
- -- A commentarie upon the first chapter of the of Saint Paul, written to the Ephesians ... By P. Bayne. [With the text.]

Lond., 1618. New Coll. Lib.

Greek and English

- -- A critical and grammatical commentary on St. Paul's , with a revised translation. By C.J. Ellicott. Lond., 1855. B.8.18.

- -- 4th ed. corr. Lond., 1868. New Coll. Lib.

- -- The Epistle to the Ephesians, in Greek and English, with an analysis and exegetical commentary. By S.H. Turner.

New York, 1856. Y *4.4.

- -- St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians. A revised text and translation with exposition and notes. By J.A. Robinson. Lond., 1903. *B.13.53.

- -- 2nd ed., 3rd impr.

Lond., n.d. New Coll. Lib. ADDITIONS


6 5 TiEq IAN


- -- Saint .Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians; the Greek text with notes and addenda. By B.F. Westcott.

Lond., 1906. New Coll. Lib.

Creek and English

- -- St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians. A revised text and translation with exposition and notes. By J.A. Robinson. Lond., 1903. New Coll. Lib.

- -- Another copy. New Coll. Lib. 65 -66

BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT. [continued].

65. EPHESIANS [continued]


- -- See ABBOTT (THOMAS KINGSMILL). Critical and exegetical commentary.

- -- See ALLAN (JOHN AITKEN). The Epistle to the Ephesians.

- -- See BALDUINUS (FRIDERICUS). Programma apostolicum, hoc est, S. Pauli epistola ad Ephesios.

- -- See BARRY (FRANK RUSSELL) Bp. A philosophy from prison; a study of the Epistle to the Ephesians.

- -- See BARTH (MARKUS). The broken wall; a study of the Epistle to the Ephesians.

- -- See BAYNES (PAUL). An entire commentary ...

- -- See BOYD (ROBERT) of Trochrig. R. B. ... in Epistolam Pauli Apostoli ad Ephesios praelectiones supra CC ...

- -- See BROWN (CHARLES) Minister of Farme Park Chapel. St. Paul's epistle to the Ephesians ...

- -- See CROSS (FRANK LESLIE ) ed. Studies in Ephesians.

- -- See DALE (ROBERT WILLIAM. The epistle to the Ephesians ...

- -- See DAVIES (RUPERT ERIC. God's plan for His world; studies in the letter to the Ephesians.

[Continued overleaf.] 65 -66

BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT. [continued].

65. EPHESIANS `continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See DIBELIUS (MARTIN). An die Kolosser, Epheser, an Philemon.

- -- See ELLICOTT (CHARLES JOHN ) Bp. St. Paul's epistle to the Ephesians ...

- -- See GAUGLER (ERNST). Der Epheserbrief.

- -- See GOODSPEED (EDGAR JOHNSON. The key to Ephesians.

- -- See GOODSPEED (EDGAR JOHNSON. The meaning of Ephesians.

- -- See GORE (CHARLES) Bp. St. Paul's Epistle ...

- -- See HODGE (CHARLES). An exposition ...

- -- See KELLY (WILLIAM) of Guernsey. Lectures ...

- -- See KIRBY (JOHN CHARLES). Ephesians; and Pentecost.


- -- See MACKAY (JOHN ). God's order; the Ephesian letter and this present time.

- -- See MASSON (CHARLES. L'Épitre de Saint Paul aux Ephsians.

[Continued overleaf.] 65 -66

BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT. [continued].

65. EPHESIANS [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See MITTON (CHARLES LESLIE. The epistle to the Ephesians.

- -- See MOULE (HANDLEY CARR GLYN) Bp. The Epistle to the Ephesians, with introd. and notes ...

- -- See MONOD (ADOLPHE LOUIS FRÉDÉRIC THÉODORE . Explication de l'Épitre de Saint Paul aux Ephésiens.

- -- See PATTISON (ROBERT E.). A commentary ...

- -- See PERCY (ERNST). Die Probleme der Kolosser-und Epheserbriefe.

- -- See SCHLIER (HEINRICH. Der Brief an die Epheser; ein Kommentar.

- -- See SCOTT (WILLIAM MORRIS FITZGERALD). The hidden mystery; studies on the to the Ephesians.

- -- See STOECKHARDT (G.). Commentary on St. Paul's letter to the Ephesians.



- -- St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians. A revised text, with introduction, notes, and dissertations, by J. B. Lightfoot ...

Lond., 1868. .2276

--- 2nd ed. Lond., 1869. .2276 66 -68


66. PHILIPPIANS [continuedj


- -- Der Brief an die Philipper erklärt von E. Lohmeyer. 8. Aufl. [Meyer, Krit. -exeget. Komm. ü. d. N.T. Abt. 9, Hlfte. 1. Göttingen, 1928. Za.7.

--- 12. Aufl. Göttingen, 1961. New Coll. Lib.


- -- See AVERY (MARGARET. St. Paul's letter to the Philippians.

- -- See BALDUINUS (F.). Paraenesis apostolica, hoc est, S. Pauli epistola ad Philippenses.

- -- See BARCLAY (WILLIAM) D.D. The letters to the Philippians, Colossians and Thessalonians.

- -- See BARTH (KARL). [ Erklärung des Philipperbriefes.I The epistle to the Philippians.

- -- See BARTSCH (HANS WERNER). Die konkrete Wahrheit und die Luge der Spekulation ...

- -- See BEARE (FRANCIS WRIGHT). A commentary on the Epistle to the Philippians.

- -- See COCKIN (FREDERICK ARTHUR). What it means to be a Christian; a modern version of St. Paul's Letter to the Philippians.

- -- See COLLANGE (JEAN FRANÇOIS). L'Épitre de Saint Paul aux Philippiens.

[Continued overleaf. 66 -68


66. PHILIPPIANS [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See DIBELIUS (MARTIN). Die Briefe des Apostels Paulus, II ... an die Philipper.

- -- See GAIRDNER (W.H.T.). [Commentary on the Epistle to the Philippians in Arabic.]

- -- See GRAYSTON (KENNETH. The Epistles to the Galatians and to the Philippians.

- -- See GRIFFITH (ARTHUR LEONARD). This is living; Paul's letter to the Philippians.

- -- See JONES (M.). The Epistle to Philippians.

- -- See KELLY (W.). Lectures ...

- -- See LOHMEYER (ERNST). Der Brief an die Philipper. Ùbersetzt und erklärt von F,. L.

- -- See LOHMEYER (ERNST. Kyrios ; eine Untersuchung zu Phil. 2, 5 -11.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS

BzaLE. 66.




-- See B M US (OTFRIED). Der Christushyamus Philipper 2,6-11, 66 -68

BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT [ continued] .

66. PHILIPPIANS [ continued]

German [ continued] .

Appendix [ continued] . - -- See MARTIN (RALPH PHILIP). An early Christian confession; Philippians II, 5 -11 in recent interpretation.

- -- See MICHAEL (J.H.). The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians.

67. COLOSSIANS Appendix - -- See ABBOT (T.K.). Critical and exegetical commentary.

- -- BARCLAY (WILLIAM) D.D. The all- sufficient ; studies in St. Paul's Letter to the Colossians.

- -- See BORSE (UDO). Der Kolosserbrieftext des Pelagius.

- -- See GABATHULER (HANS JAKOB). Jesus Christus ... der Christushymnus Colosser 1, 15 -20 in der theologischen Forschung der letzten 130 Jahre.

- -- See KELLY (W.). Lectures, etc.

- -- See KREMER (JACOB). Was an den Leiden Christi noch mangelt; eine interpretationsgeschichtliche und exegetische Untersuchung zu Kol. 1, 24b.

- -- See MOULE (C.F.D.). The Epistles of to the Colossians.

- -- See NEILL (STEPHEN) Bp. Paul to the Colossians.

[ Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS




See MARTIN (RALPH PHILIP). Carmen Christi; Philippians ii. 5 -11 in recent interpretation and in the setting of early Christian worship.

- -- See SYNGE (FRANCIS CHARLES). Philippians and Colossians.



- -- See BIEDER (WERNER). Die kolossische Irrlehre und die Kirche von heute.

--- See BARCLAY (WILLIAM) D.D. The letters'.to the Philippians, Thessalonians.

- -- See BIEDER (WERNER). Der Kolosserbrief.

- -- See BAGGOTT (LOUIS JOHN). A new approach to Colossians.

- -- See DJJSELIUS (MARTIN). An die Kolosser, Epheser, an Philemon. 66 -68

BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT [ continued] .

67. COLOSSIANS [ continued] .

Appendix [ continued] .

- -- See PERCY (ERNST). Die Probleme der Kolosser- und Epheserbriefe.

- -- See RADFORD (L.B.). The Epistle to the Colossians.

68. THESSALONIANS Greek - -- St. Paul's Epistles to the Thessalonians. The Greek text with introd. and notes by G. Milligan. Lond., 1908. *C.14.69. ADDITIONS

B u: . 211, 1A111.7 .



- -- See SYNGL (FRANCIS CHARLES). Philippians and Colossians.



- -- St. Paul's epistles to the Thessalonians; the Greek text. With introd. and notes by G. Milligan. Lond., 1908. New Coll. Lib. BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT [continued].

68. THESSALONIANS [continued]

Greek and English

- -- A critical and grammatical commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Thessalonians, with a rev. translation. By C.J. Ellicott.

Lond., 1858. New Coll. Lib.

- -- 3rd ed. corr. St. Paul's Epistles to the Thessalonians, with a critical and grammatical commentary and a rev. translation., by C.J. Ellicott. Lond., 1866. Y.2.8.

--- 4th ed. Lond., 1880. New Coll. Lib.


- -- A new literal translation ... of the Apostle Paul's first and second Epistles to the Thessalonians. With a commentary and notes. By J. Macknight. Lond., 1787. C.23.19.


- -- See ASKWITH (EDWARD HARRISON). An introduction to the Thessalonian Epistles ...

- -- See BICKNELL (E.J.). The First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians.

- -- See EGENOLF (HANS- ANDREAS). The Second Epistle to the Thessalonians.

- -- See FRAME (JAMES EVERETT). A critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians.

- -- See GIBLIN (CHARLES H.). The threat to faith; an exegetical and theological re- examination of .

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS




- - See BARCLAY (WILLIAM) D.D. The letters to the Philippians, Colossians and Thessalonians.

on the first and second eSeetBESTtÒ e T). A com° meentary --- See DIBELIUSMAMARTIN ). Die Briefe des Apostels Paulus, II; an die Thessalonicher ...

- -- See FINDLAY (GEORGE GILLANDERS). The Epistles to the Thessalonians ...

- -- See HARNISCH (WOLFGANG). Eschatologische Existenz; ein exegetischer Beitrag zum Sachanliegen von 1. Thessalonicher 4,13 -5,11. BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT [continued].

68. THESSALONIANS [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See HARRIS (WILLIAM B.). 1 and 2 Thessalonians.

- -- See MACKINTOSH (ROBERT) Theologian. Thessalonians and Corinthians, with introduction and notes.

- -- See JASSON (CHARLES) Professor at Lausanne University. Les deux epitres de Saint Paul aux Thessaloniciens.

- -- See NEIL (W.). The Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians.

- -- See PLUNIlMER (ALFRED) Master of University College, Durham. A commentary on St. Paul's Second Epistle to the Thessalonians.

- -- §ee RIGAUX (BEDA). Saint Paul; les Epitres aux Thessaloniciens. [Etud. Bibliques.] Paris, 1956. New Coll. Lib.

- -- See SCHÜRMANN (HEINZ). The First Epistle to the Thessalonians.



* See also Bible. 56. New Testament. Epistles. Appendix.

- -- See BARCLAY (WILLIAM) D.D. The letters to Timothy, Titus and Philemon.

- -- See CARLETON (ARTHUR PATRICK). ; a commentary.

[Continued overleaf.] BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT [continued].

69. TIMOTHY [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See DIBELIUS (MARTIN). Die Briefe des Apostels Paulus; an Timotheus, 1, 2; an Titus.

- -- See EASTON (BURTON SCOTT). The Pastoral epistles ...

- -- See HANSON (ANTHONY TYRRELL). The pastoral letters; commentary on the first and second letters to Timothy ...

- -- See HOULDEN (JAMES LESLIE). The Pastoral Epistles.

- -- See HUMPHREYS (ALFRED EDWARD). The Epistle to Timothy and Titus ...

- -- See KELLY (JOHN NORMAN DAVIDSON). A commentary on the pastoral epistles, I Timothy, II Timothy ...

- -- See LIDDON (HENRY PARRY). Explanatory analysis of St. Paul's .

- -- See REUSS (JOSEPH). The First Epistle to Timothy; [and] The Second Epistle to Timothy.



* See also Bible. 56. New Testament. Epistles. Appendix.

- -- See CARLETON (ARTHUR PATRICK). Pastoral epistles; a commentary.

[Continued overleaf.] BIBTJ . NEW TESTAMENT [continued]

70. TITUS [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See DIBELIUS (MARTIN. Die Briefe des Apostels Paulus; an Timotheus 1, 2; an Titus.

- -- See EASTON (BURTON SCOTT). The Pastoral epistles ...

[Continued overleaf.] BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT [continued].

70. TITUS [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See HANSON (ANTHONY TYRRELL). The pastoral letters; commentary on ... the letter to Titus.

- -- See KELLY (JO.3N NORMAN DAVIDSON). A commentary on the pastoral epistles ... Titus.


Greek and Latin

- -- Divi Pauli Apostoli Epistola ad Philemonem. Analysi logica et commentario succincte explicata & illustrata studio ... J.P. Parei. Francofurti, 1623. D- 31.8/2.


- -- See KNOX (JOHN) D.D. Philemon among the letters of Paul.

