. i i i i n I aiiinn.i...M.a aait I hag spend- " . Dr. J. K. Adkina been "" Ails You! A II I week Portland. What Notice U glvn, that ljr vlrtiioofl r. ing tbe ia . Do you fee! Nk. t'rol, d.poiide-n- 11 an execution, oxcre ami onler or Ml. Cheat w-e- and tare seed for tale freo,uont lieaJachfS, ivatcd tonsiie, iwtiml out of and under aoal of tli lve n. e, "Iic.m-bur- Circuit tViirt of th Simla of , for V. Vande rvelden, of Roy. or bad ta-t- In morninc. by J. bilter Doing All Time Vt aaliiiiKtou I ountv, uatetl tlie ilav I belching! t gas avid riMncs in Something the Withycorube, of Farming-ton- , or of July. !!, in favor of W.V.Wiley. The. throat after eatimr. stomach gnaw plalntitt, ami aflnl Miiimmi .liunier-- I and who bandies real estate m burn, font breath, diuy spoils, poor or man and w ashimitoii tVunty, defend a cide line with farming, was in variabl pi'titS nan- - at times and ant, for tit aum of Thre Hiiudreil ami I symptom? Seventy Two IMUra lUT'.'i ami hitereat town Tuesday. kindred 1MM, at mmlvr of. thervon from the 'Jlat day of July, It yoTNav any considerable ii-- emu iwr TALK for waiting?, suffering thereteor tmi tier aiiiitim. FACTS THAT Fine line of Mohair lhvatwv4tom you are and tha further inn of Nineteen IKillaml I all shades and colors, at H. Web fmmbi!iiMn. riW liver won nun $1S) isista. with tiitereat thereon fMiu I "V V ' N. ('n'den. Jnlv 'JUL I'UL. at the rale .if ell IH) lierl rung & Sons. New, Novel ami entertaining, livery - eeui annum, III favor de-- Medicat Pienvcrv Is r- pi th.- er and of the l jhliirluii I who Wimto n day a big day. Reautiful camp grouuds. temlant, tiunty, ami anainal lien Brown, of Lauret, and valuable n)i;onul principles I the real proierly nerelnaftar ueaorlli,! for Vm-U- is one of the old-tim- e baseball fan al etemv (r Ov lixccllcut water. Kucourage and aid Thirty Six miliar and Kill v IIS ban been pufliwJ ly L I iheaumot fl-fl I taxea, I i,.ce of section, was in town Mon- tWlIIS Hernial T it is a in. Six cenla i.ai..Mil to ma directed will ear in rich his Agriculture by atteuding. OjKn day I vemily. llii amr nwllrf efticient liver invitpusUir. stomach tonic, and deliKared ni to make ,le--1 tlic ailvriliun conliai t. day. regulator and suvnsihoner. and night. Your friends will W there sale ol the real property hereinafter iue until the expitMionot bowl iKrllieit. I levteti u lam ami ran Welli- Discovery " i not have mi Il it llul i intruded lo convey lo Ed. Adkins has taken the po The "Ookten Medical ant 10 said execution, decree and order! an dveitienieii nostrum, a exlm aliotial Pition deputy marshal during a patent medicine or seeivt of aale, I w III, on Monday, the Silli day I ngton county tilien i'(rw (at about an of t , of Its Ingredient. being vritit-- of Align-!- ItkUl, at the South lloorof the 1 of Marshal W . I - At toll list intliluliott willi wltich lliey are not unfamiliar. bat tliev. the absence - rapper attested under ourt Moiis In HHUhoro, Washington - n Its bottle- ami Willi I 'acme to hop- show-tha- t County, of IU familial kinson, who has gone the A glance at formula will Omron. at the hour o'clock at well at oilier, may lieoine mote oath. it A. M.of aaiil day, sell at inilille auction I yards with his family. no alcohol, or harmful ... , . tlandina, williin and without Otegon. illuttwlej It contains MEDICINE OR D0C10RS to 1 ne uigneat imioer loroaait..in liaml, present drugs, is a fluid extract BUUR 1HN ..it. Mefdames E. L. McCormick and hahit-- f orming tt all of the following deacrtbed real lileiature, (ictlt Itutn the piest, may be bad for the lin. pure, triple-r- e lined glycerine, erty, lying, heing ami altiial in made with is replele with favtt that tell and fijiurrt John Dennis returned Tuesday luglon Uregiin, ami more parim-nlarl- btetature of strength, from the rmtof the Thousatul-Jolla- r ImuuI. tiunty, pMlr Ton Premium follows, to-ll- : alumni morninz from a visit with their following American forest plants, aa whkh convime. 