On the Breeding Biology of the White Motacilla albs in Central Finland


LEINONEN, 1V1. [Huunalankatu 40 D 14, SF-33560 Tampere 56, Finland] 1973. - On the breeding biology of the Motacilla alba in Central Finland. Ornis Fenn. 50 :5.3-82. The breeding biology of a White Wagtail population living along a water course area in Central Finland was investigated from 1967 to 1972 . Basic material for the study was derived from 309 nests found. Breeding behaviour was studied from hiding huts. Further data were gathered during visits to other nests. The spring arrival of the to the study area was investigated, as well as their dispersal to territories, choice of nest-sites, nest building, and nest constructions in different nest-sites . Egg laying in the study area and in southern Finland were compared. The annual variations in the onset of egg laying were compared with May temperatures . The average clutch size was compared with data from southern Finland, and the clutch sizes in different years were compared. Clutch size shows a seasonal decrease. Clutch sizes in second and repeat clutches were also studied. Hatching and fledging success of the White Wagtail were compared with open nesters and hole nesters. Breeding success was studied also in respect to the time of egg laying and clutch size. Incubation was studied, especially the length of attentive and inattentive periods, the share of sexes in incubation, and the time spent daily in incubation. The length of incubation and nestling stages were determined. Hatching, brooding, feeding, nest sanitation, fledging, and dispersal of the brood were investigated, as well as the weight development of the young. The numbers of second and repeat nests were taken under consideration, especially their occurrence within the same territory as the first one.

1. Introduction 53 10.2. Hatching 71 2. Study area and methods 54 10.3. Brooding 71 3. Migration and occupation of 10.4. Feeding 72 territories 55 10.5. Nest sanitation, dead nestlings 74 4. Nests and nest-sites 56 10.6. Growth of nestlings 75 4.1. Choice of nest-site and nest building 56 10.7. Post-fledging season 75 4.2. Nest-sites 57 11. Length of the nesting; repeat and 4.3. Nest structure 58 second clutches 77 5. Egg laying 59 Acknowledgements 78 6. Clutch size 60 Selostus 78 7. Hatching success 63 References 79 8. Behaviour during incubation 64 8.1. Duration of the incubation period 64 8.2. Share of sexes in incubation 65 8.3. Length of attentive and inattentive 1. Introduction periods 65 8 .4. The time used daily for incubation 67 There are many species living even 8 .5. Other aspects of the behaviour in settled areas, and hence easily stu- during incubation 67 9. Fledging success 69 died, which have not been studied in 10. Nestling stage 70 any detail yet. Such studies are neces- 10.1 . Length of nestling period 70 sary as they enable general conclusions 54 ORNIS FENNICA Vol. 50, 1973

The White Wagtail Motacilla alba is one of these common , which has been little studied . DROST & SCHUZ (1940, p. 160) waited for "eine öko- logische Erforschung einer geschlossenen Gruppe mit Hilfe des Ringes and sorg- fältiger Beobachtung" concerning this species. GLUTZ VON BLOTZHEIM (1962, p. 401) stressed that there are many open questions in the breeding biology of the Wagtail. Since then the situation has not cleared . The aim of this paper is to report the main results of my studies on the breeding biology and behaviour of a Wagtail population living along a water course in Central Finland.

2. Study area and methods The study area consists of the water course of Keuruu in Mdnttä City and Keuruu Commune (62°02'N-62°12'N and 24°35'1-24°45'E ) shown in Fig. 1. In both communes the areas with a dense human population were excluded. The area under consideration covers about 70 sq. km . ranging in east-west direction from 2 to 7 km. and in north-south direction about 21 km. The total length of shore lines, all islands included, is about 230 km. In this paper the study area is called the Keuruu water course area. The northernmost part of it, covering about 5 sq. km. with a shore line of some 11 km., is called the north- ern part of Keurusselkä. The Keuruu water course area is a typical example of a chain of dystrophic lakes in Central Finland. Aquatic vegetation is scarce. Most shores are characterized by cliffs and stones mainly with shrub in between and woods at the back. Only on about a tenth of the shore lines, eutrophic plants are growing. The number of isles and islets totals about 350. Only some little islets are not wooded. Human settlement in the study area is characterized by solitary houses or small vil- lages. In 1972, about 30 farms and 240 sum- mer residences were situated along the lake FIG. 1 . Study area Keuruu water course area shores, there being 1.2 buildings per 1 shore- in central Finland. line km. The numbers of summer-houses are increasing ; at present they are least numerous in the central parts of the study area. Further details were given in earlier papers (LEINO- about factors affecting the breeding in NEN 1964 a and b). birds (e.g. LACK 1947, 1948, 1954, In 1967-1970, the breeding biology was studied mainly in the northern parts of Keu- 1966, 1968; NICE 1957; MARSHALL russelkä . The numbers of breeding Wagtails 1959 ; KLOMP 1970 ; PERRINS 1970) . varied here year to year from 15 to 17 pairs.

M. Leinonen: Breeding biology of White Wagtail 55

In 1971-1972, investigations were carried out arrive at e.g. Lieksa (150 km north of throughout the entire study area, where the (300 breeding population consisted of about 165 Keuruu) and Oulu km north) pairs. The study is based on 309 nests found. only 1-3 days later. Thus the species Breeding behaviour was studied mostly in migrates rapidly through south and the northern parts of Keurusselka . The incu- central Finland to the boundaries of bation of Wagtails was observed from a hiding but at 8 nests totalling 210 hours, the nestling Lapland, where the migration goes on stage at 7 nests during 195 hours. During the more slowly according to MER I KALL IO incubation period in 94 % of the recordings, (1954) . the observer saw the nest, during the nestling According to KIV I RIKKO (1947), period the corresponding percentage was 72. BENT LEHTONEN The recording usually continued from 3 to 5 (1950), (1955) and hours. For each day of the incubation and BLAEDEL (1959), males arrive earlier nestling periods, I have observations of at least than females. This was confirmed at 10 hours. My continuous observations con- Tampere. cerned first clutches, and all nests were placed in artificial sites. Further data were obtained Among Wagtails observed on the shores of from visits to other nests. the lakes Näsijärvi and Pyhäjärvi during April Apparently, individual birds differ in their 14 through 24, 1967, 58.9 % were males, behaviour somewhat, although in my opinion 14.1 % females, and in the rest the sex was the differences were not striking at the nests undetermined . The total number of birds I studied . Hence, in the following no atten- recorded was 78. In Iidesjärvi area, on the tion is paid to probable individual differences . other hand, during April 18-19, 1967, 38 In the field work several schoolboys gave Wagtails were seen, half of which were males, valuable assistance. The field work was made 5 % females and the rest undetermined as to as follows (during some of the days, 2 or 3 their sex. Five of the males had already groups were working simultaneously) : occupied a territory . In Iidesjärvi area, during April 16-25 1973, the observations of migrating Wagtails were as follows :

