Key Stage: 2 Year: Lower Juniors Subject: Jewish Family Life Time allocation: 1 hour per week

Part Learning Objectives Activities and Experiences Key Questions

To learn about Jewish food Take in a sample of foods. Ask the children which they have Which foods do you eat / have eaten? How do you decide what rules eaten and which they would be prepared to eat. Discuss their likes to eat? What food do you like / dislike? Why? 1 To think about their own and dislikes in food. Introduce a sheet of pictures of animals, fish What food comes from which animal? food customs and birds which are sometimes eaten. Discuss which food comes from which creature. Read Leviticus ch 11 (or extracts from it). Work out which of the creatures can eat (are kosher).

To learn about Jewish food Show the extract from the video “The Family”, which deals with Why are milk and meat kept separate? Can you eat milk and rules food rules. Discuss the separation of milk and meat in the kitchen meat at the same meal? Can you eat eggs / vegetables / fruit 2 To think about their own and that they are not eaten at the same meal. The basis for this is with milk or meat? (The answer is that you can with both). food customs Exodus 23:19. Who has permitted kosher items and forbidden tref items? If possible, show a food item with a kosher label. Discuss the What foods can Jews eat together as a meal? meanings of “kosher” – permitted and “tref” – forbidden. Pupils draw up a menu for a kosher meal. Extension work: Draw a plan of a kosher kitchen.

To learn about the mezuzah Show either a mezuzah case or a video of a scribe writing a What is one of the first things you would see when you visit a To think about what they mezuzah. Discuss where it is placed and the respect shown to it. Jewish person’s house? Why is the mezuzah placed on the door 3 respect and why Read Deuteronomy 6: 4 – 9. Discuss how Jews “write the posts in Jewish houses? How do Jews show respect for the commands on doors and gates”. Explain that verses 4 and 5 are mezuzah? Are they respecting the case, the or the Shema, a very important . Pupils can learn the something else? What? Why? Is there anything you show Shema and / or write it neatly and decorate it. respect to in your house? What? Why?

Concepts Skills Attitudes Resources Learning outcomes Levels of achievement Evaluation Key words kosher Listening Empathy Variety of foods Pupils draw and label two By the end of this unit God Speaking Respect Pictures of e.g. cow, sheep, pig, groups of animals, one group Investigation Enquiry rabbit, chicken, duck, eagle, headed “Kosher”. Most children will be able to: Reflection Self- owl, cod, salmon, crab, prawn Identify a mezuzah and some understanding Bible kosher foods and practices; and Respond sensitively to Jewish rules about food.

Kosher Listening Empathy Pathways of Belief – Menu of a kosher meal. Many children will be able to: Tref Speaking Respect (BBC video 0563462343) part Plan of a kosher kitchen. Describe how the mezuzah and God Investigation Enquiry 3 “The Family” case are used and Jewish beliefs Torah Reflection Self- Bible about food; and Applying understanding Kosher label Compare their own experiences Designing to those of Jews, identifying Drawing some of their beliefs.

Some children will be able to: Understand what being Jewish Mezuzah Listening Empathy Mezuzah case Neatly written copy of the involves at home; and Shema Speaking Respect Pathways of Belief – Judaism Shema (Deuteronomy 6: 4&5), Ask questions and suggest God Reflection Enquiry part 2 “Torah” which is suitably decorated. answers to issues such as why do Torah Learning Self- Bible people eat what they do and how Handwriting understanding can a house show something Decorating about what a family believes.

Key Stage: 2 Year: Lower Juniors Subject: Judaism - Time allocation: 1 hour per week

Part Learning Objectives Activities and Experiences Key Questions

Respond to pupils’ own Talk about mealtimes and when pupils eat together with their When do you have meals? Where do you eat them? When do experiences of meal times family; Grace before meals; all your family eat together? Where do you eat these meals? 1 and family gatherings. Jewish blessings at Shabbat: Baruch atah Adonai elohenu melek When do you eat with friends? Why do you eat with friends? Understand why Shabbat is ha olam (Blessed are you Lord God king of the universe …who Do you ever say prayers before eating? Why? important for Jews, because has created the fruit of the vine / who brings bread from the earth); Why do Jews pray before eating – especially at their main meal God rested after he had Write own grace or blessings for a meal. of the week? created. Read Genesis 2 v 3. Discuss why Jews observe Shabbat