'Hie aitiilrt are wullrn by ni native Kant of Sextlon 2.M Seal mot, Hlack Fifteen Thousand-dolla- r Sieed Fund. The North Uuarler all well worth the reading. mother. Mrs. Beni Birdsell, of For Vit, Golden root, Stone HI T. a N, of U.S W.of Ida Will, Mer.. ttudentt ol IVific. 'lliry ate est Grove, and whose condition is Cherryliark. Queen root. IJloodroot, sud Various Special Premiums. Imiueuse ismlaliiliig I Oil acrea, ,'Cordliig t,t the I Thote conttibuted by tudrnti tct lottb pietctit iomlilioti I plat t he aurvey of re-- Mandrake rook tllticia of Midland ing lliey much improving. McJem milk- I in the inlilution, and ate conviiu betatite TIm. lolloirin le.liiir nic.li.sl nutherlitcs. Display of Farm Products. liiriimi ti ma tianeral Uiml tunc ny the t by fixing mon a he.t of oilier. imoI uie iuiv'r day Surveyor Ueueral, to satisfy the herein-- true. Of inletrtt are the attklct wtitten Judge Goodin is up nunc H j machine iu operation every tibial MlotS for theCIIIV of iUt Ml. ll ill" Hie ing helore nauieti sum ami lor the costs ami I ; ol Tim pro proceedings to get the twesynuvlovnsiinli, ale: To'f. li i;o ih.l'i. expense of ol alumni, Hon. II. V. "Xotl, '.dilor tunc I i.t : i sale and said arlt. M H . JfiriTsom Mill . oil. .v. i.i roi. of i - w in- - Hetbg of M. II., of I ( I'a : I'n'f Reduced Rates on Railroads iwtn- ill iiimiw mw,'i Oregonian anj Kev. I loiat e M. Hamtey, Tillamook toll road lease into legal H.C WoihI. ni lilisi r l HaIm. M of Mi1.!, t V'lletfe, lemptioii as ix-- sialul of Oreuon. The defects are cured by fv. Hahiieuiaeii W. II. lHiWMSG, t'res. K. V. UUKB1.N. Se St. Stephen'! Church, I'otlUnd. shape. 'ilrgo; 1'rof, John hint. M I . Author of 1'ate.l at lllllslHiro. Oregon, til la yirU con- American lKeiilorv; Prof Jihv U. S ml-- day of July, isut. enJowmrnl of all the this manner of proeeedinss in - Medicine; I'rof. Pacific Univenity hat the laiget l.. Author of Stvi.- J , W. IHISKKI.I of M l M.-.- Ih t lUv of Uboia-ton- e formity with a decision the Ore Lturenee Johiioiu . pi. Sheritr of Washlnglon CounUr, Oregon. I private college in the Noitliwrst. In building. N V.; I'rof. Kinlej- Kllinifwo.'.l. M. H Auilior al K, gon Supreme Court. of Materia Miill a and I'rof. in Henneti Me.lt-r- tieo. Itagley, Attorney lor riatultn. and libtary il it the best equipped (tlttijlian rollrge . St-- ami IVIIem-- CbieaAv name of pnnlu, Ben H. Denieon, of Arlee, Mont, t'ard to lr. tt V. I'u rt Buf- in Oregon. No! only doc the amount ilt hve falo. N. V..luland rwvlmi 'rrt l giring in L. moJi-c- al NOTICE lundt very far exceed that ol any ol these insiiluiioni visited Sunday with A. Long rxlr.--i from writitursof aH the oK'Ve authors ind many otlier mdoninr. in the it than that ol all ombiiird. or and family, and started Sunday and every the Slate, but it greater l trongv p.'s-it'- le term, eaeh y 10-1- 5, Notice Is hereby given, that In puraii- evening for Victoria, B. C, where of whieh "(..olOtit Miihcal (Mvr-r- Salem, September 1906 auc of an onler of the t'ounly t'ourt of thit reaton IVific hat always been able lo trt tite iiipetM " l will deal Victoria board rtimiesit. ' asinngioii t un Oregon, mad ami the en- he with the Pr. l'h-n-- Pleasant IVllets regulate and niv. intltiKturt and