
Reorganization plan awaits Regents approval

by Peg Moertl " I prefer not to call them colleges­ ~OST they're clusters of programs," each 1 I ~ headed by a dean. said NKU provost I I - Or. Janet Travis of the four dean dean dean dean co-ordinator co-ordinator academic units created in the new I I I I I I university reorganization. foundation human experimental legal community education Pending Board of Regents services programs programs services services at the April 15 meeting, or basic approval and I continuing Travis said, " I would like t.o see the disciplines I implementation of this as early as development not detailed education admissions July 1." I to date I most I Salmon I The four clusters are: basic career p_ workshops registrar disciplines, human services and academic advising and Chase nonacademic human development; experimental departments professional nature programs; and legal programs, according to the provost. programs

A fifth university division is community service, she added, but this is separate from the academic program groups. she said, "after some heated 2. to prepare persons in career and facurty-c hairperson committee Within each cluster will be several discussion" on the part of university professional areas; would be created to perform the inter-disciplinary groupings, led by faculty and chairpersons, all of 3. to provide an experimental" selection tasks. chairpersons, similar, Travis whom were given the opportunity to ground as a forum for testing net/ ' In an informal sampling of NKU explained, to the present give input to Dr. Albright on this ideas; department chairpersons, The departments. There will, however matter. 4. to perform a community service Northerner found that· three out of be some regroupings, "some The basis for the particular function for the residents of four of those contacted believe the additions and some realignments. I grouping finally northern Kentucky. strongest point of the don't think there are deletions of established lie not in As for deans, there will be three reorganization is the creation of an present programs," she added. ''administrative convenience'' but new positions available. The legal experimental college or division. Moreover, she said she believes on the integration of program is ''presently well taken "We've never had a place to try out there are nine such groupings in the interdisciplinary programs, said care of" by the administration at new ideas," said Dr. Frank basic discipline unit and six or seven Travis. Chase Law School, said Travis. Stallings, literature and language in the human services and The five units themselves are Whether the new deans will be department. development area. drawn from the missions of the chosen from existing NKU All of the chairpersons surveyed "The initial plan to cluster more university: personnel or whether persons would spoke well of the plans in general. programs together" has been 1. to prepare students in be sought "externally" Travis was " I think it's going to be better for compromised to the present plan, foundation or basic disciplines; unsure. She said, though, that a the students · a more integrated educational opportunity," explained Dr. Richard Ward, chairperson of the political science department. In addition to overall approval, and approval of the experimental college specifically, several professors also cited favorably the alliance between the career studies and the professional programs as well as their distinction from the foundation disciplines. The anthropology, sociology and social work department is one of those being regrouped according to the distinction. Chairperson Dr. Lyle Gray is pleased. " We made the recommendation to move Social Work into a career program. I feel the reorganization will get more education and better education to the students."

It's still not too late to be a part of the Rites of Spring. Contact Student Activities, N304. Snow Ball l r~ rlnwt'rJot mndt• nn llillJl<'Dru nce \\' ednehday """ lht> mouit• whiLE" to.tuff cuv('red t he earth .

