Welcome to the Cornerstone Wellness Program

Once your metabolic rate is precisely determined by body composition analysis, you will be placed on a customized daily calorie plan designed to lose fat while maintaining muscle. An essential key to success is understanding what you should eat each day. You may chose to track using our website logging program OR you can use the exchange method outlined in this booklet. Followed properly, you will achieve tremendous fat loss with muscle maintenance as well as marked improvement in your health, wellness, energy and vitality.

A exchange means a specific portion or of food. The amount of food in an exchange depends on whether it is protein, starch, vegetable, fruit, dairy or fat. For example, one exchange of protein equals one ounce (7 grams of protein). An easy tool to remember is that a three exchange serving of meat, chicken or sh is about the size of a deck of cards. One exchange of vegetables is typically one cup. Dierent fruit exchanges have dierent portion sizes based on their content. Starch portions are very limited because excess starch converts to fat in your body. Because of that feel free to eat less starch than you are allowed…you will simply lose weight more quickly if you back o on starch. It is important that each day you consume the number of exchanges listed on the bottom of your Sample Plan Your meal plan includes two Cornerstone Meal Replacements Shakes. This provides an additional 7 exchanges (46 grams) of protein to the amount of protein exchanges already listed on your plan. The shakes also provide 4-6 times the recommended daily allowance of , all minerals and 800 units of D3. This all-natural, gluten free formula was created by a group of physicians to reduce appetite and is really the Cornerstone “magic” that has provided phenomenal results experienced by thousands of patients throughout the country over the past decade. The OmegaHealth and MetAssist supplements listed will accelerate your fat loss and decrease your carb craving while improving your mood and markedly reducing your health risk factors.

2 Daily Food Exchanges

Protein Vegetables Starch

Beans ( 1/3 cup, cooked) Broccoli (cup) Bagel ( 1/2 ) Beef (1oz) Carrots (cup) Biscuit (3 inch) Chicken (1oz) Cucumber (cup) Bread (slice) Egg (whole, large) Cereal ( 1/2 cup) Green Beans (cup) Egg (2 whites) Cracker (4, average) Lettuce (cup) Fish (1 oz) Corn ( 1/2 cup) Ham (1 oz) Lima Beans ( 2/3 cup) Granola (1/4 cup) Hotdog (small) Peas ( 1/2 cup) Grits ( 1/2 cup) Meat (1 oz) Peppers (medium) Oatmeal ( 1/2 cup) Oysters (6 medium) Spinach (cup) Pasta ( 1/2 cup) Pork (1 oz) Squash (cup) Potato (small, 3 oz) Shell sh (1 oz) Tomato (medium) Rice ( 1/3 cup) (4 oz) Tortilla (small) Veal (1 oz) Tomato (sauce, 1/2 cup)

Dairy Fruit Fat

Cheese (cottage, 1/2 cup) Apple (small) Avocado (2 tbsp)

Cheese (hard, 1 oz) Apricots (4 medium) Bacon (1 strip) Banana ( 1/2 medium) Butter (1 tsp) Milk (almond, cup) Berries ( 3/4 cup) Cream Cheese (1 tbsp) Milk (dairy, cup) Cantaloupe ( 1/3 medium) Mayonnaise (1 tsp) Yogurt (plain, non-fat, 3/4 cup) Grapes (12 medium) Nuts (4-6) Orange (small) Oil (1 tsp)

Raisins (2 tbsp) Peanut Butter (1/2 tbsp) Watermelon (medium slice) Salad Dressing (1 tbsp) Sour Cream (2 tbsp) 3 1200 Calorie Cornerstone Plan

Cornerstone Shake Powder ...... 2 scoops Dairy (Milk or Almond Milk) .... 1 exchange AST Fruit...... 1 exchange MetAssist ...... 1 tablet

BREAK F OmegaHealth...... 2 softgel

SNACK Fruit...... 1 exchange

Cornerstone Shake Powder ...... 2 scoops Dairy (Milk or Almond Milk) .... 1 exchange Protein ...... 2 exchange Vegetable...... 1 exchange LUNCH Fat (mayo)...... 1 exchange MetAssist ...... 1 tablet

SNACK Fat ...... 1 exchange

Protein ...... 3 exchange Vegetable...... 1 exchange Starch...... 1 exchange MetAssist ...... 1 tablet

