- To exchange information and best practices between Brunei Darussalam and Oman - To explore more areas of cooperation in energy upstream & downstream between the two countries - To strengthen ties between the two countries in areas of oil and gas

DATE & VENUE Venue: Banquet Hall, Level 1, Prime Minister’s Office Building Complex Date: 23rd to 24th April 201



Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Alhamdulillah, all praise and thanks be to Allah SWT for with His Grace and Blessings, we are bestowed the opportunity to enhance and rekindle once more the warm ties between Brunei Darussalam and the Sultanate of Oman through this third iteration of the Brunei-Oman Joint Seminar. It is our great privilege to host His Excellency Dr Mohammed bin Hamad Al Rumhy, Minister of Oil and Gas of the Sultanate of Oman and His Excellency’s delegation this year. This is a heartening reminder that even as our nations pursue aspirations for a brighter future premised on economic growth and energy security, we stand in the spirit of brotherhood to support one another. Our nations continue to converge on several areas of mutual cooperation through not just the energy sector but through the shared passion for empowerment of our people and enterprises. This seminar gathers knowledgeable and seasoned professionals from both nations across these fields to spark new avenues of cooperation in facing today’s shifting global and technological landscape. Let us summon greater strength and fortitude in our endeavors to add to the expanse of joint opportunities between the Governments and private sectors of both nations. This occasion is but a stride to that end, while the promise of success is attained by commitment to continue open dialogue and engagements at all levels beyond today. Let us act on the ideas that this seminar may inspire. Our sincere appreciation also goes to all sponsors, speakers and individuals for your tireless efforts for the smooth proceedings of this event. I wish all participants an enriching seminar and I pray for Allah SWT to guide us all in our efforts for the peace and prosperity of our nations.


Wa billahi taufiq wal hidayah. Wassalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.

Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Setia Dr. Awang Haji Mat Suny bin Haji Md Hussein, Minister of Energy, Manpower and Industry



Day 1: Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Time Description Remarks 08.30 – 09.00 Arrival & Registration

Opening Ceremony of the 3rd Brunei-Oman Joint Seminar Plenary Session Venue: Banquet Hall, PMO Building Complex

09.00 – 09.30 Arrival of Heads of Delegation

Opening with the Recital of Al-Fatihah, Doa Selamat and the Holy Quran

Welcoming Remarks by Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Setia Dr Awang Haji Mat Suny bin Haji Md Hussein, Minister of Energy, Manpower and Industry, Brunei Darussalam

Opening Remarks by His Excellency Dr Mohammed bin Hamad Al Rumhy, Minister of Oil and Gas of the Sultanate of Oman

09.30 – 10.00 Photo Session, Exhibition Tour for VIPs VIP and and Coffee Break Delegates Refreshments


Session 1: In-Country Value

Moderator: Hj Mohammad Yusri Hj Mat Yusof Ease of Doing Business (EODB) Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry, Brunei Darussalam.

Plenary Session Venue: Banquet Hall, PMO Building Complex

Time Description Remarks 10.00 – 10.20 Omanisation and ICV Oman

Ms. Aqla Nassir Al Maskary Director of Local Resources Development ICV Project Management Office – PMO Manager, Ministry of Oil and Gas

10.20 – 10.40 Bruneianisation and Local Business Brunei Development

Marzalenie Omar Head of Manpower Strategy Division Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry

Cynthia Lim Pee Nyet Head of In-Country Value Division Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry

Time Description Remarks


10.40 – 11.00 Supply Chain Contract Management: Oman Local Community Contractors and Super Local Community Contractors

Mr. Abdul-Amir Al Ajmi External Affairs and Value Creation Director Petroleum Development Oman

11.00 – 11.30 Panel Discussion led by Moderator

11.30 – 13.30 Lunch and Prayer break


Session 2: Oil and Gas Upstream and Downstream

Breakout Session Venue: Banquet Hall and Room 3 (East Wing), Level 1, PMO Building Complex Session 2A (Part 1): Upstream Energy

Moderator: Masuriyati Hj Abd Hamid Head of Energy Upstream Co-moderator: Hj Farizal Fared Hj Md Walli Energy Upstream Officer Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry, Brunei Darussalam Venue: Banquet Hall, PMO Building Complex

Time Description Remarks 13.30 – 13.50 Decommissioning and Restoration Guidelines: Offshore and Onshore Brunei

Mr. Saifulbahari Md Alinoordin D&R Business Opportunity Manager Brunei Shell Petroleum

13.50 –14.10 Improved Oil Recovery (including Oman Technology)

Mr. Rifaat Mjeni EOR Portfolio Leader Petroleum Development Oman

14.10 – 14.30 Seria Re-development Brunei Mr Abdullah Ibrahim Darat Asset Development Lead Brunei Shell Petroleum

