Southwell & Diocesan Board of Finance

Annual Review & Summary Financial Statements

For the year ended 31 December 2019 Southwell & Nottingham Diocesan Board of Finance Annual Review & Summary Financial Statements 31st December 2016 SOUTHWELL & NOTTINGHAM DIOCESAN BOARD OF FINANCE ANNUAL REVIEW AND SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2019

Reflecting on the past year, I continue to give thanks for the hope that overflows from the stories shared by church communities the length and breadth of our diocese. In so many ways across the diocese God is on the move. People of all ages are coming to faith in Christ, new worshipping communities are being established, long-standing churches strengthened for a fresh season of fruitful ministry, while individuals are being renewed in their love for God or hearing a fresh call to serve him in a new way. There are many signs of a new spring-time for the church and we can rejoice, witnessing to the power of the Holy Spirit in these shoots of growth.

Looking ahead to this year, Pentecost 2020 will mark the halfway point for our refreshed diocesan vision launched in 2016. Over the past three years, this vision has been disseminated and embedded throughout the diocese celebrating the imperative for ‘Growing Disciples’, with three core strands reaching Wider in every community, connecting with Younger generations and growing Deeper roots of faith. These bold priorities have been discerned to facilitate growing new disciples in every parish across the diocese and have already seen good levels of engagement in a broad range of parishes with early numerical growth in contexts previously experiencing decline.

Compelled by the love of Christ by 2023 we seek to continue to:

 Welcome 7000 new disciples into the fellowship of Christ and his church. This is the number of those we hope will become a regular part of a worshipping community in the diocese by Advent 2023 and we pray will represent an overall increase in Average Weekly Attendance (AWA) after four decades of decline. From 2019, supported by the Diocesan Church Growth and Planting Enabler and the Strategic Programme Manager, every local church is being encouraged to engage with this aspiration through developing an intentional plan for growing disciples that is rooted in their own local context and opportunities for mission.

 Commission 1000 younger leaders (especially 15-30 year olds) equipped and inspired to serve the purposes of God in the church and society. Since its inception in November 2016, the Younger Leadership College (YLC) has enabled over 600 young people to actively participate in programmes and events, including formation groups for Disciples as Leaders and the Executive Leadership Programme in school sixth forms. To help build further on these very positive outcomes, in September 2019 team roles within the Younger Leadership College were reconfigured to support the introduction of a new Apprentice Track. The Apprentice Track is currently helping to provide a challenging and inspiring formational experience to 35 young disciples who want to grow as servant leaders either as full-time interns or associates who work within any part of the diocese. The Apprentice Track also operates alongside other continuing aspects of the YLC work, especially in secondary schools and church-based youth groups, as well as those churches working intentionally among students.


 Plant or graft 75 New Worshipping Communities (NWCs) across the diocese to increase our reach in telling the story of Jesus to all. Enabled by Strategic Development Fund bids, new financial resources are available to a wide cohort of churches. Through the development of an open and flexible application process providing a framework for church planting that is locally-led and diocesan-supported, parishes of all sizes and traditions may apply for funding to establish a New Worshipping Community as they respond to the opportunities to reach people in fresh ways. Between 2016-19 at least 15 new worshipping communities have been established, some within existing parishes and church buildings, others in new contexts and facilities. Following the launch of our ‘YoungLIFE’ initiative in 2018, parishes with all levels of experience in growing younger disciples came together to form a learning community exploring opportunities step-change their children’s ministry to 0-11 year olds. From Autumn 2019 a number of new services or worship within new venues have subsequently launched, attracting children and young families and we have been particularly encouraged as some of these represent new missional partnerships formed between primary schools and local church communities.

 Grow 25 larger Resourcing Churches inspired and equipped to ‘give themselves away’. We have 22 potential larger resourcing churches identified, who are now working within a learning community led by myself and facilitated through the Discipleship & Ministry team. At least one quarter of these are starting to form the necessary teams and networks as well as nurture leaders to ensure they are equipped to ‘give themselves away’ in the next 12-18 months. In each larger Resourcing Church, we are committed to deploying a ‘church plant’ missioner, normally ordained, with the expectation that they lead the establishment of a NWC within 2 – 4 years of their arrival. To help build and sustain this momentum, Strategic Development Funded time-limited Capacity Building Posts are also available to potential resourcing churches where there is considerable opportunity for untapped reach and growth. We continue to emphasise that every church can and should be a resourcing church and may engage in planting new worshipping communities, on their own or in partnership with other churches.


