cwut «ra*Mni >.i. comUat or criticiae it for tba purpoea of granting thia The paymeat* at tie la*t ¦Htprara. but aa there if *o lawful evidence whatever be Trearary Dipartannt, UffBIIffW IE.1EVTED ItSRf DAT. Mora Hon. Judge Stuart. motion; f .r the of the were:. SITE A fore the Grand Jury to negative tbc truth of the pre- week, redemption public debt, SAI.K.A BEAUTIFUL FOR OKJNTRY E)R Livva:tx)| . UNITftD MAllCd MAIL IfTTAM ATTMPT AT Bl'KGL ABY. I aai witnout doubt of tlia of tho FOR SM.K. at Newburg. It conttina abou*. »rr«4 .bip t Jm. coauaau.ler teacea alleged, paver Loan of 1842, $3,200; loan or 1847, 1MB of FR' Mat, ATLANTIC, Gap WmI, Tka 13,500; a ooa if i mile n irtri of th* msUi I'm 16..Th* fint ca«* on for trial thlx mirn- Court to flfct thea aaide, and am convinced of my duty . la tilutMd about quarter p will depart artth the UoiMd dt*u« nulla far brought 1848, 19.150 Total, $15,950. AAA-WR A VERY VALl'A** FARM, I'oweltoa H>>uaa on tua aauie roal The location 1a oaa pu that *f Daniel alias in tbo matter The motion to quaah granted. A1Q *ur">* 1-^'tiT.i, oo W»lM»i»r r«b tl, at 1J aotoafc g Km*, Martin Plannigan, a Tbo Diatrist aaid that he wuuld the The annexed statemeat exhibit* the ©I i.Uv/U adjoining the north »liart at Long of tlw liofnt iu New tiuig l>*/, commanding a Sua via* "l th* "f atrML Attorney talc* average daily ire mile* trum New one huu'lrf* and hot <'anal Mr gg»d lookiiij urchin, charged with to cotn- of tlie caae a writ, of error. Inland, forty York, of the rirar an- a* wall a* ai> inlaud riew, " attempting liberty reviewing upon Al¬ condition of tne of the innkj locust three liar Highlaoda, forL?frl h»^»f un»itulM accommodattaa it a burglary on the premises of William More, 21 Elm though hlit view* coincided with tlio** of the Court, vat, leading department* Mty *crea, aevemy woodland, timber, and baring a gradual aacent or ratUer euecxauon THK hewhurg » pU%** Uw at geutleiuan having previously disc >vere-i that at Exhibition*. Aptet' Circl'n. Depotiti._ ACRES, ¦oir acareely to be liad there For particulnra, apply to »h^ tL S t*«nol coam aoulli la . carry en; mpU bad been urn le to pic i the lock of hit hall door, Broadway TilKATan..The Araerieau tragedian, Mr. K. MAAA-«v"V/ vf gre-»* hay. 1/mg land Build ( HOsKS F.l.Y, 46 Will, im itreet. 5!»od of war not L. ia announced to this in iog>, Iioui-«, barn, cow li iu tt, Ac., goo.I orchtrd tb« (idict, guilty, Davenport, appear evening allord* the line*' YQfUt » "Othello.'* The lait time be appeared in thia city in bay flailing and fowling, with targe rirrrpfi* law priced mp.; osk N.K* UT*KPOOL CNlTKIt rfTAflM BURG LARY IS THE FIMT DKORKK. of drift for one llu I .itwiniffl - A:^'1 be the aam» character he wa« greatly admired. Mr. Parry manure; unl.- water frout ¦in atreet. $6,.'»00, two ou Twenty Brat atreet, ^ ^ en- America 4,157,700 1,711,442 130,114 4,801,378 »treet, Hfitv brat atrret, an I on Fifty-third an Fifty- Capt. HAI.T1C, Out nometMfc tleman la a Predicament" ex¬ 1'lK-ois 2,'207,641 620,990 12.1,444 nuitb at to K. B. KINMIIIMKK, PACIFIC, Dipt Nye ADRIATIC, («pi »t street on the of the 17th of with an l'eculiarly I'erplexing 2,044.436 . atrreta, t4,UOO. Apply ni,{M January, cludes the amusement*. City 1,675,321 249,116 71 .301 AAA BROOKLYN HOUSE AND LOT KtIK 310 fourth 3 to 7. Tlif Hbipa bave b**"i built by contract, tag .ent to commit Home rime therein. The complainant 1,227,394 t A throe briek liou»e, with avenue, Mrrii'*. Krer our* baa b*ea M Bowkkt Tiieatrk Mr. North River ...1,030,629 118,801 172,776 040,013 Jav'vfvfe atory fOTeriiBieu' y Won in Lkiw awakravd about uu# o'clock in Vtm morning .The benefit of H. C. Jordan *tore underneath, Hituated on Court utreet, near Church. ur m 1U0 in tbrtx io*«, to eiuur* cornea off a Tradeamen'* 111,811 18.;,056 724,29ft RAI.F.Tll« STOCK AND FIXTURE* OF AN ci'iin'rii.'l vn{ iirwifih the noise of »on.i- |.crnon opening the hall door, to night, when number of talented artiat* 1,290,920 Will be told foj $4,000 part rath alxiu' ami »uJ 'he.r af-ommodatioiu fur have volunteered their aervlcea. The selected are Fulton 1,426,939 198,847 121,612 1,181,213 FOK<-«t*bliahed c o'hicg atore. Htock worth pturnpnm awaited that it be some of piere* M. L. 8;> ui thinking po-»ioly might " Chfmical 263.408 SHELDOV, «aau atreet. COO. No one nerd uuleaa have at l.-aai tuoqnitlled lor .l»l;»or<. and comfort >*rio« aj» e inmates, but beano/ a continued noise in the room "Black Eyed .^ujtan," Pi/.zaro," "Family Jars," 1,338,744 386,796 1,273,304 $5, aiply they " Merchant* Ex. *':,i < 0 ca*h halm be aatialar (fim Now York to La Brut elm n Miles'* ..2,457,293 353,629 129,000 1,87:". 450 The may arranged Liverpool, Mint, UM, joining that in which i slept, h- started up. opened "Perfection," "Spectre Bridegroom," Paddy National 9 dhl I VVIU. HI V ONK OF T1IK BEST FlTrfc.1. to HAMILTON DUX 1*1 Fulton atreet, In iwq.1 - tonly. Apply uixi, immediately attempt* Butcher* ©l.»Ov/v/ up city , any of up ataira . 'lb, from Liverpool U New York, 30 en *1 fuiiuM t n'ant pursued them to the there can be Uttle doubt of the house being dllod. 1,238,298 169,339 33,790 819,422 will u.< nut to escape onipla atrevt, Mech'a A: Trail'*. 640,692 02,4*4 97,974 480,854 iT^ht atamp get encouragement, money l« Aa «ipcrwR< r l *ur«*<>u *tt*cUoil to eaob chip No kMft lling "stop tnief," an >ue of tbe men, while running Burton's Tiikatxe. .Three favorite pieces are selected Greenwich much required an the man. $10,iK>d ayeiir san Ix le halk.fivk lot*. by 100 fekt EACH HCuIn' until lor was Oflioer within 200 '. 