2 Cor ner s t one Shake s P lus: Total Daily Protein Dairy Fruit Vegetables Starch Fat Exchanges 5 2 2 2 1 2 4 (in shakes) 1400 Calorie Cornerstone Plan

Cornerstone Shake Powder ...... 2 scoops

Dairy (Milk or Almond Milk) .... 1 exchange AST Fruit...... 1 exchange MetAssist ...... 1 tablet OmegaHealth...... 2 softgel BREAK F

Fruit...... 1 exchange SNACK

Cornerstone Shake Powder ...... 2 scoops Dairy (Milk or Almond Milk) .... 1 exchange Protein ...... 3 exchange Vegetable...... 1 exchange

Starch...... 1 exchange LUNCH Fat ...... 1 exchange MetAssist ...... 1 tablet

Fat ...... 2 exchange SNACK

Protein ...... 3 exchange Vegetable...... 1 exchange Starch...... 1 exchange

MetAssist ...... 1 tablet DINNER

2 Cor nerst one Shake s P lus: Total Daily Protein Dairy Fruit Vegetables Starch Fat Exchanges 6 2 2 2 2 2 (in shakes) 5 1600 Calorie Cornerstone Plan

Cornerstone Shake Powder ...... 2 scoops Dairy (Milk or Almond Milk) .... 1 exchange

AST Fruit...... 1 exchange Protein ...... 1 exchange Starch...... 1 exchange

BREAK F MetAssist ...... 1 tablet OmegaHealth...... 2 softgel

SNACK Fruit...... 1 exchange

Cornerstone Shake Powder ...... 2 scoops Dairy (Milk or Almond Milk) .... 1 exchange Protein...... 2 exchange Vegetable...... 1 exchange LUNCH Fat ...... 1 exchange MetAssist ...... 1 tablet

Fruit...... 1 exchange SNACK Dairy...... 1 exchange

Protein ...... 5 exchange Vegetable...... 2 exchange Fat ...... 1 exchange Starch...... 2 exchange DINNER MetAssist ...... 1 tablet

2 Cor n e rst one S hake s Plus: Total Daily Protein Dairy Fruit Vegetables Starch Fat Exchanges 8 3 3 3 3 2 6 (2 from shakes) 1800 Calorie Cornerstone Plan

Cornerstone Shake Powder ...... 2 scoops Dairy (Milk or Almond Milk) .... 1 exchange

Fruit...... 2 exchange AST Protein ...... 1 exchange Starch...... 1 exchange

MetAssist ...... 1 tablet BREAK F OmegaHealth...... 2 softgel

Fruit...... 1 exchange SNACK

Cornerstone Shake Powder ...... 2 scoops Dairy (Milk or Almond Milk) .... 1 exchange Protein ...... 4 exchange Vegetable...... 1 exchange

Starch...... 2 exchange LUNCH Dairy (Cheese) ...... 1 exchange MetAssist ...... 1 tablet

Vegetable...... 1 exchange SNACK Fat ...... 2 exchange

Protein ...... 5 exchange Vegetable...... 2 exchange Starch...... 1 exchange DINNER MetAssist ...... 1 tablet

2 Cor nerst one Shakes Plus: Total Daily Protein Dairy Fruit Vegetables Starch Fat Exchanges 10 3 3 4 4 2 (2 from shakes) 7 Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve been on diets in the past and either didn’t lose weight or if I did I regained much if not all of it back. Can Cornerstone Wellness prevent that from happening yet again? Cornerstone is a cutting edge revolutionary approach in that it is not a program as much as it is a fat loss/muscle maintenance program. Our approach results in attainment and lifetime maintenance of healthy body composition. This prevents the cycling or yoyo that frustrates so many dieters on classic “weight loss” diets.