- -- See MACMURCHY (ARCHIBALD KELLY). The Epistle of Paul to Philemon; a series of expositions.

- -- See MOULE (C.F.D.). The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to ... Philemon.

- -- See RADFORD (L.B.). The Epistle to ... Philemon.

[Continued overleaf.] AI)I)l'I'IONS




- -- See BARCLAY (WILLIAM) D.D. The letters to Timothy, Titus and Philemon.

--- See HUMPRHEYS (ALFRED EDWARD). The Epistle to Timothy and Titus.

- -- See HOLDEN (JAMES LESLIE). The Pastoral Epistles.


- -- See BARCLAY (WILLIAM D.D. The letters to Timothy, Titus and Philemon.

- -- See DIBELIUS (MARTIN). An die Kolosser, Ephescr, an Philemon. 72


72. HEBREWS Greek

- -- The : the Greek text, with notes and essays by B. F. Westcott. 8° Lond., 1889. Y *11.3.

Greek and English

- -- The Epistle to the Hebrews ... With an analysis and exegetical commentary by S. H. Turner. 80 New York, 1852. Y.10.10.

Greek and German

- -- Der Brief an die Hebráer. Ylbersetzt und erklárt von L. Zill. 80 Mainz, 1879. Yf.. 5.55.


- -- Epistola ad Hebraeos. Latine vertit atque commentario instruxit ... C. F. Boehme. 8° Lipsiae, 1825. *C.25.39.


--- A literal translation of St. Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews from the ... Greek, with . .. notes. By ... G. V. Sampson ... ed. by his son ... G. V. Sa mpson. 80 Lond., 1828. *C.25.9.


- -- Des Apostels Paulus Ermahnungs- Schreiben an die Hebráer- Christen. Wortgetreu iibersetzt, mit erláuternden Zwischensátzen, einer fortlaufenden Sinnerklárung, kritischen Einleitung, und Bemerkungen fiber schwere Stellen, von H. E. G. Paulus. 8o Heidelberg, 1833. In Yb.4.22. ADDITIONS




--- Hebrews. Introd., Authorized Version, Revised Version, with notes. Ed. by A.S. Peake. [Century Bible.] Ellin. [1907.] New Coll. Lib.


--- The Harklean version of the Epistle to the Hebrews, chap XI. 28 - XIII. 25. Now ed. for the first time with introd. and notes on this version of the Epistle. By R. L. Bensly. Cambridge, 1889. New Coll. Lib.

- -- Another copy. New Coll. Lib. 72

BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT [continued.].

72. HEBREWS [continued.]


- -- See ALEXANDER (JAMES PAUL). A priest for ever; a study of the Epistle entitled "To the Hebrews."

- -- See BADCOCK (FRANCIS JOHN. The and the Epistle to the Hebrews in their historical setting.

- -- See BARCLAY (WILLIAM) D.D. The letter to the Hebrews.

- -- See BLEEK (F.). Der Brief an die Hebräer erläutert.

- -- See BROWN (JOHN) D.D., of Edinburgh. An exposition ...

- -- See BRUCE (A.B.). The epistle to the Hebrews ... an exegetical study.

- -- See BRUCE (FREDERICK FYVIE). Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews ...

- -- See BURGH (VACHER). The Epistle to the Hebrews; its sources and message.

- -- See CODY (AELRED). Heavenly sanctuary and liturgy in the Epistle to the Hebrews.

- -- See DATE (ROBERT WILLIAM. The Jewish temple and the Christian church; a series of discourses on the Epistle to the Hebrews.

- -- See DAVIDSON (ANDREW BRUCE). The epistle to the Hebrews.

[Continued. overleaf.] ADDITIONS

BIBLE. 72.




-- See DIANG O (MARY ROSE). Moses in the letter to the Hebrews. 72


72. HEBREWS [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See DAVIES (JOHN HOWARD). A letter to Hebrews.

- -- See EBRARD (J.H.A.). Biblical commentary ...

- -- See EWALD (H.). Das Sendschreiben an die Hebräer ...

- -- See FILSON (FLOYD VIVIAN). "Yesterday "; a study of Hebrews in the light of chapter 13.

- -- See GAIRDNER (W.H.T.). [Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews in Arabic.]

- -- See GOUGE (W.). A commentary ...

- -- See GRABER (FRIEDRICH). Der Glaubensweg des Volkes Gottes; ein Erklärung von Hebräer 11 als Beitrag zum Verständnis des Alten Testamentes.

- -- See GRÄSSER (ERICH. Der Glaube im Hebräerbrief.

- -- See HERING (JEAN). L'Épitre aux Hebreux.

-- -- See INGE (WILLIAM RALPH) and GOUDGE (HENRY LEIGHTON). Hebrews; a little library of exposition, with new studies.

- -- See JANEWAY (J.I.). An exposition ...

[Continued. overleaf.] AUUI'l'1ONti

BIBLE. 72.




--- See DEMAREST (BRUCE). A history of interpretation of Hebrews 7, 1 -10.

- -- See HEWITT (THOMAS). The epistle to the HesbrewS.

- -- See HOFIUS (OTFRIED) Der Vorharg vor dem Thron Gottes; eine exegetisch -religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung zu Hebräer 6,19f. und 10,19f.

- -- HORTON (FRED L.). The Melchizedek tradition; a critical examination of the sources to fie fifth century A.D. and in the Epistle to the Hebrews. 72


72. HEBREWS [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See KÄSEMANN (E.). Das wandernde Gottesvolk. Eine Untersuchung zum Hebraerbrief.

- -- See KISTEMAKER (SIMON). The Psalm citations in The Epistle to The Hebrews.

- -- See KLAPPERT (BERTOLD). Die Eschatologie des Hebraerbriefs.

- -- See KURTZ (J.H.). Der Brief an die Hebräer, erklärt von J.H.K.

- -- See LAUBACH (FRITZ. Der Brief an die Hebraer.

- -- See McCAUL (J.B.). Epistle to the Hebrews, in a paraphrastic commentary.

- -- See McCULLOCH (W.). Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews for Bengali readers.

- -- See MICHAELIS (J.D.). Erklärung des Briefes an die Hebräer.

- -- See MONTEFIORE (HUGH). A commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews.

- -- See NAIRNE (ALEXANDER) Theologian. The Epistle to the Hebrews.

- -- See PATTERSON (A.S.). Commentary ...

[Continued overleaf.] 72


72. HEBREWS [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See ROBINSON (T.H.). The Epistle to the Hebrews.

- -- See SAMPSON (F.S.). A critical commentary ...

- -- See SCHIERSE (F.J.). The Epistle to the Hebrews.

- -- See SCOTT (E.F.). The Epistle to the Hebrews.

- -- See STUART (M.). A commentary ...

- -- See SYNGE (FRANCIS CHARLES. Hebrews and. the Scriptures.

- -- See TAIT (W.). Meditationes Hebraicae, or, a doctrinal ... exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews.

- -- See TASKER (RAMA/LP VINCENT GREENWOOD). The in the Epistle to the Hebrews.

- -- See THOLUCK (F.A.G.). Kommentar ...

- -- See VANHOYE (ALBERT). La structure littéraire de l'Épître aux Hébreux.

- -- See WICKHAM (EDWARD CHARLES). The Epistle to the Hebrews.

- -- See WINDISCH (H.). Der Hebraerbrief erklärt von H.W.

- -- See WREDE (WILLIAM. Das literarische Rätsel des Hebräerbriefs ...

LContinued. overleaf.] 73




- -- The Epistle of St. James. The Greek text with introduction, commentary as far as chap. iv, verse 7, and additional notes, by F.J.A. Hort. Lond., 1909. .22791

Greek and Latin

- -- The Epistle of St. James. The Greek text [and three Latin versions], with introduction, notes, and comments by J.B. Mayor, etc.

Lond.., 1892. *B.13.10.

- -- Another copy. New Coll. Lib.


- -- S. Jacobi ... Epistoláe catholicáe versio Arabica et Aethiopica, Latinitate ... donata ... et notis ... illustrata ... opera J.G. Nisselii et T. Petraei ... [Arab., Ethiop. and. Lat.] Lugd. Batavor., 1651. *D.20.52/1.


- -- See ADAM (J.). An exposition ...

- -- See BARCLAY (WILLIAM ) D.D. The letters of James and Peter.

--- See BERGAUER (PAULUS). Der Jakobusbrief bei Augustinus.

- -- See BLACKMAN (EDWIN CYRIL). The ; introduction and commentary.

- -- See BOUMAN (H.). Commentarius perpetuus ...

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS

BIBLE. 73.




--- The epistle of James. The Greek text, with introd., commentary as far as chapter IV, verse 7, and additional notes, by _'.J.A. Hort.

Lond.., 1909. New Coll. Lib.


--- See ADAMSON (JAMES BUCHAN). The epistle of James. 73


73. JAMES [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See CHAINE (JOSEPH). L'epitre de saint Jacques.

- -- See GAUGUSCH (LUDWIG). Der Lehrgehalt der Jakobusepistel.

- -- See KNOCH (OTTO). The epistle of St. James.

- -- See KNOWLING (R.J.). The Epistle of St. James.

- -- See MANTON (THOMAS). A practical commentary ... on the Epistle of James ...

- -- See MARTY (JACQUES). L'Épitre de Jacques; étud.e critique.

--- See MEYER (A.). Das Rätsel des Jacobusbriefes.

- -- See MITTON (CHARLES TRSLIE). The Epistle of James.

- -- See MOFJi'ATT (JAMES) ed.. The Epistle of James.

- -- See PLUMPTRE (EDWARD HAYES) ed. The General Epistle of St. James.

- -- See RENDALL (G.H.). The Epistle of St. James and Judaic Christianity.

[Continued. overleaf.] ADDITIONS

BIB .7. 73.

?vom TESTAtü2]T



--- See DIBELIUS (T ARTIN). James; a commentary on the ep ctle of James. 73


73. JAMES [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See ROPES (JAMES HENRY. A critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistle of St. James.

- -- See TASIOER (R.V.G.). The General Epistle of James; an introduction and commentary.

- -- See TORRINI (G.). Saggio di un nuovo volgarizzamento della Bibbia in lingua del buon secolo con note ...

- -- See WILLIAMS (RONALD RALPH). The letters of John and James; commentary 74


74. PETER Greek

- The first Epistle of St. Peter, i, 1 -ii, 17: the Greek text, with introductory lecture, commentary and . .. notes by F. J. A. Hort. 80 Lond., 1898. *B.13.18.

- -- The First Epistle of St. Peter. The Greek text with introd., notes and essays by E. G. Selwyn. 80 Lond., 1946. .22792 ffa.

- -- Another copy. New Coll. Lib.

- -- 2nd ed. Repr. 80 Lond., 1952. Bibl. Stud. Lib.

- -- 2nd ed. Repr. 80 Lond., 1955. New Testament Lib.

- -- The . The Greek text with introd. and notes. Ed. by F. W. Beare. 80 Oxford, 1947. New Coll. Lib.

- -- 2nd ed. rev. with additional notes and indexes. 80 Oxford, 1958. .22792 -EMIL

- -- Another copy. Bibl. Stud. Lib.


- -- A translation and exposition of the first Epistle of ... Peter by J. T. Demarest. 8o New York, 1851. C.8.13.


- -- Czwu Episteln oder Sendbrieff ... sanct Peters ... Durch ... Nicolaum Krumpach ... vom Latin insz deutsch gebracht, etc. 40 Leypssgk, 1522. . TA 466116


- -- See BROWN (JOHN) D.D., of Edinburgh. Expository discourses, etc. ADDITIONS



- -- The first Epistle of Peter. The Greek text with intord. and notes. Ed. by F.W. Beare. Oxford, 1947. New Coll. Lib.

- -- The first Epistle of Peter. The Greek text with introd. and notes. Ed. by F. W. Beare. 2nd ed. rev. with additional notes and indexes. Repr. - Oxford, 1961. New Coll. Lib.


- -- See BIEDER (WERNER). Grund und Kraft der Mission nach dem 1. Petrusbrief.

--- See BARCLAY (WILLIAM) D.D. The letters of James and Peter.

s --- See BET (ERNEST). I Peter. 74 -75


74. PETER [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See CRANFIELD (CHARLES ERNEST BURLAND). The first Epistle of Peter.

- -- See CRANFIELD (CHARLES ERNEST BURLAND). I. and II Peter and Jude.

- -- See DALTON (WILLIAM JOSEPH). Christ's proclamation to the spirits; a study of 1 Peter 3: 18 -4:6.

- -- See ELLIOTT (JOHN HALL). The elect and the holy; an exegetical I examination of Peter 2:4 -10 and the phrase Ba6LXcLo t` cpatievµa.

- -- See LEANEY (ALFRED ROBERT CLARE). The letters of Peter and Jude; a commentary ...

- -- See PLUMPTRE (EDWARD HAYES). The General Epistles of St. Peter and St. Jude.

- -- See REICKE (B.). The disobedient spirits and Christian baptism. A study of I Pet. III, 19 and its context.

- -- See SCHELKLE (KARL HERMANN. Die Petrusbriefe ...

- -- See SCHWANK (BENEDIKT). The First Epistle of Peter.

- -- See STÖGER (ALIOS). The .

- -- See THIELE (WALTER). Biblical Scholar. Die lateinischen Texte des 1. Petrusbriefes.

- -- See USTERI (J.M.). Wissenschaftlicher und praktischer Commentar uber den ersten Petrusbrief.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS



-- See GREEN (IIDWäRD MICHAEL ES). 2 Peter reconsidered. 74 -75




- -- The Epistles of St. John: the Greek text with notes and essays by B.F. Westcott. Lond., 1883. B* 10.43.


- -- S. Johannis ... Epistolae catholicJb tres, Arabice et Aethiopice ... in Latinum versal ... cura ... J.G. Nissellii et T. Petráei ... [Arab., Ethiop. and Lat] Lugd. Bat., 1654. *D.20.52/2.


