two and a half years who "Familiar Classics and Musical rehearses at 1 p.m. Rehearsals are preparing to participate good, he can only think of how never says more than "hello" to Comedy." for both groups also will be held | in the annual "Festival of Plays" •fine this girl was and how, in me; (3) my mother and father Hostesses for tea, to be served Jan. U and Jan. 25. which drama departments of the her letters, she never wrote ro- fight. Mother yells at me no in the club library prior to the Woman's Clubs of the Fifth Dis- The arts and crafts department mantically. She is now married, matter what I do, making me business meeting, will be Mrs. trict of the New Jersey State meeting next Thursday at 1 p.m. but still wants to see my husband miserable. I have just re-read Joseph E. Carroll, Mrs. James Federation of Women's Clubs wil will be devoted to a program on behind her new husband's back. this letter in an effort to solve Humphreys, Mrs. Dale B. Otto, hold in the spring. They have hammering copper and oil paint- How can I help my husband to my own problem—one thing I Mrs. George Schneider, Mrs. Les- selected their entry for the com- ing. The American homa depart- get enough of her so that they can't do. I am considering leav- petition, and the play will be n may not harbor these pipe ing ho;r.e Help me!—S. L. cast Friday, Jan. 13, at lC:? dreams of one another? Dear S. L.: These problems Ham, Turkey Again Top a.m. I made myself known to her The board of trustees will mee are a test of character. *<•- and she has promised to write tually, only one actively con- 1 Tuesday, Jan. 17, at 9:30 a. m. me but all I received was a and the board of directors al cerns you: your studies. The Housewives Hit Parade thank-you for the wedding gift. fighting between your father 10:30 a.m. She lives out-of-town and is a A fund-raising project for Jan and mother is their problem, By The Associated Press • generally is more expensive. In phantom to me. uary is a theater party. This wil not yours. Hard though it may Ham and turkey again will be iboih cases, it's due to supply and I feel that the girl has no idea be held Jan 18, and members • be where your affections are the top items in the house-wives' (demand—more turkeys on hand of how happily we live and how and guests will make the trip to involved, don't take sides. When holiday hit parade this week, hut fewer pigs. much my husband cares for me. your parents start rowing, go judging by the offerings of super- New York City by chartered bus I also feel that he has no con- Eggs Are Up They will see the musical "Bye, to your room, shut the door markets and neighborhood gro- cept whatsoever of women. My and bone up on those studies ceries. Preliminary indications point to Bye Birdie." The bus will leave husband reads your column re- greater supplies of both meats the clubhouse at 8:30 a.m. you're weak in. If you have Both these festive staples read- ligiously. Please wswer soon.— next year, U. S. Department of Another fund-raising activity no room, go to the library. ily lend themselves to repeat Questioning. Agriculture experts say. will be a "Beau Night" dinner See the "wonderful" boy for meals as well as the traditiona Miss Barbara Moran party at Beau-Rivage restaurant Miss Edith Garguilo Miss Carole A. Casler Dear Questioning: Your hus- what he really is—a tongue-tied get-together of family or friends Canned hams, which are easier in Spring Lake. A percentage of band's old girl evidently pic- adolescent. When the right boy on New Year's Day. With Christ- to carve, are featured in some Miss Moran, a graduate of Red Miss, Garguilo, a graduate ol Miss Casler was graduated all dinners sold in the restaurant tures herself a femme fatale, comes along he'll know you're mas and New Year's falling on stores, while some stores in the Bank Catholic High School, is em- Red Bank High School, is em- from Rumson High School and that night will go to the club just as some men see them- the right girl for him. Sunday this time, making for East also push fresh, or uncured, ployed at Bamberger's New Jer- ployed at White's Bite Shop Vermont College at Montpclier, treasury. selves a Don Juan or Casa- Meanwhile, be grateful for split holidays, a quickly adapt- ham as well as the conventional sey, in the Eatontown Shopping Eatontown. Vt. Mr. Goldsmith is a senior a The welfare department wil nova. If she were a woman your friends, your school and able meat thus becomes more de- cured and smoked variety. Offer Center. Mr. Garvey, a graduate of St Dartmouth College. ings of beef, lamb and fish an hold a covered dish luncheon men don't forget, she would be the New Year ahead. It can sirable. Mr. Wolfe is a graduate of John's Preparatory School too sure of her own power to few and far between. meeting in the clubhouse Jan. 26 Brooklyn, is employed- as a serv be glad or sad, depending up- Turkey has the extra plus fact- Cardinal Farley Military Acad- UNION BEACH — Mr. and resort to subterfuge. See this from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. ice station manager at Fort Han on you. Resolve to take the or of being somewhat cheaper Eggs are up in scattered sec- emy, Rhinecliff, N. Y., and is a Mrs. Edwin Gregory, 840 Ninth amateur Cleopatra for what cock, Highlands. positive approach. Meet your than a year ago. The shoe is on tions, renewing the upward surge business associate of his father, St., have announced the engage- she is—a frustrated vamp. of I960, but better things are in A June wedding is planned. problems head-on. Running the other foot for ham, which Albert J. Wolfe and Sons, plumb- ment of their daughter, Miss Spotlight her puny efforts to away is never the answer. store for egg lovers. Eggs are so Union Hose ing and heating contractors. Elizabeth Ann Gregory, to John date your husband by jointly high poultry raisers are working MIDDLETOWN - Mr. and Marvel, Jr., son of John Marvel, inviting her and the new hus- hard to step up production. Chick Dear Kitty: Presbyterians' Auxiliary Has KEYPORT — Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Gordon L, Vanhorne of 79 Sr., Keyport, and Mrs. Richard band to a week-end at your hatchings climbed 20 per cen G 1 e n m a r y Ave., Riverside Stelzer, California. home, or a nearby resort. Get I am 35 years old and discour- over a year earlier in November George A. Perry, 1 East Third St., announce the engagement of Heights, announce the engage Miss Gregory is a senior at across the idea in your letter aged. I have never been happy Dorcas Circle and may go as high as 40 per ment of their daughter, Miss Joan that you're not the type of wife in my marriage and only stuck cent over a year earlier this Annual Party their daughter, Miss Alma J. Keyport High School. Schnoor, to Thomas J. Kelso, Jr., Eleanor Vanhorne, to Thomas M Mr. Marvel, a graduate of to interfere with your hus- it out for my son's sake. He ii month. Fall hatched chicks wil MORGAN — The Christmas Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- dinner party of the Union Hose son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Keyport High School, is em- band's bachelor-day friendships. now 19, will soon be through Holds Luncheon begin laying by Easter, but the ert J. Smith of 21 Church St. Lightly refer to this grand pas- school and on his own. biggest bulge in egg output won't Ladies' Auxiliary was held last Kelso, 11 East Lincoln Ave., At- ployed in Larry's Barber Shop, RED BANK - Dorcas Circle lantic Highlands. Rumson. Keyport. sion which he once had for her I like people, my husband of the Red Bank Presbyterian come until late summer 1961. week in Morgan Inn, Rt. 35. Secret pa' gifts were ex- and, you suspect, she for him. doesn't. He either stalks out Church held its Christmas party Best Vegetable Buys Since the invitation is to be ad- when friends drop in, or stays recently in the church. Featured Best buys among vegetables changed, and names revealed. Mrs. Frank Schaden was chair- dressed jointly, your husband, to insult them. He disapproves was a catered luncheon. this week are artichokes, cab- as well as you, should sign it. of everything I do or don't do. Hostesses were Mrs. Edmund bage, local beets and carrots man. Attending were Mrs. George If I want one kind of coffee J. Canzona and Mrs. Chester (where they're available), Flori- Dear Kitty: maker, he wants another. My Houghtaling. da celery, Chinese cabbage, me- Heckleman, Miss Marion Booth, Miss Ada Carey, Mrs. Margaret I am a very unhappy 16-year- nerves are getting worse and Mrs. Edward Tniex was in dium-size yellow onions, potatoes, worse. My son sees how his Dad charge of the entertainment. sweet potatoes, turnips, rutaba- Milne, Mrs. Clarence McQueen, Sr., Mrs. Hattie Austin, Mrs. Al- acts but never says anything. Mrs. Edna Noe was piano ac- gas, endive and escarole. I'm a wreck. What to do?—D. companist for carol singing by Slightly higher but still rated fred Hennessy, Sr., Mrs. Leonard Rosary-Altar Savage, Mrs. David Beaman, Dear D: Why did you and the members. good buys are anise, bunched your husband marry? Was he Decorations for the luncheon beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Mrs. Schaden. Mrs. Frank Cos- tanza, Mrs. Edward Wurst, Mrs. Society Sets in love with you? Did you tables were in Christmas greens Western carrots, California celery, fancy you loved him? When did and red. A silver bowl was the miscellaneous leafy greens, corn, Thomas Perno, Mrs. Helen Ches- sick, Mrs. Fred Zingerley and the first break come? What was main centerpiece for the tables, mushrooms, spinach, parsnips Suooer Date the cause? leeks and fall types of squash Mrs. Beldon Donnelly. which formed a cross. UNION BEACH - Plans for a Games were included in the such as hubbard, acorn and but- Ask yourself these questions. covered dish supper were com- Ask him. Perhaps in the prob- entertainment. ternut. pleted at a meeting last week of Fairly expensive items include ing the real reason for your Marlboro he Rosary-Altar Society of Holy husband's oafishness and your cauliflower, parsley, peppers, Family Catholic Church. Crystal Social peas, summer squash, tomatoes, unhappiness will come out. Patients Are The supper will be held at the Once you've got that, do some- watercress and white boiler on- society's next meeting, Jan. 26, Club Has Party ions. thing about it and start build- as a welcome to members joining Ing toward a happier future. UNION BEACH - The Crystal Cranberries remain a good buy, Given Party he past year adding a spicy taste to turkey— Social Club held its annual Christ- Miss Joan E. Vanhorne A report on the success of the or ham, for that matter—dinners MARLBORO — Members of the Miss Alma J. Schnoor Miss Elizabeth Ann Gregory mas dinner last week in Shore ecent Christmas bazar was giv- The 1960 crop of 1.3 million bar- welfare department of the' Red Miss Vanhorne was graduated Point Inn, Keyport. Miss Schnoor is a graduate of Announcement was made at a :n by chairman Mrs. Thomas rels was up 6 per cent over 1959 Bank Woman's Club were host- from Middletown Township High A party and exchanging of Keyport High School. dinner party Christmas day in rteagher. Christmas gifts followed in the and a whopping 32 per cent over esses last week at a Christmas School and is employed by Mu- party for women patients at Mr. Kelso, graduate of Red the home of the bride-elect's par- Mrs. John Sweeney, chairman, Crystal Bar, Rt. 36. Attending the 10 year averages tual of New York in New York ents. Marlboro State Hospital. Bank Catholic High School, City. Her fiance, a Rumson High :aid the vanilla sale is being con- were Mrs. Clifford Evans, Mrs. California oranges are an out- attended the Academy of Aero- Guests were Miss Gregory's inued. Alfred Wilson, Mrs. Fred Varlese. The women provided the enter- School graduate, is employed by standing fruit buy, while good nautics, Flushing, N. Y., and St. grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Mrs. Francis Flynn, president, Mrs. Katherine Kane, Mrs. An- tainment, anil served yuletide Colonial Flowers of Red Bank, buys Include best grade apples, Francis College, Loretto, Pa. He liam Oelrich, South Amboy and said shut-in members of the so- HAPPY NEW YEAR drew Me Carthy, Mrs, Margaret cookies and other desserts. avocados, pears and grapes is employed as a design engineer Mrs. William Gregory, Sr., ciety would be visited by Mrs. Donnelly, Mrs.- Henry Hardy, Fairly expensive fruits are Several members of the club's MIDDLETOWN - Mr. and ukulele group, directed by Mrs. with Rapistan of New Jersey, Keansburg. Also attending were Frank Kane. Each will receive a We wish to thank all of you| Mrs. James Haggerty and Mrs. irncs, Spanish melons tangerines Mrs. James J. Feeley, 183 Rt. Edwin L. Savidge, music depart- Mountainside. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Halton and gift from the society. for your past ' Frank Kane. and strawberries. 35, announce the engagement of son Robert, Sayreville; Mr. and ment chairman, entertained. Par- their daughter. Miss Marianne F. Mrs. Martin Kenney, a new patronage. We ticipating were Mrs. Vincent J. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Mrs. Alfred Candelora and chil- member, was welcomed. joyfully antici- Feeley, to William O. Seeley, son dren Nancy and Eileen, Keyport; Fazio, Mrs. Edwin H. Martin and Mrs. Hildur Akerlund, 89 First of Mrs. Catherine Seeley, 76 Cen A Christmas party and ex- p a t e serving Mr. and Mrs. William Gregory, hanglng of gifts followed. Host- Mrs. Reuben Taylor. Ave., announces the engagement ter Ave., Atlantic Highlands, and you again in Mrs. Lyman B. Lockwood, club Jr., Kearny; Mrs. William Lorn- ssses were Mrs. Flynn, Mrs. of her granddaughter, Miss San- Francis Seeley of Phoenix, Ariz. the year to, president, played the piano, and dra A. Akerlund, to John L. kin and son Gregory, Keansburg; rteagher, Mrs. Joseph Caulfield, A graduate of Middletown Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heckleman, Urs. Joseph Menville and Mrs. come. May led patients in singing carols. Mocik, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Township High School, Miss Feel- Committee aides in charge of this place, and Mary Ann, rtneent Raine. peace and pros- John L. Mocik, Sr., 106 Center ey is employed in the Hospital Karen, Buddy and Laurie Greg- were Mrs. Charles O. Reid and Ave., Leonardo. Miss Akerlund is Plan Department at Riverview perity be yours ' ory. MEYERS ENTERTAIN Mrs. Albert S. Dielman, chair- the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hospital, Red Bank. in 1961. , I LEONARDO — Mr. and Mrs. men of the welfare department, Theodore Akerlund, 120 Seventh A very \ Mr. Seeley, a graduate of At- lobert Courtney and Miss Sandra and Mrs. J. Lee Gambal, Mrs. t., Belford. Robert H. Disbrow, Mrs. Alfred Courtney of East Orange spent Happy New Year j WSCS to Meet he week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Jepson, Mrs. Robert S. Lock- Stephen Hairdressers, Camp-' wood and Mrs. Joseph A. Turner. red Meyer, Center Ave. On iunday night, Mr. and Mrs. Mey- be|l's Junction. SIS Main St.,; Next Wednesday Belford, N. J. Tel. 787-0655! LITTLE SILVER - The Wom- ir also entertained for Mr. and and Monmouth Shopping Cen-; Leonardo an's Society of Christian Service ilrs. Robert Guttormsen and chil- of Embury Methodist Church will Iren, Hazlet; Miss Emma Snow- ter, Eatontown, New Jersey.! Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Malloy meet Wednesday at 1 p.m. in the lack, Ocean Grove; Mr. and Tel. LI 2-3444. ' entertained Mr. and Mrs. Martin F'l'owshio Hall. ttrs. Clarence Barrows, Ft. Lawlor and daughter Cecelia of Monmouth, and Mr. and Mrs. Mt. Holly and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Eugene D. Badglcy and Mrs. Noel Nilson will present the William Meyer and Miss Mildred James Monahan of Atlantic High- Meyer, Belford. lands Christmas day. program, "Recalling Our Herit- -*»**** age, Expanding Our Horizons." Miss Marie Wilby and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Junge and Richard' Brounley will be meet- Tamily entertained for Mr. and ing hostesses. Mrs. Wallace Cald- Mrs. Herman Schroeder and well will preside. Herman Schroeder, Jr., of Union The society's evening circle will City last week-end. meet Thursday, Jan. 12, at 8:20 115 BROAD ST. RED BANK p.m. in the church hall. The auxiliary of Sons of Noreg Mrs. Robert Meijer is the lead SEMI-ANNUAL Lodge will elect officers Jan. 11 cr in charge of the program, n the American Legion build- ABOARD THE SS BAHAMA STAR sailing from Miami "Make All things New." ng, A dinner was held recently Mrs. E. H Danneberger and •re Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mulvihill, Jr., and son John P. in Ye Cottage Inn, Keyport. Mlss Marianne F. Feeley Mrs. R. A. Decker will be host- SHOE CLEARANCE Mulvihill, 3d, 858 River Rd., Fair Haven. They are pictur- Miss Sandra A. Akerlund esses at the coffee hour to follow. Stanley E. Morrissey, Jr., a lanlic Highlands High School, is ed on the boarding deck just before sailing for Nassau. student at St. Charles Seminary, REG. 17,95 - 24.95 Both are graduates of Middle- employed as a civil engineering The silver eel Is simply a com Baltimore, Md., Is visiting his town Township High School. Miss aide for the State Highway De parents. Mrs. Veronica Kotary mon green eel grown old. When Akerlund is employed as a book- parlment. they arc six to eight years old, DRESS SHOES niak and William Kotarynlak, keeper in the Monmouth County A June wedding is planned. For Finer Travel Planning Jersey City, and Mr. nnd Mrs. eels stop feeding and, change to MADEMOISELLE - PALIZZIO National Bank, Little Silver. a silvery color for their long trip Izzy lordio, Bayonne, were also Mr. Mocik is employed by Jer- EIGHTH BIRTHDAY week-end guests. out Into the ocean where they 9Q .90 CONSULT sey Central Power and Light LEONARDO — Leslie Lassik, spawn and die. Company, Union Beach. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward 9 -14 Miss Barbara Newmier of Ap- The wedding is planned for Lassik, celebrated her eighth, plcton Avc, who attends Kaih- Juno 3. birthday Dec. 21. Present were REG. 12.95 - 14.95 arinc Gibbs School, Montclnir, is Mr, and Mrs, John Wheeler, New HAIR PROBLEMS! CAPEZIO - JOYCE - TAFSUNETTES spending the holidays with herlii ii r-\ r± York, nnd Mrs. Anita Morris, Como to Mld'i Hair Clinic, mother, Mrs. Peter Klcva, andilV|OTner-Uaugnter SHENANIGANS - NATURALIZER TRAVEL AGENCY Eatontown. On Christmas Day, PERMANENT WAVE Mr- Klevs- jDinner Slated Tonight Mr, and Mrs. Lassik entertained GUARANTEED 13.W. Kivcr lid., KUMSON IUJ 1-222 for Mr. nnd Mrs. John Whocler. 90 W. Front St., Rtd lank 7.90 _- 0,90 Mr. nnd Mrs. George Knxhill LEONARDO—Girl Scout Troop Jr., New York; and Den Hart- Phont SH 1-9800 entertained Monday (or ' Miss 255 went Christmas enroling In mnn, Hntontnwn. HI and Mid-Hi Heolt in Leather, Sued* or Fabric. Lydin Hnll of Newark. the nursing home in Atlantic Highlands, recently nnd distri- Wide leloclion of ityln: and colon. Sixet 4-10 — Mr. (ind Mrs. Mauriro Short, buted plfls nnd decornted some of AAAA to B widths. 1 ;Nuutllus Dr., visited Mr. nnd the rooms. SLIPCOVERS hy pay retail prices? I Mrs. Fred Short of Brooklyn I A mother nnd (lnii|>htnr dinner Sunday. will bn held tonlijhl, Rev. nnd 3 Pieces REG. 9.95 - 12.95, « Mrs. KCIIMOIII (iambic of the • Vnt dyed • Pro-shrunk 99 SPORT AND FLATS The Leonardo Field (,'luh j>nvc Community Clui rrli will be Shop ALAN'S Long Branch • Prints & nollcls* Overlooked icams n Chrlstmns p.irly In Kldcowood, jiui'Ms. (.'amis will bo sung nnd JOYCE - CAPEZIO - OLD MAINE TROTTERS Nhnn »l lln,n> Benlc rhoni XII I-MII FURNITURE SHOWROOMS Inn for children Monday. Moiri-Ifdfts oxclinni'.crt, Mrn. Joseph PENALJO - PATINOS* I.TS .showed movies, presented; ('ii|« ni-jiro mid Mr.i, Wllllnin Sherman's .MaMlifaclilrcm > l'|ilioh(rrrr» • Furniture DMrlliulorit :j',ifU and .served refreshments. I IJi)',liind lire co-lenders, c.oo _ y.9o BUY RIGHT! SAVE MONEY! Home Dccorntou Mis. AIIIM .Shiirltey, ('umnicl || mlds up! Mure nnd mnrr 4111 Brand St., SI7.K 4- 10-AAAA TO 11 WIDTHS Al AM'C FURNITURE SHOWROOMS Ave., I-. visilini: Mr, ,inil Mr;., people use Tim Hi'j'.I.Mer juls e.ii'h Shrewsbury ALAN j soufh yH, Ave LonfJ Dranch linn e Coda fil I'oit W.r.liliij'.-iiv.iic Iieciiuse ii'Mill.'i COIIH! div HANDBAGS—1/3 OFF O|i.ii Dally 1) l» (J . \\i d. A Jil, '111 II . ( ,\ « 0;i;;0 ,(on, I,, J, I<•)•.- Adveilhrini'iil. • / w . • BED BANK IEOSTKR * Dee. ». 1M0-9, I960: Births, Ballots, Bachelors Two Films on Mental Health By JOT MILLER AP Women'* Editor To Be Shown Next Thursday In 1960 women outnumbered men at the polls, I WANAMASSA - Two films, | "Six, Seven and Eight Year won Olympic medals, made the most of Leap Year. Hudson Gels j Olds" and "Fears of Children" Soap operas went down the drain, but housewives J will be shown next Thursday at ; 8:15 p.m. in the auditorium of carried on bravely. Postponement 'Wanamassa School Bendermere They tried 900-calorie liquid diets, wore purple, ATLANTIC CITY (AP)—Ralph Ave There's no time like the pres kept their heads about high fash- J. Hudson's lawyer has received; A discussion will follow each 10n s soot makeup and Vivien Leigh of the British thea- a day's postponement of Hud-. fi]m# undcr the leadership of Mrs. ent to reflect on the past anandd cuIotte' y make a resolution or two for the cuIottes fofor town wear. ter, Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz son's arraignment on a murder. Amour Morgan, psychiatric so- And they had famous babies. of the American TV screen. Sex New Year. And th hd f charge in tho death of his c,ai worker, previously director What kind of year has ItThe index of influential infants symbol Marilyn Monroe broke estranged wife. of psychiatric social" work at been in art circles here? Fore- is hard to pin down, but any list off her marriage with playwright The lawyer, J. Robert Peacock Pollak Clinic, Munmoulh Medical most is that the shore is onwould include: Arthur Miller. of Brigantine, asks for the post-. Center, and now in private prac- the move in providing a place John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr., Mdybe Leap Year had nothing iponement so that he could confer tice. for artists" to show—a sea- whose proud parents will move to do wijh it, but the world's with Hudson. j The first film depicts normal soned complaint now at a him into a White House nursery First Spinster popped the ques- Hudson therefore remained in children in a complex and lively minimum. Jan. 20; Prince Andrew, son oftion. British Princess Margaret jail today. His hearing, when it! developmental phase of early Two new galleries in the Red Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Rose had to, of course — it was comes, will be before Magistrate!school years, with the objective Bank area (Monmouth Arts Gal- Philip; Prince Reza Koorosh Ali, protocol. She gained a commoner Stephen A. Damico. of helping parents understand tha lery, Broad St., Red Bank; and ng-awaited heir to the peacock husband, Anthony Armstrong Some 12 to 15 persons who meaning of the apparently chaotic Guild of Creative Art Gallery, hrone of Iran, born to the Shah Jones, but lost a butler. Thomas | were in the restaurant when and conflicting behavior of chil- Shrewsbury) opened this year, ind Queen Farah; Prince Cronin. The perfect servant felt ram Hudson dashed in say they saw dren in this a^e group. each with its nucleus of exhibi- Jaruhito, son of Japan's Crown his master didn't measure up. iim stab his wife in the abdo-; "Fears of Children" dramatizes ting and teaching members. 'rince Akihito and Crown Prin- Along with Leap Year, every :nen as she was seated at a an emotional "problem" which The new shopping center in ess Michiko. fourth year comes the presi- ;able with other waitresses. develops in an otherwise healthy, Eatontown also has provided The Steven Rockefellers ((she's dential election. And the I960 An employee subdued Hudson, normal child, and describes how art programs which introduced une Marie Rasmussen) and political arena at times resem- vho used to work at the restau- the problem is worked out by the general public to more art irigitte Bardot had boys, too. bled a Daisy Chain so many •ant, by wielding a knife over the parents with guidance and to buy by. Other vital statistics of thewomen got in the act. Compaign- is head until the police arrived. understanding Established galleries (Old Mill ear included prominent di- ing with their candidate husbands Hudson told police lie wasn't This is the fourth in a scries Gallery, Tinton Falls, and Studio orces: Sir Laurence Olivier and were Mrs. Richard Nixon, Mrs. loing to say a thin}; about hisjof film showings sponsored, as 57, Leonardo) extended services Henry Cabot Lodge and Mrs. last or about the slaying. He has!a free public service, by the to artists and increased the ion here. The move forward .yndon Johnson. at quietly in his cell since the] Monmouth County Mental Health variety and number of art eems in keeping with the na-Jacqueline Kennedy stayed lolice booked him on a charge of Association's education commit- classes. All reports show an in-ional trend, however, for arhomt e to await Junior, but her mirder and. held him without! tee. The objective is to help par- crease in the number of students nd culture a la mode. outh, beauty and taste in clothes ail, ents, teachers and other in- of all ages. kept her controversial at coffee terested adults increase under- standing of normal psychological, The eye of recognition has Receiving dates for the Bam- klatches. The talk tempo stepped It pays to advertise in The fallen on many local artists erger "Living With Art" exhi- up when she became 'first Lady- Register.—Advertisement. growth. which" has gained prestige for lition are Dec. 28 through Dec. ilect. ' the shore area now conserva- I, Room 902, Bamberger's, New- Margaret Chase Smith of Maine tively estimated to have more irk. Tile show opens Jan 9wo, n re-election over Miss Lucia than 500 artists. Top awards uried by Peppino Mangravite M. Cormier in the frist all- L BEST WISHES FOR A have gone to Sara Provan, New Minna Citron and Moses Soyer. woman senate race. Shrewsbury; Douglas L. Me- Neither were women abroad HAPPY \EW Ilvain, Middletown; Lucille New York University's Insti- ilackers politically. Japan got Chayt, Wayside, and Don Bloom, ute of Fine Arts, Which is de-ts first womancabinet member, New Brunswick, to name a few. ,'oted to teaching and research Mrs. Masa Nagayama, welfare BABIES OF THE YEAR —John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr., ton of th« U.S. President- n the history of art and archaeol- Art programs'in schools have minister. Ceylon got the world's elect, upper left; Prince Naruhito, ion of Crown Prince Akihito and Princess Mich- Increased, especially for Par- igy, has granted scholarships to irst woman prime minister, Mrs. ent-Teacher Association pres- 19 graduate students for the I960- iirimavo Bandaranaike. And the iko, upper right; Crown Prince Reza Koorosh Ali of Iran,.lower left, and Prince An- entations. Rumson-Fair Haven 1 academic yMar. Among those U.S.S.R., made its top-ranking drew, son of Queen Elizabeth II. Rcgional's epic, "The Wonder- eceiving the honor is John Brzo- woman Communist, blonde ful World of Art," show even toski, 25 Campbell St., River Ikaterina Furtseva minister of became a topic at the state Maza, a Red Bank High School .culture. PTA convention where many rt teacher and alumnus of Syra- In other fields: Curved Bar Awards GoContracts use Universtiy. I c h o o 1 representatives ap- Athletics: Olympic heroines proached Mrs. Francis Taylor The institute's students, work- were sprinter Wilma Rudolph, Awarded of Rumson for details on stag- ng toward master's or doctor's figure skater Carol Heiss,, swim- To 4 Girls of Troop 187 Ine such a show. iegrees, prepare for professional mers Chris von Salza and Lynn The Junior Service League :areers in museums, art conBurke- . An older amateur, Rus- FAIR HAVEN—Four members bars, the highest award in inter By County sophisticated smartness of Red Bank adapted this par- icrvation, art criticism, univer- iian-born British physician, Dr. of Intermediate Girl Scout Troop mediate scouting. ity teaching and independent 187 completed work this week Barbara Bonnema, Susan FREEHOLD — The county with rural relaxation ticular Junior Museum pro- Barbara Moore, 56, walked 3,387 Board of Freeholders yesterday gram of the Metropolitan Mu- icholarship. miles across the United states in toward achieving their curved Horre, Joanne Lewin and Jane A division of NYU's Graduate Peck completed their work in the awarded contracts totaling $31, seum of Art and has on ex- 185 days, mostly munching grass. 