The von Karman Sodium experiment: Turbulent dynamical dynamos Romain Monchaux, Michaël Berhanu, Sébastien Aumaître, Arnaud Chiffaudel, François Daviaud, Bérengère Dubrulle, Florent Ravelet, Stéphan Fauve, Nicolas Mordant, François Pétrélis, et al.

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Romain Monchaux, Michaël Berhanu, Sébastien Aumaître, Arnaud Chiffaudel, François Daviaud, et al.. The von Karman Sodium experiment: Turbulent dynamical dynamos. Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics, 2010, 21 (3), pp.035108. ￿10.1063/1.3085724￿. ￿hal-00492266￿

HAL Id: hal-00492266 Submitted on 15 Jun 2010

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The von Kármán Sodium experiment: Turbulent dynamical dynamos Romain Monchaux,1 Michael Berhanu,2 Sébastien Aumaître,1 Arnaud Chiffaudel,1 François Daviaud,1 Bérengère Dubrulle,1 Florent Ravelet,1 Stephan Fauve,2 Nicolas Mordant,2 François Pétrélis,2 Mickael Bourgoin,3 Philippe Odier,3 Jean-François Pinton,3 Nicolas Plihon,3 and Romain Volk3 1CEA, IRAMIS, Service de Physique de l’Etat Condensé, CNRS URA 2464, CEA Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France 2Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, CNRS and École Normale Supérieure, 24 rue Lhomond, F-75005 Paris, France 3Laboratoire de Physique de l’École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, CNRS and Université de Lyon, F-69364 Lyon, France ͑Received 7 July 2008; accepted 19 January 2009; published online 30 March 2009; publisher error corrected 2 April 2009͒ The von Kármán Sodium ͑VKS͒ experiment studies dynamo action in the flow generated inside a cylinder filled with liquid sodium by the rotation of coaxial impellers ͑the von Kármán geometry͒. We first report observations related to the self-generation of a stationary dynamo when the flow forcing is ␲-symmetric, i.e., when the impellers rotate in opposite directions at equal angular velocities.R The bifurcation is found to be supercritical with a neutral mode whose geometry is predominantly axisymmetric. We then report the different dynamical dynamo regimes observed when the flow forcing is not symmetric, including magnetic field reversals. We finally show that these dynamics display characteristic features of low dimensional dynamical systems despite the high degree of turbulence in the flow. © 2009 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.3085724͔

I. INTRODUCTION Roberts’ scheme11 and again the dynamo onset and magnetic A. Experimental dynamos field characteristics have been accurately predicted numerically.12–15 1 Although it was almost a century ago that Larmor pro- The approach adopted in the von Kármán Sodium ͑VKS͒ posed that a magnetic field could be self-sustained by the 2 experiments builds up on the above results. In order to access motions of an electrically conducting fluid, the experimental various dynamical regimes above dynamo onset,16–18 it uses demonstrations of this principle are quite recent. Using solid less constrained flow generators but keeps helicity and dif- rotor motions, Lowes and Wilkinson realized the first ͑nearly 3 ferential rotation as the main ingredients for the generation homogeneous experimental dynamo in 1963; a subcritical 19,20 ͒ of magnetic field. It does not rely on analytical predic- bifurcation to a stationary magnetic field was generated and tions from model flows, although, as discussed later, many of oscillations were later observed in an improved setup in its magnetohydrodynamics ͑MHD͒ features have been dis- which the angle between the rotors could be adjusted.4 In this cussed using kinematic or direct simulations of model situa- experiment, the main induction source lies in the axial dif- tions. In the first versions of VKS experiment—VKS1, be- ferential rotation between the rotor and the stationary soft tween 2000 and 2002 and VKS2, between 2005 and July iron. Observations of fluid dynamos, however, did not occur before 2000 with the Riga and Karlsruhe experiments. In 2006—all materials used had the same magnetic permeabil- Riga, the dynamo is generated by the screw motion of liquid ity ͑␮r Ӎ1͒. However none of these configurations suc- sodium. The flow is a helicoidal jet confined within a bath of ceeded in providing dynamo action: the present paper ana- liquid sodium at rest.5 The induction processes are the dif- lyzes dynamo regimes observed in the VKS2 setup when the ferential rotation and the shear associated with the screw liquid sodium is stirred with pure soft-iron impellers ͑␮r motion at the lateral boundary. The dynamo field has a heli- ϳ100͒. Although the VKS2 dynamo is therefore not fully cal geometry and is time periodic. The bifurcation threshold homogeneous, it involves fluid motions that are much more and geometry of the neutral mode trace back to Ponomaren- fluctuating than in previous experiments. The role of the fer- ko’s analytical study6 and have been computed accurately romagnetic impellers is at present not fully understood, but is with model velocity profiles7 or from Reynolds-averaged thoroughly discussed in the text. Navier–Stokes numerical simulations.8,9 The Karlsruhe Below, we will first describe the experimental setup and dynamo10 is based on scale separation, the flow being gen- flow features. We then describe and discuss in detail in Sec. erated by motions of liquid sodium in an array of screw II our observations of the dynamo generated when the im- generators with like-sign helicity. The magnetic field at onset pellers that drive the flow are in exact counter-rotation. In is stationary and its large scale component is transverse to this case the self-sustained magnetic field is statistically sta- the axis of the flow generators. The arrangement follows tionary in time. We describe in Sec. III the dynamical re-

