FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 195S i: PAGE TW]BLVZ HUmirlf^Btrr Glinting H^raUt Avataga Daily Net Ptaae Sue llMWaatlMr r Wat iha Weak F ided I at O. a. Weelbn Joky SA IMS throogh tha stop dgn on Weat Miss Ann T. Malaon, Miss Maty road. WIndaor Locks, struck ths Gray Malson and Miss Emma Mat- Seeks to Sell Today In The Day Taxea Ehiver Held girl’s auto near ths entrance of ths atreet Ha waa summoned to ap­ About Town son of 516 Woodbrtdga street are Are Doe, Pay Upor Pay. . . La Points Flaseamold plant, where pear In City Court Monday. No In- WHEN ITS 10,298 vaesUoning at Bermuda for two Moselsky employed. juris# 'wars reported. Patrolman rata aad cooler. weeks. Damage waa aathnatad to sx- Stephen G. PteecUc InvesUgated. H m •vm lnf aetlMusk with $3,819,686.46 In local After Crash Alao achaduied for court appear- -nNE TO lOT Mancheiter’ ....A City o f VUlago Charm M itlM ooodueUd by Anderaon* Etagl^ Plots property taxiw already in the casd 83()0 on each vsblds. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mlgtietta An accident last night at tbs In­ ancaa Monday aro: Waldo E Lake, jfiiTi AuslUaryi No. zOM, will bo till, Collector o f Revenue Paul 16, of RoekvlUa road, WIndaorvUle, oooUmiod for th« proaent. Tonlcht of the Villa Marla HoUl In Glas­ OsrvinI opened his office this tersection of Union snd West tonbury and their families gave a *robalc Court Hesring SUington Girl Slightly strssta, was alao recorded by po­ charged with operating while his m Fa|o 16) MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY. AUGUST 2. ltS2 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICl r iY i playbiC wUI begin at 8:30. Prlsca morning hoping to collect license was under suspension, snd YOL. LXXL NO. 2ft bo awarded the winners and bon voyage dinner party last night 1817,049.87 more before the lice. This crash Involved ears driv­ U thropTniurance Slsted on Two More Injured in Accident en by Ralph A. Amato, S3, of 38 Chartss G. LIsk, It, o f MUl strsst. a aedal time with refreshments for Mr. and Mrs. John FIrato of desdilne for the payment of 209 Oakland street, who are leav­ Pieces of Property TiMlay; Other Arrests Saratoga strsst, gprlngflsld, Maaa Manchester, charged with operat­ wia follow. the second Installment on tax and John T. Dun beck, J r, 17, of ing a motor vshlds with an over­ ing for a three months vacaUon to bills passes when he closib up Italy. RFD 3. Rockville. crowded front seat Lake waa rs- Reds Shell Mr. and Mra .Tbooias 3. Rogsrs AppUcatlona for the sale of two shm for ths day. Rockville, Aug. 1—(Special)— It Is alleged that Amato ran Isaasd after posting $150 bond. West Berlin Air Defense Jets « ( 500 Bast CsnUr street have re- additional p ie ce s of property Ills amount he hopes to col­ . Windsor Locks men faces a ' An nth anniversary Maas for tnnsd from a motor trip to Calif­ owned by the estate of W. Harry lect ’ today would' bring the court appearance hare Monday for ornia, the I>aclflo Northwest and* the repose of the abul o f the late England will be heard In probate total tak revenue raised to $3,- Caaada. They have been absent Martin Pella will be said at St. violatlon.of rules o f ths road. He Allies Atop Riot by 700 Convicti court Aug. IS at 10 a.m., accord­ 686,785.83. Alerted for fo r about tw o months. James' Church at 7:45 tomorrow ing to notices of the bearing re­ Taxpayers Who fail to pay waa ticketed this morning when Check on Saucers morning. leased by Probate Judge Jobs J. up by today w ill'be penallartl hla car collided with another at Wallett todsy. one-half of one per cent per' Two local Trinity OoUego stu­ the Intersection o f Spring and Riv­ CoIoL nlcel experts at Wrlght-Patteraon Baldy Crest month, as of July 1, the due Bed Rioters Golorado Springs^ 4 dents were cited for the Penn's North Methodist parishioners News o f ths continued liquida­ er strsst ’ ’ Air Force Base. Dayton, Ohio Uat yesterday by Dean Arthur H. will unite with the Second Con- date for the payment o f ^ the Aug. 2— )—The nerve cen­ tion of the estate of the wealthy Slightly hurt in ths crash was i/P The ADC, which commands and Hughsa, who released the honor pegationallsts on Sunday morn­ lumberman and builder followed second Installment. ter of the nation’s air defense Seoul, Korea, Aug. 2—(jF) 1st for the semester which closed ing*, during the month' of August. IS-ysar-old Mias Jans Brown of ‘ Berlin, Aug. 2—(ff)—^West coordinates the three regional air approval of the sale yesterday of ■kdar avenue, EHIngtbn. She was admits today to beijig in­ defense commends In New York, —United Nations infantry­ ta June. They are Vincent L. four paroels for a total of $29,400. Berlin police today alerted Quelled in passenger In ths car operated Missouri end California, did say Plsaa o f M Clinton street and Air Force ROTC Cadet Ellerd The sale of five other pieces was riot squada to combat a volved in the flying saucer men on top o f Old Baldy hill Charles K. Moller, Jr., of Bolton Mias JscqusUna Orlllns, 17, Of situation. Headquarters of the that its radar equipment has been last night withstood a thun­ M.'Hulbert, eon of Mr. and Mrs. approved July 23. Gilman Realty Co. tmforth road, Roekvilla. Mias pli^cd - invaaion of western picking up a lot of unexplained Percy E. Hulbert of 165 Oakland The two new parcels whose eale Brown suffered a slight head in­ gectora by thousands of Air Force Air Defense Com­ derous shelling and beat back ■ street, Snished a four weeks' en­ Is being applied for by the executor Is Incorporated jury but did not r s ^ n medical fanatical Communist youths. mand, located at the Air ■eporto Are Eeeei^-ed two small Chinese countergt- iMtaine *. * Foster, Avery campment at IVright Patterson of. the estate, the Hartford-Con- aid. ScEntily>ClE18,000 and at 370 Autumn street program. injured. *, ;et aloft to out what goes on ever objecU are detected In the Chinese attacks. Later, a huge Methodist Church are planning to viously an Insurance worker In —If, poarible. for $14,000. Also sold was a small Hartford. Demnaetimtloa BaaaHI area with eufflclent definlteneaa searchlight picked up about 35 TOYS attend, the Mrformance of the parcel on the west elds of Autumn On a Scnunlile to warrant an interception. Boston Sympnony orchestra at The Arm is now In ths process Western authorttiea already have Cnilnese trying to sneak through Denver, Aug. 2— Mimtraal, Aug. 2—(# > — VbrthsKM dl for $800. banned the demonatraUon. eched- "We've really been scram­ "It abould he pointed out that their llnee. A staff officer said Tanglswood, lAnox, Mass., Sun­ T hem vpsrty approvsd for sals of opening a real sstata branch In bling,’* an ADC epoksaman aald. gine trouble has delay^ Sec­ Polica uaad tear gaa and day. Ths group will attsnd the Thorapaonvllls. Tha branch will (HARl[(W.[AIIIRDF tiled to be held in a city park In radar in many inatancea picka up UN artillery killed 30. Machine- July 33 Included a 108-acre tract the British sector, but tha Com- 'Tbote planes are kept loaded and gunners got seven more. retary of State Dean Acheson firo aariy today-to quaiT'-.a IMhirlrafSttrN 8 a. m. servlee at South Church be opened somstime In Septem­ certain natural phenomena,' auch on the west side of Tolland road REAL ESTATE munlats claim they have not been ready to go and their pUota are Old Baldy, scene of bloody, see­ here for a Second time with riot of hundrada o f priaoaara ’ B s f f e . and will leave for Tangtowood at ber, and plans for new bouses a n aa Ionised clouda, which may give located In the towns of Bolton, INSURANCE told o f the prohibition. never more than a few feet away. saw fighting for a month, was re- 5:45 a. m. from Mary Cheney U- undarway. the appearance of eolid objecte on in less than 24 hours in i in Montraal’a Bordeaux-^ 1. Coventry and Vernon, for $11,500; Red youth leaders announced They’re in the air within seconds the acope. Mptured by the Allies in a 13- brary. * and property In Coventry for .'W2-0^84-'IOOE.(EHrtP ■ flight to Honolulu. Acheson It was the third diaordar In this momlng the meeting woidd of a report that eeami deUntte "Other man-made objecte. euch hour battle Friday morning. Tbs and his government party the priaon in three months, $7J)00, at 344 Autumn street for ■be held aa planned and that at aiiough." aa flarea, weather balloona and ao Ommunists bad bald Its ersst 10 Serving with the 1st Marine $18,850, on the west side of Au Truck Strike# Car least 10.000 demonatratora would The thing is no’ geared lip just on, may also register on the acope, days. were forc^ down laat light and like the othera waa TV iA M O M iV IC I Aircraft Wing's headquarters tumn for $300 and at 350 Autumn attend. Tha FDJ ordarad Its blue- for aaucers, though. The eyatem and aoma intercepUona have re­ Expect Couaterattack when an engine went bad on protest over food. U squadron In Korea la Sgt. Ronald street for $18,500. In Minor Accident shirted membera to raUy at four I* the eeme as that worked out veled that theae are often whet Gen. James A. Van FIsat, com­ their military air ti'ansport At least It prlaonsrs wsfw-ii- T«L 24110 AaytiiM H. Hampeon, VSMC, o f thU town hot-polnte. to meet any enemy attack. the unknowna turn out to be." mander of the U. 8. Eighth Army, jured, two of thoni by guaflro. end The squadron handles aU admini­ Constellation. Chief Emils Drapoau of the MiE- These points are at erosatage Furthermore, the ADC Isn't Jet interceptor pilots at Dayton, cald Wednesday tha hill, which A cscond OonstsUatlon was stration o f ths aerial combat units from the Soviet part of ths city Ohio, reported to Wright-Patter- overlooks both ths UN and Red trsal Firs dspartznsat—wMdi was C. H A N IY Continuing Probe A truck drivsn by Laurence j. saying what might have been flown from Washington, D. C., and flying against Korean and ail- Into Weat Berlin and have been found. The results of the ecram- aon Air Forca Baae omclals yea> main defense llnee, was Important called la to help smash tha naaltagr MB sHm i Wirts, 36, o f 10 Garden street officials at Lawry Air Forca Bi nose Communist forces, seeing the acene o f frequent brawls In blea aren't for It to announce. only "aa a place to kUl (Chinese, <—waa treated In a hoapltal Ita ftr that supplies, communications, Of Garage Blaze Hartford, struck an auto drivsn by -ihsJWHAUeo tha past. Thay Include, the Pota- Findings are turned over to tech- (Coattaned e* Page Blevea) not as terrain." said ths craft cam* In with ons jurisa ha reportedly suiforsdwiM and personnel are furnished with Alice FogU, 43, of Gilead street damer Plats, where the Russian, Allied Infantrymen dug bunk­ sngln* feather. A third plans was a prisenar atruck him With aa-ttwi the oombat-committed units at all an route to Denver from Washing­ iMjr* AuUioritiss ars continuing thslr Hebron, about 3. p. m. yesterday Britieh and American sectors ers snd entrenchments with log Re«d Herald Advs. ttmes. meet. and.sandbag support as defense ton and it Is sxpectsd Achsaon will Polloo officials, still rsfuetaguie invaatlgatlon o f tho Incsndiary on Birch strsst west of ths Intsr- bt able to rssum* his flight by disclose the dstalls whatrwpri saetlon ot Spruce and Birch The aonsors said the aim of against a possible Chinese count­ at flra In a thras-car garags at 411 tha demonstration will be to ehow erattack in forcef p. m. on Insld* the priaeq, dsnlsd pib strssta. Drought Is Held Worst The first plans mads a routine llahod rtports on* North Main strsst sarly ysstarday, WIrta, parked on tha wrong side popular opposlUon to the West Associated Press Correapondsnt German )>act with the western landing at Lowry AFB last night. victims had dlad. working on tha theory that the of tha strsst, was pulling sway Milo Farneti aald the Reds would they firod pistol* _ _ firs was ast by somsons with from ths curb when ns struck ths F t t k 'u M Allies. have trouble moving supplies to­ Acheson, on tha way to Honolulu Hit Tends Onrhs to put Into affect a naw Pacifle de­ at the-rloteirs, and it was .... ^ FogU ear going west on Birch U. S. Economic Disaster ward Old Baldy. All heavy duty msdtately elau whatbsr tke Sm • T K K r Lso OaiToU o f tha Btata street, police rsportsd. The Communist challenge came bridges on the Yokkok river on fensive alliance among the United the Chinese side of Old Baldy had vletlms got anddmital (ttwetiitls FoUce aald ysstarday that tha In- Thera were no Injuries or ar­ at the end of a tense week In State*. Australia and Naw, Zsa- S tn teif been washed away or knocked wars Bit by rirnniisttaf »“■****« vastigatlen waa baaad on a pos- rests. Ths truck's front bumper which there have been frequent Washington, Aug. 2 — (VP) — Agriculture dejiartment of­ iMd, spent the night'in a suite at flat 17 S a s AMESITE alblslink with a "recent law ault." end the right rear fender of the kidnaptnga of West Berliners by ficials today termed the drought in the South and New Eng­ down bv Allied shells. Fttsimmonw Army hospital. Aa asUmatsd IW No arrsst had bean mads this auto wars slightly damaged. Red agents. Then lest night land one of tiie most serious economic disasters in the nation’s Oua Flra iacressed broka out o< tbslr oril morning. Ruaaia demanded the Big Three Exespt at Old Baldy, ground WAENINa BY JFK last Bight, ast 17 ~ ■tats Polles, tha Btata Firs westeni powers lift reatrictions on history., Department officials explored new stepR to alleviate fighting yesterday was rslatlvsly Honolulu, Aug. 3— i/P)— Early prlMMi r Marshal's offles and local polica trade between Beet and West the pUght o f farmers and to saveO' light. Tha Rads, however, stepped arrivals for next week's Australis- flood tha flrora and firs officials ars cooperating Germany, which tha Soviete livestock herds. up their artillery snd mortar Nsw Zsalsnd-U. 8. security pact with 300 pritw In * DRIVEWAYS in tha InvsaUgatian. charged violated tha 1949 agree­ Tha atatea of South CaroUnq, bombardment of Allisd positions confsrsnea wars warned todsy that ia the mala i ment ending the Red blockade of Maaaachuaette and and nine Tha firs yaatsrday danuged two along the 155-mlIe battle line with they ate confronted by a problem Ths paUaa msMfsa ( Berlin. more counties In Arkaneas were Nepal Airs NO MONEY » MONTHS autamobllsa parked in ths garirarags. the largest shelling since July 18. a* tough as any diplomats ever rioters back into thsl* One o f them was ownadB d ^ The demand waa made In a let­ added yesterday ta tbe depart­ They hurled 8.761 rounds In the faced. with tsar gaa and Jqr Elaanor Huabnsr of 484 North ter from Gen. VasaUy caiuikov, ment's growing Uat of drought 24 hours up to 6 p. m. last night, ------convIilF- TO M Y diasster areas. A background rmiart qS an In Main strost. Another car bslong- ' Soviet commander In Oannany, to Red Plot to SB Increase of more than 8,000 -dly. ' , Ing to her waa oomplataly burned the High Commlaaloners of Brit­ The dlaaater area designation, stttuts of Faolfle .IMatlona study rounds over the preceding 34 commtttea, timed for tha opening — J eonvteta ^ aoma W l HAVITHI raon t IQUIfMINT la tha same garags April 38. ain. France and the United Statea. which qualifies fanners for fedsral hours. TMa littfc ttlaa. waaring aoly the trial to* murdar but UM i Although tha aim of tha ttua- loans where tooal c r ^ t Is un- of tbs eonfareiica Monday, con BSHuaaa to toa ,6 6 as»alJis cM etaaa>- ki Authoritlaa now bellsvo that Rain and heavy clouds moved In lag terms of only two n a n i m i KNOW HOW waa dallbsrataly ssL Naylor slan meva was not immadtataly avallabts, now afBl|ps/.Jo fight GrabNation eluded that sharp oonfltotn in btale rise sw e^r bM a n .gftor ME toto W a faraMWI apaii- —smashed ths main look* i apparant, ebservvra’ooiudderiMr'lt full etstee-sfidMfigb 'WShs of again on much of North Koraa to­ Intereat aamng tba non-Cammu- ta FkHadalpMa, aarty yesteritay. Just bsfora ths firs broke out, day and ths ah’ war. diew to a call blacks aad DON'T DELAY — CALL TODAY shortly before 8 a. m., a man was There's brilliance l i signUlcant In view at the tension Arkansas snd Mtasonri. The other niat nations at the Faetflo make Immedlato elua to ths Identity st the tot*« ia the appaalinq In this Communlet-anclrolad city, atatea are Alabama, Geotgla, Kan- halt after yesterday's brief spurt. edcstlvs security cooperation dlf- y o u C A N ALW AYS DO lU S IN IS S WITH asaa entering the garags. A man r Katmandu, Nepal, Aug. During tha week, only one Al­ i k " * " It could foreshadow anothar.block- tucky, MiaslMippt and Tennaasse. flcult to achlsvs. But it acknowl waa alao asaa running aeroaa itacliline A m t * Uw bnfean kidw ji^ fclt AM PM gad —(/P)— The government 1 lied plana waa loot—and F-80 field in ths roar of ths garaga Im- treatment o f ada If tha SovleU are lotMng for S h o o tin g Star to Communist edged that the need for military impoaslblo to hasp the eonvHrta- madlatsly after the firs started. an excuse for such a maneuvar. Assistant Sacretary of Agricul­ nounced today 14 exiled Com­ this tiaavalms ground fire ths Fifth Air Fores cooperation against tbs tbrsst of hlnd bars for t)M nigllL The trade barriers to which the ture Knox Hutchlnaon pledged tbe munist leaders trying to re­ Oimmunism might temper these Adlai, Ike to Map waffle pique. fun support of the federal govern­ reported. UN jets shot down thras stood M and aUowSd^nAartaae- Russian commander objected turn from Tibet haife been MIG jets snd damaged two yes­ racial snd economic eonfllete. srs to Mew off st*ani;.9utorflMP- The contrastinq were imposed by the West to prs' ment to the drought-stricken re­ The first Australian and New gion at an emergency nine-atate arrested and documents terday in ths only jet battle of the ly waa rastorod i$Mrtly eftannhl- COLLA dotted bow vent the flow of strategic ma week. Zealand diplomats rtaohsd Hono> algbt and tha^priMwan that loops around terials, eapedally steej. Into SO' meeting In Nashville, Tenn., yes­ seized which reveal a Red lulu last Bight U. 8. Sscratary CONSTRUCTION CO. terday. Emergency action dis­ Meanwhile, UN and Communist Own Race Strategy down na boat tn ^ enM tha nadii and Vlet-domlnated areas. plot for an armed revolt in staff Officers signified agreement of State Dean Acheson is due to­ the prison yard. S49 CItoa Steel Embargo cussed at the meeting will be con- this strategic buffer kingdom night, after a layover la Denver shows in back Bldqrod further in Washington. on the wording of all but two Dnpileat* 1 BROAD 8T. GLADIOU Chulkov referred particularly between India and her Com­ paragraphs of a Korean armistice for plan* repairs. The demonstration 2-5224 ■ adds just, Roub Snyder, assistant produc­ to the weatern embargo on steel munist neighbors to the draft. But they didn't tackle tha Inatorie'map By THE A8SOC6ATED FEE88 an axset duplicate M th* two N0- tha touch exports to eastern Germany, tion and marketing administra­ Sir Percy flpsndtr, Australian Gov. Adlfli Stavtnfon and Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower have tor, told the moating the railroads north. thorny prisoner exchange Isaue, arate days of riotln|rflwt tniptil • FRESHLY CUT # RNEST OF COLORS of color you're which Is believed to have hem malor obstacle to a truce. Ambassador to the U. 8., hailsd indi(Mted they plan to keep a strong grip oh tho direction o f in th* prison earlFUt May.'InjUF-, looking for especially painful to the Commu­ are expected to announce next Oae o4Hcla) aald tha dooumenU formatloB oC tha three-nation week an eibsrgencv reduction In The prlsonirr Issue will be tak­ their campaigna for the presidency. Stevenson, the Demo­ in UM** riots, hswsvs*; w sw • FOR REMEMIRANCE • FOR ANNIVERSARIES in a nists. Ha also accused the weatern abedfed the Rad scheme to take en up when tha main truce dele­ diplomatic council under the comparstlvsly minor. A fU f.IlH rates for bauUng hay Into the over Nepal possibly waa guided and treaty aa a "histprio step In ths cratic presidentjsil nominee, disclosed yesterday his campaign summer drau. flirl maatt boy-siripad shirt. .V: . 2 ** powers of vetoing trade agree> South where paKures have been gations end a weeklong recess to­ May dlaturbanes* aa official' ks- • TO IRIOHTEN THE HOME m enu between the two xonea. supperted by tha Oineae Reds morrow (lO p. m. a.s.t. Satur­ prsasrvsUon of^ptocs for tha frs* headquarters.wlll’ bs moved from^'" ...... ' ""' ' vsstigatlon waa.. promlasd by tlw Two pockets The Khoolboy stripe Is 'trim gnd loHorad.. .'newly smart.. burned up by tho Sun- Ltveatock now In control of Tibet. world.'* Washington to Bprlngflsld, III. H* Fir Ywr Uwi aii SaniM q The Russian commander feeding la a major problem. day.) Quabao provmdat gsw ssnt, • TO CHEER THE HX in skirt. alalmed that interaonal trade for Weakened by Feud Col. Duncan ^ Somerville, UN ‘Mora thdA once," ha aald, "wa namto Wilson Wyatt of UsulsviUs, but no results bar* baan an- And its crisply handled by SHIFn SHORE. Action-bock plaots, opan-or-t The Tennessee agriculture conv- The communist threat came have observed the neceestty of Ky., as his penwnal campaign McMahon Post mission already waa In 'Wisconsin aa the government was seriously buUdln$ up aecvtty In the Pacific manager. • FOR ALL O CCASIO NS colw-fast, (OOnttaued on Pegs Twa) buying hay for shipment to his (Osattaned am Pag# TWa) On* prisoner waa bi*Hl tn *i*i»t shut collar, stay-put toHs. Brighl-stripad white combed cotton^ Weakenqd by a bitter feud for con oM^piut at the global approach to Elsenhower. the Rspubllcan last n i^ t "Ws eouta gWc OtateM SPRINKLERS washable and state. The first carload left Mad­ Ui* problem with which w* arc aomihee, told reporters at Dsn- Aspirant^a List marcartzad. ison last night for Nashville and trol between Prime Minister M. P. wool out at tba eom wa had to­ broadcloth... ever lovely, ever woshoble. Sizes 30 to 4tL j j| l Koirala and hla brother B. P. confronted." vsr that "there can ha no boss of night tor supper.’’ Choose it nine more carloads are expected Leslie K. Munro, Naw Zealand's EoiSala—the government’s Con­ this campaign" othar than Eisen­ Tbara was BOno ImmaSlatsin ggd QMDEN HOSE in either black, Increased Milk to foUow. Iran Senator^ AmbaiMador to the U. 8., said hla hower himtolf. He said the ad­ Grows^ Larger WOODLAND GARDENS Most Eepay Loans gressM rty president. anant from tbs JaB govornor,or, Xnr. navy or charcoal. country Is "datermlnsd to support vice of political advisers will get Zsnon Lssags, or othar priaon ad- (Official Indian sources In New the American people in their far­ top consideration but ths flnsl rs- Sizes 10-20 Thus far, the federal govern­ Hartford. Aug. 3—(IP)—Tha Uat thortUs*. FOR YOUR DUP K N IZI ACT1VITIIS W l 1M WOODLAND ST. TEL 1474 Price to Stay ment haa made no outright grants Delhi' . confirmed they expect Back Pp^wers sighted resistance to Ck>mmunlsm sponsibiuty Is hi*. Nepal’s King THbhuvana to take in Korea.” Jdunro said he does of potoiitial candidates to succeed Fragment* at information a m - of financial aid. The disaster loans Different Reto tag from bshtad tb* Mg mn.daita HAVI THN SUPPUES YOU NNID INCLUDINO SUMMER DRESSES for the purchase of livestock feed over ruling' powew "at any tima" not regard total war aa Imminent, U. g. Senator Brian- McMahon, Until January to prevent a complete.coUapse.) Of Mossadegh but la '‘determined to work with Wyatt asid all slsmsnts of tha sapocially on ths Demooratlo aids, of th* jail, wharo pSissnars MSri- and for planting of new crops and campaign “will be coordinated tag only two Jaars or laat ar* haM, the like must be repaid by tha 'The (Tommunlst leaden, picked the U. 8. snd Australia to preserve grows bigger day by day. up Wednesday ihcludsd several peace In the Pacific. with Governor Stevenson." H* ' Nsw nams* mantlonod in apeeu- indicated this aaqusnea pS avsnto FREEZER BOXES ind BROS H artford, Aug. 1—(JP)—Con­ farmers In une to five years with ^Tehran, Iran, Aug. 3——The expistnsd that this doesn't mean laat night: R ed u ced ! necticut Milk Administrator D. O. 8 per cent interest. who fled Into Tibet after a lefUst- Ifv ta n Senate today rubber- Seas Japan'As Key lation during th* past 34 hours In- aupported revolt under rebel lea«k The IPR report, signed by the tha Dsmocratie national commH- clud* Common Plea* Court Judge Vhhad Dtoasa IN PIN7 AND QUART SONS Hammerberg sasrs nothing doing Hutchlnaon said tha intensity of ^tim ped unlimited powers dur- toe will play a Isassr role In the A prisoner ta th* neatal 'w|tt to the request o f atate milk deal- agricultural d^ ru ctlon In the er Dr. K. I. Singh faUed aarly tnt» 'ing the next qla months for Prs- Institute’s heal president, J. B. John P. Orttsr of West Hartfctfd, One One era who want to drop the price Atherton, said Japan, with Its campaign. "It will be a differ­ a Democrat, and Joseph B. Talbot feigned lltaea*. called a gusMi, mier Mohammed Mossadegh • and ent one," he said. overpowered him and grabbsil y BRLL FREEZER JRRS Group 15.00 Group $ g : o o o f milk a penny a quart. (Oenttaaed en Page Five) (Oeattaaed oa Page 1 ^ ) blasted American advisers to fast-growing population and Its Of Naugatuck, .,Repubtlcan whom Hammerberg stood pat yaster Frank E. >fcKlnney told re­ McMahon defeated la tha 1860 Reg. $6.98 Reg. $8.98 Iran. (OMManai an Page Flva)' * day on his June order that the The resounding vote of confi­ (Osattaned on Page Flva) porters In Kansas City h* did not election. care to remain as Dsmocratie Na­ rice of milk to farmers shall be dence—34 to 1—given ths na­ Bach Te Nosalaato HANDBAG MAKERS Cottons, print sheers, print crepea and print nylons. B.93 a hundred pounds. That tional Committee. chairman. H* McMahon's dssth frpm canesr PLASTIC CONTAINERS 8 tion's undisputed leader hy the asid h* would discuss party af­ means that consumers pay 35 upper house followed similar ac­ In Washington Monday msaaa All Sales Final cents a quart. fairs with Stevenson to about a that each party will nomlnats tion Thursday by the Majlis week. The presidential nominee candidate In November to serve and WRAPPING PAPER SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE And here’a why Hammeiberg (lower house). Mossadegh now Bulletins •aya ha feels there should be no News Tidbits traditionally chooses the man h* th* final four ysars of his term. haa more power than any Iranian wants for this post. It was reported hero last night Summer handbags. All white or multi-colors. Cotton gecreeee In milk prices: Seen Laten^^Ibis Month Premier ever had and a com­ Called fron AP Wirts from tkeAP Winn Tha etverage (^ n e cticu t con- In Kansas City, President Tru­ that several influential Demo­ LEE CORN CUTTERS pique, idastie calf and Milan straws. pletely free hand to Implement his man left It clear that Democratic crats are ready to back tha 40> •umer can afford to pay the pres­ nine-point program intended to ent price. He aald wages have campaign atraUgy Is up to Ste­ year-old Judge Cotter for the post Washington, Aug. 2—(F)— 'Viet Nsm government decides to if he decides to go after It A risen considerably since - 1940— enunent stabilisation chiefs look and fewsr alrplsnsa, tanks, guns venson. The Precident Is willing New Yatfc, Ang. 3~

that a dtlaan'a to bring higher prlqee on alumi­ "working with tba regular Itopub- Union to Ask About Town Iran Senators SonthCorentry Bolton Woman Rockville Stepinac. Di8putea SubUixen Talk Aluminum Prices num prodcuta and products con­ West Berlin Uean organlaatiana, would maaa a taining aluminum. Officials aald PRESORII vital oontiibutkm to tbia cam­ CIRCLE WiU Be Boosted this also would hike the cost of Baul A Xtriay, avUtloa ord- Free Chureh Claim paign.** Ha aald tha "praetleal da- Sailing /Home^ planes, ahlps and other dafanaa CsriM y tdipM aiiii taila of thia coordination'* would Vatican Rites aaaoeman aaeond claaa. UBN, son Back Powers f O B A Y mrii B V N D A T products. of Mr. aad Mra. Oaorga A Rialay Covered Wagon Entry Wins ha worked out at another maating OONTTNDOITB FBON BUS (O ea« Irani Faga Om ) Washington, Aug. 3—(F)—A One official said toehlkaa were fUerted for todny. of 137 HIghlaad atraat and boa- lArUNir Iffif Hiiiij For Eva Peron band o f Alberta L Rialay o f Of Mtasadegh Mrs. Doqi to Visit Ns> price increase for to# aluminum being granted under price stand­ pm mat ly Beaded ADA * 3M4 MeXooB avamia, Niagara Ctaeatry 4-R m w Sem ea- ^Parade on Wheel8\Atvard ■aid that toe' training o f new, induatry averaging 5.8 per cent— ards which allow price tnersasea In W yatt, Btavanaoo eboaa a J*allA N, T,, la aervtiig with ^ b t- rolled In chibs place third Ngheaf live Norway for First priests was "difficult—men era about half toa amount asked— to atep up defense prodUQtion. ked Rioters Vatican aty, Aug. B -(P)-A « rmtaOma) in-toe 13 towaa in Tolland Coua- waa mporlad In the mill yesterday. long ttma friend aa hla paraonal ar Bquadrea 14, operating abtard still iman, not angels. They hays to campaign BMBagar. Wyatt, 44, la Vatican aourca aald today tba tha aircraft earrUr UBB wasp In ty with a total af 71. Maaaflaid la Time in Over SO Years .Rockville, Aug.. 3—(Bpecial)—oNew World Translation of toe One price official said It would ba Too Bariy .Kindergarten: Harmful Americana are the only ooaa with firat with 94, Vernon la aacoad eat eomethtag. They cannot live announced Monday. I (OMMIaMtf (M m Pace Om ) a former Mayor o f Louiavllla and Oongregatlon of Rltao has rt- the Msdltarranaan area. A gradu­ Them were 35 entries In toe ”Pa-' Christian Greek Scriptures. LAND SURVtYWW^ military ralaalona and advtoara with 77. O f the loced mambam 50 Boltaa, Akg. S—(Spaclal) Tomorrow, 8:00 p.m.: Public without' that. The entire property The official tom a reporter late Winnipeg, Cianada—(40— Bchool waa federal houalng axpaditar la cabiad no petition to atari baatifl- ate of Manchaatar High Bdwol, here. It ‘waa plain whom they mde on Wheels’' held at toe Rec­ 1M4-47. Ha la a lawyer and alaa Rialay anUrad tba n a w sartrlae are mtl(i aad 31 bays, acacadlag Tftan thodL A Oria fjord aalla lectum "Death, Friend or FoeT" of toe church was takes away un­ yeaterday the celling hike would officials here say starting a child Uwonl L Davli. Jr. |k« n u t lu U of tlM yaMT w u catkm prpoaadtnga tor Bva parca, nwaaL reation Field on yeaterday after­ I f death were a friend why should M one cent per pound on raw in kindergarten too soon can han­ ^ bIm mfUloa mariu (almut has bean NatUmal CtuUrman o f Juaa 3t, 1B4A to Albart B. Gray, ceuato otob from Naw Talk barber oa Aag-1* der agrarian reform.” 4 lato wlto of Argeattaa's Prad- Dr. Matin Daftari, aon-la-law of OM THE SANE SHOW — noon, one o f the features o f tha them be a resurrection? Tbia lac- aluminum— pig and ingot— and 6 dicap him in ths next grade. They Reglatond U n i Bnrasfg , i«B mUUon dollua) compared AaMrloana for Damocratia settoa. agent; and Mlaa Bhlrtay L, Walk, bound fo r Oalo, Norway, oaa at Its The rellgtoua education of the the Pramlar, after dafmding the ■rirtatant county chib agent. tum will ba delivered by a mp- M r cent on aeml-fabricated and ■ay It takes a mental age o f 4(4 15 Proctor Road £tti SO* milUon marka (about M W yatt told raportara^ **lf ha daat Juaa D. Paroa. A son waa bora to Mr. and Mra. ta Municipal Playground program. young la a problem becauae chil­ govmmant'a program, told tba paaaangera w ill w a. Gaorga resentatlve of toe Watch tower fully fabricated products,' yearn to liandle the reading pro­ Tel. 7419 4 (fltevanaon) la not going .to ha one Tha aourca paid say atop to­ WUllam Nadolny of ION TolUnd MamhaM not prevUmriy Bated ia Tha entries varied from a unique dren am required to attend state Uon doUara) In the firat half ianata: **Wa do not nead foreign Doag at Kaaaay drive, Boltaa. Mrs. Society, F. Green. 4:15 p.m.: Study These increases wem expected gram In tha firat gmda. o f the moat militant campaignera ward tha first stage of beatifica­ turnptka, Bnckland, Tbunday at tola aobtma laelada: to covered wagon to toa amallar ■choola for three years before 9t IM l. . ■dvlaera In this country.” Daag wtu ntnia bar natlva land o f “The Watchtower” In the June I have aver aaan, 1*11 eat my hat tion should be atartad from tbs the f t Fraacla Hoapltal, Hartford. Loula Beaumont, Jr.. Xannatb to vialt four alatan and a brotoar .youngatem with thrir gaily daco- entering religious schools. . ,Waatam obaarvara aaid there Iran's agrlcultura la M ag aided 15 Issue. Article to be studied ia after Nov. 4. And I don't think I'D Arcbblatioprie Baa o f Buanoa Beaumont, Johaatta Blrimp, fo r tha firat tone in 90 yaar% K v mted tricycles. Ha concluded that "more people" ta d been no recent aharp drop In under President Truman’s Four "Subjection to Superior Authori- taat-W aat trade. Commerce ba< have any hat Indignation. Airaa. A laadlng Vatican Inform- Judlto CbappaU, Wayne Oay, only parawial oontact with her The priM fo r the moat original go to church now that bafofo M m Janet Bradlay and Mlm Point program. U. A mUitary tie*.” . i i ^ tiM taro mourn taa bean dry* Btavanaon . In v ll^ three a f the aat iiald yaatordM that ‘mhlla Joan Btrieklaad era aM ding tbair mlaaiona ~wara aatabUahad on • Barbara Cbla, Joseph Eataa, Jr„ taxnOy ta an tba Intarvaatag yaara entry went to the Gagne young- Worl4 W ar XI but added that «l> Ah' BwnOa. partly due to man ha dafoatod for tha prad- In . tba case of Mn. Paroa' the vaeattam on BUr lataad. Irias of ■mall acala in 1943. Ra axpansas SaUy Praaar, Nancy Moova, I a - baa bean a virit from a maee ta ■terA Ann, (toaries, George Jean' Wednesday, *:00 p .m .;^ m i^ y membem of the Oommunlat party dvll virtues ware praetiaad ia aa La# Backer, Barbara Baiao, m A who had the covered wagon. I t atudy ln the book JWhat 1 ^ are afraid to attend. CtaiBmunlat taraarfag tactica. daney to diaouaa campaign ploM Bhoala, which la 10 milsa o ff are paid by the Iranian govern, Religion Done for Mankind ? avtdaat way, notolag ia- kaowa Adala Oriirtng, Pamria Olaaaay, Mra. Doag ia naturally ancitod waa complete with frying pan and Eddy asked him If the possibility TtaM warn not mentioned In with him. Invttotlona want to Pcctamauth, N . H. Alao spending meat while the U. B. pays the aal- Stula aad Margaret Theodora Hladky, Anna Itoyaotda, poopla aad aoensa rile Ir it 80 yaara to the small sitting on a qiidt (TathoUc church xnd the Oommu­ Ban. Richard B. Ruaaall o f Oaor- Tba longest attack cn foreign Orchmrd street. Rockville; 387 Oak­ Woitaradorf as reprsaantaUvaa Janet Rayaolda, Janloa Rankin. ago but riM alao romarin with hla wooden gun acroea hla nlat party. The Archblabopreplied: gla and Avarall Hartimaa^' have bean any o f tba haroUm ra- adviaam waa made by Baaator land atfeet, Manchester: 15 Roee- quirt'rad by tba church la aueh mat- from Can tar Church to tha Young John. Gaitarlnl, Roberta HaiuMai, ttoualy, that aba may ta DaMt-MIlii'tHall knees. The second most original "W e are not Interested In political k PARADE OF MANCHESTER VALUES Tba Damoeratte N atloM l aom- Abolfaal Laaani, who recounted mary Place, Manchester. Adlai, Ike to Map Paoplefo Oaagaagatlonal Coaler- Sharon MacNaU, Ann MaeVana, potataA Her piaan fq r tba future entry went to Beryl Semple whose affairs. It ia clear that the church mlttoo waa told yastarday that btra.* Iran’s axparlaaea with Freaeh. CUmbake Slated. - anoe held on tha island. Mlm Brad­ William Rayaolda, Sidney Komar, are tooemplato and rim doaa not ;aily decorated bicycle carried ple­ ia not the authority to deride who many Ftorlda Damocfato w ill vote la Buaaoa Airaa, the union o f British, Rnsalan and Amarlaaa ad- Several from Rockville will at­ ley la amployad by the Pint Na­ Joan Ayer, Mary Griffith, Naomi kaow wtaa rim win retura. furae o f the presidential nominees ia going to run toe railways and Own Race Strategy tha Republican , tlakat la Kovam- food industry workers aald yaator- vlsara tha laat 150 yoam. tend the annual clambake o f the tional Bank, and Mlm Strickland Griffith, Michael Oraaawood, Mon­ I arighbora and fridada with the slogan "Vote.” build factories." i ' bar. day It had sent a cable to Pope **Why do wa pay tbaaa people Irary Batartay Nlgbtt; Crystal Lake Fire Department to te on the staff at tba Mary ChsMy ica Graanwood. Maria Jariuon, ta racaitly gave a bon Lorraine Polio dmsacd u a The Archbishop told the group Richard D.. Baifegr, Flortda'a' Ptaa x n adtlng that procaadtnga out of our poor budgatT’’ ba 8ri9toUi94 P. M. be h*ld Tomorrowiat toe Firehouse ! f Oia t a r H faaaa Paga Om ) Ukraqr. Bertram Kopplach.' Martin Kop- voyage party fo r W a. Doag. Do iwa- princess In crepe paper costume that he was c6nflneaachaa abowad a and Mrs. Reuben Blonetein of it an a atataaMnt by Staran- Ban. ^obn 3. Bparkmaa af tlnua to pay homage aa aha Baa la firat, Mrs. MUdrad C Jndata; aw:- Irving, at Tray, New York, and Churches w ill be held tomorrow Eddy complimented him on hla Peracchio farm In Coventry; and ■tato awaltlag bar fuaaral beat Mr. aad Mrs. Thomas A Moors, growing antl-foraign foaling *»>«» •UUALKVnAUES Frcnklin,street, Rockville. A fall that fomlga poUey la tba bama aa tbo vtca praddantlal nom- la unmlatakabla hart. Howavar, ond. Mm. Ida Dupra o f Stafford 3-moato-oM graadsen. She wUl ta at 10 a.m. at the Rockville Baptist appearance of good herith. The toe third, Aug. 36, at the Foote Insa on aoeount o f Ida *T a lr Daal Tuesday. Tbar* have eaan Mhts who ware married In June, have aeeompamod.te Naw York by W . wedding la being planned. Archbishop replied: ."I,have noth­ West Reich Pact trlMtpallama taken up houaakaaptng at 94 Wood- tha aaaalon waa cabn and ordarfy B prl^: third. Mm. L. Fcntatoa D an alagE i Church. Rev.'Forrest Musser, #*■* farm In Hebron. Hours o f tha ses­ , Blaanhowar and MUum oonfarrad roeord.” that a year after thM bar body of Wirnmaatie. Man's firat, F. Deag'a aiator, Nra. CMulaa RUg- ter of the Union Congregational Upholatery Claaa ing to complain about. 'T h e r e ‘Was sions will be announced later. may ta plaaad la a monumaat un­ bridge straaL Prior to bar mar­ In contrast to this waak'a MajUa gtaa of Bloek Island, who wUl aaa Friday sa il Another aesslon of the uphol­ wttb profWalolial and amateur Ben. Jomnb OTfabmiay (D.. ■eeelon when deputies angrily de­ H l ^ g ; aacoad. Amos A . R ldi- Church will give the sermon. no maltreatment but It Is not easy (Conttaaed front Pago Oae) Social Security representativea der glaas and parmaaanUy dla- riage la June, Mrs. M oon was tha bar att am tar tap to Orio. stery group will be held Monday to sit in prison.” He served five abraitaglata yuatarday, Wyo.) prodmad yaalaaday that ardaon; third. Jamas Karwto o f Visitors to the city, aa well aa Will be at the Rockville Post Office piayad to tha puMle. former Mlm Marlon L. Homes, manded the Immediate heava-ho from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. at the yearn o f a 18-year sentence Im­ I Mbma pralaad Wlam- tha Damocratlc ttokat will roll up Rtf’s Rtflatiiit membam and friends will be wel­ o f Lords bad given Its assent Aug, 14, from 10 a. m. to noon. dau ^tar o f Mr. and Mrs. Mark for the American mUltary mlsalon. ■&**•*• Rcyoa home o f Mra. Bertha Oertch on posed on charges o f collaborating taw ar fa r bmrlac dona **a baauUfid a Mggar victory la Novambar Tha Vatlaaa aouraa aald even If o f South WUHagton. Th an win ta come at toe service. Hemafter them will be repreaenta- Hoimaa o f 34 Woodfaridga atraoL OAK STKEET v Progaeaa avenue. Those attending with the Nasia in World W ar n. Thursday. M of aawrlng narmony" baturaan than tha Truman-Barklay alato did a raquaat la raad vad It would ba Cburch Servteea tivea on the second and fourth a rim llm party hara August 14 Letter Is Required will carry box lunches, and Miss Eddy, a former International In a blanket vote, Cfommong alto $ 1 2 ,0 0 0 tba jRoupa. four yaara ago. Ha toM a ra- unllk^ any aotlaa an baatlBcia- During Auguat the Sunday Thursdays fram 10 a m. to noon. Buaaat Council, No. 4S, Pagraa with Mra, Btaphan Sadiaa again Cora H. Webb, home demonatra- $ 1 0 ,1 0 0 X tathor ■. Bunanarflald, the new poitar hdanaa ao ebaaes of laolttg tloa would ta takaa bafora bar to charge. servlcea at the Trinity Lutheran leader o f the TM CA, said hla approved toe European Defense o f Poeahontaa, win moot Monday tion agent will be in charge. group would pray for the Arch­ Grange To'Meet AMlrman o f tba Rm bUean Na> any soutbani atataa aad that tba funeral. It w h raeaUad that la To Defer Students C3iurch Mdll be held at 8 a. m. and Community (EDC) treaty and an­ at t p.m. In Tinker Hall. Plana for Reds Shell Meetings today tochide Oak Ta Note Anniversary bishop and asked him to pray for Ths next meeting of ElUngfon ■anal eommlttaa. told raportara Dnmoorata are eartala to win la last. Alasaadar IV waiitad to AIB-OONDITIONED the Sunday School and Bible tha annual picnic w ill ba mada. Grove AaaoctoUon tood sale at 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Connors of them. other pact defining and extending Orange will be held in ths 'I w n jm aanfiiuBBe dealt largely with NawTotfe. eaaonlaa BL Clara aa tha day of classes at 9 a. m. Rev. George B. Mambara a n alao ramtndad to p. m. at Gable's Store; Mr. aad Orilaga students wUl not be da- 43 Thomas street will observe their T win 'pray for you very will­ E D Ca relations with tha North Hall here Wedneaday Aug. 13, at Mana tMT oenttmilng the National bar funeral, but tha OoUaga o f JDa. esub o f North Covm try Higgins, pastor of the First Con­ atlaaaa fo r Baanbowar eomndt* Rap. Pertar H a^. (O-Va) Cardinala eppeeid tba move and b rita thrir donations fo r tha "food- forred from too draft for too com­ golden anniversary Monday and in ingly,” said the Archbishop. "We Atlantic Treaty Organ^tton 8 p. m. and Is "surprise night” ■aid ha ballavas ▼NgtadsM will Allies Atop chicken barbaqua, 5:80 Yo 7:30 ing aehool yaar if they do not arrtte 1 EASTWOOD 1 gregational Church o f Vernon will laas" food Bale. A social Uma wUl honor o f the event will spend the have one thing In common—our (N A T O ). r with the Broad Brook membem In ta a dM waa not alavatad to aatotheod . have for the subject of hla ser­ ■tick with tba DaaMcraUe aart: follow the bualnaia aaarion. gi tacood Obognotloiial a paraonal latter to too draft board week end In Boston. Father who la above ua.” The EDC treaty permits Ger­ charge of the program, and re- I TWa g roup, mada up o f aalf daa untU a year later, to moat caaaa mon at the 10:45 q. m. service to­ Ha a aid ta wUl auppoct tba Uekat CSinrch and grounds. raquastlng dafanaant and If they K OioaeYr Oteao Faa4 Thecoupl* was married In Dal­ man troops to join those of freahmenta. Bribad amateur peUtldana " tha prueam takaa amay yaara, In- Jaaat Ltteh Birth ~ ----- morrow "Why Are Christiana So A light vato la aapaotod la Xaa- Mlm Judith A. Handlay, who do . not w rits to thrir coUega re­ las, Texas, Aug. 4, 1902. Mm. France, Italy, Belgium, The Neth­ When school o'pena in toe fall datedBaanbewur toapurmra lU volvtaig aavaral atagaa af oempll- Baldy Crest Hard to U v e W ith ?” In the ab­ dhM to thru tba om nlaaUan aagual . tncky*a Paamcratto aad RapubU- eatod ntdry. taaehsa In tha Vatplanck Behori. questing tha coUego to fUl out '•Scara- **Y oan g Connom Is the former Miss Susan erlands and Luxembourg m the the Town Hall will once more ba can p rim a l today. TbIa la pra- too 109 form abottoig thrir 'clam sence of Rev. Higgins who will be 3 Safe as Plane atua with tba OOP Natknia] com and la touring Europe wHh a elass- Holdup Man Loses moBche” M an W ith Skinner. 'They have lived in Rock­ joint defense of the West. Britain used for a school room as tha diatod baeaaaa tour DaaMcraU (C One) ataadtag. It was roofoMiaalaed to­ on vacation from August 8 to 15, ville the greater part of their mar­ is to go to the aid o f any of those ilttoa and let It barn almoat Inde­ mato at Whaaloek Collaga, la hav- (ta Cater) Id eas” present school buHdIng la not nt atotna aad tbiaa RaMbfIaaiM la tba eight lag a wonderful trip, jwMng by day by Ehmsr A. 'Wadan, local the services will be conducted by ried life. They have three daugh- Burns, Crashes countries In case of attack. large enough to take cam of the $13,S00 OaagiuHtoaal dlatrlato have ao In Wrestling Bout i40-«tioeia n m -a .» Rev. James X. Cameron of Perth, aprid It waa agreed lattan and earda racatvad ta atair officer told newamen today, BMmbsr at to# draft board. tem, Mra. Mary Stiles, Mrs. Suaan The U. B. already haa ratified numlicr o f pupils that must go to eppcdUca. V . A Baaatnr Them' Scotland, a graduate student at Nepal A irs friandi. They have spent cooaid- "1 think wa tava mada some pro­ Wadan said that many atudanta Qebler and Mrs. Katherine Bock; the peace contract, whirii waa school. aa IL Ttodarwood, Damocrat, aad the Hartford Seminary Founda­ (Conttaued from Page Oae) ■rabla time tai Paris and other gress In firming up tha agraa Watortmry. Aug, s-iffi-T ta do not raalira toa ImporUaoa at BTAETS SONDAT six grandchildren, and three great signed last M ay by the German, his llapubUcaa oppenaat, former parts o f Franea and found tha manta on aU tha paragraphs ex­ M du p man who dacldsd to rob thaaa tw o atapo, naeCaaary tor da- tion. grandchildren. Mr. and Mm. Con City to Buckley Naval Station, British, French and American for­ P e r f o n a l IT. A Baaator Joba Sbarmaa Oeep- waathar In Ita ly vary hot In con­ cept two.” Ha aald the wording Mra. Anthony Varbyla ta her farmant. Ha eaporially atraaaad TH E WINNING TEAM” Waste Paper Drive nors were guests Sunday at a eign mlniatera. The question la Nodeet ■r, alao tava raoatvad eartlflcaUa The American Legion Post will jpst east of Denver. Sugar-Beet Output Red Plot to trast to Switmriand. Tbair ittnor- o f seven disputed sections' waa Uquor atora laamad In a h a m that the paraonal latter moat ta Doris Day — Wnaald Bagaa fam ily reimlon at their home. pending In the French and German of tbair paity aemiaaUoaa. worked out In a aariaa o f right writtan. and wltoeut It Mtaram conduct Its monthly collection of The TBM, streaming a, tail of Capi of Tkanka a iy Inehtdaa Holland and Balglnm Dmt he’d piekad on the wrong vie- parliaments. TTUh RamibUeaM yaatarday bafora eraaalng tba ebannal to Xng- maatlnga. tlm. la ImpoiBrihla. "W AR ’TH. THE SDN paper tomorrow, weather permit­ The Bockville Bureau of The fire, -smashed into a summer fal­ Is High in Italy ebosa 8«a. Arthur W atktta and BomervUle added It waa poast- She tomad him out oa his ear. ting. This monthly collection waa Manchester Evening Herald Is lo­ lowed field three and a half miles 'tra af our aalBb- lanA SHINES NELLIE” — b Color north of Derby, a Denver suburb. lor lha former Pmtoral Raaarva Board GrabNation bla tha staff officem attU may T h e im Ucc account of too rOb- Tba coon bound la not a racc_ omitted in July due to the holiday cated at 1 Market street. Bock- ralhir Obalnaan Mantaar ■ « Mrs. Catharina A. Batch of agree on the two, dealing wlto ta ry aftampt yeaterday aald tha nlaad broad. Nany eremm o f dtf- the early part o f the month. Those vUle 5-8184. Wreckage waa strewn over 400 Ellington Roms— (F)— Italy la the'fourth ■Mat oandldataa In tha Bapt • p ilaiaiy Woodbridge atraat win apand her iriaoner parole and recommanda- man appeared to have a gun ta fareat broada a n uasd aa eo having paper are asked to place It yards near U. S. 4. largest sugar-beet producing na­ taoaa «ha i Om ) $12,900 trlbutM aaf for nomination to tbo V. A B4n- « vacation with ralatlvas in Laeby’ lona to to* governmanta affactod Ms pocket which ha prasaed dogs. In front of their- homeagif the Lt. CTiambers. the pilot, aald tion In tha world, according to the 114,500 ato. after an armtsUca la signed. Tha against Mra. Vatbyta, muttering weather ia Inclement the collec­ the fiiem took off from Salt Lake Advanee Notieea Italian central statistics Inatltuta. year. Bbigh la raportod to ba aarv- vUla, Pa. UConn Physician City at 5:45 p. m. (m.a.t.), and all In Taxaa, Martin D iet waa da- staff officem wtu meet again to­ "This la a holdup.” tion will be made on August 10.. The Tolland County Farm Bu ^ O n ly . three others nations, the tag with tba Chinaaa Red Arm y la morrow. It tumad out to ta a one-ridad went well for about two hours. reau has sent out advance notice United States, France and Poland, irdena tamllr. dared wtnnar of tha aUta'a naw Talka to Start But over Fort Collins, Colo., 60 T l l ^ wraaUtag aiateb taataad. M ta The mothers of the Protestant Entering Service to membem of three pasture meet­ iroduced more sugar-beet than Beat In Oengraaa, Hla eppoaant to miles north of Denver, oil start­ la MaaioriBia the aaoond Taxaa prtaaary with­ Oa# offteial aald the Oommu- Variiyta tertsted toe man's arm, chu^ea ln..Graatar RockvtlU wlU ings to be held this month during ftaly, the institute aald. Tha Unit­ bm ed to epurt on the windshield. The ed States produced 9,744,000 tons; draw. Diaa lad la laat aaturday*a alsts planned Uda II to aalaa Weddings appUed a headlock and toised him attend aeasions to dlacuaa the Which dairymen caln see - what aavaral HaMda ta aorthwast Ne­ June Milk Boost storm, Aug. 3— Dr. Kenneth W. engine began to run roughljr and others have done to Improve their France, 8,876,000; Poland, 8,900,- Domoeratlo prim ary, wbara nom­ into toe atrecL Christian home starting Monday pal and than apradd tbair control Police are holding a auapect Schenck, associate unlveraity the plane to pitch. ' T^e crew pastures. The first session w ill be 000, and Italy 5,800,000. ination gaaorally la taatamaunt to and continuing through Friday. A notified Buckley field a try would over the raat of tha eeuatry. Arms Order^Will Stay .who, they said, bad a flaahUght ta atewsie Oeaaser BMaer Peel physician at the Unlveraity of Con­ alacUon. DIaa aarvad In Oongraaa wooM ba ebanaalad ftw n Tibet by EBBton-SkoMBkl school for smaU children w ill alao be made for Stapleton Municipal baaw daa Ibaufkl H boot. In tha aariy lMO*a aad waa tha Ma eoat pocket when they plckad BSrtSiTtiSr!~ hara alaraal real: a btopalaaa-CbbMse cemmaad on Mlaa Doris. Ann Bkonaakl, him up near tha store. ia ^SCARAMOUCHE** be operated at the eame time, 9 necticut, has been ordered to ac­ Airfield here. aa Bnwa tacfcr, original ebarman o f tba House tha border. dauabtar o f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (Oratimmd tram Page Ooa) Taehaleeler to 11:80 a. m. syt the Union Church tive -duty with the Navy, It is dis­ paaaad away. Oommittoa on un-Amarlcan aettv- W . Bkonaakl o f 57 Hawthorne Reportom who queotionad Mn. social room* with Mr*. Clayton closed today by Preaident A. N, Rafuaaa to Bariga Verbyta found bar rriuetaat to Otaea Feed nealee'* llai $15,000 lUaa. ■ t ^ t , aad wnuam Pater Barium Crandall supervialng the program Jorgensen. 'WMbi I aad daagMafa. Thraa Nepal gaa eaMnat minla- Haramerbarg reaffirmed bla Jqaa talk, and came away without her b of 74 Cooper atraaL 008*07 ruling which keepa prices at pita- "TODNO HAN for the children. Dr. Schenck joined .the medical AMESITE DRIVEWAY tora rasttnad a weak ago m age or other vital atatiaUca. staff, at the main campus of the Wapping mmaraat move to farce Prima Mrs. Louisa Beaton and tha lata ent levels unUl Jan. 1. They arid aba’a a husky wemaa, WITH IDEAS” Rubbish CollecUona SAVE 10*/s lY CALUNG NOW 1 Killed, 3 In jiir^ Mbilator Xolrala from efflea. Ha Harbart L. Beaton, were wad tbia Tba dealem sought toe drop, howuvar. The August municipal collection University at Storm, In the epring 0O YOU KNOW? amialng ta S t Brldgat'a Church. fearing that ahipmenta o f what of rubbish w ill be held Monday, o f 1951 and practiced in the three • Back On Duty e MACHINE SPREAD ■ WORK GUARANTEED loM OaOad Par and had rafusad to raaign a few waaka BDNDAT Miss Edna Stager, public health aarllar daapito damaads, o f hla Tha oarameny waa paiformad at a they eaUed Claaa 1-C nUDc from starting at the east end o f the city years prior to thia at Fort Lauder­ a FREE GRADING s TERMS ARRANGED P iampUr A t Na In Winsted Crash nupUal Mam a t 10 a. m. by Rav. New Tortc state would flood toe THE WINNING TBAH” aC 7 a. m. Residents are asked toi* dale, Fla. Dr. Schenck la a.native nurse, returned to her duties yes­ o FREE ESTIMATES s EXPERIENCE SINCE own Onngram party. terday. She had been on a monto'a Ocmmunlata aad other laftw iag Robert CarroO. Mn. Harold Oarri- (fonnectlcut market. This milk, aa4' have their material In container* o f N ew York, and received hla o POWER ROLLED 1939. gnupa have takaa advaataga <« ty praridad at tba organ and mtxad they said, was cheaper than Ooa- TOM OBBOWt that may be easily handled hy the bachelor's degree at Columbia Uni­ vacation at Caps Cod, Maas. dSii 2-fti4 Wlnatod, Aug. I — (B) — Tbo gladioli daooratod tha altar. FOR versity in 1930 and his medical The home of Daniel P. Cava­ baad-ca crash o f two automobUas tba tattle of tha brothara to necttcut milk. BEDROfBff O” •WCHAVB YODB8IXF” workmen. n m PHAMMACY Mr. Bkonaakl gave kta dough' Jehovah’s Witaesses degree from there In .1934. He In­ naugh, chairman of the block party > tbo Torrlngtoo-Wiaatad road tbdr alalma for central of tha Hanunarberg sold ha finds that TAON AMO THE HOBSE” DE MAIO BROS. tar la marriage and aha waa at­ Schedule of week’s activity: T o ­ terned at Bellevue Hospital In celebration, will be the seen*'Mon­ last night klUad Jamas R. Morri­ HImalaima kingdom. This w toe period of acuta compatitloa EAST fXBB PABKINO S 1 5 A 0 0 $29,100 maUy quiet aad orderly capital baa tended by bar alatar, Mlaa Btaina from Naw Toric atata wlU bo of day, 7:30 p.m.: Service meeting, New York, where he also spent day night o f a committee aesalon CALL ANYTIME 7A91 son. U . o f as Saooad Island road, two years in surgical residence. to make plans In connection with Wabitar, Maaai, and Injured thraa baaa rarrad by almwt ecMtaat Maria Bkonaakl aa maid o f honor. abort duration, claiming Naw theme, "Let Your Kingdom Ctome.” damonatratioiu aad parades by Brldasmalda ware Mlm Ptoranca York auppUaa would ba raduoed Matt. 8:10: 8:30 p.m.: Theocratic Dr. Schenck haa had 18 yeara the cigar harvest festival. The mambom of a Wlnatod family. Mandal, Mra. Doris Ctoclva. Mlaa o f service In the N avy and holds meeting wll start at 8 p m. Morrison waa klaatUlad aavw laftwmg groupa daamadlag a during toe aunumar months due to Ministry School. Study, of "The dwra m tha govarnmaat, a re­ Jaan Packard and Mm. Corrtaa the rank o f full commander in the Judges Are Revealed - hours after tba acctdant by fallow natural cauaaa. Names of twd of the three out- moval of tha baa oa tba Nipaliai Mann. Hobart DrlacoU o f Hart­ Naw York atata dalrlaa could AW CONOmONID United States Navy. He haa been workaca on a natural gas pIpaUna ford waa boat ama Mr Nr. Beaten Legal Notice* ordered to report to Portland, Ore. of-town judges who will select the project hariL Oommunlat party aad aatabUrii- ■hip milk here under toe New maat of fun dipioawtto ralattcM ■ad tba uaban ware Lao Barnard, local girl queen o f the festival Tbo injured wore Mr. aad Kra. York federal aillk marketing AT A COURT or p r o b a i t : h«M with Commualat China. Lra LaCbapaUa, Cbariaa Harris MUNt YOUR DATE FIVE-DAY FORECAST from various candidates, have Y¥f • np* HP* JOaaph Carddl aad tbair tour- mstat rVaramlH Wffiittt order. Connecticut hae no federal at M*nch»s»»r. wllhin snd for the Boston, Aug. 3—(F»—The tem­ to Naw Delhi, the tod ax gov- order. . Dtatrlct ol llAncheitfr. on ln« 3Ul lieen announced. Thev are . Rosa yaai^d daughter, Linda Ann. AU Tba brtda*a gown o f nykm tuOa dtv of July. A. 1M9. . „rriiT perature In New England during Miller, of a Hartford radio sta­ are In a hoapltal bars, but none arnmant la watching with een- Hammerbcrg calls tola out-of- WE'RE OPEN LATE present. JOHfJ J. W^ALLSTT. home comfort earn tba growing ebaoa In Nepal, was daelgnad artth a fitted bodice, ths next five days, Saturday tion and Robert Nix, of the arts lires lires lires la la critical ooadltlott. ■tata milk eblpmcnt "sim ply an through next Wednesday will department of a Hartford store. wbara the UbwatlBad Oongraaa amadarln nackUna aad long fitted aconomle dumping arrangemant” Judi'-BiSste of —W. A irry Enslan<.'.BnslsnC UU alaavaa. Tba skirt, which tarmtnat- Tea. you can have a loag eva- of Msneheeter In said district,■ deceas-de average two to four degrees below The third judge, a woman, la be­ party gevsnimant—eraatad laat which ta says would probably be year with todlaa Prtow Mlnlatar ad la a flowing train, was orna- Blag at tarn bars . . . dtatag, the sSbaonal normal, warmer Sat­ ing contacted in New York and MORIARTY Bros declared unooetatituBonal If It 'upon sppllcstlon of The Hertford- urday followed by cooler Sunday (P L U S T A X ) Jawaharlal Nahra*a actira brip— mantad with acattarad sprays o f daaetag and aajoytag ftoe en- Connectlcut Trust Company. Executor, Indication are that she will )>e 600x16 IS t t N I t P S I were not aanctioned by a federal preylna for suthorlty to sell certain with no Important temperature present for the contest. appeared In danger o f falUag. UUaa of the valley. Her vail of order. tertatameat. Briag your date, Official Indies aouraas aald ao French lUualon was o f fingertip resi ertele situated In the Town of changes thereafter. Selection of a queen will be made M . '.Its taolgbtl Manchester known *» H i F^c'nce Precipitation during this period •11.95 Aug. 13 at the home of Harold R.ABB BSIUB, actlvo support kad bean raquaat- length and draped Dom a tiara of AB tba better pl elnraa play tbi street snd more psrticulsriy described MOPXBA PABTB aaod paaria and Rhlnaatonaa. Bha Population of Iceland avaragaa In said application on die. It Is will on the average total over one Newberry, Sr., hut her Identity A lARGAIN WHILE THEY LAST ad by the Nepal govarmaanL aow- q>proxlmatriy thraa paraoaa par ■aat Ortadaer Drira-la—W alrii fn o a B in tN E H avar, aad noM waa plaanad Dur- earriad a oaarada of white sweat' DANCINO TONIOHT ORDERED: That the forefolne «P- half Inch except two-tenths of an win be kept secret until the coro­ aqtam male, according to the Bbi- "T A T mat M lK B *t plicstlon bs heard snd determined *t Inch over the extreme northern tiig the attomptad ruvolt hut Jaa- h M ri fClMSa Ihs Probate office In Manchester In nation cerllnoniea that same \ M m Drif SiMii c^opadla Britannlca. F B A T tlB IN a sections occurring In ahowera late REPAIR nary, India plaaaad to By traepa Thu honor att«nd*Bt won < gown OeaL Every N l ^ t KVoas Daak OAK said District, on the 13th day of night. of Uma groan nylon net with bouf­ Ausust. A.D. I»B2. St ten o clock In Saturday over the northern sec­ BRAKES RELINED $1195 Into N a ^ to aupport tha Xainila U O WATTS ihe forenoon, and that notice b« Slven ant, but tha operation fant aklrt trlaunad with apraya of tions and Sunday over the south­ to all persons Interested In *•*•1'' ern areas and again in more gen.- orilad whan the revolt Btophanetla. Bha wore a matching of the pendency of sold aad SQUAlug DANCINO ^ o n n x . eral rain late Monday and Tues­ INCLUDES UNING AND LAROR faUad. hat and mltta and carried a bou­ snd th* time and place of "'■ t* "* thereon, by publlshins » copy of this day, quet o f TaHaman roaaa. Tba order In some newapsber nsrlns . • YOUR DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS AT gowns o f the brldasmalda ware clrculstlon In sold district, ot l * « t " " Idautkal In atyla to that won by day* before tbo doy of sold heorlng.Jo New Costs At A FARADI... ao^ar If they sea esuse st m W time Legal Notices Mlaa Konaakl but of dllTaraat col­ and plac* snd ba hated relstlv# thareto, MONTHLY o n . Mlaa )Caaclnl‘t waa aqua, Mrs. IXCIYINO At THI Alb OP JULVI and Disks raturn to this court.. DISTRICT or COVENTRY SS.. 93 Seen This Month CIneiva'a lavaodar, Mias Pack- JOHN J. WALLETT. Judea. Probate Court. July » . 1SS2. aid*a. ahriaap and Mrs. Mann'a, EiUte of Hsroli.’ E. Herd, let* of , . A t AT A COURT o r PROBA-ra ham Corentr>-. In eeld .Dletrlet. d^eaeed. STBTl'on yanow. AH four brtdaamalda emr- at Msnehastar. wUWn and for tha Upon the application of Clers E. VANS riad oM-fBahtenad bouquotSL y*- M -' ■ District of Msneheswr. on th* list Rand. Admlnl»tr*trlx of th* eetet* of Tba m a tta ro f tba brlda waa • d*v of July. A. D. 1»M. aald decedent preyine t> eald dietrict, on on 1^ win ta *Vnly about tlO arnaaanrim and coraaga o f rad Manchester. *dm lnl*t«trl*. . tha Mh day of Auetut. A.D. 1M2. at par family per year apraad over roaaa. A raeapUon tor 300 guaato ORDERED: That *1* month* from 11 o’clock In the forenoon, snd thlt Juflt listed nine homes on an etclusive basin priced from $12,000 to $22,500. Shows automobUaa, washing machlnaa, n - at the Amariean Legion Home at aaiv^riri th* eist day of July AD ., 1M2. tw sod public notice be slven of th*. pendency the same are limited and flow ed for of eald eppllcstinn and the time and by appointment only. frigaratora. tia cans and avary noon wlU ccntlaua to 6 p. m. the creditor* within which to brine In th in f alaa made o f ataal that tba Varied gladloU wlU predomlnata 1a their claim* eealnet **ld s copy of tm* order one time in aome ;h* eeld edmlnletretrl* I* directed to newapapar hsviee a circulation In said fam&y buya." tva daooratlons. ayne District, and by postine a copy there­ JUST LISTED IN SURROUNDING AREA: AraaU told a raportor ha doaa Foe travOltBg the bride b DAVID W ' WAIT slT* public notice to «he creditor* m brtse In tbeli* claim* within eald tinw of on the public alsn-Mat In the Town FAIRFIELD MARKET not plan to raaign next woak. cbMaa a gray ahaatung ault, rad allnwet.' by publlehlne • c®Py ®f of Coventry, In said DIatrIcl. at least live day* before said dav of hearlne. 6-Room year around home wtlh acreage— Andover ...... $9,500 Tbara have bean rM orto that ta accaaaoriaa and orchid coraaga. iEAN Peters order In tome * f,';‘ . ED ADAMS, Proprietor would raaign wbaa Praaldant Tru­ Bha waa graduated from Maaehaa- TIL THE culation In eald probate dietrict. ^ t h ­ THOMAS O. WELLES. Jude*. in ten deya from th* date of thia order, 3S4 HARTFORD ROAD 5-Room home, expandable— C o v e n tr y ...... $9,500 man returns from MlaaouiL tar High School with tha claaa o f and return ntake to thia court of the AT A COURT o r PROBATE held Tba price atabUtoar alao am- ItOoTTha bridegroom la a gradu­ at Manchaater. within and for tba 4ere-lei* eedet HUGH Marldwe nolle* r iv e m ^ ^ W ALLETT, Jude*. District of Manchaeter. on the 1st "A Modern Store With OW-Faahloned Principle#” 4-RocMn home, FHA supervised, hot water oil heat—-Coventry ...... $9,900 ..larimd that whan ha Boas daelda ate of tA Salle Academy, clam of day of Aueust 1(32. io raaign It wiU net ba bacauae of 194A ______a t a c o u r t Preaant. JOHN J. W'ALLETT. 5-Room home, expandable, fruit and berries—Columbia ...... $8,000 tha decision to raise atari prteaa et Manchaeter. wllhin and for th* Jude*. •Eiisniita- idsr& w Trust aitste u-w of Charles B. ArnaU oppoaad tba ataal Ineraaaa OBIWBS BXAMINATION Diftrict of llEDChFiitFr. on the « m OPEN DAILY INC SUNDAYS ’ d*y of July, A. D. 1W2, - M*t**f» Loomis, late of Maneheater, In said 8-Ronm home with breezeway, 2 car attached garage, thirty acres, ten o f gSJW a ton. Ha clatanad that present JOHN J. W ALLETT, District, deceased. under axlrilng pricing standards Harttoed, Aug. * — (ffi —City The Manchester Trust Company. tivated, 575” fr o n ta g e ...... $19,000 • CoBM ia today and driy* Amtrica’s truly rww, moM '*'’&tata of W. Harry Enelsnd. late of Truatee. havine exhibited Its annual 8 A. A\. T O 9 P. My and tba law tha Induatry waa an- Ctourt Judge M ax M. Bavltt has Mencheeter In Mid dietrfct, decewd. account with aald estate to this Court { aaaaarional car. liberal allowance on your old car w ill Utlad to $1.84 par ton. ordered a mental aaamlnaBoa for O r H m 9 H v w Upon ipplIcHtlon of The Hertford” for allowance. It la Connecticut Truet Company. Bieculor, ORDERED: That the 2Mh day of Mrs. Leml Xorpria, 04, of Hart­ Aueust. 1(62. at ten o'clock, forenoon, A Complete Line Of: GROCERIES, FRUITS and • probably make down paymeod ford, who was arraatad Thursday praiylnB for authority to eell certain NOnCE! real caUte aitusted In Uie Town of at the Probate Office In the Municipal VEGETABLES, BAKERY DELICATESSEN, Rnssians Operate after poUoa found In bar rafuaa Mencheeter known n* ^ Bulldine In aaid Maaebastar, be and Bttmwd home 13 dogs—one o f itreet and more-particularly deecribad the esaw la aaalenad for a bearine on FROZEN FOODS and BEER la eald application on (11*. It 1* the allowacca of aald socouat with aald them dead atoea May-^and a cat. PRINCESS RESTAURANT ORDERED: That tha forecoln appli­ estate and this Court direct* that 'Hospital in China Mn. Xorpala taP **^ to court cation be heard and dalarmrnad at the notica of the time snd placa asalened HENRY ESCOTT AGENCY yaatarday drimiJ to a dark bhia MAIN BIBBBr AX PRABL BTBEBt Probata olTlce In Manchaeter In anid for aald hearine be elvan to all per­ FEATURING: .Oncisai a sons known to M Interested therein to HENRY ESCOTT and THELMA JEFFRIES ESCOp? District. 015 ;h* ISth 4*y of Ausust. I eoat with tha llgura of a large VRllvs appear and ba heard thereon by pub- Ban Ftaartaco »> ;• Oj* to Dorothy U Tucker. (0 Charryflald “Fairfield Market Is Large Enough To SERVE You— ad by Bovlat oxparta. ataffad with r»««—a Uat Wadnaatay of tbo for* the day of eald hearlne. to Drive, West Hartford, (^nn.; Harold STATE TUES. C. Loomis, t x n North Holly Drive, I » s Yet Small Enough to KNOW You.” MAPLE STREET MANCHESTER woman riiautlBg from a window iWUbXanrftaoritol Bovlat doctors aad aunaa, pbar- appear If they *«> cauM • ‘ ..“ '".w.Ill* Aneeles. Calif.; Julia M. Loocnis, 67 that tar huabaad waatod to kill imfirl at P rlatim and place and be heard rainJvethere- amelata laboratoay aad Itn y ENDS TODAYi "KING KONG- and lEOPAED NAN" tab and make return to this court. No. Elm street. Manchaatar. Conn. bar. JOHN J. WA^LBTT, Juft*. jb ' i i ...... ■...... iRii ^ JOHN J. W ALLE TT. JudC*. ^»A6C F o n i KANCRE8TER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY. AUGUST 2. 1962 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. OONN« SATURDAY. AUGUST 2. 1962 E A G E f i l N