857.74 for bread, meat " and hibit in schools throughout the School of Arts and Science, the Uncounted were the women who ield of arts by being hostesses at 12 Linden PI. insitiute traces its ancestry to i party Tuesday to members of :anned goods and $16,265.54 for county its own traveling art bounced on trampolines in their Mention Two :ires and tubes. exhibit, "How To Look At the first department of "fine backyards or exercised, passive- he troop. RED BANK Painting," featuring originals arts in the United States, which The four girls chose a French Fischer Baking Co., Newark ly on oscillating couches in their submitted the only bid for $4,868. on loan from private collec- was founded at New York. Uni- boudoirs. For Key Post heme for their party and planned SH 7-1263 tions. This is the first of its versity In 1835 by Samuel F. B. and cooked the dinner from rec- 78 for a three-months supply o Morse, Inventor of the tele- Literature: Margaret Leech WASHINGTON (AP)-A career ipes in a French cookbook. The bread. kind in community service in diplomat and a former special Junior Service League history, graph and a leading American won her second Pulitzer Prize menu included hors d'oeuvres, Schmidt Brothers, Long Branch painter of his day. 'or a history book. This one:ambassador who favors a flexible soup, beef, duck and tossed sal- witli a bid of $1,668.38; Arnold according- to Mrs. Douglas policy aimed at future recognition The institute is housed in one 'In The Davs of McKinlev." And ad, topped off with mock cham- Jensen, Belford, $530.05, and Ho Yorkc, community arts chair- of Red China were reported under f the few surviving mansions the ghosted autobiographies of pagne and cheeses for dessert. tel Restaurant & Supply Co. w man. consideration today for the key ilong upper Fifth Ave. in New qlamorous women continued The girls staged the party in trading as Victory Market, Red LET PROWN'S Acknowledging that readers post of assistant secretary of fork City, the James B, Duke haunting the bookstands. the basement of Mr. and MrsBank. , $1,443.65, were awardec will have accessions to the list state for Far Eastern affairs. louse at 1 East 78th St. An irri- William Lewin's home, 25 Laurel contracts to supply meat and of art events' credited to the The assignment, a major one nvat products for a one month Re-Glaze or Re-Screen wsing 32-room marble building Public Schools, will conduct an Dr., and decorated it as a French shore, we also admit that per- subject to congressional scrutiny, period. haps there will be dissension as jften mistaken by tourists for aart workshop for all teachers in Inn of the 14th Century. may well set the tone of the new Flagstaff Food Corp., Perth YOUR to the value of the apparent in jublic museum, the Duke House the Shrewsbury Township school The program they presented administration in its approach to Amboy, with a bid of $3,549.64; crease In art and art apprecia ,vas given to NYU in 1959 bysystem. The workshop, sponsored included French' customs and Miss Doris Duke and her mother the difficult China policy issue. troubadour songs. Hansen Food Service, Neptune, by the Board of Education, will Informed sources said the two ALUMINUM FRAME -LEGAL NOTICE- Mrs. Nanaline H. Duke, daugh- be conducted once a week begin- $9,131.77; Eugene Co., Sea Bright, in the forefront for appointment Girls from the troop attending $703.95; Spatola-Thompson, Inc., ter and widow of the tobacco ning Feb. 7. were Jan Barrdn, Patricia Beck- XOTICB :ompany tycoon. by President-elect John F. Ken- Philadelphia, $2,351.91, and Kane- WINDOWS or SCREENS MIIK K TO I'KltSONS Ijf MILITARY As the year's parting note in nedy to the post now held by er, Mignon Godwin, Jackie Miller Corp., Yonkers. N.Y., $7,- SKKVICE (lit PATIENTS IN VKT- Mr. Brzostoski, who has exhib- addition to season's greetings, Jose, Betsy Layburn, Kathy KUANS' HOSPITALS AMI TOited in New York, had a one- career diplomat J. Graham Par- 609.61, were awarded contracts to TIIKIR ItEI.MlVKS AND I II1KNDS. :here is personal art appreciation snns are: Leahy, .Suzanne Lewin, Nancy supply canned goods for a three- It you arp;' In trm military n«rvc man show last month in Mon 'or the number of original cards WE REPAIR-RE-CORD Or lire a patient In a veterans' hospital Arthur H. Dean—former law Peters, and Kathy Robbins. month period. and desire to vote, or If you are amouth Arts Gallery, Red Bank sent by artists. Sketches, wood- Parents attending were Mr. and relative or friend of a person who Is partner of the late John Foster The foodstuffs are for the coun- In the military service or Is a patient cuts, engravings, screen prints, Dulles and special presidential Mrs. Lewin, Mrs. Edward Peck RE-TAPE • RE-PAINT In 'a veterans' hospital who, you be- Nancy Engle and William Go- oil sketches and a golden bird in Mrs. Frank C. Jose, Jr., andty jail, Allenwood Hospital and lieve, will ileslre to vote In the onn- envoy to Korea in 1953-54. He has the county Welfare Home, Briar nun! school election to be held or doskl, art teachers at Long Origami, join a new collection Mrs. Robert Layburn. Fcburnry 14, 10C1. kindly write to the Branch High School, assisted testified before the Senate For- Hill. VENETIAN BUNDS undersigned At once, making applica- marked "Save—artists at work." eign Relations Committee that he tion for a'military service hallol to hp in co-ordinating the Junior Monmouth Tractor & Equip- Wc cn at our voted In Bald election to be forwarded Service League of Red Bank's favors a more flexible China pol- ment Co., Freehold, with the low- DCLJELJDED. °P tn yuii l!*you are in the military ftrrv icy. He said it should be aimed at Ice. or are a patient In a veterans traveling art exhibit staged for est of three bids, $16,265.54, was KcMcMDcK. NEW STORE- , hospital, stiillnc your name. nc.e. ser- creating an independent Formosa ial number,; home address and thetwo days last week in theTo Answer awarded a contract to supply 32 BROAD STREET RED BANK]' adrjress at which you are stationed or school library. Junior high and guaranteed by the United Nations, tires and tubes for county equip- (between Rcussille's Jewelers and Yanko's) can he found; or If you desire tilt together with recognition and a military service hallot for a relative elementary school pupils also ment for a one-year period. IN MID-FEBRUARY or friend, then make an application viewed the exhibit, which re- Questions On UN General Assembly seat for under oath for a military service hal mainland China. lot to lie forwarded to him. slMlng In turns to Red Bank after the FOUR FINED BUDGET TERMS • FREE DELIVERY your application that he Is over the U. Alexis Johnson—U.S. ambas- •Re of twenty-one yean and stating holidays at the River Street RED BANK — Four persons STORE HOURS: I A. M. TO I P. M. his name, serial number, home ad Income Tax sador to Thailand. He was close- charged with being drunk and dress nnd the> address at which he h and Mechanic Street Schools. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY TO I •tstioned or tfan be found. This is a special staging pro- ASBURY PARK - The U. S. ly associated with incoming Sec disorderly during last week-end Internal Revenue Service will retary of State Dean Rusk during Forms of application can b« obtained vided by Henry DeLuca, Red were fined $25 each yesterday by from tile- undersigned. Bank elementary school art have an enlarged staff at its of-the Korea War when Rusk was Magistrate John V. Crowell. They Dated: December 28. I960 fice here, beginning Tuesday, for assistant secretary for Far East- LESTER C. SCOTT. supervisor, for the two ele- are Aleksander Kelkman, 54, of Secretary, Shrewsbury Borough mentary schools In co-opera- the government's taxpayer, as- ern affairs. Johnson is noted as 36 West St., Alonzo Layton, 65, Temporary Location , Board of Education, 697 Broad a skilled negotiator. St., Shrewsbury, N. J. tion with the league. sistance program. of 7 Gold St., and Peter Wyn- 9 Broad Si. Sriaayside 1-7500 Red Bank { D»c. 2!) J7.7 Leo Seidler, group supervisor, Others being mentioned include berg, Chestnut St., all of Red Miss Marjorie Doust, former said that questions will be anArthu- r H. Burns, former Demo- Bank, and William Johnson, 29, NOTICB swered over the telephone or bycratic delegate to Congress from KOTK'K TO PKRSOXS DKSIRINO AB art supervisor in the New York of 43 Henry Dr., New Monmouth. SENTKK nAIJ.OTS visits to the office in the Charms Hawaii; Richard P. Conlon, presi If! you arc a qualified anil registered Building, 401 Munroe Ave. dent of Conlon Associates, Ltd., Vfttcr of tho Stato who expect!) to bo • lisent oulfllile tllL< State on February There will be no IRS office in of San Francisco, and Prof. Rob- It. 19G1, or a qualified anil registered ert A. Scalapino of the Univer- vnftr who will be within the State on the Red Bank area, he added. great February It. 1%1, but because of 111 DID YOU The hours for the assistance sity of California at Berkeley. ness nr physical disutility, or because of the observance of a religion* holiday program will be 8:30 a.m. toAlmost anyone Kennedy selects pursuant to the tenets of your relig- ion, or because of resident attendance 4 p.m. Mondays and Fridays, and for the Far East post is likely to at A school, college or university, will 12:30 to 4:40 p.m. Tuesdays, run into sharp Capitol Hill ques- bn unable to cnsl your ballot at the prilling place In your district on flald KNOW? Wednesdays and Thursdays. tioning by Sen. Styles Bridges of • NEW 1961 date, nnd you desire to vote. In the New Hampshire, head of the Re- Shrewsbury Township school election to The service will continue until be held on February 14, iDfil, kindly the deadline for filing income tax publican policy committee, and FACES CRISIS—Premie wrile or apply In person to the under- There's a returns, April 15. others. The nominee will be asked • Ipncd at once requesting that a clvr* Gaiton Eyskens of Belgium ! Inn absentee ballot he forwarded to his precise thinking on recogni you. Such request 'must state you th« target of his country' ST. JOSEPH ^^ CALENDAR home address, nnd thi> address to whlcli tion of Communist China and •aid bnllot should be sent, and mus seating of a Peiping representa- Socialist strikers. They an hi- signed with your signature, and Mrs. Harriott Including your chance to t atalo the reason why you will not be tive in the United Nations. demanding th» overthrow o ntile tn vote at your usual polling place, No civilian absentee- ballot will It adds up! More and more Eyskens and his proposed be furnishod or forwarded to any ap< Heads Pack Club plluant unless request therefor Is re- people use The Register ads each austerity program. ceived not less than fi days prior to UNION BEACH — Officers issue because results come fas- the election and contains the foregoing elected at a meeting of the Information. ter.—Advertisement. (APWirephoto Dated: December 2R. 1960 Mothers' Club of Cub Pack 56 LOUIS A. STEINMUM.Efl, to strve you in Secretary, 671 Tinton Avenue, were Mrs, Robert Harriott, presi- New Bhrowsbury, New Jeriey dent; Mrs. Jean Robinson, vice Pec, 2N J7.R6 EATONTOWN president; Mrs. Raymond Winick, FIRST PRIZE Contains .NOTICK Monmouth secretary, and Mrs. Mary Stiles, entry blank for KtiTHK TO VKIISOXH IN MIMTAHY treasurer. prizes IUM for teHinn A h , , •> KKKVICK .i I1IIOAI) STUF'.I'T SMHKWSMJUY 1,01'IH A HTI'llNMIi'l.l.KII. AMPLE PARKING IN REAR OF SALON Itlil) BANK HiMieliii y, 1171 Tlht'in Aveiiun gun RaiiDrugs Bcst .New lilil iM\Bblll y, ftew Jel^rv M^es 'cr tho New Year Est. 24 Years. Open Wod. - Thun. Eve. Till 9 Ulf, i'!l JJ.JS mm EAND-WAY'S GRAND iiiiiiiijsi WAY lMiliBi DISCOUNT CENTERS 'l^i^iSi^^^^iSlilS^S^ir


COMPARABLE VALUE DISCOUNT PRICE COMPARABLE VALUE DISCOUNT PRICE 2.98 BOYS' COTTON KNIT SKI PAJAMAS 2 22 299.95 MOTOROLA. 21-INCH TV • Fine, washable combed cotton. Knit wrists and anklets. 6-18! am«aM»i • Remote control. Hand wired. I Year Warranty! 188.88 17.97-22.98 GIRLS' FASHION WINTER COATS 9 00 339.95 OLYMPIC. 21-INCH TV • Many one-of-a-kind. Warmly interlined. Some fur trimmed. 3-6x, 7-14! " * •WW • Wooden cabinet. Remote control. Hand wired! 178.88 8.98 CHILDREN'S SATEEN SNOW SUITS . . . . A A A 349.95 MOTOROLA. 21-INCH TV CONSOLE • Quilt interlined. Orion pile bordered hood. 2-Pc, 3-6x! •• • • • Remote control. 2 Hi-Fi speakers. I Year Warranty! 209.88 10.98-15.98 BOYS' WOOL SUBURBAN COATS . . . 7 ft7 449.95 HOTPOINT ELECTRIC RANGE . . . . • Orion pile lined. Button and zip fronts. 6-16! ' " •War • 40-inch Fully Automatic. . Double Oven! 249.88 14.97-25.97 MEN'S WOOL SUBURBAN COATS . 169.95 OLYMPIC 17-INCH TV ...... • 100% Berkshire woolens, quilt lined. Finely tailored. 36-46! • Hand wired. Top controls. Fully warranted! 99.88 2.98 LADIES' DRIP-DRY CHALLIS SLEEPWEAR 1 Q7 399.95 HOTPOINT 40-INCH ELECTRIC RAN6E . . 1OO OO • Baby dolls, waltx gowns, long gowns. Pink and blue. 34-40! • Fullyv automatic includinga rotisserie! *ww 3.98-5.98 GIRLS' HI-STYLE HOLIDAY DRESSES 229.95 RCA 17-INCH TV PORTABLE • Many I and few-of-a-kind. For school or dress. 3-6x, 7-14! • Provincial design. Power transformer! 149.88 2.98 GIRLS' COTTON/TRICOT QUILT ROBES . . CO 199.95 OLYMPIC 17-INCH TV ... • Boxy and fitted styles, adorable prints, lace trims. 7-14! • Wooden Cabinet. Hand wired! 129.88 3.98-4.98 GIRLS' BETTER QUILTED ROBES . . . 349.949.97 Webcor StereSter< o Console AM and FM Radio 929 88 • Grown-up styling! Colorful prints, many styles. 7-14! *5Soealc«n5 Speakers. . 660 WatWatt AitiDlifiarAmplifier. ••'•w

19.98-39.95 JUMBO 26" & 29" PULLMANS Plus F.E.T. 349.95 MOTOROLA STEREO ENSEMBLE . . . . • Urge, air light. Many colors, styles, coverings. Deluxe interiors! $11 • 2 Matched pieces. 8 Speakers. 40 Watt Amplifier. Diamond stylus. I year warranty. 199.88 TO 1.50 CERAMIC GIFT ASSORTMENT .... 129.95 EMERSON HI-FI CONSOLE ...... • Glazed finishes, colorful and decorative. Fine imports! 67c • 4 Speed Phono, 3 Speakers! 79.88 29.95 Waterless Cast Aluminum 10-Pc. Cookware 169.95 EMERSON STEREO CONSOLETTE .... • 8" & 10" fry pans, 5 qt. dutch oven, cover, I, 2, 3 qt. saucepans with covers! 13.77 • Self contained stereo. 4 Speakers. 4 Speed Phono 1 89.88 12.95 CORY PERC ROYALE PERCOLATOR . 299.95 WEBCOR STEREO CONSOLE • 4-9 Cup percolator with deluxe stainless steel body! 7.77 • 4 Speakers. 4 Speed Phono! 129.88 9.95 CORY PERC-N-COOL PERCOLATOR . . . 169.95 SYMPHONIC SELF CONTAINED STEREO . OO OO • Holds 4-8 cups with aluminum icing tube for cooling! 5.77 • Dual amplifiers. 4 Speakers! ' #«W 5.98-8.98 MISSES' ALL WOOL SKIRTS 129.95 FRANKLIN ORGAN • Flannels, tweeds and plaids. Slim and pleated styles. 10-18! 3.33 • Italian import. Swedish steel reeds! 59.88 5.98-8.98 MISSES' JEWELLED & BULKY SWEATERS 2 90 16.95 WESTINGHOUSE STEAM & DRY IRON • Washable orlons and wools. Pullovers and cardigans. 34-40! *r«aTw • 15 Steam vents. Convenient open handle! 8.88

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Section Two RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1960 7c PER COPY Cigarette Tax New Road Projects HikeBill Signed State Proposals Would Be a Record TRENTON (AP) - The state TRENTON (AP) - Something of a medium security prison and two-thirds of the $15 million in ing the total in state money Highway Department proposes new will be added to cigarettes another hospital for mentally re- crease sought by the department I sought to $101 million. starting a record $152 million in In New Jersey Jan. G—a penny tarded children. in its 1981-62 budget. The department's construction ew road projects in New Jersey a pack in taxes. The cigarette tax legislation The department said it expects j program, including the federal n the year starting July 1. provides that the increase will ex- jto get $84,379,000 in federal aid ! money, would provide $78 million The tax will be in effect at The construction proposal was pire after 18 months if the bond and asked for $68-mi!lion in state , in interstate highways, $28 million least until July 6, 1962. The $12 :ontained in the department's issue is approved by the voters. money to pay for construction. in urban highways, $25 million in million it will raise in that time xidget request, presented at a Requests for debt interest, ad- is earmarked for construction of Otherwise, it continues. state highways net eligible for nearing yesterday. ministration and planning work federal aid, and $21 million aid state institutions. The plan represents a compro- Added construction represents amounted to $33 million, bring- Next November, New Jersey's mise by the Legislature after two for county and municipal roads. voters will decide whether to years of dispute. Specific projects are not in- dicated. These are usually an- keep the penny increase as a nounced about July of each year. permanent source of revenue or Personal Taxes Roads Swamped drop it. Gov. Robert B. Meyner signed New Jersey Two major budget increases three bills yesterday setting up are sought: the tax increase, the referendum News Briefs To Be Abolished 1. Five million dollars for added and the $42 million construction aid to counties. program. Associated Press MIDDLETOWN - The Town- grant would be on a matching 2. Five million dollars more for Plans for collecting and spend- PHILADELPHIA - The Penn- ship Committee adopted an or- basis—$14,500 each. state highway projects that do not ing the new revenue were already sylvania Railroad reported a dinance last night doing away The committee referred a lolett- for federal aid. under way by the time Mey- November profit of $1,050,688. with personal propert... y taxes.- ter from the Port Monmouth! new program of aid to ner signed the bills. But with business still way The measure takes effect in fire Company to Mr. Scuffert. Icoun .tles wollld add to $16 million State Treasurer John A. Ker- down, America's biggest railroad 1862. asking that the Central Railroad provided under previous legal for- vick said he has already issued said its deficit for the first 11 The ordinance is the result of of New Jersey install automatic mulas. instructions to 140 cigarette dis- months of 1960 was a whopping They're Ducking the Problem state legislation permitting mu- crossing gates at Main St. and The budget request said county tributors on making the change- $5,188,314. This compares with nicipalities to eliminate the tax. Wilson Ave. roads are being swamped by add- Those Schwenkor Pond ducks whose plight—what with their food supply snowed un- ed traffic from interstate and over. the similar 1959 11-month net There were no objections at There are warning signals at They will change tax stamp earnings of $3,005,556. In Novem- der and frozen over—was told in a photo that appeared here last week, had ducked he public hearing. state highways and are in a dis- the crossing at the present time. tressing situation. meters from five cents to six ber of last year the Pennsy, out on the photographer when he went looking for them in recent days. Yesterday Richard W. Seuffert, business The following fee scale for use cents on Jan. 3, 4, and 5. The feeling the effects of boosted administrator, reported that the The department proposed that he found them in the upper end of the pond, out of sight from River Rd. Seems they of the township's sanitary land- its engineers distribute the $5 new six-cent meter stamp will be freight volume after the end of township has applied for state fill was announced. purple. The old five-cent meter the steel strike, had profits of found an opening in the ice, visible in background, and are making the most of it. aid to help defray the cost of re- million on the basis of need, in- $3,271,881. placing 3,400 feet of chain link Residents—$1 per year; truck stead of following the formulas. stamp was blue. under eight yards capacity—$1.50 Paste Stamps ence at Ideal Beach, and exten- The state Freeholders Asspcia- sion of the public dock at Comp- per load; and trucks over eight ion has been seeking such an aid Some distributors paste stamps WYCKOFF - Teenagers at $245,400 rard capacity—$3 per load. on the cigarette packs. The five- ton's Creek. program for years. the Wyckoff Reformed Church 10,000 Strikers The committee also adopted a The increase in non-federal cent stamp was blue, the six cent He said the total project will are using their holiday time for cost an estimated $29,000. resolution specifing the duties of highway construction would pro- Stamp will be brown. a Bible reading marathon. In Storm Kervick said that some 30 mil- If approved by the state, the thessanitary landfill caretaker. vide a total program of $25 mil- About JO to 40 youngsters of ion. This year $20 million was ap- lion of the old five-cent stamps The committee announced that the Youth Fellowship group Protest in Brussels '£oans OlCd the collection of garbage in the propriated and $7 million of that will have to be used up. One-cent are taking part. They began was diverted to subsidize com- BRUSSELS, Belfiuim (AP) — where the Socialists are strong- MIDDLETOWN - The Smal Navesink district starting the black stamps will be pasted on reading aloud in relays last muter railroads. Ten thousand strikers marched Business Administration has ap Regional Unitfirst of the year will be changed those packs containing the five- night and expect to complete was nearly paralyzed. Most work- through Brussels today in protest ers were on the job in the Catho- proved 90 applications for smal to Tuesdays and Fridays. ,.j Final Check cent tax stamps after Jan. 6. the Old and New Testaments Kervick asked the public not to against Premier Gaston Eyskens lic, Flemish-speaking north, but loans as a result of Hurricane The Garden Club RFD, Holm Gov. Robert B. Meyner, who by Friday night. The reading Sets Budget del, was granted permission to accept cigarettes after Jan. 6 un- and his proposed austerity pro- the harbor at Antwerp, one of Donna from residents of the takes a final crack at the budget goes on night and day, but use the Little Red School House, less they carry indications that gram, but the turnout was far Europe's major ports, was still Shore area. before it is submitted to the Leg- girls are excused from night short of the 50,000 that Socialist tied up. Melvin Walker, representative Middletown-Lincroft Rd., for its islature, has promised to allocate the new six-cent tax has been reading. The pastor is Rev. At $40,350 meetings. paid. strike leaders had predicted. Few Breaks of the government agency, said at least one-fifth of the state gas- Wilbur L. De Revere. HIGHLANDS — The Henry Members of the detective divi- oline tax to non-federal road con- John W. Tramburg, state insti- The marchers turned away There were a few breaks in the the total amount loaned to date Hudson Regional Board of Edu- sion of the local 'police force struction. This would come to tutions commissioner, said the from a heavily guarded "neutral strike. is $245,400. cation last night introduced a were commended last night in a about $21 million. first work to be paid for from the SUMMIT-Nicholas Alexander zone" around the royal palace, In Brussels a few more street- He said there are still six ap- de Transehe, 74, an Arctic ex- cars, and buses were running than plications to be processed. tentative budget of $40,350. letter from U. S. Immigration The highway budget proposed revenue will be fireproofing of the parliament building and gov- officials. mental hospitals at Trenton and plorer, died Tuesday in Over- ernment ministries, ah area.for- the one third that operated yes Of the 90 applications approved This compares with the cur- nothing for the second year of the rent budget of $17,050. The federal agency cited Capt. railroad subsidy program. But an Greystone Park. He said the work look Hospital. De Transehe, a bidden to unauthorized demon- terday. Some garbage was being 65 covered damage to homes and former commander in the Im- collected. 25 for business damage. The current expense category Raymond T. Walling, Lt. Joseph mformed source said the state will cost $3 million and should be strators. The heavily armed riot McCarthy and Patrolman Rob- perial Russian Navy, who came One coal mine and a metal He said 15 applications were is set at $15,350 and debt serv Transportation Division would finished within a year. police jeered at the marchers. ert Letts for their assistance two to this country in 1923, main- works in the Charleroi area re- submitted and later withdrawn. ice at $25,000. present a separate budget for the Interviewing Architects ' One striker threw a stone at weeks ago in apprehending two tained homes in New York City opened. A train left Charleroi for The SBA opened a field office Atlantic Highlands will pay subsidies, leaving the governor Charles F. Sulivan, director of the police, but it hit a spectator girls, who illegally entered the and Dresden, Maine. He was a Namur, the first in several days. in the Allen Brothers' Building, 56.2 per cent of the current ex- and Legislature to decide where the Purchase and Property Div- and knocked him out. Another country from Canada, pioneer in the development of demonstrator hurled a steel bolt Police dispersed pickets massed Five Corners, Sept. 16. The office pense figure and 61.6 per cent of the money will come from. ision, said he is interviewing ar- naval equipment and radio com- the debt service. chitects to plan construction of a at the gendarmes; it also hit an along the line at Tamines. will close Wednesday. munication. He was with the onlooker. O/fici^ls said 40 per cent of the Mr. Walker said applications Assessed Valuation new 1,000-bed hospital for mental- American Geographical Society Highlands willj>ay 43.8 per cent Later in^the march rocks broke streetcars and buses were running after Jan. 4 may be made to the ly retarded children to be built from 1923 to 1928 and established of the current expense and 38.4 windows of a bank and of the at' Ghent, where only 22 per cent New York Regional Office, 4r Raritan Magistrate near the Rahway Prison farm. a special branch of Arctic ex- per cent of debt service. newspaper "Het Volk", organ of were on the job yesterday. Broadway, New York City. Tramburg said it would be 1963 ploration. The current expense percent- before the hospital begins to cut Eyskens' Social Christian (Cath- olic) party. age is based on average daily Court Post Going to Hennessy into the list of 750 children await- enrollments. Atlahtic Highland's ing admission to institutions. SADDLE BROOK - Three "Give the factories to the work- children who were In their" average is figured to be 296.' RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Town Later plans call for construction ers," chanted one group of dem- $20 Million Project mother's car an hour and a students while Highlands' en- ship Committeeman James G. onstrators. "To the gallows with rollment is 231.3. Brady and Philip J. Blanda, Jr., half at the Hackensack motor Eyskens!" shouted others. Others and Committeeman-elect Marvin vehicle inspection yesterday sang the Communist Internation- The debt service percentage is Letts Named became violently HI from car- ale., based on assessed valuation. Olinsky announced yesterday Called A Possibility The new budget will result in that attorney Alfred T. Hennes bon monoxide fumes, police To Arrive an estimated regional school tax sy, Jr., Union Beach, will be ap- said. The children of Mr. and The state radio announced that MATAWAN TOWNSHIP—May- levels and colonials of 1,600 To New Post Mrs. William Van Winkle col- or Peter Waters confirmed last square feet minimum. rate of 26 cents per $100 of pointed magistrate at the reor- King Baudouin and his bride, assessed valuation in Atlantic lapsed when they reached their Queen Fabiola, were breaking off night- that a large amount of The Planning Board has esti- ganization meeting Monday. home. Sandra, 13, and twins, property in the Lloyd Rd.