Water Resources of Porter County, Authors: Introduction Jane R. Frankenberger and Natalie Carroll, Water is a vital resource for all citizens of Porter County. Department of Agricultural and Biological Water is essential for agriculture and industry, as well Engineering as for recreation and drinking. A healthy environment and economy require clean water and healthy watersheds. Porter County has an area of 425 square miles or 272,000 acres. Its population is approximately Chicago 145,000 people.

Upper This publication gives basic information about surface Maumee and ground water resources of Porter County and Auglaize discusses human activities that may be affecting them. Many sources of information were used in preparing this publication. All sources, along with dates for the statistics and numbers presented, are listed on the last page of this publication under “Sources of Information.” The reader is encouraged to refer to these Upper Great Vermillion Miami sources for further information.

Porter County Streams and Low Great Miami Watersheds A watershed is a region of land that drains into a lake, Busseronc stream, or river. Watersheds are important because everything done on the land within a watershed can affect the lake or river into which it drains. The quality of our water is affected not only by what might be dumped in the river, but by everything we do

Silver- on the land in the watershed. Little Kentucky Porter County crosses two major watersheds of North America. The northern part of the county is in the Great Lakes watershed, which flows east to the Atlantic Ocean. Porter County The southern part of the county is in the Mississippi River watershed, which flows west and south to the Gulf of Mexico (see Figure 1). Figure 1. Major Watersheds of Indiana. Porter County is in the Calumet (Lake ) and Kankakee Most of the Watershed in Porter County River Watersheds. flows through the Little Calumet River which originates in LaPorte County and drains into Lake Michigan through Burns Ditch in northwest Porter County. Its major tributary is Salt Creek. Figure 2 shows a map of Porter County with the major roads, towns, and waterbodies. 12345 The southern part of the county is drained by many 12345

123412345 12345678123 1234512323445 ditches and streams that flow into the . 12345671283 1234123412345 5

12345671283 123412345 5 12345671283 123412345 5 The natural drainage in this area has been augmented 12345671283 123412345 5

12345671283 1234123455 12345671283 12345 through the installation of an extensive network of 12345671283



12345671283 ditches and field tile. The Kankakee River itself was



1234567121283 dredged and straightened in the early 1900’s.




1234567121283 1231

1234567121283 1213 Discharge for a stream or river is the volume of water

1234567121283 1213

1234567890121234567812123 1213 1234567890112123 1213 flowing per unit of time. A typical unit for measuring 1234567890112123 1213

12345678901121231234567891231 12345678901121231123456789234567891 discharge is cubic feet per second (cfs). Gauging 1234567890112121234567893

1234567890112345678901123212 12345678901123456789021 stations measure discharge continuously in a stream or 12345678901123456789012

12345678901123456789021 12345678901123456789021 river and are run by the U.S. Geological Survey in Porter 12345678901123456789012



123456789012 County. Gauging stations are located in the Little

123456789012 123456789012 Calumet River at Porter, Burns Ditch at Portage, and

Swanson- 12345678

1234512345678 the Kankakee River near Kouts. The monthly average

123412345675 8

123412345675 8

1234512345678 discharge for two of these streams is shown in Figure


12345678 12345678 3. Highest flows generally occur February through April while low flows usually occur August through October, a pattern typical for most streams in Indiana. However, maximum daily flows can vary widely due to flooding and droughts.

140 120

100 80


123456789012 Discharge (cfs)

123456789012 123456789012 40 123456789012



123456789012 123456789012 20 123456789012


123456789012 Koselke


123456789012 0





123456789012 Oct. Jan. July Mar. May Nov. Feb. Dec. April Aug. June Sept. Cobb Ditch

Ditch Little Calumet River Figure 3. Average monthly discharge for two Porter County Rivers.

Floodplains are low areas adjacent to river or stream channels. Floodplains exist because river channels are rarely large enough to contain major floods. These areas have flooded in the past and will flood again. Floodplains have been delineated for Porter County by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. A general Figure 2: Porter County Streams and Watersheds. map of floodplains is shown in Figure 4. The Porter County Surveyor and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Office have maps that show detailed boundaries of floodplains, which should be reviewed before planning any development in an identified floodplain.