- -- Épîtres de Saint Jean. Introd., traduction et commentaire.

Nouv. ed. [ Verbum Salutis, 9.] Paris, 1954. New Coll. Lib.


- -- See ALEXANDER (NEIL. The Epistles of John; introduction and commentary.

- -- See BARCLAY (WILLIAM) D.D. The letters of John and Jude.

- -- See BONSIRVEN (JOSEPH). Épîtres de Saint Jean; introduction, traduction et commentaire.

- -- See BULTMANN (RUDOLF). Die drei Johannesbriefe.

- -- See DAMMERS (ALBERT HOUNSELL). God is light, God is love; a running commentary on the first letter of John.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS

BIBT,F. 75.


Epistle of John


See BOGART (JOHN). Orthodox and heretical perfectionism in the Johannine community as evident in the .

-- See BROOKE (ALAN ENGLAND). A critical and exegetical commentary on the .

-- See DIDEBERG (DANY). Saint Augustin et la premiere épitre de Saint Jean ... 74-75


75. EPISTLES OF JOHN [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See DODD (C.H.). The Johannine Epistles.

- -- See EBRARD(J.H.A.). Biblical commentary ...

- -- See FINDLAY (GEORGE GILLANDERS). Fellowship in the life eternal; an exposition of the Epistles of St. John.

- -- See JELF (W.E.). A commentary on the first Epistle of St. John.

- -- See STEVENS (GEORGE BARKER). The Johannine theology; a study of the doctrinal contents of the Gospel and Epistles of the Apostle John.

- -- See THIELE (WALTER) Biblical scholar. Wortschatzuntersuchungen zu den lateinischen Texten der Johannesbriefe.

- -- See WILLIAMS (RONALD RALPH). The letters of John and James; commentary ...

76. JUDE


- -- S. Judae ... Epistolae catholicae versio Arabice & Aethiopice, in Latinitatem translata ... a J.G. Nisselio & T. Petraeo, etc. [Arab., Ethiop. and Lat.] Lugd. Bat., 1654. *D.20.52/3.


- -- See BARCLAY (WILLIAM ) D.D. The letters of John and Jude.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS



Epistles of John


- -- See GORE (CHARLES) Bp. The epistles of St. John.

- -- See HILGENFELD (ADOLF). Das Evangelium und die Briefe Johannis, nach ihrem Lehrbegriff dargestellt.

- -- See HOULDEN (JAMES LESLIE). A commentary on the Johannine epistles. BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT [continued].

76. JUDE [continued]

Appendix [continued]


- -- See GARDINER (F.). The last of the Epistles; a commentary ...

- -- See HOOKER (RICHARD. SINGLE WORKS. Two sermons upon par of S. Judes epistle.

- -- See LEANEY (ALFRED ROBERT CLARE). Theletters of Peter and Jude; a commentary ...

- -- See MANTON (THOMAS). A practical commentary ... on the ...

- -- See PLUMPTRE (EDWARD HAYES). The General Epistles of St. Peter & St. Jude.

- -- See SCHELKLE (KARL HERMANN). Die Petrusbriefe. Der Judasbrief.



- -- Die Offenbarung Johannis, eine jüdische Apokalypse in christlicher Bearbeitung von E. Vischer. Mit einem Nachwort von A. Harnack. [Texte u. Unters. ii, 3]Leipzig, 1886. Za.8.21.

- -- Die Johannes -Apokalypse. Textkritische Untersuchungen und Textherstellung von B. Weiss. [Texte u. Unters. vii, 1.] Leipzig, 1891. Za.8.26.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS


Mr Ir 77 D, ATICr


-- Die Offenbarung Johannis; eine jüdische Apokalycse in christlicher Bearbeitung von Eberhard Vischer, mit einem Nachwort von Adolf Harnack. LTexte u. Untersuch. Bd. 2, lift. 3.] Leipzig, 1886. New Coll. Lib.

Die Johannes- Aookairnse. Textkritische Untersuchungen und Textherstellung von . LTexte u. Untersuch. Bd. 7, Hft. 1.] Leipzig, 1891. New Coll. Lib. BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT [continued].

77. REVELATION [continued]

Greek [continued]

- -- The of St. John. The Greek text with introd., notes and indices by H.B. Swete. Lond., 1906. *C.14.52.

--- 3rd ed. Lond., 1911. *C.13.65.

- -- The Apocalypse of St. John, 1 -3; the Greek text with introduction, commentary, and additional notes. By F.J.A.

Lond., 1908. New Coll. Lib.

Greek and English

' Inuov Xp LaTov . The in Greek, ed. from ancient authorities, with a new English version ... by S.P. Tregelles.

Lond., 18)0i. C* 24/2.20.

- -- 'AnoxaXU(L( ' I_)avvou. The Revelation of John, ed. in Greek, with a new English version, and a statement of the chief authorities and various readings, by W. Kelly.

Lond., 1860. QP. 136/2.

- -- Book of Revelation. Theory of the text; rearranged text and translation; commentary. By John Oman. Cambridge, 1923. .228 9!.

- -- Another copy. New Coll. Lib.

Greek and French

- -- La vision de Patmos. [Ed. and tr. by] L. Herrmann. [Coll. Latomus, Vol. 78.] Bruxelles -Berchem, 1965. .228 77


77. REVELATION [continued] Latin

- -- Apocalypsis Apocalypseos; id est, Apocalypsis D. Johannis. Praefigitur synopsis universalis, & refutatio Rob. Bellarmini de Antichristo libro tertio de Romano Pontifice ad finem capitis decimi septimi inseritur. Per T. Brightmannum. Ed. 2a. 8° In bibliopolio Commeliniano [Heidelberg], 1618. *C.31.11.

- -- Die lateinische Apokalypse der alten afrikanischen Kirche. Von J. Haussleiter. [Zahn, Forsch. z. Gesch. d. neutest. Kanons, Tl. 4.] 8° Erlangen, 1891. In O.S. .22512 Zah.


- -- The Revelation of S. John, illustrated with an analysis & scholions; wherein the sence is opened by the Scripture, & the event of things foretold shewed by histories. 3rd ed. ... By T. Brightman. 12° Leyden, 1616. *C.31.13.

- -- The Revelation of Saint John, illustrated with analysis and scholions: wherein the sence is opened by the Scripture: and the events of things foretold shewed by histories. Together with a most comfortable exposition of the last and most difficult part of the prophecy of Daniel. ... By T. Brightman. 40 Amsterdam, 1644. *C . 22.3.

- -- Apocalypsis Apocalypseos; or, the Revelation of St. John the Divine unveiled. Containing a brief but perspicuous and continued exposition from chapter to chapter, and from verse to verse, of the whole book of the Apocalypse. By Henry More. 8° Lond., 1680. A.8.107.

- -- The Revelation of St. John the Divine, compared with itself and the rest of Scripture; with occasional corrections of the translation. 8° Kidderminster, 1801. Z.7/2.65/2.

- -- The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ, commonly called the Revelation of St. John the Divine ... explained and interpreted, to the xixth chapter inclusive [with the text]: being the history of the Christian church until the destruction of the Roman Empire ... Consisting of a select compilation from the most ... learned commentators, etc. 12° Lond 1829. C . R. 9.5.3/5 . 1** Cameron Collection.

- -- The Book of Revelation. A new translation of the Apocalypse by J. B. Phillips. 8° Lond., 1957. .228 BM. ADDITIONS




- -- The Dublin Apocalypse. Ed. by M.R. James. [Roxburghe Club, 195.]

Cambridge, 1932. Mic.P.6 ee. 7 -22. Negative and positive microfilms.

Latin and French

- -- The Apocalypse in Latin and French. Described by M.R. James. [Roxburghe Club, 180.] Oxford, 1922. Mic.P.64R. Negative and, --71(.1 ilinfuSìpoy?-Live microfilms.

- -- The Revelation of St. John the Divine. With commentary by W.B. Carpenter. Ed. by C.J. Ellicott. [Sch. Comment.] Lond. [1879.] New Coll. Lib.

- -- Revelation. Introd., Authorized Version, Revised Version, with notes. Ed. by C.A.A. Scott. [Century Bible.] Edin. [1901.] New Coll. Lib.

--- The Boos of Revelation. A new translation of the Apocalypse by J. B. Phillips. 22s Lond. , 1057. New Colt. 77


77. REVELATION [continued] English [contd.]

- -- An English fourteenth century Apocalypse version with a prose commentary. Ed. from MS Harley 874 and ten other MSS by E. Fridner. [Th.] [Lund Stud. in Eng. 29.] 8° Lund, 1961. -S*97429. 22.8 Anglo- Norman

- -- An Anglo- Norman rhymed apocalypse with commentary. From the Gifford MS. ... Ed. by O. Rhys, with a historical introd. by Sir J. Fox. [Anglo- Norman Texts, 6.] 8° Oxford, 1946. Bz.11.2. .44.06 French

- -- L'Apocalypse en français aux XIIIe siècle. Bibl. Nat. Fr. 403. Publ. par L. Delisle et P. Meyer. Reproduction phototypique. [Soc. des Anc. Textes Fr.] 2° Paris, 1900. RA. 12.1. V' vtfOÓ Soc, German

- -- Erklárte Offenbarung Johannis ... aus dem revidirten Grund - Text ttbersetzet ... durch J. A. Bengel. (And J. A. Bengels sechzig erbauliche Reden Tiber die Offenbarung, etc. 2te Aufl.) 3te Aufl. 2 Bde. 12° Stutgart, 1758. E.ß. 22.8 Syriac

- -- The Apocalypse of St. John, in a Syriac version hitherto unknown. Ed. ... with critical notes on the Syriac text, and an annotated reconstruction of the underlying Greek text, by J. Gwynn. To which is prefixed an introductory dissertation on the Syriac versions of the Apocalypse, by the editor. 40 Dublin, 1897. Dh.6.85. ADDITIONS


77. REVELATION English

- -- The image of bothe churches after the ... Revelacion of Sainct John the Evangelist ... Comp. by J. Bale ... [London, 1548 ?] [The Eng. Experience, No. 498.] Amsterdam, 1973. .228 Ethiopic and Latin

- -- Die äthiopische Übersetzung der Johannes -Apokalypse. 2 vols. [Corpus Script. Christianorum Orient. Vols. 281 -2, Script. Aethippici, Tom. 55 -56.] Louvain, 1967. .228

[1.] (Textur.) Hrsg. von J. Hofmann.

[2.] (Versio.) Übersetzt von J. Hofmann.

- -- Revelation. Introd., translation and commentary by J.M Ford. [Anchor Bible, 38.] Garden City, N.Y., 1975. New Coll. Lib.

Syriac 0 - -- The Ap°aypse of St. John, in a Syriac version hitherto unknown. Ed. (from a MS. in the library of the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres) with critical notes on the Syriac text, and an annotated reconstruction of the underlying Greek text, by J. Gwynn ...

Dublin, 1897. New Coll. Lib.

*-- No. 139 of limited ed. of 250 copies.

- -- The Apocalypse in the Harklean version; a facsimile ed. of MS. Mardin Orth. 35, fol. 143r-159v. With an introd. By A. Vööbus. [Corpus Script. Christ. Orient. Vol. 400; Subsidia, Tom. 56.]

Louvain, 1978. .228 77

BIBT,F. NEW `l'ESTAMENT [continued].

77. REVELATION [continued]


- -- Die Offenbarung des Johannes; farbige Bilder aus der Bambergen Apokalypse um 1020. Erläutert von G. Schiller. [Frtlhmittelalterliche Buchmalerei.] Hamburg [1955.] .096(43022) Bib.

- -- The Douce Apocalypse. With an introd. and notes by A.G. and W.O. Hassall. [The Faber Lib. of Illuminated MSS.]

Lond., 1961. F .096(4203) Bib.

- -- Die Bamberger Apokalypse; sechzehn farbige Miniaturen auf Tafeln. Mit einem Essay von R. Schneider. Nachwort und Bilderläuterungen von A. Fauser. Insel-Bttcherei, Nr. 775.]

Frankfurt am Main, 1962. .096(43022) Bib.

- -- See ALEXANDER, von Bremen. Alexander Minorita expositio in Apocalypsim.

- -- See AQUINAS (THOMAS) St. Commentary on Revelation.] Divi Thomae Aquinatis in Beati Ioannis Apocalypsim expositio.

- -- See ANGERS. Les tapisseries de l'Apocalypse de la cathédrale d'Angers, accompagnées du text de l'Apocalypse de Saint Jean dans la traduction de Le Maistre du Sacy.

--- See ARTHUR (A.). A brief commentary ...

--- See BARCLAY (WILLIAM) D.D. Letters to the Seven Churches.

- -- See BECKWITH (ISBON THADDEUS). The 4pocalypse of John; studies in introduction with a critical and exegetical commentary.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS




- -- The Apocalypse of S. John the Divine. From a ms. in the Bodleian Library. [Roxburghe Club, 103.]

Lond., 1876. Mic.P 4 . dol Negative and positive microfilms.

- -- The Trinity College Apocalypse ... With preface and description by M.R. James. [Roxburghe Club, 155.]

Lond., 1909. -1o6 Negative and positive microfilms.

--- See ALLO (ERNEST BERNARD). Saint Jean; l'Apocalypse.

--- See BARCLAY (WILLIAM) D.D. The Revelation of John.

- -- See BEASLEY- MURRAY (GEORGE RAYMOND) The book of Revelation. 77

BIBLE. NEW 'TESTAMENT [continued].

77. REVELATION [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See BIRCH (A.) Bp. Variae lectiones ad textum Apocalypseos.

- -- See BLEEK (F.). Dr. F.B.'s lectures on the Apocalypse.

