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Author Title (titles followed by * are missing from the library) 1 Abrams, Jeremiah The in America: Reclaiming the Soul of a Nation 2 Adler, Gerhard, ed. C.G. Jung Letters 3 Adler, Gerhard, ed. Studies in 4 Ajana, Swami Psychotherapy East and West 5 Alden, Eleanor StepWisdom: Knowledge from the Ages for Successful StepFamilies 6 Allenby, Amy I. Some Reflections on Having No Time 7 Anthony, Maggie The Valkyries 8 Arraj, James Tracking the Elusive Human 9 Arraj, James & Tyra A Jungian Psychology Resource Guide 10 Asper, Kathrin The Inner Child in Dreams 11 Bair, Deirdre Jung: A Biography 12 Baldwin, Christina Calling the Circle 13 Barker, Cara World Weary Woman 14 Barrach, Marc Healing Dreams 15 Bauer, Jan Alcoholism and Women: The Background and Psychology 16 Bauer, Jan Impossible Love, or Why the Heart Must Go Wrong 17 Beesing, Maria with Robert The Eneagram: A Journey of Self Discovery Nogosek & Patrick O’Leary 18 Bennet, E.A. C.G. Jung 19 Bennet, E.A. What Jung Really Said 20 Berkley-Phillips, Dorothy The Choice is Always Ours 21 Bernikow, Louise Among Women 22 Berry, Patricia Echo’s Subtle Body: Contributions to an Archetypal Psychology 23 Berry, Patricia Fathers and Mothers (ed.) 24 Bertine, Eleanor Close Relationships: Family, Friendship, Marriage 25 Bierdermann, Hans Dictionary of Symbolism 26 Black, Claudia It’s Never Too Late to Have a Happy Childhood * 27 Blackmer, Joan Dexter Acrobats of the Gods: Dance and Transformation 28 Blum, Ralph The Book of Runes * 29 Bly, Robert A Little Book on the Human Shadow 30 Bly, Robert Sleepers Joining Hands 31 Boa, Fraser with Marie-Louise The Way of the Dream von Franz 32 Bolen, Jean Shinoda Crossing to Avalon 33 Bolen, Jean Shinoda Goddesses in Everywoman: A New Psychology of Women * 34 Bolen, Jean Shinoda Gods in Everyman: A New Psychology of Men’s Lives and Loves 35 Bolen, Jean Shinoda Ring of Power: The Abandoned Child, The Authoritarian Father and the Disempowered Feminine

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36 Bolen, Jean Shinoda The Tao of Psychology: and the Self 37 Bond, D Stephenson Living Myth 38 Borton, Joan C Drawing from the Women’s Well 39 Bosnak, Robert A Little Course in Dreams 40 Bosnak, Robert Christopher’s Dreams 41 Bosnak, Robert Christopher’s Dreams: Living with Aids 42 Bosnak, Robert Dreaming with an AIDS Patient 43 Bosnak, Robert Tracks in the Wilderness of Dreaming 44 Brewi, Janice and Anne Brennan Celebrate Mid-Life: and Mid-Life Spirituality 45 Brewi, Janice and Anne Brennan Mid-Life: Psychological and Spiritual Perspectives 46 Broadribb, Donald The Dream Story 47 Broadribb, Donald The Mystical Chorus: Jung and the Religious Dimension 48 Brockway, Robert W Young 49 Bruch, Hilde Eating Disorders 50 Bryant, Christopher Jung and the Christian Way 51 Campbell, Joseph Man & Transformation: Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, Vol. 5 (ed.) 52 Campbell, Joseph Myths to Live By 53 Campbell, Joseph Myths, Dreams, and Religion (ed.) 54 Campbell, Joseph The Hero with a Thousand Faces 55 Campbell, Joseph The Masks of God: Creative Mythology 56 Campbell, Joseph The Mysteries: Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, Vol. 2 (ed.) 57 Campbell, Joseph The Portable Jung (ed.) 58 Carlson, Kathie In Her Image 59 Carotenuto, Aldo A Secret Symmetry: between Jung and Freud 60 Carotenuto, Aldo Eros and Pathos: Shades of Love and Suffering * 61 Carotenuto, Aldo Kant’s Dove 62 Carotenuto, Aldo The Vertical Labyrinth: in Jungian Psychology 63 Case, Paul Foster The Book of Tokens: Tarot Meditations 64 Champernowne, Irene A Memoir of Toni Wolff 65 Chinen, Allan B. Beyond the Hero 66 Chinen, Allan B. Once Upon a Midlife 67 Chirlot, J.E. A Dictionary of Symbols 68 Clift, Jean Dalby and Clift, Symbols of Transformation in Dreams Wallace B. 69 Clift, Jean Dalby and Clift, The Archetype of Pilgrimage Wallace B. 70 Clift, Jean Dalby and Clift, The Hero Journey in Dreams Wallace B.