2 Porter County Precipitation The average yearly precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, and hail) in Porter County is approximately 40 inches. Precipitation is relatively constant throughout the year, as shown in Figure 5. The bars show average monthly precipitation, while the lines show the 20% wettest and driest year expected. 7





Precipitation (inches) Precipitation 2


0 Jan. March May July Sept. Nov.

Average Precipitation Wet Year Dry Year Figure 5. Average monthly precipitation in Figure 4: 100 Year Floodplains Porter County. Individual storms can cause flooding, so precipitation Porter County Lakes and Wetlands records over many years have been analyzed to assess There are many lakes in Porter County, both natural the probability of storms of a certain size occurring. and man-made. The larger lakes include Lake Michigan, Precipitation probability for a single storm is generally Lake Eliza, Lake Louise, Big Bass Lake, Clear Lake, expressed in terms of a return period, which means the Holiday Lake, Sager Lake, Flint Lake, Loomis Lake, expected number of years between storms of a given Spectacle Lake, Long Lake, Canada Lake, Moss Lake, size. A “5-year storm” has a 20% chance of occurring and Wauhob Lake. in any one year, so it is likely to occur about every 5 years, on the average. However, it is possible for a 5- Porter County has about year storm to occur many years in a row or even several 18,000 acres of wetlands times in a single year. A 100-year storm has a 1% including about 10,000 chance of occurring in any year. The 100-year storm is forested acres. In the 1700’s, particularly important, because the area that is expected much of northern Indiana to be flooded by the 100-year storm is generally was wetlands and marshes. considered to be the “floodplain” mapped in Figure 4. Today approximately 6.6 % Figure 6 shows the expected 24 hour rainfall for Porter of Porter County acreage is County for various return periods. wetland habitat. Wetlands 8 help maintain the quality of 7 surface and ground water by removing potential pollutants 6 such as sediments, nutrients, and pesticides from the 5 water. Wetlands provide habitat for wetland flora and 4 fauna. Also, wetlands provide aesthetics, recreation such as hunting and fishing, and reduction in peak flood 3 levels. 2 Rain Amounts (inches) 1 The Lake Michigan shoreline is a major asset to Porter County. Lake Michigan is the only Great Lake that lies 0 1 year 5 year 25 year 100 year entirely within the United States. Lake Michigan has Return Period an average natural depth of 279 feet and holds 22% of the total volume of the Great Lakes. Figure 6: Expected 24 hour rainfall (inches). (from the Midwestern Climate Center Bulletin, #71)

3 Porter County Water Use Each system must identify the area surrounding their Porter County citizens and industry use water for many wellhead (the wellhead protection area) where possible purposes. The largest water use in Porter County is contaminants could reach the groundwater supply, for industry, and the second is thermoelectric identify potential sources of contamination within this (NISOURCE Power). The third is for domestic area, and develop a management plan to minimize risk purposes, which include water in homes for drinking, from these sources. Some examples of potential sources washing, flushing toilets, and watering gardens. of contamination include fuel storage tanks, fertilizers Approximately 60% of all wastewater comes from and pesticides, septic systems, landfills, and industrial bathroom usage. chemicals. For more information, contact your public water supplier, the Indiana Department of Table 1 shows how home wastewater is generated. Environmental Management, or Purdue Extension (see “Sources of Information”). Action Averge Water Usage (Gallons) Public water systems test drinking water for a number Standard Conservative of contaminants including: Toilet Flushing 6 1.5-3 • volatile organic compounds such as gasoline or Tub Bath 30 (half full) 15 (quarter full) solvents Shower (10 min) 50 25 • pesticides and other synthetic organic compounds Laundry 50 (whole units) 40 (newer units) • lead, nitrate, and other inorganic substances Dishwashing - 16 (faucet rinse) 6 (basin rinse) By Hand • microbial contaminants such as bacteria Dishwashing- 12-15 (older rinse) 6-9 (newer units) Information on contaminant levels found in your tap By Machine water is available from your water supply system. Brushing Teeth 2 (water running) 1/8 (turn off faucet) Starting in 1999, all systems are required to send out an annual report on the quality of tap water they supply. Hand Washing 1 (basin/brief rinse) 2 (water running) This report provides all citizens the opportunity to know Shaving 3-5 (water running) 1 (basin/brief rinse) what is in the water they drink. Be sure to read yours, and contact the office of your water system supplier if Table 1. Average Home Water Usage (USGS, 1996). you have any questions.

