Basic Paramo dulation


Leo Bachmair Harald Ganzinger

z x

Christopher Lynch Wayne Snyder

March 9, 1995

Department of Computer Science, SUNY at Stony Bro ok, Stony Bro ok, NY 11794,

U.S.A., [email protected]; partially supp orted by NSF Grant No. CCR-8901322.


Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Im Stadtwald, D-66123 Saarbrücken, Germany,

[email protected]; partially supp orted by the ESPRIT Basic ResearchWorking Group

No. 6028 Construction of Computational Logics and by German Science Foundation

Grant No. Ga261/4-2.


Computer Science Department, Boston University, 111 Cummington St., Boston, MA

02215, U.S.A., [email protected]; partially supp orted by NSF grant No. CCR-8901647.


Computer Science Department, Boston University, 111 Cummington St., Boston, MA

02215, U.S.A., [email protected]; partially supp orted by NSF Grant No. CCR-8910268. 1

Prop osed Running Head: Basic Paramo dulation

Pro ofs should b e senttoWayne Snyder Boston Universityaddress on

previous page. 2

List of Symb ols

Other than ordinary text in variously sized fonts, and in roman, italic,

b oldface, and script F , V , R, greek letters, ordinary mathematical symb ols

[, 2, 62, =, n set dierence, :, _, ^, etc. and the at-sign @ used in

email addresses, we use the following mathematical symb ols:

 Relational symb ols:  equality in the formal language, = equality

in the meta language, 6 negation of equality,  congruence, ,


 , ,, , , + rewrite relations,  ,  , etc. subscripted rewrite




 Term, Equation, and Clause Orderings: ,  ,  , , etc. we use


> for the ordinary ordering on the natural numb ers;

 Grouping symb ols: [], [] , [[]], fg,


 Miscellaneous: > for true, 7!, and  dot used in closures: C   .

We also use standard form for inferences, e.g.,

C    C  

1 n


and we indicate certain sp ecic p ortions of an atomic formula by enclosing

them in b oxes, e.g.,

:P gg y  _ Qga _ k hg y ;g y   h y 3


Weintro duce a class of restrictions for the ordered paramo dulation and

sup erp osition calculi inspired by the basic strategy for narrowing, in

which paramo dulation inferences are forbidden at terms intro duced by

substitutions from previous inference steps. In addition weintro duce

restrictions based on term selection rules and redex orderings, which

are general criteria for delimiting the terms which are available for

inferences. These renements are compatible with standard ordering

restrictions and are complete without paramo dulation into variables or

using functional reexivity axioms. We prove refutational complete-

ness in the context of deletion rules, such as simplication by

demo dulation and subsumption, and of techniques for eliminating re-

dundant inferences. 4

1 Intro duction

The paramo dulation calculus is a refutational theorem proving metho d for

rst-order logic with equality, originally presented in Robinson & Wos 1969

and rened in various ways since that time. Two imp ortant renements of

this metho d that have b een develop ed are, rst, restricting the paramo du-

lation rule so that no inferences are p erformed into variable p ositions and

avoiding the use of functional reexivity axioms Brand 1975, Peterson 1983

and, second, restricting the inference rules using orderings on terms and

atoms see Section 3.1 for references. In addition, various mechanisms have

b een suggested for simplifying clauses and removing redundant ones. The

paramo dulation rule is extremely prolic, even if restricted to non-variable

p ositions, and it is crucial for the practical use of the metho d to work out

the various p ossibilities for reducing the search space for a refutation.

In this pap er we strengthen previous renements signicantly by extend-

ing the principles underlying the basic strategy for narrowing, due to Hullot

1980, in which inferences are forbidden at terms intro duced by substitu-

tions in earlier inferences, to the case of rst-order clauses in a refutational

setting. In addition, we showhow to asso ciate with each term information

as to which subterms have already b een explored, so as to direct further in-

ferences to the unexplored region of a term. The b oundary b etween the two

regions is called the frontier. Theorem proving can b e viewed as a pro cess

that continually expands this frontier in the search for a refutation. Our

renements of paramo dulation are aimed at controlling and optimizing this

exploration pro cess.

As a simple illustration, let us consider the paramo dulation inference

Qga _ f hz ; z   gz :P f x; g y  _ k x; g y   hy

:P ggy _ Qga _ k hgy; gy  hy

and p ossible further paramo dulations into its conclusion. Using b oxes to

indicate subterms that have already b een explored and at which further

paramo dulations are forbidden, we obtain the following representation of

the conclusion

:P gg y  _ Qga _ k hg y ;g y   h y

if paramo dulations into variables are disallowed. The basic restriction also

forbids inferences at any term intro duced as part of the substitution,

gy  _ Qga _ k  hg y ;g y   h y : :P g 5

These restrictions can b e implemented easily either by using a simple

marking strategy with a Bo olean ag indicating forbidden terms or, al-

ternately,by directly implementing the formalism of closures i.e., pairs

of clauses and substitutions in whichwe describ e our inference systems.

Alternately, as describ ed in Nieuwenhuis & Rubio 1992a and 1992b, the

basic strategy can b e represented by clauses with equality constraints, e.g.,

P  a  could b e represented by P x[[x = a]], where inferences are not p er-

mitted into the constraint see Kirchner, Kirchner, & Rusinowitch 1990.

This formulation also allows the integration of the basic strategy with other

constraint metho ds.

We also show that the basic strategy is compatible with ordering restric-

tions and, hence, can b e applied to the superposition calculus see Bachmair

& Ganzinger 1994 which extends a suitable notion of rewriting to rst-order

clauses. Further renements include the use of term selection functions and

redex orderings . Selection complements basic constraints in that it provides

a mechanism for sp ecifying at which p ositions inferences must take place,

and is a generalization of the use of orderings to constrain inferences. Redex

orderings blend well with selection functions and rest on the observation

that the rewrite steps mo delled by sup erp osition can b e assumed to have

o ccurred in a particular order in reducing selected terms to normal form.

These renements would allow us, for example, to forbid inferences at

any term p ositioned b elow a former paramo dulation inference,

ggy  _ Qga _ k  hg y ;g y   h y :P 

or even at any term intro duced by the left premise,

ggy  _ Q ga  _ k  hg y ;g y   h y : :P 

We will also formally describ e a technique, called variable abstraction ,

for propagating information ab out forbidden terms around a clause. For ex-

ample, if one o ccurrence of a subterm has b een explored, wemay propagate

the restrictions to other o ccurrences of the same term,

:P  ggy  _ Q ga  _ k  hg y ; gy   h y :

The combined eect of all these renements of paramo dulation is remi-

niscent of the set of support strategy in resolution, in that inferences are not

p ermitted in certain regions of the clause set. The dierences lie in the scop e 6

of these restricted regions: parts of terms lo cal to one clause in the basic

metho d, and a subset of the entire clause set in the set of supp ort strategy.

Thus we consider this pap er to b e a robust answer to a research problem

p osed in Wos 1988: What strategy can be usedtorestrict paramodulation

at the term level to the same degree that the set of support strategy restricts

al l inference rules at the clause level ?

Another asp ect of paramo dulation calculi, which is at least as imp or-

tant for practical purp oses as renements of the deduction pro cess, is the

design of suitable simplication techniques. We explore the role of simpli-

cation rules such as demo dulation, subsumption and blo cking, and adapt

the framework of redundancy develop ed in Bachmair & Ganzinger 1994 to

our basic variants of paramo dulation. The connections b etween simplica-

tion and deductive inference rules are quite subtle in this context and raise

anumber of interesting questions, b oth from a theoretical and a practical

p oint of view.

This pap er is organized as follows. In the next section we present the

technical background to the calculi, which are presented formally in Sec-

tion 3. The succeeding section proves completeness, and then we consider

theorem proving derivations for saturating a set of clauses and discuss re-

dundancy in Section 5. In Section 6 we will briey consider the purely

equational case and apply our results to describ e Knuth/Bendix completion

under the basic strategy.We conclude with a comparison with previous and


2 Preliminaries

2.1 Equational clauses

We formulate our inference rules in an equational framework and dene

clauses in terms of multisets. A multiset is an unordered collection with

p ossible duplicate elements. We denote the numb er of o ccurrences of an

ob ject x in a multiset M by M x.

An equation is an expression s  t, where s and t are rst-order terms

built from a given set of function symb ols F and a set of variables V .We

assume the reader is familiar with some notation, such as strings of integers,

for indicating positions i.e., addresses of subterms in a term, literal, or

clause. By t=q we denote the subterm of t o ccurring at p osition q .We also

write t[s] if s is a subterm of t, and if necessary write t[s] to indicate the


p osition p of s in t. We identify s  t with t  s and hence implicitl y 7

have symmetry of equality. A literal is either an equation A a positive

literal or the negation :A thereof a negative literal. Negative equations

:s  t will b e given in the form s 6 t. Wemay, where appropriate,

assume the vo cabulary of function symb ols to b e a many-sorted signature

with the usual typing constraints for equations, terms and substitutions. In

particular, atomic formulas P t ;:::;t , where P is a predicate symb ol,

1 n

can b e represented as equations P t ;:::;t  >, where > is a unary

1 n

symb ol of sort atom and the signature of predicate symb ols is dened

accordingly. For simplicity,we usually abbreviate P t ;:::;t  >by

1 n

P t ;:::;t .

1 n

By a ground expression a term, equation, literal, formula, etc. we

mean an expression containing no variables. A clause is a nite multiset


of literals fL ;:::;L g, whichwe usually write as a disjunction L _ :::_ L .

1 n 1 n

A clause which is true in any equality interpretation is called a tautology.

Examples of tautologies are clauses containing complementary literals that

is, literals A and :A or containing an equation t  t.

A substitution is a mapping from variables to terms which is almost

everywhere equal to the identity.ByE we denote the result of applying

the substitution  to an expression E and call E an instance of E .IfE is

ground, we sp eak of a ground instance.For example, the clause a  b _ a  b

is an instance of x  b _ a  y . Comp osition of substitutions is denoted

by juxtap osition. Thus, if  and  are substitutions, then x  =x ,

for all variables x.We dene dom = fxjx 6= xg.If and  are two

substitutions such that dom  \ dom = ;, then we dene their union ,

denoted +  , as the substitution which maps x to x if x 6= x, and to x


2.2 Equality Herbrand interpretations

Because we formulate our system wholly in an equational framework, we

may represent Herbrand interpretations as congruences on ground terms.

We write A[s] to indicate that A contains s as a sub expression and am-

biguously denote by A[t] the result of replacing a particular o ccurrence of

s by t.Anequivalence is a reexive, transitive, symmetric binary relation.

An equivalence  on terms is called a congruence if s  t implies u[s]  u[t],

for all terms u, s, and t.IfE is a set of ground equations, we denote by E

the smallest congruence  such that s  t whenever s  t 2 E .


Therefore we assume that the order of the literals in a disjunction is unimp ortant,

i.e., A _ B is the same clause as B _ A; also note that A _ A is distinct from A. 8

By an equality Herbrand  interpretation we mean a congruence on

ground terms. An interpretation I is said to satisfy a ground clause C

if either A 2 I , for some equation A in C , or else A 62 I , for some negative

literal :A in C .We also say that a ground clause C is true in I ,if I satises

C , and that C is false in I otherwise. An interpretation I is said to satisfy

a non-ground clause C if it satises all ground instances C.For instance,

a tautology is satised byanyinterpretation. The empty clause is unsatis-

able in that it is satised bynointerpretation. An interpretation I is called

aequality Herbrand  model of a set N of clauses if it satises all memb ers

of N . A set N is called consistent if it has a mo del; and inconsistent or

unsatisable , otherwise. Wesay that a clause C is a consequenceof N if

every mo del of N satises C .