1108.tif 2 THE NORTHERNEk Jo'ridoy, April S, 1977 Sociology dept. gets grant for elderly by Randy Ormeo J ane Dotson, psychology. Dotson is also director of t he Focus on Aging Northern's Sociology department Program at Northern. received a 112,260 grant from the "The goal of t he project is two· National Science Foundation for a fold," stated Li nz. First is to studen t-originated study project measure the nat ure and extent. of entiUed " Transportation for t he t ransportation problems among the Elderly." The funds provided by elderly of northern Kentucky and to t his grant will finance the project for determine solutions to them. The approximately 12 months, Dan second goal is to evaluate the Linz, student project director said. various means of local Northern Kentucky Community in this field and Northern was transportation available to senior Center; Comprehensive Care; competing with Stanford Besides Linz t here will be seven citizens. Department of Economic Security; University, · the University of students working on the project: The study will involve the elderly Particular Council of Northern Southern California and Princeton Darlene Goodrich, Susan Able, Dale living in Boone, Campbell, Kenton Kentucky; Social Security University for this grant. DeGiovenale, Cathy Dr.,.,s, Cindy and Pendleton counties in Kentuc~ Administration and the Telecare According to Linz, this is a first for Stinnett, Marcia Austin and and the agencies which provide and Family Service. Northern since this project was Suzanne Niswander Kunkel. All services for those persons. Information gathered through the student-originated and proposed these students are from the northern " Eight phone banks will be surveys and through the agencies and will be student-worked. Kentucky area and are involved in installed and surveys will be will be fed through a computer to The project will begin the first the fields of liOCial work, sociology, conducted by telephone throughout compile the results, said Linz, to week in Sept., 1977 and should be psychology, economics and polit•cal the area with a random sample of guarantee accuracy. completed by Dec. of this year. Linz science. Each student Linz said will elderly," said Linz. A telephone When Northern's proposal was said, eventually the students hope receive approximately S90 per week. survey was chosen because this is submitt ed, there were to publish t heir resul ts in an Linz was elected student project the least expensive way to cover a approximatelY 80 other aoplications academic journal. director by the students large number of people living in an participating in the project, he said, area this size. Since no travel time and he serves as a full voting would be involved, more interviews member of the anthropology could be conducted per day. Face· sociology and social work toface interviews could be arranged SG ballot to include department. if necessary, Linz said. Dr. Frank Traina was chosen by According to Linz, area the students to act as faculty organizations dealing with the advisor becauoe he has worked on transportation problem in northern referendum on tuition oeveral projects and is familiar with Kentucky that have been contacted both aurvey and computer include: Senior Citizens of northern by Kathy Dauer SG also acted upon a suggestion technology, explained Linz. Other Kentucky; Department of human resulting from the student forum faculty involved with the project Resources; Health and Welfare The recent tuition increase, the held the Friday before spring break include Patricia Dolan, liOCial work; Planning Council; Retired Senior possibility of Chaoe being separated that they recommend to the Tony Mazzaro. social work; and Dr. Cit izens Volunteer Program ; from Northern, and the rites of administration that outdoor Spring were all discussed at furniture, such as picnic tables and Monday's SG meeting. probably in concrete, be installed on The spring elections will take the upper plaza. The tables could be Fine Arts offers place on Monday, April 18, and used for students to spread out t heir Tuesday, April 19, to give students books to work on, or t.o share a lunch a li t tle more time to un for office at, said Steve Roth, originator of t he commercial art degree since E lect ions Committee suggestion. Chairman, Dave Harden reported The Fine Arts department. now a re interest ed , cont act Dia na that there seemed to be a " lack of offers a BA in commercial arts. The Mat.his, Career Services Center, 292- inte rest " and president John program is designed to cult ivate 5112. Students will be placed in a Nienaber commented that almost no Senior A wards professional skills, help create an working situation and this should campaigning has been done by any aesthetic eye and provide a realistic help them get some professional candidates, or to get anymore set for Aoril 20 view of the occupat ion of a experience. candidates. The ballot will include a question commercial artist , Gary Armstrong The NKU Alumni Assoc. will said. In t he fall, t here will be a second of t he recent tuition increase by t he section of Commercial Arts I added Kentucky Council on Public Higher present t he Senior Awards Program Wednesday, April 20, from noon to According to Armstrong, the to the schedule to handle the Education to determine students expected large amount of students feelings about the hike and make I : 30 p.m. in Regents Hall on the program will involve graphic design, Highland Heights campus. industrial illustration, ad layout and Next spring graphic and print them known to council, even reproduction will be offered. though, as Harden pointed out, " it The program consists of 35 textile design. With emphasis on awards which recognize academic t wo and t hree dimensional d esi ~m . prqbably won' t make any For further information contact. difference" since the matter has excellence, and University and Gary Armstrong in the Fino Arts already been decided on. community service of NKU A major in commercial arts must students. complete, besides the u sual department. Also included on the ballot will be a question about the possible Awards are presented by the university requirements, six hours various departments and of drawing, nine hours of design, separat ion of Chase and Northern which is present ly under organizations on campus fo llowing a three hours of art history, t hree banquet in Regents Hall. hours of painting, t hree hours of Heartbreak consideration by the Council. SG voted to become active in the All NKU seniors and faculty are technical graphics, 18 hours of cordially invited. Senio rs will be commercial art, introduction to House Rites o f Spring, which was originally a function of t hat body, welcomed into the Alumni Assoc. at commercial art, lettering and this time. typography, graphic and print Opens by sponsoring t he annual bathtub reproduction, ill ustration and race across t he lake. The decision graphic design I, I I, and 15 hours of Heartbreak House will be the came after Maryevelyn Wilson, The ······································ Northerner editor; Steve Roth, related electives. new offering from the Cincinnati It's st ill not too late to Playhouse. The play will former Special Programs Director run through the 24th of April, and Alan Tucker, supervisor of b e a p a rt of the Rites of The Fine Arts department has featuring many of the same stars institutional services urged SG to Spring. Contact Student tried to provide summer break and support the effort as "almost every Activities, N304. ot.her vacation jobs for some of the we knew and loved in earlier Ptsyhouse productions. organization in the school has," commercial arts majors and if you according to Wilson. ······································

