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The BG News January 26, 2000

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 26, 2000" (2000). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6593.

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CRAIG GIFFORI) UAO is hopeful that it will bene- STAKK WRIIt.R fit from the early sell-out and that future shows will be just as popular. When four of the cast members "This just proves, if we bring from the hit TV show "Real World" something students can relate to and come to the University Thursday, have heard of, they will come," they will be greeted by a sold-out Englcman said. "It is just too bad we Kobackcr Auditorium. don't have a place like the ballroom The event sold out Monday night, to use. It would have been a nice the day the tickets went on sale. place to put double the people." This quick sell-out shocked UAO. Vogle agreed. 'This is great! which was very excited about the This is obviously something siu popularity the event received. dents want, and shows that we do "It was a great surprise," said need places like the Union ballroom, Allison Vogle, coordinator of the because there are things the students event. "'I was really shocked." care about and have fun watching." According to Vogle. tickets sold "As concert director, this gives out at 8 p.m Monday. me hope to know that students turn "There were people waiting at out in large numbers for the right line at 7:15 on Monday morning event.'" Engleman said. when I took the tickets into the Besides the UAO. dance Olscamp information desk." Vogle marathon is also very excited and said. will benefit by the quick sell-out. "I expected this to sell out. I just thought it would be a day later."" said Some of the proceeds from the event An early morning fire at Seton Hall University dorm in South Orange, NJ, killed three students last Wednesday, Jan. 19. Many of the Brian Engelman, UAO concert will be going to support dance students said they didn't take it seriously because of a string of false alarms. director. marathon. "This was just so fast." Vogle "Everyone from our steering said. "Even the people at the front committee is totally excited."' Dag- desk said that 500 would be sold by gertt said, "this is something that no Thursday and the rest would be sold one fathomed." False alarms endanger students' safety at the door " Dance Marathon will also benefit Engelman agreed. from having a table jusi outside the "It's definitely a nice feeling to STEEANIES17.EMORK ously then they should take it seri- straight to us." he said. "I think the Emily Roach, Chapman Hall know that it was a sell-out." doors of the Kobacker Auditorium. SUM WHITER ously." she said. "I think that if the University does a very good job in Director, said that during fire alarms "I stopped by the information "Dance Marathon will be on peo- fire department showed up every fire safety overall." no one checks all the rooms to make desk to see if any ticket.-, had been ple's minds before they go in." Dag- lime students would take the alarms sure students have evacuated. Since the first day of classes m Some students do not agree. sold, and the lady told me that it was gertt said. more seriously." August. Bowling Green has had 15 Alan Rickard. freshman, market- "We could key into the rooms, sold out. I was shocked." Engelman The "Real World" will be receiv- false fire alarms and students arc Stephen Meredith, captain of the ing lives in Ashley and does not but at this point we do not." she said. said. ing Dance Marathon T-shirts, which having a hard time taking any of Bowling Green Fire Department. believe that the University always "Students who chose not to evacuate '"I am not really surprised, according to Daggertt. it is hoped because, in Bowling Green when them seriously. has been with the department for 18 takes fire safety seriously. are putting themselves and others in that one of them will be worn by a years and believes students need to danger. We always suggest that stu- something big comes, students will Christine Adamson. freshman, "We had three false alarms in cast member stop pulling alarms. three days. By day three I do not dents follow the guidelines we give go," said Erika Daggertt. Dance hospitality management, has lived in "UAO is putting this together. "This is a very serious issue and even think the RA's were taking the them because they are for their own Marathon public relations director, Bromficld all year. They have expe- Dance Marathon is benefitting. rienced a few false alarms and students need to stop messing with alarms seriously," Rickard said. " I safety." which will be receiving some of the proceeds. which is awesome." Daggertt said. Adamson thinks that most people do the alarms." he said. "Alarms are think the University needs to do a John Curlis, fire safety officer for not take fire alarms seriously. life-threatening and should not ever better job on educating students and the department of environmental "I never took them seriously until be considered a joke." RA's on fire safety procedures." health and safety, suggests that stu- all the recent fires, but I do not even In contrast to comments from Rickard admits that during one dents pay attention to people hang- think that the University or city University officials. Meredith said alarm he failed to evacuate the ing around the fire alarms. takes them seriously." she said. that when alarms go off on campus building because he slept through "Someone knows who is pulling lowan brings Adamson believes that the fire the fire department is not automati- the entire event. these false alarms. Students need to department should show up every cally notified. "It scares me that no one even be aware and maybe we can reduce time the fire alarm goes off. "in most cases the University knew that I was in my room." he the number and danger of false technology expertise "If they want us to take it seri- calls us. but the alarm does not come said. alarms," Curlis said. to provost position

JEN LULEY Religious organizations offer students diversity STAFF WRITER Beginning in May. John W. Folkins, associate provost for under- "Have you ever noticed all the Warner feels it's important to be nity to remind each other of our reli- SARA GRAZIANO graduate education at the University STAKE WRITER bacon bits scattered over the salad available for both Christian and non- gious obligations, and help each of Iowa, will become BGSU's bar'" Christian students, but he doesn't other fulfill them." provost/vice president of academic Hillel member Solomon Davidoff exert pressure on non-Christian stu- Hillel member Adam Jecovy • Because of this scarcity of mem- affairs. said. "There's a stereotype that Jew- dents to convert to Christianity. said, "Hillel offers both social *bers of minority religious groups, it "I'm very pleased and very excit- ""What I try to do is not pressure opportunities and a chance to remain -can be difficult to find religious ish people have horns. I've been ed to be coming to Bowling Green." asked four times on this campus people, but just provide a safe place religious at school. It's nice that I * resources in Bowling Green. Folkins said. whether I have horns, once by a fac- for students to be themselves," can receive this support." "Not only are we the only Jewish University President Sidney ulty member. One person even Warner said. "Once I had class during the high resource at BGSU, we're the only Ribeau announced the decision insisted on feeling my head." Whatever religious organization holidays and I was unsure about one in the community of Bowling Monday evening after months of "Where I've run into anti-Semi- a student joins, there arc advantages whether I could skip class" said fel- Green." said Jessica Levy, Hillel searching for the best candidate. to staying religious at school. low Hillel member Yifat Russ. "Hil- president. "We help students with tism on campus. Hillel offers a sup- During the fall semester, the port network to help deal with it." "It's reassuring to come to col- lel helps you understand University things like getting kosher food. The provost search committee narrowed Wiggins said. lege and continue the religious prac- rules and religious practices." dining halls don't offer it." the field to five and brought each Religious organizations can also tices you had your whole life," Kamran Ahmed, president of the Muslims at Bowling Green often candidate to the University for two help educate community members Jecovy said. Muslim Student Association, said travel to the Islamic Center of days filled with meetings and tours. about minority religions. Students report that there are the organization tries to help Muslim Greater Toledo in Pcrrysburg for Folkins said his visit to Bowling "In America there's a national many advantages to joining a cam- students adjust to life in the US. services, according to Ahmed. Green in December was a successful Members of minority religious tendency to assume Muslims are ter- pus religious group. One of these is '"A lot of our students are from John Folkins. New Provost the support the members provide for foreign countries and we try to help one. groups in Bowling Green also rorists." Ahmed said. "We try to dis- "I'm very impressed with the chair of the provost search commit- encounter some prejudices both on pel that myth by showing the true one another. them adjust to being Muslim in the David Wamer. campus minister US," Ahmed said. University," he said. "'I'm looking tee, said the news did not come as a campus and in the community. spirit of Islam." forward to working with both the shock to him. for Active Christians Today, said. Coming to the University can be "The discrimination we face here Many Christians on campus feel students and the faculty there " "I wasn't surprised. He was one that their resources are adequate. "For the Christian student, we pro- particularly difficult for students ranges from having to attend classes After working at the University of our strongest candidates." Nie- Others haven't fell the need for reli- vide opportunities for them to be who are members of minority reli- during the high holidays, to not of Iowa for more then 23 years. man said. involved and find people who share gious groups. being able to light candles in our gious resources, but feel they would Folkins said he will miss the state. the same beliefs."' According to the CIA's World Citing Folkins' collaborative room during Hanukkah." Levy said. be easy to find if they were needed. but is still anticipating his move "If you want to find spiritual According to Muhammad Fawzi. Factbook. the popula- approach to working, his record as "I think one of the most frustrat- east. both teacher and a scholar, his expe- ing things is that the dining halls put help, you'd be able to find it." said Muslim Student Association mem- tion is 56 percent Protestant. 28 per- Greg Piolerek. junior journalism ber, the organization offers Muslims '"Of course there will be things rience working with graduate and .pork in everything." said fellow Hil- I'll miss, but I'm sure I'll learn to major. "a place where we have an opportu- undergraduate students and his lel member Kimberly Wiggins. • See RELIGION, page 6 love Ohio too." Folkins said. experience at the University of When Ribeau announced Folkins Iowa. Nieman believes these attrib- as the new provost, Donald Nicman, utes were the qualities that have Dunbar residents open hearts, pocketbooks to help pay for neighboring freshman's tuition "We kneiu we had to come up with money quick"

IRENE SHARON SCOTT for He has to borrow books his situation and she told him she CHIEF REPORTER from his friends and he must come would take money out of her retire- up with another payment for the ment fund and get another job to A freshman film major was going same amount by Feb. 22. help him out. Yet Long wouldn't to have to move out of his dorm Long's problem began on the first hear of it because he didn't want to because of financial problems, but day of classes when he received a burden his already hard-working his friends didn't want to see that letter from the bursar's office. It was mother. happen then that he learned that owed Yet hope wasn't lost. Seven friends collected $1,020 to money and would have to move out Later that afternoon Dunbar resi- help Tyrone Long pay for part of his of his dorm. dents on the second floor heard tuition Unable to get the money. Long's about Long's situation and took In response to the wealth of love friend. Malt Bobillo. went to the action. shown by his friends. Long is deeply bursar's office with Long and paid "We knew we had to come up $583. with money quick."Bobillo said. grateful. MIKE LEHMKUHLE/ The BG News "I didn't know that I had friends "Matt gave the lady $583 up front "'We didn't make any calls; in a like that." he said. "I am beyond immediately."" Long recalled. 'The course of eight to 12 hours, we col- DONATION — (back, right to left) Max Harenda, Jonathon Gold- W The Cardinals will grateful and could never fully thank lady was so moved she cried. She lected $ 1.020." smith, Sara Thomas, Quinn Nameche, (front, left to right) Mark compete in their first them." gave me until 5 p.m. that day to Cox and Matt Bobillo helped out Tyrone Long (front right) with NCAA tournament since However, troubles aren't over yet come up with the rest of the money." Long then informed his mother of • See DONATIONS, page 6 his tuition. 1995 today.

& page 2 The BG News Wednesday, January 26, 2000 WORLD' JThe World Indonesian president holds peace talks In Brief THE ASSOCIATED PRESS regional unrest could threaten Wahid's government and programs Prince denies injuring a SABANG, Indonesia — Indone- for democratic and economic hotel owner sia's president called for peace dur- reform. NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Prince ing his first official visit to strife- Today's visit was Wahid's first to Ernst August of Hanover has denied torn Aceh province today, hours Aceh since he became president injuring a German hotel owner in a after nine people were killed in gun three months ago. In addition to fight on the Kenyan resort island of battles between security forces and meeting with community leaders Lamu. rebels. (, about the violence. Wahid has said Police had described the prince, Six Indonesian marines and three he wants to boost Aceh's depressed the husband of Princess Caroline of guerrillas died Monday night in two economy by reopening a free trade Monaco, as the prime suspect in the separate firefights in the region. zone closed in 1985. Jan. 14 beating of Joe Brunniehner 1,100 miles northwest of Jakarta, Crowds cheered the president, outside the Peponi Hotel. The hotel local military commander Lt. Col. who was guarded by hundreds of owner was hospitalized, reportedly Suyatno said. Six marines were troops. Indonesian flags decorated suffering from six broken ribs. injured. buildings. President Abdurrahman Wahid Originally, his one-day visit to left Jakarta early today for talks with Sabang had been billed as a chance United Nations drafts community leaders in Sabang, a for peace talks with a range of resolution for peacekeeping town on the tiny island of We, just Acehnese leaders, including rebels UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The off Aceh's northern tip. who demand independence But the Security Council began drafting a In eastern Indonesia today. Vice separatist leaders didn't participate resolution today to send the initial President Megawati Sukarnoputri today. installment of a U.N. peacekeeping continued a separate mission to put Nevertheless, Wahid said he was force into Congo after African heads an end to fierce fighting between trying hard to restore stability across of state complained that the United Muslims and Christians in the the Indonesian archipelago, which Nations wasn't doing its part to Maluku Islands, known during has been plagued by both separatist shore up a faltering cease-fire agree- Dutch colonial rule as the Spice and religious violence. ment. Islands, or Moluccas. "I hope all the bloodshed and The presidents from seven Almost 40 people were killed misery you have gone through — African nations had pledged Mon- there in weekend fighting, and today although it is painful — will soon be Associated Press Photo day in a council meeting to uphold on Bacan Island, about 100 houses over and be part of the past." Wahid the cease-fire accord but the United were burned. said in a speech. Nations was shirking its responsibil- Christians used to have a small On Sunday. Wahid predicted on PEACE — Acehnese pro-independence activists demonstrate in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The ities by delaying the deployment of majority in Maluku and North national television that his govern- protest coincided with Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid's brief visit to a small island off peacekeepers. Maluku provinces, but an influx of ment would end the bitter fighting in the tip of the providence where he failed to meet with separatist leaders. Muslims from Indonesia's other Aceh and Maluku by March. protested peacefully today in the the past few months. government of siphoning off the oil- islands has changed the religious However, Monday's deaths in provincial capital. Banda Aceh. Acehnese guerrillas have slrug- and gas-rich region's wealth. At makeup and fueled tensions. Aceh cast doubt over such hopes. blaming Wahid and the military for gled since the mid-1970s against least 5.000 people have died in the The Nation Analysts and foreign diplomats In contrast to Wahid's warm the deaths of hundreds of people in Indonesian rule, accusing the central violence during the past decade. In Brief fear that, if left unchecked, the reception in Sabang. 100 people East Coast snow causes can- Croatian* send 2 candidates to runoff Church of England may cellations at Cincinnati HEBRON. Ky. (AP) — Snow- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS storms on the East Coast scrambled flight schedules Tuesday at Cincin- ZAGREB. Croatia — Croatians ease rules on remarriage nati/Northern Kentucky Internation- turned away from their past in pres- al Airport. idential elections, voting over- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Among the conditions are whelmingly for two candidates who divorced people should be honest Atlanta-based Delta Air Lines, vowed to cast aside the autocracy of whose second-largest hub is at the — The Church of about the reasons for the failure of the late President Franjo Tudjman their previous marriage, adequate suburban Cincinnati airport, had to and move toward Western institu- England, established by the much- cancel flights to and from several wedded King Henry VIII, took a provision should be made for sup- tions. porting children, the new relation- cities, from to North Car- In one of the highest turnouts step Tuesday toward approving olina. remarriage for divorcees — an issue ship should not be the cause of Delta spokesman Russell Cason ever in Croatia. 64 percent of voters breaking up the previous marriage, cast ballots Monday to replace the that may be of keen interest to and "a reasonable time" should have said Delta canceled all flights start- Britain's next king. ing or ending in Baltimore. New only leader the country has had passed since the divorce. York's JFK or LaGuardia airports, since independence in 1991. Recommendations published by Bishops also recommended that Newark. N.J., Philadelphia. Dulles Leading the nine-person field a group of bishops, if adopted by the remarriage should normally not be and Reagan airports in Washington was Stipe Mesic. With 99.5 percent church's governing General Synod permitted for people who have been DC, Norfolk and Richmond, Va.. of the precincts reporting results. in 2002, could make it easier for involved in more than one divorce. Mesic had won 41 percent of the Prince Charles to contemplate mar- and Raleigh-Durham in North Car- vote. The decision in each case would olina. riage to his longtime love. Camilla be made by the local priest in con- Drazen Budisa. a leader of a left- Parker Bowles. Delays were expected in Boston, leaning coalition that won this sultation wilh the bishop. The rec- Hartford. Conn., and Providence, month's parliamentary election, The church's main concern is ommendations say that no priest R.I. came in second with 28 percent. The dealing wilh the realities of a nation should be compelled to preside at a But it wasn't just East Coast VOTING — Bosnian police maintain order while a group of Bosn- with one of the highest divorce rates icmarriage against his or her con- flights that were being affected. two will face off in a runoff Feb. 7. "The margin is significant, but ian Croats wait to vote at the election post. in Europe, and the fact that a third of science. "We're getting some cancella- I'm optimistic that we can narrow it its priests already are exercising "This report in effect codifies tions out of L.A. because the plane down and produce a dramatic turn- Tudjman's style, discarding the late most important. I'm satisfied with their legal right to marry divorcees. what has already become practice in that came in from the east that was about in our favor by the next leader's foreign minister. Mate the voters who gave me their confi- "If these proposals win accep- many parishes." said the Right Rev. supposed to go to L.A. never came round," said Budisa. who served Granic, a moderate who tried des- dence." tance, the church will not simply Mark Santer. bishop of Birmingham. in from the east." said airport perately to distance himself from Ihc Mesic led the field going into the spokesman Ted Bushelman. four years in prison as a student marry anyone who turns up and asks The proposals would have to be leader demanding greater autonomy authoritarian regime. He came in polls, espousing a clean break from to be married," said the Right Rev. "Whenever you get four or five third with 22.5 percent. Tudjman's authoritarianism, which approved by two-thirds majorities in major airports shut down, it affects for Croatia in communist Michael Scott-Joynt. bishop of Win- all three houses of the General Yugoslavia. "I'm satisfied with my cam- had left the country internationally chester and chairman of the bishops' the whole country." paign." Mesic said. "And what's isolated and in a recession. Synod — bishops, clergy and lay Voters seemed ready to be rid of working party on remarriage. members.