hat never had lo ilcpcud upon and y entered III the record of Mid Court ou the of aldermen for some buffalo for lnlorate Momaeti. liver Uel Tl. lot it income. piav U used in eonuuietloii with "(lil.lo eighih day of June, UU1, th follnwlng rollment ol ttudentt the city park. Medical llewerj ' if are iiai. h eounty warrant. Issued seven years prior Pacific University in the pas! bat ben raihrr liny1'I uiar-at- it They're and j 10 jiiiv in, i;ms 11 not called lor ami pre Grant llolcorub, of beyond tented fur ayiiieul within altty days in the matter ol advrttiimg. And il nuke Bethany, was in town Monday. from the ttrst day of July. tnM. w ill he public lliete ilalcmenlt now, only because llirie air FARM FOR SALE SALEM STATE FAIR CAMPERS cancelled and the payment thereof will adviwible, Hill lo Grant is one of the luckiest hunters be rciuaea : reatont why itt eemt I'aufic alhetr in country, but Proclamation Hen tWc IC, WW St il ol ralhrr than numbers; ol the savs that 100 Co Carpenter, policy deniiiiiR students acres of bottom html; acres I. tt, I uu venison is scarce around his place There every indication of line It Cowl, tVt. sn...,... maintaining creditable Khobntliip lallief llntn uovded cleared, balance brush and timber; for Oregon State John Coiinirymau, Jan. 7, I t this season. lie has as jet made no weather Fair Oisirge May 7, l"' 4 acres ol beaverdaro, not clear? ; Kllrgon, tl7 ...ISO enrollment. weik, September iu-- l . This kind Kuudray, Maxell I J. 00 trip out in the hills. liuild-ing- Whereas, tlirre was Milnuitti'it to tlic Jamea It..., I seeded clover, s IX) 20 acres to of weather means that these camp elector of the state nl the last general Mra John tr'laher, Jan. tt, ism a Henry lUllherg. April tl, IHH) Do frank vteieencacfc, managing are all new; pood well; Dairy be and election as teiitiireil lv law, an initiative gioumls will crowded that A Kaufman. March II, lM I Tu StrTlMBtK W the Ray hop farm Witch Hazel, farm; some petition for "A law to provide additional 1 THE FALL TIBM OrtNS at Creek runs through the late comers will have to go to Kdwanl I'laster. r'eb 10...... 1 UU revenue for stale imruosr and to lew a M was in town Tuesday, and ears fruit; 2 borses, set harness, 5 cows, of Mr T I'atton, Jau 1H, lswt 1 70 (he old grounds northeast there. on the gross earning of certain , & ( that over 200 pickers are at work mower, rake, harrow, plow, cultiva- Jeam Keld, April tSlM Tell your friends to go early and rouipaute ami corporation ex Chaa IlSlalev, Keb It), I "Ml. 1 UU the yard. On Tuesday they ; spring- - O I 'JO in tor, 1,000 lb scales, all new huve their lenU in position. Space Dress rtMiioamc or corporations, teie 0 Htepbeuion. March II, picked over 37,000 pounds of green J; tous nil illume couitMtiies or corporations, and l.orin Walkln, tf eb 10, IW I IX) tooth harrow, hay gvs be reserved Tuesday K 0U can not after telegraph companies or corporations do- K Wilson, March , sw 5 bops. for $65 per acre. One and otie-bal- f Watuee. March ft 10 of Fair week, if that long. The inn business in this state; deliniiiK the l,i.le II. !4 miles from Hanks, the new I, K White. rJ. pt S. IHtiS, J 10 Sam Moon, of Centerville, was in crowds are going If you can not manlier of ascertaining the amount of lleorg June 7. ISSft I Tuesday, and feels good over the railroad town. get there before Tuesday of Fair such gross earnings, providing a penally .Nsvgglns, Jun7, WO I 70 of act, R Scott, 7. TO grain yield. His winter wheat R. B. Bates, week, bave your tent there and up. for violating the provisions the J Sent t!H I Greenville, Ore., K. F. P. 