

DOI: 10.1002/chem.200600219

Neutral Compounds: Theoretical Evidence for a Large Class of Polynuclear Complexes

Stefano Borocci, Nicoletta Bronzolino, and Felice Grandinetti*[a]

ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE Abstract: Ab initio calculations at the (NBeHe)4n and HnSi(NBeHe)4n (n= the central atom also showed a variable ACHTUNGRE MP2 and CCSD(T) levels of theory 0–3), C2(NBeHe)2, and ortho-, meta-, topology and include second-order ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE disclose the conceivable existence of and para-C6H4(NBeHe)2 were invari- saddle points such as S(NBeHe)2, neutral complexes containing up to ablyACHTUNGRE characterized as energy minima, third-order saddle points such as HN- ACHTUNGRE four helium atoms. These species are and were found to be stable with re- (NBeHe)2, but also minimum-energy ACHTUNGRE formally obtained by replacing the hy- spect to the loss of helium atom(s) by structures such as O(NBeHe)2 and HP- 1 ACHTUNGRE drogen atoms of parent molecules such approximately 4–5 kcalmol . On the (NBeHe)2, which are also stable by ap- 1 as CH4, SiH4,NH3,PH3,H2O, H 2S, other hand, species such as C2- proximately 5 kcalmol with respect ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE C2H2,C2H4, and C6H6 with NBeHe (NBeHe)4 and C6(NBeHe)6 were char- to the helium atom(s) loss. These re- moieties, which behave as monovalent acterized as high-order saddle points sults suggest the conceivable existence functional groups containing helium. on the potential-energy surface, and of an, in principle, very large class of ACHTUNGRE The geometries and vibrational fre- were unstable with respect to helium M(NBeHe)n (n> 1) polyhelium com- ACHTUNGRE quencies of these M(NBeHe)n (n>1; atom(s) loss owing to the bending plexes, whose stability may be substan- M=central moiety) polyhelium com- motion of the NBeHe groups. The tially affected by the nature and the plexes have been investigated at the molecules containing N, P, O, or S as size of the central moiety M. Atoms-in- MP2(full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE level of theory, and Molecules (AIM) calculations on se- their stability with respect to the loss lected species invariably suggest that, Keywords: ab initio calculations · of helium atom(s) has been evaluated in our investigated M(NBeHe)ACHTUNGRE (n>1) atoms-in-molecules (AIM) theory · n by means of single-point calculations at compounds, the –helium in- helium · neutral complexes · the CCSD(T)/6-311G(d,p)ACHTUNGRE level of teraction is essentially electrostatic. stability theory. Molecules such as HnC-

Introduction addition, over the years, several neutral complexes such as, [14–16] [17] [18] for example, ArW(CO)5, ArBeO, ArAgX, ArCuX + [1,2] [19, 20] [21] [22] Since Bartletts discovery of “Xe PtF6 ” and the obser- (X=F, Cl, Br), ArAuCl, and CUO(Ar)n (n1) [3] vation of KrF2 one year later, the chemistry community re- have been experimentally observed in low-temperature ma- alized that , xenon, and probably also , could trices. On the other hand, the isolation of neutral species have a promising chemistry. Numerous compounds of these containing helium and still remains a fascinating chal- elements (xenon in particular) have in fact been subsequent- lenge in the chemistry of the lightest noble gases.[23] Helium ly isolated and characterized,[4] and novel evidence of their in particular is the most inert among the inert gases. It has properties and reactivity is still emerging.[5–11] More recently, the highest ionization potential (24.587 eV) and the lowest another , , was observed in HArF,[12,13] a polarizability (0.205 Š3)[24] of all the chemical elements and matrix compound with a strong covalent (ArH) + bond. In therefore appears as a very hard sphere, strongly bound only by positively charged species.[25] As a matter of fact,

apart from helium itself, with the formation of Hen (n2) [a] Dr. S. Borocci, Dr. N. Bronzolino, Prof. F. Grandinetti clusters or bulk He,[26] only rare neutral partners such as the Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali [27,28] [29,30] Hg atom or the cage compound C60 have been ob- Università della Tuscia, L.go dell Università served to fix helium, and theory is invited to predict the ex- s.n.c., 01100 Viterbo (Italy) Fax : (+39)0761-357-179 istence of yet unknown compounds and to suggest viable E-mail: [email protected] routes to their preparation and structural characterization.

Chem. Eur. J. 2006, 12, 5033 – 5042  2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 5033 Over the years, these calculations have disclosed metastable [31–36] [37] [38] species such as HHeF, H3BOBeHe, and C6F5HeF, as well as thermodynamically stable species such as OBeHe[39–41] and SBeHe.[42] More recently, we have found a series of beryllium–helium complexes of general formula RNBeHe.[43] The residue R ranges from the monatomic H, F, and Cl to more complex aliphatic, carbonylic, and aromat- ic groups, and any species found has been invariably charac- terized as a minimum-energy structure on the singlet sur- face, and as stable or metastable with respect to dissociation into He and singlet RNBe. Generally speaking, the NBeHe moiety behaves as a monovalent “functional group” containing helium, which combines with monovalentACHTUNGRE resi- dues R to form a predictably very large class of RNBeHe molecules. This observation suggests the still unexplored possibility that neutral species that contain more than one helium atom do exist. These molecules should have the gen- ACHTUNGRE eral formula M(NBeHe)n (n>1), and we studied, in particu- lar, at the ab initio level of theory, the structure and stability ACHTUNGRE of exemplary structures such as HnC(NBeHe)4n (n=0–2), ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE Figure 1. MP2(full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE optimized geometries (bond lengths in Š HnN(NBeHe)3n (n=0, 1), and O(NBeHe)2, as well as nu- ACHTUNGRE and bond angles in 8) of the HnC(NBeHe)4n (n=0–3) molecules. N is merous more complex organic molecules that contain up to the number of imaginary frequencies. six NBeHe groups. Most of the investigated species were actually characterized as true minima on the singlet surface, thus providing the first evidence for stable or metastable emplary cases among the presently investigated polyhelium polynuclear helium complexes. The details of our calcula- complexes. tions will be discussed in the present article. They are formally obtained by replacing the H atoms of