Convergent rewrite systems provide a convenient formalism for describ-

ing and reasoning ab out equalityinterpretations.

2.3 Convergent rewrite systems

A binary relation  on terms is called a rewrite relation if s  t implies

u[s ]  u[t ], for all terms s, t and u, and substitutions  . It is called

wel l-founded if there is no innite sequence t  t   . A transitive,

0 1

well-founded rewrite relation is called a reduction ordering.By, we denote

the symmetric closure of ;by  the transitive, reexive closure; and by

, the symmetric, transitive, reexive closure. Furthermore, we write s + t

to indicate that s and t can b e rewritten to a common form: s  v and

t  v , for some term v . A rewrite relation  is said to b e Church-Rosser

if the two relations , and + are the same.

A set of equations R is called a rewrite system with resp ect to an ordering

if wehave s t or t s, for all equations s  t in R. If all equations

in R are ground, we sp eak of a ground rewrite system. Equations in R are

also called rewrite  rules. When we sp eak of the rule s  t we implicitl y

assume that s t.By or simply  we denote the smallest rewrite



relation for which s  t whenever s  t 2 R and s t. A term s is said


to b e in normal form with resp ect to R if it can not b e rewritten by  ,


i.e., if there is no term t such that s  t. A term is also called irreducible,


if it is in normal form, and reducible, otherwise. For instance, if s + t and


s t, then s is reducible by R. A substitution  is called normalized with

resp ect to R if x is in normal form for each x 2 dom .

A rewrite system R is said to b e convergent if the rewrite relation  is


well-founded and Church-Rosser. Convergent rewrite systems dene unique 9

normal forms. A ground rewrite system R is called left-reduced if for every

rule s  t in R the term s is irreducible by R nfs  tg.Itiswell-known

that left-reduced, well-founded ground rewrite systems are convergent see

Huet 1980.

We shall represent equality Herbrand interpretations in this pap er by

convergent ground rewriting systems. Any such system R represents an

interpretation I dened by: s  t is true in I i s + t. Thus we shall


use the phrase is true in R" instead of the more prop er is true in the

interpretation I generated by R."

2.4 Clause orderings

In this pap er we assume given a reduction ordering which is total on


ground terms. For the purp ose of extending this ordering to literals and

clauses, we identify a p ositive literal s  t with the multiset of multisets

ffsg; ftgg, and a negative literal s 6 t with the multiset ffs; tgg.

Any ordering on a set S can b e extended to an ordering on nite


multisets over S as follows: M N if i M 6= N and ii whenever


N x >Mx then M y  >Ny , for some y such that y x.If is a


total [well-founded] ordering, so is . Given a set or multiset S and


an ordering on S ,wesay that x is maximal relativetoS if there is no

y 2 S with y x; and strictly maximal if there is no y 2 S nfxg with y  x.

If is an ordering on terms, then the twofold multiset ordering

  of is an ordering on literals, and the threefold ordering

mul mul

   is an ordering on clauses. Note that the multiset extension

mul mul mul

of a well-founded [total] ordering is still well-founded [total]. Since which

ordering weintend will always b e clear from the context, we denote all of

these simply by . When comparing a literal with a clause, we consider

the literal to b e a unitary clause. These orderings are similar to the ones

used in Bachmair & Ganzinger 1994. For example, if s t u, then

s 6 u s  t s  u. In general, :A A, for all equations A.

In the setting in whichwework we need a notion of reducibili ty which

takes account of the ordering on the literals involved. Wesay that a literal

0 0

L[s ] is order-reducible at p osition pby an equation s  t,ifs = s,


s t and L s  t. The last condition is always true when L is a


negative literal or else when the redex s do es not o ccur at the top of the

largest term of L.For example, if c b a, then c  b is order-reducible by


We assume the implicit unary predicate > is least in this ordering.


We shall often abbreviate the parenthetical resp ectively, ::: by [. . . ] . 10

c  a, and c 6 a is order-reducible by c  b, but c  a is not order-reducible

by c  b. Note that no equation is order-reducible by itself. But a ground

instance of an equation may b e order-reducible by another ground instance

of the same equation, as the ab ovetwo ground instances of c  x indicate.

A literal is order-reducible by R if it is order-reducible by some equation in

R. Likewise, a clause is called order-[ir]reducible at p if the literal to which

p b elongs is order-[ir]reducible at p. Order-irreducible is the same as not


2.5 Closures

Basic strategies require additional information ab out the terms in a clause.

A frontier for a term t is a set of mutually disjoint p ositions in t.We assume

that frontiers are asso ciated with all terms in a clause. Paramo dulation

inferences will b e forbidden at any term at or b elow a frontier p osition.

Thus, each term is eectively divided into an exploredregion all p ositions

at or b elow some frontier p osition and an unexploredregion all remaining

p ositions. When displaying formulas we use b oxes, as in the examples

ab ove, to delineate the explored regions in terms. Our prop osed restrictions

on paramo dulation inferences are designed to maximize the explored regions,

as this cuts down the numb er of inferences that can b e applied to a clause.

The fundamental observation underlying the basic strategy is that frontier

p ositions need not b e retried when clauses are instantiated via uniers during

the deductive inference pro cess.

A closure is a pair C   consisting of a clause C the skeleton  and a

substitution  . Closures provide a convenient formalism for denoting clauses

and asso ciated frontiers: C   represents the clause C with frontiers con-

sisting of all p ositions of variables x in C for which x 6= x.For example,

P x _ z  b fx 7! fy;z 7! gbg

is a closure representing the clause P fy _ gb  b, but whichwe will con-

ventially representas P  fy  _ gb  b. A non-variable p osition p in C is


called a substitution position in C   if it can b e written as p = p q , where


p is a variable p osition in C . In our previous example, the term fy o ccurs

at a substitution p osition, but y do es not. The term b o ccurs twice, once at

a substitution p osition.

We will o ccasionally extend this notation to terms, equations, and sub-

sets of clauses, e.g., representing a term o ccurring in a closure C   by t   . 11

We sp eak of a ground closure if C is ground. The closure C  id , where

id is the identity substitution, represents the clause C with no asso ciated

frontier. An instance C   of a closure C   by a substitution  represents


the clause C. A closure C   is called a retraction of C   if  =   .

1 2 1 2

When a retraction is formed, we assume that anyvariables intro duced are

new. For example

0 0

P x _ gz  b fx 7! fy;z 7! bg

is a retraction of the closure given in the previous paragraph.

Wesay that two closures C   and D   have disjoint variables whenever

varC  [ varC and varD  [ varD  are disjoint. In this case C   and

D   represent the same clauses and frontiers as C   and D  , resp ectively,

where  =  .

Since we are only interested in the clauses and frontiers represented bya

closures, the latter maybekept in a certain form during a refutation. Let us

say that a closure C   is in standard form if for every variable x o ccurring

in C , either x = x or x is a non-variable. For example, the closures given

ab ove are in standard form, whereas

P fx;z fx 7! y; z 7! y g

is not. We will assume in what follows that all closures are kept in standard

form by instantiating variablevariable bindings whenever they arise. This is

merely a technical convenience and has no eect on the restrictions discussed

in the pap er.

2.6 Reduced Closures

The main technical problem in completeness pro ofs for paramo dulation sys-

tems is that ground inferences on ground instances of clauses whichisthe

level where the fundamental prop erties related to completeness are proved

do not necessarily lift to corresp onding inferences on the clauses them-

selves, as the p osition of the inference may b e lifted o with the substitution.

The solution to this, due to Peterson 1983, has b een to work with substi-

tutions which are reduced with resp ect to a suitably dened rewrite system

constructed from the set of ground instances of clauses; in our metho d we

carry this one step further and require that clauses b e hereditarily reduced,

so that no inference need b e p erformed inside any substitution p osition. In


In [23, 24] this is called a weakening . 12

other words, the restriction that inferences not b e p erformed at variable

p ositions in premises is inherited by the conclusions of inferences, so that

no inference need b e p erformed at or b elow a p osition where a variable has

ever o ccurred during the accumulation of substitution terms. The key to

formalizing this approach is a suitable notion of what it means for a closure


to b e reduced.

Wesay that a ground closure C   is reduced with resp ect to a rewrite

system R or R-reduced  ataposition p if C is order-irreducible by R at

or b elow p. The closure C   is simply called reduced with resp ect to R if it

is reduced at all substitution p ositions.

For example P  fb  _ fa  a is reduced with resp ect to the system

fa 6 a is not. ffa  ag, but

A non-ground closure C   is called reduced with resp ect to R if for any

of its ground instances C   it is the case that C   is reduced with resp ect

to R whenever C   is e.g., when  is normalized with resp ect to R, then

C   will b e reduced with resp ect to R. These denitions are extended

to closure literals in the obvious way. Note that closures C  id with an

empty substitution part are reduced with resp ect to any rewrite system R.

A ground clause D is called a reduced ground instance with resp ect to R

of a set N of closures if there exists a closure C   in N such that D = C

and C   is reduced with resp ect to R.

3 Basic Inference Rules

We shall consider inference rules of the form

C    C  

1 n


where n 2f1; 2g and C  ;:::;C   the premises  and C  the conclu-

1 n

sion  are closures. We assume that the premises of a binary inference rule

have disjointvariables if necessary the variables in one of the premises are

renamed with new variables, and so may give a common name  to their

substitutions for notational convenience.


We should remark at this p oint that the main technical diculties in formalizing the

basic concepts arise only in the context of non-Horn clauses and in the presence of

variables that o ccur in p ositive equations, but not as arguments of function symb ols, in

a clause. The exp osition can b e considerably simplied if one considers, say, only Horn

clauses. 13

3.1 Basic paramo dulation

The inference systems we discuss consist of restricted versions of paramo du-

lation, equality resolution, and factoring. Let us rst discuss paramodulation

Robinson & Wos 1966, the basic variant of which is:

C _ s  t   L[u] _ D   

L[t] _ C _ D  

where the redex u is not a variable and =  , where  is a most general


unier of s and u. These are basic renements of paramo dulation in the

sense that uniers are comp osed with the substitution part of a closure but

not applied to its skeleton and inferences do not take place at substitution

p ositions by virtue of the restriction u is not a variable .

Since we formulate our rules in an equational framework, basic resolution

inferences are a sp ecial case of basic paramo dulation. For simplicityin

the sequel we discuss only paramo dulation, leaving the translation to the

resolution case to the reader; see also Bachmair & Ganzinger 1994.

We next rene basic paramo dulation along two parameters, rst using a

given reduction ordering to restrict the rst premise, and second by the

use of a term selection function which delimits the lo cations in the second

premise where redexes can o ccur. Later on, we will in addition use a redex

ordering to sp ecify which selected p ositions in b oth premises can b e assumed

to b e reduced.

