Our Mission Integration Standards + Indicators

Mission, Vision + Values 3 Our Values. affordable to providing high-quality, Dignity Health is committed we serve. Above all else we : health care to the communities Dignity - Respecting the inherent value and worth of each person. together with people who support common Collaboration - Working values and vision to achieve shared goals. - Advocating for social change and acting in ways that promote respect for all persons and demonstrate compassion for our sisters and brothers who are powerless. Stewardship - Cultivating the resources entrusted to us to promote healing and wholeness. Excellence - Exceeding expectations through teamwork and innovation. Our Vision. system known for service, chosen for A vibrant, national healthcare with patients, employees and excellence, standing in partnership of all communities served. physicians to improve the health We are committed to furthering the healing ministry are committed to furthering We resources to delivering dedicate our of Jesus. We health services; affordable high-quality, compassionate, for our sisters and brothers whoserving and advocating and partnering with othersare poor and disenfranchised; the quality of life. in the community to improve Our Mission. Our Statement of Common Values stewardship, andexcellence. we embodythevaluesofdignity, collaboration,justice, improve thequalityoflife.Incarryingoutourhealingministry, and partnerwithothersinthecommunitiesweserveto those sistersandbrotherswhoarepoordisenfranchised; high-quality, affordablehealthcare;serveandadvocatefor In livingourmission,westrivetodelivercompassionate, Values Common Of Statement Dignity Holding the value of dignity means we show respect for persons, not for anything they do or any rank they hold, but because they re ect the face of . Because

persons are created in communities, respecting dignity also means working Statement of Common Values toward the common good within the communities we serve. The common good is realized when economic, political and social conditions protect and promote the basic of all persons and enable them to reach their common goals. We respect the dignity of all persons without regard to age, gender identity, sexual orientation, , culture, race, ethnicity, gender or economic, immigration or employment status. We believe that health care is a social good and a community service and that access to health care is a fundamental right of all persons. For Dignity Health, respecting the dignity of persons requires reverence at every stage of life’s journey from conception to natural death. Therefore, direct is not performed. Reproductive technologies in which conception occurs outside a woman’s body will not be part of Dignity Health’s services. This includes in-vitro fertilization. In the context of a mutually respectful and healing relationship with the physician and the clinical team, patients have the right to make medical decisions, including accepting or rejecting treatment, and must give free and before any intervention. They also have a right to make an advance directive and to name a surrogate decision maker, and they or their surrogates must have access to medical and other information regarding their care. At the same time, patients have a right to —of their persons and of their medical information—and must be able to trust that our record-keeping and information systems are reliable and safe. Patients’ families are an integral part of their care, and patient advocates are welcome. There is no obligation to begin or continue treatment, even life-sustaining treatment, if from the patient’s perspective it is an excessive burden or offers no reasonable hope of benet. Death is a sacred part of life’s journey; we will intentionally neither hasten nor delay it. For this , physician- is not part of Dignity Health’s mission. Although pain management in all its forms is critical in allowing a person to die comfortably and with dignity, palliative care is consistent with all types of treatment and is not limited to those persons who are at the end of life. We attend to all dimensions of the person and consider professional spiritual care essential to our service. Spiritual care encompasses the full range of spiritual services integrated with patient care, including skilled listening presence that assists people of all faiths and those of no faith to tap their own beliefs, values and spiritual practices as they experience illness, trauma, recovery and loss. Consistent with the spiritual foundation of our legacy, we extend this spiritual care to families and coworkers as well as patients.