14.30 – 15.00 Panel Discussion led by Moderator

15.00 – 15.40 Coffee Break


Session 2A (Part 2): Upstream Opportunities

Moderator: Masuriyati Hj Abd Hamid Head of Energy Upstream Co-moderator: Adrian Wong Head of Energy, Commercial and Audit Division Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry, Brunei Darussalam

Venue: Banquet Hall, PMO Building Complex

Time Description Remarks 15.40 – 16.00 Upstream Opportunities with Oman Oman

Mr. Suleiman Al Ghunaimi Acting Director of Petroleum Concession Ministry of Oil & Gas

16.00 – 16.20 Upstream Opportunities with Brunei Brunei Darussalam

Haji Iskandar Haji Yahya Exploration Director PetroleumBRUNEI

16.20 – 17.00 Panel Discussion led by Moderator


Session 2B: Downstream

Moderator: Pg. Hjh. Adimasyaton Pg Hj Omar Ali Head of Energy Downstream Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry, Brunei Darussalam

Venue: Room 3, East Wing, Level 1, PMO Building Complex

Time Description Remarks 13.30 – 14.00 Oman: “The Path to Operational Oman Excellence”

Mr. Hamed Al Naamany Senior Manager Major Projects Oman LNG

14.00 – 14.30 Brunei Darussalam: “Plant Rejuvenation Brunei of BLNG”

Benard Christian, Engineering & Projects Manager, Brunei LNG

14.30 – 15.00 Panel Discussion led by Moderator

15.00 – 15.20 Coffee Break

15.20 – 15.40 Pulau Muara Besar Petrochemical and Brunei Refinery Plant

Michelle Chong Executive Assistant Chairman’s Office Hengyi Industries Sdn Bhd


Time Description Remarks 15.40 – 16.00 Brunei Fertilisers Industries Brunei

Mohammad Hasrol Sabtu Associate, Project Management Unit, Brunei Fertilizer Industries Sdn. Bhd.

16.00 – 16.30 Panel Discussion led by Moderator


Day 2: Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Time Description Remarks 08.30 –09.00 Registration

Session 3: Manpower

Moderator: Cynthia Lim Pee Nyet Head of In-Country Value Division Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry, Brunei Darussalam Plenary Session Venue: Banquet Hall, PMO Building Complex

09.00 – 09.20 Human Capacity Development Brunei Initiatives: iReady, Capacity Development Centre (PPK)

Marzalenie Omar, Head of Manpower Strategy Division, Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry

Gary Young, Director of Capacity Development Centre (PPK), Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry

09.20 – 09.40 Omanis in Brunei Shell JV Oman

Mr. Sami Al Arimi, WRFM Excellence Lead, Brunei Shell Petroleum.

Mr. Khalid Al-Farraji, Senior HSE Advisor, Brunei LNG.


Time Description Remarks 9.40 – 10.00 Human Capacity Development Oman initiatives: National Training Fund, Oman

Ms. Sharifa Aidid, CEO of National Training Fund (NTF).

Ms. Nadia Al Muharbi, NTF Head of Operations.

Ms. Maryam Al Aufi, NTF Head of Strategy.

10.00 – 10.30 Panel Discussion led by Moderator 10.30 – 11.00 Coffee Break 11.00 – 11.30 Concluding Session

YM Haji Azhar Haji Yahya, Permanent Secretary (Energy), Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry, Brunei Darussalam. 11.30 – 12.00 Closing Ceremony

12.00 – 14.00 Lunch and Prayer Break





Ms. Aqla Nassir Al Maskary Director of Local Resources Development, ICV Project Management Office – PMO Manager, Ministry of Oil and Gas, Oman.

About the presenter: Assigned as the Manager of the ICV Program Management Office. Maintaining the PMO office as a single point of contact for ICV related matters and managing the ICV strategy development process going forward. Aqla’s role as an ICV manager involves Ensuring Strong liaison with the Oil and Gas CP Managers and HR Managers ICV sub-committees. In addition, engaging with other government departments as and when required e.g. Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Manpower, etc. Aqla has occupied several roles within the Ministry of Oil & Gas including the oil & gas revenue department focusing on the Gas supply Agreements and LNG invoicing. As well as that, a project investment head in the Directorate of Planning and Petroleum studies. Aqla holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance & accounting, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK 1999.

Mr. Khalid Al Salmi Head of Omanisation, Petroleum Development Oman, Oman.