elude the following; "F or God hath not given ua tha spirit o f fear; but Senate Candidate ReceiYe* Ph. D. GravMide RIkm for Senator McMahon of power, and of love, and of a Lombardo Is Arrested, Police Use New D elay sound mind." (II Tim. 1:7). Seen in Coleman Correlativfl pasaagea from the Churches Ohrlatiaa Scianca tMthook. "Sci­ ence and Health with Kay to the Hartford, Aug. IWmer Manchester Directory Objects to One Charge Gas Bombs Achesoh Scriptures," by Mary Baker Ed­ Hartford Mayor Cyril Coleman Bvaacrlleal Lntkonui «. Bt. Jamea* B. O. Chureh dy, include tha following (p. 454):, Rev. John F. Haaaon, Paater "TIm understeadlng, even )a a de­ cama - tnlo the IlnMltght' aa a a * r * * poaelbia'^dandldata far the Demo- .Warrant o f Prosecutor ".I WtMtut Mi^ 0«rd»ii Btfwts Rav. Gearga P..Wnghaa gree, af tha dtt'Ina AH-powar da- And Pistols !^acific Hop R«v, Edgar J. Farrell itroya fear, and plants the feat in tratlc aaminatlon o f if; 8. Senator Of Business Services Keys in Car tto b 7 . Brt<* BnuMit rwitor Note* 3 Giunts Aris* IVM BMkWitll, the true path,r-the path Which' to 511 out the upexplred four years (Coattnaed from Fags Om ) « •) O m ^at Mid diatnnMtcr Sunday Maeaaat leads to the house .feuUt without of. the late Brian McMahdn’e tana. ing from Operation of For adulta: 7:00, 8:00, a:00, hands ‘eternal In tha heavanai' Led to Theft keys to a4t other prtaonera froe. naod for overteaa markets. Is th* ■unday, Auguat S, « h Sunday 10:00, 11:00, with two Maaeaa at Lova Inaplree, tllumlnee, daalg- Atty. OMealaii's newd waa being UUhi^own R(i. Piggery mantleiMd ,tar vaftraiF aecttaSh of Tha mental wing housae both coa- key problem in achieving Paoifie lAar Trinity: • iK) and 10:00, one in tha mein naUa, and laada tha way." •:S0 a. m. Worahip aarvlca: auditorium at S;00 tor adulta and tha etale aa wiw Supariar Court ASK FOR Samuel Lombardo of Lombardo Harvey Gagne, who because ef vlcts and priaonera not convicted. cooperation. Judge 'John 7 . Ouiltnaa of Bfidga- a bothered conscience has alleged­ Hyau)— one for ehlldran at 0:00 in the Crabgrass Is Printing Done | Brothers, the firm which collects As th* demonstration snowball- Japan's economio survival, .'f It haaament. Two Maaeee at 10 Emmaauel Lulharaa Churrk port, . ■ ly confessed to a ear robb^, ••jirmlaa to tha Lord; tha M <*mr«4i atraat ALBERTO V 05 the town's gatbnite and operntea n claims ha waa able to steal the ad, more than 50 carloads of said, raquirea ovaraooa tnul*, pro- Almighty" oTIoch. one in the main auditori­ Neither' Coleman nor Judge Cul- um and one in the baeement. Carl E. Oteaa, I>a4ar linen could he reached for 'oom- Easy to Kill BySchieldge HUtetown road piggery whoae abo­ car, which belonged to Forest Mar­ heavily armed police and a three- farably with southeast ’ •ifg «pfth Thy Church Abide ' f lareaea W. Halalag, Ovgaalst ment today. The former wju In LANOLIN HAIR CONDITIONER lition has boon ordared by Dr. ftob- tin o f 81 Bruce road, because the alarm contingent of flro equipment which ia opposed by Australia and owner bad left the’ kaya In the •Mtnon by tha Rev, Gordon Hohl. and Chalrwaafer New York on buainrse and Oblll- «rt R. Kaeney^ Jr.. lUalth officer, raced to the Jail, about 10 mites New Zealand. Thoo* two oouatatea SA R rl^ e l’e Charch stop Crabgrass, but how? . If w ith tha hot wreatker, it la hard. AT THE car, police reported today. PoUm " paater of - Flret Uitheran nan was on vacation. from downtown Montreal. Th* flre- are linked In preferontiol iissiDm- Rev. Janies FT Tfannans, Paator Auguat 3, 1053 you kill crabgrsss before It goes to. think of anything but. heat. >U! waa nrroeted this morning by Chief Herman O. Schandst said ic ties with Britain, whisk^ eon- Church, Rrickvllle, Atty. Thomas J. Dodd of Weat men brought th* blaaea aet by tha Rav. Robert Carroll and ElM h Siuidap after Trialty to seed, you will do juet that, stop for'i(iaklng plans for tha fall and j poUoe on a warrant issued 1^ this morning that a tew pravant- prlsonera quickly imder control aiders ite aoutheaat Asia and In­ 0;45, Camionlo Bella Hartford, a cloae peraonal friend ing people from leaving thetr keys ^*^^5Smighty God, Thy Word la Rav. Iheadara P. Onbala, It. Crabgraas, to perpetuata itself, wlntaTj there are few of ua who can I Proneentor John J. O'Oennor late as the police moved in on the dian trade vital. AaelataaU t;0d, Dlvdne. Worahto of McMahon’S, waa anothar being in their ear ehould be adopted. Th* report said if fro# Aalaao JJt^iaOt ttet far ahoad. Howsvar, j yesterday afternoon and signed by rioters. Organ Pralud^' Mlw- Eva Jahnaon urged by friends to run. However, must produce seeds, therefore, \ m CSuiilen N. Crockett, deputy judge Qagne, 35, o f 88 Durfee etraat, aro to bo onliated in a Paclfle se- Rav. Krlch Brandt la on vaca­ hlS. recent tlft with the orgaMaa- now la tha'time of year when club Twelve ambulance* were at the tion during Auguet. For a pee- Maeaee on Sunday at 7:00, 8:00, Soprano Solo, .MrA Shpratt Jbhn- killing crabgraas now atops naxt 99 E u t Center Street o f the Town Cmirt. Providenco, R. I., waa arrested On ourtty organlsatiaii. A n p h n a - tl^ .o v e r tha aelacuon ^ Jeha M. an antomabUo ttaeM count yester­ Rev. Fred R. Edgar scene, but only the two who were lor-a aerviea call upon 0 :00,’#10:00 and 11:00 a.m. aon year's plants. The process la easier programs must bo printed and, be­ PoUee attempted to eerve the iog , . . la In ordar" of Australia’s Offertory GoMMi of Naw Haven aa national day after he signed a statement shot were taken away. Tha rest and Now Zealand’s policy twiring. Oordon Hohl, lUlephona Rockville right now and less expensive than fore long, sent out to the various warrant on Samuel and hla brother of the injured were treated In th* M 4). Ha haa eonaented to eerve Sermon...,"My I. q.">.Earl Mo- .committeeman may hurt hla club members if they are to be of and partner, Anthony, last night, saying he stole a car June 38 from Rev. Fred R. Edgar, mlnlater tho immigration of Astons. s SA Frascis at Aaalal ChOMh dean chancea whan it is old and tw gh. the parking lot o f the A. and P. of the South Methodist Church, prison -4)y nine doctors who re­ .pour naada. Saath Wladaaar, Rants M use to the clubs. The only ray of but worn unaMa to locate the pair. sponded to calls for aid. Natural reaction in Asia agatost Poetlude...... Mlaa Eva Johnaen The Scotta BcutI way la aimpla hope that wa can hold out to you, W»Pay Samuel walked into police hand- etoN on Oenter street and aoM It and Mrs. Edgar, ware in New this policy has boon stimulated tho i • ' ' — :— Rav. Arthur J.' Heffatnuw, lliOO Latvian Confirmation and easy, but you need to follow DON WILLIS last week in New Rochelle, N. Y. York yesterday where Mr. Edgar When the diaturbeinc* e Paotor if you are one of the poor unfor­ quartern this morning ' and told report said, "by tho tondonejr vt Chalor Oaafiagatlflaal.CBnrrh Service Groton Engineer a certain method to get the beat tunate members of a progfam police he understood they were Gagne received a check for 8890 received hia Ph.D. dagree in edu­ smaohad, police removed a doron Australian leader*, to State the Rav. OMfaH O. Blmp^. ^aa**' Rav. Fmncto V. Karvalla, Ctirate reaulta ao aa not to waste .your committee, la to heed the ^ v lce of teoking for him. Lt. Kaymond F. for tbs automobile and took it to cation from Columbia Untveralty. men who are awaiting trial, for policy in uadipibmatio tenria’^^ Rav. Darativ Faaae. money nor Injure the good graaa- GARAGE HIGHEST several banka but he was unable His theais waa on ‘The Life and murder and other charges to pro­ The flower-blpnkated Caokat ef U. *. Senator Brian McMahon rosia In it . Mary's Cemetery ^ North Methndlet CRurch many a person who haa done this Griffin arrestad him on the three 'OtlMr conflicts mentloasd in­ Mlalater af Bdaeatt^ Meeeae at 7:30, S;S0, and 10:30 Dies in Westerly ea. In treating a great many work In years gone by, and that counts set forth tn the warrant. to get it cashed. Tha banka offer­ Worka of John Wesley.” vincial police headquarters down­ Norwalk, Conn., as gravasid* rorvleea aro conducted by the Rev. Henry Flanagan (at foot' ef casket) am . MT North Mala lawns within the past three years, 18 Msin St. Phone 2-46S1 ed to put the money in an account town. And later, to further east St. Thomas Th* Apoetl* Church. Seated at teft art membera of late Senator’s, family daft to right): cluded Philippine fears o< busi- Dr. Wataaa WaodraH, is to take your work over to Wil­ He waa releaaed in $200 bond for Mr. EMgar assumed the pastor­ nets dofflinstibn by Jspansss or Aadtaw R. Wataaa, WlUard McLaughlla, Mlateter John 8. Wolcott A Son havs for him and give him the cash as ate of the local church, Jan. 1, the tension, some 100 additimal Dr. William McMahoM, a brother; Mra William H. McMahon, hla mother; Mra Brien McMahon, tha Sena­ Groton, Aug. 3 —(jW — Andrew liam H. Schlsldge, 135 Spruce appearance in Town Court Mon- Chinsee, and Phllippina sad In- Mlalalinr a( Mnale found a simple procedure that la Street. SpseiolUiiq hi PRICES soon aa they had checked the 1948, succeeding Rev. W. Ralph copvicta — reportedly including tor's widow; and Arthur Turner, n brothar-in-law, The Salvatiaa Army Divine Worship, 9:3(1 at Second Hutton. U , of Groton, a design aura death to living crabgraas dsy. soundness o f the account. But eorne of the ringleaders of the donesiaii iSsentment that Japan Actually, many club membera The Lombardo Brother* firm te Ward, Jr^ now of Pittsburgh, Pa. was not forood to pay. roparatlM Honday. AUf. 1^ _ _ SSI Main Btreat Congregational Church. and development cnglnser at the plants. Hit or miss methods are a •RAKE SERVICE For Gagne, afraid the law might catch He received his BS. degree in 1933 demonstration—wera romoved to Major nad M ra R, C. Jaaao would not know how to get along represented by Attorney William for war damage. • ’ t:M and 10:00 a. m. a ^ c a d . fnectric Boat Division of tha Gen­ waste of. time and money. This without tha aervlcea of thia genial ■hew of Hartford. up with him, tore up the cheek from Ontenary OoUege, Shreve­ other jalla. M u d o "Chorala Fraluda." J. ■. Conwaaadtag Ofllean valuable information Is yours for Riigt. Scrap M«td em4 when he could not And a bank that McMahon Post Rent Controls report aald it doubtsd « n eral Dynamics Corp. hers, diad gentleman, for It can be said with­ Front pnd Alignmsnt Three Chaffee port, La., and his bachelor of atl-Pacifie aoourlty oouneil will ba tha asking and will aaaUt you out fear of contradiction that Mr. ofhw solvegedble mo* would cash it. divinity degree from the Southern Sunday, Auguat 3. ysaterday at a Westerly, R. I., greatly In your fight-against this The charges aro maintaining a News Tidbits formed soon. "A t this aUgs,’*iit u a y B olton Schieldge knows more about the Gsasral Rspoir Work piggery without a permit, main­ Methodist University, Dallas, sal4 'It to more likely that con­ World" ...... Tarra R m U t:80 am .—Sunday aohool. hospital. Ha had been III two unsightly enemy of good lawns. tarids. Aspirant^s List Up to Board proper setting up of different club taining a nuisance injurious to Texas, in 1936. After receiving hia CulM froai AP WIraa sultative machinery wilt bo qgo- 3 U»tham~“Ood la A B ptrit"^ - 10:00 a.m.—Hollnaea maating. Dorte Mohr DTtaMa days. See John 8. Wolcott A Son, 180 The 3:00 p.m— Silver Lane Sunday A noted mathematician. Hutton programs titan any other person pubUc health and violation of Kidnap Manager* maater’s degroe from Columbia ated for tho channeling of efforts TeL Maneheater BSa Main street light away for they In town. He keeps the forme set Call or Write regulation A and B of the University ha continued graduate RcrMura taaaan—Oironlclaa *1: •ehool. was a holder Of the Whitworth have ample stock to meet your re­ 105 Grows Larger Local Option the Rule; seeking poacoful achtovomenttof 7:00 p.m— Center Park aervlce. up for many clubs and hla asatat- BanltaiY C o ^ of the State of Con­ studies in the field of religious President CMang Kat-abek in friendly rototlons among tha as­ ** f « l f Medal, tha highest British award quirements. One of the aucceaaful Rob Supermart Taipeh, Formosa, otgaa p o M Tha Weak Nina 4-H d u b members from made In the general engineering ance in the make-up o f the club HIGH GRADE necticut. ,, J, education at Union Theological Doctor Liat Other Itema on sociated Paelfie countries. etf9H9ry^*•Om^, •w#«t methods in applying la to use programs has been invaluable to OSTRINSKY The sanitary vlolatlooa allagad Seminary, New York City. (OenttaM* troatjr between Japan and Na­ Ja 8* S:1B p.m. — Thuraday, atreel Bolton left today for the 4-H field. He wae under 31 years of Scotta ppreaders. John 8. Wolcott meeting. age when he w’on the medal in an many an Inexperienced chairman. are maintaining a p i*f«Y ^ Worcester, Mass., Aug. 3M)P)— He was ordained- in the Texas tionalist China . . . Man drlvas off Agenda for Directon ■arinen—Our Chrlatlan Unitad camp e f North Franklin. They ere A Son haye three slxea of spread- If you are planning the program Dealers la Waste Jlalerlaln marsh ground of land subject to Cotter wouldn't say whether he with bM oad 19 pasaea g i re while 7:30 p.m.—Prayer meeting. examination period which lasted era that, with proper care, will PRINTING Three armed men kidnaped the Omference and held various pas­ BCtflVioii for your club and would like as­ 155 BISSEL L8T. T E L 5570 overflow, and not removing the torates in that' state until 1941 Says driver is outside examining over­ Drought I« Held‘S (Otaramont'a Challanga to Con- Ffed and Norman Luck, Alice one week. He was one of the last a lifetime and are reasonably aoslatent manager of Brockel- would become a candidate for the H io quoetloa of whethor rent sistance Mr. Schieldge will be glad JOB AND COMMERCIAL csTcsssGs of dood GntiYiGli within when he served aa chaplain in the heated engine In Bt. Louis. Mo. Boeworth, Linda Cam nter, youngest persons over to rscsive prica^ man’e Lincoln Square miu-ket last nomination. He said It would be controls will bo rotalMd ia Mon' Zloa Bvaagelleal Lotberan the award. to help In any way. Ha will be PRINTING 24 houra , . night, forced him to open tha U. S. -Army for five years, spend' National Production authority cheater after present federal con- As Top DitasIRr •|•T:gS«‘X"SSS5'£l..« t.,eennre Howarth, Jeanne Pouerh, If your arbor vltaes, hemlocks, happy to give an estimate on the The warrant la al»o iasuad World Health Proptema Get inappropriate for him to discuss it modiflaa ite ordar of loot week ro- mM tHm hald at Oaramont. Callf- ^ u re h .Siiaanne Reneker, Patricia Strick­ In addition to his post at the spruces and other evergreens have store's safe and mads off with ing 31 months in Africa and Italy. Valuable OooperaMve Study troto end Sept. 80 will be put to Oeoper and High StreeU cost, help you lay tha program Prompt nad Efficient Prlattng against Anthony Lombardo, w t After his diaebarge with the because of his position in th* atriettng ahlpmonta of tin plate amila, gtvan by Dr. Bamual- Pon(^ land and Beverly Tuttle. Electric Boat Company, Hutton a brown or dingy color, nine times $4,500. the Board of Directors Tuesday (Oeiit Rav. Paul Q. Prehopy, Paator also waa an associate member of out so that it will be In proper bal­ of AU Kinds Samuel told police this morning rank of major, he became as­ state's Judicial system. solely to manufacturoni of cans night when it meets in Whiten f t a i O B i}, modaralw of CanUr Church, and Mr. apd Mrs. "Norman PreuM out of ten thli la caused by a mul­ that Anthony haa left on a vaca­ Det. Sgt. James F. Sullivan By EDWIN P. JORDAN, M.D. used In packing periahabla fods to dalagata to tha Council maating Mkw MaHoa A. Krdia, Orgaalat the Inetitute of NavsJ Architects. ance, in case you do not know how said Victor F. Millui, 35, the as­ sociate paator to Rev. Ralph W, ladleatoe latereet Memorial Library. However, it to of Bolton Center road are the titude of mitee. A spray con­ to do this, advise on the stock to tion. H# aald he does not know Written for NEA Service permit export of oeeondary tia- drought MgloM to a m ijar M # to Hutton ’ moved hero with hie taining aoap. nicotine and ara- sistant manager, had alighted Sockman. of Christ Church Metho­ If a man falls - ill of bubonic Talbot, It waa understood, has believed that the directors will Auguat S—The Eighth Sunday parents of a eon bom at Rock­ be used and help In other ways. when hla brother will return. dist, New York City, a position 'tte, bockplato and aloctrolytld the nation'* total er*a proanetlon. "fiywi!^5^xaad On, O King *u ^ ville City Hospital on July 30. family from WeStfield, N. J. about mlte ^IH kill them. John 8. W ol­ COMMUNITY PRESS from a bua naar his homa whan plague In India, it Is just os im­ informed party leaders he Is in­ postpone action on the matter un "The outlook In the a n a fee ilha after Trinity, two yaara ago. For many years, the print shop Oor. No. Main and No, School 'When placed under arrest UM he filled until his removal to terested In th* Republican nomi­ Plata if it cannot bo used for food " nal" -Rmart The baby Is the first grandchild cott A Son have the material and a man stepped out of an automo- portant that he and his germs be packing. til they have had on opportunity next 13 months to very, vsnr dto- "RhaOuda-AnOphon V, "How Fair 10:00 a.m. — Momlhg' worahip Surviving are hie .widow, Mrs. of William H. Schieldge haa offered Stnetn — Telephone 5737 morning Samuel strongly objected Manchester. nation. te atudy the matter further. o f Town Treasurer and Mrs, will tell you how to do the job. to one of the charge* in the war­ bilt tn front of him and forced not carried by airplane to New trsMring," he said. ^ and Flaaaaat art Thou" . .Dupra Teat; Eaekiel 33:7-0. Theme: Ethel Park Hutton of Groton: two the very finest in printing, and, During his stay here. South Moat prominently mentiimed for Under the terme o f tbe controls Keeney Hutchinson. , . Trim your evergreens at thia rant. He said he had a written him into the car at the point o f a York as it te to prevent the spread The Weather Buroou offerid tit­ "Are you a Watchman, Fireman daughters, Mrs, Richard A. Btetara while, rush jobs are something that gun. Qiurch has continued to serve its that poet has been Preacotl Buah bill passed by Ooagrees June 90, Ceimpers and counsellors of times so they will appear trim and all printers prefer to avoid, you permit from the town to conduct of the disease in hla native village- tle hops for an early brsnk In the orBrakemanT" of Saginaw, Mich,, and Mrs. Wal­ members in a signal way. The of Greenwich, »who lOUght the the decision on whether federal ^sm p Oak Hill will be guests at neat all during the winter season. Will find Mr. Schieldge la. always The car apod tiAha market sev­ A woman with diabetes In Egypt drought. In Its 90-day outloiai for f W . Mary*a RplawapaL ^ ! * * 7:80 p. m.- Zion la a church of ter Burke of St. Louis, Mo.; two the piggery- ’D’* werrant charges membership has grown so rapidly nomination for th* regular Senate controls will end or be extended caiwwh MdbOMMt Rtraata tnomlng Worship service at United If the problem la too much for willing to help you out If you re­ he maintained the piggery without eral miles away where the gun­ needs the same care and the same Obituary Auguat It aald tom pstatum in the the Intehiational Lutheran Hour, sons, Norman J. Hutton of Pnlk- you, call 8597. and hava John 8. that It became necessary to em medicine aa someone with diabetes term at th* Republican conven­ for another year to toft te local Baa. AMrai I*. WWIam^ Raator Methodist Church tomorrbw at quire printing, in a hurry n permit. man ordered MUIus to unlock the (M p South will he sll|ditte hatter broadcast In 80 languages over ton, N. C., and Douglas M. Hutton Wolcott A Son shape them for you. JONES' door. ploy an associate rainiater, Rev. tion in May. It went, instead, to option. * than usual and rntnfdl not Rav. daaaaa * . Nalll. 10:45. Camp Oak Hill on Bolton You may not know that a full Keeney told The Herald yeater- in Loa Angeles. A child stricken WiUlam Purteli of West Hart­ 1,100 atatiana In United States o f Westfield, N. J.; threa grand­ Evergreens and shrubs, left too Vteit Jones Fnml- The other two men atlll In the Percy Smith who was appointed with pneumonia in Mexico should According to a totter received genernUy exeeed - MflMHt aor- and Canada and in 05 Trrrltoritiea Lake Is operated by tha Newing­ children: a alster,: Mrs. Margaret Una of regular offtca supplies ate day he waa prepared to appeal to to that poat last spring. ford. Governor John Lodge's name ton Home for Crippled Children, long between trimmings, tend to carried here at William H. tore and Floor Cov­ Dr Stanley Oeborn, commUetoner car drove to the rear of tha store. have tha same prompt diagnosis Deathfl by Ocneral Manager Ridiard Mar- ato." J Rav. dafea A dekaaaa, O m ta Ond Forelni Countries, and locally Chubb of Birmingham, Rng., and grow out of bounds and experience also always crops up whenever Rev. J, R / Yeager haa choaen ae Schleldge'e. Many of the businese ering Store ter of health for ConnecUcut. P Minus and hla captors unlocked and th* same pennicillln or other there is talk of Senatorial candi­ tin from Federal Rent 8tabilla*r Reporto from tho- aouthm over WONB every Sunday evening a brother, Jamea M. Hutton of la required to bring back their TIghe Woods, the decieion eon TIm Righth Sunday Aftar Trln- hla sermon topic "How to Wor­ houses make a habit of purchasing Instruments loaned to be­ Prosecutor O’Connor did not in the back door and all four want drugs that are available to another dacies. Mrs. Anna W. OburehUI^ drought area in—Mra. 'Vir­ Phono 3-1041 action If none waa forthcoming on Snow, and Stanton Orlffls o f New 1667, daughter of tho late Wil iM a S ory —"X Hear tha Voice of U. S. Returns Tin ginia Kricaon Mercer of Farming- v^ iV lM -iH o f the-city and into Green Hill aftd an 18-month Jail sentence, and All this ia an Ideal and cannot Ham and Ann Saundare Wickham. Depsrtmente o f Defense and De­ soutbarn half of tho eountiy wui* R#V< Fred R. Edgar, Mlateter Wapplag tha local level by Aug. 1. Canaan, former ambassador to Jaaua'^...... Farcy F. Smith, ton and Friedrich Sthorr. former Preparation Needed Park where he was ordered out bis attorney eays he intends to be achieved overnight, but in the Spain. She had lived in Newington 65 fense Mobtltoatlon.. However, fairly pleasant Communion Hymn—"And Now, O Aeaaelate Mlateter Buying Powers Tha W u pin g Oraagsra and Designates Routing Metropolitan baritone noted fbr 875 Main SL—TeL 2-3414 | O’Connor aald Wednesday th# near tha buffalo pen. Police quoted try all three tn the next few days field of health, international co­ Aaovres GOP yoare. tewn ho# te apply for this dealg- prospect for th* centfal aad not^- their friemu wrent on a Mystery Costello received the sentence operation has already been im­ nation. eoetern aeotloiui. Father." Harhert A. Fraace, his - Wagnerian rolea, said that Coiilplete Landscaping delay in serving the wanrante waa MUIus as saying he waa told to ' Meanwhile in Wilton, BteU She leaves a son, a daughter, ReeaealOHil—"Thy Kingdom Come, Mlateter af Muate Ride to. Riverside Park. Four they plan to be married at Rye. due to the fact that he hed to lie on the floor during the ride and and a $2,000 fine for contempt of pressive. One of the organisations a brother, a sister three grand­ Ill other matters, Tueeday night, Hot weather also was yspmtied Washington, Aug. 3— The lucky couples won tickets to the Of New Thruway Service the U. 8. Senate crime committee. Senator Tags B. Pearson assured r © o o d i" N. y.. Aug. 9. read Keeney’# lengthly reports on was threatened with a gun if he working in thia field Is the World State Republican Chairman Clar­ children and two great-grandchil­ the directors will consider approv­ In tha fnr Southwest and sesttom Tha oalebraat at both aervleaa Sunday, Aug. I, Morning Wor­ government returned the buying stock car races. Young and old Both are voice Instructor* at the the condition of piggery in order moved. One legal move waa exhausted Health Organization which haa as dren. al a revised plumbers ordtnancs, o f th* Plains Btotea and Mstarn had an enjoyable evening. Shrubs— Cedar Fences. ALL MAKES OF ence F. Baldwin today that fol- n s tha Rev. Wilfrid L. Oraahwood. ship at i:0 0 and 10:(K> o'clock. of tin to private industry, thus Hartford, Aug. 2—(81—State Manhattan Mualc School, Nevir to prepare a case. He seld he waa A passing motorUt took Millua yesterday when the U. S. court of its objective "the attainment by The funeral will he held Mon­ the Are district consolidation t«- sloaos o f tho Roehto*. ^ ' The next regular meeting will Appeals here denied the gambler’s loivers of Sen. Kobert A. Taft will ' Prelude— York CUy. They also had been on Ornamental, Shade and reluctant to terva the warrante to tha police precinct at Lake all peoples of the highest possible remain "good and staunch Re­ day at 2 p. m. at the Shbeban port and th* inatallatkm of curtar It was eool early today fai the releasirtg the monopoly It has held he held Tuesday, Aug. 12. There Highway Cbmmlaaioner Q. Albert SEWING petition -for re-argument of hia level of health." northeastern atatea and over moot "I CaU t^ .T h se, Lord on tin purchases since March 13, the faculty of the Hartt School of Fruit Trees until he' felt reasonable sure he Quinsigamond. The Lincoln Square publicans." Funeral Home, K M New Britain on Otto etrset. OMteh a« tha Naaarana will be a special "Down to Barth" Hill haa officially designated previous appeal tn the case. It is not possible in the brief avenue, Weat Hartford, with bur­ of the northern and mwtsrn Oient 4SS Mala Btraat Jesus (hrlet" ...... Bach 1951. Music here where Mr*. Mercer wa* could get a conviction. market te one Of a chain pf 15 New Pearson led the Connecticut Also up for discusalon at tho Hymn - ' program with a guaat apwsker. the Fairfield County Thruway a voice Instructor for' 18 • year*. MACHINES Yesterday afternoon Keeney in­ England markets operated by George Wolf, Costello'a attorney, form of a column to covdr the ial In Center Cemetery, Newing­ Lakes region. It was 00 ate«« in daniaa R. RaU. Faetar Henry H. Fowler, head o f the Rev. Arthur R. Sanderson' from ■lid he now would take the fol­ fight in Taft's unsucceaaful bid meeting Tussddy an capital im­ “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore route In Weatport, a line generally The couple said they wmild formed The Herald that (YCOnnor Brockelman Broe. of Worcester. activities and functions of this ton. Pttrttoiid, M a, while at the snaM National Production Adminlatra- Warehouse Point, who will giva a EXPERTLY REPAIRED lowing actions in Washington; for th* Republican presidential provements Mcommended for this T h e e "...... Hymn to Joy maintain residences In both Rye had phoned him and aald the war international group of devoted Friends may call at tha funeral Urns It WM to In Blythe, Oslif. ' ' S:M a. m. Sunday School and tlon '(NPA), said the action waa demonstration and talk on baea. following the railroad tracki. File an appeal from Costello's nomination. year by th* Town Plsmrfng Cbm- •Anthem— and Farmington after the cere­ ranti were about to be ierved. workers, but they Include watch­ home from 7 to 9 today and Bun- Temperature* soared to 116 .in ' adult Blbla claaaaa. taken because tin auppllea have Don't mlaa thld opportunity to see In a brief, blunt letter to select­ conviction. Replying to a recent letter from mtoilon, HibJecU scheduled for Yuma, Aria, yeaterday. "O Taste and See" Goes mony. The phone call waa confirmation ing and controlling the spread of Baldwin urging party unity, Pear­ day from . 3 to 5 and 7 to 9. 10:«S a. m. Morning Worahip, Improved and tha price has dropped and hear Revererid Sanderson, who men of Westport — Governor 4 Gunmen Stage Ask the U. E. Supreme Court to public . hsaringa and the ap- Showera and thunderetorms hit •Chlldren'e* Story SINBER o f informaUon given Keeney earlier epidemic diseases, the setting up son said he ia "moat anxious to pointmant. of a member of the Rpaelat mualc. Barmon by the to a more reasonable level. la well known for hla knowledge Lodge'a home town—Hill rejected reverse the latest Court of Ap­ Miehael Yawgel a r *M in th* Middle and fekiitk,At- Offertory SoIo.»- by Town Counsel John D. LaBelle. o f International standards for help you achieve that unity." Housing Authority to succeed about bees and hla experience with iheir protests against the route peals decision. drugs, vaccines and food products tontlo Stataa, the Central Plaina "Hear Ye, Israel" (from The goverament became the sole XeL 7051 or 2-5505 BUheheater SEWIN8 CENTER Keeney had questioned LaBelle $45,000 Robbery On way to achieve that unity, Michael Yawgel, father of John Joseph Hanna whoM term expired ^(W O f. m. The Young People'a purchaser of tin at a time when them. We expect a fine attendance and accused towm officials of fail You Have the Ssttefaetloii of Seek anew for continuation of and the Improvement of nutrition ■totea and southern Rocky ILmwi- "BIIJah"l ...... Mendelssohn for this program. 832 Main St. Tel. 8883 *hout the progreee of the case Costello's 85,000 bail pending his said Pearaon, 1a to see that the Yawgel o f 411 Center atreet end July 31. ^ iarvlce. June Qaal, Soprano private Industry, in competition Ing to cooperate with the highway Kaowiag When Buying Yoor afid environmental hygiene. husband of Olga Stanklewlcs Yaw­ tala roglon early today. A few lo-- T:80 p. m. Kvening evangellatlc There will be no meeting Tues department. and the town counsel told him appeal. special state convention which Hymn with the government, had bid th# Ment Here. It’s Got to ^ Good. ' Manchester Cbicags, Aug. 3—(41—Four gun­ Thia organizations la closely tied gel of Hartford, died at a Hartford Keeney’s Roalgiutton celly heavy tbunderahowero Wrvlce. . day, Aug. 35. Dealgnatton of the thruway O’Connor wae about to prepare U. 8. Attorney Myles J. Lane must be held aoon to nominate a reported In Wtoootisln. with a n il "True Hearted, Whole price ea high aa 81.83 a pound on Knew YcNir M oot Ms r ! men executed a daring three-min­ to the United Nations and is sup­ candidate for the Senate aeat held convaleecent home yesterday Th* board will otoo consider th* , Wedaaaday, 7:45 p. m. Prayer HUtetowa route In Westport completea the the warrants. aaJd yesterday that the legal steps of 1.34 Inches in six houra In La Hearted" r. r.'L True Hearted the New York markets. It haa Samuel’s arrest 1* the latest d* ute daylight holdup of a bank In ported by the vast majority of the by th* late Sen. McMahon pursues morning. Ho wao born In Russia resignation of Dr. Robert R. Ke* maetlag and BBila atudy hour. Hillstown Grange 87 held Its thruway Hne In the eight Fairfield Kssp Acqsoiflfsd! TREE PRUNINR for obtaining Costello’s surrender nay, Jr., as town health officer, *f- Crasa*. Sermon— dropped to 81.31 H cents a peund. ▼elopment in the town’s efforts to suburban Lyons yeaterday and probably would be completed members of that organisation. a "free and open policy." end had lived In Hartford 35 yoara "Eagle-hearts" ^ NPA will continue to allocate annual mystery ride In place of County shoretowns Involved In the Live Better for Leas Buy stole an estimated 845,000 In cash. Another group which aims to Besides hia wife and son, bo fecUvs Jan. 1, 1953 and the trana- program to relieve Post road con All Yonr Meat At Ike abolish the piggery. sometime next week. However, a Wrote Pearson: Rev. Charles C, Chayer tin, but holders of elloratlons ma.v the regular second meeting for T. P. HOLLORAN The robbers, two of whom wore improve the health of the world te ‘ Offers Suggeetloae leaves another eon, Leo Yawgel of fer of fund* within tha police d*-, Boston, Aug. 9—OPV— MooM- Covenant Oangragatlenal Ohnrrh July 31. Members having tickata gestlon. * a ii REMOVAL The chronology of events in the Supreme Court appeal would stay 4t Spmaa StraK Hymn— buy from the suppliers they cbooae FUNERAL HOME ' metter followi: masks, entered the bank of Lyons execution of the the World Medical Association, "You aak me to offer my ougges- the U. a. Navy; two daughters, partmant and town courto. chusetts and Main* war* declared for the ride met at Grange hall For weeks Hill has been chiding Have year trees, pruned and In late afternoon—just minutes which ia a private organization Mies Bilubeth Yawgel of Wind­ Oensral Manager Martin will re "dtooeter arena" by tho Deport­ Rav. a. A. SabeiL Paatar "Jaaus, 1 My Cross Have Instead of solely from the Recon Westportera for failing to offer On-June 6, Keene.v and Jamea OoStello was convicted for walk­ Uona for uniting th* party In the Taken" ...... Elleadie at 8:30 p. m. Tuaaday, July 32. L. T . W OOD removed hy IkseasM and la- Ideally located—convenient and before hundreds of workers in a composed of the medical societies sor and Miee Olga Yawgel o f West port to the board on the Improve­ ment of AgrieuRuro tost night to Talaphena tIS7 atruotion Finance Corporation. proposals fnr the thruway after he A. Sheekey, town engineer, in­ ing out and refusing to answer coming campaign and i will be Poetlude—"RIcercar"' .. Pa6helbel The chartered, bus left at 7 o'clock. sared tree sargeona. sway from the (nay therongh- nearby . Industrial area wera ex­ of a large num)>er of . nations. This most anxious to help you achieve Hertford. ment of Oenter street, parking at help farmers get - loans for the Paai nga, Orgaalat The "mystery'' waa Onally lolved had suggested a route three LOCKER PLANT spected the piggery which had some questions about hla finances The Wefk fnre. DIstInettve Servleeu Med- been causing complaint* from res­ pected to cash their paychecks. at a crime committee hearing second group Is primarily inter­ that unity.. It will b* neceasary The funeral will be held Mon­ Purnell Place, the proposed pur* heavy, losaee they suffered In one when neariy two hours later the months ago. The commlssioner’a of th* worst droughts tn m e t n Sunday, Aug. 3. There will. be' a meeting of the A MEAT HOUSE arn Fnellltles. ident* of the area for two years. Three of the bandits herded 17 here in March, 1951. ested in the standards of medical for those whoae zeal carried them day at 9 am ., at tha Talaniki Fun­ chase of land adjacent te th* Man- Disease of Hogs hue drew up In front of Pomper- proposal, which haa been opposed 51 BIS8ELL ST.—T E L 8424 persons. Including 13 employes, practice. eral Home, 350 Maple avenue, cheater Green School and a letter century. 10:00 .m. — Morning worahip Officlel Board Monday evening. In Weatport, Is the route he now On their advice. General Mana Before Costello -lought the re­ to do many things In the pre-con­ Auguat 4, at 7:35 p. m. In the aug Grange Hall, Southbury. KEEP ACQUAINTED CARTER TREE into a rear room while a fourth Hartford. Burial will be In North- from the New York, New Haven Farmsra In both states are e m sarvlea. Rav. Buber will apeak on has designated as official. ger Richard Martin iaaued a dl argument of his appeal. Supreme Yoa Benefit DIrm-tly vention days to- pause long enough "A Great Man'a Ambition ui life ." Chapel. Pomperaug Grmm(s waa observ­ T. P. HOLLORAN man went through the cages, The World Medical Association to reflect upon the need for ac­ wood Cemetery. 'There will be a end Hartford Railroad concerning eligibl* to apply for leng-tenh, (Causes Concern ing State and Pomona olflcera rectlv® ordurinjp th€ Ixirnbardo Court Justice Robert H. Jackson Tha Week •Omitted at the eight o'clock EXPERT C6. Fna'erel Director scooping up all the currency Into a denied a pies that bail be contin­ already has had several meetings cepting all party adherents Into lervlce' SundRv Gv^nlog Rt 7 the town’s request that th* rail­ low-intonet federal loans if un­ night. The Lecturer of Bethle­ Brother* to stop dumping the Wednaaday. 7:30 p.m. — Bible aerxiee. PHONE 7695 town'* garbage at the piggery and paper sack. He did not enter the ued pending the Supreme Court supported. In large part, by finan­ full party participation; to organ o'clock Rt thf funerRl home* road modify the Hilliard stroot able to get private financing. Kansas City, Aug. 3—1*1—Pres­ hem Grange, Lillian Merrell, pre­ C. S. McHALE, Jr. vault. cial contributions from Individual IM th* campaign work Into Re underpass to provide graater safe­ Both stataa became "dtoaater Study and Piwyer Hour. sented an Interanting travel pro­ to dl*oo*e of It at the town dump Appeal. ident Truman diacloaed yeaterday Licensed Embalmer on dlcott street, to abolish the They fled tn an auto driven by physicians and drug manufacturers publican workers rather than Els­ ty to motorists. areas" juet m th* weather buraan CbrtetlMi Srlenre Society the proclamation of a state of gram on transportation. 175 Center St. Phone 5000 a fifth man. In tha United States. Ite next enhower clubs in order to achieve While sitting oa tbs Water Oom- predicted th* 35-day dry spell On Sunday, Aug. 10, Hlllitoivn pijfffery by June 16, and to correct BA ioha'a PoSah Natloaal Masonic Temple- emergency growing out of the exiating unsanitary condition* at R. C- Bejssick, assistant cashier, meating will be in October In unity of purpose and to avoid di­ Police Arrests ] mlaelon, th* directors will dtocuas may 1>* broken with n "decent” OatheBc Church Grange will hold Its annual spread of the hog diacasek vesicu­ the piggery by June 11.. estimated the bank’s loss at 846,- Ruth Mitlett Athens, Greece, and another will vision of authority In each city, the Investment o f water depart­ rainfall Bunday or Monday. M Oolwny Street Sunday aervlce,’Aug. 3, 11:00 a. lar exanthema, to 16 etatea. Grange family picnic from 3 000. be held In London In the summer town, -ward and borough; and Police yesterday arrested Rob­ ment funds and the right o f way Agricultural officlala eaid a sub- o'clock until dark. Negotiations On June 12. Keeney and Shee Stephen BtryJewUd, Paator m. , The President's press secre­ Belaalck said, "the robbers of 1953, to be devoted to medical moat important of all, to see that ert Krlnjak, 18, of 63 Eldridge of a power line on eewog* dispos­ eUnttal rain may belp eav* some are underway to hold It at Sear's kev inspected the piggerv a.galn Make Yourself, Spouse Happy MlaaI Clara rSkrahae, Organlet Sunday School, 11;00 e, m. * tary, Joseph Short, aald Secretari- MANCHESTER’S reallv knew oin- set-up. They education. the state '^invention, which will atreet, on chargee of driving while al property. , crops but added that miilloaa of Wednreday . evening meeting. Park In East Hampton. TTie so­ and reported condition* "tremen­ My Bfaklng Light of Hi* Fault* of Agriculture Brannan issued the dously Improved," but Keeney knew we were not busy at the time, Perhaps readers of this column become necessary bMausc of the hie license was under suspension *nie commlasioners will also con­ •dollars damage bad already been Sunday, Auguat 3 8:00 p. m. proclamation In Washington to liciting committee Is headed by and they knew Just where to go will not think that these develop­ untimely death of Senator Mc­ sider approval of th* final r-rfftre don*. 8:30 a.m. Mace. Reading Room Hmirs Lecturer Mrs. Bvelyfi' H. Cough­ A S«rvic« HNEST REPAIR W'ote out a health department or- The surest way for a woman to and breach o f the peace. pehnit the Agriculture Depart­ ’ d-r threatening Lombardo with for the money.” ments have any meaning fbr them, Mahon, will be marked by a free He wee released in $100 bond ment for seWbra on Highland and The promise of rain also de­ 10.80 a.m., High Maae. Tuesdeya end Fridays, 12i)0- lin. who will be assisted by Mrs. Of stay in love with a man for life Is ment to take meaatires for the leral action if the town maqager'a but in the long run, their chances and open policy and be made to for eppeerance In Town Court Gardner streets and for aawera on lighted forestry offlctoto in Mas­ 4:00 p. m. Gladys SteineV and Mra. la n c e s SERVICE to dwell on his good qualities and th* West Branch of Gardner sachusetts, Maine aad Rhode tir eventual eradication of the dis­ Sinctrity orders were not comn'ied with. of avoiding many diseases and demonstrate that the wishes ex­ Monday. Wedneedsya, 7:00-7:55 p. m. ease. Including some payments of Totten. Each member It asked on Washers, Toasters, make light of his faults. pressed in your letter, namely that atreet- land where woodland firaa ThleettviBe Oeagregational The public la cordially invited to to furnish some article of food, Appealed Order Student D5*iver Yet It Is amasing how many receiving the benefits of new dis­ The breech of peace charge rw Indemnity for diseased animals. Where Personal Irons, Sewing‘Machines, Op June 16 Lombardo Brothers coveries all over the world are we are ‘united in a spirit of friend­ suited when the accused allegedly Martln will alee report on the ao bad that the eroods, or aectli I CRurrh attend our aer\'ICea and use our Short made public a communi­ although the lecturer wrill supply Coneideimtion women reverse the order and then water department project to im­ of them, had to be cloacd to 1 Jamea A. Bull, paator Vacs, etc. anoealed Keeney’s order to the wonder why they are so unhappy greatly Increased by cooperation ship to wage an aggressive cam used foul language in deocrlblng reeding room. cation from Brannan and the text the hot doge and rolls. Members, Is A Tradition In Slight Crash paiMifor victory' is a reality. prove aervlce in the Manchester public. John WIIHame, Orgaafit "I..ove” a-111 be tlje subject of their families and Invited' guests State Board of Health. Althmigh and dlacontentad, and why mar­ of this kind. an officer in the presence of Chief of the proclamation wrhlch fol­ 28 Woodbrldgo Street the board ha* never issued a for­ ‘‘These ideals cannot be accom Herman O. Schendel. Green ares, the Wetherell street Main* had 860 forest ftrse tost the Leaeon-Sermon for Sunday. lowed a long distance- call Mr. Tru­ are welcome to attend this affair, JOHNSON PMNT CO. ABC riage gives them so much leas pushed without the work and co­ water main extension, th* con­ month—more then la any ether ‘ Sunday. Auguet 3 Aukum 3, 10.12. The Golden Text whether or not they are Grangers. mal decision, Henry Giles, of the No arrest waa made and no one than they hoped it would. Francis Metthewe, 30, of Hart­ man made to the secretary of S99 MAIN STREET BIANCHESTER 400 Mein Street State Department of Health’s operation of all groups regardless struction of aawera on Bosax and July on record. 10:00 a.m. Worahip eer\ice. Pro la from I John 4:8. "He that lo\^ agriculture yesterday to go over The HllUtowm Grange Seiring was injured in a minor accident No husband is perfect and no ford, waa charged with Intoxica­ APPLIANCE CO. Bureau of Sanitation, visited the Inland, CIO of pre - convention preferences. Durant streets and on Benton and Bainmnkero Hired . feseor Dikran HIdIdian of Sweet eth not knowrth not God; f- An 18- Hartford, Aug. 2 OPi—A new for equipment used in the sanitary property on Main street: to the important. plants in Indian Harbor, Ind., and riaon ia employed at the Hamilton Anna Simonia, 83 Oak street; Mrs. bitting Ford in the left leg. cam* the seventh and aigh Nursery service for Gentlemen may attend year-old youth, out on bail for tha 81.600,000 market which wras to intervals save your lawn from demon REPAIR 3H0P DRY CLEANERS land• .B ^flU s a mathod,____ A.%^___i athe L „ . method a w ^ a Buckland Road Oorp., property on Accept them lightly—and appre­ Chicago Heights. HI. Standard Propeller, now located Olive Burleigh, Rockville; Theo­ F oi^ a native of Eliaabeth, was states to be claasifted m die* araall children during the without coats if they past three weeks on a charge of open yeaterda.v In the South Crabgrass. Friees par single lieotisenti will be used to diaposi New State road.- ciate hla good qualities That will The contract will remain in af­ at Bradley Field, Windsor Locks. dore Mather, 64 Ckmcord road; taken to Perth Amboy General areoa H is other six aro in' William H. Green, Prop. 93 W db Street Moseley baby girl, 50 Cl)rde road. south. Porta of two othor aoui 10 o’clock service. prefer. poaaeaaing Heroin, waa arrested Meadowrs here will be delayed for 400 tq B - 79c 1350 sq ft • 11.95 bags at the town dump. not only make you happier, but fect until June 30. 1954, and pro­ Hospital. last night on a charge of selling some time, jiays Francis H. 5500 sq ft - 85.85 Hia approval of the expenditure r . S. WHIPS BEOS will make your man happier, too. vides an average wage raise of Mra. Florence Streeter of 55 Police said Ford also woe want* states hava also bean put And chances are that if he la Starkweather atreet, president of BLUDGEONED TO DEATH ed In connection with robberies o f drought "disaster" statua two packets of morphine for 816. Adams, executive secretary of the A M S SMHdOfdS make pley ei tews wemDng, feedlsf er tevd- leiephem 72S4 te aubjert to a public hearing. Hetelald, Aag. 3 —IPV— Tbe 15<4 cents an hour, six paid holi­ Risco Glasa denied the charge, but Connecticut Market Authority. U. S. and Goodyoor Tirts Johnson has said he will con­ Ualted Stataa Oiympie teuket- fully credited and appreciated for days a year and other benefite. the Department of Connecticut, Sprtagfleld. V t, Aug. 9—WV— the Roaelle Pork Oonsumero Fi­ Raymond Freeman, chief of teq. Stvrdy ileel ceetlrvctien, rvkker tired • 87.35, II2A0 « mI 8I9J0 Farmera Horn* admlntotratloa patrolman William B. Ashllne of Paving and the electrical and Repairs Snrvic* tinue hia opposition and will ob­ faall team, rallytaig after a stew all he does to make your life hap­ Inland employes currently are Auxiliarlea Veterans of Foreign a 54-year-eld housewife woe nance Co., and tbe Bound Brook the \1ce squad said that two mark­ refrigeration syatema of Regional tain on injunction to stop tha start, wkipped » stabbarn, boU- pier he'll be a better husband. -And paid an average hourly wage of wera, left last evening by Ameri­ bludgeoned to death aad her Seaboard Financa Co. Boeton, said th* last timo South Methodist Church Expert Dry England state was claaal e d billa the Canton itreet Market have not been completed. A e c M S o r iM town from using the town dump freeaiag Roaatea teaaa 35 to 35, of oourae, you will be a better and 11.96. can Atrlinee from Bradley Field huebaad waa erltleally hurt fat A warrant calling for Ford’a re­ "dtoostat" ana w m M i MAIN STREET AT HARTFORD ROAR youth by a vice squad undercover Adams says. He could not say JOHN S. WOLCOTT & SON 180 Spruce Street to r garbage disposal if necessary. today te ratste Ite Otyn^ie title. a happier wife. A wage clause permits negotia­ for Los Angeles, Calif., where ihe tM r rural heme ted^ by two turn to Connecticut to to be sent when the market will be ready for H* te rsprassnteit by Attorney ~ l^fiaee In the (AB rlidrta roaerved, NEA Sendee tions to be reopened after on* will attend the natioital eenven- mee hMtosred te bo eeeupeee from hero today, Ralph W. Walker, 9 * r- aald fannora h em w ed E agent in exchange for the RsrooUc, 180 MAIN ST.. MANCHEST1|B PHONE 8597 PHcin* 2-0659 Cleaning Service UcB dsBon UMb'- w-ere found on Qiaas' perMn. bulaneas. Chartes N. Croekatt. | lac.) year. tion. VeeuMtot u rn * Prtooto den ed the Oameetleut prtoOB, Mid.

'* '-3


m greataat complaint. Aa early aa fun aurvtval neat apring. (>>ronatioii Seato H al Boyle' JUmrlfeBtFr November, IMS, tha Mg powera Thla la Juat a torn chance. It la U.S* Change of Mind Cost Acheson Aims THE ARMY and NAVY CLUB AUanticvliopping. *Copters O ver Scotlanii who were to prove vlctora In tha no certainty. Tha odda ore aU Radio and TV W H A T — 010 &ntiti0 IfFraUn R f o c o r - m i w n o —I0B0 Have High Prices mm war officiMly declared, at Moa- agalnot It . To Build AUies The Forgotten War that they regarded Auatrla Borne other treee aeem to know Citizens over One Million W K N » - S 4 0 ■ aatam ltayBgbtTtata RINBO-Cb. B SSf nfc. London , Aug. 0—iff)—Britain thia. They make no aacond e ffo r t ■ 1* BtM«n aa their friend and not their Ia Pacific Area w ill M t up about 00,000 observa­ enemy. They declared that they When tha worma have pnaeed, they Hartford, Aug. S—IFi—A federal Bold Judge BnUth: jiM-WDItC-Itewe. MtIO—WTIC—CbilCTcn's Cornsr. tion seats for Quean BUxsbeto’s Won’t Go Away "The reault reached by the TgSSfVf'S^isa- juot atand there, motionlaea, Judge agreed yaatarday that Ro-^ WCCQ—KaaclMster HsUdm. ^ WDRC—Vole* ol Religion. coronation procession next June recognlaed that Auatrla waa one WONt-Ksws. WONS—Tolea ef drivary. W t Hiraeh la anUtled to a llJXMi.- committee win, os tha govern­ By g. M. ROBERTS, gr and spectators will have to shall I^mndM OctelwT 1. IMt of Hitler’a vletlma, not hla willing daopalring, admitting the tact of ment claims, provide to the de­ WHAT—New*. WTHT—Hsilenic Program.' New York-!*—*n»e Korean 000 profit on on airplane plant AF Neste AaMyel WKNB—News; BsMball Kstls**. 1:10—WDRC—Religious Ntwa oiit from $10 to 615 to rit in them. here In our mess tent, and tlwy-. ally. They declared that one of death although It la net yet fully about whkh tha United Btatea fendant Hiraeh enormous proftta BINGO war Ig well Into its third year and One of BeerStary Acbeaon’s Jobs WTHT—Newe. WONS—Back to Ood Hour. Works Minister David Bocics sure give a lift to tha hoys', upon them. They do not etruggle. Oovemment changed Ita mind. from Ms venture ia the purdiase WTIO—New*. WTHT-Opara Album. Chair firat atope, after the war, at Honolulu trill m to make the EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT told reporters today more than 37 the millionth draftee is now In morale. But I Mias 8 L Baraabaa.T Conn.. •> Diatrict J u ^ J. Joaeph Bmith of thia large plant. WCOC—Monchaeter HsUm *. W-nC—Explorers of the Wild. lUU MntUr. ______would be tha raocnat|tution o f a To them our heart goea out too, new U. B.-AustraUa-New Zealand STARTING AT 8:16 SHARP ItlS—wDRC—J * ^ Orsy Show, WCCC—News: Hartford Jewish Lift. miles of seats—obobt 80,000—will service. It is a beautiful church. ' " ruled that the govenunant aauat ‘Tt may well be that some pro­ WONS-Pslln' With AIiui. 0:0—WDRC—Quest Star. be rowed In tiers Ui Westminster free and independent Auatrla. la pity. mutual defense program on Invlta- Month by month tola famwsy "As yet I am not risjit «p at •OMcitipnoN lu m pay $S.i0O,00O for the plant which vision for renegotiation, of auch 80 REGULAR GAMES—3 SPECIALS WTHT—Hunuw Heart. W n c -T h * Hudson Coal Minsra. Abbey and other state property. But to the othera, the onaa who tion to other Pacifie powers to Join w n C —National Farm and Rom* I0:00-WTIO—National Radio Pulpit conflict has touched more and toe front or In any ttangor at. Pnynblo In Adrone* Tet they have failed to negotiate it firat k id for gSJllO.OOO and de- contracts for purchase of govern­ The conatruction cost will be near­ ...... eventually. H oof* WONS—Radio Bible Clas* . more Uvea, affected more and preaent. I ’m not really hunting toe:^ a peace treaty with Auatfla and play the alim chance that a thta diled five montha later to . re­ ment surplus properties to recap­ WHAT—Saturdey Matinee WTHT—Message of Israel. ly two million dollars. [ontbn ...... There Is no immediate intention Reds too much. Tm glad that I? MontlM ...... edge of life can be recaptured, acquire by eondamnatlon. ture large short-term speculative 1;XK—WDRO—City Hoapltal. WCCC-Slmcba Tim*. These seats will take core of more Amsrican families. It has tney have maintained their troopa of trying to create In the Pacific WCCC—Nawa; llaschaater Hatlsaa. WHAT—ItalUn Muslo. ' cost more than 113.000 casualties. don't have to ua* a weapon itb ...... Tlie gS.100,000 award Includee profits, would be jdesirable In about half the spectatore, it was In occupation in Auatrla for aevm who roapond to tha bHad w ill to anything compqrabis with the WTHT—Shaka tba Maraeaa. WDRO-Cbureb of Th* Air. It has been raised ss a major against anyone. And I’m oorry IfO.OOO made aa a down payment spite of any possible chtlllag ef­ W KNB—Baaeball MattBa*. 10:M-WCCC-N*ws; VUUa of Israel. estimated. Tbe other half Trill pay live, who alruggle, with fierce caU Atlantic Treaty organinatlon. The political Issue. that toe other boys have to. yaara. by Hlrach, a Bridgeport realdent, fect on bidding wMch might eO' 1;|S—W n C —Juke Bos. W K NB-Ave Msria Hour. fancy pricsS for seats atop pri­ upon their hidden reaervea o f nature of the present work Is mors » i*e—WCCC-Mnelc. WONS—Voice of Prophecy. "But If tha war isn't fought The reaaon they have done thla and hla'caaoeiatea when they firat sure. vately owned buUdinga. Yet it remains "The Forgotten TB S A^OC?ATBD*^PIUCU like that with Latin America. BUY WDRO—Hormei Olrle. WTHT—Jewish Program. her* It might have to be tou|ht haa little to do with Auatrla it- atrength, for the right to be agreed to buy the property on Nov. The urgency of ever-peesible WTHT—Front and Center. W n c - A r t of Uvlng. Standing room,, will cost nothing. War,” th* war that almost no one "WheOier Hlrseh’s profits are WCCC—Muaieal Scoreboard; New*. 10:U—WTIC-Ousst Star. back In toe atates. grata in one more May—to them 1, 1000. enemy action in the Padfle Is not knows except th* men who fight tflSMltClMS to It. OF aelf. Aa the Auatolan govern- due to his better ectlmate o f t-10—WDRC—OrasC Central Station. lOilO—WCCC—Music from London.' It. It is as If Korea wera li^ n The "Korean people or* Sot* m^Htd In thin MP«r we offer a aalute. They know that The plant, located ia Btratford, • present as in Europe. And the Im­ WTHT—Frank ted Jackson. II:0 0 -W D R O - Balt Laka Oty Tabar- ment’a memorandurn to U N mem- probable future effects' of the another planet, or as if thsre were rcoUy aa bad as soma people w M ld , C d i 1«« Um loeni anwn publlnhoC h *^ form erly houaed the Chance- Korean war bn demand for plant mediate focal point If It ever de­ WCCC—Nows: H u ^ naci*. All rlihln ol rnpobllentlon, of npMW bara atataa, "the reaaona which death la Inevitable. They might Vought divlaion of United Aircraft MEMORIALS li lt —WHAT—Red Sox re. Detroit WCCC—Pollah Hour. a conspiracy of silence against it lead you to believe, Sonw o f thooe space of tba type, to the In f velops will be Japan, not the South Hebron dlip'iInhTT hnrnin nn nito rcntnrtd. weU oak thamaelvaa why the C orporation . The*government WKNB—Tanka w . Browns. WONS—Polka Time. — ^^"If wa don't mantlon tos war, people were Just content to Bve' tad the four occupying powera to adequacy of preaent dispoeai Pacific. I'lO —WDRC—Rsport from Orsrttas. WHAT—Italian Program. atruggle for Juot one may May. owned 81 percent of it and United WONO—Bandstand U.8.A. W TH T-Flce^ArU Qulnut. it will Just go away,” their own Uvea, tending to fltair n i l nnrrlen nllnnt of M. ■. A. ■ « change their orlghud Intention to statutes, or to errors in Judgment Indeed, there will be a spirit Pi*>Bridal SksTVer Aircraft 10 percent WTHT—Pan American VnlSe; Lon* WTIC—World of Music. Ending a racord-broaklng dUtonca flight on the test leg of their Atlantic crossing, two U. 8. Sikor­ Unfortunately, It Is a war that gardens, building homss and M d - . end the occupation of Auatrla ai But, aa'th e laot gorged woi by tha government and United resent at Honolulu, hovrever, po- O F PROVEN tliie-W CCC-New a; Italian Life. A miscellaneous prs-bridsl With the end of World War n, Pin*. ■ sky H-10 haiicoptani craes eoastllne o f Scotland, near Ayrahlre. (tapping the first helicopter Bight won't go away, and America may Ing an Ordinary Ufa. But ooma o f drojta bit, they puoh outaneW bud, Aircraft representatives, there la Stely covered, which compares in WTIO-Dosrn Homera. WDRC—Nswa;. Invitation to Lsam- shower wo* given Wtdnsedsy eve­ anon aa a atable Augtrlan govern' Chanca-Vought nmved to Texoa. •,|S_WSRC—Adrenturee In Sclanca. aeroee toe AUontle, toe A ir Sea Rseoiie Bquiulron ’copter hroke a dtatance record by flying the 180 still hsvs man stationed on,^ a to# big wise guys had to thiak T e * ChlooAo, Potrolt nad ifentoo. no avenue open to the court to some respects with that which ex­ ning for Hiss Betty Lucille Jones, mant haa been eat up are at­ which beoomea a new leaf In July, The Btratford plant remained va­ |:M—WCCC—New*; Hnslc. W t 6 t —Christian In Action. miles from Keflavik, Iceland, to Prestwick, Scotland. The hop-skip flight began at Weatover, Moss., battlefront In Korea after it in­ toay could nils them and baclr- ■uwBAq o r deny the defendant Hlrach the fair ists between Frimce and Ger­ w n C -tJ . 8. Army Band. WTIC—Carnival of Books. d si^ter of Mr. and Mrs, Carlton a green flicker of a claim on m m cant fo r montha. Air Force Bose. The giant ’’egg-beaters'’ wlU be attached to rescue squadron at WIesbsdsn, Germany. duct* Its second millionth drefte*. thelr strength against tha good OIH tributable to world politlca and In- market value of his Interest in many whan they seek to cooper­ WDRC-Radlo News. Ilitf-W T IC -M sdIey Ttme-Hal :.olb. H. Jones, on toe lawn o f tba Jonas ptopla of toe world. life. And that, we aay, *le On Nov. 1, 1000 Hiraeh Obtained SUPERIORITY WTHT—Lone Pine and HI* Houn- Atlsraaaa (AP Wirephoto via radio from London). The odd thing about the Korean fluenoed by the contraaUng po­ tha property at the time of the ate, under new prsesure, against UjM;;;WDJRC—^ ^ l e 's Platform.l rsridsnes. The grounds |vata on option on tha property and taineera. . _ ^ combat picture Is that ths moral* "When you ■** oil Qm nattona magnifleent, magnificently point taking.” a background of mutual fear. The WONS—Spoits Parade. WCCC—Italian decorated with Japanese Isntema. ’SJis'i.M'tsaKfe'w litical and ideologleal ooncepta o f made the initial fSS.OOO payment. of th* American fighting man has that am mprsoented h ^ ynU foal : USSmBblcal tm rt nwni^nt In fear la that of the Anaacs for Ja­ l , 4a_W DRC—Correapondent a Bcratch- WTHT—Nswa; Music in lb* French Tha brida-to-be was seated In a Walter Hollsteln. West Germany's the Eaat and Weet.” w, from the hareh, reallatle Later, in llne.wlth the terms of The plant la now being used by Corm tlY idsifBdi MonBEifiatB ura prododa <4 ourtfol, Manner. tost w t can’t too*. Senttored pan. It Is one o f the chief rea decorated chair, and gifts were Saar Valley Talks deputy foreign minister and four Governor Saves picked up, whU* Interest at bom* point of view, but magnificent. option, he offered an additional Aveo to turn out aircraft engines intdlHgat s t ^ . Thgr hAV# bsltiicd, dlBtlnetloB and 4;Sp^W TK :— Win, Place ar.d Show WONS—tattle of the Baritone*. throughout, thia area nr* Ttailu, The four powera atay la Aua­ eons wh]! the U. S. has made mu­ WHAT—LaPerla Program. arranged tn a treasure chest, deco- Of bis sides. Tbs talks ware ex­ has steadily waned. 1830,000. for tha government. Before the , ‘ Tune*. _ Btoloptane, Flllpinoa, FusMo •dTMtUlnr di^ng Iworni trla where they have no real 'nieir bravery makea them even tual defense treaties srith Aus­ B ta g fliiif; thgjr U T 6 betoty that wiD andar*. WDRC—Stan Dnu«h*rty. WTIC—Juvenile Ranto. mted with pink and blue crepe pected to last through the day. "Why or* w* In Korea at all 7” Tha government refuoed to ac­ government decided to take it II:Ig—WHAT-^joreol* Della Republica Started in Paris i)og from W ell Rlcnns, Ctanadlane, Bcotoh, E B g -' 1 p. m. rrldnr. more beautiful, with their acat- tralia aad New Zealand on the one WTHT—ABC LaU New*. paper. The party was s cou­ Ask tha avemg* man tn the street __ -1 p. m. Mondnr quarrel only becauae they haven’t cept tha second payment. I t an­ back, Hiraeh has agreed to lease WONS—News: Juke Box. WONS—Health Quit. The Saar, which oraa pgrt of tered heroic groan, than they ware hand, and with Japan and the Phll- C o ttln f Done la Our Own Shop From T lw U:M-WDRC-Newa. that question, and he might be Hah. AuatroUene, Hollnndste.. Mnnndcy—1 -p. p). Tunndny. aatUed their quarrela flaawhere. nounced that it hM decided to the plant to Avoo for $738,000 a S;it—WDRC—Hors# Races. plets surprise to lUss Jones. Germany bstora World W ar n , lmdnJ^—1 p. Bi Wndnnndnp. Ipplnim Individually. Roach Stone To The Finlshod Moinorial ,4 WTHT—Sport*. WCCC—New*; Ukrainian • American t ir 3 RIchniond, V o ... Aug. 3— (F)— hard put for on answer. Hawatlana and other*—oU figh t-' In alt the untouched innocence and take full tIUe. year for two years. The lease car­ Hour.. Mrs. Everett B. Porter assisted now controls Its own domesUe of- They atay In Auatrla only becauae There are economic matters In- WTIC—Th* Brooklyn Handicap, little black dog fall into tha But to* Amerioan soldier in Ing on os on* Mg lean. ' aeeming aafety of apring Itoelt. A special committee decided dilO—WDRC—Croes Section USA. WTH'T-Irleh-American Hour. Mrs. Jones os hottess. Ouaste In­ West Germtay hsvs opened for­ falra but is llnksd seonomlcolly • tntiwiur—tJP- •■.KS*’'' _ none of them wanta to give up a ried a three-year renewal option. fountain pool In front of the Mg Korea novlr haa a pretty good idee "H ow con we loseT Benided, we vlnnnlBed Innf.'nM; lOitS a that Mlrsch was entitled to $3,- -volved, too, bbtween the British WTIC—Muelcana. WTIC—Eternal Light cluded Mrs. Everett Keith and mal negotiations on tbs futuro of with Fronot. Tbs French also srs United Aircraft was not Involved WHAT—Mueic from Scandinavia. house. why he le there. have to* help of God. If or* atayi W ^ PaMleatloa oaeopt ftotardnp— preaent military poaltlon any­ lOO.OOOi It was that award with Commonarealth and Japan, srith WTHT—International Jaxy Club. Miss Sylvia Keith of Manchester, remonsible for its foreign affairs ia the litigation. It had agreed to U iU -W D R C —BUI Coatelle. NawA tbe Boor iraUey, the tiny frontier His night-long efforts to climb Take Pfo Georg* Whttenour, logetoe'r oa free nattona attar th is' f A Pb where eo long aa the cold which Judge Smith agreed today. the letter’s return to trading im­ WONS—Frank and Emaet Mrs. R. Kneelond Jones, S r, and and defanot. Germany’s uasatlafled accept from the government the Manchester Memorial Co. whieli has bean in dtspute out were In vein. for exempt*. He is a meipbar of th* is over, wa can hop* tar pMO* tar tattndar. Augupt > The government had objected to portance in the Orient running w n C —Musle with a Beat. l:iS—WTHT—New*. Mrs. R. Knselsnd Jones, Jr., and demands tar return of tbe terri­ loota anywhere. share it would have been entitled WCCC—Freneh-Amsrlcsn Hour. between the two nations for years. At dawn, tos door to tha big St. Baraaboa Lutheran Church In oil time.” It. to from tha Hlrach sale. head-on Into British, efforts for A. H. ADIETTL Prop. WTHT—Roftland Ballroom. daughter Karen o f Bolton, Mias' tory have been a rolljrlng point tar F or theoa reaaona, both oldea Connecticut WKNB—Nows; Request Hatlnee. WTIC—New*. If tbe dispute is sstUsd by Sept house opened. A tail, broad Queens. So Is John R. Crooks, a trade expansion. There Is soma WDRC—Music. Marguerite Porter of New York West German opponents of the H o w CIMUI A C a m p o lfn T HARRISON STREET—MANCHESTER grid—WHAT—Croiby’e Qtwrter. 16, tbe hs^usrterg of tbe six- vstsran newspspsr librarian. T o monufoctum aa nutoOMMlo have, from time to tone, aought plain old-fashioned racial preju­ g:g»—WHAT—Band by Demand. WHAT—Music from ScandInavlA City, Mrs. H. R. Keeh, Mrs. Wsl European Army treaty. . ' shouldered mSn descended the Veterans from the YD from both dice. WONS—Frank A Ernest ter C. Hewitt, Mrs. WllUsm W. nsUon Schumsa plan fo r pooling; ■ V ateps. A t toe fountain’s edge he Some tims ago. Crooks, who is permitting n driver to stt on th* H ew eldPB and. docm t can wi refuge In dleagreement ever the WCCC—Huslc. _ ^ Yankee YD Will Discuss world wars are Invited to partici­ But, Just as the present' lack of WTIC—Th* Author Speaks. WKNB—Tanks va Washington (1). Hammond, Mrs. Lsonsrd C. Por­ West Europe’a steel and cool pro­ stopped and snspptd his fingers. 63, decided to put out a one-man right Inatoad o f to * lo ft roqhtraa, pradoe terma of a peace treaty WDRC—Ole* Raeord Shop. 1:IA-WTIC—Behind th* Paget. Petato-FleM Umdtaig Saecessfiil the alteration of 1806 porta. iMPp, la th lf praaldcnUal cam pate in the rededicatlon. direct military pressure on the WTHT—Sammy Kay*. ter, Mrs. Charles N. FiUmore, duction may be located there. 'The dog Just looked, too tired newiqisper for th* members of th* they ought to be able to write and By Aa Ba Oa WONS—Bob Crotby Show. church who are in th* armed paigaT Trip to France Larry Cook of Cranston, R 1, Padfle permits the present ar­ i : « —WHAT—Sports. WONS—W*rm-up 'rime. Mrs. Clarence E. Porter, Mrs. Ma­ Tbe French have propoaed that S t John’s, Canada—— Bixty- Hartford Road, said point being located about 308 feet Westerly of 1:45—WCCC—Msgailce Musta O’Donnell. agendas. * strife, and whether either of them will be to establish on Institution WONS—Charles Kasher. WTIC—Four Story Theater. est details concerning the YD pll three employes of the Hartford the Westerly line of McKee Street; thence Northerly along land of WDRC—Larry Lesueur News. Sandwiches, cupcakes and in. The ueual atratagy fo r doing can aecompUah Its nsesasary busi­ broad enough to take care of fu­ isM -W TIC-Th* Falcon. Thsae Unltad Nations grimaga to Francs tn 1083 will be Office of Price BUbilisaUon (OPS) Bturaack, 130 feet to tha Northwesterly comer" *“ of Bureack "*property; y,MJ.WONS—AI Hefer. Sports. WDRC—Band of the Day. punch were served, and a social thia, whan a party la embarraaaed ness without opening up new Will be chopped off government ture developments in case a su­ WTHT—Talking It Over. menta are calculated by that bi' presented at the meeting. thence EasUrty along Bureack propertyy -- 81------feet to a, point 130 feet WTHT—Revival Hour. time followed. Miss Jones vfill be wounds Is questionable. payrolls by Aug. 31, acting Direc-' preme command ahould be needed, WDRC—Thla I Believe; Saturday at WCCC—Mueic. having a gentleman aa Ita can' At a meeting at the national Wcatoriy of McKee Street; thence Northeriy 530 feet, said line being the Chase. married next fall to Joseph A tematienol body, by the best pro- The Republicans ean, potentially, tor Dennis'P. O'Connor says. The in case enemy pressure should 4 : l » - w n c — Martin Kane, Private didata, la to dealgnate profaaalonal headquartera In Boston last month, 130,feat Westariy of and parallal to the Westerly Un of McKee Street; WKNB—County Felr. Bye. Ous'of Colchester. oeeaea It has for calculating aMU- have the easier time of It The group, cut from all branches of ever override tha current objec­ t;lg—WONS—Hank Thompson Show. **hatchet man” to atand on one it was reported that negotiations thence Westeriy 468 feet to the Eesterty property line of the U. 8. WDRC—Music. Ooneert Canceled first name which cauM to every the local OPB, received their dis­ tions to Paclflc-sride unification. WTHT—Bert ■Andrews. WONS—Musical Comedy Favorltea ty to pay. Periiapo—wo don’t real­ had been completed with thw GovemmMit; thence Boutheriy 818 feet to the Northerly line of Hert­ WKNB—Armed Forets Day. The latest announcement, from wing of the national campaign mind when the fact of the new missal notices yesterday in line 4:U-WONB-N*we. ty know— tha early aaoseameata French Line and Metropolitan ford Road, 468 feet to plaoe of beginning. TiM—WONS—Down Tou Oo; News. l:«a-wnc-Hollywood Playhouse. Robert P. Dimsn, chairman ef the platform and perform the charao* nomination vacancy appeared waa, with a national reduction of OPS ’The BabylbnUns destroyed the WTIC—To Be Announced.. Travel Bervtce, Inc., of Boston, for WKNB—Newe; tammy Kay*. local Clric Ckiuncil, Is that toe have looked to ua for aocMthlng expenditures. Fbrty - 6ve em­ Aseyrlan capital' of Nineveh In 3. To change to Buslnem Zone H ell or part of a certain trianguUr • WHAT—Symphony Hall. , tar aaeaaolBatlon, the mnd-allng- o f course, that o f Prescott Bush. a pilgrimage to France, May 10, * W T HT—Dinner at the Oreen Room. WTHT—Chautauqua- Symphony. much advertised free band concert beyond our really fair share. We Perhaps, if Governor Lodge and pires will remain on the Job. 613 B. C. piece of lend now In Rural Residenca Zone, bounded as foUowa: Eest- WHAT—Chapal of the Alrltnei. tag. the negative abuae tha main 1088, returning June 0. Tha new WDRC—Ounsmoke. W ONS-The Shadow. by toe WUUmantic C ity Band, has do know that we volunteered to Bute Chairman Baldwon will gl' erty by Windsor Street (about 828 feet); Southerly by Tolland ’Turn­ W I ^ B —Hellenic Hour. oandidatee are too nice to handle ship PTandre has been reserved for T ;g i-^ O N S —Newe; 30 Queittoni. WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. been canceled. I t was to have lend the United Nationa the capi him tha backing, this time, they pike (about 600 feet); and Northwesterly by the Wilbur Cross Highway • :0S-W T H T —Dancing Party. f:10-WT10-Whltehall 1111. taken place on toe Amston Lake fo r thamaelvaa. In tha canter of the voyage from New York to Le- WDRC-World Nawa tal for construction of its New supposedly wanted to give him laat Havre. Priority will be given up to (qbout 880 feet). w n C —Jana Ace—Disc Jockey.' Beach, , Aug. 12th. N o reaaon is the ataga, the nice candidate oon> time, and give It to him before any WDRCV-Broadway'e My Beat. WONS—Doubles in Vocala Tiwk headquartera, wMidi was aa the entire capacity of the steam- .. To change to Reaidenee Zone B all or part of an area now In Resi- W KNB—Helenic Hour. WKNB—Ony Lombardo. given for toe postponement. ' ttnuaa Ma high-level dlacuaelen, hot rivalry on the part of other fOr r a g ^ a tlo n s filed before WONS—10 Questions. I:W —WHAT—Spotlight on Sports. Mrs. Heleq Jones Porter, daugh­ act of generous acoommodatton on candidates has developed, the denoe Zone A A and Rural Reaidenee Zone on the Southerly side of 1:1*—WDRC—Lsrry Lsaueur, News. not appaoxlng to notice hla cohort Bept. 80. The return trip will be Hartford Road bounded end described as followe: Beginning at a •;lg—WHAT-^osteisnets Conducts. ter o f Mrs. Fitch N. Jones, is re­ our port. Perhaps, In the aariy thing can ba wrapped up without •;1S—WDRC—Tansn.' Evealag Kfif olways want oat on the wtaga, and. If i|uaa> on the ’Tale de Franca.” Check point In the Boutheriy line of Hartford Road, aaid point being in the WONS—Thsstsr of the Air. *:•#—WDRC—To Be Announced. ported resting comfortably, fol­ stages, our officials were willing too much trouble. The Itinerary will include si WTIC—Stars In Khaki and Blue. WONS—Bobby Benson. lowing on operation thia week at tlened too doaely. dieclalming re- aoutheaateriy comer of land now or formerly of Edward Bunco; thence to take a relatively large share eral days in Paris, a trip to the Westeriy 348.8 feet in the Southerly line of lend of Edward Bunco to WHAT—Plano Speaks. WHAT—Newa the Hartford Hospital. salve the mystery ef why they WTHT—Dancing Psrtv. WTIC—New*. Hicnalbllity for him. division's battlefield at Chateau land of Louia Bunco; thence Boutheriy 70.3 feet In the Easterly line The sale of the old Amston of other coots of the now organ!' dUf net give Bank a effsettve f;W —WDRC—Cangbusters. WTHT—Oeorge E. Sokolaky. H ot ouch rolea, M eenhower ean Thierry, to rededleate tha TD Me­ and DOUBLE Check of of Louis Bunco; thence Weateriy 04.7 feet in the Southerly WTIC—Ohio River Jamboree. WKNB—News; Fred Waring. Sebeolhouse to Mr. and Mrs. oatlon. spriog eeaventlea, eaypertin the spria morial Church at Belleau. 