1109.tif •'riday, AprilS, 1977 THE NORTHERNER 3 Rites of Spring 'We want to make it with you' "Think about a bathtub noating New lo the celebration this year is repo!'ted on a resolution passed by of the Rites of Spring brings the in a lake. Now imagine propelling a series of academically oriented the body providing for the Branch-Tucker Regatta and this ridiculous craft from one end of events. Literary readings, panel procurring of a number of bathtubs accompanying parade, the oral the lake to the other. Not me, you diseussions, lectures, films · nothing for distribution on a first come, Hret. finals of the communications say? Then imagine someone else in is out of line. served basis. department's TV Trivia contest, such a situation. No matter which Nienaber and SG Secretary any answers to a tug·o·war kind of person you are, we think the "It'• an opportunity to upgrade Suzanne Kunkel are coordinating challenge i••ued by the Norsemen Rites of Spring I ROSI will have the entire shebang," Tucker the tub race and the Jimmy Carter Club and the Board of Regents, a something for,'' remarked continued from a lop a chair. Loo·Aiike Contest. "The winner wiU preview of the Theatre Northerner •Laffer Peg Moertl after "Campus activities are an essential serve as co-grand marshall for the Department's production of the first organizational meeting for part of the University and the group parade. We're not trying to change "Celebration" and lots of people. the SAOROSCOM. saw this ae a serious void. If all goes the atmosphere here at NKU, " The fifth annual celebration of the well this year, if you're not vas Nienaber added. "Why even Or. "The more people get involved the advent of daylight savings time at extremely careful, you just might Albright may come to work in Levis ~ rd better things will be. That will be NKU will take place April 18th to learn something. With so many and a nannel shirt that day if he our measure of success this year, " 22nd all over campus. This year's people doing such a variety of things wants to. I know I will." Tucker concluded. "It's our campus ~~ organizers state their desired cooperation has become a positive, Friday, April 22, promises to be and we've got no one to blame but objective as "making it not only driving force." busier than a one-legged man in a ourselves if we don 't make use of ~or impossible, but highly improbable, SG President John Nienaber fool-stomping contest. The last day it." fas for somebody to avoid participating led in ROS." This year will see more activities by more people than ever rst before at NKU. be "The purpose of the whole thing is Look out for ''Big Hume'' inz to involve as many people as tpe possible in on-campus activity," "We've gotten to the point. where an said ROS originator Alan Tucker to we just call him 'Big Hume.' And open the first of two organizatioaal we've di$Covered that he is a real meetings at The Northerner office gourmet: he likes garlic and he has Tuesday. been known to go for the spice which "We expect the membership of has been mixed with booze instead SAOROSCOM to go past fifty this of water, high grade of course," said week. There have been positive Helen Tucker, a human services responses from students, staff, major. faculty and the outside community. No, you won't find him in the Keeping an up·to-date schedule has social register, or even the Private been impossible.'' Eye; there's only one fish in this Activities and organizations book. on coordinator Maryevelyn Wilson is The name, Hume N. Service in 1m lining up the usual complement of full, belongs to a 30 lb. carp being ak spaghetti eaters, tricycle riders, pie donated by Charlie "Pop" Reimer of he throwers, fishermen, pinball wizards the Kenton Lakes