075,1)17 .12,764 164,930 374,918 truu U'. p paid ray, arrested by Houstun, fuel for thia evening. The new production, V\ here shall Leather 236 807 with jut I'artniM wanted in the olllce. we'l aituateil. in etreet. will Im a ll fHot'tJtv uAtm or iujijro. Mr. Pierion's di>or. Mr. for the cou¬ 1,780,018 182,472 1,361,314 For Fifty-eixtb Phillips, defence, Ihne," lathe first in order. Mr. Jordan an sponge, and Seventh Ward,. 067 138 191 762.93V K. McMAHON, 171) Chatham ittrnet. oi together, cl'eap. to m<'« »« tom 4. mom u*wa.rcn. nted that there was no rvideuce of the outer door Miss aa " 1,116, 206,321 aeparately Apple A. Lee Dorothea. The farceof the Filibuster,' State 3,070,901 629,740 471.847 2,60:1,4X4 Bl'lUiKIT, I>A V IS K. MAIN, IT William atreet. ire-lu«e«U) t*o«. 2T..IM4 rtatuntay, l*xJ IT . ..IM4 tug broken oo*>u The J udg* charged that the jury, with Burton aa John Jacob*, will follow, and tlia comedy Am. dh| 1 /\/l -FOR MI.K THK OM.V CHANCE Jan. m.,IUi l»ec. 3# ...IMA n> r " Exchange. .0,146,483 980.874 268,439 6,496 279 We1in-~Ujr heturilay, tbey found that the prim had entered the dwellu^ of Sweetheart* and Wives" will conclude the euter Asaociation jo 1 ill/Vi ererotTered.the be«t located .lining «AU'.. A HANMOME HOOKW OF Jm i!4. 1 *.'.&. SituMt/, J*o 13.. ..IMA use an but had broken l,llt),001 117,993 170.843 841,129 ta loon in thin ha. Inh-ii over AMORTEp clue-'la; through ujwn doui, open au taininenta. Commerce .9 city eatabhahed 30 year*; fOKcomb*, fancy gooii. lewelry, thread, nee ilea, A<- H'edu*»'l*y, l>b 7. .ISM Saturday, Jen ST. ...IMA. ler door, c>ull t": a 1 a. verdict of of in 8,466,399 1,441.9: 2,270 6,903,072 mini' need without mo who a ill natiitac guilty Wau.ack'h Tiikatkk .. A i* an apply :t*y, get Th,- bnuae irid fltora tu let or leao- in the atore Feb. 2! .. I ""<5 Keb 10. ...IMA c second which burglary verf attractive bill Bowery 832,174 189,579 162,402 097,668 tlon from E Apply Hedneadey, Saturday, degree, tbey aurordingly did. .Sen¬ nouueed for thi* The eomedi'-tta of tne road McMaIIoN, 170Chatl>am street Nintli avi-nue, near aecond -treei, or oi trilu>«iUt, Mar. 7..1MI Feb. 'M ...MM ile to and two months in the evening way ....1.249.061 181.682 201,037 1,047,369 Paitoer wanted in the oflk. l'V., Twenty !^luriU;, el^ht y«arn Stat-i "Captain of the Watch" will commence the anin«cnent*. Ocean 1,202, .182 149 647 32.909 627.491 JOHN FENN, 16 Ann atreet N. 8..Wiabea to aeil on 1 or freight or ptaaa^e apply to Jion " | una. 60 alter which the comedy of Two to One" will be played, Mercantile 2,242,234 272,085 85,835 1,024 81.' KOR HAl.t A III, account of mcl KinvnK COlLlKM, No \V»U atraat, New Y«ck ANOTUKR BIBULAKY. ®AAA MONEY MAKING -Iliru Y A1 CO.. I. introducing Blake. Lester. Mia* Rosa Bennett, and Mra. faciOc 762,003 611,563 10*. 456 47H,:141 a BROWN. »erpoot lull u Cunningham was inilictad, with one Patrick Lar " |J)Ov/v/e else**, by which man can raalne a for 8AI.K.A VERY BA.-K AimUb I oodaa Steven*. O'Flannigau and the Fairiea" terminate* the Republic 2,870.621 746,720 70,280 in a Abort HKAUUHU KNOLUH MIJ'MhS KKSNAKIt «<»>., V!7 Fnara. I (who pleaded guilty), for tin 3,006,801 tune time. No humbug. ANo, epUuJul raent houae on Waat Fourteenth with al w & burglariously entering entertalnmenta. Chatham 511,411 61,296 77,178 264,101 chance* for to FOK afreet, h o. MNWiin.ii; ua, i»rw >rr of Petoard Riley, corurr of Second street and Kirst 701 684 64,300 96,822 447,4211 pviaotiA wuhiug euip> will Moonatkbto fa* tlifnce a watch snl a of Hiiver day aoaalata of ''Heada Taila," "Ooltar Perform 1,630, at 312 Broadway, room No. 10. HUBTED ti BROWN a* a an I taling |iiintitv coin, of " Hancvrr furniture, low pi Ire, vary llttla ninuey requir*-! «ol.l, .ilvoi bullio «p«<-i« jrwolry, pr*<-ioua atuMt o> e value of tw.'. The waa nncen and Comic Singing," also U>nd Me Five.Hbii- 1,293,754 92,146 92,877 094,261 to No. aggitgate proved to " " .191 .'191,477 Apply HOMKR itOKOAN, 3 1'ine atraat. nirtali, uni-M bill o L»lia< »r» «.« canoot can; aojr n.i'raSaui of war. 610,942 09.691 08,344 5)1,830 toC * t rae t gnola tii« 2d of January, he aomitted having been with Lar- character*. Nai-xau year. Apply & BOWKS, 67 Niawt Atlantic Market I'om-eauuu immediately. Term* caab I 800,544 122,577 118,617 702,100 ou the evening A of silver coin Wood'* Minhtsils..The of The Hotel "' Inquire of the aubatriber on ttie preiui»«- XtlK UVMRPOOL AM) i'lllLADKI J*HIA KTKAIIUMF previous. quantity burlesque taut River Ui.Or.i 220,434 A . FOR SALE tbe »f that atolen was also found ami a of instrumental 482,026 58,822 A SMALL BUSINESS. WHICH II. HOWE. d**cription in his d'Afrlque," variety melodies, Market 90;; 792,052 (JtC) a man ComptuT iut*n<'. aaiiiiif tbvit farortt* n'.«*iivbi#o~ tseaou n. an identified and for thia 1,079 102,873 112,330 »u,»rt can make 12, M)0 per year WASi HK.-.njt particularly Kngliah shilling, by plecea dancing, evening. 8t. NieboJa* 034. m 06,847 379,451 over a » mi YOf !,mio« f'apt WjrAo. 72,732 all alao. id nalwo Sixth ave¬ . » tupi-une* plena SAI> A KKSTAI KANT AMI . of . complainant. Verdict "guilty," with a recom BocsLrr'a SncaNADiRg. Thia company continue* still .uh»e & leather. 