The use of orderings may b e motivated as follows. Assume given a

reduction ordering .Wesay that a clause C _ s  t is reductive for s  t

if t 6 s and s  t is a strictly maximal literal in the clause. For example,

if s t u, then s  u _ s  t is reductive for s  t, but s 6 u _ s  t is

not. In general, if a clause C is reductive for s  t, then the maximal term

s must not o ccur in a negative literal. If the reduction ordering is total

on ground terms, then a reductive ground clause

:A _ _ :A _ B _ _ B _ s  t

1 m 1 n

can b e thoughtofasaconditional rewrite rule

A ;:::;A ; :B ;:::;:B ! s  t

1 m 1 n


We assume in this pap er that all most general uniers are such as pro duced by the

MartelliMonta nari set of transformations [32]; the reader maycheck that when the vari-

ables in the premises are disjoint, then all substitutions will b e idemp otent. 14

with p ositive and negative conditions, where all conditions are strictly


smaller than s  t. Conditional rules of this form dene a rewrite relation

on ground terms  replace s by t whenever all conditions are satised ,

so that corresp onding paramo dulations on the ground level can b e thought

of as rewriting applied to ground clauses. Our completeness pro of shows

that constructing a refutation pro of can at the ground level b e seen as

the pro cess of partially constructing a convergent rewrite system from re-

ductive clauses and normalizing negative equations to identities which are

thereup on removed.

Selection rules generalized from Bachmair & Ganzinger 1994 dene a

minimal set of p ositions where inferences must b e p erformed to achieve this

end. We dene a term selection function or just a selection function tobea

function S that assigns to each closure C a set S C  of selected o ccurrences

of non-variable terms in C , sub ject to the following constraints. Let us

say that an o ccurrence of a literal in C is selected if it contains a selected

o ccurrence of a term; then we require that i some negative equation or

al l maximal literals must b e selected, and ii the maximal sides of a

selected literal, and all its non-variable subterms, must b e selected. Thus,

if a negative equation in C is maximal, it must b e selected.

Inferences may only take place at selected terms, but we should em-

phasize that a given selection rule may select more terms than are strictly

required; b elowwe shall see that there is an interesting tradeo b etween the

strength of the selection rule and the basic restriction. Finally, it should

b e remarked that with resp ect to negative equations, this strategy is much

stronger than the usual ordering restrictions. In the latter, wemust allow

for redexes in all maximal equations, but according to our selection strategy,

we need only select a single negative equation. This shows clearly the dier-

ence b etween the don't care non-deterministic choices whichmust b e made in

searching for a redex among the negatives namely, which negative equation

to work on next, and the choices which are don't know non-deterministic ,

namely, which redex to pick in the selected terms in the chosen negative

equation. Essentially, our results show that orderings are signicant with

regard to p ositive equations, since they guide the construction of critical

pairs, but with negatives, orderings play a minimal role compared with se-

lection functions, since as in SLD-resolution the choice of a negative atom

to work on is don't care non-deterministic.

Based on these two metho ds for obtaining restrictions we get:


These systems have b een intro duced and investigated by Kaplan 1988. 15

C _ s  t   L[u] _ D   

Basic paramo dulation:

L[t] _ C _ D  

where i u is not a variable and =  , where  is a most general unier of

s and u, ii the clause C _ s  t is reductive for s  t and contains

no negative selected equations thus s will b e selected, iii u is a selected

term in L _ D , iv L 6 C _ s  t , and v if t is selected and L is a

negative literal u 6 v , then u  v 6 s  t .

We emphasize that we use selection not only to control where infer-

ences may take place, but also to disallow inferences where the rst premise

contains negative selected equations. It is this feature that allows us to

achieve the eect of hyp er-resolution and hyp er-paramo dulation strategies,

cf. Bachmair & Ganzinger 1994.

For a paramo dulation inference with premises C   and C   and

1 2

conclusion D  one typically can require that C 6 C and D 6 C .

1 2 2

The fourth condition we giveabove not only strengthens this restriction,

but seems also easier to check in practice. These restrictions arise from the

induction ordering used at the ground level in the completeness pro of and

require a more rened ordering on clauses, as in Zhang 1988, Bachmair &

Ganzinger 1990 and Pais&Peterson 1991, rather than just an ordering

on atoms, as in Peterson 1983 and Hsiang & Rusinowitch 1992.

The technique of selection rules for paramo dulation can b e used to sim-

ulate restrictions on redexes based on reduction orderings, such as standard

paramo dulation and sup erp osition. For example, ordered paramo dulation

as it app ears in Peterson 1983 or Hsiang & Rusinowich 1992 can b e ob-

tained via a selection rule which selects b oth sides of each maximal equation

in a clause, and the sup erp osition calculus of Bachmair & Ganzinger 1990

can b e obtained by selecting all maximal sides of maximal equations and

using the equality factoring rule to b e presented b elow. Positive paramo d-

ulation i.e., the left premise can contain no negatives is obtained if the rule

always selects a negative equation if such exists. Also, certain results which

have previously required sp ecial pro ofs are obtained as immediate corollaries

of our main completeness theorem. For example, resolution is complete if

no clause is ever resolved with itself Eisinger 1989; in the paramo dulation

case, we can show that completeness is preserved if we forbid paramo dulation

of a clause into its own negative literals but note that the construction of

critical pairs must allow for the paramo dulation of a clause into its own p os-

itive literals. This can easily b e seen by considering a selection rule whichis 16

invariant under substitution e.g., which is determined by the skeleton of a

clause only and never selects a p ositive and a negative equation simultane-

ously. In a later section we shall add further restrictions to paramo dulation

in the form of blo cking rules.

In addition to paramo dulation we need an inference rule that enco des

the reexivity of equality:

C _ u 6 v   

Equality resolution:


where =  , with  a most general unier of u and v and u 6 v a

selected literal in C _ u 6 v .

We also need a variant of factoring, restricted to p ositive literals:

0 0

C _ s  t _ s  t   

Equality factoring:

0 0 0

C _ t 6 t _ s  t  


where i =  , with  a most general unier of s and s , ii t 6 s

0 0

and t 6 s , iii s  t is a selected equation and no negative literal is

0 0 0

selected in C _ s  t _ s  t , and iv if t is selected then t and t

are uniable.


Equality factoring is evidently sound, as the implication t  t 

0 0 0 0 0

s  t is a logical consequence of the disjunction s  t _ s  t .An

alternative to equality factoring is to use p ositive factoring plus the merging

paramodulation rule of Bachmair & Ganzinger 1990, but the technical

development for the current system is simpler.

3.2 Variable abstraction

Basic paramo dulation, equality resolution, and equality factoring are our

core inference rules. We will also employ an auxiliary inference rule in our

calculus which can b e applied to the conclusions of inferences for expanding

the frontier of a new closure bymoving skeleton terms into the substitution:

C [t]  


Variable abstraction:

C [x] fx 7! tg


where p is a non-variable p osition in C and x is a new variable. We also

sp eak of a variable abstraction at position p.

Obviously,we lose completeness if this inference rule is applied at arbi-

trary p ositions, for then no paramo dulation inferences may b e p ossible at 17

all. The problem is to nd out at which p ositions variable elimination can

b e safely applied. The fundamental idea here, as mentioned in the intro-

duction, is that it is p ossible to propagate certain basic restrictions on

redexes to other o ccurrences of the same term; for example, P a; a  can b e

a ; a , since at the ground level if one o ccurrence of a abstracted to P 

is reduced, then so is the other. In addition, it is p ossible to apply this rule

during the construction of the conclusions of inferences, based on informa-

tion ab out what terms at the ground level can b e assumed to b e reduced.

Before we formalize this idea, we motivate the notion of a redex ordering.

Wehave remarked ab ove that paramo dulation, on the ground level, cor-

resp onds to conditional rewriting, while its rep eated application achieves

normalization of ground clauses. In this interpretation, paramo dulation into

negative equations amounts to tracing rewrite pro ofs for the two sides of the

equation, and paramo dulation into p ositive equations serves to construct

critical pairs, and, hence, to allow the construction of convergent rewrite

systems our completeness pro of will b e founded on this idea. Term se-

lection denes which p ositions must b e considered as p ossible redexes in

this pro cess. One imp ortant prop erty of convergent systems is that any

fair strategy for nding redexes, i.e., one which do es not ignore a p ossible

redex forever, can b e used to normalize terms. For example, searching for

redexes in depth-rst, left to right order is fair in this sense. In general, one

could dene a function from terms to an ordering on p ositions in the term,

and the normalization pro cess could always use the ordering to search for

redexes. In our setting, in fact it is p ossible to order the set of all p ositions

o ccurring in selected terms in a closure; when a redex is selected, then it

may b e assumed that all p ositions lower in the ordering are in normal form;

wemay formalize this as follows.

Let R b e a function which for anymultiset M of closure terms returns

a partial order on the p ositions in the selected terms in M .Thus, for any

closure C , RS C  is an ordering on the p ositions in C where redexes are

allowed in our paramo dulation rules. We will call such an ordering a redex

ordering , and denote it by  when S and C are obvious from context.


We shall see that the ordering  serves to direct the search for a redex


among disjoint innermost redexes in a term. Therefore, it is only necessary

to consider orderings which contain the subterm ordering on the terms in

0 0

M , i.e., if t[t ] 2 M , then t 6 t .


The essential idea is that when a paramo dulation inference is p erformed

into a p osition q , then all selected p ositions p  q can b e assumed to


b e reduced, and hence amenable to b eing moved into the substitution part 18

of the conclusion using variable abstraction. Thus, redex orderings can b e

combined with selection functions to guide the variable abstraction pro cess

as applied to the conclusions of paramo dulation inferences.

Formally,wesay that a p osition p in the conclusion C [t]  of an inference


is eligible for variable abstraction if, for any arbitrary rewrite system R for

which C is order-reducible at p, either i some premise or the conclusion

itself is order-reducible by R at a substitution p osition, or ii the rst

or only premise is order-reducible by R at a selected p osition, or iii

the second premise, in the case of a paramo dulation inference applied at a

p osition q , is order-reducible by R at a selected p osition that is disjoint from

and smaller with resp ect to   than q .


Variable elimination may b e applied to eligible p ositions in the conclu-

sions of inferences. These additional inferences are optional, that is, variable

abstraction need not b e applied to all eligible p ositions. Our completeness

results apply to all strategies for applying variable abstraction at eligible

p ositions. In practice, most eligible terms can b e identied bychecking for

the existence of terms in suitable selected or substitution p ositions that are

identical to skeleton terms in the conclusion.

The technique of redex orderings is a generalization of a similar technique

used in narrowing see Krischer & Bo ckmair 1991. Briey, the reason this

technique do es not disturb refutational completeness is that in our pro of we

use the fact that substitutions can b e kept in normal form with resp ect to a

suitable rewrite system, and so normalized terms can always b e moved into

the substitution. In addition, wemay restrict at the ground level the rst

premise of a paramo dulation inference, and the single premise of the unary

inference rules, to those clauses in which selected terms are normalized, and

may assume that selected terms in the second premise are to b e normalized

using the given redex ordering  , so that all terms less than the redex are


in normal form. Details will b e given in the next section.

To summarize, wehave dened a class of basic inference systems compris-

ing equality resolution, equality factoring, and paramo dulation, plus subse-

quentvariable abstraction, which dep end on the following parameters: a

reduction ordering , a selection function S , and a redex ordering function

R. Such inference systems emb ed four kinds of restrictions: i basic con-

straints preventing paramo dulations into those parts of a clause generated

by previous substitutions; ii ordering constraints allowing only paramo d-

ulations that approximate conditional rewriting on the ground level; iii

selection functions excluding paramo dulations into non-selected terms and

from clauses with selected negative equations; and iv redex orderings for 19

dening the order in which inferences can b e assumed to have o ccurred.

