THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTE3IBER 16. 1917. FOB SALE. FOR SALE. TOR SALE. FOB SALE. WANTED MISCEIXASOrS. OTP LP WANTED MALE, HELP WANTED MATE. Automobile. Automobile Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. V ANTED Experienced logging superin- FORDS. FORDS. FO BUY YOUR PIPE WHERE YOU GET IT CAMP AND MILL DEPARTMENT Buck-- . tendent, capable of handling sn output 19 J7, Ford touring. SECOND-HAN- CLOTHING WANTED era. fallers, chocker At era, men, of c A. Iff. FERGL'SOV FOR LfclSS. PUMBING SUPPLIES. riing forty to fifty million feet annually. CO.. 1I1, Pord touring. We have the largest stock of second- J. MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS 7.50 UP chasers, snipers, section men, logging road, Medium-size- d timber, level ground. Ap- Portland's Leading Usd Dealers.,, 1915. Ford Uunng. pipe you FOR 2D-- VU SUIT. HE PAYS MORS wood buckers. pianermen, stlckermcn, yard plicant be Exceptional Haraini Today. 1914, hand In the city of Portland, all "Would Improve the looks of FOR SH.OES AND CLOTHES. WE CALL men. millwrights, man on must under 45. active, efficient 1917 Mitchell big less Ford touring. sizes, properly fitted, absolutely guaran- for $55 2 chain, lumber and have the ability to be boss. Should six. ran FRANCIS MOTORCAR CO., teed. We good we you: ANYWHERE IN CITY. DAY OR EVEN- pliers, yard teamsters, ratchet setters, cut-o- :f also command a following of good than .0 mi.ei, just like new; $ IZuO, make what Isn't. Just look at what will givs ING. CALL MARSHALL 1 2 2tf . 22V MAD1-S- men, log certain Vcrn.e. E. 3770. lith and Hawthorne SAWMILL OWNERS. LOGGERS AND 1 bathtub complete. edgermen. haul, men and men. Camp will start about September n boys for box factory yard 1115 Buirk big six, $2000 car FORD, run 13.500 miles, arranged for camp- CONTRACTORS. 1 closet complete. and work. 17 on 10 hours. State fully in first letter for ? fJ50. ternriB. ing; 720 E. Davis st. Attention, buyers. We carry a complete 1 cor. or flat-bac- k basin complete THE HONEST DEAL. salary wanted, where and by whom you if14 Bu:ck touring, condition, stock of aawmill machinery. loggers' and FOR $55 CLOTHING WANTED. GENERAL DEPARTMENT, laborers for have been employed during the past five excellent Automobiles l antra. contractors' equipment, belting, ail widths F". O. B. PORTLAND. WE PAY FOR MEN S SUITS FROM $3 shipyards; truckers, local freight bourses, years and if you can furnish full crews SO. new second-han- d saws, section men. railroad, extra gang men. Amer-lcan- s Saxon six touring, A- -l condition, WANTED A flrat-clas- s and lengths; and AU goods new and guaranteed. T7P TO $10; HIGHEST PRICES PAID for three side, high lead operation. '5 Ford car. must be in all lengths, etc. Buy prices are LADIES AND MEN'S CLOTHING carpenter helpers. railroad; carpenters, preferred. AV 657. Oregonian. order for touring; will give latest where FOR railroad; ten cord wood splitters. 75 to b5 4 be?t and stock is large to choose from. Also we OF ALL KINDS, SHOES ETC. Vv HI6 Briscoe touring, fine condition, coat $20i talking machine and records, have PLEASE cord ; ; ANTED Good, bright stenographer $55-'- We are the largest iron and metal buy- Borne second-han- d galvanised PHONE MAIN 4776. 246 1ST 8T. cents tea men get out ship knees male er motorcycle, or fine diamond in part ; can 'make $4.50 to $5.50 day. not over 20 years of age; want a man ' 16 Dodge touring, excellent payment. once, G542, Orego- ers on the Coast we pay the highest guaranteed boilers WANTED A good Laborers for more can use . . by at Address at farm near Reedville. or Gas Company; men for short, jobs. particularly who his bead ... prices for anything of value in the line $6 each. Hillsboro; have good income property to and act sort of in capacity of private sec- 1914 of condi- nian. of junk. Call us to get our prices before Detroiter. best 2 selling "W some larger np to trade, clear of incumbrance. Call Tabor FARM DEPARTMENT, general farm retary: must be a good stenographer, tion, FOR GALE corner lots in Errol Hts. elsewhere. also have sizes 5805. or 401 E. N-- , though; but ex- 2 TOO. A complete equipment loggers' sup- 100 storage tanks, pres- - write 50th st Mra hands, milkers, married and single; farm moderate salary to start, 013 Bulck. good condition, price, J or trade for car of gat, suitable for Etchlson.- tera. cellent opportunity for a young man who $ 3wa. In A- -l eondltion. Maxwell preferred. plies. Including an assortment of about sure tanks ; will etand up to 85 pounds teams V. M. 200 steel blocks. pressure. We guarantee prices A really means business; answer in own Ford truck, rood aj new, $575. Tabor 2542. Locke. them and GENTILE FIRM. BOYS' DEPARTMENT boys handwriting, giving references, previous 1116 Ford grocery delivery, best of 9 Mill fittings and supplies. axe away down. The Salvage Suit Shop pays highest cash Ws need experience, age, Shape. $.150. lo ACRE clear land, miles from - Iron and steel. prices for clothing. Phone us and get our to register ior tox factory, office work. any married or single and Ford touring couver, Wash.. 1 miles from streetcar Roofing materiaL PIPE! offer before calling up elsewhere. Phone dellvry and other lines. Register Monday other Information an employer ought . fine model PIPE! PIPE! n. to know; no cripples considered, S 90, ; price $205 to $375. terms. line; will trade for late auto. 1054 Boilers, pumps, engines, etc. New galvanized pipe from to Main 1043. morning. Oregonian. - st. Get our quotations lnsp-- ot our i:I5 Ford roadster, excellent condition. and at the lowest possible price. WANTED A good place, clear of incum- EMPLOYMENT $350. GOuD clear lot, large size, in Western Can- stock. brance, good prop- PUBLIC BUREAU, A. M. FERGUFOX & CO. ALASKA JUNK CO.. "We also many other bargains that all equipped; have city 249 Ankeny Street. ADVISORY AND EMPLOTMENT DEPART- ada city; will trade for auto, or what 201 we have very prlce. erty and some money ; must be well loT All Jobs free. All Jobs Portland's Leading Used Car have you? A J loft, Oregonian. Front St. Phone Main 4110. are offering at a cheap cated and on good roads Tabor 6806, or free. MENT. Y. M. C. A. 514 Alder St. Der NORTH WESTERN PIPE CO. 401 E. N., can place young men with ability. WANTED Dodge touring ear on terma 1916 187 FRONT ST. write 50th st. Mrs. Etchison. Constant calls coming for the man who or 1017 model, in good condition. AO 437, 6ASH AND DOOR3. OUR Is LOGGERS. can In $14,-00- 0 specialty buying laals and gents' 2D