-Line mated that houses of this size Highlands and 61 cents in High- He will replace Seymour R. their Spanish honeymoon and re- lands. Mary Ellen and William, 8, turning to Brussels. An Air Rd. area is being purchased for would sell in the $16,000 to $20,- Kleinberg in the post, which car- were given oxygen by police Force plane had been standing by a proposed housing development. 000 range. The current rate is 10 cents ries an annual salary of $2,000. and treated by the family for them at Seville, and they were The land is in the southwest $16 to $20 Milion per $100 in Atlantic Highlands Mr. Hennessy is borough clerk physician. They were then expected back this afternoon. section of the municipality. Based on these figures, a and 28 cents in Highlands. in Union Beach, a post he has taken to Paterson General A public hearing is scheduled Socialist leaders reportedly told Mr. Waters said that one of 000-house project would have a held eight years, and also magis- Hospital where their mother, for 8 p.m. Jan 18 in Atlantic the premier at a meeting last the agents connected with the total valuation of 16 to 20 mil- trate of that municipality, a post although apparently not affect- purchases is Jacobson, Ooldfarb lion dollars. Highlands. ed, was also given oxygen as night the king's absence "in these he has held five years. crucial times is making a bad and Tanzman, .Perth Amboy. Last week, the board voted to Voters will be asked to approve a precautionary measure. Mrs. Rutgers Law School impression on the nation." "I have not been' able to find prepare an ordinance rezoning the proposal Feb. 7. Van Winkle said that after the out who the principals are," he a 70-acre portion of the Line Rd. He is a graduate of Keyport long wait at the station, the With the 800,000-member Cath- olic trade unions steadfastly be- added. area for industrial use. High School, Rutgers University car failed to pass inspection. This tract would border the Joy Leaving and Rutgers University Law One headlight was loo high. hind Eyskens and his Catholic- 1,000 to 1,200 Units conservative coalition govern- "The information I have re- Raritan Township line and ex- BOULDER, Colo. (AP) — "The School. ment, there was no indication ceived," he said, "is that as tend back to the New York and University of Colorado is without He.was admitted to the coun- NEWARK—A nominating com that the Socialist-led walkout was many as 1,000 to 1,200 houses Long Branch railroad line. hope," said a campus wag today, ty, state and federal bar in 1952 ALFRED T. HENNESSY, JR. mittee has been set up to screen spreading. Generally the indus- may go up — that is if subdivis- At present, the board is in the 'and soon will be without joy." and in 1957 was certified to prac- potential successors *o Carrol] trial, French-speaking south- ions are approved." process of revising and tighten- Miss Joy La Rue is retiring to- tice before the United States eran of World War II. He served M. Shanks as president of the A project that size would re- ing up the township's building morrow after 40 years as ad Supreme Court. He is 37 years in the China-Burma-India theatre Prudential Insurance Co. of quire some 500 to 600 acres of code. ministrative secretary of the uni- old. and in Africa and the Pacific. America, the company said to- What Stills? land, the mayor noted. versity's School of Business. Mr. Hennessy is a former Mr. Hennessy is married and day. Shanks, 62, Friday an FAYETTE, Ala. (AP) - Mrs. Under the new zone code, the Mrs. Hope Bruner, who held a Board of Education attorney in has four children. nounced "early retirement" from Agatha Vick was planning to Line Rd.-Lloyd Rd. area is zon Girls. Ga^s position similar to Miss La Rue's, Union Beach. His law office is at 903 Union his $250,000 a year post — the lease a house she owns here, and ed for lots of 15,000 square feet HOLLYWOOD (AP) - Bob retired last summer. He is a three-year Army vet- Ave., Union Beach. Robert Letts highest paid in the insurance, she opened it to house-hunters, (one-third acre). It is one of the Hope, just returned from his an- MIDDLETOWN — Patrolman world—effective Jan. 10. . Conv Then she got a call from one of township's top residential zones. nual Christmas tour of overseas How to Lose Weight Robert Letts was promoted to act- pany directors picked a commit' the lookers, inquiring about the In this zone, the code calls military bases, says the boys Ing sergeant last night by the tee from among their number two stills in the basement. for ranch-type houses of 1,200 loved all of his girls and one of Township Committee. headed by Herbert M. Ellend, Stills? What stills? square feet minimum and split his gags. The appointment is effective a Millburn, N. J., attorney. The Sunday. committee Is expected to make Psychological Aids Patrolman Letts is serving now recommendations to the full 23- In the detective division. man board at its regular meet I. Nurnbcrger, M.D., and Eugene bad consequences of overeating A member of the force four and ing Jan. 10. NEW YORK (AP) - Psychol- ogy can be a helpful buddy in E. Levitt of the Psychiatry De- can be effective. • half years, he is a marine vet- partment, Indiana University You can't learn to shoot golf eran of the Korean conflict. ALBANY, N. Y. - A Jury dieting to lose weight, research- has convicted two New Jersey ers said today. School of Medicine, in the 80's just by reading about He is married and has three Eating too much is largely a golf, they pointed out. children. Patrolman Letts was men of advertising a phony The psychological aids could be habit, they told the American As- As other possible added links in graduated from the local high school In chrome-spraying tech- such steps as: niques and absconding with sociation for the Advancement of the chain, they suggested a house- school, Preparing the next meal right Science. $4,K0 paid by 10 would-be wife might shop every day right after you've eaten—then you Psychological principles can after she had eaten; buying foods students. The Jury returned won't nibble. help develop self-control, which is which must be cooked or pre- $190 Rug second-degree grand larceny Eating specific foods in specif- different from will power, they pared, or training one's self so convictions yesterday against ic places of the house. Or going said. that swallowing, rather than chew Edward J. Cosgrove, S5, of to the trouble of putting on some They took a dim view of hopes Ing, becomes the stimlus to Is Stolen Elizabeth, and Stanley Mount, certain type of clothing before that simply telling people about quarry up another forkful of food. RED HANK - A ruR valued 37, of Jersey City. The district eating. Some Suggestions nt $190 was stolen Monday night attorney charged that the men Lifting a forkful of food only For all dieters, they suggested: from the Carpet Center, 29 East solicited students for the school when your mouth is empty. Carriage Road Establish a ritnal of three Front St. promised that In return for Holding forkfuls of food for a PINKHAM NOTCH, N. H. (AP) meals a day, with perhaps a light According to Detective Capt. $415 each they would bo while between plate and eager — Another attempt is planned to- snack such as milk and crackers Irving Krakowitch, John Ebner, trained In applying a chrome teeth—or chewing food longer. night to fire red flares from the at bedtime. owner of the shop, was notified spray to automobiles and be Psychologically, they said, eat- 6,288-foot top of Mt, Washington Control the time of meals rig- by police Monday night that the guaranteed exclusive servicing ing involves a whole chain of lo mark the centennial year 61 Idly. renr door to the center was un rights at five garages. events or stimuli, usually per- the eight-mile "Carriage Road" When the uige to eat wells up, locked. formed in a pretty fixed routine. to the summit. do something in which eating isn't Ebnor checked tho center, and ENGLEWOOD - Georgo While the chain of" events var- Deep snow drifts at the 5i/3- feasible—take n walk, go to a at first believed that nothing war Coppers, chnlrmnn of the board ies with Individuals, a typical mile mark barred a tracked snow movie, ride a bus, or .Jay a ce- missing, if National, Biscuit Co,, died chnln Is going to tho store, se- vehicle hauling the flares lo the ment sidewalk/ When Inter making n snlc, how- Tuesday rifoht In his homo hore. lecting and paying for food, cart- Keep food in relatively inac- l summit yesterday. The drifts had ever, Mr, ICbner learned that » Ie wns 58. Mr. Coppers joined inn it home, preparing It, setting piled up under winds exceeding cessible places. 12xl!i, olf-whlte ermine color, nl' he firm In 1020 nnd was named the table, silting down lo the ta- 100 mph. Avoid crash diets. L'osinR weight wool, tufted finish, high pile, ^resident In 1045. He became ble, and so forth. The road was opened Aug. 8, too fust produces "a level of dis- Alclen-mnclo nig hnil been tnken 'ward chairman thin spring, Ho Weaker Effects IBtll. Last summer 15,000 cars position to oat exceeding tho Upon n closer Inspection of vos n (irnduntc of the night l«w The Iden Is to lengthen the drove up Us steep grades to the strength of the usual existing self- the premises, Mr. Kbncr fnmu' chonl of Fordhnm University. THE ROOF CAME CRASHING DOWN —A voluntoor fireman floos as a barn roof chain of events, summit, where on a clear day It control." thnt n renr window, fiu'lni; or lo bc'Kiin n.i nn office hoy nnd Kill n balanced diet. Too much collapsot during firo that comumod tho structuro in a suburb of Rochosfor, N, Y. The longer the chain is, the Is possible to see 100 miles to Union SI,, had been battered In, IM only M when he became weaker arc Its effects, snld tho Atlantic Ocean and to Can ot one food probably will Increase but pnrllnlly repined. president. Damago to tho barn was ostimatod at $30,000. (APWirophotol Clmrlcs U. l-'crstcr, I'M. U,, John adn. the inclination to eat other foods. . DR. 29. 1M0 RED BANK RJXISTEt .JMftfV m Of* BbnJ CwtMW Wrtlyw—dt -WNTfrTf New (*) Study Becker THOMOAV AFTERNOON (f) Fell* MA frinto IM»- m Ve»n vt CM* (}) Little Ra«c*Jf MM- tt) Love of Life (II) Popeye (f) str»nge Stories (7) Autry Won't 'Horse it) Truth or (II) Highway p»trol (II) Navy tog (M Captain Kangaroo Consequences «;(&- (4) Movie l»:30- (7) Ernie Kovacs »;I5— tt) Religious Program (7) Texan 6:15— (7) Q.T. Hush (9) Movie—1949 8:30—(13) Community Newsreel Around' With Nine (9) Guy Madison 6:30— (4) Local News "She Wore a Yellow 8:45—(13) People's Choice (13) Day Watch (5) Cartoons Ribbon" 9:00— (2) Family By BOB THOMAS Gary Cooper, are the ones who 12:30— (2) Search for Tomorrow (7) Tommy Seven (11) Shotgun Slade (4) I Married Joan (7) played their age." (4) It Could Be You (11) Huckleberry Hound (13) Playback Physical Culture HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Some- (13) (5) Cartoons (13) Movie—1957 10:35— (13) Movie—1957 News thing new lias been added to "Kronos" "Ride a Violent Mile" 9:25— (5) Gene Autry's spacious office in Hal Humphrey; (7) Beat The Clock 9:30— (2) My Little Margie (9) Meet Corliss Archer 6:40— (4) Weather 6 11:00- (2) News Topper Toluca Lake. 6:45— (4) News (4) News (5) (11) Movie (7) Memory Lane On all four sides are paintings 12:45— (2) Guiding Light 7:00— (2) News (5) News Day Watch and statues of horses, including (13) 12:55— (4) News (4) Four Just Men (7) News December Bride Gene's longtime steed, Champ- Shows to 0:00— (2) 1:00- (2) News (5) Sheriff of Cochise (11) News Dough Re Mi ion. The newcomer is a dummy (4) (4) Dr. Joyce Brothers (7) Vikings 11:05— (5) Movie—1939 Movie nf an aged Indian wearing base- (9) Terrytoons "Dust Be My Destiny" (5) (5) Cartoons 0:30— (2) Video Village ball cap and fielding glove and Watch (II) News • 11:10- (2) Weather (7) About Faces (4) Play Your Hunch the sign "Joe All-Star, pride of 7:05— (2) Local News (4) Weather TONIGHT (9) Movie (7) Ray Milland the Golden West Angels." 7:10—(2) Weather (7) Weather 1:05— (2) Burns and Allen 0:50— (9) Winky Dink Explained Gene: "That's our 9:30 —(Ch. 4)—Project 20- (11) News 11:15- (2) Movie—1933 1:25— (4) News 1:00— (2) I Love Lucy new shortstop." (Choice Viewing)—A new look at 7:15— (2) News "I'm No Angel" the human drama of World War (5) News (4) Price Is Right As the sports page readers well 1:30- (2) As The World Turns 7:25—(11) Weather (4) Jack Paar know, Gene is the boss of the II in a special 90-minute treat- (7) Morning Codrt (4) Dial Four 7:30— (2) Ann Sothern (7) Movie—1952 Herb Sheldon new American League baseball ment of NBC's award-winning 26- "Cry the Beloved (9) (5) Movie (4) Outlaws 1:25— (5) News club, the Los Angeles Angels. His week series. "Victory at Sea." (5) Rough Riders Country" (7) Susie 1:30— (2) Clear Horizon advent to the nation's so-called The "most provocative elements" (7) Guestward Ho! 2:00- (2) Full Circ\e (11) Weather and Sports (4) Concentration favorite game has not gone with- of the 1952-53 telecasts are con (9) Movie-1949 (4) Jan Murray 11:20—CH) Movie—1946 •(5) Romper Room out criticism. Some eastern writ- tained in this new version. Pro- "She Wore a Yellow ducers say the new "Victory" is (7) Day In Court "Dragonwyck" (7) Love That Bob! ers have attacked the big-league (II) Movie Ribbon" AN ARTFUL ARTHUR—Greetings for the arrival of 1961 expansion as greed and ex- now more "an essay on man at 12:00— (9) Movie—1935 2:30— (2) House Party (11) You Asked For It are inscribed for viewers of "The Jan Murray Show," nressed fears that Autry would war." Richard Rodgers' original "The Lone Wolf WALTER REAUE (4) Loretta Young 8:00- (2) Angel bring a rodeo atmosphere to the musical score is heard; new nar- Returns" colorqasts by blonde Maureen Arthur, who serves as the (7) Road to Reality (5) City Reporter '• THEATRES * sport. ration is by Alexander Scourby. 12:45— (5) News; Call to Prayer 2:55- (5) News (7) Donna Reed program's "girl Friday" each Monday through Friday Gene's reply: (7) Evening Prayer on the NBC-TV Network. 3:00— (2) Millionaire (11) Men Into Space 12:55— (2) Movie—1955 •k Movie Discount Book * "Some of those eastern fellows I0:0O-(Ch. 2)—Years of Crisis (13) Mike Wallace may have graduated from Har- —(Choice Viewing) — It's time (4) Young Dr. Malone "A Kid for Two (5) TV Reader's Digest 8:20—(13) Dialing the News GOOD AT ANY vard and are very good on again for the traditional round- Farthings" WALTER READE THEATRE table report by CBS News cor- (7) Queen For A Day 8:30— (2) Zane Grey Theater 1:90— (4) News theory, but they never had to (4) Bat Masterson RADIO meet a payroll. They don't know respondents called home from (9) Film Drama 1:05— (4) Dr. Brothers $3.00 VALUE $9.50 posts around the world. Ed Mur- (11) Movie (5) Badge 714 1:10— (I) 13th Hour 3 FOR A WABC 770 WNEW 1130 what it is to run a business. (7) Real McCoys "1 sat in on sessions with all row moderates for the 11th year. (13) Day Watch (S>) Almanac Newsreel WCBS 880 WOR 710 (11) Mike Hammer 1410 the owners and I didn't see any Program includes summaries of 3:30— (2) Verdict Is Yours 1:40— (4) Sermonstte WHTG WPAT 9.10 (13) Play of the Week WNBC 660 WQXR evidence of greed. I think the 1960's greatest new stories, do- (4) From These Roots 2:40— (2) News CARLTON 1560 9:00- (2) Witness owners are public-spirited busi- mestic and foreign, and reports (5) Doorway To Destiny 2:45— (2) Give Us This Day AFTERNOON WOR Kt,..:, on 1961 events casting shadows (7) Who Do You Trust? (4) Bachelor Father (iabriel Heater nessmen who want to do what is FRIDAY MORNING 11:00—WABC N.vn: Dick Shemrd 7115—WOR Capitol Cloie-Up best for the game. The reason before them. (9) Movie (5) Wrestling • WCBS Ness 7145—WNBC Wan,. Huwell Sho WHTQ Monmouth.Oct»n (or the expansion was that Con- 4:00- (2) Brighter Day (7) My Three Sons 6:15— (2) Previews News Summary WOR Curlton Fredrick! (4) Make Room for (9) Fiesta in 6:20— (2) Give Us This Day VVNBC News; Jim I*"" TlSS—WABC News; Farrell Smith gress, had requested the leagues 8:S0-(Ch. 2)-Zane Grey The WOR News. John Scotl 1100—WCBS World Tonight do something about bringing big- ater—Msrtha Hyer and Robert Daddy Puerto Rico 6:25— (2) News lailS—WOR The FiligEraldi WOR News, World Today • US—WC8S Kd Joyce league baseball to citites of ex- Culp in the story of a fanciful (5) Douglas Fairbanks (II) Target 6:30— (2) Sunrise Semester WCBS I.anny Ko;s «I3O—WCBS Ed Joyce panding population that would girl who falls under the spell of (7) American Bandstand 9:30- (4) Project 20 6:55— (4) Sermonette HHO—WHTG County AEtnt WOR Sports; (7) Untouchables IllJO—WCBS Allen Gray McCullough ft Ellol like to have it. a smooth-talking fugitive in her (11) Abbott and Costello 7:00— (2) News WHTQ News: (9) Star and Story (4) Dave Garroway llSS—WABC News; Farrell Smith Good As Is search for romance and excite- 4:15— (2) Secret Storm Relaxing Music • 100—WNBC News: Knh Haymei 4:30- (2) Edge of Night (11) Pioneers 7:15- (5) Call to Prayer MlSS—WABC S'e««- Pick Sbejiard WOR News: UN Review "As to adding showmanship t ment, "Morning Incident." Culp WNBC I.'mphanis WCiS News; World Of is wounded and hard-pressed by (4) Here's Hollywood 1,00—WCBS News Music the game, 1 don't have any plan (5) Mr. District Attorney WHTO Hendlinps. Etta • US—WOR MoCullo.ish * Eliot in that direction. I think base- a posse, but when Martha finds Prices. Muiic 1195—WABC New.: F.d Jordan him hiding in her barn, he turns (11) Laurel and Hardy WNBC News: Jim Loire 10:00—WCBS News: ball is good as it is. The im- (U) Women's Club Gala New Year's Eve Party WOR Newt WNBC News: Dob Haym.l portant element is having goo on the charm. See? The west 1,10—WC'HS Mnn And Wile WOR News, Les Smith wasn't always wild and woolly. 4:55— (11) Spunky and Tadpole The World Renouned J.15—WCBS llol. Bixon 10HS—WOR McCullnngh & Eliot competition, and we hope to fieli 5:00— (2) Life of Riley K|'" COLORSCOPE \ WOR Carllon lredrlckt WCBS nance Music the best team we possibly can 1UO—WHTO News; 10I5S—WABC News: Ed Jordan »:OO-(Ch. 4)-BacheIor Father (4) Movie ' INK SPOTS! Plus 2nd Feature Relaxinff Music 11:00—WCBS News If we have a good team, the pub- (5) Dateline Europe H4S—WCBS Second Mrs. Burton WNBC News: Bob Haymei lic will support us. —Bentley (John Forsythe) gets • Dinner • Z Shows ll55 WABC News: .lark Carney WOR News involved in a teen-age triangle (9) Mischief Makers WNBC Empbasli "We'll concentrate on that the ."STOP! LOOK! 11US—WCBS Starliirht Salute in the "Ginger's Big Romance" (11) Bozo the Clown • Dancing g.00— WCBS News; Woman's WOR McCullouBh first season; later we might ad (IS) Danger Is My ri LAUGH!" WHTG Headlines. Huslo Eliot some element of color to th episode. Bentley and Kelly • Reservations Only WNBC News; Jim Lone IllJO—WCBS Music 'Til Dawn (Noreen Corcoran) coach Ginger Business WOR New*. L** Smith games." 11M5—WOR Bihle nr.itlimr (Bernadette Withers) on how to 5:25—(11> Clutch Cargo Report On Washing* 11:55—WABC New,: Happiness Gene wears his millions well. $5.00 Cover Alt*—Dtc. 1* thru ton win her new romantic interest. 5:30- (2) Movie Exchange He may ride a bit heavier in the No Minimum Jan. I. Dlnntr. Danclnf ,,15—WCBS Unli Dijon 12:00—WNBC Neni; All Night In But the boy seems more smitten (5) Big Beat la th. Ink Sp»tt—S Pc. Hey Kids! Good News! XtlO—WHTG News: N. T. saddle, but his Stetson still fits by Kelly. The critics missed on (7) Long Ranger • Hats • Noisemakers RelnxinK Musio WOR Lone John he still talks earnestly in hi: • Favors Orch , plus a ihowB nlt*< This Sat. Matinee, 2 P.M. flSS—WABC News; .lack Caret? MORNING PROGRAMS :his one. Apparently there is (9) Movie iy- N* c«vtr—>N» mlnlr WNBC Emphliill 7100—WABC News. Al Unman flat Oklahoma tones. He admitted room for another "Father Knows (11) Three Stooges For Reservations mum txctpt Ntw Vtar't Gala New Year's Show! SlOO—WCBS News: Martha WCBS Jack Sterling that the Angels will occupy a Call CA 9-1000 Wright WHTG Mnnmouth.Ocean Best." (13) Studio 991/j Evt. On Stage! In Person 1 WHTO Headlines. Hnile News Summary great deal of his time. Does this WNBC News: Jim Lone Ecg Prices WOR News; mean an end to his performing THURSDAY EVENING BOOK YOUR NEW YEAR'S TAKTY NOW George Creegan WOR News: Lyle Van career? AGING STROLLER (US—WOR Arlene Francis «:00- (4) News and Weather His Puppets! His Magic! »:1O—WHIG News: John Gambllnjr "Not necessarily," he said MIAMI, Fla. (AP) - His 90th Relaxing Muiio WNBC News: Bill Cullen THE ADVENTURER Plus 15 Giant Cartoons StSS—WABC News: -lack Carney TlIO—WHTO News: But I think I owe it to the birthday was like almost every WNBC Emphasis Wake up to Mmilo club to spend as much time as OCEAN & BATH AVES.. LONG BRANCH, N. J. TI45—WHTG Civil Service Newa other day for Sam Elman. Free! Noisemakers, 4:00—WCBS New*: Information SlOO—WABC News: Al Lohman possible getting it started next Central WHTO Headlints: As is his practice six days a Decorations Hats and Balloons! WHTO riosinu Stock Wake Up To Music year. I'm trying to limit my Report: Music . WCBS News: Jack Sterling dates in 1961. This year I did week, he took two roundtrip Admission only 50c. WNBC News; Art Ford Show WOR News. John Winzatt WOR News five state fairs and rodeos; I'm strolls from his home on Key Prizes Given 4HS—WCBS Kenneth Bnnchart trying to cut that down. Reserve NOW For Your Tickers Now on Sal* 4:20—WHTO Monmouth-Ocean WNBC News: Bill Cullen Biscayne near here down the KEANSBURG — Prizes were Stls—WOR Dorothy and Dick No Film Plans News Summnry • 130—WHTO News: beach to a lighthouse 2.33 miles awarded to 15 homeowners last (Sinn Off 4:an p.m.) "Movies? I have no plans a 4US—WABC News; .tack Carney Relaxing Musio away. night in the Beacon Beach Asso- • US—WABC News Reports present. I haven't done a movie New Year's Ive WNBC Emphasis »:00—WABC Breakfast Cluh ciation's Christmas home decor- EATONTOWN • ,0O—WCBS News; Kidelichti in three years. 1 made 100 TV WCBS News: Jack SterllnR ations contest. DRIVE-IN THEATRE WNBC News, Art Ford WHTQ Headlines: shows, but we ran into competi ROUTE IS nl the CIRCLE WOR News. John Scott Strictly for Women First place awards in three BUS—WCBS Kenneth Bnnghart WNBC News: Bill Cullen tion from the 60 old films of mine MOVIE TIMETABLE ot THE kdayn Open 8:30—Movle» Al 1:00 • US—WABC News categories went to James Davis, SuniUyi Onlr Open 5:30 Movlei i:U0 WOR News: Galen Drak« that Republic released to TV. RED BANK fVENINO • 130—WHTG News: 177 Park Ave.; Charles Low, 87 Henry Fonda - James Cagney • :0O—WABC Jack Carney Relaxing Muslo 'As for features, that's a tough Carlton—Journey To The Lost Orchard Sf., and Robert Emer- Jack Lemmon in • ISS—WNBC Emphn.ls * market now. People can see 10 WCBS News 10:00—WABC Dick Sheparr! City 3:20; 7:00; 9:55; Stop, son, 20 Shore Blvd. "MR. ROBERTS" WNBC News: Spo-'i WCBS News: Arthur westerns every night on TV, so Look, Laugh 2:00; 8:30. Runner-up awards went to Dom- WOR News. Lvle Van Godfrey they aren't eager to buy tickets FOUNTAINS plus "BATTLE CRY" •US—WABC News. Ed Silvffman inick Melevoni, 71 Orchard St.; WHTG Headlines, Musio EATONTOWN WCBS Spurts, n.-b Cook* WNBC New>: Art Ford to see them, They might gn for Mrs. Mabel Betts, 199 Park Ave.; of Long Branch WNBC Art Ford WOR News Reports big epics like 'The Alamo' and Drive-In—Cartoons 7:00; Mr. WOR News; John Wlnfat* 10:15—WOR Martha Deane Mrs. Andrew Wenger, 44 Morn- «:S0—WCBS News: Business 10:30—WHTO News. 'Cimarron.' But I think I'd have Roberts 7:30; Battle Cry 9:55. • HATS WABC John Daly ingside Ave.; Mrs. Thsron Land- Relaxing Muslo trouble making a profit on the wehr, 28 Cottage St.: Joseph WOK News, WOR Interviews. HAZLET • NOISEMAKIRS Henry Gladnton* Martha T>ean* kind of picture I used to make Stanker, 81 Orchard St.; George . «I4O—WCBS Paul Harvev 10SSS—WABC News: Dick Rhepard for $250,000. Loow's Drive-In—Cartoon 7:00; Preston, 11 Beacon Blvd.; George WCBS Financial News WNBC Emphasis Three Worlds Of Gulliver 7:- • FUN FOR ALL! WNBC Financial News 11:00—WCBS News: Hou«« Party I don't mean I'm through as Schreiber, 14 Cottage St.; Frank «!4S—WABC Howard Cosell WHTG Headlines: Muslo an actor. I'd still like to do a 05; 10:20; Secrets Of Purple Pizzechillo, Park Ave. and Or- WCBS Lo-well Thomas WNRC News: Art Ford Reef 9: Off. WOR Snorts. Stan Lomaj WOR News. ilm, but it would have to be chard St.; Mrs. Theresa Tiede- WNBC Three St«r Extra 11:15—WOR McCanna at Rome something that fit me. I'm 52 now, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS mann," 29 Orchard St.; Andrew •US—WCBS Sports Time WCBS Rarry Mnore . and I don't want to play a lead DANCING ALL NITE T100—WABC FHward P Mornn WHTG Red Bank Register Atlantic-GI Blues 7:22; 9:25. Varna, 20 Cottage St.; Mrs. Wil- WCBS Mews; Interviews Newt, Pete Hoffman ing man of 30 or 35. Some of these liam Price, 30 Morningside Ave, WNBC News: Wayn. Howell WOR McCanns Hi Ilom» stars look silly trying to make KEANSBURG To The Four Stylists WOR Fulton I.ewl. 11:30—WCBS r.arrv Moore and Thomas Kenavan, 26 Twilight Till—WABC Farrell Smith Show love to a girl of 17 when ih<;y Casino—Saturday Kiddie Mati- Ave. featuring Nancy Smith, SongHtress "JOURNEY TO WOR Business: Newi 11:SS—WARC NmvH are in their 50s. The ones who nee 2 p. m. GI Blues 6:45; 9:- LOST CITY TUB—WCBS News; ErI Joyce WNBC Emphau. Judges in the contest, limited "Stop, Look, Laugh WNBC Morgan Beatty lliSS—WHTG Midday 3'ock Report lasted, liked, like Clark Gable and 10; Legend Of Sleepy Hollow to the Beacon Beach area of the 8:40. borough, were Police Chief Al- * FREE BREAKFAST * KEYPORT, phonsus McGrath; Mrs. Helen RADIO STATION Thomas, Planning Board secre- Limited Reservations for Your Convenience •"* Strand-Three Worlds Of Gulli- tary, and John Savage, borough Minimum (Cm be used for Comic Masterpiece ver 6:45; 9:45; The Secret Of collector. The Purple Reef 8:29. p,r parten food or drink) I'm All Right Jack" Ocean t Morris Aw., Long Branch CA 2-7200 ON WEEKDAYS OPEN »,J0-MOVI!S AT 7:00 LONG BRANCH In one recent year French gour- SUNDAY! ONLY-OPEN S:3O~MOVIEJ AT tOO [IIIIH i IKI . urn m.

FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT Price Per Person full course Filet Mignon Dinner. • Wednesday thru. Saturday $ Favors ... Noise Makers... Hats Saturday Matinee .75 Donh Miss The Big Cocktail Party ... Indoor Splash ELVIS Parties .. Games .. Songs .. Dancing includes everything CELEBRATION PRESLEY 13 JULIET PROWS! COMPLETE FLOOR SHOW •WINING •DINING •DANCING In The Driftwood — with "GI BLUES" Starring AND HIS its new look — will pro- In Technicolor LLOYD PRICE ORCHESTRA vide oil the party ex- Sunday thru Wednesday Sunday • Monday Cont, TR LUS trat to make your New featuring ^ H | p| |y HIN E S 'ONE Barbara LaMarr DORIS DAY Year's Eve the greatest. At the BAR REX HARRISON MYRNA LOY pius Surprise well known guest stars ! ! ! Complete Sirloin Steak Dinner $15 ,','';„ In Nothing like this anywhere but the BIG ... BOLD . . . SPANKING NEW, SPAR- "MIDNIGHT KLINGLY CLEAN AND BEAUTIFUL FABULOUS DUNES RESORT. For Reservations Reserve your tabk at the DRIFTWOOD T LACE" Call. . . PRospcet 4-6300 on Rt. 33 at West Bangs Ave. Exit 00B off Garden State OCEAN AVENUE $£ 2-9839 SEA BRIGHT In Technicolor Parkway . . . Neptune, N. J. JOMfT ffcofc tKMKf OUT M Book Ail fir* of 0ww wtaMK Vm\ ftotage of now) power aw f+\ Ml to the Confederacy, The t\rp^ Reviews tiing hold of the Vnton btekste on the Confederacy's coast, and THE CIVIL WAR AT SEA, Vol the supremacy of Union fleets on I: The Blockaders. By Virgil Car- the Confederacy's rivers was a rington Jones. Holt, Rinehart and disadvantage that no feat of land Winston. $6. arms could overcome. It is not an The author is authority for the original thesis, but it never has statement that he "scarcely knew been developed so convincingly, one end of a ship from the oth- or so coherently, as a unified er" when h» embarked upon this chronicle. history of "The Civil War at Sea." The reviewer is authority for the statement that Jones has It adds up! More and more earned his diploma as a naval people use The Register ads each historian, with honors. issue because results come fas- FREE! ONE 25-LB. BAG TRIUMPH DOG MEAL WITH EACH 5O-LB. BAG OF TRIUMPH KIBBLED DOG BISCUIT *635

RARIN' TO GO are the four children of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Broder of 76 Ridge Rd., FRED D. WIKOFF CO. Rumson. Left to right are Betsy, 5, Chip, 7, Mike, 8V2, and Carley, 10. The family RED BANK TEL. SH 1-0554 it spending the holidays skiing at Stowe, Vt.

South China's Kwangtung Prov- ince said: Hunger in Red China "Everybody is half dead in my village. The work from 5 a.m. to ,.. . to you and yours 11 p.m. and all they get is seven our sincere best wishes LION'S People Have No Time for Interest ounces of rice and a few sticks of vegetables a day." OFFERS YOU ALL THfcSE In Moscow-Peiping Relations Another, back from CluinRshan, for happiness and prosperity a county bordering the tiny Por- FINE SERVICES! u cs e col n of Maca i during the coming year. By RONNIE WEI tence. But, as far as can be as- f, .f , 1I ° y °' ^ • DRY CLEANING • RUG CLEANING fo lks h8Ve not scen ea HONG KONG (AP) - To much certained here, the majority of|f.^ , f '" ; • LAUNDRY * PILLOW RENOVATION the 650 million Chinese arc not fl!*- 9'1 a"d suKa,r for m0"lhs lor the confidence and trust of the world, the most import- During the past few months, ac- • FUR STORAGE • FUR REPAIRS aware of the issue. Nor do they ant news of communism in I960 cording to the Peiping People's you have placed in us,.. CALL SH 7-2800 FOR FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY care. probably was the Moscow-Peip- Daily, more than six million city M-76 WHITE STREET RED BANK Hunger and back-bending hard youth have been mobilized to work and the many opportunities labor dominate their life. They in the fields. Communist China is have' little time to worry about carrying out a radio and news- you have given us to save you anything else, not even the rigid paper campaign urging farmers Communist regimentation. to work harder. during the past year ... Official Communist reports say "But," said one recent fugi the worst natural disasters of the tive, "the harder we work, the all oj us here say "Thank you" century affected half the total ag- hungrier we get. There is a limit ricultural acreage in Communist to human endurance." China this year. Those who fled to this tiny British colony durin.q the last half of 1960 have listed hunger as the main reason for their escape. MAINSTAY They reported an acute food [INSURID shortage in rural as well as ur- ban areas, with reduced rations FEDERAL SAVINGS LIQUOR STORES of meat, oil, fish and sugar. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Relatives and friends on the mainland have deluged Chinese 36 MONMOUTH STREET RED BANK in Hong Kong with urgent mes- sages asking for food packages. New I'LL PUT YOU IN A Communist Chinese authorites WINTERIZED CAR! allow each family to receive on- Year's ly one food package weighing one I'm O. Howie Hustles, the Reg- kilogram (2.2 pounds) each ister Classified Ad, who he'ps a month—and receivers have to pay lot of people get into safer and STOCK UP NOW FOR YOUR high duties. better cars. Be sure to check It Pays to Advertise in The Register " The first official sign of wide- with me before you buy a car NEW YEAR'S PARTY spread famine appeared in July when the official Peiping People's Davidson's Most Popular COLONEL ROY Daily devoted an entire issue to plans for increasing agriculture BLENDED KENTUCKY STRAIGHT output. It stressed for the first time since the Communist conquest of Whiskey Bourbon the mainland that agriculture is more important than industry. VICTORY untucky's Finest However, the real horror of .39 the famine was brought out by Quart hard working "amahs"—house- MARKET RED BANK 4 maids—who returned to Hong 86 Proof-40% £.99 Full Quart Kong, after visiting their families S Years or More in villages in South China. OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M. A 24-year-old amah who re- DAVIDSON'S ST. FRANCIS turned from Hsinhui County in 21 W. FRONT ST., RED BANK • DELIVERY • SH 7-0508 FRUIT Extra Attraction PRIVATE STOCK 7RESH CORNFED JERSEY SMALL WHOLE •• £± MARYLAND BRANDY Printed Pattern c SIZ£ STRAIGHT RYE • Peach • Cherry 9077 s 12-20 Ib • Apricot • Blackberry 100° Bottled In Bond .79 fresh HAMS 5 9 10 yrs. .25 CENTER SAVARIN or Fifth old 3 OLD DUTCH CUT 5 Quart Pork CHOPS 79:1 COFFEE 70 PROOF

IMPORTED IMPORTED FANCY YOUNG 5-6 LB. j\ #fc WYCLIFFE PIERRE LE R0I Ib SCOTCH FRENCH BRANDY WHISKY 7 STAR fresh FOWL 39 DELICIOUS * I BONELESS t Fine Ib Lighl .99 LONDON ROAST XRIB 8? Bodied .99 BROIL 99*1 Fifth 4 Fifth Aged and Blended in Scotland 4 Imported Holland or Danish - No Waste - J% ^% NATURALLY FERMENTED IN THE BOTTLE Ib Davidson's Finest N. Y. State Champagne & .99 canned HAMSOu Sp. Burgundy Fifth LEAN ROLL TOAST THE SEASON WITH THE BEST 2 SAUSAGE 3 * T'l"»" CHOP BEEF 3 26-or. bottlt ALL ABOVE ITEMS ARE DAVIDSON EXCLUSIVES SWIFTS PREMIUM BUTTERBALL - 18 Ib. up c Happy New Year to All! Ib TWO necklines — low-scooped TURKEYS and casual collar! TWO skirts— 49 princess-flared and arrow-slim! FANCY 3V>-Lb. Whip up new day-to-dinner ward- ROAST ib robe with this wonderful pattern. CHICKEN 3ft | £"• TURKEYS 59 It's beginner-easy sewing. ICEBERG Printed Pattern 9077: Misses' SNAPPY C Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 INDIAN RIVER takes 4% yards ,35,-lnch fabric, Send 50c (coins) for this pat- GREEN BEANS LETTUCE 15 tern—add 10c fo'k'snch pattern 15 GRAPEFRUIT IVHD for Ist-class mailing. Send to SWEET RIPE LIQUOR STORES Marian Martin, Red Hank Regis- ter, Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th C St., New York II, N. Y. Print di 5 for FREE PARKING 39National Football League Completes Neptune, 64-58, in Holiday Jubilee JDraft of 2 30 Players From 130 Teams

I for pro duty included ends Mar- ASBURY PARK — Matawan! Wild Action I hit on one of two attempts to half. Peterson, besides getting a PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Na- The led Antonio (Calif.). :majority of the Matawan re-; tional Football League teams the draft parade with 26 selec- Of the draft-eligible All-Amer- lin McKeevcr, Southern Califor High displayed a (antaslic shoot- The action was wild in the last make the score 59-51. . nia (Los Angeles), and Elbert feu minutes, just when it seemed Matawan Hikes Lead bounds, hit for 17, while Bowie; yesterday completed a college tions in the 20 rounds as a result icans, ends , Pitt, ing percentage last night in de- Kimbrough, Northwestern (Balti- the Huskies would win going Bill Collins hit on a one- was also in double figures with; player draft of 280 players from of choices acquired from other (Chicago), and Dan LaRose, Mis- feating Neptune, 64-58, to gain more); E. J. Holub, Texas Tech away. hander to hike the Huskie lead. '•'• 1130 schools and immediately set clubs in previous trades. St. souri (Detroit); and tackles Ken Rice Auburn (St. Louis) and center (Dallas); quarterback the final round of the Holiday With the Huskies in command, but Beauford and Walter Hol- Kern Nets 12 Points out to overcome a competitive Louis and Baltimore each picked Basket-Bowl Jubilee being played Top point producers for the handicap of some six weeks in 22 and Cleveland, Green Bay and Bob'Lilly, TCU, (Dallas) wentjFrank Tarkenton^ of Georgia 5fi-M, at the. outset of the final land both scored on two quick (Minnesota); tailback Bill Kil- Fliers were Moore, Al Kern and signing the stars. Los Angeles 21 each. Pittsburgh, early. Yale guard Bill Balme at the Convention Hall here. period, the points for both teams steals and the Fliers had pullrd mer, UCLA (San Francisco); Au- Beauford. Moore hit on seven Although Commissioner Petej which usually deals away most of (Philadelphia); Mississippi quar- Coach Bruce MncC'im henns came far and few between. Rollie to within three. SI-5S. Neptune burn back Ed Dyas (Baltimore) Peterson broke the fourth period had control with 59 seconds re- long one-handers for 14 markers Rozelle refused to complain or) its selections for veteran players, terback -;(Cleveland ; 1 and , Indiana tackle Huskies hit "6 per cent in tin sennnf.' ice with a foul shot after maining. The Huskies then stole while Kern and Rcauford had 12' say anything officially, it was] was low on the totem pole with; and Navy's (Wash- first hall to move out to a 4S-.1I) almost two minutes had elapsed the ball but a bad pass handed it and respectively. Holland obvious that the older league suf- only 14 choices. lington) were late choices. Gibbsj (Detroit), lead at intermission and hit an in the period. Peterson then up-:back lo the Fliers. With 27 sec- chipped in with nine. fered somewhat from its attempt Among the colleges, the Pitt is apparently baseball bound and! NFL teams were cheered some- The Huskies, who lost 60-48 lo to co-operate with, the National Panthers apparently were well Bellino has Navy service ahead^what by news from San Francis- even 50 per cent in the second pci! the Huskie lead to eight wiih onds left after the Fliers had f I,;,,., . ' co that a majority of the players a jumper. After both teams had'called time out. Maralea tied up the Fliers in their openinpg g ggame i Collegiatg e Athletic Association. scouted as the pros took eight O half to top the Fliers. Mason Was No. 1 they drafted who are playing in missed a couple of shots, the Holland for a jump ball. Peter- of the season, will face Key-! Rozelle, in order to oblige the players from the Eastern power, the East-West Shrine game fav- The game, witnessed by ap- Huskies gained possession with a!son grabbed the tap and the Hus 'port, a 77-56 winner last night in, NCAA, scheduled the NFL draft! Seven each were drawn from 11- The draft session, in addition proximately 1.200 screaming 1 to the five hours it took to com-or the established league over the little more than V/2 minutes re-ikies went into a freeze. Magce i the first same, tonight for the for the end of December.' >Ie! linqis, Northwestern, Mississippi fans, went right down to the maining in the game. 'was fouled with :20 remaining, ; championship. Notre Dame of went along with the college and Syracuse. Michigan State, plete the first round, was marked! AFL. Of those asked about their wire. The Fliers had pulled to The Huskies then lost the ball but missed. Neptune grabbed the ! Trenton, last year's champ, did'group's request not to dratt or Rose Bowl bound Washington. by the number one selection of pro leanings, Mason, Ditka, Mar- within three points of Matawan on a walking violation, but stole;rebound, but Magee stole a pass not compete this year. ' attempt to sign collegians in Baylor and Ohio State were Tulane's Tom Mason, a speedy lin, McKeever, Bernie Casey, with 4! seconds left, and had il right back with three minutes and passed to Bill Bowie who The loss was the Flier's first post season games. The infant tapped for six each. As usual, the halback, by the league's newest Bowling Green halfback (San possession of the ball. left. Forty-five seconds then dumped the final field goal of the after opening with four wins, League' how pros dipped into comparatively franchise, the Minnesota Vikings. Francisco); Joe Rutgens, Illinos The Vikings, led by General Man- tackle (Washington), Herb Ad- The game put on by these two ticked off the clock until llenryigame. Bowie was fouled on the Mnfmvnn (HI ' j»pinn» (.wi_ ^ pl ever, told the NCAA to go kick unknown institutions for the pro- C, F P clubs was the best brand of Moore stole a pass and scored on play and converted the free K>r-i s' 2 12j its football and drafted in split verbial sleepers, picking from ager Bert Rose, selected 20 play- derley, Michigan State back basketball seen on the shore this a drive for the F'licrs. Again the throw to complete the win for S 17 I Hf.vilnrii such places as Grambling (La.), ers. They'll get 36 more from a (Green Bay) and Tom Matte, .'. 0 10 ' Mnurp i j!!!i sessions held late in November season and prnbably the best Huskies played possession ball, in the Huskies, fi 1 II ' P.nn>5f y "• i Mand carlv December. Philander Smith (Ark), Lake league pool at the annual meet- Ohio State quarterback (Balti- over the past few years. The hopes of a sure basket. Hi is time Magep sparkled for Matawan I 1 3 • Irvln 0 0 1), As a result, AFL teams have Forrest (III.), Wagner (N. Y.),ing in New York next month. more) said they favor the NFL Ti 4 I opening minutes lei the fans it was Nate Beau ford who stole1 with his shooting and ball handl- Pall«r5 "been beating the bushes, signing McNeese State and Mount San Other 11)60 college stars tapped over the AFL. know whar was in store. Both the ball for Neptune. Terry Ma- ing. The 5-10 backcourt ate hit players. Their activities had clubs had six points before a shot gee fouled Beauford on the layup'iO points for the evening, 16 i,a definite effect on the NFL! was missed. NiM.ti|.!e iattempt and the Flier reboundercoming in the Huskies' big first Off:r:.iN draft. Coaches and general man-] agers took twice as long—some \ 20 hours over 2 two-day period- j to complete their task. Theyj drafted only after long distance telephone calls of assurance that players selected had not been signed by the rival AFL, and| were interested in playing in the! NFL. | Long Time For Selections | Some teams took as long asj two and a half hours before mak-| ing a selection. The others sat and waited while some player was routed out of his English class and asked, "Hey fellow, are! you signed, and if not will you play with us?" I Rozelle would not say what he I intends to do next year, but senti- ment' among the teams was to [ hold an early draft. The NFL1 may not think too much of the I quality of AFL football, but it re- spects the year-old league's wide |open checkbooks. The older league apparently realizes you can't give the op- position a six-week lead in play- BUCKEYE TOUCH TO THIS — Two standout players, quarterback Tom Math of Ohio er signing competition, any more State, left, and center Dick Grecni of Ohio U., practice tha T-formation handback thauian one teaicam can give anotneanother L J IL C I U I • i • i . n . n i ,i r . . a point handicap on the playing, here under the eVe ofJoe Kuharich. ri9"*. Notr. Dam* coach, at the Eait team prac- field. tices for the East-West gam* in San Francisco, Saturday. Fans Shower Celtics With Wharram's Coals Eggs as Hawks Win, 105-99 Nip Hawks, 1-3 CHICAGO (AP) - Ken Whar- KEYPORT ROLLS OVER LAKEWOOD —Keyport High School defeated Lakewood, 77-56, last night in the Holiday ST. LOUIS (AP) - The St. Boston offensive with 19 points, ram's two goals gave the Chica- Louis Hawks defeated the Boston and Bob Cousy contributed 16! go Black Hawks a 4-3 victory Basket-Bowl Jubilee tournament at the Asbury Park Convention Hall. In the photo at left, Sam Katz, right, Lake- Celtics for the first time this to the Celtics' cause. over the Boston Bruins in a Na- wood is forcing a jump ball despite three Keyporters in his way. Keyporters in the action, left to right, are Larry season, scoring a 105-99 victory The Hawks had a 28-21 lead at tional Hockey League game here Poland, Leonardis and Larry Wilson. In right photo, Bruce Jackson, No. 15, shows his touch in getting off a shot that was interrupted when fans the end of the first quarter. But last night. sliuwered the Celtics with eggs while being flanked by two Piners, Marfy Engel, left, and Maano Milles, Lakewood. Jackson sparked the Raiders' they had stiff going in the second] The triumph was the second in late in the fourth quarter. and Boston led at halftime, 48-46. a row for the fourth-place Hawks victory with 28 points. The finals in the tourney will be played tonight with Keyport and Matawan meeting for Boston had beaten St. Louis The visitors had a one-point and moved them nine points the first trophy battle of the 1960-61 cage season. With these tough foes on the field or basketball court, three times, twice at home and! edge at the end of the third per- ahead of New York. •he game should draw tremendous interest. once in St. Louis, and the., fansj iod, 73-72. Wharram's first goal of the apparently expected another dis- But the Hawks saved their best game, and his fourth of the year, appointing evening and came period for the final one, when pulled the Hawks even at 3-3 armed with eggs. they counted 33 to Boston's 26. midway in the second period. His Dutchman Gets With about five minutes to goj second came at the 18-second Keyport 5 Smothers Piners "Gee I'm sorry — it was mark of the final period. And lin the last period, Coach Red; Pro Basketball my husband I meant to Sports Car JAuerbach and his players weref the Hawks hung on for the re- ! pelted with eggs during a time kick!"- mainder of the hard fought Kxtrrn IllvUlon frame. 77-56, in Basket-Bowl Play NEW YOkK (AP) — Norm out. Attendants had to mop up W I. Pil. C..B. notion J:i II .«7n Don McKenney's 14th goal of Van Brocklin, quarterback of thejthe floor and Frank Ramsey of a . 23 II Ml ' i tne It 17 .1.12 :>, the year gave the Bruins an early ASBURY PARK — Keyportjivith 13 while Milles had 12 tal- I Philadelphia Eagles who won the! Celtics was boosted up to 10 21 .291 III wi e off a Western lllvMnn lead in the first period but a long High last night advanced to the lies. (National Football League cham- P backboard, \V I. Pel. (i.B. shot by Chicago defenseman El- Bob Pettit played a brilliant si. I.O«I« 21 » .-Ill finals of the fifth annual Holiday The loss was the first for the Canadiens ipionship, today received the . i:m I)'/.Avoid, s Strike mer Vasko moved the Hawks Basket-Bowl Jubilee with a 77- Piners, who started the season | sports car ggive n by Sporp t Magga ;ame, netting 35 points to .Mi 11 1 even at 13:24 of the period. the Hawks' attack. Clyde Lovell- unroll . 13 19 56 win over Lakewood. Bruce'with five wins. ' Izine as the outstanding player in ARCADIA, Calif. (AP) — Un-j Chicago went in front, 2-1, on Jackson sparkled for the Raiders Keyport plays. Matawan for the Defeat jthe 1960 pro title game. ette added 24 before he fouled out Dolph Camilli, ex-Dodger slug- interrupted racing at Santa a goal by Stan Mikita late in the with his scoring and playmaking. tourney title tonight while Lake- of the Baltimore with less than two minutes re- ger who scouts California for Anita for the balance of the 55-first frame but BostoA's Andre The junior guard, though rested wood tangles with Neptune in! Colts won the award in both maining in the game. the Yankees, has five sons and! Maple Leafs day winter meeting was assuredj Pronovost v and Orval Tessier for nearly half of the third quart-: the consolation match for third 1958 and 1959. Ramsey led an unusally weak all are active in sports. yesterday when negotiators scored to put Boston back on er, hit for 10 field goals and eightplace. TORONTO (AP) — The league- reached agreement on a new con- top in the second period. Less charfty tosses for a total of 28 '•»i-<-«'«'i (.Mil i Kpypnrl (771 than a minute after Tessier's r, V V r. f i, leading Montreal Canadiens, with tract for parimutuel clerks, val- points. , ivic-! I 2 ( 10 R 'J tally, which came with Chicago's Pnlai !;: reserve goalkeeper Charlie Hodge ets, grandstand workers and as- The Raiders jumped out to a-Ky'R"| Buhl. Brie Nesterenko in the penalty r J 'j. ]";playing a spectacular game, de-l 46-29 halftime lead only to find, M'cKi'lvcy l i n Wll>< sistant starters. box, . Wharram took advantage !l'l,» 1 '.' I the Piners battling back to a 10->,»;'.•*« 0 feated the Toronto Maple Leafs, The new pact was reached of a penalty to Pronovost to back point deficit, -t!)-3f), early in the ^,":^,, J 4-1, last night in a National after an 18-hour negotiating ses- hand a pass by Ab McDonald o n 1 third period I ? I ' Sl!!lt7 n n J Hockey League contest that saw sion between the Federation of past Boston goalie Bruce Gamble Maano Milles and Dave Me- V V 3.Toronto's Frank Mahovlich kept California Racing Associations who was down on the ice in the Kelvcy sparked the Pincr surfie lo :.