- -- See BOCK (E.). The Apocalypse of St. John.

- -- See BOLL (FRANZ. Aus der Offenbarung Johannis; hellenistische Studien zum Weltbild der Apokalypse.

- -- See BORRHAUS (M.). In Iesaiae Prophetae oracula ... commentarii. Ejusdem in Apocalypsim Joannis ... explicatio.

- -- See BRUCE (Rev. W.). Commentary on the Revelation of St. John.

- -- See CAIRD (GEORGE BRADFORD). A commentary on the Revelation of St. John the Divine.

- -- See CARPENTER (JOSEPH ESTLIN). The Johannine writings; a study of the Apocalypse and the Fourth Gospel.

- -- See CHARLES (R.H.). A critical ... commentary ...

- -- See CHARLES (R.H.). Lectures on the Apocalypse.

- -- See CHARLES (R.H.). Studies in the Apocalypse.

Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS

BIBLE. 77.




- -- See BOLL (FRANZ). Aus der Offenbarung Johannes; Hellenistisch¡ Studien zum Weltbild der Apokalypse ...

- -- See BOUSBE1 (WII,TTP LM) . Offenbarung Johannis.

- -- See CARRINGTON (PHILIP) Abp. The meaning of the Revelation.

- -- See CASE (SHIRLEY JACKSON). The Revelation of John ...

- -- See CHARLES (ROBERT HENRY). A critical and exegetical commentary on the Revelation of St. John.

- -- See CHARLES (ROBERT HENRY). Studies in the Apocalypse ... 77


77. REVELATION [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See CHRISTIAN OBSERVER. Introduction to the study of the Apocalypse ...

- -- See COUCHOUD (PAUL LOUIS). [L'Apocalypse.] The Book of Revelation; a key to Christian origins.

- -- See CROLY (G.). The Apocalypse of St. John.

- -- See CULBERTSON (R.). Lectures ... on the Book of Revelation.

- -- See DEAN (JOHN TAYLOR). The Book of Revelation. ADDITIONS

BIBLE. 77.




-- See COATES (CHARLES ANDREW). An outline of the book of Revelation.

- -- See COLLINS (ADELA YARBRO). The combat myth in the book of Revelation [Ch. 12.]

- -- See COWLEY (ROGER W.). The traditional interpretation of the Apocalypse of St. John in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

- -- See COURT (JOHN M.). Myth and history in the Book of Revelation.

- -- See DEGASPERI (ERNST). EaBIBITION CATALOGUES. Apokalypse; Zyklus ... 77


77. REVELATION [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See FARRER (AUSTIN. A rebirth of images. The maing of St. John's Apocalypse.

- -- See FARRER (AUSTIN, The Revelation of St. John the Divine; commentary on the English text.

- -- See FEUILLET (ANDRE). L'Apocalypse; etat de la question.

- -- See FEUILLET (ANDRÉ). Études johanniques.

- -- See GLASSON (THOMAS FRANCIS. The Revelation of John; commentary.

- -- See HOFMANN (JOSEF). Die äthiopische Johannes- Apokalypse ...

- -- See HOLMES (JAKES IVORY). The Revelation of St. John ... elucidated.

--- See HOLTZ (TRAUGOTT). Die Christologie der Apokalypse des Johannes.

- -- See IRVING (Rev. EDWARD). Exposition of the Book of Revelation.

- -- See JAMES (MONTAGUE RHODES). The Apocalypse in art.

- -- See KT LER (THOMAS SAMUEL). The Book of Revelation; a commentary for laymen.

- -- fee KIDDLE (MARTIN). Tho-Revelation of St. dom.

- -- See LOISY (ALDRED). L'Apocalypse de Jean.

- -- See LOWMAN (MOSES). A paraphrase and notes on the Revelation of St. John.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS

BIBLE. 77.




- See GROSSIUS (JOANNES). Ouverture des secrets de l'Apocalypse de Sainct Jean ...

- -- See JÖRNS (KLAUS PETER). Das hymnische Evangelium; Untersuchungen zu Aufbau ... der humnischen Stücke in der Johannesoffenbarung. 77

BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT. [continued].

77. REVELATION [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See MARCK (JOANNES A.). J. Marckii in Apocalypsin Johannis commentarius.

- -- See MAURICE (FREDERICK DENISON). Lectures on the Apocalypse or Book of the Revelation of St. John the Divine.

- -- See MILLIGAN (WILLIAM). The Book of Revelation.

- -- See MOFJ ATT (JAMES) ed. The Book of Revelation.

- -- See MORRIS (LEON). The Revelation of St. John; an introduction and commentary.

- -- See MOSBECH (HOLGER. Fortolkningen of Johannes' Aabenbaring.

- -- See MUNCK (JOHANNS). Petrus und Paulus in der Offenbarung Johannis; ein Beitrag zur Auslegung der Apokalypse.

- -- See MUSSIES (GERARD). The morphology of Koine Greek as used in the Apocalypse of St. John.

- -- See NAPIER (JOHN)..of Merchiston. Ouverture de tous les secrets de l'Apocalypse ...

- -- See NEW (A.) systeme of the Apocalypse ...

- -- See NEWBOLT (MICHAEL ROBERT). The book of the unveiling; a study of the Revelation of St. John.

- -- See NILES (DANIEL THAMBYRAJAH). As seeing the invisible; a study of the book of Revelation. [Continued overleaf.] 77

BIBLE. NEW 'l'ESTAMENT [continued].

77 REVELATION [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See OECUNIENIUS, Bp. of Tricca. The complete commentary of Oecumenius on the Apocalypse.

- -- See OMAN (JOHN). The Text of Revelation; a revised theory.

- -- See PALLIS (ALEXANDER). Notes on St. John and the Apocalypse.

- -- See PORTER (FRANK CHAMBERLAIN). The messages of the apocalyptical writers; the books of Daniel and Revelation ...

- -- See PRESTON (RONALD HAYDN) and HANSON (ANTHONY TYRRELL). The revelation of Saint John the Divine.

- -- See PRIGENT (PIERRE). Apocalypse 12 ...

- -- See PRIMASIUS, Bp. Primasii Uticensis ... commentariorum libri quinque in Apocalypsim.

- -- See RISSI (MATHIAS). Zeit und Geschichte in der Offenbarung des Johannes.

- -- See ROLLE (RICHARD) of Hampole. Tractatus super Apocalypsim.

- -- See SATAKE (AKIRA). Die Gemeindordnung in der Johannesapokalyse.

- -- See SCHMID (JOSEF). Studien zur Geschichte des griechischen Apokalypse- Textes.

- -- See SCHÜTZ (ROLAND. Die Offenbarung des Johannes und Kaiser Domitian.

- -- See SCOTT ( ERNEST FINDLAY). The Book of Revelation.

[Continued overleaf.] 77

BIBLE. NEW _VESTMENT [continued].

77. REVELATION [continued]

Appendix [continued]

--- See SIMCOX (WILLIAM HENRY). The Revelation of S. John the Divine.

--- See STADTMÜLLER (GEORG). Eine griechische Übersetzung des italienischen Apokalypsenkommentars von Federigo da Venezia O.P.

[Continued overleaf.] 77 -78


77. REVELATION [continued]

Appendix [continued]

- -- See STUART (MOSES). A commentary ...

- -- See SWEDENBORG (EMANUEL). APOCALYPSIS REVELATA. The Apocalypse ... explained.

- -- See TORREY (CHARLES CUTLER. The Apocalypse of John.

- -- See TYCHONIUS, Afer. The Turin fragments of Tyconius' commentary on Revelation.

- -- See WEISS (JOHANNES. Die offenbarung des Johannes ...

- -- See WELCH (ADAM CLEGHORN). Visions of the end. A study in Daniel and Revelation.

- -- See WOODHOUSE (JOHN CHAPPEL). Annotations on the Apocalypse.


* ** See also, '.POSTOLIC FATHERS. See also titles, supposed authors, etc., of individual works.

Cc- v- Il. languages

- -- Proteuangelion, sive de natalibus Jesu Christi & ipsius matris Virginis Marie serino historicus Jacobi Minoris ... Evangelica historia quam scripvit beatus Marcus ... Vita Joannis Marci Euangelistae, collecta [and theNhole edited] ... per Theodorum Bibliandrum. Indices rerum ac verborum. Basileae, 1552. Bound in B.23.96.

- -- Another copy. De.2 91. *** Imperfect, wanting pages 385 -400. Drummond Collection.

[Continued overleaf.] 78.



Early languages [continued]

--- Codex apocryphus Novi Testamenti, collectus, castigatus testimoniisque centuriis & animadversionibus illustratus a J.A. Fabricio ... Ed. 2a emendatior. 3 pts. (in 2).

Hamburgi, 1719. A* 9.4-5.

- -- Codex apocryphus Novi Testamenti, e libris editis et manuscriptis, maxime Gallicanis, Germanicis et Italicis, collectus, recensitus notisque et prolegomenis illustratus opera et studio I.C. Thilo ... Tom. 1.

Lipsiae, 1832. Z.10/1.28.

--- Acta Apostolorum ex triginta antiquis codicibus Graecis vel nunc primum eruit vel secundum atque emendatius edidit C. Tischendorf. Lipsiae, 1851. X*25.1/1.

--- Another copy. New Coll. Lib.

--- Evangelia apocrypha, adhibitis plurimis codicibus Graecis et Latinis, maximam partem nunc primum consultis atque ineditorum copia insignibus, edidit C. Tischendorf. Lipsiae, 1853. C* 25.24.

--- Another copy. New Coil. Lib. * ** J.E.H. Thomson Collection.

- -- Ed. altera. Lipsiae, 1876. B* 14.17.

[Continued overleaf.] 78.



Early languages [continued]

- -- Evangeliorum secundum Hebraeos ... Petrum ... Aegyptios, Matthiae traditionum, Petri et Pauli praedicationis et actuum, Petri Apocalypseos, Didascaliae Apostolorum antiquioris quae supersunt, addito libro qui appellatus est "Duae viae, vel judicium Petri" ... edidit et adnotationibus illustravit A. Hilgenfeld. [Novum Testamentum extra Canonem Receptum, Fasc. 4.] Lipsiae, 1866. Bh'11.35.

--- Another copy. x.15.67.

--- Ed. altera ... Addita Doctrina XII Apostolorum. Lipsiae, 1884. Yb.5.25.

- -- Acta Apostolorum apocrypha. Post C. Tischendorf ... edidit R.A.

Lipsius et M. Bonnet. Vol. 1 -2 (in 3). Lipsiae. Y* 10.261 -3.

1. Acta Petri, Acta Pauli, Acta Petri et Pauli, Acta Pauli et Theclae, Acta Thaddaei. 1891.

2, 1. Passio Andreae ex actis Andreae, Martyria Andreae, Acta Andreae et Matthiae, Acta Petri et Andreae, Passio Bartholomaei, Acta Joannis, Martyrium Matthaei. Ed. M. Bonnet. 1898.

2, 2. Acta Philippi et Acta Thomae. Accedunt Acta Barnabae. Edidit M. Bonnet. 1903.

[Continued overleaf.] 78.



Early languages [continued]

--- Apocrypha. 4 Bde. [Kleine Texte, 3, 8, 11 -12.] Bonn. .208 Kle.

1. Reste des Petrusevangeliums, der Petrusapokalypse und des Petri. Hrsg. von E. Klostermann. 2te Aufl. 1908.

2. Evangelien. Hrsg. von E. Klostermann. 1904.

3. Agrapha, neue Oxyrhynchuslogia. Hrsg. von E. Klostermann. 1904.

4. Die apocryphen des Paulus an die Laodicener und Korinther. Hrsg. von A. Harnack. 1905.

-- Another copy. Bd. 1. New Coll. Lib.

-- 2. Aufl. Bd. 4. Bonn, 1912. New Coll. Lib.

- -- Apocrypha de B. Maria Vir ine. Edidit (and interpretatus est) M. Chaire. 2 vols. in 1). [Corpus Script. Chr. Orient. Scriptores Aethiopici, I. 7.] Romae, 1909. C.14/2. * ** Contains Liber nativitatis, Liber de transitu and Visio seu apocalypsis.

[Continued overleaf.] 78.

BIBLE. NEW 'lESTAMENT [continued].


Early languages [continued]

- -- Acta Apostolorum apocrypha. Post C. Tischendorf denuo ediderunt R.A. Lipsius et M. Bonnet. 2 pts. (in 3).

Hildesheim, 1972. New Coll. Lib.

* Photolithographic repr. of the Leipzig, 1891 -1903 ed.

--- apocryphae ... Pauli, Iohannis, item Mariae dormitio, additis evangeliorum et actum apocryphorum supplementis ... Edidit C. Tischendorf. See 6!17!,LLI k-7. CL.7 -ï LS"TANtiJT, AcOC iZV ipN ft l,. i3crt

- -- Apocrypha anecdota ... See JAMES (MONTAGUE RHO1)FS) ed.

- -- Papyrus Bodmer X -XII. X. Correspondance apocryphe des Corinthiens et de l'apôtre Paul. XI. Onzieme Ode de Salomon. XII. Fragment d'un hymne liturgique ... See TESTUZ (MICHEL) ed.

[Continued overleaf.] 78.

BIBLE. NEW 'TESTAMENT [continued].


Early languages and English

- -- Apocryphal . Ed. from Syriac manuscripts in the British Museum and other libraries, by W. Wright. [Syr. and Eng.] 2 vols. Lond., 1871. Y.6.29-3o.

- -- Apocrypha Sinaitica. 1. Anaphora Pilati. 2. Recognitions of Clement. 3. Martyrdom of Clement. 4. The preaching of Peter. 5. Martyrdom of James, son of Alphaeus. 6. Preaching of Simon, son of Cleophas. 7. Martyrdom of Simon, son of Cleophas. Ed. and tr. ... by M.D. Gibson. [Syr. and Eng.] [Stud. Sinaitica, No. 5.]