Basic constraints dene the frontier b etween explored and unexplored re-

gions of a clause, while ordering constraints and selection are mechanisms

for controlling the application of inferences at unexplored p ositions; redex

orderings dene conditions under which the frontier can b e expanded in

newly constructed closures. A further technique for restricting inferences

based on reducibility criteria will b e presented in a later section.

The soundness of the inference system presented in this section is straight-

forward and left to the interested reader. In the next section we prove that

these basic calculi are refutationally complete in the sense that a contradic-

tion the empty clause can b e derived from any inconsistent set of clauses.

4 Refutational Completeness

We prove completeness by showing that if a set of closures N whichis

saturated with resp ect to our inference rules do es not contain the empty

closure, then it is p ossible to construct a mo del, represented by a convergent

rewrite system, for N . This means that the empty closure can b e derived

from any inconsistent set of closures.

4.1 Construction of EqualityInterpretations

Let N b e a set of closures in standard form and recall that is assumed to

b e a reduction ordering which is total on ground terms. We dene interpre-

tations R by means of convergent rewrite systems as follows.

First, we use induction on the clause ordering to dene sets of equa-

tions E and R , for all ground instances C of closures of N .



Denition 1 Let C b e such a ground instance and supp ose that E and


0 0


R have b een dened for all ground instances C of N for which C C .





E : R =






E = fs  tg


if C = D _ s  t is a reduced ground instance of N with resp ect to R such


that i C is false in R , ii C is reductive for s  t, and iii s is irreducible


by R . In this case, wesay that C produces the equation or rule s  t.

C 20


In all other cases, E = ;. Finally,we dene R = E as the set of all



equations pro duced by ground instances of clauses of N .

Clauses that pro duce equations are called productive. Note that a pro-

ductive clause C is false in R , but true in R [ E . The sets R and


R are constructed in suchaway that they are left-reduced rewrite systems

with resp ect to . Hence, they are convergent, and so, as wehave remarked

previously, representinterpretations of the set of clauses N , and can also b e

used in conjunction with a redex ordering to normalize selected terms in a


We shall also use the following ancillary results in our completeness pro of.

Lemma1 Let C = B _ s  t bea ground instanceof N where s  t is a

maximal occurrenceofanequation, and let D be another ground instanceof

N containing s.IfC D and s is irreducible by R , then R = R .


0 0


Pro of.IfC is any ground instance of N with C C  D , then E =


;, for otherwise s would b e reducible by R . Therefore R = R [




= R . 2 E





Lemma2 Let C = B _ u 6 v and D beground instances of N with D  C .

Then u  v is true in R if and only if it is true in R if and only if it is


true in R.

Pro of.Ifu  v is true in R , then u + v . Since R R R,we then



have u + v and u + v , which indicates that u  v is true in R and in




0 0

On the other hand, supp ose u  v is false in R .Ifu and v are the


0 0

normal forms of u and v with resp ect to R , then u 6= v .Furthermore,


0 0

if s  t is a rule in R n R , then s u  u and s v  v . Clauses


which pro duce rules for terms not greater than u or v are smaller than C .

0 0

Therefore, u and v are in normal form with resp ect to R, which implies

that u  v is false in R and in R. 2


Lemma3 Let C = B _ u  v and D beground instances of N with D  C .

If u  v is true in R , then it is also true in R and in R.


Pro of. Use the fact that R R R. 2


The ab ove lemmas indicate that the sequence of interpretations R , with


C ranging over all ground instances of N , preserves the truth of ground

clauses. 21

Corollary 1 Let C and D beground instances of N with D  C .IfC is

true in R , then it is also true in R and R.


Next, we show that the prop erty of b eing a reduced closure is also pre-


Lemma4 Aground closure C isareducedground instanceof N with re-

spect to R if and only if it is reduced with respect to R.


Pro of.IfC is not reduced with resp ect to R, then there is some clause D

which pro duces an equation s  t, and some literal L in C which is reducible

at a substitution p osition by s  t and such that s  t  L. Since s  t is

strictly maximal in D , clearly D  C , and C is not reduced with resp ect to

R .For the converse use the fact that R R. 2


Finally, it will b e useful in a numb er of places to construct reduced

closures in the following way.

Lemma5 Suppose C   isaground instance of a closure C   in N . Then

thereisaground instance C   such that i C  C , ii C   is

reduced with respect to R, and iii C is true in R [R] if and only if C


is true in R [R], for any clause D  C.


Pro of. Dene  to b e the substitution for which x is the normal form of

x by R . Then i and iii are evidently satised. For ii, since C  


is reduced with resp ect to R , then clearly it is reduced with resp ect to


R , so then by the previous lemma it is reduced with resp ect to R. 2


4.2 Redundancy and Saturation

We shall prove that the interpretation R is a mo del of N , provided N is

consistent and saturated, i.e., closed under suciently many applications of

the appropriate basic inference rules. In addition we shall demonstrate that

the search space can b e further decreased by certain restrictions which are

based on the concept of redundancy. Roughly, a closure is redundantifit

is a consequence of smaller closures in N . Such closures are unnecessary

in saturating a set of closures, since they will play no role in the mo del

construction given ab ove. In addition, it is p ossible to show that certain

inferences are redundantaswell, in that the conclusions of such inferences

will play no role in the mo del construction. 22

For any ground clause C and set of clauses N , let N b e the set of


0 0 C

ground instances C of N such that C  C , and N b e the set of ground

0 0

instances C of N such that C  C .Now supp ose L is the maximal literal

in C and let R b e a ground rewrite system. Then we write R for the set



of rules l  r from R such that l  r  L, and R for the rules l  r  L.

This notation is consistent with that of denition 1.

For any rewrite system R, set of closures N , and ground closures D and

C , let us say that D fol lows from the R-reducedpart of N if there exist


ground instances D ;:::;D of N such that i C D , for 1  i  k , ii

1 k i

if D is reduced with resp ect to R then so is each D , and iii if each D is

i i



true in R , then D is true in R .


Denition 2 We call a ground closure D redundant with resp ect to N ,

if for any convergent ground rewrite system R for which D is reduced, D

follows from the R-reduced part of N . Whenever the set R is obvious, we


will also say that D is redundant with resp ect to D ;:::;D , referring to

1 k

the D that imply D in the sense made precise ab ove.


For convenience in this subsection, temp orarily call a p osition selected

via the given selection rule S in a ground instance A   of a closure A  

from a given set N if it is selected in A  , and analogously for the redex

ordering  .


Denition 3 A ground instance of an equality resolution or equality fac-

toring inference from N is redundant with resp ect to N if, for any convergent

ground R for which the premise C is order-irreducible at substitution and

selected p ositions, the conclusion D follows from the R-reduced part of N .


A ground instance


C _ s  t C


where p is the redex p osition in C  of a paramo dulation inference is said

to b e redundant with resp ect to N if either some premise is redundant with

resp ect to N , or else D follows from the R-reduced part of N , for any


convergent ground rewriting system R containing the rule s  t and for

which the p ositions in P are order-irreducible, where P is the union of the

substitution p ositions in b oth premises, the selected p ositions in the left

premise, and the selected p ositions q  p in the second premise.

R 23

Finally, a closure or an inference is called redundant if all its ground


instances are redundant.

Note that an equality resolution or equality factoring inference is redun-

dantby this denition if its premise is redundant. This characterization of

which closures and inferences are unnecessary in constructing a mo del for

a set of closures provides us with a characterization of which closures and

inferences are unnecessary in searching for a refutation for an inconsistent

set of closures. This provides a framework for designing useful syntactic

criteria for elimination and simplication of closures.

The completeness results in this pap er dep end on the prop erties of sets

of closures in which all non-redundant inferences have b een p erformed.

Denition 4 Wesay that a set of closures N is saturated if every inference

from N is redundant with resp ect to N .

Saturated sets have sp ecial prop erties which provide for the completeness

of our inference rules.

Lemma6 Let N be a saturated set of closures which does not contain the

empty clause, R bea rewrite system constructedfrom N according to de-


nition 1, and let C = C   beanR-reducedground instance of a closure


C   in N . Then

i C is true in R if i.1 C is redundant, or i.2 C is order-reducible


by R at a selectedposition, or i.3 some negative equation in C is selected;


ii If C is false in R then it must bea productive clause of the form


0 0

C = C _ s  t where s  t is the equation produced, such that C is false

in R, and

iii C is true in R and in R , for every D C .


Pro of. First of all we note that iii follows from i and ii, by corollary 1.

Therefore we prove only the rst two cases, pro ceeding by induction on the

clause ordering . Supp ose N is saturated and do es not contain the empty

clause, and assume that prop erties i  iii hold for all reduced ground

instances D of N with C D .We consider each sub case in turn.

i.1 Supp ose that C is redundant with resp ect to R-reduced ground

instances D , 1  i  k ,ofN . By the induction hyp othesis we know that



For a clause or inference to b e redundant crucially dep ends on the choice of the

ordering and the vo cabulary with resp ect to which ground instances are considered.

In cases where wehave to emphasize this dep endency we will sp eak of redundancy with

resp ect to and . 24



each D is true in R and hence in R , from whichwemay conclude that

i C

C is true in R .


Let us therefore assume that C is not redundant. We pro ceed by con-

tradiction by assuming that C is false in R . In this case we show that


there exists a ground instance of an inference from N with C and in the

case of paramo dulation a pro ductive clause D with C D , as premises; we

then show that the conclusion B of the ground inference must b e a reduced

closure which is false in R . Using the induction hyp othesis for i and ii


wemay infer that D is not redundant. Because N is saturated the inference

is redundant; but since neither premise is redundant, then B follows from

the R-reduced part of N , so there exist reduced ground instances D :::D

C 1 k

of N which are smaller than C . By the induction hyp othesis, the D are


true in R , and so B is true in R , a contradiction.


Therefore in what follows we need only provide for the existence of the

reduced conclusion B false in R from premises C and, in the case of a


paramo dulation, a pro ductive clause D  C . Note in this argument that

B need not b e a ground instance of N and we do not apply the induction

hyp othesis to B .

i.2 Supp ose C is order-reducible at a selected p osition p by a rule s  t

in R, but is false in R . Furthermore, assume that p is the least such


reducible selected p osition with resp ect to the redex ordering  , and that



s  t is pro duced by a ground clause D = D _ s  t.Ass  t is in R ,


C D . Using the induction hyp othesis for i and ii and lemma 4 wemay


infer that D is represented by a reduced ground instance D   of a closure



D   from N  which is order-irreducible at selected p ositions, and has no


negative selected equations; furthermore, D is false in R, and s  t is true

in R.

We distinguish two cases, dep ending on whether p o ccurs in the negative

or p ositive literals of C .