CH4 with NBeHe moieties, which behave as monovalent functional groups containing helium. The BeN and BeHe Results and Discussion bond lengths are computed to be around 1.375 and 1.500 Š, respectively, and their corresponding harmonic frequencies The presently discussed helium complexes include the group all range around 1700 and 500 cm1, respectively. In addi- ACHTUNGRE XIV molecules HnX(NBeHe)4n (n=0–3; X=C, Si), the tion, the frequency of the N-Be-He bending motions are in- ACHTUNGRE 1 group XV molecules HnX(NBeHe)3n (n=0–2; X= N, P), variably predicted to be around 150 cm . Concerning the the group XVI molecules HX- (NBeHe)ACHTUNGRE and X(NBeHe)ACHTUNGRE (X= 2 Table 1. MP2(full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE harmonic vibrational frequencies [cm1] and CCSD(T)/6-311G(d,p)//MP2ACHTUNGRE (full)/6-ACHTUNGRE O, S), and other carbon-con- 1 ACHTUNGRE 31G(d) dissociation energies [kcal mol ] at 0 Kof the H nC(NBeHe)4n (n =0–3) molecules 1–4 (see Figure 1). taining molecules such as HC2- [a] ACHTUNGRE [a] ACHTUNGRE [a] ACHTUNGRE H3CNBeHe (1) H2C(NBeHe)2 (2) HC(NBeHe)3 (3) C(NBeHe)4 (4) (NBeHe),ACHTUNGRE C (NBeHe)ACHTUNGRE ,HC - 2 2 n 2 ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] [b] ACHTUNGRE n˜(Be He) 538.6 (A1,1.4) 468.8 (A1,1.1) 456.9 (A1,0.3) 454.0 (A1,0) (NBeHe)4n (n=0–3), [b] [b] [b] 537.7 (B2,7.1) 472.6 (E,0.003) 464.3 (T2,0.3) ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] [b] C6H5NBeHe, and C6H4- n˜(BeN) 1722.8 (A1,29.5) 1689.9 (A1,16.1) 1660.4 (A1,5.6) 1633.5 (A1,0) ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] (NBeHe)2. Their optimized ge- 1698.8 (B2,89.6) 1673.8 (E,104.4) 1649.7 (T2,102.1) ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] [b] ometries, harmonic frequencies, d(N-Be-He) 161.0 (E,10.2) 143.9 (A2,0) 129.7 (A2,0) 112.0 (T1,0) [b] [b] [b] 148.7 (B2,10.6) 139.6 (E,7.8) 167.0 (E,0) and thermochemical data, as [b] [b] [b] 157.4 (B1,19.0) 184.7 (E,0.4) 173.5 (T2,0.3) well as the results of Atoms-in- [b] [b] 200.4 (A1,0.1) 186.8 (A1,0.01) ACHTUNGRE [c] [b] [b] [b] Molecules (AIM) calculations w(N-Be-He) 89.8 (A1,22.4) 83.7 (E,19.7) 73.1 (E,0) [b] [b] on selected species, are report- 95.3 (A1,54.1) 84.1 (T2,49.9) ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] [b] n˜(CN) 1017.3 (A1,9.65) 978.3 (A1,1.6) 939.7 (A1,1.9) 759.5 (A1,0) ed in Figures 1-8 and in [b] [b] [b] 1026.2 (B2,112.9) 1024.6 (E,177.4) 1035.3 (T2,245.9) Tables 1–8 below. ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] [b] d(C-N-Be) 299.9 (E,11.7) 274.4 (B2,1.4) 259.2 (E,0.5) 261.8 (T1,0) [b] [b] 274.7 (B1,14.0) 270.3 (A2,0) ACHTUNGRE [b] HnX(NBeHe)4n (n=0–3; X=C, 277.5 (A2,0) ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] Si): The H C(NBeHe)ACHTUNGRE mole- d(N-C-N) 612.1 (A1,3.8) 585.1 (E,13.65) 487.8 (E,0) n 4n [b] [b] 678.2 (A1,0.2) 630.7 (T2,9.5) cules 1–4 shown in Figure 1 and [d] [e] [e] DE1 4.7 (5.5) 4.4 (5.1) Table 1, invariably character- [f] [e] DE2 4.4 (5.2) ized as true minima on the [a] The -CH motions (n=1, 2, or 3) are not included. [b] Symmetry and IR intensity [kmmol1] are given in ACHTUNGRE n MP2(full)/6-31G(d) potential- parentheses. [c] (HeBeN)-C-(NBeHe) bending motion. [d] Energy change of Equations (1) and (2). [e] The energy surface, are indeed ex- values in parentheses are not corrected for the BSSE. [f] Energy change of Equation (3).