FALLERS. deliver the goods. A Y. M. O. A. Oregonian. Notice advance prices. FLOATING palace that originally coat cast-o- ff Largest .factory in the West, selling di- for a fraction of its value, clothing. Highest cash pneo paid. RIGGING MEN. membership costing $5 guarantees you pre- sale at Will call day or night. will secure employment or refund of fee. WANTED Used Ford car, roadster rect from mill to consumer. owing to unavoidable curcumstances at SECOND-HAN- SNIPER. ferred, model. Give run PEOPLE'S STORED CHASER. Also gives you 2 months' full priv. leges. late miles and We sell anybody, ship anywhere, and this time. It has 14 rooms with hot and Marshall 8225, or 209 Madison St. 10 use depart- lowest cash price. AB 604, Oregonian. guarantee safe delivery. cold running water in each room, all " ' CHOKER SETTER. months' social and of this Send for our large Illustrated catalog modern conveniences. Including ballroom THE GLOBE ment for 1 year. See Secretary J, W. WANTED to buy. with cash, today good No. 8. No PAYS MEN TO HANDLE SLABWOOD. Palmer. second-han- d motorcycle. 1095 Williams mailed, postpaid, without charge, with polished floor. Price $3500. HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S FARTS. PARTS. ave. on request. trades or curiosity seekers invited. J. J. AND LADIES' CLOTHING. PORTLAND factory can use two good book- PARTS. doors .$1.92 McCarthy. Abington bldgj SHOES. ETC. 285 FIRST. MAIN 3U30. . BOX FACTOR! TIERS. keepers, a stenographer and an office boy. TO TRADE home In wheat belt Cottage front glasa doors 3.6- - BOX FACTORY RIP SAWYERS. A good opportunity and future for the INGI.VE3. ENGINES. ENGINE3. for good Ford, delivery car preferred. Cottage windows, large bottom glass WHITE sewing machine, $5. TO RENT, In or near city, acreage, mostly APPLY 1117 YEON BLDG. men who can you you 40x40, xtocKwell-Wabas- h letter File, clear, good soil, water on place, qualify. If think for models, largest 847 Upshur. Main ti05. transom glass 40x10 4.05 High house, can fill any of these position- -, write ap- Part all makes and Spruce flour bins. 16x26x16 1.50 back office chair, $4. suitable for raising chickens or plication once, age. experience, tocIe In West and wo sell for leas loan WANTED BUG. Bst bug In city. Give Screen Quarter-sawe- d oak folding bed, $19,50. vegetables. AP 623, Oregonian. at stating of or no doors. heavy galv. 3 references, salary expected, residence and cost new. chassis, cost and details, attention 1.60 doz. folding chairs, each, 75c first-cla- ss 6Q0, wire EDWARDS COMPANY, Sts. WILL exchange new Grafonola or LIP MAN, WOLFE Co. require serv- business telephone number and address. paid. AH Oregonian. See our prices on Frames. Moulding s. 5th and Oak A'ictrola for good typewriter. Hyatt Talk- the AE 80. Oregonian. "Write for prices. Wo guarantee a square Mill Prepared A good place to trade. Your credit Is good. ing ices of two experienced men's furnishings to all. WE WANT the best car $G0 Work. Builders' Hardware. Machine Co., 331 Morrison, N. W. Bank salesmen; must be able to furnish the best STEAD - MEN teal cash will buy. Robert Skeen Electric Co.. Roofirg, Plaster Board, Etc. NOTICE TO LUMBERMEN. bids. of references; permanent position Is wanted to take exclusive - O. WILLIAMS -- six-in- offered control of good territory In Oregon and th and Everett- B. CO.. We have 1100 feet inch link HIGH to who can Apply superin- W'ash-ington- . AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO, 1043 First Ave. So. Seattle. Wash. conveyer- -, chain with gearing, sprocket EST caah price paid for kodaks and those qualify. Money advanced weekly. 121 North 3d St. NICE lot In Laurel hurst to exchange for pulley propelling; will sell Anastigmat lensea Main 358L Hochfeld tendent's office, seventh floor, Tuesday Outfit and special training free. Experi- auto. See Mr. Steele, Tho Brong Co., wheel and for Camera Exchange; 85 3d morning, between V and 10. ence unnecessary. Our active men are J 25 cts. per loot, accessories Included if all sl 27 Oa k et. SPECIAL SALE OF GAS ENGINES. taken. WILL pay cash for diamond bargain. State making good money. You can do the 8 P. Vert. Stover's. Or. same. Clean, hardy, guaranteed stock. 0x100 LOT, worth $650, to trade for Ford 1 P. Hor Fuller & Johnson. FIRST STAT BANK. Gresham. aize and price. No dealers. T 52, Ore- Yakima Valley Nursery Company. Toppen- 12-- F-- gonian. , LEARN TRADE THAT PAYS. or other car. E 1363, Monday arter 0 1 P. Vert. Co., portable, ON Tuesday. Sept. 18. we will sell 300 dosen We driving, ish, Wash. o'clock. 1 P. Vert. F-- Co., portable. Diue enameieu pots ana Keities in iois m BEoX cus a prices paid for used office fur- teach automobile repairing, F-- machine werk. acetylene welding, ignition, SALESMAN wanted; man between 35 and FIRST-CLAS- S bug. for beautiful lot. Lake 1 P. Vert. Co.. portable, suit purchasers; also 11.O0O dozn glass- niture. Desks, chairs. lilej for sale or rent. 1 p. Little Giant, marine. ware. Consolidated Sales Co.. warehouse Pacific .ataty. A lJtg. Co.. 107 2d at. lighting and starting, vulcanizing. Courses 40 preferred, to sell groceries direct to th LIBERAL TERMS. Lytie, value 4uu. Main .;tt. atoms. ' complete and practical. Biggest school on farm trade; this is a permanent salary 1 P. Hor. Foos. 312 2d. near Clay. WANTED Accounts Coast. Thousands of successful gradual as. and expenses a good 8, . X Gltf. Orego 1 P. Hor. Waterloo Boy. for collection. The We proposition and 4. rair-Mors- FOR SALE: American multigraph machine. National Collection Agency, help students earn living; a right nian. 1918 Studebaker roadster nian. 1 P. Vert. s. La Grande. catalogue connection with future for the on Velle Fair-Mors- e. equipped complete with electric motor; Or. FREE. National Automotive Give all particulars in R traded At sacrifice WANTED To buy portable garage. Main 1 P. Vert. once. Bchool (Eat. 14 Angeles. first letter. 1$14 Velle. like new.. ..$.575 1 P. Hor. & will sacrifice same If sold at Write WE BUY years), Los 5S9. Oregonian. 1910 4. Fuller Johnson. or call. W. R. McWilliams, 406 N. W. DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD, OLD Studebaker 650 1 15-- P. Hor. Foos. bldg. 868L jewelry for cash. Name your price. Bring WE want a real live salesman for a "tea Chalmers Master Six. . . . WANTED good F-- Bank Phone Main 6, ft0 Ford roadster in condition. - 1 P. Co. Eclipse. or mall. 323 Wash., bet. 0th and Bdwv. and coffee route in the city. Do you 1014 Studebaker 400 127 w. wygant. X P. Vert. Wit to. Jr. GOOD, large leather suitcase. $4.50, new; BOTS, 16 to 18. Apply between 9 --and 11 A. want a business of your own? We invest Jackson bug 235 -- WANTED, for cash, Kochs No. 152 ...... Q. D-- . 