786,734 43,441 107 208 374,160 calk''! American Star two SALOON OV CI1\ -«) ti.ft ll ton. (Japt ndation to Sentenced t » two and two nue, price $.175. Alio, liquor Rrtadway iu buaineaa Location th" be, l.u< r** and two months 78,009 1,988,001 $1,000 <>r«*iipoint, fifty an the partiea are town. A lini'lrd Dumber '>1 cla<« »IH ko years Camforma Ami-skmvnts. We understand that Commonwealth .1148,499 138,499 87,643 960,064 aale in at t ae t nlted Stati-i inimadiately, l»a*u>^ Keceipta third paaaeiyr* CHAHUE LARCENY. Mr. and Williamaburg. Apply Agency, at prencnt are Irani »1'J to SI- to M II talrn an 1 found la or GRAND Mrc. Auatin and Mr. celebrated from Oriental 493,023 41,928 89,944 20) 212 room 13 |>er d.t> Apply Iroia I'faliodalphla anil liiwl Louis Hoffman indictej for a Wyatt, perlormera 302, Hroadway, tltANtLS, 2...'» Br»a* I» V .ocn rtiila'lrlplna .. #30 | From Ijterpool M* dona, French clown from Pari*, a* alao Monsieur Amue- 422,498 100,529 SAIK, THE HALE, AT A HAlUJ AIM THK FIX caa of Keliruary inst. Catherine Roouev, a girl la the with Iilanil fixture* of on" of the b««t colle* *nl HTiK'K, Haiti** wtablof to brlui( out their frleud* obtaie reau, the celebrated troupe of performing dog* and City 332,404 30,754 88,809 121,911 HD^IOU tu re «. and four yeara lea»« ot the old M«tabliahal on in anaa ftploy of th« complainant, teatiUed that she it* <1? I Cock 402.665 49.218 161.913 al« »aio<>n» la the lower of the now » E^OR o» i lirat** af paaaafi*. aci 'lrafta (.1 nrpoot, monkey* from London aud numerous and Interesting try 21,448 pert city, doing boot and atioe atore, No 62 Avenue 1>, near a Un;e mar to lidaat -coming from the window with the watch, which war N. Y. 185,404 aud uiuit be aold till* »f»k. Of t\ iterUri/ aoi) upward*. HamUKI. MMI1W, but view* of the preaent in Europe and Alia, will leave Exchange. 11,428 30,723 111,188' aplemlid buainea*, po*itivt>ly ket Ttie atock ia in Kood order, and the atore lltted vs Applr aatl No T BroaA Iputiniiiti pocket; from various circumstance* thia Uu II 'a Head 193.393 24, 248 84,444 110,441 at *od 1SI Nmmu ro i'ii up A('Ot, I? aluut *t>i'«t, I'htla'WlpUka, in -e the city to-day in the steamer Illinois, for San Francisco, IKplV iMIdMV 119 itrwt, in tbe n>-«taat Banner, witb <'aaa aaahei \ urk. |>iiuced licence by defendant.hii demeanor in under the care and in of R. J. No. 8. K'C'HARIt I. PURDY * CO. throaifiiout, «ti, New store of Mr. Lewis the of a crl- charge Tiffany, Esq., agent and IUtur«» pamled and gillnd In tba beit manner. being very oppoalte Total* . . . 0Od for Lee k Marshall's National Clrcua, California. 90,8(0,031 17,339,085 0,941, 75,193,630 There n a good run of with a trala of (i>)0 a tl.THB !ACK al, and hi* previous good chiracter proved by nu- 4 a BUBINEHS FOR 8A I.E.THE ADVERTISER WI*H- cuatumera, unwpot 4«u rUBUAar reus 'i.ka kino Housk Transactions. week, and ran be inrreaaad to tft'K) in time*. 1 »t ni»N.< J Itrittou For Ural witnesses.the testimony of the witneM for the A ea t» dl*po*e of hie iut.reat in a manu ordinary 1MB »hipU>NHnT« *pt. Exchange for in k ending Feb 1- $94,019,582 profitable The rea'on (or ia tbe dvath of the former or »*road cabin to THUS. 0. Krt M wan completely rebutted. Verdict of ae- " " aa be in Mcution the city. To a young man of enterpria«, having a ready fur the la>t 12 Kent low and terma 'n the natter of the People. vt. Herman K''t.. Balance* (or week ending Feb. 1 2. .. . 4 ,07'i.*»11 cauli of Irom to with reborn hood, yeara. naay. .' " txpital *4,000 $0,000, (fool There ia a attached to tbe atore. ThU ia au bTKAM NAVIGATION IXJMI'ANY . KM i defendant Is before the Court upon two indictments MOETKY MARKET. 1# 6,450,112 on*, an will he to in a daethug opportunity g'ven engage ta be met with for vU . I'aitvl MalM false pretence* Counsel for the acsused mores to and buaineh*. opportunity rarely any peraon going 0(MNllieai*n. N>utliamptoa 1h* aii Feb. 19.C P. M. The above aggregates, compared with those tor peimmiimt re*p*ctable Partie* anaweHng In thU buaineaa For ou tbe V* K. r inmm vi >ah both indictments, upon the ground that they were Monday, tlila advertietioent uuit their real name, iige aud particular*, inquire pre Bteauiahip A'-HlNOrt'N, Car»u tana nbw roaa tu *oi~ruiMrr<>a as complaining end the la*.ter at higher prices, than those current 82,244,706 13.590,983 7,049,98- 982,103 IIOBIWUl^MinP, HKI<;K, rri, or inreatment. Mntll a atore aana. icnt, contain all the testimony' Jan. 13, '55.. 83,970,081 15,488,626 0,080,481 two atoriea high, with and dry cellar, lot 'lb x houaea, buaineaa, nn wi,i.l 4. 07,308,390 hi{b leaaea, or ni'rchaiidiae for flu aooa oiler maia aa'.ooo Deroreh.rnVl* the Grand Jury and at the close on Saturday. They are at present the Jan. '55.. 09 847.018 all in aituated in a gi.od South, (If In brat caliio, ...... MM 20, 86,447,998 10,372,127 8,881,36* AOOl'Nfeat, good condition, piei-aru mav l>e taken in for tlna Call lower aafooo 110 ordering these hUM T'l ^w. re*T the com7 most active fancies on the list. Jan 27, '66.. 88,154.857 200 in tlie Mat*. The owner retired from «d,) mcliauge property. In Urit rabiu, The transactions 1M>7, 0,839,823 70,130,018 Tillage haying or a.dreaa S avenue papers with care, and it is apparent that Ftb. 3, '66.. 88,145,097 17,439,190 7,(00, 7.16 72 the will nail the low. and em" ou. Ownev, itu third floor la wk'OO'I rtlnu M lining are on time, divided be¬ 923,317 bu'ineea, property upon An U atUi hatl to aa«u ataaiaat «*«' Proof .ffil," principally pretty equally Feb. 10, '66.. 89,862,177 17,124,394 8,989,111 73.794,342 term* of payment. For particular*, Innura at :il» Wil¬ 8AIJC OB TO LET.THK FINE TWO HTORV AN1> eiperlantril aurfeou fc '£ whatever of tween teller's and The other fancies Feb. 17, '56.. 8 941 800 liam of W.J ITlNii Hpecie i!»li»»ra«l In lla»ie or Uialou. All lattora in oak buyer's option. #0,864,031 17,339,08.. 