In the rst case, if C = C _ u[s] 6 v , then u 6 v D b ecause u 6 v


s  t and s  t is maximal in D .Ift is selected, then it is irreducible by

R, and since u  v 2 R and so u[t] + v , then either u = s and v  t,or



u s, with the result that u  v  s  t as required. Thus there exists a

ground instance

0 0

D _ s  t C _ u[s] 6 v


0 0

C _ D _ u[t] 6 v


Again, for simplici ty,we use  and  for the substitutions in b oth closures, since these

are variable disjoint. 25

of an inference satisfying all the ordering and other conditions for paramo d-



ulation; let B  denote the conclusion of the ground inference and B 

b e the result of some number of variable abstractions applied to this con-

clusion. Note that wehave B  C b ecause s t and u 6 v D .Now


we know, using the induction hyp othesis for ii, that D is false in R and


in R . Also u[t]  v is in R , as b oth u  v and s  t are. Finally, C


is false in R , with the result that B is false in R . This provides for the


necessary contradiction as mentioned ab ove, as long as we can show that



B  is reduced.

First weverify that B  is reduced. Consider how this closure is derived

~ ~

from D = D   and C = C   . The fact that the premises are reduced

0 0

implies that every equation in C _ D is reduced. It remains to show that

u[t] 6 v is reduced. Let x b e a closure variable in t.Ifl  r 2 R reduces

x , then s t  l . Hence, s  t l  r , and l  r would also order-

reduce x in the o ccurrence s  t in D , whichisacontradiction. If x

is a closure variable in u[t]  v but not in t, then any equation smaller

than the o ccurrence of u[t] 6 v and reducing x would also reduce x in

the o ccurrence of u[s] 6 v in C .Asu[s]  v u[t]  v we again obtain a




From this it is easy to see that B  is reduced. This is b ecause all

selected terms in D , and all selected terms less than p with resp ect to  in


C , are reduced byhyp othesis, and b ecause any other term abstracted must

b e relatively reduced to some other substitution term by the denition of


variable abstraction.

This derives the contradiction in the case that p osition p o ccurs in a

negative literal. The case where p o ccurs in a p ositive literal is completely

analogous. The only signicant dierence is that we know that u  v D

b ecause either u s or u = s and v t since if u = s and v = t then C

would not b e false in R , so u  v s  t. The remainder of the argument


is almost identical.

i.3 Next, consider the case where some negative equation in C is se-

lected. By the previous cases, wemay assume that C is not redundant and

is order-irreducible at selected p ositions. Again we assume that the clause

is false in R , which means that all negative equations in C must b e true



in R .Thus C must b e in the form C _ s 6 s, where s 6 s is the selected



Observe that this inference is a ground instance of an inference from N , and hence

variable abstraction is applied only to the conclusion of this general inference, and not at

the ground level. 26

equation, since it is irreducible by R. Consider the ground instance


C _ s 6 s



of an equality resolution inference from N the reader may easily check that


the conditions for such an inference are satised. Clearly C  C and C


is false in R . The pro of that C is reduced is trivial, since any term at a



variable p osition in C also o ccurs at a variable p osition in C , and, as with

the previous case, anyvariable abstractions would not change the fact that

the conclusion is reduced.

ii Supp ose that C is false in R .From case i, wemay assume that C


is a non-redundant instance which is order-irreducible at selected p ositions

by R, and which contains no negative selected equations. We also know that


C is not the empty clause. Therefore C must b e in the form C _ s  t,

where s  t is maximal, s t since C can not b e a tautology, and thus

s is selected. We distinguish two sub cases, dep ending on whether s  t is

strictly maximal in C .

If it is, then the clause is reductive, and since s is irreducible in R



then the clause pro duces s  t. Since C is false in R , the only thing that



remains is to show that the p ositive equations in C remain false in R.Now

0 00

supp ose to the contrary that C = C _ u  v , where u = v is true in R.


Since C is false in R ,wehave u  v 2 I n R , which is only p ossible if


s = u and t + v , with t v . Consider the ground instance




C _ s  t; s  v


C _ t 6 v _ s  v

of an equality factoring inference, where B is the conclusion. Note that t can

not b e selected, since then it would b e normalized, violating the fact that

t + v with t v . Hence condition iv for equality factoring is satised.



The other conditions are easily checked. Now, since s  v t 6 v , then

C B , but since C and the literal t 6 v are false in R ,sois B . The only


thing which remains in order to derive the contradiction as in case i is to

show that B is reduced. This dep ends on the observation that any closure

variable x in t or v in the conclusion o ccurs also in the premise in one of the

strictly larger equations s  t or s  v . Subsequentvariable abstractions,

again, would keep the conclusion reduced.

0 00

Now supp ose that s  t is not strictly maximal in C . Then C = C _ s 

t, and we pro ceed almost exactly as in the previous paragraph. The only 27

dierence is that we pro ceed with the assumption that t = v ; therefore if

0 0

t is in the form t   and v in the form v   , then t and v must b e

uniable satisfying condition iv for equality factoring. This concludes

case ii and the lemma. 2

This result allows us to show that the pro cess of saturating a set of

closures of the form C  id will pro duce the empty closure i the set is incon-

sistent. In the following section we will discuss metho ds for saturation.

Theorem 1 Let K be a set of clauses and let N be a saturated set of closures

such that C  id is in N for any clause C in K and such that any closurein

N fol lows from K . Then K is consistent if and only if N does not contain

the empty clause. In the latter case, R is a model of K and N .

Pro of.IfN contains the empty clause, K is inconsistent. On the other

hand, if N do es not contain the empty clause, R is a mo del of any R-

reduced instance of N ,aswas shown in lemma 6. Now let C b e a ground

instance of K .We dene a substitution  by x = t , where t is the normal

x x

form of x by R. Then C   is a reduced ground instance of the closure

C  id in N . Therefore C , and hence C, is true in R. 2

5 Theorem Proving in the Presence of Deletion


Wenow discuss the completeness of metho ds for saturating a set of closures

in whichwemay delete sup eruous closures. The central notion of this sec-

tion, that of a fair theorem proving derivation ,isintro duced in Subsection

5.2. The basic idea here is that at each step in the pro cess of refutational

theorem proving, we can either add a consequence of the existing set of

clauses, or delete a subsumed or a redundant closure. After this denition,

we presentanumb er of sp ecic applications of redundancy, such as sim-

plication and blo cking. However, our denition of redundancy do es not

explain the sp ecial case of subsumption by a clause with the same number


of literals and so we present the notion of subsumption rst, in Subsection

5.1, and incorp orate it more essentially into the denition of a fair theorem

proving derivation.


It would b e p ossible to mo dify the denition of redundancy to accomo date this sp ecial

case, at the cost of some additional complexity, and so wehavechosen to deal with the

problem outside the framework of redundancy. 28

Before we present these results, it will b e convenienttohave a set of

purely syntactic sucient conditions for the notion of redundancy for clo-

sures. For that purp ose the notion of relative reducibili ty of closures is


Denition 5 A ground closure C   is reducedrelative to another ground

closure D  if for any R, C   is R-reduced whenever D  is.

For example, P g b  is reduced relativetoP  fb .For non-ground closures,

this notion must b e extended slightly for the contexts in whichwe use it.

Denition 6 A p osition q in a literal L is reduced relative to a p osition p


in a literal L [closure C ] modulo if for any R and for any ground instance

0 0

L  [C ], L  is reduced at q whenever L  [C ] is reduced at p. A closure

D   is called reduced relativetoC  modulo if for any R and for any

R-reduced ground instance C   , D    is R-reduced at all p ositions at

whichavariable x 2 dom  o ccurs.

For example, the p osition of gf y in P gf y is reduced relative to the p o-

sition of gf y mo dulo the identity substitution, but not relative to the p o-

fy  is reduced relativetoQ fgx  sition of fy,in Qgf y. The closure P 

mo dulo fy 7! gxg but not mo dulo fy 7! gcg.

The notion of relatively reduced is rather strong, as it requires this

prop erty to hold for any rewrite system, but fortunately there are simpler

sucient conditions. The essential idea is that relative reducibility can b e

assured in all but pathological cases bychecking that the resp ective substi-

tution terms in the rst closure are a subset of the substitution terms in the

second. For instance, a closure D   is reduced relativetoC  mo dulo

if for every p osition p where a variable x 2 dom  o ccurs in a literal M in

D , there exists a variable y o ccurring in some literal L in C , such that x

is a subterm of y and either L  M or L is negative.

The only pathologies involve substitution terms at the maximal side of a

p ositive equation. For example, P  fx  is not reduced relativeto fx  c.

For supp osing b c, the ground instance fb  c is reduced with resp ect

fb  is not. to fb  b, but P 

One issue concerning closures which are reduced relative to each other

needs to b e claried at this p oint. If C   and D  are two closures such

that C and D are identical up to variable renaming, and each is reduced

relative to the other, then they are said to b e identical upto renaming and 29

under reducibility .For example, Q a  _ P a; x and Qa _ P  a ;y are

identical in this sense. We will see later that in our inference system such

closures need not b e distinguished.

Wenow present a set of sucient conditions for redundancy which are

of practical signicance for theorem proving.

Lemma7 Let D; D ;:::;D be closures from a set N , and ;:::; be

1 k 1 k

substitutions such that

1. For each i, D  D ,

i i

2. For each i, D is reducedrelative to D modulo , and

i i

3. For any ground instance D of D , D isaconsequenceof D ;:::;

1 1

D  .

k k

Then D is redundant in N .

Pro of. Let R b e a convergent ground rewriting system, and D be an R-

reduced ground instance of D . Note that eachvariable in each D o ccurs

i i

in D , since D  D .Thus each D  is ground. Now, for any ground

i i i i


substitution = fx 7! t g , temp orarily dene  as fx 7! t g , where

j j 1j n i



t is the normal form of t with resp ect to the rewrite system R .We claim

j D


that the set

D    ;:::;D    

1 1 k k

satises conditions i  iii in the denition of redundancy.

First, for each i, clearly D     D   D , so condition i is

i i i i


satised. Now, supp ose D = D   . Because D is R-reduced, wemust

i i i


show that D       is R-reduced. This is not trivial, b ecause    

i i i i

b eing normalized do es not of itself imply that x     is normalized.

i i


Now, for any o ccurrence of a variable x in D there are two cases. If x 62


dom , then x    = x    is R-normalized by denition. Otherwise,

i i i i

if x 2 dom , then since D is reduced relativetoD mo dulo ,we know

i i i

x    is order-irreducible by R, and so any prop er subterm is in R-normal

i i

form since it can not b e at the top of a maximal side of a p ositive equation.

We conclude that x    = x  , and so x     is order-irreducible.

i i i i i i

Thus D     is R-reduced. This veries condition ii.

i i

Now, for iii we rst observe that the sequence of lemmas culminating

in corollary 1 are true not only for mo dels constructed according to our def-

inition, but for arbitrary ground convergent rewrite systems. Thus, assume 30



that each D     is true in R ; then it must b e true in R as well,

i i D

by the extension of Corollary 1. But then by 3 ab ove, D is true in R .



This set of three conditions can b e used to prove the completeness of the

next two deletion rules we discuss.

5.1 Basic Subsumption

First we present the form of subsumption which is used in the basic setting.

A closure C is a basic subsumer of a closure D if there exists a substitution

such that C is a submultiset of D , and C is reduced relativetoD mo dulo

;itisaproper basic subsumer if D is not a basic subsumer of C in turn.

Basic subsumption reduces to standard subsumption in the case of closures

with identity substitutions.

Note that non-prop er basic subsumers are identical upto renaming and

under reducibility, as dened in Subsection 2.6. A technical feature of prop er

basic subsumption which will b e used later is the following.