Call 372-8634 To Schedule A Sitting Portraits Taken 10-6 Daily. Wednesday, January 26, 2000 The B(J News page 3 PAGE 3 www.ogneWs.cotn^age3

ACROSS .' "WE'VE GOT A FULL 1 Accepted P'autice 6 Astronauts' grp ' 10 Cavallerta i TANK OF GAS..." Rusticana" lafly 1 1 ■ in Toledo. I can't tell you how This is in spite of the fact that the 14 Keep talking - ridiculous you feel when you are same restaurant is only five blocks lb infamous tsai . lost in the middle of Florida looking from my house. But that one is icky 16 Mime * 17 Hurry up' ■ ■ r " ■ for a manatee farm. If wc hadn't and I refuse to cat there. Groceries 19 Snipped p been driving, 1 never would have are another good example of driving 1 lu Makeup item » 1 seen the sign and driven two hours for food. Sure, there are two grocery 21 Sports venues I out of our way. stores less than a mile from my 23 Khaki shade 1 This driving way out of the way house, but (hey are icky too. So my 24 Sharif and Epps 25 Scon or Janis « • for specific goals seems to have mom and 1 both drive 15 minutes H •i Cars are for driving. This may 29 Game played stuck with me. For example, I will across town to buy groceries. with 32 cards | - geem like common sense, but for drive 55 minutes to get a seven-layer I want to give a solid numbers 30 Sixth sense some of you cars are just ihere to 33 Remove I * cake from a bakery in Hamtramck. example of how much I drive. I i- ■ ■ '. - look at, lei sit in a parking lot or dri- Mich. The flavor 1 gel is called bought my truck in the middle of restraints veway and complain about. Not for 34 Influence •> ■ "seven sisters." It's a yellow pound August. Since then, between com- 35 FDR's dog r mc. Remember the commercial that r cake cut into seven layers which arc muting here, driving to Old Navy 36 Distributes cards sang. "Get in the car and drive for separated with a bultercrcam frost- and going to see my sister 180 miles 37 Cow chow • " )niles and miles"? This is a perfect ing and finished with a hard-shelled away, I managed to put on 14,000 38 Stairway pan ohrasc to describe my personal view 39 Chossmaster chocolate icing. Mmmm, tasty miles on my truck Take it from me. _ ?000 T'icwc Media Service* Inc 1 Ml owning a car. Or owning a truck Kasparov Alt rignu (nerved I 1/26/00 goodness. Okay, so I probably pick Trucks are for driving and limited- Jn my case, but whatever. 40 Dawber and up some angel wings, too. Or in high mile leases are the devil. Tillis ; I think my love of driving or at school, wc went to Taylor, Mich, for 41 Wed in haste 6 'Separate •feast being in a car started when I dresses. If we couldn't find them 42 eii'ihied tree Tables" Oscar Denise Domanski u a junior 43 H.H Mumo CROSS \vas young. My parents, my sister there, we went to Columbus the next TCOM major. She loves her truck, winner ■and I used to drive over an hour to weekend. 44 hragrances 7 State firmly but can never find a parking place 45 Emcee's lead-in word io sec my dad's extended family for Of course. I don't drive for hours 8 Portuguese saint holidays, weddings, family things ot for it. She is still looking for a bright THE BAHAMAS 47 Guillemot s 9 Wong ol -The LOOKING FOR to do all my food shopping. I only man with light eyes to buy her lunch. cousm Thief ol Bagdad' just for a change of scenery. They drive ten minutes to go to a fast food Make her an offer at 48 Honshu cily 10 Light weapon ANSWERS IN ALL started these trips when we were M Wallet place that has a clown for a mascot. [email protected]. 11 Hunting period young and 1 just kept up the habit as Caspian feeder 12 Singer Home THE WRONG when I got older. 56 Accountant 13 Humanistic ivww .thcomon.mni w \> \\ »8 After-dinner PLACES? Maybe the way vacations were k disciplines .honour. coriV " " .iMHMonl.nct. lid D<1 18 Sor ol Juoah GET SOME HELP •Spent when I was little holds a clue ecampus.c 59 Bowling alley 22 Fmk as to why 1 spend hours on end dri- 60 End of a steal 24 Approves FROM THE ving now. My mom hates to fly and 61 Stealer's goal 25 Ad|jdica'.e .refuses to do it. So we drove every- • 62 Bmish school 26 Ryan or Tatum ANSWER KEY — 63 Stand one in where. Northern Michigan (think 27 Arctic grouses good 28 Easter flower first knuckle of your middle finger) coinA\ i/t'i 2V Madras mystic was where we went camping trips DOWN 31 Sacked oul 44 Act peeved bi Manoiea when my sister and I were small. I hup:// i Advocate 3? Removes skin 46 Teachers' star 52 Ron in Mayberry Then, my parents got more ambi- 2 Chop_ 34 Military hat Nick 53 Clylemnestra's 3 First of the pot tious. Off wc went to Pennsylvania. 35 Folder's contents 47 Poet Conrad mother 4 Hockey score 38 Headstrong 48 Desensitize New York. North Carolina, Georgia, Sites that make Page 3® laugh 54 Scon 5 Deep-sealed 40 Moral story 49 Diva's song Decision Chicago. I'm not saying that I hatreds 43 Farm pen 50 U2 srngei 57 Cereal grain enjoyed every minute of the car Too Much Coffee Man (TMCM') is the rides I didn't. Having a sister 15 creation of freelance comic artist Shannon months younger is a trial of patience w heeler. Here's what to expect: for everyone, but we both know that •A collection of Too Much Coffee's past, — she likes to sit in the middle of the •Info on how to get a hold of TMCM, Ohio weather car scat so she can poke and prod me •Links to other freelance comics and without the rents seeing it. Wednesday, Jan. 26 organizations, My mom was the most ambi- AccuWeather* forecast for daytime conditions, high/low temperatures tious She decided Io go Io Florida •A shot of Robin Wiliaims wearing a 'with the two ol us and leave my dad TMCM T-shirt, •Wheeler's portofolio- Some good stuff. iwataawra™ CAPTAIN RIBMAN BY JOHN SPRENGELMEYER AND RICH DAVIS

' Portsmouth 23/10

O 2000 AccuWeather. Inc. £&> ^ <^> *2? *&& 62? <&? fife; Sunny PI Cloudy Cloudy Showers T-storms Ram Flumes Snow lot

Via Associated Pnas r. © m tQ Partly Mostly B Sunny g Cloudy Cloudy E E High: 18° High: 25° High: 30' Low: 2* Low: 8° Low: 15° TV GUIDE SECTION WEDNESDAY JANUARY 26,2000

News I CBS Evening Wheel of Jeopardy' ■ City of Angels W Movie: Stolen From the Heart' (2000. Drama) Tractsy Go<: L.VI News/ Late Show :H News R Fortune I Us"i.!nSle'eoj & Zane A desperate tnend steals a woman s unborn baby 31 (In Stereo) X News ' A!'C World EnMrtakwwni Hollywood TWeOUVS .md Norm '. ■■■ Drew Carey iP iSpmCityjR '20/20 '- News Nightlmr CD News Tonight romght Squares a Girl '■ 1 tights lot leve (In Slereo) X (in Stereo) 31 News WC NWitty Ofew Carey [in Frasier (1 Twenty One (In Stereo) .if Wesl Wing Ta*e OJI me Trash Law A Order Coupon News:: ' Tcrvgni BnOW News JC Sie/eo] K Stereo] Day n Stereo)! Slereo) 31 Stereo ] mm EMO Business Rpi Newshour With Jim Lehrer ; Living Edens Tha land Jewel Culture Shock Bom tot itie.'rr.e S("x« o* t'-e Nude The controve*sies o»er the Digital TV-A of me Orient' (In Steieoi K )/*•* Twain ana Manet (In Siereo) (Pan i ol 2i S Crash Course BG 24 News Ncwshout Wilh Jim Lehrer 1 Arthur Bn HNSiig 'Culture Shock Born to TtojbteThe Shock of ihe Nude The coni rovers** over the CfwM ROM Siceo'lE!) ic Rainbow S .■ :•,■ O -■ ' '•'■■. ■ _ woras J Ma*« Twam and Manet (in Siereo) (Pan I :.- SMnc I Home MM! About Seinfeld The Friends Beverly Hills. 90210 RBG Gel Real Failing From Grace rWWWN 0 IB H3 B55 s- lei 13 ii Improvement You,In Sicec; Movie* It Slrr.- •: Ground' (In Siereo, X Si Stereo, X. I, - . - . ' ;"qs' UnSle'eo: Now on Cable Channel 6 Sunptom ■ Slmpseni Friends I Friends 7 Days Parke' com (Rl (I Siar Trek Voyager Virtuoso Sports-Detroit Frasier [Frasier (in o}£ Slew]1 Slereo) t Stereo] | (InSnieo) 1 Si-'CG I [Stereo) Jl CABLE STATIONS r 1 5:30 Live Movie •** r 3f,«C;.rrd-v"(l%6 D^ma: Pau Newman Ju^e Movie »«t "TheLory Hot Swmn:er"n95B, D-amaj Paul AMC Movie Movie •• G:w'i,isfle^np$''(1969)God>Ha ■A rtM i boy ! wson n HJF Hftnw I ■ American physicist pretends to be a defector. \e*man A d'i'ler unse^es a wealthy M-ssissppi farm larntly Saturday Night Liv. [Daily Show,RTWm Ben" Movte. *• ■Ct'j|.''.VifCei.vy'(19B3. Cievy Cha« Daih/ShOW(R)|WinBen COM •• -sen Cowboy Junlues ff Siein s Money iwopeflygunrunncs O'-- i '.u.' m ,,,.- ■.; .i taior X Stein s Money Re-broadcast at Wild Discovery Maneaters ot DSC Your New House (Rl On the Inside NonWhal CIA America's Front Line 1R1 CIA: The New Threits £ On the Inside Nonieihai Tsavo' (R) Weapons' (R) W*apcns.R; SporUctntw - ..;■ ■* >. College Baskeib.n V -...-!.' ,. ■- C- ■ ; i .. CollegeBatketbaJIFtordaatDePau' (Lrve) Sportscenler S„cer Bc^i ESFN Special Edition ff ipeoai Edition & |545]Movi* *• £te.,^('s ti98to.Drarra)Bette Midler Two "Reat Sports iH: " 102 A s<'s Co'>ga' arc Movie: *C*r$ctra' (t?99| HBO Sopranos * Do Nc: ftesuscita'e Jverse women Keep ir-e'f 30-year InenJship alive PG-13' £ iRKIn Stereo) ■ '■■iias-'-j H-'y i;t- '.R 5. Wood County s only LIVE local Nuremberg Tyranny on Trial 20th Century i. le L" Death The LostCily of Allan | Mummies Tales from the Golden Gate Bridge Sa> Great Shitjs HIS* Capital Punishment Egyptian Crypts (Pal 3 ot 4, ff Franc tea iGfl :• SM Bndpl FoolbaNNtM 5« K Ird FOX S'poria [sTanFTnT Hardcore Football (R) Coin'Deep >■ Movte «t Dot£*lnipdC' (199* Adventu-ei Jean Claude Van Walker. Teias Ranger USA Ta;«s (In Ste-eo) BT Damme Twn tJ[0^^e^s fO*nforces aja;nsi ther pa;e»:s' fai-c-s .8. Branchiid (In Stereo) S Where Are They Now^ 90s :: VHI ,ist Befoit HS CtflneDton MMWi| -A Shama Twain Come on Over Ricky Martin: One Night Only' U«:Riil- Rotten R' InSi^ieoj Song' iR) Were Stars Decade ol Music R R) ii- Siereo* Television R page 4 The BG News Wednesday, January 26, 2000 OPINION focal news standing on edge of my television [For months my television sat her olfice wall. ly, these days the buses simply suck hering dust in my apartment. I She will recite mechanically: the children from their beds through PEOPLE to keep things on it: cups, "My independent studies have a giant vacuum attached to the door, cers, ant colonies. shown that chicken noodle soup has depositing them directly into their on the street .Then one day I bought an anlen- been a leading cause of death since seats. Docs that answer your ques- rtjt My living room was instantly 1924." tion? transformed into a magical world of "Well, isn't that something," Dan Me: You bet. Mr. Hotline. I Question: What is your favorite bar on Friday night? cijlorful. live-action information. I will say with a grin, remembering think I'll go watch the local news. Why? (Question provided by Brandon Price) hid tuned into the local news. just in time to look concerned, •TONIGHT'S TOP STORY IS "thank you for that informative Sometimes I just call my local THE WEATHER." it shouted cheer- report. Nurse Belcher " news station lo chat. ily. "BOY. IT SURE IS COLD Nurse Belcher usually has just "I was watching my favorite ■OUT THERE TODAY. ISN'T IT, enough time to angrily demand the show. The Local News' Greatest :.STAN?" cash she was promised before the Hits." I'll say. "when programming I sat cross-legged in front of my monitor is cut off. was interrupted by an urgent weath- "growing orb, muscles tense, unable hours." I muttered appreciatively. "All right, where's that 50 er report. The Doppler radar indi- A bear the suspense while waiting And it has been like that ever bucks." you can hear her snarling cates that snow flurries are expected 'lor Stan's answer: "YOU'D BET- since. Now that I have the local behind Dan's wide grin. in the area tonight, though they'll TER BELIEVE IT." he said. news to add direction and meaning These days I do not make a move melt before they hit earth. Should I 1 to my life, everything has changed. 'Stan was bundled into a sporty without contacting my local news take my entite family and hide in our Jim Bishop For instance, if I watch the local backyard Local News-approved Noah Dinger .pajka. wincing slightly as gusts of stations, which hold information on Junior news over dinner. I can guarantee everything from the weather to Winter Storm Shelter and sacrifice K res Inn an 'snow whirled past him. He smiled Neuro science that I will stop eating it by 5:18 p.m.: crime to the news of our own our pets to the Great Meteorologist Marketing !at'us radiantly. "Menolikrv bar. Ooh." I breathed expectantly. "AFTER WE'VE STOPPED IMS impending deaths. To encourage in the Sk) .'" •Uptown. The What will happen next?" CUSSING TONIGHT'S TOP my dependence, a local news station They just laugh. But I don't beer seems to Bar full nlireak STORY — THE WEATHER. Clint Ganlt . Stan said. "BACK TO YOU. has set up a crisis hotline lo help care. Someday I hope the local taste better he's. Thank you." DIANE!" Diane chuckled at the AGAIN — STAY TUNED WHILE people through every event of the news is on for 24 hours a day. like there!" Junior WE SHOW YOU NEW STUDIES cameras. "I'm sure glad I'm not out year I am always the first caller. CNN. because there is so much Political Sci- ' there." she told us with a slight shiv- THAT LINK CHICKEN NOODLE going on around here. ence er' "For more detailed information SOUP TO CANCER. AND POSSI- Me: Is this the Back-Io-School By then I'll be attached lo a feed- "Ziggy's because 'dV our top story." she continued, BLY HEART FAILURE." hotline? ing tube that has been pro"4n lo it's the place to During the commercial I have "we've somehow managed lo secure Hotline: It certainly is. Do you cause neither cancer no: heart dis- be." •your local airwaves for the next hour just enough time to pour my chicken have some concerns about sending ease, and I won't be able to leave the noodle soup down the drain before and a half, so stay tuned. Stan will your kids back to school? house. 1" i discuss, at length how the bitter hurrying back to the television set to Me: Sure, doesn't everybody? I I think local news stations will winds seem to be blowing at a more see charts, graphs and nutrition mean, for instance, when the bus find this very convenient. northwest direction than a .outhwesl experts: "So. Nurse Belcher, you comes, how many inches away from direction. He will also explain how work at San Quentin Middle School. the curb should my children be Michelle Heller is a BGSews u one can pry one's lips apart once is that correct'.'" Dan the Anchorman standing? I say it's 14. but my hus- columnist, sin cannot he contacted \ will ask. they've frozen shut." band says it's only eight Can you personal!) for comments because »»/ Kim Asher Stephanie "Yeah, whatever you say." Nurse - ■ My eyes grew wide with wonder tell us who's correct? the Dopplar radar readings. Belcher will reply in a bored tone. Freshman Kovacevic as I settled in. "I guess I know what Hotline: Ho. ho. ho. 'I his is a Though yon can leave a message mi Undecided Sophmore I'll be doing for the next couple of Then she will point to a graph common question, ma'am. Actual- e-mail at reilerniQ drawn in crayon and scotch-taped to "Mark's Pub Marketing Give us your opinion about! because of all the "Mark's Pub, hotties." i A lour BG News columnist. E-mail because (aria iis your thoughts al likes it." Betterrto the Editor [email protected] Student gives restrospect on race relations intellectual man speaks about women |