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71 Clift, Wallace B. Jung and Christianity: The Challenge of Reconciliation 72 Cohen, Edmund D. C.G. Jung and the Scientific Attitude 73 Collins, Alfred Fatherson: A Self Psychology of the Archetypal Masculine 74 Combs, Allan and Mark Holland Synchronicity: Science, Myth, and the Trickster 75 Conger, John Jung & Reich: The Body as Shadow 76 Conger, John P. Jung & Reich: The Body as Shadow 77 Cooper, J.C. Fairy Tales: Allegories of the Inner Life 78 Corless, Roger The Art of Christian Alchemy 79 Corneau, Guy Absent Fathers, Lost Sons 80 Cowan, Lyn Masochism: A Jungian View 81 Dallet, Janet O. Saturday’s Child 82 Dallet, Janet O. The Not-Yet-Transformed God 83 Dallett, Janet O. When the Spirits Come Back (Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts: Daryl Sharp, General Editor) 84 de Castillejo, Irene Claremont Knowing Woman: A Feminine Psychology 85 de Castillejo, Irene Claremont The Older Woman * 86 Dieckmann, Hans Twice-Told Tales: The Psychological Use of Fairy Tales 87 Diel, Paul and Jeannine Symbolism in the Gospel of John Solotareff 88 Dinnerstein, Dorothy The Mermaid and the Minotaur 89 Donn, Linda Freud and Jung 90 Dorgen, E.J. I Dance with Thee 91 Douglas, Claire Translate This Darkness 92 Dourley, John P. Love, Celibacy, and the Inner Marriage 93 Dourley, John P. The Illness that We Are: A Jungian Critique of Christianity 94 Dourley, John P. The Psyche as Sacrament: A Comparative Study of C.G. Jung and Paul Tillich 95 Downing, Christine Goddess: Mythological Images of the Feminine 96 Downing, Christine Myths and Mysteries of Same-Sex Love 97 Downing, Christine Women’s Mysteries 98 Duerk, Judith Circle of Stones: Woman’s Journey to Herself 99 Duerk, Judith I Sit Listening to the Wind 100 Dunne, Carrin Behold Woman 101 Dunne, Clare Carl Jung: of the Soul 102 Dyer, Donald R. Cross-Currents of Jungian Thought 103 Edinger, Edward F. Ego and Archetype 104 Edinger, Edward F. The Creation of Consciousness: Jung's Myth for Modern Man 105 Eisler, Riane The Chalice and the Blade 106 Eliade, Mircea The Forge and the Crucible

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107 Estes, Clarissa Pinkola The Faithful Gardener 108 Estes, Clarissa Pinkola Women Who Run with the Wolves 109 Evans, Richard I. Conversations with Carl Jung and Reactions from Ernest Jones 110 Faraday, Ann The Dream Game 111 Feinstein, David and Krippner, Personal Mythology Stanley 112 Flood, Charles A Distant Drum 113 Fordham, Frieda An Introduction to Jung’s Psychology 114 Fordham, Michael The Life of Childhood 115 Fordham, Michael The Objective Psyche 116 Freud, Sigmund On Dreams 117 Friedan, Betty The Fountain of Age 118 Gallegos, Eligio S. Animals of the Four Windows 119 Gallegos, Eligio Stephen The Personal Totem Pole: Animal Imagery, the Chakaras, and Psychotherapy 120 Gawain, Shakti Creative Visualization 121 Giamario, Daniel and C. Brent The Shamanic Astrology Handbook 122 Gill, Jean Images of My Self: Meditation and Self Exploration Through Imagery of the Gospels 123 Glover, Edward Freud or Jung? 124 Goodbread, Joseph H. The Dreambody Toolkit: A Practical Introduction to the Philosophy, Goals, and Practice of Process- Oriented Psychology 125 Grant, W. Harold, et al. From Image to Likeness: A Jungian Path in the Gospel Journey 126 Graves, Robert The White Goddess 127 Gregory, Sadie M., et al. Study Guide for the Choice is Always Ours 128 Grinnell, Robert Alchemy in a Modern Woman 129 Groddeck, Georg The Unknown Self 130 Guggenbühl-Craig, Adolf Eros on Crutches: On the Nature of the Psychopath 131 Guggenbühl-Craig, Adolf Marriage: Dead or Alive 132 Guggenbühl-Craig, Adolf Power in the Helping Professions 133 Guiley, Rosemary Dreamwork for the Soul 134 Hall, Calvin S. & Vernon J. A Primer of Jungian Psychology 135 Hall,Nordby Edward The Dance of Life 136 Hall, James A. Jungian Dream Interpretation 137 Hall, James A. The Jungian Experience: Analysis and Individuation 138 Hall, Nor The Moon and the Virgin 139 Hamilton, Edith Mythology 140 Hanly, Margaret Ann F. (Ed.) Essential Papers on Masochism