5 Statement of Common Values and accountable. strive topromoteajustcultureandworkplacerelationships thatarefair, trusting, their personalhealthandprofessionalgrowth; providesajustwage.We gives peopleavoiceinmattersaffectingtheirwork; respectsandpromotes and respectfully, recognizing thatameaningfulandhumanizingworkenvironment Dignity Healthtreatsemployees—thehandsandheart oftheministry—justly rational useofcommonresources. that willresultinamoreequitabledistributionofhealthcaregoodsand responsibility toparticipateineffortsreformthenationalhealthcaresystem acting asanadvocatetochangestructuresoppressivethem.We haveamoral persons whoarepoororvulnerable,helpingthemthroughdirectserviceand expresses apreferentialoptionforthepoor. We haveaspecialresponsibilityfor sense ofjusticethatisconcernedwithrightingimbalancespowerand The AmericanidealofblindjusticeisbalancedatDignityHealthbyabiblical Justice care networksandavenuesthatbetterensurethehealthofpopulations. for allwhoneeditrequiresustoengageactivelyinthedevelopmentofhealth those weserve.Ourcommitmenttoadvocateforreasonableandaccessiblecare faith extendsourabilitytosupportthereligiouspreferencesandspiritualneedsof and professionalgifts.Collaborationamongspiritualleaderscommunitiesof accomplished byteamsofmoralequals,withrespectforoneanother’s personal and commitmenttocontinuousimprovementmeansthatourbestworkis rules andregulations;however, collaborationmarkedbytrust,transparency provision ofhealthcareischaracterizedbynecessaryhierarchiesandmany fosters recognitionofrichnessindiversitycultureandexperience.The as employers,andcorporatecitizens.Ourcommitmenttocollaboration complex responsibilitiesashealthcareproviderstopatientsandtheirfamilies, and .Oursisacommunityofservicework—werecognizeour leaders, physicianorganizations,governmentagencies,employers,healthplans our relationshipsandlinkageswithothers:healthcareproviders,community called toservethecommunity. Ourabilitytorealizeourmissiondependson We understandthatthesocialfabriciswoveninpartnershipwithallwhoare Collaboration 6 Statement of Common Values 7 Resolution of Unforeseen Issues Resolution of Unforeseen founders are women religious, for whom contemplation and Dignity Health’s us in the action are linked in every decision. That tradition has come down to in the way we go about making important, values-based decisions, specically decision be use of a discernment process that requires signicant aspects of the to be sure that stakeholders—people try weighed in light of our core values. We decision. who are affected by the decision—can contribute appropriately to the of re ection Options are considered in light of the core values, and after a period the and respectful discussion, a decision is made that balances and honors are complex, relevant values. This process is especially important when decisions or when the values involved may con ict. When issues that are unanticipated expect all to in this document arise between Dignity Health and its partners, we contribute to a decision that serves the common good. Excellence to provide the best we strive integrity, Motivated by compassion and professional time, in the right setting, at an appropriate care for every patient, at the right recognize that consistency in the way patients with similar conditions cost. We better outcomes and, with humility and are treated is more likely to lead to in opportunities to improve our service. determination, we participate actively to implement evidence-based practices in order to promote safe, high- strive We the center. efcient care that puts patients and their families at quality, Stewardship in order to pass them on protective care we give our treasures Stewardship is the and nancial resources, our Our treasures are our human to the next generation. guard the places in us. We heritage, and the trust the public environment, our of these things carefully. safety and integrity as a health care system belong to the community and Health care resources to use them in a way of those resources with the responsibility we are stewards In addition, we acknowledge health status of the community. that advances the of the earth, and we recognize that we must our common duty to be stewards resources in ways that are equitable and ecologically sound. use the earth’s the responsibility to prioritize their use fairly When resources are scarce, we have and publicly. Mission Integration Standards Standards Integration Mission Organizational Identity Standard 1. Dignity Health’s mission and core values, as articulated in its Mission Statement and Statement of Common Values, shape the organization’s vision, strategic planning and operational decisions. Standard 2. Key constituencies understand and advance Dignity Health’s mission, core values, heritage and, with respect to its Catholic ministries, the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services, as well as the organization’s relationship with the Catholic Church.

Spirituality and Culture Standard 3. Dignity Health promotes an understanding of the human person as including body, mind, and spirit, embraces the spiritual dimension of life, and

promotes the importance of whole person values and practices in the lives of Mission Integration Standards employees and the work of the organization, with humankindness at its core. Standard 4. Dignity Health fosters a just work environment characterized by respect for the dignity of all persons, celebration of diversity, and opportunities for growth and development.

Ethical Principles Standard 5. Dignity Health promotes ethical integrity in organizational and business practices. Standard 6. Dignity Health promotes ethical integrity in the provision of patient care.

