Kitchener-Waterloo Skating Club 2014-15 Annual General Meeting June 14, 2015 Waterloo, Ontario

Kitchener-Waterloo Skating Club Annual General Meeting - June 14, 2015 RIM Park room 202


A. Reading the Notice of Meeting and Declaration of quorum B. Introduction of Board and Guests C. Minutes of the Preceding AGM D. Business Arising from the Minutes E. Vice‐President: Finance’s Report and Auditor’s Report F. Executive Director’s Report G. President’s Report H. Other Reports I. Adoption of Reports J. Amendments to the Constitution and By‐laws K. Appointment of Scrutineers and Election of Directors L. New Business M. Appointment of Financial Auditors N. Introduction of New Board

Table of Contents

AGM Agenda Page 2 Board of Directors & Office Staff Page 2 Previous Year’s Minutes Page 3 - 5

Reports President’s Report Paul Mallet Page 6 Executive Director’s Report Marie Pringle Page 7 Skating Programs Manager’s Report Paul MacIntosh Page 8 Gold Test Achievements Justine DeRabbie Page 9 Program Registration Numbers Justine DeRabbie Page 9 Competition Results Justine DeRabbie Page 10-14 Athletic Centre Dale Bellaire Page 15 Coaching Committee Melinda Kunhegyi Page 16 Special Events Freeskate Festival Angela Stark Page 17 Gala Lesley Germann Page 17 ShowCase Stefanie and Emily Wright Page 17 Sendoff events Paul Mallet Page 18 Alumni Committee Marilyn Johnny Page 18 Trust Don Johnny Page 19 Grand River Council Alison Smerchinski Page 19 Board of Directors Slate of Officers Stefanie Wright Page 20 - 23 2014 Financial Statements detached insert

KWSC Board of Directors and Office Staff

Executive: Directors at Large: President: Paul Mallet Anders McKenzie Past President: Lesley Germann Ken Stark VP Operations: Patrick Therrien Jill Brush VP Finance: Joanne Kuntz Martha D’Agostino Secretary: Stefanie Wright Tina Weltz Honorary: Carolyn Fedy Alison Smerchinski Sally Heath Melinda Kunhegyi (coaches Rep) Office Staff: Marie Pringle Executive Director Paul MacIntosh Skating Programs Manager Dale Bellaire Athletic Centre Manager Justine DeRabbie Membership Coordinator Debbie Weber Accountant Courtney Frey Office Administrator

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KWSC Annual General Meeting

Meeting Date: June 18, 2014, 6:45pm Location: Room 202, RIM Park, Waterloo, ON Board Attendees: Paul Mallet, Lesley Germann, Stefanie Wright (recording secretary), Patrick Therrien, Martha D’Agostino, Jennifer Musselman, Alison Smerchinski, Sandi Chalhoub, Irene Earl, Melinda Kunhegyi (coaches rep), Rebecca Babb (retiring coaches rep), Ken Stark, Anders McKenzie Special Guests: Marie Pringle, Dale Bellaire, Debbie Weber, Paul MacIntosh, Cheryl Hugill & Beth Denijs (BDO Dunwoody), Don Johnny, Jim Bowman, Ashley Purvis, Darcy Drummond Regrets: Carolyn Fedy

Meeting was called to order at 6:45 pm.

The Chair acknowledged that the KWSC constitution states that only honorary and voting members have a voice at this meeting, and announced that any questions from the floor must be made through the Chair. The Chair asked members to please stand, address the Chair and clearly state their full name and any affiliations for the record. The chair also asked, in the interest of opening up communications, for a motion to give a voice to all in attendance.

Motion to give a voice to all those in attendance: M: Ken Stark S: Rita Mallet Discussion: none Carried.

The Chair invited Board Secretary Stefanie Wright to provide the notice of meeting:

A) Board secretary announced that the Notice of Meeting and Notice of Elections was posted in the lobby and the website on May 13th, with a nominations deadline of May 25th and a full slate of nominees posted in the same locations on June 1st.

According to By-Law 8.9 of the KWSC Constitution: 8.9 Elections shall be determined by written ballot and an elected candidate must receive a majority of the unspoiled votes cast. Voting on other matters will be by a show of hands, unless one-fifth of the voting members in attendance request voting by Yeas and Nays, or any one voting member requests a written ballot which shall have priority over any other form of voting. [ By-Law 1306 (3b), Robert’s Rules of Order 38]

Quorum was reached with 22 voting members present. A majority decision on any motion was 12 (half plus one).

B) Introduction of guests and Board Members was made by the Chair. Guests: Ashley Purvis, City of Kitchener; Jim Bowman, City of Waterloo The Chair also paid special tribute to Beatrice Ziegler, charter member of KWSC and honorary lifetime member passed away in December 2013 at the age of 100

C) Minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting: Chair referred to the minutes being in the AGM booklet.

Motion: to accept the minutes of last year’s KWSC Annual General Meeting. M: Rita Mallet S: Irene Earl Discussion: none. Abstentions: none Motion Carried.

D) Business arising from the minutes: None

E) President’s Report As presented in the report contained in the AGM booklet. In addition to the President’s report in the booklet, the Chair also expressed sincere gratitude to the hard-working staff of KWSC who have repeatedly gone above and beyond the

Page 3 expectations of their employment, to keep the club running smoothly. The Chair also expressed gratitude to the board of directors for their important governance work, especially strategic planning and preparing for the upcoming changes in provincial not-for-profit legislation.

F) Executive Director’s Report: As presented in the report contained in the AGM booklet. In addition to the Executive Director’s report in the booklet, the Executive Director also introduced her staff who were in attendance at the AGM: Paul MacIntosh, Dale Bellaire and Debbie Weber. She also stressed the importance of ongoing volunteerism to keep KWSC’s momentum going, and said she was especially encouraged by the increasing number of young adult volunteers at our club.

G) Accountant and V.P. Finance Report: Chair called on Joanne Kuntz – V.P. Finance to introduce Cheryl Hugill - accountant from BDO Dunwoody. Cheryl presented financial statements for KWSC for 2012-2013. VP - Finance invited to field questions from the membership. Motion: to accept the 2013 – 2014 financial report as presented. M: Irene Earl S: Sandi Chalhoub Discussion: none Abstentions: none Vote: Motion carried.

H) Other Reports: There were no questions from the membership regarding the reports.

I) Adoption of Reports: Motion: to approve the reports as presented in the 2013-2014 KWSC AGM booklet. M: Rebecca Babb S: Ken Stark Discussion: none Abstentions: none Carried.

J) Amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws: The Board withdrew a proposed Constitutional amendment regarding a title change for VP: Operations, as it felt that further work was needed in order to determine the appropriate title and portfolio for this position before presenting it to the membership for ratification.

K) Retiring Directors and Appointment of Scrutineers and Election of Board of Directors: Past-president Lesley Germann presented parting words and gifts to retiring directors, Irene Earl, Jennifer Musselman, Jodie Hancock-Meyers, and Rebecca Babb. As posted on June 1st, there was a full slate of nominees for the vacant Director positions. A symbolic ballot was cast by the Board secretary Stefanie Wright to acclaim the nominees.

L) Introduction of new Board of Directors The 2014-15 board of directors includes the following individuals: Joanne Kuntz (2 year term) Paul Mallet (2 year term) Anders McKenzie (2 year term) Alison Smerchinski (2 year term) Ken Stark (2 year term) Stefanie Wright (2 year term) Sandi Chalhoub (1 year remaining) Martha D’Agostino (1 year remaining) Sally Heath (1 year remaining) Patrick Therrien (1 year remaining) Tina Weltz (1 year remaining) Lesley Germann, Past President Melinda Kunhegyi, Coaches Rep.

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Motion: to accept the acclaimed slate of directors for 2014-15. M: Irene Earl S: Jennifer Musselman Discussion: none Abstentions: none Carried.

M) Appointment of Auditors: The Chair provided a brief background on the routine request for proposals for financial auditors. He stated that the Board recommended to retain BDO Dunwoody as financial auditors for 2014-15. Motion: to retain BDO Dunwoody as financial auditors for 2014-15. M: Martha D’Agostino S: Irene Earl Discussion: none Abstentions: none Carried.

N) New Business: None.