Club, Kenton, or and rope pullers. Ky., for the Rites of Spring fishing nd Steve Roth is handling the derby. on cultural and prefonning arts events The derby, an inspiration of be ranging from student theatrical and Tudker, is being sponsored by the ~ir musical performances to faculty human services department, a two ch dance recitals and general outdoor year associate program at NKU. he music. Working with Tucker include The April 15 issue of The Kathy Fisher, human services major choice of keeping their catches or In addition, the catcher of "Big Northerner will contain a complete and queen of the derby, and Dick throwing them back in for future Hume" or the next largest fish will schedule of the week's activities in a Trout, the "King" fish and fishing or donating them to the ride in the ROS parade Friday special ROS section. representative of senior citizens on campus grill for luncheon use. alongside the king and queen. campus. Trout, in addition to being king, will register all a participants and hand out fishing licenses. MOTHER TUCKER'S The derby will consist of free rill fishing from the banks of Lake SURE FIRE CARP BAIT Inferior, located behind the library llll RECIPE Carter, Nixon to marshall to and Fine Arts building for "Big ihe Hume" and the largest other catch, Ingredients: smallest catch, most numerous Rites of Spring parade 35 catch in one day, and the most 2 Paris Corn Meal unusual catch. nic 1 Pari Flour Jimmy Carter and Richard M. noats and a small qUMtity of nd Licenses will be available at. no Nixon will be on campus Friday, marching bands. I Part Cotton tabsorbentl charge at 8400 beginning Friday, lU Chopped Onions April 22, at 3 p.m. for ten first "The problem is in getting martial April 15, for the derby. Fishing will annual Rites of Spring parade. bands to perform. So even if you be allowed from sunrise to sunset on Carter and Nixon will be grand just play a comb, please, please let How-To: April 18 through 21. The first 35 Chop onions as rine as marshalls of the parade and lead the us know and make plans to march people to register will receive an way from Lot G behind DPS to Lake that day," pleaded Debby Wolff, possible. Tear cotton into very official fish measuring stick from small fragments. Mix well Inferior and the bathtub race. organizer of the ROS parade. Egelston-Maynard Sporting Goods Prizes will be awarded to the Best with onions, flour, and corn in Covington. meal. Moisten with enough This is no April Fools joke. The Marching Group, the Most Bizarre Prizes include a whole frozen trout winner from last year's Nixon Look· Individual, the Most Creative and water to make mixture hold for catching "Big Hume," $5 worth together and form into small Alike contest and this year's Carter Unusual Vehicle, and the Most of fishing equipment from K·Mart Look·alike contest will come Spritous Group. balls. Cover with water and for the next largest catch and the bring to a boil. Simmer five (5) together for the most unusual Anyone wishing to participate in most numerous catch, a fish dinner gat.hering since the 1976 Democratic the parade, especially frustrated or minutes. Drain and cool . from a local restaurant for the Guaranteed to tempt any carp Convention. former high school marching band smallest catch and a bag of sinkers Other units in the parade personnel, should ~ontact Debby who happens to be in the from the Ludlow Bakery, Ludlow, vicinity. scheduled to date include: the through the Student Activities Ky., for the most unusual catch winner of the fishing derby and its office, 304, by le•ving their name, The participants also have a king and queen, assorted bathtub telephone number and plans in The entries, a drill teem. organizal.jons' Northrrner mailbox.