'Unlike line of land of Louis Bunco; thence Southerly 1041 feet in the Eaaterly WHAT—News; Record Review. 4:t*-W H A T —Peoples Lobby. Frank Laurette of Wlllimsntic Is have audt a talent aa DIrfcaen, heettate to ' ' 'at they t iU —WDRC—New*. W n C —Tale Interprets the News. But Oongreae, before It ad­ other world war memorials, that line of IsM of Louia Bunca to land of Rsiehert; thence Easterly 404 ceported. They plan to make it who gave aomplaa o f hla capacity It new. You pay a bin eoavenlently, right from your tiM —WTIC—Orend Old Opry. WTHT—Monday Morning Headlines. journed, went bord-beUad. I t o f .the Yankee Division was a vol­ fm t in the Northerly line of lend of Reichert to bmd of WUlism HUI; WDRC—Robert Q'e Waxworks. •iM —WDRC—To Be Announced. over into a dwelling. I t has been during the Republican National N et knowing the reason they WONS-Nlck Gerter. dtcreed that our contributlpi to untary restoration by the veter- desk In home or office, with a Mearhwetor thence Northerly 678 feet In the Weeterly line of land of WUlism Hill WONS—Quv Lombardo Show. standing in disuse for the post Oonventlon, while Btevenaon can railed to do so in .the spring ana and their friends, to rebuild i 10:00—WDRC—Robert Q’e Waxworks. WTIC—The Flret NIghter. three years since toe new elemen­ any Uhlted Nations expenoe or Tmet Company cheek. to land o f Ciook; thence Westerly 303.7 fe «t in the Southerly line of WONS—Chicago Theater of the Air. w h a t —Supper Serenade. have no laaa an artlat than Preal- eenvantien, wo adndttadly have church which their own artillery land of Cook and land of Anthony Smith to a point; thsnee Northerly w n C —Tin Pen Alley. WTHT—Her* Comes the Band. tary school came Into exlstenca agency should be limited to oao- ne nccnrati Mno en what they waa forced to destroy because the Latar, If there Is any question about the pay- 140 feet In the Westerly Bno of land of Bmith; Qiencs Westerly 108 feet WTHT—Saturday at the Shamrock. W KNB-W sIter Huston. In 1040. At least two other old dent Ttuman hlmaelf. amy be tkkdrtng about the WHAT—News; Record Review. C;t»—WKNB—News. tMrd of the total UN appropria­ Germans were directing fire on nunt. the CANCELLED CHECK, with the en­ in the Southerly line of lend of Smith; thence Northeriy 366 feet more It !30—W T10—Lower Basin Street WONS-Newe. schoolhouses o f the town have Thla la an old Iloenae—that of preaent eltnnt len. They may, ter the Yanks from its tower. The tion. ’That aeema reaocnable dorsement of the firm or parson paid, SET­ or lam In tbe Westerly lins of land of Smith to the Boutheriy line of WTHT—Hotel AcOlphus Orchestra. 7 :**—WDRC—December BrIOe, been remodeled and are used os being able to have the mud an we knew, have gone Into the church waa completely rebuilt and ' WDRC—Dance Orcheitrs. WHAT—Symphony Hall. homes. enough, when I t la coaoidered that Hartford Rood; thence Westeriy 138 fact In tha Southerly line of Hart­ .■ti-w i;*: thrown without throwing any thought that n new taco Is need­ dedicated after world War I. In TLES ANY ARGUMENT. ll:0a—New* on all stations. WTIC^To Be Announced. A dau^ter was bom to Mr. and we are merely one of nearly 60 ford Road to p ^ t o f beginning.^ II :*5—WDRC—Stars for Defense. WONS—Under Arreet. youreelf. ed, or they aeoy r World War H it was sllghUy dam , WTHT — Saturday Night Dancing WTHT—Sophisticated Rhythm. Mrs. Robert McKenxie st tha Mon- nationa. I t may not be quite on toched to soaM aged by German artillery fire. Start a Clucking Aeoooat, Here, NOWl Amsnd ARTlCnJC £ SECTION H. DEFINITIONS, psrsgmph (s) Party. WKNB—Muslo Tou May Remamber. Chester Memorial HospItiU Wad- W e hope the two candldatea thla which they think th » I to read aa foUows: (s) "School” or "college” mesne a college, public II WONS—National Prod. Author- 7iW—WONS—Bobby Benson. tha nose as far os our ability to 7:tS-WDRC-Doria Day. nesday. time win oonelder themeelvea ro> than ttaqr ewO'to Bwh, o r oovar- school or a private school giving regular Instruction at least five days thnrity Program. pay Is oonoemed. WTHT—Women Ih Uniform. WTHT—Tlifae Capsule. Interview Pastor aponelble for more than their own ner V t i g t mma have dsetdad, a week fo r right or more montha in toe year; but not including a school W TIC—Alex Drier. WHAT—Symphony Hsll. There may be some..hope o f tbe On the side of generosity, tt new that BloealMwar Is nemla- . or college girin g apeclsl or limited Instruction, such ss a business, art, ll:tO -W D R C — Publle Service Pro­ WONS—Lutheran Hour. peracnal rolea. WKNB—Proudly We Hsll. Hebron and Gilead Congregational oould bo argued that wo w ill never ntad and now that Me Mao- music or dancing college or achool, or a naraery ataeOL gram. Churches securing a pastor In toe I f they don’t, w e hope the Am er­ v ' o t ^ v o H O -lOQK AHEAD 11:10—w i r e — Hollywood Palladium W n C —To B* Announced. make much bettor Invaotment of ■atataiWi hrethar ndght he lin ­ Orchestra. •:**—WDRC—lYsnk Fontaine Show. not too distant future. The pulpit ican people w ill hold them ra* ed out of the Benatof or ooMaet WITH MANCHISIIR TRVST 6. Amend ARTICLE H, SECTION n. Special Exception, by Adding WONS—Midnight Matinee. WTHT—Stop the Mueic. our dollars than to Invest them in WHAT—Pleno Miniatures. conlmitteet o f the churches Inter­ ppcnelble. anyway. ■MiMtelp IIM^ tiM tiMMI IMMI COMM toe following thereto following paragraph (c).: (a) Gsrsgea or off W T HT—Hotel Roosevelt Orchestra viewed toe Rev. Rlehgrd Hunter of the chance o f sueceea fo r the street patMnr spaces shell be provided for st least 100 per cent of ■WDRC—Symnhony Hall. w n C —Meredith Wilson’s Musk It la true enough that neither •or Mm to rstnm to Washlag- n : * 0 - # n C —Newe; Xavier Cugat Room. Charlotte, Mich., st a meeting Unltad Nations. * M l y toe number of dwelling unite. ■WDRC—Newe. W K NB-Tw ln tandsUnde. Tuesday evening in the Gilead i M , . of them can hope to control local WONB^IIver Trumpets Hour. I l : l 0 - w n c —Tex WillUma and Or­ Sunday School rooms, but It Is not candldatea and party leadara. But One of tha’UN ogendes which A quick wrap-up of the nominar 7. Amend ARTTCLB TJ, SECTION m , Special Exception, by adding chestra. 1:16—^WHa T—Golden Mbmeitts in Song • : M—WDRC—Play houe*. known whether he will be a can­ JIBt ' may be Mt hard by the action of tlon for either Rush or Lodge M/VPEMAQUID Um fOUowiny thereto following paragraph (c): (d) Garages or , U ;H—WTIC—News. they can have aomethlng to aay % WTIC—Best Playa didate for the' position here, ss might forestall fight, but othor- Sit street paridng spaces shell be provUM for st least 100 per cent of ____ Soaday WHAT—Hour of Faith. about the nature of the national Congroas la the International ftoos New leaden _ llt3 6 K M Silg-'WTIC-New*: Music. • y e t wlae there aeema certain to be a Ptom Btoeh Mead k U P. M, toe num bn o f dwelling units. 7 lOO—Cavalcade of Music. WONS—True Detective. campaign, and they ahould aooept Children's Bmergency Fund. *1110 live Republican convention and, we 7:IO-WCCC—Hour of St Francis. t:M-WDHC-M*et Millie. He Is in charge o f a church In (OeyMtlU gOTiee Tbsei 8. Amend ARTICLE H, SECTION IV, Special Exceptions, by deleting the reeponalbUlty o f having aome- administration ai WasMngton suopect, a sudden Wealth o f can- 7:10-WCCC— Outdoors with Ollf WTHT—Drew Pearson. Charlotte at present. Mrs. Hunter r ABBS (Oaed 1st day el iesae ealy) Knight. WHAT—To Be Announced. originally asked an appropriation didatep. paragraph (d) "Oarage or off-street perking facilities shall not 1k> was present st the meeting, and thlng to aay about It They'can WZEBMYB provided for the storage or habitual piuiting for more vehicles then WTIC—String Symphonette. WONS—Green Hornet. The Democratic picture la at WDRC—Huslc Box. • :I*-W T H T —Melody Highway. was a visitor in the towm a second lo o k of $34,000,000 for this fund for forbid the mud to their major once slmplor and apparently more tUO «M way 18.90 R. T. ttore ore dwelling units on the lot,’’ end substituting toe following: 7:10—WDRC—World In Brief. WHAT-Falcon Ballroom. OM Home Oiqr FIs m ' pony orator the next two years. ’The budget (d) Gsragea or off street perking spaces shall be provided for st •:00-WONS—Chapel In ‘.he Sky. • WDRC^Inner Sanctum. Plans arranged for Hebron'a Old party oratora. If they want to. Wo certain to produce trouble. Demo- SONDAYB A HOUDAYB WTIC—Hsl* In the Ring. committees In Oongreoa cut thia least 100 per cent of toe number of dwelling unite. WTHT—New*. Home day, Aug. l6, at toe green, \ aaeume bothbotl of them want to: cratlo Btate Chairman John Bailey SS.S0 O M w a y SSJM R. T. WTIC—NSW* ; Oeorge Crook. WHAT—tasy Listening. MANCHESTER WONS-—John J. Anthony Hour. as arranged by the Old Home Day ^ yay a ha oh io M i^ doI I t down to $16,000,000. But now the perhapa one route • toward 0. Amend ARTTCLB n . SBCTTION VH. B U S IN E S S ZONE H, para­ WDRC—New*. gpeelel B. T. Cesnsmy Cndses WHAT—News; Chorlstera »:4»—WTHT—Three Siins. committee are that the Hebron 4-H V B eta rr they tl atart controlling general llpiltatlon on our UN ex­ quick peace, and that would be a Meadays (exeepi ksUdays) $360 graph 18, to read aa foUows; 18. Signs for display of outdoor sd- WCCC-Muslc. Il:ia—WDRC—News; The People! Act W T H T-Psul Harvey. F air will )>e Held with the Old penditures Imposed by Oongreae quick power play behind Oongreee tnCUl MSsri hea Ota leeSse 1 S J1 TRUST CO. vertiring, when painted on toe walls of a buUdlng or affixed to to-* t:IS—WTHT—ChrUllsn Science. their feUow-campalgnera, how­ man Abe R tneoff, the only Oon- WDRC—Shoppers Special. WHAT—News- Easy Listening. Home Day. 4-H club members will cuts the amount down— — to„ $6,666,- IMa HsSi WaaS IslmSsri fiM AM. walla, provided they do not exceed In area three equare feet for ever tilO—WONS—Radio Carolsrs. WTIC—Meet the Preea ever, perhapa they had better Uhe necticut Democrat who has ever WONS—Health QuU. have exhbilU and will give dem­ AB Reiss fiKhais redstol Tos foot of lot fronts^. Freestanding ground rigna provided they do no' * WHAT—Osrame Classical*. one laat look at Uiemaelvea. Oov- 666. :ched the vote-getting prowess exceed 80 square feet in area and are set back st least 18 feet fron WOCC—News: Hymn Time. 11:16—WONS—Evening -Concert onstrations. They will rhow toe SOOND m A M S K lF UNEB. INC WTIC—Sabbath Message. WTHT—Gloria Parker. animals they have been raising. oracr Btevenaon, fo r inatonce, haa This may mean that one M.UiS' of BrianE McMahon. 9 2 3 MAIN toe street line. On the street aide o f s com er lot such signs shell also 11;1P-WTHT—BUI Tusher. ceaml Wberf, Nmr leeSse. OSae. P H O N E 4 1 7 1 ■WTHT-Music for Sunday. The usual pot luck will be held already ehown a fondneea for tha beat and least con'sontroversUa o f But B< Mr. Bailey's difficulty Is 0. OwlsalSn TsL New UeSte MSeS be set bock at least 15 fast from the ride street line. ■:U —WONS—News. WDRC—To Be Announced. that both RlMcoff, and Thomas WTIC—Hymn Time. WONS—Holy Trinity Service. on tables on the green. Hebron oM oratorical device by which a United Nationa functiana la to be WTIC—American Forum of the Air. Dodd, the other leading potent­ lb. Delete paragraph 13, ARTKXJC H. SECTION DC, INDUSTRIAL ■;t0—Bible Messages. people are asked to furnish hot curtailed, drastically. Just becauae 0;OO-WDRC—World News. 11:46—WTHT—Vacatlonland. U. S. apeaker eaUa attention to aomo- iality for the nomination, have not ZONE, which reads as follows: "A ll residence use for more than one WCCC-Strlng Tim*. 11:11—New* on All Stations. ^ dishes. Gilead the salads, and thing by aaylng that he will not Congress, in Its seal to protect our exactly endeared themaelvaa to the family in a building used for an industrial purpose.”, and subsUtute In WONS—SuarlM Sersnsd*. II :I6—WDRC—Pubik Service Program Amston the desserts. There wlH be lieu thereof, toe followtng: All reittaatlal wes. WTHT—Msailnl Society. WTHT-Thought* li' Passing. ‘ of coume, deign to mention it own interests, laid down a flat existing organisational structure W TIC—World News Roundup. WTIC-aifton Utley. a bicycle and doll carriage parade, WONS—Political Picture. Thla la aM evice fo r combining the rule Instead of considering the of the Democratic party. RlMcoff 11. Amend ARTTCLB D, SBCmON DC, INDUSTRIAL ZONE, by sdd- WHAT—Italian Program. a baby show, and block dancing has made no bones about running II :14»—WTIC—Bob Snyder Show. s t tha close o f tbe day’* program. high-level candidate and the off- merits of the activities Involved. WDRC—Dane* Orchestra. H ow many times a day do you take a second look at for sale hens and now. fo r OongrOes with a mind and Mr. and Mrs. John E. Horton art A motion to cut down the WHAT—Mooqlight Memoriae. ataga mudalinger in one In- conduct all his .own, and - his WONS—Dence Orcheetrs*. on vacation, visiting points o f In­ ■ometking? // you hats a ehanes—you do it every time dtvldaat domestic pork barrel by one third, II :*6-W 0NS—News. . Everybody wants a chance for a second look—on tha popularity with tha voters o f H art­ sfter a tmblle hearing and subject to sppropiiste safeguards In har It :ip -W 'n c —News; Music. terest In various parts of New something new comes along. *T win make no remark about or by any flat percentage, would ford Cbunty has run In handsome with these i-Mulatfatlons. N o permit shall ba iaeued utdesa th-' WDRO-Newa. England. During their absence mony WHAT—News. things that interest him m ost That’a why practically the remark with reepact to not have fared very well. proportiona exactly opposite to his Board makea a written finding that the propoaed use (a) will not Television s from home Mrs. Horton's mother, standing with profeeatonal Demo­ 11:11—W n c —Psllsdium Orchestra When your team wins, by skill or weird luck, it isn’t everybody reads the news];taper— every day. France,” aaid Governor Btevenaon create or Increase a fire or traffic boxsrd; (b) will not tend to depred­ li;l6-News. Mrs. F. A. Lsjole of Hartford, te at crats, who have become somewhat toe Horton home with the children. enough to see it pictur^—to hear it told—just once. at Ma preaa conference the other ate toe value of the property In the nrighboriiood or its residencee, o* The Brave Elow fatigiied wlOi hla "high level' oltor the nelghboriiood’a eoscntlol characteristics; and (c) win not F. M. Otwerve AanlveiuiUT Just as you read the paper now, your customers and day, thua tw itting Eiaenhower mannerisms. 1;0S—Boston Btackle. You take a second look . . . in your newspaper. It’s the'^ Some elm trees rip our heart tend to impair the health, aafety, and general welfare o f toe public. 1 ;10—Dodgers-Chicsgo. People who remember Blair prospects read the paper too—at the time they chooee, aboot one o f hia campaign Neuetkeleaa, RlMoelf wouU * • ;0l>—Hopalong Cassidy. Ab8entee Ballots Thompson, a former resident of only sports medium that gives you a chance to gloat and ou t *honera.” We do not claaaify thu probably roBah lunalng far the 13. Amend the last paragraph of ARTICLE IK. AREA AND HEIGHT • ;00—Lon* Ranger. Hebron, and « brother o f Mrs. for as long as they choose—for the advertising as well They are the obstinate, blindly higher wmoe la thia Steveoaea REGULATTONS. to rood as frilows: The minimum width of the rid- 4:10—Tou Asked For It. mastermind to your heart’s content aa mud, but it la the tvay mud can 7;0S—Dangerous Assignment. Sent Servicemen Charles P. Miner, Hebron’e toum as for news or for fun. courageous ones which, a week or year, and might, tkerefere, he yord on toe street side o f a com er lot shall be 10 feet In Restdenc-' 7:10—Bob and Ray. clerk, will be interested to team bo thrown, artlatically. wUUng to give the rontlae ae- Zones A, B, C, and Basiaeas Zoaa II; 18 feet in Reaidenee Zones A ' ■ ;00-^n-Star Revue. Whenever a politieian, or a labor leader, or an act of ao after the annual scourge of 1:00—Blind Date. _ _ tost he and his wife, tbe former • When your selling is backed by newqiaper advertis* euraacee with regard to patron­ and Rural; 35 fast in Baslniss Steae L These side yard requirement' Hartford, Auq. 3——Absen Miss Beryl Forster, of Lawrence, God changes t ^ trafiic light for your business, you take worma has chmbed down or fallen riioU be to a point 106 feet bock from to# front Une of each lot. Froi" • :IO-taturday NIgM Dence Party: H l a C o m of Anatria age, aad Bailey has proved cap- 10:10—AasignnMht Manhunt tee baiUots have been sent to 206 Mass., observed their 25to wed­ ing, your story has a chance to reach almost everybody. off with the dry, brown remnants that point to the rear line of tbe lot toe minimum width of the rid-^ a second look. . . at your newspaper. It’s the only news ahle before of ruaalag mea act IIHIO—WreeUlng. servicemen and women, and to 50 ding anniversary Thursday. They Auatrla, daopalring of getting a becaoii he reUahed them hut ho- yard ohall be the some oa the minimum width of the front yard re- 11:00—Racket Squad. N ot just comedy fans, or mystery fans, or spiKts fans of their murderous appetite,‘reach Uve In Billeiics, Msae., but are st medium that gives ygu a chance for quick com plete eauao he thought they could got qutrsd on the adjoining lot. Oonct—Newa. civilians ao far, and many more formal peace treaty, la trying a down to aome mysterious will to Bonday present st Camp Sergont, Perter»‘ .. . but everybody. vetae for his party. Jt M. hundreds o f applications are ex­ re-evaluation. aaw tactie In her effort to attain live, deep inside themselves, deep boro, N. H. Thompson is the son As for Dodd, he. at Chicago, 13. Amend ARTICLE IV, SECTION I, first line by adding tha words • ;S0-Drlll Call. pected said City Clerk William proper national otatua. Now the In their roots, and come out with *sr eoaver te f after the word “erected.” 10:00—PVontlera of Faith. of Mrs. Alice Thompson, who is refrigerator, or television That’s why advertisen today invest far more of their mruily oritlclaed the selection of 10:SO-Mr. Wlxard. Linnsne yestertay. Two votefl bal­ When you want a house, or ‘ Auatrian govethment ia ahaplng brave new leaves. New Haven's Jtan Golden for the 11:00—Fllma lots already have been returned, with her daughter, Mrs. Miner, this money in newspapeni tlum in any othar form of adver> 14. Amend the 8C91EDULE OF AREA, HEIGHT AND BULK OF summer. set, you look in your neirspaper. . . at A ’s ad, then B’s aa appeal to the United Nationa, The new leaves, scattered about post of national committeeman, Il;10-X lt Carson. he said. BtnLDINOS, paragraph (a), to read aa frilowa: (a) Same aq in Ites'- P. M. Mrs. Gertrude M. Hough enter­ and C’s, then hack to A ’s. You take a second look. A nd tising. aaeking to have an end to the barren brancheo, have the for which ho himself might- well dence Zeoa H if ua*6 tar sliigle or 2-family raridence, otherwise lOO’i 13:00—In lb* Park. One happy servics man. who have bean tha party choice, aad 11:10—Candy Carnival. bod earlier applied for an sbsen tained a few friends st bridge, the oocupatlon of Auatrla by light unspoiled virgin green of equare tact each per family In addiUoti to the B Zone area requirement 1;00—Rackst Squad. Thursday evening. your newspaper is the only advertising medium that Only the newspaper is first with the moet news. . . first it seems to us that ha also cost fo r each fam ily in exeaaa o f two famines. ' ^ l;10-Clsca Kid. tee ballot, walked in 4md returned France. Britain, the United Btatea, May. They make a brave taow of a doubt upon the validity of the 1:00—Dodgers v*. ^Icago. his yesterday. He had bten dis- The annual picnic of the Hebron gives you a chance to shop and compare, and see what’s with the most people. . . first with the most advertisersl and Rnaoia. The end of the mlll- life for the tree. They bespeak the siqniosed mandate for Golden 4:30—Name's Tbe Same. chsiged from the Army. Oongregs'lonsl Church choir took TOWN PLANNING COMMIS8IC)N 4:00—Stn Erwin Show. place ’Thursday evening at toe tory oocupaUan of the country by tree’s determination to Uve and from the McMahon death be^ so i;IO—Super Circua "I’ll be here to vote myself,” he that he perhaps challenged not told toe city cleric. home of Slrreno A. Scranton. thoM four powera would auto- breathe, in spite of the tact that Fraads P. Handley, Chairman 0:00—Information Pleas*. only Golden but BaUey as weU. H orry B. RusoeU, Becretary 0 ; I O - t a ^ The Bank. Linnsne said tost if the soldier matlcally relanoe Anatria into full death has ravaged every branch. 7:00—Soper Circua Stephen Foster, creator o f such Nonetheless, Dodd, whose 7:10—Tour Lucky Co*. had voted his Inllot, Instead The newspaper Is elweys ^flrst with the most* aaUoodioo^ oiaoe tba country al- They carry a allm chance, these has more or lam paralleled Brien MandMoter, Coon. 1:00—Toast Of n * Town. returning It unmsrkrit he otlU American folk songs aa "My Old loady haa one unified govern' scattered new leaves, that' the McMahon’s own pre-Banato ex- July 26.1003 1:00-TV Playhouse. could have voted personally, Kentucky Home" and “Old Folks 10:00—Ceiebsity Time. at Home” , was bom on toe same ■Mat; which la already governing. tree's processes of life will limp perienoe. Is a front rank candidate. 10:ia—neetrlo Thaater. « which cose his absentee MtU Bailey, we are sure, would Uks to |l:0a—Sunday News Special. would have been thrown out when day that both Presidents John 'Si. the oouatrlea affected by ttigpugh the present summer, b prapaiad by BUREAU OF ADVERTISINCli Aoierioaa Mewepoiier PabUshara Asaodattoe v Of an discover'some Oonnsettcilt Adlai It was compared 7rito|tlM voter Amima and Thomaa Jefferson T U a i tba ooUf war, Auatrla haa tha drwight and all. and then atalsvai Btevenaon. AdvertiM in U m H enld-H ^ Pqrz check Uste. '( dled-rJuly 4, 1826. aad pahHahfid ta th* kitoraata o f fEDor oaderetaiidlng o f noTvspapefa bg T H E BfANCHESTKB E V E N IN G rik.tiA f JY i ' \ \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN„ SATURDAY. AUGUST 2, 1962 P A G E E IGH T MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2. 1962 P A G E M IKE

WAV BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR ROOPr,E DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE ^He5c^5«TsITByg7i "SBZrSK? . i C R r a r n T t S T v v M eWTtt-AlC.^WlPT H V S O tii.'f dOTMCR LCOCK'TCMt* Ahtwar to Pravlotw Puttia A N PAU . TVHOVBABS, f lM(9 » I M 6 Iowa Incttfsion Sense and Nonsense I |!Haiuilton Seeks Week End Sweep to Gain Bi-State Crown 1HOSEEKTRA OLD HOR5& ORffAO- OLD? w DETfSH*] Tbale menman who try to do aomo-aoma- Th*Tha aeoneseana waa tbatha intartor ofc f a I ■ JL RKPmS/ IT 5 NAUaKT-wNEAT MOTMBB- ooMrr ,, »6 thing and Tail ara infinitely batter aaloon la tha Par Waat, and round UMBS, ^ LOOM ■OUSOMTAI. m iM h eod i WtCE"M-M- W -LAW [M AM iM ^nO « Writing than thoae who try to do notolng the Ubia were gatharad aa tough e rt? HA660T, 6T oyr ' lAMata tow«r and succoad. , Me tnUM I a gang as could be found la tha Male Golf Clinie MORS EM0U6M iDROOL/? UP I aftowa whole of Nevada. Tha gama waa Ya'nkB Add CaPey Zlf4d IM tOMAMe, UMB (jlHAT a iM X ’ta w l Needfo And Hayatack giants Lean on Jim , iMattv* im U1« fast and furious, tha atakaa ware Meet Tutalo in Second H&t AMD A A p r Howe-Jjttier/. ttlhiM aa a Whila atrolling through library high. And Buy Schmitz Open to Public S H o a ." ------mountahw ’ TPwdwd walla :G (S e 6 • Paw by Suddenly the dealer Sung his v 6 M / y FAU.cS UMeCnrstM By thia Fm alwaya hauntad: cards on tha table, and thresten- fm agad Tan thouaand booka may Una the Rhodes in Outfield St. Louis, Aug. 3—(#)—In aa ef­ Reallalng gotf rulM ara among Game Today at Nebo i walla, ingly pulled out Ms alx-fua. tha most complex of any sport, tha ' UCUbboa “ S * * * . . . ‘‘Boys,’* be ahouted, "tha game fort to strengthaa their reaarvea, Tournament Committee of the I U Itamovai acualS Blaw with But not tha ona I wantad. By JACK BAND t tjie slumplag New York Yaakeea SIRoUfy St Hereditary —Trua A. Rica, Jr. ain’t a straight one! Slippery Sam '' AsMiclatcd Pnaa Spatto Writer Country (3ub will hold a Sporta Nutmeg State Saml-pra Cham­ ain't playing the hand I dealt him.” switched Inflaidara today with Night ainic Wednesday at 1:30; It FlflfT If uwtfvct enginea entity Rookie Jim (Dusty) Rhodes Giant Killer pions. HmnUton Standard fMM Young Abo Lincoln took a aack thalr Kansas City affUiata of tha for tha purpose of familiarising; Probable Pitcher M M w d U k ITPhiUppiat SSDieabla 43 Glacier ice Inoka like tha man the New York local golfers with the rules that the proapact of swoeplag a waak- n Apportion pinnacle of grain to a mill whoaa pro* Ona more myth that a American Association. Andy Car­ Sltlatioa (ab.) Olenta have bean waiting for have been published In The Herald. end twln-MU to takff tha M-atata SO Kind o< eratd MBequirod 4SSea oeglc priator waa known as tha laalaat Man ambracaa: ey, a third baseman and shortstop, tS Italian dty soul in. nUnota Permanent lipstick ■Inca WUlla Maya marched off to The clinic is open to the pubtio and SS Danger SSPuge up SS Sorrowful 44Ctty in waa purhcaaed from tha Blues and. a , panel of experts will answer' rhamplonahip. Tha Props, down 17 Venetian Nevada Aftar watching tha miliar at Loavaa no trscOa. the army. ' With seven home runs second baseman Kal Segrlst, who ona gapie in tha beat of thraa ae­ MTImtlaM 34 Optnwork work for a while, Abe commented queatlona pertaining to rulee and fabric painter 40 Silkworm —Dorothy Daltoa in 10 games at the Polo Ground^, waa obtained from Kansas City tTIbtiaa <>ryiy. etiquette of golf. ries. claah with tha Tutalo A. C. StVadaTeat’a MAhraya SO Prayer ende 01 Prepoaitlon. the Nashville grad gives Manager two weeks ago, waa ratumad to The rllnto will be in the form of i of Providanca, Rhode Island tour- Abe—I can aat that grain aa A man inviting another man to that club. Kal had gotten only one Mand fast aa you’rs grinding It hia wadding annlvacsary araa giv­ ■Leo 'Durocher needed strength in round table diacuaalon with a I ney winners, In tha aaeond game PPamaUibMd Millar—Indaad, and how long do hit In 24 at bata for an .043 aver­ panel of golfera and golf writers 1 1" r r r" r “ ing him instiuctlona for ftaidlng the’ the outfield to help the club's lat- age.. {at Ml. Nabo this afternoon at 5 tlHaiCMi J L you think you can kaap that up? place ...... "Ooma - up to tha >it drive on the league-leading ready to snap back anawera to i o’clock. . ‘flUey i ESWaya “ 8 Abo—Until I starve to dsaih. fowrth Soor," ha aald .. ’’Push the ■Brooklyn Dodgers. Manager Casey Stengel Intends queatlona put- to them. Among j If tha Props can taka today's' WOULTMrTKHOW I toKalabd bell with your elbow and than push ' WITH RHOIMBS a fixture in to uaa Carey, a $66,000 bonus play­ thoaa to ait on tha panel ara Skip I tUaalc, the teams will go back to a -a HORSERESH ' MTbward tba * IT" On an island In tha South Pact* tha door open with your foot" ... left, and Monte Irvlh back In er at third base and move OH Me- Handaraon of tha Hartford Tlmaa, I Cranston Stadium for tha deddlaff IFmeVEAWlT ibaltaiad aMa ■*1 fle there are no taxea, unemploy­ Why do I havo to uaa my albow 'right fleld, Durocher made the Dougald from that position to sec­ Owen Griffith. Oourant golf writ­ game tomorrow afternoon at 2;80 *fDgEAM?AFT‘ „, OMARATB* 4t Houlatta bat iT ment, crime, beggars, Jaaa bands, ond base, aa a replacement for Bil­ er, well . known golfers Holly o'clock. Should rain feres post­ r~ and foot?” Inquired tha friend .. . final move to tighten hit outer ds- ly Martin. The latter la hobbled by 41Mankay 8 radios or inhabitants. "You ara not coming empty hand­ fenae last night when he shifted Mandly and Bobby Grant, local ponement today, tha game will be iT" a swollen knee. Carey began the favnritea Tom Kellty, Henry Zero H our! BY LANK LEONARD 44Iiland (PT.) r ” ed ara you?” Bobby Thomaon. from third base played hare at 3 o’clock tomorrow, MICKEY FINN 8 I>uring tha war a Southerner aeaaon with the Yanks but waa Rockwell, Jim Kirkpatrick, Bill third and deciding game, if naeaa- 4Etaa4uck to center field. Hank Thompson Mnt to Kansas City bacausa ha DT i f in Pennsylvania on busineaa stop­ Painter (to paftnar wielding moved from center back to his old Lockwood, Hank Haefa and Pro ■ary next .Sunday away. vwwMf rtouunNPOMT, rLOaN,fWlflHMW«U 47 Number ' couldn’t hit curve balls, Alex Hackney. MgKTMOUT ) IWA«mWir / A IRWCI^THBaAV 4llawa’efwma ped in a small town delicateapan brush on caiUng)—Have you got third base job. 'n tR E B YBARS age tha IMt- IT » W and was amarod .to aae Roquefort Carey reported in time for to­ It is hoped that queatlona of a iMt CUtoRfHtLf \ M l V f m O • V0U1WACTINSTHAT I 'h a v a —— a good grip on that brush? ' The Bobby Tbomaon-Mank lah Americana and Oranda nine of vouiwcoMCionir r cheese—a acarca product at that Partner—Tou'ra darned right I jrhompaon ahakeup didn’t click day’s game with the Browns, aa techhiral nature that might re­ itow .iw w y 1 {“ » m JUtT WTMMIW) wm , I agulpiBent IT iT quire some advanced aearching by Newport wont thrao gainas, tha idKNTrnii Z cootfPDWW/iw MtNMff/ J^Lm toir tOfULLMMETNINfi/ time. Thrilled at the thought of have. when Durocher tried desperately did Johnny . Schmits, lefthandad BA’a taking a Sunday double P«Fnrlfy -J X pitcher obtained from Broklyn in the panel will be submitted In WHILKTW.SNtoMM6WTNaM M gfm r WMT------toCaat with *r L taking hit wife something that 1st—O. K., than. I Just want to to fill the hole left by Mays on header to win tha title; Last WAPY/ ST ■he would really appreclata, he an inter-league waiver deal yea- writing to the committee at tha MTT IT, JMir V ; Ni HMtoMtTMM* tot-lead alley i i 1 borrow tha ladder for a little tha June western swrtng. Hank club. Win Turkington ta chairman. year Meodua split tha ftanrt two UPMfMCVB/ b“ aaked U the cheeee would keep while. floundered at third, prompting Deo terday. gamea with Cirela A. C. of Prevt-. pawUdo«eaa( 5" until he returned to South Caro­ Their arrivala brought tne equeid A hole-ln-ona contest will be - T- m m Celebia a 1 to restore his "regular" Infleld. held from 6 o'clock until 3:15 with dance and dropped tha an-import- lina Millie waa sitting at home ' Leo'a latest "operation ahake- to 26 playere and ao Stefigel had ant third gnms hare. It wUl be Pataplraa ST w to drop one man before today’s prises being awarded. This .la a V i - . d H 1 8ho|M(eeper — Mister,, nothin' peacsfqlly, whan there waa a Srell" produced , the dealred result. mala clinie and tha Country CSub up to Hamilton to tako tho Tutalo lllewa ii toa else can’t Imppan to that chesaa. knock on tha door. Her mother game started. - r a n — . IT t r Irvin, making his first appear­ looks for a larga attendance. club tha limit to keep tha tradi­ d answered, and there stood a sol­ ance In the ktartlng Hneiip since tion Intact. ^ ' '/p I Staia* _ 19; Jethroe, Boeten, 17; Robinson, Sue—Remember the first party dier with a Mg bouquet. He said, he broke hia right ankle in a Brooklyn, 14; Ashbum, Philadel­ Hamilton baa tha aqt^maat to v n m c A L 1 . you aver had? "Just tall her that tha Army cen­ spring exhibition, drove home the phia, IS; Cog, Brooklyn and win It in two gamea.. Cbaoli Art lOnaattirad , Joe—Ooah, yea! And her hus­ sor who's bean reading her lattara first nin In ^ four-run explosion Adama. Cincinnati, 9. Pangrata haa a loag- burilag ttotlata 1 t 3 r band,, too. la hers in parson.” against Pittsburgh’s Harry Fish- Pitching—Roa, Brooklyn, 7-1, staff. Wa auapact hia akoloa to­ gr, In the first inning. Rhodes 975; Haam. New York, 12-3, .800; day will be . Rad Jacko. Tha CARNIVAL Olympic BY DICK TURNER Lmashed - a three-run homer nnd Wilhelm, New York and Yuhaa, chunky outflaldar can tota tha BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES A ga in ?? BY EDGAR MARTIN the Giants were off and running, St. Loula, 8-2, .800; Braklna, 1 whan ha haa to. Ha waa oant enroute to a 7-S victory. Brooklyn, 10-8, .769. to tha bill in tha flnala againat MWN.KOOIO .-Wiavt. IviAVi. 1 A t o e i m e w H c i m CMwmo'.| SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH The Giants, who have missed Strikaouta—Spahn, Boston, 117; Pratt A Whitnay two waaka ago m h cw A . 'im . jvaoin *. WUC( W) MtoWlL'.HCmMiMC D W lB ! fnsny chances to gain on Brook­ AKINC'SIZI SWORD r IS H — Mr*. Mildred Notes Miasll, S t Loula, 97; ' Wads, and delivarad In fina faahlOfi. Ra- no HotAwn, ...... " I ‘yesterday’s Results fimnn of Lae Angelee stands wlOi few nampaalsna at AnlMa- Brooklyn, 94; Simmona, and Rob­ |«M vwa tWMR lyn during the past week, picked, g a S T c ^ . uaderaTit-pnemd awardfiah she bastto nlT Tacppilla llabla Oaerga Swan, tha hsB-oow WIM-YMMVID I lU B Q V - up a full game when the Dodgers erta, Philadalphia, 98. of tha Prapa mound corpa, auf- Eastern Bay with a 39-Uiraad lint. Slia cUlaa a wartd reeard tar the eateh. Chile captured fifth Mace In the OxtAMtcvtft. ■ ! Jost to Chicago. 6-1. New York Reading 9-7, Williamsport 6-5. Amer-nean League farad tha loss last Bmday whan now trails by five games. Olympic BaaketbiHl Tournament B a t'11 n g—Fain, Philadalphia, Tutalo aoored a 8*9 KMsslnga Jim Rhodes Albany 4, Hartford 0. to I PREACHER ROE lost after Binghamton 15, Schenectady 3. today and Holland took fifth and .343; Goodman. Boston, .839: Kail, victory. Swan hurlOd Sirifinlng Belgium sixth In water polo. Beaton, A22; Woodling. New York, gams, but thia waa a tofMh battle COME* 1f M . teven straight 1952 wins, bowing Elmira 11, Scranton 10. |o Bob Rush. National Thoae were the moat aignificant .$1$; Mantle, New York. A ll. with tha club that got tiM Mg ttU IC K t I The Cuba chased "The Preach” Little I.«ague Cincinnati 2, Boston 0. developments of a light morning Runa—Joost, Philadalphia, 73; break coming out on top. Today :!a^; In the fifth when they ran their New York 7, Pittsburgh —. Local Sport Chatter of competition that aerved merely Barra, New York,' 9Si IfInoao, could be .a different atory. ■ LOOK lead to 3-0. Hank Sauer’s 26th to clear the way for tha big do­ (nileago, 67; Roaaii, Oavaland, Mi Tou have to play tkam ona at a Leaders St. Louis 10. Philadelphia 5. ings thia afternoon In the last day lU H M I homer with two men on base In Chicago 6, Brooklyn 1. DIMaggte, Boston, 63. time. Coach PMutrata kiiowa that the seventh came off Rookie Ray American By HsI Turkington of major competitlona In the l$th Runa Batted In—Robinaon, Chle ha muet win today to effaet tha Moore, just up from St. Paul. NATIONAL Olympic gamea, cago, 71,’ Doby. Clavaland and third gama. Ha wlU haya avery- vVOUMO! Cleveland 6, Philadelphia 6. Dropo, Detroit, M: Rosan, Oavs' I St. t«ul8 slugged a parade of Batting Boston 3, Detroit 1. body raady. In adSItton to Jaeko Philadelphia pitchers .for 14, hits G AB H Ava. St. Louie 2. New York 1. q r a ijw v r o n ROUNDS for tba«- MONDAY night tha winner of Tha only other event on thia lanA 66; Mantle, New York,; Ear- and Swan, there wUl be Dick Pita- morning waa tha gruelling cycitni nial, PhlUdelphIa and Vamon, knd a 10-5 decision to end the McIntosh, Legion 13 36 17 .472 Waahington 3, Chicago 1. President’s Cup are being played RoekvtUa-Mancheater Leagpi aeb patriek, Jo# Habatul.'ssd Bd Dan- 3 1 ^ Bell, Legion 11 33 IS .456 road race, with individual am Waihlnfiton, 69. jphlla’ alx-game win string. Four IntffiiflttffftV thia weekend at the Country Club. maata Mancheetar American Hlta—Fox, Chicago, 181; Robin- nahy ready to pttob. Tuna in a nlnth-Innlng spurt that TV'erdy, Morlgrtya 16 40 18 .450 Springfield 10, Rochester 6. team tiaa at stake. It la an af R l • BY OFF la It A Jat? BY V.T. HAMLIN One flight of 81 low net qualifiers League, which drew a'bye In the fair of slightly more than 120 aon,* Chicago, 134; Reaan, Oava­ THBEB QUABtaaS eC tha included triples by Stan Musial Daigle, Moriartya 16 48 20 .426 will compete on a match play baala opening round. ■tartlng Inftald lintup la aartain, .AMOHBRSaOMS and Solly Hemua and a two-run Banlvage, Moriartya 15 43 18 .419 Standings miles. After about one third of land, 117; Jansen, Waahington, with K handicap. the race had bean complatad about 116; Avila and BImpaon, Oava­ DIek. Vlnlnf, Hat Lnrig iSl Bd TMaor® A WHINS- tiomer by Enos Slaughter nailed Kacinski, Moriartya 16 44 17 .386 Eastern' TVERDAY finds the Monday Kukulka^ll ha at aat Cushing, Moriartya 16 36 13 .361 W; L. Pet. OBL. a dosan ridara already had land, 114. dowm the wlp. NINO PAOANI reports that night victor meeting winner of the dropped oUt. The wrtthdrawala Doublea — Pain, Philadelphia, and third reapeeUvaly, IhMfhaat i Max Surkbnt threw two wdld Flake, Falrfielda 15 40 14 .350 Albany ...... 56 40 .583 — Hippo Oorrentl will be awarded Portog and Bill Inniflas Alosky, Moriartya 15 36 12 .343 T^VHlage Thompsonville game. Included two of the four Japaneaa 27; Bauer, New York, 26; VffT' pitches,to batter Andy Seminick Reading ...... 54 43 .557 $140 from proceeda taken at soft­ Tri-VUIaga Is composed of Little will^lvida fhkt In the ninth to give Cincinnati the Sharpe, Auto Parts 16 46 15 .326 Schenectady ..54 44 .661 3 riders, thus alimlnating Japan non, Waahington, 34; Pilddy, De­ f ball benefit games played for him. Lcaguera from Board Brook, South from the team chamolonahlp. troit, 38; RoMnaon. Chicago and ter haa baan hitting' hohl. is' ra- first, run of the ball game. Eddie Runs Binghamton ..,54 46 .540 4 (Torrentl suffered a broken arm cent outings and hia two-ms atn- Banivage, Moriartya IT; Richard, 48 516 6% Wloilaor and Wapplng. S. Martenaaon of Sweden waa Ro(»in, Oevaland, 33. PeltagTinl’a ’alngle scored the aec- Elmira ...... 51 three weeks ago in' league competl- Trlplaa—Rlaauto, New York, 10; gte taat Sunday proridaff tha Fropa bnd to make It 2-0 for the Reds’ Moriartya 16; Twerdy and Daigle, Scranton .. ...4 6 49 .484 9 % leading the field after six laps and tlOD. About $85 was collected at RMBBtCHar’^B^Kctban League there were no Americana In eon BimpaMi. CleveUnd and Young, St. with a ahort-Uvad ioad.ha^oga ha K^ny9MN6tisbcrger over Boston. Moriartya 15; S. Provost and Mc­ Hartford . ’.‘i.118 66 .434 14H last Ttieaday night’s Ree. League took an eighth inning ifcoefer. Intosh, Legion 14. Wllltamaport ..34 63 .347 33 meota In New York tomorrow to tention. Louts. 6: Mlnoao, Chicago, Doby, { fliLD SATCHEI. PAIGE helped f game while the Dovciettes-Rec All- Oeveland and Vernon, Washing­ (lharlle MeMaana and Pat Bol­ the St. Loula Browns tighten the Runs Ratted In National Stare and Hartford Laurelettee- make plana for tha 1952-53 aea- duc aw eartaln atartatif In the W. L Pet OBL aon. President John J. O’Brien ex­ Moving into the last day,, with ton 7. {American League race by dump­ ■ Twerdy, Moriartya 18; Kacinski, .— New Haven Girls games reaped four awithmlng and divikg tltlaa Homs Runs—Doby. Oaveland outfield. If-Jaeko Mtchaa, cither ing the front-running New York Morlartys 10; Banlvage and Cush­ .. ...64 30 .681 pects to have an Raatrm and Clharlie Jaalcob or (jlenn Plandara New York . ...59 35 .628 5 $66. ^ and seven boxing championshlna and Barra, New York, 31; Dropo, Yankees, 2-1. Clint Courtney. ex- ing, Moriartya 9; Alosky, Morlar­ Weatem Division aet-up this year. Detroit, 19 i Robinson, Chicago, win patrol the left field peat Wally St. Louis .: ...58 42 .580 9 Mancheater has not decided Its to be derided along with titlea In Yank farmhand, drove in both tys, S. Provost. Legion and Fesh- .525 Brown-Bcgupre will represent several team sports, Ruaala held Rosen, Oaveland and Jooat, Phil' WIdnolm goea behind tna plate. Philadelphia ..52 47 14H poalUon as yet. alnce a move waa Bob Newton, foimer pitcher runs with a homer and single as ler, Falrfielda 8. Chicago ...... 51 48 .515 15 Mancheatef In tha Little League a 24<(i point lead in the overall adeipbla. It. klUe Reynolds was knocked out. Doubles Alumni State Tournament next started recently to revive th" Stolen Basea—Jenaen, Waihbig- with Naahua In the New ISngtand AtoaAw.fcat m. Boston ...... 41 56 .423 24% Eastern League. The twn-divtalon team scoring. But It waa doubt­ Paige came on the scene after the Aloask, Moriartya 6; Feahler, Cincinnati . ...40 60 .400 27 week. The Beea play highly-touted ful that the Russians could hold ton, IS; Mlnoao, Chicago and Rla­ League, will be on the hill for tha /. M. ai(. w a M. on. Yanks scored one nin off Gene Falrfielda and Banlvage, Moriartya Waterbury In Windsor Tuesday aet-up w(nild find clubs In Penn- auto, New York, IS; Throneberry, Rhode laland nine. He got aradlt CHRIS WELKIN. PUnataer Tribal Caiabration BY RUSS WINTERBOTHAM Pittsburgh ...28 75 .272 40% off the fsat-cllmbing United States SSLSmilSiJSiSiSSi Bearden and had the bases loaded 5; Gustafson. Morlartys. ‘ McIn­ a night at 5:30 on Loomla Field. A alyvania and New York state team in this unofficial but highly Boaton and Avila, Oavaland, 10. for the win last Sunday and aided T. M. ItoB. tf, «. Pal. •«. American i forming the Western- Division i r 0l»r. fMI HU Sentoe. Ing, "Boy! If vou rosily want to know what a maaa tha eoun- with two out In the seventh. He tosh. Legion and Longfellow, Auto W. L. Pet. OBL. victory sends them agalnet Interesting comnetttlon. Pitching—Conauagra, Washing­ hia own causa by seoting ones and iTBCOOPOaHMI wru.aarA ^ ^mrrw»'\m6or blanked the Yanks on one hit the while Connecticut, lower New driving In tha tying run with two MwaaPfoatg toggrum try's in, drop around whtn I aak Dad for my allowanoor* Parts 4. New York . ...59 42 .584 Wethersfield and a win here pita ton, 6-0. 1.000; Shantx, Philadel­ mttBAH^OVT'^ iD • w eacK tN rest of the way. Triples them agalnat the Hartford-Bridge- York and two New Jersey clubs phia, 19-1, .804; RaaghI, New hlta. Jim Whitaker, a hard hitting ggow cou.m6» lomcm OFfNTWCMiMNC TtMBFOBTMg "W # h«v4 t o ehgrgt » high prlM, Mom— d u n ^ In Cleveland .. ...57 44 .564 3 Flovd (Pat) PatteraoB. rangy ’The Yanks loss snd Cleveland’s Richard and Daigle, MoriartyJ 44 561 3% port victor. Waterbury la consider­ would comprise the Eastern Divi­ Negro middleweight Olympic York, 13-3. .057; Shea, Waahlng- right hander, will ba hia receiver. nun'iNTNaTKii TveTOMnara^ CAMPOa OMIBN < bN tht viUmint wo oouM find in tho modioino etbinoti’* BUGS BUNNY B(»ton ...... 64 6-5 triumph over Philadelphia on and Mulaene’r and Lovett, Auto Waahington ...54 46 .540 4% ed the best LL Aluninl team In sion. boxer has let a little old world ton, 9-S, .700; Sain, New York, 0-8, Infleld makeup finds Pred Sal- PBMirrcMMcel OMLBiirMMMMnM doni, alMging lefty, on first Vn_ TfCH. X P E dlM T e^ ______Larry Dole’s 10th Inning home Parts 1 each. , Philadelphia ...48 47 .505 8 the atate. It will be ff sudden death charm drape his husky shoulders .727., FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER THE LOAN OP A PVWi run. reduc^ New York’s Ameri­ Home Runs Chicago ...... 52 51 ..5a5 8 toiirnament. OFTIMIRttC NOTE: In tha' After he won from Btt«r SJoIln Strikeouts — Shantx, Philadel­ Johnny luppl and BIU Schtflno PDA A4AUCBR ------can League lead to two ga'mes. Twerdy, Morlartys 4; Flake, St. Louis .. ...42 61 .408 18 event Hamilton succeeds In down­ of Sweden, last night, Pat fol phia, 110; ReynoMa, New York. forming tha keystone combo with Doby Knocked In two runs earlier Falrfielda 2; S. Provost, Legion, Detroit ...... 36 66 .347 24 THERR will be no LL Alumni ing Tutalo A. C. In the second lowed the European custom and 108; Plares, Chicago, 106; Garcia, Al Bently covering tha hot eqrnar. with a double and alngle. Hia 21st Feahler Falrfielda and Wright, International gemea next week, the entire game of the bl-atate playoffs this walked over to hia opponent's cor­ Oavaland, 100; Gray, Detroit, 01 Tha outflald dutlaa are tended by ! homer came on the first nttch hv Auto Parts 1. W. L.. Pet OBL achednie being shelved because of afternixm, directions to Cranston, ner. There he ahook hands all Negro fly-chaser and leading loser Bob Hooper. Gus Zernlsl’s Montreal .. ...65 42 .607 — the state event. R. I., are aa follows; Take route around snd threw In a bow, too. threat Charlie Thomas, Skip grand-alam homer hsd fled the Rochester . ...63 52 .548 6 6 all the way to Johnston, R. I., Bark In hia own comar Pat met Schlflno and Ed Zacharwtk. BIU score for the A’s in the ninth. Syracuse . ...6 0 50 .545 6% PLAYOFFS In the Little League about five miles this aide of Provi­ Coach Pete Mello. I Sports Mirror McBIroy and Joe Unato ara in re- MEL PARNBLL. blaxing hot Sports Schedule Toronto ...... 56 53 .471 10 tourney. District Three, begins to­ dence, and then swing right on "What an actor.” Mello . aald. ■erva. Second line moundsman are since he rejoined tha Boston Red Baltimore . ....52 .58 .473 14'4 morrow afternoon at Memorial R. 1. No. 5 at the traffic light. "Juiit like Barrymore,” Bv THE ASSOCf ATED PRESg a mystery with the Tutalo nine. Sox after hia recovery from biir- ^ffalo '...... 51 57 .472 14% Field. A twin bill pairs Tri-Vlllage Oanatnn la six miles. Total "YCah?” said the butter from •ivida’/ A Year Ago - Scottish BOTH TEAMS ate sound de­ Tonight ....47 62 .431 19 fensively and offenelvaly. If they aiUa. set dowm Detroit with eight Hamilton vs. Providence (Bt- Springdeld against Thompsonvllle w-hlle Man­ distance (a exactly 71 miles. Gam* Brooklyn. Panes set a world’# record of hlta, 8-1. The atvliat lefty has won Ottawa ...... 47 67 .413 31% chester National League takea on la played In Cranston Stadium, if "Who has , this Barrymore 4:13 2-5 for two mllee In winning follow the pattern set In the open­ a-a State Playoffs), 5—Nebo - ing game of the aertea, It wW be four of five In the last month. Parts vs. Legion. 6:30—Mem­ Rockville. needed. licked?" the $50,000 Nassau Pace at Roose­ Boston pulled within 3'4 games TfNlay's Gnmea one of the beat matched M-atate PRISCILLA'S POP So Why Worry Al. VKKMKRR orial. velt Raceway. of the Yanks and fourth niace Eastern Here’B the lineup of U. R. fights ■eriea aver staged. There la eon- Sunday, Aug. 8 rive Years Ago- Robert Penny fldenqa In each camp Hamilton Washington wras only 4>f. hark Albany at Hartford (8 p. m.) Nate Brooks, Cleveland, va. Ed won the National Boya Tennis «WE'« ONLV JW ATS SILLY.' OUT HERE IN THE WOODS after the Senators’ 3-1 victory Little League Playoffs, District Binghamton at Schenectady. seeming sure of tying (Uid then MlTTlNaON, -----WHO WOULD NOTICE IT ?P ’Three. gar Basel, Germany, flyweights. Championship by defeating Allen over Chicago. Walt. Masterson Scranton at.Elmira. U. S. Boxers Favored Charles Adkins, Gary, Ind., vs winning the aertea whUo Tutalo THREE Tri-Vlllage vs. ’rhompsoAvtIle, 2 Reading at Willlamiport. Oeveland, 6-3, 0-8. seeks to and Jt in tufo straight. The CYLINOBR1 shut out the White Sox until the Viktor Mednov, Ruaala, light wel seventh when Tommy Wrirhi’s —Memorial. American Ten Years Ago—Carl Hubbell trip to Vanaas and National I'M TRYIN uiti ., !-««—< New York (Lanier 5-6 or Kennedy off the Russian advantage yester­ since 1932 when Welterweight Ed day and qualified five fearless tet earlier in the tournament and die Flynn and Middleweight Car­ CAPTAIN RASY A nother Hckc’.:c • Laa^kllalAlli lU K ^ liiA 2-3). the Americana are confident they tolow you know wh«t Iho ohowor otirtalno « • for— I oM*t STANDINGS St. Louis (Staley 13-9) at Phil­ fighters for the finals of tonight’s men Barth prevailed. STANDING can repeat. { W Pet. CCEiTHATa jam wsUtCirf . W Prt. I adelphia (Drews 8-10)-^(night). boxing competition. The Ruaalana AMP aog ONCE H6U PS N6R6 1 HAVE M6WC'TOO, !/VOUMSAM THAT MR.I * row without oplsahlnf!" ^ f r e c k l e s a n d h i s FRIEND S BY M. C BL088ER “ Sweet” Victory .818 S h u t o u t GRBATABOL. ausu W6«6 NOT PACM6 C0M6 THE MOST N0PELEC5 ( KESGC I# CERIOUC 1st National Bank 2 .667 ; Intematlonal went acorelesa. TYIB AMERICANS will pick up i Mlller’e ...... 9 EACVCOMIttS ceifiia. oiai ALCOH^ X EVER I AT LAf^ Nasalff Arms 2 .667 Springfield at Rochester. THE U. S. boxers, too-often also at least ona point in the team divi-1 Frankle’a Drive-In ...,8 .667 «pON.CArHVl TOONERVILLB FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX ..500; nrfiwH'Besaprp IS) cans In prtvioua International alon of the equenrian event and M 4 J 0 R L iA G U E Mason’s ...... 7 .638 DmI’s (I) T«fiP TO HELP MAPI Brows A -Beaupre 2 AR R H PO A E r e a c TMEFiRarcrepTO llOLoevtKfTHiMs/ ^ o r q ^ Y Manchtotcr Trust 0 .000 toumamenta, could provide enough the Rtfaaiana may score quite a ' Decl’a Drive-In ...... 6 .500 AB R K PO A B n Swoet. M ...... 3 3 1 I 3 a .363 Lupe. *b .... W UM XtH TOPAV; OFMOSj >M«SO.a4R and Bnaxlnl. 2b ...... 3 0 11 2 6 points to guarantee the unofficial few In cycling, where the U. 8 ,1 Onter Springs ...... 4 Aeeto. rf ...... IPS’ AMBMtt. Brown-Beaupre moved to within Iri^h. p ...... 3 0 1 1 2 0 team title. doesn’t figure to place In the first Psaanl. as .... P ® ' 2 a F 1 A P** , / ^ riOtoCR.A Zstkowskt. .3b ...... 3 1 1 3 1 1 80. ; U took six innings for Docl’a Oentllcore, ef tffO 'O O t n u K . one-halt games of the first place , linh-nthsi r ...... 2 0 1 3 1 0 They are assured of a minimum August, e of 25 points and at least three of Although today ends full scale National League Drtve-ln to get at hurler Junte « 'MOUaHT'O In A Little League Alumni game Snlomnr. lb ..,,,,,.,, 2 0 0 3 0 0 Braxauakaa mat night, but the ‘Thompson. 2b . iinvT riTHiiiiiiintiHti Auftln. rf ...... 5 2 !! I 2 2 the five—Middleweight Floyd Pat­ competition, one event remains on Batting Musial, 8t. Louis. .il32; Beeeriey. p .. last night by downing Nasalff' r.luy. If ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 tomorrows program. It is the Prix Deri nine finally broke up the let­ Rlrora. If . . . . ASCMOOLBUS. Klrnir-C. It ...... 3 0 0 4 0 0 Batting, Larry Doby, Indians— erson, Light Heavyweight Norvel Atwell. Chicago, .323; Lockman, Arms, 5 to 1, behind the four hit, Lee and Heavyweight Ekldie Hand­ Des Nations, the show Jumping New York/'.313; Klussewtkl, Cin­ ter’s no-hjtter and shutout Frank- CUIT.V. rf ...... 3 1 1 0 0 0 Hit home run in lOth Inning to la’s Drive-In 3 to 0. Bnumuskaa . “ S’’ *** pitching of Ken Irish. The win put' era—look like they’ll go all the aectlon o t the equestrian competi­ cinnati, .306: Fnndy, Chicago, ,304. Tot.ii ...... aillai a i give Cleveland, 6-5, edge over tion where Mexico la heavily fav­ Runa—Musial, St. Loula, 71; put down every battqr to face him Totals ...... M I 4 « « 1 Brown A Beaupre at -the five hun-1 Nih IS Arms (*) Philadelphia after knocking In two way. AB R H PO A R Russia lost four out of six semi­ ored. Both the Rusaiaas snd I^ickman, New York. 70;TO-'U. Hemua, in the first five and one-third i*BIt HPO A . draff mark and pulled Nasalffa into' runa earlier with double and ain- Americans are unknown quantltlaa St. I»uis, 66: Reese, Brooklyn, A5; Innings. 16 to be exact, before a .... J 0 0 7 0 0 m Fslknwskl. 2b ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 gle. weight end welterweight survived. M. Prlnsle, c A two-way tie for first place. Simmons, p ...... 2 0 1 1 1 0 American and Russian boxers will in thia event. Robinnon. Brooklyn and Sauer, walk, a hit and an Infleld out put Scribner, ss .. BOB SWEET was the big man Kohsn. SS . 2b ...... 4 0 0 1 1 0 Pitching, Satchel Paige, Browna Chicago, 64. Rill Beverley and company out In J. Prlnsle. lb Coir. p. SS ...... 3 1 1 3 3 1 clash In Just one of the 10 finals. rulko. Jb .... V ^ ' for the Bees aa ha reached base —Stopped Yankee rally with Ixuiea Runs Batted In Sauer. Chica­ front. Rsosvirb. r ...... 3 0 1 3 3 1 loaded in seventh and blanked CThsrIey Adkins, of Gary. Ind.. Vincent, rf ... four-times and aoored three runs. Moszrr. rf ...... 3 0 1 0 0 0 meets Viktor Mednov in- the new go, 86: Thomson. New York. 71; BKVERMCV hurled the diaUnce McKenna, rf . Sweet Veached on a single, a Ponticrm. e t ...... 0 ,0 0 0 1 0 league leaders rest of way to save Foresters Killing Hmiges, Brooklyn. 66; Ennis, Phil­ for Decl’s, yielding three hlt^ Reulnl. cf ... Tit M I N • OoUs. 3b ...... 3 0 0 1 I 0 2-1 win. light welterweight division. It Reduclier. 2b . Busineaa At Eleven BY MICHAEL O’JIALLBT fielder’s choice an error and waa Cobprr. If ...... 1 0 0 2 0 0 ■houtd be close. adelphia. 65; Slaughter, St. Louis, while atriking out nine. Wee Willie Cecer*. If — Rnxllsh. rf ...... J 0 0 I 0 1 ‘UMOUOCl^OM.OgRN.ZCAN MO aacgRTTvwr aaai'E i hit by a pitched ball. Brown- The United States hasn't won an False Mistletoe 6,’l. waa in trouble in the third and Brauusli**. P w n a t s Beaupre’a hlta were divided among BoltiKl. lb ...... 3 0 0 7 0 1 Hits Musial, St. Louis, 123; fifth frames but managed to pull Ostrout. rf ... waRPLV warn© •NB ID Tae aoy naaNCX pw e Alone vpei local and Feeaau. s-Prianann ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Olympic boxing title since 1932. In aaavsu AaaiN/ \ m . CHANCBOLff ALnuoRinas now o n o w e . ■ix players with no one getting Dobv Likeg Seri es 1948 only one American got aa far Adams, Cincinnati, Lockman, New down the curtain on Frankie’s Tolits 24 0 1 n 7 0 PHB a o r TV* gHOAW CALL p» PDECf> o a v o u R Totals ...... n 1 "4 21 13 4 St. Anthony, Idaho-~(A5—For- ...... too 001 S- 1 wac CAPaaca irsaux now i V Hks oaDtaac more than one. aa the finals. Yo'rk and Schoendlenit. St. Loula, scoring hopes. Decl'e ----... CaNCv a—Walked for Niland In 7lh. eitera to a variety of mistletoe in 118: Hamner, Philadelphia. 110. John RIvoaa became the first Runs bsiled in. Lupe. Thoapson. uR wevsaoT O U T .^ AMnONAL OUARO/ Highlight of the game came in n-B ...... 102 001 1—4 All of the American points yes­ Beverley; two-lms* htu, Beverley; UTS AU the second inning when Nassiffa Nasalffa ...... 000 001 0-1 Of (^on Marrero terday came in swimming and div­ death to a variety of mistletoe in Doublea Schoendlenst, St. runner for Decl’a whan he walked stnlen bMea Brasausliat, M- -Prlngli le: P L iP a a f •»< A HOP* r ‘ * i S m ^ left on beses. rrsnkle't 4, D jri'a I; tCMabOCM gHEOvi loaded the baaca on three consecu­ Runa baltsri In. Bnarinl. Irlah. Solo­ ing and the star-apangled aquatic tome forests of the Intermountain L>uia, 26; Sauer, Chicago. 33; with one down In the sixth. Dick iS S m ' tive errors and Irish rose to the mon. Moairr; two-bar- hlta. Moax-r; stars should continue to score Waitkua, Philadelphia and Mualal Day aingied tha first hit off bases nn bells. B re x a u sl^ ^ r tr lk ^ U ATVaaCOlKTRV stolen Bases Zatkowski: aaeriftcea. Cleveland, Aug. 2—(A5—Connie region. Brssauskss 7. Beverley » ; RM by pitch­ occasion by striking out the next Bnaslnl. Solomon: double playa. Irish Marrero, Washington’s Cuban heavily in today’s last four finals. and D. Rice, St. Loula, 21. Frankie’s hurler, sending Rivosa er. by Beverley (Cee*re-(hitkoH «ao- batter and turning a line drive in­ and Zatkowakl. Kohen. Cole and Bo­ righthander, especially will be CHANCES LOOK especially It isn’t the decorative or kiss­ •IVlplea- ’niomaon. New York, to third. Johnny Lupc bounced a plre, SklbSu to an inning-ending double play. land: left on haaea. B-B 4. Nasalffa »: bright In women’s high diving ing kind of mistletoe. . It’s the 9; Ennia. Philadelphia, 7; Jethroe, grounder to third baiaeman Prank basea on haUs. Cole 1,. Sinunoos 3. careful what he throws to tha In­ Thompson belted a ona-ntn aingla ■ X Iriah 3: atrlkeouta. Col* 3. Simmona 2, diana’ Larry I Doby from now on. where the three American entries dwarf or falae mistletoe, a para­ Boston. Reese, Brooklyn, Mueller, Cutko on the next play aa Rtvoaa THE ONLY extra base hit of the came across with the game’s first to left which was followed by Bev­ gama came In the sixth when Bill Irlah I: hlta off Cole 1 for 1 run In 2 Marrero has given up only eight —Pat McCormick, Paula Jean site which robs a host of trees of New York and WjToatek, Phila­ Innlnas; Simmona 5 for 4 rura In 5: home runa thia aeaaon -but Doby- M.vera and Juno Irwin - finished plant food. The mistletoe slows the delphia, 6. • run. erley’s Una Oriva double, makiRg It iloexer doubled to "score Al Cole hit by pitcher, by Simmona (Sweet >: growth of trees, distorts their Home Runa—Sauer, Chicago, "MEATBALL” Gentilcora kept a final 3 to 0 count. with Naaslff'a lone run of the balk. Slramnna; wllr. pitrhea. Iriah: has collected three of tliem. 1-2-3 in their qualifying dives. The .■.:1 loaina pitcher. Cole: umplrea, Kerr, RuasianA qualified two girls, fifth shape and aometlmea kills them. 26: Hodges, Brooklyn, 21; Kiner, the ball rolling for Oect's in the Beverley fanned njoa during tba game. Gtorlno. and eighth. Grant A. Morse, Targhee Na- Pittsburgh, 30: Mathews. Boston, seventh, punching a tingle over contest and (U(|n't aUow a frao Just a reminder that the London's famous clock. "Big ______pass. Braxauakaa allowed fSBr- Ban. " la wound by an electric , The United States has two men | tional Forest supervisor, said se- 17; Cordon. Boston and Thomaon, Braxauakas'a h e ^ which aent schedule win be ' postponed from B«nny Paganl. who had walkad. to, hiU. waUcad two and «Ul A . « v € * - A Beaupra meeting Mancheater motor, which requires 20 minutes ; going in the 1.500 meter free style tecUve herbicides (weed kUlers) New York^lO. ■ . August 4 to Aumlrt 8. Play will ' and one in the 200 meter breast I are used to destroy the parasite. Stolen Basea—Reese, Brooklyn, second. With one down, Joe ■evaa. bd resumed August ll'wwith lth BrownBr Trust. to' do the Job. .'v'*' L ■. -• I.’ , 'ffi