O) Meeting adjournment: Motion: to adjourn M: Patrick Therrien S: Irene Earl Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm

Top: Skaters during Celebration of Excellence held March 2015 Bottom: Skaters during seminar early September 2014

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President’s Report What an incredible year it has been for the Kitchener-Waterloo Skating Club! Our athletes continue to shine at the provincial, national and international levels. At the Skate Ontario Champions our skaters brought home gold medals in junior silver and juvenile , and gold and silver medals in the pre-juvenile men U14 event. We had a one-two finish at the Canadian Junior Pair Championships with Mary and Phelan bringing home the gold, and Shalena and Sebastian earning the silver medal. Our senior pairs Kirsten & Mike and Brittany & Josh placed 4th and 7th at nationals, and Matthew Wright placed 9th in novice men. If that wasn’t enough, Kaitlyn and Andrew had another incredible year in senior dance that included a gold medal at the national championships, three Grand Prix gold medals including the Grand Prix Final, gold at Four Continents, and a bronze medal at Worlds. Wow!

We are very proud to have helped along so many outstanding athletes on their journeys to the top. In fact, we are very excited to reveal a special tribute at today’s KWSC Awards Gala for the current and past KWSC members who so proudly represented Canada at the Sochi Games last year. This tribute will tell the story of our skaters’ Olympic triumphs, and will serve as a constant reminder for all who enter the Carolyn Fedy Skating Centre of what can be accomplished by KWSC skaters.

Congratulations to our new gold test recipients. Your achievements are truly inspirational, and you should be proud of the hard work and dedication needed to join this elite group of skaters. I want to thank our staff, coaches and volunteers for the important role you continue to play in the support of our organization and our skaters, and I hope that you know that your actions are not just about supporting skating. Yes, KWSC does support sport and fitness for the youth of Kitchener and Waterloo, but we also strive to teach valuable life skills such as focus, goal setting, and perseverance. Our mission is to “Inspire a lifelong passion for excellence through skating”, and we hope that passion for excellence has a long-lasting impact on all aspects of our skaters’ lives. This is important work, and I am grateful for your valuable contributions.

A special thanks to our event volunteers who supported our many exciting events including our Creativity and Artistry Seminar, numerous test days, WO Sectionals simulations and send-off, the Freeskate Festival, STARSkate Championships simulations and send-off, Celebration of Excellence, and the Awards Gala to name just a few. Our volunteers also helped welcome and orient our new learn-to-skaters, organized fundraising skate sales, served on committees, and played key roles in planning, running and officiating at several competitions. You make up the strong backbone of this club, and I can’t thank you enough for all that you do. If you are not yet part of our volunteer team but would like to meet new people and help support our skaters, please let me know!

It has been my pleasure serving as your club President for this third year, and I would like to thank the KWSC Board of Directors for their work this past year. Your board has continued to play an important role in governance, oversight, and strategic planning to support the long-term success of KWSC. I thank our retiring directors Sandi Chalhoub, Martha D’Agostino, Sally Heath and Tina Weltz for their dedication and invaluable behind-the-scenes service to KWSC. I also welcome our newest directors, Jill Brush, Duncan Millar, and Carolyn Moss to our team. I look forward to working with you next year.

Paul Mallet, President Kitchener-Waterloo Skating Club

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Executive Director’s Report

Each year as I sit down to create this annual report to the membership I review my monthly reports to the Board of Directors to ensure I captured the important highlights of the year. This year I noticed a clear pattern that 14-15 was a year of change, renewal and rebuilding. Just as the Olympics mark the end of a quadrennial and many partnerships end and new ones begin, so too there was endings and new beginnings at KWSC.

Some long term volunteers have moved on from KWSC while new ones stepped in to undertake their important work. The pairs program experienced a sharp decline in registration while the dance program is now approaching its old level of participation after experiencing a similar decline 4 years ago. Some traditional marketing opportunities such as school flyers have been closed to us so we have ramped up our presence through a series of newspaper ads, attendance at community activity days and hosting the maximum “bring a friend” and “family skate” days. With a 40 to 50 percent turnover in our Learn to Skate programs we are always exploring new ways to inform young families about our services.

The Skate Canada online registration program we pioneered was cancelled so we have had to begin a new relationship with Uplifter, a private vendor. Our customers rely on the online convenience so the transition was imperative. It has created lots of work, however Justine DeRabbie our Membership Coordinator has been equal to the challenge putting in many hours to set up a whole new system launch. Historically online registration has only been viable for Learn to Skate and Power Skate programs but this new system will allow both STAR and Competitive skaters to use it once all functionality is up and running. This coming fall/winter registration will see the Jr STAR A skaters registering online with the rest to come in 16-17.

Increased competition in the fitness centre sector has negatively affected our Athletic Center membership revenue which helps offset the overhead cost borne by skaters. This has prompted us to reach out and create new partnerships with the City of Waterloo and Krav Maga and by sharing space with them we have more than replaced the lost membership revenue.

These are but a few examples of the type of change which the KWSC staff unfailingly responds to in the course of a year. It makes our work interesting as new challenges arise every week. I want to acknowledge the strong commitment of your staff who regularly flex their work schedules to attend meetings or help out at events in evenings and on weekends and put in the overtime during our crazy busy times so the organizational/administrative work gets done off ice to allow the coaches to do their work on ice.

Cheers, Marie Pringle, Executive Director

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Skating Programs Manager’s Report

Another fantastic season has come and gone with skaters achieving personal successes at competition, test sessions and during day to day training sessions. Our recreational programs continue to blossom in numbers and quality as we continue to adapt and perfect the Skate Canada CanSkate program. Talent I.D. is a continuing project where we see growth in our enrichment and Intro to Figure Skating programs.

KWSC continues to strive for greater skater’s opportunities and enjoyment. Working with the coaching and athletic staff KWSC demonstrates very comprehensive programming for skaters at all stages of Skate Canada’s Long term Athlete Development Model. 2014/15 saw KWSC skaters take over 1000 Skate Canada tests maintaining a passing percentage above 85%. This is a tribute to the skater’s commitment and the coaching staff’s leadership and expertise.

KWSC competitive results showed that our skaters continue to move towards excellence. Kirsten and Mike represented Canada at three different international events and Brittany and Josh skated twice for Canada and our two Junior Pairs, Mary and Phelan and Shalena and Sebastian finished gold and silver at nationals with both teams qualifying for the Junior World Championship. For the first time in a number of years KWSC qualified a skater for the national championships in the singles discipline and we all were very proud of Matthew and his top ten finish in the Novice Men’s event in January. In the ice dance world Olivia and Grayson lead a strong team of three dance teams to the Pre-Novice national championship bringing home the silver medal with the other two KWSC dances teams finishing top ten in Canada. KWSC qualified 19 skaters for the Skate Ontario Provincial Championships with skaters scoring many personal best’s and highlighted by 1 Silver medal and 3 gold medals. Our adult skaters continue to show us all the joy of skating, demonstrating this while on their sessions, taking Skate Canada tests or competing. Congratulations all the KWSC adult skaters.

KWSC followed the amazing skating season for and , Kaitlyn and Andrew entered 8 events winning gold in 7 of those events. Kaitlyn and Andrew enter next season at the very top of the World rankings and we will watch, cheer and support another great season in 2015/16.

None of the skaters would be able to do what they love and perform at these high levels without the army of KWSC volunteers and coaches and their family support group, thank you to all who help our skaters. Thank you to the staff and leadership in both cities of Kitchener and Waterloo. A special thanks to the staff at RIM Park who take excellent care of the facility and our membership.