1070-6631/2009/21͑3͒/035108/21/$25.0021, 035108-1 © 2009 American Institute of Physics

Downloaded 20 May 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 035108-2 Monchaux et al. Phys. Fluids 21, 035108 ͑2009͒ gimes observed for asymmetric forcing conditions, i.e., when Oil cooling circulation the impeller rotation rates differ. Concluding remarks are P1 given in Sec. IV. P2

z B. The VKS experiment P3 P4 155 0.75

The VKS experiment studies MHD in a sodium flow y x generated inside a cylinder by counter-rotation of impellers R 1.00 located near the end plates. This flow has two main charac- 206 teristics which have motivated its choice. First, its time- 5 78 averaged velocity field has both helicity and differential ro- Na at rest 0.4 tation, as measured in Refs. 21–23, two features that have 2 41 long been believed to favor dynamo action. Second, the von 40 61 185 0.90 0.30 Kármán geometry generates a very intense turbulence in a 16 24–31 r θ compact volume of space. x P The topology of the time-averaged velocity field has re- z ceived much attention because it is similar to the s2t2 flow 32 y x considered in a sphere by Dudley and James. This topology 1 2 generates a stationary kinematic dynamo33–35 whose main component is a dipole perpendicular to the rotation axis ͑an z “m=1” mode in cylindrical coordinates . The threshold, in 3 4 ͒ y x magnetic Reynolds number, for kinematic dynamo genera- 5 tion is very sensitive to details of the mean flow such as the poloidal to toroidal velocity ratio,33–35 the electrical bound- ary conditions,34–38 or the details of the velocity profile near the impellers.38 Specific choices in the actual flow configu- ration have been based on a careful optimization of the ki- 22,35 nematic dynamo capacity of the VKS mean flow. The FIG. 1. ͑Color online͒ Experimental setup. Note the curved impellers, the above numerical studies do not take into account the fully inner copper cylinder which separates the flow volume from the blanket of developed turbulence of the von Kármán flows, for which surrounding sodium, and the thin annulus in the midplane. Also shown are the holes through which the 3D Hall probes are inserted into the copper velocity fluctuations can be on the order of the mean. In vessel for magnetic measurements. Location in ͑r/R,␪,x/R͒ coordinates actual laboratory conditions the magnetic Prandtl number of of available measurement points: P1͑1,␲/2,0͒, P2͑1,␲/2,0.53͒, −5 the fluid is very small ͑about 10 for sodium͒ so that the P3͑0.25,␲/2,−0.53͒, P4͑0.25,␲/2,0.53͒, and P5͑1,␲,0͒͑see Table I for details concerning available measurements in different experimental runs͒. kinetic Reynolds number must be indeed huge in order to When referring to the coordinates of magnetic field vector B measured in generate even moderate magnetic Reynolds numbers. A fully the experiment at these different points, we will use either the Cartesian realistic numerical treatment of the von Kármán flows is out projection ͑Bx ,By ,Bx͒ on the frame ͑x,y,z͒ or the cylindrical projection of reach. The influence of turbulence on the dynamo onset ͑Br ,B␪ ,Bx͒ on the frame ͑r,␪,x͒͑B␪ =−By and Br =Bz for measurements at 39–41 points P1, P2, and P3͒. We will use in figures the following color code for has thus been studied using model behaviors or numeri- the magnetic field components: axial ͑x͒ in blue, azimuthal ͑y͒ in red, and 42–44 cal simulations in the related Taylor–Green ͑TG͒ flow. radial ͑z͒ in green. These fluctuations may have an ambivalent contribution. On the one hand, they may increase the dynamo threshold com- pared to estimates based on kinematic dynamo action but, on erated in spherical vessels with a diameter ranging from 30 the other hand, they could also favor the dynamo process. In cm to 1 m. Changes in Ohmic decay times using externally particular, TG simulations have shown that the threshold for pulsed magnetic fields in Maryland have again suggested that the dynamo onset may significantly depend on fine de- dynamo action may be increased when turbulent fluctuations 52,53 develop over a well-defined mean flow,45–47 but that it satu- tails of the flow generation. Analysis of induction mea- rates to a finite value for large kinetic Reynolds numbers. surements, i.e., fields generated when an external magnetic Initial simulations of homogeneous isotropic random field is applied in Madison have shown that turbulent fluc- flows48,49 have suggested a possible runaway behavior, al- tuations can induce an axial dipole and have suggested that a bifurcation to a transverse dipole may proceed via an on-off though a saturation of the threshold has been observed in the 55,57,58 50 scenario, as observed also in the Bullard–von Kármán most recent simulations. Finally, we note that many dy- 59 namo models used in astrophysics actually rely on the experiment. turbulence-induced processes. We will argue here that the C. Setup details VKS dynamo generated when the impellers are counter- rotated at equal rates is a dynamo of the ␣-␻ type. In the VKS2 experiment, the flow cell is enclosed within Similar s2t2 geometries are being explored in experi- a layer of sodium at rest ͑Fig. 1͒. The flow is generated by ments operated by Lathrop and co-workers51–53 at University rotating two impellers with radius of 154.5 mm, 371 mm of Maryland College Park and by Forest and co-workers54–56 apart in a thin cylindrical copper vessel, 2R=412 mm in at University of Wisconsin, Madison. Sodium flows are gen- inner diameter, and 524 mm in length. The impellers are