2. an exjires conipuny, a telephone AdamHchmill, May l Ism I ') went about thirty five bushels to U will save you trouble and annoy company anil a telegraph company with W il Smith, April , IS4 . I 11 Mr Swift. Nov S, Istfi .., I U a the acre and his mixed grain went ance line weain-e- r in the meaning ol the uot ; and liememner, mat D LI'anie,tVpt8,I.f .' M GO About 35 left here on Monday Whereas, on the a.Sth day of June, TO bushels. Even his spring oats means over 1500 tents on this Kred Kothiiiaii.NepI 7, 1H . - 1906, the Secretary of State in my pres- turned out fitly bushels to the acre morning a passenger tor the lam- camp eround. Come earlv. It K Iteeil, ttel a, . iW ence as of the State of I regon W w 10 hill hop fields, charge of John K Manginn. Nov U, ISill . t SCHOOL Max Anderson, formerly of this in canvBS4 (j,e yotec given for and Bertha Miller. Feb , 17 ,. .1 STATE NORMAL Humphreys. The train was so Get the annual dividend habit. against said law. and Annie Miller. Vb. 1HH7 ,. S 90 place, and who had the distinction May 7, 10 not - ! Whereas, it was ascertained and deter-- t Jonepli Moor, HI7 . crowded that there was teatinp Infure in the MassachUbet'.B MlltU- Jt I J i of falling forty in Ki l....l.l 1, I,.. ,. it no feet the Main 4 mined upon such canvass that there were nitnirr, uiiiic room, and when the cars roiled in wir.-."tl(i.I- Oi8,1 Mm. Mary Knighton, Nov IJ. MM., I AT MONMOUTH street livery barn, a few years ago, v,)t casl mil projs.sed law, there were many passengers stand rr S J Baker, March A, SM1 .. I 40 without breaking a bone, was here and b,ux votes against the same, ami F hiilKliton. ov U. IHWi. ing on the platforms and m the PRINCE HENRY proposed allirtn- - f from The Dalles the first of the that said law received an Jaisib Kreiger, May 9, lM I 00 aisles of the cars. ative maioritv of the total nimilier of S L llayilen, 0:t 5, lKt I .') week, shaking hands with his old , Farmers desiring to bave service ol effective votes cast thereon and entitled Kilnmnil lloiHt. March IHH. I rsi 25U1 iiK-- ttK6. law, J T lleaon, Jan B, tsm... I Ml its yi:u- ,Vdfti .!, time friends. Henry should U. lo be counted under the provisions of BEGINS COTSWOLD BUCKS FOR SALE Prince write II. Now lhwfoWi j, (icurKe K. 0tMnWr. John Hansen, June 7, Ntt 1 00 full courses of stiuly. lliglici- I I ill rsc Sam Johnson came in Tuesday M'hmelUer, Hillsboro, Ore., SB the , Governor of the .Slate of Oregon, Vrank lu.rlon, Jau 21, (Ml 'J 00 iiUi Hynen, July , W .... N rccomiizetl m v aslinitton ;uul oilier stales. Tl. m be kept in and bv of now- - John mornii'g, bringing Harry El horse will hereafter at the otiedieuce to virtue the It F Siiillh, May 7, 1r7 , S I have for sale several line, large, by do a and life paper. dredge and Geo. Pesisley, of Port knma Urn If mt inn far nut will lerand authority vested in tne law, Dell bialiy, June 7. IMin 1 70 best and shortest way to slate fall-bloo- d Cotswold bucks. Ad- hereby make and issue this proclamation 3 10 land, wbo bad been out on a hunt drive to farm, but otherwise mares , ,,, Viola Drink, Oct II, 115 Additional work in holh general and special Meth- dress or call on Jos. Cawrse, five ,,. s,Bt. nllli K. J. (lOl'MAN. tin-grad- log and fishing expedition. They can l brought here. ISottl t'aci-- ! !,,,do announce and declare that the whole County ods; also, schiMil titaiiageiiiciil for K'adcd and miles northwest of Hillsboro, or Clerk. lanuea two Dear and one deer. fic and Independent phones. number of votes cast in the State of Ore- - Hillsboro. Or .June 7. IK'. Cornelius, Ore., R. F. 1). 