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Stable positioning and complete repression by the yeast ct2 are disrupted by amino-terminal mutations in histone H4

Sharon Y. Roth/'^ Mitsuhiro Shimizu/'^ Lianna Johnson/ Michael Grunstein/ and Robert T. Simpson^ ^Laboratory of Cellular and Developmental Biology, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892 USA; ''Molecular Biology Institute, Department of Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90024 USA

Nucleosomes ate positioned in the presence of the yeast repressor a2 in minichromosomes containing the a2 operator and on the promoters of a-cell-specific genes regulated by a2. To investigate the possibility that al directs nucleosome position through an interaction with a component of the core particle, we analyzed chromatin structures adjacent to the operator in a cells containing mutations in the amino-terminal region of histone H4. Deletion or point mutation of specific amino acids in histone H4 altered the location and/or stability of adjacent to the a2 operator. These changes in chromatin structure were accompanied by partial derepression of a p-galactosidase reporter construct under a2 control, even though a2 remained bound to its operator sequence. Our data suggest that complete repression by a2 requires stable positioning of nucleosomes in regions and this positioning involves the conserved amino-terminal region of histone H4. [Key Words: al; repression; nucleosome; histone H4; ; chromatin] Received August 14, 1991; revised version accepted January 8, 1992.

Activation or repression of cell-type-specific genes by Keleher et al. 1988, 1989; Passmore et al. 1988, 1989). products of the MAT locus determines mating type in This operator sequence can confer repression in the pres­ the yeast Sacchromyces cerevisiae (for review, see ence of a2 when inserted either upstream or downstream Dranginis 1986; Nasmyth and Shore 1987; Herskowitz of heterologous promoter-activating elements (Johnson 1989; Dolan and Fields 1991). Two of these proteins, al and Herskowitz 1985). The ability of the operator to act and al, share homology with homeo proteins important at a distance and in different contexts suggests that in the determination of cell type in other systems changes in chromatin structure could be involved in the (Laughton and Scott 1984; Hall and Johnson 1987). a2 repression of a-cell-type-specific gene expression by a2/ functions to repress a-cell-type-specific gene expression MCMl. in haploid a cells and diploid a/a cells through coopera­ We reported previously a precise and stable position­ tive interactions with a non-cell-type-specific protein, ing of nucleosomes in minichromosomes containing the MCMl (Wilson and Herskowitz 1986; Keleher et al. al operator in haploid a and diploid a/a cells (Roth et al. 1988,1989). In addition, a2 forms a heterodimer with the 1990; Simpson 1990). A precise localization of nucleo­ MATal protein in diploid cells to repress haploid-spe­ somes in the minichromosomes was not observed in the cific gene expression (Jensen et al. 1983; Miller et al. absence of a2, in haploid a cells (Roth et al. 1990). Posi­ 1985; Goutte and Johnson 1988; Dranginis 1990). The tioned nucleosomes adjacent to the a2 operator in a mechanisms by which the a2/MCMl or al/a2 com­ cells, but not in a cells, have also been observed up­ plexes repress transcription are not known. stream of STE6 and BARl, two chromosomal genes reg­ The a2/MCMl complex binds to a 32-bp sequence lo­ ulated by a2 (Shimizu et al. 1991). The occurrence of cated —200 bp upstream of the mRNA start sites of five nucleosomes over different sequences in very similar po­ a-cell-type-specific genes (Wilson and Herskowitz 1986; sitions relative to the operator in the minichromosomes and upstream of these genes suggests that their positions might be directly determined by a2, or the a2/MCMl ^Corresponding author. complex. The ability of the operator to serve as a domi­ ^Present address: Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Tokyo College of Pharmacy, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-03 Japan. nant nucleosome-positioning signal relative to an endog-

GENES & DEVELOPMENT 6:411-425 © 1992 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/92 $3.00 411 Downloaded from on September 30, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Roth et al.

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218 Figure 1. Structure of TALS minichromosome, STE6, and H4 mutants. [A] The chromatin struc­ ture of the TRPl/ARSl derivative plasmid TALS (Roth et al. 1990) in a and a/a cells is depicted. The positions of nucleosomes I-X and major 1059 MNase cut sites present in chromatin are indi­ 1013 367 cated (in map units; arrov^heads). The ARSl ele­ ments are located in a hypersensitive region be­ tween nucleosomes X and I. The a2 operator is located between nucleosomes IV and V. The TRPl transcription unit is depicted by the curved 760 656 arrow. In a cells, nucleosomes are not stably po­ sitioned in TALS chromatin. [B] The chromatin structure of the 5' end of the STE6 gene in a cells is depicted (Shimizu et al. 1991; also see Fig. 5). Major MNase cut sites in chromatin are shown (arrowheads), and inferred positions of nucleo­ somes are depicted. The locations of the a2 op­ erator, a putative TATA element, and the tran­ scription start site (bent arrow) are also indicated (Wilson and Herskowitz 1986). (C) The first 30 amino acids of histone H4 are shown, and sites of + + - post-translational acetylation (^-) or phosphory­ SGRGKGGKGL GKGGAKRHRK ILRDNIQGIT lation (-) are indicated (van Holde 1989). Dele­ 11 * * * 21 tion mutants used in this study are depicted be­ del (4-14) low the sequence (Kayne et al. 1988). Point mu­ tations (*) were also used in which amino acids del (4-19) 16, 17, or 18 were changed to glycyl residues (Johnson et al. 1990). del (4-23)

enous-positioning signal in a minichromosome in a cells al. 1988). Removal of amino acids 4-19, 4-23, or 4-28 in supports this hypothesis further (Simpson 1990). Posi­ histone H4 does not lead to cell death but results in a tioning of a nucleosome in promoter regions might in­ considerable extension of the cell cycle and sterility, as a hibit transcription through occlusion of cis-acting ele­ result of aberrant expression of the silent mating loci ments (for review, see Grunstein 1990a,b; Wolffe 1990; (Kayne et al. 1988). Derepression of these loci in the pres­ Simpson 1991). Location of a cis-acting element involved ence of these H4 mutations is specific; other genes such in replication near the center of a nucleosome has been as PH05 and CUPl are not activated. Point mutation demonstrated to inhibit its function in vivo (Simpson (individually) of a repressor domain (Durrin et al. 1991), 1990). including amino acids 16-19, has effects similar to the If nucleosomes are positioned adjacent to the a2 oper­ above deletions in H4 (Johnson et al. 1990; Megee et al. ator through an interaction between the a2/MCMl com­ 1990; Park and Szostak 1990) and can be suppressed by plex and a component of the core particle, then muta­ mutations in a known regulator of the silent mating loci, tions, in particular histone molecules, might disrupt this SIRS (Johnson et al. 1990). In addition, H4 amino-termi- interaction. To test this idea, we examined the structure nal sequences are required for efficient activation of a of a minichromosome and STE6 in a cells engineered to number of inducible promoters (Durrin et al. 1991) and express amino-terminal mutations in histone H4. Dele­ are involved in position effects regulating gene expres­ tions in H4 that extend into the globular core region sion near telomeres (Aparico et al. 1991). necessary for nucleosome assembly are lethal (Kayne et Here, we report that mutations in the H4 amino-ter-

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Nucleosome positioning by a2 tepiessot and histone H4

a2 op.