 Serve as 1 Church contending for the gospel in every community and sphere of public life in our city, county and region. The diocese continues to recognise the need to find new ways to support prayer and spirituality in the deepening of discipleship among all ages. In Autumn 2019, a new Principal of Wellbeing and Ministry Development joined the Diocesan team to support our leaders, both Clergy and Lay in order that their ministry can flourish. In September 2019, the deaneries across the diocese hosted the Archbishop of York’s OneLIFE mission.. This mission has continued to bear fruit with over 85 nurture courses subsequently being run across parishes, building on the opportunity for encountering and deepening discipleship. Alongside encouraging stories of new growth, we have also seen a significant proportion of new clergy called to serve in the diocese (60% of incumbents were appointed in the last 4 years) and the average age of our stipendiary clergy has dropped by 15 years during this time. Our vocational enquiries for lay and ordained ministry have also increased by 40%, with 35 now training on our new Licensed Lay Ministry Course. We give thanks that through intentional focus, time and prayer, most churches across the diocese paid their parish share in full in 2019 and that the total overall cash contribution increased slightly. The payment of parish share continues to be an essential part of our discipleship as it helps to contribute towards the cost of providing ministry and mission, both today and in the future. Through 2019, in consultation with the Bishop’s Council, the diocese has also been reviewing how it can structure its central resources and personnel to support parishes to be more flexible, intentional and creative as we respond to new opportunities in this next season of mission and ministry. As part of this, the Diocesan Lead for Growing Younger Disciples joins the team in May 2020 bringing a wealth of experience of teaching in schools and through faith-based organisations, using the great outdoors to connect life and faith for all ages. I continue to be deeply grateful for the leadership of clergy and laity across the diocese, as well as the extraordinary faithfulness of many congregations to sustain the life and mission of the church in their community. I conclude by giving thanks to God that his almighty provision these past years has included some faithful servants and dear friends who are being called on to new things, most notably Bishop Tony and Lucille. In addition, Nigel Spraggins who faithfully served as Chief Executive for 12 very formative years for the diocese, as well as The Venerable David Picken, called to be the new Archdeacon of Lancaster.

With an unmistakable commitment to continue abounding in the work of the Lord as, by his grace, new opportunities open up before us may we also learn to abide yet more deeply in Christ

The Rt Revd Paul Williams Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham 1 April 2020


PLANS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Financial plans in the 2019 budget set out to:  Realise a small surplus budget based on 100% of deanery share being allocated and paid  to target an 2% overall Parish share, increase but depending on attendance & ministry numbers individual deaneries will vary  provide for the number of people based on strength rather than establishment in moving towards 2020 deployment plans  provide for an increase in clergy stipends and staff salaries of 2%  continue to use Strategic Development Funding to support new major projects in the Diocese  provide a Growing Disciples fund to assist all parishes in their growing disciples plans and initiatives


The activities below, which are some rather than all, only relate to those undertaken directly by employees of the Board. Activities within parishes are reported in each of their separate annual report and accounts.

In 2019 the Board was successful in its third application for Strategic Development funding and was awarded £4,670,459 for seven new projects to Grow Disciples. These include the School of Discipleship, redevelopment of Ministry in North Nottingham now called “Woven”, expansion of ministry in , and and support to establish further New Worshipping Communities. Funding awarded under previous bids continues to be drawn down as these projects develop. It should be remembered that all these projects are match funded from Diocesan Resources.