Paul MacIntosh KWSC Skating Programs Manager

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Gold Test Results

Skater Gold test Skater Gold test Alida Morrison Dance Nicole Chalhoub Skills Joy He Freeskate Samantha Dilgert Skills Natalie Mallet Freeskate Jenna Gascho Skills Anna Zhou Freeskate Jane Hallett Skills Liz Christensen Interpretive Angie Qi Skills Jane Hallett Interpretive Audrey Scanlan Skills Olivia Han Interpretive Eve Smerchinski Skills Angie Qi Interpretive Aidan Wright Skills Eve Smerchinski Interpretive Matthew Wright Skills Martinique Stastna Interpretive

Registration for all programs 2014-2015

Program Spring Summer Pre- Fall Winter Program Spring Summer Fall Winter Season Parent and Tot 4 N/A N/A 40 38 Intro to F.S 22 N/A 25 25 PreCanSkate 164 22 78 294 379 Junior STAR 81 40 94 94 CanSkate 358 115 115 557 629 Intermediate STAR 27 14 30 30 Learn to Skate N/A N/A N/A 41 82 Senior STAR 30 17 40 40 Adult/Teen CanSkate 21 10 N/A 20 24 16+ 9 2 13 13 Enrichment 39 34 N/A 42 46 Low Competitive 17 19 17 17 GroupStar 11 N/A N/A 18 18 High Competitive 23 20 14 14 Social Dance N/A N/A N/A 6 6 Comp Dance 25 15 25 25 Adult Synchro Skills 22 N/A N/A N/A N/A Comp Pairs 8 8 8 8 Synchro Skills 26 N/A N/A N/A N/A Beginner Synchro N/A N/A 11 11 Pre-Power 20 N/A 3 19 22 Elementary Synchro N/A N/A 17 17 TCHSS 137 45 53 219 229 Juvenile Synchro N/A N/A 11 11 14-15 Totals 802 226 249 1256 1473 14-15 Totals 242 135 305 305 13-14 Totals 749 207 170 1137 1435 13-14 Totals 303 207 268 272 12-13 totals(comparison) 643 252 162 1122 1524 12-13 totals (comparison) 190 158 283 283

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Competition Results

Jul 22-26, 2014 - Skate Detroit (Bloomfield Hills, Michigan US) Jul 31-Aug 3, 2014 - Minto Summer Skate (Ottawa, ON )

Pre-Novice Women Flight 4 9th Grace Condon 49.6 Open Solo Dance Short Dance 4th Emily Wright 27.78

Junior Pairs Short Program 2nd Mary Orr / Phelan Simpson 43.73 Novice Solo Dance Pattern Dance 2nd Emily Wright 23.75

Junior Pairs Free Program 5th Mary Orr / Phelan Simpson 76.09 Juvenile Dance Pattern Dance 2nd Sydney Embro / Eric Millar 19.59

Senior Pairs Short Program 1st / 48.57 3rd Rose Brawley / Owen Brawley 18.89

Senior Pairs Free Program 1st Brittany Jones / Joshua Reagan 91.68 Juvenile Dance Free Dance 3rd Rose Brawley / Owen Brawley 21.3

Aug 8-10, 2014 - Summer Sizzle Invitational (Waterloo, ON ) 5th Sydney Embro / Eric Millar 20.34

Pre-Juvenile Women U11 Flight 1 13th Sophia Strachan 15 Pre-Novice Dance Pattern Dance 2nd Bridget LeDonne / Jakub Smal 25.12

Pre-Juvenile Women U11 Flight 3 2nd Angela Ling 19.9 Pre-Novice Dance Free Dance 5th Bridget LeDonne / Jakub Smal 29.38

Pre-Juvenile Women U11 Flight 4 5th Annika McKenzie 20.78 Aug 14-17, 2014 - Thornhill Summer Skate (Thornhill, ON )

Pre-Juvenile Women U14 Flight 1 11th Anya Sheltra 14.56 Open Solo Dance Short Dance 3rd Emily Wright 26.68

Pre-Juvenile Women U14 Flight 2 11th Larissa Lup 12.45 Juvenile Dance Pattern Dance 1st Sophia Strachan / Aidan Wright 24.24

Juvenile Women U14 Flight 1 10th Martinique Stastna 21.5 3rd Rose Brawley / Owen Brawley 21.55

Juvenile Women U14 Flight 2 7th Samira Rechsteiner 23.26 Juvenile Dance Free Dance 2nd Rose Brawley / Owen Brawley 22.21

Juvenile Dance Pattern Dance 1st Angela Ling / Everest Zhu 22.66 9th Sophia Strachan / Aidan Wright 16.12

3rd Rose Brawley / Owen Brawley 20.54 Pre-Novice Men 13th Liam McKenzie 56.14

4th Sydney Embro / Eric Millar 20.47 Pre-Novice Women Flight 5 2nd Olivia Han 69.58

6th Anya Sheltra / Joshua Mulder 18.68 Pre-Novice Dance Pattern Dance 2nd Olivia Han / Grayson Lochhead 24.75

Juvenile Dance Free Dance 1st Sydney Embro / Eric Millar 24.89 Pre-Novice Dance Free Dance 2nd Olivia Han / Grayson Lochhead 33.2

2nd Rose Brawley / Owen Brawley 24.2 Novice Men 8th Matthew Wright 51.68

5th Angela Ling / Everest Zhu 20.88 Novice Dance Pattern Dance 8th Laura Emery / Dean Holbrough 16.71

Pre-Novice Men Short Program 2nd Liam McKenzie 25.66 Novice Dance Free Dance 6th Laura Emery / Dean Holbrough 40.68

Pre-Novice Men Free Program 9th Liam McKenzie 32.55 Sep 10-14, 2014 - U.S. International Figure Skating Classic (Salt Lake City, Utah US)

Pre-Novice Women Short Program Flight 1 4th Angie Qi 22.48 Senior Pairs 4th Brittany Jones / Joshua Reagan 134.8

Pre-Novice Women Short Program Flight 2 12th Nicole Chalhoub 14.83 Sep 19-21, 2014 - Isabelle Henderson Memorial Invitational (Paris, ON )

Pre-Novice Women Short Program Flight 3 4th Joy He 21.99 Pre-Juvenile Men U11 3rd Aiden Dotzert 15.11

Pre-Novice Women Short Program Flight 4 2nd Olivia Han 23.45 Pre-Juvenile Men U14 1st Eric Millar 17.05

8th Natalie Mallet 19.36 Pre-Juvenile Women U11 Flight 3 4th Angela Ling 20.73

Pre-Novice Women Short Program Flight 5 11th Anna Zhou 20.33 Pre-Juvenile Women U11 Flight 5 4th Annika McKenzie 22.04

12th Natasha Tymko 19.74 Pre-Juvenile Women U14 Flight 1 8th Larissa Lup 14.79

Pre-Novice Women Free Program Flight 1 11th Nicole Chalhoub 30.02 Pre-Juvenile Women U14 Flight 3 3rd Darienne Shaw 21.94

Pre-Novice Women Free Program Flight 2 9th Natalie Mallet 35.49 Pre-Juvenile Women U14 Flight 4 5th Anya Sheltra 15.66

Pre-Novice Women Free Program Flight 3 6th Natasha Tymko 37.1 9th Katie Zavitz 12.35

Pre-Novice Women Free Program Flight 4 9th Joy He 36.86 Pre-Juvenile Dance 4th Rebecca Brown / Aiden Dotzert 18.87

10th Angie Qi 34.37 Juvenile Men 3rd Aidan Wright 21.11

Pre-Novice Women Free Program Flight 5 5th Olivia Han 41.56 Juvenile Dance 2nd Rose Brawley / Owen Brawley 43.68

Pre-Novice Dance Pattern Dance 1st Olivia Han / Grayson Lochhead 28.57 Pre-Novice Men 3rd Liam McKenzie 71.17

Pre-Novice Dance Free Dance 1st Olivia Han / Grayson Lochhead 38.05 Pre-Novice Women Flight 1 8th Natalie Mallet 51.29

Novice Men Short Program 2nd Yi Zhou 24.81 Pre-Novice Women Flight 2 3rd Angie Qi 62.81

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3rd Matthew Wright 23.84 Pre-Novice Women Flight 3 9th Jane Hallett 39.69

Novice Men Free Program 1st Matthew Wright 59.31 Pre-Novice Women Flight 4 2nd Olivia Han 63.06

Junior Pairs Short Program 1st Shalena Rau / Sebastian Arcieri 41.97 Pre-Novice Women Flight 5 2nd Joy He 60.45

Junior Pairs Free Program 1st Shalena Rau / Sebastian Arcieri 70.01 Pre-Novice Women Flight 6 9th Grace Condon 49.96

Sep 24-28, 2014 - ISU Junior Grand Prix Tallinn Cup (Tallinn, Estonia) Pre-Novice Women Flight 8 5th Anna Zhou 59.56

Junior Pairs 6th Mary Orr / Phelan Simpson 120.3 Pre-Novice Women Flight 9 3rd Natasha Tymko 64.85

7th Shalena Rau / Sebastian Arcieri 118.4 Pre-Novice Dance 2nd Kara Hogg / Andrew McDonald 55.01

Sep 24-27, 2014 - Nebelhorn Trophy (Oberstdorf, Germany) Novice Men 2nd Matthew Wright 83.47

Senior Dance 1st Kaitlyn Weaver / Andrew Poje 165.3 5th Yi Zhou 73.53

Oct 3-5, 2014 - Autumn Skate (Ottawa, ON ) Novice Dance 1st Laura Emery / Dean Holbrough 73.67