Lond., 1896. .89208 Stu.

- -- Another copy. New Coll. Lib.

- -- Coptic apocryphal ; translations ... with the texts of some of them. By F. Robinson. [Texts and Stud. iv, 2.]

Cambridge, 1896. Yd.7.84.

- -- Apocrypha Arabica. 1. Kitá,b al Magali, or, the Book of the Rolls. 2. The story of Aphikia. 3. Cyprian and Justa, in Arabic. 4. Cyprian and Justa in.Greek. Ed. and tr. ... by M.D. Gibson. [Stud. Sinaitica, no. 8.]]

Lond., 1901. .89208 Stu. * There is no English translation of Cyprian and Justa.

--- Another copy. New Coll. Lib.

[Continued overleaf.] 78.

BIBLE. NEW 'TESTAMENT [continued].


Early languages and English [continued]

- -- Apocrypha Syriaca. The ProtevangeliumsJacobi and Transitus Mariae; with texts from the , the Coran, the , and from a Syriac hymn in a Syro-Arabic palimpsest of the fifth and other centuries. Ed. and tr. by A.S. Lewis. With an appendix of Palestinian Syriac texts from the Taylor- Schechter collection. [Syr. and Eng.] [Stud. Sinaitica, No. 11.] Lond., 1902. .89208 Stu.

- -- Another copy. New Coll. Lib.

Acta mythologica Apostolorum. Transcribed from an Arabic MS. in the Convent of Deyr -es- Suriani, Egypt, and from MSS. in the Convent of St. Catherine, on Mount Sinai, with two legends from a Vatican MS. by I. Guidi, and an appendix of Syriac palimpsest fragments of the Acts of Judas Thomas from Cod. Sin. Syr. 30, by A.S. Lewis. (And [Vol. 2.] The mythological Acts of the Apostles. Tr. ... by A.S. Lewis. ) [Arab. or Syr. and Eng.] [Horae Semiticae, 3 -4.] 2 vols. (in 1). Lond., 1904. New Coll. Lib.

-- Another copy. Vol. 1. .8923904/1

--- Another copy. Vol. 2. .22992 f14.

- -- Coptic apocrypha in the dialect of Upper Egypt. Ed. with English translations by E.A. Wallis Budge. [Coptic and Eng.] [Brit. Mus.] Lond., 1913. YY.3.593

[Continued overleaf.]




Early languages and English [continued]

--- Contributions to the apocryphal literature of the New Testament, collected and ed. from Syriac manuscripts in the British Museum, with and English translation ... See WRIGHT (WILLIAM) Professor of Arabic at Cambridge. Contributions ...

Early languages and French

-- Les apocryphes coptes. Publ. et tr. par ... E. RevillouL . 2 pts. [Patrologia Orient. 2, 9.]

Paris, 1907 -13. New Coll. Lib.

- -- Évangiles apocryphes. Tom. 1. [Textes et Documents, 13.] Paris. B.14/2.

1. Protevangile de Jacques, pseudo -Matthieu, Evangìle de Thomas. Textes annotes eI, tr. par C. Michel. Histoire de Josep1 le Charpentier. Redactions copte et arabe tr. et annotees par P. Peeters. 1911.

Early languages and Spanish

--- Los Fvangelios apocrifos; coleccion de textos griegos y latinos, version critica, estudios introductorios, comentarios e ilustraciones por A. de Santos Otero. 2a ed. [Bibi. de Aut. Cristianos, 148.] Madrid, 1963. New Coll. Lib.

[Continued overleaf.]





- - The Apocryphal Gospels and other documents relating to the history of Christ. Tr. from the originals ... With notes ... by B.H. Cowper.

Lond., 1867. X.19.48.

- -- Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, and Revelations. Tr. by A. Walker. [Ante - Nicene Christ. Lib. 16.] Edin., 1870. C* 13.14.

- Ten other copies. New Coll. Lib.

-- The conflicts of the Holy Apostles, an apocryphal book of the early Eastern Church, tr. from an Ethiopic MS. To which are added the Epistle of S. Dionysius the Areopagite to Timothy, also tr. from an Ethiopic MS., and the Rest or assumption of S. John the Evangelist, tr. from the Armenian, by S.C. Malan.

Lond., 1871. New Coll. Lib.

--- The Apocryphal , Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas. [Tr.] by B. Pick.

Chicago, 1909. .22992

- - The apocryphal New Testament ... with notes and emendations from the writings of William Wake, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Nathaniel Lardner. New ed. [From the version publ. by William Hone.] Lond. [c.1920.] New Coll. Lib.

[Continued overleaf.]




English [continued]

-- The Apocryphal New Testament, being the Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, Epistles and Apocalypses, with other narratives and fragments, newly tr. by M.R. James.

Oxford, 1921. .2298

- - Three other copies. New Coll. Lib.

- - Repr., corr. Oxford, 1953. New Coll. Lib.

--- Repr., corr.

Oxford, 1975. Fine Art Lib.

- -- E. Hennecke. . Ed. by W. Schneemelcher. English translation ed. by R. McL. Wilson. 2 vols.

Lond. New Coll. Lib. *** For the original German edition see below APOCRYPHAL BOOKS. German. Neutestamentliche Apokryphen.

1. Gospels and related writings. 1963.

2. Writings related to the Apostles, Apocalypses ... Index. 1965.

-- Another copy. 2 vols. New Coll. Lib.

-- Another copy. Vol. 1. New Coll. Lib.

- -- Study ed. 2nd impr. 2 vols. [Land.] 1973 -75. bine Art Lib.

- -- Another copy. Vol. 2. .229

[Continued overleaf.]

%& BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT [continued].


English [continued]

--- The other Gospels; non -canonical gospel texts. Ed. by R. Cameron. Guildford, 1983. New Coll. Lib.


- -- Les Évangiles apocryphes. Tr. et annotes d'aprés 1'dition de J.C. Thilo. Par G. Brunet. Suivis d'une notice sur les principaux livres apocryphes de l'Ancien Testament. 2e ed.

Paris, 1863. X.23.53.


- -- Neutestamentliche Apokryphen, in Verbindung mit Fachgelehrten in deutscher Übersetzung und mit Einleitungen hrsg. von E. Hennecke. Tübingen, 1904. zb.5.47. For an English edition.of this work see above APOCRYPHAL BOOKS. English.

- -- 2te ... verm. Aufl.

Tübingen, 1924. .229

- -- 3., völlig neubearb. Aufl. hrsg. von W. Schneemelcher. Bd. 2. Tübingen. New Coll. Lib.

2. Apostolisches Apokalypsen und Verwandtes. 1964.

[Continued overleaf.] AI)1)l'l'I()NS


NEW TESTAMENT 78 Apocryphal books (Collections)


--- Neutestamentliche Apokryphen, in Verbindung mit Fachgelehrten in deutscher TJbersetzung und mit Einleitungen hrsg. von E. Hennecke.

Tubingen, 1904. New Coll. Lib.





- -- See ANDREWS (HERBERT TOM). The Apocryphal books of the Old and New Testaments.

- -- See BLUMENTHAL (MARTIN. Formen und Motive in den apokryphen Apostelgeschichte.

- -- See DAUBNEY (WILLIAM HEAFORD). The use of the Apocrypha in the Christian church.

- -- See HENNECKE (EDGAR). Handbuch zu den Neutestamentlichen Apokryphen.

- -- See PORTER (FRANK CHAMBERLIN). The messages of the apocalyptical writers; the books of Daniel and Revelation and some uncanonical apocalypses ...

- -- See TAYLOR (CHARLES) Master of St. John's College, Cambridge. The Oxyrhymchus logia and the apocryphal Gospels.

- -- See UNNIK (WILLEM CORNELIS VAN). Evangelien aus dem Nilsand. ADDITIONS




See MCNAMARA (MARTIN) ed. The apocrypha in the Irieh Church. 79



- -- Monumenta sacra inedita; sive, religuiae antiquissimae textus Novi Testamenti Graeci. Ex novem plus mille annorum codicibus per Europam dispersis eruit atque edidit C. Tischendorf. 4° Lipsiae, 1846. AA.6.38.

- -- The Biblical text of Clement of Alexandria in the four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. Collected and ed. by P. M. Barnard. With an introd. by F. C. Burkitt. [Robinson, Texts and Studies, v. 5.] 8° Cambridge, 1899. In Yd. 7.85.


- -- Portions of the Gospels according to St. Mark and St. Matthew from the Bobbio MS. (k.), now numbered G. vii, 15 in the National Library at Turin ... Ed. ... with two facsimiles by J. Sanday ... and H. J. etc. [Old Lat. Biblical Texts, 2.] 40 Oxford, 1886. In Yb.6.51.

- -- Portions of the Acts of the Apostles, of the Epistle of St. James and of the first Epistle of St. Peter, from the Bobbio palimpsest (S.), now numbered cod. 16 in the Imperial Library at Vienna. Ed. ... by H. J. White. [Old -Lat. Bibl. Texts, 4.] 40 Oxford, 1897. Yb.6.51.

- -- Novum Testamentum Sancti Irenaei Episcopi Lugdunensis: being the New Testament quotations in the Old -Latin version of the EXcyxoc >tai, napatiponT) ciEVbwvuvov yvwc ç. Ed. ... with introductions ... by ... W. Sanday and C. M. Turner, assisted by ... A. Souter. [Old -Lat. Bibl. Texts, 7.] 4° Oxford, 1923. Yb.6.51.


- -- A new translation of those parts only of the New Testament which are wrongly translated in our common version. By G. Wakefield. 8o Lond., 1789. D.18.25.

- -- A fourteenth century English Biblical version. Ed. by A. C. Paues. 80 Cambridge, 1904. Zb. 7 . 5. ADDITIONS BIBLE, NEW TESTAMENT.



- -- Codicum Novi Testamenti specimina. Paginas 51 ex codicibus manuscriptis et 3 en libris impressis collegit ac phototypice repraesentatas edidit H. J. Vogels. 18910 Bonnae, 1929. F .2254 Greek and Old Church Slavic

OcTpoMViposo EBaxrenie, I056 -57 rosa. CI) npmnoxcexier.r rpeuecxaro TexCTa EBaxrenivi m rpaMMaTHtrecKMrRV1 o6 :RCxex- 'HMV . 1q3,aaxxoe A. BocToi nBbr ri. [Mon. Ling. Slavicae Dialecti Veteris, Tom. 1. ] Wiesbaden, 1964. .49181701 Bib. "eic Repr. of Saint Petersburg, 1845, ed. Latin - -- II codice evangelico k della Biblioteca Universitaria Nazionale di Torino. Riprodotto in fac- simile per cura della Regia Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. [Turin, Regia Accad. delle Sci. Raccolta di codici riprodotti in fac -simile. ] Torino, 1913. O. S. F . 226 Go./ 3ba1.


- -- See STEEN (SHIRLEY). A child's Bible in colour ... 79


79. SELECTIONS [continued] Syriac

- -- Codex Climaci rescriptus. Fragments of sixth century Palestinian Syriac texts of the Gospels, of the Acts of the Apostles and of St. Paul's Epistles ... Transcribed and ed. by Agnes S. Lewis. [Horae Semiticae, 8.] 8o Cambridge, 1909. In Sb. 3.3. Q.S. 3°.t5443 Another copy. T.C. 892 U.S. J.E.H. Thomson Collection. ADDITIONS




--- See HURL (JOHN C00LI])Gk.) aomp. A bibliography of New Testament bibliographies.

--- See REUSS (EDUARD YII.HFLNI EUGEff). Bibliotheca Novi Testamenti Graeoi ... 81



- -- See also above under complete BIBLE and also . Concordances.

- -- Concordantiae Graecolatinae Testamenti Novi [by R. and H. Stephanus, T. Beza, and others], nunc primum plenae editae ... Accessit ... supplementum, etc. 2 pts. (in 1). 20 [Geneva] 1600. A.4.34.

- -- Ed. 2a. 2° Genevae, 1624. A.4.33.

- --`H tirç xat,vr)c tLa$fxric avµcXWVi.a. Or, an alphabeticall concordance of all the Greek words contained in the New Testament ... By ... A. Symson. 20 Lond., 1658. T *19.19/2.

- -- Lexicon Anglo -Graeco - Latinum Novi Testamenti. Or, a complete alphabetical concordance of all the words contained in the New Testament, both English, Greek, and Latine ... By A. Symson. 2° Lond., 1658. T *19.19/1.

- -- Novi Testamenti Jesu Christi Graeci ...taµ.E6ov, aliis concordantiae ... opera Erasmi Schmidii. Accedit nova praefatio E. S. Cypriani. 20 Gothae, 1717. A.6.19.

- -- Another ed. 2 vols. (in 1). 8° Glasguae, 1819. *C.15/3.44.

- -- Tap..E,.ov mWV VOC xaLvr1c ALa$r)xrC XECEWV; sive, concordantiae omnium vocum Novi Testamenti Graeci, primum ab E. Schmidio editae ... nunc ... emendatae ... cura C. H. Bruder. Ed. ster. 40 Lipsiae, 1842. C.8.1. - -- The Englishman's Greek concordance of the New Testament, being an attempt at a verbal connection between the Greek and English texts ... 4th ed. [By G. V. Wigram assisted by G. K. Gillespie and W. Burgh.] 8° Lond., 1864. .2.254.803 1413 - -- A concordance to the Greek Testament, according to the texts of Westcott and Hort, Tischendorf, and the English revisers. Ed. by ... W. F. Moulton ... and ... A. S. Geden. 2nd ed. 8o Edin., 1899. O..Sl .22 MoMeu. - -- Another copy. Bibl. Stud. Lib. ADDITIONS



- -- A manual Greek exicon of the New Testament. By G. Abbott -Smith. Edin. , 1922. New Coll. Lib.