-, ;v!off tnc score sheet for the first! and the Building Service Em- Boston nets. f vy ployes International Union. with 1wo buckets each. lacksnn i: i II M time in eight games. j Wharram's second goal came IB IS The agreement, affecting 10 hit for five points later in the The Canadiens wrapped it up' on a tip of a long pass by de- quarter to pull the Raiders back California tracks, calls for a $3 with a two-goal first period,! a day wage increase over three fenseman Dollard St. Laurent. Into a healthy lead. 62-43, going traded goals with the Leafs in the Into the final period. Demaeslri Signs years and a contribution by second period and scored their management to the union pen- Pro Hockey Jackson Stars NBA STANDINGS final counter with 2>/2 minutes of; sion fund. AMiirlatrri I'rrs* Yankees' Pad I the game remaining after the' KR'Irrn Division Jackson was responsible in Under the contract, which is H I. Fcl. O.B. mos t of the Keyport scoring NEW YORK (AP) - .Joe Leafs had taken the play away! retroactive to Sept. 17 when the Ronlon 2:1 II .«7fi from them in a furious third I'hllailrliihln 22 II ,(IHT (* gnrees. He scored six ooints as Demaeslri, veteran New York old one expired, management Syrnru^r it 17 ,453 "7V4 period offensive. Nnv Voi* III ;i ,2111 i;i the Raiders jumped out to an .Yankee infielder, yesterday be- Jim Andenon contributes 35 cents, 30 cents and «>'.4 ment for Jacques Plante, pulled years. 1.0% .AnxrlM it 22 ,!WH II dcore 311-22. the speeclv jump shot si;jn his IHIil player contract llplroll 12 III ,3H7 IO',4 nrlict hit on three straight fast Dnrnacstri, 32, hit only .!!!!2 in some acrobatics to get in front Scales under the old contract breaks. V) jjann.'s last season but fiiiiirn"; of labelled goals. ranged from $27.60 to $62.60 a IOG THWARTS GOLFERS Jackson icraved ^ood scorin;: to see more service this season The Canadicn scorers were day. BOONE, N. C. (AP) - It was assistance from Larry W'lson and now that Gil McDou.^a'd has r.e- Billy Ilicko, .lean Guy Gendron, The pay raise of $1 a day each quite foggy in this Western North S-'f junior center I.arrv Poland, tired, Boom-Boom Geuffrion and.Ralph year for Hie next three years Carolina town recently. who gathered 18 and 13 points, The Yankees also ;• Backstrom. Toronto's * goal, coincided with union demands. The misty stuff was so heavy saired resoectiwly. ' iCoach Frank Crosetti ir-ii „,. •'" 17:OS of the second per- However, the Union compromised that golf pro Joe Maples Had The Lakewnod points were;Gus Mauch. halting .'.'''"'i«d when I-ddie Shack banged In-' on the pension contribution. An to call off a day's play in tho Hod e kll0ckin c Koread out as nine flayers hit|pitcher Spud Murr.iy ln,\ in "' « K "} P"<* loose equal fringe benefit contribution annual Blue Ridge Golf tourna- • from his hands and into the cage, ment. It was fogged out, Maplej the scoring column. McKelvcVjScouts headed by 1 of $1 a day each year had been was high man for the Piners-had signed. -was disputed by the Canadiens asked. announced. : but referee Frank Udvari ruled I that it was good. Mahovlich, the Leafs' brilliant Iff Gigoinric 22-year-old left winger, was kept 1H£ well in check. He had scored ot General Tire Sale J least once a garni' in the last I NEW FORD OR OTHER (GENERAL i .seven contests. I CARS AND TRUCKS TIRE Because of its Inij-ie population SUGAR BOWL — It'll bo Mississippi (9-0-1) against Rice University (7-3> in the PHIL WALDMAN'S 25<7o OFF growth, Red Chinii reportedly is Sugar Bowl gamo at Now Orleans with Mississippi the favorito. Tho Rico Owlj are GULF Mfg's List Price plus fax and exchange n'M'lllitiK great musses of people Hondod by Billy Cox, quflrtorbiick, who toppod toam in offonso, complotod AS of 80 in underdeveloped areas of Sin SERVICE STATION p.issos. Olo Miss will bo Iod by Jako Gibbs, the All-Amorican quartor who led tho McMANUS & FISK. Inc. kiiinj; ,iiii| Inner Munjiolin. Moplt Av.. A W. r»ont St. to.irii in offnnso, fliid two fujlbacks, Jim Andorson, who gainrd 505 yards rushing, and Open Dnl'v nnd Sun. 7 A. INI. • 10 P, M 1724 ASBURY AVENUE ASBURY PARK i;\\K ui.dh'ii.i: Bill Adorn-,, who tut nod in 248 y.uds rushi;ig. Olo Miss boat LSU 21-0, in '60 Sugar CALL SH 7-0308 J I iui.-il.n. llu . :.!'J, I%U Bowl g

; NEW YORK (AP) — Normjposts and Jimmy Brown of) Van Brocklin, in his final year (This is the fifth of eight Detroit for for Kansas City at League t rest, the NL voted to Van Brocklin, the old quarter- Cleveland at fullback. of football flinging, succeeded reviews on sports in I960). J season's end. replacing Bnb lil- pick up Houston and return to back master of the Philadelphia Johnny Unitas who led the Bal- By ED WILKS liott. Bob Scheffing took over New York in 1061 The Ameri- The brilliant quartet was pick- at Detroit, t can decided to go to 10 teams Eagles, heads the National Foot- ed for the offensive team on thetimore Colts to the champion- ball League All-Star annual All-Star array chosen for ship in 1959. Associated Press Sports Writer ,„ ,he expansion action, the. in ).%). moving the Washington that also includes the Associated Press by a nation This time Johnny didn't even Major leagua baseball opened majors agreed to crack their Senators to Minneapolis-St. Paul bf Green Bay and Lenny Moore wide panel of sports waiters and make the second team. That a new decade in 1960 with ex- j half-century format. After lay- and adding Los Angeles and & bf honor went to Cleveland's Milt pansion plans. Ted Williams j i"g the non- playing Continental: new Washington franchise, Plum on his record of few inter- bowed out in typically dramatici ceptions and 60.4 completion fashion and the Yankees closed' percentage. Unitas led the quar- the book on Casey Stengel. I terbacks with 25 touchdown The expansion rhubarb and' passes but 24 of his aerials were Stengel's demise robbed the intercepted. Pittsburgh Pirates of much space Although Van Brocklin and his after the Hues won their first mates beat Green Bav, 17-13, for National League pennant in 33 the championship, the Packers years and tljen beat the Yankees landed six and the Eagles only in a weirdly wondrous World Se- three of the 22 first team posi- iies on Bill Mazeroski's nintli- tions. inning home run in the seventh The offensive and defensive j game. | teams, announced today, also in- j William, at 4'-, called it quits eluded four Colts, '.wo players three games before the season i each from St. Louis, Cleveland ended—hitting the 521st home run and New York, and one man of his ID-year career, a -120-foot each from Detroit, Chicago and shot, in his final at bat. Ted San Francisco. Pittsburgh, Los finished with a .344 career bat- Angeles, Washington and Dallas ting average. failed to gain a place on the Stengel, at 70, brought the first teams. Yankees their 10th American Exactly one half of last year's STRETCH FOR REBOUND — Tom Wynne of St. Joseph's League flag in his 12 years as all-stars made the first teams outleaps Tom Hannon (32) of St. Bonaventure for ball manager. But shortly after the World Series, the Yankees picked again.- The repeaters included during their gams in the Holiday Festival at New York's six on offense—Moore, end Ray coach Ralph Houk to replace a Berry and tackle Jim Parker of Madison Square Garden. Other identifiable player is reluctant Stengel, who was let GREAT IN A PINCH — Manager Danny Murraugh of fh« Baltimore; guard Jim Ray Smith John Egan (43) of St. Joseph's. St. Bonaventure won, out under a club retirement plan. Pittsburgh Pirates nips Bill Mazeroski's cheek soon after and Brown of Cleveland; and 83-70. (APWirephoto) The end for Stengel was as tha second baseman won the World Series with a ninth- center of Green Bay. boisterous as the end for the ... . . r. , The defensive reoeaters in- Yankees in the Series, when! mning hom9 rUn '" the fmal cluded end Gino Marchetti of Ralph Terry's second pitch in the GOAL-TENDER AGE —The New York Rangers' goalie Baltimore; and Cuban Player British Boxer bottom of the ninth was jolted Lome (Gump) Worsley, gets a real assist here as hissafety Jimmy Patton of New over the left field wall at Forbes Five (loaches of Bowl Teams York; linebacker Bill George of two soni, Dean, 4, and Lorno Jr., 9, join him in the nets Field by Mazeroski. Chicago and halfback Abe Wood- To Stay in U.S. To Fight Jan. 4 After getting clobbered in both in New York at the recent holiday party for the Rangers' son of San Francisco. MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) — NEW YORK (AP) — Terry All-Star games, 5-3 at Kansas Nominees for Top (loach Honor kiddies. The teams: A Cuban youngster who came Downes, 24 - year - old British City and fi-0 at New York, the First Team here a month ago to play in middleweight boxing champion, American League had figured to OFFENSE: lOrange Bowl tennis matches arrived in Neiv York last night to re coup in the World Scries with ROCHESTER, N. Y. (AP) - Ends — Ray Berry, Baltimore, I droppedrnnnerdl out of competition yes- prepare for his Jan. 14 world a Yankee crew that had set a Five coaches whose teams will and Sonny Randle. St. Louis. Iterday saying "I don't have title fight with Paul Pender in league record with 193 home Robertson's play in post-season bowl classics Tackles - Jim Parker, Balti-;time." Boston. runs. arc among the eight nominees for the 26th annual American WLING more, and Forrest Grogg, Green Marcel Weiss, IS-year-old But after six games, the series P.ender is recognized as cham- 38 Points Sparks Tavana high school student, said Football Coaches Association Bay. pion in New York, Massachu-| was square. The Yankees, break- major college "Coach of the • Guards — .Tim Rry Smith, he will stay in the United States I setts and Europe. Gene Fullmer ing virtually every club hitting Year" award. Cleveland, and , for the present. is the National Boxing Associa- record, won their three by theRoyals' Win Green Bay. He said he is not opposed toition champion. improbable scores of 16-3, 10-0 Murray Warmath, coach of the SYRACUSE, N. Y. (AP) - Center — Jim Ringo, Green the Fidel Castro regime but, Downes, accompanied by hisand 12-0. The Pirates, relying on national champion Minnesota l(KI) BANK KKCHKATION' Izzy Catalano ... in: Oscar Robertson scored 38 points Golden Gophers, and his Rose .Sieve (Jnu'tcy ... >" I Bav. when asked for more details, wife and 18-month-nld 'laughter.]reliever Elroy Face to save all (O.MMKIU IAI, I.KAGI I: OrtJe Nurcro.fi ... 1B2 added: "I'd better not talk and Jack Twyman 35 as the Cin- Bowl opponent, Jim Owens of W L 111] Quarterback — Norm Van Wendy, said they plan to spend!three, took theirs by 6-4, 3-2 and Red Bank Recreation •> H UUI Ctirley 39 cinnati Royals uncorked a spec- Washington, are candidates for 7 Tuny snvuge ... Kil Brpcklin, Philadelphia about it." about five days with his sister, 5-2. Bond Klectne ••-•- - 'i »'.«Clyde Morfian ... llil tacular second half rally to whip the honor which will be presented Atlantic lintel - ...26 16 Bud Silver 11 llil Halfbacks — Paul Hornung, His mother came here with Mrs. Sylvia Hynes, in Baltimore. Waited 35 Years Bherldnn Bar ...:ii\t lti'i Ben Kelnhardl ... 31 161 Green Bay, and lenny Moore, him but his father remained in The British champ lived in Bal- the New York Knickerbockers, al the Association's annual con- F 4 11 Sunoco '-•'' n Hoi) Mnhely 33 llil In the seventh game, the Bucs 114-104, in the first game of a vention Jan. 11 in Pittsburgh. Llncrolt l'liarmacy 21 IS Vtnee C.irHvrllo Cuba. timore for three years while Jlarlnon Atlnntlc Parkway ...Si'i )!>';. Jjjg Baltimore blew a 4-0 lead behind Face, National Basketball Association Carl ArUoltno ... Jimmy Brown Weiss played- in the Orange serving with the United States The association also will in- McQueen's l-'loor Covering ....'JO'-t 'Jl'l: Jim lily [VI 1591 Fullback — battled back in a five-run eighth double header last night. Bach ralnllng -"'.: -Ulins y Richardson 32 Bowl junior tennis championships Marines. He expects to go to augurate a coaching award for Llncrolt Esso Scrvlcenter -U -'- Kiisi McQueen , ^Cleveland inning touched off by a crazy lllL smin Kleenlz* RUB Cleiinirs 2n 2i which preceded the Orange Bowl Boston Jan. 2. Syracuse and Los Angeles incti " college category and Art Kay isit DEFENSE- grounder that felled Yankee lias fitephenson Mlnutemen 1I!J -1 la Hurt Burton 15S junior cup matches now in in the second game | nominated eight men, each Eimcrc-rust liakriy 16 '-•"' John Accrra !!!!ZI.!.'.. """.. 12 1S8 Ends — Gino'Marchetti, Balti- shortstop Tony Kubck, and then BlcphiMl J. OriMJ. Inc -...l.Vs -Jt)'; progress. Players in the first Perry KM , ™J more, and Andy; Robustelli, New won 10-9 on Maz' shot for their The Royals, down 20 pointnnim*s •eprcscntinR a National Collegi- numbers' Local .No. IS1 l.i'.j -'•'•i Larry Bach , : ate Athletic Association district. Flurry Ixical .No. 1S1 VI .10 Gi-oifce Carey ... i.i5iYork•'-' -'ork.. tourney entered as individuals first world championship since three times early in the. third illg)) Tram. Tlin-e Uamt'S — K. H.(.'Jiarlcs Hamsch Ksli but represented their nations in Murtaugh Named With Warmath and Owens in Rcc 2 6S0; High lnil., Three Gamr-5— John Ki?ely 3fi 1M Tackles—Henry Jordan, Green 1925. period, outscored the Knicks 37- Tom Iloiiil liTJ; High. Team Game — Newt Boron Bay, and , Detroit. the cup competitions. the major college group arc: Atlantic Hotel Wl: High, lnil. Game- Kube Kutz 1.-.3 Pittsburgh, a comeback club 15 in the final period. Jordan Olivar of Yale, Bill Dale ^,'orcrosfl 'J67. (.Jt'iie llyalop .... 1 Linebackers— Chuck Bednarik, Eddie Herr, director of the cupMan of the Year all season, took the National The Knicks lost the ball rc Inillvlilnnl AvornRf* Tom O'Lou^hllli "!r'J~!"'_ 5 ^{Philadelphia. Bill GeorRe, "Chi- tourney said earlier Weiss told -!|less of Ohio University, Bill AY Wilds JJ NEW YORK (AP) — Danny League lead on May 28 andpeatcdly and rarely could get a|Munay of Duke, Ray Graves of Jim Lytai ii 1MI Boitl IS and Bill Forester, Green him that he and a partner, Hern-v Williams - .12 175 Knlnrkl Murtagh, manager of the world stayed there for all but one day.good shot as the Royals burned Florida, Chalmers (Bump) El Boh Korona '•VI 17-1 l I'eak Bay. Odolfo Minoso, also an 18-year- Saky Sakowltz _ 17- champion Pittsburgh Pirates, Milwaukee out-lasted surprising the basket for 14 field goals in --.... ;:u Brannan 12 lot) old Havana student, "could not liott of Michigan, and Frank Tom llonit n 1"U lit) Halfbacks — Tom Brookshicr, yesterday was named "man olSt. Louis for second place, while 23 shots. Is-M'k Mustaeclila -it 177uDl Hardy BurlctL play in the cup matches and Broyles of Arkansas. Duke. CJ(\JL>P DlKnJelf * ^ 1 lit j Philadelphia, and Abe V/oodson, defending champ Los Angeles fin F-itito I'hlmontl .41 Iflf! Tuny I'rivetcra ^.~ .... UK the year" by Sport Magazine. Twyman and Robertson were Florida and Arkansas also are Art Girvry _ r.r ltiS San Francisco represent Cuba. Marcel said he ... °>7 J 118 The magazine also announced ished fourth and favored' San Tom Uiiin ..... ]fit I'at Fetta _ ."J US felt it wasn't the patriotic thing given strong support from rook- scheduled for bowl games. - l-'tnn - - ;i7 11)7 Safety — Jerry Norton, St Francisco wound up fifth. _ :tf> Hi7 Frank Iacaplno H 14S to do." its selections as top rerformers ie Ralph Davis and big Phil Jor- The candidates among the John Arlnzzl Karl BattiTsljy 31 117 Louis and Jim Patton, New York. in 12 sports as follows: The Pirates had one of the Don Carlpy .. ;is Iti7 rjinrhu Davis M7 Both Kili I'ay Cavanaugli . an HO Weiss in a candy store and (tarry Arlanson of Tufts, John Bni> Scott _ _ _ in mt; Lurry Oslano ... _ 33 114 OFFENSE: ball, Willie Mays; College Bas- Vern Law, while Bob Friend as many attempts for a 105-103 j^ti ]Buonano. Sr '. i'i 10) Plotsklan of Albright at Read- 1 P.mty o'Lnrle _,.. 33 143 Minoso as a car rental service bounced 6ack for an 18-12 record John Vitratio 4'i "Kj, ! 113 Ends — Jim Phillips, Los An- ketball, Jerry Lucas; Pro Bas- lead. Twyman had missed a free ing, Pa., Clarence Stasavich of „ ;17 1 ii,r> Tony Cosenllno . V2. attendant. Weiss said his work 3«irrv lie Mont 30 143 geies, and R. C. Owens, San ketball, Wilt Chamberlain; Col Dick Groat, out most of the fina throw and Jordon rebounded to J3ol> Stanflr-trt _.. ;;.( 1 l»Ji 143 Lenoir Rhyne at Hickory, N.C., i'l John I.ovey, Sr. . takes his full time. Claudp Wluilen ..- ... n;i Lou Mnllncnnlco -!'.',!".»'.".'.!'.tR 142 Francisco. • lege Football, Joe Bellino; Pro month after a pitch from Mil' set up Davis for the vital bas- Alonzo (Jake) Gaither of Florid* John Kinncy ...... ,32 HH ;].•» 142 Bill Sullivan - _ in Kit Vtncc Brand Tackles — Roosevelt Brown, Football, Jimmy Brown; Swim- waukee's Lew Burdett broke his ket. The Nicks were able to A&M, F. L. (Frosty) Ferzacca „„, 27 HI Joe Knsnll rs;i 1GH J.iklialj'f h KiipeMnrlnr o 111 ming, Chris Von Saltza; Hockey, left wrist, won the batting title rhrtstman. Sr. , 4? iti'J New York, and Bob St. Clair, score only foul point as Robert- of Northern Michigan College, 41 Krnie \V}tvl*n .. 110 Walt ptprnrnbprg ». _;'. Boh Qulnn 140 San Francisco. Soviet Hockev Gobbby Hull; Tennisi , NNca!! F with a .325 average a>id was Hieson and Jordan increased the S!an Sheriff of Iowa Stats Gen«> PtKedrle ^0 Pete ppttPiiglll 11(1 Ru-JNL's most valuable player. winning margin. Teachers, Warren (Woody) Wood- Cliff fimlth _ :i 110 Guards — Stan Jones, Chi- Track and Field, V/ilma AI r.oux _ „ ^u inn cago, and Jack Strodd, New dolph; Golf, Arnold Palmer, and Warren Spahn of Milwaukee The Knicks had one of their son of New Mexico State Uni- Fred Bohlmer 2S 13S Players In U.S. i and Ernie Broglio of the Cards ARE YOU READY J«)jn Bmnji}( y ,; „ 4'2 Mi! York. Horse Racing, Bill Hartack. worst nights on the foul line, versity and Cecil Coleman of Hinl Bramlow ....CS 13fi Center — Art Hunter, Lqs An NEW YORK (AP) - An all- were the only other to win 20 Fresno (Calif.) State College. Vlnee O'Neill ..._ .....41 i:iO converting only 20 of 38 shots. Tom Sporllnp _ ;i5 135 geles. star junior amateur hockey team games. George K. (Lefty) James, Willie Naulls and Ken Sears Jim Crothers. Sr ?>\i 135 Quarterback — Milt Plum, from the Soviet Union arrived The Yankees, led alternately by former head football coach at FOR.SNOW...? Nobs Kot>aynslit ^... 2.'» 131 scored 21 points for New York. Jofin Isovcy. Jr _ 4'2 Cleveland. last night to begin a five-game Brewstcr Quits Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle, Cornell University and chairman •=v Salil I'arrrll „ rj(l [liull I'Vliun&tm "f> Halfbacks — John Crow, St. tour of the United States. made up for their third place of the association's coaches Carl UopUer 4'J failure of 1959. Baltimore's pre- Adnm MncKrnr.la »...2G Louis, and Tom Tracy, Pitts- After seeing the New York Pro Football RABBIT BUT NO BIRDIE awards said the names were sub- Jack Crolhers _ 42 burgh. Rangers and the Detroit Red PORTLAND, Ind. (AP) — Pete cocious Orioles finished second LUSK, Wyo. (AP) — Dennis mitted through a vote of its 950 Hcrtor Bergeron Cti in the AL race, nosing out the Jim Crothera, Jr. ...- ir> Fullback — , Green Wings of the National Hockey Brewster, a nine-year veteran of Culver missed his birdie on thaciive e members. Jnii Christ man, Jr. 12 Bay. defending champion Chicago 8th hole at the Niobrara golf Walt neiilbnch _ :i League in action last night, the the National Football League, Syracuse University's Floyd Paul Con way Hit DEFENSE: Russians were scheduled to announced yesterday he was quit- White Sox and staying in conten- course — but he got a rabbit (Ben) Schwartzwalder was the nrorgp Moore _ :50 tion until mid-September, when Totn Effan - _ fi Ends — , Chi- leave for Minneapolis this morn- ting pro football as a player but nstead. Association's coach of the year Walt Bcrtolaon _ I ft cago, and Charlie Krueger, San hoped to remain in the NFL asthe Yankees swept a four-game Culver's approach shot to tlie[in 1959. Prepare NOW With A Knlph Crllt IS ing. set and went on to win their last Carl OnsL'ntfno „ 'A Francisco. The Russian team, whose 19 a coach. green fell short, smacked a rab- Tom Davis _.. 24 15 games. Tackles — Leo Nomsllini, San playing members range in age Brewster was an end for the bit in the head, killing it in- Yale football star Bob Blan- MEYER Snow Plow Francisco, and Art Donovan, Maris, acquired in a seven- Minni KTOWN A from 19 to 23 years, opens its tour Pittsburgh Steclcrs the last Iwo stantly. chard is on the Eli hockey team. \V Baltimore. tomorrow night against the Uni-years and played with the Cleve- player swap with Kansas City, Jnhn Daniel1* Men's Shop 31 Linebackers — Sam Huff, New edged Mantle in the AL most and 0 jCCp Truck Paddock LounRe 'J5 versity of North Dakota at land Browns seven seasons be- RrlRadoon Village __ 24H York, Joe Schmidt, Detroit, and Grand Forks, N. D. fore being traded to the Steelers valuable player voting. Mantle MAN I.. IVA//IT TQACT/OA/J John's Bar 2.V3 , Los Angeles. led the league with 40.home runs, Clear snow quickly from Kpyport Packing _ L'3 Other games are scheduled in 1358. Prpjl Cola in!! 251.4 Halfbacks — Ed Meador, Los against the University of Minne- Brewstcr, a former Portland one more than Maris. Ernie driveways, service areas Kort Monmonth Clipper! 19 26 Banks of the Chicago Cubs led Mldilletou-n Lanes 17 »* 27'i Angeles, and Jesse Whittinton, sota at Minneapolis Jan. 2Hig, h School and Purdue Uni and parking lots with a 61XX1 SeriesHoSeries—Hoyy Knrman 2412411. 201. 