Open Solo Dance 2nd Emily Wright 27.4 Junior Women Flight 3 4th Stephanie Rechsteiner 81.5

4th Melanie Spowart 24.86 Oct 2-5, 2014 - Skate Ontario Super Series Final (Ottawa, ON )

6th Marin Taylor 23.99 Pre-Novice Men 3rd Liam McKenzie 68.81

Novice Solo Dance 1st Emily Wright 22.26 Pre-Novice Women 9th Olivia Han 69.74

Pre-Novice Solo Dance 1st Marin Taylor 23.05 Pre-Novice Dance 1st Olivia Han / Grayson Lochhead 62.1

2nd Melanie Spowart 19.45 Novice Men 5th Matthew Wright 64.98

Pre-Juvenile Women U11 Flight 2 7th Annika McKenzie 21.26 Oct 8-11, 2014 - ISU Junior Grand Prix Croatia Cup (Zagreb, Croatia)

Oct 14-17, 2014 - Skate Canada Autumn Classic (Barrie, ON ) Junior Pairs 7th Mary Orr / Phelan Simpson 126

Senior Pairs 7th Brittany Jones / Joshua Reagan 127.2 Oct 15-19, 2014 - Octoberfest (Barrie, ON )

Oct 31-Nov 2, 2014 - ISU Grand Prix Skate Canada International (Kelowna, BC ) Open Solo Dance Short Dance 5th Emily Wright 23.85

Senior Dance 1st Kaitlyn Weaver / Andrew Poje 171.1 6th Marin Taylor 23.34

Kirsten Moore-Towers / Michael Senior Pairs 6th 158.8 Juvenile Women U14 Flight 1 7th Samira Rechsteiner 22.24 Marinaro

7th Brittany Jones / Joshua Reagan 146.8 Juvenile Dance 3rd Angela Ling / Everest Zhu 46.96

Nov 7-9, 2014 - Skate Canada Western Ontario Sectional Championships (Sarnia, ON ) 5th Rose Brawley / Owen Brawley 44.33

Pre-Juvenile Men U11 1st Aiden Dotzert 16.46 6th Sophia Strachan / Aidan Wright 43.1

Pre-Juvenile Men U14 1st Everest Zhu 18.76 12th Sydney Embro / Eric Millar 35.04

3rd Eric Millar 17.1 Pre-Novice Women Flight 1 11th Angie Qi 53

Pre-Juvenile Women U11 Flight 1 6th Annie Guo 18.26 Pre-Novice Dance 2nd Olivia Han / Grayson Lochhead 67.97

Pre-Juvenile Women U11 Flight 2 2nd Annika McKenzie 25.54 7th Bridget LeDonne / Jakub Smal 48.86

Pre-Juvenile Women U11 Flight 3 10th Sophia Strachan 15.96 8th Kara Hogg / Andrew McDonald 48.67

Pre-Juvenile Women U11 Flight 4 6th Angela Ling 17.85 Novice Dance 10th Laura Emery / Dean Holbrough 57.88

Pre-Juvenile Women U14 Flight 1 6th Zena Kim 19.51 Nov 20-23, 2014 - ISU Grand Prix Trophee Eric Bompard (Bordeaux, France)

Kirsten Moore-Towers / Michael 9th Anya Sheltra 17.27 Senior Pairs 7th 159.1 Marinaro

12th Keanna Davidson 13.53 Nov 22-23, 2014 - John McKay Memorial Invitational (Tillsonburg, ON )

Pre-Juvenile Women U14 Flight 2 2nd Darienne Shaw 22 WO Development Level 2 Women 8th Grace Smerchinski 11.3

Sasha (Alexandra) Grichine / Jacob 6th Larissa Lup 19.1 WO Development Level 2 Dance 2nd 10.52 Stark

12th Katie Zavitz 15.41 WO Development Level 3 Men 1st Aiden Dotzert 17.31

Pre-Juvenile Dance 4th Rebecca Brown / Aiden Dotzert 17.23 WO Development Level 3 Women Flight 1 2nd Annika McKenzie 25.28

Juvenile Men U14 1st Aidan Wright 20.85 WO Development Level 3 Dance 4th Rebecca Brown / Aiden Dotzert 17.05

Juvenile Women U14 Flight 1 9th Heather Metzloff 17.03 STARSkate Gold Women Flight 3 4th Tiffany Lenselink 29.98

Juvenile Women U14 Flight 2 4th Samira Rechsteiner 25.67 Open Solo Dance 4th Melanie Spowart 27.88

7th Paige Nobbs 23.4 5th Marin Taylor 23.91

Juvenile Dance 2nd Angela Ling / Everest Zhu 48.88 Pre-Novice Solo Dance 1st Marin Taylor 23.71

5th Rose Brawley / Owen Brawley 45.62 2nd Melanie Spowart 23.22

6th Sophia Strachan / Aidan Wright 45.28 Juvenile Solo Dance 1st Ainsley Dotzert 20.77

8th Sydney Embro / Eric Millar 41.1 STARSkate Bronze Interpretive Women Flight 3 1st Emma Chiera 37.96

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Pre-Novice Men 2nd Liam McKenzie 76.65 Nov 27-30, 2014 - ISU Grand Prix NHK Trophy (Osaka, Japan)

Pre-Novice Women 14th Anna Zhou 63.95 Senior Dance 1st Kaitlyn Weaver / Andrew Poje 169.4

18th Natasha Tymko 61.92 Dec 3-7, 2014 - Skate Canada Challenge (Pierrefonds, QC )

20th Angie Qi 60.85 Pre-Novice Men 30th Liam McKenzie 66.15

22nd Grace Condon 59.12 Pre-Novice Dance 2nd Olivia Han / Grayson Lochhead 74.63

24th Natalie Mallet 57.91 7th Kara Hogg / Andrew McDonald 59.45

25th Joy He 57.39 8th Bridget LeDonne / Jakub Smal 58.76

37th Jane Hallett 32.59 Novice Men 13th Matthew Wright 86.39

Pre-Novice Dance 1st Olivia Han / Grayson Lochhead 73.61 24th Yi Zhou 71.28

2nd Kara Hogg / Andrew McDonald 57.84 Novice Dance 14th Laura Emery / Dean Holbrough 57.03

3rd Bridget LeDonne / Jakub Smal 57.39 Junior Pairs 1st Shalena Rau / Sebastian Arcieri 126.4

Novice Men 1st Matthew Wright 85.13 3rd Mary Orr / Phelan Simpson 115.5

Kirsten Moore-Towers / Michael 2nd Yi Zhou 74.31 Senior Pairs 2nd 176.8 Marinaro

Novice Women 14th Sabrina Lezeu 71.42 5th Brittany Jones / Joshua Reagan 137.8

Novice Dance 1st Laura Emery / Dean Holbrough 65.03 Dec 11-14, 2014 - ISU Grand Prix Final (Barcelona, Spain)

Junior Pairs 1st Mary Orr / Phelan Simpson 117.4 Senior Dance 1st Kaitlyn Weaver / Andrew Poje 181.1

2nd Shalena Rau / Sebastian Arcieri 109.4 Dec 13-14, 2014 - Bill Phillips Memorial Synchronized Skating Invitational Competition (Stratford, ON )

Jan 9-11, 2015 - Charles Dover Memorial Invitational (Grimsby, ON ) Juvenile Synchro 11th Revolution 24.39

STAR 4 Girls under 13 Flight 2 6th Ruth Meyer Jan 19-25, 2015 - Canadian Tire National Skating Championships (Kingston, ON )

STAR 5 Girls under 13 Flight 1 6th Winifred Li 8.07 Novice Men 9th Matthew Wright 96.29

STAR 5 Girls under 13 Flight 2 4th Keanna Davidson 13.61 Novice Dance 15th Laura Emery / Dean Holbrough 54.3

STAR 5 Girls 13 & over Flight 6 6th Christina Wang 11.62 Junior Pairs 1st Mary Orr / Phelan Simpson 133.1

WO Development Level 1 Women 4th Leah Cai 2nd Shalena Rau / Sebastian Arcieri 120.3

WO Development Level 3 Women 7th Annie Guo 22.22 Senior Dance 1st Kaitlyn Weaver / Andrew Poje 187.9

Kirsten Moore-Towers / Michael STARSkate Senior Bronze Women Flight 2 7th Larissa Lup 17.9 Senior Pairs 4th 180.5 Marinaro