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fitted with eight curved blades with height of h=41.2 mm; shown that the structure of the sodium flow behind the driv- in most experimental runs, the impellers are rotated so as the ing impellers may lead to an increase in the dynamo thresh- blades move in a “nonscooping” direction, defined as the old ranging from 12% to 150%;38 using iron impellers may positive direction by arrows in Fig. 1. The impellers are protect induction effects in the bulk of the flow from effects driven up to typically 27 Hz by motors with 300 kW avail- occurring behind the impellers. As described in detail below, able power. this last modification allows dynamo threshold to be crossed. When both impellers rotate at the same frequency F1 We will further discuss the influence of the magnetization of =F2, the complete system is symmetric with respect to any the impellers on its onset. rotation of ␲ around any radial axis in its equatorial Magnetic measurements are performed using three- R␲ plane ͑x=0͒. Otherwise, when F1 #F2, the system is not dimensional ͑3D͒ Hall probes and recorded with a National -symmetric anymore. For simplicity, we will also refer to Instruments PXI digitizer. We use both a single-point ͑three R␲ symmetric/asymmetric system or forcing. components͒ Bell probe ͑hereafter labeled G probe͒ con- The kinetic and magnetic Reynolds numbers are nected to its associated gaussmeter and a custom-made array where the 3D magnetic field is sampled at ten locations Re = K2␲R2F/␯ along a line ͑hereafter called SM array͒, every 28 mm. The and array is made from Sentron 2SA-1M Hall sensors and is air cooled to keep the sensors’ between 35 and R = K␮ ␴2␲R2F, m 0 45 °C. For both probes, the dynamical range is 70 dB, with where F=͑F1 +F2͒/2, ␯ is the kinematic viscosity of sodium, an ac cutoff at 400 Hz for the gaussmeter and 1 kHz for the ␮0 is the magnetic permeability of vacuum, ␴ is the electrical custom-made array; signals have been sampled at rates be- conductivity of sodium, and K=0.6 is a coefficient that mea- tween 1 and 5 kHz. sures the efficiency of the impellers for exact counter- During runs, we have also recorded other more global 21–23,35 28,62 rotation F1 =F2 =F. Re can be increased up to 5 data such as torque/power measurements: 6 ϫ10 , and the corresponding maximum magnetic Reynolds ͑a͒ The temperature of sodium in the vessel. This is impor- number is Rm =49 ͑at 120 °C͒. These definitions of Re and tant because the electrical conductivity ␴ of sodium R apply to both -symmetric and asymmetric forcings, m R␲ varies in the temperature range of our experiments. In but the K-prefactor correctly incorporates the efficiency of addition, it gives an alternate way of varying the mag- the forcing only in the symmetric case. Reynolds numbers netic Reynolds number: one may operate at varying may also be constructed either on F1 and F2, e.g., Rm,i speed or varying temperature. We have used =K␮ ␴2␲R2F . All these definitions collapse for exact 0 i 8 −1 counter-rotating, i.e., -symmetric regimes. ␴͑T͒ = 10 /͑6.225 + 0.0345T͒ Sm ͑1͒ R␲ The flow is surrounded by sodium at rest contained in for T෈͓100,200͔ °C. another concentric cylindrical copper vessel, 578 mm in in- ͑b͒ The torque delivered by the electrical supply of the ner diameter and 604 mm long. An oil circulation in this driving motors. It is estimated from outputs of the thick copper vessel maintains a regulated temperature in the UMV4301 Leroy-Sommer generators, which provide range of 110–160 °C. Note that there are small connections an image of the torque fed to the motors and of their between the inner sodium volume and the outer sodium layer velocity ͑regulated during the runs͒. We stress that this ͑in order to be able to empty the vessel͒ so that the outer is an industrial indicator—not calibrated against layer of sodium may be moving; however, given its strong independent/reference torque measurements. shielding from the driving impellers, we expect its motion to be weak compared to that in the inner volume. Altogether the net volume of sodium in the vessel is 150 l—more details are II. DYNAMO GENERATION, SYMMETRIC DRIVING given in Fig. 1. F1 =F2 In the midplane between the impellers, one can attach a A. Self-generation thin annulus—inner diameter of 350 mm and thickness of 5 mm. Its use has been motivated by observations in water On September 19th, 2006, we observed the first evidence experiments,21–23,35 showing that its effect on the mean flow of dynamo generation in the VKS experiment.16 The flow is to make the midplane shear layer steadier and sharper. All was operated with the thin annulus inserted and the magnetic experiments described here are made with this annulus at- field was recorded in the midplane using the G-probe located tached; in some cases we will mention the results of experi- flush with the inner cylinder ͑location P1 in Fig. 1͒. ments made without it in order to emphasize its contribution. As the rotation rate of the impeller F=F1 =F2 is in- Finally, one important feature of the VKS2 experiment creased from 10 to 22 Hz, the magnetic field recorded by the described here is that the impellers that generate the flow probe develops strong fluctuations and its main component have been machined from pure soft iron ͑␮r ϳ100͒. One ͑in the azimuthal direction at the probe location͒ grows and motivation is that self-generation has not been previously saturates to a mean value of about 40 G, as shown in Fig. observed for identical geometries and stainless steel impel- 2͑a͒. This value is about 100 times larger than the ambient lers. Several studies have indeed shown that changing the magnetic field in the experimental hall, from which the flow magnetic boundary conditions can change the threshold for volume is not shielded. The hundred-fold increase is also one dynamo onset.60,61 In addition, kinematic simulations have order of magnitude larger that the induction effects and field