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY. AUGUST 2, 1952 MANCHE8TEB IVRNINO HERALD. MAMCBI8T II. OONII. SATURDAY. AUGUST S. 196S PAGE TE N "TPT Dtamonda—WatdMB— B1 HaBsoi far Sal* tor Salo Antoaiobilio for Solo 4 A bUhsoUIm tor SsM 4 BoMbshi SdrvicM Offtrtd IS MsTtef—IVaekfBf— Help W asted—M alt 26 Pm ritiy sad SapplidB 43 Bo far Nab Y l PwpEtty fW Ndo 74 W«atod-B*«l 77 JawaIrT 48 ■ ICY coaTOiaBR u a r r cDRTiMo For Rest Stwaga 20 MUSCOVY Ducklings, 50e. Mother 24 MANCHESTER — SpecteL Im­ CE NTRAL—Wall buUt aad waO .lUET OFF MAm atnet Oldar 1* ANSO VRR • RaRon • Oavantiy WANTED—Tour property to artt GET BETTER VALUE ON Buy A "One Owner Csr” MANCHESTER Welding Service. WANTED MABIOBD! flB LU lw r flam tlia:,kgtanff.tre- ClassifM Portable equipment. Oeaeral AUSTIN A. CSIAMBERS Oo., local ducks, 84. Stlana, Andover, Rout# LEONARD W. TOST, Jawtiar, re- ifT ctorroMBt Donamr NOOD maculate tlx-n om Chpa Gbd, oared tor two-famUy home. Sfai ream heoM hi axeaUrtit eona* OXttegas, wxtarfront and avar- Itellabte buyara waiting with cart Mo aad ■aaoymMkR'A.dbtag » Em x Terms 6. Phona Coventry 7-7278. pairs, ndjutto wstebas expertly. ■ T O ta OR Offleo apaco for rant four hodrooB, oU boat, aot tuba, large rooma each Boor. Addttigwal tton. FIrmdaoa. eO hat water teohteg laka, good hxya, large tor four, five, rtx, aavaa mom ate- ■eU It yoomif. Lot aa S m A BETTER USED CAR welding, twiler and furnace weld­ and long distance moring, pack­ One taboratery Technician, THB ing. Phones 3-1688 or 3-8763. ing, crating and atoraga. Sandee Reasonable prieaa Open dally. pMxnooM aonq 16 Dopot Bquaie. Phono 8860. oah floors and plasteied walla, room oa third floor. Two-oar ga- hast 3-«ar garage. Ideal it f terga ■steetloa. WaUaa Aganey. COran- gte aad twu-famUy la Maarttaw your haadartiaa; Celt. Mvartisenents 1837 Pontiac Four-Door Sedan- High School background In aci- Thursday avsalnga 139 Spruce atom wtadowa and deoim Boaatt- ragai. L et 04 x 140; Shawn t o 6P* fandiy. Haa peealbUlty te r tOsaa- try. TaL 7-8873. tor, Bolton, COvenUy aad Varaoa. worth Mlttea Aganey,' AT to aU parts o f tba U. 8. OaH Artidcs fw Sal* , 45 u v iw o BOOM aonra OPFICSS or stora, ground floor, CLASSIHED ADVT. Radio and heater. Oray. 8187. Hartford 6*1433. encea and In arithmette prsfarred. atraat Ilioaa 2-4887. DlNOn'B 8MT fU yard with trsas and gardmi patetasaat MadOhm Baalth. I t e ^ Uy or prefxaatonal offlw. Prtoa Ftnanom arraaged. Howard R. ASHES AND Rubbish removed. 3 ^ street aour Port Offleo. spaoa. Ptiesd bUow today's aaar- ter. S-lOU or 607R 117,800. Bhneee Ykrlrtagtea. ANDOVER—Whitortaad eottaga. Haatlaga Phono 3-1107. DEPT. HOURS: BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. RO YAL AND SihUli-Ooraaa port­ ♦M W C U LT COMB. R A lW a PhonoSatfl. 1841 Chevrolet Four-Door Sedan- Phone 3-3781. U O H T TRUCKING. Weekly rub­ Three Plant Workers kat « i 811.0081 Bukara Wootk, A gm t Obvantty T-080T. Liiga Urtag town with flmplaM, BUYRM WAmNO-Magte a^ able and standard typewrlttrs. nTNnnBRaAL" WABHER VACANT—Tear old bstek Oa»o 8:15 A . M .to4 :S 0 P .M . Black. bish diaporal. Low rxtaa. C eliar» Gsrdan— Fans— Dairy "wmarmaBoaur r b p . AgaaL 8708^ daUghtfol kltchm. five badtooma, OOWBDBRINO SELLINO two-famUy hemea FXr alSeiaat FOR O IL rfiimar service and In- A ll mnhas o f adding machinaa TWO AND Thieo room offleea. EX- Cbd. Four down aad two nnBalBb- t e « a lo t lake prtvlteifaa, 80A00. TOUR PROPERTY? aad eenfldaatlrt aarvlaa aalL A. 1941 iPontisc 4-Dr. — 4 cyl. elaanad, completa janitor serv- Apply sold or ranted. Rapdhrs on all Produeta 50 .TMUBViaiON BET ceUent Main atreat. loention. Can 1848 Dodge Custom Four-Door— atallatlon by 15 years exper­ lea. Phons 3-4986. t X 13 *n u w w k " n ga , lampR ta- MANCHESTER—Four mom cap* 0(8 np; Shod dormer, flrapiaoA *U CXU MXdaUna Bmltk, Itealtor, 8- Without eb^tlon- te yo*. wa Iteale, Brakar. 3-1010. COPY CLOSING TIME Standard ahlft. •Radio and beater. Black. ienced oil burner aervlcs man. fx makes. MnrloWs. 6416. Xnqvdra Wartetei'a ■ ««* 0>4. flraplaes. teaum phuShtag. h ast garage. Ton raaOy ahanid MANCHESTER-212,600 lO tfa rd O tk POR CLASSinED ADVT. Monday or Wednaaday RIPE NATIVE TOMATOES tor btaib 1»4bM pletaMa, amoker, «ad fltora. Call Manchester 3-1731 or 3-8008. LOAM, Dark ijeb cultivatad Omda a few oOmr amaB Rama, steaae-oa hast, porck. garage. *•- aaa this home te approdate i t 1951 Ford 2-Dr. Sedan — aala at Ct Florenos street ealleat cewdltkm. Straana, atom 6-Room bungalow wHh LAKB AMRON—Watarfnmt oot- you ortL 1847 Dodgs 4-Dr. Daluxa Sedan— Pahittnr—Paperfnff 21 No. 1, |3 cu. yard. Qrada No. 3. rva BMBf MMAHNO BVBRT- PROPBISIONAL OBlcs la Man­ T. J. O ockott A gsM y. Phooa 8418 MON. THRU PRI. Man.v extraa. Radio, heater, green. Qean ear. wtedowa. Vacant Prlea 110,800. or ovaahws 8-8818. larg* gango. fuU bkaamant taga; phw axtm let Fiva ruom Phono 0171 ROGERS CORPORATION 13 cu. yard. DcUvartd In'truck BLACKBERIUES. Pick }rour own. THINO IN MY WAREHOUSE chester. ExeaUant loeatloa ter a Air Defense Jets 10:80 A .M . RELIABLE Radio and talavlalon FREE ESTIMATES. Brterlor FOR ■ MONTHS Hanry Hseott aimiiL TaL 3008. with foread hot air haat 19 X 38 Uving rxeaa with flald- BRAE-BURN RBALffT 1960 Mereury 4-Dr. Sedan— service. Chll 5187. painting. Have It done now. M ill and Oakland Stresta load lota. Screened sand and aU Bring .containers. A. R .' Tnlcott, doctor or podtetrietea. Batiro MANCHBSTBIt-Now 8 hadroom ■tena irapteoa. aU heat winter- 1848 Dodge 4-Dr. 'Sedan Daluxa— r u s BHU.r r f o r w h a t Largo lot Con^atOljr ro- FOR QUICK RBflUITO la aalUag SATURDAY t A. M. One owner, low mileage. Radio, hepter, fog lights, back-up Phone 3-1383. Manchsstar, Connecticut aisas atone dellvsrsd. Order now. Route 30, Vernon. TsL Roel|vUle suite now haiag renovated. Cbn- MANCHR8TER—Ranek kosM J80’ ranch home. U ltra aaedcra hi load, ealter. Imaaadiste oeenpan- Check on Saucers STONE AND Brick mason, also Nuasdorf Construction Co. Phone THEY OWE ME tact T. J. CroeksU Agency. modcM. (hifiimlly 6 roomo. your pmpaity eaU Suburban lights and signal lights. Oray. 5-7843. • IF TOITRE REUABLE, TOU X I T ) wttk oaDar and attte. 8 every dctalL Largs ttvtag ream ay. Only 11,080 down. Sehxmrta Many Low Coat Pre-War Cara cement work. Valentino Ballucci, PA IN TIN G and papsrhangtng. YOUNG M AN for etora work. Very 3408. Phone 8416. . ' roams, Itving room witk flraplaaa, with flrapteoai Imrga gnrago aU Brand now Utchan and larg* Raalty Oa., Raaltera, 841 Mala TOUB OOOPBIIATtON WILL CAN CXINTINUB TO m a k e Itexi Eatote. 887t BB APPBBOIATED 1848 Ford 8, 4-Dr. Sedan—Heater, 80 Birch street. Phone 3-1601. Interior and exterior. Cabinet pleasant working conditions. Ap­ kttekea, dhwtte, rtds penk oOltT- BSaaterad; foU baasewaat with 14 foot garage have boon add­ atraat CXU OtlA building and building contract­ LOAM FOR SALE, 8U> par load Hooaahold Goods 51 FATMENTB OlANrS 'NECK Nrtgkte— Rqr- Excellent Tranaportotion black. ply in person. Turnpike Market. r n oontlmie to hold It teg ream ovartookteg brook, hot flrapteea; aaaaatte drt«% tite hath; ed at a coat of 24300. SDC OR SBVgflf-room houaa, 6 to terday that they saw aa oklaat in POWTBR BURNERS and Range ing. CUl (Yiff, 3-4398. 151 Middle Turnpike Weet: dslivarsd. ca ll 7196 batwsen 8 torjtmt 25 water baaaboard rsdtetkm wltk nolda OXttega, Edgawood R ^ Burners expertly elaanad and and 8. I f y w don’t aood It right away. atana front; aU tha dataU In tha 16 yaara oM. Hurt be in good tha sky wkkk thfiy dUn't tktek DIAL 5121 oO buraor, aU eonpor plUabtag, world. TMb te a good stead henw 9 ■ix re BUM, terga sun porch, knotty SOLIMENE, Ine. acrvleed. Let ue senriee and re­ PAINTING, Interior and exterior, HIGH SCHOOL I,oys for full time 7’ CR6 s l EY Refrigerator. Very n x SHOW W TCV TOU NEW TWO bedroom CXpe OOd (or owidlttea. good naighboihood, and was a Ugkt rafloetloa. BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. MAKE MOWING A PUEASUBB. loeeo. CU koat uUUUai> $100 iM^i88if»y tuk% iMtlnwcoTe fftimlrtm*' with I860 aqnara fart e f Uvtag An ExcoUont Vahi* pine flalrti througkouL Furalak- Dodre-Plymouth Cam pair your washing maeblna or re­ also sign end trailer painting. W. drug store working now and part good condition. Call 3-8888. X ANT DAT OR RVE. avnltebte in 80 d a^ Prater hot It was tha flrat ttate pOota 83 down, 83 weakly. Buy tha new I f y m don't hava any trmnaporta- monthly. DMlre eoupte. W rite tlea alamlanm oeroaBa aad s te m araa. AU c i^ utOitlaa, axoaUant ad. Largs shady w t, 17,800. CXU water haat, 1% or I baths and ehacklag en.flytag aauoar riporto 166 Center St, — Manchester Job-Rated Truck* frigerator. Matre Sendee. 3-0683. W. Amburg. 2-3033;' Call after 8. time during echool.. Driver's b wtadowa, lot 100-x 180; with shads MadahartariOTOO. Lost and Ponnd esnes. Phoni 2-4388. Worcaatar Power Mowar. Fa- .tlon ,'T O a n id my car for you, no Box J, Herald. quaUty thraughool Oomptete far GILMAN and PAGE, Ine. qaeraatlon room. W rite Bex B, hare had awda a porttlva m te- Phono 2-4645 634 Center Street m<>uB Briggs-Stratton motor. « et)llgaoQ|n trass. Prtoa 114,800. Hadry Hi- 818.8M. OUatan and Pagit too., HarakL nMnt LOST—Black and white cat, vi ■ahold Bcniccs Phona 416A ! For aayfla|aaant phono Mr. Albott, eott AgMsey. 8088. 881 O m tergtraat Manehaater 8- Tho two tatoroaptoiB warX sent Phone 5101 or 6102 Rdpulrfiif 22 See 851 Contw Straot Hobaitaui tor Hsla 72 cinity Otrant and Summit atraata. Open Kveninga Until 10 P. M. Offtred IS-A TOBACCO Help wanted. Stanley *U R?|*t)BD 8-0888 SnbariNui for Kant 26 8188 • t-aossT U 8TINOS Wanted on rtagte aad up about 13:48 pjn. ((ta.t), after Reward. O tll 3983. Safe Place To Buy Used Cara! MATTRESS. Tour old mattresit e BOLTON — Building stone and N IN E ROOM housa, eeaaplately W EAVINQ o f hums, moth holts Waldron. Call 3-8450. After (TF. M. 46-4690 ' COVENTRY Cantor —Attractive' Telephone Mancheitar t-tl28 SOUTH OOVRNTItT—Four room two-family homaa also buUdlng tba Air Foraa oaaa had raOrtvad TRUCKS — Chavarolal, O. M. C., starilixad and remada Ilka naw. flagstone. Bolton Notch-lltMurry. I A - I. - B - E x * - T ramodalad. Alh Imprckaeaaata. A DRASTIC pries rqduoticn. Own­ lota, Maacheater and rtcialty. For five or ate raporto at 'T^rtag aau- 1838 PLYMOUTH Convertible, In and tore clothing, hoaiaiy runs, ROXBURY three-room modern apartm ent Atteatea wall, largo b m aad ga­ ■kigla., FUU baaoaaeat, jatu ga, Hudson, pick-ups, aUkta, ate. good running condition. Good Call Jonat Fumitura and Floor Phona 3-0617. Stanley Patnods. I I 48 Allyn Btroh..,'aartford er teavlag town. SapteaAar 1 s t Or 1-2055 prompt aad oourteoua real aateto "TTO." ■ AnnoBRcemtiita bandhage rtpaliad, aippar re- Help Wsated suitable couple. Phone Ooventry rage. Four aem of lead, m en toapactloa invited ahytlma. 70 private Xaaah, larsa lo t rRaastn- 1840 up. Starting at 8188. Savaral -Urea. Needs new top, 8300. Phone Covering. 86 Oak. TaL 3-1041. ; Open any ove. by hpytetm ant abte. Fumlabod er tmfumiakad. ■arvios, Saa Edward J. Morterty. Ihay trtd offlears they waat up plaeemant, umbrellaa rapalrad, Male or Female 87 80% OFF on famous make Bat- 7-6878. avallabte. fUjOOO. TsL MaaOhao- Bowera atraat Phooa S-47BS. about fart aad tor ahout DRAPERIES Made to order. Any lata chuira modala. Brunnar’s. 8776. men’s shirt eollara revaraed- and tariaa. Written guarantees. 81.00 HOMES Pheaa Oovaatty 7-068T. Trt. 7108. 17,000 10 858' Eaat Canter atraat. Open 'til WE BUT and adU good ttied faial- ter 8-8170. Prtea 118,080. IM M EDIATR OeamansF, atx aaoonda watched a bright aad md atyle. Reaaonabla. For informs raplacad. Marlow's LItUa Mtnding Bonds—Stock*— TOBACXIO. Harvest help wanted. down, 81.00 weakly. CXlao Sarv- O ff Griswold Street tnra, ooeeMoatian raagoA^ m object which hOvtrad ahova them. tlon call 3«33M. 8 every evening, Saturdays until REAL QUAUTT USED CARS Chop. One Spearer, shed men and 8eld Icantar. Tel. 4164, 4165 or 3J)8S0. SoBUBer Homia far Rant 67 MORSE ROAD-412.600 raoBM (*va flalabad). cW rakig OOVEMTRT-Aadavar RoRan, aaw Mortraecs 81 In Glastonbury raagaa aad bantam Jonaa Fifnd- Uvbig room with Or^laea. Large Co m OXd wRh axpaadabto darasar Rthm dlamwHud at high 8. ' ‘ AT LOWER PRICES men. Good pay. Everett Joyner, tnra Stera. M Oak. Phona 3-lOU; rate of ■paad.*'^ CHRISTOPHER ROBIN pre-kind FLA T FINISH Hoiland window FIRST AND Second mortgages Wlndsorvllle. PIPELESS Hot air furnace for WATERFRONT Cottage at Oov- A plaaaant hoBaa of 4 furalOiod 218,900 kitelMo, throe badroniaa, sM hot attte, flrapteea, atteatea wtU, ga- Lightning Danger erfartan acbool will ra-opan CLEAN USED CARS Our country overhead eaves you Expandable Cape Cod «try Lake, part or month of water hast ahiaiteuw anrawia laga, amaU aeraaga Saeilflca *Wa dallbarately taaMovand money on new and used eara. ahadaa mada to meaaura. All bought for our own account F ast sale. Reasonable. Tel. Rockville moaaa. Sacond floor baa aU *tod- ■round to make sum R a Saptembar 8th for chUdran SH to AT metal vanatlan blinda at a naw 8-7108. A t i g ^ ChU Knight 3141. ding aad iaautetlon, alaetrtcU aad Mbdani five room hooM ertth and doom. Safa atraat fXr dill- ■ala Also raadi houwa and older eta m tt eonfldcntial aervtco. Manchester ”” Rmiie ^ Liberal Temw I OROSunr refrigerator , e draptece, nteturc window, fodteat Great in Sununer ht raiteetiaa. At flrat tt appaar- 8 yaara old. lira. D. L. Ballard, IXIWBR PRICES 1863 Dodge O ron et Sedan—Like ■ow pries. Kaya mada wbUa you Investment Oorp., 887 Main cu. f t Phona 6180. iumbiag work flatebdd. Gtebte drwt. CXU MadaliM SartUL R w l' am alter houMa tenr reoam and diractor. 79 Latkawood CIrela new. Sitnatlonb Wasted— \ 8" ILO WINDOW Mhaust fan haiitrtoe Iteth. waU te wnS ear- ter. 8-1041 e r 4078. up' up. flood aalaetSon o f rad aad white aad thm vrbite Written Guarantees wait. MarloWa street Phony 8418, Open DaUy 1 P. 3L ta Dark WsjBtad to R*Bt 68 .urmara, fnmt rtiad dormor, rear 86.000 only.’’ they said. Phone 3-lSM. 1883 Dodge Tudor — Radio and $30; 80 X 72 movie screen, IIS ; '.BLACKSTONE W ringer washer. for bath. FIrenteee in Ilvtag room. pettag in Uving room aad haU. At- dairy and a ilchaa faraaa aad New York— LIghtaiag takas 1883 DODGE SEDAN WOMAN Would like housework cMld's atael sea-aaw, |6. Phone taehed gxrage. Amaalte diivaway. ICANCHESTER-antlteat pi about 800 Uvea a'yaar, aaya the Thom flytag Bauaera have 1880 PLYMOUTH TUDOR haater. Like new. or office to clean. Call 3-4887 be­ Oood condition. Ideal fo r cottage, THRXUB OR FOUR ttwm naftira' Oopoar Uummng, large modam oelOBtel hoaasa Jeha S. RknaU, popped up ta Korea and Japan. BalMliif—Contractlnc 14 Help Wantsd— Peaisls 25 3-8680. 880. Phona S-188S. klteaan. Storm windawa, seraeas. Lot lOO X 3M, fuUy ' ' war expo Pad. 8 hadroama, g OfXaa atraat, Sauth Oovaatry. MetropoUtan Ufa InaunoMa 0 o„ PSlBBRSli 1847 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1861 Dodge Meadowbrook 4-Dr. tween 6 and 8 a. m. tehed apartment wanted by Inunodtete ooeupaacy. A Canadian dsatroirar iiuwElj mothar aad aduK daughter. Phona Largs lot drlth traso and outdoor toga, oxcaUant aalghhartMO(L CXvaatry T-0018. la warning that summartlma te tho 1847 CHEVROLET TUDOR 1981 Plymouth Cambridge 4-Dr.— ALL TYPES of carpenter work In­ GIRLS OR Women for folding and hoantltuUy teadaeapadT Prtaad period of graataat danger. portod rtghtlmr twx awh i t - THE PROSPECT Hill Sobool for 3-3888. flrepteeo. Amailte drive. Ooavao- 1846 FORD CLUB COUPE 18,000 miles. Radio and heatar. cluding rapalra Francis Smith. general laundry work, flood 7 by 8 WALL TENT. 880; swing BARGAINS tent te Inm atoraa^ acbooL HENRY ESCOTT AGENCY raxaenabla. Phans MandMoter ANDOTRR - BaRoa • Oovaatry — About ona-fourth of aO tbs jaeta and raeerdad them an Ra youns children w ill reopen Mon 1841 MERCURY CLUB COUPE 1880 Studebaker Tudor Deluxe- ■ Phone 3-4848. houi*. Apply In peraon. Maple Dry Dofi^Bfrds—^ets 41 saw, 8100. CaU 6630. f deaths from lightning occur radar. It was laarhad hart today. day, Sept S. Tranaportatlon FILL RESPONSIBLE Cbuple With one 380 Hteht Strict, Wert €878. Braa-Rum. oouatiy hoaaaa aad faraw, aava^ Low Down Pdymanta Radio, heater. Just like brand Cleaners and Laundarara '72 PUPPIES, Reasonable. Ideal pets !; New Merchandise ExelualTo With al at aaerlfloa priest, termm ar- among persona who aoak ahrttar A Navy raport aoM 6d offlawa fumlahed. Mra. Lela Tybur, dirae Eaay. Terms chUd. urgently need (oi^^yoom (Ooeaer MeKae Street) dnd craw mambara of tha d aati^ new. Maple atreet. for children. OqU Coventry 7-7433. apartment Refereacea OaU Boa- ACTOR'S OOLONT BStotea; 8 ad raagad. WaUaa Agaaoy, Oovaatry. under or near treat aaya Metro- tor. Phone 3-8767. Plortsto—NEnMriM 15 Boat* and Accaaaorlaa 46 TrtaphoiM 1008 ar ernaadar aaw Ete aaaeata Om 1961 Plymouth Tudor Deluxe. TWO WOMEN for laundry work after 8 p. m. F O R S A L E Fully Guaranteed tra-Ja. 4-6838, ooltect FipEUTY REALTpr OO. Joktlng lota N x 10* aaah. SoaU. TaL 7-0873. poUtaa ataUatlcIaaa. After striking CAL80 SBRVICENTER Apply In peraon. Naw Model Roattora — Inaursra'. ■treat South Ooventry OaU t-llOO a true a holt may flash aldawaya night of July 10. AU had Hte WANTED—Ridara to vicinity of 1880 Pljrmouth Tudor—Very, very GLADIOLI BOUQUETS - Frarii- 1950 OUTBOARD LowaU Lap famtUar. quaUUaa of tha MBd|*g PhoenUc Fire Inauranee Company, 4.76 Cantar Streat nice. ly cut. Choice varieties. Wood­ Laundry, 73 Summit atraet. I ELECTRIC RANGE WOUU> UKE waterfront oottegs Farmington Ava. Hartford MANCHESTER — Only 810,800. after 0 p. Bk OOVENTRT — Plaa peart Urtag or it may' run along the ground stake cabin cruiser, sleeps two. CALL 308 room with flreplaea, I badrooma. kUUng ayona in ita path. flytag-dteea ■ :18 to 4:30. Tel. 3-1187. Telaphona 4164 or 3-0880 land Gardena, 168 Woodland PU PPIES—Seven weeks old. Also running lights, anchors, toU4't, 1 IKK) O ff at Oystel Laka or aaarby, ae- Thla four room duptex at M-I6 1848 M em iry Conv. — Radio and small, dog house. Phona 3-3493. ^V^LLIAm ' m . McBRlDE NEAR PRINCETON Btmat aaMMlL Kltehaa, fnU bath, aU one floor. Soma of the aotIvuMa Ughtaiag 'Ftaaff heater. Fine condition. atraet. Phons 6474. SHIRT PRESS operator,' Five day ate. Price 8650. With Johnson 16 epmmodaUng flra pote, from U lae atraet has just baea redue- " I U K E Evtrybody" saya Honest ! AUTOMATIC WASHER August 36th through S^tembor kbneheater 4816 five rooaaa, fttU bath aad lava­ Largo aBaloaod porch. Ihaiilatcd, vteUma vrara angagad In when H w wpert. week. Ihiparienao not neceeanry. h. p. motor and 8 gallon cruiae-a- ALEXANDER cd tor qidek sate. I f you want In­ tory, flrapteoa, hot water oU hast AatoBMbltai for Solo Douglas. Mast the dalagatae at 1949 Hudson Tudor—‘ Low mlle- Apply In person. New Model BLACK and White English Setter !; 2100 O ff 1st can 3-6786. OU hot water heat Attached ga­ struck were: lundung In a xrood- convantlon of tba claanest cars *g*. to good country home. Fine day tank. 863 Keeney atreet, or MANCHEkTER - Expaadablo come prtqwrty be aura to look at poreh. pteatstad waUa,fXB laaute- ad araa, playing htaabaU in an Naval fXrea* aad tka FMIlL AIr Rooflne—SIdInc 16 Laundry 73 Summit atrest thte For appolntmant eaU OUmaa rage. Lot 100 a 100. lake prtvl- PR B .W AR O ai« — Ford, Oldamo- anywhera. Douglas Motors, 333 1848 Neeh 600 -Overdrive, 'uke a watchdog, excellent with children. Tel. 2-1487. JARVIS CO. ! PORTABLE SEWING W ANITD— Four room fnmlOied Capo Ond With, dormor, Air-Temp tlon, open atelreaae, hatehway. 80 togaa. Ikiea $8,000. Eteaara 'n irl opoa flald, flahmig In beats on opan Foraa, said tha aM|ta ^Mflbr bUe, Packard, Bulek, Dodge, Main. new one. MANCHESTER — Roofing and Phone 7891. apartment or wni sublet a fnra- gas fnmaca, gar M water hast- Raalty, 881 Oenter atreet Phone days oempaney. CXU 80M. water, woiklnx In ftelda, gathwnng ragtetwad ftaaa on the oMeeta, 3t TYPIST-o L e r K. Woman wanted TEL. 4112 MACHINE—266 Off 8-2188 or 8-8088. laigtoa. A gen t Oovaatry T-0807. Btudbakar, etc. AU modala, |30 1947 Plymouth Tudor — Very ex- Siding Co. Also all types of paint­ for payroll and general offipc Criied rent. CUl Mr. Peck at the or, oak flooring, tOq bath, hatch­ ta tba family waahtag from ‘ aoad them tw* mUa* MEt ^iad and up, full price. High valuaa— GUARANTEED USED CARS ing and carpentry work. Guaran­ TEN FOX TERRIERS also cross Manchester Lumber Obmpoay. way. flreplaea, 'comblaatioa olotharttaa attartMd to trass stead- van mUm *way. eqptlonet. work in amall textile office. Office Read Herald Adva. LEWYT VACUUM MANCHESTER — Eaat Blda, Lata far Sals AI^VER — ONLY 2U300 Low $$. BrunneFa, 880 Eaat Can- Recant Trade-ins for New Hudeone teed work. Phone 3-8933 for free experience or busineae training breeds, one very nice Boxer, fe ­ 5144. acraans and stora N^irindawa; 71 tag on a poreh or awtounlag, I k s n p oit aS i tka «Mee* « 8- 1847 BUICK 4-Door Sedan, radio 1941 Plymouth 4-Dr. — Unbeliev­ male. Zimmerman’s Kennels, 225 O ff waathar-strippad doom. AU d ty duplex 6 and 4 rooms, terga tar atraat Open 'til 0 every ava' ably clean. aetimatee. requisite. Attractive salary and attic, lot 108 X 180, lacooM m DESntARUD Roma aiten half Open For Inspoetion ■pjMarad f“ *— ' --- ning. Saturday until 8, and heater, very clean. (Ona Lake street. 6287. WANTBSD—d or 4 room unfumteh- utmUaa BuUt 1601. Lot 60 XJ65 ad rasart a dfly ag^'Owx 1841 Studc''aker 4-Dr. GREAT EASTERN (Tonatructlon insurance beneBta; air-condition tiM best Investment In tbe werM—• borne, a farm, ■ bit Several Other Items p4r month. Menehastar—Raaeh sera up. Bteek toad, alaetrtetty, Sunday, t to 6 P . M . Hollywood Balks ownar). office. Apply in person at, Aldon od npartmont Working couple. with nlot. grove and apiit rU l tsl^hona, natural ahada. Mgh te- later ntaNd tha fad*r EH l » 1880 OLDBMOBILB “88” deliua 1848 Dodge Coupe, radio and heat­ 1880 Dodge Panel: Co., 24 Oak street Home remodel­ No ehUdren or pote. CaU 7888. fence. Immediate occupancy.^ homa. thrsa badrodma, tBad tba ptenrt Jupiter. OR8 Spinning Mtlla Corp., Talcottville, o f land la the good old V. S. A.” I An Floor Samples fuU eaUar aad attic, qntet atraat eatten off Rente 0. Norte Ooran- AUTHENTIC 4>dOor. A thoroughly aaeallant er. 8888.00. 1841 Ford Panel. ing epeclaliet*. Rooftng, elding, BE AU TIFU L CMlIle, male dog. Owner transferred. Price $18,800. automobUa. For thla one aaa Bob Conn., or call Manchester B13E six months old. Phona 4822. MOTHER WTTH threo ehUdron, 81,8,000, down payment 86,000. try. IVad MUIar, Oovrtitry T-0000. RED CAPE COD At Censor Plan 1848 FORD 3-Door. Black (Spe­ 1948 Chevrolet—Long wheel base. painting, gutters and leaders, FBANK L. FINNEY Henry Escott Agency, Mnnehes- Oliver, Center Motor Balaa, Main cial). 8888.00. coffiblnailon aluminum storm proopectiva teacher In locU Maaehaater--Slagla, six eom ^te BDCCHANGB Hours for cash. Op' SMOOTH. Fox Terrier puppies, Associate la Farms G- ABC APPLIANCE CO. ter 8688. MANCHESTER — Apartment Niaa arrsral taUttamr nuba asR af Mata street. 1841 PONTIAC Sedan.. (Spaelal). New Arrivals Dally windows, rpeclaliting in L ife­ portunity for (3 ) smart women echool, urgently need at least 4 roonta. flrtplaca, oU hast ga­ TOhyo OW <— Amartcaa movla of our radar.** > ' « pedigreed: Saddler strain. Stud Cvee. Maneheeter SS77 • Phone 2-1676 21 Maple St. rage, combination storm eaah and buUdlag alta. In tea heart af 8388.00. time Alomlnum Weatherboard. to make money in spare time. For R ealtor room apartmant or honsa. CUl n e w i t v e -r o o m downtown, wa have n eotnor hd, y u tlittjr flniilMMia obs ttsOiililMD eompaatea have balked at a plaa Tha eaty prart(xii'pEp(EtWfl,to n w o M ^ r o u Wiy a uaed nar We Bpeeiallae In Square Dealing service. J. Stanley McCray, Rock­ 8804 after 5. doors. Dbwn payment 88,800. te art up a board o f Japanoas and 1848 HUDSON 4-Donr Sedan, radio *‘Wa make your house a home.” Information write Box M, iferald. (M lia) {M A N T Hooaahold Itema. Moving RANCH HOME 108 X 118 f t that would xMko an oa aceead floor. Hot vrator heat S aauaar rtgUttaga - ta IB n n aaa Oormaa Motor Saioo. Bulek and heater, very clean, ville. Phone 5-3038. A Ooventry—Mqtai highway, naw ■ad foreign film rapraaantatlvaa cropped np tel For frea Inapectlon and esUmata < L IL L IA N Q. GRANT • out of atete. For tnfommtlon caU WOUU) LIKE to rent a 8 bedroom ALSO axcaUant rtte fo r an apartaaant oU, domaafle attaehmant Copper Baloo and Sorvteo, 188 Mala I960 HUDSON Commodore 8 Se­ BARLOW MOTOR SAI.ES Phone 8271, evening* 3303. A. V. WANTED—Dental Assistant. Bhc WaltoN ■lx room rameh a t 89,400. For ap- plumblag, tUa bath. Baaatiftd Mnd to caaaor aU foreign motloa pto- of nro aiiflit-i atroot. Phono 8*4871. Opda ovo- dan, radio and heatar.. Full new Ollloe Manager ' 3-8427. home In Maacheater or neurby. LARGE FOUR-ROOM buOdlng, also xonad fo r bualaaM 8 turaa aatertng Jepm. Wapping Conn.—Phone 5404 Lindsay, ownar. perlenc* desired but not neces polntmeat please «aU Howard It and A Thte valaaMa poreal of aarvsd graatto flrapteoa. Lot 100 they aaw'i niaga. ear guarantae. • T Aseoeiate la Salea We are reaponelbUc, aad can gtra CAPE COD Haatingu, 3-1107. Kyodo Navra Aganey anya other Open Bveninga and Sundays sary. Gord opportunity if you Even, Manebeeter 3160 CHESTS—Bode, kitchen sets and tbe beet of references. We only tend ean be purchaaad vary vary X 17A llinito 0, four xtaao aaat o f 1881 HUDSON Pacemakar 4-Door WE SPECIALIZB In roofing and PHONE 3-8381 Roltoa Notch, fliga aa preperty, toraiga eompaalm have tadloatad 1848 OLDSMOBIUC Hydramatte want to work. Write Box Y, Her ; other good uaad furniture. The buatnem here in town. Write Box M ANtaU ESTER—Modem room rsaaonabte. Oontaet CKhnaa and Sedan, radio and haatar. Full 1841 PLYM OLTH. New motor, Biding. HIghaat Quality ma- akt. MALE HELP TtpeelaHalng la Hemea City, Suburban and Fanm—Sinee 1816" - Woodahed, 11 Main atreet 8 they win go rtong and talks wiU Ifnaiika sU-paaatngar club sedan. Tutona new ear guarantee. flood condition. Reasonable. Phone teriala. Workmanship guaran- N, Herald. HALUN BROS. — REALTORS ranch type houaa with m^Uaat Page, Ine., 881 Osntor atraat ha||ta soon wRh1th Bril Oantrai Matetorloifltial groan. Nice, with radio and haat- 1841 Studebaker 3-car Sedan. 2-4878 after 4. taod. A. A. Dion, Ine., 399 Autumn 647 Mnln Street, Hertford, 3-'IS84 — Evenings, Maacheater 8160 heat. L a ^ Uving room, three Manehaater. Phona Manekeetar FIDELITY REALTY CO. Itahan and Ruaataa film eota- tory aald hi ar. Six other aeoaasortaa. Low (Special). 8245.00. WANTED MANCHESTER—Ardmore Roed. bedrooms, bath and kltciian. )ot 3-8188 or 9-80«i. RBAlTORfl — mflURORfl panlaa. U it^ with street '7hona 4860. — Help Wanted—^Male 26 SINVINO Machine, electric. White Bosinofla Property Expandable Cape Cod, flreplaea, down Mymant o f 8433. Balance 1840 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan. ~Motorcyelc»—BicyclM ll rotary. Raaaonablc. CaU 2-8141. 100 X 235. FuUy tendnrapad. Oak- 282 FgnningtoB Avtnao Kyodo said them had baan pro­ tha sky Friday •aay. Brunner's, 338 lUut Cantar (Special). $388.00. FOR OUARANTBED Roofs that WANTED— A-1 mechanic. Steady Apply In Peraon F b r S a le 70 I nice grounds, oU bumar, 812,000. vanient to schoote, bus and a h ^ ANDOVER-Wx nerao on iimn toots from parents on tha ''■vfl n«lrt atreat. Open 'til 8 every evening, Henry Escott Agency. leL 8888. road. lOgh atevntlon, 81,000. Hartford ■ffacta" unesnaorad foreign movtaa AH Pre-War Cara — No Money 1947 HARLEY-DAinDSON 81 O. stay on In any kind o f storm, and work under line working condi­ Harry Forman, Supt. a r PHILOC T.V. eat, pracUcally ' ping centera Inunodtete occupan­ rtudont, aaw tt, too.’ „ Saturday ‘tU 8. Down. H. V. Excellent condition. Mint guitars, conductors and roof rs- MANCHESTER—Drive-hi Reatna- cy. exu 3-1408. Ooventry T-7907 after 0:80. T«I«|2ion* 46-7248 warn having aa chUdran. I t added It vraa Uuteb-wlrtto bad tions. Apply In person. Boland ~ new. Five piece chronm breakfast rant.Yoe aUe. Do not oonfuse tl IE BUIUHNO Lot AU uUU- Terma On Poet-War Cara To Suit aell. Beat offer. Rockville 8-8161. palra. Call Osughlln 7707. Motors, 368 Canter street. sat; Ropar apartment ske'" gaa Mr. McBrld*, Maaehaster 4816 that unesnaorad Amarteah flteu balvaa b« ') I 1848 CHEVROLET 3-Ton Truck, F O R S A L E opportunity with a ebaap hot d _ FIRST TIM E ON M ARKET SOUTH MAIN Streat—Two tone- ear HoUteter sehooL CXU wUI eoatlnua to ha dtetrlbuted ta Another vritnaaa" aald Tour Budget. ] range; Serval gae rafrigemtor Agent . flood cotulUion, good tiroa. W rit­ 1848 COLUMBIA boy's bicycle. W ANTED — Man to work as LYDALLI FOULDS (both about one year old). Mov- atend. This te a modam buUdIng meqt 5-6. Furnace heat Vary 7300 Japan. oraaga-whlte. ten guarantee. 8888. Eaay tarma. McCLURE AUTO COMPANY "H oerS*" TO 4 with modem cquipawnt, situated 373 Main St.. Manchester, Conn. Equipped with horn and light mechanlr'a helper, and to help in ApcNtfiMHf Sil* 4>lMnwr G cm Stov*, ov* r and 1 1ng, must aell. Inquire A p ^ m an t Four Rooms, two unfinished, large lo t Price 818,000. Ona tena- WflRtad—Ro*l Batata 77 Dr. HIdae Himao a f tta. Calae Sarvleantar, 4184. flood condition. Phona 3-0564. 'ROOFINO—Spactallaing In rspalr service station. Van's Service Sta­ la a spot where it eajo^ a won­ mant owner ooeuplad. CXU 8830. Advartiatag to nawapapCra to* Aatronomteal Obaarvatary Tel. 3-8443 FAFER GO. a S3, 781 Main atreet after 8 p. m. derful burtneai from the Cheney hot water oil heat, flrepla(», Raaart Propsrty For Sab 74tW A N TB D t o Buy-magte or s- eraaaad 8.0 par cant In 1880 over ing roofs o f all kinds. Alao nsw tion eiyd Garage, 427 Hartford broHor Incliidad, proeticaNy m w . A cu. ft. Frl^ido ■as It But ha aau It mxbI PACKARDS 1848-47-48-48-SO with 1848 CHEVROLET Stylellna de- GIRL'S Weatem Flyer, full siae Parker Street MUla and Plonaar Parachute Fae- combination atom windows FIVE-ROOM colonial, five yaam 1848 ta 68 large U. & rttlaa and without, ultramattc drive. roofs. Gutter work, Chimneys Road. '''“ mplete line o f Children’s LAKRFRONT crttego at Aadevxr ^ ***^ hixa 4-door. Radio, haatar. Color bicycle, flood condition, 830. cleaned, rapalrad. 36. years' *X' tory and also a good tranclent and screens, nicely land­ old. Oarage, large lot Private Laka, one a f Oonnacticut'a flaaat .. ^ x y r y value at uncommonly low maroon. In nice condition. Eaay Phone 3-0833, or 13 Harvard oirt Elacfrie Rafri^orofor, SMlfobla for horn*, cot­ Iture, Cribs, Mattresses, trade. Orom buainees now 81,000 scaped. Very clean through­ owner. Inquire 190 Oak etraat prices. Moat with radio, all with perlencs. Frs* estimates. CMli Only thraa yaara old aad ooi terms. Douglas Motors. 333 Main. Road. Howlsy. Manchester 5361. Pens, High Chairs, Car- per week. By putting in hot out.. Five yean old. Near pletrty funrtahod Spaad tho ix rt aeatera. AU ntodals and colon, tage or stwro proporty. Friced roosoiiobly. 8, Walkers, etc. Complete lunchea, butlaeM could be increas­ PORTER STREET Soctloh—Sve- Choica lata inbtada. Prieaa start BOY'S FIVE Star super Colum Verplanck School and bus room enpe Ood, eU hot water o f tho auauaar thorn tor It eaa bo 1849 BUICK super convertible. Ex. shings for the entire ed practlrUly double. Situated oa purehaaod tor aa Itttte aa 83,000 at 8238 down. Ltbaral tanna. oellent condition. New top and bla bicycle. Fully equipped. Prac Reutlnv—Plunbinir IT two, hundred-foot leased lots of lines. 30-day occupancy. heat 38’ living room, amesite tically naw. Phone 3-3343. TYPIST-CLERK |iomo. Appliances and TV. drive, garage 18 x 36, plus huge down. OaU tha RUaworth Mlttea Brunnar'a 388 Bast Center atraat. vary good tlraa. Inquire 30 Fulton CALL 2-2175 tend arlth option to buy for tea Agaaey, Raaltor, 0030. Open 'tU 8 ovary evening, Satur­ Road anytime. C. O. LORBNTZBN. Alterations, years. Land rent vety reasonable. lot 78 X 30t Ona of the hotter 1848 HARLBY-DAVIDSON motor copper water piping New work. Girl wanted for payroll and general office work days until 8. Onild aell one lot at: a handsome housae. SchwarU Real Estate. OLD ORCHARD Raaeh, MXIm a l cycle, model 138. Very good con' C A LL 8620 8374. AVAIL B E—A few '53 Kaiaera 34-hour aarvlca. Manchester 8636. in small textile office. Office experience or business ' c h a m b e r s FURNITURE proOt or malnteln and purchase F ive room oottegs, aU oonvan- 1848 MERCURY «-door. Dark blue. with the new, aaneatlonal O. M. ditlon. Phone 3-3624. Radio, haatar, spotlight and six E FFIC IE N T PtumUng and heat­ training requisite. Attractive salary and insurance for own use. Owner forced to #eU G LA S T O N B U R Y -A -A Zona, tend tencaa, alaapa aM >t tergo Dual Range Hydramatte . that <' At Tha'Green FIVE ROOM ranch type. Fireplace ■erssnad porte. Thraa mUmtoa othar ateeaaories. Now only 8333 gives exceptional gas mllaage. ing. Plugged drains machine beneflts; air-conditioned office. f • business because of Ulaeae. and foundation, d ty water b»* Wanted Autos— I Chance tor the right party to buy ta Uvtag room aad baxocaent TUe walk to haaak. Aiigurt 0 tlirougk dovm. Balanca eaay. Brunnar'a, Safety front Mat, Pop-Out wind- cleaned. Phone 6487. bath, hot water oU heat Younga- ■tolled, graded. 380 f t p o Maa- 338 Eaat Canter atraet. Open 'tU Motorcyckg 12 I Open 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. a very proflteble busineae. You'll dieater Road ovarlooMag Hart­ 16th., 885. floptembor | 10 a rm . ahtald, tnstrumant panal cluatar. Apply In Person A t: be glad if you look into thia an- town kltcbea, fuU insulation aad Phone 3-8708 neona. 8 every evenuig, Saturday untfjl 8. crash dash board. "Maks safety a PLUMBING and hsaUng, speclal- ford. CaU Maacheater 8-4888. HIGH $ FOR lalng In repsira; reaodaling, cop­ ! Eiveninga 7:30 to 8:30 terpriae. Oilman aad Png*. Ine.. pterterod walls, copper phimbiag, factor" Buy Kaiser. Town Motore, ‘ OPEN FOR INSPECTION 381 Center atreet, Mandisster. laundry tmy. Lot 90 x 180. a ty ATTR AC TIVE THREE bedroom OOVRNTRT-Aadovar and Boitan. 1981 CHEVROLET Btylelina de* Ine., 43 Weet Center street. Tel. per water piplag. new eoaetrue- water and sewaraga. September luxe, tudor sedan, radio, haatar, ' tlon. Tima paymenta' arrauiged. ■OOMBlNA'nGN Stove, dining Telephones 3-1183 or 3-3038. raaeb with terga Hvtng room dim- SatecUan o f akors front ooCtogaa. take yourpaper on your 8887. "Tour Kaiser— Henry J. YOUR CAR AMol SpiRwlRg Mills Corporatiow *1 room chairs; atudlo ooueh, china 1 oecopaacy. For further dataUa lag comhlaatUm Modem kitchen, Raaaonably prtaad and down-pay­ alee condition throughout See DM ler." EdwarC Johnson. Phona 6978 or caU 8630 Honeet Doug., Douglas Motors, 8044. ' cloaet, buffet, two ruga, and table, colored tile bath. Outstanding hot ment A im otesra near baaek, |1,- TALCOTTVILLE, CONN. : floor temp and dUhaa. OeU 8388. Fama and Land for Sale 71 BOO and up. John fl. BteaaU, Ckooa 838 Main street. I860 Ford Tudor V-8—Lika brand water beating ayetem. Attaehad ■ CASH WAITING HEATING From A to Z. Con­ MANCHESTER—18 LUao street garage. Approximately $4,000 rm ■treat South Ooventry, Oovantiy naw. OR CALL MANCHESTER 5128 PREFAB JMAOIC CHEF, and QuaUty gas EASTERN Connecticut — Excep­ An older home o f five rooma juat 7-6888. 1880 CHEVROLET Stylellna de­ version burners, boller-bumar tional buys dairy and pou lt^ qutred to sMuma 4% mortgagu luxe Onh Coupe. Radio, heatar. 1960 Cbevrolet Tudor—A real nica unlU, complata hasting syatams. i rangea, white teble tope, 888 aad a fow steps off Oeatar atraet Phona 8000. Warren Howland Beautiful black finish. In excel­ car. All Model* 1946-’62 • 880. Phona 8888. farms, up to 400 acreo, with or FuUy remodeled complete Uving All work guaranteed. Time pay­ without etock aad equipment. Realty. lent condition. Hurry. Douglas menta arranged. Moriarty'Broth- LAKE AND SHORE COHAGE room with fireplace, dining room 1880 Plymouth 4-Dr. — A very Welles Agency, Coventry. TeL 7- aad kltcbea on first floor. Two 'It's S*w-S!mplo. Smart Motors, 333 Main street clean automobile. erx TeL 8138. TOWN MOTORS Madtfaefy sad Taob 52 6872. bedrooms on aocond floor. Hard­ 1948 FORD Super deluxe 4-door. Toull Never Buy A Dud FAST, EFFICIENT SERVICE on wood floota, new heating unit, Bright Buttarfly Slippar Black. Very apeclal. Down 1368. If You Buy A Car From Bud 45 West CenteP Street alteration, jobbing and new work. BOX MOUNTAIN DISPERSAL XTSED r e x Power mixer, I H C fuU basement. aU new copper Balance easy. Brunnar'a, 338 Eaat Permaglaas Gas, Btectrle Hot ANDOVER LAKE Ho tor Sal* 72 plumbing, fuUy Ineuteted, new 1948 O evrolet 4-Dr.—Jet black. { heavy crop hayloader, naw power- Center aireet. Open Rll 9 every A beautiful automobile. • Telephone 8657 Water Heaters aoM and installed * Stapkaa C. F. Rosa, Ownar ON s u n s e t l a n e lU ft bog harroara, bate wtre, ee- roof and new aidlag. Now vacant. evening, Saturdays until 5. at reasonable rates. Hme pay-1 j meat mlxem, garden trartom Avnitetrie tor Immediate occupan­ 1947 Plymouth 4-Dr.—Priced to Rnrincss Services Offered IS manta arranged. A ll work LAKE STREET — MANCHESTER Just A Short Way Beyond The New School I DttMla Ttaeter Cb.. North Wlad- LAKE COTTAGE cy. Comptete for only 810,800. SCHOOL BUSES — Used Ford. ■ell. guaranteed. Skellcy Brothers, Oilman aad Page. Inc., SSI Cen­ DOORS OPENED, keya lUad. ' haaa Rood, WlUlmaatlc S-S317. New and clean, tour rooms and Chevrolet, Dodge, Studebaker, 1847 Bulek 4-Dr.—Fully equipped. 1 Walnut Street, Maneheeter ter street Manehaater 3-8183 - DIamond-T —tMK) and up. Alao A real Iwrgain at 1888. copisd. vacuum claanare. Iroua, 3-8714. 1:30 P. M, — Monday, August 4 bath, picture window, artestea weU 3-8088, now units 84.400 and up. Call 2- guna, etc., rapalred. Shaare, OPEN SATURDAY, AU8UST 2 water, large lot, flntehod in knotty 3887. 1847 Chevrolet Fleetline Aero.— knivaa, mowara, ate. put Into oon- PLUM BING and heating. Fum- 21 HaoMl of Ragiftarad Hohtains \ WsBtdll—To Bay 52 CUSTOM BUILT atvea room ala- One owner. Immaculate. acca oil bumera and boilers. Earl pin*. Property priced ertth easy dlttoa fbr coming neodo. Bratth* terms. gle. Four bedrooms, large Uving 1847 CHEVROLET Club Coupe, wait*. 63 Pearl atroet. Van Camp. Tel. 2-8844. 1 Pnra Irnd Ayrshlra DAILY THROUDH SATURDAY, AUGUST 9 W AN Ta>-«^ ftmltum l it - room with fireplace, Ainiwy room, black. Excellent condition 1840-Ford 4-Dr. Super Deluxe—A rare price. Jiag raoat bodroom, kitchen or recaption haU, caUaet kitchen. throughout Seo Bob Oliver to­ CARPENTER will frama unSalah- 10 Grodas, soom frasK— 9 diia la Saptambar and loatira honaoholda. Let na make ARTHUR A. KN O FLA oU ateam, extra large wtU-land- day. Center Motor Sales, 481 See Bud Michalak ad upataira rooma lUaaoaabI*. Oefobtr. Yonag ftogk out of ortmclai braail- •y m aa adtar. The Woodahed. 878 Main S t^ E rt. 1831 aeapod lo t Ideal Ibcatlea, Priced Main street 'The Working Men's Friend" can .-4381. 'n o n a f - m k Phena Office 8440 right tor Immediate sate. E. F. YOUR log, D. H. I. A. A aumbar of cowf ovar 400 lbs. VoaEckar, 809 Keeney atraet 1848 CHEVROLET 3-4 panel. A t The ANTIQUES Reflmabed Repairing battar fat. 2X. BUILT RITE Evenings 3-8888 or 3-4378 Good condition. Price 3380. Pri­ .don* on any furniture, 'nemalm, CALSO STATION Rnnam WKlmat Board 59 MANCHESTER-^New 8 bedroom vately owned. Call 2-9533. 189 South Main atresL Phone VACATION T. a. LANGDELL W. A. BAKER ranch house. A ay young mother HARTFORD ROAD 8648. 1938 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. A W ILTON. N. H. EXETER. N. H. F‘T TH E CENTER, eteaa, eom- MANCHESTER—CXpe Ood, throe would love thte step saving ona USED CARS AUCTIONEER years eld. Shed dormer. Hot good C lean car. Written guaran­ PEDIGREE CONSTRUCTION CO. ifortable room, in q ^ et home, 30 story ranch home. Recently fea­ WINDOW SHADES mada to ordar SP.OT water-on heat, rotigh heating aad tured la Hoxm Guides magastno. tee. Buy It on your own terms. 1849 CAD ILLAC four-door sedan and tnatalled. Vcnatlan blinds 37 MARBLE ST„ M ANCHE^R—TEL. 2-8727 'Wadsworth stroat. Celso Scrvicenter, 4164. plumblag to second floor, brick Designed by Mr. Totk, naUonally ''62.'' Radio, heater, hydramatic. and curtain rods. 34 hour aarrto*. front, gamgo. lot 70 x 182. Im- This te e. one owner epeciel that Eatlmntaa gladly given. Fagan HOME TELEPHOI^ 2-0059 T T R A C n V B Room for couple. famous tor his eontemporary type 1848 UNCO.I.N Custom 4-door. •Complete light houaekeepiag fa- medtet* occupancy. Price $13,800. o f arehUacturs. FuU basement la just like brand new. See Bob Window Shade CB., Route 44 at Beautiful Henry Escott Agency. Tel. 8888. Very choice car, Black. Over­ Oliver. Center Motor Sale*. 481 Bolton Notch. Phone 3-4473. lOUiUea avaUabla. Central loca- ptertered walls, hot water heat drive. Radio, electric antenna. TEN-DAY DELIVERY AND ERECTION |tion. Mrs. Joroma, 14 Arch atraet, fireplace, plenty of overhang; aU Main atreet ' AUTUMN Street-Two-etory j4g Thtii’t MlliiRf mtrt wilMRit thai M«t fm hmm, Hydraulic windows. Heater. Only REFRIOERkTION Service, com- ASHFORD READY FOR OCCUPANCY , •flrat floor. city utUlUea. handy to schoote aad dinvn. Biggest bargain in room coiontel, flieplace, hot water trmasportatioa. This home la LLOYD N. HEVENOR merelal and domaette, Sae our GIRL OR IfK X RCCM for two p#(^*, near heat, til# hath, axtm Imga loL town. Brunner'#, 338 Eaat Cen- display «M guarantaad 'ia-to-niaka and aapoeially gny Yaaatioa addrats! Kaap ia taaab 1880 Studebaker Champion 4-Door 1841 DODGE.' 12 ft. rack body A . Cue Shore Let No. SF S0x8N on West ahore. ^TTYtACnVE Fumtehed front heat 14 X 33 f t Uving room, din­ chsrt. bish rentoved. Phone 3-2381 or Pedroem with twin beds. Couple flnlabed, upataira iraflaiahed. with a butterfly parched on each Sedan, radio and heater, over truck. 1933 Ford pickup. Very Knowledge of stenography and a. Two Shore Loto No. IIF aad ItP 86x380 oa West ahore. ing combinatioa. Handy to schoote Three yean old. Excellent condi­ Pattern NO. 8796 te a saw-rite reasonable. Keeney's Oarage, 2-8583. preferred. Ught bouaekeeping fa- instep. The coUaga girl wUl love perforated pattern in alaaa 13, 14. wHh tha haawfalki, whariYar paa m p htl drive. (Tw o to choose from ). ASHFORD typing essential. Paid vacation. C. Two Shore Lota No. IS F aad 14F 88x388 ea West ahore. aad traneportation. Fine neigh­ tion. Over 100’ frontage. One car n pate for her luonglng wardrobe. 1848 Studebaker Champion Star­ Buckland. ^ D. FIve.Lots 88x380 om Lake Bond. ^ t t e s avaUable. Inqpdra 187 borhood value complete tor only 16, 18. 30; 60, 43. Slaa 16. 4 yards LINOLEUM lUuJuuita 80e aqunr* Hospitalization, etc. Good hours, Mapte street garage, aU d ty uUUtiea aad Pattern No. 5384 contalna pat­ o f ao-tneh. light Coupe, radio and heater. yard. Axphalt tUa, arall covaringt E. 17 Lots 88x3*8 on West Street 81SA00. Oood mortgM;* available. extraa by tha dosen. A godo buy tern sisaa. matartel roqutemante, 1948 Studebaker Champion 2-Doo'r nice working conditions. F. Aboat 48 Acres ef Land, part of Valley Farm, aa For thte pattern, aand 30e la 1848 BUICK 4-door. Excellent con­ Don* by reliable, well-trained SO Westfield atreet Drive out at 311.8C0. 88,000 down. CaU tha ■swing and fintehing dtractlons. eolaa, your name, addrsas, atea da- Sedan, radio and heater, over­ LAKE, Inc. West Street Woodbrtdgo to Mather-take flrat drive. dition. Dynaaow. $1088. Tel. 8364. men. AU jobs guaranteed. HaU Year laspeetloa aad bids are invited. For further iaforma- laieworth Mitten Agency, Real- Sand 26e in CXIINS, your namt, ■teed, aad Ute pattern niufibar te Ltnolaum Cto., 56 OUttage etreat. i Aparti le ft to houaa. 4 t Interested oall tore. 0880. address and tba PATTERN NTAI- 1947 Studebaker CSiampiOn Co)ipe, ARTHUR A. KNOFLA ttoa or appoiutmeut to Inspect these properties, er amps ebewlag t s Sue Buroati; Tha Manehaater Eva- heater and over-drive. 1938 iCHEVROLEtT 4-door sedan. Phone 3-4033, evenings 6166 ar leeaHea, eeauaaaieate with: OUmaa and Page, Ihe., 851 Oea- BER to ANNE CABOT yMancbaa- niag Hamid, 1180 Ava. Amaiiaaa; Blue. Good condition. Very rea­ 8108. ' Salas Agent ter street Maneheeter. Phone MANCHESTER—A mel good buy. ter Evening Herald), 1180 Ava. Naw York 86,^ N. T . 1941 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan. Manchester, Conn.* APPLY a p a r t m e n t FCR R ent Modem, Six room CXpe Cbd. Bathroom Studebaker Salea and Service sonable. Tel. 7774. EPSON P. HERRICK, Boltoa— TeL Maacheater 7574 Manchester 3-3188 or 3-S0S8. Amartcaa, New York 88, N. Y. Randy tor you now—Baate F u b - COMPLETE Repairs by Stuart R. T il. Maneheeter 8440. 3-8838 l^ t m B y located. 4% rooms. down, tevatoiy upataira.. Fire­ Anna Osbot'a New Album of lon tor ’l l , FaU aad Wriator. Thla jKmtrIrrBirr ^u fu ing CHORCIOU MOTOR SALES Beat hot water, olaetrle atova SIX ROOMS, South Coventry. •( C I- SO Oakland S t Phone.3-8483 1947 CHEVROLET Stylamaater W olcott on eraahiag nuchlnea, 5 NEW COTTAGES . PERCY a COOK. Andover—Tel. Coventry 7-6736 place, oil heat one car garage. Needlework te chock-duU of grand new isMM te fUted with Idau fo r club ^ou|ie. Radio, heater. In nice vacuum cleaners, motors, aaaaU ^anrl^rstFr SaFttltu; IfrraUt had raMgergtor. Oaragt. Adult Newly rodecomted. Artestea weU, Screened patio. Near naw school UNDKR or JOHff H. YEOMANS, Andover— T6L Coventry 7-7279 designs, plus axeiUng faaturaa and ■mart, practical sawing fo r a naw condition. Original black 8ntsh. appUancs*. Pick , up and dallvery. Oouple only, 875. W rite Bon D, coraar lo t beach privileges, |8.- and buadlna. Frances K. Wagner, a g ift pattern printed In tha book. ■ laatai; g ift ^ t e m printed laatda 1938 FORD with 1841 motor, 838. See Honest Doug, Douglas A-1 repair. Balaa 180 Mala CONSTRUCTION 400. OaU Mancheater 3-8828. itealtor. Phone 3-003E 38 cante. tha beak. Me. Phoaj^ 2-0688. ^Motors, 333 Main. Phona 8897. .. THi ANDOVIR LAKICQRP. - ANDOVIR, CONN. SATURDAY, AUGUST f, 1981 Tim WaotkiT PAGE TWELVE iKatul|(Btor F o m in s If^roUi sf u. a. w< B ea tta ra d tto summer season, with Its sudden I warm, vary kumld tonight, and violsnt thunderstorms, Is thej Three Days Work in One Are Repairing About Town period of the greatest danger from E H l R E P P i R a n sndiBg Tnaaday, M a m A h y lightning,. I etoartng, leaa hnmM. H eard AUtt^Main Street Lightnliig takes approximately I Local Qtadel MancheUer^A Cify of Viilage Chmrm AndltMT PdUc* wlU BiMt -for 300 lives a year In the United | ^ f.' besA ell pracUca at Mt. Nabo And on Some o f Manche$ter^$ Side Streets, Too States, statlatldsns of ths Metro­ > nicht at 7 o'clock. politan U fa Insurance Company I Salvation Army to Hold Aivertisfaig an MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1958 (TWELVS PAGES) PRICE FIVB C E N ^ point" out, adding that many of | i: umiT TOL. LXXL NO. MO 13) ▲ dauciitar was bom to Mr. and Tha Intallaotnal ftlon .’* This Is where you floor these Uvea could have been saved I Rededication Service lUlHIlE sera. JaaMs Dowds of 306 Cantor It was pointed out bjr an ac­ them. If tha .victima had sought safe| atrast at tlia at. rranda Hoapl- quaintance tha other day, that You comb your mind for some shelter. Week End o f Oct. 4-5 MO * m e f f k t i f f g i tal nmrsday. mort of us are missing a clMca filler or squib with a foreign flavor One of the moet dangerous I to further our general knowledge and then recall you'd seen one on places during a storm Is under a I i, ^ . mtanaive repairs are now In HAwEVn Reds Claim got. Charlaa L. rairell of Cov- whan wa read Just tha main page 11 o f yesterday's Herald. tree—especially an Isolatad One. I progress st the Balvation Army 5 satiy waa amonc 13 Connoctlcut stories (local and national) in "In my opinion.” you begin and About oiM fourth o f all tha deaths | Citadel, and It la hoped the Im­ nkan wbo anivad at Naw York occur among pEr- Buses Hit Head On, let your steely gase roam around from llshtning (raaa Buropo on tha troop ship, tha newspaper'. provements will be completed by Farmers Want State Wa figured, as perhaps you do, the'guests dmltlng for each word MHE wnorho seekEEEk ShEltET UUMF OT | First Place Oaaaral Dwljjr, today at 9:16 a. m. as If It were a precious gem. "In near trees. After striking a tree, the first Bunday la October, when that If one reads page one, the a rededlcatlon servlca will be held top local stories on succeeding my opinion, the first pure hlckle the bolt may flash sideways or It I Dauabtars ware bom to Mr. and pages and tha advertiaments, that coin ever laaued waa a 30-centlme may run along -the ground and | on the week end ef Oct. 4 sad 6. ICrBraiartas J. Marrltt of • 366 ilsce minted In 1831 by Bwltaer- kill anyone In Its path. Distinguished officers of the A tH elsin k i we've done a good Job or looking Army who jriU be present on that O T > • Nortk Mala straat and to Mr. and through the paper. But have we? and. And furthermore (now you Tha actlvlMea In which tha light- I 1 Mrs. Itobdrt MUlkowski of 33 Cot' dig deep Into that photogibphicl nlng victims were engaged when occasion will be Qnnmiaaloner and DR., W. JOHN FIELD Perish in Fire We’re not fr o p Missouri . , 28 tags straat at tha Hartford Hoa- memory of yours and remember they were struck Indicate where Mrs. Donald McMillan, command­ By TED B3HTC mther from old New England, but ing officers o f the Balvation Army OSTEOPATHIC ft t u Wadnasday. we were willing to loam. And the dosana upon dosens of fillers the greatest danger Has. A few of Hslsinki, Finland, Aug, 4 B a c k iv a in these were; lunching In a wooded in tha 11 Eastern Btatea. Older ISam we did. you've read In the past few weeks; PHYSICIAN —A/Pi—Russia today claimed Haeaatly reporting at t|ia float the metal known as tungsten In area, playing baseball In an open . resldanta will recall that Mrs. Mc­ tralnlag eanw, Norfolk, Va., for Priend pointed out that, stpilbs field. ‘ fishing In boats on open feCgs!;' Millan was the former Harriet an overall victory in the or fillers, used to plug the smaH the United Btatea la called wolfram WILL RESUME CoJorTnl Royalty a eouras « t lastructlon In damage In many other nations.” water, working In fields, herding Blackman, who graduated fronT Olympic games . with 494 Ooatrol waa Laa f . CkMMlall, ma> gaps on a newspaper bags, are a Tha dinner guests alt back, cattle, and similar activities; oper­ Manchester High school while her Texas ToU points against 490.25 for the PRACTICE d d a isf a m ats firaman, U8N, son wonderful source of leamlng. It atartldd at your complete control ating tractors In open fields. parents. Adjutant.and Mrs. Sam­ American Youth Speaki at Finnish Rally af Mr. and Mra. DarorOst H. Oood- opens up a vast new field and uel Blackman were officers of the United States. Of the situstkm and general world Others were gathering the fam- Apparently toe Russians decid­ Speedy Aid Claim Plati Ml o f 43 Bdward straat. Ooodall fills our minds with thousands of attached Manchester Corps, 1306-1903. ON MONDAY, knowledge, But jrou don't stop I lly wash from mothasllne Expected to ed a first place waa worth only aatarad Uia naval service in Jan- off-beat bits of Information. But there. to trees, standing on a porch or In The Improvements, estimated to nary. IM I and la now assigned to first a brief word about ftllera cost $10,000 will Include new oak AUGUST 4 seven points instead of toe 10 America’s first club woman a doorway, and swimming. points awarded by toe standard duty aboard tha high speed trans­ ThEy fttw tht inEU itorlM of was Anne Hutchinson who organ Lightning la a danger both day doors at the Main street entrance In Drought Will Benefit from one to several sentences long, and new inner doors. H m build­ scoring method used on all Olym­ port xnw Moms. ^ . laed groups of women for secular and night, but the largest num­ R ise to 3 3 pic games ainee 1930. with or without a headline, and and theologleal discussions ber of fatal Injuries occurs In thY ing will be painted throughout usually undated. The newspaper and naw electroliers Installed. A A atatement iatuad by N. Ro­ The feweet take place manov, leader of the Soviet Olym­ subsertbea to a special service that York City on Aug. 33. 1836. by tile floor will be laid In the main Areas Seen ‘ E veryon e’ supplies these. Thoee rsqulrlng haU. The celling will be sound­ Waco, Tex., Aug. 4 - < f f V - pic team, said tha Russian ecora the chef of a rich, visiting Chi-1 Ughtnlng deaths among men would have been 'bettor If toe headllnfs are passed on to report' nese. It was unknown In China, at and boys are four times . as frS' proofed. Two Greyhoundd busesDU col­ ers who dream up labels and two- New altars and a new frontal lided head-on today, erupted Judging had been more "objec­ By THE ASBOOIATED PEBBB THE OFFICE OF tha time . , . Umbrellas should be quant as among females, reflecting NOTICE tive.” Hartford, Aug. 4——As line heads that try to tell the [Ivan an occasional cleansing to greater exposure, screen on the platform and new in flamea, and became funeral Ths Agriculturs Dspart- <;hs Connscticut River Vsllfiy pews will be Installed. Funds for Ne ExpleweHea story. This work by the reporter teep them In good condition . . . Mortality from lightning shows pyres for at least 28. persons. ment today (Mdled a lO-atats Muiti-miilion dollar tobicto DR. JOSEPH MASSARO la usually done after he has com­ The modem ceremonial custom of a definite gebgraphle pattern, t^ pews and other equipment have Under the standard scoring pleted hla regular chores. presenting' keys to the city statisticians pointed out. The high- been donated as memorials to sol­ DR. J. A. SEGAL Thwtoll may go to 38. method, the United States wee conference to plan quick crop WM again hit by sat- Tha big vtolclaa smashed to­ Borne newspapers call this type originated In tha Middle Ages when est death rates are In the moun- ■ diers o f the corps now deceased. tola .ysar'a Olympic team victor disaster loans to farmers hit backa from which it eannat ...j/ • ^ gether seven miles south of here WILL BE-CLOSED o f filler a squib, oUmrs refer to It dtlM were walled . . , ’Ihe crawl | tain states and the southern states If any such families have been with 614 points against 868H for p u t before dawn. by a sevsre drought. Dillard rseover, farmara today da- as bunk or bunkum. Boms call stretching from Bouth Carolina overlooked, their contributtona IS HAVING Russia. This la baaed on 10, 8, A death count waa difficult be­ B. Lasseter, adminiatrator of mandad that tha atata apon- FROM AUGUST 1 it bogus. And several of the New known prior to 1900. except In the I to Arkansas. The lowest rates are would be moist gratefully received. 4, 3, 3, and 1-point awarda for the York area dalllaa term It horse Bouth Pacific . . , Popcorn pops I in the Pactflo Coast states and cause many bodies were ao badly first six placamenta In all events the Fanners Home Admini­ aor rain-making programa in REGULAR OFFICE burned they feU to pieces. Funeral for which gold medals era award­ stration. said the conference TO AUGUST 18 copy. 'TIm more dignified and staid because It has a hard casing that the Northeast. Rhode Islar^ wIM futura "beieauaa avarybody papers refer to it as undated holds back pressure” . . . la population of well over 700,000, homes which had reported 84 ed. will ^ held in Atlanta Aug. 6 wnafits." r mslsrUU. You go on and on, dropping each has not suffered a single fatality BALCH is Your HOURS AS USUAL bodies st 10 s. m. revised toe The Russian atatemant made no e clearing weatlwr keaugh8'a total down to 38 two hours later. ami 7. While we have a UtUe dignity bit of knowledge as If It were In a decade and a half. explanation o f how the Soviets DliaaUr loans are made only in orary halt to tha aetlvlUM af left, let's look over some of this something you treasured yet had ------Many senricemsn returning to got their point totaf, but papers rainmaker hired by vtfagr their bases from week end leaves states and counties daalgnated as. undated materlall Here are some to share with the world. You look 1 Kltekey-Hoo Heps Herald Photo In Moscow today publiahed a point disaster areas by the^griculture farmers In aa effort to save mil- Ware smtmg tha dead and Injuredt examples which, If read and re­ up for approval and for some I if you have aver tried to banter Complete tissue diagnoses can>1^ ■yatem giving seven points for Department. Fanners who have Ilona of dollars worth of tobaooo Is Mias Barbara Clariegllo, path­ Twenty-four passengers were tained, will offer the oi strange reason the room la empty, your way out of a speeding sum- now be made In 34 hours instead o f first place instead of 10. Bcoring suffered subatantlal loaees, and crops endangered by the pcahHgad Blowly you gase at the emptying,,,,' you may have gotten the ologist laboratory technician, who brought to Waco hospitals, many for toe other placings waa the drought for jrou to become the life o f the the three days It took before M w - prepares the tissues, after they who cannot obtain • adaquate psirty, next time you’re out. If they chairs, the napkins hastily thrown 1 impression policemen have no criUcsIly hurt. Five of the 67 pas­ aama aa tha standard ayatam. credit from any otoer source to Na flObiS' ' on the Ublo by the departing aensa of humor. Regular Heard chestcr Memorial Hospital pur­ have been molded in paraffin In sengers were miming. let you out again . , . after this. the Autotachnlcon, for the next Dispatches from Moscow aald continue their operatlona, are eligi­ Enill HaiuriUi. 0) 0 ) 1 ^ t fin d Exit osnple was mslAng- n tour of Oreenland, world’s largest Island, which "We feel that If the eSme i^ rit of fHjWdly aegwratlw warn sPfJM conUttued today, tig "What was that question down from yoUr full height aiu) Pictured with the .Autotachnlcon paraffin operation. Romanov's statement,, issued to day for an end to toe relentless "It waa horrible, people were la a Danish colony. drought which has them on toe to werid affairs, there would he aa e*d ta the kflHaf la Koraa aad ta satd.ltUMre again?” You fight for time to col- quickly withdraw from an Imier ■ ' " 1' ' I'S — ..... ' ■ ' ' — ths Fimtlsh press, read In part: leot your scramMed thoughts. "Ah, screaming and knocking each brink of economic disaster. the threat of atomie war.” (AP WlrepheW vU rafts fraai HeMahL) warraat; wckat today's copy of tha paper. discover nature and enjoy a other down trying to get out," "W a are proud that we won first UtUe rain baa fallen In either Tha first i yes. You want to know my opinion Vorking against time you huijrned- At this point the victim stopped ,tance that la extracted from the o f the current Intematfbnal sltua- and respectfully inquired of a eyelashes of honey bees. And lU change from weirkaday worriee. Mrs. Dora Daniels. 47, Waco, said place in the Olympic games in that region during toe past two months. ly fold the naw m per until More and more concerns em­ wa accumolatod 434 points. Thera • W i ytm wilt *til to- takes the khape o f a play-soldlar pi policeman standing nearby wlwther not penicillin or any of the sulplm from a. honital ' bed. “They Ught aboweni over soma areas yes. ■ ■'i:| IU\e lock-up In the basement was drugs. In fact, tms new aid to ploying hundreds and. thousands of eouldn’t find tha agit door.” Bus Fares Boost its no doubt that the Boviet Russian terday did UtUe more than damp­ m ertm to wrlto lioMd hat. Utls you clamp on your head workers are shutting 'down their sportsmen would have accumu­ ■imand rawnuvsilently marchn »rcn V>'■» Ihe uuurdoor. i Occupied by any guesU. He found meAclne la rather outlandish w d Babyktnd Exploding fuel tanka sounded en the topsoil. Powell tfrges Aiilai You don't care a s^H> for the It necessary to use the homely when compared to WsuU^ entire plants for s two weeks' re­ Ilka thunder, said the pretty lated a much higher point total if In toe south, damage to crops ■kevt th« woMltrfal food party after all. . 1 therein and feared to disturb modern contemporary dlacoveriea spite from labor, or st least stag­ brown-eyed Waco woman. "It In all sports events there had bee* and Itveatock w ffering from lack gering depsrtmente. would blow up, and then blow up objective Judging. o f'fe e d hag s o tm l welt over the 4 Mfydd at NORM'S DRIVE------I anyone. i f s oatmeal. The two-week vscstlon Is tha Will Start Friday KEMP'S, Inc; again, one after, another. "The United States athietaslac; half-bilUon dollar mark. "Threei FILMS out a* Beasau I Bmlrklngly, the culprit police-1 That’s right From plain, old' most po'pulsf, but there is a defi­ IN REBTADRANTr A bit of nostalgic sadness creeps I man and an accomplice, sdso a fashioned oatmeal, the k M that 7M llnia Bhe said a Negro soldier who cumulated 490.35 and won sacond The mulU-mlllion dollar live­ Build Rights PlRnk DEVELOPED AND nite trend, in toe case of buw waa thrown to asfsty “was brave place. We greet Hiuigary'a eporU- stock Industry, which In a few upon us as we note that thelmember of ths department as- you eat at breakfast modm m i- executivee, to grant them a much PRINTED strawberry season with its manylsurad ths reporter the aocommo-lence has developed an effective enough to come back and pull us Bridgeport, Aug. 4— (/P)— Judge Jamee E. Murphy In Su­ men who took third place in tha yean hae become a prime factor in longer period for relaxation or out.” The name of her rescuer Olympic games. During the Olym­ Meanwhile a i [that h-HDUR SERVICE suppers and festivals. Is now a-l datlons o f the cell block wwre at treatment for poison Ivy, sunburn recreation. They are finding It perior Court here today gave the Connecticut Company per­ tos .eouth'e economy, hea been ' New York, Aug. 4— (/P)— Rap. Adam Clayton Powall, Jr., thing of the past for another year. I tiis disposal. and other skin conditions. was not learned. pic games, a closer contact was severly crippled. Unable to obtain will be Intradused in 11^198$ i paye In toe long run. Baby Bonilng mission to put into effect its new bus rates on Friday, Aug. Negro Democratic Congressman, taya mambers of his nca eral Aseembly to se tu p i PUbi DgptNdt B u Bach time wa heard that some I h Is suspicions kept in check by By a special mUUng procee^ tM developed between the Soviet Rus­ feed, many growera havs dumped Vacation reverie:-"The driver la Out on ths pavement she and 8. The Public Utilities commission last week authorize the sian athletes and Finland's and the will not vote for the presidential or vice presidential candi- for calling in ptofewional ’ At Stort EntraiMt small church out la the country I his complete respect for and his Mudier Foundation of New Toric ■afeat when toe roada are dry, ether msdmed and dated paasen- company to increase its rates and., ' ' " planned a strawberry festival, we I unquasUonlng trust In tha guard- N. Y., has been able to extract other countries* athletes.” (Oenttened ed W f Bevea) .clatea o f either party "unless we get f civil rights platform makers at a ’momant's aotlad' to and toe roada are eafect when toe THE gera "atumblsd around In s dsse' tos company had announced they m 1 fight future dry-spei]A;wBa bAM In first place gold medals, the made a mental promise to attend. I tons o f the peace, Ul-plaeed as It I the colloid-producing fraction from driver la dry.” looking st s scene of horror. would go Into effect on Aug. 1. j W aeoopUbie ' to the Negroea of'®'*...... And then, concerned with other| proved' to bo. the reporter de-|oatmeaL This portion of oatmesL United States far outstripped tod ^ by Rep. Simon S. ObOan, sK KEMP'S "There wae s UtUe baby,” Mrs. The W before the new rates' ” k J C d k . ® Amrrlca." Powell, who addreased ' A 1 llngton farmar-lawysr. Ooha* Is Immediate things, promptly for-|sconded to the block below. I rich In natural starch, pimteln and Oops! Daniel recalled. "It wee lying In were to go into effect, five groups,-Bv rnsr g T 1 Russia 41 to 38. In track and field I'Hariem rally yesterday, said ha got about It. Now It's too late once within, he hoard tha door oat oil, has marked soothing, pro- troops Alerted oounasi for ths fsrm«rff group hir­ I Being considerate obout one per- toe middle -of tod pavement, burn­ events, the central sport of tha an S e n ^ wUpbimfer with Gov. Adlal E. ing raln-mskcni In this wssk's at­ and we have yet to satisfy that I close behind him and—alas!—a I tectlve and relief-promoting action LAST games, toe U, S. won toe most Btavanson and Ben. John J. Spark­ aon often emotoera another peraon ing. Nobody could help.'.* I McMahon .job tempt for the first tlam la state. first places It has ever taken under ambition. tell-tale clicking noise. I on the skin. out of toe picture. This literally AutooriUes were st a lom to ex- ruling and the company waa pre- j -w Y T C? C? m. man on toe civil rights Issua. history to "induce" rain. For some peculiar reason we Retaining hla aocustomed com-1 i], • clinical stu^ published In toe modern program—14 In all of Grab of Powell read a telegram from For Red Strife happened the other night In s local plsih the accident, which may vanted by jjw from putting th a! ||| | J , senate Tobacco Injury kka devalopad in have always had a strong longing posure. the reporter strode to the I the May Issue o f "The New York movie theater. have been toe worst traffic crash ratea Into effect. tha 34 evanta. toe Democratic presldsntlai nomi­ three phases. Ylret, Dr. Aadqeeqn to attend such an affair, .an event I door, stuck hla hand through ths I physician and American Medl- Two staters walked down the MILE in Taxes history. It occurred on Richard L. Hershatter. counsel | Most o f RubsIb's BMring cams nee acknowledging a request for In Korea Vote said, outdoor tobacoo aad to some In which old Naw England seenu hers, and tried the padlock. I cine,” It was reported the meal aisle searching for s seat in the a Btraight etretch o f highway. in men's and women’s gymnastics, Qavam Wealth an Interview and agreeing to meet for the petlUonera, said the appeal I Washington, Aug. 4—— to bolster Its modeat treasury by the audacity to snap the lock sreas. This product is of particular msn said he wilt lead a delegation slater liked to alt next to toe siele, (Coatlaued on Page Sevea) The company then filed a peti­ A. Devitt Vanech today an­ track and field'compistiUona. Iranian Senate today gave Initial Bouth Korean police und troops the serving of delicious, garaan-1 shut. Undoubtedly they counted on I importance sines it permits many est down in toe second seat from approval to a bill grantiqg Pre­ to the conference. havs . been alerted fdr posstbis fresh strawberries; coupled with the fe|iorter's becoming panicky {skin conditions to be treated with- tion for a show cause order from nounced his candidacy for the Announces The Opening Of toe aisle and out of consIdMatlon the court seeking permtasibn to mier Mohammed Mossadegh un­ He aald a similar delegation wilt (Communist guenills intsrfcrance tha opportunity to mingle with end setting up a hue and cry wlth-.|out having to resort to drugs and for her elster (something unusual U- S. Senate seat left vacant limited powers to rule this near- confer with Stevenson'i running tomorrow In tha Rapublle'a first our neighbors, has always held out first having mustered the I medication which are often ir put the ratea Into effect Immedi­ by the death of Democratic Bulletins In aisteral.she asked toe little girl Resurvey Seen ately pending toe outcome of toe Red Cross Raps banknippt counttry with a free mate, but he did not aay when popular election of a president for us a great appeal. preeence of mind to effect hla ee-lritatlng to the skin. sitting in toe end seat to move Sen. Brien McMahon of Con­ hand for six monthi. But the tost meeting would take place. and v ks president. We view with regret that we cape. I Now someone who has never Lake Amston appeal hearing. from the AP Wiroi over to the only seat left in that upper^house offered unexpected Powell said the Alabama Senator's A government apokasmsn aald don't have the same opportunity Hts freedom gained, the report-1 had poison Ivy or a bad case of CAtEFUUY RESTRICTIO It waa on tola petition the court necticut. THE WHITE IRON row next to brunette sister. On Draft Pool, acted today. Vanech, a 46-year-old Democrat Soviet Charlies opposition to a government bill record shows continuous opposi­ reports bad been received that the la a bluebertfy festival. A| least er started up the stairs and there, sunburn or a rash probably can- Red est down In her favorite (TO CONFOEM WITH BUILDINO CODE) ordering confiscation of tha . per­ tion to civil rights legislation. Communists had ordered guerril­ we’ve never beard of one but per- lurking In a corner awaiting tha not appreciate what a boon this Murphy said in hla finding the whose home la at Stamford, Omn., LEWIS SERVES NOTICE spot and looked st her companion new rates ahould become effective told reporters that he had sub­ sonal wealth and property of Ah­ Becks FEPO DarlaraUo* las to disrupt tha elsetlon. Pettsvtila, Aug. 4 (0»-* BENCH SHOP haps somewhere In tha suburban I be^nnlng of his entertainment, new find la to suffering scratch- ■who by this Ume had discovered Hershey States mad Qavam. who waa forced out The republic baa S.JIS.OOO all-, Tm, area such an occasion might arise. I was the scoundrel of an olflcer. ers. If you’ve ever had an allergy, Friday. Aug. 8 with toe asaertlon mitted his resignation aa deputy Of Germ War Stevenson will be urged to take Jolui L. Leivta has aarved seOlb she waa sitting on another UtUe "toe companv cannot operate a attorney general to President Tru­ of the premiership two weeks ago a stronger position on civil rights gible voters. . he waata a *ew wage eastnMt- 465 PORTER STREET Btrawberry festivals with their The hero cast a withering and then had to take an injection by wildly demonstrating Mossa­ < girl who waa so smothered she Waihington, Aug. 4—<8V-Maj. buBineas at a loss and expect to re­ man this morning. Toronto, Ont.. Aug. 4—(8*)—The than tha Democratic platform con­ Ekee Mum Winner for hla 133,333 aathraette *d»> wholesome . nelghborllnesa also glance at the bully and there the of drugs to combat the allergy, degh followers. Syngman Rhae, 77, toe nation's MANCHESTER, CONN. bring to mind another type of I story ended for a while. and th«» found that you w m al- hadn’t tha chance to asy boo. Oen. Lewis B. Herahey eaye a re- main In business.” He requested tost it be sccepted tains, Powell told his audience of ers. Edward Q. Fox, ehainMli — A Non. The finding said that, since toe International Committee of the The lawmakers passed tha con­ 3,500. A declaration for compul­ first president, Is considered cer­ get-togather that holds an attrac- Arrived back at The Herald of- lergic to the drug with which you survey of men deferred from mUl- as early as possible, so that he aC the Aathracito Opsrat ete company had given a pay Increase might go to Connecticnit and make Red Cron, target of persletent fiscation bill without trouble on sory fair .employment practices tain to bs returned to office. Wage - Agree*se*t ixMMdittae. A $mall shop Maturing carafully tlon for us. That's the Orange, flee, the reporter discovered that were Injected—unless you Mve tary mrvlce because they have de­ Its first of three readings. On Originally tha president was ’The big question la: while the roisterer had pursued hla had a tests o f this vicious Itchy to all perwnn^l on April 1, It woi-ld an active campaign for toe nomi­ Communist ' attacks, lashed back will be sought. aaM Lewis, I* a Mtae dated last $alaetad antiqua$ pendents may won be necessary If stand to lose $613,664 a year at the nation. today. toe second reading; however, only Powell, minister of ona of tha elected by toe National Assem­ Friday, gave the reqeliad i t Do you have to be-a farmer to misdeed, the mischievous mind of circle, then you cauot truly ap- the armed forces are to be kept three of 24 senators present stood be a Orange member? Can a hla accomplice had not lacked oc- preclats the ImportMce of our old farer The DemocraUc nominee win be A 9.000-word report written for world's largest Baptist congrega­ bly. But Rhee, using pubNc pres­ days’ Moltee fer ceatraet axpirae st their present levels. up to signify approvsi. sure and police, recently forced city-type person belong If his or cupatlon. for the story which the new use tor ^tmeal. DONT With toe Increase, ssid the selected at the state convention in today's sessions of toa 18th Inter­ tions, told the rally o f hla con­ tioa. ^ Hershey, toe director of Belec- court, toe compsny will earn $445,- September. A Republican nomina- national Red O oas conference The bill then was sent to a Sen­ gressional constituents that toe the assembly to change tha con­ her rural connection ends with hero had left In the typewriter A friend of ours who recently ate commission for possible revl- one frustrated attempt to grow when he embarked on the lU-fat- had occaslM to, resort to tM A REASON OF NECESSITY. | MeM t ^ ^ t ^ many pro-vlded a list of her Rus­ Powell told his Harlem audience fer the railroad aay s Well, maytra next year Opp. FUet National Stosn 340,000 in S-A Key Red Headquarters that "Uncle Toms . . . spearheaded Treasury Balance .. ----- u|-» I ordinary kitchen strainer to keei Parldag Lot The qumtion which "must be sian prisoners—300 names written maybe. In pencil—but later refused to the sabotaging of civil rights POEMOBM NEW UAJBlNBrrCABINET with the chiidien. Have,^u1S!I?1i"rt\heMt..t well, cllml ONE OF THE MANY KACHES AT (scad In toe not too distant fu- New teat-tube victories "pressgt planks In platforms of- toe two Washlnkton, Aug. 4—(di—The Lima,la. Porn, Aug. 4—(P>—F»ev turs,” he said. Is the wurce o f the Jurnish any more because no news Ughtnlag Danger stride o f medical sclenceT No. It’s l» -a n d Waahiiigto*. Aug. 4— UTh— 4-era and destroyed one Red flghter toe coming of a direct and speciflo major parties." position of the Treasury July 31: mier Oea. Zeaoa Noriega has not one of those miracle drugs Just wondaitol. our Itchy frie^ LAKE AMSTON manpower which wUl inevitably be "was sent In return from Russian attack on paralytic polio in man People who work or play out­ Hw Navy reported today that and damaged another. csmpi. It Indicates that conditions A t Chicago last month ha was Net budget receipts, 8155,333,- formedd a aow eabiaet, the gov- with an exotic name or a tells us. In facL although his B ^ e d . himself.” say# preeldent of Na­ 083.43; budget expenditures, $534,- eramraVs lateraiBttoa doors are warned today that toe COMFLEn FACILITIES FOR o*e ef its patrol planes fought Score on 1,003 MlOa are the same in North Korea, tha first Negro delegate-at-large Itch la all gone, he's seriously con- . The group of about 900,000 de- tional Foundation for Infantile 735.348.03; cash balance, $7,335,- annouBcod today. It Is t* ha now BOO SETS OF o ff two Bneelan ballt MIO Jet , This raised to 1,002 the num­ which has turned away all Red slderhsg keeping up his oatmeal ■OATINO, lATHING, HSHINO fsrrod in (Usm S-A because of de­ Paralysis .... MaJ. John Eisen­ 452.218.30. swam la toiaoiTow to replara flghtehi over the Yellow Sea ber of MIGs destroyed, probably Cross representatlvaa. (Continued en Page Eleven) bath. He swaars there's nothing pendency, he added, "Is one of toe hower Ike's son. says hli first re Noriega’s oM caMaet, wMeh i*> T H i m S T FEW MILES TH AT bMit Thnnday aad returned to destroyed or damaged since the Cites Germ Ctalma like i t SEAT COVERS Urgest tost can be made avail­ action to Korea is "Ids a hole,” but signed Saturday. Ite - base la Korea. Two of its start of toe war, the air force re­ The cor.^mlttee raid toe sugges­ HAVE KEN DEVELOPED AM able to supplement toe present erew were killed and two were "I'm very happy adhere I am supply ef empower available for ported. Latest addition to the tion for an Investigation of Com- COMPLETELY SOLD OUT! wounded la the figbt. list waa a MIG damaged today by lUly lost 388.374 mra.In World CONDEMNS BULGABE Next to this summer's torrid aolUUry seraice. munist charges that United Na­ impromptu Pilot; And Up The aavy aald the plane waa Capl. Harry L. Durin of Portales, War il, an official government Atheos, Greece, Aug. 4— l D - « ’ now I wsather, ss a subjsct tor conver­ $ 1 2 9 5 "TIis futuri* policy In relation to tions forces have used germ wea- You K — This Is Your Last Chance oa rouUae patrol over the sea N. JI., in a fight between four Sa­ publication discloses .... One of The Ualted Nattsae Halha* sation when friends meet friends. OrSTALLED FEES area west of Korea when It was bres and 10 MIGs. Peaor oommlaaloa baa foiow arft Is tos word "vscstlon,” and truly (Osatfaraed an Page T i ^ (Oontlnued on Page Two) Denmark's few Negroes. Wilhelm TO PURCHAK LAND AT CONNECTICUrS attacked by two "CMneae Com- The Air Force said the Brat Adolf Flerre, former native of Vlr Sergeant Wins His Wings ed to UN hcadquartcfs a re­ Y m too COE Mnro looooy by fottiog yoor lit has a pleadant aound. Web- munlst MlG-18" tighten. In a port oondemalag the Balgariaas Tha weekly laundry is one chore I can farm oat I ster eaya the word meana "a ptri- HNEST LAKE DEVKOFMENT wave of fighter-bombers dropped gin Iriands and later a millionaire glowot ot Uoioo Oprieol CAMPBELL runaiag fight, tho American 3,500 gallons of flaming gasoline hotel operator In Berlin dies st 78. lor aa attack agalaat a Oeaeh —^a d I do— every week— to IDEAL Cleanera and od for rest and recraation; a holi­ ONE MILE OF WATERFRONT LOTS piaae, a ZO^mlle-aa-hour flying and 185 tons of high explosives On First Hop in U. S. Jet patrol OB Bvree Islaad daly 37. day.” To most of us It msana Governor Starts Saucer Reports Rep. Albert P. Morano (R. Launderers. Gives me more time with the chiMren AUTO SUFFLY ONE MIU OP ROULEVARD LOTS boat, was damaged but waa able on toe headquarters ares. Pilots Three Greek aoldtera w e n ktBsd. "travel." In vacation tons Amer- M BIS8EU- 8Y— TEL. 81fT to limp to the west coast of then sprayed the area with 15,000 Conn.) Scheduled to confer today Soffvko at Uoioo Optkol Is tho host io Are Discounted with Elsenhower st Denver, and ila economical—easy,-too. I simply call 5838. I lesna take to pianos, trains, buses, MANCHESIEB ONI MILE OP LOn IN A VIRGIN FOREST Jail Brfeak Probe Korea where It received spot re- rounds of SO caliber and 30 milli­ Co\o„ with U. 8. Fifth Air Force,* veteran aerial reconnaissance f9W So boats and sutomobUes to relax, re- paira before proceeding to Iwa- meter ammunition. according to a spokesman at Korea, Aug. 4 —(A^ - A hitch-hik­ pilot from Avenel, N. J. W hy don't yon call IDEAL next time Greenwich, (3onn. . . . VIce-Adm. -for lann- MontpeUer, V t, Aug, 4 —(8V - koBl la Japaa, ing Air Force master sergeant on fAII I Kaew Was ..." This first strike of 130 sorties Washington. Aug. 4--(,W—An C. Turner Joy, veteran o f Pacific dry or dry cleaning? AR lota or Oov. Lee E. Emerson said he will Air Force general and a phycho- his first. Jet plane ride recently I They were buzzing along at MerchanU’ Day A l worii doooot Uoioo Optical Co. b reported destruction of 39 build­ fighting and Korean peace talks, conduct sn InvesUgaUon Into logy professor both discounted found himself piloting toe swift, 500 miles an hour at 37,000 feet Seoul. Korea, Aug. 4—(JP(—The ings, one anti-aircraft gun and becomes 37 th auperiatendeat of Bffiead gtartingi 6m low i "all aspects” of toe escape, of two four machine guns. The Air tying saucer reports, but the ns two-seat craft. Then he flew the up when MacDuff asked Hilt to 1 0 % ' U. 8. Fifth Air Force said UN U. S. Naval Academy. hold the auxiliary control stick In Maaehester atores. lacladlag z v e state prison convicts believed to fighter-bombeni struck in two Force said 12 buildings were dam- tlon's cspital still biiszed with ship for nearly 30 minutes after THE OFFICE OF SERVICES Federal Communications (k>m- the engine failed. |the rear seat while toe phot ehala food stores, bat earlaOag Cash and Carry Green Stamps U>OK A T A IX THE OTHBE UUOEB ABOUND be involved In toe bludgeon death mauive waves toqay at a key aged and many fires started. them over the weekend. Ih ovoM i llia t Interpret The Wishfi of s Springflshl housewife. North Korean military headquar­ There was no report on the re­ 'The Rev. lEdward B. Lewis of mlssion catches up with Long The sergeant had to take over | worked a navigational problem. liquor aad drug *t*r^ 'rtH v*- THEN CXMIB TO AM8TON AND OOMPAEE the controls of toe T-33 Jet when! "AU I knew was that It you mala cleeed all da; fioo i t THE IXFFEBENCE Emerson said yesterday he had ters near ths Red capital of Pyong­ sults of the second raid. Washington's Union Methodist Beach, Calif., man who has been DR. JOHN PRIGNANO the pilot passed out from lack of push forward on ths stick you go la sbservaaiii *f Of The Faarily EASY MONTHLY TEEMS conferred with Public Bsfety yang and left it a ^m ing wreck- The Air Force said No. 1;001 Church drew a moral from It alt. broadcasting Jaxs records oa same frequency with a New .York sta­ oxygen, the Air Force said today. down and If you pull back you go Day. ONLY 38 3IINUTE8 PBOM MANCHE8TKB Cbrnmlsaioner WUUsm Baumann •f«- was toe MIG Lt. Harry A. Creset- from it all. WILL BE CLOSED about toe escape last Wednesday Air Force and Marine warplanes bene of 156 West Sherman avenue, "It la a good toing,” he said tion for toe fun of It . . . King­ He flew the training ship until the up." says Hilt. "I held to toe Bmployaea *f wafiS O m C II O N S i FVeae Mauwheeter take Eat s 88 to firiiriw aafi o f Donald DeMag, 33. o f BurUng- hit toe headquarters northeast' of Newark, N. J., destroyed In a Bunday from hla pulpit, "to have dom of Jordan reported planning engine quit. He then maneuvered course the pUot was flying.” will spead tha day at JOWIB.NRKE amstw Blgas at Amstoa potot tha way to AsMtaa something happening like ‘flying to follow Egypt's lead In abolltioa It carefuly down to a level where The pilot's head nodded forward ontiags * r pteaica a l ' d e m t i e r e ton, and Frsne^ Blair, 31, of Pyongyang with more than 27S noon battle between two Sabre FROM AUG. S TO Fitchburg, Maas. sorties. The first wave struck at Jets and seven Red fighters over saucers’ that 'demands that people of titles of Bey and Pasha. the pilot regained consciousneas. occasionally as If he were check recreattea spots. n m n A L h o m c Union O ptical Go. The pair was captured Satur­ noon and toe second in the after­ North Korea today. look up and study some of the won New Zealand's government, fac­ M /8gt. CYlarle# E. Hilt, 31. of ing his map. Then It bobbed back Beatdeata who had AUG. 18 AMSTON LAKE CO. day shortly after Mrs. Ellssbeto noon. Tha thousandth In toe triple ders of nature. ing financial deficit overseas, Parker, Fla., never had been in aa If he wars looking up to check to shop Wedaaaday nBastOairtarM. IbLOO Jet until he hitch-hiked a ride Instruments. HUt didn’t realise will be fececd to AMBTON, CONN. Westoerup, 54, waa fktsUy beaten The Air Force said U. 8. Sabre category°J1 wap'TM the one shot down "If we can get excited about orders Imports cut to bone in tv S 1 4 MAIN STREET S S 3 641 MAIN STREET. BIANCHESTER TEL. 2;^128 AMBUUUrOB OBBVlCai Jet'pilots Intercepted elements of order affecting weolea goods...from Korea to Japan In the T-33 i sn Page Twe). 6$ Ruaflan-made MIQ-IS Jet flght- (ConiIBUMWd M r* g e Eleve*)^ JOMtiniied sn Pngs Twe). koalery aad AeMricaa automobllee flown ^ Lt. Robert W. MacDuff, .(OoBttaued aa Pag* Twa]^ FEIDAY, a u g u s t 1, 1962 FiWSB TWELVE jHanriffBtpr ^vfttfng H^raUi