33x4, 125 Call and see them or write for prices. good DiacK size as overcoat, .u oui barber M., superintendent's office, basement bal- ho money, you put up your time. Bond 1916 Oakland 6 6O0 ONE Capitol tire, plain. run Army special, and belt,fii; $14; ex- chair. Answer. 709 Wash. St.. Vancouver. cony. Meier & Company. D. C. MOTOR CAR CO., miles; 'labor i B44. ou ;. aotn st. COAST STEEL MACHINERY CO., holster Frank and reterence required. Liberal salary WARRN 3 hooks, $16. J. Wash. commie-io- n. Main 780. 63 00 Fir&t SU Phone Bdw. 164. tension ladder. falls and and Grand Union Tea Co., N. 23d St. Auto Tires ana Accessories. N. Rlckards. 147 13th st. Marshall 4752. WANTED Combination wood and coal 44b Washington St. -- or- heater; must be in perfect NOT a job well done, but motor satisfa- 130 TON 30 FOR SALE Sewing machine, 1st class - condition. Tabor HARD candy man for San Francisco; must YOUNG man, you If me- and rail. 7417. first-clas- want a chance; ctionthat's what we have to se'.L 1 No. 40 Hohlo traction steam shovel, der; also .22 caliber target revolver and be s, good cooker and chanically inclined investigate the oppor- Repairing, battery recharging, vulcanizing. miscellaneous printing frame and kodak WANT Vlctrola, trunk, heavy overcoat, on satin finish work, bar and pall spe- tunity we offer for steady employment and HAWTHORNE GARAGE. INC, 3 concrete mixers, complete with boilers tank developer. Call Marshall 3504. dictaphone - multigraph cialties; steady position, full time guar- advancement; high school graduate pre- WORD delivery, condition; -- and machine. in fins has 445 Hawthorne Ave. East 33. and engines. VINOCULAR, Zeiss. Spereo. day Tabor 4286. anteed; state references, experience, sal ferred. Call Sat. afternoon or Sun. morn. ary, oao, Ma-chl- p up. 1 No. 5 gyratory av oregonian. Mechanical Dept., Burroughs Adding panel-to- body, good tires all around TIRES, $2.30 up; tubes, 75c Vulcanizing. Austin crusher. marine Bousch & Lomb. $125; WANT 2 second-han- d pool 1 complete shop foundry, high-grad- e tables; must be Co., 320 Oregon bldg. retreading; tires bought. Portland iiotor machine and Schutz and Vlnocular, extra in good condition and a bargain. AB 602, CIVIL SERVICE examinations in Port- and ready to go to work; will givs Wrecking Co.. 535 Alder. Main 479. inventory $15.0u0. strong, $75. Ben S. Daekman, 110 3d st. Oregonian. land soon. Men desiring Government po- WE have openings now for several good 1 h American hard knife grinder. sitions, departmental, po&toffice. railway salesmen throughout Western Oregon. I FOR SALE OR TRADE A set Of 4 80x3 1 8U-- P. high-pressu- A GENUINE antique Sheraton card table; WANTED To sell 38-5- 5 terma Call Mr. Hurley, Bdwy. 616. -- , return tubular air-tig- ht Marlin repeating mail, customs, write for free particulars Idaho. Montana and California, on uLoru.1 Universal tire Tillers; price 0. jlu boiler. also wood heating stove with coil rifle in Al condition, or will trade for 2 to J. C. Leonard (former especial i 100-T- perfect Government commission basis. An opportunity Oregonian. ; 1 P. return tubular boiler. for hot water both in condition. or 30 or 38 Colt revolver. Tabor 4395. 754 Kenois bldg.. Washington. for men with cars. For full particulars 1 40-- Main 6462. 2 GOOD YEAR all weather 30x34 tires, $17.50 P. firebox boiler. CASH paid for second-ban- d bicycles; con- address Nursery, Orenco, OrJ each, N 510. oregonian. 1 16x24 Erie engine. s TWO seal-ski- n garments, one India or camel-- dition no object. Joe's Bicycle Repair WANTED Only first- - 1 14-- 16 hair a very hand- Furniture finisher. CITY SALESMAN We have place for a h. Russel engine. shawl, that will make Shop, 204 8747. 1&13 INDIAN motorcycle, p.. 12-- 4th st. Main ctass workmen need apply, state expert young man as city to show our 1 P. Bulldog gas engine. some and valuable opera cloak. Phone O Orego salesman THBJ USED OAR $100 cash. Taoor easi. WE second-han- d ence and give references. 548, samples and our tailor depart- HERE IS BIO BUT. H. M. H. SALES DEPARTMENT. East 1906 after today. BUY and sell new and nian. advertise appearance FOR SALE One pair Ford chains; two good 29 and 31 North First St. Broadway 1046. "Oregon's" suitcases and trunks. Main 0072. ment. Must be of good and CLASS. CLASSIER. CLASSIEST. ux3 STRAWBERRY plants. fine good address. Apply to Mr. Bowman at superlative 48, combi- inner tuoes. laoor plants, ready ior setting, per iuuu. j. "Wanted, diamonds for cash, to 2k, Old Woolen Mill Store. A Packard with R. Organ. Or. gold, platinum, Oregonian bldg. YOUNG man desiring steady employment in the Brownsville nation and Summer top. This Auum for Hire. Beaverton, silver. 218 general mdse. store as bookkeeper and of- PREPARE yourself for an inside position car Is 90 per cent new. If you want a pipe: pipe: pipe. A barber outfit very cheap. 1904 WANTED The use of a piano for storage. fice assistant, give age, experience, salary for the Winter. We will qualify you as see Plumbing Supplies. . juon-tavil- la 907, v. real automobile don't fall to tnis car. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRE. second-han- stark st. any day except sunaay. Call Sellwood 2405. expected and references. Address box an automobile mechanic in eight eeas 90, -- Pipe, new and galvanized AN Oregonlan. 7 pass, car with driver. 12 new car. WANTED Toppenish, Wash. time. Call or write for free catalogue. & and black, from to inches; pips Combination range, wood, coal 707-70- 9 Haw- LONG S1LVA. less 10 per cent wholesale price. FOR SALE Dark blue wool velour coat, and gas, slightly used. M 061, Oregonian. CANDYMAK1NG will be taught In a Hemphill's Trade Schools, 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Phone E. 6S40. 