STARSkate Senior Bronze Women Flight 4 4th Katie Zavitz 17.31 7th Brittany Jones / Joshua Reagan 132.9

STARSkate Junior Silver Women Flight 1 4th Emma Chiera 20.26 Jan 30-Feb 1, 2015 - Synchro Capers (Oakville, ON )

STARSkate Junior Silver Dance 1st Anya Sheltra / Joshua Mulder 18.51 Elementary Synchro Silver Final 1st Revolution 16.06

STARSkate Gold Women 5th Tiffany Lenselink 29.54 Feb 6-8, 2015 - Dennis Silverthorne Memorial Invitational (Woodstock, ON )

STARSkate Bronze Interpretive Women Flight 1 7th Sylvie McGeown 26.66 STAR 5 Girls under 13 Flight 1 14th Winifred Li 10.85

STARSkate Bronze Interpretive Women Flight 2 3rd Emma Chiera 33.01 STAR 5 Girls 13 & over Flight 2 8th Mai-Lien Thompson 9.83

STARSkate Silver Interpretive Women 3rd Martinique Stastna 34.34 STAR 5 Girls 13 & over Flight 3 9th Kaitlyn Wells 12.42

8th Eve Smerchinski 26.98 STAR 5 Girls 13 & over Flight 4 5th Audrey Scanlan 16.14

STARSkate Gold Interpretive Women 8th Shaelynn Ciupak 28.15 WO Development Level 2 Women 7th Grace Smerchinski 13.51

Sasha (Alexandra) Grichine / Jacob Adult Bronze Freeskate Women 2nd Deborah Bennett 8.83 WO Development Level 2 Dance 2nd 12.91 Stark

Adult Silver Freeskate Women 4th Jeanette Magurn 11.46 WO Development Level 3 Men 3rd Aiden Dotzert 16.56

Adult Masters Freeskate Women 2nd Elizabeth Christensen 17.76 WO Development Level 3 Women Flight 1 1st Annika McKenzie 29.36

5th Elizabeth Bauer 13.43 WO Development Level 3 Dance 5th Rebecca Brown / Aiden Dotzert 14.53

Adult Introductory Interpretive Women 1st Deborah Bennett 23.4 STARSkate Senior Bronze Women Flight 1 5th Angela Ling 18.06

Adult Silver Interpretive Women 1st Elizabeth Christensen 39.09 STARSkate Senior Bronze Women Flight 2 5th Anya Sheltra 19.94

6th Patricia Clarke 25.28 STARSkate Senior Bronze Women Flight 3 8th Sophia Strachan 16.82

Adult Gold Interpretive Women 3rd Elizabeth Bauer 42.09 STARSkate Junior Silver Dance 1st Anya Sheltra / Joshua Mulder 17.93

Feb 9-15, 2015 - ISU Four Continents Championships (Seoul, Korea) STARSkate Gold Women 4th Tiffany Lenselink 24.76

Senior Dance 1st Kaitlyn Weaver / Andrew Poje 177.5 Pre-Introductory Interpretive Women 3rd Darienne Shaw 29.08

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Kirsten Moore-Towers/Michael Senior Pairs 9th 160.7 11th Ainsley Dotzert 20.5 Marinaro Feb 27-Mar 1, 2015 - Skate Canada-Western Ontario STARSkate Championships & Adult Showcase (Fort STARSkate Bronze Interpretive Women Flight 2 1st Emma Chiera 37.19 Erie, ON )

STAR 4 Boys 13 & over 1st Matthew Gajewski STARSkate Silver Interpretive Women 1st Jane Hallett 39.5

STAR 4 Girls under 10 Flight 2 1st Grace Smerchinski 9th Shannon Stone 25.52

STAR 4 Girls under 13 Flight 3 7th Emmaline Stark STARSkate Gold Interpretive Women Flight 2 2nd Angie Qi 39.41

STAR 5 Girls under 13 Flight 1 8th Winifred Li 11.72 Juvenile Men U14 2nd Everest Zhu 25.21

STAR 5 Girls 13 & over Flight 2 11th Mai-Lien Thompson 9.18 4th Aidan Wright 23.74

STARSkate Senior Bronze Women Flight 1 8th Larissa Lup 20.03 6th Eric Millar 19.4

STARSkate Junior Silver Women Flight 1 11th Emma Chiera 16.95 Juvenile Dance Pattern Dance 6th Angela Ling / Everest Zhu 20.24

STARSkate Junior Silver Dance 1st Anya Sheltra / Joshua Mulder 15.57 7th Sydney Embro / Eric Millar 20.12

STARSkate Senior Silver Women 5th Kaitlyn Wilson 27.06 8th Sophia Strachan / Aidan Wright 19.52

STARSkate Gold Women Flight 2 4th Tiffany Lenselink 28.55 9th Rose Brawley / Owen Brawley 19.25

Pre-Introductory Interpretive Women Flight 1 4th Darienne Shaw 27.78 Juvenile Dance Free Dance 1st Angela Ling / Everest Zhu 32.88

Pre-Introductory Interpretive Women Flight 2 3rd Ainsley Dotzert 22.91 4th Sophia Strachan / Aidan Wright 26.59

STARSkate Bronze Interpretive Women Flight 2 5th Sylvie McGeown 25.22 6th Rose Brawley / Owen Brawley 26.08

STARSkate Bronze Interpretive Women Flight 3 1st Emma Chiera 36.86 9th Anya Sheltra / Joshua Mulder 23.66

STARSkate Silver Interpretive Women Flight 1 1st Jane Hallett 45.22 10th Sydney Embro / Eric Millar 22.99

STARSkate Silver Interpretive Women Flight 2 3rd Eve Smerchinski 28.79 Pre-Novice Men Short Program 1st Liam McKenzie 25.14

6th Shannon Stone 26.69 Pre-Novice Women Short Program Flight 2 2nd Grace Condon 22.17

STARSkate Gold Interpretive Women 4th Nicole Chalhoub 38.26 4th Angie Qi 21.29

Adult Bronze Freeskate Women 2nd Deborah Bennett 11.11 Pre-Novice Women Short Program Flight 3 2nd Olivia Han 25.4

Adult Silver Freeskate Women 6th Jeanette Magurn 9.85 Pre-Novice Women Short Program Flight 4 2nd Joy He 21.93

Adult Masters Freeskate Women 2nd Elizabeth Bauer 16.69 Pre-Novice Women Free Program Flight 1 6th Grace Condon 31.69

3rd Elizabeth Christensen 16.45 Novice Women Short Program Flight 1 4th Sabrina Lezeu 27.52

4th Amanda Fromager 11.42 Feb 21-21, 2015 - Lloyd Ogilvie Memorial Synchronized Skating Invitational (Chatham, ON )

Adult Pre-Introductory Interpretive Men 1st Greg Harper 15.52 Beginner I Synchro 3rd Revolution 6.08

Adult Pre-Introductory Interpretive Women 2nd Clare So 22.7 Elementary Synchro 9th Revolution 20.2

Adult Introductory Interpretive Women 1st Deborah Bennett 20.45 Juvenile Synchro 5th Revolution 30.74

Adult Silver Interpretive Women 1st Elizabeth Christensen 34.38 Mar 2-8, 2015 - ISU World Junior Championships (Tallinn, Estonia)

4th Judy Chow 30.73 Junior Pairs 9th Shalena Rau/Sebastian Arcieri 128.7

6th Patricia Clarke 27.21 10th Mary Orr / Phelan Simpson 128.3

Adult Gold Interpretive Women 6th Elizabeth Bauer 35.18 Mar 13-15, 2015 - Skate Ontario Championships (Brampton, ON )

7th Amanda Fromager 33.68 STARSkate Junior Silver Dance 1st Anya Sheltra/Joshua Mulder 20.27

Pre-Juvenile Men U11 1st Aiden Dotzert 16.87 STARSkate Senior Silver Women 12th Kaitlyn Wilson 24.53

Pre-Juvenile Men U14 1st Everest Zhu 25.72 Pre-Juvenile Men U11 4th Aiden Dotzert 19.81

2nd Eric Millar 19.98 Pre-Juvenile Men U14 1st Everest Zhu 25.17

Pre-Juvenile Women U11 2nd Annie Guo 26.58 2nd Eric Millar 23.43

4th Annika McKenzie 25.46 Pre-Juvenile Women U11 6th Annie Guo 29.43

19th Angela Ling 17.69 14th Annika McKenzie 22.94

20th Sophia Strachan 17.31 Pre-Juvenile Dance 6th Rebecca Brown/Aiden Dotzert 17.43