Describe the main events of Introduce information about Shabbat. Which is the main day of the week for Christian worship? Shabbat. Role play a Friday evening in a Jewish home. What do you do on Sunday? (Friday for Muslim pupils). 2 Understand that Shabbat is Do you have a favourite day of the week? Why is it your important for Jews as a day favourite? How do you relax? Do you have a special time for of relaxation and celebration. relaxing? Do you need a time for relaxing? Which day of your week is the most different from the others? *possible link with unit Is it a good idea to have part of the week different from the rest?

Describe the main events of Introduce information about the Saturday morning of Shabbat – What do Jews do with the scroll? Shabbat. the visit to the synagogue. Why is it so ornately decorated? 3 Understand that Shabbat is Watch a video about synagogue worship. Why is it treated with such respect? What is respect? important as a day of Role play aspects of synagogue worship e.g. seating arrangements, How do you show that you respect something? worship as a family and opening the Ark, carrying the scroll, undressing the scrolls, using Do you have special places / items which you respect? community the , replacing the scroll * possible link with the synagogue unit.

Understand that the havdalah Watch a video about havdalah or act it out. How do you end something which you enjoy? Do you have service separates Shabbat Discuss how it separates Shabbat from the rest of the week. any rituals for such times? (eg saying goodbye or kissing auntie) 4 from the rest of the week. Explain how the scent of the spices starts the next week off in a Why do Jews use candles at the beginning and end of Shabbat? Understand why some good and happy way. What does the light symbolise? actions should or should not Pupils write their own timetable for Friday afternoon and evening How do you decide what is work and what is not? Should you be performed on Shabbat or for Saturday. have times when work is forbidden? Why? Compare this with the Jewish timetable. Why do Jews not work on Shabbat? List some things which Jews should and should not do on Shabbat.

Concepts Skills Attitudes Resources Learning outcomes Levels of achievement Evaluation Key words Sabbath Reflection Enquiry Pathways of Belief: Judaism Grace or blessings for a meal. By the end of this unit Grace Discussion Respect (BBC video) ISBN 0563 Blessing Empathy Empathy 462248; Creation Looking at Judaism: Special Most children will be able to Family Occasions, Wayland ISBN identify and describe some G-d 07502 22735. aspects of Shabbat, suggest a King meaning for the symbol of light and Shabbat Reflection Empathy Table, table cloth, candles, Drawing of the Shabbat table Respond sensitively to Jewish Work Discussion Respect candlesticks, matches (safety!), experiences. Celebration Empathy Enquiry kiddush cup, wine/fruit juice, 2 Role play plaited loaves, challah (bread) cover; Looking at Judaism: Many children will be able to Special Occasions; describe how items are used in Pathways of Belief: Judaism. celebrating Shabbat and Compare aspects of their own Shabbat Reflection Respect Replica Torah scroll, cupboard, Writing/poem about respect for experience to special times, Synagogue Discussion Empathy raised platform, yad, chairs. the word of G-d or simply for a items and places for Jews. Worship Empathy Enquiry Looking at Judaism: Special special item or place. Family Role play Occasions Community Pathways of Belief: Judaism Some children will be able to Torah describe why Shabbat is important to Jews and Ask questions about Jewish Shabbat Reflection Respect Havdalah candle, cup of wine, Pupil’s timetables of Friday experiences and suggest answers Separation Discussion Empathy spice box, spices. afternoon to Saturday evening; from their own experience. Havdalah Empathy Enquiry Pathways of Belief: Judaism; Lists of permitted and forbidden Work Interpretation Looking at Judaism: Special activities for Shabbat. Rituals Role play Occasions; Symbol My Jewish Life, Wayland ISBN 07502 12993

Key Stage: 2 Year: Lower Juniors Subject: Jewish Rites of Passage Time allocation: 1 hour per week