About the presenter: Developing Omanisation strategies, succession planning and providing the necessary assurance to achieve the Omanisation targets is a key aspect of my current role. With over 14 years of technical experience in the industry, I had the privilege to also work in Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) for around 4 years, where I experienced the similarities and differences between Brunei & Oman. I also had the opportunity to work as a contract holder for a few years, both in Brunei and Oman, with hands-on experience in developing and implementing the in-country value strategies. 13


Synopsis: “The private sector has long been known as a driving force for economic growth. Without exception, in our country, there are resilient businesses that are also facing challenges towards building the nation’s economy. This driving force (the private sector) of course requires fuel for it to work. The fuel is none other than the quality of its manpower. Each individual can no doubt contribute to the realization of the country's economic development, to the extent that it can be enjoyed by all levels of the people in this country. In this case, I am confident that the private sector is able to rise to this expectation, by the willingness to employ our locals, especially those graduates who are in search or waiting for employment. It is indeed a sacred responsibility, and if it is executed successfully, can be of immense value to the nation”

Titah of His Majesty The Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam at the Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1439 H Anjuran Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal on 21 Syawal 1439 Hijrah in conjunction with 5 July 2018

In line with His Majesty’s Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah’s Titah, Bruneianisation is a strategy which aims to maximize employment opportunities of Bruneians across all sectors, through phase by phase implementation of the Bruneianisation Directive. The ultimate goal of this Directive is to ensure leadership positions within the sectors are filled by Bruneians and secondly, to achieve a minimum of 90% Bruneians within the company at all levels and skill pools. On 21st June 2018, with the consent of His Majesty the Sultan, the Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry (MEMI) rolled out the Bruneianisation Directive in the Oil and Gas Industry (1/2018) with the objective to achieve Bruneianisation of 90% in Major Oil and Gas Operators. The strategic objectives of the Directive is to: a) Ensure Bruneians are leading and driving the Oil and Gas industry in Brunei Darussalam; b) Maximize employment opportunities for Bruneians at all levels in the organization; c) Produce highly competent Bruneian business leaders, managers, professionals, technicians and skilled workers; and d) Attract and retain Bruneian talents to sustain the development of the oil and gas industry. Through this Directive, it is the nation’s aspiration to strengthen the talent pipeline and succession plans for Bruneians in order to fill meaningful employment opportunities towards driving the growth of the sector and to the economy as a whole. 14

Marzalenie Omar Head of Manpower Strategy Division, Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry, Brunei.

About the Presenter: Marzalenie is the Head of Manpower Strategy under the Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry (MEMI) in 2016. Prior to that, she has held various Human Resources positions in several sectors including the Energy and Banking sector. She has over 15 years of working experience, with the majority in Talent Acquisition and Management. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Public Policy and Administration with professional certifications in Essential Consultancy Skills, Manpower Planning, Corporate Media and Team Building. In addition to her accomplishments, she is married with 3 children. She started her career in Human Resource Operations and was involved in the setting up of Human Resources functions of newly established organizations. She then specialized into Talent Acquisition and Management. In her current role, the Manpower Strategy Division’s vision is to strategize the development and planning of the local workforce and to build a pipeline of skilled Bruneians in order to reduce unemployment in Brunei Darussalam. The Division is also the working secretariat for the National Manpower Planning Council (MPC) which is responsible in driving any action endorsed by the council in relation to the national manpower agenda. Under this Division, JobCentre Brunei was established, as well as the i-Ready Apprenticeship Program and the Bruneianisation Directive for the Oil and Gas Industry were rolled out.



Synopsis: Under the Energy White Paper (EWP) for MEMI, one of the Strategic Goals (Strategic Goal No. 3) is to maximise economic spin-off from the Energy Industry, which includes the need to boost local content and secure high participation of local workforce. EWP is developed to realize the Energy Vision for Brunei Darussalam. Specifically, three KPIs (KPI 8, 9 and 10) have been identified for Local Business Development which is aligned to contribute towards our National Vision. KPI 8 focuses on maximizing Local Content Spending in the Energy industry. KPI 9 is on maximizing Employment in Energy Industry and KPI 10 is specifically for Local Companies Development, where local companies to develop and strengthen their local capabilities and capacities. Prior to 2010, a handful of local companies dominated the Oil and Gas Sector market and as a way to mitigate this, MEMI introduced two LBD Directives in 2011 and 2012 respectively. LBD Directive 1 aims to end market domination and prevent monopolies so that environmental competitiveness can be preserved. This also opens up business opportunities, enabling participation from local companies including SMEs, where they will adopt strong business principles that can compete in the region. LBD Directive 2 is introduced to further enhance the local content with the company’s owners being required to be active in business operations and companies to create more local job opportunities. LBD Directive 2 also specifies the mandatory requirement for companies servicing the oil and gas industry to report on Local Business Development (LBD) data three times a year for monitoring and compliance purposes as per LBD Directives.


Cynthia Lim Pee Nyet Head of In Country Value Division, Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry, Brunei.