Lemma8 The relation is a proper basic subsumer of is wel l-founded and


Pro of. The only dicultyisinproving well-foundedness. We map each

closure C to a complexity measure , where P is the number of

non-variable p ositions in C , and M is the multiset of integers fk ;:::k g,

1 m

where varC = fx ;:::;x g and each x o ccurs k times. The lexicographic

1 m i i

combination of > and > is well-founded on such pairs. If C = D , then


C has a strictly smaller complexity, since either C has fewer literals than

D reducing the rst comp onent, maps some variable in C to a non-

variable term reducing the rst comp onent, or else C and D have the same

numb er of literals and maps twovariables in C to some single variable in

D reducing the second. 2

When a closure C is a basic subsumer of a closure D , then D maybe

deleted from the set of closures. The technical justication for this deletion

rule is that subsumed clauses are unnecessary in constructing a mo del for a

set of clauses. In most cases, this is b ecause of redundancy.

Lemma9 Let C bea basic subsumer of D , where C contains fewer literals

than D . Then D is redundant with respect to C . 31

Pro of.We simply observe that C with its asso ciated ts the criteria men-

tioned in lemma 7. 2

The other case of subsumption we will deal with in the next subsection.

A natural question at this p oint is what to do when one clause subsumes

another in the standard sense but not the the basic sense i.e., is not rela-

tively reduced. That we can not naively delete such subsumed clauses in

the basic setting is shown by the next example.

Example 1

:P x; y  _ P x; b

:P a; b

a  c

P c; b

Supp ose we use a lexicographic path ordering based on the precedence

P Q a b c. If we resolve the rst two clauses, we obtain the

a ;y. Since this new clause subsumes in the standard sense clause :P 

the second clause, we might supp ose that the latter clause can b e deleted.

However, if we do so, the reader mayverify that there is no refutation. Note

that this would not b e a legal subsumption step in the basic setting, unless

we retracted :P  a ;y to :P a; y  b efore p erforming the deletion.

If wehave a subsumer in the standard, but not the basic sense, then

wemay retract the subsumer in suchaway that it is reduced relativeto

the closure subsumed. Since we wish to keep as much of the closure in

the substitution part as p ossible, this means retracting just enough of the

substitution part of the subsumer so as to satisfy the condition of relative

reducibili ty.Wenow discuss a simple deterministic wayofachieving this,

by giving a sucient condition for relatively reduced which essentially

requires that the substitution part of one closure can b e overlapp ed in a

very straight-forward wayonto the substitution part of another.

Denition 7 Let s   and t  b e closures of terms and let us temp orarily

dene P as the set of p ositions in t where non-variable subterms o ccur.

Also, supp ose that dom  vars.Wesay that s   is -dominated by

t  , for some substitution , written s   v t  ,i s = t and for each

x 2 dom ,if x o ccurs in s at p osition p, then p 62 P .For equations, we

say that s  t   v u  v   i either s   v u  and t   v v  ,orif


s   v v  and t   v u  .For negated equations the denition is analogous.

For closures of multisets of literals, wehave C  v C  i there exists

1 1 2 2

an injection ' from C  into C  such that if 'L  =L  , then

1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2

L  v L  .For closures of clauses, wehave  !    v  !   

1 1 2 2

i    v    and   v   .

We write  v to indicate that there exists some such that  v

in the case of closures,  is in fact a basic subsumer of .

Note that this relation is not closed under substitution, since for example

Px  id v Pa  id but Px  [x 7! a] 6v Pa.

The basic idea of the relation v is that all terms in the closure sub-

stitution on the left side must overlap directly onto the right side inside

the closure substitution. Clearly this is a sucient condition for one literal,

or one closure, to b e reduced relative to another mo dulo . But it is not

necessary, since for example P  a ;b is reduced relativetoP b; a , but

P  a ;b 6v P b; a .However, for subsumption and simplication to b e

presented b elow it is a relatively simple condition to check, and provides

for a simple metho d for forming the minimal retract when the condition

0 0

fails. Roughly,ifL   = L  but L   6v L  , then we can take the union


U of the set of non-variable skeleton p ositions in L   and in L  , and form

00 0 0

the retract L   of L   by instantiating the p ositions in U equivalently,

this can b e thought of as taking the intersection of substitution p ositions.

We will return to another application of this test for relative reducibility

when we consider simplication in a later subsection.

5.2 Fair Saturation Metho ds

Complete metho ds for theorem proving amount to pro cedures for saturating

a set of clauses with resp ect to a given set of inference rules.

Denition 8 A nite or countably innite sequence N ;N ;N ;::: of sets

0 1 2

of closures is called a theorem proving derivation if the substitution part of

every closure in N is empty, and if each set N can b e obtained from N by

0 i+1 i

adding a clause which is a consequence of N or by deletion of a redundant


or a subsumed clause. A closure C is said to b e persisting if there exists


some j such that for every k  j , there exists a closure C in N which



is identical with C upto renaming and under reducibility. The set of all

p ersisting closures, denoted N , is called the limit of the derivation.


12 0

Naturally, C and C may b e the same closure. 33

A theorem proving derivation is called fair if N is saturated.


This means that a fair derivation can b e constructed, for instance, by

systematically adding conclusions of non-redundant inferences from p ersist-

ing closures. We can also apply various deletion rules during this pro cess,

as redundant closures and inferences stay redundant through the course of

a theorem proving derivation.


Lemma10 i If N N , then any closure [inference] which is redundant


with respect to N is also redundant with respect to N .

0 0

ii If N N and al l closures in N n N areredundant with respect to

0 0

N , then any closure [inference] which is redundant with respect to N is also

redundant with respect to N .

Pro of. It is sucient to consider only the case of ground instances of closures

and inferences. For i the result is trivial for b oth closures and inferences,


since N N . Thus consider ii in the case of closures. Let a ground


instance D b e redundant with resp ect to N , supp ose an arbitrary R is

given, and assume that wecho ose the set D ;:::;D as the minimal such

1 k

with resp ect to  .Ifwe can prove that no memb er of this set is itself



redundant wrt N , then D is redundant with resp ect to N .Thus, supp ose

some D is redundant with resp ect to a set E ;:::;E of ground instances

i 1 n


of N . But then we can show that D is redundant with resp ect to

D ;:::;D ;E ;:::;E ;D ;:::;D :

1 i1 1 n i+1 k

Clearly conditions i and ii in denition 3 are still satised; and if each E




is true in R , then D is true in R , and thus by Corollary 1 D is true

i D i



i i

in R , and so each of the D , 1  i  k , is true in R , and the original


condition iii applies; thus our original set was not minimal, a contradiction.

Next we consider part ii of the lemma in the case of inferences. The case

of redundancy on account of redundant premises is covered by the previous


paragraph. Thus, consider an inference from N with premises C :::C

1 n


and conclusion C , which is redundantin N by virtue of a set fD :::D g of

1 k


instances of N with the prop erties sp ecied in the denition of a redundant

inference. As ab ove, wemay assume that no D is redundant, which means


that fD :::D g N and the inference is redundantin N . 2

1 k

This shows a fundamental prop erty of redundancy: redundancy is pre-

served if additional closures are added or if redundant closures are deleted. 34

Redundancy is a syntactic means of determining if a clause is unnecessary in

the pro cess of saturating a set, and has as sp ecial cases most of the common

deletion rules used in theorem provers. There are some instances of deletion

rules which can not b e proved complete using the notion of redundancy we

employ, for example as mentioned ab ove the sp ecial case of subsumption

by a closure with the same numb er of equations. However, such closures

are unnecessary in constructing a mo del for a set of closures. The main

completeness result of the pap er maynow b e given.

Theorem 2 Let N ;N ;N ;::: be a fair theorem proving derivation. If

0 1 2


N does not contain the empty closure, then N is consistent.

j 0


Pro of. Since N is saturated and do es not contain the empty closure, by


lemma 6 we can construct a rewrite system R with an asso ciated interpre-


tation for the set. It remains to b e shown that this yields a mo del of N ,



from whichwe conclude that N is consistent. It suces to show that R is



a mo del of any ground instance C of N n N . There are two cases.

j 1



Supp ose suchaC is not redundantin N . Then by lemma 10 i



it can not b e a ground instance of a closure whichwas redundant at some

nite stage N . The only remaining p ossibility is that C is subsumed by




some ground instance C of N with the same numb er of literals. Now,




by lemma 8, wemay assume that C is the minimal such under the prop er

00 0

subsumption relation, and so there is no C which prop erly subsumes C .


0 0

Since C can not b e redundantin N or else so would b e C , since C is




reduced relativetoC , then it must b e in N and hence C and C are true


in R.


Next, supp ose C is redundant with resp ect to N . By lemma 10 ii it




is redundant with resp ect to R-reduced ground instances D :::D of N

1 k j


which are not themselves redundant. But then by lemma 6 and the previous

paragraph, each D is true in R, and so C is true in R. This concludes the


pro of. 2

5.3 Basic Simplication

Simplication techniques in our calculus can b e designed and justied using

the sucient conditions for redundancy develop ed in a previous subsection.

The main problem, as with subsumption, is to insure that the relative re-

ducibili ty criterion holds, however, we also wish to preserveasmuchofthe

constraint of the closure as p ossible during the simplication pro cess, and 35

this causes some additional complications. We presenttwoversions of sim-

plication, the rst a very general rule using variable abstraction, and a

second version based the sucient condition v whichavoids variable ab-


0 0

Let D [l ]  b e a closure with l a non-variable skeleton term, whichis


order-reducible at p by an instance l   r  of a closure equation l 


r    from N which is reduced relativetoD [l ]  mo dulo  and such that


l  r . Then we can basic simplify this closure into the form

D [r]   :

Then we p erform variable abstraction of this new closure wrt the old closure.

Note that by the assumption of variable disjointness for closures, and by

the idemp otence of the substitutions,  = + .

The simplied version of the closure D is added to the set and the original

can then b e deleted b ecause as we show b elow it is then redundant. The

main diculty is in insuring that the new closure and the simplier are

reduced relative to the original D , mo dulo the matching substitution. If the

simplier do es not satisfy this condition, then we can form a retract which

do es. Naturally,wewould wish to retract as few p ositions in the simplier as

p ossible. An additional complication is that is that some variables in l may

not b e b ound by  , and if these also o ccur in r , then wemust instantiate

them when r is inserted into the simplied closure to insure that it is reduced

relative to the old one. For example, we can not simplify P f a  id by

f x  g x  id to obtain P g x fx 7! ag, but must instantiate x

by the matching substitution to obtain P g a. The information ab out

substitution p ositions in the original closure which is lost during this pro cess

can then b e recovered byvariable abstraction.

An example may p erhaps clarify this rule. Supp ose a closure

0 0

Pfg a ;h hb  = Pfgw; hw  fw 7! a; w 7! hbg

is to b e simplied by a closure

f x; hhz   k x; hhz  = f x; y   k x; y  fy 7! hhz g:

Then the matching substitution is  = fx 7! ga; z 7! bg,however wemust

take a retract of the rule in order to p erform the simplication. For example,

wemay form the new rule

hz   k x; h hz  = f x; hv   k x; hv  fv 7! hz g: f x; h 36

Nowwehave relative reducibility mo dulo  and may simplify the literal to

Pkga; h hb  = Pkga; hv fv 7! hbg

according to our rule wehave surpressed useless bindings.