5 44. new; will course College of thorne ave., Portland, Or. foot bath tubs. $22,50. size almost cost $20; sell for WANTED Small feed Call at the Portland W1NTON o; HIGHWAY, MOUNT bath tubs. $21. $8. Sell. 65. cutter. Tabor . Candy, which opens Oct. 1, 1917. Further RAILROAD traffic inspectors wanted, $121 Yi3, oerore 12 o clock. Port-lan- d, FOR $455. HOOD; FUNERALS; SPECIAL RATES Any kind plumbing supplies less 10 per 40- - new; information room 406 Eaton Hotel, a month and expenses to start; short now motor- DRIV- you ONE H. P. Buda gasoline motor, 1 Oregon. study Ton can nave a modern PICNIC PARTIES; COMPETENT cent wholesale price. See us before can seen Tuerck-Mackenz- WANTED rug, 0x12; must be in good hours, travel, three months home car. ER. MAIN 207tf; TABOR S740, buy. Will give you good bargains. Port- be at Machine under guarantee. We get you position. No 269-27- Shop, E. 3d and Irving. CLERK for general office work. Must be BAXON ROADSTER. land Pipe Shop, 1 Front st. Main quick accurate; prefer man who can age limit. Ask for booklet B 50. Ftontler Electric light and e tarter, demountable TOURING CAR FOR HIRE. 6325. BLACK SILK crepe dress (new), paid $50, WANTED Use of piano for storage, 3 In and Prep School. Buffalo. N. Y. Touring, calling, -- hopping, wedding- - and or wood or coal or lanrny , no cnnaren. w ooaiawn oo73. operate typewriter. Answer in own hand- rims, speedometer and Continental motor, funerals. Reliable Auto Service. Main 7730, for sale trade heater, writing, stating experience, education and CIVIL SERVICE examinations Portland all for $455, Portland. what have you? Woodlawn 0232. WANTED Fine white fox neckpiece, pri- - salary expected. X 460, Oregonian. soon. Men desiring Government positions, SKE IT TODAT. CARS for rent without drivers; new cars. casn. pos GET OUR BEFORE BUILDING. GENUINE moleskin scarf and muff, good as 4ie Jary, era. FIRST-CLAS- S departmental, toffice. railway mail, BAXOX SAL. 3 A SERV1CK CO.. G. N. bmitn sa ana ousan. Airoadwa PRICES new; will sell less mfg. jeweler, one not afraid customs, for particulars; J. C. 16th Washington "We sell building materials at whole- for than half. Tabor WANTED A desk from 4 to-- a feet wide. of' work, familiar with agate Jewelry; write free and Sts. 262. sale prices. Everything needed in build- 6094. inquire aao . nay. give present employment end state wages Leonard (former Government examiner), 1918 BU1CK. PARTY with touring car will share expense ing, and you pay the lowest net prices. VELVET coat, white fur trimming, beauti- wanted. Address Agate Shop, Marshfleld, 754 Kenols bldg., "Washinton. ex- or every- ROLL TOP desk wanted; price. BD ehau--feu- touring car. fully equipped, ol coiumoia iiignway otner trip; taae "We guarantee prompt shipment fully lined, small Mze. $8. Call Sun. or 602, Oregonian. state Cregon. WANTED Competent and reliable r tra 'tire, shock absorbers, motormeter, your lunch. Taoor 354. where. Mon. apt. 27. ability; family driv- cross-pan- Marshall 5032. composing room 1 to special lens, searchlight, etc., run 2500 5 doors. WANT gas range with left-ha- high oven. APPRENTICE in with ing; references required; permanent posi- fee our used cars on display. AUTOS without drivers fur hire. .City Ga (all styles). SAWMILL machinery for sale, or will trade - 3 years' experience, well equipped plant, par.y. AD miles. rage, jroaaway Front doors Hepp-ne- r, tion and good salary for right .MOTOR SALES CORPORATION. loth and star. au. Kitchen doors, best, grade. for auto truck. E. G. Haverstlck, rapid advancement for one who is am- 97, Oregonian. Ft., near Broadway. 6. Highway, depots, Or. WANTED Two 6 or all glass, show-caee- a. bitious and willing to work; replies confi- -' Burnside NEW SAXON funerals, Prepared roofing. "Window frames. AO 438. commissary camp OPEN TODAY. al1lnv Mhnnmnv rnuHi nflhln Kant Porch columns. Plaster board. dispose of of sewing .ma- Oregonian. dential. BD 608, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced w ay 80. cat- WILL lot used clerk and oooKKeeper; one wno na- - a Tel. Broad NEW 5 pass. Dodge for nlre, touring, Send today for complete illustrated chines, all makes, and guaranteed, $5 WILL share freight car, with someone WANTED Young man with automobile as freight rec- -. call prices. Mailed knowledge of timekeeping, OVERLAND, CHALMERS. ilwinnlnr h h V Main TAX?. alogue with lowest net each. S49 Morrison st. going Montana or East Tabor 4286. salesman on road. Good opportunity with ords, etc.. logging camp. Apply 1117 11)1$ free. P. A. Rovig Co., 2229 ave. S., AG for baby Overland touring car. prac- Motorcycles. First DIAMOND, .. perfect, fine color, showy reliable bouse. Give phone number. Yeon bldg.. Monday. tically new, dec. lights and starter, extra Seattle, Wash. gem. Original $750. 604. Oregonian. J 550. cost, $1200. sacrifice HELP WANTED MALE. WANT strong married man, good tire. Price. USED MOTORCYCLES. JUST arrived, large assortment cable in AO 431. Oregonian. WILL Increase yard crew Monday morning, Hood River ranch ; good wages and 1113 Chalmers 80 roadster, $395. 1018 Thor, equipped $165 sizes 6, 2, 4. good wages, steady work. Apply ready for give your phone FRANCIS MOTORCAR CO., 1117 . . . 200 FOR SALIC A large set of natural mink Linn-to- cabin. Answer quick and Exce.sior, equipped. worn new; WANTED An upholsterer to buy shop 25 for work. West Oregon Lumber Co., number. P 494. Oregonian. E. 3770. IMth and Hawthorne ave. Two 1117 eiectric, equipped, Big line of heating stoves, wood and coal. furs, but few times, practically miles from Portland; good piker Harley-Davldso- half price. AL egonian. with ENGINEERING, BUY TOWN. Just like new. 47. power; well -- settled community; furni- LEARN AUTOMOBILE BEST IN 1 1114 H.-D- ., 123 WANTED Young man 16 to 18 years. big, 13 years. Paige Gray equipped Bargains In new and used shotguns. ONE set of 3 Slocult micrometer, ture, mattresses, auto top ; in a practical school. Est. 1910 Henderson, full equipped 205 ; and cushion Weather Bureau, Custom House educa- School of Engineering, Los An- fc Davils starting and lighting system, one set of draft instruments. work. AF 612. Oregonian. advantages. Apply Monday morn- National In Also several cheaper machines from $35 Big line bird cages, 00 cents up. v Phone Main 2211. tional geles. ' Overhauled last month. Al condition. np. We have parts for several old model ing. Klne appearance, be sold today, $385. VACUUM sold, repaired, rented, ex- CLOTHING SALESMEN We have openings machines at about half price. LEVIN HDW. & FURN. CO., cleaners AUTOMOBILE salesman wanted, old firm, WANTED Man to help pack and do gen- first-clas- s, I will call and demonstrate. 449 11th. changed, bought. Bentley Co.. Main 8582. popular-price- d for two experienced clothing Marshall 4203. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 221 Front St. line; will offer best of in- eral 'work around wholesale house; give men. Apply to Mr. Bowman, at the 210 Broadway. scholarship ducement to salesman who can make age salary expected. AM 72, Orego- $5 to $16 FOR SALE at discount, In ; and Brownsville Woolen Mill Store. OKD touring car, late model, good me- PIPES STOPPED? Frozen? Save Institute. East 1808. good all correspondence treated strictly nian. i - condition, equipped new plumber bills. 