Eco RV



VIII <=::> VII <=> VI <=> V a2 op. ^- IV <^> m III d^ 9 II czz>

1 2 HSR A * HSR A m # III «

Figure 2. Effects of deletion of histone H4 or H2B amino-terminal regions on TALS chromatin structure. (A) MNase cut sites in TALS chromatin (C) or DNA (D) were mapped in a clockwise direction from an £coRV restriction site at 385 map units (Fig. lA) in a cells containing wild-type (WT) H4 or an H4 deletion mutant as indicated. Chromatin isolated from an unrelated a cell (S,C3) used in previous studies (Roth et al. 1990) was also analyzed for comparative purposes and is shown in the right-most WT lane. The inferred positions of nucleosomes I-VIII are shown at the side, as is the location of the a2 operator (large arrowhead) and the nuclease- hypersensitive region HSR A. The naked DNA lanes (D) are presented twice to aid comparison between samples. Black dots indicate cut sites in chromatin that demarcate boundaries between nucleosomes in a cells with wild-type H4. Symbols next to the second lane indicate sites exposed in naked DNA that are protected in wild-type a-cell chromatin. Note the increased cutting (indicated by asterisks) in the regions normally protected by nucleosomes IV and V in the presence of del (4—19) and del (4—23). The dash indicates a cut site in the region of nucleosome II, which may also be somewhat more exposed in the presence of these deletions. Symbols between lanes 7 and 8 indicate sites in naked DNA that are still protected in the presence of del (4-19) and del (4-23) in the regions of nucleosomes I, II, III, V, VII, and VIII. [B] MNase cut sites in chromatin (C) and DNA (D) in cells containing wild-type (WT) H2B or an H2B amino-terminal deletion mutant (AH2B) were mapped as above.

minal region destabilize nucleosome position adjacent to gene MFa2. Although p-galactosidase expression is not the a2 operator in a minichromosome and upstream of detected in a cells containing wild-type H4, it is clearly STE6. The functional consequences of these alterations evident in a cells containing H4 amino-terminal muta­ of chromatin structure were evaluated using a p-galac- tions, even though in vivo dimethylsulfate (DMS) foot­ tosidase reporter gene inserted into the a-cell-specific prints indicate that al is bound to its operator in these

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cells. Our data support a direct role for nucleosome po­ Fig. 2A). Also, intervening sites exposed in naked DNA sition in the regulation of a-cell-specific gene expression. are protected from digestion in these chromatin samples (see symbols adjacent to lane 2, Fig. 2A). These data in­ Results dicate that neither reduction in H4 copy number nor deletion of amino acids 4—14 alters the position or sta­ Amino-terminal mutations in H4 alter the structure bility of nucleosomes on the TALS minichromosome. of the TALS minichromosome In striking contrast, exposure of particular MNase cut In haploid a cells and diploid a/a cells, the TALS mini- sites is altered in the presence of del (4—19) and del (4— chromosome is packaged into an array of stably posi­ 23). Nuclease-sensitive sites in chromatin that normally tioned nucleosomes, excluding only those sequences 3' demarcate the borders between nucleosomes III and IV to the TRPl gene, which include the ARSl elements (Fig. (fifth dot from top), IV and V (fourth dot from top), and V lA) (Roth et al. 1990). Two nucleosomes, IV and V, di­ and VI (third dot from top) are diminished in these rectly flank the a2 operator. High-resolution primer-ex­ strains. Also, cut sites in these regions normally pro­ tension mapping of this region indicates that these nu­ tected from digestion in chromatin relative to naked cleosomes are positioned very precisely (Shimizu et al. DNA are exposed (asterisks, Fig. 2A). These differences 1991; Fig. 3, below) and are located within a few base are most pronounced in the region adjacent to the oper­ pairs of the edge of the operator sequence as defined in ator normally protected by nucleosome IV. One cut site vitro (Keleher et al. 1988). In a cells, in the absence of a2, in the region protected by nucleosome II may also be these nucleosomes are not positioned stably, and nucle­ somewhat more exposed relative to flanking sites in the osomes on the plasmid are located nearly randomly. presence of del (4—19) and del (4—23) (dash, adjacent to To assess the effects of amino-terminal deletions in lane 6; Fig. 2A), but the surrounding hypersensitive sites histone H4 on the structure of TALS, the plasmid was and protection of other bands in this region are consis­ introduced into a cells bearing either a single-copy, plas- tent with continued presence of nucleosome II in these mid-bome, wild-type H4 gene (PKY999) or an H4 gene strains. Positions of nucleosomes elsewhere on the plas­ with deletion of amino acids 4-14 [del (4-14); PKY917], mid are not affected by these deletions, as evidenced by 4-19 [del (4-19); PKY9I8], or 4-23 [del (4-23); PKY913] the persistence of hypersensitive sites in chromatin and (Fig. IC). Both chromosomal copies of H4 (H4-I, H4-2) protection of intervening sites in naked DNA (see sym­ are disrupted in these strains, and the plasmid-borne bols adjacent to lane 7, Fig. 2A). The positions of nucle­ gene is the sole source of H4 (Kayne et al. 1988). Because osomes I, VII, and VIII, for example (Fig. 2A), appear strains bearing del (4—19) and del (4—23) express both a- unchanged in the presence of these deletions. Other and a-mating-type genes owing to derepression of the mapping experiments confirm that the positions of nu­ silent mating loci (Kayne et al. 1988), they are phenotyp- cleosomes elsewhere on the plasmid (VI-X, Fig. I) are ically diploid for mating-type functions. However, al re­ not affected (data not shown). Thus, del (4—19) and del presses a-cell-type-specific gene expression (Herskowitz (4—23) largely affect the locations of nucleosomes near 1989) and induces ordered nucleosome positions on the the a2 operator without causing general alterations in TALS minichromosome (Roth et al. 1990) in diploid a/a nucleosome positions elsewhere on the minichromo­ cells as well as in haploid a cells. Any changes observed some. in TALS structure in the presence of del (4—19) or del The structure of TALS was also examined in an a (4-23), then, should be related to changes in the struc­ strain bearing a 30-amino-acid deletion in the amino- ture of H4 rather than in the expression of a2 or other terminal region of histone H2B [amino acids 3-32 mating-type genes. (TSY155); Wallis et al. 1983]. No changes were observed The structure of the TALS plasmid was first examined in the positions of any nucleosomes on the plasmid (Fig. in the various strains by micrococcal nuclease (MNase) 2B), although cleavage at the edges of nucleosomes in the digestion and indirect end-labeling (Fig 2A). Nucleosome presence of the H2B deletion may be slightly more pro­ position is inferred in these studies by the separation of nounced than in the presence of wild-type H2B (evi­ MNase cut sites in chromatin by —140 bp with protec­ denced by a broadening of some bands in Fig. 2B). Thus, tion of intervening sites present in naked DNA. Com­ the changes we observe in the presence of the histone H4 parison of structures inferred from such data to those mutations are not observed upon similar mutation of observed in electron micrographs of TRPl/ARSI chro­ another histone. matin indicate a close correspondence between the in­ ferred and the actual structure of TRPl/ARSl (Pederson et al. 1986). High-resolution mapping of nucleosome positions in the TALS minichromosome Indirect end-labeling of TALS chromatin isolated from the strains expressing a single copy of wild-type H4 or Changes in the positions of nucleosomes I-V in the pres­ del (4—14) indicates that nucleosomes are positioned on ence of the H4 mutation del (4—23) were examined more the plasmid into an array identical to that observed pre­ closely by primer extension mapping (Fig. 3), which al­ viously in other a cells. A series of discrete MNase cut lows precise definition of the locations of nuclease-hy- sites separated by 140 bp (dots in Fig. 2A), identical to persensitive sites and protected regions in chromatin by those characterized previously in a cells (Roth et al. comparison to cut sites in naked DNA and to sequencing 1990), is observed in these strains (cf. lanes 3, 4, and 5, ladders on the same gel.