5034 www.chemeurj.org  2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eur. J. 2006, 12, 5033 – 5042 Neutral Helium Compounds FULL PAPER

Table 2. Optimized geometries (bond lengths in Š and bond angles in 8), harmonic vibrational frequencies [cm1], and dissociation energies [kcalmol1] ACHTUNGRE at 0 Kof H 2C(NBeHe)2 (Figure 1, structure 2). [a] [b] [c] Method/basis set CN BeNBeHe N-C-N n˜ DE1 DE2 MP2(full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE 1.422 1.374 1.501 113.1 89.8; 143.9; 148.7; 157.4; 200.4; 274.4; 274.7; 277.5; 3.0 (4.3)[d] 3.0 (4.3)[d] 468.8; 537.7; 612.1; 978.3; 1026.2; 1077.7; 1285.7; 1399.6; 1556.5; 1689.9; 1698.8; 3021.6; 3055.8 MP2(full)/6-311GACHTUNGRE (d,p)ACHTUNGRE 1.423 1.375 1.489 112.8 4.3 (5.2)[d] 4.3 (5.2)[d] MP2(full)/6-311ACHTUNGRE ++G(2df,2p)ACHTUNGRE 1.417 1.372 1.491 113.1 4.7 (5.5)[d] 4.7 (5.5)[d] CCD/6-31G(d) 1.425 1.360 1.507 114.0 89.9; 147.9; 150.2; 161.6; 211.1; 278.5; 287.1; 287.6; 3.0 (4.2)[d] 3.0 (4.2)[d] 471.4; 535.1; 619.3; 990.7; 1057.9; 1081.7; 1289.0; 1414.0; 1554.4; 1772.4; 1774.3; 2983.1; 3002.4 CCD/6-311G(d,p)ACHTUNGRE 1.426 1.357 1.503 114.0 4.0 (4.8)[d] 4.0 (4.8)[d] CCSD(T)/6-311G(d,p)ACHTUNGRE 1.430 1.369 1.495 113.7 4.4 (5.2)[d] 4.4 (5.2)[d] [a] The CH bond length and the H-CH bond angle range from 1.096 Š (MP2(full)/6-311ACHTUNGRE ++G(2df,2p))ACHTUNGRE to 1.106 Š (CCSD(T)/6-311G(d,p))ACHTUNGRE and from 106.08 (CCD/6-31G(d)) to 106.88 (MP2(full)/6-311GACHTUNGRE (d,p)),ACHTUNGRE respectively. [b] Energy change of Equation (2). [c] Energy change of Equation (3). [d] The values in parentheses are not corrected for the BSSE. accuracy of these MP2(full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE geometries and fre- quencies, we note that the CCSD(T)/6-311G(d,p)ACHTUNGRE T1 diag- nostics of 1 and 2 are within the threshold of 0.02 usually ac- cepted to support the validity of a monodeterminantal de- scription of the wave function, and that the MP2(full)/6-ACHTUNGRE 31G(d) geometry of 1 is in very good agreement with the CCSD(T)/6-311G(d,p)ACHTUNGRE parameters (CN: 1.426 Š; BeN: 1.367 Š; Be-He: 1.493 Š) obtained in our previous work.[43] In addition, the presently performed test calculations on 2, reported in Table 2, reveal that its MP2(full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE bond lengths deviate from the CCSD(T)/6-311G(d,p)ACHTUNGRE values by only approximately 0.05 Š and that the N-C-N bond angle differs by only 0.68. Finally, the MP2(full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE harmon- ic frequencies are in qualitative and also quantitative agree- ment with those obtained at the CCD/6-31G(d) level of theory. The predicted thermochemistry of 1 and 2 confirms that ACHTUNGRE the NBeHe groups of HnC(NBeHe)4n (n= 0–3) are indeed essentially independent functional groups. The CCSD(T)/6- 311G(d,p)//MP2ACHTUNGRE (full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE energy changes at 0 Kof the reactions shown in Equations (1) and (2) are in fact quite similar (see Table 1), and, irrespective of the employed com- putational level (see Table 2), the DE of the reaction shown in Equation (2), 4.4 kcalmol1, is coincident with the energy change of the dissociation shown in Equation (3).

1 ! H3CNBe þ He ð1Þ Figure 2. Contour line diagrams of the MP2(full)/6-311GACHTUNGRE (d,p)ACHTUNGRE Laplacian 2 of the electronic charge density 5 1(r) (in the sv plane) of H3CNBeHe, ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE 2 ! H2CðNBeHeÞNBe þ He ð2Þ H2C(NBeHe)2,H3SiNBeHe, and H2Si(NBeHe)2. Dashed lines are in re- gions of charge depletion (521(r) <0) and solid lines in regions of charge concentration (521(r) >0). H2CðNBeHeÞNBe ! H2CðNBeÞ2 þ He ð3Þ

Concerning the nature of the beryllium–helium interac- +8.3 eŠ5. These results are quite similar to those obtained tion in complexes 1–4, the MP2(full)/6-311GACHTUNGRE (d,p)ACHTUNGRE AIM anal- previously for other beryllium–helium complexes such as [39–41] [42] [37] yses of 1 and 2 suggest that it is essentially electrostatic. We OBeHe, SBeHe, and H3BOBeHe. ACHTUNGRE note in fact from Figure 2 and Table 3 that in both these The salient features of the HnSi(NBeHe)4n complexes 5– species the charge transfer from helium to beryllium is prac- 8, displayed in Figure 3 and Table 4, closely resemble those tically negligible, if present at all, and that the Laplacian of of their carbon analogues 1–4. the electron density (521) at the bond critical point located All these structures have in fact been characterized as on the attractor interaction line corresponding to the Be true minima on the MP2(full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE potential-energy He bond is positive and computed as approximately surface, and their NBeHe moieties are again recognizable

Chem. Eur. J. 2006, 12, 5033 – 5042  2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.chemeurj.org 5035 F. Grandinetti et al.