However, note that wehave lost the fact that a is considered to b e

irreducible by the original closure. Thus we could abstract out the a to


0 0

Pkg a ;h hb  = Pkgv ;hv fv 7! a; v 7! hbg:

Our rst version of simplication, in combination with variable abstraction,

is the most general form of simplication rule in our calculus.

However, if the condition v is used to insure relative reducibili ty, then

certain details of the general metho d ab ove b ecome more concrete. The

idea here is similar to the case of subsumption: wemust insure that the

term in the simplier is dominated by the term in the clause b eing matched,

and could form the retract of the simplier by taking the intersection of the


non-variable substitution p ositions in l  and l   . In the same spirit, we

would also need to form a retract in which varr  varl .

In fact, in the example ab ove, we formed the retract in this way to obtain

relative reducibility via the condition that

0 0

f x; hv  fv 7! hz gv f gw; hw  fw 7! a; w 7! hbg:

In this framework we can express the variable abstraction pro cess di-

rectly in the simplication rule. Let us supp ose we add the conditions that


varr  varl  and l   v l  in our formulation of simplication, so


that  is a matcher of l onto l . Let p ;:::;p b e the p ositions of all

1 n

o ccurrences of variables in l . The matcher  binds these variables to sub-


terms of l . The only problematic variables are those x such that for every


o ccurrence of x in l at p osition q , q is a non-variable p ostition in l ; for


all other variables y , some y o ccurs at a substitution p osition in l  and

hence can b e preserved in the substitution part of the simplied term. For

problematic x,we can not assume that the whole term x is reduced rel-

ative to the clause b eing simplied. Our original version of simplication

solved this in brute force fashion by simply instantiating each such term

by replacing the redex by r the problematic variables are all in dom.

However, as demonstrated ab ove, we lose information ab out the p ortions of

such problematic x which are known to b e reduced by virtue of overlapping 37


substitution p ositions in l  .To calculate the minimal instantiatiation"


r , for eachvariable x 2 varl  o ccurring at p ositions q ;:::;q ,ifany

1 m


q o ccurs at a substitution p osition of t  , then dene x = x; other-



wise, let x b e the most sp ecic generalization see Huet 1980 of the terms

0 0 0

l =q ;:::;l =q .Thus the problematic variables are exactly dom . Since

1 m

0 0 0 0

x =l =q  = ::: =l =q  , then for each x 2 dom , x contains only

1 m

0 0

variables already o ccurring in l , and x = x.Now, for each problematic


variable x, the substitution p ostitions in x  are relatively reduced to the

closure b eing simplied, since they are a part of . Therefore we reformulate


the simplication rule so that the simplied clause is of the form D [r ]  

and do not p erform variable abstraction. This implementation of basic sim-

plication reduces to standard simplication when  = = id cf. also the

complete version of simplication used in basic narrowing as in Nutt, Rety,

& Smolka 1989, where  = id.

For example, in simplifying f hx; b;ha; y  fx 7! a; y 7! bg by

f z; z  z   id, with the matching substitution  = fz 7! ha; bg, our

original rule would give us a reduction to ha; b  id b efore variable abstrac-

0 0 0 0

tion pro duces hx ;y  fx 7! a; y 7! bg.Wemay p erform this reduction

directly by taking the most sp ecic generalization hx; y  of hx; b and

0 0

ha; y ,and forming  = fz 7! hx; y g note that z = ha; b= z, we

would simplify the term to hx; y  fx 7! a; y 7! bg.

Note that in the context of eager" application of the variable abstrac-

0 0

tion rule to conclusions of inferences, the terms l =q ;:::;l =q would all b e

1 m

identical and the use of most sp ecic generalization would not b e necessary.

In fact, most of the fussy details ab ove are only necessary to avoid a sp ecial

requirement that variable abstraction b e so used.

To sum up, when using the sucient condition v for relative reducibil-

ity,we can preserveasmuch of the original constraint on the simplied

closure as p ossible by instantiating the replacement term r by just as much

of the matcher  as overlaps only on the skeleton of the clause b eing simpli-


ed when the match from l onto l is calculated, the p ortion overlapping

b eing already safe for abstraction. The p oint here is to preserveas

much information ab out the frontier of a closure as p ossible throughout the

simplication pro cess.

The justication for deleting a clause after a simplied version has b een

constructed is again that it is redundant. The pro of is again a routine

verication of the conditions in lemma 7 to show that the original closure is

redundant in the context of the simplier and the newly simplied closure. 38

0 0 00

Lemma11 Let C =l  r    , D = D [l ]  , D = D [r]   , and

000 0 0

D = D [r ]   beasabove. Then D is redundant with respect to C and

00 000

D , and with respect to C and D .

As with subsumption, the standard notion of simplication i.e., where

relative reducibility do es not hold is incomplete in the basic setting, as the

following example shows.

Example 2

P f x _ f x  b

:P f a

a  c

f c 6 b

We assume a lexicographic path ordering based on the precedence P

f a b c, and supp ose the selection rule simulates sup erp osition, as

discussed in section 3. Let us assume that saturation b egins with resolving

the rst onto the second clause. This pro duces a closure, f  a   b, which

we use to simplify the second clause, to obtain

P f x _ f x  b

:P b

a  c

f c 6 b

f  a   b

From hereon it is imp ossible to derive the empty clause by basic sup erp osi-

tion, as the calculus do es not admit a sup erp osition of a  c into f  a   b.

5.4 Basic Blo cking

The sucient conditions for redundancy given in lemma 7 are fairly general,

but do not provide for all deletion rules whichwewould like to implement.

Two other rules we will discuss are essentially a kind of tautology deletion:

if we know that for every mo del represented by a convergent rewrite system

R,every R-reduced instance of a closure C is true in R, then C can b e

deleted, since it is redundantby our denition. The rst rule, blo cking, 39

o ccurs when there are no R-reduced instances and also can b e extended to

a rule for blo cking inferences.

The main idea in this subsection is that the generation of simpliers

in the pro cess of saturating a set of closures allows us to reason to some

degree ab out the mo del constructed for the nal saturated set. Briey,if

a simplier l  r app ears, and l r for some  , then any o ccurrence of

l in a clause will represent the lo cation of a term which is reducible with

resp ect to the R constructed from the saturated set. This means that if l

o ccurs at a substitution p osition, then the closure is not reduced and hence

not necessary in the construction up on which our completeness result rests.

Denition 9 Let us call a instance l   r  of a closure l  r    from

N a basic simplier instanceof N if l  r . A closure C  is blocked

with resp ect to a set of closures N if it is order-reducible at a substitution

p osition by a basic simplier instance of N which is reduced relativetoC  .

Note that relative reducibility always holds in this case if varr  varl .

Blo cked closures can always b e deleted from a set.

Lemma12 Blocked closures areredundant.

Pro of. Supp ose C  is order-reducible at a substitution p osition in a literal

L  by l  r   .For notational simplicity let us assume that the closures

are ground otherwise wewould consider ground instances via some ground

substitution  . Thus supp ose C  is reduced with resp ect to some R;

we claim that l  r    satises conditions iiii in the denition of

redundancy. Clearly i and ii hold. Now supp ose l  r    is true by

virtue of equations in R no larger than itself; then the term l  is reducible

by an equation in R no bigger than l   r . But then again L  would

b e reducible at a substitution p osition by a smaller equation. In either case

this implies that C  was not R-reduced, a contradiction. Thus iii must

hold trivially. 2

In blo cking, the left side of a rule is trivially reduced relative to the

substitution term which it matches mo dulo the matching substitution ;

thus we need only verify that the right side is relatively reduced. A simple

way to ensure this, as mentioned ab ove, is to verify that varr  varl 

or form a relatively reduced retract. An example which shows that the

relative reducibili ty of the right side is necessary in blo cking may b e framed

as follows a similar example could b e constructed for simplication. 40

Example 3

P a; b

:P x; y  _ Qx; f y 

:Qa; x _ a  x

f b  c

:Qa; c

Supp ose an ordering based on the precedence P Q R a f

b c.Ifwe resolve the rst two clauses, we obtain the clause Q a ;f b .

Then if we resolve this new clause with the third clause, we obtain the

f b , which blo cks Q a _ f  b . Since the variables of the clause a 

right hand side of the blo cking equation are not in the left hand side, the

equation should b e instantiated. If we do not p erform the instantiation,

f b  c blo cks a  f b . Therefore, b oth of the new clauses can b e

deleted; we are left with the original set of clauses, and b ecause of fairness,

no more inferences need b e p erformed. Wehave not found a refutation,

although the original set was unsatisable.

Note that an inference

C    C  

1 n


is redundantby denition if one of the closures C   C  is blo cked. It is

1 n

p ossible in addition to show that certain additional inferences can b e blo cked

during the saturation of a set of clauses; this is essentially a generalization

of the technique of blo cking due to Slagle 1974 see also Lankford 1975

and Hsiang & Rusinowich 1991

Denition 10 An equality resolution or equality factoring inference with

premise C   and conclusion D  is blocked in N if C  is blo cked or if

C  is order-reducible at a selected p osition by a basic simplier instance

l  r   of N which is reduced relative to the substitution and selected

p ositions in C  .

Consider a paramo dulation inference

0 0

C _ s  t   C [s ]  


D  41

0 0

where p is the redex p osition, let C =C _ s  t  , and let C = C [s ]  .

1 2 p

Dene P as the union of the selected p ositions in C , the selected p ositions


q  p in C , and the substitution p ositions in b oth these closures. The

R 2

inference is blocked in N if

i it is order-reducible at a p osition in P in C or C by a basic simplier

1 2

instance as ab oveofN which is relatively reduced to the p ositions P ,or

ii it is order-reducible in C by the instance s  t , at either a selected


p osition q  p or at a substitution p osition.


Note that case i includes the p ossibility that either C or C is blo cked

1 2

as a closure. The reader should compare this denition with the denition

of a redundant inference given previously. As explained ab ove, the funda-

mental idea here is that the equations used to do reduction can b e assumed

to b e true in the mo del R, and hence indicate the presence of reducible

terms. Note that for a simplier, we can use an arbitrary instance, whereas

in part ii, wemust use the instance s  t generated by the paramo dula-

tion inference i.e., it can not b e further instantiated. This is b ecause any

instance of a p ositive unit clause must b e true, but we do not know which

instances if any of s  t are true.

Lemma13 Blocked inferences areredundant.

Pro of. The case where the premises are blo cked is trivial by the denition of

a redundant inference. For the other cases it if sucient to consider ground

inferences. Thus, consider an equality resolution or equality factoring infer-

ence with conclusion D  and with a premise C  which is order-reducible

at a selected p osition by a basic simplier ground instance l  r reduced

relative to the selected and substitution p ositions in the premise. Then for

any R for which C  is reduced at substitution and selected p ositions, we

can show that l  r satises conditions iiii in denition 3. The only

dierence from the similar argument in lemma 12 is that we consider selected

p ositions in addition to substitution p ositions.

Now consider a ground paramo dulation inference with premises C _ s 



t  and C [s ]  and conclusion D  , and which is reducible at a p osition

2 p

in P as sp ecied in case i by basic simplier ground instance l  r which

is reduced relative to the p ositions P . Again for any R we can show that

l  r satises conditions iiii in denition 3, by considering reducibility

at substitution and selected p ositions. If the inference is order-reducible by

s  t at a p osition as sp ecied in case two, the argument is identical,

except that we consider a rewrite system R containing s  t . 2 42

Under certain very natural conditions, selection rules can b e used to

precalculate which clauses will cause inferences to b e blo cked, and so the

work in actually constructing the inferences and checking these conditions

can b e saved. For example, if the selection rule is invariant under substitu-

tion, then a clause which is simpliable at a selected p osition q will form a

blo cked inference whenever it is either the rst premise or else the second

premise of a paramo dulation applied at a p osition bigger than q .