201" Gree. n Bay. the majors with 41. Pete Runnels 207—6(17 ; Ed Matuszewikkt 1S3, 1S6, 234 against (he U. S. National Team versity star, stopped off here en 4-Whccl-Drivc 'Jeep' -813. Safety — Dave Baker, San in Colorado Springs Jan, 4 androute to his home in Fort Laud- of Boston was the AL batting ;oo Club—Joe Lljiosky 501, Georpe champ with a .320 average. Truck—with snowbladc. Psaropnulos 201. Dan Fornataro 223. Francisco.' and Don burroughs, 5 and in New York Jan. 7. erdale, Fla. Eil Rltter 204. 202; John Palandrano Philadelphia. Danny Murtaugh of the Pirates The extra traction of S:lH. Tony Caprlonl 2D1. Ray Broeiler 20J, Fred Longcoy 205, Fred Frcad CHOICE PLUM and Paul Richards of Baltimore 4-whccl drive, plus full 203, 205. • By Alan Mover were the managers of the year. control of the blade, with THREEVTEAM SYSTEMS Fight Switch Three No-Hitters Meyer Elcctrolift, gives TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP)- maximum efficiency. Spahn, Burdette and Don Card- Football teams at the all-white Benefits TV IV/7M ONLY 3 well of the Chicago Cubs pitched Wltrs. mif i (Hint ntm a Florida State University and all no-hitters, the first for each. ) itni bin nilclii MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) - There also was a one-hitter by Negro Florida A.&M. University Tf/S Come in for 11 demonstration today Closed circuit television for the Billy Martin, the second baseman employ three-team systems. Floyd Patterson-Ingemar Johans- /96O Cincinnati acquired from Cleve- son heavyweight championship r/?/ To To£<5- land, lie slugged Cub pitcher j Monmouth FSU Coach Bill Peterson, for- Trie CLEVELAND mer assistant at LSU, calls his fight here March 13, will be Jim Brewer after a close pitch, Motors units the Chiefs, Renegades and shown in Madison Square Gar breaking the right-handed rook- den and at Roosevelt and Yonk- OVBRPBTROtT ie's cheek bone and leading to a Liberty 2-2414 War Party. • At A.&M., Coach Jake Gaither ers Raceways in the New York still-pending $1 million damage Hwy. #35, Earonrown has tagged his units, Blood, area, William D. Fugazy said HP BOWL /Al AliAM/, suit by the Cubs. At year's end, (1 ml. N. Eatontown Circle) Sweat and Tears. yesterday. - JM.7. Martin was sold to the Braves. "That is the reason we moved The Giants junked Bill Rigney LOW PROFILE SNOW TIRES Bill iiiiiii the fight up a week from March for head scout Tom Sheehan in 20 to March 13," Fugazy, who is Get th. wida-bita mow tin. June, then admitted (lie goof and 9. 5„ Hera't the'low Profile "snow fir^. Whir* other tirei president of Feature Sports, Inc., signed Al Dark for 1DG1. The - ] ilip and spin, this tire digs in. And o.i cltorod pave- promoter of the rubber match, Cubs till need a new one, after j njlHESS disclosed at a press conference. •.70-11 ments where other tires hum, this tire Ictapi mum. getting rid of both Charlie MED mi Don't get snowbound this winter. Get a pair of "We figure Roosevelt will ac- Grimm and Lou Boudreau. The •Iui In ind neidiblt tin U.S. Royal Winteridei today. EASY TERMS CHAMPION TIRES commodate a crowd of 40,000, Phils named Gene Mauch after •ize BLACK' WHITB' Yonkers 20,000 and the garden one I960 game under Eddie Saw- PAY AS YOU GO IN SNOW ' m.oo-ia 11.35 .... about 17,000, giving us close to yer, but finished last anyway. 80,000 seats in the New York In the AL, Cleveland and Detroit USE YOUR 6.7O-1B 11.95 14.50 area. Those will be the only sites swapped skippers in August. EASY CHARGE 7.10-18 14.03 17.20 the TV will be shown in the Jimmie Dykes went to the In- 15.40 18.45 area." dians for Joe Gordon, who left 7.80-1 S The youthful president of Fea- Plus tux and rvuappablo tlr* ture Sports said everything pointed to a million dollar gate NEVER SEE HIS EQUAL for the bout in Miami Beach's U.S. ROYAL NEW YORK (AP) - When Convention Hall. asey Stengel was feted by the SHREWSBURY AVE. SHREWSBURY The fight last year grossed New York baseball writers. around $3 million, including the BAtSBALL. Yankee General Manager George (One Mile South of Airport) live gate nnd ancillary returns, OR 7/WY CoCJLP CAR SAFETY HEADQUARTERS Weiss said; Fugazy said. He expects the "It was my privilege lo be CALL SH 7.3404 Maple0 Ave. at White St., Red Bank March match to gross $4 million. 0A5KSTPALL OK with him 12 years in New York. You fellows will never live (o FRANK PORTER'S SH 7-5700 Sophomores I..pn Auletlo of r his equal." ; Weehnwlicn, N.J., nnd Tom Donsc WeisO voice then broke. He 1000 Asbury Ave. PR 5-8700 Asbury Park of Newark, N. J., are the only hiis known Strngrl MIHP 1921 lout-ol-Mntc plnyrrs tin the New uhen both wi'i'i: in thi" l.;(stei.i I York University basketball team. RED BANK TIRE CO. SAUNDEKS mi OVEMGAKD , Dee. 29, I960 1ED BANK MCISTEB IGINGER CROSSWORD PUZZLE «r * •"»*•'» •"•"• ACHOM t-fUrm 4p 46lrfwrmt per»on (-Hall! 4-Church 6-1'ert .lining oervica to old see »-Small 7-Part of amount fishing line U-Anglo- 8- Follower of Saxon money Marx l-Part of slova 9-Man's name 4-Fandarac ]0-Malte lace t tree ll-]?cfore IS-Obscur* 17-^ymbol for |6-P!erce tellurium IS-Winged 19-Preposition tO-Ttie holm r2-M:lcaw oak 24- Symbol for tl-Procee<] tantalum C2-Everyone :5-Shleld ST-Hurled 45- Mental E3-Latln for Cfi-I.ease rocks at huace "journey 27-Staffs I8-Land 46-Covered CT-Femalo ruff rS-Man'8 narn» 29-Number surrounded with dew Et-Nativs metal hy water 47-Large tub tO-SiMan 30-Paddle 40-Vapid Indian 32-Soniethlnff 4S-Suffix: Ilk* By WALT DISNEY Il-Measur* of extra 41-Cooled lav» 43-Tlbetnn weight S3-Kilible teed 43-Man'« MICKEY MOUSE 36-Svmbol for nicknams gazelle (abbr.) BO-Burma =/ HURRV, UNCA POOR GUV! HE'P ...IF HEWASN'T I2-Nahoor iheep sliver 44-Walstcoat lli\ MICKEY...THIS BJ-Stroko native BE A GOOQ ACTOE... SO CAMERA SHV! P4-Preposltlon B UlA IS THE SHOW r- to-Arrangs In 1 2 1 4 i 6 7 9 10 11 folds r SOOFS is ONI L 17-Weipht of 12 13 14 sell you the negative for a dollar!" India SS-^uffix: 16 17 adherent of IS B9-WtRe man «-Music: 18 19 '20 as written ill-Conjunction 8$ «2-Roman 21 22 23 24 25 Bridge South dealer philosopher $ •$ Neither side vulnerable i*«-\Vell- 27 $288 29 30 grounded fa NORTH '4T-Membtr of 32 ii 34 • 8 5 2 vigilance 31 A 7 6 3 committee ££ $ «1-Fruit drink 35 36 i/ 38 Column • K Q J 10 3 tS-Ox of Celebei w. • 6 £3-Meadoni 39 40 41 By ALFRED SHEINWOLD WEST EAST (4-Recent $ 4 10 94 * Q J 7 65-Ulver duck 42 ii 44 45 4$6 One of the great moral les- ¥ Q 9 8 2 • K 10 46-Prepare for sons we learn from playing bridge By CROCKETT JOH1SSOIV print & $ & •A76 #952 BARNABY (T-Perlod of 47 48 49 50 51 is that even kings and queens • J 10 5 +Q9 8 4 time must die. The important thing is SOUTH It's not that your Fairy Good. / wan) fo try out A Leprechaun named DOWN 32 ii 54 to die in a noble cause. « A K 3 V J 5 4 Godfather doesn't love a high spot of my act. McSnoyd suggested the 1-Muslc: 53 56 57 West opened the deuce of • 8 4 i concluding !& hearts, and East won with the dogs. But the affair at With this Little Marvel trick. Cover your eyes, rassase • A K 7 3 2 : I-Secd coatlrr Diitr. by United Feature Syndicate, Inc. king. East naturally returned the South West North East the Elves, Leprechauns, Voice Thrower I intend togeithelullellect- (ten of hearts, South and West 1 + Pass 1 » Pasi Gnomes, the Little Men's to cast my voice out of naturally played low—and dunv 1 NT Pass 2 • Pass Club is drawing nigh— the window!... Listen— 9 my also played low. 2 NT Pass 3 NT All Past Pin a medal on declarer and Opening lead — 2 Johnson s Friends give West a glance of pity. He missed his big opportunity to die no further trouble. East had to like a man. switch, and it didn't much mat- To Regain Control No Further Trouble ter what he switched to. South It's easy to see that South had could win a club (let's say), lead WASHINGTON (AP) — Friends j to fill two vacancies on the group diamonds until he forced out the of Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, | which passes on legislation to be ace, and set back to dummy with D-Tex., apparently are going to;placed before the Senate, the ace of hearts to cash the rest retain control of the Senate j Magnuson and Pastore class Your Diet of the diamonds. MARK TRAIL By ED DODD Democratic policy committee in themselves as liberals. But their South made two spades, two the new Congress" expected selection may be clubs, one heart and four dia- I'M RIGHT HERE, THIS HORSE CAN'T V) Democratic leaders are re- greeted with something less than This Year monds, just enough for his game TONY...HANG ON...WET.L POSSIBLY GET UP THE ff ported to have agreed on the) enthusiasm by such past critics WASHINGTON (AP) — U you contract. C-COLE... MAKE IT/ BANK WITH THE TWO ¥ selection of Sens. Warren G.lof Johnson's mkldle-of-the-road WHERE ARE were an average American you Of course you've seen West's YOU? Magnuson of Washington and •course as Sens. Paul Douglas of consumed an estimated 1,488 wasted opportunity. At the sec- John O. Pastore of Rhode Island Illinois and Joseph S. Clark, Jr. pounds of food this year. ond trick West should cover the of Pennsylvania. ten of hearts with the queen! As the committee is beginning The Agriculture Department to- da broke that down this wa If declarer wins in dummy with to stack< up, self-styled liberal5j >' >" 4N unds of dairv roducts the ace of hearts, there is no en- apparently are going to be in the P° P try to the diamonds. If declarer majority. But they include nolexcept butter MEDICAL m ounds of fru ts and ve eta refuses the trick, West leads an- outspoken critic of the man who! P ' g will become vice president on blcs- other heart to cut communica- j 20 I '"8 pounds of potatoes. tions. The defenders can'hold off MEMOS an one diamond and develop either 17 ounds of meat fish and By H. 1. Hcnchtntoftn, M.D. ' Top Leadership j * P ' two clubs or two spades to de- Sen. Mike Mansfield of Mon- po.u"r-- feat the contract. 8 It's unusual to sacrifice a queen NUBBIN fly JIM BVRf^ETT and GEORGE CRAJSDALL from Johnson'S s assistanSTt to hthe! i? P™"?* °o{f butter, fats when your partner's ten seems top leadership job, will head the] ."' to be doing a good enough job, policy makers. His assistant]0 but it's better to beat the con- LBSSEE, NOW... WHAT ALU 41 pounds of eggs. PIP XPOTOPAY THAT'S leader, Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey tract than to save a queen. WORTHWRITIN'POWN? of Minnesota, will become a com- 17 pounds of coffee, tea and DAILY QUESTION mittee member for the first time|cocoa- as will Sen. George A. Smathers Partner bids 1 NT (16 to 18 There are about 1,000 species passes. You hold: Spades—10 9 4, of Florida, chosen for secretary hearts—Q 9 8 2, diamonds—A 7 of the party conference. of trees in the United States, but only about 100 species are used 6, clubs—J 10 5. What do you Besides Magnuson and Pastore, say? other regular members are Sens. commercially for lumber. Most Why are persons who are aller- lumber comes from 35 species. Answer: Pass. Game should be gic to eggs or chicken unable to Richard B. Russell of Georgia, Lister Hill of Alabama, Robert S. unmarkable since the combined be vaccinated against influenza? No problem finding tenants count is only 23 to 25 points. Be The vaccine against influenza is Kerr of Oklahoma and Carl Hay- den of Arizona. when you advertise The Register satisfied with a sound part-score prepared by injecting fertilized way.—Advertisement. contract. eggs with the influenza virus. If Mansfield is proposing to in- a person becomes ill or gets a crease the Calendar-Policing EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? By Blalc* rash from eating eggs or chicken Committee by an additional mem- the same thing is likely to hap- ber. This group, which sits in pen if he becomes injected with with the policy committee with POGO By WALT KELLY the vaccine. the power to vote, includes Sens. wbtfATIHIS Otherwise, the influenza vac- E. L. (Bob) Bartlett of Alaska, £ COUIO cine is quite safe. In fact, it is Clair Engle of California and strongly recommended to prevent Philip A. Hart of Michigan. the unnecessary thousands of Group Changes deaths which occur when there is Usually the calendar group's an epidemic of this disease. members change with each new The persons who especially Congress. But Mansfield wants • BUT I STILL HAVE THE need this vaccination are all who to retain present members and add an eastern Democrat, who • FIGURE FORlTi ANPWHAf are over 65 years of ageage, andu -" -•• --" those who have any kind of nasn' *>een cnosen yet- A aevep SHOPPER chronic ailment as this makes Mansfield's election as the new AMI!AMP «rfe§1 them unusually susceptible to,leader is expected at a party "flu" and its complications. Any-!caucus Tuesday, although John- HOW ABOUT" one who has heart or lung trouble, son may not resign until after ^._~*~*"" asthma, or who is pregnant should he is sworn in for a new six-year MV term after noon that day. |g-29 get the flu shots when an epi- BUDfiETf demic threatens. An advance resignation might Protection consists of two shots cause some confusion, under j MARY WORTH By ALLEN SAUNDERS and KEN ERNST given about two or three months Texas law, as to whether John- son was quitting his current term WHREWHERESOEVES R YOU ARE, apart. CAS5---M5 MV 5HAN6RI-LA! or the new one to which he was ''ABOUT THE DEATH OF EVE, I 5T0LI SOME MONEY IN PLEME, DARLING!- DON'T elected at the same time he won WANT TO 60 CA«!--ADAM IS STANDING AT THAT TOWN, BUTTON!.-AND RAN BANISH ME FROM MY WITH YOU, HER GRAVE-AND HE 5PEAIS the vice presidency. OUT ON THE ONE PERSON WHO VALLEY OF DREAMS! LOVER.! Union Beach HAD ENOUGH FAITH IN ME TO PUT Louis Boyle, son of Mr. and UP BAIL!-. I'M GOING BACK, WITH THIS, AND TAKE Mrs. Albert Boyle, Front St., re- MEDICINE! turned Monday to the U.S. Naval © 1961, King Features Syndicate. Inc., World rights reserved. Base at Philadelphia, where he is stationed, after spending a 10- day leave at home. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boyle Christmas "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean Day were Mrs. Eva Boyle, Moun- tainside; Mrs. Madeline Sheldon, (Send your problems and wor- For Friday, December 30 BloomfieM, and Mr. and Mrs. jries to George, in care of this Ronald Ringwald and son, Key- newspaper. He's past all hope Present—For You and port. anyhow.) Yours •.. Wind up your assign- Dear George: ments as quickly as possible so I've just come In from a date you can get on with planning of Mr. and Mrsl : . Joseph Cunning- By BILL O'MALLEY ""•""" " ' - ""'w ;-".'»""»;-!With my bov friend. I'm sitting activities for the coming week. REVEREND I?"1' ""!^SL*eni,CM'StT!2ihcre at my'littlmy e desk and I've WHY I THOUGHT IT WA5 A AND NO Day at the home of Mr. and You can get co-operation if you Y ISN'T WHAT IT'S CR&CKEQ Mrs. Charles Horrocks, New just realized something. I enjoy look in the right quarters, par- fjUDAYfjEAUTIFUUDAY! ! COFFEE. reading your column more than UPT0BE.JftBP0BJftBlT y Brunswick. ticularly from people born under ALL DAY IN THE PARK BREAKS! I do going out with my boy the signs of Cancer, Scorpio and , , . ~~~". ,, , J friend. Is something wrong with WITH THE FELLERS.. Capricorn. Bo sure your requests Week-end guests in the home oflm(,o Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meagher, j Grace M. arc reasonable. Arlington Ave., were Mr. andjDcar Grace M. Mrs. Frank Conway and rhil-j possi|,IVi i,',,"; Past . . . Johann Graupncr's Future • . . Within 175 years dren, Frankie, Cmdee and <-an .j]ike there's something wrong with appearance at the Federal Street population may be so great that dee of Manchester, Conn. | Theatre in Iloslon, December no one will be able to afford >w boy friend 30, 1799, was me forerunner of minslrclry. His blackface act the luxury of maintaining pets Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Con-jrje;lr George: because all edible materials will IUH6UHU riell and daughter, Kathy, were was followed in 1828 by Daddy WHAT A DM.. Could you tell me how to make Rice in a routine introducing have to be used to feed human week-end guests of Mrs. O'Con- Irish whiskey'.' "Jump Jim Crow." beings. V/HATADAy... nell's mother, Mrs. Margaret Seeker After Knowledge Donnelly, Prospect Ave. I Dear Seeker: Do you think I would be silliim The Day Under Your Sign «y CAL ALLEY The Regular Democratic Club'here doing this if I knew how to THE RYAnS ARILS (Born March 21 to April 19) LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Organization will hold its victory;makc Irish whiskey? Wind ll|i yr.ir.ttiil IjUsinrM w wtnonuw Splniae nn VHMCthine nrw (or the parly dinner in the Anchor Inn, Flor-j , you cut irlpforatr. Saturday ntRllt. I.'tofc your licit, T7O16UKMOW ence Ave., next Monday, after]Dear George: TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) SCORPIO (Oct. 23 1a Nov. 2.1) WHAT YOU j An miMprrtril visitor iilav UIHrt yoiir Kfjinanlic intcrr^K iimlrr lirnrlir radia- the borough reorganization mcet-( My Kjr| friend drives me mils wrrVrrvl 1'l.irn. Diin't tJiow ynur clUKrin. tion*, hut iitocrci) a little cautiously, ing. Guests of honor will be with her baby talk. How would GEMINI (May 21 to Juno 21) SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec.21) George Ross, tax assessor, and you likr.- lo be called "bin, booful Invitr lonely Iironlr who ll.lvr nn nllltr Don't Irt fin.inri.il < •uvAn»Unni Mock Councilman Bernard Marcinink; !boy." Hoy! I walked into the illtit.ltintis lo jniil you I now iilfjlit. nij'iyiuflit of tltt li'ili'ljy wrtkrnrii Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Frcret, druj; store thn oilier day wher.- CANCER (Jun. 22 to July 21) CAPRICORN (Doc, 22 to J«n. 20) !;•» lint n.it to travi-l tliii wrrktml, 1'iin'h uork r.uly if you utr driving, F;iir Haven. Arrangements for the she was sitting, and she shrinked Vml cull li.ivr * ftny timr at hunir. fi Ili.it you ran hr.it thr tmllic JAM. nff.iir arc in charge of Willium 1 "lion: conic;, my big, booftil UO (July 22 lo AUIJ. 21) AQUARIUS (Jan, 21 lo F.b. I?) Marker, William l.nngun, .lames boy!" llrnv would you like, thai'.' .*.'•( inuc ti Id irriininifti'l lliii Hir. *" I'llril'U run l,r ;| itt.ull (HI vt'l'r limr, IIMVI< no iiii|«iil.itit til.iiM. Imlt with ni'inry jtinl rmoimiit il yim aren't rare- y nml John McArthur. Mortified till. InIr. iiil. : Dear Moily: VIRGO |Aun.22 lo 5e|il. 27] PISCCS (l oli. V0loM.rc.li20) I would like II, How would yon I'rrti . I'M liinp, iln ntlirr n.i r.v.iir rliorci l.i.lrn i,. Hi' »« \I.I.T •.( y.nir rnn- Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph Scliolcr, ") ynu r .1 n rot .'..IIIIMI.IV nllrin^.n. MIMIC. Von'll I" Kl»'l yr,n ili-l. like lo be (;n:c|c<|, "Well, here Stonr Rd , nir hprmling 11 throe- V) \W). Virlil rmrrtniwi Inr. week vacation 111 Holly wood, J-'la. comes i.tupiil! '"I j / / • UXJL FOB MLE HOUSES ItM KENT HOUSES FM SALE • RED BANK REGISTER .TELEVISION SET — XI" RC* I*TWO tTORV HOME - TMM OLDER HOME ITS GOOD COM>mO,N 29 M COD4MOB. t* mctoAUm •Mad. room; t'i bttnt. Ifvlsf room. —Large living room with diniof ell f » JNK KBIB CUSSTO 1MB HAMMQND MC3I. - room, 4m. COC)OM4 fore*, t»«vc*r Roomy fcitchen, three bedroom*, Jw. ^DRAFTING hsilit. fit rate. OH head Tixrc IJ2*. •>" KCA TABLE MODEL TV. fM. «r;j.. o?nv#ni»»ot lotfuUon,' Qwntr runt, ORGAN STUDIO muirt Ktrria PepinmtM. BMonump MUCH HOME — »1» raomt, Utrit' move, JS5W DRAWING CHECKERS TV, Hwy S5, Kilwilow- 1-1 2-O4O0. itertrootn*. two bathe, one-car fsrsce. 4 DSJ* CMKO*H'« , of ASBURY fARK 1EABOMIBI1 OAK Atili LOCUST FIBE (remedial* occupancy. tiM month. log for tttcuo atOmelett parti 'LACE WOOL>, CAM, . J« vrm Lawrence J tot wwmWn. ftrn'Mtr rt All Model* on Di»p!#y fc A ljl TJ » Dsj» CMtecvtive . ™™...___{_~™..,..... 34e Liac foyrrnment »t»wl»rde. Sob oper- BH HHHO I front St., P^ij Hark. EH 1^'/^: ' I'.Kk'• LTO '• I ation In HAMMOND EXTRAVOICE « C'.i: "(JAKIIL-ITST. four bedruoins. Two hall....' !« Spring stri-.-- _ P.P! Bar;!- If yo-j ft re a q'iili*li>4 and rrK;sb»r*4 M Pay* Consecutive ' sjc uBe WCRLITZER SPINET, BLOND ...» 61)1 garapp. NEPTUNE, eight-room split.; bH8d>sn.e i-llil , \.,ffr n two IjrrlTooins. ailtl li.Uh. $95. The IIP.'.S "T phvsicil disalnlity, will hr un- NO AGE LIMIT BABY GRAND PIANO. roft 3-2190. RUM to classify, edit or reject injr advertl«ement Is reserved Dowstra Agency. SII 1-R7(«l. Highway 34. Holmdcl. I'hons H'H uhlf lo cast your tialirit at the polling RECONDITIONED S 30f 1 by Tha RpsrlBter. Mall resume Immediately or PRIGHT PLAYER PIANO f 75 IIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID— Foi I I • \.\ they are detected Telephone MArket 7-7620. I't'MP OROAN— h rory thrri-hrrirooin Irair for New! ; I before the secnnri Iniertlon. MASON * HAMLIN J jstales. Furniture, antiques, oriental nrlinui Kh-M-iifin to \,f he 1.1 February •URS, paintings, etc. KIUEDMAN GAL Year's. 1'rrslily jialntci. new stove! VprrKKANSI NO MONEY DOWN"! M. Vm\ k-:i-lly v. y\\c ur apply I:I pprson j No cancellations will be accepted or changei made In advertise- SALES AND SERVICE .ERIES. PR 4-3143. Evenings CA2-74R2 larcf refriRorator. K.is furnace MnuiyjVrnr nl.l ranch in fin- t?stahiistit,,| ments one hour after receipt at office. \o tin- i;n-iiM-signnd at once r»'f|tit?JtinJ5 RENTAL AND INSTRUCTION enclosed rnrcli. Year's Iras" reilulri-il. I neichhorhooil. Thci'.- hr.lr.mms. ocramii- •ti.'il :t f-ivihati iiti.s.-itre billrit be fnr- H. L YOH CO., INC. Rent Jhll monthly, plus utilities. Adults: l> itti. wa i .r.i<. I'.i-al K'-jto r.ert l!ank. l"nin|ilc(p monthly p.iy-i «t,itf yo'jr hoiMP aihlrf-ss a r.rj thP ad- PHILA. «, PA, COOKMAN AVE. AND MAIN ST. PETS AND LIVESTOCK tate. Hwy :;ti. next to J'-lue Hint White! inrnl $rjli|l lliisnell M Hums l>;il- iirc-s 1 ) w!i:rh xnvh M I'.I.I, sitdllH b« "CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Kus Terminal. Lnnnnin AT 1015b.' lor,. 611(1 River I'.cl., fair Havel!. SH 7-».