75,193,838 atieat, CU attic hi i< a houar, No. 1 1.1 Hammond atreet, lot 34 the l'o»t l)(B. a For or Itoiationviolation of Jlthe statute against false nret«nr»« feetFOK bfi feet pa-a tbrough paaaaje fr»nht a# Is and iwifj t,?h! are comparatively quiet, without much change in Tt e las', returns compared with those tor the wrek front hy deep houae 3'i by 44 deap iia< pi r to C II. 8ANI1, Atient, U ! turdrrn vrment Ou I lie tear of lot la a two l.j the learne.J tor the people.that sizes continue to be offered show an increase of ia disc of Yunker* ftr ante Tba bouae ia very inipp Ibe aUaaier Hermann w ill *u<'c<« 1 th* W aabia^toa, |siou attorney prices. Virginia friely, previous, A junta, healthy v'llage atory brick building. -i'J. feet hy IN deep, auitahU for a am! aail MarcU 34. dpjiosi'.ion* contain .U C91 in a flrat rlaae, m the Itallau atyle, with tower, aiit, 4- by '.cts. matters and testified to hv and speculative tianaactkras are made to some ex¬ 1214, specie, and tl,399,2'J4 in deposit*. In atable, cn'rance fiuin atreet by an alley w*y.| Houae baa thini;s :u feat; C'JiitainH 14 rooraa, h:i< double reran tali I'M) feet tilt. en room*, marble ke. IIAVRK ANf> NfW YORK onents when before tbe (fraud Jury, and thst tent Rsilroad bonds have not been so active with¬ circulation there has been a decrease or in in hot mantela, mahogany doora, II* HKTWITOl dej $27,605 length, and cold water, furnace. range Ac. The at No. 9 atreet. .llrrct.. Tlia A I.I'M will Mil tivm MaaradT Grand had no other evidence knowlel?» 114 f»et are ornamented with tree* and Inquire Ferry atoanaliif Inquest in the pant day or two. Prices are not so lira. The the same time* The lice of dla :ounts has nearly groumt* ( a<|Uara) BXr.AM.iIIract for Now ralliog ».. ia Bag information in the nremlses than wlitto .£ .hrubbery. Ihere ia a large ittahle on tbe premlae*. The HALF OR TO l.KT-IN THK VTU-AUK OF N Y York, (Without *0/ port "> of this class of se:urities to be un¬ reached tie of the date >ib IviuriU;, ZAtli of Nor*a^»*r Tha ril« of Is clearly cer- supply appears aggregate corresponding view (a < elightful extending upward* of 24 mile*. More aa ItD'l,) » i ? FOItack. Itockland county, the hot«l known tbe York frwg Lit owl pam«, and rrr > maoJormto lb* tailing of tUa au'< a~. !.ng ataataow .(fences, tach a telor.y, without Wal nmof' 117 Fulton New York. without of their Inflate their market value, and the tranaations half million of the highest point roaoiied in 1354. itieet, conaidered tbe beat atarid lu tbe county. Alao, one four will t>« aiiortlr ar.notmcod Tho rat* of iBauraaaa . store, any proof perpetration And daily atnry brick atore. It ia well for mercantile or llarra for No* »**.«" relimlnarUy for . for a time were but the The amount of on hand now is of STORK TO BE WITH STOCK AND FIXniU.M, adapted Iraarala too* by altlpa fr»oi 4lmt lot, (given p qnite large; brokers had specie upwards BOM), manufacturing jmrpoai i. For particular* to than to ». aa to llarro ¦£«.*» lLy. Court is moved to go behind alao a leaae will he aold for naah apply ablpa railing KogLab port. Applj i- most ot this business five mUlons than A cheap lupiir* THEOLORK hOo."1, tfK 1'eaii New York, or. to !a» to "f, ?w 0,.the* * among themselves, and /ailed greater at this time last year, atreet, u1 i'arla 1" Hou!»* »r K. CI NAKIi, 4 Howling Umt. quett.ou, both ntw and whether * rrimi AND YERr UIMtMKB PROPERTY EUR important the has about reached its maximum ex ess of those for the same da'.e in 1 R54. The con¬ hatii oh ¦mil imm ma mi or brook -TKAlJA . I'lONKKH INK..f'ARKYIN'i IS c" behiud the record to 1 earn if there whole, point. rale. One liaudaome three houae la P1'* CHEAP atory Twenty- Forlyn property, a very auperior tarn, two auilna from l'oit«Kl htaU- mail Ttia o*w aod *lr*tut -tippa* .nv'. before the w K'i l rl!e and One mil* from the Marnar >n»ck Al Wr a three mot depot abi|' Uh>iRi>Kh, l,StUtoua, f^r r/'loair anil MolU-iuroo. the offence alleged. with a view to qSashVn indict become much reduced. or tae lour or live months. The menta, $»i,"..0, alao model y Euw . ng»«a ciation must so)n take snd amount of on band sl>ow ¦ear Ninth avaouv, aeveralBret elaa* brown atone front i4>ntaiDiiig forty on tb«Alatof Match Tli »ui|> a rmra opportualkp £"'ul absolute verity upon place. specie great strength an.1. woo, the poaaible riiiuimr, every the mott aubataniiai manner. For terma, ratoa ol m..V?.\*9rciM in sales of bonds asd sto:ks were made at auction by loadel with too raucn dead weight, and they must modem alio a number of Iiouaea in difler plaaae apply .Maiowl at aninr'iialy fctgti *H'i Onljr ^cedent among adjudicated criminal cases either iaproveinent to ANHRl.W KADIF., 117 Fultjn atreet, N Y. to )«. lata aod $4" aftar arinal, to ba °r f"r *° '.old an entrenchment of A. H. soon obtain same ielief. The oi baud is ent ;>arta ol the city, for aaie on tia* term*. )>r J. I' nqotrwt paUl paid ^°jl4nd, Nicolay:. specie WIIJ.IAMi* K tM and from out of earning* lb* tiaorgaa will W foli>.waV>«r dispute! right of a grand iurv $12,000 Hu Uon River 3d mort .int. added. HON, Eighth avenue, dally '1 8AI.F. CHEAP THK tTTOCK AND FIXH'RES OF an t0,r When how Railroad, 731{ several millions larger than required, and a distribu¬ to il at lift Chambera atreet. bit*') clipper uhlpa'Oeoau M< a>t 1 Niglitlngal* TSa fot I'-***"1, they plf^d, 6,000 N Y. and Harlem R. R., lit mort. do. ShJ* I10Rthe bird cage factory, 112 Bleecker atreet. To lie «i«r to aail about Martb li ao4 tba taitar Aprti tj ll>kb and*5^for what d, with uroof n» nn tion Is much to be desired. on of iy p.eased, they pleas* 6,0«J0 CoL, l'iq. & Ind. R. R., lit mort. do. SEAT FOR HAIX.OK TIIE RAN K Of THK .old account theo»u-r leaving tba country. The tb»a* raatala, on thair norou 1 «o;ag> a. baring inaU Ua th* court of which do will th» art of oi in (Mjin* they i;;,( 00 do. 1'onvprtiblen. do.7l}{a?lW ou Mil* lalao of asceat bv railroad pioprletor ;ii)(,'rt n»m«atlug cafea. aboiti-at pa^aagraon r«»il t;.rii-MH Utaao .a o'«b*f letsilia'tbautbaL,apl'*'*J'a cooruinats bram-h against all review « N. R. R HI oak BuliaiiKe. COUNTRYHuiImmj, 1, eaay an new to l!i~ on the ti.000 Central , let inort. do. <1 , ii'B* tlaa .n j ala iu aa»*Bt» far bV of th« citizen Jersey Mom hay. Feb 19, 1855. Tue hoiue .