About the presenter: Having joined the Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry since 2016 as a Senior Officer in the Local Business Development Division, Cynthia is currently holding the portfolio as Head of In-Country Value Division in the Ministry. In this portfolio, she oversees the delivery of local content for both oil and gas, and non-oil and gas industry. She is also spearheading i- Usahawan, a youth entrepreneurship flagship program under the Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry which is catered to provide youth entrepreneurs with a competitive platform to grow and secure a contract with the Government, Government-linked companies and Statutory Bodies. Prior to her tenure at the Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry, Cynthia served the Brunei Economic Development Board for over 10 years and was given the privilege to lead several local business delegations for overseas expo. She is an alumni of the United States of America State Department IV Leadership Program, whereby she successfully represented Brunei Darussalam for an SME familiarization training in the United States. In her initial working career, Cynthia worked with one of the international banks in Brunei. She was also privileged to have worked with a foreign mission in Brunei.



Synopsis: Abdul-Amir Abdul-Hussein Al-Ajmi, Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) External Affairs and Value Creation Director will be presenting PDO’s In- Country Value (ICV) efforts in maximising the procurement of local goods and services, as well as improving the capacity and capability of Omani people and companies to secure sustainable commercial benefits for the Sultanate. He will also showcase PDO’s vision and ICV policy key ingredients for a strong ICV delivery. In addition, PDO’s commitment to enhancing the local supply chain, creating skilled Omani employment, and empowering local businesses belonging to the people living in its concession area.

Mr. Abdul-Amir Al Ajmi External Affairs and Value Creation Director, Petroleum Development Oman. Oman.

About the presenter: Abdul-Amir Abdul-Hussein Ibrahim Al-Ajmi is an engineer by background and graduated from the University of Leeds, England. He has 20 years’ experience in diverse roles including technical and managerial positions such as senior project management, contract strategy development, investment promotion, government and industrial relations, marketing, reputation issues management and sustainable development. He was Secretary General and a Board Member of the Oman Society of Engineers and is now a member of Oman Environment Society. Abdul-Amir attended executive education programmes at Harvard Business School, London Business School, the Prince of Wales's Business & Sustainability Programme at University of Cambridge, IMD and other prestigious institutes. Abdul-Amir became External Affairs Director (EAD) on 1 January 2014 with a mandate to enable PDO’s vision by focusing on stakeholder engagement, government and industrial relations, raising PDO’s profile, corporate social responsibility and delivering on national directives.


At the start of 2016, his role was expanded when In-Country Value (ICV) became part of the External Affairs Directorate, and he now leads of the four pillars of ICV: Goods & Services, Super Local Community Contractors and Local Community Contractors, National Objectives and social investment) which are now managed in the renamed External Affairs and Value Creation Directorate (EVD). EVD’s roles and responsibilities cover a number of areas, including stakeholder engagement, corporate communications, government and industrial relations, community relations, improving the capacity and capability of Omani citizens and businesses, increasing the procurement of local goods and services, developing local community companies and social investment. Abdul-Amir is also a father of five children with a keen interest in sports, reading and travelling.




Synopsis: BSP embark its work on Decommissioning and Restoration in 2013. The work involves understanding 90 years active asset database and establishing practices to develop a creditable methodology for cost estimation with cooperation and discussion with Shell group, other Oil Operators and D&R businesses. In Brunei, D&R studies went alongside the development of regulations with revision of COMAH to include D&R in 2017 and the issuance of the D&R guideline 2018. Like what was happen in the Gulf of Mexico 10 years ago and ongoing activities in Europe, there are numerous opportunities to develop people competence and businesses as D&R matures in the next 20 years in the South East Asian Region. The regional solution will be the way forward.

Mr. Saifulbahari Md Alinoordin D&R Business Opportunity Manager, Brunei Shell Petroleum, Brunei.

About the presenter: Born in Brunei on 22nd Nov 1972. He graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering from Bristol University in 1995. Saiful started work in Brunei Shell Petroleum as a Civil Engineer designing flood mitigation to structures offshore design. Short assignment in Jakarta, Indoneisa and Johor Bahru, Malaysia to develop the design and coordinate construction of with Iron duke IDDJ-01 platform installed in 1997. His experience vastly in Project engineering involve in delivering major projects in BSP with one being a 70 Shell Global project Mampak development, where he was the Project Manager in 2005-2009. He was then seconded to Brunei (BLNG) as the Head of rejuvenation to manage a major portfolio from 24Mw power supply, cooling water system to the 5th cryogenic tank. Upon his return to BSP in 2014, Saifulbahari has started to lead a team in BSP to review its Decommissioning & Restoration responsibilities that involve working closely with the Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry Brunei Darussalam in trying to come together to develop a plan and solutions brought about by the uniqueness of D&R solutions. He is married with 5 kids and enjoys travelling with his family to relax his self. 20