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WT A 4-23 Sequence WT A 4-23


0[1S «p»'M|||ir

1387 0

1522 •i!^ lis^ "S '^. 1535 n -^M^' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

a2 op 0 •Mft'

1565 l^ '^

**^ M 4 Figure 3. High-resolution mapping of TALS nucleosomes IV and V in the presence of wild-type H4 and del (4—23) [A] MNase cut sites in chromatin (C) and DNA (D) were ana­ lyzed by primer extension. All samples shown were ana­ lyzed in the same gel. The positions of nucleosomes I-IV and the a2 operator are indicated. Cut sites exposed in chro­ matin in the presence of the deletion (lanes 2,4), but not in wild-type cells (lane 1], are indicated by arrowheads. Sites protected relative to naked DNA (lane 3) are indicated by dots. The locations of cut sites were determined by compar­ ison to dideoxy sequencing reactions, as shown (lanes 5-8). Chromatin or DNA was digested with 0.5 U/ml of MNase (all but WT) or 1 U/ml (WT). [B] DNase I cut sites in chro­ matin (C) and DNA (D) were also analyzed by primer exten­ sion. The position of nucleosome V (in map units), as deter­ mined by MNase digestion (Fig. 2A; Shimizu et al. 1991), is indicated. Locations of cut sites were determined by com­ parison to dideoxy sequencing reactions (not shown) as in A. Arrowheads indicate some of the cleavage sites in chroma­ tin from cells containing del (4—23), which are protected in chromatin from cells containing wild-type H4. (O) Cut sites diminished in del (4—23) chromatin relative to wild-type chromatin. Dashes indicate cut sites that are similarly recognized in both wild-type and del (4—23) chromatin. [Below] To facilitate comparison, lanes 3, 4, and 8 were scanned with a Molecular Dynamics computing densitometer, and profiles obtained are presented, using the same symbols as on the gel. Chromatin was digested with 0.13 (lanes 3,6], 0.25 (lanes 2,7], or 0.50 U/ml of DNase I (lanes 1,8], and DNA was digested with 0.01 (lane 4] or 0.025 (lane 5] U/ml. All samples were analyzed in the same gel.

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In other studies, nucleosomes flanking the a2 operator formed to determine the rotational positioning of nucle­ in the TALS minichromosome, IV and V, have been osomes IV and V in the presence of del (4—23). A periodic shown to be both translationally and rotationally posi­ pattern of cutting is observed for the nucleosome V re­ tioned in a cells (Shimizu et al. 1991; WT, Fig. 3). In gion in a cells expressing wild-type H4 (Fig. 3B), indicat­ particular, cutting by MNase is essentially blocked be­ ing that this nucleosome is rotationally positioned in tween 1387 and 1522 map units by the presence of nu- these cells, in agreement with previous results (Shimizu cleosome IV and between 1592 and 1737 map units by et al. 1991). Disruptions of this pattern are observed in nucleosome V. Reappearance of cutting in these regions the presence of del (4—23) (Fig. 3B). A densitometric scan signals loss of stable translational positioning of these of the gel in Figure 3B is presented to aid comparison nucleosomes. between samples. Cutting near the operator (to the right, Primer extension analysis revealed alterations in sen­ as shown in the scan) in the presence of del (4—23) re­ sitivity to MNase in the presence of del (4—23) in the sembles more closely that in naked DNA than in wild- region normally protected by nucleosome IV, as shown type chromatin. Cut sites normally protected in chroma­ in Fig. 3A (lanes 2,4). Several sites protected in the pres­ tin are exposed in the presence of this deletion (arrow­ ence of wild-type H4 (cf. lanes 1 and 3) are exposed in the heads. Fig. 3B). Other sites that should be cut to preserve presence of this deletion (arrowheads. Fig. 3A) producing the ~ 10-bp periodicity observed in wild-type chromatin a pattern very similar to that of naked DNA, consistent are not susceptible to nuclease (open circles, Fig. 3B). with results obtained in indirect end-labeling experi­ This disruption of periodic cutting indicates that nucle­ ments above. Interestingly, a cut site near the al opera­ osome V is not rotationally positioned adjacent to the al tor at 1522 map units, which includes sequences from operator in the presence of del (4—23). Some sites in the the STE6 promoter region, becomes hypersensitive to distal region of nucleosome V are cut similarly in wild- MNase in the presence of this deletion. These same se­ type chromatin and in chromatin containing del (4—23) quences are hypersensitive in the presence of del (4-19) (dashes. Fig. 3B), indicating that a complete disruption of [and del (4—23)] at the STE6 chromosomal locus (see site chromatin structure in this region has not occurred. at - 166, Fig. 5, below). DNase I digests of the nucleosome IV region also indi­ Some changes in the susceptibility of a few sites in the cate that this nucleosome is no longer rotationally posi­ linker region between nucleosomes III and IV are evident tioned in the presence of del (4—23) (data not shown). in this analysis. By comparison with the above changes Primer extension analysis of MNase and DNase I cut in the region protected by nucleosome IV, however, only sites indicates that the amino-terminal region of H4 is minimal differences are observed in the regions of nu­ necessary for both stable translational and rotational po­ cleosomes I, II, and III when examined at this level. Nu- sitioning of nucleosomes IV and V normally observed in clease-sensitive sites are located in the same places in wild-type a cells adjacent to the a2 operator. chromatin from the wild-type and del (4-23) strains in these regions, and sites exposed in naked DNA are pro­ tected (see dots in Fig. 3A) in chromatin from both cell Changes in TALS topoisomer distribution types. in the presence of del (4-19) and del (4-23) High-resolution mapping of the position of nucleo­ In previous studies we observed that the TALS plasmid some V using MNase also revealed specific differences in isolated from a cells contained an extra negative super- the exposure of sequences adjacent to the a2 operator in coil relative to the plasmid isolated from a cells (Roth et the presence of del (4—23) (data not shown), indicating a al. 1990). Because each nucleosome imparts one negative loss of translational positioning of this nucleosome as supercoil to chromatin, these data are consistent with well. Primer extension mapping of MNase cut sites pro­ the presence of an additional nucleosome on the plasmid vides additional evidence that del (4—23) affects the sta­ in a cells (see Discussion, below). When we examined bility of nucleosome position near the al operator, in the the distribution of TALS topoisomers isolated from a regions of nucleosomes IV and V. strains containing either the wild-type H4 gene or del (4—14), we observed a supercoil density similar to that observed in other a cells (Fig. 4). A slight shift in super­ Rotational positioning of nucleosomes in the presence coil density (less than one supercoil) may occur in the of H4 amino-terminal deletions presence of del (4—14), but in general, the topoisomer Rotational positioning refers to the orientation of DNA distribution in the del (4—14) strain is equivalent to that on the surface of a histone octamer, whereas transla­ of wild-type a cells. In a cells expressing either del (4—19) tional positioning refers to the location of the nucleo­ or del (4—23), the distribution of supercoil density is ob­ some with respect to given sequences as defined above. viously shifted, to an extent normally observed in a cells, DNase I is useful in evaluating the rotational positions corresponding to the loss of one negative supercoil. This of nucleosomes because it cleaves DNA within the core shift is not observed for plasmids lacking the al opera­ particle. If a nucleosome maintains a stable rotational tor, including another TRPl/ARSl derivative [TAL position, a 10-bp periodicity of DNase I cuts will be ob­ (Roth et al. 1990); data not shown] and the 2fji, circle served that reflects the pitch of the double helix on the (Kayne et al. 1988), indicating that it is a specific effect surface of the histone octamer. for plasmids that bind al. These changes in TALS topo­ Primer extension analysis of DNase I digests was per­ isomer distribution are consistent with the presence of

