Evonik Magazine 4 Evonik Magazine | 4 2007 | 2007

Chemicals on Wheels The Auto Industry Is Using More and More Products from the Test Tube

E_01_Titel 1 06.12.2007 11:24:49 Uhr 158Grebn-_Mid 1 214518_Gartenbank-e_EM.indd RAG-Anzeigen.indd 1 of Chemicals, of Chemicals, andRealEnergy Estate. industrial group specialized inthe fi much more to us. We are the creative alternative source ofenergy. But there’s we convert oldfurniture can into an We operate ten biomasspower plants, elds We do. We Who turns waste wood into electricity? 06.12.2007 11:00:54 Uhr 91.0775:4Uhr 7:57:24 19.11.2007

www.evonik.com 6 TRANSPORTATION 28 SCIENCE


4_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:4 06.12.2007 11:52:23 Uhr EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007 CONTENTS 5

EDITORIAL MASTHEAD 3 Plans for the Future and Business Statistics Publisher: AG, / Christian Kullmann, Rellinghauser SHAPING Str. 1–11, 45128 Essen. 6 The Test-Tube Car Editor in Chief: Inken Ostermann (responsible for Modern and innovative products from the chemicals industry are indispensable for automotive production. editorial content). And new areas of application are emerging from labs virtually every day. Coordination Evonik: Andreas Fröning. INFORMING Art Direction: Wolf Dammann. 22 The World’s Growth Regions Final Editing (Head): The new infomap shows which countries are setting the pace in terms of gross national product and Kurt Breme. which nations are economically weak. Additional graphics depict the German economy. Managing Editors: Frauke Meyer, Ulrich Raschke. Picture Desk: Ulrich Thiessen. DEVELOPING Documentation: Kerstin Weber-Rajab, 24 A Research Center for the Ruhr Region Tilman Baucken; Hamburg. The GeothermieZentrum Bochum (GZB) has big plans to research the “energy storehouse” deep in the earth. Design: Universities, companies, and political institutions are joining forces in Bochum. Teresa Nunes (Head), Anja Giese, Heike Hentschel, INVESTIGATING Nadine Weiler/ Redaktion 4. Copy Desk: 28 Learning from Animals Ursula Junger, Wilm Steinhäuser. Animals have a lot to teach scientists, who are delighted to be channeling these lessons into new applications. Their Translation: TransForm, Cologne. findings are used in bionics, the science that combines biology and technology to create new everyday applications. Publisher and address: HOFFMANN UND CAMPE VERLAG GmbH, a GANSKE MODERNIZING VERLAGSGRUPPE company, Harvestehuder Weg 42, 36 Big Reductions in Heating Costs 20149 Hamburg, Residents of apartment buildings in Düsseldorf’s Eller district have cut their energy costs by more than 50 percent. Telephone +49 (0)40 / 441 88-457, Evonik Industries’ Real Estate Business Area has shown here how savings can be achieved using modern technology. Fax +49 (0)40 / 441 88-236, e-mail: [email protected]. Management: APPLYING Manfred Bissinger, 40 Washing Emissions Away Dr. Kai Laakmann, Dr. Andreas Siefke. Flue-gas desulfurization of power plant emissions was invented a long time ago, but new technologies are ensuring Office Manager: continual further development of the low-emission power plant. Dr. Jessica Renndorfer. Production: INFORMING Claude Hellweg (Head), Oliver Lupp. Lithography: PX2, Hamburg. 44 Prestigious Science Award Printing: Golden Victoria / Ruhr 2030 Future Congress. Laupenmühlen Druck, Bochum. Copyright: © 2007 by Evonik Industries AG, EXPERIENCING Essen. Reprinting only with the 46 Bringing Power and Prosperity to a Region permission of the publisher. The contents do not necessarily reflect In addition to providing power for a very large customer base in Turkey, the Iskenderun power plant is also enriching the the opinion of the publisher. lives of local entrepreneurs, farmers, and fishermen. Contact: Questions and suggestions on the INSPIRING contents of the magazine: Telephone +49 (0)201 / 177-3831, 54 The Ruhr Region’s Networker Fax -2908, Dieter Gorny, a RUHR.2010 cultural director, enjoys nothing more than networking for worthy causes. e-Mail: [email protected]. Questions about orders or subscriptions: DEBATING Telephone +49 (0)40 / 688 79-139, 60 Demographic Change: Reason for Concern Fax -199, e-mail: [email protected] The “graying” population, social programs at risk — a discussion of a crucial issue for society. The designations ACEMATT®, AEROSIL®, DEGALAN®, DYNACOLL®, DYNAPOL®, LIVING Dynasylan®, PLEXIGLAS®, ROHACELL®, SEPARION®, VESTAKEEP®, VESTAMID®, 62 Robots with Souls? VESTINOL®, and VISCOPLEX® are registered trade marks of Evonik Industries AG or its subsi-

PHOTOGRAPHY: IVAR HANSEN, NURIDSANY & PERENNON/SPL/AGENTUR FOCUS, MARTIN BÜTTNER, FRANK FOCUS, MARTIN PREUSS & PERENNON/SPL/AGENTUR HANSEN, NURIDSANY IVAR PHOTOGRAPHY: Endowing these man-made creatures with souls is the dream of many researchers. Are their dreams in vain? diaries. All trademarks in the text are set in capitals.

5_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:5 06.12.2007 11:52:29 Uhr 6 SHAPING AUTOMOBILE EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007

No Go without Chemistry A total of 30 percent of the materials used in motor vehicles today are products that originated in chemical company laboratories. The state-of-the-art compounds are now making cars lighter, safer, and more environmentally friendly PHOTOGRAPHY: IVER HANSEN PHOTOGRAPHY:

6_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:6 06.12.2007 16:21:04 Uhr 7

The Lotus Exige race car with Evonik technology on board attracts a lot of attention at speedways

7_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:7 06.12.2007 16:21:08 Uhr 8 SHAPING AUTOMOBILE EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007 PHOTOGRAPHY: JOCHEN FABER PHOTOGRAPHY: How to save weight and fuel — tires with low rolling resistance and an engine hood and tailgate made of carbon…

TEXT KLAUS JOPP which provided the structural foam for the velopment of special chemical components hood. The latter has a sandwich design and used in the automotive industry,” says Dr. WHILE IT MAY NOT have been as spec- is extremely light. The Business Area pro- Manfred Spindler from the Chemicals Busi- tacular as the widely admired sports cars vided materials for the vehicle’s low-roll- ness Area. The demand for such compo- from Ferrari or Porsche, or the several con- ing-resistance tires as well, and also sup- nents may increase sharply in the future, as cept cars on display, the VW Golf 1.4 l TSI plied new types of engine and transmission the top issues in the industry today are fuel presented by the Institute for Automotive oils. Despite having an output of 170 hp, savings and emission reductions. Engineering (ika) was nonetheless in a cer- the “green” Golf consumes only 5.5 liters Automakers, suppliers, and lower-tier tain sense one of the stars of this year’s IAA of fuel per 100 kilometers rather than the suppliers are cooperating more and more International Motor Show in Frankfurt. conventional model’s 7.2 liters. These sav- closely these days. “You often need to have The vehicle was developed and built by a ings were achieved with technology that is expertise and experience in many differ- team consisting of engineers from several already available today. Narrow tires were ent areas in order to solve problems or get industrial companies as well as faculty used, for example, while cameras replaced innovations off the ground — which is why members and students from RWTH Aachen exterior mirrors, an automatic stop/start our knowledge as a materials and system University. Although it looks fairly modest mechanism was installed, the gear ratio supplier is increasingly in demand as well,” at first glance, it’s actually a trendsetter was improved, and lightweight materials says AIT director Klaus Hedrich. This trend as far as climate protection and carbon were employed. “We wanted to avoid the is being reinforced by ever-shorter model dioxide emissions are concerned — two look of a pure ’eco-car,’“ Espig explains. cycles and more ambitious fuel savings key issues in the automotive industry targets. today. That means it’s definitely worth a CHEMISTRY SUPPLIES UP TO AIT functions as a “catalyst” at Evonik, second glance. 30 PERCENT OF EVERY CAR one that works in both directions. On the “Given original carbon dioxide emis- Creating products for automobiles is one of one hand, it transfers the Group’s chemi- sions of 173 grams per kilometer, our pack- the greatest challenges that a chemicals cals expertise to the automotive industry; age of measures has reduced emissions by company can face, particularly when it on the other, it provides its own research 24 percent,” says ika project manager makes specialty chemicals. Products from and development departments with infor-

Markus Espig.“ The CO2 emissions of the the chemicals industry account for up to 30 mation on the plans, goals, and require- optimized test vehicle are thus lower than percent of the materials in today’s automo- ments of that same industry. Many new so- those of a standard diesel vehicle with the biles. Evonik saw this development coming lutions can only be implemented if materials same performance.” years ago and therefore established an Au- and the techniques used for their process- An important contribution to this tomotive Industry Team (AIT) consisting of ing are merged into comprehensive sys- achievement was made by the Chemicals experts from various chemical segments. tems. AIT includes employees from seven Business Area of Evonik Industries AG, “We’re at the forefront of research and de- Evonik Business Units as well as represen-

8_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:8 06.12.2007 11:54:21 Uhr 9

…a coolant heat store that works on the thermos bottle principle to …lightweight seats that weigh nine kilograms less than previously, and a warm up the engine rapidly… rear-view camera that makes external mirrors unnecessary.

tatives from the Group-wide Creavis re- applications. These expectations are also search center. In accordance with the motto shared by the experts at Evonik’s Automo- “think globally, act locally,” the team mem- tive Industry Team. Dr. Ferdinand Duden- bers are scattered throughout all key mar- höffer, an internationally renowned kets — from the traditional automaking automotive expert and professor at Gelsen- countries of North America, western kirchen College, predicts that “in 20 years, Europe, and Japan to the emerging automo- hybrids will account for at least two thirds “At the tive centers of China, Korea, India, and of all vehicles on the global market.” Hy- Brazil. The automotive industry is now the brids are cars equipped with two drive sys- forefront of third-largest source of sales for Evonik’s tems — a conventional combustion engine Chemicals Business Area, generating rev- and an electric motor. Most hybrid models research” enues of more than €1.5 billion per year. today still use nickel-metal hydride batter- Dr. Manfred Spindler The company has defined four main areas ies, but more and more of them are now in which it will seek to develop specific so- planning to switch to the new lithium-ion lutions for the automotive industry. These technology (see the test in RAG-Magazin are: Lightweight Design, Fuel Economy, 4/2005). Toyota, for example, has an- Emission Reductions, and Surface and nounced it will begin fitting its Prius hybrid Lighting Technologies. with such batteries in 2011. Energy storage systems that utilize big- THE FUTURE BELONGS TO ger and better lithium-ion batteries are HYBRIDS thus becoming more and more important There are basically two ways to reduce fuel — and with good reason, as they are lighter, consumption and thus emissions in motor smaller, and more powerful than lead or vehicles. One is to employ more efficient nickel-metal hydride variants. Lithium-ion drive systems; the other is to reduce both batteries already have a market share of 99 rolling and aerodynamic resistance. Evonik percent of the so-called CCC market for cell offers innovative solutions for both ap- phones, portable computers, and camcord- proaches. Many specialists today have great ers. At the same time, their capacity in this hopes and expectations for hybrid electric segment is less than three ampere-hours, vehicles and fully electric cars, both of but they need to go above ten ampere- which effectively address the environmen- hours to be used in automobiles. Safety is

PHOTOGRAPHY:EVONIK INDUSTRIES PHOTOGRAPHY:EVONIK tal challenges of the future, at least in urban another major concern for mobile battery >

9_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:9 06.12.2007 11:54:27 Uhr 10 SHAPING AUTOMOBILE EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007 PHOTOGRAPHY: STEFAN WILDHUT, KARSTEN BOOTMANN WILDHUT, STEFAN PHOTOGRAPHY: SEPARION makes car batteries both lighter ROHACELL in the rear spoiler of the Lotus racer makes the car lighter and consequently faster, and safer as well as stabilizing the road-holding performance so that the car can be driven at high speeds

> applications, and Evonik plays a key role joint venture with the Japanese battery fore help promote the rapid implementa- here, having developed ceramic mem- manufacturer ENAX that has been produc- tion of promising solutions. The DFG is branes several years ago. ing safe anodes and cathodes for various providing the universities and other partic- These membranes are important com- customers since 2005. Evonik’s partner in ipating non-university research institutes ponents that separate the anode from the Kamenz is Li-Tec Battery GmbH & Co KG, with €3.8 million in funding for an initial cathode in the innovative batteries, even at which takes the electrodes and separators period of three years. high temperatures. They used to be made and assembles them into large-format lith- Along with the innovative battery, of polyethylene or polypropylene — but ium-ion cells. The company also offers Evonik also has a few other aces in the hole

such separators have big disadvantages, as complete batteries. Evonik acquired a 20 for reducing fuel consumption and CO2 they are flammable and therefore unsafe in percent interest in Li-Tec in mid-October. emissions, including lightweight materials a fire. They also lose their temperature sta- whose effectiveness is impressively dem- bility at temperatures above 140 °Celsius, CLIMATE-FRIENDLY onstrated in the Lotus Exige from Red Mo- their efficiency is sharply reduced at low BATTERIES torsport. The rear spoiler of the sports car, temperatures, and their service life (pore “The climate debate has made the topic of which has a top speed of 265 kilometers per stability) is limited. batteries much more important to the au- hour, weighs practically nothing, as the in- SEPARION, which is the brand name for tomotive industry,” says Dr. Gerhard Hör- side is made of ROHACELL, which is a very Evonik’s ceramic membrane, overcomes pel, who helped set up the Lithium-Ion rigid but also extremely light structural these problems because it consists of a two- Technology Team at Evonik and also rep- foam consisting of PMI (polymethacry- sided ceramic coating in a PET polymer ma- resents the company in a new research limide) formed into the shape of the com- trix that displays a correspondingly high group initiated by the German Research ponent. Carbon fiber textiles pre-impreg- chemical and thermal stability. “With this Foundation (DFG). The group will focus on nated with resin are placed on the foam, membrane, Evonik is making a major con- the development of future high-perfor- and the entire “package” is then heated at tribution toward enhancing the safety of mance energy-storage systems that will be high pressure to a temperature of 130 de- lithium-ion batteries,” says Dr. Uwe Paul- used in both mobile and stationary applica- grees Celsius in an autoclave. During this mann, head of Lithium-Ion Technology tions. Along with Evonik, the DFG research process, the resin becomes fluid and thus Marketing. group includes seven universities that are binds the carbon fiber with the foam sur- The company now has two production well known internationally for their work face before hardening again. locations for electrodes in Kamenz, Ger- with batteries. This sandwich-composite construction many, and Anqiu, China. SEPARION itself, In line with Evonik’s science-to-busi- can be used for other vehicle body parts as which is an unusual film that is highly flex- ness concept, the company will give the well. It can be found, for example, in an ex- ible despite its ceramic coating, is produced universities the opportunity to test their tremely sporty version of the BMW X5. in Marl. The facility in Anqiu is a 50-50 new materials in real batteries and there- The vehicle's hood weighs only 5.9 kilo-