'Desolvo" clears sewer confidential. AN 9S, Oregonian. Men for helpers in candy fac- chanical with pour in, First-clas- s WANTED tires ; a bargain at $325, easy terms if drain pipes In 20 minutes; It out BEAVER MUFF for sale or exchange tor WANTED machinist, lathe, tory.; nice inside work. Appiy superin- Cesired. HARLET DAVIDSON SERVICE CENTER. he goes; generates 280 degrees heat ; white fox neckpiece. Tabor 7057. MILL MACHINIST, $4.73. shaper and bench work; must be quick and tendent, Vogan Candy Co., East 11th st. CAR EXCHANGE, Motorcycles. Parts and Accessories. works in hot or cold water. Trial can 75c, Mill oiler, $lo0. accurate. Good wages, steady work. Fred THE t'PED MOTORCYCLE & SUPPLY CO., postpaid. Write today. Fleming Plumb- FOR SALE Women's clothing, medium SO, Carpenters, $4.50. Dundee. Jefferson, and Flanders. 527 Washington St.. 201 St. good style and repair. Marshall 2134. quarry, $5. oi5 45 60 years of "Where Wash, and Burnwide Meet. Fourth ing Supply House, 112 4th st., Portland, or. Laborers, rock Boy to WANTED Man between and "Write for bulletin No. 160. giving list of 37,000 FEET lumber from lf16 Food Show N. P. LABOR AGENCY, 84 N. 2D ST. WANTED learn the electrical trade. age, general farm work, for the Winter; $70; SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and $1.50 per day to start; must be strong wages, good home. J. n. MAXVv'KLL touring car. this used machines. second-han- em- at Ice Palace. BF 810, Oregonian, Open fair Address Maxwell would excellent light sold for less. No agents WANTED shop, all round machine and over 16 years. Apply AK 482, Ore- Cornelius, Or. Route 1. make ployed; alt machines senr out sewing per- good 12 operators, good w a tees to thorouahlv ex gonian. It is a gilt at this price. TWO girl's coats; condition; size men, 8 experi- USED CAR EXC AN G E. fectly and guaranteed; machines repaired; years. Phone Tabor 1712. perienced hours day, time and half Apply su- WANTED Egg candler; must be THE li machines rented. $2 monthly. xor overtime. 417 Oregon bldg., 5th and GROCERY ORDER CLERKS. enced ; steady job for right party. Apply, r27 'Washington. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, FINE reed baby carriage, good as new, Oak sts. perintendent's office, 0 to 10 A, M., Olds. giving references and stating salary ex-p- Where "Washington and Burnslde Meet. st- - A 3020. cheap. East 4119. Wortman King. WK na e tho largest selection of used ma- 19u 3d. near Taylor Main t43L n, -, 37. In We WANTED for steady job, ln- liL'TCK Is excellent shape. have chines In the city to pick from. Come In TAILORS FOR TAILORS. SMALL amount of furniture for sale cheap! telligent young man, under 30. not afraid MACHINE OPERATOR for cloaks and tedJPD:t74ajBoys, high school preferred, for priced it $100 below market value to and see what wo have before you select pants no dealers. 144 N. 24th st. suits; good pay. Cardell Mfg. Co., 410 WANTED how quick It will go; $450 takes It. The most coat, and of manual labor; state address, phone bldg.. 10th sts. Oregonian paper routes in various parts one. shop, or on the 32-p- M Central and Alder once, 203, 64 & vest cut, trim and make BAKE OVEN, capacity, $25. and experience. 658. Oregonian. of the city. Apply at room Twin States Auto Co.. Broadway. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY 00 Coast (custom tailors, union label). Writs WANTED Wide-awa- boy to work In Oregonian bldg. 1 roadw :i y 512. 20U Fourth St. Cozy Dairy Lunch. WANT 3 carpenter helpers, $3.25, 9 hours; for price list. Tacoma Custom Tailors, 1 millwright 1 motor car repair shop. Good chance to b STEAM with tools: carpenter with WANTED Young man to learn machine uK SALE cheap, large Bulck auto, 1 J32 7 Pacilio ave.. Tacoma, Wash. TABLES cheap, 2tax4 feet and 2x6 12 1 learn trade. Fred Dundee, 575 Jefferson. wages long camping kitchen- feet. Cozy Dairy Lunch. tools. Call to o'clock Sunday, 517 woodworking business; good to equipped for trip: MACHINERY, MOTORS. ETC. Ch. of Com, bldg. M ain 9313. WANTED First-cla- ss automobile painter. start. Give address and phone number. ette built on tent, double folding USED MACHINES. No. 8, rr,O. Louphoed, Wrie for our complete catalogue WANTED Man Francis Motor Car Co.. 13th and Haw AB 382, Oregonian. tot. stove, etc. J. 412 Grand $20 and up. On easy terms. Motors, big before buying. We with wife for Janitor work ave. n.- - Oak &005. or see our stock rrrtNXTURJs in apartment-hous- e, $50 and apartment; thorne iJtTO. WANTED An young man ss sales- apis. Phone East clutches, carburetors, etc. sell, rent, buy, repair and Install. wanted. active ex- part Oc state references and full Information. AM WANTED Marker and sorter at Valley man in a jewelry store; must have JiERE is you r chance Late model Reo, Flying Mertael a COAST STEEL MACHINERY CO., 296, Oregonian. Laundry, Kent, Must be AL Good perience and best of references. Address lights ; must go today. Con-u- Cylinder grinding, acetylene welding and &o St., jr. MAIN Wash. and starter general overhauling. f irst roriiana, 800. WANTED w a ges. A J lUi, uregonian. Ford as part payment. Sable Ga- 25 sewing machines, complete Experienced stock cutter, for rage. 36:h and Hawthorne. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO DROPHEAD Spot cash for your used furniture and prinung oirice, steaay employment. Ap- YOUNG man to work in confectionery and MEN'S FURNISHINGS SALESMAN Mtist 44 Grand Ave. with attachments, in. good sewing order, ply Monday morning 7 8. good refer- gears, wheels, we $S sewing $2 per phonographs of any kind. A phone call between and cigar store; references required. 195 Broad- be experienced and furnish MOTORS, bearing, axles; EXCELSIOR AGENCY. to $25; machines rented will bring .our buyer with the cash who Schwab Printing Co. way, cor. Taylor. ences. Apply superintendent's office 9 ta w reck all makes of cars and sell their - month; machines cieaned and repaired. &. King. 89-- Indian, same as will pay you best possible prices for your 10 A. M. Olds, Wortman parts at j pric. Auto Wrecking Co., 117 electric K. R. Steen. 102 Grand ave. B. 1307, We buy sell everything WANT a strong, married man for Hood WANTED Laborers, $3.50 day; fine board; iU-- .: North Broadway. new $300 2.151. furniture. and for River ranch; must be good teamster, men $4.50 to $4.75 day. Ap- - BOOKKEEPER for permanent position 1017 N fully East the house; no lot too big or too small for good wages foremen with age, expe- model Indian, O.