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Nucleosome positioning by a2 repressor and histone H4

sensitive site in a-cell chromatin corresponds to the lo­ cation of the TATA sequence in the STE6 promoter (ar­ rowhead. Fig. 5), consistent with an increased accessibil­ ity of this sequence in a cells. Surprisingly, the a2 operator sequence appears less sensitive to MNase diges­ tion in a cells (lane 12) than in a cells (lane 11). We are investigating in detail in vivo protein-DNA interactions at the operator in separate studies. We investigated the effects of del (4—19) on the chro­ matin structure of STE6 both in an a strain isogenic to the wild-type strain above (Fig. 5, lane 8) and in strains 1* • bearing an integrated copy of this H4 deletion in which both the HML and HMR loci are converted to the same histone H4 { wt, del. del. del. a a mating type as present at the MAT locus (Fig. 5, lanes 4-14 4-19 4-23 Mat 9,10). In effect, these strains possess either three func­ Figure 4. Distribution of TALS topoisomers in the presence of tional copies of MATa (aaa; JTY222H; lane 10) or MATa H4 amino-terminal deletions. Supercoiled DNA isolated from (aaa; LJY438I; lane 9). Because only a single mating type strains containing wild-type H4 (wt) or an H4 deletion mutant is expressed in these cells, possible complications owing (del 4-14, del 4—19, or del 4—23 as indicated) was analyzed on to secondary effects of derepression of HML and HMR agarose gels containing 40 M-g/ml of chloroquine diphosphate, are avoided. transferred to nitrocellulose, and hybridized to a probe specific In a strains carrying del (4—19), a STE6 chromatin for the TALS plasmid. Under these conditions, more negatively supercoiled molecules migrate slower than less negatively su­ structure intermediate to that in wild-type a or a cells is percoiled molecules. The center of distribution of TALS topoi­ observed (Fig. 5, lanes 8,10). Nuclease-hypersensitive somers in each lane is indicated (arrowheads). For comparison, sites at the ends of the regions protected by nucleosomes the distribution of topisomers in unrelated a (SC3) and a (E290) in normal a cells (e.g., at - 166 and - 24) are maintained cells used in previous studies is also shown. All samples were in the presence of the deletion and, in some cases (at analyzed on the same gel. -166), appear to be even more sensitive to digestion. The maintenance of these sites indicates that the struc­ ture of this region is not disrupted completely by this one less nucleosome on the plasmid in the presence of amino-terminal deletion in H4. However, accessibility del (4—19) and del (4—23), reflecting the changes in stable of numerous cut sites protected in the presence of wild- nucleosome location indicated in the above mapping type H4 is clearly increased in the presence of del (4—19) studies. (cf. bracketed region in Fig. 5, lanes 7,8,10,11), including the hypersensitive site that maps to the TATA sequence (arrowhead, Fig. 5) (Wilson and Herskowitz 1986) and Structuie of chromosomal a-cell-specific genes two sites that map to sequences near pheromone re­ in the presence of amino-terminal deletions in H4 sponse elements (dots. Fig. 5; Kronstad et al. 1987). The Changes in nucleosome position proximal to the a2 op­ pattern of exposure of these sites in the STE6 promoter erator, like those observed in the minichromosome in region (bracket, lanes 8,10) in this strain strongly resem­ the presence of del (4—19) and del (4—23), might also be bles that observed in chromatin isolated from a cells expected in chromosomal copies of a-cell-specific genes (lane 12). We interpret this increased accessibility as an regulated by a2. At least two of these genes, STE6 and indication of decreased nucleosome stability, which al­ BARl, are packaged into a positioned nucleosomal array lows re-exposure of these sites. Cleavage sites farther in a cells but not in a cells, analogous to the packaging of downstream, in the ST£6-coding region, which are nor­ the TALS plasmid in the two cell types (Shimizu et al. mally protected by nucleosomes in a cells, are also ex­ 1991; Fig. IB). posed in the presence of del (4—19). Primer extension analysis of MNase cut sites in chro­ In the aaa del (4-19) strain, the pattern of MNase cut­ matin and naked DNA indicates that this organized ting in the STE6 promoter region is similar to that ob­ structure is also observed for STE6 in a cells containing served in other a strains, as expected (cf. lanes 9 and 12). a single copy of a wild-type H4 gene on a plasmid (Fig. 5, Many cut sites protected in a-cell chromatin are no lanes 6,7,11). Nuclease-hypersensitive sites are observed longer protected in this strain, and hypersensitive sites at -166, -24, and 4-184 in chromatin isolated from are observed within exposed regions that are similar to these cells while many intervening sites present in na­ those in wild-type a cells. ked DNA (lanes 5,16) are protected. In a cells, these hy­ Alterations in STE6 chromatin structure observed in a persensitive sites are diminished (cf. lane 12 with lanes cells in the presence of del (4—19) were also observed in 6, 7, and 11). In addition, a subset of sites exposed in the presence of del (4—23). Surprisingly, del (4—14) also naked DNA are exposed in a-cell chromatin, and new affected STE6 chromatin structiure, although to a lesser hypersensitive sites are observed (cf. lane 12 with lanes extent than the longer deletions (data not shown). Anal­ 16 and 11). These data are consistent with a disruption of ogous experiments indicate that the structure of the the chromatin structure observed in a cells. One hyper­ BARl promoter region is altered in a very similar man-

