ECFR Council Membership Contagious Ideas Pan-European presence Community of leaders

The Council

The ECFR Council is a growing community of over 300 members committed to promoting an effective and values based European foreign policy.

There are many areas and ways in which you can be actively engaged depending on your interests, expertise, experience and available time.

We will facilitate your involvement in ECFR’s work as best we can.

In the seven countries where we have offices, we are able to engage with members and provide a high level of personal support. Elsewhere in Europe we are equally committed to finding opportunities for members to be involved in our activities with support from ECFR‘s Council engagement team.

In this brochure you will find some concrete suggestions as to how you can make the most of ECFR Council membership.

We would be happy to discuss how this might be tailored to your particular circumstances and interests. Message from the Co-Chairs

The Council is the strongest and most visible expression of ECFR’s pan- European identity. In joining the Council, you become a member of a strategic European community composed of over 300 of Europe’s most distinguished politicians, business leaders, civil society representatives, and thinkers. As a collective, the ECFR Council act as ambassadors for ECFR’s ideas within their networks and help rebuild the consensus for a common European foreign and security policy.

Norbert Röttgen, Lykke Friis, Carl Bildt Bringing together policy experts and leaders from across Europe, the ECFR has established itself as an important intellectual and political force, stan- ding up for European values and interests at these challenging times. It continues to provide a unique platform for some of the most prominent Europeans to interact and exchange their views and, through its advocacy work, brings these views closer to the European public, bridging the gap between European policy makers and the people.

Sylvie Kauffmann Board Member and Chair of the Board’s Membership Committee Contagious Ideas Pan-European presence Community of leaders

Benefits of ECFR Council Membership

Network Network with prominent Europeans: In joining the ECFR Council you become part of a unique strategic community of over 260 members with whom you will share a number of common policy interests.

Participate in ECFR’s Annual Council Meeting: An honest, interactive, no-holds-barred discussion about the future of Europe and its role in the world with ECFR policy experts and high-level guest speakers from around the world.

Make the most out of our national office network in seven European capitals: get in touch with us if you are travelling to , London, , , , or and enjoy exclusive ‚Views from the Capitals‘ briefings on most important national political developments with ECFR Heads of Offices.

Exclusive Briefings & Events Take part in ECFR’s study trips to gain a better understanding of policy debates and trends in countries our policy team is working on, which in the past have included: Ankara, Beijing, Kiev, Istanbul, Moscow, Mumbai, New Delhi, Riyadh and . These are usually small high-level missions with packed agendas of meetings with key government and civil society interlocutors. Participate in ECFR events: we organise some 200 events a year across Europe, from public debates to closed- door high-level workshops, where we always invite our Council Members to act as panellists or discussants. Receive exclusive debriefings on current affairs: participate in our Council telephone briefings, where our experts provide up-to-the-minute and in-depth analysis on breaking news developments. Get monthly updates on most relevant ECFR publications, activities and campaigns that will keep you up to speed with the organisations strategic thinking and key priorities. Contagious Ideas Pan-European presence Community of leaders

Benefits of ECFR Council Membership

More Impact Join our Strategy Groups which work on furthering relations with Europe‘s neighbours by providing intellectual input into our policy and advocacy agenda.

Share your views on contribute your analysis on key foreign policy issues by writing a commentary for ECFR‘s website, joining ECFR podcasts, or by participating in exclusive Council member interviews and Council member statements. Contagious Ideas Pan-European presence Community of leaders

Commitments of ECFR Council Membership

Sustainability Support our fundraising efforts: as a not-for-profit organisation, we are solely dependent on grants and voluntary donations. Council Members can be invaluable in helping us with expanding our growing base of supporters. You can help us by making introductions to potential new supporters –be they individuals, corporates, foundations or governments -or by supporting us in your own right. Your recommendations and contributions are highly appreciated and will significantly help to make ECFR more sustainable.

Connect Work with ECFR leaders, experts and fellow Council Members to engage with senior policy-makers in your country and promote ECFR’s analysis and policy recommendations. We also encourage Council Members to work with us on an individual basis on areas of particular mutual interest at both national and European level. Promote ECFR to your networks: we encourage Council Members to use their social media networks to help us disseminate our work to as broad a network as possible. We can provide tailored communications support in the form of suggested tweets and media messages.

Build the Council Help us build the ECFR Council: once a year, nominate prominent peers and rising foreign policy stars from your networks across Europe for Council Membership. It takes resources to be the intellectual frontrunner that Europe needs right now. ECFR has good ideas and donors can help us get out our message in these critical times.