1110.tif 4 THE NORTHERNER Friday, April 8, 1977

Intramural basketball ends next weekend

Of the 38 teams which started the llatfield and women's assistant is April29. Members can attempt to Tug-0-War which is being scheduled NKu Intramural Basketball basketball coach Dan Henry have gain 100 miles in jogging, cycling for April 26 and 28 on the intramural Tournament last month. only 12 the experience, so The Northerner and/ or swimming up till then. field . Each team must. consist. of remain entering this week's action. picks them by four over the Good M en's and Women 's golf four men and four women and their bad and Knucks. tournaments are now taking combined weight cannot exceed Division AAA of Intramural applications. The tournament. will 1300 pounds. It will he a double­ Basketball will hold its semi-final Championship Game winner · be held on April26 - 28 at A. J . Jolly elimination tournament and games this weekend, while the AA Untouchables over Colonels by six. Golf Course. Deadline for entering deadline is April 22. Division will square off in quarter· is April 26. And don't forget the final action. Both division Class AAA - Eight teams remain championships will be decided here and. in order to win the crown, Sunday, however. three games will have to be played Sunday. A monumental task, Here is a look at the two divisions: indeed. AAA·Only four teams reamin and Action begins at noon with the o the champion will be crowned this Sports Shorts Sunday. ames taking on Bad Company on Court I and the Critters vs. The Gunners on Court II. At I :05 p.m .. The McVees will play the The signing of Tom Schneider by Northern "s baseball team. off all it's the Over The II ill Gang against Colonels, while the King of the NKU is just what. the doctor ordered this week due LO bad weather, the Good Bad and Kucks and Quarts will tackle the Untouchable LO get the Norsemen into the NCAA stahds 34·3·1 so far in the spring. Chase Library vs. Zumsteins. in semi -final action. Both games Division I I tournament next season. NKU's laLest victory, a 5·3 decision over the UniversiLy of Cincinnati will start at 2:10. The winners will Semi-finals will begin at 3: 15. The mini-marathon will feature II meet at 4:20 p.m. on Court I in different divisions based on age and last. Friday, marked yet another while Class AAA finals will take victory over a major school for Regents Hall for the Class AAA place at 5:30. sex, and trophies will be awarded to title. the leaders in each division. manager IJill Aker's team this Schneider, a 6-foot· 7 center, can season. Picks - Look for the Colonels to Picks · Bad Company over No fill up the rebounding-starved beat the McVees by eight. The Names by eight; Gunners over middle and bring an end to the McVees are in the semis via a upset Critters by three; Over The Hill height disadvantage Northern faced The Tri-C ity Branch YMCA of over Th• Nads last Sunday, 62-47 . Gang over Good, Bad and Kuncks just about every game this past. Florence, Kentucky will host. the 1st. Doug Dalenburg played his best by 10; and Zumsteins over Chase season. Annual Mini-Marathon 10-Mile game of the season, pouring in 24 Library by 15. SEMIS - Bad NKU, by the way, now has nine of Run. to be held Sunday, April 17. points for the McVees. The Company over Gunners by seven 12 men basketball players from and Over The Hill Gang over Colonels, which best the Bears 177- Cincinnati schools and a domino A four-dollar registration fee is Zumsteins by two. Fifta)s - Over 58) last Sunday, are an explosive effect seems Lo beginning. Each required to compet.e in the mini· The Hill Gang over Bad Company team made up of covington Catholic Cincy player comes to N K U marathon. T-shirts will be given to seven. graduates. Steve SorreU paced them by because, "other Cincinnati players all contestants who complete the with 22 points last week...... are there." And the domiRo effect run. Registrations must be received probably isn't over. no later than April 9 for shirts to be The Untouchables just made it by Look for one more Northern provided at the mini-marathon. A the Celts last week, scoring tke OTHER INTRAMURAL NEWS signing within the next week. From signed waiver and release form must game's final six points in 32 seconds Remember the last day yeu can where? accompany registration. to pull off the victory, 65-64 . Jerry register milage for the Century Club Why, Cincinnati of course. For further information contact: Victor Villarejos, Tri-City Branch ...... YMCA. Florence, Ky. Phone 371- 4680. r------~ f"~~;;;;,;,;·;·;... :te/y?-l )' · I I ' l ... Mole's ! Steve l j can·J:t•) I 1 I ~m~ l WOLFF ! W• buy tine quality uMd r.cords 1 2815 Vine St. ( I FOR ! I no•l ~,!" ,~"!':00'" 11 l Student Gov't President l Mond1y1 • Sat~rd1y1 If you want to be heard, ( ---~·~~!:~!-9_1 ___ l l.. -.. -~:~~~~~~:!?_ .. _.. _! 1'""-"--·--·-.. -.. ------·---.. -··----.. -.. _.. __l l Bank of Alexandria I I I ! Main Office 1 t 635-2144 Alexandria, Ky. 1 I Cold Spring Office I I L..:_~------.. -·--:~:~~-Spr=~-:~ ___ _j