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WT A4-19 WT Sequence a a a a aaa aaa a a

11 12 13 14 IS 16 17

Figure 5. Chromatin structure of STE6 in the presence of H4 amino-terminal deletions and point mutations. (.4) The chromatin structure of sequences upstream of the a-cell-specific gene STE6 was analyzed by primer extension mapping of MNase cut sites in chromatin (C) or DNA (D) isolated from unrelated a cells (SC3) (lanes 6,11), a cells containing a single copy of wild-type H4 [PKY999 (isogenic to H4 mutations); lane 7], unrelated a cells (E290; lane 12], or isogenic a cells containing H4 mutations (lanes 8-10,13-17) as indicated. The del (4-19) was analyzed in strains PKY918 (a), LJY438I (aaa), and JTY222H ( aaa). The H4 point mutations were in strains PKY505 (Gly-16), LJY921 (Gly-17), LJY933 (Gly-18), and LJY612 (Gln-16). The position of the mRNA start site is indicated by the bent arrow in the diagram at left, and the locations of the a2 operator, putative TATA sequences, and the 5' portion of the ST£6-coding region are shown (Wilson and Herskowitz 1986). The ellipse indicates the inferred position of a nucleosome in the promoter region. (x) A band corresponding to an artifactual primer extension stop, not a MNase cut site; it is present in undigested samples (data not shown; Shimizu et al. 1991). The arrowhead marks cut sites that map to the TATA sequence. The dots correspond to cuts near pheromone response elements (Kronstad et al. 1987). Chromatin was digested with 5 U/ml (lanes 6-8,13-16), or 20 U/ml (lanes 9-12,17] of MNase. DNA was digested with 0.5 U/ml of MNase (lanes 5,15). Cleavage of chromatin from a given strain always produced the same pattern of bands, regardless of the concentration of nuclease used, except for a progressive loss of higher-molecular- weight bands with increasing concentrations of nuclease. Concentrations were chosen for display to optimize comparison between various samples.

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Nucleosome positioning by a2 repressor and histone H4 ner in the presence of del (4-19), with exposure of sites normally protected by a nucleosome in a cells, but with maintenance of hypersensitive sites at the ends of this region (data not shown).

Point mutations in the H4 amino-teiminal region affect STE6 chromatin structure Point mutation of amino acids 15-19 in H4 elicits a phe- notype similar to that of del (4—19), including an alter­ ation of growth rate and derepression of the HML silent mating-type locus (Johnson et al. 1990). We investigated whether such mutations would also lead to alterations in the chromatin structure of the STE6 promoter region. Examination of STE6 structure in the presence of indi­ vidual point mutations converting Lys-16, Arg-17, or His-18 (Fig. IC) to glycyl residues revealed alterations in nucleosome stability extremely similar to those de­ scribed above for del (4—19) (Fig. 5, cf. lanes 13, 14, and 15 with lane 10). Sites normally protected by nucleosomes in the promoter region and the first 184 bp of coding sequence are exposed in these strains, whereas hypersen­ sitive sites at either end of these regions were main­ tained. Surprisingly, although substitution of glycine for Lys-16 (Gly-16) resulted in a changed STE6 chromatin structure (lane 12), substitution of glutamine at this po­ sition (Gin-16), either on a plasmid (data not shown) or as an integrated allele, did not (lane 17; note similarity to lanes 6 and 7). The ability of the individual glycyl sub­ stitutions at residues 16, 17, or 18 to alter the structure of the STE6 promoter region highlights the importance of this region of H4 to the stable positioning of nucleo­ somes normally observed adjacent to the a2 operator in a cells.

Occupancy of the a2 operator is not changed in the presence of del (4—19) Changes in nucleosome position and stability might af­ fect the association of trans-acting factors with chroma­ tin. To rule out the possibility that the binding of a2 to its operator sequence might be altered in the presence of the H4 amino-terminal mutations, we performed in vivo Figure 6. In vivo DMS footprinting of the a2 operator. DNA footprints of the operator region by treating intact cells purified from intact cells treated with DMS was subjected to with DMS. multicycle primer extension. Sites of methylation in both In vitro analysis of al binding to its operator by DMS strands of the a2 operator were mapped in wild-type a cells, a footprinting indicates that symmetrical G residues at cells containing del (4-19), or wild-type a cells and compared to each end of the operator are protected by a2 (Sauer et al. a ddC sequencing reaction (ddC) or DMS-treated naked DNA 1988). These same residues are protected in vivo in wild- (DNA). Protected sites are indicated by dots next to the corre­ type a cells (M. Shimizu, unpubl.; Fig. 6) but not in a sponding band in naked DNA and above the corresponding G residue in the sequences shown at left. cells, in the absence of a2. In addition, other, more cen­ trally located G residues are at least partially protected in both cell types (Fig. 6), consistent with the binding of MCMl in this region. This pattern of protection is not Incomplete repression by a2 in the presence of H4 changed in the presence of the del (4—19) H4 deletion, amino-terminal mutations indicating that occupancy of the operator in these cells is If nucleosomes positioned adjacent to the al operator in equivalent to that in wild-type a cells (Fig. 6). A more the promoter regions of a-cell-specific genes contribute detailed analysis of the binding of al and MCMl to chro­ to the repression of these genes in a cells, increased ex­ matin in vivo is the subject of a separate study (M. pression should accompany alterations of nucleosome Shimizu, S.Y. Roth, M. Murphy, and R.T. Simpson, un­ stability or position. To test this hypothesis, we replaced publ). the a-cell-specific gene MFa2 (mating factor a2) in iso-