TITLE: IMPROVED OIL RECOVERY (INCLUDING TECHNOLOGY) Synopsis Presented will be on the methodology followed by reviewing the portfolio and identification of suitable recovery processes with the aim at improving the recovery factor for various fields via Improved/enhanced oil recovery (IOR/EOR) techniques. The presentation will start off with an overview of the portfolio screening approach. Followed by a review on trails used to push technologies through the funnel maturation funnel and a quick discussion on challenges encountered. In addition, the maturation process post successful pilot implementation will be presented. There will be a clear linkage between what it is needed to ensure fast maturation of novel recovery processes and the need to assess surface technologies as key to unlock subsurface IOR/EOR recovery processes. Mr. Rifaat Mjeni EOR Portfolio Leader, Petroleum Development Oman, Oman. About the presenter: Dr. Rifaat Al-Mjeni is the EOR portfolio lead at Petroleum development Of Oman’s field development centre. Rifaat tasks include identifying and maturing enhanced oil recovery processes (EOR) that will enable PDO to maximize extraction of its hydrocarbon resources from its large and varied portfolio. Rifaat joined PDO in 2003, as a Petrophysicist, where he worked in operations in the large carbonate fields in the North of the Sultanate of Oman. During his time in operations, he was involved in testing the interwell crosswell electromagnetic imaging tools to track the progress of the waterfloods. Subsequently, he worked in a multidisciplinary team tasked with ensuring the quick start-up of the large Mukhaizna steam flood in the South of the Sultanate of Oman. He then worked in the in as part of an integrated team tasked to identify novel EOR techniques for various reservoirs and design trials of some of the selected recovery concepts. In 2011, Rifaat worked on the tight gas plays in exploration department in Petroleum Development of Oman and was part of the team that made the discovery of deep tight gas reservoir the biggest discovery in 2013. He then moved to work as the project manager for the novel horizontal well high viscous polymer injection trial in the South of the Sultanate of Oman. Rifaat has a PhD in Petroleum Engineering, MSc in Petroleum Geophysics from Imperial College, and a BSc in Geophysics from University of Leeds. Over the years, he contributed to a number of MSc and BSc courses as a visiting lecturer at Sultan Qaboos University and German University of Technology in Oman. He has authored and co-authored many papers and has more than 25 publications in various international journals. He has presented and served on the technical committees of many regional and international conferences. 21


Synopsis Seria field is a complex brownfield unequally developed since the 1930s. Less than 50% of the estimated in-place hydrocarbons have been developed to date, with potentially significant (smaller, shallower) hydrocarbon accumulations by-passed. The Seria Redevelopment (SRD) Project has ambitious scope and cost targets to achieve affordability and competitiveness in developing these smaller, shallow hydrocarbon accumulations. Key enablers identified to achieve this are via replicable, standardised efficient concepts, practices and strategies that can deliver similar high-volume, repetitive and low-cost projects via innovative execution models supported by optimized contracting and procurement strategies as well as novel technological solutions. This is akin to how the big unconventional hydrocarbon fields are being developed around the world. A pilot phase for the project is being matured for execution this year to address the project’s key uncertainties i.e. presence of higher saturation hydrocarbon bearing reservoir in some key subsurface block, the feasibility of various downhole sand control systems and the reservoir performance of the subsurface targets (Qi, decline rates, etc.). Another key field development challenge being assessed is the use of existing aging and integrated infrastructure (pipelines, tank groups, substations, pads, etc.) present in the field. The project is currently in the concept selection phase, incorporating learning from other field operators and the outcome of the pilot phase, prior to determining further investment decisions.


Mr Abdullah Ibrahim Darat Asset Development Lead, Brunei Shell Petroleum, Brunei.

About the presenter: Abdullah is a Bruneian, married and have two lovely daughters aged 9 and 10. Since joining BSP over 20 years ago, he has worked in a wide variety of Exploration and Development roles, from onshore to deepwater; starting off his career as a geologist, exploring for new hydrocarbon prospects to his current role of delivering key BSP hydrocarbon projects to FID. He has previously worked in various basins (West Africa, US and South East Asia) globally, primarily in deepwater and offshore, siliciclastic settings. Over the last 7 years, he has largely been involved in delivering integrated hydrocarbon projects towards FID in BSP, either as project lead or the business opportunity manager (BOM). He has accumulated significant experiences in managing and delivering multiple integrated projects (with in-depth technical (HCM) and commercial (Unitisation) aspects), building strategic plans and generating novel development concepts atypical to BSP. He is currently the BOM for the SRD project, focussing on the delivery of low costs development concepts by applying the Unconventional play approach to unlock and monetise stranded shallow oil in BSP’s onshore Asset.