The Discipleship and Ministry team has been active in training and developing both lay and ordained ministers. The Bishop’s study day was given over to the subject of Wellbeing for our Clergy with the theme being picked up at the Annual Diocesan Conference. The new licensed lay ministry course attracted a second cohort of 14 trainees, maintaining the increase in numbers seen in the first cohort. The new 4-week course on exploring church planting attracted 36 people over the course of a year, and ran a more intensive plant course as a pilot, which led to the launch of a new worshipping community called Connect Gamston. In 2019 the education team said goodbye to Claire Meese who had been Director of Education for 9 years. Nigel Frith will take up appointment in March 2020. The education team continued to support church schools across the Diocese and highlights include: -

 A very well received Church School Leaders Conference on the Church of ’s vision theme of Living Well together.  The Board of Education granted permission to The Minster School to form a Multi Academy Trust (MITRE). This means all of the church secondary schools are now academies.  Another cohort of middle leaders completed our church school programme and Church of England Professional Qualification for Headship. Retiring and leaving headteachers also attended evensong in June, followed by a reception in Jubilee House to thank them for their service.


By the end of 2019 over 20 churches were registered as eco churches with A Rocha and 4 had achieved at least bronze awards, and 18 small grants were made from the Bishop’s Lent Funds to churches to assist with community focused projects. There are now 19 Places of Welcome, supported by Transforming Notts Together, in churches in urban and rural contexts, and more than 10 churches offered holiday hunger schemes during the year.

Awareness has been raised of people trapped in modern forms of slavery working with over 50 people attending an event at St Mary’s in The . Nottingham Workplace Chaplaincy continues to develop with three new employers becoming clients. Support has also been given to the establishment of Town Centre Chaplaincy in Beeston. There were 23 diocesan led giving initiatives, the highest number in a year, for 7 years. The average increase in planned giving across Promise Programmes rose to 21% compared to 16% in 2018, This equates to an annual increase in giving of over £70,000. The Giving & Learning Community group, formed in 2018, to look at fresh approaches to giving, continues to review what the Board can offer parishes in the area of generous giving. We intend to appoint Deanery ambassadors in 2020 to work alongside the group to change the culture of giving in our Diocese.

OneLIFE mission over four days in September 2019 was a great success and was supported by the Communications Team. Events run across the Deaneries have been picked up and covered by Premier Christian Radio, Radio Nottingham, The Nottingham Post, FM, The Chad and Newark Advertiser. Photographs and videos from events have also been widely shared on social media and the Diocesan website. The Christmas stars campaign was repeated, and 2,400 ceramic stars were supplied to Deaneries to use in imaginative ways to invite people to church for Christmas.

The Board supported 4 members of the clergy with their retirement plans and assisted with moving 19 clergy families in housing in the Diocese. FUTURE PLANS

2019 marked the new triennium for the Board of Education (DBE) and the new Board is looking at the DBE vision for education and increasing its presence in church schools. During 2020 the DBE will respond to any changes made to the DBE measure by General Synod and support the implementation of new Relationships and Sex Education guidelines by providing training to Headteachers and senior leaders.

The current academisation strategy and policy for Church of England Schools across the Diocese will also be reviewed.

In 2020 the focus on our response to climate change will continue, aiming to double the number of churches engaging with the eco church initiative, promoting the Archbishops Caring for Creation Lent Campaign, and launching our own Growing Disciples Caring for Creation Fund. The Diocesan Advisory Group will also instigate a strategy for our church buildings across the Diocese and aim to improve our church buildings carbon footprint and increase awareness and use of environmental products and services.


There will be continued support for churches meeting the needs of rough sleepers in the city and county, and work in rural communities with partners such as Rural Support.

Transforming Notts Together will be recruiting new staff to develop Faith Action Networks, Places of Welcome and dementia awareness work. Nottingham Citizens will continue with developing people in our churches to be socially engaged disciples

Parishes continue to seek more involvement with digital giving platforms and contactless payments and there will be support and resources for this. PERFORMANCE AGAINST BUDGET The annual budget is presented to Diocesan Synod for approval and sets out the framework for our financial decision-making.

