An Incomplete Bibliography of Publications in Historia Scientiarum (International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan)
An Incomplete Bibliography of Publications in Historia Scientiarum (International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan) Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail:,, (Internet) WWW URL: 27 December 2018 Version 1.03 Title word cross-reference $124.00 [Hij90]. $29.00 [Bur93a]. 3[+]1=8 [Hol03]. $49.95 [Yaj07]. 7 × 7 e `eme ieme th [Yam10]. 9 [Mur94]. [Gui86, Pen04, Yos81a]. [DP88].P [Ano94b]. ≈ n 2 2 [Pen04]. π [HKY89, Nak94a, Vol94]. π 3(1=8) [Mur92b]. i=1 xi = x [Ras94a]. × [Har87b]. 0 [Hig01a, Izu05, Miu03, Mor04b, Sat05, She06a, She06b]. 0-19-860665-6 [Sat05]. 0-19-927016-3 [Izu05]. 0-520-24607-1 [Yaj07]. 0-691-11445-5 [She06b]. 0-8018-8235-4 [She06a]. 0-86078-668-4 [Hig01a]. 000 [Sas81b]. 00FF [Yos82]. 02/06/2000 [Has01]. 1 [Kaw93a, Oka98, Yos98]. 10 [Høy03, Yos81c]. 10th [Suz81]. 11 [Hay94]. 12/02/1906 [Has01]. 1475/76 [Hig01b]. 1500 [Ito83]. 15073 [Mur05b]. 1 2 16th [Maa91]. 17 [Sat86, Sat87]. 1700 [Nak83]. 17th [Maa91, Oh14, Yin13]. 18.5cm [Har87b]. 1843 [Ito16]. 1847 [Nak00a]. 1847/48 [Nak00a]. 1880s [Kim08a]. 18th [Ano94b, Kaw11, Kob02, Lor86, Nag80, Oh14, Nak98, THI17]. 18th-century [Kob02]. 19 [Nis92]. 190F [Yos98]. 1920s [Bro07, Kan13, Kim08b]. 1930 [Yaj07]. 1930s [Bro89, Kan13]. 1940 [Fur97]. 1940s [Mat98, YW05]. 1950s [HR15, Yam09]. 1955 [Nis92]. 1960s [FH12].
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