-j!t' , iii;l in-iMt bp siKiifl with your 9:00 A.M. Day Bclore Publication with proof two da>i befor* .TEN MEN PR 5-9300 COLLIE PUPS -- Two blue males, I Please_phoni-for_ a|>|'olntmiMH. lisa?, i publication. three months, raised with children, ~ ~ WE BUY AND SELL ANYTI11NO — ymi will nut tie ahlc in vntp a: yo-ir Mechanically Inclined to start Immedi- very reasonable. LI 2-35153 -,.„.„ ,,| ,, i., , i, g room usual IIOIIII.R jilai'v Su civilian a buna. ately. 12.40 per hour to start. Call Contents of homes, stores, estates, n( rO(l ls rgl vm MINIATURE POOIH.K — Lovely «ll- U-P liHlim will In- fl.rt:.."hi'fl or for- SH 1-4019. cellars attics. China, glassware, an- firepliice. l.iritc kitchen and h»th. Im-j REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 Call Classified—SH 1-0010 or OS 1-0525 Iques. art ohjects and all bric-a-brac i'er female, completely inoculated. Pa- ward* .! I" any ap|i:itar.t us^fs^ re(r.iP*t "•-uscll's, i5 East Front St. SH 11633per (rninpfl and clipped, AKC roglstoretl TWO HKIIROOM' HUt'SK. - I.ivmp ILISTTNGH WAN'TEH — Prospects wait I ttuTPfn- is rcr(»i\ (•') ":•/>! I*-.* th.in fleht NIGHTS, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY WH 6-8221. riH.in with (irt'iilTcc, kltehpn. diniiif:: IriR for their dream home. Sitlrs and • l.ivfl |T!<-r t.i tii« e>>-!mii and contains PART-TIME TYPEWRITERS. ADDING machines ii porch car.!;;.-. O:', lii^t av.tilaMe rentals. Prompt service. M. Hlnine an,I tin- fi.rf'C'tifiC IMl'iniiaMrft. AU makes new or used. Guaranteed WANTED — noml home for year old Januar„ y 15 JlSn tier innnlh. r.nlstonl A'S'irUles. Hwy. 25. Eatontnwn. I.I 2- I>atei!: I'fcriiihor "% ID'iO Dial SH MHO Our firm needs six men to work eve- W as Jl!5. Serplco's. 101 Monmouth part Beagle female. Has been spayed, WaU-rl'W'" vy P.ealtoPeniler lfi West Krnr.t St..|llkS fir 1.1 •:-:»:<) LESTER »' R'.'OTT. Calls on private telephones are toll-free to OS 1-0525 from the nings. Must be neat. Salary $54. Call wormed, all slum, affectionate. Won- 'r. N .1 SH " " St. Next to theater SH 7-04S5 LIST YOU!1. HOMK WITH WA1.KEP. A following stations: LOwell 6. COIlax 4, 787 (Kcansburg) WHitney 6. SH 1-4326 lor appointment. derful with children, accuftoined to I'.-».ird nf' E.iiirat'.nn'. 6D7 Broad KENMORE AUTOMATIC IRONER with UNCRT --- (Vfiti'r ll. !)• WALKER the office that oTfers com- Calls on private telephones are toll-free to SH 1-0010 from the tied outdoors. Will give away. Si , Sl-.fw .-"ii'.iry, N. J, clialr. Aimoflt new $75. Call CA 2- Call'KH 1-2243. split lrvcl. acre lot. flin SH plctf SIMVICC. We triKP hdiisrs In tradi'. following stations: ATlantlc Highlands 1, CApltal 2 and 9, Liberty 2. YOUNG MAN WANTED (or pariTime Dec. yj J6 fiU . work 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Holiday through 2792. Available a rr .Innuniy I.V ivn flnaiice. we appraise, and hr?t nt all Highlands 3, OSborne 1, RUmson 1, SEa Bright 2, and .SHadyalde 1 DAGMAR TUP; AHORAHLE DACHS- ive sell. Walker & Wailier. I'.e.n Est.-itc. Friday. Must have Insured car. Apply CASH REGISTERS - New and used, HUND!!. Has five Iiandsomp children; md 1. In person dally A p.m. to 5 p.m., Red Ir:«iir;vnrc. O|wn 7 days. Shrewsbury many models, reasonable. We sell, three males, two fprnalos. !i\ t> WPCUS fffice. SH 1 5212. Harllan office. CO 4- MH'ICK Bank ReRlster. id Broad St., Red Bank. rent, repair. Taleo Caab Register Co old. Father was a traveling lleacle. f,1 FURNISHED ROOMS SUTU'K TO I'KHSIINS IN MILITARY Ask for Mr. Famulary. CA 2-04 H. each to riRht^Jamliics. OS MI!lM.^ SKItVICF. OH I'MICNTS IN VKT- ANNOUNCEMENTS BOATS & ACCESSORIES REAL ESTATE SALESMAN for active STOP IN and see the fabulous new pU"REBREn~~"PKRSIA"N"~ "kitten." For FUUN1SHBII ROOMS Action! Tlia is what Tim ft r fi 1 st t r i;UA.\s* liosl'l'l \1,S AMI TO office with good location. Real Estate Kinsman Electronic Organ at our Fur-show, pet or forced HIE. Slud service. Call classified ads have been. Rotting for J1IIIK K!.l,\l l\ Is AMI t-JtlKNDS LOST AND FOUND experience not necessary, but you must RH 7-'jr.(l!l If ymi arf* in II:« military FPTVIC* niture show rooms. BURDGE & SONSH 7-24OT, after 5 p.m. 1 1 know how to sell. Write particulars to next to Slelnbucli'i parking lot). - their advertisers for over three-'iuar- or jii * ii putlvnt in a. veteran!.' IIOB- LOST — Collie pup. female, clchl nn r 1 1 BARGAIN 'Estate" Box 511, Red Bank. N. J. Clay St., Ited Bank. Open dally 9 GERMAN~SHEJMIKItDS — AKC.. beau- vaVenT,,,,e o,,ve^cnM "o a ;, 'n to",.^'- •'• <" • «ntury.-Adv.rl1.em.nt. [pital «"'l 1lca- FJRE-SECURIT1T r LOST — Woman's black leather purse Electric starting, 50 h.p. Johnson BAR WARE. ICE BUCKETS HOUSES FOR SALE 0:110 A.M.KH.T. at 5(MI Hway :!. ), Nrp- tloti for a ii.ilH.iry nervU'p ballot to Must have extensive fire prevention APARTMENTS un*\ Now Jrrsry. ] will sell ut piiMii" containing valuable persona! papers, li- engine with generator and conand fire fighting experience. Write stat SNACK TRAYS, DISHES lie vi.ti-il iti .i;ii-i <•!(•(•[ Imi io r>p for- • censes, largo sum or money. In vicinity Ing all qualifications and salary de< GARDEN APARTMENTS AVAILABLE auction nn behalf o[ Hie 1->rateil warded to you. If you nrp in tlie mili- of Supcrama. Reward. SII 1-1979. trols. May be seen at Irwir aired. Box 131, Bowline Green, New ICE CRUSHERS, ICE TRAYS —3!i, *'.h, and-5 rooms. Molly Pitcher. Service f.'orp. one lflM OMsmnhilo im-n- tary service ur arp a patlpnt In n Yacht Works, Marine Park, Ask York. RAINBOW TV & HARDWARE VlllnRe. Inquire Apartment 51. Mr. tlfiPil by fii-nal immtipr filSLHTTD by vptonins* hospital, staling your nam*. LOST — Toy Pomeranian, vicinity St. O-Neil. 611 1-0115. reasnn of Henry C. MrNfiM's Octault nf HH*!. serial irmilnT. hump addrfHS anil (Across Acme LoO, Broad., Red Bank 1 Catherine's Church, East Kcansburt;. ing price $995 complete. MAINTENANCE ENGINEER. Must be SEASONS GREETINGS •oiiditional salfs cunt rat-t covering HIP nddfss at which you urn MatlonM Christmas eve. Answers to "Peanut." famillsr with boilers, plumbing, etc PIANOS — Save {200 or more off Us!FURNISHED — ONE, TWO AND Thiw *amr. ! or can he found, or if you desire thr Female. Reward. Please return, baby's price on brand new 88 note Spinet hedrooTn apartmpnts. Heal ami water from our new location milllaiy aiTvic*} Imllnt for a relative pet. Call 7H7-0740 or 7S7IW11. INSURANCE —Marine, outboard-a Permanent position, salary open. Mus lllCA ilISM SIIKI 1f»M OMsmnbilf Pan be sfen rormi. Rolston Waterbury, Realto live Keu Bank or vicinity. Reply P.O pianos. Ten year guarantee. Come see at 5(iU HiViiy .15, Nrpluin-. :-.* .1 or frii'iid Ihnn ninlip an nppl teat Inn since 1925. 16 W. Front St.. 8H 7-35O0 Box 551, Red Bank. and save. We service what we anil, rfjTtirE ilcToMsTii(l hath, rirlvntr C. (' KAHAflU'K, under oaih fur a military (IPTVICP bnl- Tenzcr'a Muslo Store, 306 Main St.. entrnnce, furnisheil or imfmnlshed. All 41 East Front St., Attornpy in Fad. lut to IM- forwarded tn Inm. .itatinR In 1 PUBLIC NOTICE Lakewood, KO 3-21IJ0. utilities supplied. SE 2-0519. ivr. 2!) v:.v) your api»!iration th.it h* i^ nver ihf MEN —PART TIME ARMSTRONG—Woolen mill carpellne. RI> nf -I yearn nnd fllalniR his nnni*. PARTY HALL for hire American Le- BUSINESS NOTICES raiTEEltOOM furnished, prTvnto rn- Red Bank erlnl nuinhrr, Iiniiip nddrpss nnd thp No experience necessary. To collec New, In original wrapping. Solid am trance. Heat, all utilities Included. "" Till; MONMOl'TII t'lllMV Kid rnss nt which hi In slut Ion P! or gion Hall. From St.. Union Beach. on up-to-date monthly accounts. Earn tweed, with non-skid foam ruhhe Jnhnsun Lane. 787-4705. Kitchen, bar and dancing facilities GRAND OPENING Ings to exceed (2 per hour. Call Mr. backs, room sizes, and wall-to-wall NATIONAL HANK. KCI) ItANK :an bo found. avallahle. Capacity 350, J75. CO 4-3743- Arthur, HA 2-0675. Private home. SE 2-0549. IlL'AISON" — Smnll Hirer-room furnlnherl CROWELL AGENCY 33 llrnml Slrrrl. Urtl Hank, Ni'w Jemry Fnrins of appllratlnn enn b» obtnin«rl CO 4-2.1G3. JANUARY 3RD ajiartment. Private entrance, neJir bus. NOTU'E ClV ANNCAI, MKKTINR 'null the umlprHlKiipil. RUGS — NEVER USED. 9x12, |30Suitabl. e (or couple or slnple person. All OK SHAI'.KHOLDKIIS 1 FIFTH AVE. CLEANERS EXPERIENCED SERVICE STATION 9x15, 135. Other sizes. GE vacuum, REALTORS Dated December I !*. I%0 mechanic. Married, reliable, honest. utilities mppHed. Rent $70, Phone RV The rcKiilar annual mretinK of HIP WILLIAM E. FIRTH. (formerly Jerry's Cleaner's) Steady Job. SH 1-9658. J20, CA 2-4775. 1-0668. i)i;irplinlili'is of Thfl Monmoulli County AUTOMOTIVE \'atlntiai Unnk. I'.Prt Jifinlt. will bo hnl*! Secretary tn Board of Education Plenty of Parking- Bpace, TWIN GABLES APARTMENTS — Real Estate and Insurance .*>r> j t r a n c h Avenue, AUTOS AND TRUCKS PRODUCTION ENGINEER to JIWOO WINDOW SHADES it Us main office ;it No. .Ml Jlroiid TAILORINO-CLEANING— INDUSTRIAL, ENGINEER to S85OO Three and four rooma OIL riverfront. Si reel, In the Ituniunh of Red H«nh, lied, Kank, New Jersey, LAUNDROMAT DRAFTSMAN-DESIGNER to »6500 Elevator, patio, boat dock. SH 1-2399. SH 1-4030 ,'oiiiity of Mnnniouih. Slatfi of New iec. 2f> $1,112 FOREMAN-FOOD to J6500 corner of Main k Monmouth Fl. 98c THREE-ROOM apartment, bath, hoi Jersey, on Tupsclny, January "4. llt.il. HAPPY NEW YEAR CHEMIST-FOOD to S65IK1 Sizes to 36". white or eggshell. On water, heat Located at 193 Port Mon- NEW TWO-HKPROOM HOMK at Hl:il0 o'clock a.m. (Eastern Stand- NOTICK Oceanport COST-CLERK to JC700 $10,000 1B«9 PLYMOUTH four-door, ilx pasien- your roller. Bring them In, Shade mouth R will bp within the. two blocks nway. Call CA 'J.R6-17. IHREWSBUrtV—Bxecutlvft home. Five or.l on the dale nf nduplion of the ltntP on February 11, lftfil but hp- 1M7 PLYMOUTH nine passenger recreation rooms, additions, cablne! 12 Broad St. Red Hank SII 7-3494 USED REFRIGERATORS AND TV'S resnludnn autlmrlzlnc the HUN'U :ausR' of illness or physical disability. 1W7 FORD nine passenger work, storm doors, windows. LO 6-4574. bought, sold and repaired. Call 787- FOL'n~nobKrJAPARTMKNT in coun- ledrooms. Builders sacrifice. Purchase r SALES CORRESPONDENT for custom inder contract with small down pay illvirlend; nn appropriate amend- r becnuse nf the ohsfirvancn of 'a lfl.jfl FORD Country Squire Call day or night for free estimate. er contacts (letter, telephone) with ex 2227. AT 1-2195. 787-0232. try. Oil heat Inohi'lfrl, $(i5. Hmtnrtnry ment to thn artld.*s nf aflsurlalinn ell pious holiday pursuant to tho tenets 1!>55 FORD Ranch Wagon Iloail, oft KOIUP 5?0 near Marlboro ment. $30,300. SH 1-2233. • OR TREE WORK, CftO tree servlc perienee In handling Industrial cheml< WE BUY AND SELL anything and rpflpcllnp Ihn c;i|ilt;il Increase; the if your religion, or bp.cnuae of reni- cals. Good opportunity for person will: State Hospital. WH (MMS. election nf K Board ot iMrcctorw; ropplng, trlmmlni, removal. Call I everything. Give the- highest prices. IVhen Buying. Selling or Insuring, See ent attendance nt a itchool, college 2-4220 for tret ••ttmatt. Full insurance Initiative and ability to work Indepcnil Call William Let! Furniture, Inc., Hwy. JNFUUWEVJ THREE-ROOM ground jind for HIP transaction of such olh- ir university, will be unable to cast Maurice Schwartz coverage. onlly. Write "Sales," Box 51], Red Oceanport's First Realtor First rr biisiiiPHS as [UTiperly may come 'our ballot at tho polling place tn your .15. Mlddletown. SH 1-3212. Open eve- loor ftpnrtmrm". Hont and hot water. before said meeting or nny ad- Bank. nings till 9 p. m. Reasonable. Sra RriKiiL_ RU 3-0525. MARIE COX AGENCY I (strict on snld date, and you desire & Sons ODD JOBS — Fainting, paper hanging, Journinent tht'rrnf. <> votft In the Annual School ekctlon repairs, etc. Winter rates. Ca DOORMAN — Mature, mlddleae, FIREPLACE FIXTURES HREE ROO is Comanche Drive Ocennport The bonks fnr the transfer nf shares .0 bo Itrld on Februnry H, 1!)61 kindly 141 West Front street Red Bank SH 7-0287. part time evenings. Apply after 1 p.m. REASONABLE. loctrlc Biipplled, Kent 575. Phone RII CA 2-1602 nf stock or this Hank will he rlnsrd vrlte. or apply In person to the un- Carlton Theater, Red Rank. SHadyslrlo 7-0767 NEED SOMETHING ALTERED? Lei KALL, SH 1-7015 '-2287. lorvlng Monmouth County Over 30 Yri.at 'J:;i0 o'clock p.m., (K a stern Stand- lernipned at one ft rrriupstlng that a OPEN NIGHTS ard Tiuiet, on January III. 11)81. and Mvllliin nb.ientea ballot be forwarded me do It for you. I'll also do youi TRADE IN your old furniture with no .TLANT1C HIQHLAN'DS — KiirnlsliPil will not he. reoptMind until 9:110 o'clock PRINZ — Ited, convertible roof, radio, dressmaking If you nre size. 10-16 oi BOYS (2) down payment and get a new parlor >r unfiirniflhed, four rooms anrl bath. EXCLUSIVE WITH US — Hrlck and io you. Such request must state your a little girl. HI 3-2480. n.m., (Rastprn Stninlurd Tinirt on Jan iiiitnn address, and the addresi to S.0OII miles. Call alter 7 p.m. SI per hour. Must he ambitious. Mual or dining room sot nt Hale prices. Wil- Ml utilities, supplied, third floor. Call frame spacious seven-room home. Four nary 30. 19GI. unless otherwi.se order- CA '-'-9161 b» between 14 and 17 years of aRe. liam Lert Furniture Inc.. Hwy 35. \T 1-3213. large bedrooms, bath, separate dinlnr vhlcli nalil ballot uliould be Bent, ami Work part-time for Key port concern Mlddletown. SH 1-3213, open evenings rooin> center hall. '20' living room, Btej ed by the Bonrd nf Directors. must 1>R signed with your signature, BU1CK — 1954 Super four-door sedan, EMPLOYMENT After school and Saturdays, Call CO till fl p. m. 1IVER PLAZA — Ko'jr rooms un- saving kitchen, full basement, attache.1 By order of the Board of Directors, md state tho reason why you will not power steering anil liraUes. rarllrt. heat- 4-0174. 'urnished, paraRe. Wooded area In rear, Priced n RICHARD H. HAMILL, ic able to vote, at your usual polling er, snow tlrea. Many extras. Must sell HELP WANTED-FEMALE THAYER STROLLER. Chrome fenders . Sir_J -S24.1. $18,1)1)0. VA assumption with low month Cashier. )lace. No civilian absentee ballot will by end of year. Tremenrlou* value, beat ball bearing wheels. $10. Sehwlnn bicy- BURNISHED APARTMENT — Three ly payments nvallahlp. El wood A Hod Rnnk, New Jersey ic furnished or forwarded lo any ap- offer takes It. OS 1-;'U2. STENOGRAPHER - AGE NO BARHELP WANTED-Male - female cle boy'B, red »nd white, white Hide •ooma nn'l luth. Private entrance, Armstrong Agency. Realtor, 555 Pros December 20. 1M0 plicant unless request therefor In re- RIER. CALL walla. 2*", $20. Moving. SH 1-3306. 'hone SH 1-1811. pect Ave., Little Sliver. SH 1-1500. Pec. 2J-2f)-Jan. 5-12-19 JPIVPII nut less than fi dayd prior to "Vou Npvfr NPIMI CnsH" , SII 1-9500 he. election, and contains the foregoing AT J1APLB MOTORS EXPERIENCED furniture nalesmen MOVING — Spiling; Two refrlgeratori, SECOND FLOOR - Fmir rnonm. bath, Information. 363 Maple Ave. K.n. SII 1-0SI5. MEDICAL fflcrcLary-receptlonisl, ful aalealady and decorator wanted fo tables, beds, etc. atornge. Good location on bus line, Dated: Decembpr *2!>, 1WiQ time, Mlddletown. Respond utatinp a* brnnch of Tile Maple Shop onpnln SH 1*4693. unfurnished. SH 1-021.9. CHEVROLET — 1953 two-door, power experience and references to "MSR,1 April 1, Monmouth Shopping rvnt"* By KEN REYNOLDS WILLIAM E. FinTH. Klfde, Excellent bnrly, four new tires, Box Ml, Red Bank. Eatonlown. Telephone - Mr. Hazard, QUICKIES Secretary to Board of Education recent mnlnr Job. Must sell. Only J125. TW 9-8D56. 56 Rranrh Avenue, Phone 7fi7-ir>0fi. OPENING for JL.P.N. and experience! COMMERCIAL RENTALS Ucci Bank, New Jersey 11153 STUDEHAKER CHAMPION — Rt- nurse's allies. Hilltop Nursing Horn Dec. 29 $7.02 dlo, heater, Two-tone paint. Good iec- Middletown. Call Mn. Baker, for a SITUATIONS WANTED, Female URGENT! FACTORY LOFT onrt car. J100. CO 4-U017. polntment. OS 1-0177, For rent WILL HELP WITH PARTIES, dlmiera, 12.000 sq. ft. Call SH 7-1100. NOTICK 19.'i7 FOP.D — Tvvo-iloor sedan. Auto- DINING IIOOM HOSTESS—Must ha' good Appearance, personality, manneri or other occasions. Babysitting also, Warehouse manager wishpi to A\s- 8TORK FOR RENT .NOTICK TO TKItSONS DK.SIRING AB- matic, radio, hi-.iter. Take over month- Ability to handle help. Live Red Ban!light housekeeping. Call SH 1-8861. pose nt accumulation of furniture be- HKNTKK BAIJ.O'J'S. ly payments. PR MMT. fore January 1st. Stock Includes bed- On White SL or vicinity. Salary open. Reply P.O RELIABLE WOMAN wishes to tak( Call SH 7-1100 If you urn a qualified and rPKlsterM Box S51, Red Bank. rooms, living rooms, .sectionals. Take voter of the Slate who expects to bp 1!>54 CADILLAC — Four-door. Full pow care of children to her home. 15; over balance for storage costs. Will er. Radio, heater. Take over monthly Maple Ave. SH 7-2609. Will board. HIGHWAY OFFICE absent outside the State on February payments. PR -1-4997, FEMALE BARTENDER — Pleasai finance. Will arrange special price on Fully alr-condltloncd office. Consist Ing 11, 1061. or n. qualified and registered working conditions. No experience WOMAN wishes to mind children 1 two or more rooms. Call CO 4-3616. of reception room and private office— voter who will 1>R within the State on 1957 MOA, rnillo. heater, wire wheels. necessary. Steady employment. LI her home by day or week, Llncrofl Ask for Mr, Sugar. active colonial hutiding, separate, en February U, 1DG1, but. because of 111- JR.OOn miles. J134& 38 Davis Lane, Red 0781, between 1-5 p.m. area. Phone SH 1-3669. ranee, all utilities Included plenty o nesrf or physical disability, or becatme Bank. 811 7-577S. parking. Ideal for lawyer, accountant of the observance of a- religious lioll- architect or engineer. S159 per month. dny juirsuant to the tenet.t of your AUTO PARTS-REPAIRS CIRCULATION CLERK SITUATIONS WANTED, Male One or two year lease. HARRY A religion, or because nf resident attend- BOY'S ICE SKATES — Sizes 5 and vEARNEY A CO. RT. 35, MIDDLE ance at a school, college or university, 1950 CHEVROLET 216 engine. Ready Mall nubscriptlons. Diversified ani YARDS. CELLARS. ATTICS cleaned. 6, ?3.50 per pair. Call alter 4 p.m. TOWN. OS l-(H)00. will bR iinabln to cast your ballot at to run. 5000 miles since rebuilt. $40. detailed work. Must be accurate Any and all trash removed. Large SII 1-7762. the nailing place In your district on SH 1-7SS2. Between 25 and 40 yean of age. Ei dump truck. SH 7-2144 TWO SUITES of otficcs available In said date, mid you defiir« to vote fn perienee preferred, but not essential EIGHT-PIKCE bedroom set, .. . the Tuller Building. Both on firs the Annual School Election to ha held Apply In person at 40-42 Broad St, COLLEGE COMBO — Home for hoi living room set, porch, lamp, 9x12 rug floor, river side of building. One o >n February H, 10(il. Kindly write or Red Bank. • daya, desires booking Jor New Year'; 12" TV, 20 and 10 gallon fish tanks three rooms. Tha other four rooms. apply In pnrsnn to the undersigned At BOATS & ACCESSORIES Eve. SH 7-1652. Price right. at and and equipment, long and short SH 7-2440. once requesting that a civilian auinntee wave radio with phonograph, woorion ATTRACTIVE - Slngle-douoie rooms ballot l>e forwarded lo you. Such re- BARGAIN — Any. boat you want to BOOKKEEPERS, many to clothes closet, carriage, baby scale Kitchen privileges. Hot and cold run quest must dtato your home address, own. Low bank rates. Financing ar- STBNO-BOOKKBEPER opei FINANCIAL etc. AU in good, clean condition. SH 7nlng water. Free TV. Hudson House, and (he addrcas to which fiald ballot rangements completed In one call at SEcnBTARIES. many to S" 0288. shntild be. sent, and must he nlgned BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 31 Hudion Ave.. 8H 1-0662. with your signature, and state the. rea- any of our offloes. THE MONMOUTH CLEItK-TYPIST j: COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. SH 1- RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST FOR NEW YEAR'S Mink dye son v.!;y you ;vl!i not l)f^ aMf- to vole it MAJOR OIL COMPANY haa servlc, m $, ^ntirl non'ttl , ??Rf X-KAY TECHNICIAN to »a your uflual polling place. N'o civilian LAB TECHNICIAN station for leaae In Red Bank. Moderat, Pnle blue vanity and bench, $20. Rli 1 HOUSES FOR RENT absenti*o ballot will hp furnished or »f Investment necessary for solclt ant 0fi73. forwarded to any applicant unless re- MARINE SUPPLIES PRESSER-SPOT CLEANER s; equipment only. Good opportunity foi TUBE ASSEMBLERS TV JO" table model, n«edi hw tubn UNFURNISHED split level. Three bed (| ii05l tlierefor is received not less Everything For The Boatman. New aalea minded person. Call Ml 3-010C rooms, den, l\'i baths. |165. Unfur- than R days prior to the election, and Jeraey'H largest marine supply house. ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY n-5 p.m., ur BR 6-03S8 after 7 p.m. J6. Portshle three-speed Hi-Fi, like Evlnrude Sales and Service new. $15. SK 1-217.1. nished, two bedroom $110. Many fur contains the foregoing in fnr mat I on. II Broad St., Ked Bank SH 7-34!) MODERN — Two bay service statloi nlsiied rentals. Ella Wiltshire, Agency Dated: Ih'rrmbpp '.!!>. IDfil) 1480 Ocean Ave,, Sea Bright SE 2 TUB BOATMAN'S SHOP PHX OPERATOR — Parftlme wor and parking lot. Reasonable rental am JAMES W. UAVIDMEISEIt. 14 Wharf Ave. Red Bank 3-11 p.m. nnd weekends, conic] develo; low Initial Investment. PR 5-3188. TV DISCOUNTS 0004. SH 1-57SO Secretary Mlddtntnwn Township Into full lime. Call SII 1-4700. NEED PARTNER. — Male or female, WIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS - Hoard of Educnllun. 