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20 60 B x B 0 y 40 B z ]

G −20 20 [ i B [G]

−40 θ 0 B

−60 −20 ] z 20 10 20 30 40 H

[ −40 15 F 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 −60 (a) time[s] 20 25 30 35 40 45 100 100 R (a) m 50 50 200 0 0 B [G] B [G] −50 −50 −100 −100 150 (b) 0 20 time [s] 40 60 0 20 time [s] 40 60 [G]

1/2 100 FIG. 2. ͑Color online͒ Three components of the magnetic field generated by > 2 dynamo action at F1 =F2 measured at point P1 in the experiment VKS2g. ͑a͒

Downloaded 20 May 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 035108-5 The VKS experiment: Turbulent dynamical dynamos Phys. Fluids 21, 035108 ͑2009͒

100 B 0 θ1 B θ5 80 [G]

θ −50 ]

60 B G [ θ

B 40 −100 160 170 180 190 20 time [s] (a) 0 1 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 44.8

c ) 40.7

R −R ,5

m m θ 36.8

,B 35.6

,1 33.5 FIG. 4. ͑Color online͒ Bifurcation diagrams measured for the azimuthal θ 0.5 component at P1 in VKS2h. The curve with closed blue circles is built when 31.6 29.8 increasing F with demagnetized impellers and crossing the dynamo thresh- 28.1

old for the first time. Successive cycles in Rm across the bifurcation thresh- Xcorr(B old all lie on the curve with open red square symbols. 0 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 (b) τ [s]

shown in Fig. 4. The ͑circles/blue͒ curve is obtained when FIG. 5. ͑Color online͒ Magnetic field measured at points P1 and P5 in starting the experiment from demagnetized impellers and the VKS2h: ͑a͒ Time traces of the azimuthal magnetic field components. ͑b͒ bifurcation is crossed for the first time. The ͑squares/red͒ Cross correlation function of the two signals for increasing magnetic Rey- nolds numbers in the range of 28–45. curve is obtained for further successive variations in the magnetic Reynolds number below and above the onset. As shown in Ref. 64, the rounding off of the bifurcation curve 22,35 can be explained in a minimal model for which the magne- =0.5. In fact, Ravelet and co-workers showed that for the ␰ tization is coupled to a supercritical bifurcation. Other effects VKS2 configuration, =0.8 is optimal for kinematic dy- ␰ that could be a priori associated with the ferromagnetism of namo, while =0.5 does not support kinematic dynamo ac- the driving impellers have not been observed. For instance, tion at all. One may suppose that this ratio has an effect on after the bifurcation has been crossed for the first time, we the fully turbulent dynamo action. Furthermore, strong large have not detected any hysteretic behavior of the dynamo scale fluctuations of the flow may hinder dynamo action. Such quantities can be evaluated using the ratio ␦͑t͒ of the onset, and the smooth continuous increase in the field with 31 c instantaneous to the time-averaged kinetic densities. ͑Rm −Rm͒ is at odds with the behavior of solid rotor 3,4 Ϫ dynamos. Disk dynamos with imposed velocity