importantly its heart and mind. beliefs, ethnicity, and religion I'm .'_ I truly believe that in trying silu- such as an immature drunkard joke. Still, this understanding will not certain that various Caucasian I lev Baby! , .alions. patience is the map to under- Insensitivity can be seen from and certainly should not leave others groups, for example the Irish, would Today I bring forth to you an standing, and by controlling emo- actions thai males take when a or me in misunderstanding of our be able to teach Erin a history lesson issue that is about impossible to tions in the day to day hustle of life female is around. They just misun- a person will realize why things are place in America's racial complcxi- about discrimination. In order to avoid in life. The issue thai I am bring to light one race's suffering a talking about is gender. derstand how females think and end . .the way they are. and more impor- up hurling their feelings or jusl , Lintly how that makes others who Erin Bailey wrote. "Caucasians person doesn't need to minimize I am going to discuss about won't help them out when they are ,,they are. must be held somewhat responsible another's. whether it is easier to be a male or in need of help. I say enlertainmeni .,, Luckily for columnist Erin Bai- for the actions of their ancestors." I Finally, in regard to F.rin's slale- female. My discussion will include hungry because males seem to crave ,ley, who recently wrote the article believe that not only does this state- mcni thai reverse discrimination gender bashing, every dav life, siv le. ( for entertainment with a passion. " "Reverse Discrimination is a While ment not niake sense, but it is doesn't exist I can only say. due lo and sex. : Males are usually heavily into Lie." I not only write for the sake ol wrong. For a person lo look back al the minimum space I'm allowed, Which gender is dominant if sports, games, and other recreational I writing, but use my writing to form a past in which they were not prc- thai her statements arc unsubstanti- there is even a dominant gender? sent, and conceive feelings of blame ated assumptions based on her items. Men are the ones who seem to i a basis of understanding. So. that is Just think about this as I bring anger warn lo see a nice bloody fight or ' why I was able to read her article. is ridiculous. you my thoughts on the subject. . which I found in most instances a To feel empathy and compassion, I personally have seen reverse want lo compete. Men are also irilo • prime example of stereotyping and yes, but reponsibilily. no. Worrying discrimination, and have had family First off I would say that il is I jusl don't think a bra would be the manly professional wrestling " displaced anger, and without becom- about or trying to change what is members who have experienced this harder for a male to have an erection needed, except for some sumo sized where it is a big ego-fest. You car}'! • ing angry at her move forward in done is mil only a sure was lo relatively recent phenomenon. It in public than a woman. I say this males. leave out football, baseball, racing, '. hopes of making sense from what increase stress, but a pointless should also be mentioned in light of because females nipples can get Males do like lo have style and other sports in which men watch • she wrote. endeavor. programs like affirmative action, j erect and show through her clothing though: as of late I have been buying regularly. Males also are into vicj^o It is without a doubt and undeni- Also. Erin Bailey wrote. "Anoth- which in all cases I do not oppose, jusl from a chill in the air and this is fancy-smancy clothing including and computer games, which also able by all accounts that African er misinterpretation is that African- thai someone who receives a posi- pretty common during the winter leather pants. I will occasionally include bloody and sporty games.', | Americans have suffered unjustified Americans receive all of their schol- tion not wholly based on their merit months. Or a female can gel erect break oul of my jeans and t-shirt and As for gender bashing, females . persecution throughout America's arship money and grants just may never fully be accepted by the nipples from looking at my hot body dress ail snazzy because I know all seem to get hit,hard for fcminisoi. history. My realization of this suf- because of the color of their skin." I greater society. because I am such a hot stud thai a you ladies love to look al me all They get stereotyped of being les- ', fenng came 10 me first through Alex would like l:iin lo lell me specifical- I truly believe thai the way in female just can'l resist. On the other spiffed up. bian male bashers. I'm afraid to tell ' Haley's novel "Roots " While only ly who believes this, because I cer- which one achieves, meaning by hand when a male has an erection il Everyday life is even harder for the ignorant that not all feminists are .' fourteen al the time I chose to read tainly do not. one's own credentials, is more won't be because of a chill it'll be females ihen it is for males. Females fish eating friends! In fact males can Upis book for an advanced reading When writing a statement that important Ihen iheir final achieve- from a hot chick that passes by. Thai shave, have PMS. periods, cramps, be feminists and that doesn't make yoursc. may in some way hold a kernel of ment. Also, nowadays it has almost bulge in his pants mav cause some give birlh. need more upkeep, fight them instantly gay. I believe that •'/' My thoughts, visions, and mind truth one musl be sure not to gener- become politically acceptable lo use major embarrassment in public if he aboul boys, arc more likely lo be there is a little bit of feminism in were permanently changed from this alize ii lo an entire group of people. large groups, for example Catholics, is caught, especially if his grandma sexually harassed or abused, and so males unless ihey are completely I experience, as it was the first time I In addition Erin wrote. "But my as whipping posts. I hope Erin gels a gander al it! on. As for fighting, it seems lo many insensitive to females. As for female I encountered the true horrors of slav- biggest argument is that Caucasians eventually comes to realize a lack of Style is another specially of people and me that It is harder for bashing, well some guys just needio : ery. Slavery became not just a word have never had to lake what they v iilnerabihty doesn't mean discrimi- females. It seems thai a good part of females lo get along with one anoth- get a life. Both genders need lo real- I to me. but a term which encom- dished out to their fellow beings." nation is nonexistent. ' females arc in competition with each er (hen it is for males to get along ize that they should work togetbci passed rape, family separation, First of all what is Erin Irving to As a group of young Americans other to be the sex goddess of the with one another. instead of dominate and trash the ehumanization. and all that comes imply here, thai as a group all Cau- we must begin lo challenge what is world. These females have goi to From what I have heard from other. with unforgivable exploitation. casians have been a part of discrim- Wrong with this world. As we raise whip out their hair spray, lip stick. females aboul getting along with I would say that it seems to'he J_,After the shock which "Roots" ination and oppression? Although M sons and daughters we must instill in make up. and all that other beauty other females is that il is like a bitch harder to be a female than a male. along with other various articles. might make it easier for Erin lo them the virtue and character to |azz. Males usuallv won't spend the session. Females seem to have their About everybody I talked J to '"fiooks. and movies I have encoun- imagine, it is simply not true thai all combat evils such as racism and dis- time lo beautify themselves espe- own ideas and they make sure iheir agreed with thai also. If you think j tered of African American experi- Caucasians persecute minorities and crimination. cially in the morning when tossing a ideas are heard even if it means a differently, please take a step back .' .<£ncc left me, meaning not just slav- tiptoe through life wilhoul having lo As a group of human beings. hat on the noggin can cure any bad catfight! and look at (he situation again. Do \ Vry. I have come to a personal under- work as hard as everyone else. encompassing not only all Ameri- hair day. As for clothinj. females As for males it is more like a chill what the opposing gender does I Standing of African Americans. While in the context of race- cans but also our fellow beings from have a variety of outfits to go session when they try lo get along everyday even if you have to wear a I can only live in awe of the fact based issues I whole-heartedly oihei lands, we musl not be in con- through while males will usually be with each other. Il is almost like a skirl or watch a bloody fight. ',< that every man. woman and child in believe African Americans along flict over the pasi. and instead coop- a t-shirt and jean type I usually game of tag: they jusl slarl talking »1t^,America with African blood is a tes- with other minorities have in many erate lo pioduce a future filled with won*i find myscll walking around in and a new drinking buddy happens. ]■■•[.lament to the strength of their ances- instances suffered far worse. vei opportunity, success, and happiness Brian Ranzenbergcr is a BO Problems thai males have in every- HPtOTS. As a group African Americans what does this statement say of all for all. too many skins unless I am desper- News columnist, lie speaks on his day life are aggiession. insensitivity. I Miave endured hardships and perse- the Caucasians who have suffered ' ate for cookies. As I think about il. behalf and not on ihe behalf of oilier entertainment hungiy. and so on. • cution and have given us all an Erin's statement is certainly Steven Vargo why don't males wear skirls? men. Brian would like lo be ba.sheit J example of the strength within not demeaning lo Caucasians thai have spvargoQbgnet.bgsu edu Females weal male clothing, why Aggression can be seen from silly by e-mail at tlranirnal7<0'collcge- • only the human body, hut more throughout history died for then not the other way around? lights thai erupt from stupid things eliih.eom

Letters to the Editor Policy 210 West Hall Bowling Green State University Do you agree with all of this? We doubt it. Write Copyright D 2000, The BG News, Bowling Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 us and let us know where you stand. Green, Ohio. Reprinting of any material from Phone: (419) 372-6966 ■ Letters to the Editor. Letters are to be less than this publication without prior permission of 500 words (less than two typed, double-spaced The BG News is prohibited. E-mail: [email protected] pages). These are usually in response to a current Website: The BG News is an independent publication «« issue on the BGSU campus or Bowling Green area. ■ Guest Columns. Longer pieces (between 600-800 founded in 1920 and is published daily during words) can be submitted as Guest Columns. Guest the academic year and weekly during the sum Brandi Barhite Jeff Hindenach Amyjo L. Brown columns will be subject to space limitations and mer semester. Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Assistant Managing Editor considered based on topic relevance and quality. Opinions expressed in columns and letters to To submit a Guest Column or Letter, bring a copy- the editor are not necessarily those of the stu- Kevin \ orhecs Tony Recznik Mary Both Wilfong on a labeled disk (Microsoft Word, Mac compati- dent body, faculty, University administration Layout Editor Entertainment Editor Copy Chief ble) to 210 West Hall and leave it in the Opinion or The BG News. Unsigned editorials are the Editor's mailbox. Or, send It on e-mail to opinion of the Spring 2000 BG News staff. Dan Nied J. Michael Bestul Ben French tran^ and give it the subject, "Let- Sports Editor Page 3 Editor Photo Editor I ter to the Editor". The BG News encourages its readers to notify the paper of any errors in stories or photo- David Tran Robert Recker Jim Baer Also, you can check out back issues of the Opinion graph descriptions. Opinion Editor City Editor Graphics Editor page on the web at Decisions made by the Editor-in-Chief and the L Editorial Board are final. Wednesday, January 26. 2000 The BG News page 5 CAMPUS www. bgnews.coittjctwtpus I Flashing Soda-makers taking cola wars into schools Our Briefs THE ASSOCIATED PRESS executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a non- ' BG News Briefs TOLEDO — The 70-year-old profit health-advocacy group football stadium needs a serious fix- "Schools usually teach health and Actors wanted for playhouse up. The textbooks arc getting worn so it's purely hypocritical for them The University theater depart- through and outdated. New comput- to put soda machines right in the ment will hold open auditions for ers would be nice, too. hallways." he said. the 2000 Huron Playhouse Compa- It's no wonder Toledo school Andrew Hagelshaw of the Center ny 12:30- 4 p.m. Feb. 19 at the Joe administrators thought they struck fur Commercial-Free Public Educa- E. Brown Theatre in University gold when Coca-Cola offered the tion said that at least 150 districts Mall. district $4.5 million to become'its had deals with soda companies as of exclusive soda seller during the next last summer. SRC prepares to hire 10 years. "Schools should be a market- The Student Recreation Center "All we have to do is figure out place for ideas." he said. "They will have applications available next how to spend the money," said Joe shouldn't be a marketplace for these week for students who are interested Kahl, the district's purchasing direc- companies." working at the SRC next fall. tor. By entering into exclusive con- Just in the past few months, tracts, schools arc endorsing one Tuhist toots horn Sunday dozens of cash-strapped school dis- brand over another, he said. A free recital by tubist Daniel tricts around the country have made "These machines arc 8-foot-high Burdick will be presented at 3 p.m. similar deals with soft-drink compa- neon billboards." Hagelshaw said. on Sunday in Bryan Recital Hall of nies, extending a trend that began "While students are in school •the University Moore Musical Arts about five years ago. they're basically a captive audience. Center as part of BGSU"s Faculty The amount of money involved "The profits they envision is a Artist Series. ranges from as little as $100,000 to lifetime of loyalty among these stu- the $43 million Coke offered the dents." University hosts economics Philadelphia School District. Lee Scott, a spokesman for Coca- In Michigan. 35 districts from Cola Bottling Co. of the Eastern colloquium series seven counties near Lansing signed Great Lakes, acknowledged that Alan Haight. associate professor a deal with Pepsi and the American school soda machines arc not big • of economics at the University will Bottling Company, the makers of 7- money makers. | discuss "Burnout and Chronic Up, worth $37 million. "We expect to recoup the costs, Associated Press Photo . Fatigue in the Professions: The Iron "It's a two way situation, because 1 but I'm not going to say these deals Law of Salaries" on Tuesday, Feb. I we're looking for new ways to con- are enormously profitable for us COKE — Students from St. Mary's Catholic School in Mattoon, compare collector's bottles • from 4:30-6 p.m. in room 1001 of nect with young people." said Pepsi- because they're not," Scott said. ' the Business Administration Build- Co spokesman Dave DcCccco Both Coke and Pepsi say they arc introduced by Coca-Cola at the Coke bottling plant in Mattoon. ! ing. "And what we're doing can save a careful not to take their logos into Many of the contracts stipulate thai Soda vending machines may than 1,300. foreign language class or save an art the classroom. Coke, for example. only watei HI 11 nit drinks can be sold have been unthinkable when today's The Toledo contract with Coke class." has sel up computer labs in some in elementary schools. parents were children. But. the cola allows the schools to get more Campus Wire As the deal-making increases, so schools and given laptop computers "We're not out to turn the schools companies contend, they have been money if soda sales exceed expecta- do attacks from nutritionists and for teachers, but there are no Coke into a Pepsi billboard." DeCecco in schools for quite a while tions. School and company officials groups opposed to commercial screen savers or mouse pads. Student runs for Senate said. "We never interfere with a The Philadelphia school district's work together to place vending advertising in schools. Pepsi officials emphasized thai school's general course of study. contract with Coke calls for the machines in high-profile areas (U-WIRE) LOS ANGELES — "It's simply crazy for schools to When California u'tcrs head to the schools have the final say over con- You won't sec kids in math class number of vending machines in where there are after-school activi- encourage kids to drink more sugar polls in November, they will find the tract details, such as the number and counting Pepsi cans." school buildings to double to more ties. water." said Michael Jacobson. locations of vending machines. name of a current UCLA student on the ballot. Daniel Rcgo. chair of the Bruin -Republicans, entered the California USG talks about funding UAO concert for later this semster State Senate race for the 23rd dis- trict last November after discovering SARA GRAZIANO contract becomes final. thoughtful in our budget process and Currently, student Board of their cars more easily. The two bills •there was no Republican candidate STAFK WRITER "A large student concert has been have more foresight. We have a bud- Trustees members can attend board will be discussed at next week's meeting. vying for the scat our priority." said Brian Englcman. gel lor a reason." meetings, but do not have a vote. The first USG meeting of this UAO member. "This will give us a If the bid is unsuccessful, the "I'm glad we're now working Jason Sobota sponsored the two bills. "We are the voice of the stu- ACLU's motto challenged semester was held Monday night, chance to bid on one of the hottest money is returned to USG. together with the UT campus and (U-WIRF) ATHENS, Ohio — and members passed a bill to fund a groups in the US " Another product of Monday's sending a statewide message about dents. If students want these things, Nearly two years after Ohio defend- bid for a UAO concert. Members debated the fund meeting was a concurrent resolution students' concerns." said Amend. we have to represent them." he said. Two other bills were read at the "It was a really productive meet ed and won the right to keep its USG also passed a joint resolu- request, discussing amounts ranging with UT's Student Senate. This res- motto, the American Civil Liberties tion with the University of Toledo's from $3,000 to $10,000. before olution supports an Ohio House bill meeting. One bill supports adding a ing." said representative Julie Rinc- hart. "I'm glad we were able to work Union is »h illrnging it again. Student Senate and read two parking deciding to allocate $6,000. that would affect how student mem- shuttle stop at the Technology Build- Thenvmo Vith God All Things and traffic bills which will be dis- Greg Amend, at-large representa- bers participate on a university's ing and creating a shuttle route that everything out." Board of Trustees USG president Clint Gault Are Possible.'* reflects one religion. cussed next week tive, said that the funding is impor- runs in the opposite direction of the "This would allow student Board current route. agreed that the semester's first meet- said to ( MI) Daniels, litigation coor- Members approved allocating tant. "I'm really excited about UAO. The other bill calls for more ing went well. "I like to see the dinator lor the American Civil Lib- $6,000 in funding to UAO to help and I hope the concert works out." of Trustees members to be like real' lighting along Alumni Drive and in enthusiasm and camaraderie in erties Union of Ohio. them hid for an artist for a possible Representative Ashley Elder dis- members of the board." said Matt sprrng concert. The artist for the agreed with the decision to grant the Bailey, secretary of UT's Student Lot 6. It also supports adding row USG. One person can't do anything. concert cannot be named until the funding. 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Continued from page 1 Goldsmith said thai Long was said. "I'm very proud ol these guys scared." Continued from page one. Folkins'admirable reputation seems reluctant about accepting the money, and Sara " Thomas, freshman English and to stretch throughout his profession . The seven donors were Bobillo, which was a combination ol cash Although people, just met Long theater major, recalled a time when made him numero uno. al years. fvjark Cox, Sara Thomas. Jared and checks this school year, they felt a special she was stressed out and Tyrone was "He's someone who has a really "'We were unable to come up with Wolf. Quinn Nameche. Jon Gold- "lie told us that he'll pay us all closeness to him. there to listen and calm her down. deep knowledge of information anyone who had anything bad to say smith and Max Mreda. back, although it would take him Several friends described Long as "'One time. I was really upset technology." Nieman said, adding about him." Nieman said. Officials "There was no motivation, no forever." he said. "I told him not to loving, caring and a hilarious gentle- with a lot of personal things— ex- that this is a quality which is from his current employer, the Uni- hesitation." said Goldsmith, fresh- worry about it. he could pay us back man. boyfriend and grades." she said. "He extremely important to the future of versity of Iowa, spoke very highly of man computer arts major. "It was no with good grades." Cox, freshman ait education talked to me and made me feel bet- higher education. Not only does Folkins' integrity, he said. big deal— everyone had the same Rashod Wilson, second flow major, said that if it weren't for ter." Folkins have extensive knowledge "I think the president made a thought that we had to give him all Dunbar resident ad\ isor, said he v, as Long, he might have not returned to Yet these students don't think of computers and computer systems, splendid choice."' Nieman said. '"It's we had." o\cr\vhelmed with his residents. the University for spring semester. they did anything special. hut he has the knowledge to success- one that I not only support, but am . Nameche. sophomore English "I'm very happy to see people "I almost didn't come back this "I don't consider myself a hero fully deliver academic programs very enthusiastic about." major, added that he was just glad to care about each other enough to help semester because I was upset." he because he's a friend and if he could through this forum, Nieman said. Though Folkins was the ultimate be able to help because he didn't one another and sacrifice mone) said "Tyrone talked to me and -aid do the same for us. I'm sure he Overall. Nieman said both he and choice for the provost position. Nie- want to see Long leave. they could use for other things." he that it was all right: everyone gels would." Thomas said. the rest of the search committee man said the decision could not have were impressed with Polkin" ability been an easy. and attitude. "I feel very good that we had "First, he is a person who listens such a good group of people to bring mm .miniin i mw very carefully." Nieman said of to campus.'" he said. "They were all American HIMH Wimalinii Folkins. "He has an understanding qualified to do the job. It was the JOIN Find Falcon sports of the issues facing higher education president's ultimate choice to decide and Bowling Green." who was the best fit for the Univer- Scores every day in Nieman further said that sity." The BG News FIRM. EXERCISE ■ , i ■ iitein-iiiigiaiivi RELIGION Continued from page one. no official statistics regarding reli gion. the religious population here is cent Catholic, and 2 percent Jewish. composed similarly. Hillel estimates Members of other religions consti- that there are 200 Jewish people on tute just 4 percent of the population, "This,is your chance... and 10 percent of Americans purport campus and in the community. The to having no religion. Muslim Student Association has Although Bowling Green keeps about 30 members. be picked to have diiiner Vast storm stops ...with travelers, closes four members... N.C. schools

