
Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm. goldenrain

Where it Stands in the Classifiction?

● Kingdom-Plantae ● Sub Kingdom-Tracheobionta (Vascular ) ● Superdivision-Spermatophyta ( plants) ● Division-Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants) ● Class-Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledons) ● Sub Class-Rosidae ● Order- ● Family-Sapindacea (Soapberry family) ● - Laxm ● - Laxm. 'goldenrain tree' When, What, Where Does it grow?

● It is so it grows year round up to over 40 feet max at 20 years. ● Has that are Bright Yellow and that are Brown

When, What, Where Does it grow? (continue) ● Can grow in fine or textured soils. ● Can grow up to 300-700 Tress per acre ● Flowering and seeds reproduce in the summer ending in Fall. ● Grow very erect with a single stem form

Grows in Zones 5-9

● Great small shade usage ● Used often as street or park tree ● Golden rain tree is at its best in the fall with large bundles of showy yellow flowers. These are followed by 2" red-purple seed pods. ● Can adapt to most soil conditions ● It is native to Eastern Asia specifically China and Korea. It was naturalized in Japan and S. Europe

Leaves and Flowers

● Its are mostly pinnate up to 18”. ● Leaflets serrated ● Flowers are Hermaphrodite having both male and female organs usually pollinated by bees. ● Flowers are ophthalmic. They are used in the treatment of conjunctivitis and epiphora ● Yellow dye is also obtained from the flowers ● Black dye is obtained by the leaves. ● Seeds known to be used for beads/ necklaces.

Koelreuteria Paniculata 'Golden Rain'

Winter The seedpods have three sides and the seeds themselves are about 4-5 cm in diameter.

Leaves are pinnate with individual leaflets that are quite serrated and irregular.