Synopsis The presentation topic will provide general information about the upstream business in Oman and a glimpse about major oil companies that are now involved in the petroleum operations in the country. In addition, an overview of concession areas in Oman will be highlighted and provide some interesting figures on that. The process of marketing the concession blocks accompanied by statistical analyses from the bid round data for the last 5 years will be presented. Next, the current upstream opportunities offered through different models will be elaborated including the available onshore and offshore opportunities and the periodic Bid Rounds offered for the local and international investments. The subject will also cover the digitalization process to promote the blocks and how that helped to lean the process. Finally, the legal framework of the agreement, bidding parameters and the full cycle of the awarding process.

Mr. Suleiman Al Ghunaimi Acting Director of Petroleum Concession, Ministry of Oil & Gas, Oman.

About the presenter: Suleiman Al Ghunaimi is a degree holder of Earth Sciences from Sultan Qaboos University (SQU). He joined the Ministry of Oil and Gas (MOG) in 2009. Currently, he is responsible for the concession area management, which includes; promoting for new upstream opportunities, managing the existing concession contracts and maintaining the stakeholder management. Besides the concession management, Suleiman is also involved in solely managing the National Oil and Gas Data Repository Center (OGDR). His main role is to look after all the technical data from all the Exploration and Production companies’ in the country and to preserve it in accordance with the best industry practices.



Synopsis Brunei National Petroleum Company also known as PetroleumBRUNEI (PB). It is wholly owned by Government of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di- Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam. It was established as from 14th January 2002. PB has five core business areas and under Upstream Business, PB adapts three roles 1) Upstream Regulator, 2) Investor and 3) Operator.

Upstream Regulatory manages Production Sharing and Petroleum Mining Agreements. PB has a total of eight concessions blocks ranging from onshore to deepwater areas. The EP activities also varying from optimizing current gas production, new seismic acquisition and reprocessing, exploration and development well drilling and field development plan.

In 2019, PB currently planning to launch a competitive bid round for new licensing round for the exploration, development and production of oil and gas in one onshore and three offshore blocks.

Haji Iskandar Haji Yahya Upstream Regulator Director, PetroleumBRUNEI, Brunei.

About the presenter: Hj Iskandar is responsible for managing the overall E&P activities within PB designated areas by its contractors through Production Sharing Contracts and Petroleum Concession Agreements. Prior to this post, he served as the Business Asset General Manager of the company from 2005 to 2010. He has served as the ASEAN Council on Petroleum (ASCOPE) National Committee Chairman for Brunei Darussalam from 2005 to 2016. He has a B.Sc (Hons) degree in Geology and MSc in Basin Evolution and Dynamic from Royal Holloway Bedford New College, University of London. He began his oil and gas career with Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) in 1989 in the Exploration Department. In 1994 Hj Iskandar joined Petroleum Unit of the Prime Minister’s Office where he served as the Head of Exploration Joint Venture and Open area Unit. He is married with four children. He enjoys bowling and jungle trekking.




Synopsis Oman LNG (OLNG) continues adapting to Oman’s gas grid evolution by pioneering technology that enables the facility to meet its LNG contractual obligation in terms of quality while modified to receive feed gas from an increasing blend from upstream developments. At each stage of Oman’s gas grid evolution; OLNG adapted and grew to deliver increasing value to the nation and its stakeholders. Oman LNG’s base project delivered 2 LNG trains in 2000 setting the track for debottlenecking within its initial years of operation. The project success and upstream gas development set the scene for expansion. Oman LNG implemented Lean Gas Package 1 in 2005 to process additional gas while expanding from 2 LNG trains to 3 LNG trains. From 2017; Oman LNG started reconditioning its facility through RP18. RP18 fast-tracked Lean Gas Package 2 to process Oman’s Khazzan production and implementing site-wide asset restoration to sustain higher availability. In 2018; OLNG decided to further debottleneck the 3 LNG trains securing the allocation of available surplus gas volumes. The Debottlenecking Project leverages OLNG’s successful journey as a reliable partner to Oman’s gas value chain. Mr. Hamed Al Naamany Senior Manager Major Projects, Oman LNG, Oman.

About the presenter: As Senior Manager for Major Projects; Hamed Al- Naumani is accountable to deliver Oman LNG’s Growth Project portfolio including RP18 and Debottlenecking. RP18 readies Oman LNG (OLNG) to process new gas and operates at sustained higher availability. The project value is anchored on additional gas volume from recent developments to fill the facility’s unutilized capacity. OLNG also embarked on Debottlenecking project to unlock additional plant capacity leveraging Oman LNG’s established position within the Sultanate’s gas infrastructure. Hamed Al- Naumani holds a degree in Process Operations and Maintenance and a Master Degree in Management. Hamed Al-Naumani worked 2 years in upstream oil production then LNG for the last 20 years. Hamed works for Oman LNG as base organization and was deployed to The Netherlands, USA and Canada in various projects and joint-ventures. 26


Synopsis Since start up in the early 70s, Brunei LNG has proudly been in continuous and robust operation. Due to the age of the facility, a number of issues relating to asset integrity, reliability and compliance with latest standards have been identified over the years. Owing it to the strategic demography and commercial competitiveness, Brunei LNG foresees a prosperous future in the global LNG market. Accordingly, a number of rejuvenation projects have been initiated to setup Brunei LNG for its future by restoring the integrity of the facility and consequently sustain production, maintain reliability, but most importantly ensure the safety and well-being of its people and neighbouring communities.