--- Another copy. New Coll. Lib. 81


81. CONCORDANCES [continued]

- -- Concordance du Nouveau Testament sahidique. Pte. 1 3 rte. (:.,, 5). [Corpus Script. Christianorum Orient. Vols. 124, 173, 183, 185, 196; Subsidia, Tom. 1, 11, 13, 15, 16.] 80 Louvain. C .14/2 .

1. Les mots d'origine grecque. Par L. -T. Lefort. 1950.

2. Les mots autochtones. Par M. Wilmet. 3 vols. 1957-59.

[3.] Index copte et grec -copte de la Concordance du Nouveau Testament sahidique ... Par R. Draguet. 1960.

- -- A concordance to the Greek Testament according to the texts of Westcott and Hort, Tischendorf and the English revisers. Ed. by W. F. Moulton and A. S. Geden. 3rd ed., repr. 8° Edin., 1953. New Testament. Lib.

- -- A manual Greek lexicon of the New Testament. By G. Abbott - Smith. 3rd ed., repr. 80 Edin., 1954. New Testament Lib.

- -- A critical lexicon and concordance to the English and Greek New Testament, together with an index of Greek words and several appendices. By E. W. Bullinger. 8th ed. 80 Lond., 1957. .Ref. .22503

- -- Handkonkordanze zum griechischen Neuen Testament (Text nach Nestle). Von A. Schmoller. lite Aufl. unveränderter Abdr. der erweiterten 7. Aufl. 80 Stuttgart, n. d. Ref. .22543- âchm -. Mo. ).454.t103 S,..r,. - -- 12te Aufl, etc. 8° Stuttgart, 1960.0It (Tol.le ). A.424. coee Another Ncw Testaa t Lib. ADDITIONS



- -- Concordance to the distinctive Greek text of Codex Bezae. Comp. by J.D. Yoder. [N.T. Tools and Stud. Vol. 2.] Leiden, 1961. .2251803 Yod.

- -- Another copy. New Coll. Lib.

A concordance to the Greek Testament according to the texts of Westcott and Hort, Tischendorf and the English revisers. Ed. by W. F. Moulton and A. S. Geden. 4th ed. rev. by H. K. Moulton. Edin., 1963. New Coll. Lib.

New Coll. Lib. - -- Another copy.

Comp. New English Bible ; New Testament. Concordance. - -- Lib. by E. . Lond. [1965.] English (For. Stud.) 82




- -- The youth's spelling, pronouncing, and explanatory theological dictionary of the New Testament ... To which is added an essay ... on the several parts of speech, etc. [Introduction subscribed E. D.] 120 Lond., 1818. B.23.9.

- -- See BASS (J. H.). A Greek and English ... lexicon to the New Testament.

- -- See BAUER (W.). Griechisch -deutsches Wörterbuch zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments.

- -- See JENNINGS (W .) M.A. Lexicon to the Syriac New Testament (Peshitta) .

- -- See KITTEL (G.) ed. Bible key words from G. K.'s Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament, etc.

- -- See KITTEL (G.) ed. Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament, etc.

- -- See KLEIN (O.). Syrisch - griechisches Wörterbuch zu den vier kanonischen Evangelien.

--- See MOULTON (J. H.) and MILLIGAN (G.). The vocabulary of the Greek Testament.

- -- See PARKHURST (J .) . A Greek and English lexicon to the New Testament.

- -- See PREUSCHEN (E .). Griechisch -deutsches Wörterbuch zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments und der Übrigen urchristlichen Literatur.

- -- See ROBINSON (E.) D.D. Greek and English lexicon of the New Testament.

- -- See SCHLEUSNER (J. F.). Novum lexicon Graeco- Latinum in Novum Testamentum.

- -- See SCHOTTGEN (C .). Novum lexicon Graeco- Latinum in Novum ... Testamentum.

- -- See WILKE (CHRISTIAN GOTTLOB). A Greek - English lexicon of the New Testament.

--- See WILKE (C . G.). A Greek - English lexicon of the New Testament. ADDITIONS


- -- See PARTRIDGE (ERIC). A New Testament word book; a glossary.

- -- See SOUTER (ALEXANDER). A pocket lexicon to the Greek New Testament. 83



- -- See ABBOTT (EDWIN ABBOTT). Notes on New Testament criticism.

- -- See ALAND (KURT) comp. Kurzgefasste Liste der griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments.

- -- See ALAND (KURT) Materialien zur neutestamentlichen Handschriftenkunde.

- -- See ALAND (KURT). Studien zur Uberlieferung des Neuen Testaments und seines Textes.

-- See ALBERTI (J.). Glossarium '_raecum in ... Novi Foederis libros...

- -- See ALLEN (IRENE. The early Church and the New Testament.

- -- See ALLEN (WILLOUGHBY CHARLES ) and GRENSTED (LAURENCE WILLIAM. Introduction to the New Testament.

- -- See ANDERSON (HUGH) Professor at Duke University and BARCLAY (WILLIAM)D.D. eds. The New Testament in historical and contemporary perspective.

- -- See APOSTOLIC FATHERS. The New Testament in the Apostolic Fathers.

- -- See ARCANA Revelata; een Bundel Niew -Testamentische Studien Aangeboden Aan F.W. Grosheide.

- -- See ARGYLE (AUBREY WILLIAM. God in the New Testament.

- -- áee AT*.L'HORSHIP (The) and integrity of the N.T.

- -- See BACH (ROBERT). Die Aufforderungen zur Flucht und zum Kampf im alttestament- lichen Prophetenspruch.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS

BIBLE. 33.



-- See AYRE (GEORGINA B.). Origine and growth of the N.T. 83 [continued].


83. APPENDIX [continued]

- -- See BACON (BENJAMIN WISNER). An introduction to the New Testament.

- - See BACON (IMINJAMIN WISNER). The making of the New Testament.

- -- See BALMFORTH (RAMSDEN). The New Testament in the light of the higher criticism.

- -- See BALTENSWEILER (HEINRICH). Die Ehe im Neuen Testament.

- -- See BARCLAY (WILLIAM) D.D. Many witnesses, one Lord.

- - See BARCLAY (WILLIAM ) D.D. New Testament studies.

- -- See BARCLAY (WILLIAM ) D.D. A New Testament wordbook.

- -- See BARNIKOL (ERNST). Prolegomena zur Neutestamentlichen Dogmengeschichte.

- -- See BARRETT (CHARLES KINGSLEY) ed. The New Testament background; selected documents.

- -- See BARTON (GEORGE AARON). Studies in New Testament Christianity.

- -- See BAUM (GREGORY). The and the Gospel; a re- examination of the N.T.

- -- See BAXTER (JAMES SIDLOW). His deeper work in us; a further enquiry into New Testament teaching on the subject of Christian holiness.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS



--- See BARKER (GLENN W.), LANE (WILLIAM L.) and MICEATILS (J. RAMSAY). The New Testament speaks. 83 [continued].


83. APPENDIX [continued]

- -- See BAXTER (JAMES SIDLOW). A new call to holiness; a restudy ... of N.T. teaching concerning Christian sanctification.

- -- See BEARDSLEE (WILLIAM ARMITAGE). Literary criticism of New Testament.

--- See BEASLEY -MURRAY (GEORGE RAYMOND). Baptism in the New Testament.

- -- See BENGEL (J.A.). Apparatus Criticus ad Novum Testamentum. ADDITIONS




--- See BECK (WILLIAM). Suggested amendments of te Revised Version of the New Testament.

-- See BECKER (JUl : :v,! . Leil t1es; ei1s -und Sundenbegriffe in den Qimraaitexten und im neuen 'wes ament.



83. APPENDIX [continued] .

- -- See BENGEL (J. A.). Gnomon of the New Testament.

- -- See BENTLEY (R.) D. D. Bentleii critica sacra. Notes on the ... text of the N. T.

- -- See BENZ (E.). Der gekreuzigte Gerechte ... in Neuen Testament, etc.

- -- See BETZ (HANS DIETER). Lucian von Samosata und das N. T.

- -- See BEYER (KLAUS). Semitische Syntax im N.T.

- -- See BIEDER (WERNER). Die Berufung im Neuen Testament.

- -- See BIRCH (A.) Bp. Variae lectiones ad textum Act. App. Epp. , etc.

- -- See BLACK (MATTHEW). The scrolls and Christian origins; studies in the Jewish background of the New Testament.

- -- See BLASS (F.). Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Griechisch.

- -- See BONSIRVEN (JOSEPH). [Théologie du Nouveau Testament.] Theology of the N. T.

- -- See BOUQUET (A. C.). Everyday life in New Testament times.

- -- See BOUSSET (W. ). Textkritische Studien zum Neuen Testament.

- -- See BOUYER (LOUIS). [La spiritualité du Nouveau Testament et des Pères.] The spirituality of the N. T. and the Fathers.

- -- See BRAUN (HERBERT). Gesammelte Studien zum N. T. und seiner Umwelt.

- -- See BROWN (RAYMOND EDWARD). N. T. essays.

- -- See BULTMANN (R.). Theology of the N. T.

- -- See BUTLER (BASIL CHRISTOPHER). Spirit and institution in the N. T. ADDITIONS

BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT [continued] .

83 APPENDIX [continued].

- -- See BEYSCHLAG (WILLIBALD), [Neutestamentliche Theologie.] New Testament theology or, historical account of the teaching of Jesus.

- -- See BIEDE.? (WERNER). Die Verheissung der Taufe im Neuen Testament.

- -- See BIHKS (THOMAS RAVSON). Essay on the right estimation of manuscript evidence in the text of the New Testament.

- -- See BONSI= (JOSEPH). Théologie du N.T.

- -- See BOF.N=AP^? (GL ''1` R) . Der Lohngedanke im Neuen Tstament.

- -- . See BOWENi (CLAYTON RAYNOED) . Studies in the New Iestament.

- -- See BPATC R (ROBERT G.) ed. Old Testament quotations in the New Testament.

- -- See BRITISH AND F ORETá -N BIBLE SOCIETY. LIBRARY. Welsh scriptures. [Catalogue cf an exhibition held to celebrate the fourth centen^ry of the first publication of the N. T. in Welsh, in London, 1967.]

- -- See BRUCE (á 7EDEF.TCK FYVIE). The apostolic ¿ere ce of the Gosoel; Christi -,n npologetics ìn the - -- See BRUCE (FREDERICK FYVIE). N.T. history.

- -- See BULTHAN7 (RUDOLF). Exegetica; Aufs ,tze zu:: Erforschung des Neuen Testament.

- -- See BUSS (SEPTIMUS). Roman law and history in the New Testament.

BIBLE. 83. NEW TESTAMENT [continued

APPENDIX [continued].

- -- See CAMPBELL (JOHN YOUNG). Three N.T. studies.

- -- See CANON MURATORIANUS: the earliest catalogue of the Books of the N.T.

- -- See CLOGG (F.B.). An introduction to the New Testament.


- -- See COGGAN (FREDERICK DONALD) Abp. Five makers of the N.T.

- -- See COGGAN (FREDERICK DONALD) Abp. The of the N.T.

- -- See COMM NTAIRE du nouveau testament.

- -- See CONZELMANN (HANS). Grundriss der Theologie des Neuen Testaments.

- -- See CRAMER (J.A.) ed. Catenae Graecorum patrum in Novum Testamentum.

- -- See CULLMANN (OSCAR). Baptism in the N.T.

- -- See CULLMANN (OSCAR). Königsherrschaft Christi und Kirche im Neuen Testament.

- -- See CULLMANN (OSCAR). Die Tauflehre des Neuen Testaments; Erwachsenen - und Kindertaufe.

- -- See DABNEY (J.P.). Annotations on the New Testament.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS


APPENDIX - -- See CAVEE (SYDNEY). TTheCChristianThe way a study of New re TSee i: 111,A-\P WÌLZAM DD GL IT egéical grammar of the Greek New Testament.

- -- See CHARTERIS (ARCHIBALD HAMILTON). The New Testament scriptures ...

- -- See CHEVALLIER (MAX ALAIN). L'Esprit et le Messie dans le bas judaisme et le N.T.

- -- See COLWELL (ERNEST CADMAN). Studies in methodology in of the N.T.

---- See CONZELMANN (HANS). [Grundriss der Theologie des Neuen Testaments.] An outline of the theology of the N.T.

- -- See CRADDOCK (FED BRENNING). The pre -existence of Christ in the N.T.

- -- See CULLMANN (OSCAR). The New Testament; an introduction for the general reader. _ BIBLE. 83. NEW TESTAMENT [continued!.

APPENDIX [continued 1.

- -- See DALE (ALAN TAYLOR. New world; the heart of the N.T. in plain English.

- -- See DAMALES (N.M.). `EpLT)vcLa.

- -- See DAUBE (D.). The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism.

- -- See DAVIES (WILLIAM DAVID. Inivtation to the N.T.

- -- See DELLING (GERHARD). [Gottesdienst im Neuen Testament.] Worship in the N.T.

- -- See DINKLER (ERICH. Signum crucis; Aufsätze zum Neuen Testament und zur christlichen Archäologie.

- -- See DODD (CHARLES HAROLD). The background of the New Testament and its . Ed. by W.D. Davies and D. Daube in honor of C.H.D.

- -- See DODD (CHARLES HAROLD). The present task in N.T. studies.

- -- See DODDRIDGE (P.). The family expositor; or, a paraphrase and version of the N.T.. etc.

- -- See EHRHARDT (ARNOLD. The framework of the N.T. stories.

- -- See EICHHOLZ (GEORG). Tradition und Interpretation; Studien zum N.T. und zur Hermeneutik.

- -- See ELLICOTT (C.J.) Bp., ed. A New Testament commentary.