Table 3. MP2(full)/6-311GACHTUNGRE (d,p)ACHTUNGRE Atoms-in-Molecules (AIM) analysis of selected helium complexes. as practically independent func- Species q(X)[a,b] q(N)[a] q(Be)[a] q(He)[a] Bond 1[c] 521[d] tional groups, with very similar BeN and BeHe bond lengths. H3CNBeHe 0.442 1.880 1.491 0.039 CN 1.876 18.894 NBe 1.005 30.847 In addition, the AIM analyses BeHe 0.209 8.314 of 5 and 6, shown in Figure 2 ACHTUNGRE H2C(NBeHe)2 0.839 1.860 1.476 0.041 C N 1.883 19.351 and Table 3, confirm that the NBe 0.992 30.292 BeHe 0.209 8.266 beryllium–helium interaction is

H3SiNBeHe 2.933 2.284 1.558 0.028 SiN 0.884 16.315 still essentially electrostatic. NBe 1.019 28.847 The charge transfer from He to BeHe 0.209 7.856 Be is practically negligible, and H Si(NBeHe)ACHTUNGRE 3.013 2.267 1.531 0.033 SiN 0.864 15.929 2 2 the Laplacian of the electron NBe 1.012 28.654 2 BeHe 0.202 7.856 density (5 1) at the bond criti-

H2NNBeHe 0.619 1.456 1.422 0.041 NN 2.274 15.206 cal point located on the attrac- NBe 0.965 30.726 tor interaction line correspond- BeHe 0.209 8.579 ing to the BeHe bond is posi- H2PNBeHe 1.859 2.180 1.525 0.034 PN 1.107 10.338 NBe 1.005 29.425 tive and computed as approxi- 5 BeHe 0.209 8.121 mately + 7.9 eŠ . However, HONBeHe 0.694 1.283 1.450 0.038 ON 2.281 13.013 despite the qualitative similari- NBe 0.958 31.208 ties between 1–4 and 5–8,itis BeHe 0.216 8.652 still possible to note quantita- HSNBeHe 0.579 1.946 1.491 0.039 SN 1.397 2.844 NBe 0.985 30.003 tive differences in their struc- BeHe 0.216 8.362 ture and stability that are as- C6H5NBeHe 0.485 1.913 1.522 0.033 C N 2.051 20.002 cribable to the difference in NBe 0.999 30.124 electronegativity of the central BeHe 0.216 8.266 carbon or silicon atom. The HO-C6H4-(NBeHe) 0.487 1.915 1.517 0.035 CN 2.051 19.954 NBe 0.999 30.148 BeN and BeHe bond lengths ACHTUNGRE Be He 0.216 8.266 of any HnC(NBeHe)4n (n= 0– NC-C6H4-(NBeHe) 0.509 1.908 1.543 0.029 C N 2.085 20.460 3) molecule are invariably NBe 0.999 30.027 shorter than those of its silicon BeHe 0.216 8.266 analogue by approximately [a] AIM formal charge [e]. [b] X is the atom bound to the NBeHe group. [c] Charge density [eŠ3] at the bond critical point on the specified bond. [d] Laplacian of the charge density [e Š5] at the bond critical point 0.01 Š, the corresponding har- on the specified bond. monic frequencies are consis- tently lower, and the CCSD(T)/ 6-311G(d,p)//MP2ACHTUNGRE (full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE energy changes at 0 Kof the dissociations shown in Equations (4)–(6) are lower than the corresponding reactions shown in Equations (1)–(3) by ap- proximately 0.5 kcalmol1.

5 ! H3SiNBe þ He ð4Þ

6 ! H2SiðNBeHeÞNBe þ He ð5Þ

H2SiðNBeHeÞNBe ! H2SiðNBeÞ2 þ He ð6Þ

In any case, their absolute values still range around 4 kcal 1 ACHTUNGRE mol and support the prediction that both HnC(NBeHe)4n ACHTUNGRE and HnSi(NBeHe)4n (n= 0–3) could be observable, for ex- ample, under low-temperature matrix-isolation conditions. ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE HnX(NBeHe)3n (n=0–2; X=N, P), HY(NBeHe), and Y- ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE (NBeHe)2 (Y=O, S): The conceivable existence of a large ACHTUNGRE class of M(NBeHe)n (n>1) polyhelium complexes and the occurrence of periodic trends in their structure and stability was further investigated by studying the nitrogen, phospho- rus, oxygen, and sulfur exemplary molecules H X- Figure 3. MP2(full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE optimized geometries (bond lengths in Š n ACHTUNGRE (NBeHe)ACHTUNGRE (n= 0–2; X=N, P), HY(NBeHe),ACHTUNGRE and Y- and bond angles in 8) of the HnSi(NBeHe)4n (n= 0–3) molecules. N is 3n ACHTUNGRE the number of imaginary frequencies. (NBeHe)2 (Y=O, S). The obtained results, shown in

5036 www.chemeurj.org  2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eur. J. 2006, 12, 5033 – 5042 Neutral Helium Compounds FULL PAPER