1111.tif Fridoy, A1>ril8. 1977 THE OltTimHNER 5

led ral of eir >ed ~le· nd

a ll er. g. on at.i )er for his

of 1st ile 7. FLIP is FLOP tni· to r------·------.. -.. ______.______.. _.. _ .. l ~ he red Sue llc:Laughlln Hies through the olr while proctlelnt tho an of trampoiinlng. be ! Graduating Seniors '' ! A i are guests of the 1 JSt r---·-.. _.. _____ .. _.. _.. _____ .. _.. _.. _____. ______.. _.. , l Alumni As80Ciation I ct: I 2 CANOES FOR THE COST OF 1 l 1 to the 1977 I tch Whitewat.r V1lley Canoe Rent1ls, Inc. 71- I i ! Rt.52(westedge)Brookville, lndiana317/ 647·5434 l! SEN/OR j .... ! I i 1 LAUNwcA:fJN I I ~) I I I f ! ll,: I! . £). ~AOU4ftl. Wednesday, April 20, Il 1 1 1 noon to 1:30 p.m. i I TRIPS ON INDIANA'S FASTEST, MOST SCENIC l j in Regents Hall 1 j RIVER, THE WHITEWATER Dally rates $5-$6-$7 - Group discounts available I' -re't ~' ~~ - - .... Awards will be presented I Rental 1s only 60 m1nutes from campus vl8 H 4 take Bfookv1lltt ex•t and follow At 52 f. to outstand1'ng students. ;_· THROUGH TOWN of Brookvtlkt to west edge Fr•• color brochure by r•qu.. t, phonr or ( - ( 111 47012 WilleR. Ritz, Mg• .. P.O. - 2. ·-· • • lndlene ..... '""'·'· ' Seniors will be welcomed ' GET THE GANG, FRATE•N•rv oR soRORITY ToGETHE" ANo cAMP. PICNIC. PARTY I I - - Into the Alumni Association I THIS ARTICLE MUST BE PRESENTED FOR OFFER { ! and Will receive a COpy Of the Gr1duate magazine, { !I ...... campSOies· oSlands."' huge IUSioC- cen be ,.,... , ...d '"' pnvaoe penoes"' campon]g ! ' "a handbook for leaving school. .. l : Valtd any weekday $1 oH w~and Cllf'I04t rata O.scounta may e appfted to group rahll on L J ~ most triPs for additional information, cont.act. the Office of Alumni Affairs l...:,"'_.. •,_.. _ .. ______CLIP ANO SAVE· .___ otter .. _. ____lloes net ex,We .. _.. ___ -...... ____ ....1292-5486118·2221 ______.. _. ____ , .. ___ _