59 Tlndalt to Invest J5.000 In established business. HI-FI STERO SALE Furnlslicd and unfurnished. Immcd Road, MMdiPtown, N. J, AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS No work or time Involved. Incom HIGH TRADE-IN-NO CASH ate occupancy. Samuel Telchcr Agency Her, 29 J7.74 $10,000 per year and upward. Writ Oceanport Ave., Oceanport Call or dla PAY JANUARY 1961, TERMS U 2-3500 or LI 2-I1501. Partner", Box 511, Red Bank. RECORD PLAYERS $15.95 UP NOTICK RED BANK BUSINESS AREA — With RUMSON — Fine location. Four room* NOTICK TO PKKSONS IN MILITARY adjoining parking; approximately "O0C RECONDITIONED TV'S, $29 UPplus large screened porch. Cftll RU 1* SKKVIC'K nit I'ATIKNTS IN VKT- so., ft. Desirable ground floor offlc TV, HI-FI SERVICE 1332, after 6 p. m. Kit INS1 IIOSriT.M.S ANI» TO Swte Sty* of 1/alue- space or stores. Phone SH 7-1102. THREE ROOMS and bath, completely TIIKIIC IlKI^TIVKS AND KKIKNDS SH 1-7008 furnished with utilities. ?S2 month. Call If you are In the military service or r87-5716. are a patient in a veterans' hospital RAINBOW TV & HARDWARE and desire to vote, or If you are A INSTRUCTION (Across Acme LoO, Broad, Red Bank THREE-ROOM cotlnge. West Kenns relative or friend of a person who Is iurc. Couple only. Call in the military service or i* a patient USED VIOLIN INSTRUCTION at your home. 787-3992 in a vpterans' honpltnl, who, you be- Call ALTENBURG NEAR MATAWAN — New thrce-bed- "When your wife wants to get a car in the Red Bank lieve, will desire to vote In th? An- VAlley 60249 oom, l'j bath Cape Cnd. $1.10 monthly il School Elpctlon to be held on PIANO HOUSE Yearly lease, adults. Immediate occu- Register Want Ads—don't ever stand in her way!" February 11, 1961, kindly write lo the pancy. PA 1-7077 between 11 nnd 4:30. undersignpd at once making application MERCHANDISE Rent A Piano for a military seruJce ballot to he - CARS voted in said election to be. forwarded FOR SALE to you. if you are In the military $12 per Month iprvlcc or are a patient In a vet- KNABE, MASON-HAMLIN, SOHMER, erans' hospital, stating your name. aitp. VENETIAN BLINDS CABJ.E-NELSON. EVERETT. STECK. serial number, home addresi' and the address at which you are stationed or A-1 SAFE BUYS Cookman Ave. & Main St., Asbury Pk. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY can be found, or if you desire the Open dally till 9 - Sat. till 5:30 military service ballot for a relative 2 FOR $5 PR 5-9301 A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! or friend then make an application YEAR-END CLEARANCE All ilzes to 38", white. under oath for a military service bal- lot to be forwarded to htm, mating Now at new temporary location. BRAND NKW UNUSED H CRrat cold '55 FORD Custom Ranch Wagon, Fordomatic 595» 17 Jewel woman's Gruen -A-atch. Expan- in your application that he la over PROWN'S B BP.OAD ST. sion band with safety catch, 979.50. the ngft of 21 years and stating his '55 CHEVROLET Bel Air 2-Dr. Sedan, P-GI. 595. Will sell for $115. SH 7-IQ62. name, aerial number, home addres* RED BANK 8H 1-7500 Adding Machines—Typewriters China and Glass. Repair Painting and Decorating and thec<*mbrr «!). lfJOo '56 MONTEREY 9-Pass. Station Wagon, MOM 850. 5 p.m. Sunday at appointment. Phone thews, 115 Broadway, Keyport. CO 4' Appliance Repairs JAMES XV. DAVIDHEISBR, KEIlojg 13HL 1446. Pet Supplies Secretary, Middletown Township '58 FORD Custom 300 Tudor only 850. APPLIANCE REPAIR and Installa- Floor Waxing Hoard of Education. 59 Tlndall tloa Residential and commercial wlr- HELEN MILLER - Dry and frozen l\anti, Middletown, N. J, '57 FORD Fairlane 500 Victoria, Full Power 995. AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS inc Allen Electric. SH 7-0612. J. TANNAHILL — Floor waxing and (Ish foods to order by mall or ap Dec. 2I» |7,74 Janatorlal service. Commercial, res- polntment. Call AT 1-1675. '57 FORD Convertible, FOM, P.Steer. 1095. idential. Low ratPB. 7S7-2779. '57 OLDSMOBILE "98" 2-Dr. Hardtop, Full P. 1095. Auctioneer NOTK K or SALE Plumbing & Heating On Tuesday, January 3, 1061 al 12:00 '57 CHEVROLET 6 Pass. Station Wagon, P-GI. 1150. B. a. COATS—An p-isentfil Auction Furniture Repair noon nl Hway 35, Neptune, N. J. 1 Appraisal Service "anywhere." 268 REPAIRS. SERVICE and Mafnte will sell nt public auction on behalf '57 MERCURY Turnpike Cruiser Convertible 1250. NOT FOR SALE-AT ANY PRICE FURNITURE Rc/lnlshcd. repaired, nance 'J4-nour service, seven days Norwood Ave., Deal, Phon» KKiliogg of the Federated Service Corp. one 1-3101. cabinet making. Free estimates, Martin J McOulre. Inc.. RII 7-3707 1056 Ford Identified by serial numhpr '57 MERCURY COMMUTER Sta. Wag., Full P. 1250. pickup, delivery. W. Murray. 787-4677 M0KR2'.MM9 by reason of Bill* • Unibody construction Hawks's default of conditional sales '58 FORD Fairlane 500 4-Dr. Victoria, FOM, PS 1250. Auto and Truck Rental Radio-Television Repair contract covering same. '58 FORD 6 Pass. Country Sedan, FOM PS 1250. Fuel Oil—Heating Said lftsti Ford can be seen at Hway • Built in protection against the elements AVIS—Rent a Dew car or truck. Low A.C. RADIO & TELEVISION CO.- I2:i Shrnw-tbury AVP. Hll 1-4768 35, Neptune, N. J. '59 FOR*D 6 Cyl. Custom 300 Tudor, F'omatic I 350. ratei Mapln Ave, Red Bank. 9H 7* FUEL OIL, & HEATINQ—Call SH !• C. C. KABAniCK, • Torsion-air suspension 0308. PR 4*5214, Dally 7 a.m.—10 p.m 0610. Oil Delivery. Inc.. Rervlct A SERVICE WHILB YOU WAIT. '58 FORD 9 Pass. Country Squire, FOM, PS 1595. Sales, 3 Heiben 8t., Reri Bnnk. Attorney "in Fact. Dnr. 20 J2.70' '59 FORD Fairlane 500 Victoria, FOM, PS 1695. • Fresh, new styling Awningg — Canopies Roofing, Siding and Insulation '59 FORD Convertible Coupe, Fordomatic 1795. Home Improvements Inmintlon * Siding Corp Certified NOTIC'K TO M1SKNT IIKKKNIIANT • Jumbo-sized interiors AWNINGS-CANOPIES mad* to order. Johru .Man.IIIP cuntrnctnr 1JI! A-810' STATK OF Ni:\V JKKSKY '59 MERCURY Montclair Hardtop, Full Power 1895. Free estimate! standard Awning Co.. D PR1MERANO "Tli» CirpunU'r." or Adum Linzmayer A'l MioU- TO BETTY SCHM1TZ, • Eight times stronger glass 815 River Rd,. Fair Haven. 8H t-0696. Experienced nlterntions. repair work, One of the Defendants. '60 FORD Fairlane "500" Fordor, FOM, PS 1950. nul-lnslde. SH 1-4151, SH 7-5191. OLSON CO INC.-RoorinR. Siding A (LS.t Innulatton lnntniied nnrl pnarnntpert Vnii are h'Tpby sunnnonrd anil r*- '60 FORD Country Squire, FOM, P.Steer. 2450. Boating Supplies WORKINO MAN'S contractor—Alter- Inr 10 vrars .PR ft 070:, AT 1-0510 • Total contact brakes ations additions; palntlnR. masonry, Mini't'd h» srrvp upon HAI'.KV H. KOT- '60 THUNDERBIRD Hardtop, Full Power 3395. NEVER SINK with NAVESANU! all tho.io ilttln Jobs, LO 6-1711. LEII, KSi}., plnlntlff's iitiorney, whn.«A • From 10 to 60 more horsepower that Navciand Marine Saiei Co.. Ocean Tel. Answering Service aildresa Is 11 (3 Ki.st Jersey Rtreef, Ave., Sea RrlKht. SE 2-1101. KUziibi'th, New .1prn«jy. an Answer tn MANY MORE ONE-OWNER CARS the Complaint m,.,) jn ft ,-ivll action. In deliver better gas mileage Insurance TIKI) TO VOl'R telephone ? Lrl u.* which JOSEPH COHEN' is plaintiff ami "60 FORD, MERCURY, LINCOLN EXECUTIVE CARS Bookkeeping Service stiHivci f' = i vim' 21 hniir service. TPIP (JKOKOK F. SCll.MI'lV,. et RK. .ire de- • Alternator electrical system ALLHTATE INSURANCE CO.—Auto, phono An*worms 8arvice. SH 1-4700 femiants, pending In the Superior Court accident, hoine, (iro Insiirnnce. I/iw n( New Jersey, within ;i.*. d.iys aft^r BLAINE Clerical Service-Any cleri- rntcfl. Call John P. McHugh. Asent. cal Job: typing, payroll, mall bllli, January Hi. lOfil, exclusive of such RU 1-1091. Tile Ceramic date. If you fail to do so, judgment I TEST DRIVE A I96I The above list is a combination of just a few items enter ledgers, etc. M 2-1168. Ijy default may lie tendprpd again* I RHMODLINU'REPAIKS* ADDITION? you for the relief demanded In Mm ; • FALCON • COMET that are standard on a 1961 Dodge Dart — that are Building Contractor Kitchen Remodeling —Now ivork. rnclo.surr* all accessor Cnmr'liilnt. Vtm shall file jour An* les. floors, walls crlllnc l)ecoratlv< mvi'r and Prnnf of Service ii. (Kipll^atn i • FORD • MERCURY NOT FOR SALE AT ANY PRICE on any of the lead- V & C UUILDHH9 KITCHEN CABINETS—Formica sink lltRsi to your order, Paul's Tlllnr with the Clerk of tin- Superior '..ourl. Specializing in aluminum tiding plus tops built-in ovens and ranees, com- Sf-rvlcp. CO 4-.1fi:M. Stale Houni- Annex. Trrnlnn, Now Jfr- ; • THUNDERBIRD • LINCOLN. complete building lervico and ramod- plete rprnodt'liiiK. Fln-tncinc ar- soy, in in-cctnlance with the Ilnle-i of ing low priced cars. Reasons why a Dart gives you ellnx. CO 4-1676 or CO 4 1137 rimRPd. Iff'nal Kltchpon. 787-0078, f?ivil I'rm-llci; mid I'nu-f.lur.-. \ • TRUCK CONTINENTAL that big car ride at compact savings. You owe it to Tree Service The Mctlon tins been Instituted for ALL TYPE Improvements and new the purpoH* of f II re closing ;i morlgaKf •"~:T";.:::-'-••- ,•«::;;.;>?• work Guaranteed, Kitchens, dormers. Odd. Jobs MI'-f TREK SERVICE-Inaurt'd, Oen ilalt'd AuKiist Hi. I Win, rntidp bv yourself to see, drive and compare the *I96I Dodge- J. Cadwallodor. Rlnco to:i9. P.U 1-U1&8. erai care of tret;s 124 Bolihnw Ave. OKnilGK K. SCHMITZ an.I HKTl'V CWLLA1U3. garuRes cleaned. Trees ffipitontown. Ll 2-2127. Dart at: DBBTHFANO CONSTRLJCTION-Hew removed. Hauling. Appliances, SCUMnV.. his wife, nn iiiorlgiigors .irnl tiomnn, alterations rrpMrs tlmo pay- furniture movi-rl, CA 2-7757 payable In JOSEPH COHEN, a?i innrl- menta. Phono LI 2-QHM—7B7-OGJH. gfigrf nml cntirrrnn I'oal pstntf Incatr.I •Dodge-Dart priced In lino with Fold and Chevrolet. MVi'iiTirAi.'LINTiT"-" Evunlngi and Vacuum Cleaner Repair jat :t*)0 CMiurt'tl Strcrt, TOWIIHIIU' of .Mld- NKW HOMES, alterations, repairs. wri'li-ciiiM. KiMisimfiblf rntcn. Cull !rHi-lown Monmouth County. NVw Jrr- lltKhent quality work. For ratlmales (li-nrgn Hnrdrti. SH 1-7777. ELKCTRULUX * • ,-. Vou are niii n d.-fciidiiiit be- call Herbert Hi gen ranch Hll l-n'JOl Sales Her vice Hupp] let ! niiiflt1 yy" -•* 1 Kiir-11 itn1 imli' •• • *• * in"H- ENGLISH 720 Mnttlson Ave., Ailmry Park. Koi RED HANK ALUMINUM PRODUCTS mice liefiiK forfclnspd and togrllu'i with AGENCIES Painting and Decorating prumpt home inrvlco of fr^n checttitp UP defrmUnt. (tElllKJE I-'. Si'HMlT/,. F&H MOTORS, ING. Htnnn windows, siding, awnlngi. on your (Clnclrniux, call J'Tl !S-f)fi(JI ail 7-;(1.'J3 nr RII I-18M. Soiling Ford Products Since 1904 ' j 'toil i f PT: A H s A N-1 •'« 111 iVr i i c c 11 r MOT 'Ht Jim h.i\ Open Wookdays 'til Nino (a nice plncc to do I»;i|jrrhfiiiKrr 'J;> yi'.nsi experience U :•< tli'i Cesspool Cleaning ('linpin Ave Hll 11VIH filtrr fl p in. Welding — Fabricating i inm tj;.i L;<'. 1, <;i:.\NT St'dlT, MONMOUTH St. and MAPLE AVE. IHY. No. 35) Roufo 35 LI 2-11II HBi*TIU TANKH. riry weim inrvicrd. (JAItl. I*. .inNKS— I'nlritim; nnd rteo* nt llciniOL)i\W • n11 1 n(I iisTrTaTr^ in p nf thf .suin-i mr t'uiirt. Eatdntown, N.J. Lsichlni field added, Hfickhos work. ornlinK aonrrnl cent nintlfiK. I*' r i* • inrnt Portabln wplrilng, At untie aitlmutPA. Cull £111 l-i'MX It hours. Welding & irabrlCAting Ca 811 7-377R IIUI.M ID. v.m, SH I-60O0 RED BANK SH 7-4545 O. H. Wilson. SH 1-IR4S. i-y.t j.ii.M> r. Dec. 29. I960y REDBAJCK REGISTER Telescope / went off to South Africa a* a poultry firmer, A pasting Ibftf- ric*l troupe roused his greaee- May /«m/w Off paict yearnings, end he toured the veldt for two years. Kl PRINCETON (AP) — A new Bridge to Success "I was John Gielgud out telescope project designed to an

By WILLIAM GLOVER Rescue Brings Job hack to England, Wright went on:' AP Drama Writer The Paris rescue attracted the fjve-month whalins expedition. : toring the preliminary testing a j stage, it has been announced hv NEW YORK (AP) - Because attention of producers tonk.np for0nce home, he "walked into" « princeton Uniwrsitv a the Nation- =. jumped off a bridge in France. \ dash.nf! typo for the lead in nn lcad role in a movie quickie. 1, ScVCnce Founda^i, FoundatioFound8t n and the \ English actor named Tonv!^'™ melodrama The Amaz- ••, was bloody awful, but it j^ ^f " "11* MrMr- brighTight is oror. American movimovie"e * - ^all^ha,,. laltaugh,Bhtt mmee aa greagreatt lessolessonn abouaboutt II"'./*'. "u^, * .hVV .. ii ,~ ., The next break for Wright vagaries of show business. ,. V"d.cr lhe *"**'on °f Dr. Mar screens for the first time. i thc 1 1 the completed film Wnen The film came out, there; " Schwarzschild, professor of as- "It wasn't particularly heroic," i picked up for showing in this; || the ads—jtronomy at frinceton tlie Strato iic observes of the leap that pro-', wa5 mv name on a !country. It releases here short- | ),p j ,[ f a job, scope II project will undergo a vented a suicide. "I pot a swim am ( re waSi 01 o dummy launching in early 1961 and the woman was in trouble. ily, .. None of ,Tony' , s previou, s ,^eatin. g doughnuts and coffee in a 10 1 made lhc lransatlanllc Target date for the first full-scale "But if it happened again, IjP cr0" sin™* : think I mightn't jump. People are * 2. Thing.M..,^s ,,«,,.^.«,usubsequently, ...... improvedu,vU,, la»nching is set for sometime nex 311 8«-fullv skeptical anytime an ac ' m getting niyb.fi break both; but ,hcn Wright realized he' ' tor does anvthin" "' |at home and here because I wont , ' getting romantic parts, The project consists of a 36-inch wasn t telescope, weighing 4,300 pounds "' to Fiance for some television. usua||y ending up as a villain. work," he declares. "Every un- "Deep down 1 guess I really which will be carried to a heigh employed actor in Europe was on am." he avers. of about 30,000 feet by a specia ._5* hand when I got there." "Heroes are very dull really." balloon. There thc instruments Wins Promotion will photograph and transmit tele vision pictures which are three Urighi won promotion from bits' d^vno if It f 1 DilO fifths more accurate than those to lead by more than a rescue. 1' iCt'^CM I M-fllL- 1 taken from ground based instal- He had in learn lhe role in three lations. * weeks. Since he couldn't speak ajlj^jj* Til ft ^/l/VU1 ' word of French, he crammed the* «" •*-**>£ tJII'irW Remote Control TV "ilines phonetically. ] Once it has reached its altitude, the telescope will be focused and • j: With wavv blond hair, dimpled1 RED BANK — George R. Cree- ...chin, athletic physique and teeth-Kan, magician, singer, story-telll- monitored by means of a re- *|for a toothpaste ad, Wright re-i". puppeteer and general enter- mote control television system '• cently was labelled by a French trainer will be the center ofjand a 70-station command chan- ";cri!ic as "A combination of Los-!attraction at a New Year's Eve nel developed by RCA Labora- \'2 lb. jar with -' lie llou ard and Johnny Weisnnil-' Program for children in the Carl-1 tories in Princeton. It will re- purchase of $2.50 . icr •• ' ; ton Theater, starting at 2 p.m. | main aloft all night for scientists Such description brings a'Saturday. jto make their observations. I tongue-in-cheek smile to the 3!i-: llc »''" also War at the St.; Among the first objectives of ;\ear-old son of a famous English:IJ:lm(-'s Theater, Asbury Park. (Princeton astronomers will be an actor, the late Hugh h. Wright. I analysis of the divisions of Sat- "I'm uniike them, or anyone urn's rings, possibly throwing vcsle. individually and collective- more light on the factors that de- ," he asserts. termine the orbits of the many particles that make up the rings. Father Was Star Secondly, studies will be made . , Following in his father's foot- of the sudden atmospheric '! steps started relatively late for changes that take place on Jupi- Tony. ter and Venus. These studies may "I really wanted to be a veterin- explain the cause of the myster- arian," he says. "Animals aren't ious "red spot" on the largest as dumb as people." planet, as well as the connection .^ I Family finances after the el- between atmospheric disturb- ' : der Wright 'sdealh when Tony was ances on Venus an,d solar mag- ]4 ruled out such a career, so netic storms. the youth set off on a variety of /jobs, none of which was akin to Sun's Formation k ''acting. A close examination of the gase- ous nebulae between stars from After a World War If hitch in : which new stars are formed will -" the Royal Navy, during which he also be possible. An examination such as this would probably pro- Vide clues as to the way in which our own sun was formed. THE SWEATER HOUSE Finally, it may be possible that man will be able to see for the —Factory Outlet— first time the surface of his sis- ter planet, Venus. If conditions are right, the accuracy of the telescope may allow pictures to be taken through brief holes in George R. Creegan the planet's eternal cloud cover. Best known for his creation of After the night of scientific OPPOSITE ELKS HOME LONG BRANCH "Heinz, the Goblin, and His Pal, measurement, the payload will be jeorge," a combined show ex- returned to earth and recovery (Memorial Parkway aad GarfleM Avenue) hibited frequently to children in will be made • by a helicopter- j the New York City area, Mr. towed device designed by the Greegan has an international rep- naval air development test unit utation. of South Weymouth, Mass. He has appeared before more L-Shaped Structure than half a million people in Designed by the Perkin-Elm- NOTICE! Europe under the auspices of the er Co., Norwalk, Conn., the tele- West German agency, Tribuna scope is an L-sahaped structure MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Agentur. with one arm measuring about Very Special! Kathi Originals He has puppets of. all sizes, 25 feet and the other nearly 19 one of them human size, another feet. It will have a theoretical BUS SERVICE the size of a grasshopper. With resolving power of one-tenth of a them, he demonstrates his skill second of arc, or the ability to from in magic and in singing. distinguish two golf balls 15 inches apart from a distance of 500 miles Dacron and Cotton Sissy Shirts UNCROFT to N.Y.C. A 36-incii quartz optical mirror To Pick Up has been designed for the tele- FROM LINCROFT: Leave from Swimming River Road scope, the largest quartz blank and Newman Springs Road at ... Yule Trees ever successfully cast. It has 6:40 A. I\l. and 7:20 A. M. been ground to a true parabolic These favorite shirtdresses have now gone ultra-feminine in Exp_,via Parkway MIDDLETOWN — The Recrea- shape with a tolerance of one- tion Commission announced today FROM N.Y.C: Leave from Greyhound Terminal at millionth of an inch. the required new '61 manner. The aspect is delightfully Thirty-fourth Street that trucks will pick Up Christ- The program is sponsored by 5:25 P. M. and 5:45 P. M. mas trees for burning at the the Office of Naval Research and Twelfth Night Burning of the the National Science Foundation, right! The fabric is 35% silky-soft Pima cotton and 65% For Further Information — SH 1-0285 Greens ceremony Jan. 6. 9.98 with additional support from thc CO 4-2222 The commission has requested National Aeronautics and Space dacron. Wonderfully washable; drip-dry, too. that homeowners leave the trees Administration. Dr. Schwarzschild BUY 10 TRIP BOOKS AND SAVE! at curb-side. directed the highly successful The annual ceremony will take flights of a 12-inch solar tele- Asbury Park and New York Transit Corp. place at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 6 at the scope, Stratoscope I, in 1957 and Allen Tract, Rt. 35. 1959. A. One-button Italian plunge B. Pocket sheath with Dutch C. Six-button float with full UNDER R01X0 MANAGEMENT Mayor John T. Lawlcy, Jr., 401 LAKE AVE. ASBURY PARK. N. J. will light the torch and fire the neckline, full skirt. In blue, li- collar, )'A buttoned. In blue, cluster-pleat skirt, easy-on tab trees. Many Use Up lac, banana. Sizes 12-20. banana or mint green. Sizes. front. In blue, banana, lilac.

1 1 l Jobless Benefits 12-20, l4'/2 -22 /]. Sizes 12-20, I4 /) -22 /2. TRENTON (AP) - The state Division of Employment Security said today the number of jobless RCA VICTOR 2i workers who have exhausted un- employment compensation is 8 ner cent higher than at this time last year. Frank T. Judge, DES director, STEINBACH'S BUDGET DRESSES, Mezzanine and Asbury Park said about 300 New Jersey LOR TV workers draw their last benefit check every working dky of the year. In a 10-week period ending Dec. he said, 14,246 workers ex- hausted their benefit rights. This is one indication of the state's SLASHED TO economic health, he said. Workers who are laid off can Women's Shoe Sale! ^et up to $35 a week for from 1,1 to 26 weeks, depending on how long they had worked. The state j Employment Security Council has proposed extending the dura tinn to 30 weeks, while a compro- Caressa and Mannequin mise bill now ready for Senate passage provides no extension. Regularly 12.98 - 14.98 8.99 Judne said a division study has ••stablishocl that 80 por cent of Co\°< Qa"- the workers who exhaust their benefits had earned no'wages for Misses* and Women's Flats ,M So""" Conlio' EASY at least 10 months. i Pone' <•• RCA VICTOR NEW COLOR TV •- URMSl Regularly 5.98 3,99 ••A : IN CG RESERVE Years AS PERFECT NOW : '4 AS RHEATCR COLOR MOVIES '• RED BANK—Jerome B. Drew, to Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs, J, B. Orew, Point Rd., Little Silver Pay! has enlisted for the six-month Children's Fleetair Shoes active duty program In the Const FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED! HURRY IN ond SAVE I Guard Reserve nnd has boon as- Regularly 7.50 - 9.50. Broken sizes, Red Bank only. 4.99 signed to Fort Hancock. His ac- tive duty service will begin nl 'Vino Mav Jan. 1R. tie attended Carnegie Institute of Technology, EATONTOWN TV & APPLIANCE CO. Pittsburgh. The enlistment was STEINRACIl'S SHOES. Sired Floor and Asbury Park Monmouth County's Largest Sales and Service Organization received in Red Dank.

50 HIGHWAY 35, EATONTOWN, N. J. The prevalence of spols on the sun hnvn long liocii connected 508 MAIN STREET, ASBURY PARK will) earthly sni'lal upheavals. It LI 2-0400 or PR 4-0400 has horn noh'd (hat |hc Ameri- SHOP WED. AND FRI. NIGHTS 'TIL 9 can, French and Russian revolu- OPEN DAILY 'TIL 10:00 P.M. tions occurred ill limes of maxi- Use Our Convenient Parking Lot Adjacent, to the Store mum solar activity.