Porter County Water Quality Porter County Drinking Water Drinking water is supplied either by public water Surface Water Quality systems (which may use surface water or ground Surface water quality in the United States has greatly water) or by private wells. About 67% of Porter County improved since the enactment of the Clean Water Act households use water supplied by one of the 18 public in 1972. Sewage treatment plants and industries, which water systems, while the other 33% have their own previously discharged minimally-treated pollution into wells. The major water supplier is Indiana American, streams, are now required to have permits for all which supplies water from Lake Michigan to the discharges. Although much remains to be done, some northwest quadrant of Porter County. One-third of rivers that once barely supported fish are now fully Porter County residents use water from Lake Michigan. supportive of a variety of aquatic life. Several lakes All public drinking water in Porter County must be were analyzed as part of a lake study carried out by the used in the watershed (Lake Michigan or Kankakee) Indiana Clean Lakes Program in 1995. The Trophic State where it originates. Index is an estimate of lake condition based on nutrition or biological productivity, ranging from 0 to 75. A Ground water is used by the municipal systems of lake with low Trophic State Index (0 to 25) has low Valparaiso, Kouts, and Hebron. Many mobile home concentrations of nutrients and is clear with little algae. parks and developments use ground water wells. All A high Trophic State Index (50 to 75) has high community public water suppliers using ground water concentrations of nutrients, low dissolved oxygen levels are required to develop a Wellhead Protection Plan during summers, and abundant weeds and algae. to protect water quality. The city of Valparaiso was Nutrients such as phosphorus or nitrogen stimulate the first city in the state to successfully complete its increased growth in aquatic plants. Most of Porter Wellhead Protection Certification in February, 1999. County’s lakes fall in the middle range of the index.

