Measuring and Disrupting Anti-Adblockers Using Differential Execution Analysis Shitong Zhu∗, Xunchao Huy, Zhiyun Qian∗, Zubair Shafiqz and Heng Yin∗ ∗University of California, Riverside Email:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] ySyracuse University, Email:
[email protected] zUniversity of Iowa, Email: zubair-shafi
[email protected] Abstract—Millions of people use adblockers to remove in- Millions of users worldwide now use adblockers [51] that trusive and malicious ads as well as protect themselves against are available as browser extensions (e.g., Adblock, Adblock tracking and pervasive surveillance. Online publishers consider Plus, and uBlock) and full-fledged browsers (e.g., Brave and adblockers a major threat to the ad-powered “free” Web. They Cliqz). Even Chrome has now included a built-in adblocker in have started to retaliate against adblockers by employing anti- its experimental version — Chrome Canary [7]. According to adblockers which can detect and stop adblock users. To counter PageFair [26], 11% of the global Internet population is block- this retaliation, adblockers in turn try to detect and filter anti-adblocking scripts. This back and forth has prompted an ing ads as of December 2016. A recent study by comScore [40] escalating arms race between adblockers and anti-adblockers. reported that 18% of Internet users in the United States use adblockers. Moreover, the prevalence of adblockers is much We want to develop a comprehensive understanding of anti- higher for certain locations and demographics. For instance, adblockers, with the ultimate aim of enabling adblockers to approximately half of 18-34 year old males in Germany use bypass state-of-the-art anti-adblockers.