Benard Christian, Engineering & Projects Manager, Brunei LNG Sdn Bhd, Brunei.

About the presenter: Benard joined BLNG in November 2001 and has held several lead roles during his career covering project, maintenance, electrical and construction disciplines. He is an experienced project and maintenance professional with over 20 years of well-rounded industry experience in the LNG and energy field. Benard is well-versed with the development and implementation of projects including his career in Nigeria LNG as Principal Project Engineer from 2009 to 2013. Has Electrical & Electronic Engineering background and started his career in 1997 as Operations & Maintenance Engineer in Department of Electrical Services (Brunei Government Utility Company).



Synopsis The presentation will cover an overview of the Phase 1 Pulau Muara Besar (PMB) Petrochemical Project; giving an insight on the project details, current project status and future plans.

Michelle Chong Executive Assistant, Chairman’s Office, Hengyi Industries Sdn Bhd, Brunei.

About the presenter: Michelle Chong is the Executive Assistant for Chairman Office and facilitates Chairman’s initiatives for Phase 1 and 2 of the PMB Petrochemical Project. She joined Hengyi Industries in 2012 as a Planning Specialist for the Commercial Department and was involved with commercial-related discussions with the government of Brunei Darussalam and local off-takers. She graduated from University College London with honors in BSc Economics in 2010 and MSc Economics Policy in 2011.



Synopsis An introduction to Brunei Fertilizer Industries and how we can develop on the downstream opportunities that Brunei has to offer by establishing the first ever Urea and Ammonia plant in the region; highlighting on the positive impact that downstream activities can have to the nation. This presentation aims to emphasize on the importance of utilizing the land's natural resources in not only contributing to the export industry of Brunei Darussalam, but also adding value back into our land by creating opportunities for the people of the nation.

Mohammad Hasrol Sabtu Associate, Project Management Unit, Brunei Fertilizer Industries Sdn. Bhd.

About the presenter: He graduated with Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree in Computer Science in 2008 and a Master’s degree in Computer and Internet Technologies (2009) at the University of Strathclyde, Scotland. He began his service with the Brunei Government at the Brunei Investment Agency since 2010 covering various areas including as an investment analyst covering public equity market and investment; investment analyst for private equity investments; and as compliance officer focused on investment risk and compliance. Currently, an Associate, a position he has held since February 2018 at Brunei Fertilizer Industries Sdn Bhd, he is focused in the area of project management, having responsibility to monitor and manage various assigned projects related to the construction of BFI’s Ammonia and Urea Plant which involves planning, coordinating, supervising and managing the budget of the projects from the beginning to the end.




Synopsis: In 2016, as part of the preparations for the National Job Fair, The Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry (MEMI) reviewed job vacancies in Brunei Darussalam with requirements of at least a Bachelor Degree. Findings showed that 51% of those job vacancies have an additional requirement of a minimum of three years working experience. At the opening of the 13th Legislative Council in 2017, His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam announced the establishment of the i-Ready Apprenticeship Program, with the main objective of increasing the employability and marketability of unemployed graduates (those holding Bachelor Degree and Above). The program acts as one avenue for capability building and to provide authentic working experience and exposure to graduates in various industries both in the public and private sector. The program is open to citizens and permanent residents, targeting 1,562 enrolments per annum. It is a 3-year apprenticeship program with a monthly allowance of BND800 funded by the Government. As of 20th April 2019, 2,130 graduates has enrolled into thei-Ready Apprenticeship Program in which 19% are undergoing re-skilling on the job. To date, 566 apprentices have successfully secured full time employment. In 2018, the program reached a milestone when 9 graduates were selected on the first international placement through the program.


Marzalenie Omar Head of Manpower Strategy Division, Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry, Brunei.

About the Presenter: Marzalenie is the Head of Manpower Strategy under the Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry (MEMI) in 2016. Prior to that, she has held various Human Resources positions in several sectors including the Energy and Banking sector. She has over 15 years of working experience, with the majority in Talent Acquisition and Management. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Public Policy and Administration with professional certifications in Essential Consultancy Skills, Manpower Planning, Corporate Media and Team Building. In addition to her accomplishments, she is married with 3 children. She started her career in Human Resource Operations and was involved in the setting up of Human Resources functions of newly established organizations. She then specialized into Talent Acquisition and Management. In her current role, the Manpower Strategy Division’s vision is to strategize the development and planning of the local workforce and to build a pipeline of skilled Bruneians in order to reduce unemployment in Brunei Darussalam. The Division is also the working secretariat for the National Manpower Planning Council (MPC) which is responsible in driving any action endorsed by the council in relation to the national manpower agenda. Under this Division, JobCentre Brunei was established, as well as the i-Ready Apprenticeship Program and the Bruneianisation Directive for the Oil and Gas Industry were rolled out.