General Fund Management Accounts 31‐Dec‐19 Budget Actual Difference £000 £000 £000 INCOME Deanery Share 5,979 5,664 (315) Church Commissoners 3,374 1,871 (1,503) Fees 450 315 (135) Rent & Investment income 1,183 1,058 (125) All churches Trust grants 136 136 ‐ 11,122 9,044 (2,078)

EXPENDITURE Direct Ministry Costs 5,579 5,125 (454)

Future Ministry Costs 1,811 1,668 (143) Support Costs 2,897 2,733 (164) SDF One off costs & grants to parishes 1,188 156 (1,032) Loss on sale of assets ‐ (78) (78) 11,475 9,605 (1,870)

Deficit (353) (561) (208) The 2019 budget plan for deanery share was for 100% to be allocated and paid. The Board of Finance received 94.5% of deanery share due for the year an increase, in cash terms, on the previous year of £38,000 (2018 – 84.1%, a decrease of £101,000). The revised Parish share calculation was approved at Synod in 2018 and forms the basis of parish share calculations. As the new calculation shows some significant variations between deaneries, there is currently a transitional route to move Deaneries onto the new calculation. The 2019 share was based on the 2017 parish share paid plus 5.4%, and this calculation will continue until each Deanery reaches their calculation under the new basis.


The variance in the Church Commissioners receipts is due to the timing of the Strategic Development Fund claims against the budget, with a corresponding decrease in the costs of the SDF projects. The variance on Direct Ministry costs is a higher than expected clergy vacancy level, and the underspend on Future ministry costs is a delay on filling lay posts, The Support costs underspend relates mainly to delayed timing on SDF projects ,an underspend on the growing disciples fund , and underspends in Education, Partnerships & Mission, School of Discipleship and Parish Support. There were however significant costs incurred during 2019 , on the Jubilee House staff reorganisation. Net income returns on investments were slightly down against budget, as we incurred higher than expected weather related expenditure on the glebe land. We are currently receiving additional Mineral Extraction royalties in respect of Cromwell Quarry which will last until 2021. The overall return has increased to 3.3% from 2.8%. Statutory fees receipts have decreased again year on year and undoubtedly the level of clergy vacancies have contributed to this. The grant from the Allchurches Trust Ltd annual distribution amounted to £131,639 and the Board of Finance acknowledges with thanks the receipt of this grant. PERSONNEL It must be remembered that this report only deals with those who are employees of the Board of Finance and therefore although there have been a number of changes within parochial clergy and licensed lay workers these are not detailed here.

During the year new additions to the Diocesan team include Suzanne Astill,(University Chaplain) Cath Cooke (Safeguarding), Revd James Halstead (Principal of the School of Discipleship), Revd Sarah Patten (Ministry Wellbeing Adviser), Lynn Harvey (Safeguarding) , Revd Craig Hunt ( Diocesan Director of Ordinands), Megan Ranger ( School Chaplain) and Deborah Trevor ( Senior Finance Officer). Leavers in the year include Revd John Bentham, Jo Tilly, Rob Taylor, Liz Stratten, Nigel Spraggins, Louise Riley, Andrea Pritchard, Claire Meese, Dave Keetley, Jackie Johnson, Paul Howard, Nick Harding, Revd Dr David Emerton, Steve Cumberland, Angela Brymer-Haywood and Donna Bernard-Carlin. The Board of Finance places on record its appreciation to these and all staff for their dedicated service over the past year.



These summarised financial statements are a summary of information extracted from the statutory financial statements. They may not contain sufficient information to allow for a full understanding of the financial affairs of the charity. For further information, the statutory financial statements should be consulted.

The full annual accounts were approved on 1 April 2020. These accounts were audited by BHP LLP, Chartered Accountants, who gave an unqualified audit opinion and the senior statutory auditor was Jane Marshall. The accounts will be delivered to Companies House and the Charity Commission.