Community Health and the Common Good Standard 7. Dignity Health partners with others in the community to improve the quality of life. Standard 8. Dignity Health employs a variety of approaches, including advocacy, innovation and philanthropy, to address the social, political and economic structures that affect the health of persons, especially those most vulnerable. Standard 9. Dignity Health exercises responsible stewardship of the environment and partners with others to advance ecological initiatives.

9 Care Center Indicators Indicators Center Care Organizational Identity Standard 1. The Dignity Health mission and core values, as articulated in its Mission Statement and Statement of Common Values, shape the organization’s vision, strategic planning and operational decisions.

1.1 – Visioning, strategic planning, budgeting and capital decisions are made consistent with the organization’s mission and core values and re ect values based discernment to assure such alignment. • Care center leaders can describe values based discernment processes. • Signicant decisions contain documented elements re ecting values based discernment processes.

1.2 – Dignity Health’s mission and core values are demonstrated in care center operations and are experienced in organizational culture. • Policies re ect and, as appropriate, reference mission and core values (dignity, justice, collaboration, excellence and stewardship) in both content and processes. • Mission and core values are used as a resource in quality improvement of care center processes. • Patient and family centered care is grounded in the organization’s mission and core values and is fullled in patient, family and staff interactions characterized by humankindness, including effective listening, respect, empathy and kindness. • Employee surveys are used to evaluate and improve the effectiveness Care Center Indicators and integration of the organization’s mission and core values.

Organizational Identity Standard 2. Key constituencies understand and advance Dignity Health’s mission, core values, heritage and, with respect to its Catholic ministries, the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services as well as the organization’s relationship with the Catholic Church.

2.1 - Employees, managers, volunteers, physicians and board members (stakeholders) receive initial orientation and on-going education and formation opportunities to learn about the heritage of their care center and Dignity Health’s history, mission, vision, core values, and for Catholic care centers, Ethical and Religious Directives.