4 Table 2 shows the Trophic State Index for Porter Severity County’s major lakes. Most lakes were clearer in 1995 Water Body Ranking Locations Reason than in 1970. Kankakee Medium LaPorte to PCBs and River Lake Counties Mercury; E. Coli Surface Trophic Trophic Cobb Creek/ Medium Hebron Dissolved Lake area State Index State Index Breyfogel Oxygen (acres) 1995 1970 Ditch Eliza 45 93 42 Little Medium East of PCBs and Flint 98 16 25 Calumet Chesterton Mercury Long 95 31 33 River Little High Porter to PCBs and Loomis 53 32 56 Calumet Chesterton Mercury; Spectacle 12 41 40 River Cyanide, Wauhob 21 21 31 Pesticides, E. coli Salt Creek Low Portage to E. coli Table 2. Trophic State Index for Porter County Lakes. Valparaiso (source: Indiana Clean Lakes Program) Burns Ditch High Lake Station PCB and Mercury to Portage Pesticides; Lead; E. Coli; Fish in most rivers and streams in the Lake Michigan Impaired Biotic watershed in Porter County are contaminated by PCBs Communities or mercury, according to the 1999 Fish Consumption Lake High LaPorte to PCBs and Mercury; Advisory provided by the Indiana State Department of Michigan Lake Counties E. Coli Health. Therefore, fish from rivers in Porter County Crooked Medium Valparaiso Impaired Biotic should be consumed rarely, and some should not be Creek Communities consumed at all. These recommendations are Dunes Creek Medium Tremont Impaired Biotic particularly important for women who are pregnant or Communities breastfeeding, women who plan to have children, and children under the age of 15. For more information, Table 3. Porter County Waterbody Impairment, 1998 consult the most recent Indiana Fish Consumption Advisory. This publication is available from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (100 Water Street, One of the sources of information on Porter County Michigan City). ground water quality is a voluntary private well testing program carried out from 1997 through 1999 by the Many streams in Porter County are on Indiana’s list of Porter County Soil & Water Conservation District and impaired water bodies that are scheduled to have TMDLs Purdue Extension (Table 4). Nitrate, which has adverse developed by about 2014. A TMDL (total maximum effects on infants, was found at levels above the daily load) is a calculation of the maximum amount of drinking water standard in 6 wells tested (1.3%). These a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet households should treat their water with reverse osmosis water quality standards. In other words, it is the sum of or distillation or used bottled water, particularly if an the allowable loads of a single pollutant from all infant is present or expected in the household. contributing point and nonpoint sources, and includes a margin of safety and consideration of seasonal variations. In addition, a TMDL contains the reductions Number of Wells needed to meet water quality standards and allocates Contaminant Number of Exceeding the those reductions among the sources in the watershed. Wells Tested Drinking Water Water bodies that are impaired, along with the cause or Standard reason they are listed, are given in Table 3. Nitrate 444 6 Triazine Herbicides 151 0 Ground Water Quality Acetanilide Herbicides 1161 1 Ground water quality in Porter County is generally Table 4. Well testing results in Porter County, 1997-1999. good. Some private wells may be contaminated by bacteria or nitrate, often from nearby faulty septic (source: Nitrate and Pesticides in Private Wells systems. of Indiana)

5 Screening was also done for two pesticide groups. The largest dischargers are NISOURCE, Bethlehem Triazine herbicides include atrazine, Bladex, and Steel Corporation, National Steel (Midwest Division), Princep. None of the wells tested showed levels of the Chesterton, Portage, Valparaiso Municipal sewage concern for these pesticides. Acetanilide herbicides treatment plants, and the South Haven Water Works, Inc. include Lasso, Dual, Ridomil, and the breakdown products of these herbicides. One well tested showed a Nonpoint Source Pollution level of concern for these pesticides, although a breakdown Nonpoint source pollution exists everywhere water runs product of Dual may be responsible for this finding. off in the watershed, and can come from urban or rural Testing of private wells should continue every few years areas. Nonpoint source pollution can result from normal to be sure that water remains safe. Call the Porter home and farm activities as well as accidents or spills. County Health Department for information on how you can have your water tested for E.coli bacteria. A current Urban and Residential Nonpoint Sources list of certified laboratories can be found in the Purdue Septic systems have the potential of Extension publication “Water Testing Laboratories” (See leaching nutrients into the ground “Sources of Information”). water and can contaminate the surface water if the systems are Potential Sources of Pollution in not functioning properly. About 30% of the 47,000 households Porter County in Porter County use a septic Pollutants can be separated into two categories, point system for waste disposal, source and nonpoint source, depending on how they while the other 70% are connected to a public sewer get into the water. Point source pollution refers to system (which treats the waste and then discharges it contaminants that enter the water directly, usually into a river or lake as a point source). No information is through a pipe. Examples are sewage treatment plants available on how well the more than 14,000 septic and industrial facilities, which have permits to discharge systems in the county are performing, although prescribed quantities of contaminants into a specific persistent pathogens found in water sampling programs stream. Nonpoint source pollution, commonly referred suggest that some systems may be failing or were to as run-off, originates polluted throughout the constructed before current design criteria were watershed, and enters the water at locations that cannot established. According to the NRCS Soil Survey, 83% be easily identified. Examples of nonpoint source of the soils in Porter County have severe limitations, pollution include sediments, nutrients, pesticides, oil, such as a high water table, for conventional septic and hazardous chemicals. Point and nonpoint source systems. This limitation may be overcome by proper pollution are illustrated in Figure 7. Nonpoint source design, improved systems, and perimeter drainage. pollution, which is not regulated, is currently the primary cause of water quality degradation in the United States. Salt, oil, fertilizers and pesticides for lawns, and antifreeze are other examples of urban pollutants that can be washed off from rain and enter the water system as pollutants. No figures are available on runoff of urban lawn chemicals and animal wastes, which may be other sources of pollution from residential areas.