would also Within the four considered flows, the ͑ w/o͒ flow presents saturate to a value directly fixed by the maximum available the highest level for both the mean value and the variance of ␦ t ,31 respectively, 10% and 33% more than the dynamo- mechanical power, in contrast to our observations ͑cf. Sec. ͑ ͒ generating flow that fluctuates most +w o . II E͒. ͑ / ͒ One last observation strongly ties the self-generated C. Geometry of the dynamo field magnetic field with the hydrodynamics of the flow. Features of the flow ͑mean geometry and fluctuations͒ can be changed A central issue is the structure of the magnetic field when the driving impellers are counter-rotated in either di- which is self-sustained above threshold. In order to address rection ͑labeled + or Ϫ͒, or the thin annulus may be inserted it, we have inserted probes and probe arrays at several loca- or not in the midplane ͑called the w and w/o tions within the sodium flow ͑cf. Fig. 1͒. Due to our limited configurations͒.22,23,31 Bifurcation curves for the +w and −w sampling in space, we do not fully map the neutral mode; we cases are shown in Fig. 3͑b͒. When the blades of the impel- only obtain indications of its topology. We describe them in lers are rotated in “scooping” ͑Ϫ͒ or nonscooping ͑+͒ direc- detail in this section; measurements reported concern the +w tions, we note that the dynamo threshold is changed from flow case. F=16 Hz in the +w case to F=18 Hz in the −w/o case, with In VKS2h runs, simultaneous measurements at points P1 corresponding power consumption changing from 40 to 150 and P5 were performed so that the field is sampled in the kW. Taking into account the change in the efficiency with midplane at two locations flush with the inner copper cylin- which the fluid is set into motion, the threshold varies from der and at a ␲/2 angle. As can be observed in the time c c Rm =32 to Rm ϳ43 in terms of the integral magnetic Rey- signals shown in Fig. 5͑a͒, the azimuthal components of the nolds number. For the +w/o case ͑not shown͒, the onset is magnetic fields at these two points vary synchronously. The c again Rm ϳ30. However, for the Ϫw/o case we have reached maximum of the autocorrelation function ͓Fig. 5͑b͔͒ occurs Rm ϳ49 without observing any dynamo generation. At this for a zero time lag; its value is less than 0.2 below the dy- stage a detailed comparison of the hydrodynamics and MHD namo onset, jumps to 0.5 at the threshold, and saturates to of the four ͑+,−,w,w /o͒ flows is not available, but a water values around 0.7 for Rm values above 36. prototype allows us to measure the ratio ␰ of the mean po- In Fig. 5͑b͒, we have plotted times in seconds and ob- loidal velocity to the mean toroidal velocity.21–23,34,35 For all serve that all the curves above the dynamo onset almost - flows, we get ␰=0.8 except for the ͑Ϫw/o͒ flow where ␰ lapse. This behavior persists if time is made nondimensional