11 Care Center Indicators 12 • • bishop includes: dioceses whereDignityHealthhasapresence.Communication withthe maintain appropriateandon-goingcommunication withbishopsinthe 2.4 –Catholiccarecenters,incollaborationwiththeSponsorship Council, • • • • • • which address: Conference ofCatholicBishops(EthicalandReligiousDirectivesorERDs), for CatholicHealthCareServicespromulgatedbytheUnitedStates 2.3 –CatholiccarecentersabidebytheEthicalandReligiousDirectives • • and communityhealthasestablishedinthesestandardsindicators. integration includingorganizationalidentity, spiritualityandculture, professional preparationinmissionleadershipisaccountablefor 2.2 –Adesignatedmemberoftheseniormanagementteamwith • • center’s relationshipwiththeChurch. Dialogue onmattersthatwillhaveasignicantimpact onthecare and thequalityofministryleadershipformation; identity, includingtheimplementation oftheprinciplesERDs Information andoutcomesregardingtheassessment ofCatholic and providers. Forming newpartnershipswithhealthcareorganizations Issues incarefortheseriouslyillanddying; Issues incareforthebeginningoflife; The professional-patientrelationship; The pastoralandspiritualresponsibilityofCatholichealthcare; The socialresponsibilityofCatholichealthcareservices; system guidelines. developed andpresentedtocarecenterboardsconsistentwith An annualmissionintegrationassessment,planandreportis work ofmissionintegration. The MissionIntegrationleaderwilldemonstratecompetenceinthe foundational elementsonthestakeholder’s work. Mentoring, education,andevaluationexploretheimplicationsofthese and historycarecenterspecicheritageinformation. Statement ofCommonValues andEthicalReligiousDirectives), Orientation materialsincludesystemmission,vision,values(including Care Center Indicators 13 Chaplain staff have been educated in Association for Clinical Chaplain staff have been educated and participate in ongoing Pastoral Education accredited programs educational activities. in patient care including Professional chaplains participate and multidisciplinary case conferences, quality improvement, care planning. at or above the minimum Spiritual care departments are staffed standard established by Dignity Health. practices, policies and Spiritual care departments establish of spiritual care services, procedures that assure the provision the Catholic Church and of other including sacraments and rituals of faith traditions, as appropriate for the care setting. Spiritual Care Staff demonstrate respect for the breadth of spiritual and religious beliefs expressed by those within the care center. Religious and other celebrations are offered in a manner sensitive to the cultural and faith diversity of those within the care center. Palliative Care seeks to relieve distressing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual symptoms and to enhance quality of life at any stage of serious illness. A designated spiritual care leader with professional certication is A designated spiritual care leader center spiritual care services. responsible for coordinating all care • each care center is integrated with 3.2 – The provision of spiritual care in staffed to provide effective care. patient care processes, and is sufciently • • • 3.3 – Spiritual Care Services support the variety of beliefs presented by those served. • • 3.4 – Palliative Care Services are an integral dimension of whole person care and are provided at Dignity Health care centers, as appropriate. • – Spiritual Care Services Departments require the professional Departments require the 3.1 – Spiritual Care Services continuing leaders and chaplains and promote certication of their professional education. • Spirituality and Culture Spirituality human person as an understanding of the Standard 3. Dignity Health promotes the spiritual dimension of life, and mind, and spirit, embraces including body, practices in the lives of of whole person values and promotes the importance at its core. work of the organization, with humankindness employees and the Care Center Indicators growth anddevelopment. respect forthedignityofallpersons,celebrationdiversity, andopportunitiesfor Standard 4.DignityHealthfostersajustworkenvironmentcharacterizedby Spirituality andCulture 14 • • 3.5 –Eachcarecentercreatesanenvironmentconducivetohealing. • • • development. 4.3 –Resourcesareinvested inemployeeeducationandprofessional • • • environment re ectingthemanyfacetsofdiversity inthecarecenter. volunteers, students,andunionleadershiptocreate arichwork 4.2 –DignityHealthleaderscollaboratewithemployees, physicians, • • mission andcorevalues. 