10_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:10 06.12.2007 11:54:33 Uhr 11

“The climate debate has made the topic of batteries much more important” Dr. Gerhard Hörpel

grams, rather than the 20.3 kilograms that bilities offered by lightweight construc- The Lotus Exige is already equipped with a normal sheet-metal hood weighs. The tion. The conventional solution employed all of these solutions and now weighs 800 hood of the ika Golf is made from this ma- in the Golf V for such a tailgate consists kilograms rather than the previous 950. terial as well, and the rear end is also now of 21.9 kilograms of steel and 4.6 kilos New plans call for the vehicle’s weight to be produced using the carbon fiber-ROHAC- of glass. even further reduced to 750 kilograms. ELL combination in order to reduce vehicle The “chemical solution,” on the other “We use it for demonstrating technolo- weight even further. hand, is made up of 3.6 kilograms of a gies,” says Hedrich. carbon fiber composite with a foam core A DREAM MADE OF FOAM and 3.4 kilos of PLEXIGLAS. The weight GLUING REPLACES RIVETING, This foamy dream has one drawback, how- difference thus amounts to 19.5 kilos or an BOLTING, AND WELDING ever: it’s more expensive than the normal astounding 73.5 percent. In addition, sub- Modern lightweight construction tech- sheet-metal body part. Still, one also has to stantial savings potential and simplified niques require the use of high-perfor- calculate into the equation the expensive assembly operations result from the ability mance industrial adhesives, which can be compression mold needed to bend the steel to integrate many different components used to join nearly all types of components. sheet in a conventional setup. In small-lot into the composite-material tailgate, in- In fact, there’s really no alternative to such production, the plastic solution is actually cluding the brake and taillights, the license adhesives in modules that connect differ- cheaper overall at volumes of up to 20,000 plate, tailgate lock, antennas, spoilers, and ent materials — and that’s exactly what units. panels. characterizes the material mix in innova- Also to be considered is the fact that ris- Speaking of rear windows, the PLEXI- tive lightweight designs, which simply can- ing fuel prices and continually increasing GLAS solution could also serve as a model not be achieved without adhesive joining vehicle weights are making lightweight for other plastic applications in motor ve- techniques. Adhesives also save money, as material solutions more attractive, even hicles. Along with the key benefit of weight the following example shows. though their production costs are higher. reduction, PMMA boasts outstanding re- A midrange car today has approximately Take VW’s Golf model, for example. The sistance to UV rays, aging, and weathering. 5,000 welding points, each of which gen- first Golf version weighed only 750 kilo- It also offers good transparency and stands erates costs of around five cents. More than grams; by the time the Golf III came out, the up to chipping much better than glass. half of these welding points could be re- model weighed 960 kilograms, and the Evonik has also developed single and multi- placed by glue lines. Moreover, the use of most recent Golf V weighs a whopping layered plastic systems for fuel, coolant, one kilogram of an epoxy resin adhesive re- 1,280 kilos. and brake fluid lines that replace metals and duces the vehicle weight by 25 kilograms The new tailgate in the UBA test vehi- rubber — and also weigh less. Such compo- because the greater rigidity of the resulting cle, which was not yet ready to be put on nents can be manufactured at minimum body makes it possible to use thinner steel

PHOTOGRAPHY: EVONIK INDUSTRIES EVONIK PHOTOGRAPHY: display at the IAA, demonstrates the possi- material costs as well. sheets. Here, Evonik offers a complete >

Continued on page 18

11_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:11 06.12.2007 11:54:39 Uhr Windshield coating Transparent: Dynasylan SIVO CLEAR uses state-of-the-art silane technology Your Car Is Full of to ensure a clear view even in strong downpours. The coating causes liquids Evonik Products to simply roll off. Window adhesives From products that keep your windshield clear Safe and secure: VESTINOL additives for when it’s raining — even when your wipers are multipurpose adhesives keep windows fi rmly anchored, even in the event of an turned off — to a sparkling paintjob for the sedan accident. Half of all welding spots in automobiles can already be replaced that’s parked in your driveway, the Chemicals with cost-effective adhesives. Business Area at Evonik Industries AG produces a wide and ever-increasing range of applications for use in today’s cars.

Hoods Sandwich: Very lightweight hoods can be made of a combination of carbon-fi ber reinforced surface layers and ROHACELL foam, cutting weight by as much as 70 percent.

12_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:12 06.12.2007 12:11:37 Uhr Sunroofs Pillar trim Rear spoilers A clear view: Sunroofs and rear windows are made Premium look: Parts with high-gloss Ultra-light: To save weight, rear of PLEXIGLAS that is resistant to UV radiation, aging, surfaces that don't require painting spoilers can also be made of and the elements. are being increasingly made of special carbon-fi ber foam composites. PMMA molding compounds.

Paint Advanced chemical coating: New paint systems do not contain solvents, are resistant to chemi- Taillights JAN SCHWOCHOW ILLUSTRATION: cals and the elements, and have a brilliant sheen. Tiny nano particles Red light: Transparent colored make the paint more scratch-re- covers made of polymethyl sistant. They are suited for a wide methacrylate ensure that brake range of applications, some which lights and taillights are always are still being developed. readily visible.

Tires Mirror housings Sill trim More than just rubber: Carbon black, Injection molding: Many add-on Buffer: Extremely durable silica and silane are making today’s parts, such as mirror housings, VESTAMID plastic is used for tires safe and environmentally friendly. can be cost-effectively made of exterior components including Thanks to these materials, cars PLEXIGLAS molding compounds sill trim and door panels. consume up to eight percent less fuel. that replace heavy components made of metal.

17_Evonik_04-07_EN 17 06.12.2007 16:41:15 Uhr Seats Customized: Textiles, leather Door panels Batteries and plastics on car seats Panels made Looks great: Matting Reliable and powerful: Evonik has made a need to be joined to one another. of plastic agents enhance the quality name for itself as a system supplier for Special hot-setting adhesives of interior door panels. innovative lithium-ion batteries that will based on the Evonik products A good feeling: ACEMATT Polymers with these agents help to power future hybrid and electric cars. DYNAPOL S and DYNACOLL matting agents provide plastic feature a fi ne, matt-fi nished Evonik produces all of the batteries’ key quickly achieve their maximum surfaces not only with the surface that feels soft components, i.e. the membranes, electrodes, adhesive force, thus accelerating desired level of glossiness, but and elegant to the touch. and electrolytes. The SEPARION membrane the manufacturing process. also a special feel that ranges consists of a polymer matrix that is highly A typical car today contains up ILLUSTRATION: JAN SCHWOCHOW, JAN SCHWOCHOW, ILLUSTRATION: INDUSTRIES EVONIK PHOTOGRAPHY: from leathery to silky sleek. fl exible despite having ceramic coatings on to fi ve kilograms of glue. Instrument panels with ACEMATT without ACEMATT both sides. Lithium-ion batteries are one of the key technical innovations of recent years.

Moving parts Engine covers Polyurethane foam additives Wear-resistant: Using Premium protection: Film coatings made On average, passenger cars contain 30 kg VESTAKEEP in place of metal of VESTAMID plastic give a premium look of polyurethane foam, which is found in parts can help to reduce not only to interior decorative trim, but also components including seats, steering wear and tear on transmission to components in the engine compartment. wheels, headrests, roof linings, carpet foam and chassis components, Thanks to VESTAMID's durability, backings, and armrests. To optimize the considerably boosting the the fi lm also has a protective function. required foam properties, Evonik provides components’ service life. stabilizers, catalysts, and cross-linking agents for all types of polyurethane foam materials. In addition, anti-caking agents from Evonik are used to manufacture molded foam parts. Spark plug tubes Inseparable: Instead of using Underseal stainless steel and rubber seals, Adhesive: Special DEGALAN polymers and VESTINOL plasticizers are making it high-quality spark plug tubes possible to create very environmentally friendly, PVC-free underseals. So-called can be made of a rigid plastic- acrylate plastisols protect against chipping and the effects of weather. They harden rubber composite. This saves at low temperatures and adhere particularly well to the underseals of vehicle weight and up to 30 percent of bodies. In addition, they can be applied by spray robots already used in factories. the costs because the complex components can be effi ciently manufactured by means of injection molding. The patented plastic-rubber composite doesn't even require adhesion promoters, thus helping to protect the environment and allow Engine components production processes to run Heat-resistant: The top-quality plastic almost completely automati- polyetheretherketone (PEEK) has a continuous Up to 30 percent of car parts cally. For these composites, operating temperature of 260 °C and a melting Evonik manufactures specially point of 343 °C, so the material is even suited modifi ed molding compounds. originate in chemicals labs for parts in engine compartments. Evonik Starter batteries markets PEEK under the label VESTAKEEP. Although chemical-based components and products have been used for automobile Starting up: Lithium-ion batteries would manufacturing for a very long time, the chemicals industry has considerably expanded its also be well-suited for starting cars. contribution to automotive production in the past few decades. In the past, the focus was A particular advantage of these batteries on specifi c details and parts for enhancing comfort and styling, but modern chemicals are is their light weight (by a factor of also affecting safety-related components such as fuel lines and brake systems. And with 6 compared to current batteries), which today’s emphasis on environmental compatibility, chemicals are more in demand than would also cut fuel consumption. Development ever before. From biodiesel to smooth-running tires, chemical-based products are now of these new batteries is already in full swing. part of a consistent strategy to reduce emissions. Advanced adhesives have veritably Fuel lines revolutionized automobile production. Whereas parts had to be screwed or bolted on in the past, now they often need only a dab of glue. And the chemicals industry is making an Multilayered: Evonik is the world’s Coolant pipes especially big contribution to the development of environmentally friendly hybrid drive leading supplier of plastic systems for systems of the future. Without recent developments such as the lithium-ion battery, we multilayered fuel lines. The exterior of Three layers: Coolant pipes consist of would not be seeing progress with alternative automotive drive systems. these lines is made of tried and tested an outer layer made of the polyamide VESTAMID, while various solutions VESTAMID, a middle layer of adhesion are used for bonding, interior coatings Oil additives promoters, and an inner layer made and the barriers between layers. Fuel Perfect lubrication: VISCOPLEX of a matching type of polypropylene. line materials are now also available for additives save fuel and help The systems are light and very easy to biogenic fuels. to make motor oils and transmission shape and mount. oils more effective.

E_13-16_Klapper-innen 2-3 06.12.2007 12:24:34 Uhr Seats Customized: Textiles, leather Door panels Batteries and plastics on car seats Panels made Looks great: Matting Reliable and powerful: Evonik has made a need to be joined to one another. of plastic agents enhance the quality name for itself as a system supplier for Special hot-setting adhesives of interior door panels. innovative lithium-ion batteries that will based on the Evonik products A good feeling: ACEMATT Polymers with these agents help to power future hybrid and electric cars. DYNAPOL S and DYNACOLL matting agents provide plastic feature a fi ne, matt-fi nished Evonik produces all of the batteries’ key quickly achieve their maximum surfaces not only with the surface that feels soft components, i.e. the membranes, electrodes, adhesive force, thus accelerating desired level of glossiness, but and elegant to the touch. and electrolytes. The SEPARION membrane the manufacturing process. also a special feel that ranges consists of a polymer matrix that is highly A typical car today contains up ILLUSTRATION: JAN SCHWOCHOW, JAN SCHWOCHOW, ILLUSTRATION: INDUSTRIES EVONIK PHOTOGRAPHY: from leathery to silky sleek. fl exible despite having ceramic coatings on to fi ve kilograms of glue. Instrument panels with ACEMATT without ACEMATT both sides. Lithium-ion batteries are one of the key technical innovations of recent years.

Moving parts Engine covers Polyurethane foam additives Wear-resistant: Using Premium protection: Film coatings made On average, passenger cars contain 30 kg VESTAKEEP in place of metal of VESTAMID plastic give a premium look of polyurethane foam, which is found in parts can help to reduce not only to interior decorative trim, but also components including seats, steering wear and tear on transmission to components in the engine compartment. wheels, headrests, roof linings, carpet foam and chassis components, Thanks to VESTAMID's durability, backings, and armrests. To optimize the considerably boosting the the fi lm also has a protective function. required foam properties, Evonik provides components’ service life. stabilizers, catalysts, and cross-linking agents for all types of polyurethane foam materials. In addition, anti-caking agents from Evonik are used to manufacture molded foam parts. Spark plug tubes Inseparable: Instead of using Underseal stainless steel and rubber seals, Adhesive: Special DEGALAN polymers and VESTINOL plasticizers are making it high-quality spark plug tubes possible to create very environmentally friendly, PVC-free underseals. So-called can be made of a rigid plastic- acrylate plastisols protect against chipping and the effects of weather. They harden rubber composite. This saves at low temperatures and adhere particularly well to the underseals of vehicle weight and up to 30 percent of bodies. In addition, they can be applied by spray robots already used in factories. the costs because the complex components can be effi ciently manufactured by means of injection molding. The patented plastic-rubber composite doesn't even require adhesion promoters, thus helping to protect the environment and allow Engine components production processes to run Heat-resistant: The top-quality plastic almost completely automati- polyetheretherketone (PEEK) has a continuous Up to 30 percent of car parts cally. For these composites, operating temperature of 260 °C and a melting Evonik manufactures specially point of 343 °C, so the material is even suited modifi ed molding compounds. originate in chemicals labs for parts in engine compartments. Evonik Starter batteries markets PEEK under the label VESTAKEEP. Although chemical-based components and products have been used for automobile Starting up: Lithium-ion batteries would manufacturing for a very long time, the chemicals industry has considerably expanded its also be well-suited for starting cars. contribution to automotive production in the past few decades. In the past, the focus was A particular advantage of these batteries on specifi c details and parts for enhancing comfort and styling, but modern chemicals are is their light weight (by a factor of also affecting safety-related components such as fuel lines and brake systems. And with 6 compared to current batteries), which today’s emphasis on environmental compatibility, chemicals are more in demand than would also cut fuel consumption. Development ever before. From biodiesel to smooth-running tires, chemical-based products are now of these new batteries is already in full swing. part of a consistent strategy to reduce emissions. Advanced adhesives have veritably Fuel lines revolutionized automobile production. Whereas parts had to be screwed or bolted on in the past, now they often need only a dab of glue. And the chemicals industry is making an Multilayered: Evonik is the world’s Coolant pipes especially big contribution to the development of environmentally friendly hybrid drive leading supplier of plastic systems for systems of the future. Without recent developments such as the lithium-ion battery, we multilayered fuel lines. The exterior of Three layers: Coolant pipes consist of would not be seeing progress with alternative automotive drive systems. these lines is made of tried and tested an outer layer made of the polyamide VESTAMID, while various solutions VESTAMID, a middle layer of adhesion are used for bonding, interior coatings Oil additives promoters, and an inner layer made and the barriers between layers. Fuel Perfect lubrication: VISCOPLEX of a matching type of polypropylene. line materials are now also available for additives save fuel and help The systems are light and very easy to biogenic fuels. to make motor oils and transmission shape and mount. oils more effective.