Mine Ann T. Malaon, Mlaa Mary m « g S .TJirMiip-aiiif Cray Malaon and Mlaa Emma Mdl- Today In The IMy Taxe* Driver Held gtrl’s auto near the entrance of the street. He was summoned to ap­ About Town aon of 516 Woodbridge atreet are Seeks to Sell Are Due, Pay Up or Pay . . . La Points piascamold plant, where pear In Chty Court Monday. No In- vacationing at Bermuda lor two Moaelsky Is employed. Juriea.. were reported. Patrolman Stephen G. Piesclk Investigated, Him Ttiim y evening R^tteck weekn. with $3,319,636.46 In local Damaae waa eaymated to ex­ jEhglaud Plots After Crash ceed $2(10 on each vehicle. Also scheduled for court appear- p^rttM conductad by Anderaon- property texr# already In the ancea Monday are: Waldo B. Lake, K m AUxUlvy. No. 2046, Will be Mr, and Mra. Joaeph Miglietta till. Collector of Revenue Paul An accident laat night at the In­ of the Villa Maria Hotel In Olaa- tersection of Union and West 16, of Rockville road, WlndsorvUle, OMtloncd for the preaent. Tonight Cervinl opened hie office thin Ellington Girl Slightly charged with operating while his ^ th« ■paaeel.on the weei eide «f< Autumn • - .•.-••.•.-•.■''•-•.•-a.— '.rnyw v.iM .^.'rr'A .-, "■ Wertern authorities already haya Oa a Senuafale. ■ .tcsBrreti.f'" '■ t0 warrant an. InteroepUan. Ghineae' :trying 'ti>''aneak "thcough " Denver, Ang; 2— 9:45 a. m. froip Mary Cheney U try and Vernon, for 111,500; underway. Red youth leaders announced Tliey're In the ali;.^wlthln seconds the’’ scope. captured by the Allies in a 12- brary. * 2-0059 .<'-v2 0 ^ 8 4 ” IOOE.(ENTER ' flight to Honolulu. Acheson It w as the third disorder in property In Coventry for this morning the meeting woidd of a repoft that seems dsAnlte "Other man-made objects, such hour battle Friday morning. The and his government party the prison In three months, S , at 344 Autumn atreet Tor be held u planned and that at enough.” as flares, weather balloons and so Communists had held Its crest 10 Serving with the let Marine on the west aide of Au- Truck Strikes Car least 10,000 demonstrators would The thing is no' geared up just on. may sled register on the scope, days. were forced dowp la$t light and like^ the others w a s . ^jin TViAMOSmVlCI Aircraft ' Wlng*a headguartera tmm fqr $300 and at 350 Anfumn attend. H ie FD J ordered lU blue- for saucers, thou-li. The system and some interceptions have re­ Expert Counterattack when an engine went bad on' protest over food. aquadron In Korea la Sgt. Ronald atreet for $18,500. In Minor Accident shlrtcd members to rally at four I- the same as that worked out veled that these are often what Gen. James A. Van Fleet, com­ their military air transport At least 13'prisoner* war* In­ TtL 2-0110 AiytiiM H. Hampaon, USMO. of thU town. hot-points. to meet any enemy attack. the unknowns turn out to be." mander of the U. B. Eighth Army, Constellation. jured, two of them by gunfire. Mid The aquadron handlea all adminl- These points ara at crossings Furthermore, the ADC Isn’t Jet Interceptor pilots at Dayton. said Wednesday the hill, which (flilef Emile Drapeau of to* Men- atratlon of the aerial combat unite A recond Conatsllatlon waa C. HANIY Continuing Probe A truck driven by Laurence J. from the Soviet part of the city saying what might have been Ohio, re p o rts to Wrlght-Patter- overlooks both the UN and Red flown from Washington, D. C„ and trsal Firo dapartoMat—-wWcli was flying agalnat Korean and au- Into West Berlin and have been fo.und. The results of the scram­ son Air Force Base olTiclals yes- main defense lines, was Important oallsd in to smash tha muttay TO BaHaw Sbraet Maaeheeter none Common let forcet, aee|ng WIrta, 26, of 10 Garden street, the scene of frequent brawls in bles aren’t for. It to announce. ? - ■ • . only "as a place to kill Chinese, officials at Lowry Air Force Base WM traatad In a hoepRpLliiKjn- that BuppUaa, ■ communlcatlona, Of Oarage Blaze Hartford, struck an auto driyen by the past. They Ihclude the Pota- not as terrain.” aald the craft cams in with' one ■riMJWHALCro Findings are turned over to tech- (Continued on Page Eleven) engine feather. A third plane waa and peraonnel are fumlahed with Alice Fogil, 43, of Gilead street, onn darner Plats, vriiere the Russian/ Allied Infantrymen dug bunk­ is prtaonar atouck hlmwitoha Wm ■MANCMmii C *, an route io Denver from Waahlng' the combat-committed unita at all Hebron, about 3 p. m. Yesterday 1 ' BriUah and American sectorii ers and entrenchments with log bar. AnthoriUes are continuing their ton and it Is expected Acheaon will Polie* officials, still rsfustagi-to Read Herald Adira. timea. on Birch etreet west of the Inter­ ■••••••■•••••••a .1 meet. and .sandbag support aa defense Invectlgatlon of the Incendiary T The sonsors said the aim of against a poaaibie Chineae count­ be able to resume hie flight by dlscloN th* dstalls o< What want section ot Spruce and Birch p. m. a on Inaid* to* priaon, danlad piih- fire In a three-car garage at 411 streets. the demonstration will be to show Drought Is Held Worst erattack in force/ North Main strOet early yesterday, n - popular oppotitton to the ' West Associated Press Correspondent The flrat plane made a routine lishad reports on* of two gunahot Wlrtz, parked on the wrpngaide German pact with the western Milo Farneti said thil Reds would landing at Lowry AFB last night. victim* had died, r-Tha Delict anid working on U\e theory that 'the of the etreet, waa pulling away thay firad platola ovar to* haada fire waa aet by aomeone with a from the curb when he struck the Allies; : ’r have trouble moving supplies to­ Acheson, on the way t o Honolulu n it Trade Ourbe ward Old Baldy. All heavy duty to put Into effect a new Pacifle de- of tha riotara, and It waa net 4gt- grudge. Fogil car going west on Birch U. S. Economic Disaster mediataly eiapr wbathar to* Major Leo Carroll of the State street, police reported. The Communist challenge came bridges on the Yokkok river on fenalve alliance among the United the Chineae aide of Old Baldy had Statee, Australia and New ZeX' vtctima got arcldantal dlraet trite Police said yeaterday that the In- There were no Injuries or ar- Strthgj at the end of' a tense week In or w*ra nit by ricoehatlng bullats. veatlgaUen waa baaed on a poa- which there have been frequent Washington, Aug. 2 (/P) — Agriculture department of- been washed away or knocked land, spent the night In a suite at AM ESITE _ ^ truck's front bumper ■ kldneplnge- of'.'Weet BerHnere- by. ■ ./lawn .by.. Allied. shells...... FltaiJiunaiw. Army, hoapltal...... Bet 11 Fite* H biaT ^ wnh a ”riKent uw aun.’’ and thetl righT" rear fender of" the ftdsll Wdaytermed the drought in the South" aint'New Eng­ No arrest had been made this auto were slightly damaged. Red agents. Thep laat night land one of ^he most serious economic disasters in the nation’s Gun Fire- Increased broke oOt of their cell bloek* eaBy morning. Russia demanded the Big Three Except at Old Baldy, ground WARNING BY iPR laat night, aat 17 Area, looted the Stata Police, the State Fire western powers lift restrictions on history. De^rtment officials explored new steps to alleviate fighting yesterday waa relatively Honolulu, Aug. 2— U V - Early priaon cantaan, broke phimMnk .to Marahal's office and local police trade between East and West the plight of farmers and to save^ light. ’Die Reds, however, stepped arrivals for next week’s Australia' flood the noora and than clanad DRIVEWAYS and fire officials are cooperating (Sermany, which the Soviets livestock herds. up their artillery and mortar New 3lealand-U. B. eecurity pact with 200 pollen In s». bloody b a ^ In the Investigation. charged violated the 1949 agree­ The aUttee of South Carolina. bombardment of AIIM positions conference were warned today that Ui to* main prison courtyard. .. The fire yeaterday damaged two ment ending the Red blockade of Massachusetts and Maine and nine along the 155-mlle battle line wUh more counties in Arkansas were N e p a l A ir s they are confronted by a problem ’rba police managed to drive tha NORONEY 36 MONTHS automobllaa parked in the garage. Berlin, ■ the largest shelling sinca July 13 as tough as any dIplomaU ever rtotoni back into tbair oMI Mnam One of them was owned by The demand was made In s let­ aMed yesterday to the depart­ They hurled' 8.761 rounds In the with tear g u and by tiring ptatol* ter from Gen. Vassily Chulkov, ment’s growing list of drought faced. Eleanor Huebnar of 434 Nortn 24 hours up to 6 p. m. last night, A background iaport of an lO' over to* conviela'" ' ' DOWN TO PAY Main atreet. Another car belong­ I . pli [' Soviet commander in Oarmany, to disaster areas. Red Plot to an Increaae of more than 5,0(10 tannoMHly. ing to her waa oompletely burned the High Commieaionera of B rit­ The disaster area designation, ■tltute Of Pnclflo RelaUona study rounds over the preceding 24 .committee, timed for the opening *rna eonvtcta —■ aom* m W l HAVITHI niOPIR IQUIPMINT in the .same garage April 33. ain. nance and the United Statea which quallAsa farmers for federal hours. Tbls little MIee, wtmrfaig ealy toa trefttleeal tliiii cersi wii pasta trial for murder but tha rast aaftr^ AuthoriUea now believe that fire Although the aim of the Rus­ loans, where local credit ia un­ of the conference Monday, con common to toe.3QrmMtoa-oM «tMe, la gatofi Is a pnSeiwsB’6 *var- Rain and heavy, clouds moved In eluded that aharp conflicts In baste Ing terms of only two years or liaa ^ KNOW HOW waa deliberately set Naylor '-J ‘ sian mova waa net Immediately available, now appIMa/ . t o Sigkt Grab Nation eisa eweptar asd Id r aftor tea* (awM silHla Is a turaMH* apart^ —smasbad to* main locka of tha Just before the fire broke out, apparent, observers- cenalder«ff'"lt full states and tafgb "WraiM of again on much of North Kpraa to' Interest among the non-Commu meat In PhtiadatpMa, aariy yMtorSpy. PMlea eald DON'T DILAY — CAU TODAY There's briWanca day and the air war drew to nist nations of toe Paelfte make immedlato rlua to tlie Identity of the iat*« panwta. call block* and siriUad beak into ahortly before 3 a. m., a man waa si^fleant in view of the tension Arkansas and Mlaaoiirl. The other halt after yesterday's britf spurt. to* yani to xtlCTM- .lMiMt tm YOU CAN ALWAYS DO lUSINISS WITH eaen antering the garage. A man ia the appealing in this Ck>mmunlBt-enctrcled city. states are Alabama. 'Qeoegia, Ken­ Katmandu, Nepal, Aug. 2 Durin|(/ the week, only one Al­ effcetlva aecurity cooperation dif poltaa, • ' " "ifit waa also seen running acroaa a necliline I t could foreshadow another , block­ tucky, Mississippi and Tennessee. ——The government an­ lied plane waa lost—and F-80 flcult to achieve. But It acknowl ....AwiuMLtha-lwnlraii Inck* BMdi It field In the rear of the gkrage Im­ treatmeirf of ade If the Soviets are looking for Aid Pledged S hooting Star to Ck>mmunlat edged that (ii* need tor military Imponribl* to kaop to* oonvteta be­ mediately after the fire etarted. S.'O U.\l\ sl-UVNU!. -UK . .'i.. an excusa for such a maneuver. Assistant Secretary of Agricul­ nounced today 14 exiled Com­ cooperation agalnat tha threat of this sleeveless ground fire the Fifth Air Force hind bar* for t)M night, toa poUp* The trade barriers to which the ture Knox Hutchinson pledged the munist leaders trying to re­ reported. UN jets shot down three 0>mmunlrm might tamper them Adla if Ike to Map stood by and allowed tji* PrifOn- waffle piqua. . Russikn .commander . .objectad. full support («t. the federal gqyani- turn .^omellbet.haveu been. MIG-jets -and damaged two- yes­ xaetal and aconinintc. conflicts; am'toTMow'.off ataam^qfolatYHBto^-' The contrasting were Imp^ed by the West to pre­ ment to the drought-stricken re­ arreatSd and documents terday In the only jet battle of the The flrat Australian and New ly was raatorad abortly afUr mid- dotted bow vent the flow of strategic ma­ gion at an emergency nine-state Week. .Zealand diplomats reached Hono' nigtat and to* priaonara bimkiki a terials, especially stec). Into So­ meeting in Nashville, Tenn., yes­ seized which, reveal a Red lulu last night. U. 8. Secretary CONSTRUCTION GO. that loops around terday. Emergency action dis­ Meahwhlle,. 'UN and Communist down ns boat they oonld, many m the neclc end viet-dominated areas. plot for an armed revolt in staff officers algnifled agreement of State Dean Acheson ia due to .to* prison yard. 249 cussed a t the meeting will be con­ night, after a layover In Denver shows in b a d ettea Steel lEmbargo this strategic buffer kingdom on tbe wording of all but (wo DupUcato EarMsr Elai BROAD ST. CSiuikov referred particularly sidered further In Washington. paragraphs of a Korean armistice for piane repairs. The damonstratlon was almoat 2 - 5 2 2 4 GLADIOLI adds just, Raub Snyder, assistant produc­ between India ai)d her Com­ By THE A8SGOIATED PRESS to the western embargo on steel draft. But,they didn’t tackle the Historic Step an exact duplicate of tha two aap- the touch tion and ' marketing administra­ munist neighbors to the Sir Percy Spender, Australian exports to eastern Germany, tor. told the meeting the railroads thorny prisoner exchange Isaue, Gov. Adlai Steveneon and Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower halve arat* days of rioting that aruptM • FRESHLY CUT # FINEST OF COLORS of color you're which Is believed to have, been north. major obstacle to a truce. Ambassador to the U. 8„ hailed indicated they plan to keep a atrong grip.jQti the direction of , in to* jteUnt early to kfay.: Injur-. are expected ■ t o announce next One ulsvlUe, but no rasulta hava baan an- cri^sply handled by SHIP'n SHORE. Action-back pleats, oben-or-l The Tennessee agriculture com­ The Communist threat .came have observed the necessity of Ky., aa hla petaonal campaign McMabon Post And its mission already was In Wisconsin nounead. cdof-fast, (Oontinned on Page Two) at the government was seriously Donttniied on Pago building up aecurity in the Pacific manager.-- • FOR ALL OCCASIONS buying hay^ for shipment to his aa dart of the global approach to Elsenhower, the Republican SPRINKLERS washable and shut collor, stay-put tails. Bright-striped white combed coKon^ weakened by a bitter feud for con­ la a t'n i^ ^ a rotrid^dt toaWUM state. Tile'first carlbad left Mad­ trol between Prime Minister M. P. the/ problem with which we are nominee, told reporters, at Den­ Aspirant^s lis t wool out of to* com wo had to­ mercerized. broadcloth... ever lovely, ever woshable. Sizes 30 to 4b. j gjjl ison Isat night for Nashville /and confronted," ver that "there can be no boaa of nine more carloads are exp«fcted Kotrala and his brother B. P. night for supper." Choose it KoiSala—the government's Con­ Iran Senators Leslie K. Munro, New Zealand’s this campaign" other than Elaen- Thar* was no Immadlat* state­ and ORRDEN HOSE In either black, increased Milk to follow. Ambassador to the U. S., said his hower himself. He said the ad­ Grows Larger WOODLAND GARDENS Must Repay Loans gress mrty president. country is "determined to'suppori. vice of political advisers will get ment from tbs Jail govamor, 0 r. navy or charcoal. (Ofncial Indian sources in New Zenon Lmum*, or other prison au- Thus far, the federal govern­ the American people in their far­ top consideration but the final re­ Hariford. Aug. 2—(F)—The Uat tooritias. FOR YOUR DEEF FREEZE ACTIVITIES WE UO WOODLAND ST. TEL 8474 Sizes 10-20 Price to Stay ment has made no outright grants Delhi confirmed they expect Back Ppwers sighted resistance to Communlam sponsibility Is his. Nepal’s King Tribhuvana to take in Korea.” Munro said he does -of potential candidates to succeed Fragmants of information soap­ of financial aid. The disaster loans Different Bole ing from bahind to* Wg iron dodn HAVE THE SUPPLIES YOU NEED INCLUDING SUMMER DRESSES for the purchase of livestock feed over ruling powers "at any time” not regard total war as imminent, U. B, Senator . Brten McMahon, Until January to prevent a complete collapse.) Of Mosskdegh but is "determined to work with Wyatt said all elements of the especially oti the Democratic alda, of toa jail, * prisimara nerv­ and for planting of new crops and campaign "will be coordinated ing only two years or lass ar* held, the like -ihuat be repaid by the 'The Comniuniat leaders, picked the U. 8. and Australia to preterve grows bigger day by day. up Wednesday Included several peace in the Pacific. with Governor Stevenson." Ha New names mentioned In specu­ iadicatad thia saquanca of evants FREEZER BOXES and BROS H a/tfo rd , Aug. 1—(JP)—CJon- farmers In one to five years with Tehran, Tran, Aug. 2—(8*i The explained' that this doean’t mean last night; Reduced! Bectlcut Milk Administrator D. O. 3 per cent Interest. who fled Into Tibet after a leftist- Iranian Senate today rubber- Seea Japan’Aa Key lation during the past 24 hours In­ \ ’ 5 ; ’ ^ The IPR reimrt, signed by the the- Democratic national commit­ clude Common Pleas Court Judge fhked niaesB IN PIN7 AND QUART SIZES Hammerberg says nothing doing . Hutchinson said the Intensity of supported revolt under rebel, lead­ stamped unlimited powers dur­ tee will play a leaser role In Uie to the request of state milk deal­ agricultural destruction in the er Dr. K. I. Singh failed early this ing the next six months for Pre­ institute’s Ucsl president, J. B. John P. Cotter of West Hartfl^, A prisoner in the mentsl campaign. "It will be a differ­ a I^mocrat, and JosephJ!. Talbot feigned IllneM, called a One One ers who want to drop the price mier Mohammed Moasadegh aiul Atberton.^ saldTapan. with its ent one," k rsa ld ...... 0KLL FREEZER tJUiS— Group $ ^ . 0 0 Group $ 3 ^ 0 0 of milk a penny a quart. (Onattooed on Page Five) (Continued oa Page Two) blasted American, advisers to fast-growing population and Its of Naugatuck, RepuMlean' whom' ov*rpow*r*d~Iinn anff gnhbad": Reg. $6.98 Reg. $8.98 Hammerberg stood pat yester- Iran. Frank E. ^cKlnney told re­ McMahon defeated In tha 1960 day^on his June order that the The resounding vote of confi­ (Oontinned on .Page Five) porters In Kansas City he did not election. (OMHnaad price of milk to farmers shall be care to remain sa Democratic Na­ Bach To Nonlaato dence—34 to 1—given the na­ tional Committee chairman. He PLASTIC CONTAINERS HANDBAG /AAKERS Cottons, print sheers, print crepes and print nylons, $6.93 a hundred pounds. That tion's undisputed leader jjy the McMahon’s death from cancer means that consumers pay 35 aald he would diaetiaa party af­ In Washington Monday means New Living Costs High upper house followed similar ac­ fairs with Stevenson In about a All Sales Final cents a quart. tion . Thursday by the Majlis that each party will nominate a And here’s why Hammerberg w eek. The presidential nominM candidate In November to serve and WRAPPING PAPER SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE (lower house). Mossadegh now traditionally chooses the man he Bulletins •ays he feels there should be no has more power than any Iranian News Tidbits thJ final four years of hla Urm. decrease in milk prices: wants for this post. It was reported here laat night from Mla A PW ins ^ Summer handbags. All white or multi-polors. Cotton Seen Later This Month Premier ever had and a com­ Culled from AP Wires that several-InOuisntlal Demo­ 'The average Oonnectlcut con pletely free hand to Implement his In Kansas Chty, President Tru- LEE CORN CUTTERS , pique, plastic calf and Jdilan 8^W 8._^ , ■uzner.can i>Ay tkq. prqsr nine-point program intended--to: man left It clear that Democratic crats. ,^..iaa4y,,to, ant price. He aiUd wages have . J J . camj^l^ Strategy I's up' to Ste-. year-oTd Jiidjgt (jotter for the post KmX dJEBK Waahli^on, Aug. 2—(dV-^tov-^further depreciation of the dollar. put Iran back In the black, fl- tk;. V. wiiii If he decides to go after It. A . risen considerably , since ..jl940— emmant .MabUi^gtian. chie(f,. loiak. XAd.. fewM'.idii)Unas....t^^ nazmiaiiy-.'--.-— ...... tUktloaal diJeaM ■ budget, (o Tf*fk;.....A8». ,3—(6>-r______;ahd::..risi|(dY;T ,9 ;tl» cfWV. Topner,-' M':*f'flssir'aea.':.''T'«!^^ z PICNIC GRILLS t iSES*m u s ^ : T O . s 3 ^ : ^ ^ aije^ ^ e tor>'’tiw ‘-4i«or Riit lie Is waiting f o r the Tnihol represented the City'1" the state average" 6f the price bf h(t aapUm new Wgto -leyel., , lai«*- :Jnoaay wa (*r-:atH«lMai ..wjvosi,, a young ..... iwCr: changeai.lnj the- aconomlc; .aocla!; :dlvialotit.vTt - ia - announced. In : :8ai- 'gdvarndr- to give .tlis ward. ieglStlttuM...T and 'icKHi- Wai^alwt-'to'diiato' audliig'- ,tola,month.-- .4a.4Ufenaav''---jid'.ad«$ed--enssv' finanr1at-'"'BB(f. Jadicial Hfe of ■ ■the- gon- ; 'Ban -Francisco'# berle#- 'leader of th# House tn 1949-,Jfe d d iY fa H ne ri'hilve ii»' "The ugly picture of rising ■ ' ■ ElUtnhowafr promtaed STlghtlng fnto«r-bi-lnw woimdM by kaUh - CHARCOAL ereased. ’Tile Constant increase in liv­ country, now virtually bankrupt qne queens get police ok on strip­ campaign starting about Sept. 1. fore Governor-Chester Bowl*# ap pricoa ia plain to anyone with a ing costs, especially the srteady up men enriy today jnat aa to* A mid-summer drought haa cut because of loss of Oil revenues ping down but blue-coated thumbs- Elsenhower said he and his run­ pointed him to the Comn]p(t Pleas two eeuple* ratorued from a gay $ l e d 0 a n d $ | „ 9 8 deaire to see it,’* Price Stabiliser rise In the cost of .food, ia a strong down on "biinlps or grinds." bench. Too many dlarymen have given Ellis Arnaii said. since nationalisation of the Anglo- ning mate. Senator Richard M. beaeh outiug.. PICNIC JUGS, Etc. up the business In the past 10 argument against those .sl'ren Iranian Oil Company last year. Col. Allen W. Reed, former com­ Plus Tax Hla comment laat night followed voices among tbe business com­ ^ (Continued on Page Two) , (Oontinoed oa JrtHgm Five) -years. a toireau of Labor Statistics Attacks U. S. Adviiiera mander of Wiesbaden military s t e a l s a f e , 911666 Hammerberg made these con- munity who have been telling (3on- "The Stokte session was post, pays In full the 88.982 fine New York,*Aug. X—(JV-Four COMPLETE LINE OF (BLS) report that food prices gress and the people that .. the Coty's Cologne with Sachet ...... s l . 8 5 ,duslona in a finding issued yes­ have climbed to a bew reco rd - punctuated by attacks on Ameri­ levied on his wife for .selling cof- strong toievea, wovUng eooUy terday'on-a two-day hearing, here need for concern about the cost of can advisers. The. speakers did not fe, gasoline coupons and currency Isi delight, carted a sue teft up 1.2 per cent for the two week living Is over.’’. In which milk deelera sought a de­ period ended July 15 and almost refer to them directly as Ameri­ on German black market. Amen-' sate eoatolalng 812.660 Ui eosk,. crease t,o go into effect Aug. 1, The record food prices, Arnall cans but used the term "foreign can authorities In. Welsbaden re­ Stepinac Denies Tito Claini SCOTT PRODUCTS Yerdley Bath Powder^ ...... $ 1 . 6 5 16 per cent above June 1950 when cheeka and bonds from a Rraali FOR YOUR LAWN CARE Denying the dealers’ petition, the Korean fighting began. Food M id do not reflect effects of the advisers’’, however, "since the port .... Three-yeur legal buttle lyn aervlee statiMi today. DRY SEAL makea up about a third of the av­ decontrol of fruits and vegetablee by five Negroes to gain admission Of Slav Religious Freedom (OMttaiied ea Page Twe) erage uiban family’s budget. voted recently by Oongresa and the (Oontlnued on Page Two) tir all-iwhite University of Florida VBJAR GETS (HUtEnNOR" . Bat * ^ u t r Now to CoRtrol Crab Brass oir IT MOw.m.uuoY n roe uni Yardley Talcum ...... $ 1 . 1 0 Repubileana were blamed by extensive drought which Is daiqag meets defeat before State Supreme Stumford, Ang. 1 (81 CRkW BATHING HATS Economic Stabiliser Roger L. Put­ Ing crops In the South and New Court. By ALEX SINGLETON.-''' «exlsted In Yugoslavia, ihat the Vejar, Stamford weitafwelgM England. j __.I.-,,!,. e . Sn ' A W-tO 4 W a P aghter, ha* teeeived uette* t* - Britain Approver nam. 3 Safe as Plane Two U.S. Air Force helicopters Belgrade,. Yugoslavia, Aug. 2 ~ church doors are open, but that Sutton Deodorant stick » ...... 59« "There’s no question that ,the Meanwhile, government offl that 'windmilled their way across (JP) Four American visitors today the country would "not permit In­ report for tadnettou tat* th* An whits aviator style with auction strips to keep your hair dais eatlmated "tltot increased cell Atlantic In first croaatng of .tost uiuMd force* Aug. 1 1 dry. ___ cost of living la going to rise some­ quoted Roman Catholic Archbishop terference of the church In state Free Delivery The YYiaMnray'daea a big efl heating West Reich Pact what and that toa 82nd Ciongreas ing prices on aluminum scheduled Burns, Crashes oeran by such craft take off for Alojric Stepinac as . Saying Com­ effairs. to be ordered Monday will boort U. S. FflRCBO OUT job ia anall to modium bomee. Y ou 5-Day Deodorant Pads...... 5 9Ic . (only recently adjourned) did curb Amsterdam frfem Prestwick, Scot­ munist practices are driving to­ Aamlle Vaticaa after yew it antomatioally ptavidea London, Aug. 3—(SV-rBritala our program," Putnam said In a national defense costs by from 15 Denver, Aug. 3—iff)— A single- land , , Toledo, Ohio constable wards the elimination o^ religion The Americana said Tito BetsinU, Ang. 3—(SV- Tk* 8 9 c each joined the U. S. last night in ap- radio broadcast. to 20 million dollars. fngined Navy torpedo bomber collapses -and- dies of heart attack In -Yugoslavia. - charged the Vatican with attempt' United State* wn* ettoriaatad au BMtb droulatiaii af wana, dean, ho- "Thera’s imt no question that . . Disputes Arnall , while at. wheel of hla car but hie w psasIMe eoataadee ta to* 139. mHMad Mr. Juk m about thin Iwad- provihg the Allied contracts dived In flames and crashed north­ The four, led' by 81-year-old Ing,-tar spread'Italian propaganda Naw-Toni Home Perm anent...... S t « 3 0 griintl^ West - Germany - near- tbe RepubUcan pdity was voting ArnaU’s previous estimate that east of Denver tost night' after prUoaer etopu car after It speeds Sherwood ^ d y . author and lec­ In Yugoslavia, t Idlometca eyeUag Oiymple radt Ibait. complete sovereignty and 'thi to cripple controls. The Demo­ the recent increase in steel prices three crewmen parachuted to 300 yardi and hits two other autos. turer, Interviewed the prelate In partial transcript of the Arch' raee today. Ta/o af" to* Cm t • Green Stamps Givinii With Caah Salea right to rearm for waatern da- crats ware fighting fo keep Uie will add JlOO a year to the average safety. Dollar outlays for new con­ the little village of Kraatc, where bishop’s talk with the four Ameri' Aaaericaa riders w e n tsreed asE New Oobbia Pin Curl. .S|«3 fenae. Franca and West Germany power of controls where they’re living coet'of the :Amertcaa family ' Reported uninjured in balling struction in United Statea soar to he hea been confined to his former cans tvaa made available by official still must okay the measures be­ needed." waa challenged by Ernest T. Weir, out and laiidlhg were Lt. Robert record ,63,069,006,600 M July, exr pariah eRer ’belng"~-gyleseed from government sources aa recorded by NO LOSS IN TREMOR V fore they can become effective.' Arnall said toe BLS report re­ chairman od the National Steel M.'Chambers. Lt. ijg) Ralph H.- ceedtng previous high in June- by priaon laat D *ceinberr~ N ^_ erament employe sent along Saa Salvador, El veals that inflation still is a prob­ Aug. 3—Un—Tka caty m t S w a ^ _47c C o lg a h L T o o th P a a t a ...... 2 f o r The House of Cbmmons voted Oprpbration, tha eduhtry’s " fifth Dainea and Lt. (jg,| WlUlam D. 89 mtlUon dollars, Washington, re-. The fpur are. members, o f'* 50; n translator. 69c 3M-3S3 to ratify the eontiacts, lem and that pricas generally' can Iv g eat steal iwoducer. Wordle, aU 29 and aU of Salt Lake ports . Attorney.Charles Pat­ member group of AmcrTcari" The transcript gave tola record Salvador' wa* ahakiw br ■ which will raplace the occupation be expsclikr to move ujpi7...... Weir aald in a statement at Cite. rick Clark la convicted In Wash­ clergymen educatora and profes­ of the Interview: atroag aarth treriaer at dtad a. Btatuilea imder which Weat Ger­ 8lfe« Voices Pittsburgh that Arnall’s estimate 'They were flying a routine ington, p . C„ Municipal Court-of sional men making a fact-finding Speaking on economic difficulties 'aa. today. Daqplta toa ' NORIARTY BROTHERS many now la governed. Ihe House Tbs report. Arnall told a report­ facing to* church, to* Archbishop of toa auaha. wfeMi -V waa ‘labaolutely untrue." He aatd training misaion from Salt Lake charge of aaaauIUng columnist tour of Europe. Earlier they visit­ er, shows toe public can expect Drew Fearaoa In two-punch fracas ed Premier Marshal Tito, who . graat 301-31S CENTER STREn-t. TELEPHONE 5|35 "rising price*, higher living costs, June 18. told tyni tost religious frsadoin z=^ssri^~.,xSJ^j»xtSi

N. ^h -4 y -V \ y ■- PAGE TWO ICANGHB8TER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY. AUGUST t, 1953 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANC CONN; SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1952 PAGE ii.hato^ErBiiii till ^that Ctttllll'V' _ to bring higher prices on aluml- AWoitoilff WtUir tha Mgidi— dUlMlhf K o e k v iU e 8tepiGil6;:Di8pilt^ " Alum iiuuii.JErices, Ucan organizations,-would, make a westfleriiii A tainlng al'imlnum. Officials, aaid vital contribution to this' caai- 11^ 1 1^ £ Li IE this also would hike the cost of Ign.” He said tha "practtcal^de- Paul 8, Rialey,' avUUon ord- Free Church Claim Will Be Boosted Vatican /Rites nanceman second class, U8N, a— Back Powers Sailing ^Home^ pitoes, ships and other defense CarefnllF CoaipoiUhM Is.of this coordination" would OoveMrv Y-BMl •toOJtF aW! SUMIMUr Covered Wagon Entry Wins products. be worked out at another meeting and M—. Oeorg* 8. Rialey fUerted for OONTINUOI7S F R I^ gtU (O—Ha—i f— Faga Om ) Waahingt— , Aug. 2--,(F’)—'A One affiCial said thehlk— were today. Highland street and hns- Arthir Bric SE^I For Eva Peron Mrs.' AlbarU L Rialey of Of Mossadegh Town Bank* BDrt - Mrs. Doeg to Visit Na« price Inc—aae for toe aluminum being granted under price etand- , Formerly Headed AOA , WM MoKo— av—ue, . Niaga— Coventry 4-R membe— ' ' —- ^Parade on Wheels^ Award said that th* training of new indlIndustry avera'giiig 6.8 per cent— ards which allow price Increaeea In Wyatt, Stevenson etao— € Falla, N. T „ is serving with Fight­ rolled in club* pis— third highest live Norway for First pri—ta waa "difficu lt—men a— ■bout half the amount. asked— to step up defense production. feed Rioters VaM<^ City, Aug. » —(PV—A • (OenUnned fr—e Pag* Om ) in th* 13 towns in Tolland Coun­ IVORY HONHR wee —ported In the mill y—terday, long Um* friend as his personal er Squadr— 14, operating Otboard Time in (hner SO Years ■till m— , not angels. They have to campaign manager. Wyatt. 4d, la Vatlcaii ^ aourc* aald today tha tha airtiraft carrier UBS Wasp In ty with a total of 71. MansfleM b TIc h /^COLOR. Rockville, Aug. 2— (Specbl)—atNew World Translation of the One price offtclel'Mid it Vrould be Too Bqriy Kindergarten Harmful Americans a— the — ly — with first with 94, Vtrnon |s second Chrbtlan Or—k Scriptur—: eqjt aomething. .They cannot live announced Monday. t to —Waand 0 « « P— • One) a former Mayor pf Loulsyili* and CongregaMpn of Ritea haa jta - the Maditerraaeaa. area. A gx— u- miutafy niiasloM and adrlaa— The— were 25 entries in the "Pa-' LAND SUEViYIN#^ with 77. Of tha local membe— 00 •Bolton, Ang. 3—(g p eeln l)— • Tomorrow, 3:00 p.m.: Public without’ that.'The enti— propel ty The btrteial told a —port— late — Winnipeg, Canada'- (Fj— School was federal housing expediter in ceived no piilt)Uon to atart beatlfl- at* o f' Manchester High Aehool, he—, it w u plain whom they —de on Wh—U" held at the Rec- lMft-47- He is n lawyer and al— Risley — tered the naval aarvioa I glrb and 21 boys, according Wh— tba A 8. OMe WJotd eaUa lecture "D— th. Friend or Foe?" of the chu—h was taken away un­ y—terday■terday the celling hike would offictale here say starting a child ilM ilrst luaf of Um y—r w m catton proceedii^pi for B— Per— , m eut. - r—tl— Field on yesterday after­ M one cecent per pound on raw In kindergarten too soon can han­ E4word L Dovk. Jr. — ly Bln* mlllioB mu-ka (about haa bem NsUoasl Chslnnaa of June at, IMS. , to Albert A Gray, coimty club from NOW Tortt harbor — Ang. 19 I f duth we— a friend why should der agrarian —form.” late wife of 'Argentina’s Preal- Dr. Matin Daftari, son-ln-bw of agent, — d Mbs Shirley L. Walk, noon, one of the featu—s of the there be a.resurr—tlon? Thb lec­ aluminum—pig and Ingot— and 6 dicap him in the next grade. They Regtstered Land Sarvejrar Iwo million donara) compared Americana for DemocrsUe sctton. bound for Oslo, Norway, o m of its the P—mler, after defending the UBlet— t county chib ag—t. ture will be dellve—d by a —p- The rellgioua educatioh of the per cent on irmi-fabrtcated and aay it takes a mental age of 6(^ 18 Proctor Road arltli J0« million mark* (about SO Wyatt told reporteirs "If he d—t Juan D. Peron;\ A a— w u bora to Mr. and M—. fovemment’a program, told tha paaeenge— will be Mra. George Municipal Playground program. young ia a problem because chil­ (Stevenson) Is not going to be one Membe— not p—vloualy Bated la The entrl— varied from a unique' reeentalive of the Watchtower fully fabricated products. / years to handle the reading pro­ TeL 7019 dollar*) in the flrat half ’The aourc* aald ia y atep to­ William Nadolny of 1039 Tollahd Renata; “We do not need foreign Doeg of Keanoy drive, Bolton. Mrs. dren are required to attend atate These Incrcaa— we— exiweted gram in the drat grade. of the most militant campaigners ward the first stage cl^beaUflca- turnpike, Buckland, Thureday at thb eohnna Inrtude: Doeg will retnra to her cave—d -ftagqn . to the emslier I Society, ^.^Gr—n. 4:15 p.m.: Study advisers in this country," .— Louts B—umont, Jr., Ke— eth achoola__for thr— , years_befo— . Western obaarveiV aaid there I lutve ever teen. I'll eat my bat tion should be startad' from th* th* it . Francis Hospital, Hartford. Iran's agriculture b being aided to vb it four abta— — d a brother youngetera with Weir gaily deco-: "The Watchtower" In the June entering rellgioua schools. Beaumont, Johnette Bbhop, rated tricycles. issue. Article to be studied is Imd been no recent aharp drop In after Nov. 4. And I don't think I'U Arr.hbiahoprtc 8— of Buenos under President Truman’s Four for the fln t time In 30 yearly Her He concluded that "mo— people'' ■aat>W**t trade. Commerce be- have any hat tndIgesUon. Aires. A leading Vatican inform- MUa Janet Bradley and Mim Judith Obppell, Way— Clay, only pengmal e— tact with her The q>rize for the moat original "Subjection to Superior Authori- IHtint p—g—m. _ U. B. military Barba— COIe, Jo—ph Eaton, Jr„ go to church now that before Oi* two none* haa been dry- Stevenson invitsd three of the —t anid yesterdaw that *^rtklle Joan Strickland a— s M d iiig their mtiutons were established bn a family in an the Into—enitig yea— . entry went to the Gagne young- j ties.' World War II but added that •U; np for noittha, partly due to men ha daf— ted for tha presi­ In th* case of lue. Paton the, va— Hows — SU r lataiwl, b l— of Bally Fra—r. N — cy Moo—,: La- h u be— a vbtt from a nie— la ■tera, Ann, Charles, George Jean Wednesday. 5:00 p.m.; (Company smetl scale in 1943. I b expen*— book study, in the book "What H u membera of the Communist party Oommunlat baraaalap tactica. dency to discuss campaign plana dvil virtues we— prnctieed tai an* Bboais, which I* 10 ,mllM off are paid by the Irani— govern­ L— Becker, Bartmra Barno, 194A who had the covered wagon. It are afraid to attend. . Adele Oehrlng, Pamela Gbaaey, Religi— b — e ' for Mankind T” ■Hm— wera not mentioned in with him. Invitations went to evid—t way, nothing la- known Portsmouth, N. H. Also ep— ding ment while the U. 8. pays th* aal- M ra Doeg U naturally exdtod was complete with frying pan and Eddy ashed him if the pdsaibflily Ben. Estes Kefauver of Tennessee, about bar rellgioua virtue* and, at tha\w—k there a— Marga—t Car^ Donald . G ehrig, Robert Gehriag, at th* —artpatl— of —vbdtSng kettles hanging from the bottom, Studies will be held st the follow­ Ciniikov'* protest.’ arl— of the offl— and men. ing places, Kingdom Hall, 41 existed for cooperation betweenlhe Sen. Richard B. Russell of Oeer- flrat Bight, there aeama not to tar, 'N u q r Cole and Margaret Theodora Hbdky, A— e Reynolds, peopb and seen— eh* left 30 y e a - to the small boy sitting on a quilt The long—t attack — foreign Orchard strut. Rockville; 287 Oak­ (JathoUc church and the . (JOmmu- gls and AvereU Harrlman. have be— —y of th* herotem —- Woltefadorf u r^reaentattv— J— ct Reynolds, JanlM Rankin, ego but Me also —martb, dau- with hla wooden gun across hla nlst party. The Archbishop replied: advisers w u mad* by Senator John Qarbarini, Roberta Hans— , kn—a. The second moat original land street, Manchester; 15 Rom- T%* DemoersUc National eom- by th* church in auch mat­ from Cmter (3iurch to th* Young AbolfaxI Lesanl, who recounted tleualy, that aha may ba diaap- DaMt-4lltlir’i Hall "W e are not Inte—ated In political A PARADE OF MANCHESTER VALUES A d lai, Ik e to M ap People’s iC—g—gatlonal Confar- Sharon MacNeil, A — MaeV— *, pointad. Her plans for tha futu— XSOand TWi^llw entry went to Beryl Semple whose mary Place, Manchester. mlttee waa told yesterday that Ir— 'a expeiien— with F—neh. Clambake 8bted affairs. It ia clear that the church' — ca held — the island. Mlaa Brad­ William Re;mol y • 0 — > Richard D. BaciMr,. Vlotldn'g Pi— X n aaking that procaedinga out of our poor budget?" Ib be ibid -Tomorrow, at the Ftrabouu Damooratlo National soimilttoe- be etortad for av—tually raising Library. asked- "Foreign advt— , be- Bertram Koppiach, Martin Kop- voyage party for M—. Dogg, princess in c—pe paper costume that he was confined tb the parish pbeh, Harley Rowland, I m Scul­ e— ting her with a lObe — d mi seated on a • wagon drawn by grounds. It will Atart ft ami can not go out," that he j l b n a ^ CaUfomia; will (o Into mdn, wired McKinn— ^ t "re- M—. Par— to sainthood la the rides G—atlng political difltcultica Richard and George Polio was with dinner —rved at 3 p.m. Nor­ Roger L. Putnam- (le ftV *c<”iomlcf ttahlllastlon director, laughs eentmmt o f Florida Demoerats Roman OathoUe —urch. Rev. Eric Brandt, Mrs. Brandt for ue, Insult our national pride.' ly, Donald Smith, John Twerdy ing aUppa—. The euecau of tha could not perform his duties as ^ UwjiQoksjMKt crimniee ln .the and P— I Twerdy. peirty and th* warmth o f nelgh- Judged the prettiest; while little man. Ludwig la chairman of the .-the__spiritual leader of Yugo­ heartily while posing July in , in Washington, with Archibrtd Ck>x, account of efforts of pertoln^ele"' Arg—Una saw—span ha— and their chitdr— a— leaving to­ Slap at Roaela ^ cbmihittee' in charge naaiited“'b y W U d But— " day for Butterfield Lake, Redwood, Boudrea^ Va—Hexing borty feelliig hu glv— th* h—or Harry Olson with hla IrTcycl^ slavia's Roman Catholic millions, chairman of a new Wage Sfabilizntion Board at a newa conference, manta in tha o— vsnii— to drive ehorussd Mrs. Par— ’a aatnUneas Another Senator dem— dad that Paul Manclni, Eric Andorson, Wil­ Cox,‘ a Harvard law professor, heads an 18-mah board stripped of tu- I Aaswers Slevena— N. T., near the Thouund latonds, Tr— nationalise its flshsrl— In­ Mr. — d'M —. Fredertck J. Bou­ guest some pangs of l u —t at decorated in many colora waa but he could —y Mass and deliver the South out of the Dsmocratlc dally Bines her death a w—k ago. seysriag her Bolt— tba, Mb hu DANCimi TONiaHT awarded —oond prize In thla group. liam Scribner. thorlty to deal with nationwide labor disputes. This group —places a- I The Republican. candidate said party la stsadOy tner—alng." whs— they will spend the ' —- dustry, Thla w u a direct aUp dreau a— spending two wertu in a —rmon once a . w—k. i W beUer— derelopment o f a Bnormoua tributo h u be— h—^ Maine. b—n a redid— t of Bolton'for thr— FBOtBriBg Dm m VI Merchandl— certlficatea' we— Anaounoe Bagagement He was asked why he did not go board headed by Nathan Felnainger which Cong—sa ordered disband­ 'to '.... — tha WM—n who frdm -maindar of .the month. Ib ey w]U pt. Ttuatb... which h u a luc—ti— 4 Mr. and.Mca WUUam Hankin.oJ touad program for world "peace be Joined by membe— o f bbUi Ui^ caviar coneesslbn in ti— i— Wa^' fttoe -V winne— dxflng y e a n and la jb xaemlMt of Boll— ' Mom ont;'" p o u u B - 'ang' . .awarded the . winners,...... outaMe the cou n try-,'toa.,. placia- ed. .Putnam must Okay aU —g^Uona. iaaued by Jthe new hoard, irV; r7-03'c3-?fj‘A;. mrenrld— all the issues >, of the Barker said tho party’s plat- po—rty to beeom* o m af the pinochle card party Thursday Orange. Union Service Norwich announce the engage­ "where you would be free.” SI0.E00 meet powerful polltl—I flgur— in putor’a family and that of M—. tera of the Cupi— u a that ex- SQUABB DANCnfO ment of their daughter, Lillian to m— id— Ual eampalgn- Ha mad* form is "anUrsly uh—lnn—tifaetory" BrandL ' r— this fall. night at Pine Lake Shoru Oom- M—. Doeg, who w u widowed la , Union Services of the Baptist, He replied that he wanted to re­ Aug. 12 at the Bahler farm, In Tol­ Latin Ameriea. Tbeusar-da c— - Februaryry of th b year, Samuel Gepe Blonatein, son of Mr. ibis reply when asked to com­ — d that thsie la eppqiMtt— to Thq Senate speech— ebowed a munlty Clubhou— we—; Worn—'a h u a , • HNE FOOD 'Cong—gatlonal and Methodist main with hla people. Britain Approves land: the second, Aug, 21, at the ment — a statamsnt by Btsv— - 8m . John J. Bparkown o f A la­ tinua to pay bomaga u ah* U— la first, Mrs. Mildred C. JndaU; eec- Irving, of Troy, New Toric, — d a Churches will be held tomorrow and Mrs. Reuben Blonatein of Eddy complimented him on hia sUto —ialthig h— funeral Bent Mr, and Jdra, Thom u A Moore, growing — ti-fpr*lgn f —ling _tljat Fronklln;atr—t, Rockville. A fall Peracchlo f a ^ in Coventry: and •M m t foHlBB potley *la the bama aathaytce pr—M—ttal nom' Is unmialakable he—. However, ond, Mto. Ida Dup— of Btailfofd -t-m— ih-old-g—nde— . She w ill be • LEGAL liVIRAOES a t TO a.m. at the Rock vlUe Baptist appeaf toe* Of good health. The ’tHe ’ fli’lird, Aug.’ ’26,’ at ’the Fobfi Tuesday. Ih a rf ha— oa— hints who we— married In Ju m , have accompanied, to New Tork by Mr. wedding is being planned. ” West Reich Pact •naeipal lasus. In— on account e< hla "F a ir Deal token up housekeeping at 90 Wood- the aesskm w u calm and orderly Springe; third, M—. I,. Fontaine Church. Revr Forrest Musaer, pas­ Archbishop —plied: " I have noth­ farm In Hebron. Hours of the sea- , l i e —howsr and NUoo conferred rcoqrd." that a year after tluu hrr body .Doeg** ebtar, Mrs. Charlu RUg- Panrtng E very Thfaraday,- Upholelery Clam ing to complain about. There *was bridge str—t. Prior to her niar- in contrast' to thb w—k’s MaJUs of WilUmantlc. Mm'e first, F, Friday and Sanwday N l^ t tor of the Union Cong—gatlonal alona will be announced later. With profeselonal end amateur Baib. Joa^ ONUdioiiay (D. may ta plaead la a m— um— t un­ Htrnlng; second. Am— A. Rich­ glns of Block Isl— d, who win a— Church will give the sermon. Another aesalon of the uphcA- no maltreatment but It la not easy der glsM and permanently dls- rlag* la June, M—. Moo— w u the session when' deputi— — grily de­ her off — her trip to Oslo. (Continued from Page One) Social Security —p—aentiSlveB duspaitn atntteglcts yeaterday. W yo.) predMtod yaatorday that manded the hnmedbte h— ve-ho ards— ; third, Jam— Kerxrln of Vbltora to the city, as well as atery group will be held Monday to sit in prison." He —rved five ptayM to th* puMle. former M iu Mart— L. Homes, from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. at the Will be at the Rockville Post Office Afterwarda Ninon pralaed Elam' Uts Democratle ticket will roll up for the Amerlcartvmllitary mbelon. atom . Special, M—. Ro— Royce merfibe— and frienda wlH be wel­ years of a 19-y—r —ntence Im- of Lords had given its assent daughter of Mr. and M—. Mark Rtf’s Rsslaarait home of Mrs. Bertha Oerich bn po—d on charges of collaborating Aug. 14, from 10 a. m. to noon. how— for hnvlaw d— a "a b—utlful a Mgger vletory la November The Vatic— aour— aald ev— If of South Willingtm. The— will be come at the —rvlce. Hereafter the— will be —praaenta- M a t aasuriny harmony** bstwem a request la received It would- be Holmea of 23 Woodbrtdge etr—t. OAK STKEET Progne— avenue. Those attending with the Nazia in World War II. Thursday. than lb* Trumaa-Barhlay slat* did Auguat 14 Letter Is Required Oiurch Services - lives on the second and fourth 12,00 0 im groupa four yean ago. Ha told unlikely — y acU— — b—tldca- will carry box lunch—, and Mias Eddy, a former International In a blanket vote, Common* also $ Sunset Council, No. 48, Degr— With .Mrs. Btsphsii Zirhts szsln During August the Sunday Thursdays from 10 a. m. to noon. , Aftlm r B. gummerflald,immarflald, tba new portor ha*ae— no ch— e* o f loelng tloB would be tab— befo— her In charge. Cora H. Webb, home demonstra­ leader of the YMCA. said hia approved the European Defense $10,800 of Pocah— tu , will m—t Monday aervlcea at the Trinity Lutheran Grange To Meet —airman a t theM Republican Na- any eoutbem atat— and that the funeral. It w u —called that In To Defer Students Church will be held at 8 a. m. and tion agent will be in charge. group would pray for the Arch­ Community (EDCI treaty and an­ at 3 p-Ri. in Tinker Hall. Plana for Reds Shell M—tinge today include Oak To Note Analversary ^ — 1 committee,**; t w reporter* DemoeraU art aartala to win In 13U, Alexander IV. w— tod to the Sunday School and -Bible bishop tod asked him to pray for The next meeting of Bllington dealt largely with the annual picnic win be made. drove Aaeodati— food eab at 1 AlBOONDmONED ""Mr. 'a'rta' M rr JohB” Connor8 o f other pact defining and extending Orajige Avill be thr Town Now Tork. e— onilM 8t. Clara — tha day of p. m. at Gable’s Sto—; Mr. — d classes at 9 a. m. Rev. George B. —ana toi* e— tlnulng tbe'Nattoaal Membe— a— also —minded to OoUeg* students wUl not be de­ 43 Thomas str—t will observe their “ I will 'pray for you very will­ EIXTe —lalions with the North Hall here Wednesday Aug. 13, at Rap, Porter Hardy, Jr.. (ISVa) her funaral, but th# - OoUeg* of M—. C3ub of North Cov—try Higgins, pastor of the First Con­ Qtlaena for Blamhower commit- Cardinals oppoeed tha mo— and bring their d— atlona for th* "food- ferred from the draft for tha com­ golden anniversary Monday and in ingly," said the Archbishop. "We Atlantic Treaty Organization 8 p. m. and la "surprise night" ■aid he bellavea VlrgliUaas wl AUies Ato] chicken barbeque, 5:30 'to 7:30 ing sch—1 year If they do not write 1 E A S T W O O D ! gregational (?hurch of Vernon will wM» alia waa not ats— tod to aainthood lau " food sal*. A social time will honor of the event will spend the have one thing In common—our (NATO). with the Broad Brook members in etlck with the Democratle part; follow tha bualneM eeasi— . p. m.. Sec—d Cbngregatio^ a personal bt|*r to th* d r ^ board have for the subject of his ser­ week end in Boston. Father who la above ua." charge of the program, tod re­ I n ils group, mad# up o f sM-des- until a year lator. In moat oasas Be OtUCW The EDC treaty permits Ger­ He eakt he will eupport the Ueket Church and grounda. requ—ting deferment and if they Olua r*rd mon at the 10:45 a. m. service to­ The couple was married in Dal­ freshments. drtbstf amateur poUtidaiw, bad tha proca— tab— nwny yaara, in- morrow "Why Are Christians So man troops to Join those of ad Osanhewer to approve Its A Itoht — to u expeotad In K —- Mbs Judith A. Handley, who do not writ* to their —liege re­ Beth ■•■■■ las, Texas. Aug. 4. 1902.. Mra. France, .Italy, Belgium, The Neth­ voh—f several stag— *4 aempll- B^dy Crest Hard to Uve W ith?" In the ab­ When school o'pena in the fall I to give Ui* organtmtlon equal tntiky^ PareocyaOe and RapiiUl- eatod kiqutry. teach— In the VerpUnek Behoed, questing th* college to flU out “Younff Connors la the former MUs Susan erlands and Luxembourg tii the oan prlmarlM today. Thla la “Scara- sence of Rev. Higgins who win be 3 Safe as Plane the Town Hall will once more be CStotoa with the OOP Katlenal eom- and to touring Europe with a chas- Holdup Man Loses tha 109 form Showing their claee monche” Man With Skinner. They have lived In Rock­ joint defense of the West. Britain used for a school rciom as the dieted becaUM four DemoentU N ) mats at Wh—lock College, la hav­ (Oeatinnad fran Pngs Om ) standing, it w u r*-*8—hulsed to­ on vacation from August 8 to 15, ville the greater part of their ma'r- Is to go to the aid of any of those A ltt— and 1st H have almost Inde- and thiM RapubUcana la tha sight (U (M*r> Ideas” p—eent school building ia not nsnd—t status. ing a wonderful trip, judging by In Wrestling Bout day by Earner A. Weden, local the servicea wjll be conducted by rled life. They have three daugh-, Burns, Crashes countries in case of attack. large enough to take care of the $13,500 Oongroasloaai dlatrlots hava no letta— and cards ra—tvad by ■tall officer told newsmen today, member of the draft board. Rev. James X. Cameron of Perth tera, Mra. Mary Stiles, Mrs. Susan * Bnaunarfleld aal^ It w— sgrtod oppealtiMi. V. A Benator Thom- The U. S. already haa ratified number of pupils that muat go to friends. They have sp— t conald- "I think we ha— m—e some pro­ Wed— aaid that zuny etudenU Scotland, a graduate student at Gebler and Mrs. Katherine Bock; school. ae R. VMerwood. Democrat, and Nepal A irs Jhe Hartford Seminary Founds' (Continued from Page One) the peace contract, which waa e—Ito tima Ja - Paris . and. other, gress in flnning up .Jbe agree­ Wat(ttbury. A u a dp not reaii)w. the linportanto- rtt SZABXS aCNDAV. six grandchUdren,. and. three, great-, signed last May by.tba.German, Ms a d | )p ^ ^ fOtWiff parts of France and found the ments On ail the parag—phs ex­ M dup m— who decided to rob these two etej^, nec—aary for da- tio'n.' ...... ’ grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Con­ XT. A Benator John Shannan Ooop- City to Buckley Naval Station, British, French and American for­ Penonal Nodceg weather In Italy very hot In con­ cept two." He u id the wording Mra. Anth— y Vefbyla in her ferm— t. He esp—ially streeaed "THE WINNING TEAM" Waste Paper Drive nors were guests Sunday at a eign ministers. The question Is ar, al— ha— received certiflest— Red Plot to trast to ftwltaerland. ‘niatr Itiner- of seven disputed —ctlons w u ll^ o r sto— laarnad in a huiiry that tha pe—onal letter mibt be The American Legion Post will family reunion at their home. Just east of Denver.. Sugar-Beet Output o f their party nominations. Doris Day — Ronald Regan The 'TBM, streaming a tail of pending in the French and German Carl at Thanks aiT Includes H o lb ^ and Belgium worked out in a —rtea of eight that he'd picked oh the wrong vic­ written, end wlth— t It defenn—t conduct Ita monthly collection of parliaments. ytah Republican* yesterday bafo— crossing thacmnnal to Eng­ m—tings. tim. b Impossible. "WAIT TIL THE SUN paper tomorrow, weather permit The Rockville Bureau of The fire, smashed into a summer fal­ Is High ill Italy Somerville added It w u poul- ting. Thla monthly collection waa lowed Held three and a half miles >1— to Ibsak all of ' ■ <; J J.'>v In Msaioiiani the aeoond Texas prtoniiry with­ On* ocrieial aald th* Commu- Veit>yla twbted the m— 'a arm, mites north of Denver, oil start­ ing.* to be held this month during Italy, the Inatitute said. The Unit­ nlato planned this time to eetu churches In.Greater' Rockville will ed to spurt on the windshield. The draw. DM* lad la last Baturday'a applied a headlock — d too—d him attend seaalon's to discuss the which dairymen can see what ed States produced 9,744,000 tons: aevsral dlstrteU In’ northwaet Ng- June Milk Boost storm, Aug. 2—Dr. Kenneth W, engine began to nm roughly and ai— eiy af our< tetberter aaiand Daraocratlo primary,vrtiar* nom­ into the str—t. AlB-OONDmONBD C?hrl8tian home starting Monday others hava done to Improve their 1*Tance. 8.876.0OO: Poland, 6,900, V. p e n it ination gene—lly la tanUmbunt to pal and th— apradd their o—t—I Police a— holding, a suspect Schenck, associate unive—it^ the pUuie to pitch. I^ e crew pastures. The flrat eeeaion will be 000, and Italy 5,800,000. batuoflr INI. *** o—r the ru t or th* count—. Arms and continuing through Friday. A notifled Buckley field a try would alectioB. Di— servad in Congress EMton-SkoiMRkl Order Will Slay who, they said, had a fluhllght in Stoweit Oreaser KUesr yavlwr school for small children will also physician at the University of Con­ I we kaew Oed tlMutbt It best, In th* —rly IMO’a and waa tha areuM bar channeled f —m 'Tibet by Ids coat pocket when they picked be made for Stapleton Municipal 1 abaoM bsT* etoraal rest] a Nepaleae^ChineM command — M iu Dorb Ann Skonaeki, him up near the sto—. iB “SCARAMOUCHE” be operated at the same time, 9 necticut, has been ordered to ac­ Airfield here. ’* ads* you fuel as auen tochr. original ebarman of th# House dau^ter of Mr. — d Mr*. .Jo—ph (P — ttnned frau Pngn One) Ttehakeler to 11:30 a. m. aJtlhe Union Church tive duty with the Navy, it is dia- I tbsttae yee pasmd awey, tha border. Reports— who qu—tioned Mrs. Cbmmltto* on un-American aetlv- . Refna— -to Baelga . W. Sk— ukt of 57 Hawthorne social rooms with Mra. C?layton closed today by President A. N. $ tiiea. - ...... Verbyla found. her —luct— t to Otau F>i4 Pealei Peieel 15,000 w ifa aoia aad'toagUata. Thr— Kspalea* eablihet mbils- street, and WIIHam Petov Bart— Wammerberg refflnned-hta Jqna talk,' -and -came- away -without - hor ------, -Crandill aupervUing the progMitt. Jorgensen. tiura —sighed a week ago in — of 74 O—per str—t, am * of .ruling which keepa pric— at pres­ ag* or other vital atatbtic*. "TOUNO BtAN for the children:. Dr. Schenck joined the medical W ap p ih g AMESITE DRIVEWAY —pa—nt mo— to for— Frtan* Mria. lioub* B u t— and tha b t* ent levels until Jah. 1. They aald she's a htbky woman, WITH IDEAS" Rubbish Coll—tlons staff, at the main campus of the SAVE 10% lY CALLING NOW 1 K ille d , 3 In ju re d Minister Koirala from offl—. He Herbert U But—, we— wed thb The d—le— aought the drop, however. The August municipal coll—tlon University at Starrs, in the spring- ! £ o YOU KNOW7 moralng In S t Bridget's Church. fearing that shipments of what of rubbish will be held Monday, of 1651 and practiced in the th—e • Rack On Duty MAfTHNE SPREAD * WORK GUARANTEED •Pi —arlpttans dialled i t o am§ Ivad ,—fused to resign a few w—k* eartlie.r despite dam—da of hla Th* ——m— y w u pwrformed at a they Called Clau 1-C milk from starting at the east end of the city years prior to this at Fort Lauder­ Mias Edna Stager, public health FREE GRADING * TErtMS ARRANGED (M tom ed PNBsptly A t N o Bn- In Winsted Cra8h nuptial M au at 10 a. m. by Rev. at 7 a. m. Residents are asked tO' dale. Fla. Dr. Schenck la a native nurse, returned to her duties yes­ FREE ESTIMATES e EXPERIKNCe SINCE dntChargw own Owg—H party. New York stAte would flood the "THE WINNING TEAM" _____ ^ . » Robert Carron. M—. Harold Oarrl- (Connecticut market. This milk, u « ■ hsve their material in containers of New York, and —celved his terday. She had been on a month'* POWER ROLLED 1920. Communlata and other leftwing 'TOMOBROWI CALL 2-fS14 ,Wtnated, Aug. 9 —- (iP) — Tha gr—pa ha— tak— adv—tag* of ty pr—Ided at the org— — d mixed they said, w u cheaper th— O n - that may be easily handled by the bachelor’a degree at Columbia Unl- vacation at Cape Cod. Maas. ^bdioU decorated th* altar. "THREE FOB bead-— crash :ef tww automOMIw n a hattla of the broths— to prase neCticut mtik. .BEimOOM tr -* -"- "BEHAVE YOUBSELF” workmen.. veraity. in 1930 and hia medical The home o f' Daniel F,.. Cava-, 1 nm PHAIMACY — th* Torrlngt— -Wlnated road their claims for c—trot of the Mr. SkoneakI gave hb daugh­ Hammerberg aald he'flnda that Jehovah's Witn—see degree from there in 1934. He in­ naugh. chairman of the block party "UON AND THB HORSE* celebration, will be the scene Mon­ DE MAIO BROS. last night killed Jam— R. Moni- Himalay— kingdom. This nor­ ter In marriage — d ah* w u at the period of acute compe|itl— EAST FBBE FABUNG Schedule of week's activity; To­ terned at Bellevue Hospital in $29,500 eon, SI, of 22 Second lal— d road, mally quiet —A oiderty capital hu traded by her ebtar, M b* Bialne from New York atate will be Of day, 7:30 p.m.: Service 'meeting, New York, where he also spent day night of a committee seaalqn CALL ANYTIME 7491 $15,400 webatw, Msaa, mad injured three he— BtiT—d by abnoat cenataat Marta SkoneakI u maid of h— or. short duratl— : claiming New theme, "Let Your Kingdom Come." two years in surgical residence. toimake plane in connection with 'ddi«**"toi, members of a WInsted family. damonstratlona and paradu by Brtdeamalda we— Mba Florence York auppllu would be reduced Matt. 6:10: 8:30 p.m.: Theocratic Dr. Schenck has had 18 years the cigar harvest festival. The Manrtnl, Mra. Dort* Ctnciva. Mba of service in the Navy and holds meeting wll start at '8 p m. Morrison w u Id— tlted —veral leftwiag gr—pa dem—dfaig a during the summer m— tha due to Ministry School. Study of "The aha— ’ in Uw go—rnm—t, a re­ Je— Packard — d Mrs. Corrtne natural, caua—, the rank of full commander in the Judges Are Revealed - hour* after tb* accident by fellow Mann. Robert BrbcoU of Hart­ United States Navy. He haa-been- -Names of two of the three out- 1 { 0 U 1 arorka— on a natural gas pipenn* moval of th* bin — the Nepal*— New Yorlt etate 4airiu could AM CONDITIONED Communist party and establiSh- ford w u b—t m— for Mr. B u t— ahip milk he— . under the New Legal Notices ordered to —port to Portland, Ore. of-town judges who will select the project hem — d the uehe— we— L — Bernard, local girl queen of the festival The injured we— Mr. — d M—. m—t of fun diplomatic —latiou York federal milk marketing ^ AT A COURT OF TROBATF h<*rd arlth Communist China. Leo LaChapelle, Chari— Harrb BRING YOUR DATE FIVE-DAY FORECAST from various candidates, hsve Jouph Cardell — d their four- order. Connecticut h u no federal st MsnchFSter, wJthIn snd for thF Boston. Aug. 2— The tem­ In New Delhi, the Indian gov- and Donald Ma— . order. ' Dlstrtct of ManrliFBtFT. on the 3Ul been announced. They are Ross year-old daughter, Linda Ann. All Th* brUb’e gown of nylon tuU* risy of July.'A. 1953. perature in New England during Miller, of s Hartford radio sta­ a— In a hospital he—, but non* ernm—t la watching with e—• Hammerberg calls this out-of' WE'RE OPEN l^TE WALLKTT. home comfort earn th* grawtng cha— In Nepal, w u d—igned with a fitted bodice, pPFSFnt. JOHN J. the next five days, Saturday tion and Robert Nix, of the arts | la la erltleal o— dltloh. atate milk shipment "simply — through qext Wednesday will department of a Hartford store, j whs— th* Hberallaed O—g—u mandarin neckline and long fitted economic dumping arr— gement" of W. Harry EnElsnC latf ■leevea. The skirt. Which termlnat V—, you CM have a long evp- of ManrhFSl^r in aald dlatrlct. dacess- average two to four degrees below The third judge, a woman, Is be- | party go—rnroent—c—ated last which he says would probably be y—r with Indl— Prim* Mlhiater ad In a flowing train, w u oma alag of fan here . . . dining, pfl the sSSsonal normal, warmer Sat­ Ing contacted in New York and I MORIARTY Bros declared unoorulltudonal if it Upon appllcstlon of Tha Hartford" urday followed by cooler Siinday (PLUS TAX) Jawaharlal NMmi’s acti— help—■ m— ted with scattered ep—ya of d— elBg — d enjoying fine — - • ConnFctlrut, Trust Company. Executor, Indication are that she will be | i were not a— ctiohed by a federal with no. Important teippe—ture 600x16 ' l b C F N T t R ST appeared In dangar of faUlng. UllM of the-valley. Her veil of tortalnment Bring your date, nraylnr for authority to sfM cprUln present for the contest. order. real situstFd in thr T imfii of changes thereafter. T F I bits nUR41AIIERAS Official Indtoa aourc— said no F —nch Uluel— was of fingertip, Selection of s qtieeij will be mede I 11.95 length and draped from a tiara of tanlghtt Manrhpatfr known as 118 Precipitation during this period Aug. 13 at the home of Harold FLASH BULBS, OA8BA active —pport had be— raqu—t- AH Hb bettor pictor— play Hb Ftrrrt and moro partlPuUHy d«“scrlbpd MOVIEA FARTS seed pearb and Rhlnaeton—. She Populatt— of Iceland averagw will on the average total over one Newberry, Sr., but her identity A BARGAIN WHILE THEY LAST ed by th* Nepal govarnm— t, how- approximately three peraou per Bart Windsor Drive-In—Watch ter In aald appUratlon on It Is OIL BURNER •—r, and non* w u plannsd. Durf carried a cascade of white sweet­ ORDERED; That the forFuolnR sp* half inch except two-tenths of an will he liepf secret until the coro­ ■qtta— male, according to the BB- "F A T and M1KE"I DANCING TONIGHT nllcstlhn bp hoard and dct«*rmlned at Ing th* attempted re—It last Jan­ heart robea. inch over the extreme northern nation cerSnoniea that same cyclopedb Britannica.' O— t. Every N iflit Fk— e Ooak FBATUBING . the. ProhAttL-Offlcs In Manchealsr ir REPAIR lithir Diif Storasi uary, India plaahed to fly troo— The h— or attondant wo— a gown, .0 (AJK aaid D litrlrt. on Ih^ 13th sections occurring in showers late night;- Into Nepal to support the Xolrala of lime green nylon net with bouf­ LEO WATTS Auzust. A.D. 195J. » ; ti-i, o clock In Saturday over the northern sec BRAKES RELINED $1235 th. forenoon, and thst notice be etven govern— t but the ope—U— fant akirt trimmed with sp—ya of tlons and Sunday over the south­ Mo d e r n , t o u b a s to all pcriont Intercitfd In MiC c u t. ern areas and again In more gen­ aru can—Uad wb— tha —volt staphanotis. Sha wo— a matching SQUABE DANCING of th. p.ndenc}T o f M id .ppHcallon INCLUDES LINING AND LABok failed. hat and mitts and carried a-bou- and the tlm . and plac. o f h '* ';'" * eral rain late Monday and Tues theraon. by publlahinx a copy of thla day.., quet o f TaUsman roou Tt)« ord.r in aom. newapaper harlnz - a YOUR DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS AT gow u of tha brideamaida we­ circulation In said dtitrlct. at l.aat 6y. ld— Ucal in atyb to that worn by h r il l in g a s a r a r a d b days before th. day of aald h.arjna. to TODAYS N e w C omU T ... appear If th .y are raua. at aald time Legal Notices MONTHLY Mbs K — eakl but of differ—t col­ and plac. and h. heard r.lallvo thereto, on. Mba Mhncinl’s w u aqua, Mra, EXCITING A t THE Alh OF JULYI and make rMurn to this rourt. DISTRICT OF COVENTRY I SERVICE 93 Ctnrtvn's Uvandar. Mba Pack- ana j w a LLETT.. Judge. ProhKtF Court. July 29. 