4.1 –HumanResourcesfunctionsinalignmentwiththeDignityHealth re ection, prayer, meditation,and/orworship. Each carecenterhasachapelordesignatedspaceavailablefor extend patientandfamilycenteredcare. private space,andtechnology, aredesignedtopromotehealingand Internal andexternalspace,includingtheuseofart,gardens,music, Catholic moralteaching. the StatementofCommonValues, EthicalandReligiousDirectives suffering andprovideexpertmedicalcarecomfortconsistentwith Palliative careprovidedtopatientsattheendoflifeseeksease patients andfamiliesexperiencingseriousillness. chaplains andothercaregiversinprovidingmulti-professionalcareto Palliative CareServicesengagephysicians,nurses,socialworkers, Care centersprovidetime andopportunitiesforemployeeeducation. Mission andvalueseducationalopportunitiesareprovided. Workplace safetyiscollaborativelydevelopedandactivelypromoted. Workplace relationshipsre ectacultureofrespectandinclusion. work environment. salaries, benetsandrewardsarecreatedtoestablishavibrant Policies andprocedures,selectioncriteria,performancemanagement, Religious Directives. Dignity HealthStatementofCommonValues andEthical Employment expectations,consistentlyapplied,alignwiththe Care Center Indicators 15 The Statement of Common Values and the Ethical and Religious The Statement of Common Values in the development and Directives are considered, as appropriate, of health care services. application of policies and in the provision are educated on the Statement of Employees and other care providers the social teachings of the Catholic Church and the Common Values, the implications of each for Ethical and Religious Directives, including organizational and business practices. mission and core values, and their relationship to Dignity Health’s organizational and business practices, are integrated into employee orientation and training programs, and consistently practiced. and appropriate reporting of mistakes and engagement of root Timely cause analysis consistent with a culture of justice is utilized to support ongoing quality improvement of systems and processes. business or based discernment is used for strategic, Values management decisions having signicant nancial, investment, employee, public perception or vulnerable community stakeholder impact. Departmental strategic planning efforts include employee efforts include strategic planning Departmental development. inspirational and meetings begin with an Signicant gatherings to connect those gathered and assists them re ection that centers and meaning of their work. with the deeper purpose days with ceremony special occasions and heritage Care centers mark of work. dimension of the community that afrms the spiritual – Dignity Health is guided by its Statement of Common Values and, of Common Values 5.1 – Dignity Health is guided by its Statement abides by the Ethical and Religious with respect to its Catholic facilities, Services. Directives for Catholic Health Care • • 5.2 – Each care center demonstrates organizational ethics. • • 5.3 – Dignity Health leaders use values based discernment in strategic, business and management decision-making and priority setting. • • culture and heritage: Dignity Health’s 4.4 – Consistent with • • Ethical Principles in organizational and Standard 5. Dignity Health promotes ethical integrity business practices. Care Center Indicators patient care. Standard 6.DignityHealthpromotesethicalintegrityintheprovisionof Ethical Principles 16 • and intheEthical andReligiousDirectives. for theseriouslyillanddying notedintheStatementofCommonValues foregoing ofprohibitedservices incareatthebeginningoflifeand with theprovisionsof Ethical andReligiousDirectives,includingthe Common Values, andCatholiccarecentersprovide patient careconsistent 6.4 –Carecentersprovidepatientcareconsistentwith theStatementof • • • • development, education,andcaseconsultation.EachEthicsCommittee: 6.3 –EachcarecenterhasanEthicsCommitteeforclinicalethicspolicy • • are respected. 6.2 –Decisionsofpatients,familyorsurrogatedecisionmakers • • orientation, orgenderfaithidentity. gender, raceorculture,socio-economicimmigrationstatus,sexual 6.1 –Eachcarecenterprovidestoallpersonsregardlessofage, Religious Directives. of CommonValues and,whereapplicable,theEthicaland of businesspracticesconsistentwithDignityHealth’s Statement Relationships withexternalpartnersarepredicatedondiscussion Engages ineducationforitself,theorganizationand themedicalstaff. Engages inregularassessmentofthecommittee’s effectiveness;and case consultation; Has multidisciplinarymembershipandguidelines for policyand minutes forsubmissiontotheappropriateboard; Is appropriatelycharteredwithinthecarecenterand maintains supportive careofthedyingareprovided. regarding patientrights,advancedirectives,palliativecareand Educational opportunitiesforpatients,staffandthecommunity understanding andexpressingtreatmentdecisions. assist patientsand/orthepatient’s surrogate decision-makerin Care centersprovidetrainedmultidisciplinarystafftoeducateand impact his/hercarechoicesandhealingprocess. Care planningincorporateshowthepatient’s sociallocationmay patients andtheirlovedones. Care centersprovidelinguisticallyandculturallycompetentcareto Care Center Indicators 17 Care centers integrate community health priorities into strategic Care centers integrate community planning and budgeting