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141 Hannah, Barbara * 142 Hannah, Barbara Jung: His Life and Work – A Biographical Memoir 143 Hannah, Barbara Striving Towards Wholeness 144 Harding, M. Esther Journey Into Self 145 Harding, M. Esther Psychic Energy: Its Source and Its Transformation 146 Harding, M. Esther The ‘I’ and the ‘Not-I’: A Study in the Development of Consciousness 147 Harding, M. Esther The Parental Image 148 Harding, M. Esther The Way of All Women 149 Harding, M. Esther Woman's Mysteries: Ancient & Modern 150 Harris, Judith Jung and Yoga: The Psyche-Body Connection 151 Hayman, Ronald A Life of Jung 152 Henderson, Joseph L. Cultural Attitudes in Psychological Perspective 153 Highwater, Jamake Myth and Sexuality 154 Hillman, James A Blue Fire 155 Hillman, James Anima 156 Hillman, James Archetypal Psychology 157 Hillman, James Facing the Gods (ed.) * 158 Hillman, James Healing Fiction 159 Hillman, James Insearch: Psychology and Religion 160 Hillman, James Inter Views: Conversations with Laura Pozzo on Psychotherapy, Biography, Love, Soul, Dreams, Work, Imagination, and the State of the Culture 161 Hillman, James Kinds of Power: A Guide to its Intelligent Uses 162 Hillman, James Loose Ends 163 Hillman, James Puer Papers (ed.) * 164 Hillman, James Re-Visioning Psychology 165 Hillman, James Suicide and the Soul 166 Hillman, James The Dream and the Underworld 167 Hillman, James The Myth of Analysis 168 Hillman, James The Soul’s Code 169 Hillman, James & Michael We’ve Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy 170 Hillman,Ventura James and Michael We’ve Had A Hundred Years of Psychotherapy and the World is Getting Worse Ventura 171 Hoeller, Stephan Jung and the Lost Gospels 172 Hoeller, Stephan The Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons to the Dead *

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173 Hoffman, Edward Visions of Innocence 174 Hollis, James The Middle Passage: From Misery to Meaning in Midlife * 175 Homans, Peter Jung in Context: Modernity and the Making of a Psychology 176 Hopcke, Robert H. A Guided Tour of the Collected Works of C.G. Jung 177 Hopcke, Robert H. 178 Hopcke, Robert H. There Are No Accidents: Synchronicity and the Stories of our Lives 179 Hopke, Robert H. Men’s Dreams, Men’s Healing 180 Howes, Elizabeth Boyden Intersection and Beyond 181 Howes, Elizabeth Boyden The Choice Maker 182 Hudson, Joyce Rockwood Natural Spirituality 183 Hyde, Lawrence I Who Am: A Study of the Self 184 Hyde, Maggie Introducing Jung 185 Jackson, Eve Good and Transformation: Imagery and Symbolism of Eating 186 Jacobi, Jolande /Archetype/Symbol in the Psychology of C.G. Jung 187 Jacobi, Jolande The Psychology of C.G. Jung 188 Jacobi, Jolande The Way of Individuation 189 Jacoby, Mario The Analytic Encounter: Transference and Human Relationship 190 Jaffe, Aniela The Myth of Meaning 191 Jaffe, Aniela Was C.G. Jung a Mystic? * 192 Jaffé, Aniela Jung’s Last Years 193 Jaffe, Lawrence W. Liberating the Heart: Spirituality and Jungian Psychology 194 Jaynes, Julian The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind * 195 Johnson, Buffie Lady of the Beasts: Ancient Images of the Goddess and Her Sacred Animals 196 Johnson, Robert A. Ecstasy: Understanding the Psychology of Joy * 197 Johnson, Robert A. He: Understanding Masculine Psychology 198 Johnson, Robert A. Inner Work: Using Dreams & Active Imagination for Personal Growth 199 Johnson, Robert A. Owning your Own Shadow 200 Johnson, Robert A. She: Understanding Feminine Psychology 201 Johnson, Robert A. We: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love 202 Jung, C. G. Flying Saucers 203 Jung, C. G. Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle 204 Jung, C.G. Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self 205 Jung, C.G. Analytical Psychology