Agricultural Nonpoint Sources Agriculture can also contribute to nonpoint source pollution. Sediment, nutrients, pathogens, and pesticides can be transported by water from cropped fields and land where manure is applied. Roughly 132,000 acres or 49% of Porter County is used for Figure 7: Point source and nonpoint source pollution. planting crops. Major crops are corn, soybeans, and small grains. Large livestock facilities require a permit from the Indiana Department of Environmental Point Source Pollution Management (IDEM). Excellent information is available about point source No specific statistics are available for pesticide use or discharge because permits are required in Porter County. runoff in Porter County. Indiana Agricultural Statistics There are currently 32 facilities (municipal sewage tracks pesticide use statewide and this information could treatment plants, factories, schools, packing plants, etc.) be assumed to represent Porter County. In Indiana, the permitted to discharge wastes in Porter County’s water.

6 most widely used pesticides are the herbicides atrazine, 2. Be Responsible alachlor, and metolachlor. Modern pesticides and You can take actions in your own home and yard to herbicides, when properly applied, generally break protect water quality. For example, keep litter, pet waste, down to nontoxic components in about six months. leaves, and grass clippings out of gutters and storm Large-scale studies carried out in Indiana and elsewhere drains. Never dispose of any household, automotive, have shown that typically about 1% of applied or gardening wastes in a storm drain. Keep your septic pesticides end up in lakes or rivers. system in good working order. Always follow Many farmers are changing their practices to protect directions on labels for use and disposal of household water resources. Erosion and chemical runoff from chemicals. Take used motor oil, paints, and other fields can often be reduced by using conservation hazardous household materials to proper disposal sites. tillage, defined as any tillage or planting system that For more information contact the Solid Waste District covers 30% or more of the soil surface with crop residue. (465-3694). Conservation tillage was used on 45% of the cropland In your yard, determine whether additional nutrients of Porter County in 1995 and 65% in 2000. Most are needed before you apply fertilizers. If you own or farmers test their soils to ensure that crops only receive manage land that a stream flows through, protect the the amount of fertilizer needed, and many have installed stream banks by planting buffer strips of native grass waterways and buffer strips to protect water quality vegetation. Buffer strips are tracts of land not cultivated and provide habitat for wildlife. along streams and rivers to reduce runoff of soil and pesticides into water bodies. Protecting the Water There are many things you can do to protect surface 3. Be Involved and ground water quality. As a citizen, one of the most important things you can do is find out how your community protects water 1. Be Informed quality, and speak out if you see problems. Several This publication gives you a start in becoming familiar groups are working locally in Porter County and with water issues that affect Porter County. You can neighboring counties to protect and improve water obtain further information, such as the Water Quality quality: Northwest Territory RC&D (call the NRCS series of publications, from the Porter County Extension office at 462-7515), and the Valparaiso Chain of Lakes office at the Porter County Administration Building Watershed Group (465-3560). (465-3555). The Porter County Soil and Water Porter County’s water resources are plentiful, of good Conservation District, Natural Resources Conservation quality, and essential for continued health and Service, and Indiana Department of Natural Resources prosperity. Everyone’s help is needed to protect these - Soil Conservation can provide information and vital water resources. technical assistance to any Porter County resident (462- 7515). The Porter County Plan Commission (465-3540) and Porter County Surveyor, Land Use and Drainage (465-3560) can provide information on land use issues This publication is made available by a grant and concerns. Web sites listed in the “Sources of from the Porter County Soil and Water Information” section can provide additional Conservation District. information.