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS land. Up to 17 inches of snow fell in A surprisingly fast-moving storm parts of Virginia. The Baltimore- of the blanketed the East Coast with up to Washington International Airport 2 feet of wind-blown snow Tuesday, got more than 7 inches. Ten inches closing airports and schools, para- had accumulated outside Philadel lyzing the nation's capital and leav- phia at King of Prussia, and New eal World ing North Carolina looking more York City measured 6. like North Dakota. Snow up to 18 inches deep was "The snow has completely cov- forecast by the end of the storm in ered my car. It's gone. I can't even the Berkshire hills of western Mass- cast!" see it." Thomas Allen said in achusetts. Raleigh. N.C. The storm hit hardest in the Car- A 5-year-old girl was missing and olinas. North Carolina got a record feared dead in Massachusetts after 20.3 inches at the Raleigh-Durham falling into an icy river while walk- airport. ing to school in heavy snow. The North Carolina utility CP&L At least three people were killed had 81.000 customers without in weather-related traffic accidents power. Duke Power Co. reported Monday or Tuesday in the Caroli- 87.000 outages in North Carolina. nas. and two people were found More than 140.000 people were dead outside from exposure in South without power in South Carolina Carolina. and Virginia Power reported fewer The storm even intruded on the than a thousand customers in the presidential campaign. Most of the dark. candidates flew to New Hampshire "With wind gusts al 40 miles per after the Iowa caucuses, but Repub- hour, it's just not safe to have some- lican Alan Keyes got stuck in body up there working on a power Detroit, unable to fly into Boston. line in a bucket truck." said CP&L The storm — known as a spokeswoman Sally Ramey. nor'easter — drove northward along North Carolina Gov. Jim Hunt the coast, with moist air from the declared a state of emergency, acti- ocean colliding with cold air over vating the National Guard to help the land. During the morning, snow clear streets and rescue stranded fell from South Carolina all the way motorists. Stalled cars and trucks to Maine. shut down five miles of Interstate The storm raced into the North- 85. Maryland Gov. Parris N. Glen east with a speed that surprised fore- dening also declared a state of emer- casters. gency. "We knew it was coming. It just 'There may be other snowstorms decided to hit us a day earlier." said like this in Alaska or something, but National Weather Service meteorol- never in North Carolina." said Allen, ogist Tim Morrin in New York. the motorist whose car was buried in The storm system was to press Raleigh, N.C. toward Maine by Wednesday morn- The storm closed major Eastern ing, bringing moderate to heavy airports, including New York's I snows from Pennsylvania through LaGuardia and Washington Reagan New England. The Southeast was to National Airport, and others had get a break from the heavy precipita- delays and cancellations. US Air- tion. ways canceled all of its afternoon Tuesday's storm the third snow- East Coast service between North fall in a week for some states, but for Carolina and New York. much of the region it was the first "'I think we didn't pick the best major storm in a season that has seen day for flying." Brazilian visitor little snow. It was also the worst Joao Nemeth said at LaGuardia as snowstorm to hit the area since the he comforted an II-year-old daugh- blizzard of January 1996. ter who had expected to fly to Walt Most federal agencies shut down Disney World. in Washington, and were scheduled A memorial service scheduled to be closed again Wednesday. Leg- Tuesday in at Seton Hall islative meetings were called off in University for three freshmen killed Delaware. New Hampshire and in a dormitory fire last week had to Pennsylvania, and Delaware Gov. be rescheduled because of the snow Thomas Carper had to postpone his A few people appreciated the State of the State address for the sec- snow. ond time in a week because of snow. "It adds beauty to this place," Schools were closed from South Rudolph Williams said in New York Carolina to Maine, including nearly City. "It adds life. It's creative. Thi> all schools in New Jersey and Mary- here is a winter's work of art!"

I . 'Wednesday. January 26. 2000 The BG News page 7 POLITICS www.bsnews.cotn/tip Gore, Bush pull ahead in polls after Iowa Hatch quits race THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

HUDSON. N.I I. — Fresh from victories in the first voting of the after Iowa caucus 2000 presidential campaign. Demo- crat Al Gore and Republican George THEASSOI niii) PRESS So we will keep moving on." W. Bush quickly turned their atten- He said of Hatch: "I can't say I'm tion today to the contest in New WASHINGTON — After a dis loo sad In sec him go since I want Hampshire. Last-place finisher mal showing in the Iowa caucuses, everyone lo go but me. But he s a Orrin Hatch decided to quit the GOP Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch has decided good man and I'm glad he was race. to quit the Republican presidential there." "We're not taking a single vote race, a senior adviser said loday. Hatch did not make a public for granted." Gore told noisy sup- Hatch will announce his decision appearance after the results Monday porters at a Manchester rally as the on Wednesday, said the adviser, who night but released a statement ttiat candidates spread over the state. commented only on condition of said he looked "forward lo returning In the caucuses Monday night. anonymity to New Hampshire this week." Gore piled up a yawning gap over "We've all seen the numbers." When he was considering euioi rival Bill Bradley, and Bush faced the aide said. ing the prcsidenlial race last June stiff competition from second-place Hatch mustered a bare I percent Hatch said he had examined then-si finisher Steve Forbes. Utah Sen. in the first presidential voting in of the GOP field and found n (ki . Hatch, a conservative who came late to the race, took only I percent of Iowa on Monday night. ing a candidate with ihe experience the vote in the six-man Republican Hatch. 65. had counted on his to be an effective president. field and was making plans for his four rerms in (he Senale and chair- "If I didn't think I would m;il, withdrawal announcement, a senior manship of the Judiciary Committee better president. I wouldn't gel Into adviser said today. to show voters he had the experience it," Hatch said ihen. A new poll showed John McCain, to be president. He repeatedl) said Dropping out of the presidential who skipped the Iowa caucuses, he was the only candidate with the race allows Hatch to focus on his re Associated Press Photo leading Bush in New Hampshire and background to picK Supreme Court election campaign to the Scn.iic Gore and Bradley tied in the Demo- justices who would uphold conserv- Utah lawmakers had changed state cratic race. POLLS — Joelle Logemann, left, holds her sleeping daughter Jayde, 2, as she listens to instruc- ative principles, such as opposition law to allow him lo simultaneously "Yesterday was Thank you, Iowa. tions before voting begins in the Iowa Caucus. to abortion urn toi president and lor Ihe Senate Today is We're ready. New Hamp- Hatch jumped into the campaign Hatch, the only Mormon among 2.142 precincts reporting. Bush had from there." gin of erroi was 4.5 percentage shire." Bush said early this morning 41 percent of the vole while Forbes points; 498 volcrs were surveyed. only last July, months or yens after the contenders, has said alter an overnight (light to Manches- Forbes has staked out more con- had 30 percent. Conservative Alan servative positions since his 19% other GOP hopefuls He asked for anti-Mormon bias hurt him among ter. Nil. Later, he told CBS-"Earl) The abortion issue came up for Keycs had a solid third-place show- loss, particularly on abortion, but (he one million donors to give him $30 the volers he was trying hardest to Show" that Forbes "deserves credit his rival McCain again loday Asked ing with 14 percent. McCain camp believes that won't each lor a total of $36 million. bu( court: Christian conservatives for a strong second." whethei he would favor changing "last night was a triumph of play as well in New Hampshire, (he abortion ban in the Republican he had raised only aboul $2.3 mil "Some ot these people have an "I. however, had a strong first." authentic conservative principles." where independent voters arc a more platform to favor allowing abortion lion (hrough December. absolutely loony belief thai Mor- Bush said. Forbes said today, predicting a "dra- important factor. in cases of tape, incest or to save the Of the olher Republicans in (he mons aren't Christian." Hatch said An exuberant Gore, also on CBS. matic three-way race" with Bush A Quinnipiac College poll, con- mother's life. McCain said. "I would bouom (hree in Iowa. John McCain last Friday. "There's some misappre- said today the competition from and John McCain in New Hamp- ducted before (he caucuses las) support tin- change." had 5 percent but did not compete in hensions and some miscomprehen- Bradley "is great. It's put wind in shins "The Republican establish- Tuesday (hrough Sunday, found 'Thai is the position of Henry the slate and is running much more sion about my laith " my sails and made it easier for me to ment has met its match." people likely (o vole in the Republi- Hyde who is a leader of the pro hie strongly in New Hampshire Gary Iowa pundils blamed Hatch's get my keel deeper in the water, so a party leader. Senate Majority can primary favored McCain over liauer. who had 9 percent, said today poor showing more on a poorly to speak." movement." McCain told reporters Leader Trent Lott of Mississippi, Bush. 39 percent to 28 percent; before a (own hall mecung in in New Hampshire. "We need this lo funded and poorly organized cam On the Republican side, with said Iowa was Forbes' "high water Forbes trailed at 9 percent. The mar- Sunapee. Nil. be a marathon, not a 100-vard dash. paign. more than 97 percent of the state's mark He'll go down, hopefully fast. Winter TUffyAuto Service Omega Phi Alpha I Centers^ National Sen ice Sorority Jay Smith M.D. Savings J Would Like To General Medicine & Pain Management Over 200 Locations Nation Welcome Our Accepting New Patients LUBE/OIL/FILTER I LIFETIME WARRANTED New Actives! Immediate Appointments Available !& TIRE ROTATION SHOCKS & STRUTS Bowling Green 95 Monica Carter 354-6166 353-2444 $ Alison Getz 18 |2»* 1087 S. Main St. I Includes Oil filter; Oil change with up to 5 ] I SAVE on our complete inventory of top Enka Hopsecker ' qts. of quality motor oil, chassis lube; and i . quality, lifetime warranted shocks and Next to Pizza Hut, North of Rt. 6 I a complete vehicle safely inspection. Rotate I I struts - good for os long as you own your Sarah Keith Toledo needs I all four tires "In lieu of other offers. Most j I car. 'In lieu of other offers Most cars and Mon. - Fri. 8:00am - 6:00pm j cars and light trucks i light trucks Shanna Marino Sat. 8:00am - 4:00pm LIFETIME WARRANTED Fran McCowan THE FEW. r LIFETIME WARRANTED i BRAKE i MUFFLERS -'^^fPsv: Laurie Milnes THE PROUD. Show your Student ID PADS & SHOES I fe«9i. Sara Nezovich for a 10% Discount! - fcr\" Sarah Phegley THE (In lieu of other offers.) Val Schnider SHAMELESS. 50%»V 50%- Jen Stone I SAVE on our complete inventory of top • quality, lifetime warranted brake pads and j [ SAVE on our complete inventory of top ' | shoes - good for as long os you own your I I quality, lifetime warranted mufflers - good Betsey Ziegler J car. *ln lieu of other offers. Most cars ond ■ I for os long as you own your cor 'In lieu of Liza Zigler ^iBS I light trucks. [ other offers. Most cars and light trucks. Offering Complete Car Care... Brakes • Exhaust • Shocks • Struts Alignments » Starting & Charging • Heating & Cooling Systems page 8 The BG News Wednesday, January 26. 2000 CITY U. student leaps into business world with downtown nutrition store KIMBERLY DUPPS Cisco's market research was not letes with his store. Me is currently nil." the only factor that aided the suc- STAFf WRITMt talking with trainers about being a A growing business, which cessful opening of the business sole provider of supplements for would create a bigger name, is po?* Last semester, Shawn Cisco was Cisco sold stuff out of his home over I imcrsily athletes. sible in Bowling Green, according to a sophomore at the University with the summer, similar to what he is Earlene Kilpatriclc, director of the Kilpatrick. M'S and finance majors. selling now. Downtown Business Association "There is vast potential for busi The decision to sell products that (DBA), feels that Cisco's target Besses to grow especially with the Now, Cisco is the owner of are in the nutrition department came Bowling Green's newest business, audience will help downtown and Heritage 2000 project. We are going from several factors, including the that there will be an attentive audi- to have new infrastructure, lighting (fl Wholesale Nutrition, 138 East city of Bowling Green itself. tftooster, and taking the semester off ence for the service that Cisco will and property owners arc remodeling "I decided to open up in Bowling provide. We are hoping to attract more con- to open and run his business. Green because GNC |General Nutri- "It attracts consumers to down- The store opened Friday, January sumers which would help businesses tion Ccnter| prices arc higher and it town. It also attracts a target audi- grow." Kilpatrick said. 7 and has been in operation every was a long drive to any other run■ i 1 ence that will invest in downtown,' According to Cisco. #1 Whole- day since then. The store is open nun store. There's not much around Kilpatriclc said. "Right now health from 11 a.m. to S p.m., Monday, here." Cisco said. and fitness are a number one priori- sale has been successful so far. Wednesday and Friday, 11 a.m. to 6 Cisco's store. #1 Wholesale ty. Supplements arc really popular "Getting started is like jumping p.m.. Tuesday and Thursday, 12-5 Nutrition, offers supplements, vita- right now and it's great that we are in a poo] and you don't know if it's p.m. on Saturday and 12-6 p.m. on mins, power bars and candles Cisco able to offer those services to con water or quicksand." Cisco said. Sunday. BOB RECKER/ The BG News feels that what he sells is very sumers." "It's better than I expected. I haven't "The hours pertain to college HEALTH — Shawn Cisco is hoping his nutrition products will important and people should be Cisco plans to add additional advertised much. I am not sure if it's because prices are cheaper than k;ids." Cisco said. "They don't want support a strong business for him. aware of the benefits of the products products that will also be aimed to. get up early on the weekends and he offers. toward health In a few weeks, mag- GNC or they have heard about the beliirc they have to go to class." Last semester was much more about small businesses and talking store because of word of mouth." to professors. "Basically, supplements are real- azines, blenders. • | Even though Cisco is not a "col- stressful, according to Cisco. ly good for your health. On more of grills, premadc sport drinks and Cisco also attributed the success lege kid" this semester, his work at "Last semester, I was trying to set Cisco found his efforts in the fall an athletic level, they help you (rim shakes will be found on the shelves. of the business to the downtown the store is similar to that of a stu- up and go to school at the same time. to be important. up. It's like night and day between lie also has other plans for the business community. He said that Doing it in between classes was "It helped out a lot. because it taking and not taking." Cisco said. the other businesses want to support dent's gave me a good foundation." Cisco store, in addition to providing more "It's about the same, because it's pretty tough." said Cisco. "They are all researched and tested. products for customers. each other. In between his classes. Cisco was said. "It helped me to see how close the same amount of time. It's not as I needed to be to campus, how many They work. They are proven to do "I maybe would like to franchise "The majority of our businesses stressful, but there's still a lot of conducting market research, apply- what they arc supposed to do. There the store and take it to another are small business owners and they ing for loans, looking for suitable people would buy on a regular basis is something foi everyone." lown." Cisco said. "I hope to create arc mainly family businesses. It cre- stuff to do or worry about," Cisco space to house the business, reading and get a feel loi the lown." said. Cisco is targeting University ath- a bigger name. 1 hope it's success ates a community." said Kilpatrick City still awaiting groundbreaking of Heritage 2000 project ANNE MOSS vitality of downtown." Fawcett said. "A majority ol the businesses are excited about STAFF WRITER Mayor John Quinn thought that by creating a investing in (he project because they arc aware "back to the old days" theme the project will cre- that this will be good for downtown." Kilpatrick Six years of planning have gone into the Her- ate a real turn-of-the-century idea. said. itage 2000 project and finally this spring the city The design idea was originated by the land- However, certain business owners arc not in will break ground and begin. scaping-consulling firm E.G.&G The compan) Favor of (he project. They do not wish to comment Heritage 2000 is a revitalization project for the drew all of the plans and was named contracting because they feel enough has been said about the downtown district of Bowling Green. Plans supervisors. This particular firm is responsible for issue. included in the project are planting new trees, set- working on other large-scale projects throughout "Heritage 2000 will happen regardless of the ting up new street lamps and replacing existing Ohio. mixed feelings of businesses." Mayor Quinn said. pavement in the streets and sidewalks. Additional- The new look for downtown was estimated by Thete is no enforcement to improve storefronts ly, crosswalks at the intersection of Wooster and E.G.&G. at $6.1 million. This money is being for the project, but some business and property Main will be paved with red brick, creating a col- financed mostly from state and federal tax dollars. owners are taking this opportuniiy for change orful square. grants, loans and money from the city budget. because u will be good for their business. Earlene Kilpatrick. director of the Downtown Much of the money is being financed from local There have been a few inquiries interested in Business Association, stresses that a majority of businesses that arc located in the affected down- starting new businesses in the downtown district the project will focus on improving the infrastruc- town area. after construction is completed, which is some- ture for stores, like hiding electrical wires under- Because there was not a total commitment of thing else the city was hoping to accomplish. ground and improving back lots of buildings. funding from all who arc involved the project As of right now. the city is not sure where they The motive of the project is to draw more atten- could not begin last fall Now with complete fund- are going to start consruction in the spring. They tion to the downtown business district. Municipal ing the project will be on its way first have to get feedback from all departments, Administrator John Fawcett thinks that by creating Property owners are being taxed based on such as fire and police, to approve safety issues lor a more appealing look to the downtown area, more frontal footage of the property. Each property tax construction sites. The city will begin to take bids DRAWING — This rendition by 8G artist Dudley Fleming shows people will be drawn to shop at the downtown is different because of varying property lines. from contractors on who will actually carry out what downtown will look like post-Heritage 2000. This and other stores, thus increasing the productivity of the city. This has caused mixed feelings among proper- construction. Construction should be completed in drawings are available for public viewing in the lobby of the July of 2001. "The vitality of the community stems from the ty owners. administration building, just outside the mayor's office.