Table 4. MP2(full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE harmonic vibrational frequencies [cm1] and CCSD(T)/6-311G(d,p)//MP2ACHTUNGRE (full)/6-ACHTUNGRE 31G(d) potential-energy sur- 1 ACHTUNGRE = 31G(d) dissociation energies [kcalmol ] at 0 Kof the H nSi(NBeHe)4n (n 0–3) molecules 5–8 (see Figure 3). face, with easily recognizable [a] ACHTUNGRE [a] ACHTUNGRE [a] ACHTUNGRE H3SiNBeHe (5) H2Si(NBeHe)2 (6) HSi(NBeHe)3 (7) Si(NBeHe)4 (8) NBeHe functional groups fea- ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] [b] n˜(BeHe) 500.2 (A1,9.4) 486.1 (A1,16.7) 489.2 (A1,30.9) 420.4 (A1,0) turing quite similar BeN and [b] [b] [b] 497.4 (B2,22.3) 494.7 (E,41.6) 500.8 (T2,83.8) BeHe bond lengths and corre- ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] [b] n˜(BeN) 1641.5 (A1,222.6) 1618.4 (A1,86.6) 1597.9 (A1,25.3) 1578.6 (A1,0) [b] [b] [b] sponding harmonic frequencies. 1626.8 (B2,336.6) 1611.4 (E,275.1) 1597.8 (T2,217.6) ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] [b] In addition, consistent with the d(N-Be-He) 140.4 (E,9.7) 135.5 (B2,5.9) 130.6 (A2,0) 128.1 (T1,0) [b] [b] [b] 135.6 (A2,0) 133.8 (E,4.3) 175.6 (E,0) more electronegative character [b] [b] [b] 139.9 (B1,18.5) 186.6 (E,0.01) 181.6 (T2,0.04) of oxygen with respect to [b] [b] 198.5 (A1,1.7) 195.8 (A1,3.3) carbon and silicon, the BeN ACHTUNGRE [c] [b] [b] [b] w(N-Be-He) 72.0 (A1,26.3) 69.6 (E,16.8) 65.2 (E,0) [b] [b] and BeHe bond lengths of 11 79.3 (A1,56.1) 77.2 (T2,38.9) ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] [b] and 12, computed as approxi- n˜(SiN) 797.6 (A1,59.8) 748.0 (A1,33.5) 713.3 (A1,15.2) 670.9 (A1,0) [b] [b] [b] 803.3 (B2,173.1) 784.4 (E,182.6) 781.0 (T2,348.3) mately 1.36 and 1.49 Š, respec- ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] [b] d(Si-N-Be) 235.9 (E,18.7) 224.1 (B1,19.1) 220.7 (A2,0) 216.4 (T1,0) tively, are slightly shorter than [b] [b] 227.8 (B2,3.9) 222.1 (E,1.6) [b] those of 1–4 and 5–8, and the 230.4 (A2,0) ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] CCSD(T)/6-311G(d,p)//MP2-ACHTUNGRE d(N-Si-N) 347.8 (A1,28.8) 332.8 (E,27.0) 311.2 (E,0) [b] [b] ACHTUNGRE 393.1 (A1,19.4) 365.6 (T2,41.0) (full)/6-31G(d) energy changes [d] [e] [e] DE1 4.3 (5.1) 3.8 (4.6) at 0 Kof the reactions shown in [f] [e] DE2 3.8 (4.6) Equations (7)–(9), estimated as 1 1 [a] The SiHn motions (n=1, 2, or 3) are not included. [b] Symmetry and IR intensity [kmmol ] are given in approximately 5.0 kcalmol , parentheses. [c] (HeBeN)-Si-(NBeHe) bending motion. [d] Energy change of Equations (4) and (5). [e] The are consistently slightly higher values in parentheses are not corrected for the BSSE. [f] Energy change of Equation (6). than those found for the reac- tions shown in Equations (1)– (3) and (4)–(6). Figure 4 and in Tables 5 and 6, confirm these expectations and also disclose a variability in the topology of the located 11 ! HONBe þ He ð7Þ structures according to the nature of the central atom (N, P, O, or S). 12 ! OðNBeHeÞNBe þ He ð8Þ Similar to the carbon and silicon complexes 1–4 and 5–8, ACHTUNGRE OðNBeHeÞNBe ! OðNBeÞ2 þ He ð9Þ the two oxygen species HONBeHe (11) and O(NBeHe)2 (12) were characterized as true minima on the MP2(full)/6-ACHTUNGRE On going from oxygen to the less-electronegative sulfur, the monosubstituted species HSNBeHe (15), again located as a minimum on the MP2- (full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE potential-energy surface, has BeN and BeHe bond lengths and harmonic fre- quencies that are predictably slightly longer and slightly lower, respectively, than the corresponding values of 11.In addition, the energy change of the dissociation shown in Equa- tion (10) is consistently slightly lower than that for the reaction shown in Equation (7).

15 ! HSNBe þ He ð10Þ

On the other hand, the disubsti- ACHTUNGRE tuted species S(NBeHe)2 (16), although located as a stationary point on the MP2(full)/6-ACHTUNGRE Figure 4. MP2(full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE optimized geometries (bond lengths in Š and bond angles in 8) of the ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE 31G(d) potential-energy sur- H2XNBeHe, HX(NBeHe)2 (X=N, P), HYNBeHe, and Y(NBeHe)2 (Y =O, S) molecules. N is the number of imaginary frequencies. face, was characterized as a

Chem. Eur. J. 2006, 12, 5033 – 5042  2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.chemeurj.org 5037 F. Grandinetti et al.