Synopsis: The establishment of the Capacity Development Center (PPK) in 2017 was based on the need to reduce unemployment in the country, which according to the Labour Force Survey stood at 9.3 % at that time. This statistic was further brought sharply into focus by 2 other statistics, that is firstly, the presence of 85,000 to 90,000 foreign workers in Brunei Darussalam at the time, and secondly, that the labour market was being inflated by around 6,500 new jobseekers every year. PPK has to embrace new thinking, new innovations and training practices in order to ensure it is recognized by industry and employers as a skills training centre, at the same time provide assurance to jobseekers that skills training is not an end unto itself, but that jobs and career opportunities are within their grasp. This presentation will show the many interesting facets of skills training, how PPK addresses them and the experience gained to date including its future plans.

Gary Young Director of Capacity Development Centre (PPK) Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry, Brunei.

About the presenter: Gary Young is a Brunei national currently appointed as the PPK Director. He holds a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering honours degree from Leeds University and has clocked up more than 40 plus years in the oil and gas industry mainly in a training and development function. His career started with Brunei LNG in 1976 and then with Brunei Shell Petroleum which included postings in Nigeria, Australia and the Netherlands. His Shell career spanned 31 years upon his retirement in 2008. He then worked with an oil and gas service contractor before joining MEMI in 2017. Whilst with BSP, Gary headed up the posts of head of technical training, head of management training and eventually as head of BSP’s training centre, which he successfully rebranded as the Brunei Asia Pacific Shell Learning Hub prior to his retirement. He had the pleasure of twice visiting Oman on working visits during his Shell career.



Synopsis: Brunei (BSP/BLNG) has been offering and continue to offer great technical exposure and career development opportunity to Omani crossposte’s. BSP & BLNG asset built over 90 years with various surface and subsurface success stories. A number of technical challenges in both surface and subsurface that can turn to learning opportunities to build career experience. Great working environments with Bruneian colleagues and multiple nationalities around the world. A very peaceful country which true meaning of the land of peace ‘Darussalam’. Oman and Brunei are sharing the same Islamic background and values. Consider as “we feel home”. Brunei is a great country with people who are friendly, humble and welcoming. A great place for families, health, education and a lot of nature sight-seeing.

Mr. Sami Al Arimi, WRFM Excellence Lead, Brunei Shell Petroleum, Brunei. About the presenter: B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering in 1998 Portsmouth University (U.K), Senior Production technologist with 20 years’ experience in oil and gas industry, Wells Reservoir Facilities Management (WRFM) Subject Matter Expert (SME) with proven track record in leading number of multi-disciplinary teams in PDO and BSP identifying and executing WRFM & development opportunities to maximize assets value, Married with two child’s Sanad and Salman. Mr. Khalid Al-Farraji, Senior HSE Advisor, Brunei LNG, Brunei. About the presenter: I hold a bachelor degree in marine sciences with minor in Rural Economics from Sultan Qaboos University 2007. I joined OLNG in 2008 as operative technician and spent 5 years working in Process, Utilities and terminal and progressed to a senior operative technician. 2013 I moved to HSE department as HSE advisor in an assignment and continued in HSE since then. In 2016 I took the role of LFI & incident investigation coordinator for OLNG until 2018. Currently I am working in BLNG in a swap program as Lead operational safety in process area. I am 35 years old, married with two kids. 33


Ms. Nadia Al Muharbi Head of Operations, National Training Fund, Oman.

About the presenter: Nadia has been working for two years with National Training Fund (NTF) as a head of Operations (responsible for building public & private partnership to identify sectors training needs & support NTF’s private stakeholders to implement their training programs successfully). Worked for 4 years with Galfar Engineering Company as an ICV manager for Yibal Khuf Project (responsible for implementing the Local content plan on the seven ICV elements). Worked for 7 years in Oman Society for Petroleum Services in the department of Compliance verification.

Ms. Maryam Al Aufi Head of Strategy, National Training Fund, Oman.

About the presenter: Maryam graduated with an International Baccalaureate and received a BA degree in International Relations and Development Studies from The University of Westminster in London, and an MSc in International Business from Henley Business School. In 2013, Maryam was employed by Petroleum Development Oman within one of the pillars in the ICV team. Her role was centered on creating employment opportunities and Omanisation, where the team were the recipients of awards, including the Shell Upstream Impact Award In 2016. In 2017, she moved to National Training Fund, a newly established organization, where she currently serves as the Head of Strategy.