In addition, migration was recorded at Tam- (About 20.4 . there began a big wave of pere 14-24.4.1967 and 16-25.4.1973. migration, apparently coinciding with high temperatures . It stopped after some days, with the arrival of cooler air.) 3. Migration and occupation of territories The dates, at which territories were occupied in the Keuruu water course The first Wagtails arrived at Mänttä- area, could not be determined exactly Keuruu in the middle of April, the dates as the field work was usually not of first records ranging from April 8 to started before the beginning of May. April 22 with a mean of April 14 However, some conclusions could be ± 0.72 (29 years, 1932-1972) . These drawn from the following observations . data were gathered from the archives of A. O. Salonen (unpubl.) and local In 1969, 1970 and 1972, between May 1 ornithologists . and 5, 182 records of Wagtails were made . Of these records, 24.4 % concerned pairs, According to v. HAARTMAN et al. 31.3 % males and 7.2 % females in their ter- (1971), the Wagtails arrive on the ritories . 22.4 % concerned individual Wagtails, coast of southern Finland (Turku, Hel- who had not yet settled down in the territo- sinki, about 250 km south of Keuruu), ries, 9.3 % little flocks with two individuals and the rest, only 5.4 % flocks with at least on an average, 8-9 days before the three individuals . Thus, the occurrence of Keuruu area. On the other hand, they dispersed flocks, characteristic of the migra- 56 ORNIS FENNICA Vol. 50, 1973 tion period (e.g. v. HAARTMAN et al. 1971), male was seen to take part in nest build- had already come to an end and the majority of the Wagtails had settled down in their ter- ing only in the beginning; at the end of ritories already early in May. nest building the female worked alone. In 1968, in the northern part of Keurus- Several authors have made corres- selkä the following was observed. On May 5 ponding observations (WRIGHT 1924, eight territories were occupied, on May 7 ten, ELLIOTT SCHWEINSTEIGER on May 13 twelve, and on May 18 fifteen, 1932, 1933, which was the total number of pairs breeding 1938, GEYR VON SCHWEPPENBURG in that area during the year in question. 1942, 1943, DORNBUSCH 1968) . How- ever, there seem to be great individual Thus, a great part of the Wagtail variations which apparently explain the population of the study area, had occu- great discrepancies in the opinions of pied territories about a fortnight after handbooks about the share of sexes in the first arrival, at a time when the nest building. lakes of Keuruu water course were still On May 15 and 16, 1972, I saw a female covered by ice. The mean date of ice building a nest in an attic of a summer resi- melt in the area is 6 . 5 . according to the dence in the northern part of Keurusselkä. Hydrological Office. The rest of the Simultaneously, the male was building another territories were occupied within a few nest in the attic of a nearby bath-house . On May 21, the female laid her first egg in the following days. These results are in good nest built by herself. The nest built by the accord with those presented by e.g. male was left uncompleted. But the second PEUSSA (1965) and TAKATALO (1966), clutch of the pair was laid in the nest built that in the whole country Wagtail flocks by the male (laying started on about 4.7.) . I have two other observations of the male disperse rapidly after migration with the building a nest of his own simultaneously with pairs settling down in their territories . the female. In both cases these nests remained uncompleted. Corresponding records were made by ELLIOTT (1932, 1933) and NETHER- 4 . Nests and nest-sites SOLE-THOMPSON (1943) . 4 .1 . Choice of nest-site and nest building In the study area the nest building - Both sexes sought for a suitable nest- took usually from 4 to 7 days. It was Site (Vgl. SCHWEINSTEIGER 1938, GEYR determined exactly in only 13 nests, the VON SCHWEPPENBURG 1942, 1943, total range being from 3 to 13 days. NETHERSOLE-THOMPSON 1943) . Accord- Cold weather often interrupted the nest ing to my observations, the female building completely or at least slowed seemed to be more active. It is, however, it down. difficult to say, whether the female or The nest was completed from 1 to 3 the male chose the nest-site. The nest- days before the first egg was laid (in site seemed to be selected several days 67 % of observations ; n = 84) . Rela- before the nest building began (also tively often, the nest was finished SCHWEINSTEIGER 1938), as birds were already 4 to 6 days before laying more alarmed close to the future nest (26 %), rarely from 7 to 10 days before than otherwhere in the territory, and (7 7o)1 . The pairs studied by SCHWEIN- they flew occasionally to the nest-site STEIGER (1938) and LöHRL (1957) without beginning nest building. On the had complete nests 2 days before the other hand, the pair could begin nest first eggs were laid in them. I have not building in 2 or 3 places before finally observed any nest building by a Wagtail choosing the nest-site. after the first egg has been laid. According to my observations at 27 Thus, in the Keuruu water course nests, the male took part in nest building area, most Wagtails were building their roughly in every fourth case . At 6 nests, nests at the end of the first third of the male was seen to build alone. The May. The time lag between the arrival

M. Leinonen: Breeding biology of White Wagtail 57

TABLE 1 . Nest-sites of the White Wagtail according to four Finnish studies . H & P = HYTÖ- NEN & PUTKONEN (1937), v.H = v. HAARTMAN (1969), A = ARo (1971), K = Keuruu, water course area (1967-72) .

in the spring and the onset of nest build- fairly evenly, although sparsely along the ing and egg laying is rather long in the water course. Buildings are surrounded Wagtail. by open terrain which is one of the habitat requirements of the species. In 4.2. Nest-sites - HYTÖNEN & PUT- summer-houses and outbuildings, birds KONEN (1937) grouped nest-sites of the often have free access to attics. A house Wagtail. The same grouping has been or a group of buildings on an open shore thereafter used by v. HAARTMAN (1969) (waterside) apparently forms such a and ARo (1971), despite the fact that strong stimulus to a Wagtail searching there are obvious difficulties in this for a nesting site as does the wall of a grouping. In Table 1, my data are com- house to Delichon urbica (LIND 1960) . pared with the mentioned ones. (For In such artificial places where similar the details of the grouping, see v. structures repeat themselves, the Wag- HAARTMAN 1969) . tails may build multiple nests, as do The preference of artificial sites as a also, e.g. Muscicapa striata, Turdus nesting place is evident from Table 1 . merula and T. iliacus. So, in attics and In the Keuruu water course area, 71 % on ridgepols several nests, finished or of the nests found in artificial sites were unfinished, were found side by side placed in buildings. Apparently, at least relatively often in places where birds the following facts have influenced the have free entrance to their nest-sites preference of man-made habitats as nest- from several directions and where the ing ground of Wagtails in my study area. bird coming with nest material does not The human settlement is distributed see the actual nest-sites when entering 58 ORNIS FENNICA Vol. 50, 1973

TABLE 2. Height of nest-site in the Keuruu water course area.

Nest Nest-site on the Nest above the ground, cm ground

1-99 100-199 200-299 300 N Buildings 6 19 37 91 23 176 Wood constructions, heaps and piles 12 17 9 2 1 41 Stone constructions 2 30 3 - - 35 Natural sites 53 1 - - - 54 Total 73 67 49 93 24 306

the attic. At most, I have found from mosses etc., were brought to this part 4 to 6 nests. TYLER (1972) has made of the nest. As a result, the framework similar records concerning Motacilla was both large and high, surrounding cinerea. the rest of the nest totally. Inside the In natural habitats Wagtails nest framework the frame was usually easily mostly on the ground or close to it. loosened from the nest cup. The frame Simultaneously with the change to breed and the cup were, as to their structure in artificial sites, the Wagtails have in principal, similar as in nests built in changed to breed higher above the natural holes, but often in the preceding ground. In Table 2 the heights of nests more materials were used. In artificial in different sites in the Keuruu water sites Wagtails sometimes made a new course area are given. The most common nest on the one used a year before, and height, from 2 to 3 m, is the usual height hence, the nest was still more enlarged. of attics, as measured from the ground. Ten nests were taken from natural holes after breeding and dried. The dry weights of nest material ranged from 4.3 . Nest structure - The Wagtail 13 to 74 g, the mean weight being 44 g. nest in a natural hole or niche was Ten nests from artificial sites in attics usually relatively small sized. The frame (only nests used during one season were was built of small twigs, roots, mosses, weighed) varied in their dry weights leaves, dry grasses, bits of bark, etc. The from 47 to 164 g, their mean being frame was often uncomplete, as it did 108 g. The differences in nest sizes were not totally surround the actual nest. The essentially due to the great framework cup was lined with softer material, e.g. in nests situated in artificial sites. hairs and horsehairs, dry grasses, wool, Thus, the Wagtail in natural holes etc., rarely with feathers (down) . The made a small nest consisting of two cup was easily loosened from the frame, parts, and in artificial sites with wider which was easily distinguished from space a larger one of three parts. Ro material surrounding it on the ground. SENIUS (1926), LÖVENSKIÖLD (1947) In artificial sites, most typically in and CORTI (1956) mentioned that attics, the outer parts of the nest were Wagtail nests vary greatly as to their built by the Wagtail of many, often sizes. Motacilla capensis when breeding several hundred, twigs among which in shrubs, built a large level base and there might also be relatively big ones. framework to support the nest (SKEAD In addition, other material, e.g. leaves, 1954) . M. Leinonen: Breeding biology of White Wagtail 59