Table 5. MP2(full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE harmonic vibrational frequencies [cm1] and with the monosubstituted species RNBeHe, that they cannot CCSD(T)/6-311G(d,p)//MP2ACHTUNGRE (full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE dissociation energies [kcal be safely predicted as minimum-energy structures on the po- mol1] at 0 Kof the H XNBeHe (X=N, P) and HP(NBeHe)ACHTUNGRE molecules 2 2 tential-energy surface. The results on the H X(NBeHe),ACHTUNGRE 9, 13, and 14 (see Figure 4). 2 HX(NBeHe)ACHTUNGRE , and X(NBeHe)ACHTUNGRE molecules (X= N, P) con- [a] [a] ACHTUNGRE 2 3 H2NNBeHe (9) H2PNBeHe (13) HP(NBeHe)2 ACHTUNGRE (XACHTUNGRE =N) (XACHTUNGRE =P) (14)[a] firm this variability in the topology of the M(NBeHe)n spe- cies. In fact, both H NNBeHe (9) and H PNBeHe (13) ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] 2 2 n˜(Be He) 547.2 (A’,0.3) 505.9 (A’,10.7) 495.9 (A’’,40.2) ACHTUNGRE 501.4 (A’,14.1)[b] were located to be true minima on the MP2(full)/6-31G(d) n˜(BeACHTUNGRE N) 1695.2 (A’,7.0)[b] 1643.0 (A’,107.8)[b] 1603.5 (A’,37.4)[b] potential-energy surface, with differences in the BeN and 1612.2 (A’’,175.3)[b] BeHe bond lengths and harmonic frequencies that parallel ACHTUNGRE ’ [b] ’ [b] ’’ [b] d(N-Be- 100.4 (A ,46.75) 142.9 (A ,9.7) 121.3 (A ,2.1) the difference in the electronegativity of N and P. In addi- He) tion, the CCSD(T)/6-311G(d,p)//MP2ACHTUNGRE (full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE energy 179.9 (A’’,24.1)[b] 147.5 (A’’,9.3)[b] 123.9 (A’,21.1)[b] 139.8 (A’’,6.2)[b] change of the reaction shown in Equation (11) is slightly 189.8 (A’,1.3)[b] higher for X=N. w(N-Be-ACHTUNGRE 73.2 (A’,24.9)[b] He)[c] [b] [b] [b] H2XNBeHe ! H2XNBe þ He n˜(XACHTUNGRE N) 957.8 (A’,181.2) 783.7 (A’,74.3) 746.5 (A’,16.4) ð11Þ 765.2 (A’’,229.9)[b] ðX ¼ N, PÞ d(X-N-Be)ACHTUNGRE 334.3 (A’’,6.8)[b] 253.2 (A’’,22.0)[b] 239.2 (A’’,11.9)[b] [b] [b] [b] 353.1 (A’,4.3) 260.3 (A’,15.0) 244.0 (A’’,0.8) Both HN(NBeHe)ACHTUNGRE (10)andHP(NBeHe)ACHTUNGRE (14) have also 247.5 (A’,22.6)[b] 2 2 d(N-P-N)ACHTUNGRE 382.3 (A’,13.0)[b] been located as stationary points on the potential-energy DE[d] 5.6 (6.4)[e] 4.3 (5.1)[e] surface. However, only 14 was characterized as a true energy minimum, whereas the nitrogen-containing species [a] The NH2 and PHn motions (n=1 or 2) are not included. [b] Sym- metry and IR intensity [kmmol1] are given in parentheses. [c] (HeBeN)- 10 revealed a third-order saddle point, and was unstable P-(NBeHe) bending motion. [d] Energy change of Equation (11). [e] The with respect to the out-of-plane bending motion of the H values in parentheses are not corrected for the BSSE. atom (imaginary frequency: 644.4i cm1), and to two nearly degenerate bending motions of the N-Be-He groups (imagi- 1 Table 6. MP2(full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE harmonic vibrational frequencies [cm ] and 1 ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE nary frequencies: 224.1i and 224.8i cm ). The instability of CCSD(T)/6-311G(d,p)//MP2(full)/6-31G(d) dissociation energies [kcal ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE 1 ACHTUNGRE the HP(NBeHe)NBe fragment on the MP2(full)/6-31G(d) mol ] at 0 Kof the HXNBeHe (X = O, S) and O(NBeHe)2 molecules 11, 12, and 15 (see Figure 4). potential-energy surface prevented the evaluation of the [a] ACHTUNGRE [a] helium fixation energy in 14. Finally, despite careful search- HONBeHe (11) O(NBeHe)2 (12) HSNBeHe (15) (XACHTUNGRE =O) (XACHTUNGRE =S) ing, we did not locate any stationary point corresponding to ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] the trisubstituted structures N(NBeHe)ACHTUNGRE and P(NBeHe)ACHTUNGRE . n˜(BeHe) 548.7 (A’,0.3) 489.9 (A1,2.7) 513.3 (A’,2.4) 3 3 [b] 552.0 (B2,0.02) ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] n˜(BeN) 1722.6 (A’,18.4) 1663.9 (B2,29.9) 1644.8 (A’,19.0) Organic polyhelium complexes: Following the investigation [b] ACHTUNGRE 1681.4 (A1,6.2) of exemplary M(NBeHe)n polyhelium complexes containing ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] d(N-Be-He) 143.3 (A’’,26.8) 107.2 (A2,0) 122.8 (A’’,16.4) [b] [b] [b] a single central atom, we searched for structures containing 168.0 (A’,8.7) 115.0 (B1,32.0) 151.1 (A’,7.6) [b] two or more NBeHe functional groups bound to larger or- 156.4 (B2,3.2) [b] ganic skeletons. We focused first on the HC (NBeHe),ACHTUNGRE C - 214.1 (A1,0.07) 2 2 ACHTUNGRE [c] [b] ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE w(N-Be-He) 92.5 (A1,24.1) (NBeHe)2, and HnC2(NBeHe)4n (n= 0–3) molecules shown ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] n˜(N X) 991.6 (A’,78.1) 927.2 (A1,30.2) 793.3 (A’,8.0) in Figures 5 and 6, the results for which are shown in [b] 988.8 (B2,45.8) ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] Table 7. d(X-N-Be) 347.7 (A’,10.6) 315.1 (B2,3.5) 264.7 (A’,21.4) [b] [b] [b] All these species were located as stationary points on the 372.2 (A’’,0.4) 326.4 (A2,0) 282.9 (A’’,11.5) [b] ACHTUNGRE 353.4 (B1,0.9) MP2(full)/6-31G(d) potential-energy surface, with clearly ACHTUNGRE [b] d(N-O-N) 655.9 (A1,0.8) recognizable NBeHe functional groups featuring typical [d] [e] [e] [e] DE1 5.2 (6.0) 5.0 (5.8) 5.1 (5.9) BeN and BeHe bond lengths of approximately 1.38 and DE [f] 5.0 (5.8)[e] 2 1.50 Š, respectively, and corresponding harmonic frequen- [a] The XH motions (X=O, S) are not included. [b] Symmetry and IR cies of around 1700 and 500 cm1, respectively. However, at intensity [km mol1] are given in parentheses. [c] (HeBeN)-O-(NBeHe) bending motion. [d] Energy change of Equations (7), (8), and (10). variance with the carbon complexes 1–4 but similar, for ex- [e] The values in parentheses are not corrected for the BSSE. [f] Energy ample, to the nitrogen and sulfur molecules 9, 10 and 13–16, change of Equation (9). the complexes 17–24 showed a variability in their topology related to the number of NBeHe substituents. First, both the monosubstituted molecules 17 and 23 were confirmed to second-order saddle point, unstable with respect to the loss be energy minima on the singlet surface, stable with respect of both helium atoms owing to the bending motion of the to helium atom loss by 4.9 and 5.3 kcalmol1, respectively, N-Be-He groups (the two imaginary frequencies are 97.4i at the CCSD(T)/6-311G(d,p)//MP2ACHTUNGRE (full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE level of and 107.8i cm1). These results first disclose the possibility theory at 0 K(see Table 7). These dissociation energies are ACHTUNGRE that the M(NBeHe)n (n>1) polyhelium complexes may be slightly higher than the saturated compound 1 (4.7 kcal unstable with respect to helium atom loss, and, at variance mol1) and their trend parallels the increasing electronega-