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206 Jung, C.G. 207 Jung, C.G. Archetypes and the 208 Jung, C.G. Aspects of the Feminine 209 Jung, C.G. Aspects of the Masculine 210 Jung, C.G. Dreams 211 Jung, C.G. Essays on a Science of Mythology 212 Jung, C.G. Four Archetypes 213 Jung, C.G. Man and His Symbols 214 Jung, C.G. Mandala Symbolism 215 Jung, C.G. Memories, Dreams, Reflections 216 Jung, C.G. Modern Man in Search of a Soul 217 Jung, C.G. Mysterium Coniunctionis 218 Jung, C.G. On the Nature of the Psyche 219 Jung, C.G. Psyche and Symbol: A Selection From the Writings of C. G. Jung 220 Jung, C.G. Psychological Reflections 221 Jung, C.G. 222 Jung, C.G. Psychology & the East 223 Jung, C.G. Psychology & The Occult 224 Jung, C.G. Psychology and Religion 225 Jung, C.G. Psychology of the Transference 226 Jung, C.G. Symbols of Transformation 227 Jung, C.G. The Development of Personality: Papers on Child Psychology, Education, and Related Subjects 228 Jung, C.G. The Practice of Psychotherapy: Essays on the Psychology of the Transference and Other Subjects 229 Jung, C.G. [Liber Novus] (edited and introduced by ) 230 Jung, C.G. The Spirit in Man, Art, and Literature 231 Jung, C.G. The Undiscovered Self 232 Jung, C.G. Two Essays on Analytical Psychology 233 Jung, C.G. Word and Image 234 Jung, C.G., , and Collected Works of C.G. Jung. Bollingen Series, vol. 1-16 and 18. 235 Jung,Toni Wolff C.G., et al. The Analytical Psychology Club of San Francisco 236 Jung, Emma Animus and Anima 237 Jung, Emma and M.L. von Franz The Grail Legend 238 Kabat-Zinn, Jon Where You Go, There You Are

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239 Kaplan-Williams, Strephon Dream Cards: Understand your Dreams and Enrich Your Life 240 Kaplan-Williams, Strephon The Elements of Dreamwork 241 Kast, Verena Joy, Inspiration, and Hope 242 Kast, Verena Sisyphus: A Jungian Approach to Midlife Crisis 243 Kast, Verena The Nature of Loving: Patterns of Human Relationship 244 Kaufman, Gershen The Psychology of Shame 245 Keen, Sam Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man * 246 Keirsey, David and Marilyn Bates Please Understand Me: Character and Temperament Types * 247 Kelsey, Morton T. Afterlife: The Other Side of Dying * 248 Kelsey, Morton T. Christopsychology 249 Kelsey, Morton T. Discernment: A Study in Ecstasy and Evil 250 Kelsey, Morton T. Myth, History, and Faith: The Remythologizing of Christianity 251 Kelsey, Morton T. Prophetic Ministry: The Psychology and Spirituality of Pastoral Care 252 Kelsey, Morton T. Resurrection: Release from Oppression * 253 Kelsey, Morton T. The Great Mother: An Analysis of the Archetype * 254 Kerenyi, Karl Goddesses of Sun and Moon 255 Kerenyi, Karl Hermes, Guide of Souls 256 Kerr, John A Most Dangerous Method: Jung, Freud, & Sabina Spielrein 257 Keyes, Margaret Frings Emotions and the Enneagram 258 Keyes, Margaret Frings Inward Journey: Art as Therapy 259 Kipnis, Aaron R. Knights without Armor: A Practical Guide for Men in Quest of Masculine Soul * 260 Kreinheder, Albert Body and Soul: The Other Side of Illness 261 Kukkonen, Walter The Gate to the Beyond Within 262 Layard, John The Lady of the Hare 263 Leloup, Jean-Yves The Gospel of Mary Magdalene 264 Leonard, Linda The Wounded Woman 265 Leonard, Linda Witness to the Fire 266 Leonard, Linda Schierse Creation’s Heartbeat 267 Leonard, Linda Schierse Meeting the Madwoman 268 Leonard, Linda Schierse On The Way to the Wedding: Transforming the Love Relationship 269 Leonard, Linda Schierse The Call to Create: Celebrating Acts of Imagination 270 Levinson, Daniel J. The Seasons of a Man’s Life 271 Lockhart, Russell Psyche Speaks: A Jungian Approach to Self and World