$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ATTENTION UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Student Organizations seeking general fee funding for the 2000-2001 academic year should be aware of the following dates:


$ Monday Feb 21- Funding Budget Hearings Take Place $ £ Thursday Feb 24 $ ?yfe For more information on the general fee funding process for student $ £ organizations, please contact the Student Organization Funding Board at the Office of Student Activities, 204 South Hall, at 2-2343.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Wednesday, January 26, 2000 The BG News page. 9 NATION t*wto.bgntw>!>.i'om/

Till \SVM I All 11 I'KI SS never been a targei ol Ihe federal of killing his investigation, fields served m Con- BATON ROUGE. La. — Formci gress in ihe earl) i''l")s bin moved Gov. Edwin Edwards was video- io the state Senate aftei ^districting family taped handing a roll of cash to a state changed ihe population of his con- senator during an investigation into gressional district from majorit) Tm AXX1X Kill) PKI.SN riverboal gambling in Louisiana, a black IO majorit) white. prosecutor told jurors today. Letten told jurors he would prove DETROIT — A former detective Assistant U.S. Attorney Jim Let- a s.heme in which Edwards used who was found innocent h> reason ten outlined his case agamsl of insanity in the deaths of his wife three of Ins co defendants cattle- Edwards in a two-hour opening and children 25 years ago has con- man Cecil Brown, formei aide- Statement, accusing the tlamboyanl fessed to killing his second wife and Andrew Martin and businessman gambler and politician of using (heir son last fall, authorities said Bobb) Johnson a- "front men" "power, notoriety and his fame and Paul Harrington was ordered who insulated him from direct con- his influence" in a multimillion-dol- Monday to stand trial on two counts tact with license applicants. Martin lar extortion scheme thai corrupted of first-degree murder in the ()cl. 15 also was a "hag man" who earned deaths of his second wife, Wanda. ihe licensing process lot Louisiana's monex lor Edwards, Letten said. 45, and their 3-ycar-old son. Brian. riverboal casinos Prosecutors luxe said they have "The same thing happened in The trial, resulting from ihree 1975," Harrington said in a state- \c.tts ol investigations, is expected more than 1,500 hours ol secretly ment to police "They should have lo las! lor months. recorded conversations between put me away then." I.ellen said videotape shows Edwards and associates Harrington was found innocent Edwards handing Ihe cash lo state Edwards, 72. faces up to 350 by reason of insanity in the l'J7.S Sen Cleo Fields. years in pnson and S7.2 million in killings of his first wife. Becky. 28. ■\s he hands ovei Ihe money. I.el- fines it convicted. and daughters Pamela. °. and ( .is ( len added. Edwards lells fields to be Former San Francisco 4 'eis sandra. 4. Police said the couple had ownei Eddie DeBartolo and two recently separated when he killed careful because "thai guv is undei others have already pleaded guilty in the three with his police service serious, serious, serious investiga connection xxuh the case, and revolver. tion." TAPED — Former Louslana Gov. Edwin Edwards, center-left, enters the Russell B. Long Federal He was committed for psychiatric The "gu>" Edwards refers to in DeBartolo has agreed lo testify foi Building in Baton Rouge, La. evaluation al a state facility Inn was ihe tape is state Sen (iieg Tarver, Ihe prosecution. Prosecutors sa) the casino 1997, when I HI agents raided his ing a riverboal license. " released after just two months of I.ellen said. Tarvei is a CO Authorities sa) ihe evidence % schemes occurred aftei I dwards home and office and seized records On Monday, a jurx consisting ■«! treatment, according to records with Edwards, the former gover- againsi Edwards this lime is strongei was oul oi office in 1991. continued and more lhan 1400.000 in cash eighl men and lour women xxas sew- Police said Harrington, 53. shol nor's son Stephen and five others than in the 1980s, when he was tried through Ins fourth and final term as Ihe iiioncx allegedl) came from ed loi ihe trial Edwards was pleased his second wife and son inside the accused in a scheme to extort monex, on icderal racketeering charges governoi from 1992 to 1996. and DeBartolo He pleaded guilt) lofail with ihe final selection. family's home after his older son lefi from applicants foi valuable casino involving a hospital and nursing wenl on aftei he lefl office again bin ing to report a crime and was sen- "We feel like we have a fair and for school, with a gun he borrowed licenses home venture. Ihe fusi trial ended the night before. He (hen called 911. retained considerable political clout. tenced to two vc.its' probation lbs impartial jury," Edwards said "They fields is noi charged and his in a hung jury and ihe second in an Polne Sgl Felix Kuk testified The case came Io light in April DeBartolo Entertainment xxas seek- will do a good job." lawyer, Mike Small, said fields has Monday dial Harrington, who had acquittal been fired from a steel company last had run out of medication for his 'depression, and killed them because "in my head I jusi couldn't handle any more." Consumers feel the pinch of higher fuel costs Lawyers said Monday the) expect the latest case will center on Tin ,.\xxc« mi n PRESS gripped b) frigid temperatures dur- age retail price rose lo$1 74 a gallon cold snap, low petroleum supplies livery of produci. possible anti-com- psychiatric testimony. The case is ing the pasi week, die use ol home Monday up 57 cents from a week and a decision bx ihe Organization petitive actions and lack of required "is not about what Harrington did. heating oil look a sharp increase. ago and moie than double xxhal il of ihe Petroleum Exporting Coun- nonces of shortages — all of which Inn about his frame of mind." SI VMFORD. Conn. — Alex leaving some areas with shortages. was this lime lasi yeai And in New tries io extend existing oil produt max show violations ol law." said defense attorney W Frederick Terentino feels fuel suppliers have Answering Ihe picas of officials Hampshire, retail puces jumped lion cuts pasi an original March Connecticut Attorney General Blu Moore said him over a barrel - twice ovei in several slates. President Clinton from SI 22 pei gallon lo SI.71. deadline Harrington, who had joined the Terentino has seen ihe amount he menthal. on Tuesday ordered the release of Truckers are also feeling ihe Detroit police lone in 1972, was pays loi home healing oil go from I ieorge Beranek. an analyst with I homas Prescott, of Johnny emergenc) home heating assistance pinch because ot sharp increases in fired aftei being charged in the 1975 99 cents a gallon lo SI 89 a gallon in Petroleum finance Co. a private I'uscoii and Son Oil Co in Con- binds for thousands ol poor families ihe costs ol diescl fuel. In New York. killings. a mallei of weeks, while his hill loi consulting firm based in Washing- cord. Nil. said any shortage is one in Alaska and the Northeastern ihe retail price ol diesel fuel rose His defense lawyei .ii the time, natural gas al his Stamford buieher ion. DC. s.ud. "it has noi reached stales thai "luxe experienced ihe from a low ot s| (4'j pei gallon lo a created to make money. Donald Cutler, said two psychia- shop has doubled in ihe lasl month the slage where suppliers are not irisis examined I larnnglon and lesli- greatesi hardship." Clinton said offi- high of S2.059 per gallon from "There is no war in the Mideast, "You've got no choice. You've gelling xxhat ihey need " fied ai a 1977 hearing thai he was cials were still trying to figure oul Thursday lo Monday, according to no refineries are down, there is rto goi IO pay." said Terentino, one ol Officials in sexetal stales are not criminally responsible for the ihe total COSI ol ihe fuel subsidies ihe New York State Motor Truck major explosion in the market." he many consumers across ihe country slayings The law al Ihe time In Connecticut, retail puces shot Association, investigating accusations of price- said. "It is a normal winter in terms who complained aboul die sudden gouging. required the judge lo lind Harring- up al least 40 cents a gallon, lo Industry analysts sa) ihe sudden ot degree days, and a cold snap ot and rapid use in fuel co-Is. ton innocent by reason of insanity, between $1.70 and Jose to V pei price increases have been caused by "We have cleat indications dial six lo eighl days should not force Cutler said. With much of ihe Northeast gallon. In Massachusetts, the avci several factors, including Ihe recent there are surcharges on hills, nonde- prices up one nickel." E BOWLING GREEN ARE YOU 8TILL THINKING ABOUT ttThiS is the true story WORLD of four oast members, WHERE TO LIVE NEXT YEAR???) Mid Am Manor CZ} These apartments have a lar^c living area, "(12 Ihirtl Si. &8W l-ounh Si ^ kitchen with dining area. lull baih. and!' Spacious 2 bedroom, air

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jf page 10 The B<; News Wednesday, January 26. 2000 STATE 1vww.b9nfivs.cotn/ap Sheppard case about whether courts make mistakes Police plan THE ASSOCIATED PRESS "At the same time it has no mech- to charge anism to clear anybody's name for CLEVELAND — One of Ameri- posterity. The police, the prosecu- ca's epic criminal cases, the murder tors, the politicians can literally men in conviction of the late Dr. Sam Shep- destroy people's lives and walk pard. is set to begin what may be its away and say. 'We weren't wrong.' final act this week. Thai's why I feel this case is very deaths ■ The 1954 beating death of Shep- important to American history" E'ard's pregnant wife. Marilyn. Sheppard, 52. was 7 years old ASSOCIATED I'KISS WKIHK Iready has led to two trials and a when his mother was killed — ner landmark U.S. Supreme Court rul- skull fractured and her blood splat- TOLEDO Police are investi- ing and partly inspired "The Fugi- tered in a bedroom down the hall gating possible links between the tive" TV scries and film. from where the boy slept. deaths of four prostitutes and two . _.' A third trial is scheduled to star) The younger Sheppard watched men already in custody. Prosecutors Monday before Cuyahoga County as his father was convicted of his said Tuesday they plan to charge the 1 Common Pleas Judge Ronald SUMO mother's killing, served 10 years in men in two of those killings .After motions are argued and a few prison before an acquittal at retrial The longtime friends will be , mote witnesses deposed, jury selec- and. in his son's words, was "vili- charged in the deaths of two women tion could begin by week's end. fied, degraded, humiliated and liter- who were found in a farm field in Like the previous two Sheppard ally destroyed." southern Michigan, said John trials, much will be at stake as the Broken financially and in spirit, Weglian, an assistant Lucas County testimony unfolds. But this case the doctor died in 1970 of liver fail- prosecutor. won't just be about an ultra-sensa- ure. Aggravated murder and kidnap- tional murder or the rights of the His family's ordeal turned the ping charges will be tiled later this media against those of a criminal younger Sheppard into an activist week against Charles McKay Jr.. of defendant. both for promoting his father's inno- l.ambertv ille. Mich., and Robert This trial will cut to the question cence and against the death penalt) of whether the criminal justice sys — the latter being the result of the Associated Press Photo Cooper, "i Toledo, Weglian said. |em is capable of terrible mistakes terror he felt at the thought of his "There are at least two homicides 'And. if it makes errors, can the sys father being executed. CASE — Samuel Sheppard sits at a court hearing in Cleveland, Ohio. The third trial of the late Dr. they were involved in." said E.d (em be held accountable to the peo- Now Sheppard's attorneys will Sam Sheppard is set to begin Monday. Swinkey, the prosecutor in Monroe ple whose lives are ruined by bad County. Mich. n > 10 win what's called a declaration about S2 million could he awarded tit-.t prosecutors had the right man whole world. There may be some What authorities don'l know i- verdicts. of innocence for his father by con- to him as Ins father's heir. But he agrees with Sheppard that. flaws in this system but it's still bet- whethei M< Kay, '7, and Cooper, 21, "The legal system has this image vincing at least six of eight jurors Leading the state's defense is because of its long history and many ler than any other," Mason said mat it's fair — that it can do no that it is more likely than not (he were involved in the slayings of the Cuyahoga Count) Prosecutoi twists, the case is a symbolic test ol "The people before me in this case Wrong." said Sam Reese Sheppard, two other women in Toledo, which doctor was innocent. William Mason. 40. who wasn't the American criminal justice sys- who presented evidence worked in the Shcppards' only child, who is borders Monroe County. If the younger Sheppard wins, the even born when the murdei hap tem. good faith and to the utmost of then suing Ohio for wrongful imprison- case moves to the si.lie Court of pened lie has become convinced "I mean this: I think we've got ability. They deserve to have their None of the victims had much ment of his father. Claims, where damages estimated at through his study of the case that the the greatest system of justice in the work looked al with an open eye." contact with theii families, which has slowed (he investigation, author- ities said, All loin vveie known In Toledo police as prostitutes. The skeletal remains of Valerie Suspect in woman's mutilation death tears up jail cell Jones. 38, were found earlier this monlh al a garbage dump in Toledo. THE ASSOCIATED PM SS DeKalb County Sheriff Cecil Reed arrest Sunday, the sheriff's office believed she left willingly with him gia Because they don't know where She was strangled. The body of Reed said Bissell. of Norwalk, said. Deputies slopped his car during on Saturday, possibly to visit his the murder Kx>k place. Bissell has Debra Dixon, 44. was burned and ; FORT PAYNE, Ala. — An Ohio Ohio, was "banging his head against a hit-and-run investigation and parents in Winter Haven, Ha. nol been charged in Ms. Booher s beaten and found Dec. 24 in an ' man went berserk in his jail cell after the wall, ripping up the plumbing in found the mutilated body of Patricia When stopped on Sunday. Reed death. industrial area. being found with the mutilated body his jail cell, and flooding the com- Ann Booher. 24, strapped into the said a hand and leg ol Ms, Booher In Norwalk. friends and relatives Police think McKay and Cooper of his girlfriend in his car. and modes, among other things." front passengei 's seat. had been severed and hei eves and said the couple had been dating kidnapped l-elna Thomas, 36, of authorities sought Tuesda) to have "For his safety and the safety of According to theii driver's heart had been gouged out. He said since August, but described Bissell Toledo, while in Ohio and then him committed to a hospital. others, we could not take him into licenses. Booher was 4-foot-IO, 105 the victim was fully clothed and as controlling and said he sometimes killed her in Michigan. , A bond hearing for Hay ward Bis- COUIt," Reed said. The sheriff said pounds and the 6-foot Bissei strapped in the lioni seat vv ith a seal- stalked Ms. Boohet Police also believe the men killed sell. 37. had to be held in the county he hoped to transfer Bissell 10 a weighed 350 pounds. Reed estimat- hell and all of the body parts except "He controlled her every move, Yvonne Mipc. 43. of Toledo, in ; i.ul because it was too dangerous to mental hospital in Tuscaloosa. and ed he weighed closer to 400 pounds. her eyes were found in the car. where she went and who she spoke Monroe County. Swinke) said he ^jajovc the nearly 400-pound man to the suspect's court-appointed lawyer Bissell and Ms. Booher lived in (icorgia authorities were working with," said neighbor Joanne Blood- plans to charge one or both of the •Jjourt was not lighting the request. the same apartment complex in Nor- with Reed to determine if the slay- hart. "He would sland there and men with open murder. Under that •**• "Hc js completely out of control Bissell had refused to be finger- walk and authorities said they had ing happened in rural northeast watch if she left the apartment. If charge, a jury determines the degree and I want him out of here." said printed or photographed alter his been dating. Authorities there Alabama or possibly nearby Geor- she came here, he would call." of the crime.