Part Learning Objectives Activities and Experiences Key Questions

To learn about Jewish Talk about names of children in the class. Why they have been Is there a reason why you are named ….? Who chose your names, circumcision and bar given their name and whether it means anything. Explain that name? If you could choose your name what would it be? Why 1 or bat Jewish children have their everyday name and also a special do Jewish children have two names? To think about celebrating Jewish name, known to their family and a few friends. growing up Explain that Jewish boys are circumcised at eight days old. The Why are Jewish boys circumcised? How quickly do they reason comes from G-d’s covenant (agreement) with Abraham recover? Why are Jewish families happy at circumcisions? (Genesis 17: 9f) A boy is given his Jewish name after this. Did your family celebrate your naming? How? Why? The ceremony is called b’rit milah (covenant of circumcision). Girls are named in the synagogue on the shabbat after birth. At what age does someone become an adult? How will you Explain that boys have a bar mitzvah ceremony at 13, girls celebrate becoming an adult? become bat mitzvah at 12. This means they become adult Jews. Describe what boys do (learn to read in Hebrew and read from the scrolls in the synagogue at shabbat service) to become bar mitzvah. Draw a timeline and put circumcision and bar mitzvah on it. Write about one of the ceremonies.

To learn about Jewish Discuss whether children have been to a wedding ceremony. Have you been to a wedding? What happened? How did marriage What happened there and what was its purpose? everyone feel? Why? What made it a special occasion? 2 To think about celebrating Tell pupils about the Jewish marriage service (huppah – canopy, What does the huppah represent? – the couple’s future home. major events in life blessings over a cup of wine, ring, reading the – marriage Why does the bridegroom break a glass? – to show that there contract, final blessings, breaking a glass). will be unhappy times even in their marriage Place marriage on the timeline. Re-enact a Jewish marriage. What does a ring symbolise / stand for? – being together for life.

To learn about Jewish Tell pupils about Jewish funerals (washing the body, covering in a Why is the dead body washed? – there may not be a correct funerals and beliefs about linen shroud, a man often wears his , body placed in a very answer – respect, religious / ritual cleanliness (?) 3 death simple coffin, reading and a prayer praising God for life Why does a man wear his tallit? – see above – faith in God and To think about death and and taking it away, short speech about the deceased, lowering the to remember life as a devout Jew. what comes after coffin, throwing earth on to coffin). Why is the coffin not important? Place death and burial on the timeline. Why is earth thrown on to the coffin – bodies are made from the Jews do not believe or disbelieve in life beyond death. They same material as earth. consider this life to be the one to concentrate on. What do What are your thoughts about Jewish ideas about death and life children think about this view? beyond death? What are your beliefs?

Concepts Skills Attitudes Resources Learning outcomes Levels of achievement Evaluation Key words Names Listening Empathy Information about naming, Timeline of birth, circumcision By the end of this unit Circumcision Speaking Respect circumcision and bar / bat and bar / bat mitzvah. God Reflection Enquiry mitzvah e.g. from Writing about on of these Most children will be able to: Covenant Evaluation Self- Doreen Fine: What Do We ceremonies. Identify Jewish rites of passage, Bar mitzvah understanding Know About Judaism know that other religions Bat mitzvah (Macdonald, 0750017309) celebrate similar events and Torah Sue Penney: Judaism suggest meanings for symbolic Adult (Heinemann, 0435304674) actions and items; and Celebration Respond sensitively to Jewish Family experiences and ceremonies. Timeline Many children will be able to: Describe how major events of life are celebrated in Jewish ceremonies and link religious symbols to beliefs about life and Marriage Listening Empathy Doreen Fine: What Do We Timeline including marriage, death; and Ceremony Speaking Respect Know About Judaism perhaps illustrated with a huppah Compare Jewish experiences to Huppah Reflection Enquiry (Macdonald, 0750017309) and ketubah. their own, identifying some of Blessing Evaluation Sue Penney: Judaism their own beliefs. Ketubah (Heinemann, 0435304674) Symbolism Some children will be able to: Understand why Jews have ceremonies for major events in Life Listening Empathy Doreen Fine: What Do We Timeline including death and life and show how religious Death Speaking Respect Know About Judaism burial, perhaps illustrated with a beliefs can be expressed in Funeral Reflection Enquiry (Macdonald, 0750017309) coffin and tallit symbolic actions and items; and Respect Evaluation Self- Sue Penney: Judaism Ask questions and suggest God understanding (Heinemann, 0435304674) answers about major events in Life after life and about death and beyond. death Tallit Prayer Praise