-- N- and cabin; answer quick and ply 608 Spruce. with wholesale house; state lUlt; PAIOE "Fait field," 273 FOR SALE by R. & - one $175 us to buy. s give your phone. 110, AM 88. Orego- equipped AE Oregonian. first-clas- rience and references. car, ust'i! t a private ; 1014 Jul rerson oo Pathe phonograph for $125; one $125 ma- WANTED At once. 3 or 4 s hard- - $75o caah or 500 Phone Tabor 6 chine, $00; one $75 machine, $50. All new KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE. BOYS wanted to work in candy factory; wood floor men, good wages. K ism an nian. term. 1:12 Indian 0O8 Wells-Farg- o good ' man, two good to4. 1112 Indian 40 aud unused. See Hinkle. 192 First, near Taylor. Main 309. opportunity to learn the business, Hardwood Floor Co.. 389 E. Washington. WANTED Shoe repair fast 3d St. bldg. Broadway 45O0. also for advancement. Henry Koss & jack men and one good finisher; highest "UKD delivery, panel lop bodv. Main t13U. Indian Agents, 273 "Sons, 03 Union ave. OFFICE BOY wanted immediately. $30 a wages paid; steady job. AV 663, Orego-- n tSED CAR EXCHANGE, MOTORCYCLE bargains. Now (s the time to BARRELS and kegs for sale. We have Just WANTED. WANTED. WANTED. month. Helser Sc Under Machine Wks.. ian. "Wash. new, received a large shipment of hardwood All kinds of used furniture and house- WANTED Open shop, gray Iron foundry 493 N. 22d Wash,67 Burn. Meet. buy. 1016 powerplus Indian, liKe and kegs from Cal. Come while hold goods; we pay the highest spot cash fnolders, 8 hours day, time and half for st WANTED Married man to work on farm, Whfre and $175; 1015 Indian, fully eqp'd, barrels Cooperage Co., stoves, carpets, rugs, ranges, Oregon EXPERIENCED lumber shipping clerk, ex- some privileges. Phone first-clas- 1017 they last. Panama 248 prices lor overtime. 417 bldg. 5th and house furnished and ft'OR s.LE Light delivery car, s si 114 ExceiBior. twin. S75: ' store and office fixtures in large or small sts. empt from military service. Phone Main H G. Starkweather, Oak Grove co nd it ion. Price. $250. Address F. J. Cleveland. lightweight, $160. Cleveland Front. We buy grocery oait 636 Monday morning between 9 and 11. Agency, 333 O a SEWING MACHINES. lota and merchandise WANTED To 38 yards of WANTED Active, experienced man for re- Brauer. Beaverton, or. Call or phone kst. stocks of all kinds In any quantity. Don't let cement work, be good ; Monday. MOTORCYCLE, 200 slightly used sewing machines, all your goods until you get our material furnished, forms In. Call 15th RANCH hand wanted, must milker. porter on morning daily apply at once. INDIAN TWIN will bo closed out. Dropheads, $5 sell estimate. Going sts, or 118. Single man preferred. Apply 809 Bel- AR 407, Oregonian. Coat fi. fully equipped with lights, makes, Phone and a courteous buyer will call and East J'A' K'AKD truck, recently overhauled. and up; box tops. $2 and up. S. S. SlegU ready Call us one mont. f irst c'iiss mfCha tiica cond ion ; new tires. tandem, good tires: must be sold today. two stores, 382 Wash, and 242 Alder at. with cash. for article GOOD strong shop man with knowledge of WANTED Young man for city salesman, "Will sacrifice. Phone Marshall lu4 after o reasonable oner rtiusea. x:o or a house full. Two phones. Marshall automouiie i rue its; reierences requxrea ; WANTED Contractor to haul lumber from good opportunity for a hustler. AD 113. 7 P. M. W. O. 600. near Alder. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; 1822. Main 7714. steady position. AL 500, Oregonian. mill; will sell slabwood. Johnson, 411 OregoDlan. or write Coleman. P. hox expert repairing. Walker Electric Northwest bldg., 6th and Wash. 1910 equipment. Harley y FIRST-CLAS- S or telegraph, .WANTED by salesman, machine around city electric Works, 413 Bur aside st- - Phono Broad-wa- ladies' tailor; only experi- WASHER Experienced, write or 3u miles Davidson, with side car and tandem; Just BEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR enced men need apply. & BOOKKEEPER, good opportunity to man reference. Modern Laundy, La with without driver; won't drive 5674. USED FURNITURE. Schweitzer experience. State all particulars in with per day. State prire wanted. About five painted and overhauled; will sell or trade ranges, rugs, fc,agin, w asnmgton st. with Grande, Or. days. A E 1 IS, Oregonian. for u ora. can uuui. BEAUTIFUL $200 Graphophone and records. Stoves, store fixtures, res- first letter. V 709, Oregonian. SALESMAN Apply $127. 50. Easy terma. Hyatt Talking Ma- taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-house- s, of- WANTED Elderly man to do work on a EXPERIENCED SHOE 83 Overland, splendid shape WANTED Indian or Harley David farm; good home $400 FOR clearing 4 acres Clackamas superintendent's office 9 to 10 A. M. alODEL la for chine Co.. 331 Morrison, N. W. Bank blcg. fice furniture, furniture stocks. Nothing lor winter. Phone Sell Oregon &. sale at considerably less than market son motorcycle; must be reasonable. 410 (Exchange dept.) too big or too small to handle. Prompt at- wood 2. River bottom land. Alfred Llllie. Olds, Wortman King. Holl:-da- y City. Twin Co.. 64 Broad- ave. FIRST-CLAS- 16 years value. States Auto phonograph and tention and courteous treatment. S coat helper; none others need DELIVERY AND WAGON BOYS, way. Broadway 512. -- GOOD Edison combination PHONES MARSHALL &081; A 8224. WANTED Hotel night office man, $43 Apply superintendent's office TWIN CYLINDER MOTORCYCLE, fully SO records, $6.75. 3.50 down, $2 monthly. apply. Schweitzer j,agia, 392fe Wash and over. guarantee equipped. 12ob st. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. lngton st. month and room; give age and phone; 9 to 10 A. M. Olds, Wortman & King. KVILL furnish working contract, Belmont Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 331 Morrison, 185 to 101 First St., Near Yamhill. experience. AO 442. Oregonian. ing $15 per day to responsible party who TWIN Indian motorcycle, payments or ex N. W. Bank bldg. (Exchange dept.) WANTED Man to work in stands, county WANTED Second tenor for local male can payment n new CO., 166 1st St. MECHANIC for few days. Apply to fairly well. finance tirst ion change for wood or groceries. Main 8105. FOR SALE GOO feet No. 11 steel FELDSTEIN'S FURNITURE fair. See Mattley. 