5 . Egg laying TABLE 3. Start of egg laying . Data from central and south Finland according to v. Wagtails lay one egg a day. Only once have HAARTMAN 1969. I found an exception: in 1969, in the northern part of Keurusselkä, there was 1 egg in a Time Keuruu water nest on May 25 at 5.20 o'clock. On May 26 of course area Central South at 18.00, there was still 1 egg, on May 27 at start 1967-72 Finland Finland 8.50 2 eggs, and thereafter egg laying took place normally, the sixth egg was laid on May 1-5.5. - - 2 31. The weather at that time was not unusual, 6-10.5. 1 1 10 although before the onset of egg laying there 11-15.5. 22 1 22 were some cold days. 16-20.5. 70 4 50 Egg laying took place during morning hours 21-25.5. 58 6 27 between 3 .30 to 6.00. The earliest record was 25-30.5. 37 - 7 11 before 3 .48 and the last at 5.50 o'clock 31.5-4.6. 13 6 9 (n = 33) . 5-9.6. 8 2 10 If a nest was found during the laying 10-14.6. 6 - 6 period, the date of the laying of the first egg 15-19.6. 6 - 9 could be estimated exactly, as Wagtails lay one 20-24.6. 5 - 6 egg a day. As to nests found within nestling 25-29.6. 8 1 12 period, the onset of breeding could also be 30.6-4.7. 6 1 ' 5 estimated fairly accurately, as the age of 5-9.7. 1 1 1 nestlings could be calculated on the basis of their weight and plumage development, and Total 241 30 180 the incubation usually takes 12.6 days, at mean (subsection 8.1.). Some single nestlings might be lost, and hence, the dates of the first eggs laid might be biased to a later date. The samples of 1971 and 1972 (n = 134) were tested by comparing direct observations concerning the exact dates of the laying of the in the onset of laying cannot be drawn, first egg with those determined by the above as the data from south Finland are method, and the results were in agreement. derived from a long period, in those of the Keuruu area a little more than half According to Table 3, the peak of egg are from two years, 1971 and 1972. laying in the Keuruu water course area The dates of the first eggs laid in May was the same as in southern Finland, in the Keuruu area are summarized in 16-20.5. (v. HAARTMAN 1969) . How- the following tabulation: ever, the egg laying seems to begin in southern Finland earlier, the difference First observation Mean date n is statistically significant ( (X2 = 32.46, f = 13, P < 0.01) . In the Keuruu water 1967 18 24±1 .2 12 1968 10 22±1 .4 20 course area, in clutches started between 1969 15 22-±:1 .9 9 1 May and 24 June (after the latter date 1970 16 23--± 1.1 13 second clutches were possible), 10 .2 % 1971 11 19`1± 0.5 60 of the Wagtail population started their 1972 11 21±0.5 74 egg laying during the first half of May, while the corresponding figure in south- The annual variations seen in the ern Finland was 21.0 % (Table 3) . The tabulation are statistically directive difference is statistically significant (bino- (analysis of variance, P < 0.02) . The mial t-test, P < 0.005) . Along the Keu- results of 1971 and 1972 (Figs. 2 and ruu water course area 83.2 % the Wag- 3) differ significantly from one another tails, and in southern Finland 87 .7 % (X2 = 5.86, f = 1, P < 0 .01) . In May, began laying in May. The difference is 1971, 68 .4 % of the clutches were com- not statistically significant (P > 0.05) . menced 11-20.5 . ; in 1972, the corres- Positive conclusions about differences ponding figure, was 45.4 %.

60 ORNIS FENNICA VOI. 50, 1973

FIG. 2. Start of egg laying and maximum and minimum daily air temperatures in May 1971.

In both years the first pairs laid evenly than during the previous spring. their first eggs at a time which was In both years the first pairs started preceded by relatively high temperatures their laying about 10 days earlier than about 5 days before. The temperatures the main part of the population . had been measured at Kuorevesi Me- From the above, it can be seen that teorological Station about 25 km south temperatures affected the onset of of the Keurusselkä area. In 1971, how- breeding of Wagtails as it does also that ever, the main part of the population of many other of the tem- began laying, after a cold period lasting perate zone (e.g. NICE 1937, KEN 2-3 days. As a releasing factor, there DEIGH 1941, MARSHALL 1949, LACK was apparently the warm period in the 1950, 1954, KLUYVER 1951, 1952, beginning of the second third of May, DAVIS 1955, MYRES 1955, SNOW 1955, preceding the above mentioned cold 1958, 1969, NEWTON 1964, SEEL 1969, days . Especially the minimum tempera- PERRINS 1970) . tures were high at that time. The onset of egg laying in 1972, at a later time 6 . Clutch size than a year before, was likely due to the relatively low temperatures in the Clutch size was regarded complete second third of May. Variations in the when : (1) it remained the same during dates on which the first eggs were laid two successive visits with a time lag of in different nests were greater in 1972, at least 24 hours in between, (2) it was obviously as a result of the fact that determined at most 10 days before temperatures raised slowly and more hatching (the shortest incubation ob-

M. Leinonen: Breeding biology of White Wagtail 61

FIG. 3. Start of egg laying and maximum and minimum daily air temperatures in May 1972. Ray 1971.

served lasted 11 days, see subsection tistically significant (X2 = 11.84, f = 5, 8 .1 .) or (3) when the nest was visited P < 0.05) . Most records of v. HAART- during hatching when hatched young MAN are likely from southern Finland, and unhatched eggs were counted (cf. where the mean of clutches started in e.g. H ILDEN 1969, HAUKIOJA 1970) . May was 5.6 ± 0.08 (n = 76) . In the Single eggs were recorded to disappear Keuruu area, the corresponding mean from only two nests, so this did not was 5.8± 0.06 (n = 147) . The differ- cause any error in the determination of ence is statiscally directive (X = 6.93, clutch size. f = 3, P < 0.1) . Although the data of The size of 210 clutches was deter- my study and those of v. HAARTMAN mined (Table 4), the mean being are from different years, it seems pos- 5.7 ± 0 .04. According to v. HAARTMAN sible that the clutch size of Wagtails (1969), the mean was 5 .4 ±0.05 . The increases with increasing latitude, as difference between these figures is sta- suggested also by v. HAARTMAN (1969) .

TABLE 4. Clutch size. Whole Finland according to v. HAARTMAN 1969 .

Clutch size

2 3 4 5 6 7 X±Sg N Keuruu water course area - - 11 55 142 2 5.7± 0.04 210 Whole Finland 1 5 21 60 119 3 5.4±0.05 209

62 ORNI s FENNICA Vol. 50, 1973

TABLE 5. Clutch size in the Keuruu water course area 1967-72.

Clutch size

4 5 6 7 X±Sg N 1967 2 4 14 -_ 5.6±0.16 20 1968 - 4 12 1 5.8±0.13 17 1969 - 2 5 - 5.7+0.19 7 1970 - 1 12 - 5.9:Luo 13 1971 3 23 51 1 5.6-±:0.07 78 1972 6 21 48 - 5.6± 0.08 75 Total 11 55 142 2 5.7±0.04 210

According to ARO (1971), the mean size of A clear-cut decrease took clutches, started at latest on June 6, was place in the 5.9- -± 0.05 (n=36) in the Helsinki archi- middle of June (10-14.6. clutch size pelago and according to PUTKONEN (1942) 5 .8 ; 15-19.6 . 5.3) . KLOMP (1970) that from Vyborg (Viipuri) area 5.6 (ranging mentioned about 30 passerines with a from 4 to 7, n =26) . The results of these similar trend of decreasing two samples will not be compared with those clutch size of the present investigation or of v. HAART- by the season. Among these species MAN (1969), as according to v. HAARTMAN there were no species of the (1967) many sources of error (e.g. small Motacilla . LACK (1947), on the contrary sample size, local, annual or seasonal varia- included the whole family Motacillidae tions) can be eliminated only by having a sample which is large enough. among this group. In the Keuruu area 15 instances were recorded, when, probably, Variations in the clutch size of the the same Wagtail pair nested in the same territory White Wagtail throughout Europe ap- after losing the parently are relatively small. According first clutch. The mean clutch size for these repeat clutches was to GLUTZ v. BLOTZHE IM (1962), the 5.1 0.17 mean of Swiss ± . The difference between clutches from April these and clutches started in through June is 5.6-5.7 (cf. also e.g. May is highly significant (Xz = 16.71, f = 3, LOVENSKIOLD 1947, DEMENT'ev & P G 0.001) . GLADKOV 1954, CORTI 1956, WITHER- After successful first breeding 17 By et al. 1958) . times the supposedly same pair was ob- Clutch sizes of Wagtails in the Keu- served to renest ruu area during the study period are . The mean size of these second clutches was - given in Table 5. Data from 1967-70 4.9 :± 0.05, which are scarce, but it is quite obvious that annual variations were minute, differ- TABLE 6. Clutch size in ten-day periods in ences in the data being not significant. the Keuruu water course area 1967-72. The consistence of the clutch size from year to year likely agrees with the fact Clutch size that the onset of breeding each spring Start of -±:S= took place on roughly the same dates egg laying N (section 5) . Seasonal variation in clutch size is 11-20.5. 5.8+0.06 71 presented in Table 6. 21-30.5. 5.7±0.07 76 Clutch size de-, 31.5-9.6. 5.6+0.21 14 creased toward the end of the nesting 10-19.6. 5.6±0.18 10 period as is the rule in Finland in 20-29.6. 4.8±0.15 6 birds (v. HAARTMAN 1971) . 4.60.23 6

