- Year 5/6

National Curriculum links and rationale This is an opportunity to look at the past and examine the way events have changed and shaped Britain. You will learn about how the war affected children as well as learning about The Blitz, rationing in Britain and The Blackout. We will look at the way in which countries stood together against to – British Prime Minister (1940-1945) overthrow and how he felt about The Treaty of Adolf Hitler – German leader (1933-1945)


Key Vocabulary:

Axis – countries fighting against Britain in the war. Allies – countries fighting alongside Britain in the war. Nazis – a political party created by Hitler. The Treaty of Versailles – an agreement formed by countries outlining how Germany were going to pay for the war. The Blitz – a prolonged period of bombing of Britain during the second world war. Luftwaffe – the German air force.

RAF () – the British air force. Anderson shelters – an air raid shelter designed to

protect civilians during bombing. The Spitfire The Messerschmitt The Blackout – no lights allowed – this prevented the German planes from seeing targets at night. Evacuationobject –rubs children against sent another to safer parts of the country during the war. Rationing – a way to prevent food shortages. VE Day (Victory in Europe) – the official date the German army and Nazis were overthrown and the war was over. Aryan – people with fair skin and blue eyes thought to be the ‘master’ race by Hitler. Swastika – the emblem of the Nazi Party during WWII.