1 to 2 today. Hotel wanted quartet; must be able read truck. AN SO. Oregonlan. Highest prices paid for your household Mon Ay A M. 262 Hawthorne ave. D. 790. . Oregonian. body doubie-Mvete- d sllpjolnt irrigation or water ; itainier. B first-clas- s FOR SALE Upholstered for motor and office furniture any quantity con- C. Johnson. J.U17 SCRlFFS-ROOT- roadster, cycle sidecar. Wilson, 530 E. Stark. pipe, weight 15 lbs. to the foot. Zlna sidered; best allowance given on old fur- WANT salesman with auto to show real es WANTED Timber fallers, piece work; can condition; $750 for quick sale. Phone Wood, Hillsboro. Or. go- -. WANTED Experienced pressor and bushel-ma- very high wages. Western Cooper 1610 242 E. at., 2 Machinery. niture in exchange lor new. Be con- tate, commission basis. AL 459, Ore good wages. Mod make Tabor or call 44th blocks or hoisting en- vinced. Main 4633. A 2638. man. steady-, job and age Co. , Astoria, ur. nor:h Hawthorne ave. LOGGING FOR SALE rent, logging and Phone em Cleaner- uno jjanes. or. ENGINE. gines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. ARE YOU GOING EAST? TEAMSTERS and laborers wanted for R. R. W NTED Good, baker. good OAKLAND roadster, like new; a fine bar- 12x12 Compound Yarding engine In ex- Railway Equipment Co.. 70 1st. Main 2363. Redmond Or., of WANTED First-cla- ss automobile mechanic. wages to right man. Address Royal Ba- $650 ; A- -l condition, with Consult us about reduced freight rates construction at east mts. gain at terms. Auto Works cellent 50 goods to points; Out of the rain. T 41, Oregonian. Address Pacific Garage or call Bell phone kery, Colfax, Wash. & Palr.tlng Co.. 525 Alder st. pressure boiler, straw drum and steam FOR SALE or trade, H. P. gasoline on household all fast, 168-- Albany, Or. xricuon, mouiiiea on siea, complete. stump puller and land-cleari- machine, through service. Pacific Coast Forward- WANTED Errand boys, age 16 and up, $8 EXPERIENCED ad solicitors; papers, book- BUG. best buy in city, low price, $75 cash B. MALLORY COMPANY, 2 drums, 2 speeds, very powerful. W. E. ing Co., 201 Wilcox bldg, Marshall 2467. i WANTED Farmhand, good milker, single 211 F. a week with ana without wheel. Kll S. lets, special editions. Contracts cashed. and bal. $T per mo. Must be sold at Portland, Oregon. Priest. Arltne Apts. Broadway 17S1. 4b Ptg. Co., or married, steady Job. J. McKee, Ex. once. 121 N. 3d THE LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURH ham Stat'y 5th and Oak sts. Or., R. R. No. 2. Stock St.. at Ulisan. 60-- 2 large CO buys furniture, hotel and restaurant pro- FOR SALE One P. boiler with all CEMlvN'T brick machine, piano truck. BOY wanted about 17 years old; steady em ; BOY wanted, excellent chance for JjOR SALE Buirk C25 touring car. new quipmeut. ptiaaeU by Hartford Insurance autA" gas lamps, crosscut saw, & feet, grind- outfit and tools of any description; full -- o. COLLECTOR ; must ride wheel stage age, if steady and ambitious. Apply at ' -- ployment. Appiy taauara factory, motion t ires, new battery, excellent condition, by Co. inquire the J. K Armsby Co Van- stone, 2 wheelbarrows, axle grease, 120 value for hein assured. 221 Front. Main Grand ave. and E. Taylor. reference and salaxy expected. N 5i. once. JUUiier naas ums- - owner. lea Ir.g city, $550. Tabor 7950. couver, W L'nion ave. N. 072. A 7174. Oregonian. ash. WATCHMAKER. WANTED Bright, ambitious boy, age 17 ONE 1310 SAXON touring car, run only 3800 FOR SALE 3 equipped donkey engines. DETROIT Jewel gas range and small heater IF you want to dispose of your furniture Good salary to thoroughly competent, WANTED Experienced night man; must be or over, to work In store. Railway Equlp-me- -. goods, pay you first-clas- s 4096. rMVs, new tires all around, $350. Main . r.a- no iulu st. with cast Iron lining; both in good and other household It will experienced man. 294 Washington st. washer. East Laurelrose Co.. 2d and Stark. 1002. $15. Woodlawn 3150- - to call on us. We will pay you every dol- Garage. Miscellaneous. lar it is worth and pay you spot cash. Mish WANTED Man that can handle team, for BE a detective, excellent opportunity, good IVOR SALE at a bargain, wrecked Stude- GENUINE leopard skin furs, large muff, 184 1st Main 5763. Ej MAN with light delivery auto, delivering for pay. travel. Write C. T. Ludwig. 731 West-ov- er THREE small cash registers, good as new, long Sell-woo- d Fur. Co.. st. Phone plowing and general farm work. some wno can spare to City. Mo. baker four; a few repairs will make it 3U3 Washington neck piece, perfect condition. Hood River Fruit Co., Mosier, Or. firm tnree live bidg., Kansas a good car. Tabor 2s4. $50 each. st. 2502 or 8S0 E. Franklin. PARTY desires to purchase complete fur- hours a day. AL 482, Oregonian. man, temporary . nishing of some private residence from 8 WANTED 3 men. one man for milking and EXPERIENCED office JiiJICl-C- BANDY volumn set Bntaiinica. A V 676, first-clas- polisher, Valley 1916. licht six. touring car; bet Oregonian. HAVING enlisted, will sell new suit and to 8 rovms; must b in a n; dairy work, 2 for milking and farm work. WANTED Starcher and at work; state referents and salary. AD 93, condition. Broadway Garage, Broadway overcoat for less than half. Call 321 will G 558, Oregonian. Call Tabor 2702. Laundry, Kent, wash. Aiust do ax. uooa Oregonian. , blGg-- jay cash. wages. ma ms GOOD sixe used safe, in fine condition, $40. Oregon boys. over, to run errands in the wholesale dis- Ftg. Co., WANTED Good 16 and to learn First-clas- s BOY "WILL exchange classy Cole roadster for Pacific Stay lo7 2d st. FOR SALE or rent, full line of grocery fix- Also ranges, stoves, furniture. Main the business. Apply Lowengart & Co. wavted automobile nalnter. trict, one with wheel preferred. Jones' four or car. will givs or A. C. Emer- tures. Call at 4561 66th sU Ml. Scott car 4495. Francis Motor Car Co- - 13th and Haw Cash Store. 80 Front st. Tele. C 1739. to Park. WANTED Inexperienced man to learn ave. e. 3 10. take dif ferine. son electric motor for sale. Tabor 3323. Kern 82, thorne factory Apply in per- CAN USU GOOD FUKNIIUKB poultry business. AM Oregonian. Ap- MEN, boys for work. FORD, payments stationary gasoline en- cash-Pho- WANTED An experienced vulcanlzer. lyi ttie or cash. Phone SMALL CASH REGISTER for s.ile; good of any description; have toe reauy high-grad- e son to general timekeeper. American Can Sun Jay, A 3755 or write Wenger. 501 Sell- condition; $12 takes It. Tabor 3JJ3. gine, late model, reasonable. Y 150, Ore- Main 4627, or 204 SOLICITORS wanted to sell ply Lancaster Tire Supply Co., 335 Co., 14th and Thurroan. ing bliig, gonian. today. First st. urea iu liic i i ,. o au AnKeny. PIANO, rug. S i b good UPRIGHT office aize ft. 4 by rugs, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. JANITOR, a single man. for apartment-house- . wood camp. A NIGHT watchman; must walker; PERFECT Studebaker delivery car to ex- 1$ ft- - 4. Tabor 177. 