Copies may be downloaded from the diocesan website or obtained free of charge on request in writing to the following address:

The Director of Finance, Southwell & Nottingham Diocesan Board of Finance, Jubilee House, Westgate, Southwell, Nottinghamshire, NG25 0JH


Canon Michael Arlington Chair of The Finance Committee of Bishop’s Council 1 April 2020



Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total funds Total funds Funds Funds Funds 2019 2018 Note £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 Income and endowments from Donations 2 Deanery share 5,664 - - 5,664 5,626 Archbishops’ Council 1,280 591 - 1,871 1,734 Other donations 139 - - 139 150 Charitable activities 3 731 46 - 777 930 Other activities 4 447 2 - 449 423 Investments 5 996 282 - 1,278 1,367 Other 6 - 304 250 554 280 ------9,257 1,225 250 10,732 10,510 ------Expenditure on Raising funds 7 379 66 - 445 412 Charitable activities 8 8,986 780 - 9,766 9,519 Clergy pension scheme 27 - - (1,455) (1,455) 165 movement Church schools & Diocesan 9 - 195 - 195 178 projects Other 10 102 240 - 342 230 ------9,467 1,281 (1,455) 9,293 10,504 ------Net income/(expenditure) (210) (56) 1,705 1,439 6 before investment gains

Net gains/(losses) on 494 1,075 1,267 2,836 (425) investments

------Net income/(expenditure) 284 1,019 2,972 4,275 (419) Transfers between funds 14 (318) - 318 - - Non-controlling interest - 12 - 12 6 Other recognised gains/(losses) Gains/(losses) from changes in (351) - - (351) 440 financial assumptions on defined benefit pension scheme ------Net movement in funds (385) 1,031 3,290 3,936 27 ------Total funds brought forward 13,408 7,383 53,159 73,950 73,923 ------Total funds carried forward 21 13,023 8,414 56,449 77,886 73,950 ======

Growing Disciples Wider Younger Deeper 9 SOUTHWELL & NOTTINGHAM DIOCESAN BOARD OF FINANCE ANNUAL REVIEW AND SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2019 Consolidated Balance sheet at 31 December 2019

Company Number – 00034165 2019 2018 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000

FIXED ASSETS Tangible assets 39,131 38,787 Investments 41,197 39,620 ------80,328 78,407 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors 883 887 Cash at bank and in hand 709 186 ------1,592 1,073 CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year (1,154) (1,163) ------NET CURRENT 438 (90) ASSETS/(LIABILITIES) ------TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 80,766 78,317

CREDITORS: amounts falling due after more than one year Pension scheme liabilities (2,161) (3,648) Other creditors (719) (719) ------(2,880) (4,367) ------NET ASSETS 77,886 73,950 ======FUNDS

Endowment funds 57,270 55,753 Deficit on clergy pension scheme (821) (2,594) ------56,449 ------53,159

Restricted income funds 8,414 7,383

Unrestricted income funds: General fund 4,417 4,272 Designated funds 10,315 10,552 Defined benefit pension scheme (1,709) (1,416) liability ------13,023 ------13,408 ------TOTAL FUNDS 77,886 73,950 ======