E_13-16_Klapper-innen 2-3 06.12.2007 12:24:34 Uhr 18 SHAPING AUTOMOBILE EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007

“We use the Lotus Exige for demonstrating technologies” Klaus Hedrich Modern adhesives replace heavy automobile bodies

Continued from page 11 system consisting of various chemical tomized carbon blacks were used exclu- compounds. sively for such fillers, but today’s modern > range of raw and auxiliary materials that passenger car tires are individually refined provide optimal support for adhesive and LESS ROLLING RESISTANCE even further through the addition of an- gluing operations in the automotive Evonik is the only company in the world to- other material known as silica. Although industry. day that supplies all three of the compo- natural rubber and silica normally cannot One of the major challenges the chem- nents used for tire reinforcement: carbon be joined due to their different chemical ical industry faces in this field is to develop black, silica, and silanes. Tires are among compositions, there are bifunctional or- an adhesive bond that can be re-dissolved, the most important vehicle components in ganic silicon compounds known as organic because whereas vehicle bodies made of terms of handling and safety. For one thing, silanes that can link the two by serving as a welded steel are simply melted down, a car they’re the only link between the car and type of “bridge.” This silica/silane technol- with an innovative material mix and glued the road. “The key here is rolling resistance ogy was originally developed by Evonik and joints presents a recycling problem. What’s or drag,” says Dr. Winfried Tomaske, lab di- then made market-ready by a leading tire needed here are adhesives that lose their rector at the Institute for Automotive Engi- manufacturer. Nearly all passenger cars in adhesive ability more or less “on com- neering and Power Train Engineering at Europe today are equipped with tires whose mand.” Magnetic nanoparticles measuring Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg. treads contain silica. only millionths of a millimeter that go un- “And you can influence the effect of such It’s thus clear that tires are far from be- der the Evonik brand name of MagSilica can drag by adjusting the rubber mixture for ing simply pieces of black rubber. Instead, accomplish this. the tread.” One out of every five fuel tank all of the material components make a key MagSilica already enables the magneti- fill-ups today is burned just to overcome contribution to a tire’s performance pro- cally induced hardening of certain adhe- rolling resistance. The equation is simple: file. Chemists, physicists, and engineers are sives within seconds — and Evonik scien- the lower the rolling resistance, the less fuel all working together to bring about contin- tists have also succeeded in the lab in is needed — and the less carbon dioxide is ual improvements by optimizing the car- separating select components joined in produced through fuel combustion. Low- bon black and silica particles and tailoring such a manner. Although it’s currently still ering the rolling resistance therefore saves the chemistry of the silanes to do their jobs under development, MagSilica — a super- money and helps the environment — a win- even better. New material solutions play an paramagnetic iron oxide contained in a sil- win situation for nature and the economy. important role here, not just for the tire icon oxide matrix — could be used in the fu- Tire mixtures generally contain around tread, but also for the subtread. Ultimately, ture to “reverse” the adhesive process. For 30 percent reinforcement filler that en- the desired performance improvements decades, Evonik has played a major role in ables the rubber compounds to attain key can only be achieved by improving all the shaping the progress made with automo- attributes such as road grip, abrasion resis- necessary rubber mixtures. One drawback

PHOTOGRAPHY: EVONIK INDUSTRIES EVONIK PHOTOGRAPHY: bile tires through the use of an intelligent tance, and tear resistance. For decades, cus- here has been, and remains, the use of con-

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However, these multi-talented substances are also used for power transmission and cooling systems, oscillation dampening, seal effects, and corrosion protection. An- nual global consumption of lubricants most recently totaled more than 39 million tons, which shows just how important they are. The composition of lubricants has long since advanced beyond simple petroleum mixtures, as new additives have turned them into true high-tech chemicals that can be used for the most diverse applications — making them the perfect choice for optimi- zation by the specialists at Evonik. The demands made on today’s motor and transmission oils are extensive. They have to be particularly resistant to wear and

PHOTOGRAPHY: CARO/JANDKE; EVONIK INDUSTRIES EVONIK CARO/JANDKE; PHOTOGRAPHY: tear and capable of holding up under a very welding seams and rivets in the manufacture of Testing the low-rolling-resistance tires on the broad range of temperatures. They also roller drum test rig at Hamburg University need to display low levels of sludge forma- tion. And more than anything else, today’s oils have to be able to help reduce fuel con- ventional silanes, which cause the forma- require us to fully exploit all the possibili- sumption. Drivers also expect outstanding tion of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) ties associated with modern automotive performance from their engines in the form that damage the environment during tire technology for improving everything from of rapid acceleration and superior power — manufacture. engines to tires.” By way of reference, to- and this can only be achieved with oils con- However, this problem is being ad- day’s upper-range vehicles from Germany taining special additives. Evonik RohMax

dressed by a new organic silane with the produce 180 to 190 grams of CO2 emis- Additives GmbH is developing additives enigmatic designation VP Si 363. This rub- sions per kilometer. under the brand name Viscoplex that are ber silane reduces VOC emissions during mixed in with lubricants to improve their tire production by more than 80 percent, TIRES THAT BENEFIT WALLETS natural properties. For example, the addi- and thus also eliminates the need for ex- AND THE ENVIRONMENT tives can raise or lower a lubricant’s solidi- haust gas treatment. VP Si 363 therefore Evonik is the only manufacturer worldwide fying point, which is why they are now a not only lowers costs for tire manufactur- to offer the three key tire reinforcement key component of multi-purpose oils. ers but also helps them meet ever more components from a single source. The There are also viscosity enhancers for stringent environmental standards. Tests Group is the market leader for rubber sil- ensuring that an oil’s flow capability under- conducted on the rubber mixtures contain- ica and organic silanes, and the second- goes only minimal changes during temper- ing the new silane have shown that they largest producer of carbon black. This ex- ature fluctuations. That makes for easy reduce rolling resistance by more than pertise has enabled Evonik to revolutionize cold starts and ensures that the lubricants ten percent. In terms of fuel consumption, tire material mixtures — for the benefit of provide sufficient friction protection at this translates into savings of three to motorists, their wallets, and the high temperatures. The fact that all of this eight percent for drivers whose vehicles environment. improves engine and transmission effi- are equipped with the new generation Developments in the lubricant sector ciency and reduces fuel consumption and

of tires. have been similar, as it’s also the case here thus CO2 emissions has been demonstrated EU Commissioner for Industry Günter that certain additives to motor and trans- in the European Driving Cycle and many Verheugen also believes that along with en- mission oils and hydraulic fluids can reduce other fuel economy studies. Additives that

gine-related measures, addressing tire per- fuel consumption and thus CO2 emissions. reduce a lubricant’s solidifying point also formance represents an effective approach The importance of lubricants is often un- guarantee that oils reach all the compo-

for reducing consumption and CO2 emis- derestimated, despite the fact that they’re nents they’re supposed to, even in sub- sions: “Average CO2 emissions for newly used in practically all machines and indus- freezing temperatures. Here, the additives registered vehicles in Europe will be lim- trial processes. alter the way paraffin crystals are formed ited to a maximum of 120 grams per kilo- The job of a lubricant is to create a thin from the oil, thereby preventing the cre- meter in 2012. This will not only necessi- film of fluid between moving parts in or- ation of crystal networks that can inhibit tate the use of better fuels; it will also der to reduce friction and wear and tear. the flow. >

19_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs1:19 06.12.2007 11:54:51 Uhr 20 SHAPING AUTOMOBILE EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007 PHOTOGRAPHY: EVONIK INDUSTRIES; JOCHEN FABER EVONIK PHOTOGRAPHY: Dynasylan SIVO CLEAR on the driver’s side of the windshield The LED taillights use less power, which leads to a slight reduction of the vehicle’s makes rain roll off. The left side of the windshield is untreated fuel consumption

> RohMax researchers recently also used ad- the decision to purchase a particular vehi- resource. There, Evonik has concentrated ditive technology to develop a special per- cle is often heavily influenced by the reac- all of its applications-oriented technologi- formance concept that creates the condi- tions of our senses. Vehicle appearance is cal know-how in one place. As early as the tions necessary for achieving a new level of therefore very important, and a car’s at- end of the 1990s, the experts there were hydraulic fluid quality. The associated tractiveness is determined equally by shape working on improving the scratch resis- products are being marketed under the and color. Accordingly, the paints and fin- tance of coating systems. Among their de- designation Maximum Efficiency Hydrau- ishes developed for such applications are velopment goals were the creation of easy- lic Fluids (MEHF). MEHFs fulfill a whole the best in the business, and they also set to-use solutions for customers. Now, with range of industrial requirements by im- standards for resistance to weathering, the new dispersion, the coatings specialists proving both hydraulic power transfer and chemicals, and corrosion. Another paint is- have come up with a substantial contribu- energy efficiency, cutting operating and sue that occupies both chemists and engi- tion to achieving the best-ever scratch re- maintenance costs, and raising productiv- neers is resistance to scratches from sources sistance in clear coats. ity. Laboratory and practical tests show that as varied as tree branches, car wash In addition to the many components of the fluids increase efficiency by more than brushes, and children. a coating or paint — pigments, crosslinkers, 18 percent, which also means 18 percent surface control additives and so on — the NEW DISPERSION lower CO2 emissions. In recognition of its company has also developed a wide palette work with the maximum efficiency fluids, Now, a new Aerosil dispersion is making of specialties for automotive applications. RohMax recently received the internation- possible even more scratch-resistant and These include a matting agent and soft-feel ally coveted Best Environmental Innova- brilliantly colored paint systems — silicic coatings that are especially suitable for im- tion Award from ICIS, a major UK publish- acid lives up to its reputation as a chemical proving automobile interiors. Non-yellow- ing company for the chemical and oil all-rounder once again. The ready-to-use ing polyurethanes, for example, are used industries. “The use of our additives gen- formula also contains a made-to-measure here as coatings for leather, plastics, or erally leads to fuel savings of three to five additive that optimizes the flow of the paint wood. percent,” says Dr. Dirk Reese, managing di- and so benefits the desired optical proper- Add-on parts made from plastics can in- rector of Evonik RohMax Additives GmbH ties of the finished paint job. Even months tegrate many functions, have high-gloss in Darmstadt. Researchers and developers in storage at temperatures exceeding 40 surfaces, and reduce painting costs, in ad- at RohMax are working closely with inter- degrees Celsius can’t put a dent in the dis- dition to opening up completely new de- national lubricant manufacturers and au- persion, which remains stable against sed- sign possibilities. This development trend tomakers on the development of even bet- imentation — that is, nothing settles out. started with the A-pillar trim of the MINI at ter engine and transmission oils. For the paints and coatings industry, the the end of 2001. The colored component Cars aren’t just a means of transporta- Aerosil Paints and Coatings Competence was made of PLEXIGLAS, and was almost tion for us; they also elicit emotions — and Center in Hanau-Wolfgang is an important immediately awarded a prize for being the

20_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs1:20 06.12.2007 11:54:57 Uhr 21

even saves fuel, as the vehicle’s electrical which as great a future has been prophe- power requirements also affect its con- sied as for the lithium-ion battery. The bat- sumption. But where there’s light, there’s tery project has just been publicly honored, also shade. In the case of the LED, the low in that the team under Dr. Andreas Gutsch, light yield is as much a disadvantage as the previously director of Creavis and cur- high costs. PLEXIGLAS covers, however, rently managing director of Li-Tec, Dr. Ger- with their high transparency — at up to 92 hard Hörpel and Prof. Paul Roth from the “ Fuel savings percent, it's substantially greater than glass University of Duisburg-Essen has been se- of three or other plastics — can at least partly com- lected as one of the four projects nominated pensate for the first handicap. That’s why for the German Future Prize. The prize will to five molded components of PMMA are the first be presented by Germany’s President Horst choice for interior and exterior applica- Köhler on December 6. percent” tions of LEDs. In Europe to date, LEDs are The outstanding economic prospects only permitted as turn signal lights and for the project are one reason for this rec- Dr. Dirk Reese parking lights — approval for their use as ognition. Experts estimate that the market low and high-beam lights is expected to be volume for battery materials is in excess of given in 2008. Then the heat-resistant four billion euros while the potential for PMMA molding compounds will once again batteries is over 10 billion euros per year. be able to exercise their special design “The nomination reflects the revolution- versatility. ary breakthrough in the field of the lithium- Through its Chemicals Business Area, ion battery and at the same time represents Evonik Industries is in great demand as a the great creative potential in our group,” most creative and most innovative applica- partner, both in long-established markets commented Dr. Werner Müller, Chairman tion of plastics in the automotive construc- such as tires and lubricant additives, and as of the Management Board of Evonik. tion and supplier industry. Nowadays, this a developer of innovative products for com- There’s no question that the Automotive type of part is well-established in the indus- pletely new markets. Examples of these in- Industry Team will be keeping their fingers try — the PMMA special molding com- clude plastic panels for automobiles, for crossed on December 6. < pounds are currently used in series produc- tion by 13 renowned automakers in more than 30 vehicle models. PLEXIGLAS FOR INNOVATIVE LED LIGHTS PLEXIGLAS is very versatile, ensuring that A competition for the drivers see red — because covers made from this material are responsible for the color scientific elite of brake lights and taillights. In Europe, ev- Evonik Industries AG is also organizing a Europe-wide ery second taillight has been manufactured competition for the research elite with the European Science- from PLEXIGLAS molding compounds to-Business Award 2008 for “white” biotechnology. from the Methacrylates Business Unit of Open to talented top researchers and young entrepreneurs Evonik Industries. Apart from the head- (up to the age of 38) who have already done outstanding work Dr. Alfred Oberholz, Member of lights, practically every light on the vehicle at a research center in Europe, the competition has 100,000 the Evonik Management Board flashes and shines through the transparent euros in prize money available. The closing date for entries is plastic. “The example of the taillights illus- March 31, 2008. trates that we have to fulfill many require- The prize was first offered by Degussa in 2006. White biotechnology is a fast-grow- ments. Even without mentioning the safety ing field that provides creative production processes, most of which are based on the function, these components have long been use of natural and renewable resources. For example, enzymes obtained from rapeseed or recognition and design features of the au- corn are used for the manufacture of chemical substances. tomakers,” says Rudolf Blass, AIT member Dr. Alfred Oberholz, Member of the Management Board of Evonik and responsible for Evonik Methacrylates. for the Business Area Chemicals, said: “Our objective with the Award in 2008 is to A colored LED shines for eleven years jointly use the unique opportunities of white biotechnology in Europe and to make full without a break. It is extremely reliable and knowledge of its potential available to a broad public.” More information on the European consumes just one tenth of the energy re- Science-to-Business Award can be found at: www.evonik.de/award

PHOTOGRAPHY: EVONIK INDUSTRIES EVONIK PHOTOGRAPHY: quired by a conventional light source. That