1 P. M. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning, mat- PAY CASH. MAIM. 3332. TEAMSTERS for Phone Tabor give age and weight; reference required. change for truck. ol2 Railway Exchange, after tresses, etc.. at your borne. 85c each. WILL Call at 425 loth St. 3126 .Monday. DOMESTIC vacuum sweeper, $5. Wood-law- n vacuum $1.50 day. 60S. WILL pay cash for furniture. Call Monday. rented Marshall 4783. WANTED Boy to dust and help in shop; YOUNG man for men's furnishing store. 2 boys, 464. r. Washhurn. Marshall $45. Wiley B. Co. CLE ATING machine man, box fac- car for sale. A-- l condi OFFICE DESK, oak. and Underwood writer; salary The Allen Lion Clothing Co.. Morrison and 4th. tory work. Oregon Box & Mig. Co., 1326 au bargain. FOR SALE rtX cords dry country slab. both In splendid condition. Cail at 384 WANTED Davenport1 and dining-roo- boy, . t:on. absolute Woodlawn 104 7 M. WANTED" Elevator salary $45, The BOY 16 years old to assist with store work. Macadam road. ( Phone Marshall after P. College st. mornings and evenings. table. East 764. 166-1- 154 2. Wiley B. Allen Co. Lion .Clothing Co.. 70 3d st. WANTED 3 or 4 high school students to 1 LADY S Fail coat, late style. Phone Main EXTRA fine genuine Alaska mink neckpiece, WANT 2 good rugs 9x12. State lowest price. ' FORD touring car in No. condition spt. 26. FURNITURE finishers wanted. Freeland WANTED (Shipping and receiving clerk; re work on Saturdays. Simon Salvage Store, fcpeecometer ana sr.ock aosoruera; run 2S. call worth o; will sell for $55. Address X etc R 597. Oregonian. Furniture Co., 970 Macadam st. department. nerman. Clay & co. corner First and Alder. 2ty H Qregocan. stationary gasoline engine, 5"0. Oregonian. 6o3, tail ftii.' WANTED Howard Heating stove. AH wheel. Irwln-Hodso- n Carpenters. 17th boy with bicycle ; good I a . e model, Y 150. Oregonian. BARG.-IN- guns re- BOY wanted with The WANTED and Laurel. WANTED Errand CADILLAC 1912. in splendid shape. res3na0. S in unredeemed and Oregonian. Co., 387. Wash, st. Portland Hts. car; $4. 9 hrs. wages; chance to learn electrical business. extremely low. Twin Auto WOOD coal range, $10. Woodlawn volvers, all makes cheap. Beauregard, Apply 61 otn bl. Priced States and 702 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. BE WISE Sell vour mrniture to the Ford WANTED at once, elevator boy over 18 COOK WANTED, no Sunday work. Eliot's sortn Co., t4 Broadway. Broadway 512. 30,5. Auction Cn. Main 8951 191 2d St. years old. Hotel, 446 1 Quick of commerce bldg. wanted paper box factory. Apply SUIT to order $10 down, balance $5 a Palace Wash. Lunch, Chamber BOY at bridge? VILL trade Flanders 20 bug for city lot. FOR SALE Wood heating stove and wash- month. - at F. C. Stettier, east end of Steel assume 4960. ' Unique Tailoring Co., 3uW Stark, bet. 5th WANTED- Driver for dairy wagon ; also a WANTED 5 or 6 millwrights. AB 692, not over $500; ollterence. AM el, ing machine. Call Tao. and 6th. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. milker. Phone Woodlawn 49S&, forenoons. Oregonian. WANTED Shoe salesmen. Simon Salvage Oregonian. S good and Alder-- ; INNER TUBES. S4x4. condition, 6-- First-cla- ss $20 week, Store. First i good PLU M LING supplies at wholesale prices. WANTED A P. dynamo engine. AB WANTED motor truck salesman. BAKER wanted, a steady Job. sIL'DEBAKER running order. $10; two casings. Tabor o597. Stark-Davi- s 122 ; Co.. 212 3d at. Main 707. 5Q5. Oregonian. Call Broadway 8S7. Call Home Bakery, Chehalia. Wash. BOY wanted. Marsh Printing Co., H demountable rims ma xoreaoors complete. st. Only I75. Terms. W o o d a w n 1 5 6 . TOOLCHEST. Al condition. See SURGICAL gauze in quantity, 6c WANTED Work for a new truck. EXPERIENCED dishwasher wanted. 148 WANT man on poultry ranch. State wages Front owner. 15i3 Gordon street. 244 11 gt. 7454. ' ova, oregonian. wanted; good wages. F. W. Baltes St 1 7 A K E II. 40 H. P., t yard. Yamhl Mala M. E. Hansen, Madras. Or. Park. and quaiincations. a BOY ll STU DEB cord ires BARK lUiwduK and box wood for sale. Mar- - Co., printers a.l arour.d; will, aell at once very cheap. FOR SALE Portland portable dragsaw at WANTED 1 to 15 phonograph horns; show-case- s. EXPERIENCED truck driver to handle SALESMAN, for men's clothing. Lion Cloth- v oua w n ahall 53. 248 ing Co.. Morrison Fourth. washer. Apply Post Ex- ir litoJ. a bargain. Apply 420 Second st. 127 W. Wygant. pianos and furniture. Pine st. at EXPERIENCED Vancouver, firsl-cta- copper coil gas Call change Laundry, Wash. 1L H"K. modei 9. condition; bt.jjt DOUBLE water heater. ICE BOX, cost $185: will sacrifice, or BICYCLES WANTED BICYCLES. WANTED A bellboy. 163 12th St., the WANTED Good boys to learn business and offer takts this car. enwooa t4a. Taoor 237. for household furniture. E. 4074. Spot cash Paid. Main 4495. 128 First, Norton. Main 941. deliver. Appiy owengart 00. WANTED Hat man capable of taking A KG E of furs; very cheap. charge of department. Ben Selling. ONE ".ate mrtcl Dolne touring La et white 350 CORDS of fir wood itumpaga. I WANT White Leghorn pullets. Tel. Wood-law- n WANT experienced dishwasher. shift. BOY" to deliver for meat market on wheel. good ccnd.lion, l'i535. Main lu92. Main frM. Helvetia. 3878 pr 1645 Miss, ave. Wood's Quick Lunch. 101 6th st Palace Market. 1404 Hawthorne, near 50th. TEAMSTER with team, good contract in gOOQ pay. --mjtet-n, WANT roll top office desk; must be bar- -- ty, r,iai OVERLAND roadster, good shape, electric gain. AJ Oregonian. SAFES One large and one medium size at WANTED Side disappearing typewriter TRUCK DRIVER, experienced." must be BOY wanted, all day work. Apply Public !:htd and jijj, terms. iator 7Ws. lr3. a bargain. G 641, Oregonian. desk: must be well made. Main 4019. steady. Phone Marshall 24o0. room 407. tutn ana xamniii. ONE to 3 men, with or without teams, to FUCK hotblast heater $15. Woodlawn 464. load cordwood by contract. Tabor 3126. iLST sacrifice Mitchell almost new, $675. 3 ROLL-TO- P desks, 1 table, 2 bookkeepers' $1 W ILL replace your watch at Rein gold' a WANTED Messman for U. 8. tug MendelL TAILORS to work on ladies' coats. Apply Owner, Mam A BLACK overcoat, s s 3 A. Main 2211. desas and filing cabinets. 91 Par; u Jeweler 124 Fifth near Wash. Apply Sunday morning, Ainsworth dock. - S. Weiss. 128 Tenth WANTED Barber lor Saturday. 247 Couch.