Contributors and Reviewers Dan Fleming, Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service, Porter County Kevin D. Breitzke, P.E., L.S., Porter County Surveyor Lance Hodge, Exec. Director, Porter County Solid Waste Management District Jody Melton, Exec. Director, Kankakee River Basin Commission Charles H. Walker, United States Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service Rachel Arst and Anne Marie Smrchek, Purdue University Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department

7 Sources of Information

Introduction Porter County Drinking Water • Area: Soil Survey of Porter County, U.S. of • 1990 census information DepartmentAgriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1969. • U.S. Geological Survey Water Use Web page • Population: Population estimates from the Indiana Business • IDEM Office of Water Management, Drinking Water Research Center and the U.S. Census Bureau at Branch, http://www.iupui.edu/it/ibrc/ http://www.ai.org/idem/owm/dwb Porter County Streams and Watersheds • Purdue Extension “Safe Water for the Future” program, http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/SafeWater • Gauging stations and discharge: Water Resources Data - Indiana, Water Year 1994. U.S. Geological Survey Water - Porter County Water Quality Data Report IN-94-1. • Indiana 305(b) Report, Indiana Department of • Peak flows from the USGS Water Data Retrieval Site at Environmental Management (IDEM), Office of Water http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis-w/IN/. Management. 1994-1995. The St. Joseph River at Fort Wayne is 04180500, and the • 1999 Indiana Fish Consumption Advisory. Indiana State St. Mary’s River is 04182000. Department of Health, Environmental Epidemiology • Floodplains: The Indiana Water Resource: Availability, Section. Obtain a copy at (317) 233-7808 or at Uses, and Needs. Governor’s Water Resource Study http://www.state.in.us/doh/html/fish/fishtoc.html Commission, State of Indiana, G.D. Clark, Editor, 1980. • Water testing laboratories information: WQ-1, Water Testing Porter County Lakes and Wetlands Labs, available from the Porter County CES Office or 1-888-EXT-INFO. • Indiana Lake Water Quality Update for 1989-1993. Indiana • Nitrate and Pesticides in Private Wells of Indiana. The Water Department of Environmental Management, Office of Quality Laboratory, Heidelberg College and Indiana Farm Water Management Clean Lakes Program, . Bureau, 1994. • Indiana 305(b) Report, Indiana Department of • IDEM Impaired water bodies, Environmental Management, Office of Water www.ai.org/idem/owm/planbr/wqs/ Management. 1994-1995. • Wetlands estimates from National Wetlands Inventory, Potential Sources of Pollution in Porter County carried out in the 1980’s by the U.S. Fish and • Point Source Pollution: “Envirofacts” Permit Compliance Wildlife Service System of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at: http://wetlands.fws.gov. http://www.epa.gov/enviro/pcs/pcs_query.html Porter County Precipitation and toxic release information at: http://www.epa.gov/enviro/html/tris/tris query java.html • Amount of Precipitation: Soil Survey of Porter County. • Septic Systems: Estimates for the 1990 U.S. Housing Census • Storm Information: Rainfall Frequency for Indiana. at site http://sasquatch.kerr.orst.edu/stateis.html Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water. • Crops and Tillage: Crop Residue Management Survey Sept. 1994. results from Conservation Technology Information Center at • Midwestern Climate Center Bullentin, #71 http://www.ctic.purdue.edu/CRM/CRMoptions.html • Fertilizer: Indiana Fertilizer Tonnage Report. Office of Porter County Ground Water Indiana State Chemist, Purdue University, 1996. • Indiana Historical Bureau at: • Livestock: Agricultural Census at http://www.statelib.lib.in.us/WWW/ihb/physio.HTML http://govinfo.kerr.orst.edu/ag-stateis.html Porter County Water Use • 1996 Water Use from U.S. Geological Survey Water. Web page at: http://water.usgs.gov /watuse

It is the policy of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service, David C. Petritz, Director, that all persons shall have equal opportunity and access to the programs and facilities without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, or disability. Purdue University is an Affirmative Action employer. This material may be available in alternative formats. 1-888-EXT-INFO http://www.agcom.purdue.edu/AgCom/Pubs/menu.htm