M. Leinonen: Breeding biology of White Wagtail 63

differs highly from that of the clutches TABLE 7. Losses of eggs in the Keuruu water course area 1967-72. started in May (X2 = 24.49, f = 3, P < 0.001) . In repeat broods, 60.0 % Clutches 207 of the females laid a smaller clutch than Eggs in clutches, at least 1147 in their first broods ; in second broods Unhatched single eggs 45= 3.9 % the corresponding figure was 88 .2 %. Lost nests 35 The rest of the females laid the same Eggs in lost nests 173=15.2 % Total losses of eggs 218=19.1 % number of eggs in both clutches . Losses of eggs/clutch 1.05 Clutch sizes of repeat and second clutches also demonstrate the signific- ance of the date of laying in the forma- tion of clutch size. differences in hatching success have been recorded, e.g. in Muscicapa striata (SUMMERS-SMITH 1952), Phylloscopus 7. Hatching success trochilus (CRAMP 1955) and Fringilla coelebs (NEWTON 1964) . Losses of eggs are shown in Table 7 . According to Table 8, the number of The words 'at least' on the second line single unhatched eggs was higher in late point to the fact that in this connection, clutches than in early ones. The differ- also such nests (n = 10) were taken ence between clutches commenced in into account, which failed before full May and those commenced later is clutch size was reached. highly significant (X2 = 10.84, f = 1, The total number of eggs hatched in P < 0.001) . The factors causing this the Keuruu area was 80.9 %. ARo effect will be dealt with in a later paper. (1971) found a similar result, 80.5 %, Also more of the whole clutches were in the Helsinki archipelago . lost during the summer months than in The importance of the nesting site May. Differences are not significant, in breeding success has been demon- however. strated by, e.g. NICE (1937, 1957) and The clutch size of the Wagtail varied LACK (1954) . The Wagtails of the so little that it hardly had any effect on Keuruu water course area had a better the numbers of young hatching. In hatching success than have open nesters clutches with 6 to 7 eggs (n = 835 and it was not much lower than in true eggs), 4.2 % of the eggs dit not hatch, hole nesters . in clutches with 4 to 5 eggs (n = 281), In some passerines, the hatching it was correspondingly 3.9 %. This success seems to depend on the date of difference is not significant. Neither laying. Significant factors may be, e.g. were there differences in respect to changes in temperature, food or shelter clutch size among nests which totally during the breeding season . Seasonal failed to hatch.

TABLE 8. Losses of eggs as related to date.

Start of , . Unhatched Eggs in Total Number of egg laying single eggs lost nests losses eggs 11-30.5. 3.5 01o 9.6% 13.1% 854 31 .5.-19.6. 10.7% 16.1% 26.8% 123 20.6-9.7. 8.8% 14.3 01o 23.1% 72

64 ORNI s FENNICA Vol. 50, 1973

8. Behaviour during incubation The nests where one egg of the com- plete clutch was lacking were inspected 8.1 . Duration of the incubation period 40 times. At 67 .5 % of the inspections, - During the study period, 101 ins- the nest was empty and the eggs were pections were made of clutches still cold. During this period the female was lacking at least two eggs. During 93 % seen to incubate 12 times, the male only of the visits, neither of the parents was once. According to observations made incubating, and the eggs were cold. from hiding huts, periods on the eggs Seven times the female was found in at that time were short, and the the nest in such connection that egg rhythm of incubation irregular, the nest laying was excluded. The male was being empty for about 80 % of the seen in the nest only once during this day (Figs. 5, 6, 7) . At that time, the period. Three females of the seven were eggs are rather brooded than incubated seen on May 21-22, 1971, when (RYVES 1943, SWANBERG 1950) . Ac- weather conditions were unusually bad cording to KENDEIGH (1963), brooding (Fig. 2), three other observations were only insignificantly contributes to the also made during rather cool periods, development of the embryo, as the tem- and only one during more or less nor- perature of the egg does not increase mal temperature . Obviously, the female during brooding. tried to shelter her eggs during the The duration of the incubation period laying period, although it has been in the Keuruu water course area from established (e.g. BALDWIN & KEN- the laying of the last egg to the hatching DEIGH 1932) that low temperatures of the last young is shown in the follow- have no significant influence on unincu- ing tabulation. bated eggs . Apparently there are also individual variations in the start of in- cubation. The female observed by SCHWEINSTEIGER (1938) was sitting in the nest during morning hours during the laying season. The White Wagtail female of the mixed pair M. cinerea x The duration of the incubation period M. alba recorded by DORNBUSCH (1968) among the Wagtails of the Keuruu area seemed to incubate two days before the was influenced by the date of laying clutch was completed. (Table 9) . The incubation period shor-

FIG. 4. Length of peri- ods of incubation . White column = female, black column = male.

M. Leinonen : Breeding biology of White Wagtail 65

TABLE 9. Length of incubation as related to date.

Start of Length of incubation in days Mean air egg laying temperature

11 12 13 14 15 16 X±Sz N 1-20.5. 2 7 9 4 2 - 13.3-L0.24 24 11.6°C 21-30.5. 6 11 8 7 1 1 12.7±0.22 34 13.6°C 31.5.-9.7. 6 5 - - - - 11.50.16 11 14.6°C

tened 0.03 day per day of the breeding marized in the following tabulation. season. Possibly the temperature causes (The female spends the night on the the shortening of the length of the nest.) Records were made at observa- incubation period, as temperatures rise tion nests (210 hours) and during with the advancing of the nest season . visits to other nests (n = 537 observa- This was shown by V. HAARTMAN tions of complete clutches) . (1956) in the case of Ficedula hypo- leuca (see also DAVIS 1955, KENDEIGH Observation Other 1963, EL-WAILLY 1966) . nests nests Clutches with 6 eggs (n = 53) were Female incubated 61.3% 49.6% incubated on an average 12.6 ± 0.14 Male 11 24.0% 17.5% 16) Sex undetermined - 11.7% days, those with 4 to 5 eggs (n = No incubation 14.7% 21.2% 12.3 ± 0 .28 days. This small material does not indicate that clutch size had an effect on the duration of incubation. The greater number of incubation pauses in the data gathered on visits 8 .2 . Share of sexes in incubation - may partly be due to the fact that the The female Wagtail gets an incubation incubating bird may have left unnoticed. patch on her belly, when incubation About a fourth of all incubation tak- begins. This physiological change does ing place during the daytime was done not take place in the male. BAI LEY by the male (cf. LöHRL 1957) . In this (1952), DAVIS (1955) and SKUTCH respect, the White Wagtail of the Keu- (1957) demonstrated that among some ruu area does not differ from related passerines, the male in spite of lacking species (M. flava, SMITH 1950; M. the incubation patch takes part in incu- cinerea, EGGEBRECHT 1939, BOASE bation. His incubation has value at least 1952, TYLER 1972 ; M. clara, MOREAU in reducing heat losses during the ab- 1949; M. capensis, SKEAD 1954) . sence of the female. According to hand- books, the males of the genus Motacilla, 8.3. Length of attentive and inattentive incubate, although less than the females . periods - In full clutches, periods on Among some bird species the male, the nest before hatching lasted on an when beginning to incubate, raises average 27.7 min. The attentive periods feathers on his belly in order to obtain of other Motacilla species have been of better contact with the eggs. So behaved approximately the same length, although the male of Motacilla flava (SMITH individual variations and small samples 1950), and according to my observa- in most studies restrict possibilities for tions, also the White Wagtail. further conclusions , (M. flava, SMITH Records about the sharing by sexes 1950 ; M. cinerea, EGGEBRECHT 1939, in incubation during the day are sum- TYLER 1972; M. clara, MoREAu 1949) . 66 ORNIs FENNICA VOI. 50, 1973

FIG. 5. Length of spells of incubation in female and male during incubation period.