1112.tif 6 THE NORTHERNER Friday, AprilS. 1977 art /entertainment

Bum legs and ruptured eardrums

by Gary Webb they sound like Deep Purple and I'll forget it if you will.) As you may recall, laet week I If you took that abominable organ reviewed an by Stephen Dees and that sorely misused synthesizer called Hip Shot which was away from them, they wouldn't reasonably good. Well, as luck sound too bad · they'd sound worse would have it, both Dees and fellow because they can 'L play anything RCA artist Bill Quateman Ia else I "Stage Fright" conteins the Chicago R&B man who is also most bonebeaded guiter line since pretty good) will be appearing at Mark Farner bashed his axe. Bogarts this Sunday I April 10) for a The whole second side is a joke. free concert. Both of these guys are Where have these guys been? The up·and·comers and the concert organ lead is as dead as Tommy should be one w catch. Try not to Bolin. "We're hip," they'll miss it. undoubtebly protest. " Why, just listen t.o that synthesizer" noodling around without purpose or melody. And those wimpy flute solos are nothing if not chic. Legs Diamond is a typical California bar band. Fashion is rpore important than product. It's Legs Diamond· c'mon dudes, let'H get it on not what you do, but how you look while you're doing it. That might go Scorpions is a German group and Nights' rolls around, Roth and over big at the Whiskey A-Go·Go the only one of the bunch that is rhythm guiterist Legs Diamond but sitting here in Kaintuck bearable. They play no synthesizers arecookin'. Legs Diamond listening to visuals don't cut it, if (what a relief!) as do the millions of I don't know what others will Mercury you know what I mean. other German groups who insist make of Virgin Killer (my snooty There's nothing wrong with Legs upon asserting national electronic friends have hated their previous What is becoming of rock and roll Diamond that a firing squad won 't. supremacy through music For a ) but for those rock fiends when a group can run around cure. Two stars. bunch of furriners, they play some who love to feel blood pour from soundipg like Deep Purple and get mighty listenable rock and roll. In ruptured eardrums, Scorpions will away with it? I thought that was fact, when you're in the right mood do the trick. Turn it up and tell the against the law · the law of nature Scorpions for SS rock, Scorpions can be very neighbors to go to hell · they're arf arf arf. Virgin Killer listenable. probably gay anyway. Seven stars. Legs Diamond is the newest entry RCA in the World's Ugliest Rock Band Ulrich Roth is an amazing guitarist, maybe a bit of a showoff, contest !along with Sweet and I can't help but like Scorpions. but if I could play like him, I'd show Kraftwerk) and it's a good thing They give it a hell of a try and, more off too. For that matter, if I could ...... they have their faces to fall back on. often than not, they succeed. play like him, i wouldn't be sitting Nothing else about Legs Diamond is Succeed at what, you ask? In Upcoming releases or recrods out sounding American, 1 answer. here pounding out these pearls of memorable I except for the fact that wisdom. I'd be a millionaire already look like this: Graham already. Parker appears to be coming out Roth's guitar is the strength of with a new one, Starz's Violation Scorpions and he is helped to a will be released on March 21, the lesser extent by their vocalist Klaus first 15,000 copies to be prt:ssed in Meine, who is no slouch either. He yellow vinyl. The following should has a dynamic range but he know it be at your record store now: The and he can be overbearing at times. Band's Iswnds lis this the farewell The title cut, for instance, is a good album?), Deja Vu 's Get It Up For example of what not to do with one's Loue lnyerk nyerk), Asleep at the voice. Wheel's The Wheel and Kraftwerk For the most part, Virgin Killer is (gag) has a new one called Trans· a guitar freaks' album; the first side Europe Express which we all hope is almost entirely dominated by they'll get on and never come back. Roth · strong lead licks and a nice, Conway Twitty has a new one tight chord structure. Side Two called Play, Guitar Play and also starts off badly. " Heii·Cat" is a out is the debut album from a waste and "Crying Days" ain't highly·touted group called much better, but by the Lime" Polar Lifestyle.

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1113.tif i''ridoy, AprilS, 1977 THE NORThERNER 7 choosing a "contact. person" who and senior high school student! an will 1M trained to answer queslions northern Kentucky entered the asked by the advisors. cont.e8t.

Dr. Bill Par80n8, chairman of the fine arts department, and Dr. Frank Educational services will cont.ain L. Stallings, Jr .. chairman of the members with some in-service The Awards Ceremony for the literature and language department, a number of subdivisions, according training and an advising manual. fifth annual Art and Creative will present awards of cash prizes to KU Provost Dr. Janet Travis of Those persons, she explained, are Writing Jo~es tival sponsored by a sith group outlined in the and scholarships. President A. D. presently being selected in order to NKU's Women 's Society will be Albright will greet the guests. university reorganization plans. have them trained by orientation from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. Sunday, IS This group, she said, will contain t.he this summer. They will man an April 24, in the gallery of the Fine registrar, admjssions and advising office, she said, which will be open to Arts Building. The cer~mony is free and open to and .."will be directly responsible to st.udents all day, in the evenings and Art entries on display include the public. me. on Saturdays to advise students paintings, drawings, ceramics, Information: Mrs. Susan Carlin, Advising, Travis added, will about what they need. photography, sculpture and 292-5138. include an initial core of 20 faculty Each discipline, in turn, is printmaking. More than 37 junio'r FREE ALKA•SEI:...IZ~ER. FOR YOUR EXTRA

, Roth and olf Schenker

others will (my snooty 1eir previous rock fiends d pour from :orpions will >and tell the ell · they're Seven stars.