DEANERY SHARE - RECEIPTS FOR 2019 Parish Share Parish Share Parish Share Parish Share Parish Share Parish Share apportionments receipts receipts apportionments receipts receipts ££% ££% NEWARK ARCHDEACONRY BASSETLAW & BAWTRY DEANERY NEWARK & SOUTHWELL DEANERY Askham 5,942 3,837 64.6% 5,532 5,532 100.0% with Ranby 20,194 20,194 100.0% 52,296 52,296 100.0% Bawtry with Austerfield 34,332 34,332 100.0% Barnby-in-the-Willows 5,292 5,292 100.0% Beckingham 12,648 10,200 80.6% Besthorpe 996 996 100.0% Blyth 20,028 20,028 100.0% 6,396 6,396 100.0% Bole with Saundby 1,641 1,641 100.0% Bleasby 12,888 12,888 100.0% 4,620 3,920 84.8% Carlton-on-Trent 4,992 4,992 100.0% Carlton-in-Lindrick 68,016 68,016 100.0% 7,992 7,992 100.0% Clarborough 9,846 9,846 100.0% Coddington 8,700 8,700 100.0% Clayworth 7,788 4,543 58.3% Collingham 17,196 17,196 100.0% East Drayton 2,851 2,851 100.0% Eakring 6,396 6,396 100.0% 18,489 18,489 100.0% East Stoke 3,084 3,084 100.0% Eaton & Gamston 3,564 2,750 77.2% Edingley 8,320 8,320 100.0% Elkesley 5,496 5,496 100.0% 1,992 1,992 100.0% Everton 9,635 9,635 100.0% Elston 13,968 13,968 100.0% Gringley-on-the-Hill 13,116 12,214 93.1% Farndon 23,590 23,590 100.0% Grove 2,341 2,341 100.0% Farnsfield 26,117 26,117 100.0% 17,592 17,592 100.0% Girton 996 996 100.0% Hayton 2,869 2,869 100.0% Halam 11,412 11,412 100.0% Headon 2,450 2,450 100.0% Halloughton 3,060 3,060 100.0% Laneham 2,052 2,052 100.0% Harby 2,196 2,196 100.0% Langold 4,176 4,176 100.0% Hawton 10,800 10,800 100.0% 7,224 7,224 100.0% Holme 2,196 2,196 100.0% Misson 9,036 9,036 100.0% Hoveringham 8,436 8,436 100.0% Misterton 12,648 8,000 63.3% Kelham 4,800 4,800 100.0% The Church in the Levertons 5,496 2,832 51.5% Kilvington 2,532 2,532 100.0% 6,479 6,479 100.0% Kirklington 3,996 3,996 100.0% Norton 7,325 7,325 100.0% Kirton 2,496 2,496 100.0% Oldcotes 3,540 3,540 100.0% Kneesall 996 996 100.0% Ordsall 51,634 51,634 100.0% Langford 792 792 100.0% Rampton 1,044 1,044 100.0% Laxton 6,000 6,000 100.0% West Retford, St Michael the 14,136 14,136 100.0% Maplebeck 3,180 3,180 100.0% Retford, St Saviour 42,480 36,223 85.3% Markham Clinton 4,992 1,618 32.4% East Retford, St Swithin 18,540 18,540 100.0% Marnham 1,392 1,392 100.0% with Osberton 3,884 3,884 100.0% Morton 12,216 12,216 100.0% with 19,992 17,192 86.0% Normanton-on-Trent 2,700 - 0.0% Shireoaks 24,996 24,996 100.0% North & South Clifton 2,196 2,196 100.0% Stokeham 1,044 1,044 100.0% North Muskham 13,184 13,184 100.0% Sturton-le-Steeple 6,480 6,480 100.0% Norwell 7,992 7,992 100.0% Sutton-cum-Lound 10,992 5,200 47.3% Newark Christ Church 22,992 22,992 100.0% 4,549 4,549 100.0% Newark St. Mary & St. Le 61,497 61,497 100.0% Walkeringham 11,724 - 0.0% & Boughton 19,200 19,200 100.0% St. Anne 59,369 49,369 83.2% Ossington 3,492 3,492 100.0% Worksop Christ Church 49,992 42,878 85.8% Rolleston 8,268 8,268 100.0% Worksop St. John 35,674 35,674 100.0% Shelton 2,532 1,920 75.8% Worksop St. Paul 2,640 2,640 100.0% 2,532 2,532 100.0% Worksop Priory 59,832 54,000 90.3% South Muskham 8,460 8,460 100.0% West Drayton 3,540 3,540 100.0% Southwell Holy Trinity 92,640 92,640 100.0% West Stockwith 5,040 - 0.0% 2,196 2,196 100.0% Deanery donation 54 Staunton 3,084 3,084 100.0% 749,016 676,985 90.4% Sutton-on-Trent 11,892 11,892 100.0% MANSFIELD DEANERY 2,532 2,532 100.0% 17,832 16,132 90.5% Thorney 1,200 1,200 100.0% 13,500 8,200 60.7% Thorpe 1,092 1,092 100.0% 42,104 42,104 100.0% 8,544 8,544 100.0% Forest Town 35,388 35,388 100.0% 10,999 10,999 100.0% Mansfield St. Augustine & Plea 26,100 20,000 76.6% Upton 9,708 9,708 100.0% Mansfield St. John with St. Ma 66,789 66,789 100.0% Walesby 3,996 3,996 100.0% Mansfield St. Lawrence 30,948 30,948 100.0% Wellow 4,992 4,992 100.0% Mansfield St. Mark 35,100 35,100 100.0% Weston 2,268 2,268 100.0% Mansfield St. Peter and St. Pa 80,097 80,097 100.0% Winkburn 1,284 1,284 100.0% 54,096 54,096 100.0% Winthorpe 6,000 6,000 100.0% Mansfield Oak Tree Lane 1,500 800 53.3% Deanery donation 50 Perlethorpe 9,571 8,571 89.6% 605,707 599,071 98.9% 26,758 26,758 100.0% Warsop 57,592 57,592 100.0% Deanery donation 497,375 482,575 Growing 97.0% Disciples Wider Younger Deeper 11 SOUTHWELL & NOTTINGHAM DIOCESAN BOARD OF FINANCE