The periods on the nest were, on those of Phoenicurus phoenicurus (Bux- average, 31 .9 min. in the female Wag- TON 1950) and of Melospiza melodia tail, 21 .3 min. in the male . Further data (NICE 1943) . are seen in Fig. 4. According to data given in Fig. 5, According to LIND (1960) Delichon lengths of attentive periods of the Wag- urbica has very short attentive periods. tail were typical from the very beginn- He assumed that insectivorous song ing of incubation, and did not clearly birds usually have short attentive change, when incubation progressed. periods, because "sie ihre Nahrung These results agree with those of schnell verdauen and infolgedessen bald MOREAU (1949) concerning M. clara. wieder hungrig sind" (p. 77) . Appar- Attentive periods were at their shortest ently this holds true in respect to such in the middle of incubation. No signifi- insectivores as e.g. Swallows which cant changes in the lengths of attentive feed on light' insects. Motacilla-species periods took place from morning to feed on different, often large-sized in- evening during the whole incubation. sects which likely are not digested The mean for incubation pauses in in a short time, as attentive periods complete clutches before hatching be- in the whole genus are rather long gan, was 7 .5 min. The pair observed by and sometimes may last more than LÖHRL (1957) had pauses of 6.5 min, an hour (EGGEBRECHT 1939, MOREAU on an average. Most pauses were caused 1949, SMITH 1950, BUXTON 1954) . only by the change of the incubating According to NICE (1943), the average bird. When pauses were grouped in attentive periods of 10 passerines, was periods of 5 minutes (1-5, 6-10 etc), 29.8 min, which is almost the same as it was established that the numbers of that of the Wagtail in the Keuruu area. pauses decreased continuously with in- The attentive periods of the Wagtail crease in time. Pauses of more than half last longer than e.g. those of Passer an hour were recorded under un- domesticus (SUMMERS-SMITH 1963, disturbed conditions only a few times. DECKERT 1969) which feeds on miscel- According to MOREAU (1949), M. clara laneous items, and roughly as long as does not usually have incubation pauses

M. Leinonen: Breeding biology of White Wagtail 67

FIG. 6. Variation in length of incubation pauses during incubation period .

which exceed 15 min. NICE (1943) (Fig. 7) . The behaviour during incu- gave the average length of incubation bation developes as a rule gradually pauses in ten passerines as 8 .5 min. (e.g. KENDEIGH 1963, WEEDEN 1966) . The lengths of incubation pauses A distinct change in the drive takes changed, however, when incubation place in the beginning of incubation. advanced (Fig. 6) . During the first This probably explains the great in- days of incubation, pauses were long, crease in the time used for incubation but thereafter they shortened close to during the first days of incubation. the mean, and towards the end of incu- After the 10th day of incubation, adults bation to below the mean. mostly changed their incubation turn without any pauses. MOREAU (1949) 8.4. The time used daily for incubation observed rather similar development in - The Wagtails of the Keuruu area the incubation of M. clara, in which incubated 85.3 % of the day time, on adult birds changed their incubation an average, according to records made turns without pauses during the two at nests under direct observation, and last days before hatching. 78 .8 % according to records made dur- Summarizing, the increase in the time ing visits to nests . The mean of ten used for incubation was not due to passerine species studied by NICE changes in the lengths of periods on (1943) was 75 % . The Wagtail, thus, the nest (Fig. 5), but in the shortening is rather intensive in incubation as of the incubation pauses (Fig. 6) . compared with many song birds (see also SKUTCH, 1962) . The pair recorded 8 .5. Other aspects of the behaviour by LÖHRL (1957) incubated 70 % of during incubation - When nesting the observation period . M. clara, accord- above the ground, the White Wagtail ing to MOREAU (1949), incubated of the Keuruu area arriving at the nest, during the first clutch from 66 to 90 %, first flew close to it. If not disturbed, during the second clutch from 54 to it often then jumped down on the 77 % of the day time. ground, there running a couple of me- The time spent in incubation changed, tres and thereafter flying up to the nest however, when incubation progressed almost ._ vertically. . .LöHRI. (1957) also 68 ORNIs FENNICA VOl . 50, 1973

FIG . 7. Percentage of time of incubation in day time during incubation period. observed that the adults ran to the nest. follows. She flew up from the nest According to SCHUCKING (1963), M. silently and arose with shivering wings cinerea behaves similarly. In this be- high up. Then she dropped down on the haviour the White Wagtail resembles ground and toddled there in stiff posi- related species that nest exclusively on tion with wings raised obliquely up- the ground as, e.g. M. flava (SMITH ward and shivering. Then her stiffness 1950), and also other passerines nest- decreased and the bird slowly let the ing on the ground as e.g. Emberiza wings fall down . Thereafter she twit- citrinella (WALLGREN 1956) . tered once and flew away. Apparently In artificial sites, the Wagtail has the bird showed distraction display changed to nest above the ground, but (NICE 1943, ARMSTRONG 1956, LACK the original habit of running to the 1965) . nest has so far remained unchanged. When the Wagtail incubated, it - On the contrary, when White Wag- especially the female - slept fairly tails nesting above the ground left the often. The sleeping was interrupted, nest, they usually flew directly from however, every now and then, and the it. The same was recorded by LöHRL bird was startled. During the day sleep- (1957) . The Yellow Wagtail runs ing lasted on an average 3 .9 min . at a some metres when leaving its nest time. Mostly the awakening was not (SMITH 1950) . This is the habit of the caused by any stimulus recognizable White Wagtail, too, when it nests on to the observer. Probably the species the ground. has a typical habit of controlling the When disturbed during incubation, environment with short intervals dur- the White Wagtail usually left the nest ing incubation which apparently has by jumping down, and then moving survival value. just above the ground or running on When the nest was situated in a place the ground for a short distance. Then from where the incubating bird did not the bird flew higher up and disappeared. see out, the bird coming to incubate Also this behaviour seems to refer to usually twittered once or twice before the nesting habits in original nesting entering the nest, usually at a fixed sites. place. If, on the other hand, the nest Six times I have seen a disturbed was so placed that the incubating bird female during incubation behave as was able to see the relieving one, the

M. Leinonen: Breeding biology of White Wagtail 69

latter was in most cases silent when TABLE 10. Losses of nestlings in the Keuruu arriving at the nest . Probably the sound water course area 1967-72. is a signal to the incubating bird to leave Broods 153 the nest. In M. cinerea similar behaviour Nestlings in broods 832 has been observed (TYLER 1972) . The Lost single nestlings 72 = 8.6 % pair observed by LöHRL (1957) be- Lost nests 24 Nestlings in lost nests 120=14.4 % haved correspondingly; when one bird Total losses 192=23 .0 % called outside the nest, the other left it. Losses of nestlings/ brood 1 .26 The bird leaving the nest usually moved out silently. fledged when it reached an age of at The bird, which did not incubate, least 11 days, which is the shortest nest- rarely visited the nest. Three times when ling period observed. At this age, at least such a visit was recorded, the incubating part of young birds apparently survive bird left the nest, but it returned, as the e.g. predatory attacks by escaping from other left the nest. During the incuba- the nest. ' tion period, I have never seen anything Of the young hatched, 77 % reached in the way of display or copulation. the fledging stage . The fledging success This was also the case with White Wag- is of the same magnitude in M. cinerea tails observed by SCHWEINSTEIGER (TYLER 1972) . The proportion of young LÖHRL (1938) and (1957), and in fledged was higher than among open M. clara by MOREAU (1949), in M. nesters as a rule, but slightly lower flava by SMITH (1950), and in M. than among true hole nesters and swal. capensis by SKEAD (1954) . As a matter lows nesting in buildings (NICE 1937, of fact, during incubation the Wagtail 1957, v. HAARTMAN 1951, LACK 1954) . mates have rather little contact with In passerines, losses of young may one another. change during the breeding season. After the tenth day of incubation (in Factors affecting this may be e.g. changes one case earlier) there are records of in climate, food or shelter conditions, the incubating bird being unwilling to or in numbers of predators . Seasonal go away when the relieving bird arrived differences in fledging success have mentions at the nest. LöHRL (1957) been established, e.g. in Erithacus that the male once threatened the fem- rubecula (LACK 1948), Parus major and ale coming to the nest, and drove her P. caeruleus (G I BB 1950, KLUYVER away. I have once observed how both 1951), Carduelis chloris (MONK 1954), adults came to the nest simultaneously Phylloscopus trochilus (CRAMP 1955), and began to fight, whereby the female some species of Turdus (SNOW 1955, drove the male away from the nest. 1958), Fringilla coelebs (NEWTON 1964) . 9 . Fledging success The losses of young Wagtails during Table 10 shows the numbers of young different times of the breeding season that have survived from hatching to are presented in Table 11 . There were fledging. A young has been regarded as no seasonal differences as to losses of

TABLE 11. Losses of nestlings as related to date.

