XIX IAUP Triennial Virtual Conference JULY 29 - 31, 2021

Innovation and Inclusion: Key Priorities IAUP2021 for Higher Education International Association of University Presidents VIRTUAL CONFERENCE in a Post Pandemic World

Join fellow senior leaders and more than 50 experienced speakers from around the globe sharing, debating and discussing current trends and future challenges faced by universities worldwide.

Visit www.cetys.mx/iauptriennial2021 Or contact [email protected] More than 50 experienced IAUP2021 speakers from around the world. International Association of University Presidents VIRTUAL CONFERENCE

Dr. Paul LeBlanc Mr. Henry Stoever Dr. Esther D. Brimmer Dr. Susanna Karakhanyan President President and CEO CEO and Executive Director President Southern New Hampshire Association of Governing NAFSA International Network for Quality University Boards of Universities and Colleges Assurance Agencies in Higher Education

Dr. Pilar Aranda Ramírez Dr. Ricardo Mairal Dr. Francisco Marmolejo Dr. Liu Jinan President President Higher Education President President Universidad de Granada Universidad Nacional de Education Advisor World Women University Educación a Distancia Qatar Foundation Presidents Forum

Dr. Luiz Claudio Costa Dr. Ricardo Rivero Dr. Jamil Salmi Dr. Carmen LaMagna President, IREG President Global Tertiary Education President President of IESB University, Brazil Universidad de Salamanca Expert American International University of Bangladesh

Dr. Enrique Graue Dr. Muhammed Sahin Dr. Rita Hartung Cheng Dr. Pradeep K. Khosla President President President Chancellor UNAM MEF University Northern Arizona University University of California San Diego

Dr. Fernando Galván Reula Dr. David Garza Salazar Dr. Ted Mitchell Dr. Antonio Flores Former President President President President Universidad de Alcalá Sistema ITESM American Council on Education Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities More than 50 experienced IAUP2021 speakers from around the world. International Association of University Presidents VIRTUAL CONFERENCE

Dr. Pankaj Mittal Dr. Mariano Jabonero Mtro. Jaime Valls Esponda Dr. Marja Liisa Tenhunen Secretary General Secretary General Secretary General Former President Association of Indian Organización de Estados Asociación Nacional de Centria University of Applied Universities Iberoamericanos Universidades e Instituciones de Sciences Educación Superior PIMSA Distinguished Chair CETYS University

Dr. Jamienne Studley Ing. Rodrigo Guerra Botello Dr. Allan Goodman Dr. Hans de Wit President Secretary General President Distinguished Fellow WASC Federación de Instituciones Institute of International Center for International Higher Senior College and University Mexicanas Particulares de Education Education Commission (WSCUC) Educación Superior

Dr. Sue Henderson Dr. Tomás Morales Dr. Sue Cunningham Dr. Adela de la Torre President President President President New Jersey City University California State University San Council for the Advancement San Diego State University Bernardino and Support of Education

Dr. Kim Wilcox Dr. Elizabeth Stroble Dr. Arturo Cherbowski Lask Dr. Marek Kręglewski Chancellor Chancellor Executive Director President University of California Webster University Santander Universidades Compostela Group of Riverside Universities

Dr. Shawn Chen Dr. Edward Peck Dr. Antonio Leaño Reyes Dr. Francisco José Mora Mas Dr. Cipriano Sánchez García, L.C. Chancellor Vice-Chancellor President President President SIAS International University Nottingham Trent University Universidad Autónoma de Universidad Politécnica de Universidad Anáhuac Guadalajara Valencia More than 50 experienced IAUP2021 speakers from around the world. International Association of University Presidents VIRTUAL CONFERENCE

Dr. Peter Mathieson Dr. Amine Bensaid Dr. Santa Ono Dr. Devorah Lieberman Principal and Vice Chancellor President President President University of Edinburgh Al Akhawayn University in University of British Columbia University of La Verne Ifrane

Dr. Gulsun Saglamer Dr. Ricardo Villanueva Lomelí Dr. Mildred García Dr. Sara Ladrón de Guevara President President President President European Women Rectors Universidad de Guadalajara American Association of State Universidad Veracruzana Association Colleges and Universities

Dr. José Vicente Saz Pérez Dr. Juan Camilo Montoya Bozzi Dr. Vahan Agopyan Dr. Enrique Fernández Fassnacht President President President General Director Universidad de Alcalá Universidad Autónoma de Universidad de Sao Paulo Tecnológico Nacional de México Bucaramanga

Dr. Corina Dumitrescu Dr. Priit Reiska Dr. Martha García Dr. Zeblon Vilakazi President of the Senate Acting President President Vice-Chancellor and Principal Dimitrie Cantemir Christian Tallinn University Imperial Valley College University of the Witwatersrand University

Dr. Pam Fredman Dr. Li Xiaojuan Mr. John Gill Dr. Mustafa Aydin Dr. Randy Frisch President, Vice President Editor President President International Association of International Affairs Times Higher Education Istanbul Aydin University City University of Seattle of Universities Capital Normal University, () and Eurasian Universities Union More than 50 experienced IAUP2021 speakers from around the world. International Association of University Presidents VIRTUAL CONFERENCE

Dr. Donald Betz Dr. Heidi Anderson Dr. Eda Coutinho Machado Dr. Carl Jubran Executive Director International Programs President President President and Global Initiatives, AASCU University of Maryland, IESB University The American College President Emeritus, Eastern Shore of the Mediterranean University of Central Oklahoma

Dr. Jiang Hongxin Dr. Peter P. Laurel Dr. Bernando González Aréchiga Dr. Thandwa Mthembu Chairman, University Council President, President Vice Chancellor Normal University AUAP and Lyceum University Universidad Valle de México Durban University of Technology of the Philippines-Batangas

Dr. Carlos Iván Moreno Dr. Jaime Alonso Gómez Dr. David Atkinson Dr. Celestino Fernández Chief Academic and Innovation Officer PIMSA Distinguished Chair President Emeritus PIMSA Distinguished Chair, Universidad de Guadalajara of Management and former Grant McEwan University CETYS University, Dean School of Business, Professor Emeritus, University of San Diego University of Arizona

Dr. Dan Shunk Dr. Frances Sweeney Dr. Tatiana Karmanova Dr. Carlos H. García PIMSA Distinguished Chair, Vice President for Mission Associate Vice Provost and Dean Director of Institutional Relations CETYS University and Emeritus Professor, Saint Mary’s College of Extended and Global Education CETYS University Arizona State University California State University San Bernardino

Dr. Mariella Remund Dr. Jesús Lau Dr. Francisco Trigo Dr. Kakha Shengelia Dr. Fernando León García PIMSA Distinguished Chair, PIMSA Distinguished Chair Vice Provost for Cooperation President President CETYS University (Mexico) CETYS University and International Affairs Caucasus University CETYS University Professor of Management, UNAM President President Northwestern Polytechnical University (China) IAUP 2017-2021 IAUP 2021-2024