1. States schools will U given this coining year. Monday, and went home feeling H. D. Schineltzer, Hillsboro. gon at said election for and against mid proposeil law was as Lotiger terms, higher wages and Ik iter opportuni- mat tneir trip was well repaid. lieremoelore stated Administrator' Sale and that said proposeil law received an ties open to Normal graduates. School direc- E. N. Whitlaw, formerly in the NOTICE affirmative majority of the total numlwr are A special passenger train passed under-siirne- batcher business here, and now in lie Notice Is hereby given, that the ior ability of Monmouth through here Monday for of votes cast thereon and entitled to ('til tors appreciate the' sujk.'i the Krebs counted under the provisions of law, and adiniiilntrator of the ealaia of the prune growing business near Attention is railed to the existence of an ths A. HuriiM, deceased, pursuant to and graduates, aud the demand far exceeds the supply. lsrothers nopyards at Independ that said law hereitilwfore mentioned Newberg, was over the last of the orilinaiii-- in this City making it unlawful by virtue of an onler of tne County t'ourt will be ence. The care were loaded to the fur any permit or persons to make any shall be and is in full force and effect as of the Htate or Oregon, for Catalogue containing full information .sent week, visiting friends. Mr. Whit-la- w guards, and it was a happy-go- - connections to the ires and water pipes the law of the State of I iregon from the Conntv, in th matter of said axial dated ou application. Correspondence invited. Address says that in the two years he of the City Light tV Water Plant without dale of this tirncluttmtiott. July ill, I1I0A, authorising and licensing lucky crowd. Krebs Brothers em li has been absent he returns to find rat obtaining piTinission from the Done at the Capitol at Salem this 25th the undersigned administrator to sell the more and all are hereby real nronerty deaerllHHl. be pioy nop pickers man any pcrtona day ol June, A. 1). 1900. hereinafter considerable improvement. nnlitied and warned that hereafter said longing to said estate, Ilt one parcel, at other individual firm of growers irre-jwt- CKO. Ii. CIIAMBKKLAIN, in ordinance will be slrktly enforced iv private for cash in hand, will, on of sale and the state, s of person. sea!. Governor Oregon after Monday, the 27th day of August, FOR RENTAL l!v order of the Light & Water Commit By the Governor: IHOH. nroctMMl to sell In on parcel, at pri J. B. V. DUTLliK. Kejjistrar James F. Kerr, of Middleton tee,' this Amj.fO. Ki. K. I. Dunbar, Secretary of Stale vate sale to the highest bidder fur cash In II. T. HAOLEY, Recorder. hand, all of lots 14, lfi and 111 of and In has returned to the city, will and Good store building, 20x50, good Block No. 1 In Northside Addition to the have his prune drier ready to re Town (now I'lty) of Hillsboro, Oregon. front, and bus five fine living TAX NOTICE ceive trait for drying purposes by Illds will lie received at th olllc of H. T. rooms upBtaits, with big ball, Proclamation Hartley, in Hllllro, Oregon. September 1U. lie will be ready The taxpayers of Washington County, Said aale will lie uiade subject to modern conveniences. Will rent to make cider by the 15th of the Oregon, are hereby notified that the last by the County Court of Wash- Oregon. Electioneer-Wil- l! Wood l the MuM month. Those desiring at a bargain, or will sell on easy ington County, Suar.ful llbnd to have half of their taxes for the year 1905, and Whereas, there submitted to the Dated thin July 17 l'U. terms with payment dewn. dec K. RYAN. prunes dried, or cider made, should levied in January, iy6, are now payable at the general elec- V. J. BENSON, Hillsboro. tors of the stale laat Adminlntratorof thc'culata ofClntba A. see him for terms. and will become delinquent on the first tion as required by law, an initiative llnrrlN, ueeeawMi. 