Start of Lost single Nestlings Total Number of egg laying nestlings in lost nests losses nestlings 11-30.5. 6.7% 16.3% 23.0 % 714 31 .5-9.7. 12.3% 12.3% 24.6% 114

70 ORNIS FENNICA Vol. 50, 1973

total broods, but the losses of single TABLE 12. Causes of nest failure in different nestlings increased towards the end of phases of breeding cycle. the breeding season . The difference is statistically directive = .61, f = 1, Building Incubation Nestling (X2 3 period period period P < 0.1) . The affecting factors will be dealt with in a further paper. Nest abandoned Brood size varied so little that it by parents 2 7 3 predator - 11 9 hardly had any effect on the fledging Destroyed by man 3 10 3 success . From broods with 6 to 7 young Disturbed by man - 7 3 (510 pull .) losses of single young Disease - - 5 amounted to 7.5 %, from broods with Cause unknown - - 1 3 to 5 young (322 pull.) also 7.5 %. Total 5 35 24 Nor were there any differences, if only clutches commenced in May were con- sidered. The hatching success in different- the Crow. This species did not, how- sized broods is seen from the following ever, enter buildings . The second in tabulation. importance was the Squirrel which often is seen searching in buildings. The snakes No. of Young No. of % are rare in the study area. Twice nest- eggs hatched nests hatched lings were ill probably due to too high 6 4.91 138 81.8 temperatures and once due to some 5 4.20 49 84.8 4 3.18 9 79.5 kind of poisoning . Adult birds dis- appeared relatively often, most probably Young fledged are seen from the next due to attacks of birds of prey. tabulation

10. Nestling stage

10 .1 . Length of nestling period - The length of the nestling period as deli mited from the hatching of the last young to the fledging of the last young Thus, in the Wagtail of the Keuruu is seen from the following tabulation: area, the largest brood size produced the largest number of hatched and fledged young . The brood size did not have any significant effect on the breed- ing success, roughly the same percentage fledged from different-sized broods . According to v. HAARTMAN (1969), According to Table 12, human beings the most common length of nestling caused more losses during the egg period period was 14 days, which also was the than during nestling time. Egg clutches mean given by him and ARO (1971) . were destroyed rather easily in early In order to test whether the length summer, when human activities at sum- of the nestling period is influenced by mer-houses became more lively. Nests brood size, the following method was with young were more easily detected, applied. All clutches commenced within and after detection were usually actively May were considered. The mean dura- protected . Among animal predators in tion of the period was in the b/6 the Keuruu area the most important was (n=27) 13 .7 ± 0.20 days, in the b/5

M. Leinonen: Breeding biology of White Wagtail 71

and b/4 (n = 12) 13.8 ± 0.20 days. He could visit the nest, but usually he Thus, the period was evidently not flew away immediately . He remained influenced by brood size. within the territory and twittered eagerly . ROSHARDT (1927) described 10 .2 . Hatching - In addition to the the behaviour of the male of M. boarula nests under direct observation, hatching which resembled greatly that of the was recorded also in 11 other nests. White Wagtail. Occasional visits to nests were made 21 times during hatching. Hatching usually took about 12 10.3. Brooding - During the hatching hours ; hatching which began in the and the first days of nestling life, the morning, was finished by the evening. female spent much time in the nest The longest time required for hatching brooding. Also the females of M. flava was almost 40 hours. Great differences and M. boarula, according to SMITH between the weights of young of the (1950) and to ROSHARDT (1927) re- same brood at an age of some days spectively, brood their young at that (Fig. 12) indicate that incubation had time. started before the last egg was laid, and The time spent in brooding changed hence, that hatching had taken a longer by the development of the young as time than usual. shown in Fig. 8. During the day of Already about two days before hatch- hatching, the female has been off the ing started, the adult birds, in nests nest 37 % of the day time, on average. under direct observation, began to peck This time of being off the nest is rather the nest bottom, apparently searching high, due to the fact that at that time for eggshells. As these were still lacking, the female alone usually took care of the reaction was released by substitute the brood . During the second day, objects, viz. light-coloured leaves and when the male took part in feed- bits of bark. ing, the female was absent from the During hatching, especially in its nest 21 %, on average, of the day time. beginning, the female usually took care After the 6th day, the female was of the brood alone. The female incu- observed to brood the young only dur- bated at this time, brooded the hatching ing the night. young, took away bits of eggshell and The shortening of the time spent by brought food to the young. Only once the female in brooding the young is the male was seen to brood the hatching due to attentive periods getting shorter young. Also in M. cinerea (EGGEBRECHT as the young grow up (Fig. 9) . On the 1939) and M. boarula (ROSHARDT day of hatching, the female brooded, on 1927) the female was in the nest during average, 9 .2 min. at a time. This figure hatching. The behaviour of the Wagtail is rather low, as the male at that time female at that time is shown in Figs. did not take care of the brood. On the 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11 . second day brooding periods were at The female behaved similarly for their longest, the average being 16.7 relatively long periods after hatching, min. at a time. Thereafter they became i.e. when brooding the nestlings. The shorter . MOREAU (1949) made corres- male's behaviour changed distinctly on ponding observation on M. clara. the day of hatching. In most cases he As brooding periods shortened, their did not incubate after hatching had numbers also decreased . During the two begun. Neither did he brood the young first days, the female brooded 3 .5 times nor feed them or the female, at least, an hour, and 12 .6 minutes at a time. during the first hours after hatching. On the other hand, during the 5th and

72 ORNI s FENNICA Vol. 50, 1973

FIG. 8. Percentage of time of brooding in day time during nestling period.

6th days, she brooded 1 .6 times an hour, Parus major, Parus caeruleus and on an average, 5.0 minutes at a time. Erithacus rubecula (PFEIFER & KEIL 1962) and Delichon urbica (LIND 10 .4. Feeding - Both parents feed the 1960) . young. Feeding began on the day of The share of both sexes varied de- hatching (although the male did not pending on the age of the young. At usually feed yet at that time), as it did the age of 3 days, the brood was fed in M. cinerea (EGGEBRECHT 1939) . almost exclusively by the male (Fig. Feedings grew more numerous with 10) . At the nest shown in Fig. 10 the the growing of the young (Fig. 11) . male fed 6.8 times an hour, the female Despite the fact that individual differ- only 0.8 times an hour at that time. ences exist, the figure gives a general When the brood was aged 8 days, the view of the amount of feeding in the male fed on an average 5 .9 times an Wagtail. Observations made about the hour, the female 6.3 times. feeding of other species of the genus The above mentioned results apply Motacilla do not significantly differ to a single pair, only. The share of the from those made in the Keuruu area; sexes in the feeding of the young dur- although some of these species have ing the total nestling period is shown been observed during short periods only in Fig. 11 . The peculiarities in the (M. boarula, ROSHARDT 1927; M. feeding in the beginning of the nestling clara, MOREAU 1949; M. flava, SMITH stage are due to the fact that the female 1950 ; M. cinerea, SCH IFFERL I 1961 ; spent so long a time in brooding, and SCHUCKING 1963 ; M. cinerea x M. alba, therefore the male fed more. It is not DORNBUSCH 1968) . so easy to say why the feeding intensity As shown earlier, (p. 66) the Wag- of the male decreased at the end of the tail spent longer times on the nest than nestling stage. Considering the nestling many other insectivorous song birds. It period as a whole, both sexes fed also fed the young at longer intervals roughly equally . than, e.g. Phylloscopus trochilus (Kuu- The rhythm of feeding in the White SISTO 1941), Phoenicurus phoenicurus Wagtails (Fig. 10) was similar to that (RUITER 1941, BUXTON 1950), Fi- found in other song birds, e.g. in Phyl- cedula hypoleuca (v. HAARTMAN 1954), loscopus, trochilus, (KUUSISTO 1941), M. Leinonen: Breeding biology of White Wagtail 73

FIG. 9. Length of spells of brooding during nestling season .

in Phoenicurus phoenicurus (BOETIUS When the female brooded, the male 1949) and in Delichon urbica (LIND fed her ; the younger the nestlings, the 1960) . Probably the rhythm is caused more often he fed. During the first by variations in the hunger and satiety two days he usually gave all the food of the young (v. HAARTMAN 1953, to the female, who herself ate part of LIND 1960) . When the young Wagtail it, and then fed the young with the rest. called anxiously, the female either re- Gradually, the male began to feed the mained in the nest brooding or increased young directly. After the sixth day, her feeding intensity . The following when the female ceased to brood the may serve as an example of the effect young, both adult birds fed the young of begging young on the behaviour of independently . the female : When the female was sitting on the nest, and the male came to feed the At a nest in the northern part of Keurus- brood, the young started to beg as soon selkä with young aged 6 days, the female as the female arose. In other cases, the fed at 20.54 a'clock . Thereafter she began to bird coming to feed called a few times prepare herself to spend the night in the nest . The last feeding by the male took place either while running towards the nest at 20.40. As the young continued to whimper, or while at the nest. The young reacted the female rose up, looked at the young for to this calling. Sometimes the adult bird a while, then aimed to fly away, but returned had to call several times . If a young let to the nest . As the calling of the young still its sink continued, she began to feed them at 21.05 . head down while feeding still After six feedings the brood quieted down, continued, the calling of the feeding bird and at 22.30 began to spend the night. usually immediately stimulated it to 74 ORNIS FENNICA Vol . 50, 1973

FIG. 10. Share of female and male in feeding. Upper figure: age of nestlings 3 days. Lower figure : age of nestlings 8 days .