Pre-Juvenile Women U14 5th Darienne Shaw 21.41 Juvenile Men U14 4th Aidan Wright 20.51

10th Keanna Davidson 16.82 Juvenile Dance 1st Sydney Embro / Eric Millar 49.71

14th Zena Kim 12.38 5th Angela Ling / Everest Zhu 46.82

Pre-Juvenile Dance 4th Rebecca Brown / Aiden Dotzert 18.72 7th Rose Brawley / Owen Brawley 46.58

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Juvenile Men U14 1st Aidan Wright 22.84 9th Sophia Strachan / Aidan Wright 41.72

Juvenile Dance 1st Angela Ling / Everest Zhu 51.32 Mar 23-29, 2015 - ISU World Figure Skating Championships (Shanghai, China)

3rd Sophia Strachan / Aidan Wright 49.47 Senior Dance 3rd Kaitlyn Weaver/Andrew Poje 179.4

4th Rose Brawley / Owen Brawley 48.81 Mar 28-29, 2015 - Deveau/Winfield Synchronized Skating Invitational (Amherstburg, ON )

6th Sydney Embro / Eric Millar 47.21 Beginner I Synchro 4th Revolution 6.15

Apr 24-26, 2015 - Ursula Lehming Scarboro Skate (Scarborough, ON ) Elementary Synchro 3rd Revolution 25.55

STAR 5 Girls under 13 Flight 2 4th Ruth Meyer 13.96 Juvenile Synchro 4th Revolution 29.7

STARSkate Gold Women 4th Tiffany Lenselink 24.09 Apr 3-5, 2015 - Skate Canada Adult Figure Skating Championships (Calgary, Alberta )

Junior Bronze Solo Dance 8th Kailyn Davidson 5.96 Adult Bronze Freeskate Women Class IV 1st Deborah Bennett 9.22

STARSkate Bronze Interpretive Women Flight 3 1st Marin Taylor 32.01 Adult Silver Freeskate Women Class III 2nd Patricia Clarke 16.18

STARSkate Gold Interpretive Women 2nd Jane Hallett 41.01 Adult Masters Freeskate Women Class I 11th Amanda Fromager 13.21

Pre-Juvenile Women U14 Flight 1 10th Zena Kim 15.67 Adult Masters Freeskate Women Class II 3rd Elizabeth Bauer 18.68

Pre-Juvenile Women U14 Flight 2 12th Keanna Davidson 15.58 Adult Introductory Interpretive Women Class IV 4th Deborah Bennett 21.16

Pre-Novice Women Short Program Flight 1 10th Heather Metzloff 18.06 Adult Silver Interpretive Women Class III-IV 5th Patricia Clarke 26.52

Pre-Novice Women Short Program Flight 4 9th Jane Hallett 15.81 Adult Gold Interpretive Women Class I 10th Amanda Fromager 30.15

Pre-Novice Women Free Program Flight 1 10th Jane Hallett 20.45 Adult Gold Interpretive Women Class II 4th Elizabeth Bauer 35.06

Pre-Novice Women Free Program Flight 2 10th Samira Rechsteiner 27.93

Junior Women Free Program 8th Stephanie Rechsteiner 48.11

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KWSC Athletic Centre Report As we wind up another eventful fiscal year at The Athletic Centre, it is a good time to reflect back on the positive changes made to the centre over the year. One of the most noticeable changes is the use of significant hours of floor space by Krav Maga Waterloo each week to run their mixed martial arts classes. What started out as a conversation over coffee in the Athletic Centre office at 6:00am between me and Aubrey Brawley, co-owner of Krav Maga Waterloo, quickly converted the once quiet gym into a high energy, fun filled, action packed centre. The focus of the centre is still on athletic and personal development for all ages, with a focus and emphasis on the skaters at KWSC, but with new equipment and a renovated main conditioning floor space with enhanced padding and heavy bags. This partnership has allowed skaters to experience new instructors and class formats; all of which have been well received. While Krav Maga is a martial arts program it has allowed skaters to train skills needed in skating including body awareness, core strength, agility and overall conditioning in new and exciting ways. Ongoing guidance and input from our competitive singles leadership team has brought valuable insight into the off-ice conditioning programming. A new curriculum for our Junior Star program has been launched with a new focus on exercise form and functional movement important in the development of our athletes. We have continued to add to the number of our national level and retired skaters as technical jump instructors for our junior star, enrichment and introduction to figure skating programs. We have also been happy to have more off-ice time for technical jump instruction be provided by Kris and Kristy Wirtz, and Melinda Kunhegyi to ensure jumping skills learned on the ice are reinforced in off-ice classes. We were fortunate to receive a positive response again to our request for funding through the Canada Summer Jobs program providing funding for 30 hours per week for eight weeks for a student supervisor/instructor providing them with a valuable work experience and providing some salary support to our facility. With a new season starting we look forward to continually evolving to meet the off-ice training needs of our skaters for the benefit of all skaters.

Dale Bellaire, CPT, IYCA-YCS, YNS, NCCP II, Athletics Manager

Coaching Committee There are many positive changes happening within the KWSC coaching community this year. These have resulted in a more collective approach in how we teach, train and prepare our skaters for tests and competitions. Much of this progress can be attributed to improved communication between Coaches, Office Staff, and the Board of Directors Skating Programs Manager-Paul MacIntosh, Singles Discipline Consultant- Kris Wirtz and our Technical Consultant – Michelle Leigh have provided much support and guidance to both skaters and coaches alike. In addition, we have implemented spirit and team-building into our year with much success. We will continue moving forward with these unifying activities. I’d like to welcome Tyler Morris as our newest addition to the coaching staff. He is designated as a Dance Base Coach and brings a wealth of experience with him. In addition I’d also like to welcome Krista Coventry, Victoria Bernardo and Johanna Sike to their new classification as Assistant Base Coaches. These individuals provide a valuable service to the Base Coaching staff especially in filling in those gaps when we are away at competitions and need to keep the programs running effectively. This year coaches have been busy learning the new Star 1-5 competition structure and having their athletes participate in numerous competitions. This new system encourages the skaters to focus on the development of basic elements that make up a quality program rather than ranking themselves against others. It is a substantial change in thinking but one which our coaches have embraced. Sports history was made at the National AGM in May when coaches were, for the first time, able to register and participate in voting on-line. Our very own Paul MacIntosh was a beneficiary of this practical new use of technology by being elected to the Skate Canada Board of Directors. Congratulations Paul! Skaters representing the KWSC have had success in the local, National and International levels this year in all disciplines – including several National medalists- Congratulations to all for a job well done!! It has been my pleasure being part of the movement toward greater success this year as Coaches Representative to the KWSC Board.

Kind Regards, Melinda Kunhegyi

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Special Events The following are brief summaries of special skating events we host for our members:

Freeskate Festival - Angela Stark FreeSkate Festival 2014 “Seasons of Skating” was held Dec 21, 2014 to great success. Over one hundred and fifty-three skaters participated in over 180 events, an 18% increase in number of skaters and 38% increase in number of events as compared with the 2013 Festival. The day started with the popular team event that featured the 4 competitive pairs as leaders of a total of 87 team members. The exciting day also saw skaters compete in the new Star 1-5 Learn to Train program that included 57 Star 1 KWspecial/Star 1 entries and skaters received newly redesigned KWSC medals. Exhibitions were also performed throughout the day by the dance teams and the beginner, elementary and juvenile synchro teams. Many people pitched in as needed during the day. Volunteers numbered over 50 as well as coaches’ supporting with the team events, promotion of the event and helping on the day of the event. An increase in the budget for the event was necessary with the increased number of participating skaters. Experience in organizing the event including a better understanding of the volunteer support needed for the technical and music side of the event and more familiarity with the Star 1-5 competition programs will help in in planning next year’s event.