1932. SPECIALS S ^n Hiis Month of HsrnU.* E. Rsrd. Uf^ n|d%.^ahrtaw . .aad Min, Mann's, a t a - coy r t o f rROBA're h«w Coventry. In ssld .District, dtresped. STRTIOn yotlow. An Tour brtdsshibldi M Manchester,' SrilMw and far ' <0—Sn—d I— Bh N Had oid-faahtonad bouquets. -DIslHct (If Manchester, on the 3lsl Rsnd. AdmInisitrstrU of thF Mtst^ of m ■::.;:'"'fllrt'''rt>thar M-'tlW-blrlias-.vnb-litjr' jsAld: , thAL ah "rder. u , Hartford Rd. Manchester,Conn. If ^ * Indurtry opiwatM i t ‘ sell regl fsUtc bn granted ss p^r appll" ,$23.m P*a«arad..M— , . tired In navy la— With bl oe—m iii<' w fully 4-OOOR .-' . enpaetty during'L.:the.s..a*ntv. IS' Vliilc-eammom'.The''b|MHNeaart* ' “Bstiiie of Waiter N: •KiBr..tois-',o* - ORD®REI>i Thgl wittl hr A f LOW AS''A; . — U—- the- aetual 'Prt— toe—a— 'UiatlMV'''irQra''U'''blus gress,^‘wtdto hrardedlod. dfeUrmUilAd at. .tbe.^/pbg.(e, On motlois rtf Dbrla L. King,, of ssld Offifi*. In CoFFnlrx’ In flsld district, on — atoel wlU be "only about' 910 ao—u o rtu and coraage of rad Slinchestef, admtnistratrl*, . ___ the Bth day j)f August. A.D. 1952, «t per famUy per year epread o—r roses. A racaptl— for 300 guoa|a 2 i > ORDERED: That «l*_n>"nlhs from U o’clock In thF forenoon, snd thlt Up To 85 Month* On Bat. .lust listed nine homes on an exclusive basi# priced from (12,000 to 122,500. Shown automobUea. washing machines, re- at tho American Left— Home at the Slat day of July^A.D.. I»SJ. he and public notice, be given of the pendency Fluid drive, radio, hraU the aame are limited and allowed for of esl/1 appllcstlon and the time and by appointment only. frige—tore,. . tin eau and a—ry- no— will c— tlnu* to 5 p. m. the credtlnra within which to Bring In place Qif hearing thereon, by publishing er. Single owner. Low Varied ghuIioU will predominate In their claims against said " ‘ate and a rop>- of this o^der one Mme In aomn mileage. famOy buys’ th* daoorations. rhe aald administratrix la directed to newspaper having a circulation In aald DAVID Wayne 4 . WAR give public notice to the creditors to District, and^y posting a copy there­ JUST LISTED IN surrounding AREA: ' Arnall told a reporter he dou For traveUng the bride h u bring In thalr claims within said time of on the public aign-poat In the Town not plan' to —sign next w—k. choe— a gray ahantung suit, —d nllowec by publishing a ‘copy of thla of Coventry. In aald Dlatrlct. at l^aat FAIRFIELD MARKET The— hh— be— im r U that be aoceaaorlu — d orchid coraage. JEAN Peters order lit some newspaper having a cir­ Ave daya before Mid dav of hearlrig. 6-Room year around home wtih acreafle-—Andover ...... • 19,500 would resign wh— Praaldmt Tru-, culation In said probate dlatrlct. with­ THOMAS G. WELLES. Judge. ’50 MERCURY ED ADAMS, Proprietor She w u graduated from Manchee- T IllH I in ten days from the date of this order, Ibfar man ihturna front Mlaaouri. ter High Sch—I with tha clau of and return make to this court of the AT A COURT OF PROBATE held 384 HARTFORD ROAD SrRpom home, expandable—Coventry ...... $9,500 at Mancheater. within and for the As—-tart aedet Th* prl— atabUhMr also *m- lOOthTh* brldegToom b a gradu­ HUGH Marlowe notice jj, J vt-ALLETT. Judge. $449 DOWN that wh— ha d—a decide ate of La SaU* Academy, cla— of ‘District of Mancheater, on the 1st "A Modem Store With Old-Fashioned PHnciplea" 4- Room home, FHA Hupervi»ed, hot water oil hea(-r-Covenfry...... $9,900 — N ia r B n n day of August. 19.32. i;p To so Montlis On Bal. lo resign It w ilt not be be—use Of 1942. AT A COURT OF PROBA'TE held Present. JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. Single owner. Choice., 5- Room home, expandable, fruit and berries—Columbia ...... $8,000 the decision lo' —1— at—1 pri—a. lEltlTjEllEL- l ^ « M at Mancheater. within, and for the clean. Arnall opposed tha st—I Incr— OBDBBS EXAMINATION Dtatrict of Mancheater. on the Mat Trust estate u-w of Charles B. day of July. A. D. 19S3,. Loomts. late of Mancheater. In said OPEN DAILY INC. SUNDAYS 8-Koom home with hreezeway, 2 car attached Knrage., thirty acres, ten cul­ --- of 9B-20 a ton. He claimed that .JSL'SiWSiSflL Preaent, JOHN J. WALLETT, Dlatrlct. deceaaed. ' under exlaUag pricing atandarda Hartford, Aug. 2— (F) —City The Mancheater Trust Company tivated, 575” frontage...... $19,000 Coma in today and drive AmericaV tndy new. moet '**Eetate of W. Harry England, late nt Trustee, having exhibited Ita annual and tha to w th* Industry was — • Oobrt Judge Max.M- Savltt Hu Mancheater In aald dlatrlct. deceaaed. acco'unl with aald eatate to this Court 8 A. M. TO 9 P. M. sensational car. Liberal allowance on- your old car will Utlsd to only 92A4 par ton. ordered a mental examiiiaa— for Ob TIw Sm is Show Uprtn appIlcKtlon of Th^ Hartford- for allowance. It is *35 CHEVROLET Mra. Lieml Korprta, 55, o f Hart­ Connecticut Truat Company. Executor, ORDERED; That the 20th day of probably make down payment! ) praying for authority to 4eU certain August, 1952, at ten o’clock, forenoon, A Complete Line Of: GROCERIES. FRUITS and ford vrbo w u arrutod Thuraday NOnCEl real eaUte alluated In the_ Town of at the Probate Office In the Municipal NOW $89 Russians Operate after poU— found In her refnee- Mancheater known aa 93* Autumn Bu)lcHng in aaid Manchester, be and — .VEGETABLES, BAKERY DELICATESSEN, mte—d home 12 doge-—* of -atreet and more-particularly deacribed the same la aMlgned for. a hearing on FULL PRICE In aald application on die. it la the allowance of Mid account with aald PTipZEN FOODS and BEER —. - them dead eln— May—and a cat. PRINCES RESTAURANT - - ORDERED: That th* foregoln appli­ estate and thla Court directs that Excellent ti— sportaGon. 'Hospital in China Mra. Korpela app— red in court cation be heard and JelerBiTned at the notfea of the.time and place assigned yarterday d—aaed ta n dark blue i M A IN STIUABT A X FBABL ; Probate office In Mancheater in aaitl for aald hegring .be given to-all per> FEATURING' (ODXOSES Dlatrlct, oc ‘.he ISth. day of A u ^ t, sons knowA to W Intereated therein to. HENRY ESCOTT and THELMA^JEFFRIES ESCOTT San Franrteeo—(#>—"nb Rua- coat with the figu— of n large A. D. 1963. at ten o'clock In the fore­ ... ear and be heard thereon by pub- atana have openad a boapiUl la white poodle aewn — I t Judge noon, and-. that-aoUC* ^ glrea to to Ilahliig. a copy-of..lhU..nrdfir in .SQm.e ^ SWIFT’S PREMIUM U. 5. GHOICE ' ' ■ Real Estate— Insurance SaviU found the wenaan guilty o f i i u r ^ peraona Intereiled In aald eatale of the rapaper havlcff a circulation in CRUNNEirS Pelptaf, the Clilneu CommuBbto AUG.4 pendency of Said application and the sale' Dlatrlct, at feast Are daya t^fnre 266 HIGH STREET WEST (Corner McKee) report. bceadt o f the peace, but c— tlnued time and place of hearing therjon, by FRESH MEATS A Fnlplng broadeut rseordsd the eau for a—taartag.— AUg. SUNMY . .1 • t _ __ _ ..S akia camels* la* TELEPHONE 3683 ha— aaya the iMNqdtal b "dtr*et< 21. FoUoe aald that nalghbora com­ ad by Sovtat experts, staffed with plained last Wednesday of the STATE L JM TUES. i MAPLE STREET Soviet doctors and aursae. phar- woiAan ah— ting from n window aebta, laboratoty and X-ny that har huebaad wanted to kill toddHCGl dlMStODM.* her. ■■A-- -J >:*■ _X,— :— : : ---- ■ '—■'—

-■ •X J ‘X MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1952 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 2. 1952 PAGE flV S T- Fliiae tTWcfnitmWfi*.’ '•'P d f OW«-'3iirtfr * not given us the spirit o f fear; but SenlilS'-C^iNclu^ of power, and of love, and of a Graveside Rite* lor Senator McMahon Y Y j - r J sound mind.” ( f l Tim. 1:7). Seen in Coleman Lombardo Is ArTested, PoliceTsell Correlallvn passages frrim the Chrlstlaa Science textbook,. "Bcl- epce and Health with Key to the Hertford, Aug.' 2—4Fy— Fmmer Manchester Directory Objects to One" Charge Gas Bombs In' Scriptures," by Mary Baker Ed- Hartford Mayor Cyril Coleman lAithtnn « St. dsinee* R. C. tihurck ■ d^-include the following ve inaplrea,..'fllumlnee, dselg> ____ Piggery need for overseas, markets, 1# the 0:00 and 10:00, one In the msln nates, and leads tha w ay." menUemd m verioua aectloos of The mental wing houaas both coh' key problem in achieving Paeifle »ft#r Trinity: the state aa Sitperlor Ooiirt • :SO a. m. Worahip w rvicr: auditorium at 8:00 for adults and wm ASK FOR Samuel Lombardo of Lombardo Harvey Gagne, who because of vieU. and p r i ^ e r i not 'convicted. cooperation. one for children at 8:00 In the Judge ’John T. Oilflnan of BHdge- Printing Done a bothered conscience haa alleged­ Hymn— pfll t , ______:______Crabgrass Is Brother!, the firm which collecta As the dafnohatration enowbait Japan’s economic aurvlval, -lit “ Ihiiaa to nia M rd, the basement. Tw o - Mssses- » t 10 fiitkaraa fTiiiifll__ ly confaaaed to a car c o b b ^ , Bt 4tinrek street ALBERTO VO the town's garbaga and operates a ed,4more than 50 carloads, of said, requires ovaraeoa trade, pro- Alm ighty" o’clock, one In the, main audltbrl- Neither Coleman nor Judge Cul- -5 claims ha was able to steal the um end one in the hasement. Carl E. China, Vputnt llnan could he reached for com­ By Schieldgei Hlllatown road piggery whose abo­ car, which belonged to Foreat Har- heavily armed police and a three- ferably with . southeast Astg— flareaoe W. Helatag, Organist Easy to Kill ^*^CJIaua. with Thy Church Ahide" | ment today,. The former In LAISOLIN HAIR CONOmONER lition has been ordered by Dr. Rqb- tin of , 31 Brucft road, because the alarm contingent of 5re equipment which Is opposed by Australia and and Choinpnster •amion by the lU v. Cordon Hdhi. 1 New York on biisineea and Oullt- owner bad left the keys In the raced to the jail, about 10 miles New Zealand. Those two countalea Bt.' Rrldget’s f ttoreh ' stop Crabgrass, hut how? If With tha hot weather, it is hard. AT THE ert R. Keeney, Jr.,, health officer, <1 pastor of F*irst Lutheran. nan was on vacation.. car, police reported todav. Police from downtown Montreal. *I>e>5re- arc linked In preferential eoanom- Re%'. daqirs P. Tlmndna, Psalof " August 3, 1853 you kill crabgraaa before It goes to think at anything but heat. Aa I waa aiTMted this morning by Chief Herman O. Schendel aaid Church, Rockville, r-r Atty. Thomas J. Dodd of West men brought the blazea set by tha Ic ties with Britain', -whldi con- ' Rev. R^ibert f larroll ami Eighth ffimdav atter Trinity to seed, you will do just that, stop for m aking pliuta for the fail and ptdlca' on a w arran t. Isaued by this morning that a law prevent­ Hvmn— ... . . Hartford, a close personal friend priaonera quickly under control sidara its southeast A sia M d In ­ Rev. Theodore P. GubaJs, 8145. Canilonif Bells Prosecutor John J. O’Connor late ing people from leaving their kays dian trade vital. ■••Almighty Ood, Thy Word_ Is of McMihon's, was another being It. Crabgrass, to perpetuata Itself, winter, there ara few of ua who can oa the police moved In on the Aselstaata B;00, Divine Worship yesterday afternoon and ilgned by In thair car should be adopted. Caat." urged by friends to run. However, must produce seeds, therefore, think that far ahaaxL However, j rioters. The report said if tree Astans Rsv. Brlch Brandt la on vaca­ Organ Prelude Mim Eve Jehnson LOA Charles K Crockett, deputy judge Oagna, 25, of 33 Durfee street. ara to bs anllsted In a Pacific sa- bia recent rift with the orgaMsa- now la tha time o f year when club Masaes on Bilndsy at 7:00, 1:00, Soprano Solo. .Mr#.' Everett John­ killing rrahgraas now stops next 99 East Center Street of the Town Court. Providence. R. I„ waa arrestad 6n Twelve ambulances were at tha curity organisation. A rephrsa- tion durtng Aitr'fl' • £"*■ R:00,*1,0:00 and 11:00 m.m. son tlciii .over the selection 'ed John M. scene, but only the two who ware tor’s acrvlca rail upon *hr R'y year's plants. The process Is easier programs must be printed and, be­ Police attempted to serve the an automobils theft count yester­ B «v. Fred R. Bkigar Ing . .. la la order" of Australia's >■ . .V— Offertory Golden of New Haven as national shot were taken away. The rest Gordon Hohl, (telephone Rockville right now and leas expensive than fore long, sent out to the various warrant on Samuel and hla brotRer day after he signed a atatement and New Zealand’s policy bam ag. Sermon... ."My I. Earl Mo- .committeeman may J m r t^ hie of the Injured were treated In the 404). He haa consented to serve club members If they are to be of and partner, Anthony, last night, saying he stole a car June 28 from Rev. Fred R. Eklgar, minister tha Immigration o f Aaiana. > Bt. PraaHs sf Assisi'dhurch dean chaeiccs. ■■ when It la old and tough. the parking lot o f tha A. and P. prison -b y ' nine doctors who re­ pour IMS^. use to the clubs. The only ray of but were unable to locate the pair. of the South Methodist Church, Natural reaction In AHa agaiast South Windesor, Bottta 30 Postlude.. , Mies Eve Johnson The Rcotta Scutl wey la simple store on Center atraat and sold It sponded to calls fo r aid. ' ; « - T ’ . hope that wa can hol6 out to you, We Pay Samuel walked Into police h ^ - and Mra. Edgar, were in New this policy has bean stimulated ttia Ray. A rfin tr d.' nerfMmuui, iriS0..Lafvlen Oonflrnation and easy, but you need to follow DON WILLIS last week In New Rochelle, N. T. When the disturbance waa Pastor if you. are one of the poor unfor­ quarters this morning and told York yeaterday Where Mr. Edgar report aaid, "by the tendency o f Osirtar CoagfagaMoiml rtiarrh Service a certain method to get tha beat tunate members of a program Gagne received a check for 3890 received hla Ph.D. degree In edu­ smashed, police removed a dozen Rev. Pranrls V. Karvells, Curate Groton Engineer results so as not to waste your police ha underitood they were Australian leadera to state tha Bov. m ifofd O. HtonpaoB. Paator committee, la to heed the advice of looking for him. Lt. Raymond F. for the automobile and took It to cation from Columbia University. men who are awaiting trial for k Hov. Deratky Peaae. money nor Injure the good graaa- GARAGE policy In undiplomatic term o’' ' many a person who has done this HIGHEST Griffin arreated hlfn on the three several banka but he waa unsdde Hla thesis waa on "The L ife and murder and other charges to pro­ The 0ewer-b)8>ikcted casket of U.. B. Senator Brian McMahon rasta in St. Mary** Cemetery Maesta at 7:30, 8:30, and 10:30 North Methodist iBiTrcji «a. In treating a great mouy Other conflleta rnanthmad In­ Mhtfater af Edoratlon ~ Dies in We^ferly work in years gone by, and that 18 Main St. Phone 2-4531 counU set forth In the warrant. to get It cashed. The banks offer­ Works o f John Wesley." vincial police headquarters down­ Norwalk, Conn., aa graveside services sre ronducted by the Rev. Henry Flanagan (at foot of casket) Dr. Watami Woodruff, am . 447 North Main lawns within the past three years. ed to put the money In an account town. And later, to further ease St. Thomti The Apoatia Church. Seated at left are manr.bera of late Senator’s family (left to right); cluded Philippine fears o f huai- la to take your wfork Over to W il­ H e waa released In $200 bond for Mr. Edgar assumed the pastor­ neaa domination by Japonaaa or Aadresr It Watson, WlUard McLaughlin, MlnUter John 8. Wolcott A Bon have for him ahd give him the cash aa the tension, some 106 (additional Dr. William McMahon, a brother; Mrs. William H. McMahon, hla mother; Mrs. Brlcn McMahon, the Sena­ Groton, Aug. 2 - (A5 — Andrew liam H. Schleldge, 135 Spruce appearance In Town Court, Mon­ ate o f the local church, Jan. 1, Chinese, and Philippina and .In- W *' Mtnlrtsr o f Music found a simple procedure that is Street. Spoeidizinq In PRICES soon as they had checked the 1848, aucceadlng Rev. W. Ralph convicts — reportedly Including tor’s widow; and Arjhur Turner, a brother-in-law, ' ______’ TW 'SatvsM ua ’ Arm y ---- Divine Worahip. 8:30 at Second Hiitton; '«3. of Groton, a destgn sure death to living vrabgFasa day. ■ ■ ’ do^atlmi naaoUnant . U iai Japan- Acluallyi many cliib members Tha Lombardo 'Brolhera firm'la' aoundneas o f the'account. ward. Jf., how of muaburgh, Pa. some tjf-the Hngleadera -of -the #81 Main Street Congregational Church. plants. Hit or miss methods arc a For was not forced to pay. reparsUona '•unday. Aug. and development engineer at the Would not know how to get along MAKE SERVICE represented by Attorney Wlllltjn Gagne, afraid the la'w might catch He rc c e lv ^ his BS. degree Ih 1933 demonstration—were removed to 8:00 a»d 10:00 a. m. aandcaa. Major and Mrs. B. C. dones waste of time and money. This for war damage. ’ Electric Boat Dlvtalon of tha Gen­ without the services o f this genial Shew of Hartford. up with him, tore up the check from Centenary College, Shreve­ other jalla. ^ lu d a ‘’Chorals Prelude." J. 8. Commandlag Officers valuabje Information la yours for Roqs, Scrap M old and when he could not 5nd a bank that ■ .IB* roport sold' It doubted -on eral Dynamic! Corp. here, died gentleman, for It can be said with­ Front ^nd Aliqnmonr Threa Charges port, La., and his bachelor of McMahon Post Rent Controls .the asH.Ing. and will asaUt you ail-Paclfle aeourlty council wUl ba ' Sunday,'Aufijuft 3. yeaterday at a . WeaTerly, R. I., out fear of contradIcHon that •Hi m folvaqnabli m o - The chargas ara malntaimn* a xUVinity degree from - the Southern fom ed Bimn. "A t "thli atag«,’m t 'iljlm -^a' My Paptef'a Bolton ifresUy In your fight against this Schleldge knows more about the News^TidbiU B m U 8:30 am .— Sunday school. hospital. He had been III two unsightly enemy of good lawns. Gonord Rop^ Worit t c r M . piggery without a permit, main­ Methodist University, Dallas, said, *it la mors likely that eon- : World” ...... Terra proper setting up of different club lirant^s lis t CuHtd from AP Wine Up to Board l^tham —"Ood A Spirit’'* lUn 10:50 a.m.— Hollnesa meeting. Doris Mohr OTIalU days. See John 8 , Wolcott A Son, 180 taining a nuisance Injurious to Texas, in 1938. After receiving His aulUUve machinery will be c$«- U programs U\an any other person 8:00 p.m.— Sliver Lane Sunday A noted mathematician, Hutton Main itreet right away for they public health and violation of Kidnap Manager, master’s degree from Columbia The ated for the channeling of afforte Tel. Manchester 8548 In town. He keep# the forms set Call or Write . ■erlptaiu Isiaaon O roniclaa I J: school.' ■ was a hotder of the Whlliyorth have ample stock to meet your re­ regulation 106 A and B of the Univefaity ha continued graduate seeking peaceful achievement • of up fo r many clubs and hla aaslat- studies In tha field o f religious Grows Larger Local Option the Rule ; \e j t i t 7:00 p.m.-Center Park service. Medal, the hlgheit British aWsrd quirements. One o f the successful Sanitary Cods of the State of Oonr President Chlaag Kai-Bbtk In friendly relations among tlm an- ance in the make-up o f tha club HIGH GRADE ' Rob Supermart education at Union Theological Taipeh, Formosa, algoa pooee Offertoey—"Coma, Sweat Peace" The Week Nine 4-H Club membere from msde In the general engineering methods in applying la to use nectlcut. Doctor List Other Itema on aoelated Pacific countries. program ! haa been Invaluable to OSTRINSKY The sanitary ■vlolatlone allegad treaty batwaan Japan and N a­ 8:15 p.m, — Thursday, street Bolton left today for the 4-H field. He waa under 21 years of Scotta spreaders. John S, Wolcott Seminary, New York City. (Oontlnowd frooi Page Om )- •sriwm—Our Christian U n ited meeting. age when he won the medal In an many an inexperienced chairman! are maintaining a piggery on Worcester, Maas., Aug. Z—(d5— He was ordained- in the Texas tionalist China . .. Man drives off Agenda for Directors camp St North Franklin. They are A Son have threa sizes of spread­ If you are planning the program Dealers In Waste Materials 7:30 p.m.—Prsyer meeting. examination period which lasted ers lhati with proper care, will PRINTING marsh ground of land subject to Three armed men kidnaped the Conference-and held various pas- Cotter wouldn’t aay whether he with bus aad 18 pasaeagera while MlMrion for your club and would like aa- 182 BISSEL LST. TEL. 5878 Drought Is Held ' (Oarsm onl’e Challenge to Con- ^ i" . Fred and Norman Luck, Alice one week. He was one of the last a lifetime and are reasonably overflow, end not removing the aoalatant manager of Brockel- toratea In that state until 1841 Says would become a candidate for tha driver la outside examining over- The question of whethsr rent siatahea Mr. Schleldge will be glad _^geegetlT w‘tl^u ‘ . that it became. nepcaaary to em­ term at the RepubUgai) cpnyen-. Obituary ' Bar. Alfrad I. WliUm^ Reetar Metnoamt Church fom orrb# 'at quire priiitling In a hiiiry man ordered Millns to unlock the rnediclne as someone with diabetes for another year-Is-lem (n K»ea$ 4Uap South wHI be sH|rttUr hotter broadcast In 33 languages over ton, N. C., and Douglas M. Hutton Wolcott A Son shape them for you. JONES' a permit. ploy an associate minister. Rev. tion In May. I t went, instead, to Bar. S. Netll, 10:45. Camp Oak Hill on Bolton You may not know that a full door. In Los Angeles. A child stricken option. • than usual and rainful ’Sviu not Mkmm 1,100 atatiens In United States of Westfield, N. J.; three grand­ Evergreens and shrubs, left too visit Jones Furni­ Keeney told The Herald yeater­ Percy Smith who was appointed William Purtell of Weal Hart­ Baelar Bmoritus and Canada and In 55 Terrltorltira lAke la operated by the Newing­ children; a slater,. Mra. Margaret line of regular office supplies are day he waa prepared to appeal to The other two men atlll In the with pneumonia in Mexico should According to a tetter received ganarally axeaad saaaotnl adr- ton Home for Crippled Children, long between .trimmings, tend to ture and Floor Cov­ to that post last spring. ford. Governor John Lodge’s name by General Manager Richard Mar­ mata" Bar. dahn S. lohnaau, Onrata and Foreign Countries, and lo<'ally Chubb of Birmingham, Eng., and carried here at William H. Dr Stanley Osborn, commissioner car drove to the rear of the store. have the same prompt diagnoals also always crops up whenever Deaths Rev, J, R.- Yeager haa chosen as grow out of Imunda and experience tin from Federal Rent Stabiliser over WONS every Sunday evening a brother, James M. Hutton of Schieldge'B. Many of the business ering Store for o f health for Connecticut. If Minus and his captors unlocked and the same pennlcillln or other there la talk of" Senatorial candi­ Reports from tho* aouUwrn hla sermon topic “ How to W or­ is required to bring back their Instruments loaned to be­ the back door and all four went TIghe Woods, the decision can be ' ^ Tlw Itigbth Sunday A f tar Trin- Bt 7:80. Fayetteville, N. Y. houses mane a habit of purchaaing Large Assortment Proaecutor O’Connor did not In­ drugs that are available to another dacies. Mrs. Anna W. Oburehlll drought area Indicated aavare ship.”. beauty. Give your evergreens end to the office where, police,* aaid, Costelloes Attorney made either by a municipality’s loasss la corn, truck and garden •B yi The Week Funeral services will be held to­ office Buppilea here While-placing form him, before the end o f the child similarly attacked In CThlcago. Names mentioned on the Detno- Mrs. Anna Wickham Churchill, shrubs their beauty treatment at of Fine Floor Cov­ ginners on our trial plan. the employe waa fo r c ^ to open Practically no one would deny governing body or by a reform aropa and pesturaa. Tobacco pro- gtOO a. n .. H oly Conimunion. Monday, 7:30 p. m— Meeting of Bolton Center Congregational morrow at New London with orders for printings M i^ e this day, that the wayranta were served cratic Bide Include U. 8. Repre­ 85, of 7890 Main street, Newing­ 10:00 A m.. Holy Communion fhurch la closed for the month of ■this time. / ering, Can Us for the safe. A fter riding the Safe, dum.Th* letter also itotea fbat tha Young People’s Society of the burial at Bt. Louis. print shop your headquarters for I or were about to be served. Fights Jail Term the desirability of ^ k in g expert sentatives A. A. Rtbicoff of Hart­ ton, widow of George B. Church- itWMoa'waa aatimaud o ff as mwh~ . w ith termon by the Curate. August. Reiwicea will be resumed Information regarding sH your the very finest in printing. Estimate. they drove Mlllui to a nearby hill medical care available' everywhere a public hearing on tha matter la aa 80 par cent In soma locaUttas Walther I.,rague. lawn, tree and shrub problems are Earlier In the Week Keeney left ford and John A. McGuire of W al­ Ill, died at a New Britain con- Musical outllna pf thU service: on Sept. 7. ■ ------:------V a telephone message for O’Connor where they switched cars, leaving In the world, and in making It pos­ valeaoant home Friday morning not necesoary. aad cotton la auffarlng. Proeeeelonel—"Jeeue Shall Reign.' available foC the asking from John FURNITURE STORE one man behind. lingford, Democratic state chair­ MET EX-STAR TO WED Informing the prosecutor of hie In­ New York, Aug. 2—(JP)—Three sible for anyone who falls ill to man-John M. Bailey, Thomas J. after a long illnass. She was The Utter further stataa that Hot Waahaad Duo '' •eouanee, "Come, Thou Almighty 8. Wolcott whose method la "A'job Dan Backer, Prop. Minus; police said, then waa tak­ Buutti Methmllst Church Grange Notes 86 Oak SL, Manchester, Conn. tention to appeal to the state for possible legal moves stood today receive whatever drugs or other Dodd, former Governor Wilbert bom In Mahcheater, March 22, controU will be retained In area# Another waakand of hot arealb- worth doing Is worth doing well." en on a wild ride to the outrklrta between gambler Frank Costello ^ I n g . ” Main Street and Hurtford Road Hartford. Aug. 2 - ((PI—Mra. V ir­ Phone 2-1041 action If none was forthcoming on treatment he most needs. Snow, and Stanton Griffla of New 1867, daughter of the late Wil­ designated as •‘orltlcaT by tha ar waa the outlook tot moat o f the OBertoiy—."I Hear the Voice of y. S. Returns Tin ginia Ericson Mercer of Farming- of the city and Into Green HUI ahd an 18-month jail sentence, and A ll tpla la an Ideal and cannot Rev, Fred K. Edimr, Minister Wapptng the local level by Aug. 1. Canaan, former ambaaaador' to liam and Ann Saundem Wickham. DapartmenU of Defense and Da- aeuUwm hUf of tho country while Jssua'' ...... Harrlse Percy F. Smith, ton and Friedrich Schorr, former Preparation Needed Park where he was ordered out hla attorney aaya he. Intends to be achieved overnight, but in the She had lived In Newington 65 fanaa Mobilisation. However, fairly plaaaaat waathar was in Co mm union ffynin— "And Now, O Tha Wapping Grangers and Spall). Aaaaclate Minister Buying Powers Designates Routing Metropolitan baritone noted for 873 Main St.— TeL 2-3414 ■O’Connor said Wednesday the near the buffalo pen. Police quoted try all three In the next few days field of health, international co­ Aasures GOP years. town hao to apply for thla desig­ prospect for tha central and north­ Pather." _ 'Herbert A. France, their friends went bn a Mystery hla Wagnerian roles,, said that Minus as saying he waa told to Costello received the sentence operation haa already been im­ nation. eastern aaetlona Coniplete Landscaping delay in serving the warrante waa Meanwhile In Wilton, State She leaves a son, a daughter, Beraaalonal— "T h y Kingdom Come, Minister of Music Ride to Riverside. Park. Four they plan to )j* married at Rye. lie on the Soor during the ride ahd and a $2,000 fine for contempt of pressive. One of the organizations H ot weather also was Faporthd Of New Thruwav due to the fact that he had to Senator Tage B. Pearson assured a brother, a .slater three grand­ Ill other matters, Tuesday night ... O God!" Washington, Aug, 2—(A5—Tha luck.v couples won tickets to the N.. Y.. Aug. 8. Service was threatened with a gun If he the U. S. Senate crime committee. working In this field Is the World la the far. Southwest and aacthma read Keeney’s lengthly reports on State Bepubilean Chairman Clar­ children and two great-jgrandchil- the directors will consider spproV' The celebrant at both services Sunday, Aug. 3, Morning W or­ governrhent returned the buying stock car races. Toung and old Both are voice Inatnictora at the moved. One legal move waa exhausted Health Organization which has aa of tha Plains statea aad aaatem Shrubs—Uedar Fences ALL MAKES OF the condition of piggery In order ence F. Baldwin today that fol­ dren. al of a revised plumbers ordinance, K b tha Rev. Wilfrid L. Greenwood. ship at 8:00 and 10:00 (i'clock. had ah enjoyable evening. Manhattan Muaic School, New yeaterday when the U. S. court of Its objective "the attainment by s l ( ^ o f tha Rockies. of (In ,to private Industry, thus Hartford. Aug. 2—(PI—State to prepare a case. He said he waa A passing motorist took Minus lowers of Sen. Bobert A. Taft will The funeral will be held Mon­ the Sre dletrict eoniolldatlon rO' The next regular meeting will Appeals here denied the gambler’s alt peoples of the highest possible It waa oool early today in tba ■ -%a|SU.fc—-.-J<*orst,>*-«ew— v-^’~J.JtA*r»S-TOTUrB-:;= -,. •: .Ptaluterr- rsteaalilg the monopoly It has held Highway CbmmtasioneT G. Albert York City.,'They ,also had been nq Ornamental. Shade and reluctant to serve the warrant# to the .police precinct At . ..Lake remain' ('good' and staunch Re­ day, at 2 p. m. at the Shbeban P®^.t and,the InatnUetion ot..au5m “J Call Upon, The*, Lord be held'Tuesday,'iWig.' K ; There the faculty of the Hartt Sehool of SEWING petition fo f re^argninehl of his levri of health.” amthaastam' stathar oiiit b virk b ai Ohurch e f tlw N a u M M on tin purchases since March 12, Fruit Trees until he felt reasonable eure he Quinsigamond. The Lincoln Square publicans." Fuiieral Home. 1084' New 'Britain on Otis street. will be a special "Down to Earth” Hill haa officially designated .Music here where Mra. Mercer waa previous appeal In the case. of tha northara and aastam Great 4M Main Street desiis Ovrist" ...... Bach 19.51. could get a conviction. market la one o f a chain g f 16 New It la not po.»aible In the brief Pearson led the Connecticut avenue. West Hartford, with bur­ Also up for discussion at the Hymn-— . ____ program with a guaat spaaker. the Fairfield County Thruway a voice Instructor for 18'years. . MACHINES George Wolf, Costello’s attorney, form of a column to cover the Lakes region. Jt waa 50 obovo In ^ "gamas 'K'.Ben, Paster ■; Henry ,H. Fowler,' head of the Rev. Arthur E. Sanderson from Yeaterday afternoon Keeney In­ England markets operated. by fight In T a ft’s unsuccessful bid ial In CTenter Cemetery, N.ewlng- meeting Tuesday ant -oaplUl. iaa- "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore route In Weatport, a line generally The coupie said they wojild said he now would take the fd'l- activltlea and functions of tbla ton. Portland, M#., while at tba sama National Production Administra­ Warehouse Point, who will give a EXPERTLY REPAIRED formed The Herald that O’COnnor Brockelman Bros, of Worcester. for the Republican presidential provemsnta recommended for this 'niee" ...... Hymn to Joy maintain residences In both Rye towing actions in Washington; international group of devoted Friends may call at the funeral tinM It waa 86 in Blytlto, CUIf. 8:10 a. m. Sunday School end tion (NPA), said the action was demonstration and talk on bees. follow'Ing the railroad tracks. had phoned him and said the war nomination. year by the Town Planning Oom- ♦Anthe'm— and Farmington after the cere­ File an appeal from Costello’s workers, but they Include watch­ home from 7. to 8 today and Sun­ Tamparaturaa soared to 114 .in - adult Bible clasM . taken because tin supplies hsve Don't misa th it opportunity to see In a brief, blunt letter to select­ rant# were about to be served. Replying to a recent letter from mlaaion, aubjacti achaduled for "O Taate and See" Goas mony. conviction. ing and controlling the spread of day from 2 to 5 6nd 7 to 9, Turns, A ria , yesterday. 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship, Improved and the price has dropped and hear Reverend Sanderson, who men of Weatport — Governor The phone call wa# confirmation Baldwin urging party unity. Pear­ public baeringa and the ap­ •Children’s' Story SINGER 4 Gunmen Stage Aak the U. E. Supreme Court to epidemic diseases, the setting up . Showers and thundaratorma )Ut ipaelal muale. Sermon by the., la well known for hla knowledge Lodge’s home town—Hill rejected o f Information given Keeney earlier son said he la “ moat anxious to pointment of member o f the Offertory, floloe-' to a more reasonable level;’ reverse the latest CTourt of Ap­ a areas in the Middle and Itoutk.At- "'■■■•I^ator.' about bees and hla experience with by Town Counsel John D. la Belle. of international standards for help you achieve that unity." Mtelutel y»w*«i. "Hear Ye, Israel" (from " The government became tiieaole their protest# against the route peals decision. Housing Authority -to suoeeed Tiimc Statea. the CahtrU PtabiT’’” "' p. m. The Toung People’s them. W e expect a fine attendance TeL 7681 or 2-8508 Manchieater SEWING CENTER Keeney had questioned LaBelle $45,000'Rbbbery drugs, vaccines and food products, On way to achieve that unity,, Michael Yawgel, father of Jo5n a;S0 "Elljilh’’ ) ...... Mendelssohn purchaser of tin at a time when and accused town officials of fall­ Von Have the Sattsfartlon of Seek anew for continuation of Joseph Hanna whose term expired statea and aouthara Rocky Mot g s ^ c e . for this program. ing to cooperate with the highway 832 Main St. Tel. 8883 about the progress of the case and the improvement of nutrition said Pearaon, Is to see that the Yawgel o f 411 Center street and July 81. .lune (,laa), Soprano private Industry, In competition Knowing -When Buying Your Costello’a $5,000 ball pending hla and environmental hygiene. tein region early today. A fa w ; 'T:S0 p. nu Evening evangelistic There will be no meeting Tues­ department. • and the town counsel told him appeal. special state convention which husband of Olga Btanklawlcz Y aw ­ Hymn with the government, had bid' the Meat Here. It’s Got to Be Good. Manchester Chicago, Aug. — Four gun­ Keeney’s RosignaUoa cUly heavy thundaraiiowera ' aervtcs. • day, Aug. 26. ^----- Designation of the thruway O’Connor waa about to prepare Z~(/n Thla organizations la closely tied must be held soon to nominate a gel of Hartford, died at a Hartford "True Hearlcd, Whole . price aa high as 31.83 a |>ouhd bn men executed a daring three-min­ U. 8. Attorney Myles J. Lane The board will also consider the repeated ia Wlsaonain, with i ' " Wsdneadsy, 7:48 p. m. Prsyer route In Weatport completea the Know Your Moof Mon! the warranU. . . , to the United Nations and Is sup­ candidate for. the Senate seat held convalescent home yeaterday Hearted" ..... True Hearted the New York markets. It haa HIDstown ute daylight holdup of a bank In said yesterday that the legal steps reaignstton of Dr. Robert R. Kee­ of 1.24 inebas la ate hours la La aisstlng and Bible study hour. thniway line In the eight Fairfield TREE PRUNING Samuel’s arrest Is the latest de­ ported by the vast m ajority of the by the late Sen. McMahon pursues morning. He was bom In Ruaaia ' Sermon— dropped to fl. 21'.., cents a pound. Hlllatown Grange 87 held Its Konp Aequointod! suburban Lyons yesterday and for obtaining CTostello's surrender ney, Jr., as town health officer, ef­ Ooaaa, County ahoretowna Involved In the velopment In the town’s efforts to probably would be completed members of that organlzatlon.*- a "free and open policy." and had lived' In Hartford 85 years. "Eagle-hearta" ' NPA will continue to allocate annual 'm ystery ride Jn place of £lve Better for Lea»-7-Bur stole an estimated $45,000 in cash. fective Jan. 1, 1858 and tha trans­ program to relieve Post road con- abolish the piggery. Another group which alms to Wrote Pearson: Besides his w ife and son, he Rev. Charles C, Chayer tin. hut hbldera of allocaUona may tha rrgedar second meeting for A il Your Meat A t 'ITie T. P. HOLLORAN The robbers, two o f whom wore sdmetime next week. However, a -Qsvenant Cengregntlsaal Chureh geatton. * anil REMOVAL The chronology of events In the Supreme .{Tourt appeal would stay Improve the health of the world la Offers HuggesUoas leaves another son, |l«o Yawgel of fer o f funds within the police da>, Boston, Aug. Maasa- Hymn— buy from tlie auppllera Uiey choose July 31. / Members having tickets masks, entered the bank of Lyons 48 Sprues Strset For weeks Hill has been chiding -FUNERAL HOME ' matter fcdlows: execution o f the the World Medical Aasociatlnn. "You aak me to offer my auggea- the U. 8. Navy: two daughters, Mrtm ent and town courts. ehusatte ahd MUna ware daclared Bar, O. A. Buber; Paator / "Jesus. 1 My Croat Have Instead of aolely from the>Recon- for th e'rid e met at Grange hall Have yonr.^.'tnea pruned and In late ahernoon— just minutes "diaaatar areas” by the Depart­ at 6:30 p.'m . Tuesday, July 22. ■VV'e.stportere for failing to offer On-June 6, Keeney and James Cortello waa convicted for walk­ which la a private organization Uons for uniting the party in the Mias Elizabeth Yawgel of Wind­ / General Manager Martin will ra- Telephone 8IS7 ' Taken" ...... Ellesdle atfuetlort Flu*uce Corporation. LT.WOOD removed -by llcena^ anfl In­ Ideally located—-convenient and before hundred* of workeia in a compo.sed of Uie medical socletlea sor and Mlsa Olga Yawgel o f West port to the board on tha Improva- ment of AgricuRura last night to The chartered bus left at 7 o'clock. proposals for the thruway after he A. Sheekey, town engineer. In­ ing out and refusing to answer coming campaign and I will be Paul Page, Organist Postlude—"Rlcercar" .. Pachelbel sured tree Burgeons. ' J away from the ^nsy thorongh- nearby Industrial area were ex­ help farmers get loans for tha The "mystery" was Anally solved had Suggested a route three LOCKER PLANT spected the piggery which had some questions about his finances of a large number qf nations. This most anxious lo help you achieve Hartford. , mmt of Canter afreet, parking at The We^k pected to cash their )>aychecka. second group Is primarily Inter­ Tile funeral will be held Mon­ Purnell Place, the proposed pur­ heavy tosaaa they Buffered in one when nearly two hours later the months ago. The commiasfnner’a fare. Distinctive Servlco. Mod­ been causing complaints from res­ at a crime committee hearing that unity. It will be necessary Sunday, Aug. 3. There (^111 „be a meeting of the & MEAT HOUSE Three of , the bandits herded 17 day at 8 a.m., at the Talorakl Fun­ chase of land adjacent to the Man- of tha worst droughts In ovar a bus drew up In front of Pomper- proposal, which has been opposed ern Facilities. idents of the area for two years. here In March, 1051. ested in the standards of medical for those whose zeal carried them 10:00 .m. — Morning worship Official Board Monday evening, Di8«'a8e of Hog8 SI BI.SSELL ST.—TEL. 8424 persons, Including 12 employes, eral Home, 380 Maple avenue, cheater GVeen School and a Utter century. aug (Irnnge Hall, Southbury. In Westport, is the route he now GARTER TREE On their advice. General Mana­ Before Costello 'lought the re- practice. to do many things In the pre-con­ •ervlee. Rev. Suber will apeak on August 4, at 7:30 p. m. In the KEEP !\C<)UAINTED Into a rear room while a fourth Hartford. Burial will be In North- from the New York, New-Haven Parmara In both atetas are now Pnmperoug Grange was observ­ has designated as official. . ger Richard Martin Issued a di­ argument of hla appeal. Supreme I You Benefit Dlre<-tly. vention days to pause long enouf^h "A Great Man's AmblUpn in Life." Chapel. T. P. HOLLORAN man went thfough the cagjyi, wood Cemetery. ‘There w ill he a and Hartford Railroad concerning eligible to apply fof long-term, Caii8e8 Goiicern ing State - and k Pomona officers rective ordering the Lombardo Court Justice Robert H. Jackson | The World Medical Association to reflect upon the need for ac­ 'nw. Week ' •Omitted at the eight o'clock EXPERT C6. Funeral Director scooping up all the currency tnCn a service Sundav evening at 7 the town’s request that the rail­ low-lntereat fadarU loans if un­ night. The Lecturer of Bethle­ Brothers to stop dumping the dented a plea that ball be contin­ already has had several meetings cepting all pZrty adherents Into Wednesday, 7:30 p.m .'— Bible service. PHONE 7695 town’s garbage at the piggery and paper aack. He did not enter the ued pending the Supreme Court' aupported. In large part, by finan­ full party pa/rticipatlon; to organ­ o’clock at the funeral home. ■ road modify the Hilliard street able to gat private Snancing. Kansas CIt.v, Aug. 2 (A5—rres- hem Orange, Lillian Merrell, pre­ vault. Study and ^ s y e r Hour. C. S. McHALE. Jr. to dispose of It St the town dump Appeal. cial contributions from Individual ize the campaign .work Into Re­ underpass to provide greater safe­ Both atetas became "disaster Ident Truman dlaclosed yesterday sented an Interesting travel pro­ I.kenaed Embalrner They fled In an auto driven by physicians and drug maniuactiirers publican workers rather, than Els­ ly to motorists. areas" just aa tha weather bureau f'hriallan Science Boclety (ha proclamation of a state of gram on transportation. on Olcott street, to abolish the 175 Center St. Phone 8060 piggery by-June 16, snd to correct a in the United States. Its next enhower club.-i In order to achieve While sitting as the W ater Oora- predlctad_ the 85-day dry - spell St. doha'a Polish Nallnnal Maaontn Temple emergency gro'wlng out of the On Sunday, Aug. 10, Hlllatown R. C. Belaalck, assistant cashier, may -be terokan with a "decant" (Oathollc Church Grange wilt hold Its annual exlstlngi unsanitary conditions at meeting will be In October In unity of purpose snd to avoid di- Police Arrests misslon, the directors 'w ill discuss spread of the hog dise ase vesicu­ estimated- the^bankas loss at $45.-. the-inveatment of -water deport­ ralnVall’ Xiiailay nr Mnrfilmy______83 Oolnay Street - Sunday rervMce.’ Aug, 3, 11:00 a, Grange fam ily picnic from 2 tb> plggery by Juna-ll. Ruth MiltetL Tlthens; Greece; and another 'WttI 'VtaharBf'anthBFtty In'each city, lar e.xanthema, t o '16 states. 000. ment funda and the right of way AgricultiirU offlclola said a aub- Rev. Stephen Stryjewskl, Pastor o’clock until dark. Negotiations On June 12. Keeney and Shee- be held In London In the summer town, ward and borough; and Police yesterday arrested Rob­ m. , The I^realdent’a press secre­ Belaalck said, "the robbers of a power line on sewage dlspoa- stantial rain may help save some Sunday School. 11;00 a. ro. are nnderwa.v to hold It at SeaFa k W Inspected the plggerv again o f 1663, to be devoted to mediral moat Important of all, to see that ert Krlnjak, 18, of 53 Eldridge Onss Chum Skrahae, Organist tary, Joseph Shflrt, said Secretary MANCHESTER’S reallv knew our aet-up. Ttiey Make Yourself, Spouse Happy al property. crops but added that mllllona of Wedneaday evening meeting. Park In Hampton. The so­ and reported conditions “ tremen­ My Making Light of Hla Faults education. the atate. convention, which will street, on charges of driving while of Agriculture Brannan Issued the dously Improved," but Keeney knew we were not busy at the time, Perhaps readers o f this column become necessary because of the his license was under suspension The commissioners will also con­ dollars damage had Uready bean Bundsy. August 3 8:00 p. m. proclamation In Washington to liciting committee Is headed by and they knew- just where to go A Ssrvic* FINEST REPAIR w-ote out a health department or- will not think that these develop­ untimely death of Senator Mc­ and breach o f the peace. sider approval of the final aaaaes- done. 8:30 a.m. Mass. Reading Room Hmirs permit the Agriculture Depart­ Lecturer Mrs, Evelyn H. Cough­ for the money.*.' The surest way for a woman to d*r threatening ^mbardo with ments have any meaning for them, Mahon, will be marked by a free He was released In $100 bond ment for sewers on Highland and The promise of rain also de­ 10.30 am., High Mass. Tueadaya and Fridaya, 12:00- ment t o ' take measures for the lin. who will be assisted by Mri). Of stay In love with a man "for life (a SERVICE legal action if the town maijager’s but in the long run, their chahrea and open policy and be made to for appesrance In Town Court Gardner streets and for aewera on lighted forestry officials in Mas- 4:00 p. m. ■ ■ eventual eradication of the dis­ Gladys Steineb and Mra. Frances 'to dwell on hla good qualities and Sincerity orders were not romn'Ied with. of avoiding many diaeaaea and demonstrate • that the wishea ex­ the West Branch o f Gardner aachuaetta, Maine and Rhods is­ Wednesdaya. 7:00-7:55 p. m. ease, Including some payments of Totten. Each member is asked on Washers, Toasters, make light of hla faults. Monday. ta TalcottvtUe Congregattonal Appealed Order receiving the benefits of new dis­ pressed In your letter, namely that street: land where woodland firts The public la rordially Invited to Indemnity for diseased animals. to furnish some article of food, Where Personal Student Driver Yet It ia amazing how many The breach of peace charge rer S CBurrh Irons, Sewing "Machines, On- Jim* 16 Lombardo Brothers coveries all over the world are we are 'united In a spirit of friend­ Martin will alao report on the 80 bad that the woods, or oectlo attend our aen-iees and uae ,our Short made public a communi­ although the lecturer will supply Consideration women reverse the order and then suited when the accused allegedly W dames A. Bull, Pswtor Vacs, e'tc. . ' annealed Keenev's order to the greatly Increased by cooperation ship to wage an aggressive cam water department prdjeet to Im- o f them, had to be closed to madlng .room.------;...... cation from Browtan xiwf tha .text the hot dogs .and.rolls..Members, -Tradition. In Slight Crash wonder why they are so unhappy used foul language In describing ■■.•p--8ehn 'WTIHamsi.''>Ovgsa1st’''''"'’^' • ” I>;ve" wiR be' thb' subject ’ '’bf fheit' T*mlll««"xhd :'(nvl(bd’ gueatz ' Rtat#' Boatff- o f ‘ Health. Although and aiikjontwted. antt' -wby" tnir-- 'palgn;for- victory’ a.,reality. an 'Vffrtcer 'te the-'pf o f O ile f 'M. . - Mancbtotefi of the proclamation which fol­ ■ "Thesa Ideals cannot be accom Green area, the WethercII street Maine had 350 foreat fires last the Lesaon-Sermon for, Sunday. are ' attend tlUa .affair, JOHNSON f«INT 28 Woodbrkigo Straat the board has never,othar,,. Siaidey, AiigUsl 3,;! ‘‘‘ ' ;A.'!K.u."t-A IM?. : The Golden Text whether of'hot ths'v are Ofangerji. 'ihai (laclrion,'Hehiy 6 fTea.'~’o f the , 'Nb'arrVat "was 'made ani^ no one than the'y hoped i t wntild; - Franctil) Matthews. 80, .of "Hart- . jtfU fito A ^ y S w e M ,J5aae*„and. 1;. MANCHRSTERi^-JM»'SVX:iCr*.V4e*»a-,up5tr.7V V,«?* VA* ';'*ia$C'“ ''Deiwtrtm»nt'~,’^ ■was .Ipjuwd; In- * • ntiheir accl'deilt opw atton-of .ail -gfomna. cegMdleaa m a :: agi wuMiiro ryerieeday . tO'-gyr..wyar at ■ 'pra - cortventloir ■ --preference#; -Durant ates'^.emd'oarBkivltoi: / tsssor Dtkran Hldldian of Sweet eth hot knowelli not Odd; <3ub ; has''canc^^^^ ‘ ita,"^,ipeetlnji;a Bureau o f SahltaHoh: visited the wrhlch occurred 'af Oaili and Spruce woman can be expected to think Uoh after 'he was arrested Ih a M Theaa. .greupa . have, alw ays been .Btanford atreete .and.qn the. .pay-; B riar Cblteift. -ThiladCIpHta.' Ps. Gdd'ta'ioVe:’''' ------■for'' ssveinal“ wee1i^ ■''to'"" not' 2-1575 ...... 21 Maple Stt and found- KCenev'# order streets last night at 6:20.' bhrlc' -yaril t»f the vdiSnlty o f Cen­ s t Bran.nan'a report to the Preri-I biraiar''": -■ ...... ment o f the water department’s ' ' Obnnerticut ‘ v a t 1 tobaefo ; will conduct the ser\'lee. Selection* from the Bible In- weather, but will resume meetings ••jusUfled’’ and "reasonable." A student driver.' Mias Nancy CoHtracTon Steiel and will continue to be Interested growers have Uready engaged a dent said the details of the emer­ But she can be expected to ter and Arch streets. $106,817 debt to the general Rind, gency measures, to be taken will at a time and place to be an­ On June 24 Keeney turned the S. Jewett , of 174 Summit, street, spend more time thinking about In Republican victory and will t>e Cambridge firm of rUnmakers to be announced by hla department nounced. matter over to O’Connor tor ac­ was making a right turn, into Oak encouraged and enthused to work try the silver iodide the good qualities and dwelling on Chicago, Aug. ,Z Inland ^ “ as rapidly aa possible." The next meeting of Hlllatown tion. He had visited the piggery street from Spruce street and her for the party, eapeclally, if the method to bring rain for the satisfactions of her marriage Steel Co. and the CIO United Grange will be held In Grange hall STOP CRABGRASS MANCHESTER the day before, deadline for com­ car hit the front fender of a car than In thinking about her hiis- state convention demonstrates tp Hospital Notes crops. . 1 Steelworkers uniop have signed Escaped Prisoner on Thursday evening. Aug. 14, at pliance with the order, and found coming out of Oak street. Tie them the views you so easily set Emil Hanslin, an execuUvo m tfsnd’s faults and being bitter the first complete agreement in 8 o’clo»'k. The lecturer’s program. FRAMING^ the changes had not been put in­ other driver was Carlyle B. John­ forth In your letter." the firm, said the forecast of rate Deaths Last Night about the things her marriage the basic steel Industry since the PatlenU Toda.r...... 113 Is Shot, Captured I "Youth N ight" will be In charge lEFORE IT RUINS YOUR U W N son of 113 Branford street. did not alter their plana. Ha An Invitation Pictures Mounted and to effect. ■ lacks. union,ended its nation-wide strike ADMITTED YESTERDAY of the avi.'tant lecturer. Miss N o outwfard legal action had Framed — Old Frames For that is the attitude It takes last week. a Mrs. Helen Barrett. 84 Bowers ed out his company does By T H E .\.S.SOCIATED PRE.SS It's oosy w ith Scoffs been taken from that time until Cynthia Booth. A " of the young to stay in love. Bitterness, and Signing of a full agreement on street: Mary Ann Raklewicz, Perth Amboy, N. J., Aug. 2— (JT) BO much to bring rains aa Durham, N. rp,, property on Accept them lightly— and ap'pre- Chicago Heights, ni. Standard Propeller, now located Olive Burleigh, Rockville; Theo- ' Ford, a native of Elisabeth, was atatea to ba claaalflad aa disoate Bmlall children during the without coats if they past three weeks on a charge of open .yesterday In the South Crdbgmiic Brieat par lingl* traotmonti William H. 'Green, Prop. will be uacd to dispose of gar- fiew State road.- clate hla good qualities That will The contract will remain In af­ at Bradley Field,. Windsor Locks. dqre Mather, 64 Concord road; taken to Ptflh Amboy General areas. Tha other ate are iii 10 o'clock service. prefer. possessing heroin, waa anested Meadows here will be delayed for 400 sg ft • 79c 1250 iq ft - tU95 93 W d b StTMt bags at the town dump. not only make you happier, but fect until June 30. 1654, ahd pro­ Moseley baby girl, 60 Clyde road. Hospital. south. Ports o f two other aeuthan last night oqi, a charge of sellihg some time, says Francis H. 5ib0 tq jf • |5.«5 . Cohnnbia licyclat • lha approval of the expenditure IT. 8. W H IPS REDS will make your man happier, too. vides an average wage raise of Mrs. Florence Streeter of .56 Police said Ford also was want­ etetes have also bean Y two packets of, morphine for $1,5. Adams. exccuUvejecrefary of the BLUDGEONED TO DEATH ed In connection with robberies o f drought "diaaatar” status iAAK SMfAOMS nah* lawn waadlaf. faailtAf ar laaA* TdaphoiM 7254 - la subject to a public hearing. Helslald, Aug. 2 —UF>— TKe And chances are that If he is 16',^ cents an hour, alx paid holi­ Starkweather street, president of Risco Glass denied the charge, but Connecticut Market Authority. U. S. and G o o d y w Tiros Johnson has said be will con­ fully credited and appreciated for the’'’ Department o f Connecticut, Springfield, Vt., Aug. 8—4A5— the Roselle Park Consumers F i­ Raymond Freeman, chief of tU lag. SivrOy itaal caatirvetien, rabbar-tirad • $7.55, $12.50 aad. li t JO United States Olymple tauket- days a year and other benefita patit)lman William R. A»^Hne of Paving and the electrical ahd Ropdrs Sorvico tinue his opposition and ^111 ob( boU team, rallylag after a sleW all he does to make your life hap­ Inland employes cun-ently are Auxiliaries ' Veterans of Foreign a . 54-yeor-old houaewUe wns nance Co.; and the Bound Bro6k Formers Home adminlotrotlon I South Methodist Church the rice squad said that two mark­ refrigerafion ayatema of Raglonal E x p e r t Dry. - tain an Injunction to stop the start, wMnied a atabbara, ball- pier he’ll be a better husband. And paid an average hourly wage of wars, left l(uit evening by Am eri­ bludgeoned to death ood her Seaboard Finance Co. Boston, sUd tha laat time any Ma4 ed billa given the Canton street Market have not been ixjmpleted,. Aecossorios, town from using the town dump freestag Bnaahm team, $6 to 25, of course, you will be a better and $1.96. can Airlines from Bradley Field husbood was eritioany hurt la A warrant calling tor Ford’s re­ England ateta was claaaltted aa MAIN STREET AT HARTFORD ROAD V>uth by a vice squad undercover Adams says; Me could not say JOHN S. WOLCOTT & SON 180 Spruce S trn t fo r gaihago dlapoaal if neceaaa^. today to retpta Ita (M yia^ title, a hapiller wife. A wage clause permits negotia­ (or Los AhK«lu. Calif., where she tM r nunl home today by two turn to Chnnacticut U to be sant "diaaatar” area was te 1845. aUd farmers bortoarad m agent in exchange for tha RuttoUc, when the market vrilt he ready for ISO MAIN 8T, MANCHESraa PHONE >597 PlUdie 2*0659 Cleaning SeKviee , Ha la repreoentod by Attorney toak liaeead ^plaee la tfee (AO rigkto reeervad, NEA Beraloe tions to ,be reopened eafter one will attend the noiUdnai eonven- knen haitoved to be eacapeea from hare today, Ralph W. Walker, to r- V i were found on Olaaa' penSn-.- buisneaa. ' ' . ' Charlaa N. C ro ^ tt tme.) year. tton. ; VesBMRt gtnto Pihwii. dan at ttaa OmHMetleurprloeii, agid. UM doBan fbate ” ■J \ j»,—4—f.. . ifUlAw',* --U . r - 'r - r N

