RAJESH ROYAL  rajeshroyal896@.com

 8209206912

 Ajmer, India

 rajeshroyal.com

 linkedin.com/in/rajesh-royal

 Objective Have  to learn new things, do experiments, fix  and write about it. I use < /> to solve my everyday problems. I design and code beautifully simple things, and I love what I do.

 Experience BETATEST SOLUTIONS 01/12/2020 - continuous Full stack engineer. JavaScript projects frontend and backend. [ React JS, NestJS, GraphQL, MongoDB ].

Handling Hybrid Android App, developed with Cordova.

Wordpress website development, Optimizations, SEO, Maintenance services.

Communicate with clients and fulfill their requirements.

Excellent feedbacks from seniors, CEO, subordinates and clients.

BETATEST SOLUTIONS 01/07/2020 - 31/11/2020 frontend engineer Frontend applications, majorly focused on frontend technologies ( React JS, HTML5, CSS3, JS, jQuery )

Worked with NodeJS, MongoDB, ReactJS, NestJS, Apollo GraphQL, Git (bitbucket).

Managed their multiple WordPress websites – Ecommerce, agency, event and other websites.

Improved SEO and Speed of sites

Converted many PSD and XD designs to web pages.

Esoterickey - Tennessee, USA Jul - 2019 - Jan -2020 Web Developer Technologies - React Js, Rest API, WordPress, jQuery, SASS, MySQL, Amazon AWS.

Role - Develop websites and web apps from design files in WordPress or using React Js. Upwork, Fiverr 06/2018 - 05/2020 Freelance Web Developer Design and Develop Custom, WordPress websites Using HTML/CSS/JS and Elementor with SEO.

Delivered Customized UI WordPress Websites with HTML/CSS/JS and Elementor.

Plugins worked with - Elementor, WP Bakery, Thrive architect, YOST, Migration, Autoptimise, W3 Total Cache, WP Rocket, WooCommerce, Peepso. Map API, Website Optimizations. Payment gateways PayPal Express and Stripe. Gravity Forms. Animation (Blender very basic).

 Education Rajasthan Technical University Kota 30/07/2021 Masters In Computer Application

MDS University Ajmer 2018 Bachelor In Computer Application 76/100

 Skills Programming - Javascript, TypeScript Node.js, [ C, JAVA, PHP ]


Lib/Fram - React JS, Gatsby, NestJS, Express.js, JQuery, Bootstrap, [ Next.js ]

Debugging: Chrome DevTools. Database: MySQL, MongoDB

CMS - WordPress, [ Ghost CMS]

Serverless Platform - Netlify, Vercel.

REST API, PostMan, Filezilla, Git, MySql, , Cordova, DSA, Google Lighthouse, SEO, GTmetrix.

OS - Windows, Mac, [ Linux ]

Development Tools - VS Code, WebStorm.

 Projects Netflix Frontend Clone Technology - HTML5, CSS3, JS, JQUERY, Owl Carousel.

Components - Login, logout, Register, User Dashboard, Admin Panel, User Profile.

Featured Pages - Dashboard, Movies, TV Shows, Latest, User Profile.

Responsive - 4k to 200px devices.

live - https://bit.ly/3ggytqr

Github - https://bit.ly/2ZsbMK1

G5 TV online web streaming Technology - React JS, bootstrap, sass, axios, slick carousel.

Components - Home Page, movies page, Tv series page, subscriptions, single item page, User Profile, react animations.

API - themoviedb.com

Responsive - 4k to 300px devices.

live - g5-tv-app.netlify.app

Github - Private Repo.

Video Chat one - one | Group Chat ( socket.io) Technology - Node.js, peer server, socket.io, jquery, express.

Components - Register, video, text chat, media upload, media preview.

Featured Pages - Video call page, Group chat register page and main page.

Responsive - Mobile to 4k.

Video Live - https://bit.ly/3rtQUgw

Video Github - https://bit.ly/3v2W6Kj

Chat Live - https://bit.ly/3v3N8ws

Chat Github - https://bit.ly/3roGCyn

React Js Portfolio - PHP API Build the Portfolio Website with React Js.

Used React Js, VS Code, PHP, Bootstrap.

Build The Frontend Interface with React Js and Bootstrap Framework.

Build and API for contact form submission.

GitHub Repository :- https://github.com/Rajesh-Royal/rajesh-royal.github.io

Liquid Button package Published to NPM Build a Liquid button component and published it to NPM directory

npm install liquid-button

You can add as many button as you want with different different customisation by importing this component

npmjs.com/package/liquid-button PHP Rest API with JWT authentication Build CRUD ready API in Object oriented PHP with JWT authentication.

Used MySQL as the Database.

Learning resource - YT tutotials.

College Fees Management Worked in a team of 3 Peoples | Team Leader |

Build The UI, Doc and Coded In VB .NET.

Implemented Quick Sort algorithm for search.

Implemented Password Recovery Through Email.

Features: student Fees Manage, Faculty Member's salary Management.

Presented at the College

Link to GitHub Repository: https://github.com/Rajesh-Royal/fees-management-system

Hackthon projects Article success prediction (best in the theme winner), UIET kurukshetra

Accident Probability Prediction by ML (top 5), Arya Jaipur

Plant planner website, MUJ jaipur

Extended HTML5 boilerplate Vscode extension This plugin is live in marketplace.

6k installs and 2 rating.

it provides Rich boilerplate of HTML5 with all seo meta tags.

marketplace: https://bit.ly/2LW0PrX

 Language English

Hindi, Marwari

 Activities Farming Activities, Basketball nerd. MK,, Vlogging.

Watching Documentries and NBA over the weekends.

Hackthons: Manipal, UIET best in the theme winner.

Organized Hackina (Technical Event), 6'3 Basketball Player, Stage Performances.

 Personal Details Date of Birth : 02/08/1998

 Open Source Contribution Creative Commons wp- plugin React Resume Generator