21_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs1:21 06.12.2007 11:55:03 Uhr 22 INFORMING EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007

Price monitor Only Inflation Is Taking Its Toll Rise in consumer price index (in percent), compared with prior year

5 0 8 7, 6 0 0 –5 building permits were issued in Germany in the first half of 2007. This represents a drop of 53,300 –10 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 or 37.9 percent from the same period of 2006. SOURCE: GERMAN FEDERAL STATISTICAL OFFICE 2007

Economic Growth Worldwide 2007 has been a good year for the global economy, providing extra momentum for future economic growth. Although the economy is booming especially in Asia, Europe is beginning to leave the economic doldrums as well. At 35.3 percent, Angola has the fastest-growing gross domestic product (GDP) in the world. The worst performance was posted by crisis-prone Zimbabwe, whose economy shrank by 5.7 percent

22_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs1:22 06.12.2007 12:32:32 Uhr 23

Evonik Manufacturing sector Research and Development More Incoming Orders Specialty Materials Corporate Volume index 2,000=100 In 2006, Evonik spent 26% 15% €304 million on research and development in 120 the Chemicals Business 100 Area, representing an 80 increase of three percent Manufacturing from the previous year. 60 Energy The individual segments 40 employ more than Construction Consumer Technology 2,300 men and women 20 Solutions Specialties at over 35 research 0 ASOND FMAMJ JASOND FMAMJ JA 24% 35% locations worldwide. 2005 2006 2007 SOURCE: GERMAN FEDERAL STATISTICAL OFFICE 2007

Growth of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2007

30 – 40%

20 – 29.9%

15 –19.9%

10 –14.9%

8 – 9.9%

6 – 7.9%

4 – 5.9%

2 – 3.9%


0 and lower


23_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs1:23 06.12.2007 12:32:43 Uhr 24 DEVELOPING GEOTHERMAL ENERGY EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007 Exploring in Depth The GeothermieZentrum Bochum concentrates the Ruhr region’s combined expertise in all needed areas: heat-pump and drilling technologies, geological knowledge, and mining experience


FOR A POWERFUL BALLAD inspired by his home town of Bochum, and by the in- dustry upon which it was founded, German singer Herbert Grönemeyer wrote “Your pit gold made us strong again.” The lyric reminds us that the town’s past lies firmly underground — and that it’s a story about energy. And its future too will depend on energy from deep in the earth, though somewhat farther down than coal. This is because Bochum is on its way to becoming the most important center for geothermal energy in Germany — and maybe even in Europe. The GeothermieZentrum Bochum (GZB — Bochum geothermal center) was one of the organizers of the recent German Geothermal Union — Federal Geothermal Association congress, which took place in Bochum at the end of October under the For the moment, slogan “Energy — for Every Application.” Professor Rolf Room 12, on the third floor of the Bo- Bracke, CEO of the GZB in Bochum, chum University of Applied Sciences, is will have to make home to the GZB. “The geothermal sector do with a scale is booming,” says Professor Rolf Bracke, 45, model. Funds for Chief Executive Officer of the GZB and one the construction of of the driving forces behind the boom in the research facility are to come from geothermal energy in North Rhine-West- the State of North phalia. At present, Bracke’s students are Rhine-Westphalia still focusing on theoretical aspects of this > and the EU

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The Pillars of the GZB The GBZ is a cooperative research facility jointly administered by: GZB-Trägerverein e.V., RWTH Aachen University, Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Fachhochschule Gelsen- kirchen; and by the public agencies NRW Energy Agency, Arnsberg District Administration (the Supreme State Agency for Mining and Energy), the City of Bochum, and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Central Ruhr Region. In addition, commercial partners repre- sented via the umbrella organization GZB-Wirtschaftsvereinigung e.V. include companies from: the municipal utilities sector, the plant engineering and building systems sectors, skilled trades and planning offices, and the construction, power, coal, iron, and steel industries.

25_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:25 06.12.2007 12:35:29 Uhr EVONIK MAGAZINE 3/2007

The GZB research facility (pictured above as a model) is scheduled for completion by summer 2009. When it’s fi nished, Rolf Bracke’s students will have an opportunity to get acquainted with the nitty-gritty side of geothermal energy. “Practical experience is an essential aspect of the course,” he explains

An entire new housing development in Bochum is to be

> subterranean source of energy, though one with excellent prospects. In the mean- real thing. “When all is said and done, none hopefully that’s all about to change. The ge- time, the GZB has already overseen the of that will tell you what it’s actually like to ologist gestures toward an elaborate model launch of its first startup venture — Radial be drilling, and that’s what really counts in complete with derricks, Portakabins, mo- Geotherm GmbH. Founded by alumni professional life later on,” he explains. bile laboratories, and low-loader trucks — Volker Wittig and Tim Türich, the com- What’s more, there’s an urgent need for it’s the new “Geotechnikum,” which is to pany has a new type of high-pressure wa- first-rate courses in geothermal energy, be built on the campus of Bochum Univer- ter jet system and is ready to start trading. due to the very strong demand in higher ed- sity of Applied Sciences. “The planning The professor gets a gleam in his eye ucation and industry for well-qualified stage is already well-advanced, and we’re when he recalls his own time on various recruits. “We get two or three inquiries a looking to be finished by summer 2009,” geothermal sites. “I was usually up to my week from companies looking for potential he says. Funding will come from the knees in mud,” he confesses. As Bracke ex- employees,” says Bracke. Indeed, a number Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia plains, practical experience is an essential of geothermal project have now ground to and the European Union. part of a well-founded course. And while a halt for a lack of the right specialists. he organizes plenty of excursions and “There’s a tremendous wealth of mining NEW STUDY PROGRAM workshops for his students during the se- know-how here in the Ruhr region,” Bracke When the facility is ready, his students, mester, these are still no substitute for the continues, “and we also have extensive ex- who come from all over Germany, will fi- perience in plant engineering, drilling tech- nally be able to carry out practical work and nology, and geology.” In fact, there are few research in the field of geothermal energy. places in the world with such a concentra- Fifteen students have enrolled for the start Evonik is the tion of expertise. Yet how does the GZB fit of the new masters program in “Geother- market leader into this equation? According to Bracke, its mal Energy Systems” in the 2006/2007 job is to tailor the available know-how and winter semester. “And that despite the fact Evonik builds and operates district- expertise in coal, oil, and natural gas pro- that we didn’t really have any time to adver- heating plants powered by geothermal duction to the specific requirements of tise the course,” says Bracke. This was be- energy. The company is currently geothermal energy. cause official approval of the new study involved in a number of geothermal The GZB is currently involved in deep program by the Ministry of Education was projects — in Erding, Unterschleißheim, and near-surface geothermal projects, in- granted only two weeks before the official and Simbach-Braunau, to name a few. cluding the “Nordlicht” development in the start of lectures. By that time, however, The plants’ combined thermal output town of Bottrop. Here, for the first time word had spread among science and engi- is 80.6 megawatts, which makes Evonik ever in Germany, geothermal energy has neering graduates that Bochum had set up the market leader in this sector. been chosen to meet the heating needs of a course that was unique in Europe — and an entire new housing complex, which is

26_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:26 06.12.2007 12:35:35 Uhr EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007 GEOTHERMAL ENERGY DEVELOPING 27

Deep geothermal energy Heat from wells drilled 400 meters and more underground is known as “deep geothermal energy.” It can be used directly for heating purposes or to provide energy for generating electricity. This can take place in hot fractured heated geothermally rock (HFR) plants, for example.

around 25 hectares in area and comprises together, section by section, and fed into about 600 dwellings in a mix of apartment, the bore hole. Instead, a continuous, flexi- duplex, and row houses. This, Bracke ex- ble steel pipe runs right off a roll, like a gar- plains, makes good economic sense, since den hose. The GZB and project partners are “almost 80 percent of the energy consumed hoping to sink the steel pipe, which is about by private homes is in the form of heat.” 2.5 inches in diameter, to a depth of approx- That’s why graduates of Bochum’s program imately 4,000 meters. “This would first of in geothermal energy can look forward to all enable us to investigate the geological being very sought after. conditions at such depths,” says Bracke — and at a mere ten to 20 percent of the price SEARCH FOR A SPONSOR of a conventional bore hole. This reduces Bracke is also involved in projects abroad. one of the risks that still deters major in- In Chile, for example, he recently gave his vestors from getting involved in geother- expert opinion on a project to supply com- mal energy: the danger that a large — and panies in the Andes with geothermal en- thus expensive — bore hole will fail to reach ergy. This could help the country’s copper the hoped-for hot and water-permeable industry, which has been struggling ever rock formations. “The problem is that you since neighboring Argentina started ra- only know for certain what the conditions tioning gas supplies two years ago. “Cop- are like in deep rock when you’ve actually per production is very energy intensive, drilled down there,” Bracke explains. and demand is still increasing worldwide. Despite the positive outlook, Bracke In the long term, Chile needs to be looking still has a number of concerns, including around for a dependable and inexpensive the present lack of a sponsor for a professo- source of energy. Geothermal energy could rial chair in the field of reservoir engineer- 1 Injection well with 6 Cooling plant be the solution,” says Bracke. ing. “It’s a very important area in the prep- injection pump 7 High-temperature At present, the GZB’s most promis- aration for drilling, and now there isn’t a 2 Enhanced fracture underground ing R&D project involves a development single chair in this field left in Germany,” he system (approx. storage for surplus known as “coiled tubing.” Here, an elec- reports. Nonetheless, Bracke has no doubt 4,000–6,000 heat trically powered drill head bores its way that the GZB can look forward to a highly meters deep) 8 Observation wells through the earth’s crust, drawing the drill promising future — and that the new drilling 3 Production well 9 Electricity and pipe behind it. But unlike conventional sys- technology will take them down through 4 Heat exchanger heat supply for tems, the drill pipe no longer has to be fitted “really thick layers of rock.” < 5 Turbine house consumers

27_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:27 06.12.2007 12:35:43 Uhr 28 RESEARCHING BIONICS EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007

Learning from the Penguins When it comes to developing innovative productsB and processes, modernio science is increasingly turning to

Expelling a coating of air bubbles onto the surface of their plumage helps penguins swim faster when danger looms

28_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:28 06.12.2007 16:54:26 Uhr 29


TAKING NATURE AS A TEMPLATE for new technologies is by no means a uto- nics nature and the animal kingdom pian fantasy. To fly like a bird or swim like a fish is a dream as old as mankind. At the same time, it also expresses the simple rec- ognition that creatures from the animal kingdom are just better at some things than we are. “Our engineers have calculated that the bumblebee cannot fly. Bumblebees don’t know this, so they fly anyway” — this poster hanging in the production hangars of the aircraft constructor Boeing gen- tly lampoons the modern world’s sense of superiority and also underlines just how difficult it really is to comprehend and exploit complex biological structures. The desire to emulate animals reaches back as far as human history itself. Greek my- thology tells of the fate of Daedalus, who fabricated bird wings, after the pattern of nature, for himself and his son, Icarus, thus enabling them to flee from the wicked tyrant Minos. The end of the story is well known: Icarus, ecstatic at the sensation of flight, flew too near to the sun, with the result that the wax holding together the feathers of his wings melted, causing him


29_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:29 06.12.2007 16:54:30 Uhr 30 RESEARCHING BIONICS EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007

Merely copying nature is not the road to success

> The genius and polymath Leonardo da form for the purposes of technology,” ex- swer to all the problems of the world. Yet Vinci (1452−1519) studied the flight of plains the bionics network BIOKON, an ini- the business of actually developing mar- birds and designed diverse flying ma- tiative funded by Germany’s Federal Minis- ketable technical solutions has proved to chines, helicopters, and parachutes. With try of Education and Research (BMBF). The be much more difficult. “We’ve come to re- such ideas he was far ahead of his time — purpose of BIOKON is to alert industry and alize that nature takes a successful route, which can be the only explanation as to science to the possibilities of bionics and to but also a very complex one. What’s more, why they were never made into products. promote the exploitation of this potential. many of nature’s solutions are so closely Later, in 1647, Hezarfen Ahmet Celebi Today more than 40 companies, university tailored to one specific problem that it’s leaped from the top of the Galata Tower in institutes, and research establishments be- practically impossible to apply them to Istanbul, strapped to a flying machine sim- long to this network. a broad range of purposes,” explains Dr. ilar to Leonardo's, and glided all the way to There's no doubt that the motto “learn- Yuri Chernyaev, the man responsible for Üsküdar on the Asian side of the ing from nature” is back in fashion. But the New Processes and, in particular, Bion- Bosporus. mode of execution is crucial: “The idea that ics at the Process Technology & Engineer- nature provides a blueprint for technology, ing unit of Evonik Industries AG. Follow- STIMULUS FOR RESEARCH which we then merely have to copy, is re- ing this period of disenchantment — which Such ideas and the applications to which ally just a blind alley,” emphasizes Profes- did, however, inject a healthy note of re- they give rise are today classified under the sor Werner Nachtigall, Germany’s best- alism — bionics has entered a third phase. heading of bionics, a term that combines known bionics expert and head of the This is a kind of renaissance, accompa- the words “biology” and “mechanics.” Ac- BIOKON network at the University of Saa- nied by a re-evaluation of earlier projects cording to the Center for Physical Technol- rland. On the other hand, nature certainly and a lively discussion of new approaches. ogies at the Association of German Engi- has produced a host of solutions that pro- Against this background, Evonik Indus- neers (VDI), bionics is a scientific discipline vide valuable hints on how best to approach tries recently staged a workshop that took that deals with the technical application of various problems. “Nature can be a crucial a detailed look at the development of inno- processes and structural and developmen- source of inspiration, but any resulting de- vative products and technologies that are tal principles observed in biological sys- sign must still respect the principles of en- modeled on nature. High-ranking figures tems. “Over the course of evolution, nature gineering,” Nachtigall adds. from science and industry took up an invi- has perfected a host of answers to specific tation from the Process Technology & En- mechanical, structural, and organizational COMPLEX ROUTE gineering unit to come to Hanau, present problems. Bionics analyzes these existing So far, bionics has developed in waves. In their latest projects in this field, and discuss natural solutions in order to make the prin- the 1970s and 1980s, for example, many them with some 50 experts from through-

PHOTOGRAPHY: BUCKFWINKEL/S. MEYERS PHOTOGRAPHY: ciples behind them available in an abstract people thought it would provide an an- out Evonik's Chemicals Business Area. One

The elegance of birds' fl ight inspired Leonardo da Vinci to design fl ying ma- chines centuries ago