MANCHESTEB EVENINa HERALD, IIANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY. AUGUST t , 1958 MANCHESTER EVENINa HERALIL MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1962 p a g e s e v e m o»" 'V'. >•*»■'*'v «'•«<••« vtv»Tr; greatest complaint As early as ^K anrl|e0tfr November, 194S, the Mg powers nils le just a sUm chance, tt le €o So Change of Mifiil Cost A e iie ^ ii THE ARMY and NAVY CLUB Lorbnation Seats AtlantioHopping ^Copters Over Scotland who wsre to provs victors |n ths n o ' certainty.' ‘The odds are all WDBO~lSiS Radio and TV Have High Prices So?nin0 If^raUk war officisUy declarsd, a t Mae- against I t To Build Allies woex)—isss , wno—ioss '"yrs-' The Forgotten War cow, that they regarded Austria Some -othrir treee'eeem to know Citizens over One Million WKNB— 040 Haatara DaySskt Ttaa WNMO-dk. S *,*Eri?S5?i” S.“iKc. as their friend and not their this. ‘They make ne second effort London , Aug. 2—OF)—Britain ■ * ^ 1 1 BliMlI Btr««t wlU set' up about 90,000 obaerva- KanchMUr, Conn. enemy. They declared that they When the worms havs jposaed, they Hartford, Aug. 3—UPt—A faderaJ .Said Judge Smith:- In Pac^ific Area THOMAS F. rtROUBOJf. "The result reached by the 1 .m—WDRC—News. WTIC—Chlltren'a Corner. tlon Mata for Queen ESiaabeth’s Won’t Go Away ^KkMrER R. FEROUSOW. recognlaed that Austria was one just - stond there, motionleae, judge agreed yesterday that Ro-‘ * WCCO—MaMhastar Ifatlnee. ^ WDRC—Voice 0* Rellflon. eoronatlon procession next June PublttlMn M it Hlrsch Is entitled to a 3I.00S,- committee will, aa the govern­ ■WON8—Mews. WONS—Voice of Calrary. FounSna Octobor 1,- IMt of Hitter’s vlctlme, not hie willing deepeliing, admitting the fact of By g. M. Rcnuaers, gr WHAT—New*. WTHT—Hellenic Program. and spectator* will have to shell 000 profit on an airplane plant ment claims, provide to tha da- AF News AEO^st .■ ally. ’They declared that one of death although it Is not yet fully about which the United States i fendant Hlrsch cnormoue profits WKNB—liewi; Baseball Matinee. I :» —WDRC—Rellgloua Neva. out from $10 to' $15 to alt In them. f ■■.r'! ’^""“ ihare In our mesa tent. Mid tltov- PublUbed Srenr E»«nlnK One of Secretary AcMaoa'a Jobs WTHT—Newa. WONS—Back tO Ood Hour. Work* Minister David l^ le * war la well Into ita third year and „,re give a lift to th* toys’ luaSar* boS Holld«y*. intirtd »i lb* melr first steps,*' after the war, upon them. They do not struggle. Oovsmmsnt changsd" f Us mind. from hl» venture in the purchaae EVERY SA f URDAY NIGHT WTIO—Newa. ■ WTHT—Opera Album. told reporters today more than 27 - ^oJne* «t M»nch*«t*ri Conn., M ' IMstriet'Judge J. Joseph Smith of this large plant. at Honolidu wlU be to make the WCOC—Maacheater MaUnae. W nC—Kxplorera ot tha Wild. the millionth draftee is now In' morale. But I Mias St. BaraalMM«!l 10.000 and de­ tion to other Pacific powers to join WTIC—National Farm and Rome ie:ts—WTIC—National Radio PulplU conflict has touched more an d ' (he front or in any daagsr at, m T e a r ...... »*® K contracts for purchaae of govern­ eventually. Hour, WONS—Radio Bible aaia . The conatructlon cost will be near­ a peace treaty v^^l Austria and play ths slim chance that a thin cided five months latsr to re­ ment surplus properties to recap­ WHAT—Saturday Matinee WTHT—Meaaage of larael. ly two million dollara. more Uvea, affected more and' present.. I’m not really hunting the.;: I MonUi* ...... I'jS. ' ’There U no Immediate tntentton mors Arnerlean famines. It has; Reds tto much. I’m Elad tha| C Ulny have maintatned their troops edge of life can be recaptured, acquire by condemnation. ture large short-term speculative Of trying to create in the Pacific i .» —WDRC—City Hoapital. WCCC—Blmcha Time. - « These aeata will take care of Month ...... * S who reepond to tha bund will to The $8,100,000 award includes profits, would be desirable In WCCC—Newa;- Mancheatee Matlnaa. WHAT—Italian Mualc. about half the spectators. It was coat more than 113.000 csaualtles.! don’t have to. use a weapon ^ S iw V ..... In occupation in Austria for seven anything corapqraMa with the WTHT—Shake the Maracaa. WDRC—Church of The Air. It haa been raised as a major; against anyone. And I’m sorry •tagta Copy live, who elruggls, with fierce call $•5,000 made ae e down payment spite of any possible chilling ef­ Atlantic ’Traaty organisation. ’The WKNB—Baaehall Matinee. 1#:*#—WCCC—Newa: Vlataa of larael estimated. The other half will pay years. by Hlrsch, a Brk^port resident, l!*5—WTIC—Juke Bo*. WKNB—Are Maria Hour. fancy prices for seats atop pri­ political Issue. j that the other toys hava to. / MEMBER OF up(if It and United Indeed, there «dll be a spirit WON8—Bandatand U-O *- - . ■WTHT—Fine Arta Quintal. ll will just go away." their ou'n lives, tending to tltolr statutes, or to errors in judgment WTHT—Pan American UnlCe; Lone WTIC—Wf rtiT of Mualc. Fre-llriilal (Uwwer gardens, building homes aad taOd* end the occupation of Austria at But, as ' ths Isst gorged worm Aircraft 19 percent. ' - by the government and United present at Honolulu, however, po­ OF proven Binding a rscord-hrMhlng distance flight on th* last leg of their Atlantic crossing, two U. 8. Slkor. Unfortunately, It a war that With the end of World War U, Pine. . title —WCCC—Newa; lU lian Life. A miscellaneous pro.bridal sky H.19 hsiicoptera cross coastline of Scotland, near Ayrshire. Capping the first hsllcopter flight ing an ordinary Ilf*. But soma of Sfeju.Kr.KS’-.S: drops off, they push out a nsw bud, Aircraft representatives, there le litely covered, which compares In WTIC—Down Homera. WDRC—Newa; Inyltatlon to Learn shower was given WednertUiy eya- won’t go away, uiq America may Tork. Cbt«a*o. Patrolt and ifcata ■non aa a etable Austrian govern­ Chance-Vought moved to Texas. some respects with jhat which ex­ t ; l t —WDRC—Adrenturea In Science, across th* Afiantle, th* Air Sea Rescue Squadron 'copter broke a distance record by flying ' the l>50 still havs men stafionid on a the big wise guys had to thtek ment haa bean set up are at- which beeomsa a nsw Issf in July, ’Ihe Stratford plant remained va> no avenue open to the court to • •ja—WCCC—Newa; Mualr. WTfilT-ChrlaUan In Action. ning for Mias Betty LuclUe Johsa, miles from Kaflavtk, Iceland, to Prestwick, Scotland. The hop.skip flight began at Westover, Mass., they could rule them and back MEMBER APP IT BUREAU OF deny the defendant Hlrsch the fair ists between VTance and Ger­ WTIC—Carnlral of Booki. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ou'lton battlefront In Korea after it In. K tributoble to world poUUca and In- a grtan fllcksr of a claim on mare emit for months. W n C —U. 8. Army Band. Air Fore* Base. Ths gisnt ’’sgg.toater*’’ will to attaclMd to rescue squadron at Wiesbaden, Germany. ducts Its second -millionth liraft**. their strength against th* good ClRf-'vf«Aff(WW, market value of his Interest in many when tbey^seek to cooper­ SUPERIORITY WDRC—Radio Farm Nawa. . Ili4»—WTIC—Medley Tim*—Hal ;.olb. H. Jones, on the lawn of the Jones peopi# of the world. fluanoad by the contrasting po­ Ilfs. And that, wS say, *U On Nov. 1, 1900 Hlrach obtained ate, under neW'pressure, against WTHT—Lena Pine and H (l Moun- Aft«rm*«E (AP WInphoto via radio from London). The odd thing about th* Korean an option on ths property and the property at the time of the talneera. 12:HU*WDRC—Peopifl’i RUtform.t residence. The grounds . Fare litical and Ideological concepts of magnificent, magnificently polnt- taking.” a background of mutual fear. The WONS—Sporta Parade. WCCC~IUll|m Life. decorated with Japanese lanterns combat picture la that th* moral* ^’’When you see all file utfioiia made the Initial $80,000 payment. fear is that of the Anxacs for Ja­ WTHT—N*wi; Mualc In th# French of the American fighting man has that are represented her* you feel the Boot and West" leas, from tha harsh, rcaltetlc Utter, In line.with the terms of The plant la now being used by Com etly dosifMd monHiBento are products of careful, | , 4^W D RC—Correapondent a Scratch- The waa Mated, in a Waltsr Hallatstn, West Germany's pan. It is one of the chief rea­ Manner. decorated chair, and gifts were Saar Valley Talks dsputy foreign minister aiid four Governor Saves picked up, while Interest a t horns that w* can't lose. Scattered in The Manchaater Eyanir.p Heralt.'. The four powers stay In Aus­ point of view, but magnificent. option,' ha offered an additional Avco to turn out aircraft engines sons why the U. 8. has made mu­ intelUfent atudy. They have balance, disUnciion and 4:8p^-’WTIC— Win. Place and Show WONB—li t t le of the Bnrltonet. haa .slsadily waned.. throughout thb ares are Turks, ' Tunea. WHAT—LnPerU Profmm. arranged In a treasure chest, deco, Of hla aids*. The talks were- ex. play ad»artlaln» dMlnf houra: tria where they have no real ’Their bravery makes them even $320,000. for the government. Before the tual defenae treaties with Aus­ meaning; they haTe bMoty that will endure. 1 WTIC—Juvenile lU n^; "Why are we In Korea at all Ethiopians, • FIllpinoB, Puerto The government refused to ac­ government decided to take It WDRC—Stan Daugherty. rated wItK pink and blue crepe Started in Paris pected to .last through th* day. i)og from Well quarrel only because they haven’t more beautiful, with their scat­ tralia and New Zealand on the one W THT—ABC Late Newa. 11:15—WilAT—Cor»ole Della Republics paper. The party waa a copi. Th* Saar, which was part of Ask th* average man In the street Ricans, Canadians, Scotrti. 1 ^ . " -'■'tr^n.’rr tered heroic gram.-than they were cept the second, psyment. It an­ Mdt. Hlrach has agreed to lease hand, and setth Japan and the J%11r TV.::;;.. £nttJiig.DoiM lu tto D u m Shop Fiom ;Tbe aWpNS—Newa;.Juke. Box. . WONS—Health Quix, th a t . queeUon, . an d to , JBight HoUiadsFs;.,,. r ssraisy-^ MtUed tketr qutoSU fleewiterS. nounced that It has' decided to the plant 'to Avcd for fTK.OOd a, X dfl't-^RC-Horae 'Rawa.. — plete aui prise 'to Mliw' Jonea. ' ' O em any tofON World ' ’War H;' r Tburaday—1 p. in. Wednaaday. In all tha untouched Innocence and tppinea individually. Rough Stone To Hie Finished Memorial WTHT—Sporta. WCCC—Newe; Ukrainian - American Mrs. Everett B. Porter assisted Paris, Aug. 2—(iP)—Wane* and Richmond, V*.. Aug. t —(M— hard put for an answer. Hawaiians said otltor*-«U fight.' r miday—I P. m. Tnuraday. They stay In Austria only because take full title. year for two 5«ars. 7110 lease car­ Hour, now controls Ita own domestic af* Ing on as one big team. A special committee jdeetded ’There are economic m atters In­ WTIC—The Brooklyn Handicap. Mrs. Jones as hostess. Guests In­ West O srm ^y havs opSned fpr- fairs but Is linksd sconomlcally little black dog fell Into the But th* American soldier In r Saturday—1 p. m. Friday. none of them wants to give up a seeming aafety of apiing itself. ried a three-year renewal option. d;Sa—1TOHC—Croaa Section USA. WTHT—iHah-Amerlcan Hour. Korea nodr has a pretty good idea “How can we IomT Bsaidai, wa laaalSad daaCnna: 10;W a. m. aaeb that Hlrsch was antltled~ta 13,- United Aircraft was not Involved volved, too, fabtween the British WTIC—Mualcana. _ . WTIC—Eternal Llfht cluded Mrs. Everett Keith and mal negotiations on the future of with Franc*. Th* Frohob aleo ere fountain pool In front of the big at publleatloA aaeapt Saturday- preaent military position any­ Commonwealth and Japan, with W THT—International Jaxf Club. WHAT—Mualc from Scandinavia. Miss Sylvia Keith of Manchester, house. why he la there. have the help of Odd, If weNStay* 100,000. It was that award with In the litigation. It had agreed to 11:45—WDRC—Bill Coalello, Newa. the SM r Valley, th* tiny frontier refltotoibla for its foreign affairs ft: where ao long aa the cold war which Judge Smith agreed today. the latter’s return to trading Im' WKNB—Requeat Matinee, Mrs. R. Kneeland Jones, Sr., and oml defanse. Germany’s unsatisfied His night.long efforts to climb Tak* Pfo Geerg* Wbltsnour, together aa fro* nations after thto' accept from the government the Manchester Memorial Co. a-is—WDRC—PFC. Eddie F1a)ier. WONS—VVank end Ernaat area which haa been In dlsput* for sxampl*. H* la a rasmber of th* I* over, w# can hop* for peao* m '- BAtmtJsy, August 3 ’Ths government had objected to WTIC—Mualc with a Beat. I WTHT—Newa. Mrs. R. Kneeland Jones, Jr., and demands for return of the terri. out were In vain. laats anywhere. WCCC—Frencb'Amerlcan Hour. between th* two nation* for year*. St. Barnabas Lutbsran Church In all time.*’ It. to ,n>m th , H lnch ■ ! „ | T h m U u r n , A. H. AIMETTI, Prop. WTHT—Roaeland Ballroom. phughter Karen of Bolton, MIm tory have been a rallying point for At dawn, the door to th* big For these reasone, both sidee Connecticut WKNBr-Newa; Requeat Matinee. WTIC—Newa, Marguerite Porter of New York If th* dispute Is settled by Sept. house opened. A tall, broad- Queen*. Bo is John R.' Crooks, a HARRISON STREET—MANCHESTER S:IS—WHAT—OrOaby^a Quarter. WDRC—Music. West German opponents of the Hofw a e u i A CRBipalK"? have, from time to time, sought , plain old-fashioned racial preju- WHAT—Mualc from Scandinavia. City, Mrs. H. t t Keen. Mrs. Wal. 10, the headquarter* of tha six* European Army treaty. shouldered man descended th* veteran nswapaper librarian. To manufacture aa autbmobU* SiSa—WHAT—Band by .Demand, natloN Behuman plan for pooUng Roar da«n and dscsnt can we reifuge in disagreement over the Vetersna from the TO from both | dlee. ' WCCC—Muilc. WONS—Frank A Bmeat. ter C: Hewitt, Mrs; William W. atsps). At the fountain's edge he Some time ago, Crtmks,. wiio to permlUlag a driver to sit ou the Y a n k ee YD WillDiscusg world wars are invited to partici- But, Just as the preeeut Mck of WTIC—The Author Speaka. WKNB—T^nka rs. Washlrffton (3). West Europe’s steel and coal pro. 63, decided to put oift a ons.mon right Instead of th* left reqolrea, prectee terms of a peace treaty t:15—WTIC—Behind the Paces. Hammond, Mrs, Leonard C. "^Por Petat4>.FIeld Lnndhig Surreesful stopped and snapped his fingers, keep, In this presldenUal oam- pate In the radedlcatlon. direct military preoaure on the WDRO-OlcI Record Shop,Ihop. ter. Mrs. <3hartes N. Fillmore, ductlon may be located there. ITie dog just looked, too til red newifb^px for th* msmbers of th* th* alteration of 1500 part*. they ought to be able to write and By A, H. 0. WONS—Bob Cro»by Show. WTHT—Sammy Kara. palgn? Trip to France Larry Cook of Cranston, R. T., Pacific permtta the present ar- |!«S—WHAT—Sptuti. WONS-wWarm-up Time. Mrs. Clarence E. Porter. Mrs. Ma. Ths French have proposed that St. John’s, Canada—(>P)—Doug to do more as he clung by his church who are in the armed Wa Shotdd have tbs flnsst, sign in ten minutes. who served In Wojrld War I with I rangement, so would a real' threat WONS—Pee w ee Reeie Show. 1:35—WONS—Gioston Braves. rip EVacchla, Mrs. Rufus R. Rath the l.OdO square mllea of ooal>rtch forepawa to the fountain’s base- service. His gossipy news sheet Both Connecticut parties under­ ■VTIC—Tour Key to Health. l.SC,.WCCC—News; Echoes of.Ireland Moore, Uvhb recently gained hla highest levsl campaign In history. Austria, now seeking to by-pass Connecticut’s 102d Infantry R e^- nbuire unification. And the>e la' NOTICE WTIC—Favorites of the Famous. bun, Mrs, Harold L. Gray, Mrs. territory be ’’Bhiropeanisad’’ aa n Wlth a sigh the man tossed off now circulates to 70 young soldiers, took to economise, this year, by At Lake Outing ment, haa been named by Nation-[ho guarantee that Russia’s tradt- WTHT—Oueet SUr. .j, private pilot's license at an air ca> sailors end airmen, scattered Bmrybedy knofws that, t t Is ob­ these Mg power alible with • —------ETealBK ' ' • t:45-W TIC—Catholic Hour. : Howard O. Thompson, Mrs. Don. home for the Schuman plan. West hb shoes, rolled up his |rouoMB combining the bualnsse of two M Commander 'Peter Bourget 'as 'tibnol expanslonlam toward th^ A pubUc hearing wlB be held by the Town Planning COmmleslon, WHAT—New t; Sunday Matinee.*' aid E. Griffin, Mrs, David K. Itor- Oennans maintain' that th* area drt lmpection, later had to make aniT waded In. around the world. :'tt Knifi them to direct appeal to tha United Ne- scheduled conventions Into ohe /S :i#—WDRC—New*. . WCCC—German American Hour. WB CABBY ALL vious from tbs Identity of the two The local chapter of the Yankee chairman of the Pilgrimage to I Orient, her traditional enmity August 7, 1902 at 8:00 P. M. in the Hearing Room of the WONS—New*. ; \ WTHT—Marlnea In Review. ter, Mrs. G. Etorl Porter, Mrs. la German territory and ahould to a forced landing In a small plane. Ashore, the dog shook himself, their old home neighborhood. esndldates — two high-minded tlons, dMervaa g6od luek In Its ef­ convention. France committee. Advance In- with Japan, will not eventually Building, to conotder tha following proposed sone changes . W THT—New*. ^ . 2:25—WKNP—Tanka va. Browns. Recently, Pfe, Wnltenour wrote UDAMNO BBAHM Division Veterans Association will WTHT—Mu*lc. Natalie B. Jones. Miss Marjorie returned to them. He brought th* plan* down In s did a frisky turn on the capitol gentlemen If there ever were such fort. Their economy has bean dsfsat- formation on minimum costa for regain first place in Russian pol iiendmenta to the Zoning Regulations: WKNB—New*; Sporta: Mualc. ■ 2:SC—WDRC—Sammy Kaye. H. Martin, Mrs Richard M. Grant, French Foreign Minister Robert potato patch about-176 feet long. lawn, leaped up and licked th* a letter of gratitude from Korea, ed by the act of fate which haa meet Sunday, Aug. 17 at the cot- thd entire trip, together with al­ Icy, WTHT—HeralrJ of Truth. running for publlo office. WHAT—New*. WTIC—Your .Box at the Opera. Mrs, Dennis Keefe, Mrs. (Carles Schuman and three advisers mat The only dkmage was to the pro. hand of his. roscusr- Governor and this la what he aald! llrHiir Drif Slirai created a vacancy In the United tags of Jeff Blanchard, Andover ternative or additional trips to Nothing like a supreme com­ 1. To change to Buslneas Zone I or Bualneaa Zone II all or part WTIC—New*. WCCC—Newa; Mualc. P. Miner. In th* forieign ministry with Prof. psller. -• John 8. Battle. “We have church servlcea over That stature and eharaoter Is Cutting The CMIdren’s Fund States Senate. Now they will hold of an area on the Northerly side of Middle Turnpike West known as S:l*—WONS—Sport*. Lake. TD men, whether members England, Swltxerland and Italy, mand among America, Australia WTIC—Bob Steelr, 2:S^W CCC—Music. Also present, were the two hos­ siraady some guarantee that, so two conventions after all. for these who plan to return at a and New Zealand la b ^ g planned Lot No. 140 of "Ptnehurst" tract bounded and described as follows: WONS—Health Qul*. Ws are Inordinately proud of of tha association or not, their Northerly by property of Louie White, 08.49 feet; Easterly by property WHAT—Supper Serenade. 2:65—WHAT—Red Sox vs. Detroit. tesses, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. fhr as the two top participants In Along with the economy In­ later date, have been received by for the present. Liaison for co­ WDRC—To Be Announced. 3:55—WCCC—Music. Everett B. Porter. Gifts werg re. the fact that we are by far the volved, they aleo sought to obtain wives and children are Invited. Clyde G. Beckwith of 12 Trotter of Florence MoricOol, lOi.95 feet; Southerly by Middle Turnpike West, 4:15-: WTHT—Weather. the campaign are oonoenied, ordination of military programs WTIC—Weather. WTHT—Around the World. celved from Mrs. Stanley Nygrcn, richest nation In the whole world oome guarantea ot clear party Bail­ Dinner and lunch will ba served at street. Is the preaent objective. approximately 60 feSt; Westerly by Bo. Manchester R.R., 168.15 feet. WTIC—Elmo Roper. there will be s minimum of Abuse coat. However, those planning to :W!»e—WTHT—New*. WDRC—Gallaher's Galaxy. Mrs. M. Esther Jones, Mrs. Helen , ,. until It comes to figuring out ing between the national conven­ / In this the United States will WONS—Evening Star. 2:15—WTIC—Intermeaso. J. Porter, Mrs. Daniel G. Horton tions and slaetlon day, Now. In­ attend ahould contact Mr. Blanch­ 2. To changdHo Reeld^ice Zone B all or part of p area now in Resi­ WTIC—Summer Symphony. and mud. our share of_toe expenM of the ard at the Army and Navy Club OPS FIRES 08 be standing between the An­ dence Zone A on the Northerly side of Hartford Road bounded and WKNB—Star* Review the Hite. 8:25—WTIC—Bob Conaodlne. Mrs. Alice 'Thompson, Mrs: A. Wll* - But everybody can eeSf tooi how evitably, they are face to face the tipodes, Japan and. the Philip- dSKribed as follows;—Begtmfing'ot a point In the Northerly line of. WDRC—Sport* Roundup...... — WTHT—Hour of Decision. Ham von Roemer, and Mrs. John United Natlwe and ita Fubeidljary posslMllty of new and bitter party so that Mi's. Blanchard may make 4:««—WTH’T—It'a Your Buelneea. WDRC—Music;------the mud and abuse may still enter the necessary arrangements. Lat­ Hartford, Aug. 2—(iPl-r-SIxty- pines. The problem at Honolulu Hartford Road, said point being located about 205 feet Westerly of 1:45—WCCC—Magaxire Must#. O'Donnell. agencies.' ’ strife, and whether either of them will be to establish an Institution WONS—Charles Kaaher. WTIC—Four Story Theater. In. The usual strategy for doing est details concerning the YD pil­ three employes of the Hartford the Westerly line-of McKee Street; thence Northerly along Und of WDRC—Larry Leaueur New*. Sandwiches, cupcakes and vThese United Nations as* can accompUeh Its necessary busl- Office of Price Stabtitxatlon (OPS) broad enough to take care of fu­ 7:ie—WONS—Al Hefer. Sporta. 4;e#—WTIC—The Falcon. m s, when a party Is embarrassed grimage to France In 1903 will be Bursack, 120 feet to the Northweiterly comer of Bureack property; WDRC—Band of the Day. punch were served, and a social meiits are calculatsd by that In­ nsBS without opaning up nsw presented at tha meeting. will be chopped off government ture developments In caae a su­ thence Biaaterly along Bursack prc»erty 81 feet to a point 130 feet WTHT—Talking It Over. WTHT—Revival Hour. time followed Miss Jones \^ill be h f having a gentlenuui as Its can­ wounds Is questlonsbls. " payrolls by Aug. 31, acting Direc­ preme command should be needed. WDRC—Thla I Believe; Saturday at WCCC—Mualc. ternational body, by the beet pro- At a meeting ' at the national Westerly of McKee Street; thence Northerly 530 feet, said line being the Chase. ■ married next fall to Joseph A. didate, is to designate professional Ths RspuMleans can, potentially, tor, Dennis P. O’Connor says. The In case enemy pressure should WKNB—County Fair. 4:2«—WTIC — Martin Kane, Private oeaaea it has for oalmdaUng abili­ headquarters in Boston last month. 130,feet Weaterly of and parallel to the Westerly lln of McKee Street; Bye, Ous'of Colchester. hava tha easier time of It. Tha group, cut from all branches of ever override the current objeo- thence Westerly 485 feet to the Easterly ficoperto line of the U. S. Til*—WONS—Hank Thompson Show. WDRC—Music. CoMert CaiHseled -♦•hatchet msn“ to stand on one ty to pay. Perhape—we don’t real­ firet name which came to every It waa reported that negotiations' the local OPS, received thetr dis- .tlons to Pacific-wide unification. WTHT—Bert midrew*; wing of the national campaign had been completed with the Government; thence Southerly 010 feet to the Nurthetieriy line of Hart- WKNB—Armed Force* Day. WONS—Musical Comedy Favorites. The latest announcement, from ly know—the early aaoeoamenta mind when the fact of the new missal notices yesterday In line I ------:------T:JJ^W ON8—Down You, Go; News. 4:55—WONS—News. platform and peiform the charao' ^ e n c h Line and Metropolitan ford Road, 485 feet to place of beginning. 5:M—WTIC—Hollywood Playhouse. Robert P. Diman, chairman of the have looked to us for something nomination vacancy appeared was, Travel Service, Inc., of Boston, for with a national reduction of OPS' Th.e Babylonians destroyed the WTIC—To Be Announced. WKNB—News: Sammy Kaye. local filvic Ctouncll, Is that the ter assaesiBstlon, the mud-aling of course, that of Preocott Bush. expenditures. Forty - five em- ’ Assyrian capital of Nineveh In 3. To change to Buainese Zone II all or part of a certain triangular • WHAT—Symphony Hall, WTHT—Chautauqua Symphony. beyond our really fair ahare. We a pilgrimage to France, May 19, ployes will remain on the Job. 013 B. C. WTHT—Dinner at the Green Room. WHAT—^apel of the Alrlanes. much advertised free band concert Ing, the negative abuse tha main Perhape, If Governor Lodge and 1903, returning June 9. The new 1 piece of land now In Rural Residence 2k>ne, bounded as fpUowe: East­ WDRC—Gunsmoke. by the Wlllimantic Cfity Band, has do know that we volunteered to Stata Chairman Baldwon will give erly by Windsor Street (about 525 feet): Southerly by Tblland Turn­ WKNB—Hellenic Hour. WONS—The Shadow. candidates are too nice to handle ship Flandre has been reserved for WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. b?en canceled. It was to have lend the Uirited Nations the capi­ him ths backing, thla time, they pike (about 600 feet): and Northwesterly by the Wilbur Cross Highway 7;«g—WONS—Newa; 30 Questions, 5:25-WTIC—Whitehall 1213. for themselves. In the center of the voyage from New York to Le- g ;**-tWTHT—Dancing Party, taken place on the Amston Lake tal for conatructlon of Ita New Buppoaedly wanted to give him lait Havre. Priority will be given up to (about 500 feet). . WTIC—Jane Ace—Disc Jockey. WDRC—World News. Beach, Aug. 12th. No reason is the stage, the nice candidate con- time, and give It to him before any WDRC—Broadway’* My Beat. WONS—Doubles In Vocals. Fork headquarters, which was an the entire capacity of the steam­ WKNB—Guy lx>mbardo. given for the postponement. ' thinea his high-level discussion, hot rivalry on tha'part of other 4. To change to Residence Zone B all or part of an area now In Resi­ WKNB—Helenic Hour. act of generoua accommodation on er for regUtratlons filed before dence Zone AA and Rtiral Residence Zone on the Southerly side .of WONS—30 Questions. 5:45—W H A T-^po!ll|fht on Sports. Mrs. Helen Jones Porter, daugh. not appearing to notice his cohort candidates hoe developed, the Sept. 30. ^ e return trip will be 9:1*—WHAT—Kostelanets Conduct*. 5:55—WDRC—Larry Lasueur. News, ter of Mr*. Fitch N. Jones, Is re­ our port Perhape, In the early thing can be wrapped up without Hartford Road bouniM and described as follows: Beginning at a g:Sa—WDRC—Tarsan. X out on the winga, and, If ques' on the “Isle de France." point In the Southerly line of Hartford Road, said point being In the Kvealac ported restihg comfortably, fo|. Kw always want Jtogea, our officials were willing too much trouble.' Check WONS—Theater of the Air. 4:05—WDRC—To Be Announced. ttonad toe closely, disclaiming rt- The Itinerary will Include sev­ Boutheasterly comer of land now or formerly of Eklward Bunce; thence WTIC—Btara In Khaki and Blue. WONS—Bobbv Benson. lowing an operation thie week at to take a relatively large share But we, who could ' never eral daya In Pari*, a trip' to the WHAT—Plano Speak*. WHAT—News. - the Hartford Hospital. ■qive the mgretery of why they Weaterly 245.0 feet in the Southerly line of land of Eklward Bunce to WTHT—Dancing Party. WTIC—News. ajponsibUity t o him. «f other ooeta-oF the new organt- dlvUlqn’e. battlefield at Chateau land of Lottia Bunce; thenea. southerly 7S.2 feat ia. the Euteriy line The sale of thp pl4. Amston Ter iu d i to e l, Bla«ihbwM> oah did n et gtva Boeh BMira effective- Thleriy, to rededlcite the YD Me­ and DOUBLE Check ' A.:**—WDRC—Oangbuater*. WTHT—Oeorae.E. Sokolaky. satlon, t of land of LouIb Bunce; thence Westerly 64.7 feet In the Southerly WTIC—Ohio River Jamboree, WKNB—News; Fred Warlry. Schoolhouse to Mr. and Mr*. have sudi a talent as Dlrksen, support ui the spring eeaveaUan, morial Church at Belteau. Unlike WHAT—News; Record Review. 4:15—WHAT—Peoples Lobby. Frank Laurette of Wlllimantic is But Oongrtoa, bafore It. ad­ beeftate to conclude that they line of land of Louis Bimoo; thsnce Southerly 1041 feet In the Easterly t:JS —WDRC—News, WTIC—Tale Interprets the News. who gave aamplea of his capacity othe^ world war memorials, that line of land of Louis Bunce to land of Rali^ert:/thence Kaaterly 404 t!**—WTIC—Grand Old Opry. WTHT—Monday Morning HeadHnea. reported. They plan to make it journed, went hard-boiled, t t wm antoaM leally do It now. of .the Yankee Division was a vol­ You pay a bin conveniently, right from your during the Republican National Not knowing the reason they feet In the Northerly line of land of Reichert to land of I^Ulam Hill:' WDRC—Robert Q'a Waxwork*. 4:24—WDRC—To Be Announced. over Into a dwelling. It has been decreed that our contribution to untary restoration by ■ the veter- deek In home or office, with a Manchester thence Northerly 673 feet- In the Westerly line of land of William Hill WONS—Guv Lombardo Show. WONS—Nick Carter. standing In disuse for the past Convention, while Stevenson can failed to do so la .the epriag 14:**—WDRC—Robert Q'a Waxwork*. WTIC—The First Nljchter. any trnited Natlona oxpsnaa or ana and their frienda, to rebuild a Trust Company check. to land of Cook; thence Westerly 203.7 feet In the Southerly line of WONS—Chicago Theater of the Air, WHAT—Supper Serenade. three years since the new elemen have no leas an artist than Preel- conveatloa, we admittedly have church which their own artillery WTHT—Here Comes the Band. tsry school came Into existence agehey should be limited to one- no aecurato line on what they land of Cook and land of Anthony Smith to a point; thence Northerly w nC—Tin Pan Alley. dsnt Truman himself. was forced to destroy because the Later, If ttere le any queatlon about the pay- 140 feet In the Westerly line of land of Smith; (hence Westerly 105 feet WTHT—Saturday at the Shamrock. WKNB-Walter Huston. In 1949. At least two other oM third ol the total UN appropria­ may he thlaklag about the WHAT—Newa; Record Review. 4:55—WKNB—NeFs. TMe an old license - that of Germana wen directing .fire on ■heat, toe O A N C EU fD CHECK, wlto toe ea^ in the Southerly line of land of Smith': thence Northerly 206 feet more .WONS—News. — schoolhouse* of the town iiave tion. That oeenM reoaonable . present MtoirileB. They may, for the Yanks from Its tower. The Mrs*—W nC —Lower Basin Street.- been remodeled and are used being able to have the mud all We knew, have gone-lnto the donement of the firm or person paid, SET­ or lees In the 'Westerly line of land of Smith to the Southerly line of- WTHT—Hotel AColphua Orchestra. 7 :it—WDRC—E ^em ber BrIfJe. enough, when it le considered that church was completely rebulU and Hartford Road; thence Westerly 128 feet In the Southerly line of Hart­ WDRC—Dance Orchestra. WHAT—Symphony Hall...... homes. — —-r thrown without throiwlng any thonght that a new face Is aeed- dedicated after World War I. In TLES ANY ARGUMENT. II:**—New* on all station*. WTIC—To Be Announced. ford Road to p^nt of beginning. WONS—Under Arrest. A daughter was born to Mr. and yourself. we are merely one of nearly 60 ad, or they may have becotae at- World War II It waa slightly dam­ II:*5—W DRC-^tar* for Defense*. Mrs. Robert McKenxle at the Man­ nations, tt may not be quite on- taehod to aoam eaadidacy to Start a Checking Account, Here, NOWl WTHT — Saturday Night Dancing WTHT—Sophisticated Rhythm. We hope the two candldatee this aged by German artillery fire. 5. Amend ARTICLE £ SECTION n, DEFINITIONS, paragraph (s) Party. WKNB—Music You May Remember. chester Memorial Hospital VVed. the nose aa far aa our ohltlty to -whleh they thiah tiM owe atore to read a* follows: (s) "School" or "conego" means a college, public 11:1»—WONS—National Prod. Author- 7i25—WONS—^ b b y Benson. nesday. time will ct^der themselyes ro- than they owe to B w ^ or Oover- thorlty Program. 7:2#—WDRC—Doris Dav. pay is conoemed. school or a private school giving regular Instmetlon a t least five days WTHT—Time Capsule. Interview Pastor sponslble for more than their own Bor Lodge may have decided, a week for eight or more months In the year; but not Including a school W THT—Women In Uniform On the side of generosity, tt WTIC—Alex Drier. WHAT—Symphony Hall, There may be some hope of the personal roles. BOW that lileeanewer le aomla- , or college giving special or limited Instruction, such aa a buslneas, art, 11:1*—W D R C - Public Service Pro- WONS—Lutheran Hour, Hebron and Gilead Congregational could be argued that we 'will navar ated aad now that hie Mee- WKNB—Proudly ,We Hall. If they don’t, we hope the Amer­ lO Q K A H E A D music or dancing college or school, or a nursery sehooL 11 ilC ^T IC — HoUywood Palladium W n C —To Be Atjmounced. Churches securing a pastor in the make much better Investment of aaehaeette brother might be Uft- Orchratra. •:45~W DRC—F ra A Fontaine Show, not too distant future. The pulpit ican people will hold them re­ 6. Amend ARTKHjE II, SECTION II, Special Ebcception, by Adding our dollars than to Invest them In ed out of the Senate for ceMaet WITH MANCHESTEI TRUST WONS—Midnight Matinee. WTHT—Stop the Music. committees of the churches Inter, sponsible, anyway. nnateriel, that the tone hoe come the following thereto following paragraph (,C); (a) Garages or off WTHT—Hotel Rooaevelt Orcheatr*. WHAT—Plano Miniatures. the chance of eucoeee for the street parking opaeea shall be provided tor at least 100 per cent of WDRC—Symnhony Hall, WTIC—Meredith Wilsons Musk viewed the Rev. Richard Hunter of It Is true enough that neither for him to return to Waehlng- ll!**—WTIC—Newt; Xavier Cugat. Room. / Charlotte, Mich., at a meeting of them can hope to control local United Nations. tea hlmeelf. ADoily the number of dwelling units. WDRC—Newa. WKNB-TwIn Banditandii.. Tuesday evening In the Gilead Sallutq I*:!*—WTIC—Tex Wlllltmt and Or- WONS—Silver Trumpets Hour. - candidates and party leadara; But One of the ‘UN agencies which A quick wrap-up of the nomUia: 7. Amend ARTICLE II, SBkTnON HI, Special Exception, by- adding cheatra. 1:16—WHAT—Golden Moments In Sonf Sunday School rixims, but it Is not to WDRC—Playhouse. known whether he will ^ a can. they can have aomethlng to say may be hit hard by the action of tlon tor. either Bueh or Lodge M /V PEMAQUID file following thereto following paragraph (c): (d) Garages o’- « ! » —WTIC—New*. ff-'- 'M-4 might toreetell fight, but other­ Off street parking spaces shall be provided tor at least 100 per cent of [ Seaday WTIC—Best Play*. dIdate for the position here, as about the nature of the national Congress le the International wise there seems certain to be a Pm New Lraden___ 11:30 A M. tsM —WTIC—Newa; Music. * WHAT—Hour of Faith. yet. Children's Ehnergency Fund. The Ptoai Iteek lataad _■— htS P. M the number of dwelling units. T:W—Cavalcade of Mualc. WONS—True Detective,. campaign, and they should accept live RepubUtan convention and, we fPoyllght Sovlog Tlael T:I»—WCCC—Hour of St. Frtncl*. 9:i5^WDRC-Me^t Millie. He la In charge of a church In the responsibility of having some-, administration at Washington suspect, a sudden wealth ot can­ 8. Amend ARTICLE n, SECmON IV, Special Exceptions, by deleting 7:Se—WCCC— Outdoor* with Cniff WTHT—Drew Pierson. Charlotte at present. Mrs. Hunter originally' asked an appropriation didates. PAIZSlOeedletdaFei iaaiie ealy) paragraph (d) "Garage or off-street parking facilities shall not b" Knight. WHAT—To Be Announced. was present at the meeting, and thing to aay about It 'They-can WEZEDAYS rovided tor the storage or habitual parking for more vehicles than WTIC—String Symphonetfe. WONS—Green Hornet. was a visitor in the town. forbid the mud to their major ot 334,000,000 for thin fund for The Democratic picture le- at WDRC—Mualc Box. 9:l5-WTHT-Melody Hlirhway. a second lo o k once olmpler and apparently more S2.00 on* w ay S2.50 K. T. Slere are dwelling units on the tot,” and substituting the following: l!**—WDRC—World In Brief. WHAT—Falcon Ballroom. Old Home Day Plana the next two years. The budget party orators, if they want to. We certain to produce trouble. Demo­ SUNDAYS A HOUOAYS ' (d) Oarages or off street packing spaces shall be provided for at • :I^W O N S-ChSD Cl In the Sky, 9:24—WDRC—Inner Sanctum. Plans arranged for Hebron's Old committees In Congress cut this WTHT—Newa. WTTC—Hals In (he R ln r assume both of them want to; cratic State Chairman John Bailey I2.S0 ona way 19,00 R. T. least 100 per cent of the number of dwelling units. WTIC—News; Georg* Crook. WHAT—Easy ListenInjt. Home day, Aug. 16', at the green, they ^ould do I t down to 310,000,000. But now the haa perhape .one route • toward WDRC—New*. WONS—John .7, Anthony Hour. a* arranged by the Old Home Day Special B. T. Beomomf Cralaes 9. AmefiU AR’nC L E U. SECTION VH, BUSINESS ZONE H, para­ WHAT—Newa; Chorister*. 9:45—WTHT—Three Suna. commItUe are that the Hebron 4-H Betoe they start controlling general llpiltatlon on our UN ex­ quick peace, and that would be a Mondays (except hetldays) $2M graph 10, to read as follows; 15. Signs for display of outdoor ad­ WCCC—Mualc. 14:45—WDRC—News; The People* Art quick power play behind Congreas- WTHT—Paul H*rvfy, Fair will he held with the (fid their fellow-campaigners, how­ penditures Imposed by Congress WKIU tootr* *>«" toa teaSM T fM vertising, when painted on the walls of a building or affixed to th-' S:l»—WTHT—Chrlatlan Sdrnce. man Abe Rlblcoff, the only Con­ walla, provided they do not exceed In area three square feet for ever WDRC—Shoppers Special. WHAT—News- Eaay Llateninf. Home Day. 4.H club members wilt ever, perhaps they hsd better take cuts the smount down to 30,000,- necticut Denoocrat who has ever hSM Modi lilaMi IdotScTt tiU AM. t:S*—WONS—Radio C&rolers. WTIC—Meet the Pre»*. have exhbiits and will give dem. 066. f AH Hofet Include redatoi Tox foot of lot frontage. EYeestandlng ground signs provided they do no* • WHAT—Gemma CItasIcale. WONS—Health Qul*. one lest look at themselves. Gov- matched tha vote-getting prowess exceed 00 square feet in area and are set back at -least 15 feet from WCCC—Newa: Hvmn Time. 14:15—WONS—Evening Concert. onstrations. They will rhow the ernor Stevenson, for Instance, has This may mean that one of ths of Brian McMahon. SOUND STEAMSHIP LINES. INC the street line. On. the street aide of a comer lot such signs shall also WTIC-Sabhath Message. WTHT—Gloria Parker. animals they have been raising. Ceattcl Whctl. Nm toodM. Cean. 923 MAIN ST. PHONE 4171 W THT—Mualc Tor Sunday. I4:25-W TH T—Bill Tuaher. The u.sual pot luck will be held already shown a fondness for the' best and least controversial of But Mr. Bailey’s difficulty la P. O. Em u ir T*l. Maw Leadas S-MM be set back at least 10 feet from the aide street line. ( • :«»—WONS—New*. WDRC—To Be Announced. rid oratorical device by which a United Natlona functlona is to be that boto Rlblcoff, and Thomas W nC—Hymn Time. WONS—Holy Trinity Service, on tables on the green. ^ Hebron Dodd, the other leading potent- 10. Delete paragraph 12, ARTICLE IT, SECTION IX, INDUSTRIAL t:SS—Bible Messages. WTIC—Amerfean Forum of (he Air. people are asked, to furnish hot sperinwxella -.atteotlonato. aome* curtmiedf drsMJMUy, .Jueti h e < ^ ^ •;«a-WDRC—World Ngw*. . 14:45—WTHT—VacAtJonland. Udi^ for tha ndmihatibh; ham mi- EONSL whlto Made aa toUowat t*AU Mstdenee uae far more than one ^ ■ •WCCC^trih'g Time. ------* i]f44^N«w* b1y«4„.. hoe made BO b W DRC-Newa. England. During their absence things that interest him most. That’s why practically tlM remark with respect to not have fared very well. proportions exactly opposite to hla T e le v isio n WHAT—News. from home Mr*. Horton’s mother, Board makes a written'finding that the proposed uae (a). wtU no7 12:25—WTIC—Palladium Orcheatr*. When your team wins, by skill or weird luck, it isn’t standing with profeaelonal Demo­ create or Increase a fire or.,.traffic haxord; (b) will not tend to deprecl-\ _ 12:55—sNewa. Mrs. F. A. Lajole of Hartford, to at everybody reads the newspaper—every day. ^ ■ ^France," laid Governor Stevenson crats, who have become somewhat . at hla preaa conference the other ate the value of the property in the neighborhood or Ita resldencea, o" the Horton home with the children. enough to see it pictured—to hear it ttild'—just once. The Brave E lm s fatigued with hla "high level’ alter the neighboriu^’e Ssacntlal characteristics; and (c) will not Observe Aanlversary Just as you read the paper now, your customers and day;i thus twitting lasenhower mannerisms. 1 :^^Boston Blackle. You take a second look . ; . in your newspaper. It’s the Some elm trees rip our heart tend to Impair the health, safety, and general welfare of the public. ;SI>—Dodgera-Chlcagn. -People, 'who remember Blair about one of his campaign Neaeihel'eee, Rlblcoff would 1 Absentee Ballots prospects read the paper too—at the time they choose, out. 1 :00—Holialong CaaaMy. Thompeon, a form er. resident of only sports medium that gives you a chance to gloat and "boiMra.’’ Ws do not classify this probably lollah lunabm for toe 12. Amend the last paragraph of ARTICLE m , AREA AND HS3GHT 8:00—Lone Rsnger. Hebron, and a brother of Mrs. for as long as they choose—for the advertising as well They are the obstinate, blindly hlgber house la this Steveaaoa S: 30—You Asked For If. mastermind to your heart’s content sw mud, but It is the way mud can REXIULATIONS. to read os follows: The minimum width of the aid- Sent Servicemen Cfiisrles P. Hiner, Hebron's town courageous onss'which, a week dr year, aad might, therefore, bo yard on the street side of a comer lot shall be 10 feet In Residenc- T:0O-.>Dsngerou* Assignment. as for news or for fun. . „ , ba thrown, artistically. 7:30—Bob and Ray. clerk, will be Interested to learn Whenever a politieian, or a labor leader, or an act of BO after the annual acourgs of wlUliBg to give toe routine, as* ^ n e s A, B, C, and Baalnesa Stone II; iO feet in Residence Zones A ' 8:00—All-Star Revue. that he and his wife, the former auraaoes with regard to patraa- and Rural; 25 feet in Buslneas Zone L These aide yard requirement; t;00-BIInd Date. _ „ ^ Hartford, Aug. 3—(JV-Abaen. • When your”selling is backed by newspaper advertis­ worms haa climbed down or fallen t:30-4htturday Night Dane* Party. Mias Beryl Forster, of Lawrence, .God changes the trafiic light for your business, you take The Case of Austria age. Bad Bailey has proved cap­ ahall be to a point 100 feet back from the front line of each lo t Fror< 10:30—AsaIgnmeM Marhunt. tee ballots have been sent to 200 ing, your story has a chance to reach almost everybody. — < - . _ o*f with the dry, brown remnants able before of niaalng mea not that point to the rear line of the lot the minimum wfldth of the sld'*- Maae., observed their 25th wed. a second look . . . at your newspaper. It’s the only news 11:00—l^ a t l l n s . ■ervicemen and women, and to 50 ding anniversary Thursday. They Auetiia, deiepalring of getting a of their murderous appetite, reach because ho reltahed them but be- yard shall be the same oa the minimum width of the front yard re­ 13:00-Rack«t Auad. medium that gives yyu a chance tor quick complete Not just comedy fans, or mystery fans, or sports fans cauao he thought they could got quired on the adjoining lot . Concl.—News. 'civlliana ao far, and many more live th Billerica. Mass., but are at formal peace'treaty, is trying a down to some mysterloua r^l to 8BB8ay present at Camp Sargent, Peter*, . . . but everybody. new tactic In her effort to attain live, deep Inside themeelvee, deep ■mteo for ala party. A. M. ■ hundred* of application* are ex. re-^valuation. As for Dodd, he, a t Chicago, 13. Amend ARTICLE IV, SECTITON I, first line by adding the words « ;30-D rm (Mil. boro. N. H. Thompson Is the son proper national atatus. Now the 10:00—FConllera of Faith. pected said City Clerk W illi^ A. That's why advertisers today invest far more of their In their roots, and come out with openly criticised the selection of "or ooaverted* after tho word "erected.” - Linnane yesterday. Two vot«A bal. of Mrs. Alice Thompson, who to When you want a house, or refjigerator, or television ' Austrian government Is shaping 10:3O-Mr. WIsard. with her daughter, Mr*. Miner, thla brave new leaves. New Haven’s John Golden for the 14. Amend the SCHEDmJB OF AREA. HEIGHT AND BULK OF - 11:00—Film*. lots already have been returned, ,|et, you look in your newspaper. . . at A’s ad, then B’s money in newspapers than in any other form of adver­ sin appeal to the United Nations, post ot national committeeman, 11 ;30—Kit (Mraon. aumnier. The new leaves, scattoted about BUILDIN08. paragraph (a), to read aa follows: (a) Same a*'In Res'- P. M. be said. tising. ----- tor which he himself might well One happy service man, who Mrs. (tortrude M. Hough enter, and C’s, then hack to A’s. You take a second look. And sesking to have it vote an end to ths barren branches, have the dence Zone B, If uaad tor single or 2-famUy residence, otherwise lOOh 13:00—In the Park. tabled a few friends at bridge, the occupation of Auatris by hava been the party choice, and square feet each per faimUy In addition to the B Zone area requirement 13:30—candy Carnival. bad earlier applied for an ab*en> your newspaper is the only advertising medium that Only the newspaper is first with the m<^t news. . i first light unspoiled virgin grew of IF liaems to us that he also east 1:00—Racket Squad. tee ballot, walked In and returned Thursday evening. France, Britain, the Unttod States, for each family to sxceas of two families. - , t Kid. % ^\ ■ May. They make a brave show of a doubt upon the validity ot the 3:0^'D ^gera va."Chicago. hia yesterday. He had been dis* The annual picnic of the Hebron gives you a chance to shop and compare, and see what’s with tJie most people.... first with the nuist adverlisersl and Russia, ‘nia. end of the mili­ life for tha tres. ‘Ihsy bespeak the supposed mandate for Golden 4:30—Name's The Same. '■ charged from the Army. (tongrega^lonal Church choir took , i , TO’WN PLA im M O COMMISSiON 8:00—Sta Eririn Shoar. ' ~ place 'Thursday evening at the tary occupation of the country by tree's determination to Uve and from tho McMahon death bed, so 8:30—Super Circus "I’ll be'hero to vote myMif," he theaa four powers would auto- breathe, In spite of the fact that that he perhaps challenged not Francla-P. Hondlay, Chairman 4:00—lafonnallon Please. told the city clerk. home of Slrreno A. Scranton.. only Golden but BoUey os. wall. Horry E. tt;tlMeIi, 84 8:3lh-tBre*k,Tbe Bank. Liitnane aald that.If the. aoldler matl rally release Austrin into full death h'aa ravaged every hraneh. Bocretory 7 ;00—Bu p e e ^ rtu s.- Stephen Foster, croator of such Noaethelcas, Dodd, whosa career 7:30—Tour Lucky Cue. bad voted his ballot, inrteaid of BaUoQ-lulo^ Mnee the country al- They carry a allm chance, theea baa more or laea parallslod Brian Manchaatar. Cornu 8:00—Toast OX The Town. returning It unmarked, he ~ •ttU American folk songs as "My Old Tho Mwspsjf sris olwsys lin t with tho most* Fsady has


r.'fi J f-vriW*

MAA*M*UH“ HE MUST BE TMERk SHS IS,doy$A I s e e - ^ 5 ” VOUNC> AKIP : 0ATTL£-AT«,«WlFr ANC7AU. HANP30M E tXAUGMTEKOFMV -IXOSE EXTRA OR SHE’P TELL nxRfTS/ r r * HIM WE HAVE ■ORIZONTAL ONE RIOKT ^ tAEUte 8ow«r __ * of >lowa Yanks Add ilatey Male (ioli Clinic tCagk'* BMl ' Needle And Hajretaek Meet Tutaio in Second! lORuMtoa ^ While' BtrolUnc throuch library And Buy Schmitz Optm to Public' metmUin*' 15***?^ wallc U M odm tM By thia I'm alwaya haunted; ItSulMUacM e Winced Ten thouaand books may line the 8t. Louia, Aug. 2—UP)—In an ef­ Realizing golf rules ara among 1 Game Today at Nebd UOibboo tlClMVM walls. fort to atrengthen their reearvea, ths most complex of any sport, the < But not the one I wanted. By JACH HAND Tournament Committee of the I U RnnovM aeumtJ Blow with the slumping New York Yankees Country Club will hold a Sports I fram a UquM open hand 39.R0 . 99Timeleee iwork U Venetian Nevada the army. ■ With seven home runs second baseman Kal Begrist, who questions pertaining to rules apd ; one game in the bast of three sa- fabric painter eOSUimrorm work for a while, Abe commented —Dorothy Dalton in 10 games at the Polo Grounds, was obtained from Kansas City 97Vbllnt <*ryiy. . etiquette of golf. ' ^ I rles, clash with the Tutaio A. C. I t Unde Tem’a, Alwaiw ____ IlPreyerendi 91 PrcpOeltion. the Nashville grad gives Jianager two weeks ago, was returned to The cllnie wW be In tha form of Abe—I can sat that (rain aa A man invltinc another man to that club. Kal had gotten only one ' of Providence, Rhode Island tour­ Mend fast aa you're crindinc it hia weddlnc anniversary was giv­ .1,00 Durocher needed strength In a round table dlarusalotr with a ney ‘(Winners, In the second game MSmaU hit In 24 at bate for an .043 aver­ panel of golfers and gdlf .writers 1 r“ 1 7 r“ i r- Miller—Inde^, and how lone do ing him instructions for findinc the' the outfield to help the club's let- age. I at Mt. Nebo this afternoon at 5 91 you think you can keep that up ? place ...... "Oome to the 'est drive on |he league-leadtog ready to snap back answers to ) o’clock. . ‘O U e y , 93 1 m 7. V i Abe—Until I atarve to death. fourth fioor," he said .. “ Push the Brooklyn Dodgers. hfanager Casey Stengel Intends questions put to Them, Among I If the Propa can taka today's WOUUMTTKMOW Belabel bell with your elbow and then push ’ WITH RHODCK a fixture in to use,Carey, a 963,000 bonus play­ thoM to Hit on the panel are Snip ' tussle, the teams will go back to 0-Z HORSEFLESH ; 40 Toward tba a 1} 17 • On an Island In the South Paci­ the door open with your foot" ... left, and Monts Irvin back In er at third base and move Oil Mc- Henderson of the Hartford Times, Cranston Stadium for the deciding Or»w(«tUAMS» n^m eysA w iT dttrad aide fic there are no taxes, unemploy­ Why do 1 have to use my elbow tight field, Durocher made the Dougald from that position to sec­ Owen Griffith, fiourant golf writ­ game tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 'FORE ANPAFV ____ ^ OM>k PLATE* bat 4 A ft 16 ment, crime, beccara, jaaa' banda, ond base, as a replacement for Bil­ er. well known golfers Holly and foot?” InqulrM the friend ...' final move to tighten his outer de- ly Martin. The latter is hobbled by o'clock. Should rain force poet- ilMeakay i radioa or inhabitanta. "You are not cominc empty hand­ tense last night when he shifted Mandly and Bobby GranL local ponement today, the gams will be 4 i II. ■■ a. a swollen knee. Carey began the favorites Tom .Kalley, Henry MICKEY FINN BY t.ANK I^QNARD^ 44Ialand (Pr.) W/ ed are you?” - Bobby Thomson from third base season with the Yanks hut was played here at 3 o'clock tomorrow, 49Saadud( m . Durinc the war a Southerner to center field. Hank Thompson R^kwell, Jim Kirkpatrick, Bill third and deciding game, if hoOek- fl M I t i sent to Kansas City becauss ' he Ltwkwnod, Hank Haefa and Pro YOUWERf AMP J JUST ic 47 Number in Pennsylvania on business stop­ Painter (to partner wielding 'moved from renter back to his old sary next Sunday away,'. W t ped in a small town dellcateaaen couldn't hit curve balls. Alex Hackney. IMSMTRiOUT , ------rATieNT. 49 lewa'c lenne » bnish on celllncl—Have you p ’L third base Job. It Is hoped that questions of a THREE YEARS ago tho Brit­ ClUMPfHK./ ^AlLl}*IMr, HOULIHAN I have— - . and was amazed to see Roquefort a cood grip on that brush? The Bobby Thomaon-Hank Csrey reported in time for to­ ish Americana and Grande nln* of He wTNffiiiir) 6 ^ weu, cheese—a acarce product at that Partner—You're darned richt I Thompson shakeiip didn't click day’s game with the Browna, aa technical nature that might ra- equipment did Johnny Schmitz, lefthanded quire some advanced searching by Newport vvent three gamea, the IMMMe/ eOPtirify tlma. Thrilled at the thoucht of have. when Durocher tried desperately BA'a taking a Sunday double takinc hia wife somethlnc that let—O. K., then. I just want to pitcher obtained from Broklyn In tha panel will be submitted in AXCoat with tt „ M. it" ST sr to,fill the hole left by Mays on , tba committaa at .lha header, to win the . . UUa, . . Last K ■ha would raatiy appreciate, he borrow thC ladder for''^a 'little ihA- June westwTi' swing. ...Ha’nir an • inter-ieagMe .waivar deal yes-. year Moodtui sjmt" tha Srat two " 4ead »Hoy asked If the cheese would keep terday. club. Win Tui'klngton la chairman. eaenoC m w n n while. floundered at third, prompting Leo A hole-ln-ona contest will be gamea with Circle A. C. of Previ-. until he returned to' South Caro­ to restore his "regular” Infield. Their arrivals brought tns squad ___ j i i i W r to 26 players snd so Stengel had held from 6 o'clock until 8:15 with' denoe and dropped the aJl-tmport- U- * U lina. Millie was eittinc at home ' * Leo's latest "operation shake- ant third game hare. It will be MBaplrii •ft to drop one man before today's prizes being awarded. This is a Red Jaeho i i Shopkeeper Mteter.. nothin' peacefully, when there .was a well" produced the desired result. male clinic snd ths Country CSuh up to Hamilton-to taka the Tutaio NlewaleXte . else can't happen to that cheese. knock on the door. Her mother Irvin, making his first appear­ game started. «TaU—^ 8" 40 ft .looks for a large attendance. club 'the limit to keep tha tr^t- answered, and there stood s'sol­ ance in the starting lineup since 19; Jethros, Boston, 17; Robinson, tion Intact. Btate” 11 Suer—Remember the first party h dier with a big bouquaL Ha said, he broke hia right ankle In a Brooklyn, 14; Ashburn, Philadel­ Hamilton haa the aqutoinaitt to ▼BMICAL you aver had? "Just tell her that the Army cen­ spring exhibition, drove home the phia, 13; Cox, Brooklyn and win It in two garaM.' lOne attired Pi Joe—Ooah, yea! And her hus­ I. eSaaoh Art \ 0 sor who's been reading her letters first nln In .h' four-run exploslpn Adama, Ctnclnnatl.' 9.^ . - iRoiwrau hM ')' a leoc ' horttng ilTrttatc p band, too. Is here In person." against Pittsburgh's Harry Fish­ Pitching- Roe, Broqkiyn, 7-1, atas. W* auapact hl6 Oholc* to­ er. in the first inning. Rhodes .875; Hcam. New York. 13-3, .800; day will b t , Rad JhOko. Tha CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER kmaahed a three-nm homer and Wilhelm, New York and Yuhas, chunky outfielder can toa* tha BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Airain?? BY EDGAR MARTIN the Glanta were oft and running, 8t. Louis, 8-3. .800; Brakine, ball whan ha haa to. Ha was isnt enroute to a 7tS victory. A TOP tVA CNMPm^'. Brooklyn, 10-8, ,789. to the bill .In the final* aralniit MM/,%OCn«.THM>'VL VAVV« 1 SIDE GLAKCBS BY GALBRAITH The Giants, who have missed Strlkaouto Spahn, Boston, 117; Pratt-A Whitney two waaks ago tR. A OlAL . ytONTt 1 WUCT TO DMt(MK’.H0tP.\Mj6 WWt Vl'J A KIKC*$lZE SWORDFISH — Mrs. Mildred Notes many chances to gain on Brook­ ' ^ Yealerday’s Reaulta ^ MlMlI, «t. Louts, 97;'■ Wads, and-delivered In ilna fudUoB. Re­ NO HOOLRM. — I lyn during the past week, picked AlHsra «f Laa Aageiaa stands with fewr cemMnlons at Antofd- WiDK VMU. asata Chlia. nndara^f-ponnd twardfiah she basted aft Tacapilla Brooklyn, 94; Simmons, and Rob- liable Oeorge Bwan, the bell-cow K R O n MkVO-TfM«VIO I WMIDV. tip a full game when the Dodgers Rastem Bay with a 19-lhrcad llna. Sha clainM a world rceard far tha catch. ■rto, Philadelphia, 93. of the l* r ^ mound coipe, euf- 6 \tAHVCV(«. J S > K T r Joat to Chicago, 6-1. New York Reading 9-7, Williamsport 5-5. ,Chll* captured fifth pjact' In tha AmerinMi League fered the loee lact Bunday when . now trails by five games. Olympic Basketball Tournament B a t t i n g —Fain, F^lladelphta, Tutaio eoered a 8-3 lO-liuilnga W 3 v t . lim Rhode* Albany 4,' Hartford 0. 1 PREACHKR ROE lost after Binghamton 15, Schenectady 3. today and Holland took fifth and .,342; Ooodmaii, Boston, .838; Kali, victory. Swan huriod a whining COM E ■J Seven straight 1952 wins, bowing Klmlra 11, Scranton. 10..______Belgium sixth In water pojp, Bobton. .331; Woodling. New York, game, but thia waa a tough battle to Bob Rush. National TTrose were th* most stg^fieSat .918; MantI*; NWP Yorte, )311. with the club that g ^ the Mg developments of a light morning Q U ICK I ■ The Cubs chased "The Preach" Little I.,eague' Cincinnati 2. Boston 0. Runs—Joost, Philadelphia, -72; break coming out on top. Today / In the fifth when they ran their Local Sport Chatter of cnmpetltlnn that sarvad maraly Berra, New York, ' 68; Mlnoso, could be a dlfferant story. VOOK 7 ^ ’ New York 7. Pittsburgh'—. to clear the way for the big do­ lead to 3-0. Hank Sauer's 281 h l e a d e r s SI. Louis 10. Philadelphia 5. Chicago, 67; Rosen,'aeveland, 66; You have to play them one at a W H I C T I iomer W-lfh two men on base in Chicago 9, Brooklyn 1. ings this afternoon In the last day DtMaggio, Boston, 69. time. Cktimh Pemgrata know* that iiNAT«g he seventh came oft Rookie Ray American By Hal TurkinKton of major competitions In t,he 19th Runs Batted In—Robinson, Chi­ he must win today to effect the f NATIONAL Olympic games. cago, 71; Dnby, Olevaland and .FOUKI Moore, Just up from St. Paul. Clevelan.d 6, Philadelphia 5. i.Td gam?- He wiU . imye *rearr ‘ St. Louis slugged 'a parade of Batting y Boston 3, Detroit 1. Dnipo, Dirtrolt. 68 r -Roaen,—® 6r** The only, other event on this lan^ ; Mantle. New York,, |SM>- dY ready. In addition to Jacks rhiladelphia pitchers for 14 hits G AB H Ave. St. Louis 2, New York 1. r o u n d s 66 qUAUrVINO for the« MONDAY night tha winner of morning was the gnielllng cycling ntal, Philadelphia and Variion gand Swan, there wUI ha Dick n u « knd a 10-S decision to end the McIntosh, Legion 13 36 17 .472 Washington 3, Chicago 1. Preeldent'a Cup are being played | Rockvllle-Manchester League eet Patrick, Joa Habarel and Ed Den- Phils' alx-game win string. Four Bell. Legion 11 33 15 .456 International this weekend at the Country Club.' meeta Mane heater - American road race, with Individual and Washington. 59. nehy ready to pitch. nma In a nlnth-lnnlng spurt that Twerdy, Morlsrtya 16 40 18 .450 team ties at stake. It is an af­ Hlts-^Fox, Chicago, 181; Robin- A l ' E Y OHP Ia It ^ J e t ? BY V. T. HAMUN Springfield 10, Rochester 5. One flight of 32 low net qualifiers 1 League, which drew a bye In the THREE 4IIUAKTISRE of the IncltJded triples by Stan Muslal Daigle. Moriartya 16 48 20 .426 fair of slightly more than 120 *on,« Chicago, 134; Rosen, Cleve- win compete on a match play basis opening round. miles. After about one third of, land, 117; Jensen, Washington, starting infield lineup la certain. and Roily Hemus and a two-run Banivage, Moriartya 15 43 18 .419 Standings with handicap...... - DtOk Ylnlng, Hal Lewis lind « d ILacinski, Moriartya 16 44 17 ,386 the race had been completed about 116; Avila and Bimpaon, Cleve­ homer -by ICnos Slaughter nailed , t Eastern ------. I TUESDAY' finds the Monday KiHrolka willI be O0 Bate aeeond,WCOflQs abort^noTv e m o o T A down the Wlp. Oishing, Moriartya 16 .36 13 .361 W. L. Pet. OBL. a dozen ridere already had land, 114. TRICKe NINO PAOANI reports that. night victor meeting winner of the dropped odt. The withdrawals Doubles — Fain. Philadelphia, and third reaplapectlvaly. ------SheMboat Max Suflfont threw two wild Flake, Falrflelda 15 40 14 .350 Albany ....56 40 .583 Hippo Oorrentl will be awarded | TrL-lhllage THompsonvllle game. Porter and BU9U1 L a m !!^ |>r6|ltb1y pitches to bhtter Andy Seminick Alosky. Moriartya 15 36 12 .343 Reading ...... 54 43 .557 2>4 Included two of the four Japanese 27; Bauer, New York. 25: Ver­ 9140 from proceeds token at soft-, Tri-Village Is composed of Uttle ridere, thue eliminating Japan non, Washington, 34; Priddy, D*' wiU #vide firatirat kMNi BatleoitlPer- In the ninth to give Cincinnati the Sharpe, Auto Parts 16 46 15 .326 Schenectady . ..54 44 .551 3 ball benefit games played for him. Leaguers fronl Board Brook, South ter has been hitting baM la re­ of the ball game. Eddie Runs Binghamton ..,54 46 ..540 4 from the team championship. trolt, 38; Robinson. Chicago and Correntl suffered a broken arm; Windsor and Wapplng. ft. Msrtenssnn of Sweden was Rosen, Clevaland, 33. cent outings and hia two-run aln­ l^llagrinra alngle scored the sec­ Banivage, Moriartya 17; Richard. Elmira : . . . . . ’..51 48 .515 6'4 three weeks ago In league competl- j . gle lait Bunday provided the Props ond to make It 2-0 for the Reds' Moriartya 16; Twerdy and Daigle, Scranton ...4 6 49 .484 9H leading the field after atx lepa and Triples- Rlzauto, New York, 10; .434 t|on. About 98b was j:ollected st| Basketball League there were no American* in con­ Btmpaoit; Cleveland and Young, SL with a short-lived leiui. before he K^ny JWtfensberger over Boston. Moriartya 1.5; S. Provost and Mc­ Hartford ;..4I8 56 14«i last Tuesday night's Rec. League took an eighth Inning shower, Intosh, Legion 14. Williamsport ..34 63 .347 23 meets In New York- tomorrow to tention. Ixiuls, 6; Mlnoso, Chicago, Doby, „ : IH,D SATCinCL PAIGR helped ♦ game while the Dovelettes-Rec All- Cleveiiuid and Vernon, Washing­ Charlie MeMeane and Pat Bol­ bie St. Louis Browns tighten, the Runs Butted In National Stars and Hartford L aurelet^- make plans for Uie 1952-.53 sea duc abe certain etarters in the W. L. Pet: GBL. son. President John J. O'Brien ex­ Moving Into the last day. With ton 7, jAmerican League race by dump­ Twerdy, Moriartya 18; Kactnakl, New Haven Girl* games reaped four swimming snd diving titles Horn* Runs—Doby. Cleveland outfield. If Jacko pltqhea, either ing the front-nmnlng New York Moriarty.a 10; Banivage and Cush­ Brooklyn .. ...6 4 30 .681 pect* to have an Eastern ami .. .59 35 .628 5 956. and seven boxing champlonshlns and Berra. New York, 31: Dropo, Charlie Jasicob or Olenn Flanders Yankees, 2-1. Clint Courtney, ex- ing. Moriartya 9; Aloaky, Morlar- New -York . . ■ - c Western Division "ict-up this year SI, Louia ...... 58 42 .580 9 to )ie decided along with titles In Detroit, 19: Retbinson. Chicago, will patrol the left field post. Wally ifank farmhand, drove in both Brpwn-Beaupre will represent Manchester has not decided its Rosen, Cleveland and Joost, Phil WIdholm goes behind the plats. Philadelphia ..52 47 .525 l i ' i pqalUon *s ))rei.,;slnc# a- move w m several team sports, Russia held ftma with-a-homer. and single as ♦8 :515 Manchester- 4n the- IJttW'League a- j4*$ pntnt' lead-'tn- the -overaH ■ed*lphl*;:.lB.-.....—S5.:.../-■ H ob ; -irftcM ur.... =p*» jAllie Reynolds wa.s knocked out. 'Gliica'gO . .. ;.;5T 15^4 started fecerilly.'tb' r^iyV the Dnuhles Boston ...... 4 1 56 .423 24 H Alumni Stole Tournament next team scoring. But It was doubt­ • Stolen Bakes- JensOn, Washing' with Nashua tn tha New England ■■■LiSemSSmtieAJfctiU Paige came on the scene after the Alossk, Moriartya 6; Feshfer. week. The Bees play highly-touted Eastern League. The two-division tnii. 15; Mlnoso, (Thicagn and RIa- League, wilt he on the hill for the'7 v 'l Cincinnati . .. .40 60 .400 27 set-up would find clubs In Penri- ful that the Russian* co)ild hold T. * •■■. U a CM. OH. Yanks scored one run off Gene Fnlrflelda spd Banivage, Moriartya Waterbury In Windsor Tuesday off the fsst-cllmblng United States ziito, New York, 18; Throneberry, Rhode Island nine. He got credit p CHRIS WELKIN. Pteneteer Tribal Celebration B> RUSS WINTBRBOTHAM 4*«ftwatr'6-a Pittsburgh ...28 75 .272 40<^ slyvsnla snd New York stale' Bearden and had t.he ba.aes loaded 5; Gustafson, Moriartya. Mcln- ' night at 5:30 on Loomis Field, A team In this unofficial but highly Boston and Avila, Cleveliuid, 10. for the win last Sunday and aMad' T. M. Rcr. U. % P0t OK. American forming' the Western Division t00f. NCR lAC "Boy! If you roally want to know what a most tha coun­ with two out in the seventh. He toah. Legion and Longfellow, Auto Pet. OBL. victory sends them against interesting romnetltlon. Pitching—Consiiegra, Washing­ hia own causa by ecoeing cnee and i r ,iTitApopo^yoo w»—wo dumpod in would comprise the Eastern Divi­ RUtriN THC TRIIML BUGS BUNNY The Yanks snd Cleveland’s Richar? Nt» 0-2. ing game of the series. It will be ^ four of five-In the fast month. Parts va. Legion. 5;36-M em ­ Rockville. [ needed. licked f " the 950,000 Nassau Pace at Roose­ Boston ptilled within 3 '- games Tndiiv's (inme# one of the bfiat matched bi-etate PRISCILLA’S POP So Why Worry B M , VKKM KRR orial. velt Raceway. of tho Yanks and fovirth place ■Rastem Hei-e's the lineup of-U. R. fights: Five Years Ago- Robert Penny seiles ever etaged. There Is eon- TYaahlngton was onl'" 4 '- hsi-k ' Sunday. Aug. S Albany aL Hartford (8 p 1.) fidenoe In each camp—Hamilton BUT, WALDO! MUST >rOU \AJORK SHE'S ONLV [jHAT'S SILLY! OUir HERE IN THE /WOODS 1 az Uttic I^eague Playoffs. District Nate Brooks. Cleveland', ys. Ed­ won the National Boye Tennis " THE CAR DURING after the Senatoes’ 3-1 victory { Binghamton at Schenectady. gar Basel, Germany, flyweights. seeming eiire o f tying and then WITTIN® ON WHO WOULD NOTICE lT?fr over Chicago. WStt»rson , Three. Scranton at Elmira. U. S. Boxers Favored Championship /by defeating Allen winning the series while Tutaio VACATION? THREE *, Now«TaPova« (’;harlea Adkins. Oary, Ind„ va. shut out the White Sox until the | Tri-Village vs. ThompsoAvllle, 2 Reading *t Williamspori. CTIeveland. 6-3, 6-3. seeks to end it In two straight. The CVLINOERS! Memorial. Viktor Mednov, Russia, light wel­ Ten ■ Years Ago- Carl Hubbell I'M T ^ I N G J seventh when • Tommv \Vr'''*'t'.s | American terweight*. trin to xsnsaa and. National p'nch triple scored Darrel John­ Manchester National League va. New York (Miller 3-3) at SI won his fifth straight a* the GIgnta Tournament nwalta the winner. Rockville, 3:30- Memorial. Floyd Patterson, Brooklyn, N. best the Cardinals. son. Louis (Plllelte 6-10). As Olympics Close V,, ys. Vaslle Tlta, Romanis, Mid­ 3Ianda.v. ,\ug. 4 . -Washington (Marrero 8-5).. at Twenty Year* Ago Rogers dleweight*. San Antonio. Tea,—Al Juergen*. Ritlgc.s vs. BA’.s, 6 Nebo. Chicago (Grissom 7-6). Hornsby wk* ousted av manner 135,• San Antoine, outpointed San­ Raltimtve- Carl Coates l.t"'-. By Bee Phlegar Norve.l IAaw6rSOMB THBMMT^MOPKSM r 1 - EA«VC0NUN6 < S rO »^ IC X EVER Nasstff Arms 2 ' i ^ ^ringfleld at Rochester. TIffI IT, ». box«ri, too-often iilso, «t dh« polnt in th^ feam divl- J FrankTs's Drfve-tn ■BOOW.CATHV* TOONERVILLE FOLKS B Y FON FOK Brd#it- St • Bgaupre" 2 2 ■ .-.500 ran*rnni -InIn previousbroVloUi %t«niatfdTT»^^ rttteniatfcitial Flon 0f thfr * w n t ’ Frnd - *■ Maamr’s - i . /7 - ■ •‘.636 n*ePi TWO Ttffei* WAWt“ ^ AB-R H ro .A E rm AS BAGKR THE RRST «TBP TO - ■m i r m ' ^MOlo evewtHiMS/ nct qnlv laro Manchester Trust 0 2 .000. tournaments, could provide enough the Russians may score quite a Decl’a Drivc-In ...... ',.6 6 .500 AB R H PO A R b m s ? u il c »» os And so. Ma and Swpd't. 90 .... few In cycling, w-here the U. ,S. ' Center .Spring* ...... 4 7 .363 LUpF. ftb .... TOSGE MM RBCOUERy TODAY .* Bnffsrlnl. 2h . points to guarantee the unofficial AcFto. rf...... M K AMIWCA. Brown-Beaupre movfd to within Irish, p . team title. doesn't figure to place In the first , ' pKJflltll, M , I i P ® 'u A F i a CUP MODDCa.A Ziitknm-ski. -Ih 30. , - , - It took six Inning* for Decl's; Oentllcore, rf IMO-006 nuw , ene-half f^mei of the first plnce They are aaaiired of a minimum I / f 4 ^ ' Moh''n.thaI '.r Drlve-ln to get .at...... hiirler ...... Junie ! Ausu.i, « imouoht'k> In A Uttle League Alumni game Sfilomou. . of 25 points and at least three of Although today end* full whirl NalliHial l*^ngue a O ia Y O A H R HAVC COMMANOWMO Austin, ft . •. the five- Middleweight Floyd Pat­ '’competition, one rvrnt remains on ! - Balling Miisial, St. Louis. .332; BrazauSkas last rilghf. but the j laat night by downing Naasiff Giuy. If .... tomorrows program. It. Is thr Prlx Atwell. Chicago. .323; Lockman, Deed nine finally broke up the lat-' nivne*. if . 9JOU8 y A SCHOOL BUS, Ktnnp>*. If Batting, Larry Doby, Indians— erson, Light Heavyweight Norvel ^Wi'm 12 CHapnoN.^ Arms, 5 to I, behind the four hit'. Ourry. rf ' 1'" Lee and Heavyweight Eddie Sand­ Drs Nstlona. the show Jumping New Y ork/',3)3; Kluszewskl. Cln- fer’s no-h|tter snd shutout Frank- •- Hit home nm in lOth Inning to le's Drive-In 3 to 0. Brazauskaa . "» •• / pitching of Ken Irish. The win put j er*-look like they'll go all the secUon of thr rqurstrian comprti- rlnnatl, ,3(>6'. Fondy, (Jhlrago, ,304. Totali ...... 2fl ft < 31 « S giVK Clevfjand, edge over put down every baltqr to face him ; TouI...... JS 3 4 3t 4 1 PhlladelphiA after Knocking in two way. tidn where Mexico i.s hravily fav­ Buna— Muafal. St. I./iuls, 71; Brown A Beaupre at the five him-. Naa«lfr Arma (M ored. Both the Russians . and in the first fiv* and one-third rrsaklr’a ••>■ AB R H PO A F! run.a earlfer. with double and nin- Russia lost tour out of six semi- I»ckman, New York. 70;'Hem'ua, AB R M PO A S dred mark and bulled Nasaiff* Into ^ p-,n,„w,),i.'jh ... 1 0 0 0 0 ft weight and welterweight j\iirvlve'd; Americana are unknown quantities St. I/iiils. 66; Reese, Brooklyn, 65;' innings, 18 to be exact, before a M Pringl.. c ...... ,... 2 ® f I 2 2 □ (k two-way tie for first place. <. p . ... 3 0 I 1 1 ft 8le- American and Russian boxers will In this event. ' - Robinson,. Brooklyn and Sauer, walk, a hit and an infield out put ScrlbniT. u ...... 3 ® I I 2 2 BOB SWEET was the big man Knh.n, 3ii ... 4 0 0 I 10 Pitching, Patchel Paige, Browna Bill Beverley and company out tn J. Prlnzle. Ih ...... ! 2 2 I 2 2 r - ColF. p. M 3 1 1 2 ft t Stopped Yjinkce rally with bases clash in Just one'of the 10 finals. Chirago, 64 ' '■ ciitiin, ,ih ...... 2 2 2 2 ! 2 for the Bees as- he reached base EErBvIfh. c .. 3 ft 1 ft 3 1 Charley Adkins, of Osry. Ind,. , , Rurui Batted In Sauer, Chica­ front.' - , , , four times and scored three runs. Mowpr. rf .,, ... 3 ft I 0 0 0 loaded in seventh and blanked league leaders rest of way to save meets Viktor Mednov In-the new | F O r C .S t C r S l \ I I Il f; go, 86: Tliomson, New York, 71; BKVRRLKV hurled the dlatance McKnina. rf ...... - 2- 2- 2 2 9 2 yi( M I N I Sweet 'reached on a alngle. a PorpUrKlIl. tl . ... 0 0 ft ft I ft Hodges, Brooklyn, 66; Ennis, Phil­ for Decl's, yielding three hits Brxilnl. rf ...... 2 2 2 ?'i 2 Busineoa A l Eleven BY MICHAEL OtMALLBT Go|«b. ,1h ...... 0 -0 1 I ft 2-1 win. light welterweight division. It Rrdurker. 3b 2 2 2 1 2 2 fielder’s choice an error and was If .,. ...3 0 0 2 00 should be close. adelphia, 65; siaughter^ St. Ixiuls, vv’hile striking out nine. \Vee Willie Cecerr. If ...... *22292 1?.'— f hit by a pitched bell. Brown- rf -V. ,..200101 BraugnkM. p ...... 3 0 3 fl I 0 TU. M oe OM,araBN,xc*N NO eaewTTWAT shb's m h n tau*- The United States't won an False Minlleloe 6.3. . was in trouble-in the third and C*MQJN» I WAN hour, Beaupre's hlts w-ere divided among Boland, ...... 3 0 0 7 01 Hits Muslal, St. 1-ouls. 123; fifth frames hut managed to pull O.trout. rf ...... 0 ® 9,00 9 MAKOLV VMNTTO INO lO IN* POT araNR MAOCB ;cH A N M O u r A long wtim.. local and a*rriEn«n^ •• ... 0 ft 0 0 0 0 Olympic boxing title since 1932. In S »« fto r IVB PHONBCAgx Shb AAfTHoamas now on thc o>se. •ix players with ho one getting Dobv Likes Serves 1948 only one American got as far Adams, Cincinnati, Lockntan, New down the curtain on Frankie's Tot.l...... 34 0 3 31 7 9 'OAVOUR ...... ;...... 27 1 4 31 12 4 St. Anthony, Idaho (A’l-'-Kor- ...... OM 001 3—3 was AaOMIM ITMLA NOW EHBt V THefiOWR-GOYMNOa. ' HAS------oaDtmD more than one. - - - - „ ToUlP ■a the finals. Yb-k and Schoendlenst. St. Louis, scoring hope*. Drcf...... ANsiCvBBS. OUT Highlight of the game came in ac-Wanerd-^fnr BnUnd liv 7lh. estors to a variety of mjstirto* in John Rlvosa became the first Run. b^ttrd in. Lupe. Thompson, ~ ADItMMwam.pi uR WB-VSBCT ^ NATIONAL QUARO.' C-B ...... a-.-...... IfW 001 1—5 - Of (^oit iVIarrero -All of the American points yes,- llSuHtmner. Philadelphia. 110. Brvrriry: two-b»«e hlu, BevsrI.y BUPMI— -w A the sc'eond Inning when Nassiffa SMltt§ 000 001 0-1 terday came In swimming and illv- death- to a variety of mistletoe In D o u h l e s--8choendlenst, St, runner for Decl's whep he walked .tnlen b*w* BraMUSkas, It. Pringrei- loaded the bases on three consecu­ Ru*ia battM In, BoffRinl. Irl»h. Solo- Ing and the star-spangled aquatic I/iuis. 26; Sailer, Chicago, 23; with one down 4n the sixth. Dick left bn b.»i. rrsnkle's 5, D«er* 3; HM lOCABROvR mATi. Moa*or; two-bapr hlta. Mo«»r; some forest* of the Intermountain bates nn balls. Brazauskas >: atrlkeouU ^TVmCOUNTRy tive errors and Irish to the Ftolri: Baara ZatkowFkl; aacrlftr^P. Cleveland. Aug. 2 (d5--Connie star* should .continue to score Waltkus. Philadelphia an . IftPlriK pitrher. Cole- umplrei, Kerr. Ruasisn* qualified two girls? fifth i shape and sometimes kills them, 26: Hodge*. Brooklyn, 21; KIner, GlnvUift.. London's famous clock. "Big and eighth. Grant A. Morse. Targhec Na- Pittsburgh, 20; Mathews. Boston, seventh, 'piTnchlng a single over contest and- didn’t allow. a free Just a- reminder thst the' Bfazauskas's______head____ which______sent pass. Brazauskas allowed four achedtile win ’ he.’pqstpoiied from Ben, ' Is wound by an electric, The United Slates ,ha,« two men j tlonal Forest supervisor, said se- .17: Gordon. Boston snd Thomson, A g - l j ; - it B«Aupro meeting Manchester motor, which requlree 20 minutes ; going in the 1.500 meter free style lecUve herbicide* (weed killers) New Yorl^l6. Benny Pagan), who had walked. tO| hlU, walked two and stni||( W»t B tiS U ti August 4; to Augtirt B. Play will Stolen Eutses—Reese, Brooklyn, second. With ona down; Joe MVen. bd resumed August iTwith Brown Trpst: to' do the Job. - .'and one In the ’ 200 .meter breast I are used to destroy the parasite. — • - - ...... -