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Roth et al. genie strains harboring the H4 amino-terminal muta­ the H2B amino-terminal deletion and the H4 Gin-16 mu­ tions with a MFa2-p-galaetosidase fusion gene. tation that do not affect STE6 chromatin structure also Expression of the |3-galactosidase reporter gene was do not affect repression by al (data not shown). Our find­ monitored by development of blue color in colonies ing that the H4 amino-terminal region is required both plated on media containing X-gal and by measurement of for stable positioning of nucleosomes adjacent to the al p-galactosidase activity (Fig. 7). Although no blue color operator and for efficient repression by al indicates a developed in wild-type a cells (Fig. 7A), a faint blue color direct role for chromatin structure in the regulation of was observed in the del (4—14) strain, and more intense a-cell-specific gene expression. expression was observed in colonies bearing del (4—19), del (4-23), Gly-16, and Gly-18 (no transformants of the Gly-17 strain bearing the integrated reporter gene were Discussion recovered; see Materials and methods). Strong expres­ sion of the p-galactosidase fusion protein was observed Nucleosomes are precisely positioned adjacent to the al in wild-type a cells, as expected. operator in the presence of a2 in several different se­ p-Galactosidase activity measured in liquid assay in­ quence contexts (Roth et al. 1990; Simpson 1990; dicated no expression above background in the wild-type Shimizu et al. 1991). Here, we show that the amino- a strain and minimal expression in the del (4-14) strain. terminal region of H4 is required for stable translational A level of expression intermediate to that in wild-type a and rotational positioning of these nucleosomes as well and a cells was observed in the presence of the other H4 as for efficient repression by al, indicating that chroma­ mutations, reaching 4—15% of the maximal expression tin structure directly contributes to the regulation of observed in a cells (Fig. 7B). Increased steady-state levels cell-type-specific gene expression in yeast. of MPa2-p-galactosidase mRNA were also observed in these strains (data not shown). Importantly, partial derepression was observed in the Mechanism of nucleosome positioning by a2 presence of del (4-19) in two isogenic strains differing only at the MAT locus (PKY918 and PKY818) and in the Positioning of nucleosomes adjacent to the al operator nonisogenic aaa strain (JTY222H) (Fig. 7], indicating could occur indirectly upon binding of a2/MCMl that derepression occurs in the presence of one, two, or through formation of a boundary to nucleosome place­ three expressed copies of MATa and is independent of ment. However, statistical positioning around the oper­ the presence of a-mating-type information. We have also ator (Romberg 1981; Kornberg and Stryer 1988) cannot observed a partial derepression of a ST£6-p-galactosidase explain the ability of the operator to induce a shift in reporter plasmid and of BARl activity (Sprague and Her- nucleosome position (Simpson 1990) or the precision of skowitz 1981) (data not shown). The partial derepression positioning observed adjacent to the operator (Shimizu et of these genes seems particularly significant in view of al. 1991; this paper). Also, because MCMl binds the op­ the DMS footprint data (Fig. 6), which indicate that the erator in both a and a cells (Keleher et al. 1988; Passmore a2 operator is fully occupied in the presence of del (4— et al. 1988), statistical positioning might be expected to 19). The al repressor is not capable of complete repres­ occur in both cell types. Moreover, the positions of nu­ sion in the presence of this H4 deletion, even though it is cleosomes IV and V are destabilized in the presence of bound to its operator in these cells. the H4 del (4—19) mutation, even though in vivo foot- The partial derepression observed is consistent with printing of the a2 operator indicates that it is occupied in the partial change in STE6 chromatin structure that oc­ these cells. Our data support a more direct mechanism curs in the presence of the H4 mutations. Indeed, the for positioning of nucleosomes adjacent to the operator, lack of a more extensive derepression (relative to a cells) involving the a2/MCMl complex and the H4 amino- may reflect the residual organization of chromatin in the terminal region. H4 mutant strains. Significantly, in every strain exam­ It is surprising that nucleosome position is not ran­ ined so far, mutations that alter nucleosome position/ domized upon destabilization of nucleosomes IV and V stability adjacent to the al operator also result in incom­ in TALS, given the lack of organization observed in a plete repression by al. Conversely, mutations such as cells (Roth et al. 1990). Although it is possible that al

Figure 7. Expression of a reporter construct regulated by a2 in the presence of H4 mutations. [A] Cells containing the MFa2-^- galactosidase reporter construct grown on X-gal media. Wild-type a cells shown are PKY999; wild-type a cells are PKY899. Mutant H4 strains are as listed in B. The del (4-19) [PKY918 and JTY222H (aaa)] and del (4-23) (PKY913) strains exhibit a characteristic slow-growth phenotype (Kayne et al. 1988). [B] ^-Galactosidase expression in permeabilized cells was determined as described by Rose et al. (1990) and is expressed in Miller units. Values normalized by subtraction of activity present in cells without the reporter gene are shown (normalized), as are average values of activity in each strain (LacZ; ± S.D.). The number of determinations [n] is indicated for each. The % Max values represent activities divided by that present in isogenic, wild-type a cells. For all strains except PKY505 and LJY933, the isogenic a strain is PKY899; for these two strains, it is PKY501. PKY899 and PKY501 are isogenic except for the vector carrying the wild-type H4 allele. No % Max values are given for the aaa and aaa strains because they are not isogenic to the other strains. Strain names refer to the strains into which the reporter gene was introduced. The resultant transformants have the same names followed by "MFZ" to designate the integration.

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Nucleosome positioning by a2 reptessoi and histone H4


WTa de! (4-14)

del (4-19) aaa

del (4-19)

GLY 18 del (4-23)

GLY 16 B

strain H4 Aiiele Reporter HML MAT HMR Lac Z [n] Normalized % Max

PKY999 wt - a a a 1.5+A 0.2 [3] 0 0

PKY999 wt + Of a a 1.5 +/- 0.7 [14] 0 0

PKY917 d(4-14) + Of a a 1.6+/- 0.5 [10] 0.1 0.3

PKY918 d(4-19) + a a a 4.4 +/- 1.4 [9] 2.9 7.4

PKY818 d(4-19) + a a a 7.3 +/- 2.7 [6] 5.8 14.8

PKY913 d(4-23) + Of Of a 4.7 +/- 1.6 [12] 3.2 8.2

PKY505 GLY 16 + a a a 3.0 +/- 1.5 [6] 1.5 4.4

LJY933 GLY18 + a a a 3,7+/- 0.6 [8] 2.2 6.4

PKY899 wt + a a a 40.7 +/-• 11 [11] 39.2 100

PKY501 wt + a a a 35.8 +/-• 10 [7] 34.3 100

JTY222H d(4-19) + a a a 4.0 +/- 1.3 [4] 2.5 -

LJY438I d(4-19) + a a a 25+/- 4.8 [6] 23.5 . Figure 7. {See facing page for legend.)