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Modern products such as automobile paints profi t from the application of


of the major conclusions reached at this event was that the still-young science of bi- onics offers many opportunities for techni- cal applications. Yet the difficulty of actually putting this insight into practice is illustrated by the so- called lotus effect. Wilhelm Barthlott, a professor of botany in Bonn, first discov- ered the amazing dirt-repellent properties of the lotus plant — so amazing, in fact, that even honey or glue pearl off its leaves with- out the slightest trace. This spectacular phenomenon is based on two factors, which must be present in combination: water re- pellency, or what chemists refer to as hy- drophobia, and a specific kind of micro- scopic structure on the leaf surface. Barthlott’s patented discovery has since spawned a range of technical develop- ments. Evonik is one of several licensees of this patent. One of the developments is a process that endows polymer surfaces with the lo- tus effect. The raw material here is a hydro- phobic silicic acid with a nano-structured surface, which can be used for new and ex- citing applications such as finishing textiles and polymers, coating films and foils, and injection molding for plastics. “Some of the ideas are really interesting, but we still have

not experienced the positive reaction on > PETER WIDMANN PHOTOGRAPHY: From the garden of nature: lotus leaves have amazing self-cleaning properties, which were fi rst discovered by the botanist Wilhelm Barthlott. Any dirt — even honey or glue — simply pearls off its leaves

31_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:31 06.12.2007 16:54:40 Uhr 32 RESEARCHING BIONICS EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007

Dewdrops on the web of an orb-


> the market that we were hoping for,” Chernyaev admits. Undeterred, industry continues to work away at new projects, some of which were showcased during the Hanau workshop. Dr. Thomas Stegmaier from the Institute of Textile and Process Engineering in Denk- endorf, for example, highlighted the huge potential of bionics to enhance the proper- ties of functional fabrics beyond the already familiar lotus effect. For example, certain textile surfaces can incorporate a layer of air bubbles and thus significantly reduce the forces of hydrodynamic friction. This effect was first observed in penguins, who, when danger looms, expel air enclosed deep within their plumage to form a sheath of bubbles enclosing the body, thus en- abling them to swim significantly faster for a short period of time. THE SPIDER FORMULA Many people are afraid of spiders, yet for bionics experts they present a fascinating object of research. There are more than 30,000 known species of spider on earth; each species spins a distinct web, and each one has its own formula for produc- ing the silk to do so. And this material dis- plays some remarkable properties: thin-

PHOTOGRAPHY: GARY W. CARTER/CORBIS W. GARY PHOTOGRAPHY: ner than human hair but with greater tear Spiders are among nature’s supreme architects. The fi ligree mesh of their webs is able to withstand huge loads. Cobwebs are stronger than steel and more elastic than nylon

Synthetic spider’s silk is created in the test tube

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resistance than even a steel filament, the versity is a major step toward the commer- workshop into what effect simply changing strands of a spider’s web can withstand ex- cial production of this coveted material. the sequence of the various constituents treme loads. The silk consists of long pro- The team's work on recombinant processes of a polymer can have on its properties. It tein chains that have evolved over millions to create the proteins in spider’s silk has led is already clear that biotech-produced spi- of years, which the spider secretes in the to the development of two methods, both der’s silk can induce surprising properties form of a strong thread. Thanks to its un- based on traditional low-cost fermentation when added to industrial polymers. usual molecular structure, spider’s silk is processes, that will pave the way for the This in turn poses the question as very extensile, capable of carrying huge creation of spider's silk in the test tube and to whether industrial block co- loads, and highly tensile, yet it is much its industrial use. One method is based on polymers of analogous composi- more elastic than, for example, Kevlar. cell lines of butterflies. Using viruses, the tion might not display the same Moreover, spider’s silk is light and water- Munich scientists introduced the original characteristics. Scheibel, inciden- proof, yet it also has a high capacity to ab- genes for spider’s silk into butterfly cells, tally, was among the winners of the sorb water, similar to that of wool. It is im- which then produced structured spider’s BMBF idea competition “Bionics — In- mune to microbiological attack, yet also silk. Thus they produced sufficient quanti- novations from Nature,” as announced biodegradable. Likewise, the threads of ties of the proteins in spider’s silk to syn- in June of this year, and received a prize of a spider’s web can be stronger than steel thesize the material itself. The second €500,000 to carry out further research. and more elastic than rubber, which ex- method is based on a bacteria host system, Microscopic hairs with mushroom-like plains how they can withstand the impact in which it is very easy to manipulate genes. tips are behind a new adhesive material de- of a bug crashing into them in full flight. This makes it possible to customize genes veloped by scientists from the Max Planck For millennia now, silk has been farmed and therefore proteins, or deliberately cre- Institute (MPI) for Metals Research in Stutt- in a traditional agricultural process from ate new ones, in such a way that silk with gart. This special surface structure, which the cocoon of the silk moth. On account specific properties is produced. Fragments makes the material stick to of spiders' cannibalistic proclivities, how- of silk genes are combined at will in a clon- smooth walls without the use ever, it is impossible to breed them in the ing system. This creates proteins that are of glue, is modeled on the numbers required to produce their silk on derived from natural spider’s silk but can soles of insects' feet and is a large scale. For this reason too, spider’s be modified and “rebuilt” in the lab to meet therefore a “biomimetic” de- silk is an extremely valuable substance. different product specifications. velopment, as the scientists Yet for the first time it has now been would say. “The potential possible to synthesize this natural product. NEW ADHESIVE MATERIAL applications here range The research of Dr. Thomas Scheibel and Using the example of spider’s silk, Scheibel from reusable adhesive his biotech group at Munich Technical Uni- offered an impressive insight at the Hanau tape to the soles of shoes >

The fanlike structure of the folds is what gives the large leaf of the fan palm its requisite stability

The passion fl ower achieves stability by means of spiral structures PHOTOGRAPHY: BLICKWINKEL/A. LAULE PHOTOGRAPHY: PHOTOGRAPHY: BLICKWINKEL/A. HELD PHOTOGRAPHY:

33_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:33 06.12.2007 16:54:51 Uhr 34 RESEARCHING BIONICS EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007

The secret of micro-hairs

> for climbing robots, so it’s a highly relevant trial partner — Gottlieb Binder GmbH, a pattern. Yet what sounds simple is in fact technological topic,” underlines Dr. Stan- specialist in fastener systems from Hol- the result of much trial and error. Most islav Gorb, who is the project leader at the zgerlingen — had to be patient, since the challenging of all was the problem of how MPI for Metals Research. For quite some first generation of adhesive surfaces, which to create an imprint of the microscopic tex- time now, scientists have understood why were produced using a variety of methods, ture in the mold. Exactly how this is insects, spiders, and geckos possess the re- failed to stick to a satisfactory degree. How- achieved remains a trade secret. time. markable ability to walk on walls and ceil- ever, scientists have now taken a major step ings. The secret lies in extremely thin hairs toward replicating this natural adhesive THE SHARK AS A MODEL that make their feet stick to walls. The mechanism with the development of a ma- At present, the researchers are trying to larger the creature, the finer the hairs. In- terial with a microscopic texture that dis- enhance the adhesive properties of such deed, geckos, which are considerably plays excellent adhesive properties. This materials even further by making addi- heavier than flies, have already been using phenomenally strong sticking power is tional improvements to the structure of nanotechnology for millions of years. generated by specially formed hairs which the surface texture. “The project group It's not surprising that such discoveries look like tiny mushrooms and were devel- has still got lots of work ahead of it. Just generated big expectations. Yet here, once oped on the basis of a study of the soles of because something works fine in the lab, again, the MPI research group and its indus- the feet of several species of beetle. that doesn’t have to mean it can be ap- The material, which the MPI research- plied on an industrial scale,” says Gorb. ers subjected to rigorous tests with spe- A less desirable example of adhesion in cially developed measuring instruments, nature is found in the form of so-called has many merits. For example, it can be re- fouling — the underwater layers of barna- used hundreds of times without losing ad- cles, shells, algae, and bacteria that grow on hesive power, it doesn’t leave any visible the hulls of ships and boats, sometimes to a marks behind, and it fully regenerates when thickness of several decimeters. The need any surface impurities are washed away to remove this encrustation of marine life with soap. represents a substantial cost factor. Until The material is produced by means of a recently the “broadband” biocide TBT (tri- special mold in which the negative image butyl tin) was universally used as the most of the desired surface texture has been im- effective antifouling agent. At the begin- printed. The mold is filled with a polymer- ning of 2003, however, it was banned izing mixture, which is then allowed to worldwide by the International Maritime harden before being separated from the Organization (IMO) because of its high un- PHOTOGRAPHY: ANDREW SYRED/SPL/ PHOTOGRAPHY: FOCUS AGENTUR PHOTOGRAPHY: MARTIN MARTIN PHOTOGRAPHY: HARYVEY/CORBIS New adhesive materials are based on the intricate structures on the soles of the feet of geckos, beetles, and spiders

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Coatings based on the structure of sharkskin make aircraft faster. This greatly magnifi ed model of the skin of a hammerhead shark was developed for wind-


specific toxicity. The successful develop- ment of a nontoxic substitute would create a potential market that could be worth bil- lions of euros. One highly promising approach in this area is based on the structure of sharkskin. The latter is covered with small scales (den- ticles) made of hard material, which move against one another on account of the elas- ticity of the layer of connective tissue be- neath. This flexibility in combination with the microscopic texture of the denticle sur- face can help reduce fouling. Professor Antonia Kesel from Bremen University is now working on ways to tech- nically reproduce such scales, which in combination with steel surfaces have al- ready delivered notable success in limiting the growth of such encrustations. In its Chemicals Business Area, Evonik Industries is also venturing into the field of bionics with a range of innovative projects. “We’re now looking at a variety of interest- ing options. And we aim to launch a major project very soon, which we will carry out together with external partners and the support of the BMBF,” says Chernyaev. When he is pressed to elaborate on this statement, however, he declines — and per- sistent probing just pearls off him like dirt

from a lotus leaf. < LTD./CORBIS HILL IMAGING CLOUDS PHOTOGRAPHY: The skin of the white shark, magnifi ed 2,210 times: the scales of this marine predator make it one of the fastest underwater creatures and also serve as a model for aircraft coatings

35_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:35 06.12.2007 16:55:10 Uhr 36 MODERNIZING REAL ESTATE EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007

Easy on the Pocket, Easy on The “three-liter house” in the Düsseldorf district of Eller, which was modernized by the Real Estate Business Area, is an innovative example of how the energy effi ciency of housing can be enhanced

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A model of energy effi ciency: Apart- ment houses in the Wäschlacker Weg in the Düsseldorf district of Eller the Environment

TEXT SYBILLE BORGMANN By contrast, the Real Estate business area of PHOTOGRAPHY FRANK PREUSS Evonik Industries AG takes a keen interest in the energy efficiency of residential prop- MOST PEOPLE have a fair idea of how erties and has recently completed an exten- much gasoline their car uses, but not many sive program of modernization to create know how much energy their house con- two very special low-energy houses in the sumes, and even fewer people know what is Düsseldorf district of Eller. meant by the unit kWh/m2a (kilowatt-hours On the face of it, there’s nothing to dis- per square meter and year). And while nobody tinguish the freshly painted 1960s apart- would seriously contemplate running an el- ment houses, complete with new balconies, derly automobile, which slurps 30 to 40 liters from other modern residential buildings. every 100 kilometers, on an everyday basis, Beneath the exterior, however, the two let alone for long journeys, most homeowners properties and their 24 dwellings have been and tenants don’t actually realize that old extensively fitted out with the very latest houses can use as much as three times the en- technology. Featuring a thick layer of ther- ergy consumed by new buildings. mal insulation, triple glazing, and a sophis- >

37_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:37 06.12.2007 12:38:05 Uhr 38 MODERNIZING REAL ESTATE EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007

Head of Technology/QM


Forty years old but with ultramodern technology: > ticated heat-recovery system, the two build- A A gas-fi red mini-cogeneration power plant ings in the Wäschlacker Weg, which were produces heat, electricity, and domestic hot water. built in 1964 and 1969, were transformed B Ventilation units recycle the heat from used air into models of energy economy in the space extracted from the apartments. C The electricity of only a few months. generated by a photovoltaic system on the roof is fed into the public grid. D The triple-glazed CUTTING UTILITY BILLS windows help retain heat in the apartments Today these two “three-liter houses”— so named after the frugal three-liter car, which consumes a mere three liters of fuel for every 100 kilometers — are among the most amount of energy just for heating and do- quired by the latest energy-saving directive, environmentally friendly and economical mestic hot water. But with today’s building which stipulates that a comparable new low-energy houses in the whole of Germany. systems and materials, that doesn’t have to building may use no more than 91 kilowatt- “Before the modernization, each apartment be the case,” explains Dr. Peter Schörner, hours per square meter. consumed around 287 kilowatt-hours of Evonik Industries Management Board mem- Understandably, the apartments have energy per square meter a year. That’s roughly ber for the Real Estate business unit. generated a lot of interest. “It’s people con- the equivalent of 28 liters of heating oil. And “Our aim is to modernize our rental prop- cerned with saving energy and climate pro- that, like electricity, is getting more expen- erties in a way that substantially reduces ten- tection who are really enthusiastic about the sive by the year,” explains Head of Technol- ants’ utility bills,” Schörner explains. In other properties,” says Robert Kurth, Director of ogy/QM Reiner Kathenbach. According to words, the results of such modernization the Evonik Customer Center in Düsseldorf. figures from Germany’s Federal Office of must not only look good but also translate Which is not surprising, given that the mod- Statistics, household expenditure on energy into cash savings. ernization program has transformed the increased by 59 percent between 1991 and 1960s buildings into a veritable model for fu- 2005, whereas disposable incomes rose by A MODEL FOR THE FUTURE ture housing. This included fitting a 200- only 46 percent over the same period. Besides improving the appearance of the millimeter layer of thermal insulation and in- Evonik therefore resolved to take action, properties, the program of modernization stalling triple-glazed passive house windows as a contribution to climate protection and has also slashed the energy requirements of with electric shutters. Thanks to a special to keeping its tenants’ utility bills as low as the two buildings by a massive 87 percent ventilation unit, which continuously feeds possible. “In times of scarce resources, im- in the first year, reducing these to a mere 36 fresh air into the low-energy building and re- proving the energy efficiency of buildings kilowatt-hours per square meter. This phe- covers the warmth from the air that is ex- is an absolute must. That’s particularly true nomenal value puts the modernized apart- pelled, the heat within the apartments can of old buildings, which use an enormous ment houses far below the maximum re- be recycled over and over again.