straighten up. Older young reacted of them were carried away, and from either to the sight of the approaching the fourth day they were almost regu- bird or to the darkening of the nest larly carried away from the nest . hole or nest opening. LÖHRL (1957) Sporadic eating of faeces was recorded described the behaviour of the young even on the fifth day . At the nest of in similar manner. M. cinerea faeces were eaten only during the first day after hatching (SCH IF- 10.5 . Nest sanitation, dead nestlings -- FERLI 1961) . Egg shells were carried away immediately Often the parents remained waiting after hatching . During the first days for defecation by the young, especially faeces were eaten by the parents. During when the previous carrying of faeces the first two days they all were swal- had taken place a rather long time ago . lowed, during the third day about half If no excrements were voided, the adult

M. Leinonen: Breeding biology of White Wagtail 75

FIG. 11 . Feeding rhythm of female and male during nestling period.

pecked the cloacal parts of the young ings on a letter scale (Swiss scale of in order to get it to defecate, and it Pesola type) . The degree of accuracy in often managed in this. If no voiding weighing was 0 .5 gram. Although the took place, the carrying reaction was weight development of young birds sometimes released by a substitute ob- may vary rather markedly both indi- ject as some light-coloured objects from vidually and in respect to different the nest or from its close vicinity. broods (e.g. RICKLEFS 1968), the main At the age of 6 to 7 days, defecating features of the weight development of young rised their hind parts towards the the nestling Wagtail are shown in edge of the nest, where the adult bird Fig. 12. picked faeces in its bill immediately The weight loss seen after the tenth when these appeared. At the age of 10 day is likely due to the fact that the days, the young defecated over the nest development of the young at that time edge, when this was possible in respect culminates. The young begin to move to space. Many times the nest was, outside the nest, if there is space for however, soiled with faeces during the this, the plumage has developed all last part of the nestling period. over the body and thermoregulation is If a young did not gape, the adult in operation (BALDWIN & KENDEIGH kept pushing it with the bill. If the 1932, ROYAMA 1966, SEEL 1970) . young was continuously quiet, the adult They call in similar manner as fledged carried it out by holding it from the young Wagtails do and they defecate neck. At least till the age of 5 to 6 days, over the nest edge. Thus, weight losses dead young would be carried away from can be caused by increasing moving the nest . Young which were older were activities. too heavy (Fig. 12) to be carried away. At least twice a dead decaying young 10.7. Post-fledging season - Accord- which was left in the nest, caused the ing to observations made in the Keuruu sickness and the death of the whole area, the young did not leave their nest brood. while unable to fly, although they might move in the close vicinity of the nest, 10 .6 . Growth of nestlings - In Fig. if space enables this. But if disturbed, 12 the growth of Wagtail nestlings is the young were prone to leave the nest shown. The data consists of 710 weigh- prematurely, at the age of 12 to 13

76 ORNIS FENNICA Vol. 50, 1973

FIG. 12 . Weight of nestlings during nestling period .

days, sometimes even at the age of 11 the fledged young stimulate the other days. The immediate cause of leaving members of the brood. However, there the nest when disturbed was that one might be a time lag of a day between or a few of the young gave the alarm the departures of the first and the last call with strong voice. The brood young. Longer intervals than two days remained in the nest so long as all the have not been recorded. young were quiet. Similar observations Usually the brood remained in the were reported e.g. by G I BB (1950) and proximity of the nest for the first day LöHRL (1950) . after fledging. Thereafter it dispersed When the young left their nest un- farther away from the nest, forming, in disturbed, both parents were present. the Keuruu area, typical moving chains When the first young flew from the along shorelines. Parents fly to and fro nest, they both followed it eagerly between the ends of the chain feeding twittering to the place where it landed, the young. In the evening the brood whereafter one of them returned to the assembled together for roosting. TYLER nest. Now one adult might twitter (1972) assumed that the young of M. outside the nest apparently tempting cinerea do not leave the vicinity of other young to leave the nest . Accord- their nest until a fortnight after ing to SMITH (1950), adult birds of fledging. M. flava in the corresponding situation The brood kept together after fled- behaved more passively. ging usually from 4 to 7 days. I have, Usually the young left the nest at however, seen adult birds feeding their short intervals. LACK (1948) stated that young still on the day after 50, 1973 M. Leinonen: Breeding biology of White Wagtail 77

fledging. Zidbäck (in a letter in Pal- days . v. HAARTMAN (1969) gives three men's Archives) mentioned that Wag- records: 36, 37, and 44 days. Thus, tails may feed their young 10-11 days there is a mean time lag of 9 .2 days after fledging. According to BOASE (40.1-30.9) between the fledging of (1952), M. cinerea fed the young at the first brood and the laying of the least during 4 days after fledging. first egg in the second one. This figure The male has been seen to feed fledged corresponds well to data given earlier young more often than the female. Most (PALMEN 1912, ROSEN IUS 1926, observations concern, however, first SCHWEINSTEIGER 1938, MESTER 1957) . broods. This difference between the In Central Europe the Wagtail, as a sexes probably depends on the fact that rule, has a second clutch (e.g. CORTI at least some of the females become 1956, GLUTZ von BLOTZHEIM 1962) . ready for laying their second clutches. In Finland some of the pairs lay a second ARMSTRONG (1965) placed the Wag- clutch, more often so in southern than tail among those bird species whose in northern Finland (e.g. v. HAARTMAN males take care of fledged young while 1969) . In 1971 and 1972, I checked the females get ready to lay a new all territories of the total study area clutch. twice at the time when the second clutches could be expected to be laid. In 1971, four pairs, and in 1972, 12 11 . Length of the nesting ; repeat and pairs laid a second clutch in the same second clutches territory as the first one. Thus, only few pairs in the Keuruu area laid a The length of the nesting as delimited second clutch. Similar observations were from the laying of the first egg to the made in the northern parts of Keurus- fledging of the last young was 30.9±0.94 selkä, where I spent my summers also days, ranging from 27 to 35 days those mentioned length of the nesting during other days than ie other ( n = 38) . The total on p. 55 as working days . is summarized in the following tabula- number of records of second ~r, there tion: The total between broods laid in the same territory as the the last (1) nest building usually from 4 to 7 days first one was 20 in the Keuruu area. wo days (2) time lag before Among these clutches, four were found egg laying » 1» in the same nest as the first one, and (3) time from the first in the egg to the fledging eight nests were in the same building .irst day of the last young  27  35  or construction at a distance varying lispersed (4) feeding of fledged from 0.3 to 2 .0 m from the first nest. ming, in young usually 11 4  7  The rest of the second nests were placed g chains 11 36  52  in a new site within the same territory . and fro In placing the second nests, M. cinerea feeding Most pairs of the Wagtail population behaved rather similarly (TYLER 1972) . e brood living in the Keuruu area began their egg Either during nest building, egg, or . TYLER laying after 10th May (Table 3) . Thus, nestling stage 64 nests were lost. Of g of M. the onset of laying the second clutch these pairs, 49 abandoned their terri- inity of could take place at the end of June or tories . According to DROST (1948), M. t after in the beginning of July. In 16 in- flava behaved similarly . In 15 cases only, stances, the interval between the laying the White Wagtail pair built a repeat :er fled- of the first egg of the first brood and nest in the same territory as the first I have, that of the second brood could be deter- one. One of these was built upon the ng their mined. It averaged 40.1--i:1 .04 days, the destroyed nest, four nests were close to .y after range of variation being from 35 to 50 the previous ones in the same building 78 ORNI s FENNICA Vol. 50, 1973