In addition, it will sometimes b e p ossible to p erform simpler checks for

blo cking when the set of simpliers has sp ecial prop erties. For instance, if

a set of simpliers fully denes a function symbol f in the sense that every

ground term containing f is reducible by a basic simplier instance, then it

is sucient simply to check for the existence of f in substitution and selected

terms when blo cking.

5.5 Basic Tautology Deletion

Another deletion rule which can b e shown to b e correct using the notion of

redundancy is tautology deletion. For example, a simple kind of tautology

in paramo dulation has the form C _:A _ A or the form C _ s  s, and

can b e shown to b e redundant with resp ect to the empty set of closures.

This is b ecause a clause whichisalways true in any mo del is unnecessary

in the construction of mo dels. Thus any tautology can b e deleted. In our

setting, in addition, it is p ossible to dene another kind of tautology by

virtue of the fact that we represent mo dels by convergent rewrite systems

and require closures to b e reduced at the ground level in our completeness

pro of. This implies that for any convergent rewrite system R,anR-reduced

ground equation of the form x  s   , where x s ,must always b e

false with resp ect to R, since any rewrite pro of b etween the two sides must

reduce x . When such an equation o ccurs negatively in a clause C , then C

must b e true with resp ect to R.

Denition 11 A clause of the form C _ x 6 s   is a basic tautology if

x s .

A routine verication of the conditions for redundancy, in the case where

the set fD ;:::;D g is empty, gives us the following result.

1 k

Lemma14 Basic tautologies areredundant in any set N . 43

It is also p ossible to do a similar check during the construction of an


C    C  

1 n


on closures. If anyofC   C  are tautologies or basic tautologies,

1 n

then the inference is redundant and need not b e p erformed.

6 Basic Completion

We next lo ok at the relationship b etween the Knuth/Bendix completion

metho d and saturation up to redundancy. One question is under what cir-

cumstances a saturated set of equations is convergent and not just ground

convergent. In this section we consider only p ositive unit clauses, which for

simplicity can b e thought of as equations. Since we will only reason ab out

saturated sets b elow, we need not consider closures, but only the clauses

represented by them.

By a basic completion procedure we mean any pro cedure that accepts

as input a set of equations E and a reduction ordering and generates

a fair theorem proving derivation from E in which all deduction steps are

by basic paramo dulation and all deletion steps are by basic simplication,

basic subsumption, or blo cking. Wehave shown that the interpretation

generated from the limit E of a fair derivation is a mo del of E which can


b e represented by a convergent ground rewrite system R consisting of certain

ground instances of E .Thus, the set of all orientable ground instances of E


that is, the set of all instances s  t , for which s t isconvergenton

ground terms. In this sense, saturation of a nite or recursively enumerable

set of equations up to redundancy under the basic strategy may b e thought

of as a basic variant of the ordered completion pro cedure.

An interesting situation arises when all equations in E are orientable


with resp ect to .We will show that in that case, E is actually convergent


on al l terms. Let F b e the given set of function symb ols and V b e the given

set of variables. We rst intro duce a set of new constants C , such that a

bijection : V!C exists. Furthermore, let  : C!F b e the function that

maps each constantin C to the same minimal with resp ect to  constant

in F .

The reduction ordering can b e extended to an ordering on T F[

C ; V  as follows Bachmair, Dershowitz, and Plaisted 1989: s t if and

only if either s t or else s= t and s t. Here denotes

lpo lpo 44

a lexicographic path ordering based on a total well-founded precedence re-

lation on F[C and the mapping  is extended from C to T F[C in the

usual way. Note that is indeed a reduction ordering that extends and

moreover is total on the set of ground terms T F[C cf. Bachmair 1991.

Lemma15 Let bea reduction ordering that is total on T F  and E bea

set of equations between terms in T F ; V , such that s t, for al l equations

s  t in E . Then, for al l terms u and v in T F ; V  with u  v  we


have u  v .


Pro of. Supp ose u and v are terms of the form u[s ] and u[t ], resp ectively,

where s  t is an equation in E and u v .Wehave either s t or

t s, so that  u 6=  v . This implies  u  v , from which

wemay infer s t and hence u v . 2


Wehave the following result.

Theorem 3 Let beareduction ordering that is total on T F .Let E bea

set of equations between terms in T F ; V  and E be the limit constructedby


abasic completion procedure for inputs E and .Ifs t, for al l equations

s  t in E , then E isaconvergent rewrite system on T F ; V .

1 1

Pro of. First observe that any fair derivation from E with resp ect to over

the set of ground terms T F  can also b e interpreted as a fair derivation

from E with resp ect to over the set of ground terms T F[C. The limit

E of the derivation is thus convergent on all ground terms in T F[C.


We claim that it is also convergentonT F ; V .


If u and v are terms in T F ; V , such that u , v , then u , v 


1 1

and, by ground convergence, u + v . By the ab ove lemma we get



u + v , which completes the pro of. 2



The substitution p ositions in the rewrite systems pro duced by basic com-

pletion have no signicance when such systems are used for reduction, how-

ever it is interesting that when these systems are used for basic narrowing

see b elow, substitution p ositions can b e added to the p ositions at which

narrowing is forbidden. This can b e easily seen by recasting narrowing

problems of the form R j= 9s  t? in the form of a refutation of the set

R [fs 6 tg using the inference systems presented here; see also Chabin,

Anantharaman & Rety 1993.


We remind the reader of the caveat expressed in the fo otnote to denition 3. 45

7 Summary

In this pap er wehave dened a framework for paramo dulation and com-

pletion which dep ends on a reduction ordering, a selection function, and a

redex ordering to restrict inferences along several dimensions. The basic

strategy forbids inferences into substitution p ositions. Ordering restrictions

work b oth at the level of clauses, at the level of literals, and at the level of

terms to restrict inferences. We remark here that it is p ossible to rene the

notion of selection in a way analogous to the notion of a complete set of

p ositions" in Frib ourg 1989. Essentially,we only need to select p ositions

which include some redex at the ground level so that wemay provide for an

inference in the completeness pro of. The denition of selection given in this

pap er is a very general one which assumes no sp ecial information ab out the

clauses. With more information, for example in the presence of additional

constraints on clauses, it may b e p ossible to restrict selection. Selection

is particularly signicant in dening restrictions on inference p ositions in

negative literals, whereas orderings are more signicant on p ositive literals.

Finally, redex orderings on selected p ositions dene reducibili ty criteria on

p ositions in clauses. These results can b e thought of as dening the frontier

between the explored and unexplored parts of the clause and for controlling

the application of inference rules in the unexplored regions. In addition to

the standard inference rules, variable abstraction can b e p erformed to ex-

tend the basic restriction on closures, and a variety of deletion rules which

implementavery general notion of redundancy have b een presented.

The basic strategy was intro duced explicitlyas far as we knowfor

the rst time in Russia by Degtyarev 1979, who sketches a basic strategy

for paramo dulation, but we do not haveany detailed information ab out his

calculus. It was intro duced in the West in a more comprehensivewayby

Hullot 1980, and further studied by Nutt, Rety & Smolka 1989. This

latter pap er shows that the basic strategy conicts to some degree with

simplication, and a metho d for dealing with this was describ ed. In ad-

dition, various of the techniques describ ed in this pap er, such as selection,

blo cking non-reduced closures, and variable abstraction, were describ ed in a

comprehensive framework. Redex orderings are a more general form of the

Left-to-Right Basic Narrowing rule of Herold 1986 and Bosco et al. 1987

see also Bo ckmayr et al. 1992. The current pap er can thus b e thoughtofas

an extension and development of techniques discovered rst in the narrowing

framework to the full rst-order calculus in a refutational setting.

D. Plaisted has remarked to us that some features of Brand's mo di- 46

cation metho d Brand 1975 are reminiscent of the basic strategy, and

the theorem prover describ ed by Nie & Plaisted 1990, which uses a simi-

lar transformation, also avoids paramo dulation into substitution terms. A

critical pair criterion similar to the basic strategy is describ ed in Smith &

Plaisted 1988. McCune 1990 has conjectured that it is never necessary to

p erform paramo dulation inside Skolem functions. Indeed, this renementis

a sp ecial case of basic paramo dulation, and hence the conjecture is a corol-

lary of our results. More generally, basic paramo dulation inferences need

never b e applied to prop er subterms of function symb ols, suchasSkolem

symb ols, that o ccur in the input clauses with just variables as arguments.

R. Nieuwenhuis and A. Rubio have also indep endently develop ed an in-

ference system for completion and for refutational theorem proving based

on basic sup erp osition and proved completeness in the context of deletion

rules such as subsumption and simplication Nieuwenhuis & Rubio 1992a.

In addition, they have develop ed a comprehensive framework for ordering

constraints in combination with equational constraints essentially the same

as our closure substitutions and analysed the role of initial constraints and

problems with deletion in this framework Nieuwenhuis & Rubio 1992b. Al-

though wehave not stressed it here, this pap er can b e seen as a contribution

to the theory of constrained rewriting and deduction see Kirchner, Kirchner

& Rusinowich 1990. The current pro ject grew out of a lemma necessary

in the pro of of Snyder & Lynch 1991, and was presented in a preliminary

form at the 4th Unication Workshop in Barbizon, France, without deletion

or blo cking rules, and using a very dierentstyle of pro of. The current pa-

p er is a long version of the abstract presented at the Eleventh Conference

on Automated Deduction Bachmair et al. 1992.

Our results, in addition to providing a means of making paramo dula-

tion theorem provers and related systems, such as completion pro cedures

more ecient, show that substitutions, which are pro duced initially as most

general uniers which calculate the intersection of ground instances of uni-

versally quantied clauses, in fact play only this role in theorem proving, in

the sense that they need not b e sub ject to equational inferences themselves.

We view these results as a robust answer to the question p osed byL.Wos

and cited in the intro duction in the following sense. Essentially, our results

dep end on the fact that terms in clauses can b e forbidden for paramo dula-

tion inferences when, at the ground level, they represent irreducible terms

in the construction of the mo del describ ed in Section 4. The user sp ecifying

additional forbidden terms in the original set of clauseswhichwould b e

more in the spirit of set of supp ortseems to require that we can prove that 47

these clauses are reduced to start with; since in general it is dicult or im-

p ossible to know what mo dels could b e constructed for a set of clauses b eing

saturated except in a limited sense when simpliers arise, it seems that

the results presented here contain the strongest p ossible such restrictions.

Acknowledgments.We wish to thank Dennis Kfoury and Steve Homer

of Boston University for graciously providing funds for the third author

during the academic years 199092. Wewould also like to thank Michael

Rusinowich, , Pierre Lescanne, Deepak Kapur, H.-J. Ohlbach,

Rob ert Nieuwenhuis, Alb ert Rubio, Zino Benaissa, Nachum Dershowitz, and

the anonymous referees for helpful discussions on the ideas presented here.

Thanks also to Jean-Pierre Jouannaud for his interest in this work.


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