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Moreover, the air inside is never stale or un- cogeneration power plant, which has been tion projects,” explains Department Head pleasantly dry from the heating in winter, supplying the two apartment houses with Reiner Kathenbach. even though the windows stay closed. By the warm water and electricity ever since the same token, the continuous circulation of air modernization was completed in the spring HAPPY TENANTS also prevents the formation of mildew. of 2007. As a spinoff, surplus electricity is Tenants also have reason to be happy with Using a control unit known as an opti- fed into the public grid, thus generating ad- the modernization. Take for example Hans mizer, the heating and ventilation can also ditional income of between €2,000 and and Marianne Hopp, who have been living be individually regulated in each apartment. €2,500 a year. in their apartment in Wäschlacker Weg In other words, tenants are free to decide for Likewise, a 144-square-meter photovol- since the beginning of the 1970s. “When we themselves on the optimal room tempera- taic system installed on the roof also brings moved in, we had heating costs of 35 marks ture and can thus reduce their heating costs in extra revenue, with the energy thus pro- a month,” explains Hans Hopp. “Thanks to even further. Likewise, the optimizer can be duced being fed into the grid at a return of the modernization, they are still only €35 a set so that the heating comes on at a differ- €8,000 to €8,500 a year. month!” However, it’s not only the quality ent time on weekends than during the The experience gained in Düsseldorf of life for tenants that has improved: the en- week. will also benefit other residential proper- vironment has also benefited. The measures Another innovative feature of this Düs- ties belonging to Evonik. “Using a special have cut the buildings’ emissions of carbon seldorf model project, which is part of a na- monitoring system, we are able to track the dioxide — one of the gases responsible for tionwide program launched by the German energy consumption of the low-energy climate change — by around 40 kilograms Energy Agency (Dena) in partnership with apartment houses under different weather per square meter per year. In other words, the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building, conditions. This monitoring system pro- the low-energy houses modernized by and Urban Development, is the installation vides us with important information that Evonik are easy not only on the tenants’ of an ultramodern domestic-scale gas-fired will come in useful for future moderniza- budgets but also on the environment. <

39_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:39 06.12.2007 12:38:19 Uhr 40 APPLYING THE ENVIRONMENT EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007

40_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:40 06.12.2007 14:39:26 Uhr 41

Environmental Shower Evonik Industries is considered a pioneer in fl ue-gas desulfurization for coal-fi red power plants. Around the world, its engineers have equipped power plants with a total capacity of more than 20,000 megawatts with cleaning equipment


THE WHOLE WORLD needs energy. In addition to reliable supplies, the chief concern is using it in the most efficient and environmentally friendly way possible. In order to protect the environment and con- serve resources, power plant operators are replacing obsolete components with new ones. The latest example of this is the hard coal-fired power plant in Voerde. The two units Voerde A and B went on line approxi- mately 25 years ago. At the time, they were among the first power plants in Germany to be equipped with an ultramodern flue-gas desulfurization system, or FGD for short. Since then, the technology has developed further. Modern designs not only substan- tially reduce the sulfur emissions but also cut the maintenance costs and increase the efficiency of the unit. That leads to fewer

CO2 emissions. Evonik Industries AG (Steag at that time) and RWE Power together in- vested approximately 80 million euros in the modernization of the two units on the The exhaust gases Lower Rhine, each of which has an output (opening at left) fl ow of 710 MW. into the scrubber at 70 The centerpiece of the conversion was kilometers per hour and a flue-gas desulfurization system of the lat- are cleaned there in the est generation. “The FGD system is more or wet-scrubbing process less a large chemical plant within the power plant. It frees the flue gases of sulfur com- >

41_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:41 06.12.2007 12:40:24 Uhr 42 APPLYING THE ENVIRONMENT EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007

Centerpiece of the modern system in Voerde: Cleaned exhaust The absorbers in which the fl ue gas is “scrubbed” gases and more efficiency > pounds created during the coal firing, such

as SO2 (sulfur dioxide) and SO3 (sulfur tri- oxide), and on top of that produces valuable raw material for the construction industry,” says Detlef Maier of Evonik. The new flue- gas desulfurization system in Voerde not only cleans the exhaust gases more effi- ciently, but also facilitates further utilization of the power reserves of the entire power plant. “With the new FGD system, we were able to increase output in each unit by 50 MW and at the same time increase the effi- The Voerde power plant was equipped with a state-of-the-art ciency by 0.5 percent to 38.7 percent,” says fl ue-gas desulfurization system. The moving formwork (left) ensured Maier. that the concrete tower could grow upward step by step (right) The flue-gas cleaning is the last step in the power plant process, before the exhaust is conducted through the smokestack. All the power plants of Evonik’s Energy Busi- ness Area use what is known as the “wet- scrubbing process”: the gases are conducted through a scrubbing liquid for sulfur re- moval. Before that, however, they still have to pass through other cleaning processes. Immediately after combustion, the DeNOx plant first reduces the nitrogen ox- ides in the exhaust. Then the exhaust passes through a dust precipitation system, which filters out the dust particles using an elec- trical voltage. From this electrostatic pre- cipitator, large fans with diameters of 3.5 meters suck the flue gas through a pipe sys- tem at a speed of approximately 70 kilome-

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Two huge pipes carry the waste air from the absorbers through the In the fl ue, both exhaust pipes — each with a diameter large fl ue — cleaned and at a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius of eight meters — are conducted upward

ters per hour into the actual centerpiece of calcium sulfite, which flows off with the wa- the solid matter in it from settling out. “In the FGD system: the scrubber. It’s actually a ter into the lower region of the scrubber, the Voerde, each of the two units blows approx- huge container in which the flue gas is given “absorber sump.” Cleaned by this calcium imately 2.7 million cubic meters of flue gas a type of shower. In Voerde, the scrubber carbonate shower, the exhaust gas flows through the scrubber,” Maier explains. In has a diameter of 16 meters and measures through the smokestack, which it then the process, large quantities of gypsum sus- approximately 35 meters in height. leaves at a temperature of approximately 50 pension are created. Part of the gypsum The inside of the tank consists of a pleth- degrees Celsius and with a maximum sulfur slurry is fed across a special dewatering in- ora of pipes from which many small nozzles content of 200 milligrams per cubic meter stallation that withdraws water from it. This spray a limestone slurry in the form of a of flue gas. results in white, fine-grained gypsum. mixture of water and solid particles known “When the plant is running at full load, we as a suspension. The exhaust gases flow EFFICIENCY 96 PERCENT produce about 25 tonnes of gypsum per through this shower on their way to the Overall, the FGD system purges the flue gas hour,” says Maier. smokestack. The gaseous sulfur dioxide of the sulfur compounds to about 96 per- This is a raw material for the construc-

(SO2) from the exhaust first dissolves in the cent. “Since the system naturally also uses tion industry and goes from the power plant calciferous scrubbing liquid. The reaction power itself, a further increase in the effi- to the manufacturers of gypsum plaster

of SO2 and calcium carbonate gives rise to ciency rates would be out of all proportion board for drywalling, standard filler for to the result,” says Maier. One would have dowel holes, or spackle. Each year, the to pay for the smaller sulfur remnant in the power plant in Voerde produces about flue gas with higher fuel consumption, 125,000 tonnes of gypsum. As Maier says, Global market which would mean a poorer result overall. “Industrial gypsum has now almost replaced But other chemical processes also take natural gypsum.” There is great demand around the world place in the scrubber of the FGD system: the The Americans are especially interested for environmental technology for coal- calcium sulfite that collects with the aque- in this technology. In the past, plant opera- fired power plants. Sixty percent of all ous solution in the absorber sump reacts tors in the U.S. simply dumped the residues. power plants are more than 20 years old. there with oxygen which is blown into the “The American power plant operators rec- Between 2010 and 2020, it is estimated container to form a gypsum suspension. ognize that this is a valuable raw material that the EU will have to replace old Special pumps transport this mixture in for the construction industry,” says Maier. power plants generating about 200 giga- a cycle, so that it repeatedly rains down on And cheaply produced gypsum plaster watts, which corresponds to about 200 the flue gases from above, capturing new boards could definitely make the light- large power plants — a large market for sulfur dioxide in the process. A number of weight design of American houses even Evonik’s Energy Business Area. huge whisks continually stir the gypsum more economical. “We’re working on it,” slurry on the floor of the sump to prevent laughs Maier. <

43_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:43 06.12.2007 12:40:47 Uhr 44 INFORMING EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007

Adveniat Young Bolivians Make Music for a Worthy Cause

“Youth helping youth” is the motto of a project for the Ruhr region this year from Bolivia to perform in the holiday season that is jointly organized by Evonik Indus- concert series is Wilson Urazayegua, 23. For this tal- tries and Adveniat, the Catholic aid organization for ented young flutist, music is a way to express feelings. Latin America. In a repeat of their successful tour of last “There's no better way to communicate grief or joy,” year, 30 young musical virtuosos have come from the Urazayegua says. village of Urubichá in Bolivia to perform in a series of When they are in Germany, the young musicians Advent concerts in the Ruhr region. Instead of charging are accompanied by Sister Ludmilla and orchestra direc- admission for the concerts, the performers ask audi- tor William Rene Ajhuacho, 29. Ajhuacho volunteers as PHOTOGRAPHY: RÜDIGER FESSEL/ RÜDIGER PHOTOGRAPHY: DORTMUND BILD ZEITUNG ences to donate to the Christian movement “Fey a music teacher and conductor at the music school in At home in the village of Urubichá, Alegría” (Faith and Joy), which enables Bolivian chil- Urubichá, where young people learn to appreciate the Wilson Urazayegua practiced for the dren and young people from poor families to get an edu- baroque music of Europe — in a tropical environment concert series in Germany cation. One of the young people who have come to the with temperatures that sometimes reach 36 °C.

Entrepreneur of the Year A Golden Victoria for Evonik CEO Dr. Müller

At the Publishers' Night gala in Berlin, Evonik Chairman Dr. Werner Müller was re- cently presented with the Golden Victoria as “Entrepreneur of the Year.” Organized by the Association of German Magazine Publishers (VDZ), the event was attended by more than 1,000 guests from the worlds of media, politics, business, and soci- ety. Müller was selected for the award by a ten-person jury consisting of editors in chief of major business and marketing magazines, and managing directors of adver- tising agencies and publishing companies. The criteria used in their assessments are business success, innovative capability, job creation, and social responsibility. “In the face of fierce international competition, Evonik Industries has clearly positioned it- self as a technology, quality, and market leader by concentrating on its Chemicals, Energy, and Real Estate Business Areas. With its innovations in research and devel- opment, it has set its course for a successful future,” concluded the jury. “The com- pany also treats sustainability and responsible corporate management as top priori- ties — an approach that Evonik documents in its annual Responsibility Report.” Dr. Müller's entrepreneurial success was honored in the award presentation The Golden Victoria went to “Entrepreneur of the Year” Dr. Werner Müller speech given by Dr. Jürgen Hambrecht, CEO of the chemicals corporation BASF. Dr. Hambrecht praised the transformation of RAG into Evonik Industries AG: “It was a really difficult piece of work, especially because it raised issues that sparked intense controversy across the entire political spectrum.” He went on to praise the concept of restructuring the industrial group, which he called an invention of Dr. Müller's, and added, in a lighter vein: “Your invention was a success — one that you created by means of a tireless advocacy campaign that persuaded everyone involved to join with you. It was a brilliant achievement, one that we could compare to a con- cert performance of a piece of music, a performance based on a score that is con- stantly being altered and with several different orchestras that are continually changing places. And like a true maestro, you completed the performance without PHOTOGRAPHY: BILDSCHÖN PHOTOGRAPHY: BASF CEO Hambrecht gave the laudatory speech for Dr. Werner Müller. ever losing sight of the composition as a whole.” VDZ President Burda (far right) honored former Chancellor Kohl for his life- Former Chancellor Helmut Kohl was presented with the Honorary Victoria life- time achievement. The laudatory speech was given by Peter Scholl-Latour time achievement award by publisher Dr. Hubert Burda, the president of the VDZ.

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Jürgen Rüttgers

ContractFuture Ruhr 2030 Kickoff of the Ruhr Region Strategy “Through your commitment you are making a major contri- 400 guests from the worlds of business and politics, in- • Research and development. Business enterprises bution to the future of Germany as a whole. That is why I cluding North Rhine-Westphalia Premier Dr. Jürgen Rütt- and the state government will double their expenditures would like to thank the Initiativkreis Ruhrgebiet and its gers. “Today the Initiativkreis member companies are sign- in this area by 2015. members for taking on so much responsibility for this excit- ing a new contract for the future of the Ruhr region. With • Ruhr 2030 Award. Outstanding achievements in the ing region of our country,” said Chancellor Angela Merkel this contract we are emphasizing our commitment to this areas of business, research, and development will be at the Future Congress organized by the Initiativkreis region. We are reaching out to all who would like to join us honored by the Initiativkreis with the Ruhr 2030 Award. Ruhrgebiet. Chancellor Merkel's words of praise were in structuring the Ruhr urban region,” said Dr. Müller. University-based projects and business initiatives are directed at the 65 business enterprises that are involved in The strategic program comprises the following elements: eligible to be considered for this award. this initiative, as well as their managers. • The Ruhr Innovation Pact. Establishment of interdisci- • Major projects. World championship sports events, the Dr. Werner Müller, Chairman of the Executive Board plinary Centers of Excellence for the overarching compe- Olympic Games, the European Capital of Culture — of Evonik Industries AG and a host of the event, presented tence area Materials − Energy − Logistics, in cooperation plans call for targeted advertising for major events that

PHOTOGRAPHY: FRANK PREUSS PHOTOGRAPHY: the results of the ContractFuture Ruhr 2030 project to the with universities and political institutions. will make the Ruhr region a focus of global attention.