r recrods out 1: Graham coming out t's Violation arch 21, the .e pn:ssed in 1wing should e now: The the farewell rt It Up For 1sleep at the d Kraftwerk ~ alled Trans­ we all hope r come back. a new one ay and also 1um from a >p call ed On the date hsted below, we'll be qtvtng crwcry free samples al Alka-Seltzer on campus. And that's not all. Four of the sample J:XICks we're g1vmg away wJIJ contmn $25 wmnmg certificates good for a $2~ pnze (books or cash). .ANES So. If you re lucky, we'll relieve a few Of your hnanclal pams as well. RIA .. AB ... AB Only one pnze awarded per person ... ~ ...... pnze volue$25. Nosubshtuhon of pnzes ~~~~~ perrmttod. Ongmal pnzecerhhcate m. ust L&Wa~ accompany request to clmm pnze. and -DAILY cannot be mechamcally reproduced 34 FAST A.~.. .,_..... ~ ...... -~ ...... M aW.Mea.....--~~"" Aprll11 , 1977 10a.m. ·1 p.m. Nunn Student lounge

1114.tif Dance Company to perform ballet

The Don lt<'dlich OancC' C'om1>uny will perform Wednesday, April 20. in the Lexington Opera House at 1"1 p.m. The event is sponsored by tht' University of Kentucky StudC'nt Center Board in cooperation with the National Endowment for th£' Arts and the Kentucky Arts Co mmission. The Redlich Company is a New York based group wit.h extensive performing experience. Since 1966, the have toured nationally. apP£aring in over one hundred major coUcges and civic theatres and in many major festivals. The Company has represented the United States in the Jnternationnl Festival of Dance in Paris. The five member company performs Redlich's own choreography and works by other famous choreographers. Among the Plaza gets uplift selections for Wednesday's performance are Hanya Holm 's Taking advaotage of the warm spring weather last Friday, landscapers began adding trees and shrubs to the "Rota" and Redlich's gentle parody bleak plaza area. Originally planned for last fall, the planting was delayed due to early bad weather. "I'm of American folk music and dance, rather glad" we waited, said NKU Pres. Albright, "since so many things died" because of the severe winter. ''Traces." The works range from the intensely classical and serious to the fiendlishly funny. Well versed in both modern and ballet, the members of the Redtich Poli Sci conference next week Company have backgrounds filled with professional dance training and " Let's Explore Consolidation of Boone, Campbell and Kenton local government and the teaching experience. Don Redlich Together" is the title of a one day Counties. Covington-Kenton development of northern Kent.ucky. received his masters from the conference on the combination of Jaycees. It is partially funded by The cost. is SS. University of Wisconsin and the local services and governments in the Kentucky Humanities Council. For more information contact. majority of his professional training northern Kentucky from 9:30 a.m. The conference is designed for all Fred Rhynhart, 292-5526. from Hanya Holm, Doris until 4 p.m. Saturday, April 16, at citizens concerned with the future of· Humphrey, and Martha Graham. the Drawbridge Motor Inn. He has danced with Holm and Robert F. Stevens, attorney Humphrey and in the Ann Sokolow, general of the commonwealth of Murray Louis, and Phyllis Lamhut Kentucky, will {, 1e the keynote SG elections changed companies. Redlich is currently on speech at noon. Panel discussions the teaching staff at the Julliard include introduction to School and at Sarah L..1wrence consolidation. benefits and costs of SG elections have been pushed class representatives, Judicial College. consolidation. back to Monday and Tuesday, April Council and Student Activity Fee While in Lexington, the Company Sponsors or the conference include 18 and 19, in order to allow more board are up for the vote. will conduct a full two days of Northern Kentucky University, petitions to be filed and more Petitions may be picked up in workshops, Monday, April 18 and Northern Kentucky Chamber of campaigning to take place. Student Activities office N304 and Tuesday, April 19. Workshop Commerce, League of women Voters The offices of president, vice must be filed by April 13 in that specifics are available in Rm. 204, president, secretary and treasurer, office. Student Center or by calling 258· 8867. Tickets for Wednesday's concert are S3 and $4 for the pubtic, $2 for students with UKIO, and available at. all Dawahare's locations and in Rm. 203, Student Center.

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