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272 Lockhart, Russell Words as Eggs: Psyche in Language and Clinic 273 Lopez-Pedraza, Rafael Hermes and His Children * 274 Lore-Weber, Christin Woman Christ: A Vision of Feminist Spirituality 275 Luke, Helen M. Old Age 276 Luke, Helen M. The Voice Within: Love and Virtue in the Age of the Spirit * 277 Luke, Helen M. Woman Earth and Spirit: The Feminine Symbol and Myth * 278 Madden, Kristin The Book of Shamanic Healing 279 Mahdi, Louise Carus, et al. Betwixt & Between: Patterns of Masculine and Feminine Initiation 280 Mahoney, Maria F. The Meaning in Dreams and Dreaming 281 Maidenbaum, Aryeh & Stephen Lingering Shadows: Jungians, Freudians, and Anti-Semitism Martin (eds.) 282 Mann, Ronald Sacred Healing 283 Mansfield, Victor Synchronicity, Science, and Soul-Making 284 Markale, Jean Women of the Celts 285 Martin, P.W. Experiment in Depth 286 Martz, Sandra (ed.) When I am an Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple 287 Mascaro, Juan (translator) The Bhagavad Gita 288 Mathes, Charlotte And a Sword Shall Pierce Your Heart 289 Mattoon, Mary Ann Jungian Psychology in Perspective 290 Mattoon, Mary Ann Understanding Dreams 291 McGann, Diarmiud Journeying within Transcendence 292 McGoldrick, Monica et al. Genograms 293 McGowan, Don What is Wrong with Jung 294 McGuire, William The Freud/Jung Letters 295 McLynn, Frank Carl Gustav Jung: A Biography 296 McNeeley, Deldon Animus Aeternus 297 McNeely, Deldon Anne Touching: Body Therapy and Depth Psychalogy 298 McNiff, Shaun Art as Medicine 299 Meier, C.A. Soul and Body: Essays on the Theories of C.G.Jung 300 Meier, Carl Alfred Jung and Analytical Psychology 301 Michael, Chester and Marie Prayer and Temperament 302 Miller,Morrisey Alice The Drama of the Gifted Child 303 Miller, David L. Christs: Meditations on Archetypal Images in Christian Theology

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304 Miller, William Make Friends with Your Shadow 305 Miller, William Your Golden Shadow * 306 Mindell, Arnold Dreambody: The Body’s Role in Revealing the Self 307 Mindell, Arnold River’s Way: The Process Science of the Dreambody 308 Mindell, Arnold Sitting in the Fire 309 Mindell, Arnold The Dreambody in Relationships 310 Mindell, Arnold The Quantum Mind and Healing 311 Mindell, Arnold The Shaman’s Body 312 Mindell, Arnold Working with the Dreambody 313 Moacanin, Radmila The Essence of Jung’s Psychology and Tibetan Buddhism 314 Monick, Eugene Castration and Male Rage 315 Monick, Eugene Phallos: Sacred Image of the Masculine 316 Moon, Shiela A Magic Dwells 317 Moon, Shiela Dreams of a Woman: An Analyst’s Inner Journey * 318 Moon, Shiela Joseph’s Son 319 Moore, Robert Carl Jung and Christian Spirituality (ed.) 320 Moore, Robert and Gilette, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover 321 Moore,Douglas Robert and Gilette, The Lover Within 322 Moore,Douglas Thomas Care of the Soul 323 Mountford, E. Gwen The Yes and No of the Psyche * 324 Murdock, Maureen The Hero’s Daughter 325 Murdock, Maureen The Heroine’s Journey: Woman’s Quest for Wholeness * 326 Myers, Isabel Briggs Gifts Differing 327 Naranjo, Claudio Gestalt Therapy: The Attitude & Practice of an Atheoretical Experientalism 328 Nekkucjm Hukk The Art of Dreaming 329 Neumann, Erich Amor and Psyche: The Psychic Development of the Feminine 330 Neumann, Erich Art and the Creative Unconscious 331 Neumann, Erich Depth Psychology and a New Ethic 332 Neumann, Erich The Great Mother * 333 Neumann, Erich The Origins and History of Consciousness 334 Nichols, Sallie Jung and Tarot: An Archetypal Journey 335 O’Connor, Peter Dreams and the Search for Meaning 336 O’Connor, Peter Understanding Jung, Understanding Yourself * 337 Odajnyk, V. Walter Gathering The Light: A Psychology of Meditation 338 Olsen, Tillie Silences