Calling for creativity: Entertainment Timely commitment: Professor Richard was provided by event host Florida of Toronto artcore Dr. Winfried Materna

45_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:45 06.12.2007 12:44:35 Uhr 46 EXPERIENCING TURKEY EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007 A Day in Turkey’s “Egg At the Mediterranean’s most northeasterly point, between cotton fi elds and a small fi shing port, Evonik Industries is operating the most modern coal-fi red power plant in Turkey — and opening up new horizons for the people of the area

An ingenious solution from the Evonik engineers: Coal is delivered to the Transshipper by seagoing ships, then transported to the power plant

46_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:46 06.12.2007 12:50:39 Uhr 47 Cup”

At the controls in his lofty perch, high above the sea, Adil Capo operates his giant unloading crane, often for 12-hour shifts

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Power plant director Norbert Melcher

The power plant has enabled the region to flourish

Farmers Mustafa and Ali in a corn fi eld: Thanks to a program provided by the plant operating company, they are now learning modern agricultural methods

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TEXT UTE BAUER — an assignment she shares with her two one of the largest capital expenditures in PHOTOGRAPHY FRANK PREUSS colleagues, Seref Haciogullari and Kubilay Turkey’s history, with great significance for Arat — is to create an effective strategy this underdeveloped region in the country’s 8:00 A.M., YUMURTALIK: A new work day by weaving together the issues of health, southeastern corner. The plant operator is has started for Gülben Gülcan in this small environmental protection, industrial safety, the Turkish project company Isken. Turkish town. The 40-year-old environ- and social issues. mental engineer has been living in Yumur- It was back in 2000 that Evonik Steag 9:00 A.M., AT THE POWER PLANT: Norbert talik — which literally means “egg cup” — for GmbH began construction of two ultramod- Melcher, plant director and managing direc- six years now. Her family is back in Istanbul, ern generating units here on Iskenderun tor of Isken, has called in senior employees the vibrant metropolis that bridges East and Bay, close to the small village of Sugözü, for the daily briefing. A quick look around West, Orient and Occident. Over 14 million which is part of Yumurtalik. The units have the group is followed by an encouraging people live there, on the shores of the Bos- a combined capacity of 1,320 megawatts. nod, and the meeting gets under way. It’s porus. But here in Yumurtalik, where peo- Made possible by 70 years’ experience in clear right from the start that they are a well- ple mainly live from agriculture and fishing, planning, building, and operating power established team. The assembled engineers, the population is only 4,000. So what brings plants — and the courage to take on a new shift managers, and departmental heads a young, well-educated woman to this part challenge — they now cover around six per- take turns reporting on plant operation over of the world? “The country’s most modern cent of Turkey’s electricity needs. It is also the previous hours and outlining the proce- hard coal-fired power plant,” she explains. the first power plant of this scale to be built dures for the day ahead. The meeting also “And, of course,” Gülcan adds with a grin, abroad by Evonik Industries AG. It marks not includes a discussion the latest output fig- ”the career opportunities as well!” Her job only a milestone for the company but also ures and other technical data. >

Gülben Gülcan is responsible at the power plant for health, the environment, and industrial safety

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> Gülcan reports on the final preparations the site, 2,500 assorted citrus trees, straw- gists from Çukurova University in Adana for a public hearing on a new conservation berry plantations and olive groves thrive in are showing local families how to improve project. In a few days she is scheduled to at- the Mediterranean climate. There are even their crop yields by means of modern plant- tend a meeting with public authorities, and vineyards on the slopes, alongside other ing methods. Meanwhile, lecturers at the she will try to persuade them to lend their crops, as well as livestock. Farmers here vocational school in Yumurtalik are busy support. “There’s been a friendly and con- harvest their produce as often as three teaching the essentials of organic farming, structive relationship with the municipal times a year: huge watermelons, juicy to- out in the fields and in greenhouses. The authority right from the outset,” she ex- matoes, crisp cucumbers, and fat egg- latter program has already delivered re- plains in reference to the company’s open plants. Wheat, corn, peanuts, and cotton sults: Five farmers are now using organic information policy. “That has generated a are also cultivated in the fields: the fruit of methods, and another four course partici- lot of trust and a high degree of acceptance hard work in an idyllic rural setting. It’s pants have found jobs in similar farming among the public.” here that the plant operator’s projects are operations. “It’s great to be able to improve coming into their own — and where they the job prospects of the people who live in RESPECT FOR NATURE are underlining the company’s commit- the area around the power plant,” says ag- For the management team at the power ment to the area as a good corporate ricultural engineer Halil Duran, the person plant, a responsible attitude toward the lo- citizen. responsible at Isken for the project. “It’s cal environment — coupled with a respect something we plan to intensify in the for international standards in areas such as 11:00 A.M., FIVE KILOMETERS OUTSIDE OF future.” water protection or flue-gas purification — YUMURTALIK. About 30 minutes’ drive Also helping to improve the lot of local goes without saying. On the hills around from the power plant, for example, biolo- people is another project, this one in the >

The power plant sponsors training programs in agriculture and fi shing Erol Kahraman, whose company Ekton is one of the region’s

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Population 72.974 million. Per capita income $5,477 *TUBOCVM Growth rate 7.3 percent Inflation (based on producer "OLBSB prices) 9.6 percent Unemployment rate 9.9 percent Number employed 22.3 million Exports $85.5 billion Imports $139.4 billion $FZIBO Revenue from tourism :VNVSUBMJL *TLFOEFSVO $16.9 billion SOURCE: TURKISH EMBASSY, BERLIN: FIGURES FOR 2006 TURKISH EMBASSY, SOURCE:

New opportunities in farming and business

leading construction fi rms, has also profi ted from the economic boom sparked by the new power plant

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> fishing industry, which is the region’s sec- explains Seref Haciogullari, PR officer at the 1:00 P.M., SUGÖZÜ: Why order gifts for ond major source of employment. The con- power plant. Likewise, employees from business partners and customers in faraway cept works in similar fashion, with experts Isken regularly visit schools in the area to Istanbul, when they can be produced locally? explaining to local residents what they need give talks on the technology used at the This question occurred to Aysel Isözen, sec- to know when it comes to maintaining wild power plant. Also very popular among the retary to the Isken management board, who stocks and “fish farming” operations. Tips young are creative challenges such as the travels from Ankara to Yumurtalik several include the minimum size that fish should painting competitions that the company reg- times a year to meet with local women in the be when caught, for example, suitable feed ularly organizes. purpose-built community center. For Isken, for farmed stocks, and how best to preserve The plant and the impact it is having on responsibility as a corporate citizen also the biological balance of the underwater the region’s development also is a fascinat- means enabling local people who don’t work environment. ing subject for many students from Adana, at the power plant to use their skills for the which is 80 kilometers away and Turkey’s benefit of all. For example, local women now PROMOTING EDUCATION fifth-largest city, with around 1.3 million in- produce handmade tablecloths, meticu- The power plant also supports schools in the habitants. The human resources depart- lously embroidered bookmarks, and other region. All schoolchildren in Yumurtalik, for ment at Isken receives scores of applications arts and crafts — enabling them to support example, get a special present on their first every week for industrial placements and the power plant in their own way. “We en- day at school: a complete starter kit, com- employment. And university professors reg- courage the women to make their own sug- prising schoolbag, pencil case, and study ularly visit the plant with study groups, as it gestions for products and then help them put materials. “For most parents that’s a real is a showpiece project quite unlike any other their ideas into practice,” says Isözen. “They help, especially if they have a large family,” in Turkey. enjoy it every bit as much as I do.”

Innovative solutions for power plants The Energy Business Area of Evonik power plants — on the Philippine plants that are economical, environ- Industries AG has invested approxi- island of Mindanao (232 MW) and in mentally friendly, and tailored to local mately $1.5 billion in the hard coal- Paipa, Colombia (165 MW) — also are requirements — that and 70 years of fired power plant located on Iskende- making a vital contribution to providing engineering experience. Whereas the run Bay. The plant, which comprises the energy so crucial to economic Transshipper in Iskenderun provides two generating blocks with a com- development and boosting the regions’ an innovative means of delivering coal bined capacity of 1,320 megawatts, prosperity. The success of overseas supplies in shallow waters, the Termo- went into commercial operation at the projects like these is based on a tried paipa project in the Colombian high- end of 2003. And two other Evonik and tested concept of producing power lands takes into account the area’s spe-

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3:00 P.M., CEYHAN: “The power plant has Now business is going so well that Kahraman it in one long gulp. In the full glare of the sun, transformed the region,” explains construc- has patented newly developed bricks along the conditions can be nearly unbearable, and tion entrepreneur Erol Kahraman. The con- with other construction materials, and he in- sitting in the cab is like being in a sauna. struction and subsequent commissioning of tends to expand production next year. The ships put in every two weeks, includ- the power plant have sparked a small but sig- ing the Cape Mercury, which carries 160,000 nificant economic boom in the region. Many AN INGENIOUS IDEA: tons of coal from South Africa and will be un- companies, including Kahraman’s, have full THE TRANSSHIPPER loaded of its precious cargo within four days. order books. From the vantage point of his The region’s economic boom is also due in no In that time, Capo and his colleagues will work 120-square-meter office, which resembles small measure to the resourcefulness of 12-hour shifts. During such periods, he only a living room, he has a sweeping view of the Evonik engineers. That’s because the waters gets to see his family late in the evening. Lots site of his company, Ekton, one of the re- of Iskenderun Bay are in fact too shallow for of his co-workers simply remain overnight on gion’s leading construction firms. the large coal freighters that are needed to de- the Transshipper, which in many respects is In recent years he has discovered another liver fuel to the power plant. The engineers’ built and run like a ship — with a galley, cab- profitable line of business, producing build- ingenious solution to this problem was the ins, and recreation rooms. In the time be- ing materials from substances including fly Transshipper — the world’s largest floating tween one ship leaving and another arriving, ash and gypsum, which are standard waste crane for transshipping coal. Clearly visible maintenance and repairs are carried out. products from the power plant. They are for miles out to the open sea, the Transship- It’s also then that Capo has more time for both ideal for producing building materials , per lies at anchor in the bay, about two kilo- his family — his wife Sadet, daughter Dilek, and they are delivered in bulk dry-goods meters from the power plant. Here the waters 17, and two sons Murat, 19, and Mert, 14. trucks from Sugözü several times a week. are deep enough to accommodate the large His family lives in Iskenderun, which is 110 coal carriers, which have capacities of kilometers away. Sadet takes care of the 150,000 metric tons and more. On a typical house and family and also sells wellness day the Transshipper can handle more than products via the Internet. All the children 30,000 tons of coal. A total of three cranes are are still attending school. Capo’s three sons kept operating, unloading the coal into find it pretty cool that their dad works on the smaller, purpose-built barges. “famous” Transshipper, and they have al- cial geographical conditions — as One of the cranes is Adil Capo’s place of ready been out to visit him there, though well as the nature of the local work. From a dizzying height, and with a there are no plans to follow directly in their coal industry, which is made up of breathtaking view across the water, he care- father’s footsteps. Dilek is hoping to study a large number of small-scale fully scoops up the black gold from the cav- law, while Murat is interested in a career in operators. In the future, Evonik ernous interior of a coal freighter. He needs the tourism industry, and Mert wants to intends to remain active in regions to work quickly and accurately, because train in a technical field. The fact that their where there is a growing hunger here time is literally money. As soon as a father has a secure job plays a vitally impor- for energy: in southeast Europe, freighter docks, the 90-strong Transshipper tant role in the future plans for the children Russia, and Asia. crew works round the clock in shift opera- — it provides the requisite financial basis and tion until the cargo has been unloaded. And thus improves their chances of getting a the longer this takes, the more it costs. Capo good education. Iskolden, the Transshipper was bowled over by his unusual workplace operating company — which is a Turkish from the very beginning: “First of all, subsidiary of the Lübeck shipping company though, I had to get used to everything mov- Oldendorff — also awards scholarships to ing. But you have to remember, we are out children of its employees. at sea!” He also loves the technology of the job, the tension when a new ship arrives, 8:00 P.M., VARIOUS LOCATIONS: Gülben and, more than anything, the solidarity in Gülcan is looking back on a successful day. the team: “ If there are any problems — we Her new project is taking shape. Meanwhile, solve them together.” construction entrepreneur Erol Kahraman puts on a safety helmet and takes a last tour 5:00 P.M., AT THE TRANSSHIPPER: After of inspection around the company site. And three hours up in the cab, Capo has earned a Adil Capo is riding the bus back home to his break, and a colleague comes up to take his family. There he will take a stroll on the place. “After a while, your concentration just beach with his wife, the lights of the power starts to slip — it’s as simple as that,” says the plant illuminating the night sky behind 47-year-old, wiping the sweat from his brow. them. All in all, it’s been a good day in Tur- He lifts a bottle of water to his lips, emptying key’s “egg cup.” < PHOTOGRAPHY: EVONIK INDUSTRIES AG EVONIK PHOTOGRAPHY:

53_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:53 06.12.2007 12:51:17 Uhr A Boss Who Plays Bass A media manager who has a degree in music, Dieter Gorny is a man of many parts. As the artistic director of RUHR.2010, he aims to use his ideas for the creative industries to bring new prosperity to the Ruhr region

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After completing his degree in music, Dieter Gorny played double bass in the Bochum Symphony Orchestra — and he’s still a master of this imposing instrument today

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Dieter Gorny thinks big. As a musician, he plays the double bass (the violin was too small for him), and in his daily work he aims to promote a creative and future- oriented Ruhr region

“When it comes to our prosperity, we have a lot to lose”

TEXT CATRIN KRAWINKEL tape recorder goes on strike. He travels to work in this area has already made him a PHOTOGRAPHY CATRIN MORITZ Venice in his capacity as the head of the winner of one of Germany’s top TV awards, Supervisory Council of the North Rhine- the Grimme Prize. He freely admits that he It’s practically impossible to get an appoint- Westphalia Film Foundation. A former sometimes feels like a missionary for his ment with him at short notice. Next week music teacher, he’s also the Chairman of cause: “Whenever I’m at meetings or events he has to be in Berlin, after that in Venice, the Board of Directors of the Association of and get to know new people of various and the rest of the month is already booked the German Music Industry. kinds, I always think about whom I could solid. But then, miraculously, a gap in his On top of that, he’s the artistic director use as a helper in one of my areas of work schedule appears, thanks to clever juggling of RUHR.2010 and was recently appointed or win over for one of my projects.” by his assistant. “You’ve got two hours,” she by the German Minister of Economics to At the moment he is particularly fasci- tells us. “Mr. Gorny’s appointment calen- the jury that selects the winners of the Ger- nated by the expanding discussion about dar is always full, so you’re really in luck.” man Design Award. And, oh yes, he’s also the issue of how Europe is reacting to the Dieter Gorny, 54, founder of the popu- involved in teaching the younger genera- “continental shift” of the global economy. lar music fair Popkomm and former head tion as a professor of culture and media In his opinion, a look at the statistics gives of the German music TV channel Viva, studies at the University of Applied Sci- rise to the apprehension that in terms of meets us in the chamber music hall of the ences in Düsseldorf. goods production all of Europe is becom- Folkwang Music School in Essen-Werden. ing a “theme park,” while the USA and Asia Surprisingly, this constant traveler is calm COMPOSING HIS OWN NET- dominate the global markets. “When it and relaxed. He lives right around the cor- WORK OF RELATIONSHIPS comes to our prosperity, we have a lot to ner with his wife, his four children and his Although Gorny’s activities seem to be lose,” he warns. If the countries of Europe dog Tristan, a Bernese Mountain Dog. He’s very diverse, he remains true to his musi- do in fact lose their significance as indus- relaxed because he's just returned from a cal background and weaves his various trial nations, as he predicts, he believes one-hour walk with Tristan — a ritual he tasks together like a composer who com- there’s a new key market that can generate performs as often as his crowded schedule bines musical notes to form a new melody growth: the creative industry. permits. He regrets that he can’t do this — one that he calls “the creative industry.” more often, for he spends at least half the This dynamic and hard-working manager NEW OPPORTUNITIES FROM week jetting to appointments in order to aims to successfully promote and combine THE CREATIVE INDUSTRY fulfill all his managerial responsibilities. creative fields such as architecture, design, Europe’s current economic development The list that the media manager then fashion, film, and the performing arts in also convinces him that he’s on the right

TOP RIGHT PHOTO: DPA/PICTURE-ALLIANCE RIGHT PHOTO: TOP reels off for us is so long that even the Germany, especially in the Ruhr region. His track as he deliberately expands his activi- >

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The dynamic manager and “idea man” Dieter Gorny is accompanied on his walks in Essen by a loyal companion, his Bernese Mountain Dog Tristan COURTESY OF FOLKWANG HOCHSCHULE, ESSEN HOCHSCHULE, OF FOLKWANG COURTESY

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He’s comfortable in many places — whether it’s at his desk as a Viva manager in Cologne or on a stool in front of a grand piano. He studied both the double bass and the piano