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Men's Basketball Bring on Golden Flashes PF.TK STELLA it every game." Dakich said. ASSISTANT SPOItTS EDITOR The other starting forward Kyrem Massey has compiled a 11.1 ppg and In the current standings of the guard Demetric Shaw averages 10.2. Mid-American Conference, the BG Guard Nate Meers is shooting 413 men's basketball team has hold of percent from beyond the arc and tirsi place in the East and the best Whorton's 58 percent from the floor Super Bowl record in the entire conference. average leads the conference. At 14-3 overall and 6-1 in the "They get really good play from MAC. the Falcons have their hands about ten guys." Dakich said. "It is won't be dull full this week with contests against as good of a role playing team as Kent tonight and Akron Saturday there has been in the league that I On one side, you have Ihe Ten- The Brown and Orange face the have seen. That is why they are nessee Tiians. formerly the Oilers, Golden Flashes tonight at 7 p.m. in good " formerly of Houston, formerly a the MAC Center. "Their guy is trying to kick your Super Bowl virgin. Kent is 7-0 at home. 3-0 in MAC tail and you have to be good enough Across the dome, you have the play, and they recently suffered their not to get it kicked." Dakich said. second loss on conference play 69- St. Louis Rams, formerly of Los Saturday, the FaLons host Akron 64 to Akron last Saturday. The Gold- Angeles, formerly one of the worst at I p.m. in Anderson Arena. en Flashes have been receiving Falcon Notes: teams in football. much national credit and arc project- If you told an NFL expert seven ed to be one of the two MAC teams Currently, the Brown and Orange years ago that the 2000 Super Bowl selected to make the post-season have five guys averaging double fig- ures in scoring. Forward Anthony would feature St. Louis vs. Ten- tournament. Stacey leads the pack with a 15.5 nessee, he probably would have "If we do what we are supposed ppg. followed by guard Keith thrown himself off a bridge, sure to do. it will come down to how we McLeod's 14.4 ppg. Forwards Dave that the apocalypse was near. handle our defensive backboard, Hsterkamp and Len Matela have net- But. no. Here we are. no locusts, their offensive backboard." BG ted 12.6 and 12.3 averages respec- coach Dan Dakich said. "I saw Indi- tively. Guard Trent Jackson finishes no eruptions, no computer problems ana get beat on Saturday and they out the five with a 10.6 ppg. and only five days from this cata- did everything right expect keep clysmic event that has bandwagon Purdue off the defensive glass. It is Stacey passed David Jenkins of fans baffled over which team to root the exact same case here." the 1981-84 squads to become the all-time steal leader against . for because the Browns fell a few Kent brings in one of the most He now has 205 to pass the old mark games short. balanced and dangerous teams in the of 201. Stacey only needs 136 points "Well, the Rams were the best in conference. They have four mem- to become the all-time leading scor- the regular season, but the Titans are bers of their squad averaging double er in BG history. the underdog. It's a lough choice ... figures, led by guard Trevor Huff- man with a 13.2 points per game The Falcons have won 11 in a either way. the Browns suck." average and a 4.9 assists per game row at home and 26 of their last 31 But still, bandwagon fans aside, avenge, which is fourth best in the in conference play. BG was second no one can really be sure what to league. Pre-season All-MAC pick in the country in the NCAA statistics expect Sunday. forward John Whorton is second on last week in field goal percentage A few years ago it was easy. Pick BEN FRENCH/The BG News the team with 12.7 ppg and leads the and 12th in free throw percentage. either Dallas. San Francisco or Golden Flashes with 6.4 rebounds McLeod is fourth in the nation Green Bay for the NFC. pit them STACEY—Falcon forward Anthony Stacey set the all-time BG steal record against Miami. The Fal- per game average. with a 54.4 three point percentage against cither Buffalo or some one cons face Kent today at 7p.m. for a crucial conference match-up. "As you watch them on tape, they BG is shooting 53.9 percent from year upstart from the AFC. Pitts- are really a good team because the floor, which is the best in the everyone docs their role and they do burgh. San Diego. New F.ngland. MAC. and you have the recipe for some exciting Superbowl comedy. Women's basketball It used to be that you never bet against Ihe NFC. then Denver had Northern to come in and screw up the whole system by beating the the Packers in Hoopsters not giving up, face Zips tonight Michigan 1998. Now their triumph gives (he Titans hope. G. MICHAEL GRAHAM plagued the Falcons many times this preyes It's easy to figure on a Rams SPORTS WRITER year, such as when Miami went on a blowout: they did it through the 55-8 run Saturday en route to the win. dangerous whole regular season. With their With a record of 4-14 overall and "We talk about it." Knoblauch DEREK MCCORD explosive offense and good-enough 2-6 in the MAC. the Bowling Green women's basketball team is packing said. "You can't get down when you SPORTS WRITER defense, they should be able to roll it in and giving up on the season, a shot and you certainly can't over the Titans like a steamroller right? get down when you make a mistake. The Northern Michigan Witiats over a can of soup. Think again. You need to make up for it. It's kind have proven themselves to -he a Then you have Kurt Warner, It may be easy to do considering of human nature to get down on powerhouse in the CCHA after com Marshall Faulk. Isaac Bruce. Orlan- the way teams outmatch the Falcons yourself. We need to keep plugging ing to the conference from theifesi- away and get tougher." do Pace ... that's quite an offense. inside, and teams continuously beat ern Collegiate Hockey Association Akron has a record almost similar The Wildcats are sitting in a tie Perhaps a little loo much for Ten- them with outside games since the guards have to double down on the to BG's at 5-12 overall and 1-5 in for second place with 24 paints nessee. the conference. The Zips entered the posts. Falcon coach Dec Knoblauch along with perennial power MVhi- But then you take into account said it would not be fair to seniors season with hopes of contending for gan State and four points behinm last the fact that the Rams had a relative- Jaymee Wappes and Sherry Kahle if the MAC Championship after they years CCHA playoff chanijion beat the Falcons in the firsl round of ly easy path to the Superbowl. run- Ihe team did that, even though those Michigan. the conference tournament for ning through Minnesota and then three are not used to losing constant- "Right now the league is so&jm- Akron's first-ever win against BG petiuve that there is not reallyTeuch hanging on against Tampa Bay. Both ly- before falling to Toledo are good teams, but who lack the "We were hoping to be able to room for error." Northern Mic^tigaii But injuries have taken their toll head coach Rick Comley said*, "It experience that comes in handy dur- put a run together here." Knoblauch this year. Polenlial starters Amanda said "We have a job to do and we're would be nice to be in first placjf; but ing the playoffs. Hubbard. Jamie Krivak and Jamie we are in a good position right how going to finish out this year. We Scott are out for the year with Then you figure that the Rams want to finish strong. That's our Northern Michigan had* the lost to the Lions and Charlie Batch injuries. But'they still have a post task." threat with junior 6-fool-4 center chance to take first place in lhfc.Thc out of action in that game, then She went through the same rebuild- guard Hrika Glover is Akron's other Wildcats have had two Mines steady 'ol Gus Ferrotte came in and ing process, The end result was a double-digit scorer, averaging 11.4. against Michigan. ate up the Rams. record of 116-32 in her final five Forward Abby Hoy gives Akron The Wildcats have had ajnost everything going for them thy sea- Take that into account and St. seasons another threat w ilh 9.9 points and a "It is tough losing and I'm cer- son, goal scoring, good detense and Louis doesn't seem so tough, eh'.' team-high 5.1 assists. tainly not used to losing." "We're obviously going to give excellent goaltending. Now the Titans: they had a good Knoblauch said. "But we were awful her a lot of attention." Knoblauch So far this season. Northern run to the dance. Wild card team ... in my first few years at Mount said of Bowles. "She has a hook shot Michigan has seven shutoutSil»hich the way it should be. They beat Buf- Union. You can't have the good and can go right or left She's shoot- breaks the school record of fdej that falo on a trick play and then took without the bad. When I turn this ing 32 percent from three-point was set in their National Chimpi care of two AFC favorities in a row. thing around and we're good and land." onshipyearof 1990-91. Goaltenders Dan RagusoO* and Indianapolis couldn't gel their offen- winning 20 games, it'll be especial So again, the Falcons will pray ly sweet because I had to work for it. Duanc Hocy are the fifth antt^ixth sive charge going and Jacksonville Akron does not hit like cra/y from Nothing good is ever easy." the outside like Miami did. The Zips best goaltenders in the conference just folded. But there go the Oilers ... The Falcons will look to work are averaging 27 percent 160-of- Junior Ragusett has been;«Jirry- uh ... Tiians into the toward putting together a good 2241 from beyond the arc as a team ing much of the load for the^Wild Superbowl looking for the mild streak tonight when Akron visits Faciilty/StalT Night cats this year and has an 11-4 I upset this year. (Let's face it; the Anderson Arena for a 7 p.m. contest. Any University faculty or staff MB! LEHMKUHLE/The BG Mewl mark a goals against average of NFL only has mild upsets anymore.) This begins a stretch where the Fal- member can pick up four compli- 2.00. and posted four shutouts--. But no matter who wins, it's cons play five of the last eight games mentary tickets to the game at the Senior Hoey has pla>cd run' going to be odd adding "defending at home. Six of the opponents have ticket office in Memorial Hall. They MILLER—BG guard Francine Miller drives through the lane ear- games to produce a record of £2-1, losing records. also earn four coupons good for a lier in the season. The Falcons host Akron tonight at 7 in three of the five wins being shutouts Superbowl Champions" to either of Knoblauch said a big key for her free soda and hot dog. In addition, Anderson Arena. "It is tough losing and I'm certainly not used to "Ragusett and Hoey are^Sretty these team's business cards next squad is physical and mental tough- each BG player will choose a darn good goaltenders and w hen you year. ness if it hopes to put together a run. "favorite professor" or "favorite losing," Falcon coach Dee Knoblauch said. have a veteran team that plays'vfith a And the sad thing is that dynas- A breakdown in that category has staff member" to be recognized at good team concept, you ci* get ties are dead. So either of these those results," Bowling Greetljiead teams could end up buying tickets to coach Buddy Powers said. playoff games next year. Ask the Surprisingly, the Wildcats do not Atlanta Falcons how hard it is to have any players in the top tejrsci n repeat Cinderella success. Thomas' spinal cord not as damaged as feared ing. but do have five pla\ere with ten or more points. Take solace Northwest Ohio. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Thomas. 33, was thrown from his ple who haven't recovered." Green planned and that Thomas, who Senior left wing Roger Trudeau is Next year you may see the car Sunday after losing control on an said "Anybody who knows Derrick remained sedated Tuesday after- leading the team in goals wift 12. Lions/Browns rematch everyone has MIAMI — Derrick Thomas icy highway near Kansas City. Mo. know's that you don't bet against noon, could be transferred to a reha- but is tied with senior Bryan Phillips been anticipating since the I950's. underwent more than four hours of Thomas broke his spine and neck him. But it's too early to tell right bilitation facility in about two in points with 16. Don't bet against it. No one could surgery Tuesday 10 rebuild part of and wound up semiconscious with now We just have to see how he weeks. He already has begun work- Despite having only the itinth have guessed Rams/Titans. his spine, and doctors said his spinal no feeling in his legs. does." ing with therapists. best penalty kill unit in the conler- cord was not damaged as badly as Though the NFL star remained The Kansas City Chiefs line- In the meantime, he will be sur- ence. Trudeau. along with right winger J.P Vigier. are leading the feared. paralyzed from the chest down at backer's operation included decom- rounded with family and friends. His "Thomas' spinal cord was severe- Jackson Memorial Hospital, doctors pressing the spinal cord, stabilizing nation in shorthanded goals with Dan Nied is looking for a mother. Edith Morgan, and other rel- four each. woman to share pie eating con- ly bruised." neurosurgeon Barth expressed hope he'd walk again. (he spinal column with screws, tita- Green said. atives were at the hospital alone "You do not go into a penalts kill tests with. If you are interested, "There have been cases of people nium rods and hooks, and implanti- to score goals, but when the oppor- Doctors originally thought it email him at with similar injuries who have ng bone grafts from Thomas' hip. tunity arose we have taken it.'Xom- [email protected]. might have been severed when recovered and there have been peo- Doctors said surgery went as See THOMAS, page 13 ley said. \ page 12 The BG News Wednesday. January 26, 200(1 SPORTS

TSTANDINGS 1 Transactions National Haskohall Sssmialiu li... • Mich School rlaslti null Polls from fcHlE wi<-8 Record Tuesday's Sports Transactions H* I h. AsMKialrd PresS DIVISION I BASEBALL 1. Cm Si XIVKTCII 1.0 502 Former YVKU guard headed to Akron 2. lol*cyl4l 12 0 262 American League EASTKRN (ONI miser V CanUn M.Kinkv l7| ■I I 215 AKRON - Rashon Brown, who averaged 7.9 4. On WiMon Woods 12 0 186 NEW YORK YANKEES-Agri'i-d lo lerms with points a game last season al Western Kentucky, is trans- Allanlk DhttM 5. Ibl Si II.IIIOS 10 I 146 ferring 10 ihe University of Akron, il was announced w ft! 6. Beavcrocck i: i l.l II' Andy Pettitte on .1 three-year contract. ?,'ld Sc 10.1 Tuesday. National League Miami 25 641 8. Akron HIKTIICI 8 1 102 Brown, a nalivc of Cleveland, is a 6-foot-1, 185- 'I. I HII. Sr 112 (.9 HOUSTON ASTROS—Agreed lo lerms with C sjtw York U 625 10. Ocve South 112 so pound point guard. He started 35 games over his first I1nl.idcll.ln., 11 585 inli. r. rrcfitinc 12 .n n r points: II. I I i erpool 20 12. w Chewi Lakota Prank Charles and C Pedro Lopez on minor-league two seasons .11 Western Kentucky and played one exhi- West 19 ii. ZinesviMt ii IJ It^rlx-rl.Hi IS |S ( |t.(- Si 1,'ii.ilius 12 Boston 19 475 6 1/2 contracts. bition this year before leaving the team. Because he played in ihe one exhibition game, he Orlando IH 429 I 1/3 DIVISION n NEW YORK METS—Agreed lo terms with SS Rey I. Wooster litwj) (17) 130 294 will nol be eligible lo play until after the first semester Ne* ffiw) n 415 2 DaytOn Christian (5) 114) 265 Ordonez on a four-year. ontract. next season lie can loi Akron for Ihe rest of the 3. On Putccll |9| 12 1 240 Washington 13 510 4. Willardd) 12 I 194 BASKETBALL 2000-01 season and all ol Ihe following yeai ( enlrallll.lsion 5. i Huisicd Falls lit 2 103 Brown scored 47 points in the semifinals and finals 6. Poland Seminars 7-2 101 National Basketball Association li.liin.i M 614 7. Slruthcrs 102 GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS—Activated F-C as Benedictine won the Division II slate high school 8. Perry 9-2 I hdtltKIP 564 championship in l°°7. 9. Navarre Fairleai 8-3 Terry CummingS from the injured list. Placed I I in) Mllimilii 5<7 io. i .UK... i cm Cadi 10-2 Young on the injured lisl Ilarniscli. Vaughn and Casey win awards lieiroti 525 4 1/2 Others rceeisint; 12 or more points: 11. ti.ii:.|»ilis (iallia Acad 'II ILToMOgan) I ()Kt )NTt) RAPT* )RS—Signed F Antonio Lang lo CINCINNATI Pete llarnisch was voted the Toronto 523 4 1/2 t>tsepo27 IV I Ina Muss...-.- 2» MllkJ GrWnReld Met lull, lallniadpc 14 (incmnaii Reds' most outstanding piicher for 1999 and .1 second 10-day contract t'Irs eland 390 10 DIMSKIN III Greg Vaughn was chosen Ihe most valuable player by I.AkronSt V-St MI22I Ml) '01 Mlanla u 1

Belichick's request for restraining order denied

Trffi ASSOCIATED PUT SS him adequate rewards. Parcclls' retirement, which occurred well-reasoned, and said the league's "It was he who turned his back on Jan. 3. Belichick stunned the learn anti-tampering policy was "a Icuui- NEWARK. N.J. — Bill that," Bissell said in denying by resigning Ihe next day. citing Ihe mate program to ensure the sanctity Belichick remained a coach without Belichick's requesl for a temporary uncertainties posed bj the impend of contracts." a team Tuesday as a federal judge restraining order that would have ing sale of the team and potential Belichick's lawyers argued ihai denied his requesl for an order enabled him to seek coaching oppor- problems from Parcells' continuing he would suffer irreparable hann if a allowing him to seek another NIT tunities with olher NFL teams, association with ihe team in a front- restraining order was imi granted. coaching job. notably the New England Patriots office capacity. Kessler said Ness Hnirland presents In a sternly worded ruling. U.S. "In large measuic. he pul himself in The judge scheduled a ■ confer- an ideal situation for Belichick. who district Court Judge John W. Bissell this position." ence call with lawyers for the sides .111 assistant there under Par- said Belichick created the very prob- Belichick. angry with NFL com- Wednesday to determine il another cells, lie also said Ihere is no guar- lems he asked Ihe court to solve for missioner Paul Tagliabue's ruling healing should be held Fridaj to antee that Belichick would receive him when he resigned as coach of last week that he cannot coach consider a preliminary injunction anolhcr head coaching oiler the New York Jcis one day after another team Ihis year wiihoul Ihe enabling Belichick to seek another "New lingland is particularly being appointed to succeed Bill Par- Jets' permission, sued the league on job in the league. well-suited for him," Kessler told cel Is Monday. His lawyer, Jeffrey The practical difference between ihe judge. "It's in a conference he His lawyers claimed (he NFL is Kessler. said the league's coaches a temporary restraining order and a knows, he coached there, he's Tamil preventing Belichick from making a have been ordered to "boycott" preliminary injunction is that an lar with die players, and he has a living the only way he knows, and Belichick in violation of federal injunction could lasl longer. Bui. relationship with the owner of the Bissell acknowledged Belichick's antitrust laws. more significantly, if Bissell denied team. If this opportunity is losl to distress at not having a team to Tagliabue's ruling applied only to a preliminary injunction. Belichick's coach Belichick. Ihere is no assur- coach. the upcoming 2000 football season, lawyers would then IK' tree to take ance he will ever he given another "But who does he have to blame and did nol address Ihe other two the case lo a federal appeals court. oppoilunity to he a head coach in the Associated Press Photo for that?" Bissell asked. "He had a years remaining on the contract Bissell said an early look at evi- NIL again.'" head coaching position with the Belichick signed with former Jets dence in the case did nol bode well Bissell rejected thai assertion, New York Jets, highly compensated, owner Leon Hess, who died a yeai for Belichick's antitrust claims Ik- noting that former Philadelphia BELICHICK—Former New York Jets defensive coach Bill with the prestige, ihe title, the expo- ago. said Tagliabue's ruling prohibiting Eagles coach Dick Vermeil, after a Belichick had his current request for a restraining order denied long absence from coaching, led St sure, ihe market and the team thai That $1.4 million contract called Belichick from coaching elsewhere by a federal judge. certainly should have provided for for Belichick to become coach upon for the 2000 season was logical and Louis into the Super Boss I Daffodil Days forthe ^ IAMBMCAN The Student Union has American Cancer Society Tg£f? Mtreh 20 Closed its Doors for WE'VE Renovation V. NOW OPEN! Here is where to find us Towers West Restaurant MOVED entrance located on west side of during the renovation: McDonald Dining Center MONDAY - FRIDAY (All phone numbers Lunch lL30a-m. - l&Opjn. remain the same) Dinner ftOOfun. - 7:00pjn. Featuring: Duly Specials Table side Service Salad Bar Student Union administrative offi :es 215 South Hall 372-2241 Selected menu items from Pheasant Room Space Assignments 215 South Hall 372-2941 tor Lunch Reservations call 372-8075 Catering Services 103 Centrex Building 372-6951 Cash. Dining Select. BIG CHARGE, Department Charge*, Vis*. Mastercard, and Golden Buckeye discount Accepted Student Activities 204 South Hall 372-2343 University Activities Organization 210 South Hall 372-2486 1 c Student Legal Services 401 South Hall 372-2951 Information Center Olscamp Hall 372-2741 NEED A CUP OF COFFEE? Computer Lab 2nd Floor, Student Services 372-2738 ] c Design Lab Amani Room, Commons jeepers Coffee ghop Little Shop University Bookstore 372-2851 Copy Center 112 University Hall 372-9633 ATM's Located in Founders Huntington Library Monday - Thurtday faturing '(.rouni* for Thought" Coflte Key Bank Founders 7:00a.m. - Midnight Eipreuo Mid-Am MacDonald Friday (appin-ino 7:00a.m. - irOOp.m. Utw Dining Services: Commons Founders Kreischer MacDonald Saturday Variety of Baited Goods including closed Homemade Comwcake For updates on the renovation or for further information, please visit our Sunday Grab a' Go wrtppad Saadwidte* & S*Ud* drill 'to-Order and much more! Web site at: 7:00p.m. - Midnight a