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Figure 6. MP2(full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE optimized geometries (bond lengths in Š ACHTUNGRE and bond angles in 8) of the HC2NBeHe and C2(NBeHe)2 molecules. N is the number of imaginary frequencies.

Figure 7. Contour line diagrams of the MP2(full)/6-311GACHTUNGRE (d,p)ACHTUNGRE Laplacian 2 of the electronic charge density 5 1(r) (in the sv plane) of H2C2- ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE Figure 5. MP2(full)/6-31G(d) optimized geometries (bond lengths in Š (NBeHe)2 and C6H5NBeHe. Dashed lines are in regions of charge deple- ACHTUNGRE 2 and bond angles in 8) of the HnC2(NBeHe)4n (n=0–3) molecules. N is tion (5 1(r) <0) and solid lines in regions of charge concentration the number of imaginary frequencies. (521(r)>0). tivity (sp3

Chem. Eur. J. 2006, 12, 5033 – 5042  2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.chemeurj.org 5039 F. Grandinetti et al.

the saturated carbon complexes 1–4, the beryllium–helium interaction in 18 is still predicted to be electrostatic. On the other hand, both the cis- and the trans-disubstitut- ed structures 19 and 20 are second-order saddle points on the surface, with imaginary frequencies of 45.4i and 48.5i cm1 and 40.6i and 93.8i cm1, respectively, which refer to the bending motion of the N-Be-He groups and result in the irreversible dissociation of the helium atoms. Similar vi- brations and eventual losses of helium atoms are associated with the three imaginary frequencies of structure 21 (92.5i, 114.5i, and 206.7i cm1) and with the four imaginary fre- quencies of structure 22 (183.0i, 191.0i, 221.1i, and 243.6i cm1). Finally, we have investigated the exemplary aromatic pol- yhelium complexes formally obtained by replacing the H atoms of C6H6 with NBeHe moieties. Most of the investi- ACHTUNGRE gated C6Hn(NBeHe)6-n (n= 0–5) molecules, including the ACHTUNGRE largest C6(NBeHe)6, were actually located as stationary points on the MP2(full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE potential-energy surface, with BeN and BeHe bond lengths invariably computed to be around 1.375 and 1.500 Š, respectively. However, only the ortho-, meta-, and para-disubstituted derivatives 26, 27, and 28, respectively, shown in Figure 8 and Table 8 revealed true energy minima, and were stable by approximately 5 kcalmol1 with respect to the loss of both the first and the second helium atoms. The results shown in Figure 7 and Table 3 for the mono- substituted derivative 25 suggest that this interaction is still essentially electrostatic. To investigate the stabilization by the ring substituents of these aromatic helium complexes, we studied the two para-disubstituted molecules HOC6H4 Figure 8. MP2(full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE optimized geometries (bond lengths in Š NBeHe and NCC6H4NBeHe. From Table 3, the results of ACHTUNGRE and bond angles in 8) of the C6H5NBeHe and C6H4(NBeHe)2 molecules. the AIM analyses of XC6H4NBeHe (X=H, OH, CN) N is the number of imaginary frequencies. show only minor differences in the total charges of the rele- vant C, N, Be, and He atoms, and nearly coincident values of approximately +8.3 eŠ5 of the Laplacian of the electron of our ab initio calculations first disclose the conceivable ex- density (521) at the bond critical point located on the at- istence of stable or metastable neutral complexes containing tractor interaction line corresponding to the BeHe bond. more than one (actually up to four) helium atom. This theo- Consistently, the CCSD(T)/6-311G(d,p)//MP2ACHTUNGRE (full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE retical prediction comes from the recognition that the energy change of the dissociation shown in Equation (12), NBeHe moiety behaves as a monovalent functional group computed to be 4.9 kcalmol1 for X=H, resulted in able to replace the hydrogen atoms of parent molecules to 1 1 ACHTUNGRE 4.9 kcalmol for X=OH and 5.1 kcalmol for X= CN. form M(NBeHe)n (n> 1) species of variable size and com- position, including, for example, the dihelium complexes O- ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE X-C6H4-NBeHe ! X-C6H4-NBe þ He ð12Þ (NBeHe)2,HP(NBeHe)2, and C6H4(NBeHe)2, the trihelium ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE complexes HC(NBeHe)3 and HSi(NBeHe)3, and the tetra- ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE This minor influence of the ring substituent on the stabiliza- helium complexes C(NBeHe)4 and Si(NBeHe)4. All these tion of X-C6H4-NBeHe refrained us from the computation- species were characterized as minimum-energy structures, ally more expensive investigation of the conceivable stabiliz- and featured electrostatic beryllium–helium interactions of ing effects of aromatic polyhelium complexes by the ring approximately 4–5 kcalmol1. On the other hand, complexes ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE substituents. such as HN(NBeHe)2,S(NBeHe)2,C2(NBeHe)4, and C6- ACHTUNGRE (NBeHe)6 were characterized as high-order saddle points, and were unstable with respect to the loss of helium atoms Conclusion owing to the bending of the NBeHe groups. Therefore, it ACHTUNGRE cannot be safely predicted that any M(NBeHe)n (n>1) Searching for neutral helium compounds still remains a fas- structure actually resides in a potential energy well. This cinating experimental challenge, and theory is invited to dis- consideration, however, does not undermine the suggestion ACHTUNGRE close still unexplored features of this chemistry. The results that the class of M(NBeHe)n (n>1) polyhelium complexes