> ties in all directions. He says he was “very ble to our ‘creation’ — the Ruhr region.” Di- began to play church music at an early age. monothematic” as director of the music eter Gorny calls himself a fighter and a man He didn’t want to play the violin, though: “I TV channel Viva from 1993 to 2005 — but whose creative ideas give him no rest. wanted to play a big instrument, so before now the “Outstanding Media Figure of “I’m very strong-willed, and I don’t do I started my studies I decided to play the 1992” is combining “movable modules” anything I don’t really believe in. But that double bass.” He chose piano as his minor from various creative fields to make a world doesn’t mean I’m extremely ambitious. I fo- subject. During the interview Gorny ab- that fascinates him and gives him new cus on getting things moving and accom- sently strums on the strings of his double momentum. plishing things, and when that happens I bass and occasionally sits down at the piano. “How can we prevent people from mov- like to have my name listed among the oth- However, it would be wrong to expect that ing away from the Ruhr region and get ers on the copyright.” he regularly makes music at home during them to build up new creative industries his leisure time in order to relax. He does here instead?” “Is it possible to set up artis- NOT A PLAYER OF have a huge collection of bass instruments, tically creative neighborhoods like the ones SECOND FIDDLES but after a hectic week he prefers to do in Amsterdam here in the Ruhr region too?” Gorny’s professional career began in 1975. nothing at all. “How can collective movements grow out of Even while he was studying music, includ- “I’m very annoyed if I have appointments individual processes in the areas of art and ing composition, he played double bass scheduled throughout the weekend,” he says. culture?” — these are only a few of the ques- with the Bochum Symphony Orchestra. But He prefers to linger over a cup of coffee, tions he's trying to answer. “I’ve been given he wasn’t satisfied with being an ensemble ruminating and planning some afternoon a unique opportunity to influence cultural player, he says: “I'd rather experiment with outing with his wife or discussing rock policy in the Ruhr region and to play a ma- new worlds and constellations.” And that’s bands like the Kaiser Chiefs with his son. jor creative role,” he says. And he aims to exactly what he did a year later as an in- Sometimes he also enjoys playing with his take advantage of this opportunity, even structor at different music academies and high-tech electronic gadgets. though the RUHR.2010 project is going to the head of the Rock Bureau of North Rhine- Gorny loves these tiny electronic magic be a real challenge. Westphalia. In 1989 he was appointed wands, and the next ones he plans to buy “Above all, we have to make this project managing director of the pop music festi- are an iPhone and an iPod touch. He already sustainable. In effect, we’re building a me- val Popkomm. has an iPod classic, on which he has saved tropolis. In 2010 we’re going to celebrate “The special fascination music has al- music of every kind, from hard rock to the topping-out ceremony, but things won’t ways had for me is certainly due to my fa- operas and symphonies. On his computer really start rolling until after that. We aim ther, who is very musical,” Gorny says. he downloads a vast variety of TV series,

TOP LEFT PHOTO: DPA/PICTURE-ALLIANCE LEFT PHOTO: TOP to attract as many paying visitors as possi- Thanks to his father’s encouragement, he such as the cynical US classic “Six Feet

58_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:58 06.12.2007 13:00:57 Uhr EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007 DIETER GORNY INSPIRING 59

“I'd rather experiment with new worlds and constellations”

Under” and the British sitcom “Coupling,” extensive green areas. He doesn’t need to Merkur, is certainly not interested in gar- which he watches when he’s airborne. balance out his working time in the Ruhr re- nering public fame. He prefers to remain gion by vacationing in exotic climes or fast- anonymous. A TRUE FAN OF THE paced tourist destinations. “For decades He also avoids parties in general, and RUHR REGION now, our family has been vacationing in attends only events where he expects to Gorny also loves his weekend walks with Holland,” he says. “When I’m on holiday, I’m meet promising business partners or further his dog. Although he’s a former Executive looking for peace and quiet.” expand his extensive network of acquain- Vice President of MTV Networks Europe, That’s also what makes his private life tances. The modest Mr. Gorny does have an he only feels truly at home in the Ruhr re- in Essen-Werden so simple, he says: “Here, ambitious wish, though: “I’d love to go to a gion, which he enjoys to the hilt. As far as nobody’s interested in what I do profession- Bruce Springsteen concert.” Somehow he he’s concerned, there’s no better place to ally.” And this “boss with a bass,” as he was hasn’t managed to do that yet. But at the rate live in all of Germany. “When we presented once called by the newspaper Rheinischer he’s going, he’ll do that too. < our RUHR.2010 project in Brussels, I told the jury that I personally wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, and I really do know countless cities abroad. For example, I’ve BIOGRAPHY worked in London and done business in Dieter Gorny (54) was born in Soest (Westphalia). He received a degree in music from the New York. But nowhere else can you find State Academy of Music in the Rhineland/Wuppertal Institute. In 1975 he joined the Bochum so many clubs, so much culture and so many Symphony Orchestra and the Wuppertal Symphony Orchestra. Subsequently he worked leisure activities as in the Ruhr region.” as an instructor at various academies of music. He then became the head of the Rock Bureau of Gorny is convinced that many people North Rhine-Westphalia and an instructor at the Cologne University of Music, followed by who don’t know the region still believe that an appointment as the managing director of Popkomm. From 1993 to 2005 he was initially the “lumps of coal are still flying through the air managing director and then the Chairman of the Board of Management of the TV music here,” but he’s got a good rejoinder for them: channel Viva. For one year after that he served as the Executive Vice President of MTV Networks “The area where Mr. Krupp decided to build Europe. He is currently the Chairman of the Association of the German Music Industry and the his modest one-family house couldn’t be to- Director of Creative Industries of the European Capital of Culture 2010. tally without any attractions, could it?” What In 2007 he became the Chairman of the Supervisory Council of the North Rhine-Westphalia fascinates Dieter Gorny so deeply about his Film Foundation. He is also a professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf. native region is its concentrated metropoli- tan areas, its tremendous vitality, and its

59_Evonik_04-07_EN Abs2:59 06.12.2007 13:01:04 Uhr 60 DEBATING DEMOGRAPHY EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007

Will Demographic Change Be

Demographic change is becoming an increasingly dominant topic of discussion in politics and society, and it threatens to become a battle of the old against the young. The population will indeed shrink, and ever fewer young people will have to fi nance the social security programs for the old. The average age of the citizenry will increase sharply, and the proportion of people with an immigrant background will grow

SAFEGUARDING PROSPERITY The central challenge we face is, quite simply, finding a course of action that can, on the one hand, ensure the continued existence of our social democracy and the cohesion of our society under the conditions of globalization and demographic change — and which, on the other hand, in the interest of higher growth, more

PHOTOGRAPHY: PA/SVEN SIMON PA/SVEN PHOTOGRAPHY: effectively develops the entrepreneurial potential in Germany that we need in order to at least match the level of prosperity we enjoy today.

Peer Steinbrück (SPD), Federal Minister of Finance

NOT TO BLAME FOR LACK OF SOCIAL SECURITY FUNDS NOT HELPLESS We’re not completely at The reason for the current problems is not the aging the mercy of the causes and of our population but high unemployment, the spread the consequences of demographic change. We

PHOTOGRAPHY: PA/DPA PHOTOGRAPHY: of jobs that don’t contribute to the social security sys- definitely do have options

PHOTOGRAPHY: PA/SVEN SIMON PA/SVEN PHOTOGRAPHY: for responding... Might it tem, a skewed distribution of income, the lag in wage increases, not be possible for older societies to be just as open to new ideas as younger ones? and the financing of German unification in the wrong way. And who really decides whether and when Professor Ernst Kistler, Director of the International Institute for Empirical Social Economics (INIFES) we’re old? After all, as the saying goes: “You’re only as old as you feel.” Is that true for a country, too? ...The experience and THREAT circumspection of older people are important in many contexts. Maybe they’re even The demographic becoming more and more important... We have to take what the older generation problem is a far has “accumulated” — to use the language of the economists — and make it available

PHOTOGRAPHY: PA/SVEN SIMON PA/SVEN PHOTOGRAPHY: bigger threat to the younger generation, particularly to our social welfare state during a phase in our society’s development in which we have to manage many than anything else. different adjustments and changes. Helmut Schmidt (SPD), Former German Chancellor Horst Köhler, President of Germany

60_Evonik_0407_EN 60 05.12.2007 18:51:31 Uhr 61

Our Downfall?

DON’T PLAY OFF LIFELONG LEARNING THE YOUNG AGAINST THE OLD We have to set a course for It’s wonderful that older lifelong learning... But it isn’t people are now living lon- ger and can play active roles just the companies that are

PHOTOGRAPHY: PA/DPA PHOTOGRAPHY: on behalf of their society for

PHOTOGRAPHY: PA/DPA PHOTOGRAPHY: responsible for lifelong a longer time. It’s wonderful that today there is a broader range of options available to learning… The employees and job older people who want to be active, as the forums today have shown. It’s good that seekers are responsible for their own we’re talking about the fact that there is life- long learning, and that our society is called development too. on not to stop learning at age 16, 18 or 22, Arndt G. Kirchhoff, Chairman of the Small and Medium-Sized Businesses as may have been the case in the past, but in- Committee of the Federation of German Industries (BDI) stead to say: “Our world is so exciting that we want to go on learning our whole lives.”… If we think that our prosperity would be a more humane, more compassionate prosper- ity if the people who are 50, 52, 54 or 55 MISTAKEN THINKING were considered scrap and had to be retired Until the year 2030 the population will shrink only moderately, by a few million from the workforce, then I can only say that at the most. But as early as 2010 we will have markedly fewer persons that is not a humane society… Our task is not gainfully employed — in absolute terms and as a share of the population as a to play off the young against the old but in- whole. This structural change is our basic problem. The most common age stead to develop an awareness that the abil- in the age pyramid of the year 2030 will be about 65. We have to reorganize

ities and skills of each generation are needed PRIVAT PHOTOGRAPHY: the economy. We have to learn that people over 50 are very valuable for in a society. The brisk proficiency that comes society. And we have to accept the fact that we were mistaken when we thought we didn’t need with experience is, if you’ll pardon my say- to have children because our pensions would come from the social security system. ing so, simply not present at age 18. Axel Börsch-Supan, Director of the Mannheim Research Institute for the Angela Merkel (CDU), Chancellor of Germany Economics of Aging (MEA)

61_Evonik_0407_EN 61 05.12.2007 18:51:35 Uhr 62 SHAPING LIVING EVONIK MAGAZINE 4/2007

Machines with Souls? TOM SCHIMMECK talks about machines that can play games, use a vacuum cleaner — and even show feelings. Still, a world of robots remains a vision of the future ILLUSTRATION: DIGITAL VISION DIGITAL ILLUSTRATION:

WHY DO THE JAPANESE LOVE ROBOTS? It has to do with impressive machines every year. These robots make things look Buddhism — or so I was once told by Professor Atsuo Takanishi, easier than they actually are, as each awkward movement is who has spent the last few decades bringing artificial beings the result of complex work carried out by numerous highly trained “to life.” “And before Buddhism we had animism, which maintains specialists — and all of this is starting to irritate the researchers. that everything in the universe has a soul,” says Takanishi, who After all, even earthworms have an amazingly wide range of move- teaches at Waseda University in Tokyo. The robotics expert ment. That’s why work in the field of robotics is now focused on recalls that whenever his grandmother saw a rock that looked like the search for simple mathematical formulas that produce elegant it had a face, she would pick it up, take it to a shrine, and pray. movements — with a heavy emphasis on “elegance.” Organic, inorganic — there’s no difference in Japan. Takanishi is concentrating on practical applications. Together Many advances have been made in robotics, but most of the with the Japan Robotech company, he has developed basic kits that world’s robots are still being used in industry to transport materials enable everyone from grammar school kids to college students to and perform welding and bolting operations. In fact, 95 percent work on their own robots. He and a colleague, Akitoshi Katsumata of Japan’s annual robot manufacturing volume of roughly $4.75 of Asahi University, also have built the Waseda Asahi Oral Reha- billion is geared toward industrial applications. Other types of bilitation Robot, or WAO-1. This robot is used to treat mouth and robots are being built, though. There are animal-like robots that jaw problems, using its two arms to massage the face by applying answer questions and perform tricks, and intelligent vacuum exactly pre-programmed pressure from precise angles. This stimu- cleaners that clean entire apartments by themselves. Last year, lates saliva production and helps treat diseases such as arthritis Enon robots from Fujitsu began working as assistants in shops and of the jaw. Safety systems ensure that the robot arms never exert museums. And military officials are preparing their first big too much pressure. And safety is a crucial issue in robotics — even orders for robots, hoping to deploy practically indestructible war- in technology-crazed Japan. When it comes to approving medical riors and reconnaissance machines that can change their forms equipment, says Takanishi, Japanese authorities are very strict — and move through even the tiniest cracks in a structure. SeQ-1, much stricter than in Germany. Obviously it would be disastrous a new security robot in Taiwan, is 140 centimeters high, weighs for a robot to injure a child or a medical patient. 130 kilograms, can turn its head, and has glowing LED eyes. A robot developed in the U.S., named “da Vinci,” has been operating on Japan has a higher percentage of senior citizens than any other patients around the world for years now. “He’s remote controlled, country in the world (average life expectancy is approaching 83 though,” Takanishi explains, “which means nearly zero intelli- years), which is why researchers there are turning to machine-based gence.” None of today’s robots are even remotely capable of treat- systems to help solve creeping health care problems. One approach calls ing patients or actually performing surgery. for having robots serve as assistants and companions for the growing number of elderly people. Takanishi, who is 51, explains that his Takanishi has built robots that walk, smile and play the flute. father recently died, an event that led him to reflect on aging and “We’ve come a very long way,” he says, “but there are still a lot of death. “Sometimes I feel very tired,” he says with a smile. “I have problems to be solved and a lot of work to be done.” Takanishi’s more and more work to do with medical and health care robots.” In teacher, Ichiro Kato, built early versions of devices with artificial a sense, Takanishi is preparing for his own future, as retirement age at intelligence in Tokyo back in the 1970s. Years later, when his Waseda University is 70. “I’m going to need a lot of help then,” he students finished the first humanoid robot, they proudly brought says. He believes that young people should care for their parents, but: it to Kato’s grave. So what are the challenges today? “Human “I don’t want my children to have to worry about my health all the intelligence is extraordinary, particularly when compared time, and I don’t want to have to ask for help — not from my family and to artificial intelligence,” says Takanishi, displaying a degree of not from a nurse. I’d like to be independent, so it would be good to humility few of his robotics colleagues share. RoboCup — the have a robot that could do things for me.” So, would he prefer it to be annual world soccer championship for robots — feature more male or female? “Hopefully female,” says Takanishi.<

For Tom Schimmeck, 48, looking into the research laboratories of the future is fascinating. He has written for the TAZ, Tempo, Der Spiegel and Die Woche, among other publications. The illustration is an abstract computer-generated digital composition

62_Evonik_0407_EN Abs2:62 05.12.2007 18:50:48 Uhr 3ENDAFUTUREWWWCAREDE



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