1 Wednesday, January 26. 2000 The RC, News page P

Boxing Tyson gets fight offers Despite his recent problems, still has people all over the world who want to see him fight

THb ASSOCIATED PRESS train despite the threat of being great and he's straight about every- arrested for jogging at 3 a.m. in thing around him, you're going to LONDON — Mike Tyson is no Hyde Park. And he"s looked sharp see Mike Tyson get his title back." longer Ihc world champion, but he's enough to talk about getting his After Francis. Tyson might fight still a world attraction. undisputed title back. Shannon Briggs or Lou in As he prepares for British heavy- On Tuesday, Tyson went through late March in New Jersey. That's weight Julius Francis in Manchester his Final London workout before contingent on a number of things. on Saturday. Tyson is getting offers heading to Manchester. He pounded Among them. Tyson must beat Fran- to fight from all corners of the globe. combinations into the girdle-protect- cis, get a New Jersey boxing license His boxing adviser. Shelly ed midsection of trainer Sta.-y and stay out of trouble. Finkel. said calls have come from McKinley and treated familiar 1bot- Finkel also wants a June or July Germany. France. Russia, Austria. work like new dance steps. bout to keep Tyson sharp and fight- South Africa. Japan. China. Wales "I was working on my balance, ing every three or four months. and. of course. England. my feet. Going through repetitions." Then there's the matter of undis- First, he has to beat Francis, a 16- Tyson said. "If you don't remember puted champion 1 underdog. Francis, a former kick- the little things, you'll never remem- . boxer, is undergoing hypnosis and ber the big things. Because the little "Tyson and Lewis is the only has also sold the sole and heel of his things add to the big things." other fight out there," Finkel said. boxing shoes to The Mirror. The Tyson s.nd he's not yet ready to But it might not happen. Lewis is London newspaper expects such a fight for the title under contract with HBO and Tyson purchase to come in handy when "I have a little ways to go," he with rival network Showtime. Francis lands flat on his back from a said. "I wish I felt as good as every- Jay Larkin of Showtime said Tyson punch one says 1 look. But I'm on my way. Tuesday there were no negotiations Tyson has been relaxed, talkative "Sometimes I do things better with HBO. Basically, he said it's and good-humored since arriving in than when I was champ," he added. Showtime or nothing. London a week ago. He has been "It's just all about getting my head "Lennox Lewis needs Mike hounded whenever he steps from his together and believing I can put it all Tyson." he said. "Mike Tyson does- five-star Park Lane hotel across in perspective. ... I move better. I'm n't need Lennox Lewis." from Hyde Park. faster and I punch harder." Larkin said the offers for Tyson "It became like Beallemania and McKinley. who calls his job of bouts have been competitive and he just escalated from there." said getting hit by Tyson "the hardest a would consider a world tour. Finkel. recalling mob scenes in man could have." said Tyson has "Oh. what a circus or what a Brixton. a chaotic airport reception been buoyed by the British fans. show that would be. ... Hopefully, and wild shopping trips for jewelry "This reception ... has made him it's a giant step towaids getting and cars. feel good and really super great." he Mike back to the center of public Somehow Tyson managed to said. "Now when a fighter feels attention in the Slates," Larkin said.

Associated Press Photo

TYSON—Mike Tyson has become quite a tourist attraction in England and has gotten invitations from more than nine countries to fight.

THOMAS continued from page eleven with tcammale James Hasty and Mike Tellis. one of Thomas' two former teammate Neil Smith. passengers in the car. was killed as Penguins hurt "Derrick is in very good spirits, (hey were en route to Kansas City he's got his usual sense of humor International Airport for a trip to the by Stevens' arrest and he's taking all of this one day at NFC Championship game in St. a time." Morgan said. "One of the Louis. Thomas' car flipped several THE ASSOCIATED PKI SS first things he said to me was, times. 'Mom. I'm going to have to have i Thomas and Tellis. 49, of Kansas PITTSBURGH — There was lot of rehab." But he's real positive City. Kan., were not wearing seal something — actually, someone — and real optimistic about everything. belts and were thrown from the car. missing from the New York police said. Tellis was killed instant- Rangers-Pittsburgh Penguins rivalry "We know that we have a long ly. A third man in the car who ».h road ahead of us. but we're going to on Tuesday.'and it bothered the Pen- wearing a seat belt was treated and guins as much as it did the Rangers. get through this " released. Kevin Stevens, a Rangers for- The hospital is the home of the Thomas holds the NFL one-game ward and a star on the Penguins' Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, the record of seven sacks Stanley Cup championship teams in world's largest spinal cord injury "Derrick has a chore ahead of 1991 and 1992. wasn't on the ice. research center, and ils surgeons him, but knowing Derrick, he will He wasn't even with his team. have operated on several famous get it done." Chiefs president Carl Instead, Stevens apparently was athletes, including race car driver Peterson said. "But it's going to take in a substance abuse facility after Emerson Fittipaldi. some time." being arrested early Sunday in sub- urban St. Louis on felony drug ~M■ charges. A prostitute who was with Stevens said the player purchased $500 worth of crack cocaine prior to his arrest. Stevens was one of the most pop- ular Penguins ever, not just with the fans but also with other players, and his personal problems clearly trou- bled his former teammates. "It's sad. it really is." Penguins forward Rob Brown said. "You don't want to see anybody gel in trouble. I hope it's a wakeup call and Student Organization Fair he gets ihe help he needs. • Over 200 Croups Represented • "Maybe this will turn his life around. He's got a wonderful fami- i iy" Stevens has two children, and his Wednesday. wife is pregnant with the couple's third child. February 2, 2000 Penguins owner Mario Lemieux, m who played alongside Stevens on the Penguins' top line, issued a state- (1pm - 5pm) ment of support. Associated Press Photo "Our thoughts and prayers are • Olscamp 101 A & B • with Kevin and his family." THOMAS—Kansas City Chiefs defensive end closes in on San Lemieux said. "He knows that his Francisco quarterback Steve Young during the regular season. many friends in the Pittsburgh Pen- Sponsored by the Office of Student Activities Thomas' spinal cord was found to be bruised after his car acci- guins organization are here to help dent. "Derrick has a chore ahead of him, but knowing Derrick, he him in any way possible during this For More Information Call 372-2343 will get it done," Chiefs president Carl Peterson said. difficult time." page 14 The BG News Wednesday. January 26, 2000 . College Basketball The^BG News Campus Events Services Offered Personals KKG'DZ'KKG Classified Senior Portraits ATTENTION Studont Teachers in Fall 2000 Semester Best of luck lo Ihe sisters ot Delia Zeta on Ads Last Chance your recolonization. The ladies of KKG Buckeye reinstated Senior Portraits Required TB Skin Test (PPD) support you. You can't delay any longer. Carl Wolt Tuesday February 8th (Last names A-M) 372-6977 Monday February 21st (Lasl names N-Z| KKG'DZ'KKG THE ASSOCIATED PRESS but declined to go into detail. Studio is now on campus taking senior 5 5:O0-6:30pm Senior Portraits * "I'm glad coach Burns has given Thr BOMfMwWMtkiwWfh «(q" ■*.— portraits tor ihe Imal lime this year ii.r diMrmiiiuie. o* CIMOUIJ.'C ion ||UW Portraits are taken in the yearbook office Student Health Service Last Chance J COLUMBUS — A week after me another chance." she said. "I'm am inimdujl ot group on lite bain ol rw*. *«. iol oilier 6pm daily. Portraits taken in dress clothes Bring your student 10 You can't delay any longer Carl Wolf ^men's basketball team, leading Moua. a native of Vantaa. Fin- lepalif protected uaius and cap and gown, which Ihe studio pro- Studio is now on campus taking senior scorer Mixu Moua was reinstated portraits tor ihe final time this year. land, averaged 10.7 points and 4.7 The 80 Neot trierNei (he nrhi uideduie. vides. Call 372-8634 to schedule a sitting Pljesday by head coach Beth Burns rebounds. She said at the time of her or re>iie any ad>crti»eineiii tucl) at U-»e found li Don't be left out of the special 2000 Key Portraits are taken in the yearbook office aj' the urging of athletics director dcf«iiaior>. laUine m factual bam mule-dinf or I Yearbook! Personals in 28 West Hall (basement) from 10am- dismissal that she was shocked and in nature All adveinteiiiemi are tubjett lo editing Mtdy Geiger 6pm daily Portraits taken in dress clothes did not know why she had been aptx.ojl Senior Portraits and cap and gown, which the studio pro- ' Burns had not given a specific kicked off the team. In a statement. Schedule A Attention A vides Call 372-8634 to schedule a sitting reason for Moua's dismissal last On-Llne Burns said Moua had been dis- B GREEKS 1! Don't be left out ot the special 2000 Key Tjuesday. missed "in the best interest of the Last week tor senior portraits and this is Yearbook! Campus Events the final session this year. Schedule your X We now X •[ "Most of the time, it's not my future of the program." . prerogative — or I don't take the sitting online at: A have Greek A After meeting with Geiger. Burns in#»##### ' prerogative — to say who can be on E tetters tor E said, "We're more than willing and Username: bowllnggreen2k Spice up ci> your personal 'l> aMeam," Geiger said Tuesday. "But open to give Mixu a second chance. Password: 0037 iu my opinion we were embarking It's up to Mixu now." your Personal Ad or call the yearbook office at 372-8634. r ads! r *>wn the wrong road in this situa- Ohio State (9-8. 2-5 Big Ten) has with a Portraits taken daily 10am-6pm in 28 ii $1 extra II tion So I came to coach Burns and lost its last three games, including Display Personal11 West Hall. S6 sifting fee can be bursared. i per line of i ajked if she would reinstate Mixu two since Moua was dismissed. The Want to see good bands come to BG? K Greek letters K Ifloua to the basketball team." Buckeyes lost at Penn State 73-62 UAO Concert Committee is looking for A Stop in @ A '' Moua, a 5-foot-II senior who new spring members. and at Wisconsin 79-59 last week. M 204 West Hall sjarted Ohio State's first 15 games Come to Ihe weekly meeting. M Ohio State's, last win — a 53-51 N to place your ad N this season, will not dress or play in upset of defending national champi- Add a photo or Thursday. Jan. 27. 7:30 in 210 South Hall the Buckeyes' game Thursday night on Purdue — came on a shot by special artwork Are you worried about your weight? at home against Michigan State. She Moua in the final seconds. for as low New-Confidential Support Group ajso will no longer be a team cap- Geiger said he had nagging Take a Bite tain. as $15 or $20"' and on the move for Health & Joy doubts about the dismissal and those Lost/Found I She said she was just relieved to doubts pushed him to talk to Burns will encourage healthy eating & exercise and positive body image be back on the team. about reinstating Moua. ' "It's really great to be back and Every Wed. 3.30pm Starting Jan. 26 "It was just a feeling that we can Lost: Polaroid Digital Camera Reward it Room 170 Wellness Connection 204 West Hall Travel Saddlemire. ^accountability for what happened" — that seemed like a failure to me." Attention musicians. Looking for experi- Call 372-6977 «1 Spring 8reak Vacations1 Cancun. Ja- enced musicians to start a band Lead for more information maica, Bahamas, Florida. Best Prices guitar player; acoustic and electric. Bass Guaranteed! Free Parties « Cover charg- player, singer, female or male drummer- es! Spaces limited, book now! All major bongo player. Serious inquiries only, Management Inc. credil cards accepted! 1-800-234-7007. please. Contact me at FALL OPENINGS Navratilova inducted www endlesssummertours com [email protected] IT'S BURSARABLE!! BIOLOGY SCHOLARSHIP APPLICA- ••"Spring Break Bahamas Party Cruise! TIONS are now available; 2nd floor, LSC. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Open in December 1984. 5 Nights $279! Includes Meals £ Free Application deadline: Feb. 11. 5 on 5 Coed Soccer Tournament Parlies! Cancun & Jamaica $399! Management Inc. Sponsored by "In that year and a half. I lost one sprmgbreaklravel com 1 ■800-678-6386. Come |om the ladies ot IlillsdalcApts. 1082 I.IIIMCU. Sport Management Alliance Sigma Lambda Gamma Sorority. Inc. match," Navratilova said. "That 1-2 bedroom, 9 I 2 - 12 mo • NEW YORK — Martina Proceeds benefit Dance Marathon "Spring Break Panama City $129! Board- probably won't ever happen again " for an informational on Sun. Jan. 30th •Savratilova. whose power game Sat Feb 5. 2000 walk Room w/kilchen Next to Clubs! 7 at 7pm in the Olscamp 1 st floor lobby I eases Stan at S3X0 parties-Free Drinks' Daylona $149! South .'reshaped women's tennis and per- $30 fee includes pizza, drinks and pnzes Any ?'s contact Tasha 9 2-1679. Call 353-5800 Her most lasting accomplishment Beach $159' Cocoa Beach $179! haps all of women's sports, entered may have been raising the athleti- For more inlo and a registration form Confidential Eating Dlsordar Group Contact Scott at 1-800-678-6386 'the International Tennis Hall of cism of women in sports. Women at all stages ot recovery >Fame today. Attention Rising Seniors! GO DIRECT' *1 Internet-based company group support & encouragement Navratilova was one of the first Applications now available for ottering WHOLESALE Spring Break pack- confidential interactive discussions Management Inc. ages! Guaranteed Lowes! Price! 1-800- She was joined by Australian women to work out in a gym and lift Beyond BG scholarship Every Tuesday 7-8:30pm Evergreen Apt*. 215 I. Poc. Davis Cup star Malcolm Anderson 367-1252 www spnngbreakdirect coin weights. She gained strength, quick- Pick yours up today at Mileti Alumni Women's Center. Hanna Hall 108 Studios 1 bdrm. laundry on site, and Robert Kelleher. who led the Center or Financial Aid Office. MYRTLE BEACH. SC Student Health Service. Judy Miller ness and speed, while focusing on S250 ^U.S. Lawn Tennis Association into Due Fri Feb 18. 2000 by 5pm SPRING BREAK- $75 « UP 372-7425 for more info better nutrition. To keep up with her. (all 353-58011 •the Open era. The three will be DAFFODIL DAYS DI5WEV other players had to become more 1-800-645-3618 ' nullified July 15 in Newport, R.I. DAFFODIL DAYS Is coming to Campus!!! athletic. Coming March 20th. Roundlrip to Florida with a lriend-$80 Thursday, February 3 . In a career that stretched from each. Greyhound Bus 352-2329 6-9pm 113 Olscamp Hall aJCfEfcCA Anderson, a willowy 6-foot-1 First meeting for March of Dimes Colle- '1973 until 1994, Navratilova won Spring Break 2000 Reciuiting for Summer & Fall Management Inc. giate Council 8pm, Wed. January 26th @ serve-and-volleyer. in 1957 became lnternships--For more details contact Blue House 120 N. Prospect: "167 singles titles and 165 doubles 1520 Clough St., Apt 130 Contact Kim All the info you need the first unseeded player to win the Co-op & Internship Program bdrm. close to downtown & ' trowns, both records. Her singles Gross for details, ahkarftglasscity net or Panama Cily-Daylona- U.S. Championships. He won Ihe 310 Student Services 372-2451 ^.titles include a record nine Wimble- 353-8252. Key West-South Padre campus, slarts at $650 French doubles in 1957. the Aus- HEY BG MEN... (all 353-5800 ■•dons, four U.S. Opens, three Aus- New Circle K meeting location! tralian Opens and two French tralian doubles in 1973 and the Aus- Weekly meetings will now be held SPRING BREAK 5000 Would you like to be a facilitator lor Ihe PANAMA CITY BEACH FLORIDA FROM What men need to know about rape -Opens. tralian mixed doubles in 1957. then in the BA building. Rm. 117 at 9:00pm. turned pro in 1959. All are welcome! $149 PER PERSON SANDPIPER program? For more information, call BEACON BEACH RESORT, THE 'FUN 372-0470 or pick up an application in the In 1983. she posted a remarkable Meetings are at 9:00pm every Wed. Management Inc. ..86-1 record, her only loss coming in After the Open era. Anderson Ouestions? Call Michelle at 353-7179 PLACE"! HOME OF THE WORLD'S Wellness Connection at Helm site 726 s Enterprise 170 Health Center -the French Open. The next year, she reached the Australian Open final in LARGEST KEG PARTY DRINK DRAFT I bdrm BRAND NEW Omega Phi Alpha Service Sorority BEER ALL WEEK LONG. TIKI BEACH INTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE' JAN. 26- | lost just twice. 1972. Starts ,n $400 Inlo night at 9:00pm BAR ENTERTAINMENT BY BOOGIE MEN'S AND WOMEN'S TEAM HAND- Kelleher shepherded the United Tues , Feb. 1 Ashley Activities Lounge INCORPORATED BIKINI CONTESTS. BALL; JAN 31-CO-REC WALLYBALL; ( all 353-5800 She also had winning streaks of For more inlo call Sara 352-0935 ; ^4. 58 and 54 matches. After losing States into the Open era as USLTA MALE HARD BODY CONTESTS, 3 FEB. 1-MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CO-REC Rush Inlo Nights Rush Alpha Phi Omega POOLS, LAZY RIVER RIDE, WATER "to Hana Mandlikova on Jan. 15, president. A longtime resident of CURLING; FEB. 2-MEN'S AND WOM- Tuesday Jan. 25 Harshman-Chapman SLIDE. HUGE BEACHFRONT HOT EN'S SINGLES RACQUETBALL. IF -11984, to snap her 54-match string, Los Angeles who was appointed a Activity Room 8 15 TUB, MINI GOLF, GIFT SHOP, SUITES HAND-DELIVERING. DUE BY 3PM IN Management inc. ."•she won the next 74, giving her a federal judge in 1970. Kelleher was Kreischer-Ashley Activity Room 9:00 UP TO 10 PEOPLE 130 PFH. IF SENDING ELECTRONICAL- \\illo» House 830 Fourth St., " 128-1 record between the French captain of the U.S. Davis Cup team Wednesday Jan 26 McDonald North 1-800-488-8828 LY, DUE BY 12 NOON I ndmi. Remodeled. ;-Open in 1983 until the Australian in 1962-63. Lounge 8:15 WWW.SANDPIPERBEACON.COM KKG KKG KKG sums at $400 Thursday Jan. 27 Kohl Front Lounge 7:00 Spring Break 2000! South Padre Island Congratulations to our sister ot Ihe week It you have any questions contact: We love you! Jayme Mayer. tamarawdbgnet 1-800-292-7520 KKG KKG KKG Management inc. Mop hv our afflict j\ t(M5 N. Main Si K.I complete lining or « all .t5.'-f8 N Enterprise, >*23..J5'iFrazee. 506 N. Enterprise Call 353-5X00 CD 3 Bedroom, Furnished, A/C & Fireplaces New Units Onlv' • New Apartments left - Going Fast For Fall 2000 May and August 2000