What speci cally sets Cornerstone Wellness apart from other diets? 1) Your doctor is one of only a few thousand carefully selected physicians nationally who are allowed to o er this exclusive program to their patients. 2) You will have your own Wellness Coach who has been trained and certied in this unique approach by Cornerstone in your doctor’s oce. 3) Utilizing proprietary technology pioneered at USC School of Medicine, your body fat, lean body (muscle) mass and metabolic rate will be measured with the most accurate FDA cleared web based bioimpedance device. 4) Your will be customized for you based on your specic metabolic testing to primarily fat F loss with maintenance of muscle. 5) As a Cornerstone Wellness patient you will have access to several groundbreaking supplements A dispensed only through medical doctors. These are scientically proven to markedly improve fat loss, muscle maintenance and general health outcomes such as lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar and HBA1C. Q

What is the most important thing I can do to lose fat as quickly as possible while maintaining muscle? Without a doubt, drinking Cornerstone shakes at and lunch along with a healthy dinner will result in the greatest fat loss and muscle maintenance of any possible intervention you can make in your diet. This is not a “” as you will be eating real food along with the shakes.

How long do I need to be on the Cornerstone Wellness program? That completely depends on how much fat you have to lose and how well you follow the program. Someone who has 200lbs of excess fat will obviously need to be on the program longer than someone with 10 lbs to lose. There is no specic goal weight, only a goal body fat %. As long as you are carrying less body fat today than you did yesterday you are moving in the right direction, looking tter, feeling better and getting healthier.

Will any protein shake help me lose fat? The answer is denitely not. There are 4 types of protein shakes. 1) Pure protein powders (whey, soy, milk solids etc) do not combat , do not supply essential vitamins and minerals and are therefore not dened by the FDA as a meal replacement. 2) shakes are designed for weight gain, which is the goal of body builders but NOT dieters. 3) Commercially available Meal Replacement Shakes (MRPS) are made with ingredients that are not up to the standards set for medical MRPS. 8 4) Physician dispensed MRPS have higher potency, stricter quality standards and well-documented ecacy. When combined with physician oversight these provide the best results over any other dieting approach. Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Cornerstone Meal Replacements superior to other MRPS? The Cornerstone Meal Replacement: 1) Is formulated by a team of physician specialists and PhD nutritionists. 2) Is widely accepted as the best tasting shake available. 3) Was designed speci cally to massively curb appetite. 4) Contains the highest amount and most bioavailable type of protein. 5) Contains the highest levels of vitamins and minerals. 6) Is the only all natural physician only meal replacement. 7) Is gluten free 8) Is formulated in California in a FDA approved, award winning facility.

Can I just do one Cornerstone shake a day instead of two? Every scienti c study shows that by far the best results will be obtained by drinking two shakes a day. Each shake costs less than $2.50 and remember it will be signi cantly replacing the cost of more expensive F protein based foods. A What else should I do to lose fat?

If you are overweight you got that way unquestionably by eating too Q much white food. White foods are high in sugar and starch and quickly convert to fat stored around your belly, hips and thighs. Therefore to lose fat you must markedly reduce the white food in your diet. Nobody ever got fat from eating too much beef, chicken, sh, fruit or vegetables. If you want to lose fat then white food is your enemy.

What is white food? Bread: All types including white, whole wheat, corn/our tortillas and crackers. Rice: All rice including white, yellow or brown. Pasta: This is essentially bread in a dierent form. Potatoes: French fried, baked as well as chips. Foods containing added sugar or corn syrup: Pastry, and other sweets. Sweetened : Including soda, sweet and energy drinks Beer: Basically beer is liquid bread, one of the major causes of . All packaged : Including chips, pretzels, cookies etc.

What determines how many calories and how much protein I should be getting? Your Cornerstone Wellness coach will determine your metabolic rate (BMR) and the amount of muscle you carry on your frame using the Cornerstone BC IV metabolic analyzer. This is an extremely precise FDA cleared medical device. You will be put on a customized program based on your test results that will result in rapid fat loss while you maintain and possibly gain muscle.

9 Frequently Asked Questions

My biggest weakness is that I crave carbohydrates like bread and sweets. How does Cornerstone prevent these cravings? Eating white food results in a blood sugar roller coaster of sorts. By increasing your protein intake, particularly with the shakes, your blood sugar will be more stable. This alone will markedly decrease your carb craving. In addition, Cornerstone provides a supplement called MetAssist, which was speci cally formulated to signi cantly reduce these cravings.

What happens if my weight loss plateaus? If your weight loss plateaus (attens out over time), don’t despair. Simply remove all the starches from your daily plan and switch all the fruit exchanges to equal exchanges of vegetables. Don’t ever decrease the protein exchanges and of always make sure you are drinking two shakes a day. This is absolutely imperative!