DEANERY SHARE - RECEIPTS FOR 2019 Parish Share Parish Share Parish Share Parish Share Parish Share Parish Share apportionments receipts receipts apportionments receipts receipts ££% ££% NEWARK ARCHDEACONRY NOTTINGHAM ARCHDEACONRY NEWSTEAD DEANERY NOTTINGHAM NORTH DEANERY 20,140 20,140 100.0% Aspley St. Margaret 31,992 31,992 100.0% Newstead Village 8,090 8,090 100.0% 7,500 7,500 100.0% with Underwood 29,664 29,664 100.0% Basford St. Leodegarius and St Aidan 7,992 7,992 100.0% Eastwood 55,633 55,633 100.0% Bestwood St. Emmanuel 9,000 9,000 100.0% 60,048 60,048 100.0% Bestwood St. Mark 12,492 12,492 100.0% St. John 8,991 8,991 100.0% Bestwood St. Matthew & St. Philip 2,496 2,496 100.0% Hucknall St. Mary 61,968 60,368 97.4% 7,500 7,500 100.0% Hucknall St. Peter and St. Paul 36,996 36,996 100.0% Bestwood Rise Park 9,000 9,000 100.0% 41,292 41,292 100.0% & Strelley 9,492 9,492 100.0% Kirkby-in-Ashfield St. Thomas 18,864 18,864 100.0% Broxtowe St. Martha 3,000 3,000 100.0% Kirkby-in-Ashfield St. Wilfrid 33,900 24,000 70.8% St. John 21,996 21,996 100.0% Kirkby Woodhouse 8,491 8,491 100.0% Bulwell St. Mary 24,996 24,996 100.0% with 58,536 58,536 100.0% Christ Church 7,992 7,992 100.0% New Cross Community Church 10,907 10,907 100.0% Cossall 6,240 6,240 100.0% 99,227 99,227 100.0% Kimberley & 31,992 31,992 100.0% Selston 21,550 21,550 100.0% Sherwood St. Martin 46,992 46,992 100.0% 50,568 50,568 100.0% Stapleford 70,991 70,991 100.0% Sutton-in-Ashfield St. Mary 71,263 65,527 92.0% 27,996 27,996 100.0% 18,088 9,154 50.6% St. Leonard 114,000 114,000 100.0% Westwood 16,910 16,910 100.0% Deanery donation 579 Deanery donation - 453,659 454,238 100.1% 731,126 704,956 96.4% NOTTINGHAM SOUTH DEANERY NOTTINGHAM ARCHDEACONRY Attenborough 61,070 61,070 100.0% EAST BINGHAM DEANERY Beeston 54,540 54,540 100.0% Aslockton 11,376 11,376 100.0% 69,000 51,900 75.2% Bingham 57,120 57,120 100.0% Carrington St. John 25,800 25,800 100.0% Broughton Sulney 7,548 2,500 33.1% & Inham Nook 146,031 146,031 100.0% Bunny with Bradmore 15,252 9,750 63.9% St. Stephen 40,121 40,121 100.0% Car Colston 4,440 4,440 100.0% St. Barnabas 9,996 9,996 100.0% 45,720 42,750 93.5% Lenton Holy Trinity & Priory 14,984 14,984 100.0% East Bridgford 56,976 56,976 100.0% Nottingham St. Andrew 18,192 6,000 33.0% 4,068 3,068 75.4% Nottingham St. Ann with Emmanuel 25,164 25,164 100.0% Hawksworth 3,792 3,792 100.0% Nottingham St. George 14,112 14,112 100.0% Hickling 13,668 3,008 22.0% Nottingham