Ana Palacio Council Member Contagious Ideas Pan-European presence Community of leaders

Views from the Council

ECFR’s Council Members regularly contribute their opinions and analyses on events and foreign policy trends that shape the world. Contagious Ideas Pan-European presence Community of leaders

Why members join the Council

“My hope in joining ECFR as a Council Member in this as well as in other initiatives is to contribute to a strong, clear and united European voice in the world. This is becoming increasingly important, not least because in these times of economic crisis, populism, nationalism and the return of authoritarianism risk undermining the liberal world order, thus human rights and democratic development.” Daniel Sachs

“I am looking forward to contributing to the analysis of Europe’s challenges today. I am also honoured to join conversations with the other members, including ministers and NGOs and happy to be able to discuss my new research on diplomacy in the information age. The ECFR has a broad network with offices across Europe, in , Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Sofia and Warsaw, which is valuable for our ability to analyse the political dynamics in the EU.“ Rebecca Adler-Nissen

“ECFR has already established itself as an intellectual and political force in Europe. In joining the board I want to help strengthen its voice as an increasingly important player bringing European perspectives to Berlin.” Norbert Röttgen Contagious Ideas Pan-European presence Community of leaders

Community of leaders ECFR can push for more transparency. Analyses of global issues are very valuable for policymakers, but need to be clearer to make them more meaningful for people.

Valerie Amos Council Member Contagious Ideas Pan-European presence Community of leaders

Annual Council Meeting

The ECFR’s Annual Council Meeting is the leading annual gathering on European foreign and security policy. The Council meeting has retained the intimacy of a private club, allowing a safe space for high-level speakers from across the world to think creatively and practically about how Europe can strengthen its role as a global power.

The Annual Council Meeting follows the energy of the debate to different European cities every year. Past meetings have gathered memorable insights from high profile speakers, such as George Soros, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Filippo Grandi, Martti Ahtisaari, Zbigniew Brzezinski, , and other. Contagious Ideas Pan-European presence Community of leaders

Council Members Croatia France Ditmir Bushati Caroline Hornstein-Tomic Clément Beaune Majlinda Bregu Lea Kaspar Laurence Boone Remzi Lani Dario Mihelin Maurice Braud François Burgat Romana Vlahutin Céline Charveriat Austria Anne-Marie Descôtes Steven Heinz Cyprus Karima Dirèche Gerald Knaus Christos Stylianides Muriel Domenach Nicole Gnesotto Ulrike Lunacek Czech Republic Sylvie Goulard Alexander Marschik Dita Charanzová Camille Grand Ursula Plassnik Jiří Pehe Jean-Marie Guéhenno Wolfgang Schüssel Karel Schwarzenberg Claude Guibal Hannes Swoboda Elisabeth Guigou Andreas Treichl Fabienne Hara Rebecca Adler-Nissen Sylvie Kauffmann Belgium Stine Bosse Bassma Kodmani Catherine De Bolle Lykke Friis Bernard Kouchner Claude Kandiyoti Pascal Lamy Marc Otte Nader Mousavizadeh Bruno Le Maire Didier Reynders Søren Pind Jean-David Lévitte Saskia van Uffelen Helle Thorning-Schmidt Guillaume Liegey Pierre Moscovici Natalie Nougayrède Delphine O Kristalina Georgieva Estonia Christine Ockrent Dzhema Grozdanova Toomas Hendrik Ilves Laurence Parisot Ivailo Kalfin Kaja Kallas Jean Pisani-Ferry Kersti Kaljulaid Olivier Roy Ivan Krastev Riina Kionka Ghassan Salamé Kristi Raik Justin Vaïsse Shahin Vallée Nickolay Mladenov Finland Pierre Vimont Monika Panayotova Martti Ahtisaari Jaakko Iloniemi Georgi Pirinski Hanna Ojanen Kamelia Slaveykova Piia-Noora Kauppi Alexander Stubb Teija Tiilikainen Erkki Tuomioja

Contagious Ideas Pan-European presence Community of leaders

Germany Italy Kostas Bakoyannis Giuliano Amato Thomas Bagger Maria Damanaki Vincenzo Amendola Anna Diamantopoulou Giampiero Auletta Armenise Harald Braun Apostolos Mangiriadis Emma Bonino Sandra Breka Kalypso Nicolaïdis Mara Carfagna Julia De Clerck-Sachsse (Greece/France) Claudio Corbino George Papandreou Marta Dassù Loukas Tsoukalis Piero Fassino Christine Graeff Lorenzo Fioramonti Alexander Graf Lambsdorff Hungary Franco Frattini Ulrike Guérot Gordon Bajnai Sandro Gozi Sylvia Hartleif Tibor Dessewffy Monica Maggioni Anna Herrhausen Ádám Ficsor Marco Margheri Annette Heuser István Gyarmati Giovanna Pancheri Ina Heusgen David Koranyi Mauro Petriccione Wolfgang Ischinger Tamas Meszerics Lapo Pistelli Anita Orbán Romano Prodi Bärbel Kofler Alexander Soros (Hungary/USA) Lia Quartapelle Stefan Kornelius George Soros (Hungary/USA) Nicolò Russo Perez Martina Krogmann Réka Szemerkényi Pasquale Salzano David McAllister Stefano Sannino Michelle Müntefering Ireland Giuseppe Scognamiglio Matthias Nass John Bruton Nathalie Tocci Lucinda Creighton Brigid Laffan Latvia Cem Özdemir Louise Richardson Lolita Cigane Norbert Röttgen Nils Muiznieks Nikolaus Röttger Zaneta Ozolina Klaus Scharioth Andris Strazds Vaira Vike-Freiberga Michael Schwarz Daniela Schwarzer Lithuania Volker Stanzel Rasa Jukneviciene Christoph Steck Linas Linkevičius Sabine Stricker-Kellerer Vygaudas Ušackas Michael Stürmer Goran Buldioski Andre Wilkens Radmila Sekerinska Jankovska Contagious Ideas Pan-European presence Community of leaders