processes. annual Community Health’s Care centers participate in Dignity Grants program. expenses associated with Designated staff report quantiable utilizing the Community community health programs and services Benet Inventory for Social Accountability. with local stakeholders Care centers participate collaboratively needs assessment. in conducting a community health of focus. Care centers establish priority areas plans to address identied Care centers develop implementation disproportionate unmet health-related needs. Focus on disproportionate unmet health-related needs. Emphasize prevention, including activities that address the underlying causes of persistent health problems. Contribute to a seamless continuum of care. Build community capacity. Demonstrate collaborative governance. Care centers budget adequate nancial resources for competent adequate nancial resources Care centers budget and report to plan, develop, implement, evaluate and effective staff programs and services. community health • • • with federal and state 7.2 – Each care center ensures compliance needs assessments and mandates regarding community health plans. community health implementation • • • 7.3 – Community health programming incorporates the following core principles: • • • • • – Care centers effectively resource and manage community resource and manage community 7.1 – Care centers effectively health activities. • Community Health and the Common Good Health and the Common Community to improve with others in the community Standard 7. Dignity Health partners the quality of life. Care Center Indicators structures thataffectthehealthofpersons,especiallythosemostvulnerable. innovation andphilanthropy, toaddressthesocial,politicalandeconomic Standard 8.DignityHealthemploysavarietyofapproaches,includingadvocacy, Community HealthandtheCommonGood 18 • • • • • in theprovisionofcare. plan andnurturesrelationshipswithpartnersforinnovativeadvancements 8.3 –Eachcarecenterdevelopsandimplementsaphilanthropicstrategic • • ofcials andcommunityadvocacypartners. 8.2 –Eachcarecenterproactivelybuildsrelationshipswithelected • • 8.1 –Carecentersparticipateinlocal,stateandnationaladvocacy stewardship offundsentrustedtoDignityHealthby itsbenefactors. Care centerandphilanthropystaffarecommittedto theproper collaboration withphilanthropystaff. Employees andphysiciansassistwithgratefulpatient identicationin improvement throughphilanthropicsupport. employees’ localcarecenters,includingidentifying areasfor Employees areengagedinphilanthropytosupportneedsatthe the community. community healthworkandhowitsupportsthegreatergoodof donors toshareinformationandneedsrelatedDignityHealth’s Care centerandphilanthropystaffmeetwithdonorsprospective the carecenterswhichappealtodonorsincommunity. Philanthropic strategicplansidentifycapitalandoperatingneedsat advocacy partnersforcollaborativeaction. Care centeradvocacystaffidentieslocalissuesandcommunity to developadvocacyrelationships. Care centerfacilityleadersmeetwithelectedofcialsand/ortheirstaff Advocacy alertsarereceivedandacteduponinatimelymanner. advocacy priorities. responsible forimplementingsystem-wideandfacility-specic Care centershaveadesignatedcoordinatorofadvocacyefforts Care Center Indicators 19 Energy and water conservation; Energy and water gas emissions; and Reduction of greenhouse systems. Nutritious, safe, and sustainable of departments, such as patient Includes representation from a range environmental services, dietary, services, purchasing, engineering, and administration; security, infection control, laboratory, pharmacy, performance, monitors Sets annual goals for improved environmental submits required reports; progress toward those goals, and issues; and Educates employees on environmental with others in the community in Identies opportunities to partner support of ecological projects. are referenced in Care center environmental efforts employee orientation. Staff, volunteers and physicians are offered on-going training in leading environmental practices. Position descriptions and annual reference environmental stewardship. Waste minimization; Waste • • • area has an interdisciplinary 9.2 – Each care center and/or service led by a designated coordinator that: Environmental Action Committee • • • • of environmental resources. 9.3 – Care centers promote the safeguarding • • • – Each care center develops and implements policies to address: develops and implements policies 9.1 – Each care center • Community Health and the Common Good Health and the Common Community of the environment responsible stewardship Standard 9. Dignity Health exercises others to advance ecological initiatives. and partners with Business Center Indicators Indicators Center Business Organizational Identity Standard 1. The Dignity Health mission and core values, as articulated in its Mission Statement and Statement of Common Values, shape the organization’s vision, strategic planning and operational decisions.