St. Mary 60,000 50,000 83.3% 43,884 43,884 100.0% Nottingham St. Nicholas 119,331 119,331 100.0% Kinoulton 14,751 14,751 100.0% Nottingham St. Peter & All Saints 72,000 72,000 100.0% Kneeton 4,968 3,000 60.4% Nottingham St. Saviour 17,209 12,967 75.4% 11,376 300 2.6% Radford St. Peter and All Souls 16,908 16,908 100.0% Owthorpe 2,850 2,850 100.0% St. Christopher 17,080 17,080 100.0% Plumtree with Normanton 45,033 36,681 81.5% Sneinton St. Cyprian 4,992 3,050 61.1% Radcliffe-on-Trent 68,961 68,961 100.0% Sneinton St. Stephen with St. Matthias 3,996 3,996 100.0% 3,792 1,547 40.8% 56,985 56,985 100.0% Screveton 4,896 3,500 71.5% Wollaton Park St. Mary 33,492 30,000 89.6% Shelford 6,398 6,398 100.0% Deanery donation 21,568 Stanton-on-the-Wolds 10,152 10,152 100.0% 881,003 853,603 96.9% 3,792 3,792 100.0% WEST BINGHAM DEANERY Tollerton 26,328 9,600 36.5% Barton-in-Fabis 11,688 10,834 92.7% Whatton 11,376 6,750 59.3% Clifton Parish 41,640 20,410 49.0% 8,627 8,627 100.0% Costock 8,502 8,502 100.0% Willoughby-on-the-Wolds 14,134 14,134 100.0% Edwalton 42,864 42,864 100.0% Wiverton in The Vale 56,008 56,008 100.0% 72,600 68,000 93.7% 8,627 8,627 100.0% Gamston 110,224 110,224 100.0% Deanery donation 3 Gotham 33,384 31,000 92.9% 565,913 494,345 87.4% 11,220 8,300 74.0% DEANERY Kingston-on-Soar 9,516 9,516 100.0% Arnold 72,571 72,571 100.0% Lady Bay 12,240 12,240 100.0% , & Normanton-on-Soar 18,188 18,188 100.0% 66,096 15,000 22.7% Ratcliffe-on-Soar 7,068 6,600 93.4% Calverton 44,328 44,328 100.0% Rempstone 8,818 8,818 100.0% Carlton St. John 18,385 18,385 100.0% 74,772 74,772 100.0% Carlton St. Paul 30,000 30,000 100.0% Stanford-on-Soar 5,100 4,344 85.2% 2,628 2,628 100.0% 23,664 23,664 100.0% 39,804 - 0.0% 8,328 7,000 84.1% Epperstone 19,320 19,320 100.0% Hill 78,537 78,537 100.0% Gedling 48,900 48,900 100.0% Wilford St. Wilfrid 58,356 58,356 100.0% Gonalston 4,440 4,440 100.0% 123,492 123,492 100.0% Lambley 21,552 17,000 78.9% 7,032 7,032 100.0% , Caythorpe & Gunthorpe 61,128 45,000 73.6% Deanery donation 379 68,010 68,010 100.0% 767,233 733,072 95.5% Netherfield 2,628 2,628 100.0% Oxton 16,416 16,416 100.0% Porchester 79,166 79,166 100.0% Woodborough 45,631 45,631 100.0% Woodthorpe 98,337 98,337 100.0% Deanery donation 1,572 739,340 629,332Growing 85.1% Disciples Wider Younger Deeper 12 SOUTHWELL & NOTTINGHAM DIOCESAN BOARD OF FINANCE

Growing Disciples Wider Younger Deeper 13 Company number - 0034165 Registered charity number - 249359