M A N C H ^ t E R e v e n i n g HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1952 lUNCHESTEB SViemNO fiSRAIA IIA^ OONNu MTURDAYrAUQUOT^^A 1968 PA G E T E N P A G I S L I V i K HonsahiM Goods 61 Ponltrr sad SappHss 43 Diamoaifr^^^stdic»-« He I for Sato 98 Booms for Sato ^72 H— 5M l6ff gfitoX 91 Bomrt Proyorty For Sato 74 AalfwMilliE fsr Help Wsated—'Malt S6 Wsntdd—HasI Bststs 77 B toracs •*ltYx i ) g w a a a i u w r Ma n c h e s t e r Welding Rervicc. MUSCOVY Ducklings, 50c. Mottwr toAMmeni MANCRBSTER — SpeclaL Im­ aiam iALl-^#«ti'' b ^ 'r ^ d "'''Irao jtn r'oF F MAm'itraet.'didM> to ANDOVER 4 Bettun • Coventry NANTBD—Tour property to ssU. SELUNGT Skvi 4hs boCber. tro GET BETTER VALUE ON Buy A "One Owper Car” w a n t e d LEONARD W. YOST, Jeareler, re­ CiaMfied Portable equipment. General AUSTIN A CHAMBERS Cb-, local ducks, 54. Stiaiia, Andover, Route MT CUBTOMfit OOBBMY NBED maculate rix-raom Cape Ond, carad for tsro-famlly home. Six room home In' excellent ooiril-' CMtogee, waterfront sad ovar- RcUab:# buyers wftting with eato Me and annoysneaS a t trying i Eaay Terma welding, Ijoller and fiimaca weld­ 6. Phone Coventry 7-7278. pairs, adjusU watchesNMpetUy. THB STGkS OR OSIee apace for renL four bedrooB. o41 beat, aet tuba, large rooms each floor. AddlUoaal ttoa. Ftnplacs, oU hot water looktag lake, good buys, bug# for four, five, eU, seven room etai- sell It yourself. Let us ssson A,BP:tTER USED CAR :.- ana long distance moving, pack­ One Laboratory Technician, 16 Depot Squara. Phone 5560. ing. Phones 2-1A66 or 2-8762. ing, crating and atoraga. Sarvlea Reasonable, prices. O p e ^ daily. b e d r o o m nuTne oak Soon and plaatered walla, room on third floor. Two-ceur ga­ heat, 2-car garage. Ideal Ihr largo saleetlaa Wanes Aganey, Coven­ gle and two-famUy la Maxehes- your headsMux CaU tbs lai - Advertisements High School background in aci- Thursday evenings. 129 Spruce storm wiBdowa and doom. Beauti­ rage. llat 64 X 140. Shown by ap- family. Maa poasibUlty for t-tam- try. T ii 7-6172. , ter, Bolton, Coventry and Veraen. AT ' 1937 Pontiac Four-Door" Sedan- to all parts of the U. 8. Oall Articles for Sale . 45 UVUTG ROOM su m e OFFICES or atora, ground floov. worth Mlttsn Agaasy, Bsaltors. CLASSIPIED ADVT. Radio and heater. Gray. 6187. Hartford 6-1428. cnces and in arithmetic preferred. street. Phone 2-4367. DJNMTTR 8KT ful yard with treae aad gerdae potetmMit MadaUne SmitlL Itaal- Uy or profaasienal offtes. Prtos Ftoaneea arranged. Howard R. 6530. ASHEA AND RubMsh removed. ^BRNGAL" COMB. RAMOR Main atraat. near Poet Office. •peoa Priced below teday*a mar­ tor. 2-I64I or 4075. 517,000. Btmora 'rarktogtee, ANDOVERr—Wtatortasd cottage. HssUnga. Phone 2-1107. DEPT. HOURS: BALCH PONTIAC, Inc. ROYAL AND Smltb-Otrona port­ Pboiia8868. Largo firing room with firaplsira, 1941 Chevrolet Four-Door Sedan- Phone 2-8781. UOMT TRUCKING. Weekly rub­ Three Want Workers* able and standard typawriten. nmiVKRaAI.’* WASHER ket 511.000. Beibaie Wooth, AgtnL OsvsntTy 7-6557. BUYBM WAlTtNO-4togls an<. 8:15 A. M. to 4:S0P. M. Black. bish dlaporal.; Low rataa: Cellars. Garden— Fami— Osirr " WESTPfOHOUSE” REF. AgwL 5702- . VACANT-Yoar did brick Ospa delightful kltriien, 5ve bedrooms, OONSIDEIUMO sELLm a two-ramay homsa For riflelent FOR OIL Burner service and in­ All makes of adding machinsa TWO AND Hues room nfflnm Ex- Cbd. Four down aad tera anflaWi- 1941 Pontiac 4-Dr, — 6 cyl. eiaanad, complete janitor serv­ ‘ Apply Products SO TELEVISION SET laaga lot, taka priviletes. 55JM0. TOUR PROPERTY? aad eonfidantlri sarvisa sa^ A. 1948 Dodge Custom Foul-D oor- stallation by IS years. exper­ sold or rented. Repairs on all callent Mala street locetloe. CaU MANCHESIlJi—Four room Cbpe* ed up. Shed dormer. Sreplaea, eU Cau Madeline BmUh. Realtor. 2- Without obUgatkm tsi yon. wa Reals, Broker. 2-1915. COPY CLOSING TIME Standard shift. ice. Phone 2-4986. makaa. Marlow's. t X 16 ‘GSohawk” rags, laaip% ta- 6416. Inquire Warbder'a Shoe MANCHESTER—1 1 2 ^ Radio and heater. Black. ienced oil burner eervtce man. UatL tai-lald picturaa, amokar, and Cod. Srepiaeo. braoa ptumbbor. heat garage. You really ahonU 1642 or 467a uW nppraia# or mnks yoii n eaM FOR CLASSinED ADVT. Monday or Wednesday RIPE NATIVE TOBLATOES for otort. edfer lor peuptriy. flat ua hafiora 1951 Ford 2-Dr. Sedan — Call Mancheetef 2-1731 or 3-8003. LOAM, Dark ijch cultivated Grads a (n r othor small Itoma. ataem-oU heat, porcb. gerega, «a- aee -thli home to appreciate It sale at C i Florence street. caUeat oomUUoa. Scraeaa, atann T. J. Crockett Agency, PboM M16 6-Room buDfalow with LAKE AM8T0N—Watarfront eot- you ssS. MON. THRU FRI. Man.v extrax. 1847 Dodge 4-Dr. Dfbixe 8e: - also sign snd trailer painting. W. dn?g store working now. and part MAKE MOWING A PLEASURE. good condition. CJall 2-9965, --- I ANT DAT PR EVE, leaae; OU heat. utUlUw, 5100 with 1260 »qunis feet o( Uvtog avatlabm to 20 daya. Prefer hot It was tba first ttota pitots ■ Dodge-PI.vmouth Cars 52 down, 52 weekly. Buy the new If you don't hava any tranapoiti* monthly. Daslra couple. Write ' Uon alundnum ncraana and atorm area. AU city utUltliM, exceOeat ed. Largo shady lot 5T,800. Call watsr hsht, IH or 1 baths and checking cn.flytog sauoar reports 155 Center ,St. — Manchester Job-Rgted Trucks frigerator. Metro Sarvtea. 2-0863. W. Ambiirg.' 2-.5023. Call after 5. U ’/ie during school. Driver's li­ wlndowa, lot 106 x 180; with abada Mafiehestar 2-570a lAmt and Foand 1 cense. Phono 2-4586. Worcester Power Mower. Fa­ tlon, in aand m y ear for you. no Box J, Herald. quality throujdUMil Complete tor GILMAN and PAGE. Ine, raeraation room. Writs Box B, hers had mads a positiva aUto- mous BriggSrStratton motor. I obllgatlonl treae. Price 514.500. Hcdry 6 5t8fiOO. Gilman aad Paga, Ine., mu Phone 2-4545 634 Center Street HouMhold Rcrrfccs Herald. msnL LOST Bl«tk «nd whit* cat. v|. . Phone 5101 or 5102 Repairiiiff 22 Phone 4164. ; For ^ polntm ont phone M r. Albert, eott A g « ^ . 8685. 851 Owtar atreat Manchaater 2- 361 Center Streep Then o t'votwo totsrasptora ware aant clnlty Otrant and.Summlt atraeU. O ffertd 1.1-A See i HARTFORD ' SabnilNui for Heat 66 2188 - 2-50^ Ssboitsa for Ssto 76 U8TINOS Wanted on stogie and up Open Evenhig.e Until 10 P. M. Safe Place To Buy Uaed Cara! TOBACCO Help wanted. Stanley 6-0356 NINE ROOM houae, eompletply about 12:40 pm. (djat), after Reward. Oall S»*3. ' MATTRESS. Your old mattresaea BOLTON — Blinding stone - and I A f t e r 6 P . M . two-family homts also building ths mum WEAVING of bum* moth hotee Waldron. Call 3-9450. 46-4680 OOVENTRT Omter —Attractive ramodalad. AIL InqumranMata. Telephone Mancheetmr 2-8188 SOOTH COVENTRY—Four room • Air. Foraa had- tueelvad ^TRUCKS — Cbevarolat, O. M. C„ 18{ie PLYMOUTH Convartible. In sterilixad and remade Ilka new. flagitona. Bolton Notch -Quarry. ;a - l - b . e - r . t .*. s A DRASTIC price reduetloa. Own­ lota, Manohsttor aad rictnity. For five or six reports of "flytaff sau- and tore clothing, hoilary runs, Call Jonas , FumltUra andl Floor Phone 2-0617. Stanley Patnode. ROXBURY three-roods modem apartment, Aitadan wall, large bare aad ga­ er leaving town Beptomber 1st ■bigto. Full basaasaat ffaraga, --rre." " Hudion, pick-upa, atakai, . ate. good running condition. O^d handbags rapalied, xlppar re­ I 43 A llyn Street, Hartford suitable codple. Phone Ooventra Or 2-8086 private baadh,' large lo t Rafiaon- prompt and oeurteoua real aetate AnnoancementH 1840 up. Starting at SIBO. Savaral Covering. 86 Oak. TcL 2-1041. Help Wanted— { Open any eve, by appointment. rage. Pour acraa of lead, more Inapectioa invited aajrflme. 76 sarvlot,8ea Edward J. Morlarty'. They told officers thay want up tires. Needs new top, $300. Phone placement, umbrallaa repaired, 50% OFF on famous make Bat- 7-6872. evaSeble. 512,000. TaL Mmacham able. Furiitahad or uafunMiad. laU abolra modala. Brunnar'a. 67.75. Male or Female S7 Boivers street Phone 2-4762. Tel. 7»6. about 17,000 foot and ta t ahoot 10 DRAPERIES Made to Any nien't ahirt collars reversed and teriea Written guarantees. 51-00 HOMES I W E BU T and aon good used fund- torS-SlTS. Price 515.860. Phone Coventry T-664T; steonds wstdmd a bright and tod atsrle. Reaaonable. Pl will ra-opan CLEAN USED CARS Ou.r country overhead saves you Expandable Cape Cod entry LAke, part or m o ^ v-o* watsr boat, ahimtoum serosiis *Wa deUbsratsly maasUvsrsd money on new end used cars. ahadee made to maaaura. All bought for our ownn account. Fast Mie. Reasonable. Tel. Rockville I • • I rooms. Second floor has aU atud- smalL aerenga. Saerifloe around to msks sura lt.^waaa!t a Saptam.liar 8th for children S'/k to AT mkjal Venetian blinds at a new 5-7106. August. Call Knight, 5141. \ ding aad iasulatioifi, alactitcal and Modern five room home ertth aad doom. Safs strsst for ehll- X Also ranch homes and older eonSdentlal aervlca. Manchaeter Female TSS UberaDTerma'*' • CROSLET REFRIGERATOR, 6 dreatoee, picture window, radiant Great in Summer fight raflsCtian. At trat It ^ p s x r-' 8 yaafn old. Mrf. D. L. Billiard, LOWER PRICES 1853 Dodge Coronet Sedan- Like low' price.' Keya made while you Investment Corp., S67 Main ! cu. f t Phono 6180. lumbiag work finished. Gable dran. Call MadsHns Smltli, Itsal- sauDer bomas, four rooms and naw.r-.' ■ -■ ■ ■ .. SUuatioaa.Wanted— 6'! ILO WINDOW exhaust fan IwaVtlle lath. waJl-ta- amll aar- rad and whits, aqd .thm whits eHmtor. 78- Lakawood-i~dr«la. * ' Written Guartntdke wait. Martoara xtfebt Phohf 5416. ' ,' Open INUly 1 P. KT' to Darlt ' I ■' fo R sn t bmm; (rant SUM. Soraua, n ;:.toe,'5-164S«r.46RI. ■ ■7'..'?--', up |M05 up. OooS ssIsctlBB of on^,'*-they said; y ...... Phono 2-1688; 1852 Dodge Tudor — Radio Snd 520; 60 X 72 movie screen, 515; •.BLACKSTONE Wringer washer. bath, rtrnilaoa in living room. pettif In Itvlng room and hilL At^ dairy and emeksa farms and New York—iff);—Ugh tring takea 1952 DODGE SEDAN WOMAN Would like housework child's steel ree-aaw, 56. Phone taebed garage. Amaelte ditvsway. JMANGHESTEIt-BkMlIaBt pre­ riMut 200 Uvas n'year, aaya tha fly t o aauoara hava 19'iO PLYMOUTH TUDOR heater. Like new. or office to clean. Call 2-4987 bs' Good condition. Ideal for cottage, THREE'OR FOUR room uafurn- . r ^umbiqg, latga modem ^sehmlal homea Jolin S. Blman, pepped up to Korea aad Japan. BalMinit—ContrsetinK 14 Help Wanted-r-FemsIo S5 3-8690. 530. Phone S-1663. lahed apartment wanted by kiteaed Storm windaws, •ereena. Lot 100 X M8, fully landu aiped. war Caps 094, 5 hsdroama, ga­ Croas street South Coventry. Metropolitan Ufa Inaufanea Ca, Penraals 1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1961 Dodge Meadowbrook 4-Dr. tween 6 and 9 a. m. Immediate ocrapancy. rage, axeellaat aaUhbfiKoofi, to wanting that eummerUme is ths A Canadtob deatroyar raeautly 1947 CHEVROLET TUDOR 1861 Plymouth Cambridge 4-Dr.— mother and aduR daughter. Phone Laiga tot with traas and outdoor Csvaatry 7-482a raportad rn g W a if twu aueh oh- ALL TYPES of carpenter work In­ GIRLS OR Women for folding and 2-2525. firaplaoa. N^edlta drive. Conven' beautifully laadaeapaA Priaad pariod of graatast danger. THE PROSPECT Hill School for 1946 FORD CLUB COUPE 15,000 miles. Radio and heater. cluding repaira Francis Smith. general laundry work. Good 7 by 8 WALL TENT, 530f awing BARGAINS raaaonabla. PhoM Maqehiatar ANDOVER - Bolton - Coventry — About one-fourth of aU the jecte and racordad them oa He young children will reopen Mon­ 1941 MERCURY CLUB, COUPE Dogs—Birds— Peta 41 lent to bua. Floras, school. HENRY ESCOTT AGENCY 1950 Studebeker Tudor Deluxe Phone 3*4848. houix. Apply In person. Maple Dry saw, 5100. Call 6630; responsible Cbuple with one 6175. Braa-Bura. Country homes and farms, sever­ deetha from lightning occur radaiL u was toarasd hors today. day, Sept 8. Tranaportatlon Low Down Payme'nta FILL ' 266 Hight Street Weat A Vavy report said 4» efflears Radio, heater. Just like brand Ctealiera and Launderers. 72 PUPPIES, Rearonabie. Ideal pets New Merchandise child, urgently need four room Exeli^i^ With (Comer McKee Street) al at sacrifice prieec, terms sr- among paraonS who aoak ahalter fumiahed, Hra. Lela Tybur, direc­ Easy Terms new. , ^ Maple street. ACTOR'I (XJLONT EsUtai, 5 ad- undar or near treas, saya Metro- and crew membera of tha destroy- tor. Phone a-878T, for children. Call Coventry 7-7435. apartment References. Oall Boa- 'Telephone 3663 rangoa WeUss Agency, Coventry. 1961 Plymouth Tudor Deluxe. Flortata—NwBfrtas IS TWd WOMEN for laundry work. after S p. m. . > Boats and Acceamriaa 46 Fully Gmnmteed FipELITY B)B4LTY CO. jotaing lota 66 X IM aMh. Sautk TM. 7-5STL poUtan atatistMans. After otilklna kr O wesdir. aaw Ota ahaosra Ow FOR SALE ton-Ja. 4-6223, collect atraat. South Oovsntoy CaU 5-1556 night of July 10. AU had toe WANTED—RIdtre to vicinity , of CAUtO SERVICENTER 1950 Plymoulh Tudor—Very, very GLADIOLI BOUQURTS - Frerh- Apply In person. New Model 1950 OUTBOARD LoweU Lap Realton — lMU|an' ^ n. tree a bolt may flaah ridewaji ELECTRIC RANGE aftar 6 p. m. g r a a n i femlUar-quaUtieo of tha puaflag ' Phoenli Fire Ineuranee Company, 436 Center Street nice. • ly cut. Choice vartettea. Wood­ Laundry, 73 Summit street. stake cabin cruiser, sleeps two. WOUtD UKE waterfront cottage 383 Farmlngtoa*'Ava. 'Hartford MANCHESTER — Only 510.500. OQVBNTRT Pbw panel Uvtog or it may run along tha Telephone 4164 or 2-0880 PUPPIES-- Seven weeks old. Also CALL 6100 O ff at Oyatal Lake or nearby, ac­ room with fireplace, I bedrooms. kUltog ayons to its path. flying dtoes. S;1S to 4:S0. Tel. 2-1127. 1949 Mercury Conv. Radio and land Gardena, 166 .Woodland running lights, anchors, toilet, This four room duplex nt 12-14 NEAR PRINCETON Stinaat aehool, Tnxeff BegIsiMad atreet. Phone 8474. SHIRT PRESS operator. Five day small dog house. Phone 2-3483. commodating 6va people, from WILUAM M. McBRIDE Lilac atreet has juat been reduc­ KRehan, full hath, aU one floor. Soma of tha aetivttlea UgUtring "I LIKE Everybody" says Honeet heater. Fine condition. etc. Price 5650. With Jc^nson 16 AUTOMATIC WASHER Manchester 4816 fiva ropsBs, fuU hath aad lava­ Large enelosad porch. Insulated. victima wan angagad In when Tba report, iddressed to the week. Experience not necessary. H. p. motor and 5 gallon cruise-a- ALEXANDER August 68t1i through September ed for quick sale. If you want In­ Aat4iBK)bl1es tor Sal# Douglaa. Meat the dalegatew at 1949'Hudson Tudor— l.ow mile- Apply In ■ person." New Model BLACK and White English Setter 8100 O ff 1st CaS 2-5736. tory, firaplaca, hot water oil haat, OU hri water heat Attadied ga­ etruek ware: hiiMhbtg lx a wood­ nommsndera of the Far East convantlon of the cleanest cars sge. to good country home. Fine day tank. 363 Keeney etreet, or MANCHESTER — Expandable come property be aura to look at poreh, plarisrad waIls,‘R>B toaula- ed area, piaytag hafiehsU to an Naval rDrata and the FIHIl Air Rooflnr—SIdinc 16 Laundry 73 Summit street. Tel. 2-1487. this. For appointment call Oilman rage. Lot 106 X 100. U ke privt- PRE-WAR Oar» — Ford, Oldamo- anywhere. Douglas Motors, 333 1949 Nash 600 Overdrive. Like a watchdog, excellent with children JARVIS CO. PORTABLE SEWING WANTBa>— Four room fumiahed Cap# Ond with dormar, Air-Temp tloe, open stalreass, hatehvto. 50 lagaa. Price 55,500. Bisson Turk- opaa field, (lehtngm boats on open ----- ths ahtpto radar bllt, Packard, Bulek, Dodge. Mnln. new one. MANCHESTER — Rooffng and Phone 7891. apartment or will sublet a furn­ gaa furnace, gaa hot water haat- Raalty, tSI Center street Phono days ocriipaney. Call 5420. water, worMngln fields, gathering ragistsrad ftoas on the obiaota. It TYP18T-CLEP.K. Woman wanted T E L 4 1 1 2 MACHINE—166 Off 2-B8S or 2-3085. iagtea, Aitoht Ottvsatry 7-6527. Btudbakar, etc. All modele, 838 1947 Plymouth Tudor — Very ex­ Siding Co. Also all types of paint’- for peyroli and general office ished rent CaU Mr. Peck at the ar, oak flooring. tUa bath, hatch­ to the faimiy washing from pliosd thorn two aiUsa Ugh aad and up, full price. High valuaa— g u a r a n t e e d u s e d CARS Ing and rarpentry work. Guaran­ work in small textile office. Office TEN FOX TERRIERS also cross Manchester Lumber Cbmpany. way, flrepUca, combination AI^DOVER ^ ONLY |12.900 clothasUno sittaehad to trsea stand­ ■oven mUee away. ceptional. breeds, one very nice Boxer, fe­ Read Herald Advs. LEWYT VACUUM MANCHESTER — Eaat Slda, Low St, Brunnar'a, 358 Eaat Cen­ Recent Trade-Ins for New Hiidaona teed work. Phone 2-8833 for free experience or buaineae training 5144. scraena and atorm wlndowa Lets for Sato 92 ing on Afiorch or swimming. Tha report said tba obJaelB dla- 1847 BUICK ^Door Sedan, radio 1841 Plymouth 4-Dr. — Unbeliev­ male. Zlmmermanla Kennels, $ 25 O ff waather-strippad doors. AU dW duplex 4 and 4 rooms, large apMSMd bafsra dawn. ter atraat Open ‘til 8 every eve­ ably clean, eatlmatea. requisite. Attractive aalary and ' attic, lot 105 x ISO, income ^ 6 DESIRABLE Homs altaa; haH Optn For Xnapactioii ning. Saturday until B. and heater, vary clean, (One I.ake street. 6287. WANTED—8 or 4 room unfurnish­ utUitlas. Built 1951. Lot 60 X 165 A ascend report a day or turn 1841 Studebaker 4-Dr. GREAT EASTERN Cdnstruction Insurance beneffts; alr-ronditlon . . the best Investment in the world—a home, a farm, a bit I Several Other l^ems p4r month. Manchester—Ranch acre up. Blaok road, alsetrietty, Sunday, 2 to 6 P. M. Hollywood Balks owner). office. Apply in person et. Aldon ed apartment Working couple. 'vlth nloi. grove and split rail trisphons, natural Mada, htoh lo- later diamlssad the radar Ibid as 1850 OLD8MOBILE “88" deluaa 1950 Dodge Panel. Co.. 24 Oak atreet. Home remodel­ No children or pets. Ckdl 7538. home, thraa bedrpdms. tiled bath, 1848 Dodge Coupe, radio and heat­ Spinntnn Mills Corp.. Talcottville, of land In the good old I T . S. A." f All Floor Samples fence. Immediate occupancy. satlon off Routs 5, North Obvan- AUTHENTIC the planet Jupiter. One offlosr 4-door. A thoroughly excellent er. 8685.00. 1941 Ford Panel. ing ipeclaliiita. Rooffng, siding, BEAUTIFUL Collie, male dog. Owner transferred. Price 51S,S(X>. full cellar and attic, qalat street At Censor Plan commontod. Jwwsvsrt "Jimtor aiitomobtle. For thia one aaa Bob Conn., or call Manchester 5128. six montha old. Phone 4822. MOTHER WITH thrm chUdren 516.000, down payment 56,000. try. Frad Millar. Oovaatiy T-56S5. RED CAPE GOD 1846 FORD 2-Door. Black (Spe­ 1948 Chevrolet wheel base. painting, gutters and leaders, FRANK L. PINNKV Henry Eacott Agency, Manches­ doesn’t ooms to pain aad It Is Oliver,'Center Motor Salaa, Ikaln cial). 8685.00. combination aluminum storm G” prospective teacher In local ter 3683. Maneheater-=-Slng1e, sto compete several mitUona mUsa out of range EXCHANOF. Hours for-cash. Op­ Sm o o t h , Fox Terrier puppies, Aaaoclata In Farms ABC APPLIANCE CO. MANCHBS'TER — Apartmant Nina oM. Bxoallsnt pehSl- •traet. _____ 1941 PONTIAC Sedan.. (Special). ,, New Arrivals Dally wlndowa i-peclalizing.._ln.. Life-', portunity for (3V slna^4'^ woman school, urgently need at least 4 rooms, flraplaea, oU beat ga­ 'Tokyo—(ff) — Ameriean movie ,qf w radar.” ...... pedigreed! Saddler strain.' Stud Eves. Manchester 3677 Phone 2-1675 21 Maple St. room apartment ~or house. Call rage, combination atorm and bttOdlag alto. In tha haart o t 8385.00. time Alomlnum ‘ Weatherboard. to make money in spare time. For R e a l t o r NEW FIVE-ROOM downtown, wo hava a eomar M , flpltlitrt, OM mtfbiliiMd ebmpanles have balked at a plaa' Tha only pravtoua rapsrt aa 4 ^ BBrOldb TOU Buy a uaad ear 1840 HUDSON 4-Door Sedan, radio We Specialize In,’ Square Dealing service. J. Stanley McOay, Rock­ 5584 after 5. doors. Do'vn payment tofiOO. to set up a board of Japanase aad "Wa make your house a home." information write Box M, Herald. ville. Phone 5-3038. A (Miss) jMANT Household Items. Uovlng RANCH HOME 160 X 125 ft. that would maka an on scoond floor. Hbt vmtor boat tog saueer slghUain la Karra aea Oorman Motor Saiae. Buiek and heater, very clean. For free Inspection and eatlmate Coventry—Mata toghway, haw aad foreign film repraoantaUvaa cropped up last Febrnsiy. Oraws Salaa and Sarvtea, 285 Main W a l t O l M LILLIAN O. GRANT t out of stats. For information call WOULD UKE to rent a 3 bedroom ALSO axcallant oita for an apartmant oil, domestic nttaelMont Copper 1950 HUDSON Commodore 6 Se­ BARIiOW MOTOR SALES Phone 8271, evenings 8303. A. V, WANTED -Dental Assistant. Ex­ 2-8427. six room ranch at 58,400. For a|v phmhbif, tile batly B m tiful hand to oanaor aU (oralgn motion plo- of two niffiit-flytog hssshaia paid atraat Phene 8-4571, Open eva- dan, radio and heater. Full new Office Manager home In Manchester or nearby. LARGE FOUR-ROOM bunding, also xonad to r bustoaaa 2 turaa entering Jriian. Wapping Conn.—Phone 8404 Lindsay, owner. perience desired but not neces- Associate In Sales polntment please call Howard R. earvad granite firaplaoo. Lot 100 they raw sauear-Uks abjaeta SMNr- nlngt: car guarantee. T We are reaponribile, and can give CAPE COD Haatihga, 2-1107. and 2. This valoaUa paroal o t Kyodo News Aganey aaya othar Open Evenings and Sundays aary. Gord opportunity if you Eves. Blanchester 3160 CHESTS—Bads, kitchen acts and land can ba purchasad vary vary X 17K Routo ft fOttr mn#B asst of g over North Kona. 1951 HUDSON Paremahar 4-Door WE SPBCTAUZE m rooSng and the best of reftrtnees. We only PHONE 2-9221 (orsigu eomparias hava todloated Tokyo, too, had aaaaesr n post }84t OU>8MOBILB Hydramatlc want to work. Write Box Y, Her- ; other good used furniture. The busineis here In town. Write Box raaaonabla. Contact Oilman and Belton NetehL Sign on property. Sedan, radio and heater. Full 1941 PLYMOUTH, New motofr aiding. Hlgheit Quality ma­ aM. ' I MALE HELP "SpeelsHsing In Homes City, Suburban and Farms—Since 1810” - Woodshed, 11 Mala street MANCHESTER—Modem 5 room they will go along and taSu, win Xoeuka Miyyasdkl, 27, of the alx-paaaangar club aadan. Tutone new car guarantee. Good condition. Reasonable. Phone terials. Workmanship guaran­ N. Herald. HALLIN BROS. — REALTORS ranrh type house with . radiant Paga.^Ine., 281 Caetar atreat, begin soon wttliBritish, French, Central hfatatortogteal Ohaarva- grtan. Nice, with radio and heat­ 1841 Studebaker 2-car Sedan. 3-4875 after 4. teed. A. A. Dion, Inc., 298 Autumn 647 Main Straet, Hartford, 2-‘>584 — Evenings, Manchester 3160 heat. Largs living room, throe Manebeator. Phono Manehaatar nDELlTY REALTY CO. Itrilan and Russiaa film com- tory said ha• raw a graonUh-vgraonUh-wlitta er. Six other ecceaeortea. Low (Rperial).. 8245.00. street, "'’hone 4860. WANTED SEWING Machine, electric. White UANCHBHTER—Ardmore Road. badrooma, bath and kitchen, lot 2-2182 or 2-8056. lu^ULnoits — msuRORs panlaa. thing with a tsuU Siiag tha down payment of |4S2. Balance Help Wanted—Male 36 Business Property Expandable Cap# Cod, flreplace, Kyodo arid thsra had baan pro­ 1840 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan. Motorcycles— fNcycIes 11 rotary. ReaaoRsble. Call 2-9141. 100 X 325. Fully landacaped. Con- ANDOVER—Btx acraa on Impro'r- 282 Ffnninfton Avonuo tba sky FridayIday riam, eaay. Brunner'e, SS8 Eaat Canter (Special). 8285.00. FOR GU.VRANTBED Roofs that WANTED—A-l meohanic. Steady Apply In Person For Sale 70 • nice grounds, oU burner, 512,000. ^ vanient to schools, bus and ahop- tests from parsnts on ths ''iratl StkL 19, a uaMu Henry Eacott'Agency. TeL 8663. od read. High alavatlon. 51,500. H artford atreat. Open ‘tU 8 every evening, All Pre-War Cara — No Money 1947 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 61 O. stay on In any kind of storm, and work under 8ne working condi- Harry Forman, Supt. PHILCO T.V. set, practically ' ping centers Immsdiato occupan­ offsets” tincsnsorod foreign movtes student, raw it,It, too. But heha Saturday 'tU 5. Down. H. V. Excellent rondltlon. Miiet gutters, conductors and root re­ j aaw. Five piece chrome breakfast MANCHESTER—Drive-In Restau- cy. Call 3-1403. can Covantry 7-7207 attar 5:5a Teleidione 46-7248 ware having on chUdran. it added It 'eras btoish-whito aad apUt! tton*. Apply in person. Boland rant;for sale. Do not oonfuaa thia -whits aad apUl Terme On Poat-War Cara To Suit aell. Beat offer. Rockville ,6-8161. pairs, Call CoUghlln 7707. Motors, 369 Center street. "Biirner Gas Steva, oven and Ing, must sell. Inquire Apartment Four Rooms, two unfinished, large lot. Price 515,000. One tene­ Wastad—RisI Bststt 77 Dr. RIdso Hirass of ths Tokyo Cnlao- Sarvleantar, 4164. Tel. 1-8442 Good condition. Phone 3-0564. ROOFING—Specialising in repair­ service station. Van’s Service Sta­ PAPER CO. a 82, 781 Main street after 3 p. m. in a spot where it enjoys a won­ ment, o'vner occupied. (3aU 8630. Advartlatag to nswqtoptos to- AlCfOMHoPil . wPMfTMOfy affllTl derful buaineaa from the Cheney hot water oil heat, fireplace, Resort Property For Sato 74 WANTED To Buy—fltogto of 3- eraaasd 6.0 psr cant to 1900 ovar see it But ho said tt xmat hats PACKARDS 1846-47-48-48-50 with ing roofs of all kinds. Also nsw tion and Garage, 427 Hartford broiler included, f^rocticoHy new. 6 cu. ft. Frigid- famlly houaa. Write Box Q, Har- 1849 CHEVROLET Stylellne de- GIRL'S Weelern Flyer, full size roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys Road. Parker Street Mills and Pioneer Parachute Fae- combination atorm windows FIVE-ROOM colonial, 8va ysars 1545 to 02 targa Vi S. eitiss. baan a matoor. and without- uUia>n6tlc drive. t Complete line of Children’s LAKBFRONT eottSga at Andovar .UlS8;.4rdsori; mdl.o, .Golor bicycle. . Good condition, 820. -Iclcaned, rapalzed.~ .36...,yeara' ex­ toiy ond, j| ^ , a .good trancleat and t o niisely lapdr old. esaragt, large lot Private -lA t o mm at .Ootmaetteers finast. fiW. ‘____ ■ - Luxury'value at'uncommonly tow maroon. In nice condition. Eaay THoha 2-0323, S f IS Hirvartf oire Electric Refrigerater. sultdble for homer cot­ urniture, Oribs, Mattresses, trade. G'rbaa buaineaa no's 51,006 'oVmer'Ihqtora '106 Oik s tr i^ prieea. Moat with radio, all with perience. Free estimates. CTall f aped. Very clean through­ Only thraa yaarv old and eom- terms. Dougtaa Motors. 333 Main Road. Howley. Manchester 5361. lay Peris, High Chairs, Car- per week. By putting In hdt out. , Five years old. Near plataly fuatished. Spond tba Net neatere. All modala and colon. ______;______fiK______tage or shore property. Priced reosonoUy. Fiag^ W^kers, etc. Complete lunchea buaineaa could be Increas­ PORTER STREET Saetlen—five- Choice late inoleda. Pricea atart BOY'S FIVE Star super Colum­ Verplanck School and bus room Cape Cod, oil hot water of tha summar thara for U can he 1848 BUICK auper convertible. KX' furnishings for the entire ed practically double. Situated on purehsaod fair as lUUs as 52.000 at 1235 down. Liberal terir.e. cellent condlllon. New top and bia hlcyole. Fully equipped. Prac Heating'—Plumbing 17 two, hundred-foot leased lots of lines. 30-day ocOupancy. heat, 2F living room, amasits Brunnar’a 356 Eaat Center'etraat. tically new. Phone 2-2343. TYPIST-CLERK CALL 2-2175 }iomc. Appliances and TV. drive, garage 16 x 36, plus huge down. (!aU ths Ellsworth Mitten very good tires. Inquire 20 Fulton land with option to buy for tan AgOnCy, Realtor, 0030. ' x Open 'til 8 every evening, Satur­ Rodd anytime. C. O. LORENTZEN. Alterations, Girl wanted for payroll and general office work "« ______•7 years. Land rent very reasonable. lot 75 X 304. One of the better day! until 5. 1948 HARLEY-DAVID.SON motor- copper M-ater piping New work.- houaea. Schwarts Real Estate. cvcle. model 125. Very, good oon- Could sell one lot at a handsome CALL 3620 f^LD ORCHARD Baaeh, Maine— AVAILABLE" A few '53 Kala^i's 34-hour service, Manchester 3636. in small textile office. Office experience or business 'CHAMBERS FURNITURE profit or maintain and purchase 8274. Fins room cottaga, all aonvam- 1948 MERCURY tidbof. t>ark blue. with the hew, eennatlo'nal G. M. ditlon. Phone 2-2624. V EFFICIENT Plurnbing and heat­ training requisite. Attractive salary and insurance for own use. Owner forc^ to sell GLASTONBURY—A-A Zona, land iancaa, aiasps . eight, large Radio, heater, epotllght-.and Mx Dual Range Hydramattc that At The Green ____ ; - FIVE ROOM ranch type. Fireplace seraaned p m ^ . l>raa mtoutas other etceaaorlea. Now only SSS2 givee exceptional gee mllaage. ing. Plugged dralni machine benefits; air-conditfoned office. ^ bUilnesa becaiise ' of tllheas. ' and foundation, city walar In- Wanted Autos—>' Chance for the right party to buy In riving room and bazement TUe walk to baaeh. Auguat 5 through down. Balenca eeey. Brun'ner'i, Safety front seat, Pop-OOt wind­ cleaned Phone 6487. bath, hot water oil heat. Youngs­ atafiad, graded. 280 ft. oh Man­ j 858 Eaat Canter atraat. - Open 'tU Motorcycles 12 I Open 10 A. M, to 6 P. M. a very profltable builnesa. You’ll chester Road overlooking Hart­ 16th., 556. Saptambar 5 2 0 warn. shield, Instrument panel- -ehiater. PLUMBING and heating, special­ -— Apply In Person At: be glad If you look into this en­ town kitchen, fun Insulation and Phoaa 2-4702 noons. . 8 every evening, Saturday until 5. crash dash board. "Make safety a ford. Call Manchester 2-4865. ising In repaira, raauxleltng, cop­ terprise. Gilman and Page, Ine., plastered waUo, copper plumbing, factor” Buy Kaiser. Town Motore, HIGH $ FOR ‘ OPEN FOR INSPECTION ! Fve'riings 7:30 to 8:30 laundry tray. Lot 90 x 150. a ty per water piping, new conatrue- 351 Center street, Manchester. At t r a c t iv e t h r e e bedroom OOVENTRT-Andovar snd Bolton. 1651 CHEVROLET Styleline de­ Inc., 45 West Center etreet. Tel. water and aawarage. September take yourpaper on your luxe, tudor aedan, radio, heater, ,tlon. Tims payments arranged. ANon Spinning Mitis C o rp o ra^ ,,-COMBlNA‘nON Stove, dining Telephones 2-2183 or 2-3035. ranch with large firing room din­ BslecUon of shora front eottagaa. 8567. "Y o u r Kalaer— Henry J. YOUR C A l/ *1 room chairs, studio ooueh, china 1 occupancy. For further dcUlla ing comhinatfam. Modern kitchen, Reasonably priced and down-pny- nice condition throughout. See Dealer.” Edwarc Johnson. Phons 6978 or call 3620 Honest Vougf, Douglaa . Motors, 5044. • cloaet buffat, taro ruga, end table, colored tils bath. Outstanding hot mant Also othara naar baaeh, 51.- TALCOTTVILLE, CONN. .,/ I floor Ump and ^shes. Oall 5338. Farms and Land for Sale 71 500 apd up. John 8. Biaaall, CVoaa 333 Main etraet. 1850 Ford Tudor V-g—Like brand water. beating system. Attached CASH WAITING HEATING From A to Z. Con­ MANCHESTER—18 Lilac ztreet garan. Approximately $4,000 ra- street. South Oovantry. Covantry new.' OR CALL MANCHESTER >I28 PREFAB JMAOIC OHEF and Quality gaa EASTERN (Connecticut — Excep­ An older home of five rooms juat 7-682a 1950 CHEVROLET Styleline de­ version burners, boller-burnar tional buys dairy and poultry quirM to assume 4% mortgaga luxe Cl'iH Coupe. Radio, heater. 1950 Chevrolet Tudor—-A real nice units, complete heating lyatcma. , ranges, white table tops, 535 and a few steps' off Center street All Model.a 1946-’52 ^550. Phone 8583. farms, up to 400 acres, with or Phone 8600. Warren Howland Beautiful, black finlah. In excel­ car. All work guaranteed. Time pay- Fully remodeled complete living Realty. LAKE AND SHORE COHAGE without stock and equipment. room with flreplace, dining room lent condltioci. Hurry. Douglaa 1950 Plymouth 4-Dr, — A very menta arranged. Morlarty Broth­ I- It's Sew-Simple, Smerf Motors, 3SS Main street. ers. Tel. 6135. Welles Agency, CO'Ventry. Tel. 7- and kitchen on flrat floor. Two clean automobile! TOWN MOTORS Madifnery and Taoh 52 6872. bedrooms on second floor. Hard- 1648 PORD Super deluxe 4-door, You’ll Never Buy A Dud FAST, EFFICISI^T SERVICE on Wood floon,. new heating unit, Bright Butterfly Slipptr 45 West Centel Street alteration, jolibing and new work. BOX MOUNTAIN DISPERSAL ANDOVER LAKE lUSED REX Power mixer, I H C Honaes for Sato 72 frill basement, all new copper Balance easy. Bnmner'a, 358 East 1948 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Jet black Permaglasa Gai, Electric Hot J heavy crop hayloader, new power- plumbing, fully Insulated, new Center eireet. Open Ril 9 every A beautiful automobile. Telephone 8567 Water Heaters sold and installed * Stephen Q. F. Rose, Owner ON SUNSET LANE I lift bog harrows, iulle wire, ee- roof ami new aiding. Now vacant. evening, Saturdaya until 5. at reasonable rates. Tlihe pay-' ' I ment mixera, garden tractors. Avallabia for Immediate occupan­ 1947’'(Plymouth 4-Dr.—Priced to Business Services Offered 15 menta arranged. - All work' LAKE STPLEET — MAPIGHESTER Just A Short Way Beyond The New School ' Dublin Tractor Oo., North Wlnd- LAKE COTTAGE cy. Complete for only 510,800. SCHOOL BUSES — Used Ford, sell. guaranteed. Skelley' flrothera,' ; ham Road, WUlimanUc 3-3217. New and clean, four rooms and Oilman and Page, Inc., 351 Cen­ Oievrolet, Dodge, Stiidebaker, i947 Bulrk 4-Dr.~Fully equipped. DtXIRS OPENED, kaya Sttad, 1 Walnut Street, Mancheatec ter street Manchester 3-3183 • Diamond-T -S500 and up. Also A real bargain at 8985. 'copied, vacuum clcanara. Irons, 2-8714. 1:30 P, M, — Monday, August 4 bath, picture window, artaalan well 3-3035. non- units S4.400 and up. Call 2- guns, stk„ repaired. Shaara, OPEN SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 Water, large lot, finished In knotty PLUMBING and heating. Furn­ WantOI—To Boy 68 2587. 1947 Chevrolet Fleetline Aero.— knlvaa, mowtra, ate put Into eon' 11 Head of Registered Hoisteins pine. Properly priced with easy CUSTOM BUILT seven room sto­ One owner. Immaculate. ditlon for coming neoda. BraltS< aces, oil burners and boilers. Earl gie. Four bedrooms, large living 1947 CHEVROLET Oub Coupe, DAILY THROUGH SATURDAY, AUGUST terms. 1940 Ford 4-Dr. Super Delima—A waits 81 Pearl atraat. . Van Camp. Tel. 2-6844. 1 Pure Bred Ayrshire 9 1WAMTE!I>—Uaad furaitnre. LIv- room with llreplace, dining room, black. B X c.e 11 e n t condition rare price. I lag raoaa, badroom, kitchen or reception hall, cabinet kitchen, throughout. Sac Bob Oliver to­ CARPENTER will framt unflnlah' 10 Grodes, seme fresh— 9 due in September end teutira kouseholda. Let us make ARTHUR A. KNOFLA oil ateam, extra large welMand- day. Center Motor Sales, 461 See Bud Michalak ad upstaira rooms Raaaonabta. October. Yeung stp«k out of artificial breed­ ’ YTO aa offM’. Tba Woodshed. 875 Main St^Est. 1021 acaped lot Ideal location. Priced Main street. "The Working Man’e Friend” C a ll,-4281. il!hoiM6-5UL Phons Office 5440 right for Immediate sale. B. F. YOUR ing, D. H. I. AV A number of cows ever 400 lbs. VOnEikkr, 609 Keeney street.' 1846^. CHEVROLET 3-4 panel. ANTIQUEB ReJlnuUMd' RapairUig butterfdt. 21. " .. ■— Bventaga 6-86M or 2-4276 Good condition. Price S350. PrI- dons on any fumlfiira. ‘namami, MANCHESTER—New 3 bedroom ...j.-VAtaly. owneiL.-aaU 3-8533..i;^,;'Ji»uu^ , CALSO STATION. Ropnpi Y l^ o iif Boaid. .1 iiiw ’i;A - 168 .' Bootli Mtta Street.' ''.Bkroa VACATION i X. n, LANGDEIX’ . • wW . . a .'; BAKERnARER' ranch'house. Any ydltog toothei' toANGUDB9SBR*43li9e Qqd; timlb ;lqv«:'i}|ir »1afp'‘IMHBF:'‘. IhieapUonally wall built- by 'Capa C xt Venetian blinds, nice llholaum, asphalt tUa counter. Boristion. to take over and maintain the Uke and other commU'. o'sraer who la a buUdar. lot, near achool, bus, store. Quick This attractive shirtwaist dress BUY THE BEST FOR LESS! 19,39 MERCURY, new motor, neiy Bx|>ert workmanaMp, free asU- nlty property at its development, the ANDOVER LAKE OOBP. I'YLEASANT, Large room, twin Stone, front. , picture panel 5284 is so becoming that you can w.ear ia partwaak aaw, aai hava your papar forwarM ia yaar mates. Open evanlnga. Jonas Fur­ Lota carefully planned, wood­ occupancy. Owner selling. Price 1950 Studebaker Commander 4- front end. new brakes, etc. 44 ed and laid out for your fu- FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK hns decided to liquidate the balance of Its holdlnga. d)eds for two gentlemen at the window, fireplace, alum­ it avetywhera with confidence. And niture. Oak street. Phone 2-t041. iOeniar. J4-16 Wadsworth street 58,800. CaU 2-9687. . . ‘Traat your feet to these soft • "D oor Sedan, radio and heater, Morse Road. Phone 3-3868. .ture pleasure and comfort. Healed bids will be received for the following properUee Until inum combination windows, flush comfy quilt alippara. They are youll maka jt-easily 'aad quickly automatic tranamiaaion. 5 P. M. Monday, August 4 ,1S52: doors. York oil burner hot water with our claariy...... tod' Uluatrai saw ^ vaaalloR aiirass! Kaap la touch LIGHT TRUCTKING—Alio rub­ I t t r a c t t v b Furnished front VERNON—Cape Cod, Four rooms rimple-to-make and especially gsiy 1650 Studebaker Champion 4-Door 1941 DODGE, 13 ft. rack ^ y A. One Shore Lot No. 8F 50x886 on West shore. heat 14 X 22 ft. living room, din­ finished, Mj^taira unfinished. chart. ■ . _ truck. 1935 Ford pickup. Vaiy bish removed. Phone 2-2381 or ^>adroom with twin .bads. Couple with a butterfly perched on each Sedan, fadio and heater, over­ Knowledge of stenography and B. . Two Shore Lota No. UF and ItF 50x100 on West shora. ing combination. Handy to schools Three yeara old. Excallant condi­ Pattern No. 8786 la a saW-rita reasonable^ Keeney's Garage, 2-8553. " " " • IW o Shore Lots No. ISF aad 14F 50x200 oa West ahore. prafarrad. Light-bousekaeplng fa- instep. The college girl will lovo perforated pattern to aisea 12, 14. with tha homafolht, wharavar you may h fl drive. (Two to chooae from) ASHFORD typing essential. Paid-vacation, ‘and tranS{>ortatlon. Fins nslgh- tion. fiver lOO* frontage. One car a pair for her luoagtog -wardrobe. 1949 Studebaker Champion Star­ Buckland. ' ' —~ D ^ ^ ve.L ota 50x300 on Lake Road. i^tlas avallabia. Inquire 167 'borhbod Value. Oomplate for only 16, 18, 20; 40, 43. SlSa 14. Aynrda l in o l e u m Rtumanla SOc square Hospitalization, etc.'Good hours, ■ E. 17 Lots 60x200 on Went Street.' _ Mapla atreat garage, all city utilitiea and Pattern No. 5384 contains pat­ o t 88-toch. light Coupe, radio and heater. yard. Asphalt tUa, srall eovarlag! 513,600. Good nMitgime 'available. extras by the dozen, a godb buy tern alsas. material requirments, ^1848 Studebaker Chamfilon 2-Doo'r nice working conditions. > - F. About 45 Acree of Laud, purt of La,Valley Farm, on 80 Wastflald straet. Drive out For thia pattern, sand SOe to Sedan, radio and heater, over­ 1848^UICK 4-door. Ebtcellent con­ Dona by ^ reliable well-tralnsd LAKE; Inc, ' West Street. ♦ ' at 5I1.8C0. 53,000 down. Call, the aewlng and finiahtog diractiona. coins, your name, address, sisa da- dition; Dynaflow. 81085. Tal. 8364. . men. All jobs guaranteed. Hall Woodbridge to Mather—take first Ellaworth Mlttsn Ageifcy, Real­ Bend 35c invCOINS, your naihe, Blrad, aad the pattern - number to drive. Your laspecUoa and bias are luvtted. For further Informs* I Aparf ania ■■ Ftotn— left to bouse. -If Interested call 1947 Studebaker Chkpipibn Coupe, Unolsum CO., 56 Obttaga atraat thm or appointment to lasport theso propertleo, or mniWohowIng tors. 6830, address and tha PATTERH HUM.? Bue-Buniett, The Manchester Bv|- 1938. .CHEVROLET'4-door sedan. Phone 2^022, svaalnga 6166 or > ARTHUR A. KNOFLA b ...... T6BemaBla...L.-.- 88. Gilman and Page, Inc., 861 Cen­ BER to ANNE CABGTVkMchas- heater' and over-drive. Sales Agent loonUanr eommnnlroOe aritb;------...... MANCHESTER—A’^ fiaai good buy. ring Herald, 1160 Ava. Americas, -1841- Ghevrolat-2-Door- Sedan. Blue. Good condition, V/iry rea- not. A P P L Y “ ter atreet, Maneheater. Phona tar Evening Herald), 1150 Ava. New York Sd, N. T. ' aonable. TH. 7774. " ...... ■ .... Mane)»aatar,-Gom».'*- ARTMENT FOR Rent Modara, Manchester 2-3188 or 2-3035. Six room Cape Cod. Bathroom Americaa, New York SO, N. T. Studebaker Sales and Service TVI. Manchester 8440. 2-5838 EPSON P. HERRICK. BoHon— Tel. Manchester 7574 peatraUy located. 4H rooms. Rsndy for now—Baste-P^ash- .. CHORCHE4 MOTOR SALES (XIMPLETE Repairs by Stuart R. down, lavatory upstaiis.. Fire­ Anne Oabot'f New Album of lea for '63, Fall 'and Wtetor.'Thia Ittfuittg Iffiralh 1947 CHEVROLET Stylemaater Wolcott j>n waatUag^machlofA . 5 NBW COTTAGES . PERCY B. COOK, Andover— ^Tel. Coventry 7>67.16 Baat, hot water, elactrie stove sue ROOUB, South Cbventry. place, oil heat, one car garage. Needlework.. Ui chock-full of grand naw issue is ffilad with ideas (or 10 Oakland St. Pbone.2-9483 club coupe. Radio, heater. In nice ^anriirstpr IferaUi and rafrigeigtor. Oarage. Adult Newly redecorated. Artesian well, vacuum cltanarz, miotora. ‘ small UNDER or JOHN H‘. Y e o m a n s , Andover— Tel. Coventry 7-7279 Screened patio. Near new school designs, plus exciting features and smart, practical aewlng for a naw condition. Original black nnleh, appliancaa. Pick up and delivery. couple only, 575. Write Box D, corner lot, beach privileges, 55,- CONSTRUCTION and buaiilna. Frances .K, Wagner, a gift pattern printed to the book. ■easofi; gift pattani printed larids 1935 FORD with 1841 motor, 835. I. .See Honest ' Doug, Douglaa A-1 repair. Bales. 180 Main ^araldi 400. OaU Maneheater 3-8825. Realtor. Phone 2-003S. 36 cents. ths book, 26c. . Phonj^ 2-0693. ^Motors, 333 Main. Phone 6597. THB ANPOVIR LAKi CORP. - ANDOVIR, CONH.

■J- TT': A. / - X ...... - ...... SATURDATf, AUGUST 1952 TheW esther PAG* IWELV* X' ATcnce Daily Net P n m Ron iiitnrtiffBt^r lEvming If^raUk Far «h* W«ik B sM FaiMaat af U. S. Weaihar Bane S eatterjtd thnaditahawifi, summer season, with Its sudden wiarin, very hmnM.teaiglit. Shew sAd violent thunderstorms, is the Three Days Work in Oiie A re R e p a irin g 9,959 era eadiag Tneaday, foRewed- hy A b o u t T o w n perioq of the greatest dsngsr from REPPIR Heard Along Main Street lightning. SHOE Arnm clearing, leas hamM. Lightning ,tokssf opproxlmstely I^c^itad^l HanchoBter-^A City of VUlage Charm AuxiHaiy Police will meet for .TOO lives s' yssr in. thi United !■ J practice at Mt, Nebo And on Some of Manche$ter*i Side Sirccfd, Too Ststes, Btstistlcians of the Metro­ Monday night at 7 o'clock. politan Life Insurance Company ^alvation Army to Hold MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1952 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS point out, adding that many of U lUOIT YDL. LXXL NO. 260 (OlaaaUM Adv6rUMat'‘wi Paga It) A daughter waa bom to Mr. and The Itttelleotual tlon." 'rtila la where you floor these lives could have beSn save4 ledication Sendee lUINIll Mrs. Janea Dowda of 206 Center It waa pointed out by an ac- them. if the vtctlms had sought ,aafe •troet a t the St.' Francla Hoepl- ‘quaintance the other day,, that You comb your mind for aome shelter. W f ^ End of OcL 4-5 mm tal niuraday. moat of ua are rolaalng a chance filler or aquib with a foreign flavor One of the, m p t dangerous to further our general knowledge and then recall you’d eeen one on places during a ato m la under a extensive Vopalrs are now In Reds Claim ggt, Charlaa L. Farrell of Cov­ when we read Juat the main page 11 of yeaterda/a Herald. tresr-especl^ly an.hMlatad one. progress at theNMvmtlon Army M- entry waa among 19 Connecticut atorlea (local ar.d national) In ’’In jmy opinion,’’ you begin and About one fourth of'Oil the deaths OtadsI, and It Is h o ^ the Im­ men who arrived at New» York the newapaper. let your ateely gaxe-roam around from lightning occur Among per­ from Burope on the troop ahip, the giieits waiting for each word sons who s«A shelter under or provements will be coinpleted by First Placet We figured, aa perhapa you do, the flrst Sunday In Octow^ when Ooneral Darby, today at 9:16 a. m, that If one reada page one, the aa If It were..a precimia gem. ’’In near trees. Afte'r etrlking^a tree, lop local atorlea on aucceedlng my opinion, the flrat pure nickle the bolt 'Inay flash aldewayS or It a rededlcallon service will be, held Daugbtam were born to Mr. and pagra and the advertlamenta, that coin ever laaued waa a 30-centlme may^ run along -the ground and on the week end of Oct. 4 anti .6. Mn. Oiarlea J. Merritt of • 296 we've done a good Job or looking piece minted In 1891 by Switzer­ klU anyone in Its path. Distinguiahed officers of lb's A tH elsinki North Main atreet and to Mr. and through the paper. But have we? land. And furthermore (now you The activities In which the light­ Army who ^1 1 be present on that Mra. Robert MilikowalU of 39 Cot- dig deep into that photographic ning victims ware engaged when occasion will be Commlaeioner and >R. W. JOHN FIELD We're not from Mlaaourl . . Fire By TED 8MIT8 taga atreet a t the Hartford Hoa- Mrs.. Donald McMillan, command­ rather from old New England, but memory of youra and remember (hey were struck indicate wliere JSTEOPATHTC pltal Wedneeday. we were wllhnjf to learn. And the dozena upon dozerta of flllera the greatest danger lies. A few of ing officsra of tbs Solvation Army Helsinki, Finland, Aug. 4 Tam you*ve read In the pait few weekai these were: lunching In a wooded in the 11 Eastern States. Oldsr Recently reporting at the fleet learn we did, residents will recall that Mrs. Mc­ pTiysiciA N —{IF)—Russia today claimed the metal known aa . tungaten in area, playing baseball In an open an overall victory in the training center,, Norfolk, Va.. for , Friend pointed out that aq*llba tha United Statea la called wolfram field,' fishing In boats on open Millan waa the former Harriet Colorful Royalty a eourae of Inafructlon In damage or flllera, uaed to plug the email In- many other naliona.” water, working In fields, herding Blackmon, who graduated from WILL ^EEUME Olympic games with 494 Control waa Lee F. Ooodell, ma- gape on a newapaper page, are a The dinner 'gueata alt back, cattle, and similar activities; oper­ Manchester High school while her Texas Toll points againat 490.26 for the chimat'a mate fireman, USN, aon wonderful aource of learning. It startlad at your complete control ating tractnra In open fields. parents. Adjutant and Mrs. Sam- p r A c t i ^ American Youth Speaks at Finnish Rally opena up a vaat new field arid usl Blackmon were officers of the United States. ef Mr. and Kre. DeForeat H. Cood- of the altuatton and general world Others were gathering the fam­ ON MONDAY, Apparently tha Russians decid­ Speedy Aid Claim Plan en of 49 Edward- atreet. Ooodell fine our minda with thouaanda of knowledge. But you don’t atop ily wash from clothesline attached Manchester Corps, 1906-1909. entered the naval acrvlce In Jen­ off-beat blU of Information. But The Improvements, estimated to Expected to ed a first place waa worth only there. to trees, standing on a porch or In AUGUST 4 ■even points inatead of the 10 n a ^ , IM l and la now aaaigned to flrat a brief word about flliara. "Amerlca’a flret club woman a doorway, and awimming. coat 110,000' will include new oak They are the email atorlea of point! awarded by the stan<|ard duty aboard the high apeed trana- waa Anne Hutchlneon who organ­ Lightning Is a danger both day doors, at the Main street entrance scoring method uaed on all Olym­ In Drought Will Benefit V8S Home. V from one to aeveral aentencea long, ized groupe of women for aecular and night, but the largest num­ and new inner doors. The build with or without a headline, and Ing'Will be painted throughout R ise to 33 pic games since 1920. and theological diaeiiaaibna . . . ber of fatal Injuries occurs In the X A statement Issued by N. Ro- uaually undated. The newapaper Chop Suey waa concocted In New afternoon. The fewest take place and new electroliers installed. A miutnv, leader of tha Soviet Olym­ aubacribea to a apeclal aervlee that York City on Aug. 29. 1996, by In the morning hours. tUe floor will be laid in the main Areas Seen ‘Everyone’ auppilea theae. Thoae requiring hall. The celling will be sound X Waco, Tex., Aug. 4—(ff*)— pic team, said the Russian score the chef of a rich, vlalting Chl- Lightning deaths among men ' Two Greyhound buses col- would have been better If the itaadllnea art,P(ia*« the door. occupied by any guesta. He found medleine Is rather-outlandish and KNOFLA AGENCY Baby land Exploding fuel tonka, sounded en the topsoil. Powell iJrges Adlai it necessary to ua# the facUitlea homely when compared to Its ultra­ entire plants for a two weeks’ fe- like thunder, sold the pretty leted a much higher point total if In tha south, damage to crops cut A frieultu^ EaqMfiniMt oto* ■boot tha wonderful food You don't care a squib for the epite from labor, or at leaat stag­ E s t 1921 In all aporta events thara had baea tion'a wtndoor totaeoo laboratory', party aftar a ll, > therein and feared to disturb modern contemporary discoveries. 878 MAIN ST. brown-eyed Waco woman. “It and Itveatock auffering from lack •enred at NORM’S DRIVE- anyone. gering departments. would blow up; and then blow up objactiva judgtog. ^ of'feed hgg ooitirid wall over the Exported Ttop Horn It’s oatmeal. The two-week vacation Is ths Dial 8440 or S-42T8 Will Start Friday "Three weeka ago wa 0X r~ ..~ - . FILMS Oat of SeosM Smirkingly, the culprit police­ That’s right. From pisin, old- KEMP'S, Inc; again, one after, another. “The United Statea athietM ac­ half-bllllon dollar mark. IN RESTAURANT?’* most popular, but there is a defi­ She sold a Negro soldier who cumulated 490.25 and won oecond The - multi-million dollar live­ Build Rights Plank A bit of nostalgic aadnaas creep man and an accomplice, also a fgshtoned oatmeal, the kind that nite trend, in the case of busy 788 Main SL—Maeeheetsr DEVELOPED AND you eat at breakfast, modem eci- waa thrown to safety "was brave place. We greet Hungary's sports­ stock Industry, which In a few upon ua as we note that the member of the department, ao- executives, to grant them a much quality Is Ism than gdod." PRINTED strawberry season with its many aurad the reporter the accommo­ ence has developed sn effective enough to ccme baick and pull ua Bridgeport, Aug. 4—(/P)-—Judge Jame.s E. Murphy in Su­ men who took third place In the years has become a prime factor in longer period tor relaxation or out.’’ ’The mune of her rescuer Olympic games. During the Olym­ ths .south’s economy, has been Meonwhlla a promlaa that a Mil h-HOUR SERVICE auppara and faativsia, la now a dations of the cell block were at treatment for poison Ivy. sunburn recreation. They are finding it, perior Court here today gave' the Connecticut Company per­ New York, Aug. 4— (;— to bolster Us modest treasury by the audacity to snap the lock areas. This product la of particular man said he will lead a delegation ; qoutb Korean police and troops Bister liked to sit next to the aisle, (Continued on Page Seven) The company then filed a petl- A. Devitt Vanech today an­ track and field competitions. Iranis Senate today gave Initial the serving of delicious, ga^en- shut. Undoubtedly they counted on Importance since It permits ilieny sat down in the second seat from appravoKto a bill granting 'Pre­ to the conference. have been alerted fdr- poasibla fresh strawberries; coupled with the reporter's becoming panicky tlon for A show cause order from nounced his candidacy for the He said a similar delegation will Announces The Opening Of skin conditions to he treated with­ the aisle and out of consideration the court seeking permission, to mier Monojnmed Mossadegh un­ Communist guerrilla Intarferonce the opportunity to mingle with and setting up a hue and cry •with­ out having to resort to drugs and for her sister (something unusual U. S. Senate seat left vacant limited potybro to rule this near- confer with Stevenson’s running tomorrow In tha Rspublle'a first our neighbors, has always held out flrat having mustered the put the rates into effect Immedi­ B lillelm s medication , which are often Ir­ in sisters) she asked the little girl Resurvey Seeiji ately pending the outcome of the by the death of DemiKratic Red Cross Raps banknippt couqttry with a free mate, but he-did not say when popular election of a president tor bs o great appeal. presence of mind to effect hie ee- ritating to the skin. sitting in the end seat to move Sen. Brien McMahon of Con­ hand for six months. But the that meeting would take place, and vies president. We view with regret that we cape.' { ■. Now someone who has never Lake Amston appM .hearing. Powell sold the Alabama Senator’s from the AP WirM upper .house offei-qd unexpected A government spokesman said had poladn ivy or a bad case of over to the only seat left in that c a r e f Uu y r e s t r ic t e d At was on this petition the court necticut. THE WHITE IRON don't have the same opportunity His freedom gained, the report­ row next to brunette slater. On Draft Pool, ^ te d today. Vanech, a 46-year-old Democrat Soviet Charges opposition to a government bill record allows continuous opposi­ reporto had been received that ths in a blueberryi festival. At leaat er started up the stairs and there, sunburn or a rash probably can­ Red sat down In her favorite (’TO CONFORM WITH BUILDING CODE) ordering confiscation^ the, per-' tion to civil rights legislation. Communiets had ordered guerril­ we've never heard of one but per­ lurking in a corner awaiting the not appreciate what a boon this Murphy said In his finding the whose home is at Stamford, Conn., LEWIM SERVES NOnOE spot and I(x>ked at her companion new rates shotild beeome effective told reporters that he had sub­ sonal wealth and propeHy of Ah­ Seeks FEPO DerloraUon las to disrupt the election. ^ Pottovllle, Po., Aug. 4 BENCH SHOP hapa somewhere In the suburban beginning -of his entertainment, now find la to suffering scratch- Hershey Stated med Qavam. who was to r ^ ^ out Stevenson urged to take Ths republic he* 8,218,000 eli­ area such an occasion might arise. was the scoundrel of an dfflcSr. ers. If you’ve ever had an allergy, —who by this time had discovered Friday. Aug. 8 with the assertion mitted his resignation as deputy Of Germ War John U Lewie has aervag —WK she was aiUing on another little "the company cannot operate a attorney general to President Tru of the premiership two weeks ago a stronger position on civil rights gible votets. he wants a new wnga eoaftort Strawbenry festivals with their The hero east a withering and then had to take an Injection by wildly demonstrating Moqu- 465 PORTER STREET of drugs to combat the allergy, girl who was so.smothered she Washington, Aug. 4—(4 V ^ « J business at a loss and expect to re­ man this morning. Toronto, Ont., Aug. 4—OP)—The than the Democratic platform con­ Rhee Seen Winner for hie 100,OM nnUirnrtto nzte- whoiasome neighborllness' also glance at the bully and there the hadn’t the -chance to say boo. degh followers. \ tains, Powell told hla audience of Syngmon Rhee, 77,- the nation's MANCHESTER. CONN. bring to mind another type of story ended, for a while. and then found that you were al­ Gen. Lewis B. Hershey saysA re- main In business." He requested that it be accepted International Committee of the ers. Edward O. Foz, chnirmali I- —A Non. The finding said that, since the as earlylaa possible, so that he The lawmakers passed the con- 3,,500. A declaration for compul­ flrst president. Is considered cer­ of the Anthracite Operotarn get-together that holda an attrac­ Arrived back at The Herald of­ lergic to the drug wdth which you survey of men deferred from mili­ Red Crora. target of persistent flscstlon bill without trouble on tain' to be returned to office, A small shop featuring carefully tion for ua. That's the Orange. fice', the reporter discovered that were Injected—unleoa you have company had given a pay increase might go to Connecticut and make sory fair employment practices Wage Agreement coonMlMae. had a taste of thla vicious Itchy tary service because they have de to all personnel on April 1. It world an active campaign for the nomi­ Communist attacks, lashed back Its flrst of three readings. On will be sought. . Originally the president wss said I.«wi*, In a letter doted last - selected antiquef The big question is: while the roisterer had pursued hts pendents may soon be necessary if the second reading, however, only sleeted by the National Assem­ Do you hava to be a farmer to mlsde^, the mischievous mind of circle, then you cannot truly ap- stand to lose $619,664 a year at the nation. today, Powell, minister of ona of the Friday, gave Urn reqaifod dt prtcttti the Importance- of our the armed forces are to be kept old fatw. The Democratic nominee will be A 9,000-word report written for three of 26 senators present stood world's largest Baptist /:ongrega' bly, But Rhee, using public pres- days’ notice for contract oxptat* ~ be a Orahga member? Clan a his B(Jcdmpllce had hot lacked oc­ at their present levels. up to signify approval. BUfe and police, recently forced city-type person belong If hla or cupation. for the story which the new use for oatmeal. With the Increase, said the selected at the state convention in today’s sessions of the 18th Inter­ tlons, told the rally of hla con­ tion. t DONT Hershey, the director of Selec­ court, the company .will earn $445,- The bill then was sent to a Sen­ gressional constituents that the the assembly to change the con­ her rural connection ends with hero had left In the typewriter A friend of ours who recently September. A Republican nomlna- national Red Cross conference ate commission for possible revl- stitution to provide for the popu­ one fruatrated attempt to grow i^en he embarked on the Ill-fat­ had occiudon to resort to the oat­ Threw Them Away tive Service, expressed this opin­ says the Red Cross was prevented Negro voters were "sold down the / PEACE TALKS BEGIN meal treatment reports that the ion today In on editorial in the (Contlnued on Page Seven) river" by "Uncle- Toma" a t the lar election. New York. Aug. 4— (A) —. tomatoes? ed adventure had been augmented StUl pleoity of woor left la (Continued on Page Seven) from aiding Russians In German (Contlnoed on Page Seven) . Rhee has made no campiUgn Orangers alap seem to know thus; treaUnent Is moet effective. He shoes repaired hsre. publication. "Selective Service,' prt'-oner of war carjps during Democratic and Republican na­ Peace talks begta today to a* said the uninitiated might think which Is sent to the 4,000 local speeches. Since his Is the only effort to head off a threateoed i, how to enjoy life . . . what with “The/pair were 'arrested Friday World War II because the Soviet tional conventions, name and face known to the bulk their lectures, study groups, mys- In connection w ith/(a minor crime the procesa a little foolish, but draft boards over the nation. Union barred the Red Cross from "Uncle Tom" Is a phrMe of New York Ceatrol Eallroad that tha aCratcher doesn’t care SAMYULYES Under the h e a d in g ,- "Pool of tbs voters, his three opponents strike east of Buftalo, N. Xl tary rides, hot dog roasts and was mentioned) end ALONG its camps. contempt uaed mostly by Nqgroes are given little chance of vrinning. general goodfellowahip. WITH THIS REPORTER WERE how Incongruous he may appear. Shoe Repairing of the Bet­ Bhrinking, Resiirvey Faced, States The report, written by Paul for other* of thsir race whom they Agents of four railroad bretiwr* FUI the tub with about six or ter iyi"d Done While You Director," Hershey says the man­ Allied Warplanes Ruin hood* shrugged off eegorteta'. Seems to us. that'a the way to LOC3CBD IN A-CELL AT POLICE Ruegger, pr.esident of the sll- News Tidbits regard as compromisers or luke­ (Continued on Page Sevea) "IVc MORE time HEADQUARTERS BECAUSE seven Inches of wrarm water, our W alt power poo! for the draft on July-1 warm advocates of civil. rights.' queatton* nor wiMild to tk—mea enj'oy life . . . know your neighbor, totaled About 1,30(>,OQO men. Swtae committee, says that Ger- without high pressure; r OF A REASON. OF NECESSITY,: friend tells. WS. then pour, a- cup - M....MAFLB. SXKEET ihany provided -a list b f her - Ku*-' ^ .CuUfld from AP. Wirf8 . . PowcU told hta Harlem oudlenca . for,tke.railroad"aay-'anirtWffg-. of ^a oomeal stuff through an ’ ' First'Natloiial MOjOOO in 8-A ,,«;,Ws?l,.,^maybe, „,^,pext.....year Shin. pfisonarA--ir^9G, noinea .Writtsh ,'.b.*t..)'.y.b.^!f. TPnta. !IP.eflLh^e4. 5".-.-(.'ri .*,,V... Tfeiuigry. ^ .J, , Balance wi«rSe..-.!r ITouiMiblfr Hint mdlnaiy kltebstt attainer to k e^ “ The - queotlon • whl^--; “must- be- the ' sabotaging ■ bf (il'MI ‘ l i s t s ' '■ 'FORMi ^ -/0« t - -th»' -luaspa. ■SUi?. ,sisellt -dUmb ; tacea . to :*tmr . not too diBtant . f«r In pencil-;,4ateir.,.'ro fa .-cj(!N«w-teM‘.tolM::«lctozlni.'. "presage/ 'Ul--«i>dsoiiki furnish ahY'mdtie. beC6Us>e ne.nSW# ' ligh'Mhg Diuij^ ..... stride (H m^cal scfencet No,’ It's tut*;” he said; H the eoarito bf ffia the' (rotntr g- of 'a- dfrisAwM specHIC maj'or pirtlJs;’"’-: ■-ssrs-.-.i.e.-.-.-... ^sltioh inf th e '’Treasury JOly 31: ...... Just wonderful, our Itchy frieiMl "manpower which will tnevltaWy be- destroyed (ine fighter waa. sent to.. cetuen, from Kusston sttBclf On paralytic polio In man PwBpIe whb"t(t»rR or play out-’ hSt' 'tth*' of thooff mlrdcle drugs Thb Na»Y tolktrled today that I and damaged another. camps. It indicates that conditions ' 'At Chlciffd 16« WdittH he was ' Net ’ budget • t-ecelpts; • 9t68.'S22> fortoed a new cobMet, nie gov-' doors warned today that with an exotic name or a sub­ tells us. In fact, although hla needed. _ . one of Its patrol plane* fought himaeir.” says prorident of Na­ the flrat Negro delegate-at-large 089.49; budget expenditures, $534.- ermnent’s Infornaotloa burona /f Sira the COMPLETE FACILITIES FOR Score onf 1,002 MIOs are the same in North Korea, itch Is all gone, hs'a seriously con­ 500 SETS OF . The grot*? bf about 900,000 de­ off two Rosslan built MIG jet , TTila rained to 1,002 the tional Foundation for Infantile 795,946.00; cash balance, $7,925^ announced todsy. It la to ha now sidering keeping up his oatmeal lOATING, RATHING, HSHING ferred. In Class S-A- because of de­ num­ which has turned away al| Red Paralysis .... MaJ. John Elsen­ 452,218.30. fighter* over the Yellow Sea ber of MiG* destroyed, probably Obs* repreeentatlve*.,, (Continued .on Fogs Kleven) swoni la tomorrow t« replaM bath. Ha swears there’s nothing pendency, he added, "is one of the last Thursday and returned to hower Ike's son. say* hla flrst re­ Noriega’s old cobtoet, wMeli THE HRST FEW MILES THAT largest that can be made avail­ degtroyed or damaged since the f1te* Germ fTalnm like I t SEAT COVERS Its - boae In Korea. Two of it* start of the war, the air force re­ action to Korea le ”lt»* a hole,” but signed Saturday. HAVE lEEN DEVELOPED ARE able to supplement the present The committee said the sugges­ "I'm very happy where I am.” Vaoatlnas ■upply of manpower available for crew were killed and two were ported. I.jitest addi'tion to the tion for an investigation of Ctora- COMPLETELY SOLD OUT! wounded in the flgbt. list (vas a MIG damaged today by Italy lost 288,274 men In World lm|irom|itu Pilots CONDEMNS BULGABS Next .to this summer's torrid m iU t^ service. munisl charges that United Na­ Athene, Oreeoe. Aug. 4i-UPV—' , $12 95 And Up "The future policy In relation to The navy nold the plane was Capt. Harry L. Durin of Portales, tions forces have used germ wea- War II, an official governntveht D o You weather, as a subject for conver­ OB rouUne patrol over the sea N. II., In a fight between four Sa­ publication disclose* .... One of The United Nations Balkan sation when friends meet friends, INSTALLED FREE This Is Your Last Chance Peace oommleolon baa foreword- (OMttoned OB Page Two) " area west of Korea when It was bres ahd 10 MlGs. ' (Oontlniied on Page Two) Denmark’s few .Nejrroe*. Wilhelm is ths word "vacation,” and truly TO PURCHASE LAND AT CONNECTICUFS attacked by two "Chlnw, Com­ The Air Force said the flrst Sergeant Wins His Wings ed to UN beadquartrir* a re­ it haa a pIcaAsnt sound. Wetn Adolf Fterre, former nstive of Vir­ The wieckly laundry in one chore I can farm oat You too COE sovo moMV by your HNEST LAKE DEVELOPMENT munist MIO-15” flYhter*. In a wave of fighter-bomber* 'dropped gin Wands and later a millionaire port condemning the Bulgartaag star says ths word means “a peri­ running fight, the American 3,500 gallons of flaming- ga.aoline for an attack agalaat a Oroelt —Hind I. do—every week—to IDEAL Cleaners and glcmoi at Uniou Optical Co^ od for rest and recreation: a holi­ CAMPBELL ONE MILE OP WATERFRONT LOTS hotel operator In Berlin dies at 73. On First Hop in U. S. Jet patrol on Bvrot lalnod July 27. Governor Starts plane, m 200-mlle-an-hour Gylng and 183 tons of high explosives Saucer Reports Rep. ' Albert P. Moisno (R., Laundejrers. Gives me more time with the children day.” . To most of us It means AUTO SUPPLY ONE MILE OF lOULEVARD LOTS boat, wrOe damaged but was able on the headquarters area.’ Pilots Three Greek eoldlera wan.kllted. Sorvicc at UnloR Optical Is bast In "travel.” In vacation time Amer­ t» BIS8ELL 8T.>tTEL. S1S7 to limp to the west roast; of then sprayed the area with 15,000 Conn. I scheduled to confer today and fta economical—easy, too, I simply call 5838. icana take to planes, trains, buses, MAN0HE8IEB ONE MILE OF LOTS IN A VIRGIN^ FOREST Jail Brfeak Probe Korea where It received spot re­ round* of 50 caliber and 20 milli­ Are Diseoiifiled with Elsenhower st Denver, Colo., With U. S. Fifth Air Foice.'fcyftcran serial rcconn'aisaance beats and automobiles to relax, re- pairs before proceeding to Iwn- meter ammunition. according to a spokesman at Korea, Aug. 4 (>T) A hltch-hlk-j pilot from Avenel, N. J. Why don’t yon call IDEAL next time—for laun­ Greenwich, (/kmn. . Vlce-Adm. Ing A(r Force master sergeant on All I Knew Was Montpelier, Vt.. Aug. 4 —(F)-; kuBl In Japan. This flrst strike of .190 sorties Washington. Aug.. 4- (tPl—An C. Turner Joy, veteran of Pacific dry or dry cleaning? A l lota orn rnasonobly , ^ Gov. Lee E. Emerson eoid he will Air Force general and a phycho- his first jet plane ride recently They were buzzing along at Merchants' Day AM woili doiM at Uniou Optical Co. b reported destruction of 39 build­ fighting and Korean peace talk*, 500 miles an hour at 37,000 feet conduct an Investigation Into Seoul, Korea, A ug.'4—(Ah—The ings, one/anti-aircraft giih and logy professor both discounted found himself piloting the swift priced sterfing ei low 08 fying saucer reports, but the na­ become* 87lh superintendent of two-seat craft. Then he flew the up when MacDuff asked Hilt to "all aapecta" of the escape of two U. S. FUth Air Force said UN four machine • guns. . The Air U. 8. Naval Academy. hold the auxiliary control stick In Mnachestor *torea. Including ,1 0 % „ state prison convicts believed to fighter-bomber* atruck In two Force said 12 building* were dam­ tion’s capital still buzzed with ship for nearly 30 miniites after THE OFFICE OF SERVICES Federal C^rmmunlcatlons Com‘ the engine failed. the rear' seat while the pilot chain food storeo, but axictadlag Caah and Carry Green Stamps LOOK AT ALL THE OTHER LAKES AROUND ■ be Involved In the bludgeon death massive waves to<}sy st s key aged and many Are* atarted. them over the weekend. ’ Como In mi bovn M r.' of a Springfield housewife. There waa no report on the re­ t h e Rev. Edwsrd B. 'Lewi* of mission catches up with Long The sergeant had to take over worked a navigational problem. liquor and drug etores, wUI lo- That Interpret The Wishes THEN COME TO AMSTON AND COMPARE North Korean military headquar­ - "All. I.' knew was that If you Rudn elooed all day Wodnooday ’^Emerson said yesterday he had ters .qeor the Red capital of Pyong­ sults of the second raid...... - Wwahtogtan’-* Union Methddlst Beach, Gollf,, man who haa been, 4he controU of ,th.e_ X-35. let,-When yowr d o n cs fmo of DR, JOHJJ PRIGNANO t h e DtFFEBENCE broadcaatlng jazz-records oa same the-pilot passed out from lack of push forward on the idick, you go to ohOervoaea of MerebeaW - 4 H Tlw Fantlly --h:::rr„'EASY m o n t h l y t e e b is - - v conferred -wlth PUbUc "' Safety yang and left it a flaming wreck' The Air Force said No. '>1,001 Church drew a moral from It 'all. | 4 ------...... - frequency with a New York sta- oxygen. thdded forward outlBgs or pleoleo a t ' vorteo* a e m n e r e FROM AUG. 8 TO Fitchburg, Moaa. sorties. The first wave struck at jets and seven Red fighter* over saucers’ that demands that; people of titles of Bey and Pasha. the pilot regained consclousneaa, occoaionally as if he were check­ recreation epoto. Union f X NINOAl HOMi ' Hie pair was captured Satur­ noon and the aecond In the after­ North Korea today. look up and study some of the won New Zealand’s government, fac­ M/8gt. Charles E. Hilt, 31. o( ing his map. Then it bobbed back ReaideBto who hnd tolMded day shortly after Mrs. Elizabeth noon. TTie thousandth In the triple ders of nature. ing financial deficit overseas Parker, Fla., '*hever had .been In a as If he were looking up to check to shop Wednetdny nawrotog AUG. 18 87 EM t Osatsr S t VaL 8888 AMSTON LAKE CO. “If we can get excited about orders Imports 'cut to hope in jet until he Tiltch-hlked a ride Inatrumenta. Hilt' didn’t realise will bo for«ed to rovtoo tfeolr TEL. 2-S128 n ' AMSTON, CONN. Weatherup. 54, waa totally beaten The Air Force said U. S. Sabre category waa the one shot down S I 4 MAIM STREET S I 3 I 641 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER AMBULANCE SBBTi CE jet pilots Intercepted elements of order affecting woolen. goods. from Korea to Japan in the T-33 «■ K Se Two), 83 l«ii^siaa/.made M l^ l5 jet flght- (CoBttoued on Page ^ v e a ) XObnUaued oa Fog* Two) hoetery and America^ autooMblles flown ^ Lt. Robert W. MacDuff, (Oonttoued oa Fogs Twa]^ '"■I ' I . ■ ■ n "I " 3 ^ r " 7