Key Stage: 2 Year: Upper Juniors Subject: Judaism - Passover Time allocation: 1 hour per week

Part Learning Objectives Activities and Experiences Key Questions

Learn the background story Pupils become familiar with the story of Moses, especially from How is Passover linked to freedom? to the celebration of Passover the encounter with God at the Burning Bush and the command to What did Moses think of God’s command? Did Moses want to 1 lead the Israelites out of Egypt, up to the crossing of the Red Sea: do carry it out? ? think he could carry it out? Why were the Read sections from Exodus 3 v 1 to 14 v 31; watch a video; tell Israelites desperate to escape from Egypt? the story or use a textbook summary How did Moses change during the story? What made him change?

Learn the symbolism of the Discuss times when families gather to share a meal. What is your favourite food? Why? Passover food Pupils choose food or drink to symbolise e.g. life, happiness, What is your family’s favourite food / meal? Why? 2 sadness, bitterness, sharing, comforting etc and explain why. Which foods are essential to life? Look at symbolism of Passover food. What food symbolises birthdays / weddings / funerals / Easter / Christmas? Why?

Learn how Jews celebrate Enact a Passover seder for some or all of the class. Pupils name Question recap on previous learning of names and meanings of Passover and explain the foods as they are set out. Pupils should be given food. 3 some opportunity to taste some or all of the foods. Why is the help given by God important to Jews? Discuss the Jewish celebration of freedom, their belief in God’s Does God help people today? How? Why / why not? saving action and God’s covenant to make the Jews a witness to the world.

Concepts Skills Attitudes Resources Learning outcomes Levels of achievement Evaluation Key words God Empathy Empathy “Testament – Moses” (Channel Retell the story of the final By the end of this unit: Covenant Investigation Respect 4 video) plague, the Passover and the Faith Description enquiry escape across the Red Sea in Most pupils should be able to: Saving Understanding Justice words and/or pictures.  Retell the stories of the Freedom Explaining Passover  Respond sensitively to the Jewish celebrations and God Empathy Empathy Pictures of Passover food Draw, name and explain the experience of Passover Covenant Investigation Respect meaning of at least 4 Passover Faith Description enquiry foods. Many pupils should be able to: Saving Understanding Justice  Make links between the Freedom Explaining symbols and the Jewish belief that God made a covenant to save the God Empathy Empathy Candles, matzah, egg, fruit juice, Write a poem about Passover Israelite nation Covenant Investigation Respect (wine), salt water, green and/or its celebration with the  Compare this to their own Faith Description enquiry vegetable (eg parsley). haroseth title “God Saves”. beliefs Saving Understanding Justice (ground nuts, apples, cinnamon,  Identify what influences Freedom Explaining wine), horseradish. kiddush cup. their life roasted bone, matzah cover, Elijah’s cup. Some pupils should be able to:  Show how Jewish beliefs are expressed in symbols, story and celebration  Ask questions about Moses’ experience, suggesting answers from their own and from others’ experiences

Key Stage: 2 Year: Upper Juniors Subject: Judaism – Torah (see QCA Unit 2A) Time allocation: 1 hour per week