* conveniently arrange | aid the ground* enllitly atyle, punha^er. Apply «laja. ao..»3 HI ion -b« 111 Ceo HI'... '.Hi evautif ili/ 'aid out. For term*. Ac apply to WM. K frrifbt paaaag* a(i|iljr IrniM, |fr*eded¦2Ud2d mds' public justice; yet 10,000 Krie sod Pennsylvania Canal ti* -0 I.KH S'.» 'Jf<:ar aaraer of Urua RON, 110 .!! ifim. * * Pr'nc'<>1* °' or rule o 7A abares Northern Indiana Railroad 02,'V 2000 Ky 8'a s3 103U 100 do »; 0j W utreet, lw»/ HAI.K, AT I-F.-H THAN C3 22 do bnfh and niea n, prudently 20 do. Mechanic* Aasocation 101 95>4 i,l\ '. atoopa talr etualieot igbborbwel No¬ »a and I'auama- Califoru iu> at* lufortnad < |en thlt which Banking 6000 b30 96 >J 100 Railroad 78J t-^OlNinvrbelong i to the eat 1 1 r <>l Martin J.Hyerano. ai*.uate ui| aor) that wo ," n"n An°/ as de 6COO do b3 10 do 7o', I'ateraoti, , Utweeu llroadwat an the^?roiertv"of,fl'l,tr*ti0n indictment, 11 a ma>Ia I.; ral/irt>a4, I* <¦ 1.1 i- S >y ? *er,r4' authori do. Rank 10 MO do Mm 200 do bOO taininc forty modern "'I?0 70 Knickerbocker 4000 l'enn 6's do relleut mai.aion in the cottage atyle. containing eUlit improTtmcnta. Iri'iufresn premi-fi to Orian. No mora uiuU Irani BO rirof bu«Ua| Ic ed i.'k b,IIor declaration of complaint drawn 40 do. Kxrelaior Fire insurance C> 8».'^ 200 Tuaalar at I". I i->m . 74', rooma. of eervanta' r a r«m. Dtea cellar Oli 30, twoo'cluab M.. ptor LJn form. of law. and exhibited for some criminal 3' 00 Loulaisna 8's.. 87 160 hrie Railroad b3D 45 excloatTe mua, FOR HALK AT HAIJ-' I'KtCE.(Uft hlirnai; I I'iO do. Manhattan Fire Iunurance Co 72 under th bole, a m ice hou«". fllle Inrntca, good tba Moot at*a(u IIJ.IN"!.", I u H. J. <. . i Express $.>}£ niittisWn, ler. Tin are bt; apta ilaftataao, ^ ,Tr i of *n <>1<"»ce committed COOONYOo 7'a. S3 90 100 do ... .r 45 re>|iiiatte lfoo-1 ground* order, < aa he aern iu baaemeul of a'ore 327 Oreeneic'i by If and hate a of a I H. to f'ljn.rt at Kaaama w t fa tba it»m ao4 » ipo and ofn*rr"t,onthe circurastancM that At the second b >ard the market was weak and 1M0 Hail let M tin. 90 22 > do. .3 taatily laid out, var.ety fruit tree a*d atreet, or to J. M T ( 144 I ilt m atree' N., persou.nS«.rr.nrt tecessary 44', I* in a c apply YI.OK, rtor #toam«i.i(< Nil ' "Itl'lUN- a mm boot eur t-» ascertain the (act aui its nature" An in .000 Hud R 3d M B* 400 do ht»0 45 #hrubt>«r». Th- plate every reaj^-ct awnteel, in- lo.t will he a.dl (M 14'' Mi inactive. Illinois Central bonds fell of cent; "4h ', i.« VM; alwara ai I'aeauia to ic < aaa of o{ itr- ^"slns. P. j per 500 111 On UK It*.. :sh lOo do. b30 45 '« Tenlect, an- kapt prarout Jotoodai, lln*u,*e C., Erie Cumberland Erie aareral tinea a day In forty or fifty mmute* Will OI SF ANI) FOR 17 ace "to*t. So fr» Reading Rtflroad, i- $000 do 73)* do. a30 4 . H place, Brooklyn neighborhood, 17? U> J W. I'.a VMu.M' inal oiftnce tbe or the and 40 sba Mecb lUok 112 v, 100 do b30 eon, on the premiaea to .lamea Speer, Coayreia Hall, i - one ol a flue roe of modern bunt hou ea three Mxtatrtrt, against peace 1 rieople Tranait and closed firm at our 4J>. N. or W. H. Traleameu'a atory ln court' becomes a record for purposes Nicaragua opened 100 Itel K H tol .bOO 114k .'Xi do. blO 45', Patereon, J , Kalle, Baok, an basement with cellar aire of liou»", 20 feet by 41 *W TORK ANI» l AI IKIRMA .-T».A«WU!' '"i* T '. New Yort lot 20 court in UNI, cniBlnai prosecution The ,jUestlon recurs,i may a quotations. Erie Railroad appears to be very 20 M*: Furli Hank. 100 750 do. s3 4SU by 112h feet yard front, and Mr at rate r i «!.« A< liaoa.t water. For ou the » Nicaragua .tmry 'impauf P *'Dt< UP 10 form" be im- 34 Kank of lom.... 105 60 do. ..alD 45 partieulara. apply premier* Term* ol > I *ro j.: iat- . 7 »t m -i ib'nUr ibta aof dr*In shaky. It is sustained with great difflsulty. Specu¬ mnfi BITil WTTfiTWr tTtl TTIt fffll Poawaioa ran be liad at an an ! w.ll raragua, " m«y. ,kr some reasons, 10 Market Hank 101 100 do. ¦30 46 1, Tytn ' eaty. early day, attar routo lh« 'louiila »o/n* atoiaak p i^1*^ I 9 ue' fourth arid Kouth MUth atre-t, Hroo'alrn, a e apiaolll imt If for in al lation in it has about died out. 6 Contiaental Hk . 101 240 Marlon RK. s3 XI be told at low uot be dfsputetl; and some, why not \ Willianntiurit;. Thlaltoneof th" vMeat ind beat pr Ni'ItlMKl'N torn buii'-m Uapt t»aw« - where it (s m.niiest that tbe body .idlctlng baa loo Nlc Traoa Co MO In , 100 do. «3 32', (late aitl i»a»a Im ui Nu 3 Mo tb at i Tbe transactions at the Assistant Treasurer's of¬ do ocated ! 1 low, t Km «AlX.FINll'HKD IN TIIK IiH- r pai gb plot i.rar, jurisdiction over the subjeot matttr of which the ICO *30 18', 100 do. . b3 33 a'c!i«k I' M tor I'uuta Arana* on it fice to wet* as follows for mn.ediately, to cloae an estate. Apply to with a I- an TiimIi/ rf usat.i n la If , court may look upon the day 60 do alO 10J% 20U do. S3 H applied atjlu. T«rf ta.*t]r »'jr of (root, I ml* Witu Ilia ±S*h 1 ,o« predicated. JAMKh 1 KENNY, A Iminiatrator, 24'i Krint (traft, or nor futulalmt with all niolam hrn roooM'mg M.aMn. burtltoa, eof an luolctment to see if it contains all the ele Received $191,110 00 li'O ilo . »3 16', 300 do. b80 S3* ,uipror»m«n> awr tb« Traiiait r«ut« bat taidto HAYKM K KVANS At 00. dra»fl«t», JlSPearl -t»-t tbouaand . "iiara nam 1 no W«a* Nicaragua baring necessary to its validity, why may it not 1 Payment! 