[Continued overleaf.1 ADDITIONS



See DERRETT (JOHN DUNCAN MARTIN). Law in the New Testament.

- -- See DEISSMAN (ADOLF). [Licht vom Osten.] Light from the ancient East; the New Testament ...

- -- See DEISSMANN (ADOLF). Licht vom Osten. Das Neue Testament ...

- -- See DEISSMkN (ADOLF). New tight on the New Testament ...

- -- See DIRFLIUS (MARTIN). A fresh approach to the New Testament and early Christian literature.

- -- See DOBSCHUTZ (ERNST VON). Vom Auslegen des Neuen Testaments; drei Reden.

- -- See DODS (MARCUS). An introduction to the New Testament.

BIBLE. 83. NEW TESTAMENT [continued].

APPENDIX [continued].

- -- See ELLISON (JOHN WILLIAM). The use of electronic computers in the study of the Greek New Testament text.

- -- See ELLWEIN (EDUARD). Heilsgegenwart und Heilszukunft im Neuen Testament; zwei Abhandlungen.

- -- See ELSLEY (H.). Annotations on the ... Gospels and the Acts.

- -- See ERASMUS (DESIDERIUS). Paraphrasis in Novum Testamentum. D.E. Roterodami paraphrasis, etc.

- -- See EWALD (H.). Die Johanneischen Schriften.

- -- See FEINE (PAUL) and BE HM (JOHANNES). Einleitung in das Neue Testament.

- -- See FIELD (F.). Notes on the translation of the New Testament.

- -- See FILSON (FLOYD VIVIAN). A New Testament history.

- -- See FLEW (ROBERT NEWTON). Jesus and His way; a study of the ethics of the N.T.

- -- See FOX (A.). John Mill and Richard Bentley; a study of the textual criticism of the New Testament, 1675 -1729.

- -- See FULLER (REGINALD HORACE). The foundations of N.T. Christology.

- -- See FULLER (REGINALD HORACE). The N.T. in current study.

- -- See GAECHTER (PAUL). Petrus und seine Zeit; neutestamentliche Studien.

- -- See GOGUEL (M.). Introduction au Nouveau Testament.

[con1in wed overleaf, ADDITIONS



- -- See ELSNER (JACOBUS). J.E. observationes sacrae in Novi Foederis libros.

- -- See EVANS (CHRISTOPHER FRANCIS). Resurrection and the New Testament.

See FIEBIG (PAUL) comp. Antike Wundergeschichten; zum Studien der Wunder des Neuen Testamentes.

- -- See FEINE (PAUL). Theologie des Neuen Testaments.

- - See FILSON (FLOYD VIVIAN). The New Testament against its environment ...

- -- See FINCH (ROWLAND GEORGE). The Synagogue Lectionary and the New Testament.

- -- See FULLER (REGINALD HORACE). A critical introduction to the N.T.

- -- See GOLDZIHER (IGNAZ). Translation of the chapter on Hadith and the New Testament.

- -- See GLOEGE (GERHARD). Reich Goltes und Kirche im Neuen Testament.

- -- See GOODSP1 D (EDGAR JOHNSON). New solutions of New Testament problems. - -- See GOODSPEED (EDGAR JOHNSON),. The formation of the New Testament. ----See GOULD (EZRA PALMER).--The-biblical-theology--of-the- New Testament. 83


83. APPENDIX [continued].

- -- See GRANT (FREDERICK CLIFTON). Ancient Judaism and the New Testament.

- -- See GRANT (FREDERICK CLIFTON). Roman Hellenism and the New Testament.

- -- See GRANT (ROBERT MCQUEEN). A historical introduction to the New Testament.

- -- See GRAU (R. F. ). Bibelwerk für Gemeinde.

- -- See GROSHEIDE (F. W.) ed. Some early lists of the books of the New Testament.

- -- See GRUBER (L. F. ). The first English New Testament and Luther.

- -- See GUY (H.A. ). New Testament prophecy.

- -- See GUYSE (J. ). The practical expositor.

- -- See HAHN (FERDINAND) Theologian. [Das Verständnis der Mission im Neuen Testament. ] Mission in the New Testament.

- -- See HAND -COMMENTAR zum Neuen Testament.

- -- See HANHART (KAREL). The intermediate state in the N. T.

- -- See HARRISVILLE (ROY A. ). His hidden grace; an essay on .

- -- See HATCH (WILLIAM HENRY PAINE). Facsimiles and descriptions of minuscule manuscripts of the New Testament.

- -- See HEARD (R. ). An introduction to the New Testament.

[Continued overleaf. ] ADDITIONS



- -- See GOPPELT ( LEONHARD) . Chi i stol ogie und Ethik; Aufsätze zum N.T.

- -- See GOULD (EZRA PALER). The biblical theology of the New Testament. - -- See GRANT (ROBERT MCQUEEN). The formation of the New Testament.

- -- See GREGORY (CASPAR RENE). Textkritik des Neuen Testaments.

- -- See GREGORY (CASPAR RENE). Vorschlage für eine kritische Ausgabe des griechischen Neuen Testaments.

- -- See HAMMOND (CHARLES EDWARD). Outlines of textual criticism applied to the New Testament.

- -- See HARNACK (ADOLF). [Beitre zur Einleitung in das Neue_ Testament.] New Testament studies.

- -- See HARVEY (ANTHONY ERNEST). The New English Bible; companion to the New Testament. 83


83. [continued]

- -- See E LGASON (J6N). Mali

- -- See HENDERSON (I.). Myth in the New Testament.

- -- See HERDERS Theologischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament.

- -- See HERKLOTS (H.G.G.). A fresh approach to the New Testament.

- -- See HICKS (EDWARD) Vicar of Kidsgrove, Staffordshire. Traces of Greek philosophy and Roman law in the New Testament.

- -- See HIGGINS (A.J.B.). The Lord's Supper in the New Testament.

- -- See HOOK (NORMAN). The Eucharist in the New Testament.

- -- See HOSKYNS (Sir E.C. ) and DAVY (F.N.). The riddle of the New Testament.

- -- See HOULDEN (JAMES T,FSLIE). Ethics and the New Testament.

- -- See HOWARD (W.F.). The romance of New Testament scholarship.

- -- See HUMPHRY (WILLIAM GILSON). A commentary on the Revised Version of the New Testament.

- -- See HUNKIN (J.W.). The New Testament; a conspectus.

[Continued overleaf., 83


83. APPENDIX [continued]

- -- See HUNTER (ARCHIBALD MACBRIDE). Exploring the New Testament.

- -- See HUNTER (ARCHIBALD MACBRIDE). Interpreting the New Testament, 1900 -1950.

- -- See HUNTER (ARCHIBALD MACBRIDE). Introducing the New Testament.

- -- See HUNTER (ARCHIBALD MACBRIDE). Introducing New Testament theology.

- -- See HUNTER (ARCHIBALD MACBRIDE). The New Testament for today.

- -- See HUNTER (ARCHIBALD MACBRIDE). Teaching and preaching the New Testament.

- -- See HUNTER (ARCHIBALD MACBRIDE). The unity of the New Testament.

- -- See JACOBY (HERMANN. Neutestamentliche Ethik.

- -- See JEREMIAS (JOACHIM). Abba; Studien zur neutestamentlichen Theologie und Zeitgeschichte.

- -- See JEREMIAS (JOACHIM). N.T. theology.

- -- See JONES (CLIFFORD MERTON ) comp. New Testament illustrations.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS




- -- See ISAACS (MARIE E.). The concept of spirit; a study of pneuma ... and its bearing on the New Testament.

- -- See JACQUIER (EUGÈNE). Études de critique et de philologie du Nouveau Testament.

-- See JEREMIAS (JOACHIM). The central message of the New Testament.

- -- See JOHNSON (ALFRED M.) ed. and tr. The New Testament and structuralism. 83


83. APPENDIX [continued].

- -- See JONES (G.V.). Christology and myth in the New Testament.

- -- See JONSSON (M. ). Saga Nÿja Testamentisins.

- -- See JUDGE (EDWIN ARTHUR). The social pattern of the christian groups in the first century; some prolegomena to the study of New Testament ideas of social obligation.

- -- See KASEMANN (ERNST). Essays on New Testament themes.

- -- See KAMLAH (EHRHARD). Die Form der katalogischen Paränese im Neuen Testament.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS

BIBLE [continued].

NEW TESTAMENT [continued].

83 Appendix [continued].

- -- See JDLICHER (ADOLF). Einleitung in das Neue Testament.

- -- See KALLAS (JAMES). The significance of the synoptic miracles.

- -- See K2.SEMANN (ERNST). [Exegetische Versuche und. Besinnungen.] Essays on New Testament themes.

- -- See KÄSEMANN (ERNST). [Exegetische Versuche und Besinnungen.] New Testament questions of today.

- -- See KÁSEMANN (ERNST) ed. Das Neue Testament als Kanon. BIBLE. 83. NEW 'lESTAMENT.


- -- See KEE (HOWARD CLARK) and YOUNG (FRANKLIN WOODROW). The living world of the N.T.

- -- See KLIJN (ALBERTUS FREDERIK JOHANNES). [Inleiding tot het Nieuwe Testament.] An introduction to the N.T.

- -- See KLOS'T'ERMANN (ERICH). Studien zum Neuen Testament, etc.

- -- See KNOX (J.) D.D. The death of Christ; the Cross in New Testament history and faith.

- -- See KNOX (R.A.). A New Testament commentary for English readers.

- -- See KÜMMEL (WERNER GEORG). Das Bild des Menschen im Neuen Testament.

- -- See KÜMMEL (WERNER GEORG). Das Neue Testament.

- -- See LACE (OLIVE JESSIE) ed. Understanding the N.T.

- -- See LAKE (KIRSOPP) and LAKE (SILVA). An introduction to the New Testament.

- -- See LAKE ( KIRSOPP) and LAKE (SILVA) eds. Six collations of N.T. manuscripts.

- -- See LE D1AUT (ROGER). Liturgie juive et Nouveau Testament; le témoignage des versions araméennes.

- -- See LELOIR (LOUIS). Citations du Nouveau Testament dans l'ancienne tradition arménienne.

- -- See LENGSFELD (PE'T'ER). Adam und Christus, die Adam- Christus -Typologie im Neuen Testament.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS



--- See KOSTLILA (FRIEDRICH). Leitfaden zum Unterricht im Neuen Testament far h5here Schulen.

--- See LAKE (KIRSOPP). The text of the New Testament.

--- See LAMSA (GEORGE MAMISHISHO). New Testcent origin.

--- See LAPIDE (CORRELIUS A). The Great commentary of C. A L.

- -- See LEIVESTAD (RAGNAR). Christ the conqueror; ideas of conflict and victory in the New Testament.

- -- See ' (ERNST). Voraussetzungen der neutestament- lichen Elegesse. BIBLE. 83. NEW 'TESTAMENT continued] . Ì_

APPENDIX [continued].

- -- See LEUBA (J.L.). New Testament pattern; an exegetical enquiry into the "Catholic" and "Protestant" dualism.

- -- See LEUSDEN (J.). Compendium Graecum Novi Testamenti, etc.

- -- See LIETZMANN (H.) ed. Handbuch zum Neuen Testament.


- -- See LINDSAY (Rev. JOHN). Critical and practical commentary of the New Testament.

- -- See LOHMEYER (E.). Urchristliche Mystik; neutestamentliche Studien.

- -- See LOISY (A.). Les origines du Nouveau Testament.

- -- See LUND (N.W.). Chiasmus in the New Testament.

- -- See MCNEITR (A.H.). An introduction to the study of the New Testament.

- -- See MALINA (BRUCE J.). The Palestrinian manna tradition; the manna tradition in the Palestinian and its relationship to the N.T. writings.

- -- See MARLS (E.). Bultmann et l'interprétation du Nouveau Testament.

- -- See MARSHALL (L.H.). The challenge of New Testament ethics.

- -- See MARTINI ( CARLO M.). Il problema della recensionalitN del codica B. alla luce del papiro Bodmer XIV.

[Continued overleaf.] AD-ïI:',ÿONS



- -- See NCNEILE (ALAN HUGH). New Testament teaching in the light of St. Paul's.

) D. Testament - -- See MARSHALL (_ .. -_ Litt. New Greek primer.

- -- See IvASCGREGOR (GEORGE HOGAP.T H CARNADY) and PURDY (ALEXANDER CONVERSE). Jews and Greeks; tutors unto Christ; the Jewish & Hellenistic background of the New Testament.

- -- See MAIDEN (RICHARD HENRY). The authority of the N.T.

- -- See MALDE (RICHARD HENRY). Religion and the N.T.

la - -- See MARTIN PIERRE PAULIN) . Introduction á critiçue textuelle du Nouveau Testament. BIBTE. 83. NEW TESTAMENT [continued].

APPENDIX [continued].

- -- See MASSON (CHARLES) Professor at Lausanne University. Vers les sources d'eau vive; études d'exégse et de théologie du Nouveau Testament.

- -- See MARXSEN (WILLI). Einleitung in das N.T.

- -- See MARXSEN ( WILLI). [Einleitung in das Neue Testament.] Introduction to the N.T.

- -- See MARXSEN ( WILLI). Der Exeget als Theologe; Vorträge zum Neuen Testament.

- -- See MARXSEN ( WILLI). Der "Frühkatholizismus" in Neuen Testament.

- -- See MARXSEN (WILLI). Das Neue Testament als Buch der Kirche.

- -- See MEINERTZ (MAX). Theologie des N.T.

- -- See METZGER (BRUCE MANNING). The text of the N.T.; its transmission, corruption and restoration.

- -- See METZGER (BRUCE MANNING). The N.T.; its background, growth and content.

- -- See MEUSCHEN (J.G.). Novum Testamentum ex Talmude ... illustratum. ADDITIONS BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT.