2:2(1 Monday in October, tyob, at which time petition for a proposed amendment to H. T. llagley, Atlorney for Ktate. Iti'iord. John M. Brown has resigned as Article IV ot the I (.institution ol Hie interest at literate of 12 per cent, Will Jack was up from below per State of Oregon, to lie designated in the LO VELA lri.il, 2:12 mail earner between the depot and Administrator' a Farmington, milium will be charged, in addition to lo Nolle. mm local postofBce and Henry Hesee Tuesday. Constitution as Hection ia of Article IV w per cent, penalty, which said interest of aaid Constitution, for the initiative and has been sworn in to make the PeWitt Smith is now aw.ciated Notice is hereby given, that I, the under- I will be computed from the first Monday referendum on local, special and niunici Registered is PMNd (MUCK 32,711 The government is with C. Kuratli real signed, have been, by the County Court trips. not very J. in the estate pal laws and parts of laws, and of the State of Oregon, for Washington in April, 1906. Whereas, on the 25th day of June prodigal about paying what it is business. County, duly appointed administrator of SIRE, OT BYRON LACK. V, 14, Kockbice. ln.il, Cue Love 131 Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, August 1906, the Secretary of State iu my pres- Kubb, deceased, really worth and rejected the the estate of Jame and trial; Loveless (3) record j jo, l.isliit 3 nii.ul mudc on N.P.'C. last Wanted Woman housekeeper. W. ence as Governor of the State of Oregon bavcduly iualllied as such. All persons, Jo, 1906. J. CONNBLL, in 1904, and winner of every nice iu which she started m a a vein old ; two bids that were sent in to the did canvass the votes given for and having claims against aaid estate, are Work light. Steady position. Call Sheriff of Washington County, Ore. lively Dell, wiiim r of J year old trotting stakv nl Slate Pair in 1903; I,ord department. against said proposed amendment, and hereby notified to present the sain to inn, at Argus office. vouchers, Office Lovelace, winner of old jiaciti); sliikc nt State Km in 14114 ; Alto Whereas, it was ascertained and deter with proper at the Law Bishop Mueller wife or W. N, Barrett, In Hillsboro, Oregon, lace, trial, San 1'ov, a year obi trial, ) jH in race; Lottie Wm. Biehup, of Bros, Louie and bave Administratrix' Notice mined upon such canvass that there was l:l; ' months from the date here- B., year-old trial, 7 ib in race; Hessie Lovcbicc, vi-a- old trial, a sawmill, Shady was gone up to Meacham for a within six () jH'j in Brook, in town two 47,b7 votes cast for saul proposed amend of. race; Jerry, winner of 10 inile cross country run for .Sboyreu cup; and of Tuesday morning. Mr. Bishup weeks' camping vacation. Notice in Imndiy i.'iven that tlia under- ment, anil 16,735 votes against the same Dated this day of March, IMH. Bohlireer's fiunous road horse, winner nl silver nip. states that his nrm baa lust signed Iium I'K'ii duly appointed adminis- and that said proposed amendment re WILLIAM KOItll, in Ed. Ward, connected with the tratrix of the estute of rrank Ciapshaw, ceived an affirmative majority of the total Administrator of the estate of James Sire of ,pi, sou I he 1; stalled a donkey engine for logging deceased, by the Comity Court of Waab-ingto- n number of effective votes cast