479 041 21 450 do 17 100 do M 3.3', aiajr at , "JW ¦ail*-* ol lau l tr <>n flrat «taaa 0 do 24i, 00 Hud R RR. b.M 38 moth avail*, *oH rh»»p far In tbolr fontlllat'oo aa »< in. HA acraa. 2 rolUa from tba unaarpaaoaii '»i^' i^*r? **"1' U 1,01 Very from this pott, this week, will be upwards of 100 a3 .".4', do .... .30 37V the modern at rirhaaga tur iiiriiiu,a: oa or paaa^ga. uttir V' th J!1 to ICO NYork Ceo RR s80 93 100 do coatain all iatprnrament* Inquire l.'l'i H Ullablil. N J. Ooa of ? a«-r*a, with lion-*, applr I. Why,WhZ then, has not ths court power inouire million ol dollars. There will be a steamer lor ), bao 37 X ."etratrentb fiom 9 to A. or from 1 to *IlA-i MOIU- aN. A«»ul Mo » B ..'¦.ig i»ra»« or 128 do lait atreet, M., lit r ol iru t of all kloda, fin- .. "f ntar. a Ana mor" uninj -'"o'". «nd- 04 155 . a3 37 * t pi* l*f'i u.« a at tba uiia. If Mr* 1* »o< i par 7 >i P. M and at '^12 Pearl atreet. from 12 to IV M. atrraiu aituatiM a ml* a lia'.f 'aga up ^Tr,:aJuctproceedings, or of othsrs going to the Liverpool oo Wednesday, and one for Southampton 60 do a3 *4 l'W do M 37 \ la float of Ihum, an! l alf DUB a L an !»* J of 'heir acts, or to discover whether, although on to do MO '4 '4 20 Mi J Hon HK 93 TTH'It BAI.f THE THRPE BTORT AN1> ATTK IlRIf'K from HlMiinfiW I. (at mil* from LittW JalN. an in ¦ it did not aUo that it Saturday. 36 I'aaama RR 100 I miii, Nraark ai.l I'ataraoe. N J ' all >>. A. P 'iin S. w l-TI AM-IIII'«»M- prtms has been proved, appear1 r l.oi -e 1*0 Kaa' between and J«f »:w YORK AN" ft Ml URI.IAMB The Joint Committee on the accounts Hreadway, Wrat Iwrot itrar > .alii a fan- i.afori J -. commuted in a foreign 8t»t« or ountry, or if ner Legislative HEC01TD ftfUHii feraon atreet* Tlie extenaion ofKut^er*WalWee atreet } aifUUi atiaat, fay. kor N«o <>rtaaBa, Itautag at Haraoa. propo-ey caa ng til* oila-i IHitaa Mall, fb- «auiah.p '.A not so ancicLt as to he without the of 81%' 4'>>; K M' Hi 'll IT I ri 1 1 r will >a- a>ao it »a cognizance as the circulation and securities 1W 00 111 ( RR B«..e3 73 200 ilo...,.,b; 45', rema o i( dtalred. Apply to H. f. BROAU, 13! at. It IIAWRA. fltir. cr.mina1 law, or If it had I following deposited AND IX/T t > .!> II, ai».l ai far tho wiUito, not^eTshown KsiOO do nx 200 do '.00 45', ami i.aa»u.-at brick buuu>, No 'II Wooatar laaa-ta/ o * w"oe«s infamous ef crime and un of the free banks cf the State: . atM'Va oa lob at 12 o 'toob I rvr HOUHE porta Moa'iay, p*m . X l «a itt> Ciotcn watar, talk room, kr au> iu #*A fflon' further, of Nsw Jkk«kt Fkkk Bays*. 2000 do Huh Ms 83 100 do «.;o 4. actuated No "0 We*t Twenty *eTeutli *tree», one atrrait, at foot 01 Hurt «tro*t, Woftt, riaat lr» ;>it fur 'Ua a p« .tit;ibe aoltl low, aad the payneat* prtxuro bjr th" eourt in Newark Citv Newark 160,000 140,000 10000 do bio 8.1'., 200 do 33 aiirb t at cannot fall to an It aa a very amail il hAl E-'-ll.ivi. VEB i >A-7 -AII.IMi. paaapaTta bofnra .» «»!»., fw ?r« /ti* or paaaaga, u. « th!??St**<^ ?CT ia without i U %«:> ' aUKHXIIOM ItuT^at Jury wholly, Central Hightatiwn .. . . 146, >99 1000 li Ctfa 100 do b3 33 down. I'or farther tu jn Ire of SUM'an «ejl ta to lumbar, brink or o«l trata I'ii applf UVMUMKiM, A'U.AgaaU, ? 180,000 Albany 34^ re«(iiired ¦JkT** tbe W#U MUle<1 that > particular* Jl UP°° P""ciple Parnate Co Patereon 14,026 12,406 176 «b s Cum Osil s3 34 , 50 Cle» k Tol RK... 70 .1 Hr*«.n. Mercer Houae, corner of Broome ana Ver-er '. o», draw* Ik iral water a hen !.*¦> ami wall f .uu l. !lrwalw»y 'iuri2tl V>»m' can obtain Punk America Trenton 11,.it* 2", lis 6" do b3" 34?, 5 fial*na At'hlc KR aireeta, from 12 to 1 o'cluck, or any time during the Adcreaa imnieljr A. II HeraM oiv.- * R.Tb. RIJirK WAR! IMtof k »r tta iiuh,n.c/ mattern of a criminal offonr* mmmn* I 11A will aafaj tl.a lakaa' a. aat aall ff "Ubjfct .... 131 lag. ¦ Mechanise ATradernJeraay City ,000 129,000 10" do S3 34.*« ICO Reading RK b30 evening. I- AM' T'l HK. -nil' ok h vi j..:: ¦on (worn legal testimony i^iore a duly constituted au Rank Cape May Cape leland,... 34.0CO :il Cxi 450 Nfe Irani. Co.... 17 luO do al 78 o't.OKs" I'al b I IB ia of It Bg m I>t bo aaat iu lor a gatug '« ne or ro<,re raara t fun-lie' . a U0 Jur'^ct'on can be had if th" bSdy of a Hunterdon Co Flemlngtoa.. 6$,000 03,400 400 .to S3 17 HO N t C.-n RK boo SAl.E OR TO FOR A TERM <>V large maaatoo tl raaolag praa <,¦ to t£a ah p aa < ¦ i i *n n*son of his pre. liM| of Mre. H < n* > » tuat»,| on tba h ll »f tba . 'i*r *xc*l't personal Rank of New Jersey ..New Brnnawick 69,000 61,400 10O b30 17 15 Northern lnd RR. IJtORyeara, three iota, front, ng linwlway Forty »*ven,!» rj li,» 1 '.aaiinr HKCHINli at iiavawa to lamb «?«¦'»»« Princeton Rank Princeton. ... . 30,000 27,900 10O do 1.10 17 atr»et aad a elteaalr* »l»w Alau, to be IjHMl Bgth of Justice, how may . Grand Jury Indict anyone ToUl $871,144 for improve.! property. to MEtl) A (CNKiHf, aold three cotugea ami iarara. baa>.tlli,l bwUJ ag lot*, Iba faa* aa ag a!».mati f $012,06! . °f °0 of the CITY TRtDK It K. PORT. Apply ro»er*m tUe ». laOta U*i t"»r*b foot of lt»a'li atfaa", Nof^i Rlrar, Bourt go behind the recjrd and relieve the accusal of lows:. Amiss. . Pots wrr# |Uie*. at $8 60. li I E.A SMALL THREE "ItlRY PHILADELI'tffA pimi aa W."I. I, at .. r H for M» U tag lla tbe and BssAiarrrrn. . Flour. . Th« aale* tana. w,th care, expense d? enibra'ed aUout brick fron' witb rouater cellar g** .ath*. - Feeding imprisown^t, Virginia sites $222,900 FOR bna>a, TATFA I ! AND PitOPKRTY »"H RAt.R XI i Ml at o( a trial' Tne answer ia not that 6,'M)0 a 8,000 n mrr.' O Mta'.a. at $8 12 a the owner r-.y I aaaag" t'< Mi'l l!a av! Maraaa I 'akfn I for r datiou public nixe* 112 600 btls., iDrludlsg Ac «KCUp»e!anru» a ro.i.lra"*- on Kentncky |S 37 (or foramon and atrsl/ht bran Is; cbolna an l (a -erond *':eet, ! ;-»-aaga Uvea., 89,678 tha bar of Nan Yuri an alaaiwbrrr In ttaV mo.' »l g ' would Pennsylvania YOfite do , 88 60 a 82. and to I/NA.»A lifi AI K 4l C» <^urt, be sufficient, if ins aites (8 Wettern, pnmmon to Pricaf4.7l#. h'a Ivcatloaa tfl A. II .I No apply .il«»laa;,ar ¦2 « Ti. 7 ^ but when Pennsylvania 26,601 etiole*, al 0s 50 a 89 12 sal 010 Mli $12 for astre Applr tVIS iK'.iltij CHI fTA\>Ahl> Jt IA» » '"Ot a«- a; require, Ohio aixea 20,000 !9,itbiwa' oorarr of Raavrr atraat ,r* ,a m/ judgment tbe legal righ-s Newark slsee 140.000 Iii-obw Tlierv was a good >a*'.