Part Learning Objectives Activities and Experiences Key Questions

To think about rules and Brainstorm a list of society’s rules (initially in small groups). Name some rules for society – not just for home or school. where they come from. Discuss the need for and origins of rules. Why do we need rules? Where do rules come from? 1 Find out why the Jews Tell or read the story of Moses at Mount Sinai. (Exodus 19 & 20) Where do Jewish rules come from? What are the Ten needed Torah. Choose the commandment “Do not steal.” Discuss what stealing Commandments? (see “Infants – More Stories from the Torah”) is. Discuss why laws become more complicated and why we need What is stealing? Is it different from borrowing / borrowing and additional guidance on what we should and should not do. not giving back / borrowing and not intending to return / taking Point out that the Torah – the five books on which Judaism is a medicine to save a person’s life / etc. How does it differ from based (the first five of the Bible) is that additional guidance on borrowing? Etc. Why do we need more help with guidance on how God wants Jews to live. what is right or wrong? Find newspaper stories as examples of the . To learn about the Torah, Show pupils a . Carefully undress and examine it How is the Torah treated? Why is this? how it is made and respected. Discuss how it is to be handled and why it should be so. (It is the Do Christians treat the Bible with as much respect? Should 2 To reflect on why it is word of G-d). Watch a video about how a sefer Torah is treated in they? What do you treat with respect? Why? respected the synagogue. Why is the scribe so careful and precise? (See “Infants – Introduction Watch a video about the scribe’s work. Discuss why everything to Judaism”) has to be so precise. Make a scroll with some Hebrew writing or verses from the Torah. Did you feel you were making something special?

To learn about bar mitzvah. Discuss when someone becomes an adult. When does someone become an adult? How can you tell – from To discuss when someone Watch a video about bar mitzvah preparation and ceremony. their age / looks / behaviour / responsibilities? Does it happen 3 becomes an adult. Discuss what Jews understand by adulthood and what rights and suddenly? Can you be an adult in some things but a child in responsibilities come from bar mitzvah. others? When does British law treat you as an adult? Design a bar mitzvah card (Mazel tov is Hebrew for “great day” When do Jews become adults in their religion? (Girls at 12; or congratulations). Write inside some of the responsibilities the boys at 13) What do they do to become an adult? What boy will acquire. responsibilities do they acquire?

To learn about Shavuot and Discuss how and why people celebrate. What do you celebrate? How do you celebrate? Why do you Simchat Torah. Pupils research either Shavuot or Simchat Torah, answering the celebrate? Why would Jews celebrate the Torah? 4 To reflect on why Jews questions: When is the festival? What does it celebrate? How is it celebrate the giving of the celebrated? Those researching Shavuot could also act out part of Torah. the story of Ruth. Those researching Simchat Torah could make a scroll and flags and reenact a synagogue celebration of the festival.

Concepts Skills Attitudes Resources Learning outcomes Levels of achievement Evaluation Key words Rules Reflection Empathy Bible e.g Good News, The Make up two short stories about By the end of this unit: Torah Discussion Enquiry Beginners Bible (pp 124 ff) taking something not belonging Right Listening respect Pathways of Belief: Judaism to the person who takes it. Say Most children will be able to: Wrong Speaking (BBC video ISBN: 0 563 whether either or both of them is  Identify Torah scrolls, bar God 462248) stealing and why you think so. mitzvah and Simchat Torah Stealing as Jewish and point to Borrowing similar events or items in Intention another religion Guidance  Respond sensitively to Jewish people’s feelings, Torah Reflection Empathy Pathways of Belief: Judaism Make a scroll. Copy some celebrations and values Sefer (scroll) Discussion Enquiry (BBC video) Hebrew writing on to it very Respect Listening Respect Paper, doweling (quills, ink?) carefully or, equally carefully – Many children will be able to: Scribe Speaking thinking about every move of the  Show understanding of the Designing pen- some verses from the Torah importance of Torah, bar Copying in English. mitzvah and Simchat Torah to Jews and what these involve  Discuss (question and Mitzvah Reflection Empathy Pathways of Belief: Judaism Design and make a bar mitzvah answer) puzzling aspects of Adult Discussion Enquiry (BBC video) card with the greeting of mazel life and suggest answers responsibilities Listening Respect tov and setting out adult with reference to Jewish Commitment Speaking Self- respnsibilities for a Jewish boy. ways of life mazel tov Designing understanding Making Some children will be able to:  Explain how learning to read the Torah and bar Celebration Reflection Empathy Sue Penney: Judaism Research Suchot or Simchat mitzvah make a difference Festival Discussion Enquiry (Heinemann 0435304674) Torah. Present findings to the to Jewish people Torah Listening Respect Douglas Charing: Torah class in written, artistic and  Respond with reasons and Speaking (Heinemann 0435303503) dramatic forms. examples to questions of Researching Ruth: Testament – the Bible in adulthood, reasons for rules animation (S4C video) and what should be respected.