thereou Kobb, deceased. lClcclioiieer Hillsboro Lumber Company, was ikI I I llOOli purposes. Omiity lor the Stata of Oregon, W. N. Barrett, Attorney for Sired by Egotist a the 11, inaie, Sprilr . I hey bave a desk full in town the first of the week. and entitled to lie counted under the pro and that she has duly iualilied as HUi:lf. visions ol law, of orders and he reports that the Now, tiierefnre, all persons having Now, therefore, I, fleorgc K, (Jliamlier (dam of ln.rsc) 3o'j; lletsv llrittoii, a lumber business is m fine condi B. L. Jewell, of Grants Pae, was chtims uKainst the estate of the said Frank NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION l3 Jol; Clapshiiw, lain, as (jovernor of the htate of Oregon Dam, Crcpon, Lovelace, l!;lo; ('mldbic, j :lS U ; The (Indian. tion now, if millmen could fill in town Tuesday, with his brother-in-la- deceased, are reuird and but iefnosted to present tiieni to me, duly in otiedience to and bv virtue of the now ailHij; Duchess, :a7Vi llrillniuilue, JM',1, uy rnuu ps, sue ol in the the orders. M. J. Reiling, of near Cen- verilied, the law W, N, er and authority vested in tne by do (dam 1 y at Ollineof Barrett, law, Department of the Interior, Ijiud Ortlee list. Second dam, Crae Lisse of Kin; Kcnc, Jr., 17; Ibuiil, to 14 ; terville. in Hillsboro, ore., within six inoiitha Hereby mage ami issue tins proclamation at Portland, Oregon, July !4H, IHOO Balzarine, 1:27), by Hie great (ieo, Wilkes. from Art Donelson killed a big bear dale hereof. to tne people 01 tne htate 01 iregon, am Notice Is hereby given that the following-n- Dated fit Hillsboro. A ngnst .'SO, WOO. E. V. Bullock, who is fanning Ibis do the amed has tiled Ilia up above Buxton one day last ( announce ami declare that whole settler notice of IDA LAl'HHAVV, of votes cast in Ore to make Dual proof in support Lovelace is a bay stallion 1C.1, nnJ wciglis 12H0 jiouuds. week, and he has the hide near Greenville, was in town Tues- Adininisi rstrix of the Kslateof Frank number the State of intention stretch gon at said election for and against said of his claim, and that said proof will lie ed on the back of a building in day, and states that he wiil leave ClapBbaw, Deceased. mails hefora Kegister ami Receiver, at His colts are stake winners wlieivver they start, and W. N. Barrett, Attorney for proposed amendment was as hereinlicfore the un- for this Fall, and I'm Hand, Ore., on September II, lWOtl, viz: winners in the show ring. I lis colts are liast ilillsboro. Art gays he is stated, anil that saul proposeil amend- firize decided whether to have it made quit ranching for a time. ment received an affirmative majority of John H. Howell, H. E. No. 11539, size, level headed and speedy. the tfitfil mimlier of vntes cast thereon for t he nw '4 of sw of Bee, 82, 1 8 n, r .1 w. into an overcoat or rug, or cut it up Wr. i II. McCormick, of Laurel, ('and entitled to be counted under the pro-- ! He names the following wltnessea to in six inch squares and send it was over Tuesday, conferring with Edison's Gold Mould- visions of law, and that said amendment prove his continuous residence upon and said viz t Mea- back, piece by piece, to his old liereiutxrfore be is cultivation of laud, J.J. The Gel of lovcluce Uiouulit ti lliijhcr Av t r.iqo ut 1 lie the Argus reporter on a proposed ed Records in StocK mentioned shall and cham, of Moiiiitalndalu, Oregon; T. U. schoolmates back in the east. The trip to Walla Walla some time PRICE 35 CENTS in full force ami effect as a part of the Meacham, of Mountalndale, Oregon; Jo- McCarthy Soli" limn Hint of Any Other Mulliun