*rn Jeman 1, wilb ailes BALE.TWO FIRST ( I..V4H pol'R STORY AMD r,wbf' 110 a,uw#r. and shall not atsy this City of about 3.0CO bbl« to go in tbat direction C-4na<'% ' baaerneiit hrowa »toi.e froat booe* 'M V) haik iiMBmitf ami wio r»n( T.MM*. M'HlOi K, n.f*RHlM.*Kli AMI) K' I K at 89 26 a $9 "7 In bond pafeet # lO'-hea deap, witH all the modern «ala Tb* o!4 MtMUala*) ua'r Irwaatu abai n| ao-l J; lla* IHataa .ablp Tlao-. Bond, and mortgagee 09,AM improtemeata, J all! mm julgmeot, quite enough In fouthrrs nale* *rre mr»'.*-ra> at laat ««ek '« p.icea. A altuated at J a au'1 V a at Thlrt-tti itreet teteeen aiiampoo n( **lw ». 17* Fall n at a»i llio- I Ijn t»'i« Wliwr, WMMMti4or, laava p«ar IIKwtkr !* n I^it ««. 900 Vi I a* .1 at o'lock .' M WUI arrta la llc#nMHl «ct in secret upon ex Total .al* of S00 a bMa. Rirbnmnd cltj mill* at >ourtl a> ig I m s-.t- . ; a- aaa .ftthe miss of law, and where no crime has been Saw J#r»ey and 04 75 for Brandvoine. R^^ lloni a»IU CAIi.A PORTER HOf -E, f- T< h K AND l'(X "I'll kK1>. 7 ANJi FAHMIN'. I.»bl*«. for tba Naiit» awaal b» fa .".a'i (tlrw, wit. la.ig% ! joncUcn:. ' w ar r'»ar for aala -lit anS W . 1.1 » "Itnesa tertlfles before th. BeeurUta. Circulation. at 88 26 a 87. Wheat .A .al" of a lot of aupartor white FtORturea, no of tl»e oldeet and b«*it etan la in the alty f JaOM« Virfia'a, t.'i'ta Ir'.aa to Vila igVa .a|a, ftr /'ao- r.t .T?"' * hears a say that !.«».>« «a« madr at 82 6'j Coro eontiouea aetlre bat Inipure of A. MeDEKMOTT. 27 White Hali »tre«t. >»e Krlbrf of'na far aa.a. ta | aout.ra lo aait yqrcbMBra, aaga in 'ara to N ' la Uf:LJUTl'Is fals*. I this the soer. Bridgeton at lower rate* . th» oS a«rumulatMl. The York. %ef> laol. n»af luatar «array 'Iblf, »oi-^ »I0. ata»rafa baM | f 'a Apt r t< ey|J»oce corruptly pon Wheat (.rowers', Newton 10 IW 10 919 aappl baring ' or before the brand now In session aalan etiibrarad ab<'Ut 60,000 buabrla. at \ a >>»a> If tiaibarr't pnaeipally with frtaa bat aon Li ai ft CM AP IK Hroo/!wap. goes Jury Am Klcbange, Cape May C. H . 384 3H4 pri'.r« ranging wilaM to ."m° fr. m t»4r. a i»5c for i tnniori to 97r a ft. HAI I', CHEAP.THE MODERN E.N..1I -II tam nf aaw«i«ta»>ala aah, tfprma *# aa4 an » ssi are .feraey m'tai*, "* The urltlea of ths $rat named bank $21,000 B»rf>a>!«- 'ilr ! ,». a*4 '.+* w «»t 1H»H r A t A *.' til AM» » l/'H »ft..t PT AT*M H"X"which *1"be believes to b« utterly false, as a bondland five* $6,000 for pood yallna ,«outb»in with a .n.all lot prim* white r<;Rment t»rlck houae balcnav an! court, JTO Wat' a'ax.*' '(Uiatiif ( tnno ,rd 11 w*" so And mortgages $'(3,2-0 Pennaylrama St 81. lb* maraet rioted at V,r s 98*. Sal*i of Tbntj third atreat. with lirt aad aekl water -a eg*, hath 7li»r» la prabab. t if> tra^t af .an i la nn»' . i»i W+* Hall Uaa -Tbo a»w aM aagaa' rt^aaaaOip ditto alxea: 96.960 Ohio do $2 <)00 Kentuckr $ t.000 Vir Kye ' ' * * b7 Is bo»li*l« New war* made at 28. aii'i'elier*. I* TOO oa the < ln( ao lari* >g a ea a T«r a< a>i a«/ a ra ' 1 1 IULa f apt W«- ¦'bii ., will iaaara Mow ^ «ra la* *> thU an indictment is ordered for perjury $9*0 ,l»rt*> 81 Barl*y Priea, Apply premn " giaia do., and $890 cash. Of ths second. Pennayl ' -»r t/a ta >a iw >u, . »«> *» la' .1 fr« >n '¦ "oeh 1 c*,e. asvea trial" Can and cat* were umber, W H MKHAEI-H for fha wiyxl »"-oa'. *a caaa'raal »*.'*/, 'i»jf plar Ma t public taut* Uvea, asd $16 000 Vtminia sixes Of tha third, |*d aa r wa 1'lo ilwil1 * H>Ua< .. ¦iVl't.'!!' facts iash the indiet ...h C'0)rs» .Cat*" of MO bag« of Rio w*re mad* at 't\c. a ffcf ubwr Uftag .¦(.*! appearing, $384 a ! . a a I, . r « l( no:' »o»' The 10',c and 200 do. Mt Itonnngo at V*.,and it era. 10 SAI.E.AT A BAROAfN A TWO STORY AID arai unt aa .i rtlrat r>*4 all wllaa wwftb, #»,» f'a'rbt a, W«ar4 or for j.aa»aga, ta Tbe following bank* have resolve.! to the ¦¦ . is no authorativ* relinquish Dioiml tbat two cargo.'i war* alao mil on haaement aad nwetern l« ., « ,u " «* ntararrUBf tba 'rart an l t'rott-'ng >t t » ir. ("AMI I! I M 'H IT M Nr al.a. ».» Florida, there precedent buatnea* of and have advertieed to urlrat* ]T*0R ' bankisf, according ItlDH. a two It'll) ' tway a ,!a»at#r Tna '. .!< Ik t. l atwraix't Xai(«al ,,uaaa i vugh aaaia Irowi Mo» Y « V* Jaoftaaartl*. II b* for°»*:'"r, If controlle.1 by nothing law . Hpting . neat three hrlck boo** a att"' a'- i o . in Jaa aawti ar b a.' a aa flla I "> >.* -ta, 7 . -a law a..i tat be boun.l by tbe r ilrs of evl- AstrMs. C'ircutalinn Cirtros 7h* «alee .ss'traoed abou* 3.000*» in etory Thotup-oi, wttl , railram!, pilvaii tba, Aag» (apt .1* a in to wa< niioiter ' f Sr*t cla*e boaee* between Vr.t aal I »rt etb r ii* wit . a, n'i, J«aaa Hrar TV» aaoaaa j «'«*, ilsnk of America, C. H. $9,000 $*,71s eluding ' 3l «n 7>°rr "** or"r "o4'1 1 l'w,<:h Capo May, j Hrr'er, and snid.lllac quslit>e» w*re aol>l ia aoma < a»a» at atreeta, many near Fifth avenae Appl> to u !a«a I'atla Potal, aitb laia-i aal >.ai i'ank of North America. 