Wrap-up Max Kemman University of Luxembourg

December 20, 2016

Doing Digital : Introduction to Tools and Technology Today • Final assignment • About the tools • About the assignments • Course evaluation • Next time • Winter School Final assignment Did everyone form a group of 3/4 yet? Any questions about the final assignment What I still have to do • ODS files • Palladio • Info on how to share and export • Carto • Info on how to create multiple layers • Info on more powerful SQL • Ensuring geocodes work with French/German computers • Anything else? What did we learn? We discussed

• The preservation of everything • Biases • Digitisation and digital preservation • • Correlation • Distant & Close reading • Hypercontextualisation About the tools You have learned to write HTML, CSS, and some even SQL You have learned to work with Voyant Tools, Google Spreadsheets, StoryMap, Carto, and Palladio What did you think of all this? On working with tools Was it interesting to write differently from a Word document, and try to embed visuals or interactive visualisations? Which tools did you like? Which ones didn't you like? On digital methods What are key take aways from using digital methods as a historian? What were the main difficulties of doing this? Would you want to try more of this? About the assignments What did you think about the assignments? What did you think about using 1 corpus, the Clinton emails, for all the assignments? Averages: 7,2 - 7,3 - 7,4 - 7,7 Course evaluation Please go to Moodle and take 10 minutes to evaluate the course with the provided form What is :D or :( or ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Winter School Skills in Digital Methods Monday 20 - Friday 24 February Start Monday at 9:30 Databases for Young Historians Supported by Leonor Alvarez (Leiden Uni), Pim van Bree, and Geert Kessels (LAB1100) Requirements: recent version of Firefox or Google Chrome For next time 10 December (if you want!) Joint asking questions reporting problems on final assignment class And of course you can always email me with questions & problems He's making a database He's sorting it twice SELECT * from contacts WHERE behaviour = 'nice' SQL Clause is coming to town