1.1 – Visioning, strategic planning, budgeting and capital decisions are made consistent with the organization’s mission and core values and re ect values based discernment to assure such alignment. • Business center leaders can describe values based discernment processes. • Signicant decisions contain documented elements re ecting values based discernment processes.

1.2 – Dignity Health’s mission and core values are demonstrated in business center operations and are experienced in organizational culture. • Policies re ect and, as appropriate, reference mission and core values (dignity, justice, collaboration, excellence and stewardship) in both content and processes. • Mission and core values are used as a resource in quality improvement of business center processes. • Collegial and customer interactions are characterized by humankindness—effective listening, respect, empathy and kindness. • Employee surveys are used to evaluate and improve the effectiveness and integration of the organization’s mission and core values.

Organizational Identity Standard 2. Key constituencies understand and advance Dignity Health’s mission, core values, heritage and, with respect to its Catholic ministries, the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services as well as the organization’s relationship with the Catholic Church.

2.1 – Employees receive initial orientation and on-going education and formation opportunities to learn about the heritage of Dignity Health, including its history, mission, vision, and core values. Business Center Indicators • Orientation materials include mission, vision and values, and system and facility history and heritage information. • Mentoring, education, and explore the implications of these foundational elements on the employee’s work.

21 Business Center Indicators employees andtheworkoforganization,withhumankindnessatitscore. promotes theimportanceofwholepersonvaluesandpracticesinlives including body, mind,andspirit,embracesthespiritualdimensionoflife, Standard 3.DignityHealthpromotesanunderstandingofthehumanpersonas Spirituality andCulture 22 • • and communityhealthasestablishedinthesestandardsindicators. integration includingorganizationalidentity, spiritualityandculture,ethics 2.2 –Adesignatedmissionintegrationleaderisaccountablefor • • and well-beingofbody, mind andspirit. 3.3 –Eachbusinesscentercreatesanenvironmentconducive tohealth • • those served. 3.2 –SpiritualCareproviderssupportthevarietyofbeliefspresentedby • • business center. 3.1 –SpiritualCareServicesareprovidedforemployeesinthe developed consistentwithsystemguidelines. An annualmissionintegrationassessment,planandreportis mission integration. mission integrationandwilldemonstratecompetenceintheworkof The MissionIntegrationleaderwillhaveprofessionalpreparationin prayer, meditation,and/or worship. Each businesscenterhasadesignatedspaceavailable forre ection, and well-being. music, privatespace,andtechnology, aredesignedtopromotehealth Internal andexternalspace,includingtheuseofart, gardens, the culturalandfaithdiversityofthosewithinbusiness center. Religious andothercelebrationsareofferedinamannersensitiveto and religiousbeliefsexpressedbythosewithinthebusinesscenter. Spiritual CareStaffdemonstraterespectforthebreadthofspiritual certied chaplains. staff inlocalcarecentersorbydirectemploymentofprofessionally Provision ofspiritualcarewillbedevelopedincollaborationwith Professional chaplainsserveemployeesinthebusinesscenter. Business Center Indicators 23 Policies and procedures, selection criteria, performance management, Policies and procedures, selection created to establish a vibrant work salaries, benets and rewards are environment. relationships re ect a culture of respect and inclusion. Workplace safety is collaboratively developed and actively promoted. Workplace are provided. Mission and values educational opportunities opportunities for Business centers provide time and employee education. employee development. Departmental planning efforts include Signicant gatherings and meetings begin with an inspirational re ection that centers those gathered and assists them to connect with the deeper purpose and meaning of their work. Business centers mark special occasions and heritage days with ceremony that afrms the spiritual dimension of the community of work. Employment expectations, consistently applied, align with the Dignity consistently applied, align Employment expectations, of Common Values. Health Statement • with employees and, as 4.2 – Dignity Health leaders collaborate a rich work environment re ecting applicable, union leadership, to create business center. the many facets of diversity in the • • • education and 4.3 – Resources are invested in employee professional development. • • culture and heritage: 4.4 – Consistent with Dignity Health’s • • – Human Resources functions in alignment with the Dignity Health functions in alignment with the 4.1 – Human Resources values. mission and core • Spirituality and Culture Spirituality by a just work environment characterized Standard 4. Dignity Health fosters for and opportunities diversity, of all persons, celebration of respect for the dignity growth and development. Business Center Indicators business practices. Standard 5.DignityHealthpromotesethicalintegrityinorganizationaland Ethical Principles 24 • • business andmanagementdecision-makingprioritysetting. 