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300 300 0.6 28.1 29.8 200 200 31.6

) 33.5 1 0.4 100 100 θ 36.8

,B 40.7 Z 0 Z 0 x1 43.8

B 0.2 ( 44.9 −100 −100

Xcorr 0 −200 −200

−300 −300 −0.2 −300 −200 −100 0 100 200 300 −300 −200 −100 0 100 200 300 Y X −20 −10 0 10 20 (a)r (b) Ω⋅τ x θ FIG. 6. ͑Color online͒ Cross correlation function of the axial component and azimuthal component of the field measured inside the flow for increasing magnetic Reynolds numbers in the range of 28–45. Measurements are done at point P1 in VKS2h.

(c) using the diffusion time ␮ ␴R2 but does not persist when FIG. 8. ͑Color online͒ Geometry of the dynamo mode. The magnetic field 0 amplitudes measured along the probe array in Fig. 7 is represented by ar- using the impeller rotation rate F ͑not shown͒. This shows rows: ͑a͒ toroidal component, ͑b͒ poloidal component, and ͑c͒ proposed that the dynamics is linked to a global magnetic mode rather dipole structure for the neutral mode. than controlled by hydrodynamic processes. Another obser- vation is that there is also a strong correlation between the axial and azimuthal components of the magnetic field at a given location. Figure 6 shows that its maximum exceeds 0.5 presence of the Earth’s field͒ have the same geometry: the favored dynamo mode is the most efficient with respect to at all Rm, and that it occurs for a time delay increasing with induction. Rm. In VKS2i runs, the Hall-probe array was set within the The combined results of the two sets of experiments are bulk of the flow, nearer to one impeller—point P3. For sev- shown in Figs. 8͑a͒ and 8͑b͒—the toroidal and poloidal com- ponents are displayed and axisymmetry is assumed. The sim- eral values above onset ͑Rm =33.9,35.8,41.4͒, we observe in Fig. 7 that the normalized field profiles along the array nicely plest geometry of the magnetic field corresponds to an axi- superimpose. Near the rotation axis, the main component is symmetric field whose axial component has one direction at axial; further away the azimuthal component dominates. the center of the cylinder and a reversed direction outside, Outside of the flow volume ͑beyond the inner copper cylin- together with a strong azimuthal component—sketched in der͒ the axial component direction is opposite to that in the Fig. 8͑c͒. The dynamo field generated in the VKS2 experi- center. In the same experiment, the single-point probe was ment thus involves a strong axial dipolar component. The set nearer to the other impeller ͑symmetrically with respect determination of its precise geometry ͑associated higher to the midplane, and close to the rotation axis, point P4͒. The modes and their relative amplitudes͒ needs more precise field measured there is mainly axial with the same direction measurements. However, it strongly differs from the predic- as at P3. Below threshold, the induction profiles ͑due to the tion of kinematic calculations based on the topology of the mean von Kármán flow35,36 which tends to favor a transverse dipole. Invoking Cowling’s theorem,2 the axisymmetric na- ture of the dynamo fields implies that it has not been gener- ated by the mean flow motions alone. However, an axial 1.0 B x Sodium dipole is expected for an ␣-␻ dynamo. The differential rota- at rest