Mercer Manor Apartments Management Inc. lor2 bedroom summer onCij One of BG's Newest Complexes ALSO LEASING FOR 2000/2001 • 3 bedroom/2 full baths. STOP BY FOR LISTING limited available • A/C. Fireplaces. & Microwaves Stop by our office at Greenbriar, Inc. 1045 N. Main St 2 Blocks from Campus 352-0717 for complete listing or Hours: 224 E. Wooster call 3*3-5800. 480 Lehman 354-3533 Mon-Fn (9 am - 5 pm) Bowling Green, OH 43402 I * Saturday (9am - I pni) GlEINtRIAIt. INC. \\ ww. Wednesday, January 26, 2000 The BG News page 15

Personals Wanted Help Wanted For Rent

"Houses. Apis , Rooms 00-01 S Y." Senior Portraits Subleaser needed. $267 mo. all included Lawn Specialists HOUIM; 916 3rd St.. 6 bed -new carpel Schedule plus cable. Own room, & close to cam- Tru Green Chemlawn is looking to add a 307 1/2 E. Reed-3BR, washer/dryer On-Llne pus. 354-5417. few good specialists to our team. Please Last week for senior portraits and this is call Jeff Ulz © 874-3575 or come in and 211 E. Reed. Up or Down-New Carpet Subleaser wanted 2 bedroom, spacious the final session this year. Schedule your apply at Tru Green Chemlawn. 12401 326 Leroy Up or Down apartment. Off road parking. Call 354- sitting online at: Eckel Rd , Perrysburg, OH 321 E. Merry #D-New Flooring 6036 for into. Apartmenti; 311-316 E Merry. 2-Bed Local printer looking for pt. time help in AND MORE Call 353-0325 9-9. Usemame; bowlinggreen2k computer graphics. Adobe illustrator, Listings 24 hrs 316 E Merry #3 Password: 0037 Quark. Mac Operating System. Flexible or call the yearbook office at 372-8634. times during business hrs. 8am-4:30pm 1.2.3 Bedroom Apis Portraits taken daily 10am-6pm in 28 Help Wanted Mon-Fri. Contact Cynthia @ 354-8717. From only $425 West Hall S6 sitting fee can be bursared. Notetaker -^J Travel Grant Money to Study Abroad Private Entrance Get smart(er) by getting paid to take Patio International travel grant proposal forms 400 Counselors/Instructors needed! Coed notes in class. is now hiring Spacious Kitchen for students wishing to study abroad dur- summer camps in Pocono Mountains, PA. notetakers for more lhan fifty of next se- Small Pets Welcome! ing summer 2000, fall 2000. spring 2001 Lohikan, 800-488-4321 mesters classes. Earn $8-$14/class. Ap- Varsity Square Apts. or the academic year 2000-2001 are now Are you connected? Internet users want- ply online @ 353-7715 available in the Center for International ed $500-$1500/week. 888-800-6339 txt. Programs (1106 Offenhauer West). The Persons needed Thursdays 4-8pm and 3-4 sublsrs. needed lor house less than 2 deadline for the competition is January 1149. leave email address. will continue for extended SUMMER blocks from campus. May 7-Aug. 15 31. For more information, call 372-0479. Do you enjoy working with kids and hours to work with autistic child in Oregon SBOO/mo Call 353-2402 home. Call 419-693-7869. 4 bdrm.. 1 bath hse 516 E Reed, avail Turning Points sharing your faith? Trinity U.M.C. Is Aug. 16. 12 mo. lease Hse in good shape An informal discussion group about seeking collegiate assistants for our PLAY SPORTS' HAVE FUN! SAVE MONEY! Top sports camp-Maine. Coun- w/ nice bkyard. carpeted, ofl-slreet pkg.. eating disorders, weight issues, and mid-week Bible Club on Wednesdays. unturn. except tor retng. & stove, no dogs normal eating. Beginning Wed., Feb. 16 A book scholarship Is available. This Is selors to coach all sports* tennis, base- ball, basketball, lacrosse, hockey, water- allowed 419-865-8307, leave message 3:30-5:00pm tor 7 sessions. great for education majors who need front, ropes, BMX. mountain bike, golf, lor Steve __ To register call 372-2081 contact hours with kids. For an appli- Co-sponsored by Counseling Center cation, call Cara at 353-9031 or e-mail water-ski. 888-844-8080 or apply Apis lor 2000-2001 school year 1 to 3 person - 12 mo leases only and Student Health Service Steve Smith 352-8917 or 367-8666 Unlimited tanning until spring break. The Northwest Community Corrections Dancers wanted - Toledo's newest club No calls after 8pm $45 or a month unlimited $25 (new bulbs) Center is accepting applications for Part Part-time and Full-time Campus Tanning 352-7889 time cooks for weekends (may include F. sublsr. own bdrm. & bthrm in 2 bdrm No exp. necessary, will train some weekdays) $7.47 per hour. For apt. Shuttle to union & swim pool. S241 WE'RE LOOKING FOR A FEW 419-476-6640 more information, please contact NWCCC mo. price neg. Call 354-4274, Iv mes- GOOD MEN... at 1740 E. Gypsy Lane Rd. Bowling sage. Email xulingl@bgnet. to serve as facilitators tor the EASY WALK FROM CAMPUS Green, Ohio 43402. or call 419/354-7444. What men need to know about rape Work part-time, full-time, even put in over- GEORGETOWN MANOR EOE. program. This unique program is time hours, around your college and per- 800 3rd SI gdhov©wcnet org 354-9740 facilitated BY men FOR men and sonal schedule. Work a minimum of 15 Telephone interviewing NO SALES. Re- FALL 200072001. Now leasing discusses issues of sexual assault and hours per week or 40 hours plus over- laxed atmosphere, flexible scheduling In 1 bdrm starts S395 & elec/free heal rape. EDUCATE your peers and help time. Many college students work here. Perrysburg 874-5842. 2 bdrm starts S545 & elec/free heal W ^ make your campus a better place! For Starting pay is $5.30 per hour with an au- Toledo's newest upscale W/D facil, AC. parking/walk-in closel. more information, call 372-0470 or stop tomatic $.25 per hour increase to $5.55 Japanese Restaurant Yoko, is looking turn /unfurn renovated, quiet No pets. by the Wellness Connection to pick up an after 100 hours of service with the compa- for highly motivated, energetic staff for its Houses for rent: All 12 month leases, ten- application at 170 Health Center ny. These are unskilled jobs involving as- grand opening. All positions. Kitchen staff, sembling and packaging of small parts. ants pay utilities, security deposit & pa- Worried about pregnancy?? host/hostess, bussers. call for interview Apply in person between the hours of rental guarantees. Free Pregnancy Tests. Confidential and 672-5586. 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Monday-Friday) at 730 Elm-2 BR. S475/mo. avail May 1 Canng. 354-4673 BG Pregnancy Center Want to start a real career? Strong, ADVANCED SPECIALTY PRODUCTS, 316 Ridge(Fronl)-2 BR. S600 bustness-minded students shouldn't settle *** bqrrws com w*w bgnews torn avail May 23 INC., 428 Clough Street, Bowling Green. tor dull, underpaying jobs Be a part of 217 S College-3 BR. S630 avail May 23 Ohio, only 2 blocks from campus near something big and earn plenty of money Looking for a past issue of Kmko's and Dairy Queen next lo the rail- Phone 352-2330 or 354-2854 along the way We are a Toledo-based, after 5:00pm the BG NEWS' road tracks internet startup company, looking for Hinng immediately for third shift, full & highly motivated business & marketing Houses, 1. 2 and 3 bedroom apartments Checkout the BG News archives on part time, insurance benefits, commission students. This is a part-time opportunity Beginning of May of 2000 the web at: Apply @ BP on Wooster. and has numerous advancement opportu- 352-7454 Local NW Ohio Chamber of Commerce is nities. This is the perfect opportunity to Now leasing for summer & fall. WWW BGNEWS COM looking for an Executive Director Position finish college and secure a full time job 601 3rd St.. 704 5th St.. 710 7th St duties include, develop and retain mem- upon graduation. What are you waiting Call 352-3445 wwwbgnews com www bgnewS com bership, advocate tor Business, work with for? To apply, email: One room w/Totchenette for 1 female the trustees, represent the Chamber and [email protected] today! (shared bath). S220, util. incl. furnished Commumly. Salary range $35-38.000. E. Reed St.. 352-1968 Wanted Ideal candidate will possess the following: Single apt., 1 bdrm.. bathroom, living 'Strong leadership and interpersonal For Sale room & kitchen for spring and/or summer. skills 352-4651. 1 subleaser needed May to August. "excellent written and oral communication 1986 Mercury Cougar, V-8 302. PS. PW, Subleasers needed 2 BR-1 1/2 bath, iur- $207/month ♦ gas and electric 2 BR, 1 abilities PL, Sunroof, New cooper tires and nished 841 8th St. May lOlh-Aug 12 1/2 bath, spacious 372-3575 Racheal. 'effective management and fiscal brakes 143,000 miles Call 353-2506 S415/mo . deposit Call 372-2924 Female subleaser needed ASAP experience HONDAS FROM S29/mo. Police im- Own room, close to campus, modem 'active community involvement pounds. For listings/payment details call apartment, only $243/mth + 1/3 utilities If you are ready to make a change, meet 1 -800-319-3323 exl. 4558 Call Erin or Jill 354-8607, if no answer call the qualifications, and would like to learn Elizabeth 354-6055 more about this opportunity please send Solid Oak Loft Durable & dependable, bed side tray, MEN! MEN! MEN! resume by 2/15/00 to: HIGHLAND bod level adjuslable in height. Are you interested in becoming a Jeff Fallon, President MANAGEMENT Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce -5100.0311353-4620. presenter to other men on issues of 130 E Washington Street. Bowling Omen, Ohm sexual assault? c/o170S. Main St. Used Macintosh Pertorma 6110. CD, Call 372-0470 or pick up an application in Bowling Green. OH 43402 Power PC. complete w/color stylewnter 419 354-6036 the Wellness Connection at Email: [email protected] printer 2400. CD's & othernet card 5300 170 Health Center! EOE obo. 372-5549 ATTN: Gruel Students N ow Leasing for E X P R ESS No Union? Fall 2000 Portraits taken AX PLACE The Highlands 220 Napoleon Rd I0am-6pm daily One bedroom, laundry AVrUfTlOMBGSB facilities in bldg. 28 West Hall. aarvn %>*m Tn»» MI I gf I >rjt I a/c. quiet. From S395 mo STVDENTS! Cosmos Is The Answer! Bahamas Party Jav-MarApte. Receive $5.00 off 803- 815 8th st. electronic filing fees with Open Cruise $279 quiet, spacious, laundry <^S Till facilities in bldg. a/c your B.G.S.U. student gas heat From S475 mo. Call 372-8634 to ...For Studying Midnight Panama $139 I.D. at Fast Cash / ...Being With Friends City. Dctf»<>». tmemmswMim* We'll take care olyou. schedule a sitting. Express tax place ...Healthy Food Best price, well maintained. ...Hot Soup & Drinks Honda $149 privacy & dead boll security, large r MgMi • Oarwt. Sou* taacn CMMIM) Money Order 25C AISO; S«lad*. Sandwiches, and Drocrts apartments. Call 354-6036 1068 N. MAIN ST. 354-JAVA Cancun & Jamaica $439 T MaOB • « . MM • Fiw f«M A M MR 0> (MMa From 9:00 - 5:00 NEXT TO KROGER PLAZA J26E.Woosten - Our 13th Year! 354-2300 1-800-678-6386 ■ Make Your I Super Bowl 1 Complete! W REC SPORTS EMPLOYMENT I SPECIAL PROGRAMS **> Positions Available: Women on Weights. Aerobic Instructors. Weight Room Supervisors. February 9. February 23 and March I. 2000 Equipment Room Supervisors, Lifeguards. Floor Super\'isors and Customer Service Whin: Noon-1 IJOpm ^^y SUPER Rtpresentattvi > Where: Student Recreation Center Studio Weight Room Informalional Meeting HI Cost: S20 for students and Rec Sunday. January 30 at 2:00pm in Room 220. j Sports members Math Science t lust Limit: IS participants NOTE: If you are interested in officiating, In this class, participants will learn . please contact the Intramural/Sport Club Office [he bask of weight training, proper «ot^ A c in the Perry Field House at 372-2464. of'weights and the benefits of Y*°* AijA resistancenee turning . cWe«n\\C" ^.e;S Applications will be available Monday, January 31 and Tuesday, February 1 starting at 7:00am in the Activity Center of OUTDOOR PROGRAMS I WINGS LARGE. the SRC. Aerobic Instructor and Lifeguard 50 applications will be available March 13-15 Valentine's Moonlight Skiing I 30-7 i-ITEM ■ in the SRC Main Office. 00 When: Saturday. February 19 from 6JOpm-4JOam I 15-4 PIZZAS ! INTRAMURAL ACTIVITIES Where: Alpine Valley Ski Resort In Michigan Entry Deadlines I Orders 225o; Cost: >45 (w/ ski rental): tio (w/out) 2 01 January 26: Men's & Women's Participant Limit: 24 I Handball B=E»CSTC' Cheesesticks by 3:00pm in 130 PFH. I] sending tmL_ versus Grand Valley Coupon No: NttOM I Friday, January 28 Open KtflCiii At 1 p m B electronically, entries are due hv noon. 5.00 Cptn For Luncn I Fri, Sjt Si,n versus Saginaw Valley Saturday. January 29 Hi .; ipPisct^elb'si Both games-@ 10:15 in the Ice Arena

• BG's Most Award Winning Pizza For more info about any of these programs, H| Good At All Participating Location* ^ please call 3722711 or email recreatei'bgnet. Upeomin UAO Even

'1 Feb. 14* 7 pm' edian Vince Morris

jL-Sr >1 Feb. 15 • 12 Noon , E Become Comedian /Mch Ramirez

Homecoming Director 20 • 6 pm AlousticGuitarist Matthew West Public Relations Director

Special Events Director March 23 • pm Creative Dating with B*vid Coleman fce Travel Director

m March 25 • 6 - 7*-30 pm mntry-Western Band Dakota Application Due Feb 2 m Pick Up Applications at April 6 • 7 p 210 Game Show "Tune South Hall

April 15 • 7 pm omedian Buzz Sutherland For More Info Call 372 2343 I I ■