5.3 –DignityHealthleadersusevaluesbaseddiscernmentinstrategic, • • 5.2 –Eachbusinesscenterdemonstratesorganizationalethics. • • Directives forCatholicHealthCareServices. with respecttoitsCatholicfacilities,abidesbytheEthicalandReligious 5.1 –DignityHealthisguidedbyitsStatementofCommonValues, and Religious Directives. of CommonValues and,whereapplicable,theEthicaland of businesspracticesconsistentwithDignityHealth’s Statement Relationships withexternalpartnersarepredicated ondiscussion stakeholder impact. employee, publicperceptionorvulnerablecommunity management decisionshavingsignicantnancial,investment, Values baseddiscernment isusedforstrategic,businessor ongoing qualityimprovementofsystemsandprocesses. cause analysisconsistentwithacultureofjusticeisutilizedtosupport Timely andappropriatereportingofmistakesengagementroot orientation andtrainingprograms,areconsistentlypracticed. and businesspoliciespracticesareintegratedintoemployee Dignity Health’s corevaluesandtheir relationship toorganizational business practices. Directives, includingtheimplicationsofeachfororganizationaland social teachingsoftheCatholicChurchandEthicalReligious Employees areeducatedontheStatementofCommonValues, the application ofpoliciesandintheprovisionbusinessservices. Directives areconsidered,asappropriate,inthedevelopmentand The StatementofCommonValues andtheEthicalReligious Business Center Indicators 25 Each business center has access to mission integration and Each business center has access business ethics policy compliance resources and staff for development, education, and consultation. volunteer service in Business centers encourage employee the community. Business centers educate employees about Dignity Health system, health activities. community and local care center, Focus on disproportionate unmet health-related needs. Emphasize prevention, including activities that address the underlying causes of persistent health problems. Contribute to a seamless continuum of care. Build community capacity. Demonstrate collaborative governance. Business centers provide linguistically and culturally competent provide linguistically and culturally Business centers service to customers. • patients and families are 6.2 – Business center interactions with and family care experience and as understood both as part of the patient integrity. opportunities to demonstrate ethical with the community and 7.1 – Business centers promote involvement health activities. effectively resource and manage community • • 7.2 – Business centers receive education on community health topics, including the signicance of the following guiding principles: • • • • • – Each business center provides service to all persons regardless center provides service to all persons 6.1 – Each business or immigration status, race or culture, socio-economic of age, gender, or faith identity. gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, • Community Health and the Common Good Community Health and in the community to improve the Standard 7. Dignity Health partners with others quality of life. Ethical Principles of ethical integrity in the provision Standard 6. Dignity Health promotes patient care. Business Center Indicators and partnerswithotherstoadvanceecologicalinitiatives. Standard 9.DignityHealthexercisesresponsiblestewardshipoftheenvironment Community HealthandtheCommonGood structures thataffectthehealthofpersons,especiallythosemostvulnerable. innovation andphilanthropy, toaddressthesocial,politicalandeconomic Standard 8.DignityHealthemploysavarietyofapproaches,includingadvocacy, Community HealthandtheCommonGood 26 • • • Environmental ActionCommitteethat: 9.2 –Eachbusinesscenterand/orserviceareahasan interdisciplinary • • • • 9.1 –Eachbusinesscenterdevelopsandimplementspoliciestoaddress: • • strategic plan. 8.2 –Eachbusinesscenterdevelopsandimplementsaphilanthropic • • advocacy partners. proactively buildsrelationshipswithelectedofcialsandcommunity 8.1 –Incollaborationwithsystemadvocacystaff,eachbusinesscenter support ofecologicalprojects. Identies opportunitiesto partnerwithothersinthecommunity Educates employeesonenvironmental issues;and monitors progresstowardthosegoals; Sets annualgoalsforimprovedenvironmentalperformance and Nutritious, safe,andsustainablefoodsystems. Reduction ofgreenhousegasemissions;and Energy andwaterconservation; Waste minimization; stewardship offundsentrustedtoDignityHealthbyitsbenefactors. Business centerandphilanthropystaffarecommittedtotheproper for improvementthroughphilanthropicsupport. employees’ localcareorbusinesscenters,includingidentifyingareas Employees areengagedinphilanthropytosupportneedsatthe advocacy partnersforcollaborativeaction. Business centeradvocacyliaisonsidentifylocalissuesandcommunity advocacy initiativesasdirectedbysystemstaff. Business centershaveadesignatedadvocacyliaisonwhorespondsto Business Center Indicators 27 Business center environmental efforts are referenced in environmental efforts are referenced Business center employee orientation. training in and contribute to on-going Employees are offered practices. leading environmental – Business centers promote the safeguarding of the safeguarding centers promote 9.3 – Business environmental resources. • • mean any employee or volunteer within Dignity Health leaders mean any employee or volunteer or has oversight of a function Dignity Health who supervises others or system ofce, including care centers service area within a facility, and business centers. Facility leaders mean presidents and senior team members of a Dignity Health work site, including care centers and business centers. Service area leaders mean Dignity Health leaders who have oversight of personnel or functions of multiple facilities within a service area. System leaders mean Dignity Health leaders who have oversight of personnel or functions across service areas, or throughout Dignity Health, as a whole. De nitions Business Center Indicators 28