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Roth et al. might act at a distance to maintain the positions of distal Promoter accessibility and regulation of a-cell-specific nucleosomes, it seems more plausible that nucleosomes gene expression IV and V may form transiently in the presence of the H4 The involvement of chromatin structure in the repres­ mutations and thereby establish the ordered array nor­ sion of a-cell-specific gene expression could explain how mally observed in a cells. Other studies have indicated repression can occur when the al operator is placed ei­ that preferred positions exist for nucleosomes in the re­ ther upstream or downstream of UAS elements in het­ gion of TRPl and in the regions of nucleosomes I, II, and erologous promoters and the ability of the operator to act III (Thoma 1986), whereas TRPl/ARSl sequences incor­ over varying distances (Keleher et al. 1988; Herskowitz porated into nucleosomes IV and V are hypersensitive to 1989). Increased accessibility of promoter regions upon nuclease digestion in constructs lacking the a2 operator, destabilization of a nucleosome adjacent to the al oper­ indicating that they are not normally packaged into sta­ ator most easily explains the partial derepression of the ble nucleosomes. In the absence of an intact H4 amino- (i-galactosidase reporter gene that occurs in the presence terminal region to anchor nucleosomes IV and V adja­ of the H4 amino-terminal deletions. The lack of full in­ cent to the operator in TALS, these nucleosomes appear duction of this gene correlates with the partial disrup­ to be selectively destabilized while more distal nucleo­ tion of chromatin structure relative to a cells, which somes maintain their preferred positions. Because nucle­ indicates that accessibility of promoter regions is still osomes IV and V are never positioned in the absence of partially obscured in these strains. al, the positioned nucleosomal array does not form in a Importantly, derepression of the reporter construct is cells. not the result of some secondary effect resulting from derepression of the silent mating loci, and subsequent expression of both a and a mating information, as it also Changes in the stability of nucleosome position occurs in the aaa del (4—19) strain. It is also not the adjacent to the operator in the presence result of an altered association of a2 with its operator of H4 mutations sequence in the presence of this mutation as indicated by in vivo footptinting experiments. Nor is it a reflection of The shift in the supercoil density of TALS observed in a general increase in transcription in these cells because the presence of del (4-19) and del (4-23) is also consistent other repressed genes and some inducible promoters are with the destablization of a nucleosome adjacent to the not activated (Kayne et al. 1988; Durrin et al. 1991). Al­ operator, although other explanations are possible. Each though we cannot rule out the possibility that the H4 nucleosome imparts one negative supercoil to chromatin amino-terminal region is involved in the regulation of (for review, see Morse and Simpson 1988), and the pres­ some other gene required for repression of a-cell-specific ence of an additional negative supercoil in strains ex­ genes, the alterations in chromatin structure adjacent to pressing wild-type H4 or del (4-14) could indicate the the a2 operator in the presence of the H4 mutations sug­ presence of one more stable nucleosome on the plasmid gest a direct involvement of the H4 amino-terminal tail in these strains. Increased acetylation of histones, which in the maintenance of this structure and, thereby, effi­ neutralizes positively charged lysyl residues, has been cient repression by al. observed to decrease the negative linking number change per nucleosome (Norton et al. 1989). Deletion of amino- terminal lysines in H4 might mimic this effect, leading Other factors involved in regulation of a-cell-specific to an overall decrease in the negative superhelicity of gene expression and chromatin structure chromatin as is observed for TALS in the presence of del (4—19) or del (4-23). However, our observation that such The incomplete disruption of chromatin structure in the shifts in supercoil density do not occur for plasmids that presence of the H4 mutations indicates that other fac­ do not contain the a2 operator indicates that a decreased tors, or other regions of H4, may be involved in the main­ negative superhelicity is not a general feature of chroma­ tenance of this structure. At least two other proteins are tin in these cells. Changes in supercoil density might involved in the control of a-cell-type-specific gene ex­ also be associated with changes in transcriptional activ­ pression, SSN6 and TUPl (Carlson et al. 1984; Trumbly ity. However, no induction of TRPl RNA accumulation 1986; Schultz and Carlson 1987; Schultz et al. 1990; was observed in the presence of del (4—19) or del (4—23) Williams and Trumbly 1990). Interestingly, glucose-re- (data not shown), so the change in supercoil density is pressible genes that are also regulated by SSN6 and not easily explained by an increase in TRPl transcrip­ TUPl undergo changes in chromatin structure upon ac­ tion, imless such an increase is accompanied by an in­ tivation (Lohr 1984; Perez-Ortin et al. 1987). Other his­ creased turnover of TRPl RNA. It is also unlikely, there­ tones could be important in the maintenance of nucleo­ fore, that the changes in the positions of nucleosomes IV some position/stability adjacent to the a2 operator as and V observed in the presence of these mutations stem well, although an amino-terminal deletion in H2B had from increased transcription of TRPl. The lack of an minimal effects on the structure of the TALS minichro- increase in TRPl expression is consistent with a contin­ mosome or STE6, and strains bearing amino-terminal de­ ued repression of this gene by nucleosomes (VI, VII) po­ letions in H2A have no obvious phenot3rpe or effect on sitioned upstream of the TRPl RNA start site (at 105 mating (for review, see Grunstein 1990a). However, an map units. Fig. lA). amino-terminal deletion in H3 causes a constitutive ex-