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339 Olson, Carl (ed.) The Book of the Goddesses Past and Present 340 Otto, Walter F. Dionysus: Myth and Cult 341 Paris, Ginette Heartbreak 342 Paris, Ginette Pagan Meditations: Aphrodite, Hestia, Artemis * 343 Paris, Ginette Wisdom of the Psyche 344 Parker, Thomas Return: Beyond the Self 345 Pascal, Eugene Jung to Live By 346 Pearson, Carol The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By 347 Pearson, Carol S. Awakening the Heroes Within: Twelve Archetypes 348 Peat, F. David Synchronicity 349 Pedersen, Loren E. Dark Hearts 350 Perera, Sylvia Brinton Descent to the Goddess: A Way of Initiation for Women 351 Perera, Sylvia Brinton The Scapegoat Complex: Toward a Mythology of Shadow and Guilt 352 Perkins, John The Forbidden Self 353 Perry, John Weir Lord of the Four Quarters 354 Perry, John Weir The Far Side of Madness 355 Phillips, Dorothy Berkley, et al. The Choice is Always Ours (eds.) 356 Platania, Jon Jung for Beginners 357 Ponce, Charles The Archetype of the Unconscious and the Transfiguration of Therapy 358 Potter, Charles The Great Religious Leaders 359 Prather, Hugh and Gayle Notes to Each Other * 360 Pratt, Annis Dancing with Goddesses 361 Progoff, Ira At a Journal Workshop 362 Progoff, Ira Jung, Synchronicity, and Human Destiny: Noncausal Dimensions of Human Experience 363 Progoff, Ira Jung’s Psychology and Its Social Meaning 364 Progoff, Ira The Death and Rebirth of Psychology * 365 Progoff, Ira The Practice of Process Meditation * 366 Progoff, Ira The Star/Cross: A Cycle of Process Meditation 367 Progoff, Ira The Well and the Cathedral 368 Progoff, Ira The White Robed Monk 369 Qualls-Corbett, Nancy The Sacred Prostitute: Eternal Aspect of the Feminine * 370 Raff, Jeff The Wedding of Sophia 371 Raffa, Jean Benedict Dream Theatres of the Soul 372 Raffa, Jean Benedict The Bridge to Wholeness 373 Raymond, Ruth We Drew a Circle

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374 Reardon, Agnes Personality and Morality 375 Reis, Patricia Daughters of Saturn 376 Robertson, Robin Beginner’s Guide to Jungian Psychology 377 Robertson, Robin Beginner’s Guide to Revelation 378 Robertson, Robin Jungian Archetypes: Jung, Gödel, and the History of Archetypes 379 Robertson, Robin Mining the Soul 380 Robertson, Robin Your Shadow 381 Rolfe, Eugene Encounter with Jung 382 Rollins, Wayne G. Jung and the Bible 383 Roomy, David Inner Work in the Wounded and Creative * 384 Roose-Evans, James Passages of the Soul 385 Rosen, David The Tao of Jung: The Way of Integrity 386 Rothgeg, Carrie Lee, et al. (eds.) Abstracts of the Collected Works of C.G. Jung 387 Rutter, Peter Sex in the Forbidden Zone * 388 Rutter, Virginia Beane Woman Changing Woman 389 Ryan, Robert E. Shamanism and the Psychology of C.G. Jung 390 Samuels, Andrew Jung and the Post-Jungians 391 Samuels, Andrew (Ed.) The Father: Contemporary Jungian Perspectives 392 Sanford, John Between People: Communicating One-Two-One 393 Sanford, John Dreams and Healing * 394 Sanford, John Dreams: God’s Forgotten Language 395 Sanford, John Healing and Wholeness 396 Sanford, John Healing Body and Soul 397 Sanford, John The Invisible Partners 398 Sanford, John The Man Who Lost His Shadow 399 Sanford, John The Man Who Wrestled with God 400 Sanford, John The Strange Trial of Mr. Hyde: A New Look at the Nature of Human Evil 401 Sanford, John A. Dreams and Healing 402 Sanford, John A. Evil: The Shadow Side of Reality 403 Sanford, John, et al. What Men Are Like: The Psychology of Men, for Men and the Women who Live with Them 404 Sardello, Robert Love and the Soul 405 Schaef, Anne When Society Becomes an Addict 406 Schaer, Hans Religion and the Cure of Souls in Jung’s Psychology 407 Schwartz-Salant, Nathan Dreams in Analysis (ed.) 408 Schwartz-Salant, Nathan Gender and Soul in Psychotherapy (ed.)