Constitution of the Htate of Oregon from seph Kssner, of Mountalndale, Oregon; bruin was a mammoth, and had a within the next few fSSJt- - months. the date of this proclamation. (IhIii-Ih- Kssner, of Mountalndale, Oregon, fine coat. Done at the Capitol at Salem thin 25th ALGERNON H. DKKHHKK, August Hellebuyck, of behw the day June, A. I), iquo. Register. He will make the season of 1906 at Hillsboro I'air Lin Shattuck, while of driving his Rood bridge, 1 . . K. starts next week for v:n OKI). CIIAMBKKLAIN, Grounds. Terms: Season, 25; Insurance, 35. horse in front of the Hotel Tuala- an extended visit with 1 dl SKAl, Governor of Oregon, Reward ? By tin Friday morning, sustained a near Detroit, Michigan, and . the Governor: E. B. TONGUE - may V. I. Dunbar, Secretary of State. llillsb oro, Oregon runaway that gave him a fall of be absent throughout the winter. Oregon & it. i V The Iron Steel Company will about 20 feet before he struck terra t a reward of Five Hundred Dollars Fred Heidel has purchased Mr. pay firma. The horse started to run Reduced Rates to East for the arrest and conviction of th per- after receiving a fright from an Ifousely's interest in the firm of son who, on or about the 16H1 day of Housley & August, 1906, destroyed by dynamite or auto. The buggy struck the wat- Corwin, and has taken IHMtmtMINN Wt) possession. Mr. Houely and E. L. McCORMICtt The Southern Pacific Company will other explosive, a portion of the dam of ering trough and threw Shattuck K said Oregon Iron & Steel Company, family will start September HILLSBORO OREGON place on sale on September ami 10, DRINli out, dazing him considerably. The about round tickets across the Tualatin River, in Clackamas 15 trip to Eastern points, at a complete for a trip to the east. greatly reduced rales. These tickets County, State of Oregon. buggy turned somer -- will be good for 90 days from date of Dated at Portia ud, Oregon, August sault, but strange to say, nothing E. T. Turner was down from HOUSLEY & CORWIN 23d, 1906, sale, the following will be the rates GAMBRINUS was broken except the harness Banks last Friday evening, Tin? & and Dealer In from Portland and return : Orkcon Ikon Stkhi. f!o. The horse was separated from the says that the town is growing right To Chicago, $71,50; to St. Louis, $67,-fi- By A. S. Pattullo, Secretary. llio ol All vehicle and was caught at the end along. As soon as arrangements All kinds of Fresh Meats. Prices Rea- to Milwaukee, $69.70; to St. Paul, llcsl Hccrs West Main. Mr. Shattuck was can be perfected sonable. Will, meet all competition, $00; to Omaha and Kansas City, $611, BEER of Banks expects to To lease (or oanb, for one year Chickens and Poultry always on bund Above rates apply when going and re- SOLI) BY a sufferer from the concussion for a have a regular postoflice, and it is turning via the O. K, & N. If going or probably lotiger: Farm with CO of- not improbable L. upon order. I'ree delivery to all parts few minutes, and rested in the that W. Moore returning via California, the following acres cleared ; 40 acres of fair pas- of Hie town. We buy fat slock. will be charged: fice of Dr. A. B. Bailey. Within will move over from Greenville, rates ture on place, Near railway sta- Cfte.LION SALOON To Chicago, $H6; to St. Louis, $81; to a balT an hour he was able to atart although Mr. Turner is not author- Both Phonmm (or Ad-drea- g J. Milwaukee, to St. f,H 1.411; tion. Ideal dairy ranch, LYONS. Piu(,iUur ity for this fHi.io; Paul, home. statement. Second Street, Htlleboro, Of to Omaha and Kansas Cily, $73.50. "B," Argus, Hillaboro. MWHM8HMMMWHlMstlrt