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Nucleosome positioning by a2 lepiessoi and histone H4 pression of GALl (Durrin et al. 1991), and mutations in tive media (SDM containing appropriate amino acids, adenine, H2A and H2B can restore transcriptional initiation and uracil if needed) as necessary. Strains used are presented in downstream of solo 8 and TY insertions, rescuing expres­ Table 1. sion of downstream genes (Clark-Adams et al. 1988). These histones, then, are an important part of some reg­ Construction of plasmids and yeast strains containing ulatory chromatin structures. the MFa2-p-galactosidase fusion gene Construction of the yeast plasmid TALS has been described previously (Roth et al. 1990). One-step gene replacement of the Modulation of transcription by H4 MFa2 gene in the various strains listed in Figure 7 was per­ The involvement of the H4 amino terminus in the acti­ formed using standard techniques (Rose et al. 1990). Because no selection for the integration was available, a linear Hindlll frag­ vation of some genes (Durrin et al. 1991) and repression ment from the plasmid pSM38 (generously provided by Susan of others (Kayne et al. 1988; Johnson et al. 1990; Aparico Michaelis, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD) contain­ et al. 1991; this paper) indicates that this histone is im­ ing the MFa2-p-galactosidase fusion gene was cotransformed portant in the organization of chromatin structures that with a TRPl/ARSl plasmid at a ratio of —10 : 1 (linear/plasmid) either facilitate or inhibit transcription. Direct or indi­ by mass. TRP"^ transformants were replica plated to media con­ rect interactions between H4 amino-terminal domains taining X-gal. Cotransformants (TRP"^; p-galactosidase +) arose and trans-acting factors such as GAL4 (Durrin et al. at frequencies ranging between 0.5% and 3% in the H4 mutant 1991), SIR3 (Johnson et al. 1990), and al may determine strains with the exception of the Gly-17 mutant. For reasons not the type of structure formed. These interactions could understood, this mutant reproducibly gave insufficient num­ easily be influenced by post-translational modification bers of TRP^ transformants to facilitate screening for cotrans­ of the H4 amino-terminal tail, providing a mechanism formants. Blue colonies in the other strains were picked, and integration of the fusion gene at the MFa2 locus was confirmed whereby changes in promoter accessibility and transcrip­ by Southern blot analysis using standard techniques (Sambrook tional activity could be readily accomplished. The ex­ et al. 1989). In the case of the wild-type a strain (PKY999), the treme conservation of the H4 amino-terminal region reporter gene was repressed, as expected, so no blue color selec­ suggests that it may be involved in the regulation of gene tion was available. In this case, colonies were screened directly expression in other organisms as well. A role in modu­ by Southern analysis for the presence of the MFa2-p-galactosi- lation of transcriptional activity might explain why this dase integration. region of the H4 molecule is so highly conserved and yet A MFa2-3-galactosidase reporter plasmid was constructed by is not essential for yeast cell viability. ligating a 4.5-kb Hindlll fragment from the plasmid pSM38 into the Hindlll site of YCp50 (Rose et al. 1987). Bacterial clones were identified by restriction analysis; DNA was prepared and Materials and methods introduced into yeast using standard techniques (Rose et al. 1990). This plasmid was used to transform ura3" strains includ­ Yeast strains ing JTY222H (aaa), LJY438I (aaa), LJY656, and LJY612 (Gln-16); S. ceievisiae strains were propagated according to standard pro­ URA3"^ transformants were selected and the presence of the cedures (Rose et al. 1990) in either rich media (YEPD) or selec­ plasmid was confirmed by Southern analysis.

Table 1. Strain list Strain Genotype Reference PKY999 MATa, ade2-101, arg4-l, his3 A200, leu2-3, leu2,112, lys2-801, trpl A901, Kayne etal. (1988) ura3-52, thr, tyr, Mihfl:HIS3, Mihf2::LEU2, pUK499 {HHF2] PKY917 isogenic to PKY999 except pPK917 [hhf2 del(4~14)] instead of pUK499 Kayne etal. (1988) PKY918 isogenic to PKY999 except pPK618 [hhf2 del(4^19)] instead of pUK499 Kayne etal. (1988) PKY818 isogenic to PKY918 except MA Ta Kayne etal. (1988) PKY913 isogenic to PKY999 except pPK613 [hhf2 del(4~23)] instead of pUK499 Kayne et al. (1988) PKY899 isogenic to PKY999 except MATa Kayne et al. (1988) PKY505 isogenic to PKY899 except pPK305 (hhf2 Gly-16 URA+) instead of pUK499 Johnson etal. (1990) LJY921 isogenic to PKY505 except pLJ921 {hhf2 Gly-17 URA+) instead pPK305 Johnson etal. (1990) LJY933 isogenic to PKY505 except pLJ933 (hhf2 Gly-18 URA+) instead of pPK305 Johnson et al. (1990) PKY501 isogenic to PKY505 except pPK301(HHP2) instead of pPK305 Kayne etal. (1988) LJY656I MATa, hhfl::HIS3, hht2::TRPl, trpl, lys2, ade2, his3, leu2, ura3 L. Johnson LJY612I isogenic to LJY656I except hhf2 Gln-16 L. Johnson JTY222H HMLcL, MATa, HMRa, leu2,3,112, ura3-52, trpl, ade2, lys2, hhfl::HIS3, hhf2, M. Grunstein and del(4^19), hht2::TRPl J. Thompson LJY438I HMLa, MATa, HMRa, ade2-101, his3-200, leu2-3,112, lys2-801, trpl-901, Johnson et al. (1990) ura3-52, hhfl::HIS3, hhf2::del(4-19), hht2::TRPl SC3 MATa, ura3-53, trpl, his3, gal2, gallO, cir° Roth etal. (1990) E290 MATa, his4-290, trpl Roth etal. (1990) TSY155 MATa, ura3-52, htbl-1, htb2-l, ade2-101, trpl, metl3, pTS7 \hth2 deli3-32)\ Wallisetal. (1983) YP47 MATa, ura3-52, lys2-801, ade2-101, trpl Wallisetal. (1983)

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Roth et al.

Isolation and analysis of chromatin by indirect end-labeling incubated at 30°C or at room temperature for several days for development of blue color. p-Galactosidase activity was mea­ Chromatin was partially purified and digested with MNase as sured in permeabilized cells as described previously (Rose et al. described previously (Thoma et al. 1986; Roth et al. 1990). Chro­ 1990). matin samples were digested with 2 U/ml (Fig. 2A), 5 U/ml, or 10 U/ml (Fig. 2B) of MNase, and DNA was digested with 0.5 U/ml (Fig. 2A) or 5 U/ml (Fig. 2B) of MNase at 37°C for 5 min. Acknowledgments DNA was purified, subjected to restriction endonuclease diges­ tion, fractionated on agarose gels, transferred to nitrocellulose, We thank Anne Dranginis, Ann Dean, Jurrien Dean, Alan and probed with specific fragments of TALS labeled with ^^P as Wolffe, Randy Morse, Michael Murphy, David Roth, and Gary described previously (Roth et al. 1990). The blots in Figure 2 Felsenfeld for critical comments and reading of the manuscript, were probed with an £coRV-HindIII fragment (230 bp) of TALS. and Alan Hinnebusch and Susan Michaelis for the generous gifts of a pyruvate kinase probe and a MPa2-p-galactosidase Analysis of TALS supercoil density clone, respectively. We also thank members of the National Institutes of Health Chromatin Club and the Washington Area DNA was isolated and topoisomers were resolved as described Yeast Club for stimulating discussions. previously (Roth et al. 1990) and fractionated on 1.5% agarose The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by gels containing 40 |xg/ml of chloroquine diphosphate (Sigma payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby Chemical Co.) in both the gel and electrophoresis buffer. Under marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 USC section these conditions, more negatively supercoiled molecules mi­ 1734 solely to indicate this fact. grate more slowly than less negatively supercoiled molecules. After electrophoresis, samples were transferred to nitrocellu­ lose and analyzed as described previously (Roth et al. 1990). References

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Stable nucleosome positioning and complete repression by the yeast alpha 2 repressor are disrupted by amino-terminal mutations in histone H4.

S Y Roth, M Shimizu, L Johnson, et al.

Genes Dev. 1992, 6: Access the most recent version at doi:10.1101/gad.6.3.411

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