Gala - Lesley Germann What an honour to chair the closing event for the 75th anniversary year, Gala 2014, with my daughter, Maddie and my mother, Flora – 3 generations of KWSC women….very fitting for the occasion! In true KWSC passionate spirit, this event was a collaboration of some key volunteers and staff. With tight timelines and last minute changes, this cohesive and giving team was essential to the success of the event. Thank you to the Gala Committee, Award Committee and Volunteer Management Committee as recognized at the event, for your work and time. I’d like to thank in particular these few folks who really came through at a moment’s notice – Carolyn Eckert, Jill Taylor, Danielle Earl, Jamie Cross, Courtney Frey, Justine DeRabbie and Marie Pringle. A special thank you to Maddie for unexpectedly doing the heavy lifting on the ‘day of’ by yourself…..those are definitely some life skills you learned at KWSC – thanks Carolyn! Our Mistresses of Ceremony, Marie Pringle and Kirsten Moore-Towers guided us through a full agenda. We were able to celebrate achievements at all levels – our Olympic athletes – Andrew Poje and Kaitlyn Weaver; Dylan Moskovitch and Kirsten Moore-Towers through to all levels of success at the KW Skating club among our skaters, members and volunteers. The event was made complete with a celebration for the very special, Carolyn Fedy’s 80th birthday with her family, our volunteers, members, staff and friends of KWSC. What a perfect place and event for this occasion! The 75th anniversary year was a busy and exciting time for KWSC with the Olympics thrown in the middle. You should all be proud to be a part of such a scrupulous organization as KW Skating club and we thank you for your continued support and encouragement of all our athletes through your volunteerism and participation.

KWSC Showcase’s Celebration of Excellence 2015 - Stefanie Wright and Emily Wright The second biannual production of Celebration of Excellence was held on March 29th in the Carolyn Fedy Skating Centre. Over 140 KWSC skaters, from Intro to Figure Skating all the way up to our international competitors, took part in the show. Rebecca Babb, KWSC’s highly talented coach and choreographer, took on the role of production coordinator

Page 16 and helped to create a very energetic, creative, and fun show. With such a large skater participation, we were able to have two shows this year; the skaters really seemed to enjoy getting to perform twice in front of two nearly sold-out audiences! The shows featured several group performances, including Intro to Figure Skating plus Jr. STAR, Intermediate/Senior STAR plus competitive singles, Ice dance, Adult STAR, and KWSC’s three synchronized skating teams. In addition, there were 14 different feature performers between the two shows, including singles skaters, ice dance teams and pairs teams, to highlight some of the most successful KWSC skaters from the 2014-15 season. A special thank you goes out to the organizing committee as well as to the many volunteers who helped make the show a success. Another very special thank you goes out to Brooklyn and Ella, two of the skaters in the show who shared their incredible vocal talents with us all by singing our National anthem before each show. Finally, thank you to Danielle Earl Photography, whose amazing photos of the event can be seen on KWSC’s Facebook page as well as on the photographer’s official website.

STARSkate Championships Simulations and Send-Off - Paul Mallet On February 13 we held an enjoyable simulations and send-off event for approximately 40 KWSC skaters competing at the Western Ontario Section STARSkate Championships & Adult Showcase. The skaters benefitted from a full dress rehearsal before a cheering audience in the lead-up to the championships held in Fort Erie from February 27th to March 1st. Skaters also participated in an energetic drama class led by the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy, which helped our skaters gain confidence and improve their dramatic presence and impact on the ice.

Sectionals Simulations and Send-Off - Paul Mallet On Friday October 24th, 2014 we held a very well attended simulations and send-off event. The day served as a full dress rehearsal and team-building event for our Western Ontario Sectionals and Skate Canada International competitors. Many coaches, spectators and skaters participated, with 46 of 48 eligible skaters performing either their short or long program. The event also included refreshments and a panel discussion for skaters and their families led by KWSC President Paul Mallet and guest speakers Kirsten Moore-Towers and . Our guest speakers did a great job of sharing their experiences, and provided sound advice for our sectionals team in a fun and collegial atmosphere.

Alumni Annual Report

The Alumni’s mandate from the KWSC is to recognize the achievements of our skaters, coaches and volunteers. The committee has been working on re-hanging the banners to allow for space to hang new achievements in future years. This year we will have 31 Gold banners hanging in the Carolyn Fedy Center. The Board of Directors requested that our committee develop a Bereavement Policy to recognize the death of a member of the KWSC skating community and his/ her contributions to KWSC and/or the sport of figure skating. The committee has a plan in place along with appropriate condolence cards. A condolence card was sent to the Heasell family upon the death of Ted Heasell on Jan 3, 2015. Ted was an active participant in the KWSC Adult Dance Program as well as a volunteer for many of the club’s programs including Eistanzfest. Online condolences were sent upon the death of John Caughell on May 27th in Edmonton. John was a competitive coach with our club in the early years at Rink in the Park before he moved to Edmonton. John helped to develop a Young Judges Program in our club.

Respectfully submitted by Marilyn Johnny Committee members Al Dahmer, Carolyn Fedy, Joyce Haus, Chris Nanson, Alison Smerchinski, Sue Taylor

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Kitchener Waterloo Skating Club Trust

The KWSC Trust Committee is entrusted with the stewardship and management of the KWSC Trust assets. The 2014/15 skating year has seen little activity for the Trust except the commitment to the City of Waterloo and the on- going GST relief funding. Safe and prudent investing of Trust fund assets continues to ensure the Trust remains viable and relevant. Although the Committee has not met this season, we continue to explore ways to update the Trust agreement to reflect the needs of the Club while respecting the original intent of the Trust agreement. All funds entrusted to the Trust Committee are currently invested in secure instruments as recommended by Belmont Financial. A special thanks to Sue Taylor, as Trust Treasurer, for her continued dedication, hard work and advice.

KWSC Trust Committee: Don Johnny, Chair Sue Taylor, Treasurer Mary-Jo Fedy, Secretary Mark Psutka, Member Paul Mallet, KWSC President

Grand River Skating Council Report

2015-2016 Board Chair – Cheryl Ann Dotzert Past Chair – Alison Smerchinski Vice Chair – Valerie MacDonald Treasurer – Sheri Pratt Secretary – Norma Poyntz Bursary Chair – Judi Chow Synchro Rep – Sharon Hefley Skater Development – Alison Smerchinski

Each Club has a representative sitting on the council Clubs: Ayr, Cambridge, Guelph, K-W, New Hamburg, Preston, Wellesley, and Woolwich.

2014-15 Events: August 2014 Summer Sizzle Invitational October 2014 Sectional Simulations February 2015 Starskate Evaluation Day December 2014 Skater Development Day

Upcoming 2015-16 Events: August 7 - 9, 2015 Summer Sizzle Invitational at Rim Park, Waterloo September 26, 2015 Sectional Simulation at Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex, Waterloo December 2015 Skater Development Day February 19-21, 2016 Skate Canada Synchonized Skating Championship at Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex, Waterloo March 5-6, 2016 Futures Invitational in Ayr

Thank you to all the volunteers who gave their time and talents this year. Our volunteers are the key to our success.

A special thank you to Patrick Therrien who represented KWSC at the GRSC Board and to Stewart Allan who is retiring this year from the GRSC after over a dozen years of service.

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KWSC Board Of Directors

Lesley Germann Skating committees/events/volunteer work I have volunteered with many organizations including Girl Guides of Canada and Parent Teacher Councils. Within skating, it has been my pleasure to have had the opportunity to chair KWSC Freeskate Festival and Showcase on several occasions, as well as, provide leadership for Skate Canada International Competition in the areas of sponsorship/advertising/concierge. I have enjoyed a variety of volunteering tasks on behalf of KWSC including assisting with all areas of competitions, organizing and staffing recreational program meet and greets and various send-off events to name a few. Other Information: I was a skater with KWSC as a young child and teenager and returned to the sport through my own daughter's passion for skating. My passion on the BOD has been to help provide an atmosphere where all skaters can achieve their maximum potential in their pursuit of personal excellence. When not at the rink, my other interests include running, yoga and enjoying time with my family and friends.

Joanne Kuntz Skating committees/events/volunteer work  Skate Canada Gold Evaluator/ Competitive Judge – 39 years  Organizing Committee and Team Lead for Back of House Operations for 5 international and 4 national competitions held in Kitchener  Tech Rep for a multitude of regional and local competitions held in the area over the last 18 years  Member, Board of Governors, Excellence Canada – 3 years  President, Fresh Ayr Festival - 3 years (local arts and music festival held annually)  Chair, Artisan's Exhibit, 2012 International Plowing Match Other Information: I have been a member of KWSC for 51 years, skated for 15 years, and have been a competitive judge and test evaluator for 39 years. I volunteer to make a difference. In my spare time I make pottery, enjoy travelling and spending time at the cottage with my family.