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409 Schwartz-Salant, Nathan Narcissism and Character Formation: The Psychology of Narcissistic Character Disorders 410 Schwartz-Salant, Nathan The Borderline Personality: Vision and Healing 411 Schwartz-Salant, Nathan Transference/Countertransference (ed.) 412 Segaller, S. The Wisdom of the Dream: The World of C.G. Jung 413 Serrano, Miguel C.G. Jung and Hermann Hess: A Record of Two Friendships 414 Shamdasani, Sonu Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology 415 Sharp, Daryl C.G. Jung Lexicon 416 Sharp, Daryl Dear Gladys: The Survival Papers II 417 Sharp, Daryl Living Jung: The Good and the Better 418 Sharp, Daryl Personality Types: Jung’s Model of Typology 419 Sharp, Daryl The Survival Papers 420 Sharp, Daryl Who Am I, Really? 421 Shaw, Anna Pima Indian Legends 422 Sidoli, Mara and Davies, Miranda Jungian Child Psychotherapy 423 Signell, Karen Wisdom of the Heart: Working with Women’s Dreams * 424 Singer, June Androgyny: The Opposites Within * 425 Singer, June Boundaries of the Soul 426 Singer, June Boundaries of the Soul: The Practice of Jung's Psychology 427 Singer, June Modern Woman in Search of Soul: A Jungian Guide to the Visible and Invisible Worlds 428 Singer, June Seeing Through the Visible World 429 Singer, June The Unholy Bible: Blake, Jung, and the Collective Unconscious 430 Smith, Robert C. The Wounded Jung 431 Snowden, Ruth Teach Yourself Jung 432 Spiegelman, J. Marvin Jungian Analysts: Their Visions and Vulnerabilities 433 Spiegelman, J. Marvin Psychology & Religion at the Millennium and Beyond 434 Spiegelman, J. Marvin Psychotherapy as a Mutual Process 435 Spiegelman, J. Marvin Reich, Jung, Regardie & Me: The Unhealed Healer 436 Spiegelman, J. Marvin The Tree of Life: Paths in Jungian Individuation 437 Spiegelman, J. Marvin & Buddhism and Jungian Psychology 438 Spignesi,Mokusen MiyukiAngelyn Starving Women 439 Spoto, Angelo Jung's Typology in Perspective 440 Stein, Murray In Midlife: A Jungian Perspective 441 Stein, Murray Jung's Treatment of Christianity: The Psychotherapy of a Religious Tradition 442 Stein, Murray Jung’s Map of the Soul: An Introduction 443 Stein, Murray Jungian Analysis (ed.)

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444 Stein, Murray Psyche at Work 445 Stein, Murray, et al. Jung's Challenge to Contemporary Religion 446 Stein, Robert Incest and Human Love: The Betrayal of the Soul in Psychotherapy 447 Steinberg, Warren Circle of Care: Clinical Issues in Jungian Therapy 448 Steinberg, Warren Identity Conflict and Transformation 449 Stern, Paul J. C.G. Jung: The Haunted Prophet 450 Stevens, Anthony Archetypes: A Natural History of the Self 451 Stevens, Anthony On Jung 452 Stone, Merlin When God was a Woman 453 Storm, Hyemeyohsts Seven Arrows 454 Storm, Hyemeyohsts The Road by the River: A Healing Journey for Women 455 Storr, Anthony Jung 456 Storr, Anthony Solitude 457 Storr, Anthony The Essential Jung 458 Storr, Anthony & Anthony Freud & Jung: A Dual Introduction 459 Storr,Stevens Anthony and Stevens, Freud & Jung 460 Sullivan,Anthony Erin Dynasty: The Astrology of Family Dynamics 461 Sullivan, Erin Saturn in Transit: Boundaries of Mind, Body, and Soul 462 Taylor, Jeremy Dream Work: Techniques for Discovering the Creative Power in Dreams 463 Te Paske, Bradley A. Rape and Ritual: A Psychological Study 464 Thomas, Ann G. The Women We Become 465 Thompson, William Irwin The Time Falling Bodies Take to Light 466 Torr, D. The Road by the River 467 Toub, Micah Growing Up Jung: Coming of Age as the Son of Shrinks 468 Toub, Micah The Heart of the Hunter 469 Ulanov, Ann Belford Religion and The Spiritual in Carl Jung 470 Ulanov, Ann Belford The Feminine in Jungian Psychology and in Christian Theology 471 Ulanov, Ann Belford The Wisdom of the Psyche 472 Ulanov, Ann Belford Transforming Sexuality 473 Van der Post, Laurens A Walk with a White Bushman 474 Van der Post, Laurens About Blady 475 Van der Post, Laurens Growing up Jung 476 Van der Post, Laurens Jung and the Story of Our Time