>) tion in von Kármán flows can generate an azimuthal field θ B 0.5 θ from a large scale axial field by torsion of the field lines—the ␻ effect.65 If an ␣ effect takes place, it can produce an azi- / max (

| r 0.0 and, in turn, this current will generate an axial magnetic

−0.3 field. One then has a dynamo loop-back cycle that can sus- 51 79 107 135 163 191 219 247 275 303 tain an axial dipole. For the ␣ component, several mecha- r [mm] nisms have been proposed. For an axisymmetric mean flow, it has been shown that nonaxisymmetric fluctuations can FIG. 7. ͑Color online͒ Radial profiles of magnetic field. VKS2i measure- ments with the probe array inserted at P3. Measurements for +w flows at generate such an alpha effect provided that they have no 66 Rm =33.9,35.8,41.4, above the dynamo onset. The magnetic field compo- mirror symmetry. A scenario was proposed in Ref. 64 using nents are normalized by the largest value of the ␪-component ͑azimuthal the helicity of the flow ejected by the blades of the driving direction͒: axial ͑x͒ is blue, azimuthal ͑␪͒ is red, and radial ͑r͒ is green. The impellers—this flow is nonaxisymmetric with azimuthal thick vertical line around the seventh sensor ͑rϳ211 mm͒ indicates the position of the inner copper shell; the tenth sensor at r=303 mm is located wavenumber m=8, helical, and of much larger amplitude into the outer copper wall of the vessel. and coherence than small scale turbulent fluctuations. In this

Downloaded 20 May 2009 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 035108-7 The VKS experiment: Turbulent dynamical dynamos Phys. Fluids 21, 035108 ͑2009͒ case, an azimuthal loop of magnetic field crosses an array of 150 like-sign helical motions that can induce an azimuthal 20,67–69

current. Numerical integration of the mean field induc- 1/2 ) 100 tion equation with an ␣ effect localized in the vicinity of the ρν /

70 2 impellers recently displayed the generation of an axial R σ magnetic field. The authors of this study thus claim to show 50 agreement with the scenario proposed in Ref. 64. In mean ( field theory,2,71 the most common source of ␣ effect come from the small scale helicity of turbulence. However, the 0 (a) 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 distribution of helicity in 3D turbulence remains a challeng- 0.4 ing question and measurements in model helical flows72,73

have failed to show evidence for this kind of contribution. As 1/2 0.3 ) ρ shown by induction measurements in Refs. 72 and 73, an- / 2 other possible contribution to the ␣ effect lies in the spatial R σ 0.2 0 inhomogeneity of the turbulence intensity. As shown in Ref. µ > 2 74, there is a contribution to the mean-field alpha tensor 0.1 coming from the inhomogeneity of turbulent fluctuations, (