Paul Mallet Skating committees/events/volunteer work I have served as KWSC’s President for the past 3 years. I have chaired or co-chaired several committees (e.g., volunteer management, awards, gala) and serve as the KWSC webmaster. Outside KWSC I have served on the Grand River Skating Council, and I serve as a Skate Canada WO Section Data Specialist. I have volunteered at many skating competitions including lots of invitationals, Canadian nationals, and ISU events such as Skate Canada International and the World Figure Skating Championships. Other Information: My daughter’s love of skating sparked in me an ever-growing interest and commitment to the sport. Watching how much skating has taught her—not just skating skills, but also life skills—has inspired me to give back to the sport.

Anders McKenzie Skating committees/events/volunteer work • KWSC Finance Committee • Past Board member of Kitchener Waterloo Oktoberfest Inc. • Past Board member and executive member of the London Chamber of Commerce • Past Chair of the Capital Campaign for the London Regional Children’s Museum Other Information: I have two children in the competitive KWSC program and a third child in competitive tennis. I am an avid competitive tennis player myself, and I am also a squash and golf participant.

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Alison Smerchinski Skating committees/events/volunteer work KWSC: Ice Show - Chair: 2014, Co-Chair 2012, Fundraising Lead 2010; Volunteer Recruitment and Scheduling, Welcome Tables Co-ordination 2012-current Grand River Skating Council: Past Chair 2013 – present, Skater Development Chair (2013-present), Chair (2012-2013), Vice Chair (2011-12), KWSC Rep (2010-2011); Competition Chair for Summer Sizzle 2011- present, Starskate Championship (2012), Special Olympics Co-Chair (2012), Competition Registrar, Security Lead, Catering Skate Canada: Data Specialist KidsAbility Foundation: Board Member 2002-2007; Kids Can’t Wait Campaign Chair 2004-2006 K-W Bilingual School: Board Member (1999-2004); “Hot” Lunch Mom (2000-current) Waterloo Co-operative Preschool: 1998-2001 Board member held positions as President, Treasurer, Fundraising K-W Gyrettes: I have held the positions of Chair, Vice Chair, Board Member. Other Information: I am a stay at home mother with 5 children and an active volunteer. Prior to having children, I worked in management of a small local software company and in professional recruitment. My five children have exposed me to all club programs including Learn to Skate, Star Skate, Competitive Singles, and Competitive Dance. My goal as a board member is to provide the proper environment for all stakeholders to reach their potential whether they are an athlete, a volunteer, a coach, or a supporter.

Ken Stark Skating committees/events/volunteer work I have assisted on the Santa Claus Parade float and the Ice Show/Showcase for KWSC, and my wife Angela has coordinated the Christmas Freeskate Festival. I have also volunteered as an on-ice assistant for Waterloo Minor Hockey at the Fundamentals-Tyke level hockey. Professionally, I volunteer as an Associate Editor of the journal Lipids and I am a founding member of the Agri-food for Healthy Aging group of the Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging. I am also a member of the Canadian Nutrition Society. Other Information: I presently have 4 children skating in various levels and programs at KWSC. As a child, I grew up on a farm near Hagersville, ON where I skated in the CanSkate program and took stroking lessons. I eventually played varsity hockey for Yale, the University of Toronto, and the University of Guelph, and I continue to play with in the K-W Oldtimers’ League. Through volunteering, I hope to help KWSC to continue to provide skating opportunities to skaters at all levels.

Stefanie Wright Skating committees/events/volunteer work Over the past 9 years I have volunteered at KWSC for a number of events and committees: Showcase, club competitions, and awards committee, and I was chairperson for the Celebration of Excellence in 2013 and 2015. I have also been a regular volunteer at various regional skating competitions. Outside of the skating world, I have also volunteered as coach and convenor for the Waterloo Minor Soccer Club and the Kitchener Soccer Club (2006-12), and I have also volunteered at the K-W Humane Society (2010-2013). Other Information: I have two children who have been skating at KWSC over the past 13 years. I have had first-hand experience as a skating parent at all levels, including Pre-School, Enrichment, CanSkate, STARSkate, and competitive singles, dance, and synchronized skating. As a former competitor in the sport of fencing I strongly believe in the notion of “sport for life” and I think that the “skater-first” philosophy must remain a priority at KWSC in order to give the skaters a desire to remain active in sport or other physical activity throughout their lives.

Carolyn Fedy (Honorary Lifetime Member)

Melinda Kunhegyi (Coaches’ Representative)

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Returning Board Members for a new term:

Jill Brush Skating committees/events/volunteer work I assisted with skater registration at the 2014 Summer Sizzle. Community volunteer work includes the Volunteer Action Centre of Kitchener-Waterloo (Director 2009-Present, Chair 2011-2014); Waterloo Condominium Corporation No. 280 (Director 2013-Present, Treasurer 2014-present); Engage! K-W 2010-2011; and KW YMCA Mentoring Partnership (Mentor 2008-2009). Other Information: I was a skater as a child and teenager, skating out of the Forest and Watford Skating Clubs. I participated in both singles skating as well as synchronized skating for many years, and I achieved my Gold Level Dance and Skills tests. I am interested in being involved with the Board of KWSC as a way to give back to the community and to feel connected again to the sport. I can provide a voice on the Board, as someone with knowledge of the sport but I will be objective as I do not have any current or historical ties to the club. When I am not working or volunteering, I enjoy running and spending time with family and friends.

Patrick Therrien Skating committees/events/volunteer work  At UW, volunteered for undergraduate Psychology Students’ society  I also sat on the Executive Committee as Charity co-chair and Vice President Administration  Volunteered for KWSC competitions and events, including developing and delivering two competitive seminars Other Information: Having been a competitive skater and employee involved with KWSC for many years in the past, I would like to return to apply my skills as an athlete and those I picked up during my university years. I’d like to help the club manage the development of our athletes and achieve our full potential as an organization.

New Nominees:

Duncan Millar Skating committees/events/volunteer work • Supportive parent at KWSC including welcome table and ice show set-up Other Information: When not at work, I can be found at the KWSC club skating rink where I spend my time watching my son in the competitive KWSC skate program master the art of figure skating under the tutelage of several great coaches. After watching my son progress through all the great programs and coaching available at KWSC including CanSkate, STARSkate, Enrichment, and Dance programs - my motivation has grown to volunteer and actively support the sport.

Carolyn Moss Skating committees/events/volunteer work I have volunteered for KWSC as program assistant, co-chair of 2015 StarSkate Send-off, Ice Captain for the 2015 KWSC Celebration of Excellence, Eistanzfest (Adult Social Dance) organizer, and costume committee and dressing room supervisor for KWSC ice shows. Outside of skating, I have been co-chair for the Ontario Psychological Association – Section on Independent Practice, a WeeWatch Board member, as well as the Environmental Director for the Cottage Association. Other Information: Skating has been a large part of my life for as long as I can remember, and I have been a member of KWSC for 20 years. As a skater, I have participated at many levels of skating over the years, including learn to skate, regular skating stream, synchro, varsity skating team, and adult skating. I also now have two daughters who skate at KWSC, who have been involved in Pre-Canskate, Canskate, Enrichment, Intro to Figure Skating, StarSkate, Synchro, and Competitive Dance. I believe all skaters should be encouraged and supported to reach their potential and learn what they can from their time skating.

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Retiring Members of the Board: Sandi Chalhoub retired earlier in the year, after over 1 ½ years of service to the Board. We wish her well and hope to see her in a volunteer capacity at future events.

Martha D’Agostino is retiring after a very successful 2 ½ years on the Board. We are grateful for the time she dedicated to the Board and wish her all the best in her future endeavors.

Sally Heath is retiring after 2 years of Board service. We wish her well and hope to see her at KWSC events in the future.

Tina Weltz is retiring after 4 years of dedication to the Board. Her contributions to the Board were greatly appreciated and we wish her well as she moves on to pursue other endeavors.

2014 Financial Statements

The statements prepared by BDO are printed in a separate booklet and inserted in this AGM report as part of the total presentation to the membership.

AGM Report compiled by Marie Pringle & Justine DeRabbie, June 2015

Page 22

Kitchener Waterloo Skating Club has been “inspiring a lifelong passion for excellence

through skating” since 1938.

Year of Celebration ended in June 2015- Pictured here are the club officials during the celebratory year. Clockwise: Learn to Skate Coaches, Office Staff, Base Coaches, Board Members

Thank you to all the volunteers, coaches and staff who have helped make it happen.