Montenegro Poland Romania Srdjan Darmanovic Daniel Daianu Edwin Bendyk Sorin Ducaru the Netherlands Mikołaj Dowgielewicz Mircea Geoana Yoeri Albrecht Danuta Hübner Mihai Gotiu Dick Benschop Ewa Labno-Falecka Alina Mungiu-Pippidi Beatrice de Graaf Henryka Moscicka-Dendys Ion Sturza Caroline de Gruyter Andrzej Olechowski Ilinca von Derenthall Jaap de Hoop Scheffer Katarzyna Pełczynska-Nałecz Steven Everts Marek Prawda Bert Koenders Adam D. Rotfeld Milica Delević Rem Koolhaas Patrycja Sasnal Zeljko Jovanović Dick Oosting Piotr Serafin Sonja Licht Radosław Sikorski Tanja Miščević Lilianne Ploumen Wawrzyniec Smoczyński Hedvig Morvai Marietje Schaake Aleksander Smolar Ivan Vejvoda Petra Stienen Paweł Swieboda Han ten Broeke Rafal Trzaskowski Slovakia Coen van Oostrom Karolina Wigura Pavol Demeš Mabel van Oranje Miroslav Lajcák Constantijn van Oranje-Nassau Portugal Katarina Mathernova Luís Amado Karla Wursterová Tomáš Valášek Norway Fernando Andresen Guimarães Leiv Lunde Claudia Azevedo Slovenia Erna Solberg Isabel Capeloa Gil Samuel Žboga Ine Eriksen Søreide Carlos Gaspar Jonas Gahr Støre João Titterington Gomes Cravinho Ulf Sverdrup Teresa Gouveia Henrik Thune Miguel Maduro Isabel Mota Pedro Norton Antonio Vitorino Contagious Ideas Pan-European presence Community of leaders

Spain United Kingdom Imma Aguilar Urban Ahlin Douglas Alexander Joaquín Almunia Erik Berglöf Valerie Amos José M. de Areilza Carvajal Carl Bildt Alexander Betts Lluís Bassets Ingrid Bonde Charles Clarke Miriam González-Durántez Gunilla Carlsson Ian Clarkson José Manuel González-Páramo Nicola Clase Robert Cooper Diego Hidalgo Karin Enström Brendan Cox Javi López Karin Forseke Andrew Duff Irene Lozano Jytte Guteland Alessandra Galloni Cristina Manzano Anna Ibrisagic Timothy Garton Ash Rocio Martinez-Sampere Carin Jämtin Anthony Giddens Irene Milleiro Diana Janse Heather Grabbe Enrique Mora Gustav Lindström Charles Grant Andrés Ortega Daniel Sachs Jo Johnson Ana Palacio Pierre Schori Mary Kaldor Eva Piera Annika Söder Mark Leonard Charles Powell Margot Wallström Daniel Levy José Maria Robles Fraga Maria Weimer Adam Lury Toni Roldán Monés Peter Wolodarski Kirsty McNeill Alejandro Romero Anand Menon Narcís Serra Switzerland David Miliband Maria Sicilia Flavia Kleiner Susan Morgan Javier Solana Maria Livanos Cattaui Andrew Puddephatt Anna Terrón Cusí Martina Larkin Nicola Reindorp Jordi Vaquer Beatrice Weder di Mauro Emma Reynolds Pere Vilanova Janet Royall Rory Stewart Ekim Alptekin Adam Tooze Senem Aydin-Düzgit Chuka Umunna Fatih Birol Rob Wainwright Umit Boyner Ahmet Davutoglu Kemal Dervis Hanzade Dogan Boyner Ece Güner Toprak Bahadir Kalegasi Ibrahim Kalin Ayşe Kadıoğlu Suat Kiniklioglu Soli Özel For the lastest list of Council Mem- Behlül Özkan bers please refer to: Safak Pavey Sinan Ülgen Contagious Ideas Pan-European presence Community of leaders

ECFR Council Engagement Team

Alba Lamberti Deputy Director Email: [email protected]

Vessela Tcherneva Deputy Director Email: [email protected]

Julia Reischle Board and Council Coordinator Email: [email protected] ECFR BerBerlinlin –- LondonLondon -– MadridMadrid -Paris – Paris - – Rome -– SofiaSofia –- WarsawWarsaw  @ECFR  [email protected]