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477 Vitale, Augusto, et al. Fathers & Mothers: Five Papers on the Archetypal Background of Family Psychology 478 von Franz, Marie-Louise Alchemical Active Imagination 479 von Franz, Marie-Louise Alchemy: An Introduction to the Symbolism and the Psychology * 480 von Franz, Marie-Louise Archetypal Patterns in Fairy Tales 481 von Franz, Marie-Louise Aurora Consurgens 482 von Franz, Marie-Louise Individuation in Fairytales 483 von Franz, Marie-Louise Interpretation of Fairytales 484 von Franz, Marie-Louise On Divination and Synchronicity: The Psychology of Meaningful Chance 485 von Franz, Marie-Louise On Dreams & Death 486 von Franz, Marie-Louise Projection and Re-Collection in Jungian Psychology: Reflections of the Soul 487 von Franz, Marie-Louise Puer Aeternus 488 von Franz, Marie-Louise Shadow and Evil in Fairytales 489 von Franz, Marie-Louise The Feminine in Fairy Tales 490 vonFranz, Marie-Louise C.G. Jung: His Myth in Our Time 491 vonFranz, Marie-Louise & Jung’s Typology 492 Walker,Hillman, Barbara James The Crone: Woman of Age, Wisdom, and Power * 493 Walker, Barbara G. Women’s Rituals 494 Watkins, Mary Waking Dreams 495 Weaver, Rix The Wise Old Woman 496 Weber, Christin WomanChrist 497 Wehr, Demaris Jung and Feminism: Liberating Archetypes 498 Wehr, Gerhard Jung and Steiner: The Birth of a New Psychology 499 Wehr, Gerhard Jung: A Biography 500 Wheelwright, Jane Hollister For Women Growing Older: The Animus 501 White, Victor God and the Unconscious 502 Whitmont, Edward C. Psyche and Substance 503 Whitmont, Edward C. Return of the Goddess * 504 Whitmont, Edward C. The Alchemy of Healing: Psyche and Soma 505 Whitmont, Edward C. The Symbolic Quest: Basic Concepts of Analytical Psychology 506 Whyte, David Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity 507 Wickes, Francis G. The Inner World of Childhood 508 Wickes, Francis G. The Inner World of Choice 509 Wickes, Francis G. The Inner World of Man 510 Williams, Charles Many Dimensions

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511 Williams, Donald Lee Border Crossings 512 Wilmer, Harry A. Practical Jung: Nuts and Bolts of Jungian Psychotherapy 513 Wilmer, Harry A. Understandable Jung 514 Wolff, Toni Christianity Within 515 Woodman, Marion Addiction to Perfection: The Still Unravished Bride 516 Woodman, Marion Conscious Femininity: Interviews with Marion Woodman * 517 Woodman, Marion Leaving My Father’s House: A Journey to Conscious Femininity 518 Woodman, Marion The Owl Was a Baker's Daughter: Obesity, Anorexia Nervosa, and the Repressed Feminine 519 Woodman, Marion The Pregnant Virgin: A Process of Psychological Transformation 520 Woodman, Marion The Ravaged Bridegroom: Masculinity in Women 521 Woolger, Jennifer Barker and The Goddess Within: A Guide to the Eternal Myths that Shape Women’s Lives Roger J. 522 Woolger, Roger J. Other Lives, Other Selves 523 Wyly, James The Phallic Quest: Priapus and Masculine Inflation 524 Young-Eisendrath, Polly Hags and Heroes: A Feminist Approach to Jungian Psychotherapy with Couples 525 Young-Eisendrath, Polly You’re Not What I Expected 526 Young-Eisendrath, Polly and Female Authority 527 Ziegler,Wiedemann Alfred J. Archetypal Medicine 528 Zimmer, Heinrich Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization 529 Zimmer, Henrich The King & the Corpse: Tales of the Soul's Conquest of Evil 530 Zoja, Luigi Drugs, Addiction, and Initiation: The Modern Search for Ritual 531 Zukav, Gary The Seat of the Soul 532 Zweig, Connie & Jeremiah Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature Abrams, ed. 533 Zweig, Connie and Wolf, Steve Romancing the Shadow

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