or construction, and the rest, ten nests, sen aineiston muodostaa 309 pesälöytöä. Pesi- in a new place in the same territory. miskäyttäytymistä on seurattu haudontavaihees- Once a pair built three successive nests sa kahdeksalla pesällä yhteensä 210 tunnin in the same territory ; breeding succeeded ajan, poikasvaiheessa seitsemällä pesällä yh- in the last one. When the first clutch teensä 195 tunnin ajan. Lisämateriaalia on was lost during the nestling period, it saatu muiden pesällä käyntien yhteydessä. was repeated only in two cases in the Ensimmäiset västäräkit ovat saapuneet tut- same territory . The shortest building of kimusalueelle vv. 1932-72 keskimäärin 14.4. a repeat nest was observed in a case Koiraat saapuvat naaraita aikaisemmin. Suuri when the first nest was deserted during osa populaatiosta on asettunut reviireille tou- egg laying. Thus, the new nest was kokuun ensimmäisellä kolmanneksella . ready and the first egg laid only two Koiras on osallistunut pesän rakentamiseen days after the destruction of the first noin neljänneksessä kaikista havainnoista. Naa- nest . The longest intervals were found ras näyttää viimeistelevän pesän. Rakentaminen when the nests were lost during the kestää tavallisesti 4-7 vrk ja se loppuu useim- nestling period, viz. from 7 to 10 days. miten 1-3 vrk ennen ensimmäistä munaa. The earliest date of commencement of 82.5 % Keuruun reitin pesistä sijaitsee teko- a repeat clutch was May 22, and the aineksessa (taulukko 1). Asiaan vaikuttanee latest one June 27. rannassa olevien rakennusten ja rakennelmien ja niihin liittyvien avointen habitaattien toi- Acknowledgements miminen voimakkaana ärsykkeenä pesäpaikkaa I wish to express my gratitude to Professor etsivälle västäräkille. Pesän sijoittaminen teko- Paavo Voipio for his guidance at all stages of ainekseen on johtanut myös pesän nousuun my investigation. alkuperäisistä maakoloista Dr. Martti Soikkeli, lecturer in zoology, huomattavasti ylem- read the manuscript and made many critical mäksi, Keuruun reitillä useimmiten 2-3 m:n and valuable suggestions. korkeuteen (taulukko 2) . Luonnonkoloissa pe- In the field work, I received valuable sä on pieni kaksiosainen, tekoaineksessa väl- assistance by the following ornithologists: Eero Hoikka, Ari Latja, Heikki Loikkanen, Erkki jissä tiloissa huomattavasti suurempi, kolmi- Raikamo and Risto Salovaara. osainen. Valuable data on the migration of the Muninta alkaa Keuruun reitillä hieman myö- Wagtail were placed at my disposal by Mr. hemmin kuin Etelä-Suomessa (v. HAARTMAN A. O. Salonen from Tampere and by Mr. Jouko Pihlainen from Keuruu. 1969), vaikka muninnan huippu sattuukin sa- Dr. Johan Tast translated the manuscript malle ajanjaksolle, 16-20.5. Asiaan vaikutta- into English. He, moreover, made valuable nevat erityisesti toukokuun lämpötilat, toisen suggestions with respect to the text. kolmanneksen ajalle sattuvat korkeat lämpö- My thanks are also due to Mr. Mikko Jo- kinen for drawing of the figures. tilat laukaisevat helposti munimisen (kuvat This study has been aided by grants from 2ja3). the Scientific Foundation of Tampere City. Keuruun reitin västäräkkien keskimääräinen munaluku, 5.7, on suurempi kuin Etelä-Suo- S e 1 o s t u s: Västäräkin pesimisbiologia Keski- men (5.4) (v. HAARTMAN 1969) . Ilmeisesti Suomessa . munaluku nousee pohjoiseen päin. Toisaalta Sveitsissä on munaluku kuitenkin huhti-ke- Tutkimuksessa selvitetään Keski-Suomessa si- säkuussa 5.6-5.7 (GLUTZ VON BLOTZHEIM jaitsevan Keuruun reitin (kuva 1) västäräkki- 1962) . Munaluku ei ole vaihdellut merkittä- populaation pesimisbiologiaa ja pesimiskäyttäy- västi vuosittain (taulukko 5) . Munaluku vä- tymistä vv. 1967-72. Keuruun reitti on tyy- henee pesimiskauden loppua kohden (tauluk- pillinen sisäsuomalainen dystrofinen reittijärvi. ko 6) . Uusintapesyeissä munaluku on ollut Rannoilla on 1 .2 asumusta rantakilometriä koh- 5.1, toisissa pesyeissä 4.9, mitkä kumpikin ovat den. Tutkimusalueen ala on noin 70 km2, merkitsevästi pienempiä kuin munaluku tou- rantaviivan pituus noin 230 km. Pesimisbiologi- kokussa aloitetuissa pesyeissä.

M. Leinonen: Breeding biology of White Wagtail 79

80.9 % munituista västäräkin munista kuo- kaen ne miltei aina viedään pesästä pois . Poi- riutuu (taulukko 7). Tulos on suurempi kuin kasten painonkehitystä selvitetään kuvassa 12. avopesijöillä eikä jää paljon jälkeen tyypilli- Poikaset eivät lähde lentokyvyttöminä pesästä . sistä kolopesijöistä . Kuoriutumattomien munien Pesästä lähdön jälkeen ei ole havaittu poi- määrä lisääntyy pesimiskauden loppua kohden kueen palaamista pesään. Poikue pysyttelee (taulukko 8) . Kuoriutuneiden munien osuus yhdessä pesästä lähdön jälkeen tavallisesti 4-7 ei riipu pesyekoosta . vrk. Haudonta alkaa tavallisesti viimeisen munan Västäräkin pesimiseen ensimmäisestä munas- munimisesta. Keskimääräinen haudonta-aika on ta viimeisen poikasen lähtöön kuluu keski- ollut 12 .6 vrk. Haudonta-aika lyhenee pesimis- määrin 30.9 vrk. Aikaväli ensimmäisen pe- kauden loppua kohden (taulukko 9) . Syynä syeen ensimmäisen munan ja toisen pesyeen on mahdollisesti lisääntyvä lämpö. Pesyekoko ensimmäisen munan välillä on ollut keskimää- ei vaikuta haudonta-ajan pituuteen . rin 40.1 vrk. Vain harvoilla pareilla on toinen Koiras hautoo noin neljänneksen päiväajan pesye. Niistä 64 parista, joiden pesä tuhoutui haudontamäärästä. Naaras hautoo keskimäärin 49 hylkäsi reviirin . 31.9 min, koiras 21.3 min kerrallaan (kuva 4). Haudontajaksojen pituus ei vaihtele päivän aikana eikä muutu yhdensuuntaisesti haudonta- vaiheen aikana (kuva 5) . Haudontataukojen References pituus on keskimäärin ollut 7.5 min. Haudon- ARMSTRONG, E. A. 1956 . Distraction display taan kuluu tarkkailupesien mukaan 85.3 %, and the human predator . Ibis 98:641- muun aineiston mukaan 78.8 % päiväajasta . 654. Laji hautoo siis hyvin tiiviisti . Haudontaan - 1965. Bird display and behaviour . - käytetty aika lisääntyy haudonnan edistyessä Dover Publications Inc., New York . (kuva 7), mikä johtuu haudontataukojen ly- ARO, M. 1971. Västaräkin Motacilla alba pesin- henemisestä (kuva 6) . nästa Helsingin saaristossa. Lintumies 7: 65-69. 77 % kuoriutuneista västäräkin poikasista selviää lentokykyisiksi (taulukko 10) . Tulos BAILEY, R. E. 1952. The incubation patch of passerine birds. Condor 54 :121-136 . on parempi kuin avopesijöillä ja huonompi kuin kolopesijöillä . Yksittäisiä poikasia tuhou. BALDWIN, S. & KENDEIGH, S. C. 1932. Phy- kesällä (taulukko siology of the temperature of birds. Sci . tuu enemmän myöhemmin Publ. Cleveland Mus. Nat . Hist. 3:1-196 . 11) . Pesyekoko ei vaikuta lentokykyisten poi- BENT, A. C. 1950 . Life histories of North kasten määrään . Pesätuhojen syitä selvitellään American Wagtails, Shrikes, Vireos and taulukossa 12. their allies . Order Passeriformes . U. S. Nat . Mus . Bull. 197 :1-411 . Pesäpoikasvaiheen pituus on ollut keskimää- rin 13 .7 vrk. Asiaan ei vaikuta munimisaika BLAEDEL, N. 1959. Nordens fåglar i färg. I. - Allhem, Malmö. eikä pesyekoko . Kuoriutuminen kestää tavalli- sesti noin 0.5 vrk. Kuoriutumisen aikana, var- BOASE, H. 1952. Notes on the . Brit . Birds 45 :317-323 . sinkin sen alkupuolella, naaras huolehtii yksin poikueesta : lämmittää, ruokkii ja vie munan- BotTI US, J. 1949. Feeding-activity on some insectivorous birds. Dansk Orn . For. kuoret . Naaras lämmittää poikasia kuudenteen Tidsskr . 43 :45-59 . päivään asti. Lämmittämiseen käytetty aika ly- BUXTON, J. 1950. The Redstart . - Collins, henee ja naaraan lämmittämisjaksojen pituus London . pienenee toisen päivän jälkeen (kuvat 8 ja 9) . BUXTON, kymmenen- E. J. M. 1954. Note s on the incuba- Poikasten ruokkimistiheys nousee tion of the Grey Wagtail . Brit . Birds 47: teen päivään asti, väheten sen jälkeen (kuva 432-433 . 11) . Koiraan ja naaraan osuus ruokinnasta on CORTI, U. A. 1956 . Die Brutvögel Europas . erilainen poikueen iästä riippuen (kuva 10) . Singvögel . - Silva-Verl., Zurich . Emot syövät poikasten ulosteet kahden ensim- CRAMP, S. 1955. The breeding of the Willow mäisen päivän aikana, neljännestä päivästä al- Warbler. Bird Study 2:121-135 .

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