8.600 VSOl ra »-AV ANVAH -IAKI. 0:1 L i#4 Ch!?.L-i"r *°t ,M calle«i to Ffetntogion ; ',*. advaae* Tue bigh*r grad«> wara A.MMMAMF, lb Wall a<->et botaU aa4 a'o-aa, la bat thrwa £»a lutaat bfi>*Bk Rtf* upon Tra.isri Baak, Cape May, C. 1 10,780 9,164 .nebaag*3. a w ib .. '« CU'*a Mall a a *V_| ^f'00°r lo',,ctmMlt "poo the I KtMiHTa -Hat*« w*r* firmer wttb mor* f>0*rlng la a., a to th« abota, tba »%r 1.-VM4 I'taamihip RKTIT"MR ftAtf ta, a > . . i» i aali It I'ai' Witt laara tV t>. . "t'taaa 00 1*4 iud"t hat «."t ws.'f. n!^ ur ,n the ofincom Atoot 22 OtO tiu*h*l* of ">m w*r» engaged for liter SAM. A THREE Wfr>RY BRUK R(»CS»:. CO* t,raa irnt fataa a- a»w»; aaia «,>rt*>t. IV lor testimony Total -ia ». ¦< < ¦ . $28,2*0 $26,873 a taialag all the aodora p- r. laterr < aitaaa.ra aa-l faaraa t lamM ao' j, fa . I a1 I o A V I ara I# atoar m!**r T,' Tne cvari ^ntertaineil tlis ribisriina The securities of the first two are * stxss of p«l at 6d. 6 igd., la bulk and hag> I 'Ml bal»« of com ISOR i*»' niMio< ,«)pr«"a»»tit wa. b, Virgin at 16a 8 <<00 a ed tbroogbo it, nearly new eituated ia u» of tl- met r«r*ir AiMrm br lrtt»» or >a j»ia«#a, Fa' K 'W ara t* »».aU wii! »a»« aga mabMI matter argued of the ^o 1 2^2^! fire*. prrsMfl cottto S.'OO hole* of baron at » |e tbe third. I'»nn>T F«»K rtlJl. wi o^'yi ,th*' th« nhi»i-*> bavins eighty per circulation, to .rrae to f TAM ABMTi b* aawagat w that 5&TJ- Botte* ia rat** for Harre To Apply ______.B" Br*tn*a 100 bb|. lard r.°ijSwLSsr^sS!roiBpe,"at, end isturned it to the Treaaursr. bars taken up their hat a* ¦ »»ara t /. raa fra to tba lat n> Mar r «t d. It said I know, that tto war* at and 16 ton« m- ..uri m*n' a* i* POlVr r.f» Wail atreet > ^trinie«^^ (tacks sod tha money Is bank, to the> credit of »ngag'd ',e « t a t I' l-'ta ill a ', »n 1 9N1 .*mi wi^ml* never obtained as sd s and deposited 2ta ToCal'fernla. reu« w*r» «teedr at :f»r. a «V eat n0 fro CHAUim-vat anu fi/iiui»A. Pa case itbority, ^Ze J,i tbe Treasurer to redeem tbe remainder of circulation . with tb* t.aiM attaatwl batwaaa T1» ».» I »J» 'a»a- t» . aya . I f Mail ..aa» > as tbe law upon hla Th- coo to Australia at 36c. for in*a-ur*m»nt and %-.'i tOR -AU.HOrPK AND LOT Ml W»-T IIIITV ItftOrr ap! Fortieth rtraata aw tha a»» ». * .a» a«- 'a-r . * > "u,f! '» I'etgeo $1,371 feet for lumber. I ae- o4 »treet, four lt<*y aad ralliir bf.eo oe A^yl; ^raaa 1:*mAKMH fwtlar .»./»' 4. tCc^ofHoT Itaak. Totn'a River. l,'i00 1' I.'slaware BSd Hudson 1 643 fr|s*td»d s 4rm Fst it..f*rlr*« w»re .'.ad/, but aal*« w»rw ro'*t*rst* Iw.prnveateate Iqoeire MerrV.asti Pank. landing »i of of D H. ItH *t .* 1 P« SMITH Weet Hiirt etS proar aa.j gkt apt If Karaser* Freehold 429 w » aa 7 "»e character aal am mt of Bask, ¦ATMHOaiiU of lo th WW k, FlxTt rtra and la-*w . ."ele. of aboat 100 Harrela New <»r!*an« m.a«» MKlti'ltl >gft Jvy, Tradesmen '. flank, Fkmiagton 498 a lember ailaatad tat will he *. I Aon'THiwrv. wi-iim to mmt t ' »*t. ta aa f-^.altwa^T-* Ja- aoa-irilla (;i u r to shontbst but one among s number of counts w*r* n.ade at 27 ', r*nt«. 1*op. yard, Btooklya, rbrvta Atlantic Rank. May a landing 1,4'ii or n* oMra-i to th"*a 1\» lawl be a4aawt*4. a- nMp'.iaija aat lilalfca I'. Tlw a laaaior F e'.l #' aor will eaeeawd, aed aa mlsdemsanots had been before the >a»ai Sto»»i . Tb* ..;»« rniirace-l about bar tegathar aeparaiely harga \pHy-'n*jr.ia<*/ many prov«d Bank. Island 2,472 S.O'iO v ..aar-l n# <r.l>t v Wis .» ta o»< aa ea>»llaot lea-' la the town uf Or -nw* i IF 01H gat fgp tbt ths warrants entered at tbe Treasury Itopeit- ateae. at 012 82 a aod n*w at $11 for 1."H>RJ W * N «* K» * >*roat $12 76, pro* 12 oae a!lea TMr AtrintTltni V* 'tk f that it was aot sufficl*at ba toaaeet it. 'btrty fmm Vew Yor%. lor part __s by saow ag found upon ¦eat, on the 1 >th aad lOh instant, napected. and $13 18 a $13 $6 for laapert*! He*r w H pa'MaMa 21;aaiaa( t<« af ap 'a' tl If M N 'lagbtM ptOtr Washington, waa ralara apt lv to fflidillU. Ill Bmadwa; ap MA7*f*0>'A «t*wdy, with aaiee of 400 U*r **. Chicago beef bams tra/aa'a,, ami a fmxl a a '¦oat a (b ai.^a axv«a to talii *tA* wtro:. at atalra applf $18. and 240 ttor*#e Weet*ra at 818, and 20 tlere»« In.m Nra V"ta rttf «. b a »*« acaaaat ba w «b*a to I roat . raot. For the redemption of atoik $2 33* 91 do India b*«f at $23. 1*Ut* meee and prisae »*re with .a va b aa. If u. a ftar j wwt arar XI * ITAM ta4/, ;aan AR>tAN«ilMFjrr!tIr For ay lag Trenauiy 1.1,370 rbaage Cut fn*ate were «t**dy 868 bot*« U.ig aSerad a wafbaaaker and I'nr eat* of <7. f »t Mnb,*(. ami alara' aa, h>h aa Tbjcw For ths Cu«toss* 84 w»r* » JJ by )«weler. r»*pactabri aod rorwt $|,607 middle* eold at aad ISO bet" abort m tl!»< of a a iaa M a r"t baabww! bjr a44rwaaia« a mv to f*A»r»b'irg tor tha War 87.682 $4 at 8e uTe *»"k aad fataraa )ae»ef a tare karat*! la *.». a>*7 M RF, aaory Taaara* aa Pepartaseat RbotiMere were a«cbaag*d «f tba baet aaeaoee tf tbe a< the L ICWN* Iliatbaaa a>, .ar« Paat aAaa. th taaaaaaa ander the For re is Us War 383 ol wae tity, owaer lateaia R'*«V l*aaaaga to ¦- by tbe qmwtion tW eoBeJarwVof paytwg Oepartassst H'oaa The market .teadjr, vitb ao-eaa natKa >a» f»t Oallforala. ar . at '«a r/a of aaai.U aaaaa aa aMiaaiwtama* «f . «aaa-S«a .K rl r witft a la* ta aat trwH r*-ow af re aaai a'i< »ba>wr**r bs* $80 harr*le i'riNO had b#*i'b, aal ai«e« retera to Far ae Apply at IV. awt aaaa? la '««b^aM a -fc aaa> a"raaa. wrtb raai M . -1V rWyai*.sasat 444 $8 waa reported at tk aeeaee a b^ahatoea 1 aaaar, b» ¦ D Hw»M a*aa MM, 0» I