How does MetAssist work? It provides a combination of four key ingredients that work synergistically to

F speed up fat loss, decrease hunger, lower and stabilize blood sugar, lower HbA1C and bad (LDL) cholesterol. One of the ingredients, garcinia cambo

A gia, increases serotonin, the “feel good” chemical in your brain which helps reduce stress eating. It also contains an herb called gymnema sylvestrie that blocks the sensation of sweetness on the tongue so you are less apt to eat

Q sweets.

Why should I take Omega3 supplements? Omega3 is a type of fat that is essential in your diet since it is required for life. Omega3 keeps your immune system in check so you don’t produce excess inammation. It massively lowers triglycerides and increases HDL the “good” cholesterol. It prevents platelets, the clotting cells in your blood from clumping, thereby decreasing your risk of heart attack. Because your brain is largely composed of Omega3, this essential fat supports all neurologic functions. It also helps you lose weight by increasing the eciency of insulin. You can get Omega3 from eating coldwater sh like salmon however because of all the toxins which are concentrated in these sh, it is impossible to get enough Omega3 without ingesting these toxins as well.

What makes Cornerstone’s OmegaHealth superior? OmegaHealth is the only Omega3 that undergoes three separate molecular distillation steps in order to provide the highest purity oil with the lowest levels of toxins. The oil is produced under a nitrogen blanket to keep it away from oxygen in order to prevent rancidity. This is why it doesn’t smell or taste like sh and why you will never experience sh breath or sh burps like you may with other brands. It is bottled in thick blue glass jars, which won’t let air (oxygen) in and also protects the oil from UV light. OmegaHealth is one of the most potent Omega3 supplements available as it contains 1280 mgs of EPA and DHA per serving, which are the active ingredients in sh oil and what determines its potency.

10 Cornerstone Shake Recipes

Use two scoops of powder per serving. Add ice and blend well. If adding fruit or other avors use a blender and mix for 30 seconds. You may also use a shaker cup like a blender bottle.

Berry Berry Delicious Chai Tea Chocolate Almond Joy SHA K

2 Scoops Vanilla Powder 2 Scoops Vanilla Powder 2 Scoops Chocolate Powder 1 Cup 2% Milk or Almond Milk 1 Cup 2% Milk or Almond Milk 1 Cup 2% Milk or Almond Milk 1 Cup Fresh or Frozen Berries 1 Banana 1 Tsp. Almond Extract eg Strawberries, Black or 1/8 Cup Chai Tea Concentrate Ice Blueberries Ice Ice

Chocolate Banana Split Chocolate Cherry Delight Chocolate Coffee Cup E

2 Scoops Chocolate Powder 2 Scoops Chocolate Powder 2 Scoops Chocolate Powder

1 Cup 2% Milk or Almond Milk 1 Cup 2% Milk or Almond Milk 1 Cup 2% Milk or Almond Milk R 1/2 Banana 1/2 Cup Cherries, frozen, pitted 1 Tsp. Instant Coee

Ice Ice 1 Pkgs. Non-Calorie Sweetener ECIPE S Ice

Chocolate Mint Madness Chocolate Reese Piece Maui Madness

2 Scoops Chocolate Powder 2 Scoops Chocolate Powder 2 Scoops Vanilla Powder 1 Cup 2% Milk or Almond Milk 1 Cup 2% Milk or Almond Milk 5 oz. 2% Milk or Almond Milk 1/2 Banana 1/2 Tbls. Low Fat Peanut Butter 3 oz. Orange Juice 1/8 Tsp. Peppermind Extract Ice 1 Tbsp. Crushed Pineapple Ice 1 Tbsp. Shredded Coconut Ice

Peach Parfait Treat Pina Colada Treat Pumpkin Delight

2 Scoops Vanilla Powder 2 Scoops Vanilla Powder 2 Scoops Vanilla Powder

1 Serving Vanilla Sugar Free 1 Cup 2% Milk or Almond Milk 1 Cup 2% Milk or Almond Milk Pudding 2 Tbsp. Sugar Free Banana 1 Tsp. Pumpkin Spice 1/2 Peach (6 Frozen Slices) Cream Jello Pudding 1/4 Tsp. Cinnamon Mix Well, Chill 2 Tsp. Coconut Extract Ice with Nonfat Whip Topping Ice 11 Please visit us on the web at www.cornerstonewellnessmd.com