5040 www.chemeurj.org  2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eur. J. 2006, 12, 5033 – 5042 Neutral Helium Compounds FULL PAPER

Table 8. MP2(full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE harmonic vibrational frequencies [cm1] and CCSD(T)/6-311G(d,p)//MP2ACHTUNGRE (full)/6-31G(d)ACHTUNGRE dissociation energies [kcalmol1]at ACHTUNGRE 0 Kof the C 6H6n(NBeHe)n (n =1, 2) molecules 25–28 (see Figure 8). [a] ACHTUNGRE [a] ACHTUNGRE [a] ACHTUNGRE [a] C6H5NBeHe (25) o-C6H4(NBeHe)2 (26) m-C6H4(NBeHe)2 (27) p-C6H4(NBeHe)2 (28) ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] [b] n˜(BeHe) 596.0 (A1,6.0) 561.6 (B2,3.6) 594.9 (B2,11.3) 508.3 (B1u,3.4) [b] [b] [b] 614.2 (A1,4.7) 604.0 (A1,1.4) 589.2 (Ag,0) ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] [b] n˜(BeN) 1667.6 (A1,8.3) 1518.1 (A1,27.0) 1521.8 (B2,63.5) 1528.1 (B1u,95.3) [b] [b] [b] 1654.7 (B2,4.1) 1632.4 (A1,5.1) 1656.8 (Ag,0) ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] [b] d(N-Be-He) 177.2 (B1,0.7) 108.5 (B2,22.6) 101.2 (A2,0) 93.0 (B2g,0) [b] [b] [b] [b] 213.1 (B2,1.6) 126.9 (A2,0) 119.2 (B2,7.6) 119.9 (B3g,0) [b] [b] [b] 145.0 (B1,9.2) 161.1 (B1,0.001) 123.2 (B3u,4.4) [b] [b] [b] 178.8 (A1,0.4) 218.4 (B2,1.1) 199.0 (B2u,0.05) ACHTUNGRE [c] [b] [b] [b] [b] w(N-Be-He) 99.5 (B1,16.6) 77.1 (A2,0) 83.4 (A1,23.3) 58.3 (B3u,32.0) [b] [b] [b] [b] 109.9 (B2,15.5) 81.7 (B1,29.6) 88.1 (B1,34.5) 86.1 (B2u,33.5) [b] 83.0 (A1,6.15) ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] [b] n˜(CN) 1746.3 (A1,263.4) 1721.9 (A1,148.6) 1734.4 (B2,378.9) 1728.7 (Ag,0) [b] [b] [b] 1742.4 (B2,123.9) 1736.4 (A1,67.7) 1738.8 (B1u,408.6) ACHTUNGRE [b] [b] [b] [b] d(C-N-Be) 306.9 (B1,5.6) 213.5 (B2,3.4) 302.7 (A2,0) 184.7 (B2g,0) [b] [b] [b] [b] 482.9 (B2,2.8) 248.3 (A2,0) 409.7 (A1,3.7) 219.2 (B3g,0) [b] [b] [b] 397.3 (A1,1.9) 445.0 (A1,2.0) 281.4 (B3u,12.8) [b] [b] [b] 482.0 (B1,1.4) 538.5 (B1,0.2) 445.8 (B2u,6.9) [d] [e] [e] [e] DE1 4.9 (5.7) 4.8 (5.6) 4.8 (5.6) [f] [e] [e] DE2 4.9 (5.7) 4.8 (5.6) 1 [a] The C6Hn motions (n=4 or 5) are not included. [b] Symmetry and IR intensity [kmmol ] are given in parentheses. [c] C-C-(NBeHe) bending ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE motion. [d] Energy change of the reactions C6H5NBeHe!C6H5NBe+ He and C6H4(NBeHe)2 !C6H4(NBeHe)NBe +He. [e] The values in parentheses ACHTUNGRE ACHTUNGRE are not corrected for the BSSE. [f] Energy change of the reaction C6H4(NBeHe)NBe!C6H4(NBe)2 +He.

may, in principle, be very large, and, if anything, invites a Acknowledgements more detailed investigation of the factors that control their detailed structure and stability. We thank the Italian Ministero dell Istruzione, dell Università e della Ricerca (MIUR) and the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) for financial support.

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