- -- See METZGE,R (BRUCE MANNING). Annotated bibliography of the textual criticism of the New Testament, ßy.4 -1939. 83


83. APPENDIX [continued].

- -- See MEYER (H.A.W.). Critical and exegetical commentary on the New Testament.

- -- See MEYER (H.A.W.). Kritisch -exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament.

- -- See MICKLEM (EDWARD ROMILLY). Miracles & the new psychology; a study in the healing miracles of the N.T.

- -- See MIGNE (JACQUES PAUL) and MIGNE (V ETIENNE) eds. Scripturae sacrae cursus completus.

- -- See MILLIGAN (G.). The New Testament and its transmission.

- -- See MILLIGAN (G.). The New Testament documents ...

- -- See MOFFATT (The) New Testament Commentary.

- -- See MOFFATT (JAMES). Grace in the New Testament.

- -- See MOFFATT (JAMES). An introduction to the literature of the New Testament.

- -- See MOFFATT (JAMES). Love in the New Testament.

- -- See MONTEFIORE (HUGH). Josephus and the N.T.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS



--- See MICNAF,T,TS (WILHELM). Einleitung in das N.T. 83


83. APPENDIX [continued].

- -- See MOORE (ARTHUR LEWIS). The Parousia in the N.T.

- -- See MORGENTHALER (ROBERT) comp. Statistik des neutestamentlichen Wortschatzes.

- -- See MOULE (CHARLES FRANCIS DIGBY). The birth of the N.T.

- -- See MOULE (CHARLES FRANCIS DIGBY). The phenomenon of the N.T. ...

- -- See MOULE (CHARLES FRANCIS DIGBY). Papyrus, parchment and print; the story of how the N.T. text has reached us.

- -- See MOULTON (JAMES HOPE). From Egyptian rubbish-heaps; five popular lectures on the New Testament ...

- -- See MOULTON (JAMES HOPE) and MILLIGAN (G.). The vocabulary of the Greek Testament illustrated from the papyri and other non -literary sources.

- -- See MOUNCE (ROBERT H.). The essential nature of N.T. preaching.

- -- See MÜZZEY (DAVID SAVILLE). The rise of the New Testament.

- -- See NESTLE (DIETER). Eleutheria; Studien zum Wesen der Freiheit bei den Griechen und im Neuen Testament.

- -- See NESTLE (EBERHARD). Einführung in das griechische Neue Testament.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS



--- See MOULTON (JAPES HOPE). A grammar of New Testament Greek. 83


83. APPENDIX [continued].

- -- See NIEDERW N ER (KURT). Der Begriff der Freiheit im Neuen Testament.

- -- See OLSHAUSEN (H.). Biblical commentary on the Gospels and on the Acts of the Apostles.

- -- See PARVIS (M.M.) and WIKGREN (A.P.) eds. N.T. manuscript studies.

- -- See PEAKS (A.S.). A critical introduction to the New Testament.

- -- See PHILLIPS (J.B.). New Testament Christianity.

- -- See PIPER (OTTO ALFRED WILHELM). Current issues in N.T. interpretation.

- -- See PITTMAN ( RANDALL T.). Words and their ways in the Greek N.T.

- -- See PRUNET (OLIVIER). La morale de Clément d'Alexandrie et le Nouveau Testament.

- -- See PURDY (ALEXANDER CONVERSE. New Testament sidelights.

- -- See RAE (FREDERICK J.). How to teach the New Testament.

- -- See REICKE (BO). Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte.

6 - -- See RENGSTORF (KARL HEINRICH). XapLc xai. aocp ; Festschrift Karl Heinrich Rengstorf ... (Sonderdruck aus: Novum Pestamentum VI, 1963.)

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS



--- See RAD CH R (LUDWIG). Neutestamentliche Grammatik; das Griechisch des Neuen Testaments im Zusammenhang mit der Volksprache. 83


83. APPENDIX [continued].

- -- See RICHARDSON (ALAN). An introduction to the theology of the N.T.

- -- See ROBINSON (WILLIAM GORDON). An introduction to the N.T.

- -- See ROBINSON (WILLIAM GORDON). N.T. treasure.

- -- See ROWLINGSTON (D.T.). Introduction to N.T. study.

- -- See RU (GERRIT DE). De kinderdoop en het N.T.

- -- See RUSSELL (JAMES STUART). The parousia; a critical inquiry into the N.T. doctrine of our Lord's second coming.

- -- See SALMON (GEORGE). A historical introduction to the study of the books of the New Testament.

- -- See SANDERS (H.A.). The New Testament manuscripts in the Freer Collection.

- -- See SCHAFF (P.). A popular commentary on the New Testament.

- -- See SCHLATTER (A.). The Church in the N.T. period.

- -- See SCHLATTER (A.). Erläuterungen zum Neuen Testament. ADDITIONS

3I:3 T;;STAPT.:7.C.

u;. AP1 _1TDLX.

- -- See ROBERTSON (ARCHIBALD THOMAS). An introduction to the textual criticism of the N.T. BIBT,F. NEW TESTAMENT [continued].

83. APPENDIX [oontinued]

- -- See SCHLATTER (A.). Der Glaube im Neuen Testament.

- -- See SCHLEIERMACHER (F.D.E.). Hermeneutik.

- -- See SCHLIER (HEINRICH). [Besinnung auf das Neue Testament.] The relevance of the New Testament.

- -- See SCHLIER (HEINRICH). Machte und Gewalten im Neuen Testament.

- -- See SCHLIER (HEINRICH). [Machte und Gewalten im Neuen Testament.] Principalities and powers in the N.T.

- -- See SCHLINGENSIEPEN (HERMAN). Die Wunder des Neuen Testamentes.

- -- See SCHMID (JOSEF). Neutestamentliche Aufsätze; Festschrift fur Josef Schmid.

- -- See SCHMIDT (ERASMUS). E.S. opus sacrum posthumum: in quo continentur versio Novi Testamenti nova ... et notae.

- -- See SCHMIDT (P.W.) and HOLTZENDORFF- VIETMANSDORF (F. VON). A short Protestant commentary.

- -- See SCHNACKENBURG (RUDOLF). Die Kirche im Neuen Testament.

- -- See SCHNACKENBURG (RUDOLF). Die sittliche Botschaft des Neuen Testaments.

- -- See SCHNACKENBURG (RUDOLF). La theologie du Nouveau Testament.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS


--- See SMATTER (ADOLF). Die Theoi lgie des Neuen. Testaments. BIBT.F. NEW TESTAMENT [continued].

83. APPENDIX [continued]

- -- See SCHNEIDER (C.). Einfuhreng in die neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte.

- -- See SCHONFIELD (HUGH JOSEPH). Realities du Nouveau Testament.

- -- See SCHUTZ (HANS GEORG). "Kirche" in spatneutestamentlicher Zeit.

- -- See SCHWEIZER (EDUARD). Church order in the New Testament.

- -- See SCHWEIZER (EDUARD). Gemeinde und Gemeindeordnung im Neuen Testament.

- -- See SCHWEIZER (EDUARD). Das Leben des Herrn in der Gemeinde und ihren Diensten.

- -- See SCHWEIZER (EDUARD). Neotestamentica ... German and English essays, 1951 -1963.

- -- See SCOTT (CHARLES ARCHIBALD ANDERSON). Living issues in the New Testament.

- -- See SCOTT (CHARLES ARCHIBALD ANDERSON). New Testament ethics; an introduction.

- -- See SCOTT (ERNEST FINDLAY). The literature of the New Testament.

- -- See SCOTT (ERNEST FINDLAY). The New Testament today.

- -- See SCOTT (ERNEST FINDLAY). The varieties of New Testament religion.

[Continued overleaf.] BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT [continued].

83. APPENDIX [continued]

- -- See SCRIVENER (FREDERICK HENRY AMBROSE). A plain introduction to the criticism of the New Testament.

- -- See SEESEMANN (H.). Der Begriff k o'v i /-' im Neuen Testament.

- -- See SHANER (DONALD W.). A Christian view of divorce, according to the teachings of the N.T.

- -- See SHELDON (HENRY CLAY). New Testament theology.

- -- See SHERWIN -WHITE (ADRIAN NICHOLAS). Roman society and Roman law in the New Testament.

- -- See SMITH (PHILIP). The New Testament history ...

- -- See SNOWDEN (JAMES HENRY). The making and meaning of the New Testament.

- -- See SODEN (HERMANN,Freiherr von). The history of early Christian literature. Mc writingsof the New Testament.

- -- See SPARKS (H.F.D.). The formation of the New Testament.

- -- See SPICQ (CESLAUS). Agape dans le Nouveau Testament.

- -- See SPICQ (CESLAUS). Chante et liberte selon le Nouveau Testament.

- -- See SPICQ (CESLAUS). Dieu et l'homme selon !'e Nouveau Testament.

- -- See SPIVEY (ROBERT A.) and SMITH (DWIGHT MOODY). Anatomy of the N.T.; a guide to its structure and meaning.

[Continued overleaf.] BTRLE. NEW TESTAMENT [continued].

83. APPENDIX [continued].

- -- See STAUFFER (E.). New Testament theology.

- -- See STENDAHL (K.) ed. The scrolls and the New Testament.

- -- See STOCKIUS (JOANNES CHRISTIANUS). C.A. clavis linguae sanctae Novi Testamenti, etc.

- -- See STRACHAN (ROBERT HARVEY). The historic Jesus in the New Testament.

- -- See STRACK (HERMANN LEBERECHT) and BILLERBECK (PAUL). Kommentar zum N.T., etc.

- -- See TABACHOVITZ (D.). Die Septuaginta und das Neue Testament; Stilstudien.

- -- See TAYLOR (VINCENT). Forgiveness and reconciliation; a study in New Testament theology.

- -- See TAYLOR (VINCENT). The person of Christ in N.T. teaching.

- -- See TAYLOR (VINCENT). The text of the N.T.; a short introduction.

- -- See TENNEY (M.C.). The New Testament.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS r BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT.


- -- See STEVENS (GEORGE BARKER). The theology of the New Testament.

- -- See STEWART (ROY ARCHIBALD). The earlier Rabbinic tradition and its importance for N.T. background.

- -- See TENNEY (MEIRRTT,T, CHAPIN) . N.T. times .



83. APPENDIX [continued].

111 11 1 Aso .. + .

- -- See THOMSON (PETER). The Greek tenses in the New Testament.

- -- See THRALL (MARGARET ELEANOR). Greek particles in the New Testament ...

- -- See THROCKMORTON (BURTON HAMILTON). The New Testament and mythology.

- -- See TOY (C.H.). Quotations in the New Testament.

- -- See TREU (KURT). Die griechischen Handschriften des N.T. in der U.d.S.S.R.

- -- See TURNER (NIGEL). Grammatical insights into the N.T.

- -- See TURPIE (DAVID McCALMAN). The Old Testament in the New.

--- See TW=O=_LEY (LESLIE DOUGLAS). The origin and transmission of the New Testament.

- -- See UNNIK (WILLEM CORNELIS VAN). The N.T.; its history and message.

- -- See VIELHAUER (PHILIPP). Aufsitze zum N.T.

- -- See VINCENT (MARVIN RICHARDSON). A history of the textual criticism of the New Testament.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS





--- äee T'I`1TIAAty-A (JOHA I AUGUST hEINItICH) . Bemarim on the synonyms of the New Testament ... 83


85. APPENDIX [continued].

- -- See VOGELS (HEINRICH JOSEPH). Handbuch der Textkritik des N.T.

- -- See VÜÜBUS (ARTHUR). Early versions of the N.T.

- -- See WAARD (J. DE). A comparative study of the Old Testament text in the and in the N.T.

- -- See WAHL (C.A.). Clavis Novi Testamenti philologica.

- -- See WARNACH (V.). Agape; die Liebe als Grundmotiv der neutestamentlichen Theologie.

- -- See WEIDNER (REVERE FRANKLIN). Biblical theology of the New Testament.

- -- See WEIGLE (LUTHER ALLAN). The English N.T. from Tyndale to the Revised Standard Version.

- -- See WEINEL (HEINRICH. Biblische Theologie des Neuen Testaments.

- -- See WEISS (BERNHARD. [Lehrbuch der biblischen Theologie des Neuen Testaments.] Biblical theology of the New Testament.

- -- See WEISS (BERNHARD. [Lehrbuch der Einleitung in das Neue Testament.] A manual of introduction to the New Testament.

- -- See WEISS (BERNHARD. [Die Religion des Neuen Testaments.] The religion of the N.T.

[Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS


83. p.PPFNDII.

--- See WEIGLE (LUTHER ALLAI';). An introduction to the Revised Standard Version of the New 'Testament ... 83


83. APPENDIX [continued].

- -- See WETTE (W.M.L. DE). Kurzgefasstes exegetisches Handbuch zum Neuen Testament.

- -- See WHEELER (JAMES TALBOYS). An analysis and summary of N.T. history.

- -- See WHI'TBY (D.). Paraphrase and commentary on the New Testament.

- -- See WIKENHAUSER (ALFRED. New Testament introduction.

- -- See WILDER (AMOS NIVEN). Early Christian rhetoric; the language of the Gospel.

- -- See WILDER (AMOS NIVEN). New Testament faith for today.

- -- See WILSON (ROBERT McLACHLAN). and the N.T.

- -- See WILSON (WILLIAM ERNEST). The problem of the Cross; a study of N.T. teaching.

- -- See WINGREN (GUSTAF). [Evangeliet och kyrkan.] Gospel and church.

- -- See WOLF (HANS HEINRICH. Die Einheit des Bundes; das Verhältnis von Altem und Neuem Testament bei Calvin.

- -- See ZAHN (T.) ed. Kommentar zum Neuen Testament.

- -- See ZUNTZ (GUENTHER). The ancestry of the Harklean New Testament.